Toolkit on European Funding and Project Management - TOOLKIT

Page created by Gabriel Mckinney
Toolkit on European Funding and Project Management - TOOLKIT

          Toolkit on European Funding
            and Project Management
Toolkit on European Funding and Project Management - TOOLKIT
Eurodiaconia is a    dynamic, Europe wide community of organisations founded in the Christian faith and working in the tradition of Diaconia,
who are committed to a Europe of        solidarity, equality and justice. As the leading network of Diaconia in Europe, we connect
organisations, institutions and churches providing       social and health services and education on a Christian value base in over 30 European

We bring members together to share            practices, impact social policy and reflect on Diaconia in Europe today.

Editor: Heather Roy
Design: Jérémie Malengreaux

Last Revision: December 2016

Rue Joseph II 166		 Tel: +32 (0)2 234 38 60
1000 Bruxelles			   Fax: +32 (0)2 234 38 65
Belgium			E-mail:

             This publication has received financial support from the European Union Programme for Employment and Social Innovation “EaSI” (2014-2020). For further informa-
             tion, please read
    Eurodiaconia is a network of social and health care organisations founded in the Christian faith and promoting social justice.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                                                                                             2
Toolkit on European Funding and Project Management - TOOLKIT
Introduction4                                                   			 Rights, Equality and Citizenship Program        25
How to use the Eurodiaconia Toolkit on Funding for Members  4   		 External cooperation programs                    27
Basics of Fundraising                                       5   			European Neighborhood Instrument                 27
   Fundraising Strategy                                     5   			 Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPAII) 29
   Skills of a Fundraiser                                   5   		 Structural and Investment Funds                  31
   Sources of Funding                                       6   			European Social Fund                             31
EU Funding                                                  7   			 European Regional Development Fund              33
   Background information on EU Funding                     7   			 Fund for European Aid to the most Deprived      35
   Developing a funding proposal                            9   			EFSI                                             37
   Overview on EU funding instruments                      14   Foundations40
		Intra-Community programs                                 15     Overview Foundations                              40
			 Europe for Citizens Program                            15     Foundations of potential relevance                41
			Erasmus+                                                17     Examples using Foundation Funding                 43
			EaSi                                                    19   What can Eurodiaconia do for you                    44
			Horizon 2020                                            21     How can Eurodiaconia help?                        44
			 Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund                 23     Tips and tricks for writing funding applications  46

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                              Contents | 3
Toolkit on European Funding and Project Management - TOOLKIT
Introduction                                       How to use the Eurodiaconia Toolkit on Funding for
Eurodiaconia has developed an interactive          Members
funding toolkit for members to support them in:
                                                   The Eurodiaconia Toolkit on Funding is an         programme relevant to members with most
1. developing a fundraising strategy               interactive instrument for members to easily      important information on the programme, the
2. learning about relevant EU funds and iden-      access the funding information they are looking   objectives, the eligibility criteria and how to
   tifying the most suitable programmes            for. The toolkit is focused on European funding   apply for funds. Most programmes include an
3. accessing funding from foundations              instruments and foundations, but also includes    example of how one of our members has used
4. writing project proposals                       more general information on funding.              the fund in the past. Finally, a step – to – step
                                                                                                     guide supports you in your project develop-
As you navigate through the petals you will        On the home page you can find three petals        ment process by summarising the most impor-
easily find the funding information that you are   which represent the three main categories of      tant steps to take.
looking for.                                       the toolkit. These categories have each three
                                                   sub-categories that give users a quick over-      The category FOUNDATIONS gives an intro-
In case of any questions, comments or sugges-      view of what information will await them after    duction to how to approach foundations when
tions, please contact Florian.                     clicking on them.                                 seeking funding and gives an example of how
                                                                                                     one of our members has used foundation
                                                   The category BASICS OF FUNDRAISING                funding in the past. A list of relevant founda-
                                                   looks at developing a fundraising strategy,       tions includes a short summary of their priori-
                                                   the skills a fundraiser needs in order to be      ties and a contact link.
                                                   successful and what sources of funding are
                                                   available to organisations.

                                                   The category EU FUNDING has a subcategory
                                                   that gives an overview of EU funding and the
                                                   technical terminology useful to know before
                                                   looking into applying under a specific funding
                                                   instrument. The overview on EU funding
                                                   instruments summarises for you each funding

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                                                     Introduction | 4
Basics of Fundraising
Fundraising strategy                                                                                     Skills of a fundraiser
A good fundraising strategy is the backbone        The fundraising strategy should help you to           Fundraising does not only require conducting
of successful fundraising. It gives an overview    make decisions regarding your funding prior-          thorough research, but also the ability to
of the needs of your organisation, the sources     ities, your available budget for fundraising          communicate the right message to the right
from which you can seek funding and includes       activities and time limits. It is imperative to       people. Therefore, a number of people skills
a strategic plan looking at the types of funding   do enough research into each of the funding           and organisational skills are needed to build
desired and how to access them.                    sources you identified before approaching             lasting relationships with donor organisations
                                                   them and to use a variety of sources to avoid         and individuals. The graphic below shows
Your fundraising strategy should include the       putting a lot of work in a single source to finally   some of the characteristics a good fundraiser
following information:                             receive a rejection.                                  should have:

•   Description of your organisation
•   Outline of your vision and mission             Read more:
•   Needs of your organisation
•   Agreed principles (ethical policy)             For more detailed information, see the Manual
•   Your main selling points                       on Fundraising and Accessing EU Funds,
•   Available sources of income and methods        published by TACSO - Technical Assistance for
    used to access them                            Civil Society Organisations on page 102.
•   Summary of your current financial situation
•   SWOT analysis (strength, weaknesses,                                                                 •   Trustworthy
    opportunities and threats)                                                                           •   Good communicator, good networking
•   Goals and major projects                                                                                 abilities
•   Medium-term financial plan                                                                           •   Ability to build and cultivate relationships,
•   Challenges/barriers to fundraising your                                                                  persuasive
    organisation could experience                                                                        •   Enthusiastic, committed
•   Snapshot of your fundraising environment                                                             •   Proactive, flexible, fast thinker

