TOKENIZING REAL-WORLD ASSETS - towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy

Page created by Stacy Schroeder
TOKENIZING REAL-WORLD ASSETS - towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
Informational Paper from The Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

- towards a regulated and stable
token-driven economy

June 2019

1.  Introduction                                                                    3
2.  Executive Summary                                                               4
3.  Virtual tokens – the basis of a token-driven economy                            5
    3.1 Defining a token                                                            5
    3.2 Different kinds of crypto tokens                                            5
         3.2.1 Utility tokens                                                       6
         3.2.2. Security tokens                                                     6
4. Tokenization of assets                                                           8
    4.1 Defining tokenization                                                       9
         4.1.2 Fungible tokens                                                      9
         4.1.3 Non-fungible tokens (NFT)                                            9
      ERC-1155 Crypto Item Standard                              10
    4.2 How and why tokenize real-world assets?                                   10
    4.3 Challenges of tokenizing real-world assets                                14
5. Stablecoins – a brief introduction                                              16
    5.1 Fighting volatility                                                        16
6. Maker and the Dai Credit System                                                 17
    6.1 The mechanics of the Dai Credit System                                     17
         6.1.1 The CDP interaction process                                         17
    6.2 Entering the Second-Generation Tokenization Phase                          19
         6.2.1 The Dai Credit System’s importance for tokenized assets             19
         6.2.2 Asset tokenization’s importance for the Dai credit system          20
    6.3 The challenge of scalability and the link to tokenization of everything    21
         6.3.1 Critical elements for the scale of the Dai Credit System            21
7. Tangible use cases for the Dai Credit System                                   22
    7.1 DigiX                                                                     22
    7.2 Tradeshift - tokenizing invoices                                          22
    7.3 Adding tokenized assets as collateral for Dai                             24
8. The future of a token-driven economy                                           26
    8.1 Realising the potential of the token-driven economy                       26
         8.1.1 Scalability                                                        27
         8.1.2 Regulation                                                         28
    8.2 Maker’s role in unlocking the economic potential                          28
9. Conclusion                                                                     29
Appendix 1: Glossary of Maker Terms                                               30

Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
1. Introduction
Despite heavy turbulence in the market for cryptocurrencies since the beginning
of 2018, a massive downfall in the ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) market and a
general widespread skepticism of anything related to crypto, something new and
very promising is finally about to emerge and unfold in the crypto space like a
rising phoenix from its ashes.

The keywords are tokenization of real-                       During the previous year, we have seen a
world assets, maturity of stablecoins and                    completely new industry of tokenization
the merging incorporation of regulations.                    starting to grow rapidly. We think that
We are witnessing two fast-growing                           2019 is the year of tokenization – or
trends merge and complement each                             rather, the first year of a new era of
other:                                                       tokenization. We urge all stakeholders,
                                                             including businesses, public authorities,
The first one is tokenization, where all                     and regulatory authorities, to pay close
illiquid assets in the world, from private                   attention.
equity to real estate and fine art, become
liquid and all liquid assets can be traded                   As a strong supporter of the
more efficiently.1                                           tokenization revolution, The Maker
                                                             Foundation has asked The Tokenizer to
The second is the rise of a new token-                       prepare this information background
driven economy. The new economy is                           paper on tokenization.
enabled by the removal of the volatility
in the crypto space with the help of                         Large scale tokenization of real-world
stablecoins like Dai from MakerDAO, and                      assets helps The Maker Foundation
by further liquidating billions of USD                       realize the goal of making our stablecoin
worth of tokenized assets through the                        Dai available to everyone. And at the
Dai Credit System.                                           same time holders of tokenized assets
                                                             can increase the liquidity of their assets
By unlocking the economic potential of                       even further by using it as collateral
blockchain, these two complementary                          in the Dai Credit System – introducing
and correlated trends constitute one the                     a new phase of a second-generation
most important developments since the                        tokenization.
invention of the blockchain technology
itself. While this might sound like science
fiction, it is already happening.
                                                                                                          1. Today to total amount
                                                                                                             of assets in the world
                                                                                                             has an enormous
                                                                                                             value of USD 280

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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                     3
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
2. Executive Summary
Imagine taking a shipping container, a very tangible 40-foot metal box, and
moving it into a purely virtual space. Imagine putting 10,000, 100,000, or
even 10,000,000 of these metal boxes on a blockchain and creating a digital
representation in the form of a virtual token or coin that you can start trading for
other assets or commodities. The process is just like trading bicycles, sneakers,
real-estate or bonds for dollars in the traditional economy.

This scenario would have been science                        through loans, and the same is possible
fiction a few years ago, but today it is                     in the token-driven economy. Though, in
a technological possibility, and soon                        a completely decentralized manner, this
it will likely be the basic principle of a                   will occur at a higher speed and a lower
new, revolutionary global token-driven                       cost.
economy - backed by tangible assets
or commodities from the real world as                        This complex concept needs to be
collateral, whether shipping containers,                     explained in detail. To do so, let’s start by
real estate, gold, oil, grain, or in principle,              defining some basic terms and putting
anything of value.                                           them into context – thematically and
The idea of fueling a new token-driven
economy by tokenizing real-world assets                      The initial chapters of this white paper
and making them easy to trade – liquid                       are about defining the term ‘token’ and
– on a blockchain-based exchange is the                      looking at different types of tokens
Yin of the topic of this white paper. The                    related to the crypto space. From there
Yang is the development of stablecoins                       we will explain the term ‘tokenization’,
to eliminate the extreme volatility of                       the process of tokenizing something,
cryptocurrencies and create stability,                       the new trend of tokenizing real-world
which is a prerequisite for a token-driven                   assets, the relation between tokenization
economy.                                                     and stablecoins and how this will create
                                                             a foundation for a token-driven economy
We will also discuss the ability to take                     going forward.
the tokenized assets and use them for
the creation of more stablecoins to
further fuel the new economy. Within the
traditional economy based on fractional
reserve banking money is created

