Page created by Thomas Fisher

FOR KWAJ AND ROI 5                                          RMI EBEYE HOSPITAL QUARANTINE NURSE
                                                            TAINA KUBULALA SMILES OUTSIDE THE KWAJ

                                                            LODGE FOLLOWING THE RELEASE OF MAR-
                                                            SHALLESE CITIZENS FROM QUARANTINE.

   Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 /6Volume 62 Number 39   1          JESSICA
                                                                             Kwajalein Hourglass
 The pace is different, but due to quaran-
 tine, life on Kwajalein Atoll has acquired
 a new normal.
    More than 55 Marshall Islands res-
 idents were repatriated this week on
 U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll af-
 ter completing a seven-day quarantine
 in Honolulu and a 14-day quarantine on
 U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll.
    USAG-KA Director of Host Nation Ac-
 tivities Maj. Jay Parsons and Command
 Sgt. Maj. Ismael Ortega met the group at
 the Kwaj Lodge Sept. 22 to welcome them                       U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH
 home and back outdoors. The tranche
 stood for a group photo with members                     You never know who you might meet on repatriation day. Sam Leon, right, introduced
 of the Ebeye Hospital team facilitating                  his grandson, Conner, to Kwajalein employee Boston Lang after quarantine. Leon was
 medical services for quarantine.                         a longtime employee who began work on Kwajalein in the 1960s.
    More than 15 members of the tranche
 bound for Majuro boarded an Air Mar-                     was here,” said Leon, checking out the
 shall Islands flight later that morning. Is-             surroundings.
 land logistics personnel transported oth-                   Leon had retired from work on Kwaja-
                                                                                                                             SURFWAY IMPROVEMENTS
 er tranche members to Echo Pier before                   lein in the late 1990s and has resided on                             ARE COMING SOON
 traveling to Ebeye.                                      Majuro ever since.
    Outside the Kwaj Lodge, returning                        “I worked at General Supplies Ware-                          Beginning in October, improve-
 RMI residents talked with friends and en-                house, the hospital and at Finance.”                            ments will be made to the Kwa-
 joyed some fresh air with Ebeye Hospital                    Leon’s conversation caught the atten-                        jalein Surfway. Your patience is
 medical personnel.                                       tion of Boston Lang, an island employee                         appreciated as work gets under-
    “Every few weeks, we go back inside,”                 awaiting family members who arrived                             way. We apologize for any invon-
 said Taina Kubulala, the head RMI nurse                  with the tranche. He stopped his bike                           venience this may cause. Store
 in the quarantine and repatriation initia-               and shook hands with Leon.                                      associates will be available to help
 tive. “It feels good, out here.”                            “I knew him for a long time, when I was                      customers who need assistance
    Quarantine has also made it possible                  younger, and we were both living on Eb-                         during construction.
 for longtime friends to briefly reconnect                eye,” Lang said.                                                   Kwajalein residents are request-
 before returning to distant parts of the                    Repatriation quarantine for the RMI                          ed to stay clear of construction
 atoll.                                                   began on Kwajalein Atoll in late 2020.                          areas and perimeter roadblocks
    One tranche member, who identified                    Joint efforts between the RMI and US-                           as construction teams and other
 himself as Sam Leon, took a long look                    AG-KA have facilitated the return of                            personnel carry out work in and
 down Ocean Road and inquired about                       more than 500 Marshallese residents                             around thoroughfares and routes
 how the island had changed over the                      stranded abroad by RMI travel restric-                          of travel.
 years.                                                   tions. To date, there are no active cases of
    “I was here before, back when the Navy                COVID-19 in the RMI.
                                                                                                                                      DINING CHANGES

SEPTEMBER IS                                                                                                              Dining privileges at the Zamperini
                                                                                                                          Cafeteria and Cafe Roi changed at
                                                                                                                          the beginning of this month. Read
                                                                                                                          on for a list of new rules and re-
                                                                                                                          minders in “Eat on Kwaj,” page 13.

                                                                                                                             PLANNED POWER OUTAGE
                                                                                                                                FOR BUILDING 806
2021                                                                                                                      A planned power outage is sched-
                                                                                                                          uled for Friday, Oct. 1 at 1 p.m. It
       MANIT MONTH                         HISPANIC HERITAGE                    GOLD STAR FAMILIES                        is possible there may be a brief in-
In the fall, the Republic of the                MONTH                       The last Sunday in September is               terruption in island-wide residen-
Marshall Islands celebrates           We are proud of the rich cultural     Gold Star Mother’s and Families               tial internet services during the
Marshallese culture, or “manit.”      heritage of our U.S. military ser-    Day. On Sept. 26, we honor the                test. Following the test, it may be
School and community celebra-         vice members. Now through Oct.        survivors of active duty service
tions throughout the month help       15, read more about National          members who lost their lives in
                                                                                                                          necessary to reset your modems to
us all appreciate the rich cultural   Hispanic Heritage Month in The        combat.                                       restore internet connections.
heritage of the RMI.                  Kwajalein Hourglass.