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                            Basics of Fundraising - Skills of a fundraiser | 5
Sources of funding
Sources of funding diaconal organisations can       Examples from members:                              The German umbrella ‘Protestant Agency for
tap, range from individual options to corporate                                                         Diakonieand Development’ (EWDE, Evange-
funding, foundations and public funding.            In the framework of a research project looking      lisches Werk für Diakonie und Entwicklung)
                                                    at how Eurodiaconia members finance their           sell and distribute branded products. 20-25%
Here you can see a list of sources and ways to      services, we have conducted case studies to         of the products are distributed against a cost.
approach them that could be relevant to your        explore some of the financing methods used by       Therefore, this case study serves more as an
organisation:                                       our members in more detail.                         example for marketing and branding. For
                                                                                                        more details, read the case study here.
    Public Funding            Foundations           City Mission Oslo have used public funding
 Public Procurement        Grants                   to implement an innovative day-care scheme for
 EU Grants                                          older people with dementia, which offers them       Read more:
 Public subsidies/
                                Individual          the chance to work on a farm for three days a
                                  Donors            week. For more details, read the case study here.   The Fundraising Handbook published by
 EU calls for tender
                           Face-to-face, door-to-
                                                                                                        Habitat for Humanity includes information on
       Corporate           Legacies                 Kofoeds Skole have financed activation, reha-       how to write a letter for appeal, online giving,
        Funding            Major individual         bilitation and training for the long-term unem-     individual donors, events, merchandise and
 Donations                 donors                   ployed through public contracts. For more           other creative ideas to raise funds.
 Pro-bono services         Events
                                                    details, read the case study here.
 Sponsoring                Merchandise
 Events                    Crowdfunding                                                                 A briefing by Social Services Europe on the EU
 Tax incentives            Advertisement/Social     Gothenburg City Mission are working against         Public Procurement Directive can be accessed here.
 Subcontracting            Media/Campaigns          social exclusion with private donations. For
 services to NGOs          Direct Mail
                                                    more details, read the case study here.             Information collected at a Eurodiaconia
 Team-building exercises
                                                                                                        member training seminar in 2012 on non-statu-
                                                    Diakonie Austria are providing people with          tory sources of financing include individual and
                                                    disabilities access to assistive technologies in    major donors as well as working with coopera-
In this toolkit we are particularly looking at EU   a corporate partnership. For more details,          tions and can be accessed here.
funding instruments and foundations.                read the case study here.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                            Basics of Fundraising - Sources of funding | 6
EU Funding
Background information on EU Funding
Overview on EU Funding

The European Union provides funding and              •     Security and citizenship                         1. action grants for projects with a limited life-
grants for a broad range of projects and                 Asylum,     Migration  and Integration              time during which proposed specific activi-
programmes, financed out of the EU’s budget,               Fund; Rights, Equality and Citizen-                 ties are implemented; and
as defined through a Multiannual Finan-                    ship Programme; Europe for Citizens              2. operating grants providing financial support
cial Framework (MFF), the EU’s long-term                   Programme                                           for the regular work and activities of an
spending plan for the period 2014 - 2020. The        •     Global Europe                                       organisation.
MFF sets out the maximum budget for the EU               ENI, IPA II
in six broad areas. This division into six catego-     •   Administration                                   Furthermore, the EU awards public contracts
ries of expenses (‘headings’) is corresponding         •   Compensations                                    through calls for tenders (public procurement)
to different areas of EU activities:                                                                        to buy services, goods or works that ensure
                                                     The EU funds can roughly be divided into               the operations of the EU institutions and their
•     Smart and Inclusive Growth                     three types: structural and investment funds,          programme. Several other types of financing
•     Competitiveness for growth and jobs            programmes and initiatives and third country           by EU funds exists, such as direct subsidies,
    Erasmus+, EaSi, Horizon 2020                   funds. Whilst the first two types are allocated        which are not part of this toolkit.
  •   Economic, social and territorial cohe-         internally within the EU, the latter particularly
      sion                                           addresses actions outside the EU.
    Structural and Investment Funds, Youth
      Employment Initiative                          EU funds are mostly allocated through grants
•     Sustainable Growth: Natural Resources          awarded on the basis of calls for proposals, in
                                                     which different actors compete for the support
                                                     of the EU. Two types of grants can by distin-

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                       EU Funding - Background information on EU Funding | 7
Who is managing the funding and                   Call for proposals                                    Where to find calls for proposals?
decides on awarding grants/contracts?
                                                  •   A call for proposals signifies that appli-        At European level calls for proposals can
EU Member States                                      cations for funding are welcome during a          be found on the website of the EU funding
The    European     Commission     designates         certain period and until a certain deadline.      programmes, which should be checked on
national or regional managing authorities             Depending on the programme, calls for             a regular basis. In the section of this toolkit
according to the shared management principle.         proposals are published once or several           on EU funding programmes the links to the
This means that the European Commission               times a year.                                     respective websites are listed.
only supervises the implementation of funds,
but the Member State takes responsibility for     •   Purpose: a transparent application process        At national level members can consult the
the management. (for example in the case of           where all applications have the same              website of the National Agency or National
the European Structural and Investment Funds)         conditions.                                       Contact Point responsible for the programme
                                                                                                        they are targeting or call the agency directly
The calls for proposals are published by the                                                            in order to get more information on open or
national or regional managing authorities on                                                            upcoming calls for proposals. In the section of
the basis of operational programmes, which                                                              this toolkit on EU funding programmes the links
outline the investment strategy of each fund or                                                         to the website of the European Commission
priority.                                                                                               listing national agencies can be accessed.

European Commission

Centrally managed programmes, i.e. the
responsible department (Directorate General)
or external agency publishes calls for
proposals that invite candidates to present
project proposals, selects projects, monitors
the implementation and evaluates the outcome.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                   EU Funding - Background information on EU Funding | 8
Step-by-step guide to developing a project proposal for EU Funding
1) Preliminary considerations                        •     Eligible legal entity                                   •     Thematic focus
                                                         Most calls are directed towards a specific                  Projects have to fulfil certain thematic
Ask yourself the following questions before you            type of legal entity, or require partnerships                 priorities and objectives in order to be
start working on a project outline.                        with certain forms of entities. These can be                  considered for funding (set out in funds’
                                                           for example public bodies, research insti-                    operational programmes). The project
•   Does your organisation have sufficient                 tutes, civil society organisations.                           needs to be clearly designed towards
    expertise in the area of intervention and                                                                          reaching these goals, which is why they
    financial independence?                           •    Financial capacity                                            should be considered before writing the
•   Does your organisation exists for at least           Funding programs often only co-finance                        actual proposal. Being familiar with the
    three years and is in possession of suffi-             projects and thus require the funded organ-                   purpose of the funds and with their opera-
    cient own resources to guarantee the                   isations to give proof of their financial                     tional plans is therefore crucial.
    pre-financing of the project?                          capacities to provide the required share of             
                                                           resources.                                               •    Eligible activities
                                                                                                                     Some projects only fund a specific set
2) Eligibility criteria and other                     •    Deadline and duration of project                              of activities, such as mobility projects
preconditions                                            Calls for project proposals usually have                      or research projects. Make sure to have
                                                           strict deadlines by which the entirety of                     looked into the chosen activities before-
Before writing the project proposal, it is impor-          requested information and documents                           hand.
tant to check if the chosen funding call can be            need to be submitted, as well as a set                  
used for the participating organisations and               time frame by which the project must have                •    Eligible participants
planned actions. Most of the time, the calls               started and/ or ended. These dates need to                  Some projects aim at helping a specific
outline different eligibility criteria and precon-         be carefully taken into consideration when                    target group
ditions for participation, several examples are            planning the application process.
listed below.                                        

