Tomlinscote School Provision Map 2020-2021

Page created by Greg Vaughn
Tomlinscote School Provision Map 2020-2021

 Wave 1 – Quality First Teaching
 The vast majority of students make progress through receiving Quality First Teaching. Quality First Teaching in the classroom, provides highly
 planned lessons as part of a broad and robust curriculum that engages students in a range of activities and experiences to develop their learning
 and skill sets.

 Wave 2 – Small group and one to one interventions
 Some students require additional support in order to achieve and progress well. This can often be provided through small group, short-term
 intervention programs, delivered by a member of the school’s Learning Support team, which will advance students’ progress and help them achieve
 in line with their peers.

 Wave 3 – Intensive support
 Some students may require an enhanced, personalised approach with an ongoing program, that is tailored to their specific difficulties and needs.


Tomlinscote School Provision Map 2020-21
What does Quality First Teaching look like at Tomlinscote School? – Wave 1

        •       Students make progress every lesson. The majority make progress over time.
        •       Lesson planning will ensure that all pupils are involved and able to engage with their learning
        •       Teaching staff and support staff will be aware of the individual needs of students
        •       Teachers will differentiate curriculum planning, questioning and tasks set
        •       Hierarchical Learning Objectives will be addressed at the beginning of each lesson
        •       The delivery may be differentiated by using simplified language and a slower lesson pace
        •       Verbal and written feedback will inform pupils of their next steps and how to achieve them
        •       Differentiated outcomes will be expected at the start of the task
        •       Teachers will vary tasks to involve collaborative group or paired work
        •       Visual resources may be used i.e. pictures, starters, writing frames, literacy mats and task lists
        •       Success criteria will be differentiated and explained prior to the task
        •       Pre-teaching may occur to ensure that all pupils are able to access the task
        •       A variety of styles of teaching will be used
        •       Some lessons will benefit from LSA support in the classroom
        •       Teacher or LSA support may be directed to one particular group or an individual student
        •       Teachers and LSAs promote independent learning skills
        •       Regular assessments are conducted to monitor progress
        •       SIMS and SISRA databases are used to track progress
        •       Regular SEND updates and support for all teachers are available
        •       Whole school INSETs are held on Learning and Teaching
        •       Teachers have an Open Door Policy to promote a positive learning environment
        •       Tomlinscote supports and celebrates students’ achievements


Tomlinscote School Provision Map 2020-21
Cognition and Learning           Speech, Language and               Sensory & Physical                     Social, Emotional and
                                           Communication                                                             Mental Health
          Quality First Teaching           Simplified language used where     Secure links with the Physical and     Safeguarding INSET for all staff
          Supportive classroom             necessary                          Sensory Support Service                Visual prompts
          environment                      Additional time to process         Modified curriculum where needed       Transition groups Yr6-7
          Learning prompts on the walls    information/complete tasks         Resources and materials available      Celebration assemblies
          Engaging displays                LSA support to read instructions   Flexible teaching arrangements to      Class rules and expectations
          Thinking time                    and assist with clarification      take into account difficulties e.g.    PSHE curriculum
          Use of whiteboards to ensure     where appropriate                  seating, teaching resources,           Extra-curricular activities
          all are engaged                  Visual prompts                     modified tasks                         Merits and commendations
          Mix of practical activities,     ICT used where necessary -         All staff made aware of a child’s      Certificates and awards
          verbal and written work          Positive strategies to promote     medical history/difficulties           Clear expectations
          Regular monitoring of lessons    listening                          Qualified first aiders                 Pupils aware of available support
 Wave 1

          and planning by Senior           Advice from Speech and             Trips risk assessed and planned with   Additional support when needed
          Leadership Team                  Language therapists                students’ needs in mind                Advice from outside agencies
          Planned seating                                                     Training and advice sourced as soon    Transition support
          Creative, differentiated                                            as possible to meet needs              Student voice
          curriculum designed to both                                         Consideration and support given for    Student mentors
          extend and support students                                         other possible needs – social,         School council
          Differentiated delivery e.g.                                        emotional, mental health.              Student Support
          simplified language, slower                                         Regular support with Hearing           Parental Meetings
          pace, alternative resources                                         Support Service/Physical and           Subject Teacher feedback
          Collaborative group/paired                                          Sensory Support
          Access to IT
          Visual aids
          Visual timetables
          Now and next sheets
          Writing frames
          Subject teacher feedback