USAG-KA Manit Day is Sept. 27. Join the community at the
Marshallese Cultural Center. See page 11 for more details.

 The Kwajalein Hourglass is named for the insignia of     Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily official   Garrison Commander.....................Col. Thomas Pugsley
 the U.S. Army's 7th Infantry Division, which liberated   views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, De-       Garrison CSM............Command Sgt. Maj. Ismael Ortega
 the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb.     partment of Defense, Department of the Army or US-       Public Affairs Officer....................................Mike Brantley
 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized        AG-KA. It is published Saturdays in accordance with      Communications Manager............................Randall Hisle
 publication for military personnel, federal employees,   Army Regulation 360-1.                                   Editor............................................Jessica “JD” Dambruch
 contractor workers and their families assigned to U.S.   Phone: Defense Switching Network 254-5169
 Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll.                           Local phone: 5-5169

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                                  2                                                             The Kwajalein Hourglass
AFN 99.9 The Wave:
                                                                                          LIVE LOCAL RADIO
                                                                                         Listen Up
                                                                                         Kwajalein is home to AFN 99.9 The
                                                                                         Wave—the only contract-run Amer-
    U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH                                                  ican Forces Network radio station in
                                                                                         the world.
SACC Capt. of Guards Charles Cooley, left, Officer Adam Gomez, center, and Chief
Chris Ramsey conducted Gomez’s promotion ceremony at SACC headquarters on
                                                                                         Join the Crew
                                                                                         Listen to the AFN crew on the air
                                                                                         Tuesday through Saturday from 7 – 9
CHENEGA OFFICER PROMOTED TO CAPTAIN                                                      a.m., 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 4 – 6 p.m.
                                                                                         for the latest news and greatest hits of
                                                                                         Kwaj life on U.S. Army Garrison-Kwa-
                                              ee, was previously stationed in Japan      jalein Atoll.
                                              and brings a wealth of knowledge and
Officer Adam Gomez of Chenega Global          experience to his position.
Protection was promoted to captain in           He thanked Capt. of Guards Charles       AFN INTERVIEWS
a recent ceremony at Kwajalein’s secu-        Cooley and Chief Chris Ramsey for the      catch the latest ON afn 99.9 ‘the
rity headquarters building.                   opportunity to contribute more to the      wave’ radio, AS DJ Randall Hisle in-
   The occasion marks the third such          team effort on Kwajalein.                  terviews members of the Kwaj com-
promotion since the company arrived on          “This opportunity means so much,”        munity. Listen tuesday Through Sat-
Kwajalein, as Chenega assumes contract        said Gomez, accepting his certificate      urday from 7 to 9 a.m., 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
security duties on the garrison.              of promotion. “Thank you all for giv-      and 4 to 6 p.m.
   Gomez, a longtime Chenega employ-          ing me the chance to shine.”
                                                                                         Listen to AFN 99.9
                                                                                         The Wave on Roi
                                                                                         AFN 99.9 The Wave is now available
                                                                                         on Roi-Namur. Tune in to listen on
                                                                                         the radio and also on the AFN roller
                                                                                         channel, 19-1. For questions, com-
                                                                                         ments and more information, con-
                                                                                         tact AFN Communications Manager
                                                                                         Randall Hisle at 5-2114 or at Randall.

                                                                                         Don’t own a radio?
                                                                                         Don’t worry. You can tune in on the lo-
                                                                                         cal AFN roller channel, 19-5.

                                                                                         Want to learn more?
                                                                                         Contact AFN Manager Randall Hisle
                                                                                         at 5-2114.

                                                 USAG-KA NEWS
From left to right: Acting Kwajalein Police Chief Charles Goodson, Maj. Scott Beck,
Ebeye caseworker Handy Niro, Lt. Shawn Delaney; Majuro prevention workers Danya
Note, Tomiko Madison and Cindy Wase; and Ben Clancy, USAG-KA legal counsel visit
the Provost Marshal’s Office on U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll.