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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                  4
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
3. Virtual tokens – the basis of a
token-driven economy
3.1 Defining a token                                         intangible assets such as intellectual
The etymological origin of the word                          property or securities like shares,
‘token’ goes back to Old English                             bonds or derivatives, as well as very
tac(e)n and Germanic *taikna- and                            tangible assets like gold, oil, real estate,
means ‘a sign’ or ‘a symbol’. Tokens as                      collectables (fine art, antique cars) or, in
different kinds of “payment signs” or                        principle, any real-world asset.
representation date back to the Roman
Empire under the name of ‘tesseraes’.                        The prerequisite for such a tokenization
From the 1590s tokens are recorded                           process is a system that allows issuance
in the meaning of a “coin-like piece of                      of these blockchain tokens based on
stamped metal”2 as a representation of a                     real-world assets, and enables secure
certain value, either a monetary value or                    tracking of the underlying assets at any
a service of a certain kind. These kinds of                  time to avoid fraud – such as double-
tokens have been used in many different                      spending – or damage to the assets.
contexts from hospitals to casinos and
brothels (see below).                                        A system with these abilities would act
                                                             as the ultimate springboard for a new
                                                             token-driven economy.
                                                                                                            2. https://www.etymon-
                                                             3.2 Different kinds of crypto tokens           3. https://www.
                                                             During the last couple years, the market
                                                             has been flooded with almost 2,000 new            kovuo/brothel-to-
                                                                                                               ken/?lp=true ;
                                                             crypto tokens or cryptocurrencies that            https://usadisplay.
More recently, the terms token and                           are all tradeable on one or more of the           net/?attachment_
tokenization are found in the digital                        world’s many new crypto exchanges.                id=13551#prettyPhoto
payment industry. Within the EMV                                                                               /0/ ; https://en.numi-
paradigm4 of payment cards, tokens                           This huge growth in the numbers of                pieces23200.html
are used for security reasons as a                           tokens has been driven largely by the          4. EMV stands for Euro-
replacement of sensitive data like the                       blockchain based crowdfunding method              pay, MasterCard and
identifier number known as Primary                           called Initial Coin Offering (ICO). The           Visa, and the EMV
                                                                                                               paradigm is a set of
Account Number (PAN), which is printed                       ICO concept was created by software               standards related to
on every issued plastic payment card.                        developer J.R. Willet in 2012 in his              these payment card
                                                             whitepaper The Second Bitcoin White               schemes.
In the crypto economy, the terms                             Paper. Willet was the first to put the
‘token’ and ‘crypto token’ are often                         ICO into play when he issued Mastercoin
used synonymously with terms like                            (now Omni) and launched the first token
‘cryptocurrency’ and ‘crypto coin,’                          sale following his own model.
but ‘token’ also has a slightly different
meaning. A token is a representation for                     Interest in the new financing option
‘something’ on the blockchain that does                      (as an alternative to VC funding)
not necessarily have to be a currency –                      subsequently grew among startups.
like bitcoin – but could also be a wide                      In 2016, the popularity of the ICO
range of other types of assets. These                        phenomenon increased, and in 2017
tokens could be representations of                           it accelerated significantly all over the

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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                       5
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
world, raising more money – USD 5.6                          3.2.1 Utility tokens
billion – during than traditional VC                         On blockchains and blockchain-based
funding. At the same time, the crypto                        platforms, native tokens often have
market rose significantly in the fourth                      certain functions that either enable
quarter of 2017 and the ICO success                          the transaction validators to be
continued throughout the first quarter                       compensated for their work and/or allow
of 2018, according to Coindesk , and                         the users to utilise the services offered
more capital was raised globally via ICOs                    by the platform.
(USD 6.3 billion) in Q1 of 2018 than in the
whole of 2017 .                                              The classic examples are Bitcoin and
                                                             Ethereum. In both the Bitcoin and
In March/April 2018 the massive growth                       the Ethereum proof-of-work systems,
of the ICO market ended abruptly. This                       miners are compensated for their work
was primarily a direct consequence of a                      when they solve involved mathematical
general downturn in the cryptocurrency                       puzzles and close a new block before
market, and an increasingly critical focus                   anyone else. And in both systems, the
from regulatory authorities worldwide of                     native tokens – bitcoin and ether –
the ICO concept, raising questions of the                    are used for transaction fees. On the
legal status of crypto tokens issued as                      Ethereum platform, the transaction fee is
part of ICOs.                                                called ‘gas’, and is paid in ether.

The main issue in question from the                          3.2.2. Security tokens
SEC and others was whether some,                             While a lot of the tokens issued as part
many or perhaps all the tokens issued                        of the many ICOs during the past two
as part of ICOs conducted globally have                      years have claimed to be only utility
in fact been securities – legally in the                     tokens, the starting point for issuing
same category as shares, bonds and                           security tokens is completely different.
derivatives – and not just commodities
or so-called utility tokens.                                 Security tokens are securities, and they
                                                             are governed by the regulatory rules
One huge challenge that these tokens                         of the jurisdictions in which they are
had in common was extreme volatility,                        issued and operate. This raises both new
which has crippled their ability to handle                   challenges and new opportunities.
some of the basic functions that they
were originally created for – such as                        The challenges concern compliance with      5. https://www.coin-
peer-to-peer payments.                                       the relevant regulatory requirements.
                                                             The opportunity is that by issuing a           ding-already-outpa-
This overwhelming problem of volatility                      security token that complies with legal        ced-2017/
fostered a new kind of token called                          requirements, it is possible to make        6. It is important to
a stabletoken, or stablecoin, with the                       the token as attractive as traditional         underline that the
                                                                                                            Telegram ICO takes
purpose of securing some stability in                        securities such as company shares. On          up a disproportiona-
the crypto space. Later in this white                        top of that, because a security token is       tely large part of the
paper we will make a deep dive into                          issued on a blockchain and uses smart          funding and without
stablecoins and see how the best among                       contracts, it offers a whole new layer of      Telegram the ICO
                                                                                                            downturn that we
the growing number of stablecoins                            encoded special features and benefits          see now would have
unlocks the token-driven blockchain                          for the token owner. In other words, one       been visible already
based economy and makes it possible to                       of the main differentiators between a          in Q1 2018.
start tokenizing some of the enormous                        traditional share and a security token is
values of real-world assets.                                 that a token enables you to add a layer
                                                             of built-in code, making the security
                                                             token a programmable share.
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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                    6
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
While a traditional share offers                             Stephen McKeon, a Finance Professor at the University of Oregon,
ownership and voting rights at                               talks about programmability:
the annual general meeting, the                                  A key feature of security tokens is that they are
programmable share can include a
number of additional features. The
                                                             programmable. Many elements of the contracting
most important feature is that while                         environment can be hardwired into the architecture
a traditional share only gives the                           of the security. When securities are tokenized,
shareholder a cut of the bottom line                         compliance can be automated, which means that
figures – the profit – the security token                    regulated trade will no longer be restricted to
can be programmed to pay out a cut of
the top line – the revenue – too, once
                                                             walled gardens. Security tokens will be able to
a quarter like a dividend. Receiving                         trade anywhere, including decentralized exchanges.
an additional cut of the revenue is a                        Further, baking compliance into the token could help
significant benefit because the revenue                      market participants navigate the extremely complex
is ‘untouched’ by the company and its                        task of selling securities across borders.8
internal costs in a very different way
than the bottom line figures.
                                                             It is critical to distinguish between
A programmable share combining a cut                         private securities and public securities.
from both top and bottom line would                          If a token is considered and handled
be the ideal product for a shareholder.                      solely as a private security, in many
Other benefits can be built into the                         jurisdictions there will be the possibility
programmable share. These benefits                           of using certain regulatory exemptions.
could include VIP access to certain                          In these cases, the comprehensive IPO
features depending on what kind of                           (Initial Public Offering) requirements
company we are talking about or                              will only come into force if a token
discounts on fees when using certain                         violates the restrictions related to the
services offered by the company.                             exemptions in question, and begins to
                                                             act as a public security.
The increased focus on security tokens
and their potential in the crypto space                      Perhaps the most important argument
are partially fuelled by the constant                        for choosing an STO over an IPO is,
scrutiny of the ICO concept by legal                         as described above, that the security
authorities around the world. This has                       token has the potential to act as a
unsurprisingly led to the development of                     programmable share and offers a set
a variation of the ICO, called an STO or                     of functionalities and attributes that a
Security Token Offering.                                     traditional share does not have. The STO       7. Apparently the STO
                                                             allows for the creation of an investment          term was coined by
                                                                                                               the company
In contrast to a utility token, as typically                 product that is better than traditional           Polymath.
issued via an ICO, in an STO the owner                       stocks and bonds. It has the potential         8. https://hackernoon.
of the security token may – depending                        to reward investors both from the top             com/the-securi-
on jurisdiction – legally obtain the exact                   line via a revenue-sharing model and              ty-token-thesis-
same rights as the owner of a traditional                    from the bottom line through a dividend.
security, for instance, a company share.                     Those companies that can honour an
Since the security token is a piece of                       investor’s request for a focus on and
software code using smart contracts                          a profit from both top and bottom at
on a blockchain, it has the ability to                       the same time have the potential of
incorporate completely new features                          becoming the new stars in the eyes of
and rights that make the security tokens                     the investors.
far more sophisticated than traditional
securities, enabling the issuer to
customise the security token to specific
target groups.                                                                                              RETURN TO TABLE OF

Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                         7
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
4. Tokenization of assets                                                                              9. https://www.
Tokenization is likely to become one of                                                                    stitute/global-we-
                                                                   By tokenizing private                   alth-report.html
the most important and influential trends
in the crypto space in the coming years.                     securities, we can potentially            10. Notice: American
                                                                                                           ’Trillion’ = Euro-
                                                             move them from the Low                        pean ‘Billion’ =
Since these are the very early days of                       Liquidity/High Cost-Effectiveness             1,000,000,000,000
the tokenization revolution, we lack                         quadrant to the Higher Liquidity/
the precise economic potential of the                        Higher Cost-Effectiveness
expected global tokenization, but it is
                                                             quadrant, as illustrated in the
expected to be in the trillions of dollars.
At Maker, there is no doubt the potential                    chart above. Tokenized private
is huge, and they certainly intend                           securities (i.e. crypto-securities)
to actively support the tokenization                         can be more easily traded on
movement as much as possible through                         the secondary markets without
the Dai Credit System.                                       the administrative burdens of
                                                             traditional private securities. In
According to Credit Suisse’s Annual
Global Wealth Report9, the total value of                    other words, tokenized private
all assets in the world in 2017 added up                     securities can potentially have
to no less than USD 280 trillion10– or 280                   more liquidity while maintaining
times the value of the world’s currently                     their cost-effectiveness.
most valuable company, Apple. Credit
Suisse even expects the number to
                                                             Given that the asset categories
increase further in the coming years and                     within the private securities
reach USD 341 trillion by the year 2022.                     market are massive (in the
                                                             trillions), and that the illiquidity
The tokenization company Harbor                              discount can be as high as 20-
describes in its white paper The                             30%, the tokenization of private
Regulated Token™ (R-Token™) Standard
the benefits of tokenizing private
                                                             securities has the potential to
securities and underscores that the                          unlock billions of dollars in value.”11
economic potential is massive:

Liquidity versus cost-effectiveness of securities and tokens

                             Public Securities                                  Tokens

                                                                              More liquidity


                                                        Cost Effectiveness                             RETURN TO TABLE OF
                                   Low                                               Low

Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                 8
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
4.1 Defining tokenization                                    fungible tokens, whether unbacked
The basic idea of tokenization is the                        intangible tokens like bitcoin or fungible
use of smart contracts on a blockchain                       tokens representing fungible real-world
to create a virtual representation of a                      assets like gold, oil or electricity. For
certain asset in the form of a token.                        instance, the fungible gold-backed DGX
Depending on the type of asset to be                         token issued by DigiX with the value of
tokenized, different tokens and token                        one gram of gold is an ERC-20 token.
standards have been developed for
the tokenization process, and different                      4.1.3 Non-fungible tokens (NFT)
challenges and opportunities come with                       For tokenization of non-fungible assets,
the tokenization of the asset in question.                   a corresponding standard – ERC-721 –
                                                             for the building of non-fungible tokens
Tokenizing tangible real-world                               has been developed for the Ethereum
commodities differs from tokenization                        blockchain.
of intangible assets like a software
licence. Tokenizing fungible assets like                     Each token built on ERC-721 standard
identical types of shares differs from the                   represents a unique piece of an
tokenization of non-fungible assets like a                   asset. This can be tangible real-world
unique work of fine art.                                     assets like real estate, works of art,
                                                             diamonds, antique cars or other
Regardless of the type of asset to be                        unique collectables. But it can also be
tokenized, the basic purposes and                            intangible non-fungible assets. These
benefits are the same: by tokenizing                         include legal contracts, copyrights,
assets and thus equipping them with                          proof of identification, different kinds of
a virtual representation in the form of                      licenses like software licenses or unique
a token on a blockchain, it is possible                      virtual collectables like the popular
to cut away costly and inefficient                           phenomenon Cryptokitties, which in
middlemen. This makes it faster and                          fact was the first example of a non-
easier to trade and exchange the assets                      fungible asset tokenized via the ERC-721
far easier and faster, and in a much more                    standard.
decentralised manner than ever before.                       On Github, typical use cases for NFTs
Let us take a brief look at different                        built on ERC-721 are described like this:
asset types and corresponding token
standards, and afterwards, we will look                          NFTs can represent ownership
closer at the benefits of tokenization.                      over digital or physical assets.
4.1.2 Fungible tokens
                                                             We considered a diverse universe
The type of asset to be tokenized, and                       of assets, and we know you will
whether the tokens should be fungible                        dream up many more:
or non-fungible, determine the specific                         Physical property — houses,
process for tokenization.                                       unique artwork                                 rtokenwhitepaper.
                                                                 Virtual collectables — unique                 pdf. Stephen Kade,
A group or class of fungible tokens                                                                            Co-founder of
are all identical and the value of all the
                                                                 pictures of kittens, collectable              TrustToken, makes
tokens in the same class is always the                           cards                                         the same comparison
                                                                                                               in this article: https://
same. This means that one token can be                           ’Negative value’ assets —           
replaced with another token of the same                          loans, burdens and other                      introducing-the-
class and it will make no difference.                                                                          trusttoken-platform-
                                                                 responsibilities                              tokenization-
The ERC-20 Ethereum standard was                                                                               67f1998b77ec
designed for issuing of all kinds of
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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                         9
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
In general, all houses are distinct                                       Fungible                           Non-Fungible
and no two kittens are alike. NFTs                           Intangible     Cryptocurrencies                      Cryptokitties - virtual
are distinguishable and you must                                            Finacial securities (shares,          collectables
                                                                            bonds, derivatives)                   Digital IDs
track the ownership of each one                                                                                   Copyrights
separately.”12                                                                                                    Licenses
                                                                                                                  ... ERC-1155 Crypto Item Standard                        Tangible       Oil                                   Artworks
The latest development within token                                         Gold                                  Collectables
                                                                            Electricity                           Real Estate
standards pushed forward by the                                             Carbon Credits                        Diamonds
gaming industry is a standard called                                        ...                                   ...
ERC-1155 that makes it possible to
                                                                                   ERC-20                            ERC-721
combine fungible and non-fungible
tokens in the same smart contract. The                                                                ERC-1155
developer Witek Radomski explains its
purpose on Github:
                                                             all developing blockchain and smart
    This standard outlines a                                 contract based tokenization platforms.
smart contract interface where                               These companies are creating solutions
                                                             for tokenization of all kinds of real-
one can represent any number                                 world assets from intellectual rights over
of Fungible and Non-Fungible                                 commodities and collectables to real
assets in a single contract.                                 estate with the purpose of increasing
Existing standards such as ERC-                              liquidity, cutting costs, enabling
20 require the deployment of                                 fractional ownership of assets and
                                                             opening up the USD 280 trillion market
separate contracts per token. The                            of real-world assets for investment. This
ERC-721 standard’s Token ID is a                             makes it possible for anyone, anywhere
single non-fungible index and the                            in the world to invest and create a future
group of these non-fungibles is                              global investment market far more
deployed as a single contract with                           democratized than the market of today.
settings for the entire collection.                          These tokenization services specialists
Instead, the ERC-1155 Crypto Item                            obviously have a technical focus, but
Standard allows for each Item ID                             they also have a regulatory focus. The
to represent a new configurable                              services provided by these platforms
token type, which may have its                               are worth nothing if they do not ensure
                                                             that the customers using the platforms
own total supply value and other                             comply with relevant legal requirements
such attributes.”13                                                                                              12.
                                                             when tokenizing assets through their                    ethereum/EIPs/
                                                             platforms and services.                                 blob/master/EIPS/
4.2 How and why tokenize real-world                                                                        
assets?                                                      Factora provides smart contract-based               13.
A new group of companies that                                infrastructure to create automation for                 es/1155. Read more
specialises in delivering services within                    issuers and transparency for investors—                 about ERC-1155 here:
the field of asset tokenization has                          “enabling standardization, transparency,                https://blog.enjin-
already emerged.                                             and liquidity across capital markets.”        
                                                             *Harbor describes themselves as the “all-               dard-ac9cf1c5a226
This group includes companies like                           in-one platform for digital securities”.14          14.
Factora, Harbor, Swarm, Polymath
and TrustToken. These companies are

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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                           10
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
Polymath states that their “Polymath                         traditional securities trading world, we
ST-20 standard embeds regulatory                             should expect rapid settlement, which
requirements into the tokens themselves,                     means that settlement will be cut down
restricting trading to verified participants                 significantly. Currently, securities traded
only.”15 TrustToken explains how their                       on traditional exchanges settle between
SmartTrust is “a new type of trust                           one and three days after the transaction
developed in collaboration with the top                      date (T+1 to T+3) depending on the type
trust law attorneys in the world”.16 And                     of security, while bitcoin transactions
finally, Swarm’s Market Access Protocol                      settle in approximately ten minutes.
(MAP) ”takes care of compliance so                           McKeon is confident that we will reach a
that token issuers can focus on their                        point of rapid settlement, but he warns
core function of managing the assets                         about the complexity involved:
and conveying their investment’s value
proposition.” 17                                                 Trades for bitcoin or ether
                                                             settle in minutes, not days,
Relevant areas of regulatory compliance
for the tokenization of real-world
                                                             but there are a lot more
assets certainly encompass securities                        parties involved in securities
laws in the jurisdictions in which                           transactions—more than most
the tokenization is taking place, the                        investors appreciate. There are
jurisdictions in which the tokens are                        complexities such as short selling
expected to be traded, and most likely                       and margin buying. Blockchain
also KYC/AML policies, tax laws and
marketing practices acts.
                                                             has the potential to increase
                                                             settlement speed for securities,
Provided that the legal requirements                         but it’s more complicated than a
are met, tokenization of real-world                          comparison to cryptocurrencies.
assets unlocks valuable benefits that                                                                      15. https://blog.
                                                             The degree to which these               
cannot be redeemed in a conventional                         processes can be automated                        unveiling-polymath-
environment. McKeon lists eight features                                                                       core-toro-
of tokenized assets that he believes
                                                             through interoperable smart                       62ec6562359d
“form the foundation of the thesis that                      contracts will determine the gains            16. https://www.
security tokens will see widespread                          in settlement speed.”19                       17. https://medium.
adoption across numerous asset classes                                                                         com/swarmfund/
in the coming years.”18 The eight                            Interoperability and automation are               map-for-security-
features are:                                                certainly recurring keywords when                 token-issuers-
    24/7 markets                                             describing features and benefits              18. https://hackernoon.
    Rapid settlement                                         related to tokenization of assets.                com/the-security-
    Asset interoperability                                   McKeon says about the feature of asset            token-thesis-
    Automated compliance                                     interoperability:                                 4c5904761063
                                                                                                           19. https://hackernoon.
    Reduction in direct costs                                                                                   com/the-security-
    Increased liquidity                          The thesis underpinning                                        token-thesis-
    Fractional ownership                     the idea that everything will                                      4c5904761063
    Expansion of the design space for
    security contracts.
                                             be tokenized is grounded in                                   *
                                             the aspiration that everything
Since neither the internet nor blockchain will be interoperable. If the
have any limitations regarding time or       ecosystem for global assets
time zones it is very likely that the future becomes interoperable, it means
markets of security tokens will be around we can hold ownership claims
the clock 24/7 markets. And since
trading of tokens will be on-chain events
                                             to a commercial building, early-
cutting away the middlemen from the          stage equity, corporate bonds, a                              RETURN TO TABLE OF

Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                    11
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
T-bill, a single-family residence,                           And EY reached the same conclusion
                                                             in their report Chain Reaction in 2016,
and a decentralized network on
                                                             saying that “within a typical finance
the same platform. Further, we                               team at banks and insurers, between
could self-custody these types                               50 and 100 working days are lost each
of ownership claims in a single                              month reconciling differences. Adopting
hardware wallet, if so desired.”20                           a shared ledger approach will help, by
                                                             enabling all parties concerned to identify
Furthermore, smart contracts will have                       the same transactions at the source, with
the ability to include compliance as well.                   data being published simultaneously
Harbor’s CEO Josh Stein has described                        — significantly reducing the number of
a future trading scenario in a blockchain                    reconciliations required.”24
and smart contract based environment
with automated compliance built into                         Increasing liquidity is a major driving
the security tokens like this:                               force behind the growing trend of
                                                             tokenization of real-world assets. Of
    By automating compliance,                                the total wealth of USD 280 trillion
issuers can allow their investors to                         in the world in 2017, financial assets
                                                             account for 54%, debt accounts for            20. https://hackernoon.
trade to the limit of their liquidity                        13% and real (non-financial) assets the            com/the-security-
across multiple exchanges. Now                               remaining 33%25. These numbers vary a
imagine a world where buyers and                             great deal from country to country, and       21. https://techcrunch.
sellers around the world can trade                           most of the world’s wealth is already in          com/2018/08/28/
                                                             relatively liquid assets, but a significant       security-tokens-will-
24/7/365 with near instantaneous                                                                               be-coming-soon-to-
settlement and no counterparty                               part is placed in other, non-financial            an-exchange-near-
                                                             and less liquid asset types. For a large          you/?guccounter=1
risk — that is something only                                percentage of these, it must be assumed       22. The above-
possible through blockchain.”21                              that tokenization could be considered an          mentioned article
                                                                                                               (note 25) discusses
                                                             option.                                           the exchange
An interesting related question is how                                                                         question.
the development of exchanges will play                       Already liquid asset classes like             23. http://www.
out as tokenization gains momentum.                          traditional financial securities, such as
Are the likes of Harbor going to develop                     shares, can benefit from tokenization.            line-eyewitness-
the next generation exchanges for the                        In May 2018 VC firm Morgan Creek                  of-2008-crisis-
trading of regulated security tokens? Will                   announced their plan for a full                   a-supporter-of-
it be the cryptocurrency exchanges? The                      tokenization of all the shares of the             blockchain--inter-
players from the old world like Nasdaq?                      IT company Anexio. Partner Anthony            24. https://www.
Or perhaps a combination of all the                          Pompliano stated: “Once all assets are   
above? Time will show and most likely                        tokenized, then we believe the entire              vwLUAssets/
very soon.22                                                 financial system will be more efficient            EY-chain-
                                                             and compliant. Morgan Creek is focused             EY-chain-reaction-
When it comes to reduction on direct                         on tokenization because that’s where               how-blockchain-
costs, McKeon points at reconciliation                       we believe there is less hype and more             technology-could-
as one of the areas in which trading of a                    sustainable value being created.”                  revolutionize-the-
tokenized asset could lead to substantial                    While tokenization of already relatively      25. https://www.
cost savings over traditional securities.                    liquid assets makes sense, the biggest  
Many others, including CEO of Digital                        opportunity is the tokenization of                corporate/en/
Asset, Blythe Masters, have pointed                          more illiquid asset classes like equity           research/research-
out the savings potential in eliminating                     from non-exchange, privately traded               wealth-report.html,
“the need for reconciliation”23 by                           companies, real estate, and art, antiques         p. 47.
using blockchain or distributed ledger
technology (DLT).
                                                                                                           RETURN TO TABLE OF

Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                    12
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
and collectables. Because the liquidation                       Tokenizing a work of art introduces a digital
of such assets is more difficult and costly                  signature that cannot be altered. The digital token
(the right buyer must be found, and if                       representing the Mona Lisa is one of a kind. It is
the seller needs to sell immediately he is                   not a copy. But the token can be broken down into
likely to lose money) the valuation often
includes a so-called illiquidity discount
                                                             sub-tokens, each also digitally signed. In this way,
which takes these disadvantages into                         “shares” of a unique piece of art can be sold to
account.                                                     the general public. […] Each holder of a Mona Lisa
                                                             token doesn’t have a copy of the Mona Lisa – they
Making these asset types more liquid                         actually own a part of the artwork itself, which they
through tokenization should remove the                       can keep as a store of value or sell to another willing
illiquidity discount, which could add up
to considerable amounts. In the R-Token
white paper published by Harbor the                          It is believed the first company in the       26.
conclusion is that “given that the asset                     world to realise this idea is Masterworks29        pdf
categories within the private securities                     founded by serial entrepreneur and art         27. It is not that
market are massive (in the trillions),                       collector Scott Lynn in 2017. The first            it would be
and that the illiquidity discount can be                     piece of artwork to be tokenized and               impossible to
                                                                                                                do without
as high as 20-30%, the tokenization of                       sold off in fractions by the company was           tokenization and
private securities has the potential to                      Andy Warhol’s 1 Colored Marilyn reversal           blockchain, but
unlock billions of dollars in value.”26                      series, which Masterworks bought at a              it would be very
                                                             Phillips auction in New York in November           burdensome and
                                                                                                                there is absolutely
Another key feature and major                                2017. Lynn explains the blockchain-based           no tradition for
advantage of tokenization is a new                           platform for trading of art:                       such things in the
opening for fractional ownership.                                                                               traditional world of
Fungible assets are well suited for                                                                             art or investments
                                                                  The platform lets anyone                      – even though we
fractional ownership – you can buy                           invest in major works of art for as                have seen a few
just 1 gram of gold or 10, 100 or 1,000                                                                         experiments like
grams – no matter if the asset is traded
                                                             little as $20 per share. […] There                 this one: https://
in a real-life scenario or in a virtual                      are two ways an investor can get a       
space represented by tokens. But for                         return. Firstly, an investor can sell              art/london-art-
non-fungible assets, the matter is quite                     their shares to another investor                   exchange-lets-
different. A non-fungible asset like an oil                  on an approved trading platform.                   collectors-buy-
painting is a unique piece of art and until                                                                     shares-of-a-
                                                             Secondly, a collector can make                     banksy-idUSBREA3
now fractional ownership of artworks
has not been an option.27
                                                             an offer to purchase a painting                    A0TT20140411
                                                                                                           28. https://blockonomi.
                                                             from investors, and they can vote                  com/tokenization-
However, this might be about to change                       on whether or not to sell. […]                     blockchain/
                                                                                                           29. https://www.
with the ability of tokenizing non-                          Blockchain allows us to approve          
fungible assets by using a standard such                     multiple exchanges to trade each              30. https://venturebeat.
as ERC-721 or ERC-1155. Oliver Dale from                     painting’s tokens to provide more                  com/2018/07/26/
Blockonomi puts it this way:                                                                                    masterworks-
                                                             liquidity to investors.”30                         offers-fractional-