Toolkit on Funding                                                                  EU Funding - Step-by-step guide to developing a project proposal for EU Funding | 9
3) Draft a project outline                          4) Writing a project proposal

The project outline could be 3-5 pages long,        Writing a project proposal can be very time                •   Aim of the project: Include quantifiable
depending on the complexity of the project,         consuming and in most cases might require the                  statements which can be assessed to deter-
and should include the following sub-catego-        effort of more than one person. When a call for                mine whether the project has been success-
ries:                                               proposal is published it is important to read the              fully implemented. The aim should include
                                                    conditions for participation and the financial                 information about what will be implemented
•   project title                                   regulation very carefully before starting on the               in which timeframe and for which budget.
•   lead applicant/partners                         proposal.
•   objectives/outcomes                                                                                        •   Project actions: State specific measures
•   planned activities                              EU calls for proposals generally follow a similar              that are implemented in the course of the
•   implementation schedule                         template for the application form and most of                  project, such as workshops, publications or
•   target group                                    them use an online application tool. Neverthe-                 social services.
•   financial planning                              less, a paper version of all documents needs to
•   contact address                                 be handed in on top of the online application in           •   Results: What results are you aiming for?
                                                    some cases.                                                    These can be of material or immaterial
The project outline helps to make a loose idea                                                                     nature.
more precise and serves as a clear format to        The elements with highest importance are the
share with potential partners and give a good       description of the action, expected outcomes               •   European added value: This is the Euro-
idea of the project and whether it could be rele-   as well as the budget and the work plan which                  pean dimension of a project. Here appli-
vant to them.                                       should reflect the actions and expected results.               cants must show the transnational character
                                                                                                                   of the planned activities and that social,
                                                    Find below a summary of the main elements of                   cultural, economic or other advantages are
                                                    a project application:                                         created for participating countries or regions.

                                                                                                               •   Sustainability: This point is highly valued
                                                                                                                   when applying for EU funding and therefore
                                                                                                                   it is important to show how project achieve-
                                                                                                                   ments will continue when the funding
                                                                                                                   period is over.

Toolkit on Funding                                                             EU Funding - Step-by-step guide to developing a project proposal for EU Funding | 10
Recommended Tools                                   or payment. It would therefore be consid-                   •   Reimbursement of a specific proportion of
                                                    ered ‘in-kind’ and would not be considered                      the eligible cost actually incurred
•    Logical Framework (Logframe): The              an eligible cost to be included in the project                  ○○ The applicant will define his expend-
     logframe is a helpful tool to structure        budget. Costs for preparing the project are                         iture in terms of real costs (where
     the project development. It includes all       usually not eligible for EU funding. All costs                      maximum eligible rates may apply).
     elements necessary for a coherent project      related to the implementation of the specific                       European Union financing will be
     proposal in a matrix.                          project, such as the purchase of equipment,                         calculated by applying a percentage
                                                    office material, the renting of facilities, insur-                  to real eligible expenditure. The contri-
•    Gantt Chart                                    ance costs and communication costs are                              bution will be reduced pro rata if, at
   First list the expected results in terms of    potentially eligible as indirect project cost. The                  final reporting stage, the project is not
     deliverables, then draw a corresponding list   personnel costs have to include all related                         fulfilled or is only partially fulfilled or
     of tasks necessary for their production and    costs, such as the employer’s contribution to                       funds have been spent on ineligible
     gather tasks under workpackages (such as       social security, taxes and charges, holidays                        expense items.
     communication, evaluation). To schedule        and special payments. The work of volun-                        ○○ In the case of (the part of) a grant
     and manage tasks, define the duration of       teers cannot be included in the draft budget.                       awarded on the basis of real costs,
     work packages and tasks.                       Further types of costs that can be covered                          the beneficiary shall keep and be able
                                                    by EU funding are travel costs, daily rates for                     to produce upon request all proofs of
                                                    food and accommodation, as well as costs for                        expenditure related to the expense
5) Budget and Eligibility of Costs                  subcontracting, such as interpreting services.                      items based on real costs.
                                                    Most of the project funds apply a co-financing
When designing the budget, attention has to         principle by which the EU covers a certain                  •   Lump Sums
be paid to make it coherent, balanced, reason-      percentage of the overall costs and the appli-                  ○○ In the case of grants awarded as
able and it must include only eligible cost.        cants have to cover the rest. The maximum                          a lump sum, the beneficiary has to
Eligible costs are those costs directly related     co-financing rates as well as more specific                        be able to prove that the activity for
to the proposed project, for which an actual        rules on the eligibility of costs are specified in                 which grant support is awarded has
expense is incurred and an actual payment is        each call for proposal.                                            really taken place, rather than the
made. For example, paid staff time devoted to                                                                          actual amount of expenditure. If the
an activity would be an eligible expense. Volun-    EU grants may take any of the following forms:                     supported activity is realised in a satis-
tary staff time, on the other hand, might have                                                                         factory manner, the full grant amount is
value but does not result in an actual expense                                                                         acquired.