WUTMI VISITS USAG-KA                          gram initiatives and goals with island
                                              personnel. They visited with members
                                              of the USAG-KA Host Nation Office,                Shop & Ship Early
                                              Provost Marshal’s Office and the Kwa-
                                              jalein Hospital, and spoke with attend-            for the Holidays
Women United Together Marshall Is-            ees at the garrison’s quarterly Sexual     Even Santa and his elves use standard
lands, or WUTMI, is a chartered               Harassment/Assault Response and            shipping every once in a while.
non-government, not-for-profit organi-        Prevention training.                         This is a friendly reminder to shop
zation working to improve the lives of           During the visit, WUTMI and the         and ship early for your holiday needs.
Marshallese women and their families.         garrison team considered recommen-         September is not too early to place
  Among other functions, they provide         dations for future events programming      purchases online to make sure you are
services to abused women and teens to         on Kwajalein, including training with      ready for the winter holidays.
include sexual assault.                       first responders and hospital staff, and                —The Kwajalein Post Office
  On Sept. 17, WUTMI caseworkers              abuse awareness training for the com-
and prevention specialists from Ebeye         munity. They also discussed posting
and Majuro visited U.S. Army Garrison         WUTMI contact data and program in-
- Kwajalein Atoll to discuss their pro-       formation around the garrison.

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39               3                                       The Kwajalein Hourglass
Island Memorial Chapel
Service and Worship Times
Join the congregations of the Is-
land Memorial Chapel for weekly
services and praise and worship op-
portunities. Everyone is welcome.

Protestant Services
Sunday, 8:15 a.m.
Traditional Worship
Small Chapel

Sunday, 11 a.m.
Contemporary Service
Main Sanctuary

Catholic Services
Sunday, 9:15 a.m.
Main Sanctuary

Roi Services
Protestant Services
1st & 3rd Fridays at 6:30 p.m.                              COURTESY OF ISLAND MEMORIAL CHAPEL

Kwajalein Youth Fellowship                              Department of Public Works personnel masked the entire floor of the Island Memorial
Join us in the REB this fall at 6 p.m.                  Chapel main sanctuary during a maintenance visit to repaint pews.
on the following dates: Oct. 4 and
18; Nov. 1 and 15; and Dec. 6. For
more information, contact the Is-
land Memorial Chapel at 5-3505.                         RENOVATIONS AT ISLAND MEMORIAL CHAPEL
Night of Prayer and Praise                                                                                 The work was completed just in time,
Join the Island Memorial Chapel                                                                          as the winter holidays are fast-approach-
for a night of worship. Event meets                     Give thanks: The Island Memorial Chapel          ing U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll.
monthly at 7 p.m. on first Sundays                      pews have been repainted.                        During popular community events like
in the IMC main sanctuary.                                More than 35 pews at the open-air Is-          the Christmas Eve Candlelight ceremo-
                                                        land Memorial Chapel received a fresh            ny, the sanctuary is filled to capacity.
Additional Services Provided                            coat of paint during a maintenance visit           The original IMC was dedicated in the
                                                        by personnel from the Department of              mid-1940s. Significant portions of the
Prayer requests                                         Public Works, according to IMC staff.            structure have been rebuilt and renovat-
Send prayer requests electronically                       Technicians conducted an initial walk-         ed, with additions made in later years.
                                                        through to assess repairs needed as part           Religious services, counseling oppor-
to:                                   of ongoing chapel facilities maintenance         tunities, child and youth activities, small
                                                        and conducted the painting during                groups and fellowship events are free
Counseling sessions                                     off-service hours. Future repairs will in-       and open to the community. For more
Counseling sessions are available                       clude replacing decayed lumber through-          information, please contact the chapel
by appointment. Please call 5-3505                      out the chapel’s main sanctuary.                 office at 5-3505.
for more information.

                                                                                         Ebeye students, construction experts and personnel from
                                                                                         the Kwajalein Atoll Development Authority visited the
                                                                                         Ebeye Public School campus for the grand opening of the
                                                                                         last school buildings in a special ceremony last week. The
                                                                                         multi-year project was made possible with funding from
                                                                                         the Compact of Free Association. Kommol Tata to the
                                                                                         many talented individuals who have helped to complete
                                                                                         the project.


Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                             4                                           The Kwajalein Hourglass
The travel ban for the Republic of the
Marshall Islands is still in effect. All
flights are subject to change.

             CHECK-IN TIMES
         UA 155 - 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
        UA 154 - 10:45 - 11:15 a.m.