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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                     13
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
limitation regarding the virtual
                                                             representation of tokenized assets:

                                                             “Tokenization is a method that converts
                                                             rights to an asset into a digital token.”32

                                                             Tokenization converts a right to the
                                                             asset in question, but not the asset itself.
                                                             This evident limitation for tokenization
                                                             of tangible, real-world assets leads to
                                                             plenty of concerns.

                                                             A major challenge is how to establish a
                                                             genuine and trustworthy link between
                                                             the digital tokens and the actual physical

                                                               How can I be sure that the assets,           31. 1 Colored Marilyn
                                                               which are supposed to back my                    reversal series, 1979
                                                                                                                by Andy Warhol, oil
                                                               tokens, exist in real life?
                                                                                                                and silkscreen inks
                                                  31           How can I be sure that the assets are            on canvas 18 1/4 x
                                                               not being resold, replaced, stolen or            13 3/4 in. (46.4 x
                                                               destroyed?                                       34.9 cm). Estimate
                                                                                                                $1,500,000 -
Art is just one example of a market in                         How can I legally claim ownership of
                                                                                                                2,000,000. Sold for
which we will see fractional ownership                         (part of) the asset backing my token?            $1,815,000. HTTPS://
based on tokenization of non-fungible                                                                           WWW.PHILLIPS.
assets. But much larger and far more                         In the case of DigiX33, which is a                 COM/DETAIL/
valuable is, of course, a market like                        company offering gold on the Ethereum
real estate. If token-based fractional                       blockchain, 1 DGX token = 1 gram of            32. https://medium.
ownership might look like a curiosity                        “bullion from LBMA-approved refiners               com/coinmonks/
when it comes to fine art, it seems a lot                    that we store with our custodial vault”34,         asset-tokenization-
more obvious and likely in the case of                       and DigiX promises that anyone holding
real estate.                                                 at least 100 DGX will be able at any time          plain-english-
                                                             to redeem their tokens for genuine gold.           f4e4b5e26a6d
Imagination is the only limit when                                                                          33.
                                                                                                            34. https://digix.zen-
it comes to tokenizing real estate.                          DigiX has even developed a protocol
Anything from skyscrapers to football                        called the Proof of Provenance (PoP)               articles/
stadiums, private estates to public                          to keep track of “the movement of                  360001814051-
buildings and landmarks could be                             physical assets (gold in the case of DGX)          How-does-the-pri-
tokenized in the future, and offered in                      through the change of hands, from the
small fractions to anybody in the world.                     bullion supplier to the custodial vault        35. https://digix.zen-
Smaller investors would be able to                           in a transparent and cryptographically   
build up their own portfolio containing                      secure manner. PoP proves the existence            aticles/3600017859
fractions of whatever interests them                         of the physical asset, the authenticity
within the global real estate market –                       of its ownership and the security of its           PoP-protocol-
ranging from world-famous buildings to                       storage in the custodial vault.”35
local shopping centers.
                                                             DigiX explains that the protocol uses
4.3 Challenges of tokenizing real-world                      “private keys and documentations
assets                                                       uploaded onto IPFS, a distributed file
Some definitions of tokenization                             sharing database, and the blockchain”
underline an obvious but important                           to prove that the link between the DGXs        RETURN TO TABLE OF

Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                     14
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
in circulation and the gold bullions                         dollars. And as we will see below, the
stored in a physical vault somewhere                         potential does not stop with the sheer
in Singapore36 is always genuine and                         tokenization of assets – sometimes
unbroken.                                                    called first generation tokenization.
                                                             Although tokenization is still in its very
This example shows that it is possible                       early days, it is time to look even further
to establish and secure a trustworthy                        and explore the potential of a second-
link from the digital tokens to the actual                   generation tokenization, where global
physical asset, but its setup could be                       stablecoin systems are integrated into
relatively complicated.                                      the ecosystem.

In the case of gold, a critical issue is                     The Dai Credit System has the ability to
the physical security for the real-world                     further increase the liquidity of a large
asset. The advantage, on the other hand,                     variety of tokenized asset types by
is that an asset like gold is not being                      enabling the token owners to take out
moved around, but stays in the custodial                     loans against the tokenized assets. By
vault. The opposite is the case, if we take                  doing so, new non-volatile money – Dai
shipping containers as an example. The                       – is created in a process that resembles
value of each container is relatively low –                  the way 95% of all money is created
around USD 2,000 - and containers are                        today in the traditional banking system
far from as exposed to theft as gold. But                    – by fractional reserve banking – except
the problem here is that containers are                      for the fact that Dai is backed by more
being moved around all the time, which                       than a full reserve of assets.
makes it far more challenging at any
time to keep track of their whereabouts.                     In the following chapters, we will explain
                                                             the mechanics as well as the potential of
In many cases of tokenization of real-                       this second-generation tokenization in
world assets – like in the DigiX case                        more detail, but first, we will give a short
– a certain degree of centralization                         introduction to stablecoins followed by a
when it comes to securing of the link                        presentation of Maker and the Dai Credit
between the actual asset and the virtual                     System.
representation will have to be accepted.
The owners of DGX tokens have to trust
DigiX and their business partners, and
that the bouillons are kept safely in the
vault in Singapore. – and to some extent,
this, of course, collides with the basic
idea of blockchain and decentralization.