Toolkit on Funding                                                              EU Funding - Step-by-step guide to developing a project proposal for EU Funding | 11
•   Flat rate financing                               Lifelong Learning Project Partner Search                     to conduct sufficient research and find out
    ○○ In the case of flat-rate grants using          A tool to look for partners in the area of lifelong          whether there are any other project partnership
       scales of unit costs (for example              learning.                                                    databases or search tools available in your
       maximum daily rates for subsistence), the                                                                   national language.
       beneficiary does not have to justify the       EU Research Partner Search
       costs incurred but has to be able to prove     A tool to look for partners in the area of research          Another source for information are European
       the reality of activities resulting into the                                                                networks and umbrella organisations who
       entitlement to a specific grant amount.        Otlas Partner-Finding Tool for International                 often provide funding information on their
                                                      Youth Projects                                               website and could potentially identify suitable
•   A combination                                     Tool to search for partners from a data-                     partners from within their membership.
                                                      base with more than 5400 organisations and
                                                      informal groups                                              Eurodiaconia as a network of social and health
6) Where can you find project partners?                                                                            care providers from all over Europe can help
                                                      Best practice database from YOUTH IN                         members to find suitable partners for trans-
European Funding Instruments often suggest            ACTION Programme (2007-2013)                                 national project calls. In order to get an over-
or require to create partnerships for a project       This database is a compendium of Youth Initia-               view of Eurodiaconia members, please consult
proposal. There are a number of sources to            tives (Action 1.2) and Youth Democracy Projects              our webpage here. In case you want to get
consult when looking for project partners.            (Action 1.3) supported by the European YOUTH                 in contact with a specific member, you can
Success stories of previous projects, partner         IN ACTION Programme (2007-2013)                              directly use the contact information provided
search databses and compendia are tools that                                                                       on the website or contact Eurodiaconia’s
are available at EU level. Find below a number        Awarded grants by Directorate General for                    Policy, Projects and Research Officer Florian
of websites to consult when you start your            Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion of the                Tuder
research. There are many more opportunities           European Commission
out there and it is therefore imperative to spend     A list grants and which projects/operations
sufficient time on conducting research and            have been funded from 2004 to 2013
identifying further sources for information.
                                                      At national level the national agency or contact
European Commission Youth compendia                   point responsible for the programme relevant
Information on the accepted projects that can         for your organisation is a good address to turn
be used for partner search as well.                   to in search of partners. Again it is important

Toolkit on Funding                                                                 EU Funding - Step-by-step guide to developing a project proposal for EU Funding | 12
7) Which legal documents have to be                •   Letters of mandate – For the case that                    Read more:
prepared?                                              partners are involved in the project, a letter
                                                       of mandate has to be filled in which gives                The Directorate-General for Humanitarian
Most funding programs require applicant and            authorisation to the applicant organisation               Aid has published a manual for project cycle
partner organisations to fill in a number of           to hand in and coordinate the project.                    management, which explains the different
legal documents, giving information about                                                                        stages and what they require.
the legal form and the financial identification,   Templates for all these documents are avail-
for example. The exact number of documents         able and the relevant links are provided in the
required is specified in the calls and program     call or online application form. There, it is also
guides and can be found on the European            stated which of these documents are needed
Commission websites.                               for the specific funding program.

The most common legal documents needed             In addition to these information, organisations
include:                                           often have to provide a copy of their statutes
                                                                                                                                Call /
                                                   and VAT certificates as well as a copy of their                            Application

•   Legal entity form – The legal entity form      budget summaries of preceding years.
    asks for information on the legal form and                                                               Analysis                           Selection

    registration number of the applying organ-
    isation, for example. It can be accessed       8) Project Cycle Management
    in all official languages of the European
    Union here.                                    The      ‘Project   Cycle     Management’
                                                                                                                                                          Decision /
•   Financial identification form – This docu-     approach is the primary set of project                                                                 Contract

    ment asks for banking details of the appli-    design and management tools adopted by
    cant organisation. It can be accessed in all   the European Commission. This approach
    official languages of the European Union       was primarily developed for projects in
    here.                                          the field of international development but                                                   Start of the
                                                                                                             Reporting                        project / Imple-
•   Declaration on honour – The declaration        can be adapted to the European context                                                       mentation
    on honour requires the applicant organisa-     as well. The graphic below shows the
    tion to commit to comply with the program      different stages an organisation will go
    rules and project.                             through when applying for EU funds.

Toolkit on Funding                                                             EU Funding - Step-by-step guide to developing a project proposal for EU Funding | 13
Overview on EU Funding Instruments

                         Europe                      European
                       for Citizens               Neighbourhood                              ESF                    EFSI
                       Programme                    Instrument

 Equality and
 Citizenship                          Erasmus+

                        INTRA-                    EXTERNAL
                      COMMUNITY                  COOPERATION
                     PROGRAMMES                  PROGRAMMES
   Asylum,                                                            Fund for                                   European
Migration and                                                      European Aid                                  Regional
 Integration                                                        to the Most                                 Development
    Fund                                                             Deprived                                      Fund

                                                  Instrument for
                      Horizon 2020                Pre-accession

Toolkit on Funding                                                       EU Funding - Overview on EU Funding Instruments | 14
Europe for Citizens Programme (2014 – 2020)
Programme                                                                                                                 Objectives

Budget: EUR 186 million                                            Project duration: maximum 21 days                    Objectives of the Programme:
                                                                   Grant amount: maximum €25 000 per
Action grants have 2 strands:                                        project                                              •   Contribute to citizens’ understanding of the
                                                              ○○ ‘Networks of towns’ projects encourage                       EU, its history and diversity
•     Strand 1: European remembrance - the                           towns to cooperate with other towns on a             •   Foster European citizenship and improve
      EU as a peace project                                          long‑term basis to explore particular topics             conditions for civic and democratic partici-
    The programme supports initiatives which                       or themes, share resources or interests,                 pation at EU level
      reflect on the causes of the totalitarian                      gain influence or face common challenges.
      regimes that blighted Europe’s modern                        Project duration: maximum 24 months                  The financed projects will:
      history, look at its other defining moments                    per project & maximum 21 days per event
      and reference points, and consider                           Grant amount: between €10 000 &                      •   Raise awareness of remembrance, the
      different historical perspectives.                             €150 000.                                                common history and values of the EU and
    Project duration: maximum 18 months                       ○○ ‘Civil society projects’ give citizens an                  the EU’s aim - namely to promote peace,
    Grant amount: maximum €100 000                                 opportunity to participate concretely in the             the values of the EU and the well-being of
                                                                     EU policy-making process. They stimu-                    its peoples
•     Strand 2: Democratic Engagement and                            late debates to propose practical solutions          •   Encourage the democratic and civic partic-
      Civic Participation                                            through cooperation at European level.                   ipation of citizens at EU level, by devel-
    Projects aiming at bringing citizens                         Project duration: maximum 18 months                      oping their understanding of the EU policy
      together, targeting the topics of the EfC                    Grant amount: maximum €150 000                           making-process, and stimulate interest and
      programme. There are three project possi-                                                                               involvement in EU policy making
      bilities under Strand 2:                           Operating grants:
      ○○ ‘Town Twinning Projects’ bring together                                                                          Legal Basis
            citizens from twinned towns to debate        The European Commission supports Euro-
            issues from the European political agenda.   pean public‑policy research organisations                        Council Regulation (EU) No 390/2014 estab-
            They develop opportunities for societal      (think tanks) and civil society organisations with               lishing the ‘Europe for Citizens’ programme for
            engagement and volunteering at EU level.     European outreach.                                               the period 2014-2020