         Mondays- UA 155 - (HNL)                     U.S. ARMY PHOTO BY JESSICA DAMBRUCH
         Tuesdays- UA 154 - (GUM)
                                             Kwajalein’s Transient Billeting Operations Manager Rob Kent is ready to help garrison
       NOVEMBER FLIGHTS SCHEDULE             residents travel safely and responsibly.
              UA155 (HNL)
          Mondays at 5:40 p.m.                                                                  Can I Cancel My Room?
         Check-in 3:30 - 4:45 p.m.
                                              TRAVEL TIPS FROM                                    Guests are asked to call in advance or
                                                                                                to visit in person before canceling a res-
                UA154 (GUM)
           Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m.
      Check-in time: 10:45 – 11:20 a.m.
                                              TRANSIENT HOUSING                                 ervation. There is no fee to cancel, but
                                                                                                plans are in development to institute a
                                                                                                no-show fee.
 GUAM CUSTOMS & QUARANTINE E-FORMS                                                              Check-in Procedures/Policy
All passengers and crew arriving and         Traveling to Roi-Namur or Kwajalein for               Check-in times for both Kwajalein and
processing into the Guam Interna-            work or relaxation is easy. It’s figuring out      Roi are 3 p.m., and no early check-ins are
tional Airport Main Terminal will fill       how to secure transient lodging that can           authorized for either island without prior
out the EDF on their mobile devices or       pose a challenge.                                  approval from the island’s Billeting Su-
desktop computers, 72 hours prior to            To familiarize yourself with the garrison’s     pervisor. Check-in is still at 3 p.m. on the
their arrival into Guam.                     transient travel lingo, Kwajalein’s Transient      date of the reservation.
   Use the 3-day eligibility window          Billeting Operations Manager Rob Kent has a           Guests can visit the Kwaj Transient Bil-
prior to boarding for a completely           few tips. Read on for information on how to        leting Office on check-in day to pay and
touchless entry process with Guam            book rooms and be a better visitor on Kwaj         receive a guest room key.
Customs. EDF kiosks are accessible in        and Roi.                                              Guest traveling from Kwajalein to Roi
Guam airport baggage claim area for                                                             on the first flight at 6:15 a.m. will be ver-
convenience. Links are as follows:           How Do I Book Lodging?                             ified with Fly Roi. These guests may sign
                                               All reservations are made with the               for and pick-up their room keys one day
•     Mobile device link: https://travel-    Kwajalein Transient Billeting Office. The          before at 5 p.m. Office personnel will ac-              Kwajalein office is located in room one of         cept payment at time of key pick-up.
•     Desktop computer: https://gua-         the Coral BQ, Building 563, on the corner                     of 6th Street and Lagoon Road.                     Check-out Procedures/Policy
                                               The Roi Transient Office is in Building            Guests on Kwaj and Roi must check-
          FLIGHT REQUIREMENTS                8016. It is the first room on the right if en-     out by noon. No late check-outs are au-
No COVID-19 test is required if flying       tering the building from Pandanus Road.            thorized without approval from the Kwaj
on the ATI, or for United Airlines if fly-   After duty hours, contact numbers are              Billeting supervisor.
ing on official government orders.           posted at each Transient Billeting Office            All trash, food and beverages must ei-
  All other UA passengers must have          on Kwaj and Roi-Namur.                             ther be taken with or placed in a trash
a negative COVID-19 test one to three                                                           bin. All transient billeting towels, wash
days before traveling. This is a require-    What Guest Rate Will I Receive?                    cloths, hand towels, furniture and appli-
ment of the Centers for Disease Con-           Guest room rental rates are set by US-           ances must be left in the guest rooms.
trol to enter the United States.             AG-KA and are subject to change. De-
  The testing fee is $125. Call the hos-     pending on your status and residency,              What If I Lose My Key?
pital at 5-2223 with questions and to        you will rent temporary lodging as one of             The individual who signed for the key
schedule your test. Passengers must          the following:                                     is responsible. Lost keys must be report-
present a copy of their UA flight itin-                                                         ed as missing. If the key was lost on Kwaj,
erary at the time of appointment as          •       Official TDY: $109 per night. This type    reports must be filed at the PMO/Securi-
proof of flight. They must also pick up              of guest is defined as a guest from off    ty desk. On Roi, missing key reports can
results at 4 p.m. on testing day.                    island for stays 30 days or less. “Off     be filed at the Kwaj Transient Office.
  Contact Aliceia Haacke at 5-1015 or                island” is defined as anyone who isn’t        A $50 cylinder rekey fee applies for all
5-4852 for UA departure policies and                 assigned permanent status on island.       lost keys, as well as a $2 charge for each of
requirements.                                        Example: Anyone coming into the            four new keys to be cut as replacements
              ATI FLIGHTS                            Marshall Islands to work at Kwaja-         for the new lock.
ATI flights occur on a twice weekly                  lein Atoll Islands and who will not
basis. Additional flights are for cargo              be assigned permanent status. Or,          Damages to Guest Room
movement. Check with your ATI flight                 someone who is required to work or           Please be a respectful visitor. Guests are
representative to confirm check-in                   conduct training on one island and         responsible for any lost keys or damages
and flight departure times.                          needs to stay in transient billeting       to guest rooms and their appliances, fur-
• Guidelines for incoming passen-                    on another due to mission require-         nishings, linens, towels and wash cloths,
    gers remain the same                             ments.                                     and will be charged a replacement cost.
• Outbound passengers will have                                                                   The Housing office is currently work-
    more opportunities to depart             •       Recreational or Space Available: $15 for   ing with USAG-KA FMWR to establish
• Travel remains official for duty                   single occupancy, $20 for double oc-       an appropriate fee for damages.
    only                                             cupancy. This rate is available for res-
                                                     idents and authorized guests of res-       I Have More Questions. Who Do I Call?
    OUTBOUND ATI SCREENING PROCESS                   idents. Recreational rates are given          For questions about housing on Kwaja-
The ATI medical screening process                    only when a Kwaj Resident is renting       lein, please contact Rob Kent at 5-2900.
has changed. Visit the hospital to                   a guest room on Roi-Namur or a Roi         For visiting Roi, contact Sharon Dearmon
complete your medical clearance on                   resident is renting a guest room on        at 5-6004.
the last business day before your flight.            Kwajalein. Receiving a recreational           Guests are encouraged to fill out com-
Monday and Tuesday departures are                    rate also requires completing a Form       ment sheets at either transient billeting
screened 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. Saturday.                   480.                                       office for quality assurance. Office per-
                                                                                                sonnel welcome constructive feedback.