This points to a need to think about the
legal situation of the link between the
virtual representation – the token – and
the assets that the token represents.
This is a work-in-progress because the
area is new and legislation is still being
developed around the world.

The potential value of tokenization                                                                         36. https://www.thesa-
of real-world assets is not currently                                                                 
quantifiable, but there is little doubt
that it should be counted in billions of
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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                    15
- towards a regulated and stable token-driven economy
5. Stablecoins – a brief introduction
                                                                                                           37. As pointed out in
So far, we have described utility tokens                     In the next sections, we will take a closer       among others this
and security tokens. Stablecoins are the                     look at an important relation between             article: https://
third category of tokens, which will play                    tokenization of real-world assets and   
a key role in the development of a token-                    stablecoins. We will also explain how the         Digix/partnership-
driven economy.                                              downward spiral of the crypto market              makerdao-and-
                                                             can be broken by a successful uptake              digix-dgx-gold-
Stablecoins certainly have a utility: to                     of tokenization and stablecoins – or to           tokens-to-play-a-
keep a stable price. If a stablecoin – like                  be more precise: multi collateral-backed          crucial-role-in-the-
Maker’s Dai – is pegged to the USD,                          stablecoins like Dai.
it must keep its value at one dollar or
very close to one dollar, despite what                       Dai currently offers the most
happens in the market.                                       comprehensive and genuine answers on
                                                             how to fight volatility and at the same
5.1 Fighting volatility                                      time helps realize the potential of a
Until now virtually all cryptocurrencies                     future token-driven economy.
on the market, regardless of history,
market maturity or volume, have turned
out to be volatile to such an extreme
degree that they are useless in a wide
range of contexts – that is in cases
of payments, loans, remittance, value
storage, and more.

Stablecoins offer a solution to the
critical issue of high volatility, which
can paralyze the entire crypto market,
as many cryptocurrencies37 “tend to
be correlated, i.e. they fall and rise
together”. Since today’s market is often
irrational, it is nearly impossible to
predict performance. This uncertainty
scares away potential investors.

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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                     16
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6. Maker and the Dai Credit System
Maker was founded in 2014 and its                            this, daily volatility has meant that, in   38. Would have been
offering, the Dai Credit System, was the                     practice, bitcoin no longer serves the          approx. three times
                                                                                                             as much in late
first stablecoin project on the smart                        purpose intended by Satoshi Nakamoto,           2017!
contract based Ethereum blockchain.                          when he wrote in his famous white paper     39.
                                                             that:                                           bitcoin.pdf
In addition, Maker issues MKR, the
governance token for the Dai Credit                              What is needed is an
System. MKR holders have voting rights                       electronic payment system based
on key strategic decisions regarding
the development of Maker and its
                                                             on cryptographic proof instead
technological platform. MKR owners                           of trust, allowing any two willing
concurrently act as safeguards, securing                     parties to transact directly with
the stability of the Dai Credit System in                    each other without the need for a
case of unexpected turbulence in the                         trusted third party.”39
                                                             This was written in 2008, but
As the Dai Credit System grows and                           paradoxically bitcoin has been
evolves, Maker has established more                          completely useless as a payment means
than two hundred partnerships globally.                      for years now, ever since it became
                                                             popular as an asset class and started to
Later we will review just three of these                     attract investors.
partnerships and see how they utilise
Dai, but first a closer look under the                       The Dai stablecoin aims to remove the
hood of the Dai Credit System.                               volatility seen in the crypto market,
                                                             making it possible to start using
6.1 The mechanics of the Dai Credit                          cryptocurrencies for real-life practical
System                                                       purposes, and serve as a foundation for
To make any kind of trading – from                           a token-driven economy.
simple buying and selling to professional
trading – on a blockchain applicable                         A core element of the Dai Credit System
and attractive, it is crucial to eliminate                   is the Collateralized Debt Position or
the high volatility synonymous with all                      CDP, which is a fully autonomous/
cryptocurrencies today.                                      automated smart contract enabling
                                                             anyone to deposit certain types of assets
Cryptocurrencies that might lose 10                          as collateral on the Maker platform
or 20% of their value within hours                           and take out loans in Dai against the
are unattractive for blockchain based                        collateral.
trading – like instant settlement, low
fees, decentralisation, and high security                    6.1.1 The CDP interaction process
– unless stability is introduced in the                      Step 1: Creating the CDP and
system.                                                      depositing collateral
                                                             To create a CDP, the user sends a
The classic example is the story of                          transaction that transfers the amount
the developer who bought two pizzas                          and type of collateral that will be used
in 2010 for 10,000 bitcoins, blissfully                      to generate Dai to a smart contract in
unaware that 10,000 bitcoins today                           the decentralized MakerDAO system.
would correspond to USD 65 million.38                        At this point, the CDP is considered
But, apart from extreme examples like                        collateralized.
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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

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Step 2: Generating Dai from the                                  1 ETH=100USD
collateralized CDP                                                                     1 ETH                            66 DAI                                66 DAI                            1 ETH
The CDP user then sends a transaction                                                 Open CDP                       Generate Dai                          Pays back Dai                     Withdraw ETH
to retrieve the amount of Dai they                                         YOU                         CDP                                YOU                                  CDP                             YOU

want from the CDP, and in return the
CDP accrues an equivalent amount of                                     Your wallet               Your wallet                       Your wallet                            Your wallet                      Your wallet
debt, locking them out of access to the                                   1 ETH                        CDP                                CDP                                  CDP                            1 ETH

collateral until the outstanding debt is                                                          Contains
                                                                                                             1 ETH
                                                                                                             0 DAI
                                                                                                                                    Contains 1 ETH
                                                                                                                                    Owed     66 DAI
                                                                                                                                                                                     1 ETH
                                                                                                                                                                                     0 DAI

paid.                                                                                                                                    66 DAI

Step 3: Paying down the debt and                                                                                                    NOTE:
                                                                                                                                    You can’t close this
                                                                                                                                    CDP until the 66