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                             EU Funding - Europe for Citizens Programme (2014 – 2020) | 15
Eligibility                                        How to apply                                              Useful Links

Programme funding is open to all actors            The programme and the majority of action are              •   Europe for Citizens 2016 priorities
promoting Europe, citizenship and integration,     centrally managed by the Education, Audio-                •   Europe for Citizens Programme Guide
especially:                                        visual and Culture Executive Agency of the                    2014-2020
                                                   Commission.                                               •   Europe for Citizens Contact Points
•   local and regional authorities                                                                           •   Participant Portal
•   civil-society organisations in the fields of   The funds of the Europe for Citizens                      •   Last published FAQs for applicants
    culture, youth and education                   programme are allocated through grant and                 •   EACEA Website
•   research institutions                          public procurement contracts. The Commission
                                                   publishes annual work programmes, which
The Programme is open to the 28 Member             give further information on the objectives, the
States of the European Union. The applicants       method of implementation, the amount of the
and partners must be established in one of the     financing plan, the co-financing rate, a descrip-
countries participating to the Programme. At       tion of actions supported and an indicative
least one EU Member State must be involved.        implementation timetable.

The Programme is potentially open to acceding      Access the Europe for Citizens” programme
countries, candidate countries and potential       guide 2014-2020 in all EU languages. Calls for
candidates as well as the EFTA countries party     proposals will be published here.
to the EEA Agreement.
                                                   For more information, contact the Europe
                                                   for Citizens Point in your country. These
                                                   contact points ensure the dissemination of
                                                   information on the programme and its imple-
                                                   mentation, activities and funding opportunities
                                                   at a national level.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                EU Funding - Europe for Citizens Programme (2014 – 2020) | 16
Erasmus+ (2014 – 2020)
Programme                                         Legal Basis                                           How to apply

Budget: EUR 14.7 billion                          Regulation (EU) establishing ‘Erasmus+’: the          In Erasmus + applications can be made
                                                  Union programme for education, training, youth        centrally/regionally (EC) and decentrally/nation-
3 Key Actions:                                    and sport.                                            ally. For central calls for proposals go here.

1. Learning Mobility of individuals                                                                     To find your national agency, click here.
2. Cooperation for innovation and the             Eligibility
   exchange of good practices good practices                                                            To learn about this programme in more detail,
3. Support for policy reform Jean Monnet Initi-   •   Erasmus+ is open to all EU Member                 please read the Eurodiaconia briefing here.
   ative                                              States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway,
                                                      EU candidate countries benefiting from a
                                                      pre-accession strategy and other countries        Useful Links
Objectives                                            in the Western Balkans. Switzerland1.
                                                  •   In addition, non-EU, mostly neighbourhood         •   Erasmus+ website
Aims:                                                 countries, will be able to benefit from actions   •   Erasmus+ 2016 Programme Guide (avail-
                                                      aimed at promoting study and training oppor-          able in the 23 EU official languages)
•   To support young people gain more and             tunities abroad, as well as youth activities.     •   National Agencies for Erasmus+
    better skills by studying & training abroad   •   Any public and private body active in the         •   Application form models
•   To enhance teaching quality in the EU and         areas of education, training, youth and grass-    •   EACEA website
    beyond                                            roots sport may apply within this Programme.      •   Indicative funding and timetable for
•   To support Member States and partner                                                                    Erasmus+ centralised actions in 2016
    countries in modernising their education                                                            •   2016 General call for proposals
    and vocational training systems                                                                     •   Participant Portal
                                                  1   Switzerland will not participate in Erasmus+ on
•   To promote youth participation in society                                                           Project example - Erasmus+: Diaconia
                                                      an equal footing with Member States (i.e. as a
•   To support teaching, research on European                                                           Valdese (Waldensian Diaconia)
                                                      “Programme Country”), but will rather enjoy the
    integration and European grass-roots sport                                                          “EUROPE 4 ALL?” (2014-2015)
                                                      same status as other third countries (i.e. as a
                                                      “Partner Country”).

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                               EU Funding - Erasmus+ (2014 – 2020) | 17
Project example - Erasmus+: Diaconia Valdese (Waldensian Diaconia) “EUROPE 4 ALL?” (2014-2015)