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                       5                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
David G. Farragut is perhaps the best-known
Hispanic Civil War hero. He served in the
Union Navy and later became the first admi-
ral in the U.S. Navy. Congress created the rank
and awarded it to him after his Aug. 5, 1864,
victory in the Battle of Mobile Bay.


  RESTRICTIONS ISSUANCE 29:                        Kwajalein Community Bank Center Manager Rita Pyne works on repairs to the Roi-
  APPLIES THROUGH                                  Namur ATM machine on July 1.
  SEPT. 30, 2021
                                                   BACK IN BUSINESS: ROI ATM MACHINE REPAIRED
  As of Aug. 27, 2021, an extension of the                                                        tions sent from CB technical support,
  total suspension of international travel-                                                       Pyne and a team of volunteers replaced
  ers coming into the RMI via air travel will      The Community Bank ATM machine on              components and uploaded new soft-
  continue until otherwise announced.              Roi-Namur is fully operational this            ware. The last step, software config-
                                                   month, thanks to some ingenuity and            uration, occurred Sept. 9. This week,
  For more information about the Repub-            dedication from Banking Center Manag-          the machine works and has a new hard
  lic of the Marshall Islands issuances,           er Rita Pyne.                                  drive, operating system and keypad.
  please contact the Commander’s Ho-                  Out of service for more than two               Pyne shared the good news with Com-
  tline at 5-1098 or the USAG-KA Host Na-          months, the inoperable machine had             mand Sgt. Maj. Ismael Ortega.
  tion Office at 5-5325.                           made cash withdrawals on Roi impos-               “It was clearly the dedication of Mrs.
                                                   sible. The issue impacted Kwajalein vis-       Rita Pyne working with Communi-
                                                   itors and Roi residents and employees          ty Bank to get this resolved for the Roi
                                                   alike, forcing some to seek space avail-       community,” Ortega said, following the
                                                   able travel to Kwajalein to use the island’s   repair. “The garrison is honored to have
                                                   ATM machine.                                   members like Mrs. Pyne on the garrison
                                                      After CB employees received an auto-        team.”
                                                   mated maintenance alert from the ma-              The rules for using the ATM remain
                                                   chine, personnel from the bank, Log-           the same, said Pyne. The CB withdrawal
                                                   cap and the USAG-KA command team               limit is $500 per day. Individuals are able
                                                   worked to resolve the issue. However,          to withdraw based on their bank card
                                                   COVID shipping challenges impacted             limits.
                                                   the repair, said Pyne, adding that the gar-       “The Community Bank is very happy
                                                   rison’s cash machines are due for replace-     to have been able to repair the Roi ATM,”
                                                   ment.                                          said Pyne. “We want to thank Tom San-
                                                      “New ATMs are ready to be shipped to        difer, Jack Pyne, Patrick Weber, C.Y. Lee
                                                   Kwajalein Atoll; however, COVID-19 trav-       and the Global ATM team for all their
                                                   el restrictions prevent this from happen-      help and support in making this a suc-
                                                   ing,” Pyne said. “As soon as there are re-     cess.”
                                                   duced quarantine requirements, an ATM             Pyne said she and the CB team are
                                                   technician is able to come to the Atoll,       prepared to continue maintenance on
                                                   and we will be getting new ATMs.”              the machine for the foreseeable future.
                                                      Pyne began to place orders for new             “We will do whatever is necessary to
                                                   parts and made multiple trips to Roi to        repair the machine,” said Pyne. “We put
                                                   repair the machine. Following instruc-         our customers first!”

                                                                                                  Please return books
                                                                                                  and DVDs to the Grace
Finished reading                                                                                  Sherwood Library so
                                                                                                  other patrons can

those library books?                                                                              enjoy them.