Tomlinscote School Provision Map 2020-21
Cognition and Learning           Speech, Language and            Sensory & Physical                     Social, Emotional and
                                           Communication                                                          Mental Health
          Modified tasks to take into      Modified tasks to take into     Risk assessments                       Modified tasks to take into
          account difficulties; further    account difficulties; further   Adaptation of PE planning              account difficulties/wellbeing
          differentiation                  differentiation                 /additional support                    Personalised Response Plan
          Small group interventions        SALT Sessions; termly review.   Use of ICT                             Drawing and Talking
          Now and next sheets              Staff training                  Individual key targets                 Eikon resilience friendship group
          Literacy and Language            Speech and language groups,     Consideration to seating               intervention
          Support                          SALT advised packages, staff    arrangements and background noise      Mentoring: peer/LSA/external
          Exam access arrangements if      training                        Allowing extra time to complete        mentor
          appropriate                      Lego therapy                    tasks                                  Individual Report
          Literacy/numeracy                Small group interventions       Sensory perception support             Lego Therapy
          interventions                    Modelling language              Students to move first/last in class   ELSA sessions
 Wave 2

          Handwriting program              External agency involvement     Fine motor skills intervention         Time out card
          Spelling groups/1:1              Pre teaching vocabulary         Fidget toys                            Transition groups Yr6-7
          Promotion of independent         Sequencing activities           External agency involvement            Break/Lunchtime groups (C15)
          learning skills                  Language for Thinking           including health, PSS, VI, HI          Involvement with Education
          1:1 Target work- Report Card     Listening skills activities     Adaptation of PowerPoints/hand         Welfare
          LSA Mentoring- support           Exam concessions for GCSE       outs (colours of text/overlays etc.)   Social stories/Comic Strips
          organisation/Home-learning                                       Exam concessions for GCSE              Behaviour Response Plans
          Home-learning Club                                                                                      Anti-bulling policy and process
          Exam Concessions for GCSE                                                                               External agency
                                                                                                                  advice/involvement from CAMHS,
                                                                                                                  Paediatrics, Autism Outreach
                                                                                                                  services, Pyford Centre
                                                                                                                  Early Help Intervention/Family
                                                                                                                  Support Program
                                                                                                                  Behaviour Contracts
                                                                                                                  Exam Concessions for GCSE


Tomlinscote School Provision Map 2020-21
Cognition and Learning            Speech, Language and                 Sensory & Physical                      Social, Emotional and
                                            Communication                                                                Mental Health
          Flexible and/or reduced           Individualised differentiation 1:1   Specific individualised programs for    Flexible and/or reduced
          timetables                        and small group support/tuition      students with OT needs                  timetables
          Individualised differentiation    Different ways of recording          Training for all staff were             Individualised differentiation
          1:1 and small group support       Individual Speech and Language       appropriate for physical disabilities   1:1 support for PE and
          Different ways of recording       targets                              Specialised equipment for VI, HI, PD    breaks/lunchtimes
          work e.g. ICT                     Advice/intervention by external      Advice/intervention by external         Behaviour Response plan and
          Advice/interventions by           agencies including SALT/EP           agencies including Physical and         individualised risk assessment
          external agencies including       Individual targeted language         Sensory Support Services (PSSS) and     Intervention through external
          Education Psychology, LLS         assessments                          Occupational Therapy (OT)               agencies including Behaviour
          Individual and targeted           Additional resources to support      Personalised plans delivered            Support, Education Psychology,
 Wave 3

          assessments                       individual targets                   Staff trained to deliver plans          CAMHS
          Enhanced monitoring report        External agency involvement          Time for occupation therapy and         Additional planning and
          Individual support in class and                                        physical exercises to be carried out    arrangements for transition
          additional teaching support                                            Curriculum and environment              Access to EP
          Literacy and Maths                                                     adaptations to ensure accessibility;    1:1 sessions with SENDCo
          intervention                                                           disabled toilets, lift in A Block       Individual targets
          Planned use of                                                         Additional resources, additional        Timetable and curriculum
          scribes/readers/extra time                                             groups and 1:1 work                     adaptations
          Interventions; reviewed half                                           Monitoring of provision and             Family Support Program
          termly                                                                 progression by SENDCo                   Monitoring of provision and
                                                                                 Risk assessments                        progression by SENDCo where
                                                                                 Use of reader and/or                    needed
                                                                                 scribe/keyboard                         Alternative Provision/ Yes
                                                                                                                         GASP project/Pyford Centre


Tomlinscote School Provision Map 2020-21
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