Diaconia Valdese ran this project through an              the aim of developing new projects within      Through this project Diaconia Valdese set-up
Erasmus+ grant of 98.359 Euros for Euro-                  Erasmus +;                                     multimedia (web-blog) and printed (notebook)
pean Voluntary Service (EVS) activities,              •   To increase young participants’ trans-         “Youth Working Tool”, collecting experiences,
training for youth workers and youth exchange.            versal and technical skills and compe-         methods and materials, which will be useful
                                                          tences, and to promote the recognition of      for also for the future work with young people
In view of the recent enlargements of the Euro-           these competences, both at national and        on the following themes: inclusion; transversal
pean Union, the project “EUROPE 4 ALL?”                   European level;                                and technical competences and skills; multicul-
wanted to explore the options for the EU to be        •   To promote the meeting between partic-         tural coexistence. Young participants had the
an active actor in social change in and out its           ipants of long and short term mobility         opportunity to increase their skills and compe-
borders in order to ensure social inclusion, effec-       (Youth Exchanges and EVS) within               tences for their employability, both at national
tive citizenship of marginalized groups, youth            Erasmus + through communication oppor-         and international level, also through the partic-
employment, and the building of a multicultural           tunities and the sharing of common knowl-      ipation in other opportunities within Erasmus +.
and peaceful society in an innovative way.                edge.
                                                                                                         The project gave the youth workers the oppor-
The specific objectives of the project were:          5 interconnected activities were included in       tunity to establish and to strengthen new trans-
                                                      “EUROPE FOR ALL?”:                                 national partnerships, and to increase the
•   To share and develop new working tools                                                               competences which can be used in their daily
    for project development and non-formal            •   3 EVS activities: 5 young people from          work.
    learning with youth on the following                  program countries to Italy; 1 young volun-
    themes: European citizenship, intercultural           teer from a partner country (Ukraine) to
    / interreligious dialogue & conflict manage-          Italy; 4 Italian young people to two partner
    ment, and social inclusion;                           countries (Ukraine and Israel)
•   To offer networking and new interna-              •   1 training and networking activity: 16
    tional partnership opportunities, which               youth workers from all partners (8 coun-
    will be able to involve program and partner           tries) who will meet in Italy.
    countries by sharing challenges, questions        •   1 youth exchange activity: 28 young
    and contributions, together with organi-              people from 4 countries who will meet in
    sations based in Ukraine and Israel, with             Italy.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                                EU Funding - Erasmus+ (2014 – 2020) | 18
EaSi (2014 – 2020)
Programme                                         Legal Basis                                             organisations,
                                                                                                      •   higher education institutions and research
Budget: EUR 919 million                           Regulation (EU) No 1296/2013 on a European              institutes, experts in evaluation and in
                                                  Union Programme for Employment and Social               impact assessment, national statistical
3 Axes:                                           Innovation (“EaSI”) and amending Decision               offices; the media
                                                  No 283/2010/EU establishing a European
1. EaSi-PROGRESS for modernisation of             Progress Microfinance Facility for employment
   employment and social policies                 and social inclusion.                               How to apply
2. EaSi-EURES for labour mobility
3. EaSi Microfinance for access to micro-fi-                                                          PROGRESS is managed by the European
   nance and social entrepreneurship              Eligibility                                         Commission’s Directorate General for Employ-
                                                                                                      ment and Social affairs, which allocates the
                                                  •   Easi is open to all EU countries, EEA coun-     funds directly to beneficiaries in the form of call
Objectives                                            tries, in accordance with the EEA Agree-        for proposals and call for tenders.
                                                      ment, and EFTA countries;
Funding Priorities EaSi PROGRESS:                 •   EU candidate countries and potential            Calls for proposals are available here.
                                                      candidate countries, in line with the frame-
•   Develop and disseminate compara-                  work agreements concluded with them on          For a more detailed overview of the EaSi
    tive analytical knowledge and provide             their participation in the Programmes           programme you can consult the Eurodiacia
    evidence’s on Union’s policies                                                                    briefing here.
•   Improve information-sharing, learning and     The PROGRESS axis of EaSI is open to all
    dialogue                                      public and/or private bodies, actors and institu-
•   Test social and labour market policy inno-    tions, and in particular:                           Useful Links
    vation and build capacity to design and
    implement social policy innovation            •   national, regional and local authorities,       •   EaSI Programme
•   Increase the capacity of Union and national       employment services, specialist bodies          •   EaSI 2016 funding priorities
    organisations to develop, promote and             provided for under Union law,                   •   EaSI 2016 call for proposals forecast
    implement Union policies and law              •   the social partners, non-governmental           •   EaSI Committee (National Contact Points)

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                                  EU Funding - EaSi (2014 – 2020) | 19
Project example: Housing First (PROGRESS) implemented by Helsinki Deaconess Institute

The Housing First approach focuses immedi-        The idea is to support tenants so that those
ately and primary on helping individuals and      who need a strong support by the community,
families to quickly access and sustain perma-     will receive it. Those who want to stay sepa-
nent housing and then to provide services to      rately, have an opportunity to do so. Residents
the users as needed. The Housing First model      sign a tenancy at will, which means that there
was piloted, amongst other organisations, by      are no trial periods, no fixed tenancies and no
Helsinki Deaconess Institute in Finland.          evictions.

In Helsinki the Aurora House provides housing     The personnel are available 24/7 in the same
for 125 persons who have very different back-     building. Services are provided according to
grounds and have repeatedly lost their homes.     their individual needs and abilities that are
They already have experience on supported         subject to change over time.
housing, but they have lost it due to substance
dependence or abuse, mental illness and
somatic diseases. Most of them do not
possess skills of sustaining a home.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                  EU Funding - EaSi (2014 – 2020) | 20
Horizon 2020 (2014 – 2020)
Programme                                         Objectives                                           Eligibility

Budget: EUR 80 billion                            Primary aim:                                         •   All EU Member States
                                                                                                       •   acceding countries, candidate countries
3 main pillars:                                   •   Strengthen the EU’s position as a world              and potential candidates
                                                      leader in science,                               •   selected third countries that fulfil all of the
1. Excellent science                              •   help make Europe a more attractive loca-             following criteria:
2. Industrial Leadership                              tion to invest in research and innovation            a. have a good capacity in science, tech-
3. Societal Challenges                            •   bring excellent research results to market                nology and innovation;
                                                      which will deliver direct benefits to citizens       b. have a good track record of participa-
2 horizontal programmes:                                                                                        tion in Union research and innovation
                                                  Aim of “Societal challenges” programme                        programmes;
1. Spreading excellence and widening partic-                                                               c. have close economic and geographical
   ipation                                        •   tackle the major issues affecting the lives               links to the Union
2. Science with and for society                       of European citizens
                                                  •   increase the effectiveness of research           In particular:
Programme thematic lines within Societal              and innovation in responding to key soci-
Challenges relevant for members:                      etal challenges by supporting excellent          •   Public sector bodies (including local and
                                                      research and innovation activities                   regional administrations)
•   Health, demographic change and well-                                                               •   Public and private institutions
    being (€7 472 million)                        Legal Basis                                          •   Universities and research Institutes or
•   Europe in a changing world - Inclusive,                                                                research organisations
    innovative and reflective societies (€1 309   Regulation (EU) No 1290/2013 laying down             •   Enterprises and SMEs, including social
    million)                                      the rules for participation and dissemination in         enterprises
                                                  Horizon 2020 – the Framework Programme for           •   NGOs, civil society organisations, stake-
                                                  Research and Innovation (2014-2020)                      holders/end-users organisations in all sectors
                                                                                                       •   Independent researchers, including starting
                                                  Regulation (EU) No 1291/2013 establishing                researchers, from any country in the world
                                                  Horizon 2020