  Visit the Grace Sherwood Library during business hours
  to learn more about upcoming library activities.
  For information, call 5-3331.
  Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                     6                                        The Kwajalein Hourglass
                                                                                          1) Find an item on
                                                                                 to request.
                                                                                          2) Visit the Kwajalein AAFES during
                                                                                          hours of operation and bring the item
                                                                                          number, a description and/or page
                                                                                          printout with the desired product infor-

                                                                                          3) An AAFES supervisor or manager will
                                                                                          verify the product data and take custom-
                                                                                          er contact information.

                                                                                          4) AAFES submits a request for fulfill-
                                                                                          ment and purchase support.

                                                                                          5) If the desired product is available and
                                                                                          approved for shipment, it will be shipped
                                                                                          by container to an AAFES facility in Ha-
                                                                                          waii or on the west coast before it arrives
                                                                                          on USAG-KA.

                                                                                          6) Fulfillment times vary due to supply
                                                                                          shortages and inventory constraints.
                                                                                          * Please know not all furniture and ap-
The ARPA Long-Range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar, center, proved in-                pliance items on the site are available for
strumental in tracking the Mars Observer in late September 1992.                          delivery to Kwajalein.

                                                                                          Who is eligible to shop at AAFES?
                                              bit to a Mars flight path, however, the     • U.S. Citizen Employees of firms un-
                                              Observer’s onboard telemetry trans-           der contract to the DoD when em-
The Kiernan Reentry Measurements              mitter failed. The ARPA Long-Range            ployed outside the U.S.
System has made great contributions to        Tracking and Instrumentation Radar          • U.S. Civilian DoD employees when
a variety of NASA programs.                   was the only sensor that could observe        stationed outside of the U.S.
   One particularly important episode         and track the craft.                        • Full list of eligibility available at
occurred on Sept. 25, 1992. For the first       Throughout this 20-minute phase,  
time in 17 years, the United States pre-      ALTAIR tracked the Mars Observer
pared to launch equipment to explore          and relayed positional data to both U.S.    For more information, request an ac-
the planet Mars. The MARS Observer,           Space Command and NASA. Once the            count form from Ian Morales at mo-
also known as the Mars Geoscience/Cli-        Observer reached the next phase, its Hardcopies are also
matology Orbiter, was a robotic probe         post-boost telemetry transmitter de-        available at the store.
launched from Cape Canaveral aboard a         ployed, and NASA was able to resume
commercial spacecraft.                        control of the craft. Unfortunately, as     Accounts are good for up to two years.
   Equipped with a variety of instru-         the Observer approached Mars in Au-         These forms can be reactivated after em-
ments, its mission was to observe all the     gust 1993, nearing the end of its jour-     ployment verification.
seasons and to study the geology, geo-        ney, NASA again lost all communica-
physics and climate of Mars throughout        tions with the spacecraft. It is believed   For more informa-
a full Martian year.                          that the fuel system ruptured causing       tion, please visit
   During the boost from near-earth or-       the craft to spin and lose contact.         AAFES and speak to
                                                                                          a supervisor or man-

                                   Many hands make light work. The Yokwe             Donations to the Bargain Bazaar
                                   Yuk Welcome Club invites you to volunteer.        are welcome during hours of
                                   All experience levels are welcome. Lead-
                                   ership roles are available.                       operation only.
                                   For more information, email yywcinfo@             •    Saturdays from 3 - 5 p.m.
                          or visit the Bargain Bazaar             •    Wednesdays from 4:30 - 6:30 p.m.
                                   Facebook page @KwajBargainBazaarYY-               •    First and third Mondays of the
                                   WC. Proceeds benefit the YYWC Education                month from 1 - 3 p.m.
                                   Assistance Fund and support education

                                                          NEVER FORGET.
Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                7                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
TheLIBERTY PASS    It’s time for the weekend. Be sure to check out
                                                                                                                                                               Yuk Theater
                         “The Liberty Pass” for information on upcoming                                                                                       Saturday, Sept. 25
                         activities and weekend events.                                                                                                       “Abominable” (PG)
                                                                                                                                                                   98 min.
                                    s to kwajale
                               photo            inho
                           OUR                      urg
                       en                                                                                                                                     Sunday, Sept. 26

                                                                                                                                                          “Men in Black: Internation-


                                    VIEW                                                                                                                         al” (PG-13)
                                                         . HELP DO

                                   FROM                                                                                                                            114 min.


                                                                                                                                                               Monday, Sept. 27


                            KW                           jal
                                                                                                                                                              “A Star Is Born” (R)
                              AJ L
                                  IFE. se             kwa
                                         nd photos to

                                                                                                                                                                   113 min.

                                                                                                                                                              Saturday, Oct. 2
                                                                                                                                                           “The Kid Who Would Be
                                                                                                                                                                 King” (PG)
                                                                                                                                                                  120 min.