Stability Fee                                                                                                                       DAI you generated
                                                                                                                                    is paid back (to-
                                                                                                                                    gether with a small
When the user wants to retrieve their                                                                                               stability fee)

collateral, they must pay down the debt
in the CDP, plus the Stability Fee that             Fig. 1: This figure shows the normal interaction process as described in the
continuously accrues on the debt over               four steps above when opening a CDP, generating Dai, paying back Dai,
                                                    withdrawing collateral (ETH) and closing the CDP.
time. Once the user sends the requisite
Dai to the CDP to
pay down the debt            1 ETH=100 USD                                          1 ETH=70 USD                                                                Much like a ”margin
                                                                                                                                                                call” the system
and Stability Fee,                          1 ETH               66 DAI
                                                                                                                                                                has automatically
                                                                                                                                                                liquidated your
the CDP becomes                                                                                                                                                 CDP to the highest
                                                                                                                                                                bidder. While person
debt free.                                 Open CDP          Generate Dai
                                                                                                                                                                X gets to keep the
                                         Person X                   CDP                        Person X                                   CDP                   DAI that Person X               Person X
                                                                                                                                                                has borrowed, the 1
                                                                                                                                                                ETH Person X puts
Step 4:                                                                                                                                                         into the CDP con-
                                                                                                                                                                tract has been sold
Withdrawing                           Person X wallet        Your wallet                  Person X wallet                        Person X wallet
                                                                                                                                                                to someone else
                                                                                                                                                                                             Person X wallet
                                                                                                                                                                and used to pay off
collateral and                            1 ETH                     CDP                           CDP                                     CDP
                                                                                                                                                                Person X’s debt.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 66 DAI
closing the CDP                                              Contains   1 ETH               Contains     1 ETH                    Undercollateralized

With the debt and                                            Owed        0 DAI              Owed         66 DAI                     LIQUIDATION

Stability Fee paid                                                                               66 DAI
down, the CDP
user can freely                                                                                                        66 DAI                               1 ETH
retrieve all or some
of their collateral                                                                                                    Pay DAI for ETH                     Receive ETH

back to their                                                                                  Person Y                                                                      Person Y

wallet by sending
a transaction to
Maker.40                                                                                  Person Y wallet
                                                                                          before auction
                                                                                                                                                                         Person Y wallet
                                                                                                                                                                          after auction

                                                                                                 66 DAI                                                                        1 ETH

                              Fig. 2: This describes the event of automatic liquidation of a CDP in case of undercollateralisation.
                              To ensure there is always enough collateral in the system to cover the value of all outstanding debt
                              (according to the Target Price), a CDP can be liquidated if it is calculated to be too risky. The Maker
                              Platform determines when to liquidate a CDP by comparing the Liquidation Ratio with the current
40. https://makerdao.         collateral-to-debt ratio of the CDP. Each CDP type has its own unique Liquidation Ratio that is controlled
    com/whitepaper/           by MKR voters and established based on the risk profile of the particular collateral asset of that CDP type.
    Dai-Whitepa-              Liquidation occurs when a CDP hits its Liquidation Ratio. The Maker Platform sells off enough collateral
    per-Dec17-en.pdf          to cover the outstanding debt. Any surplus collateral will be returned to the CDP, so the CDP owner can
    p. 4                      withdraw it.

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Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

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6.2 Entering the Second-Generation                                                                                     Authorized participants
Tokenization Phase                                                                                                         generate DAi

As described earlier in this white                                                      Secondary Market

paper, the process of tokenizing an                                                                            CDPs                              Dai
asset unlocks numerous advantages
like increased liquidity, fractional
                                                              Off-chain collateral is
ownership, rapid settlement, and more.                        ”tokenized” through
                                                              an intermediary               Security
This can be considered ‘first-generation                      institution, where
                                                              only authorized
tokenization’, and as mentioned above,                        participants can             Exchange
                                                              custody and transfer
several companies around the world are                        them - a ”walled                         Authorized participants        Authorized participant
                                                              garden”.                                                                  with public adress
currently developing or offering this kind
of asset tokenization.                                                                                                                   Dai now exists
                                                                                                                                         outside the walled
                                                                                                                                         garden, in the public
Combining first-generation tokenization                                                                                                  addresses of
                                                                                                                                         the authorized
and global multi collateral-backed                                 Security                            Security backed tokens

stablecoin systems will allow us to enter
a second-generation tokenization phase
in which the potential of the tokenized
assets will be further developed and                                                                                          Fig 3: This shows how
                                                                                                                              Maker can facilitate
utilised – and at the same time we will                      In an interview with the CEO of Nomics,                          decentralized lending
be able to create the necessary setup                        Clay Collins, in July 2018, Josh Stein,                          on regulated products.
for issuance of sufficient amounts of                        CEO of Harbor notes:
non-volatile cryptocurrencies to fuel the
future token economy.                                            I think it [tokenized securities
                                                             and real estate] has the potential
6.2.1 The Dai Credit System’s
importance for tokenized assets
                                                             to become the foundation or the
In the Dai Credit System, tokenized                          basis for Stablecoins. So today,
assets can be used as collateral in a CDP.                   for example, I’m a big fan of the
This enables the owner of the tokenized                      MakerDAO project and some of
asset to take out loans in Dai against the                   the other Stablecoin projects that
collateralized asset and use Dai within                      are out there. There is so much
the token economy – just like a crypto
counterpart to fiat currency – or to
                                                             friction involved because the
exchange Dai for USD, or to leverage the                     cryptocurrencies are so volatile,
owners’ position and buy more assets to                      and there’s so much commerce
put into the CDP.                                            that wants to be done in what
                                                             is essentially fiat, and folks are
Currently, ether is the only collateral                      looking for crypto fiat, and that’s
available in the Dai Credit System,
but in a short while we expect to
                                                             what the Stablecoin projects
see more asset classes accepted as                           are about. The issue is, let’s take
collateral. Because assets like real                         the MakerDAO for example, you
estate or gold are far less volatile than                    pledge collateral, and in order to
cryptocurrencies, the Dai Credit System                      get Dai, you have to significantly
is expected to be much more stable and                       over-collateralize that contract
efficient for users as they will be able to
take out more Dai against less volatile
                                                             if you’re using cryptocurrencies
assets without jeopardising the security                     precisely because they are so
of the system.                                               volatile. There is a confidence
                                                             issue in the value there. And you
                                                                                                                                 RETURN TO TABLE OF
                                                             are vulnerable to a classic run                                         CONTENTS

Informational Paper from the Tokenizer prepared for Maker:

Tokenizing real-world assets                                                                                                                                     19
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