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                           EU Funding - Horizon 2020 (2014 – 2020) | 21
How to apply                                       Useful Links                                     Project example: Diakonhjemmet were
                                                                                                    part of the Consortium of Innoserv
This fund is directly managed by the Euro-         •   Horizon 2020 website                         (Horizon 2020)
pean Commission. The Commission adopts             •   Horizon 2020 Programme
work programmes for the implementation             •   List of eligible countries under Horizon     INNOSERV is a multi-phase project, a commu-
of the different sections of the Framework             2020                                         nication tool, a platform, a global public sphere
Programme, which outline in further detail         •   List of associated countries under Horizon   and a network. Its main goal is to identify the
the funding objectives and supported types             2020                                         potential of innovative social services in the
of actions. The funds are mostly allocated         •   Standard eligibility criteria                fields of health, welfare and education. To
through project grants for duration of usually 3   •   Individual Work Programmes 2016-2017 for     achieve this goal, innovative and low-threshold
years.                                                 the various sections of H2020                communication means were used, such as
                                                   •   Steps to submit a proposal under Horizon     films, podcasts, and visual sociology, to reach
Work programmes of the different sections can          2020                                         out to a wide audience of scholars, practi-
be found here.                                     •   Horizon 2020 Online Manual                   tioners, policy makers and service users.
                                                   •   Participant Portal
Calls for proposals can be accessed here.          •   National Contact Points (NCPs)               The platform has taken a bottom up approach,
                                                   •   Horizon 2020 Helpdesk                        collecting the views of stakeholders about inno-
Click here to read the Commission Regulation       •   Partner Tool Database for Research           vations in social services in various European
on Horizon 2020.                                       projects                                     countries. This was accomplished through
                                                                                                    visualizations of twenty innovative examples
Eurodiaconia published a briefing on Horizon                                                        presented to users, practitioners, policy makers
2020 which can be accessed here.                                                                    and experts in the field in the INNOSERV
                                                                                                    partner countries and beyond.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                                       EU Funding - Horizon 2020 (2014 – 2020) | 22
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2014 – 2020)
Programme                                             Legal Basis:                                              To learn about this programme in more detail,
                                                                                                                please read the Eurodiaconia briefing here.
Budget: EUR 3.1 billion                               Regulation (EU) No 516/2014 establishing the
                                                      Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
3 programs that used to exist separately                                                                        Eligibility
and now all function under AMIF:
                                                      How to apply                                              Implemented through the following means:
•   European Refugee Fund (ERF)
•   European Integration Fund (EIF)                   The largest share of the total amount of the              •   National programmes;
•   Return Fund (EF)                                  AMIF (almost 90%) will be channelled through              •   Union actions;
                                                      shared management. EU States will implement               •   Emergency assistance;
                                                      their multiannual National Programmes, covering           •   European Migration Network;
Objectives                                            the whole period 2014-20. These programmes                •   Technical assistance
                                                      are prepared, implemented, monitored and eval-
Primary aim:                                          uated by the responsible authorities in Member            In particular:
                                                      States, in partnership with the relevant stake-
Create an effective management of migration           holders in the field, including civil society.            •   National, regional and local authorities
flows into and out of the European Union                                                                        •   Public bodies
                                                      The remaining 10% will be managed under                   •   NGOs
Objectives:                                           direct management (including emergency                    •   Bodies and entities, which are profit-oriented,
                                                      assistance) at the initiative of the Commission,              only have access to the Programme in conjunc-
1. Strengthen the Common European Asylum              in which Union Actions will be implemented in                 tion with non-profit or public organisations
   System (CEAS)                                      the framework of annual work programmes.                  •   Third-country nationals or stateless people
2. Support legal migration and integration                                                                          are eligible if fulfilling specific asylum
3. Promote return strategies (for irregular/illegal   There will be a number of calls for proposals                 or immigration conditions. The actions
   migrants back to their home countries)             under each of the goals that members can                      will support family members of persons
4. Increase solidarity and responsibility             apply for. Calls for proposals can be accessed                referred to above, where appropriate, and
   sharing among Member States                        here.                                                         in so far as the same conditions apply.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                           EU Funding - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2014 – 2020) | 23
Useful Links                             Project example: Refugee Integration Program implemented by Reformed Mission
                                         Centre of Hungarian Reformed Church
•   AMIF Fund
•   AMIF 2016 Work Programme for emer-   This project for refugees in Budapest has been             equipping them to fully participate in class
    gency assistance                     funded by the European Refugee Fund and the                activities as soon as possible. Young people
•   Access to PRIAMOS                    Hungarian Government.                                      can receive housing assistance in dormito-
                                                                                                    ries if necessary, school supplies, books and
                                         It assists refugees with accessing housing,                anything else to help them succeed in their
                                         education and employment. The housing                      education. In addition to this, the Reformed
                                         project provides families with a full rent subsidy         Mission Centre offers social work support,
                                         for one year and an incrementally decreasing               counselling, fellowship through social activities
                                         subsidy for an additional six months. This                 and familiarization with the culture and history
                                         enables the family to leave the refugee centre             of Hungary.
                                         and to begin a life within the Hungarian
                                         community. During their participation in the
                                         programme, social workers assist the family
                                         with locating employment and weaving through
                                         the maze of Hungarian bureaucracy. The
                                         school programme helps young refugees
                                         to access Hungarian schools and provides
                                         Hungarian as a foreign language teachers
                                         and special educators, who as external school
                                         staff members, instruct and tutor the students,

Toolkit on Funding                                                                EU Funding - Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (2014 – 2020) | 24
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020)
Programme                                             mentation of actions with a European                  Specific Objectives
                                                      added value, support for European-level
Budget: EUR 439,47 million                            networks and harmonised services of                   •   Promote non–discrimination
                                                      social value, and support for Member                  •   Combat racism, xenophobia, homophobia
4 programmes that used to exist separately            States in implementing European instru-                   and other forms of intolerance
and now all function under this fund:                 ments and policies                                    •   Promote rights of persons with disabilities
                                                  •   Analytical activities (studies, data collec-          •   Promote equality between women and men
•   Daphne III Programme                              tion, development of common methodol-                     and gender mainstreaming
•   Fundamental Rights and Citizenship                ogies, indicators, surveys, preparation of            •   Prevent violence against children, young
    Programme                                         guides…)                                                  people, women and other groups at risk
•   Progress Programme (gender equality,                                                                        (Daphne)
    nondiscrimination strands)                                                                              •   Promote the rights of the child
•   Drugs    Prevention     and Information       Objectives                                                •   Ensure the highest level of data protection
    Programme                                                                                               •   Promote the rights deriving from Union citi-
                                                  Objectives of the Programme:                                  zenship
Types of actions funded                                                                                     •   Enforce consumer rights
                                                  •   Contribute to the further development of
•   Training activities (staff exchanges, work-       an area where equality and the rights of              Legal Basis:
    shops, development of training modules)           persons, as enshrined in the Treaty, the
•   Mutual learning, cooperation activities,          Charter and international human rights                Regulation (EU) No 1381/2013 establishing a
    exchange of good practices, peer reviews,         conventions, are promoted and protected               Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme
    development of ICT tools…                                                                               for the period 2014 to 2020
•   Awareness-raising activities, dissemina-
    tion, conferences
•   Support for NGOs engaged in the imple-