                                                                                                                                                               Sunday, Oct. 3
                                                                                                                                                             “Yesterday” (PG-13)
                                                                                                                                                                   116 min.

            ISLAND-STYLE THEATER: WATCHING “MOANA” ON EMON BEACH                                                                                               Monday, Oct. 4
                                                                                                                                                             “Father Figures” (R)
            Now, that’s a movie theater! More than 75 Kwajalein residents gathered at Emon                                                                        112 min.
            Beach for a special outdoor movie night screening of Disney’s feature-length ani-
            mated film “Moana” Sept. 18. Moviegoers purchased treats, snacks and wuts from                                                                      C-Building
            island vendors before hitting the beach for the movie. Have questions about MWR                                                                     Roi-Namur
            events? Call a team member at 5-3331.
                                                                                                                                                             Saturday, Sept. 25
                                                                                                                                                         “Holmes & Watson” (PG-13)

            KYC SWASHBUCKLER’S                                                                                                                                    91 min.

            BALL IS ON ITS WAY                                                                                                                                 Sunday, Sept. 26
                                                                                                                                                                “Girl’s Trip” (R)
                                                                                                                                                                   123 min.

                                                                                                                                                               Saturday, Oct. 2
             Attention all Deadheads and pirates: The                                                                                                     “Men in Black: Internation-
             Kwajalein Yacht Club has released its ad-                                                                                                                al”
             vertisement for the 2021 Swashbuckler’s                                                                                                          (PG-13) 114 min.
             Ball, and if the dancing bears are any in-
             dication, we’re in for one strange trip.                                                                                                           Sunday, Oct. 3
               If you’re a newcomer, now is a good                                                                                                            “A Star is Born” (R)
             time to purchase your pirate costume                                                                                                                  113 min.
             pieces for the year’s ultimate social
             gathering. The Swashbuckler’s Ball is a                                                  day. He’s prepared: ARRR you?                      Unless otherwise indicated,
             longtime island favorite—a Halloween                                                        Spend a few minutes online to order             all movies begin at 7:30 p.m.
             cocktail party and probably the only                                                     your buccaneer’s coats, plastic swords,            Contact MWR at 5-3331 for
             chance you’ll have to wear a tricorn hat                                                 tattered blouses and hooked appendag-              more information. Show-
             around the island unless your name is                                                    es. Better yet, visit the Bargain Bazaar to        times may vary for special
             Alex Fleming.                                                                            hunt for gently-used treasures. In honor           “Movies Under the Stars”
               Shortly after reemerging from his                                                      of this year’s theme, maybe add a little           events.
             quarantine cocoon, Fleming was spotted                                                   tie-dye in honor of the late Jerry Garcia.
             wearing a snazzy pirate hat while walk-
             ing a dog this spring.                                                                   Have questions about the Swashbuckler’s
               A well-meaning family member had                                                       Ball? Contact the Kwajalein Yacht Club on
             socked the hat away in a care package,                                                   Facebook or reach out to Commodore Ron
             Fleming said. And he needed a hat that                                                   Sylvester at 5-2182.

                                                         KWAJALEIN AT THE MOVIES
                                                                                           THE CROODS: A NEW AGE                                    HOCUS POCUS
                                                                                           (PG) 95 min.                                             (PG) 96 min.
                                                                                           Oct. 9, 7:30 p.m.                                        Oct. 30, 7:15 p.m.
                                                                                           Yuk Theater                                              CRC Room 6

                                                                                           It’s Dad’s Movie Night!                                  Join MWR for a spooky family
                                                                                           Kids and families are                                    movie night. Popcorn, pizza
                                                                                           invited to enjoy popcorn                                 and drinks will be available
                                                                                           at this special event.                                   for purchase.

           Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                                                             8                                        The Kwajalein Hourglass
The Liberty Pass
                                             tournament score.
TWO-MAN TOURNAMENT                             Registration for the Outrigger tour-
                                             naments is free. Check out the events
PRIZES AT OUTRIGGER                          schedule below and contact Rick to an-
                                             nounce your and get your game plan to-
What’s Roi got that we haven’t got?          Want to go?
Games.                                       Two-Person Team 8-Ball Pool Tournament
  Kwaj, Rick Jameson and the Roi crew        Saturday, Oct. 9 at 8 p.m.
are calling you out.
  The Outrigger Bar & Grill welcomes         Two-Person Team Dominos Tournament
one and all to join in two-person tour-      Saturday, Oct. 16 at 8 p.m.
naments for the month of October. Be-
ginning Oct. 9, games will be held every     Two-Person Spades Tournament
Saturday night.                              Saturday, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m.
  Participating teams from Kwaj and Roi
can enter for the chance to win the “OBC     Questions? For more information, contact
Rat Masters” award. Prizes for first place   Rick Jameson at the Roi MWR office at
are awarded for the highest accumulated      5-6580 or the Outrigger.


