TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games

Page created by Eduardo Garner
TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games
Tickets at table games

The micro ticket redemption
machine and issuing device
for table games
TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games
CountR – the solution provider for casinos

CountR is a worldwide leading developer for cash handling and cash management solutions for casinos.
We support our clients in streamlining their cash processing, increasing security, and automating work processes.

Boosting revenues                Players can easily move bet-     High speed note counting         The remote monitoring tool
while cutting costs –            ween table games and slot        with up to 1500 notes per        allows you also to easily
it can be done!                  machines and vice versa.         minute will cut down your        change the configuration
                                 There is no longer a need to     transaction times dramati-       remotely from your desktop.
Coinless and cashless            visit a cashier or redempti-     cally and also make sure         There is no need to walk
gaming is gaining ground         on kiosk with the risk of the    that no counterfeit money is     through the casino floor for
against the traditional coin-    customer leaving the casino.     accepted.                        administration purposes.
based systems. TITO based
techniques are especially        When leaving the table the       Multiple foreign currencies      Software updates can
dominating slot machine          player is receiving a ticket     can be accepted and will be      be loaded via the remote
gaming today. The next step      that can be redeemed at any      converted into local currency    monitoring tool. This makes
of optimization is made by       of the automated redemption      in a heartbeat with hourly up-   an update of 100 TITAs on
reducing action steps for        kiosks. This will help you to    dated exchange rates by the      the floor a 15 minutes job
players on table games.          reduce queues at the cas-        remote monitoring software.      and ensures that all your
With the help of TITA, traffic   hier’s booth.                                                     TITAs are running the same
between slot and table                                            Operation and                    software.
gaming will increase, thereby    At the end of each dealer‘s      Configuration
growing revenue while redu-      shift a report will be printed                                    Operator access will be
cing cost.                       that can be used to balance      Our graphical user interface     managed remotely and
                                 the table game.                  insures that your dealers        makes sure all TITAs at
Benefits                                                          learn quickly how to operate     your premises are always at
                                 Cash and promotional vou-        TITA.                            the same level. When you
We have been able to shrink      cher transactions can also                                        remove an operator remotely
our automated redemption         be accepted via TITA. This       A remote monitoring tool         he or she will instantly have
kiosk to make it fit to the      gives you full transparency of   allows you to monitor all        no access to the system on
limited space on your table      your table games.                transactions instantly and       the floor.
games.                                                            to know the exact amount
                                 Using a validator is making      of cash and tickets at each      Via access levels you can
This will help improve your      sure no counterfeit money is     table at any time. Detailed      make sure that the access
operation significantly. Play-   accepted by the dealers.         settlement reports are also      of each operator is limited to
ers are no longer carrying       The cashbox will stack all       available.                       only the functionality he or
the chips to your cashiers.      notes and tickets in a secure                                     she requires.
And it will significantly re-    area. Hand sorting of your
duce fills and drops for your    drop boxes in soft count isn’t
table games.                     needed anymore.
TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games
TITA: Enable ticket               Players can change cash
handling at your table            to chips directly at the
games                             table game
                                  A note acceptor with
With the TITA device              bundle option can be
installed at a table game         attached for improved
you can:                          cash acceptance at the
                                  table game
  Validate tickets and display    Players can optionally use
  their amounts                   promotional vouchers at
  Accept tickets at a table       the table game
  game and also allow them        Players no longer have to
  to be partially exchanged       redeem their chips at the
  to chips                        cashier’s cage
  Check whether or not            TITA accounts for tickets,
  tickets are valid               cash and vouchers
  Issue and print tickets in
  exchange for chips             With the help of TITA
  Print ticket through table     you can eliminate
  option available
  Accept cash at a table          Chip handling at the cage
  game to be exchanged for        Players carrying chips to
  chips                           the cashier´s cage
  Accept vouchers at a table      Long lines in front of the
  game to be exchanged for        cage at peak times
  chips                           Taking chips from the cage
                                  back to the tables
You optimize the
procedure for the                Fully integrated into
players                          existing casino IT
  Players can move from
  table games to slots and        Simple LAN connection to
  vice versa without cashing      the casino online system
  tickets or chips                and the CountR ART
  Players can easily cash         monitoring software
  their table game winnings       Optional wireless
  at the nearest ticket           connection
  redemption machine
TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games
TITA Product Family                                        TITA Technical Data

                                                                                       Weight (top/bottom)
               Feature                    TITA Silver    TITA Gold     TITA Platinum
                                                                                       Approx. 1 kg / 4 kg
       Change Tickets into Chips              ü              ü               ü
          Print Change Ticket                 ü              ü               ü         Power supply
       Change Chips into Ticket               ü              ü               ü         110 – 220 V, 50/60 Hz
Validation through Casino Online System       ü              ü               ü
                                                                                       Android device with
       Graphical User Interface               ü              ü               ü         integrated
             Touch Screen                     ü              ü               ü
                                                                                         Camera / Barcode Scanner
    Redeem Promotional Vouchers               ü              ü               ü
      Manual Cash Transactions                ü              ü               ü           Android OS
      Optional Customer Display               ü              ü               ü
                                                                                       Separate chassis for ticket
    Remote Monitoring of Fill Levels          ü              ü               ü
                                                                                       printer and peripherals
  Remote Monitoring of Transactions           ü              ü               ü
    Remote Monitoring of Fill Levels          ü              ü               ü           Ticket Printer
                                                                                         Casino Online System Interface
         Remote Configuration                 ü              ü               ü           Power Supply
       Remote Software Update                 ü              ü               ü
    Remote Operator Administration            ü              ü              ü          Approvals
         Barcode Recognition               Scanner        Acceptor       Acceptor        CE
         Counterfeit Detection                           2 Notes per    1,500 Notes      RoHS-compliant
                                                           Second        per Minute
                                                          Up to 15       Up to 100
 Bundle Acceptor for Notes and Tickets
                                                           Notes          Notes
     Cash Box with Stacked Notes                         Up to 2,200
    Safe Bag for Notes and Tickets                                      Up to 10,000
                Escrow                                       ü               ü
 Accepting Multiple Foreign Currencies                       ü               ü
Automated Update of Exchange Rates                           ü               ü
Legend: ü = Standard, o = Option

CountR GmbH
Fahrenheitstrasse 6
14532 Kleinmachnow

     +49 (0)33203 87999 0		                             www.countr.de
     +49 (0)33203 87999 99
                                                     info@countr.de                      © CountR GmbH 2019
TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games TITA Tickets at table games The micro ticket redemption machine and issuing device for table games
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