Toolkit on Funding                                                                   EU Funding - Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020) | 25
Eligibility                                                                                                  How to apply

Access to the Programme shall be open to            In particular:                                           The Programme is managed directly by the
all public and/or private bodies and entities                                                                European Commission, who publishes annual
legally established in:                             •   Public bodies                                        work plans with specific information on funding
                                                    •   NGOs and civil society                               activities, amounts to be allocated, measures
•   Member States;                                  •   Bodies and entities, which are profit-ori-           to be financed and indicative implementation
•   EFTA countries which are party to the EEA           ented, only have access to the Programme             timetables. Calls for proposals for action grants
    Agreement, in accordance with the condi-            in conjunction with non-profit or public             or operating grants will be published on the
    tions laid down in the EEA Agreement;               organisations                                        website of the Directorate General for Justice
•   Accession countries, candidate coun-            •   Further specification on the eligibility of          of the European Commission here.
    tries and potential candidates, in accord-          actors is given in the respective call for
    ance with the general principles and the            proposals and tenders
    general terms and conditions laid down                                                                   Useful Links
    in the framework agreements concluded
    with them on their participation in Union                                                                •   2016 Work Programme for the implementa-
    programmes.                                                                                                  tion of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship
•   Public and/or private bodies and entities                                                                    Programme
    legally established in other third countries,                                                            •   Access to PRIAMOS
    notably countries where the European
    Neighbourhood Policy applies, may be
    associated to actions of the Programme, if
    this serves the purpose of these actions.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                    EU Funding - Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020) | 26
Project example: Our member Evanjelicka diakonia ECAV in Slovakia received funding
under Daphne for the project „ESCAPE“

ESCAPE - European Street Children Anti-Vio-       belonging to ethnic minorities. Such strategies
lence Programme and Exchange                      were shared among partners from Eastern and
                                                  Western Europe, in order to create a trans-
It addressed street and peer violence that        national platform able to promote effective
occurs amongst children and adolescents           actions against street and peer violence and
with migration or ethnic minority background      harmful lifestyles.
who are living and/or working on streets both
in western and in eastern European coun-          The project focused mainly on:
tries. Since the topic is wide and complex,       • exchanging of knowledge of interven-
the project makes use of the materials that          tion models to prevent and contrast street
are already available, stemming from previous        violence and peer violence in street,
projects and researches conducted both at the        fostering a transnational platform for a
local and at the European level. In particular,      strict cooperation between estearn and
it represented the continuation of the “Anti         westaern european country pratictioners
Violence Project – protecting street children        who work in the field of minors (in particular
from violence in urban areas in European capi-       with vulnerable groups, minors with migra-
tals: implementation of a sustainable method-        tion background/belonging to ethnic minor-
ology” (AVP) that came to an end in July 2010.       ities
The ESCAPE project extended the results           • modelling and developing of effective
achieved in the AVP in order to develop street/      educative prevention programmes aimed to
peer violence prevention and contrast strat-         prevent street violence and peer violence
egies specifically addressed to street chil-         and also risk behavior related to drug/
dren/adolescents with migration background/          alchol abuse or weapons carrying.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                    EU Funding - Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014 – 2020) | 27
European Neighbourhood Instrument (2014 – 2020)
Programme                                        Objectives                                             Eligibility

Budget: EUR 15.4 billion                         Primary aim:                                           Eligibility:

Programs:                                        Strengthening the prosperity, stability and            •   main source of funding for the 16 partner
                                                 security of Europe’s neighbourhood in order to             countries (plus Russia): Algeria, Armenia,
1. bilateral programmes covering support to      avoid any dividing lines between the enlarged              Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, Georgia, Israel,
   one partner country                           EU and its direct neighbours                               Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, the Republic of
2. multi-country programmes which address                                                                   Moldova, Morocco, the occupied Pales-
   challenges common to all or a number of       Objectives:                                                tinian territory, Syria, Tunisia and Ukraine,
   partner countries, and regional and sub-re-                                                              Russia for the multi-country programmes
   gional cooperation between two or more        1. To promote prosperity in the EU by
   partner countries, and which may include         supporting      neighbouring     countries’         In particular:
   cooperation with the Russian Federation          economic reform processes;
3. Cross-Border Cooperation programmes           2. To increase freedom and democracy in the            •   Local and Regional authorities
                                                    EU by deepening political cooperation with          •   Federations Unions
                                                    neighbour countries on the basis of shared          •   Administrations States
                                                    values and common interests;                        •   Development NGOs
                                                 3. To encourage security and stability in the          •   SMEs, Universities, NGOs, International
                                                    EU by working with neighbouring countries               Organisation
                                                    to address environmental and counter-ter-
                                                    rorism issues in line with the European
                                                    Security Strategy.

                                                 Legal Basis:

                                                 Regulation (EU) No 232/2014 establishing a
                                                 European Neighbourhood Instrument.

Toolkit on Funding                                                                      EU Funding - European Neighbourhood Instrument (2014 – 2020) | 28
How to apply                                    Useful Links

Calls for proposals are launched from the       •   European Neighbourhood Instrument
European Commission in Brussels or locally by   •   European Neighbourhood Policy
Delegations. Therefore, members are advised     •   Eastern Partnership
to check also the website of their local EU     •   European Neighbourhood Instrument 2014-
Delegation.                                         2020 - Programming documents
                                                •   ENP Action Plans
Centrally managed grants from the European      •   Strategy papers
Commission can be found on the website of       •   ENP Progress reports
the Directorate General for Development and     •   Financial Cooperation Reference Docu-
Cooperation here.                                   ments
                                                •   Boosting participation of ENP countries in
                                                    EU programmes
                                                •   Multiannual      Pan-African    Indicative
                                                    Programme 2014-2017
                                                •   The Benefits of European Neighbourhood
                                                    Policy (ENP)
                                                •   Boosting participation of ENP countries in
                                                    EU programmes
                                                •   EuroEast EU Delegations
                                                •   EuroMed EU Delegations

Toolkit on Funding                                                                     EU Funding - European Neighbourhood Instrument (2014 – 2020) | 29
You can also read