Kwajalein Yacht Club
Saturday, Sept. 25, Social hour: 5:30 p.m.                            MWR FITNESS                            BARS AND
Meeting: 6:30 p.m.                                                     CLASSES                                 CLUBS
Join the KYC for its monthly meeting and social, fol-
lowed by a potluck dinner. Please bring a dish to share.

Salsa Night                                                          Freee MWR fitness
Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 p.m. - midnight                                                                   Contact MWR at 5-3331 for up-
                                                                      classes through                   dates and events about the gar-
Ocean View Club,                                                           Oct. 5
In honor of National Hispanic Heritage Month, you are                                                   rison’s bars and clubs.
invited to Salsa Night at the Ocean View Club. Dress to             ALL MWR fitness classes are
impress and prepare to dance! Age 21+                                                                    OUTRIGGER CLUB
                                                                    free for one month only. Class
                                                                    slots are available on a first-     Check with MWR for meal
MWR Oktoberfest                                                     come, first-served basis with no
Sunday, Sept. 26, 2021, 6 - 10:30 p.m.                                                                  specials and activities at the
                                                                    preregistration required. Class     Outrigger Club by calling
Camp Hamilton                                                       times are subject to change. Call
Wunderbar! Grab a friend and make your way to Camp                                                      5-3331.
                                                                    MWR at 5-3331 with questions.
Hamilton for fun, games, music, beverages and artisanal
Oktoberfest-fare. Age 21+                                           Tuesday                                COUNTRY CLUB
                                                                    Zumba Dance, 9:15 a.m.
Manit Day                                                           Yoga, 5:30 p.m.                     Birthday Bash
Sept. 27, 2021, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.                                    Spin, 6:40 p.m.                     Come celebrate island birth-
Marshallese Cultural Center                                                                             days with MWR every third
This annual celebration of manit—Marshallese                        Wednesday                           Sunday from 6 - 9 p.m. Enjoy
culture—is a garrison favorite. Join communities                    HIIT (High Intensity Interval       complimentary shuttle ser-
from Ebeye, Enniburr and Kwajalein for an after-                    Training), 5:30 a.m.                vice available from the Ocean
noon of traditional foods, crafts and history.                      Zumba Toning, 9:15 a.m.             View Club every 30 minutes
                                                                    Zumba Dance, 6 p.m.                 from 5 - 9 p.m.
Yokwe Yuk Welcome Club
Annual Meet and Greet                                               Thursday                            Saturday
Monday, Sept. 27, 4 – 6 p.m.                                        Spin, 5:30 a.m.                     Enjoy happy hour and play
Hosted by Shawna Hughes at the Pugsley resi-                        Water Aerobics (Adult Pool),        Uno every Saturday at 6 p.m.
dence, Quarters 241                                                 9:15 a.m.
Join the YYWC for door prizes, food and fun. All island             Yoga, 5:30 p.m.                     OCEAN VIEW CLUB
residents interested in giving back to the Republic of
the Marshall Islands are welcome to visit and learn more            Friday                              Wednesdays
about the YYWC. Membership fees are only $10. Please                HIIT (High Intensity Interval       Raise your glass and toast
RSVP and send questions to Julie Makovec on Facebook                Training), 5:30 a.m.                Wednesday at happy hour
or email                                     Zumba Toning, 5:30 p.m.             from 5 - 7 p.m.
                                                                    Spin, 6:40 p.m.
The Holiday Art & Craft Fair,                                                                           Saturdays
by the Kwajalein Art Guild                                          Saturday                            Enjoy fun activities like game
Monday, Oct. 18, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.                                    Spin, 5:30 a.m.                     nights, karaoke. theme nights
Registered vendors are invited to sign up for tables. Re-           Water Aerobics (Adult Pool),        and live music.
quest applications and information at kwajartguild121@              6 p.m.                                                                                              Mondays
                                                                    JOIN MWR FITNESS.                   Enjoy Monday meal deals on
Kwajalein Boating                                                   Zumba Dance and Zumba               Men’s Night from 5 - 7 p.m.
Orientation Class                                                   Toning meet in CRC Room 1.
Oct. 19 and 20                                                        All other fitness classes         Shuttle Service
6:30 – 8:30 p.m.                                                    will be held in CRC Room 7          MWR offers shuttle service to
Room 6, Corlett Recreation Center                                   unless otherwise noted. All         and from the Country Club
Class registration fee is $40. Please register in person at         MWR fitness classes require         every 30 minutes from 5 - 8
the Kwajalein Small Boat Marina Friday through Mon-                 an MWR Fitness Pass. Pur-           p.m. Saturdays. For more in-
day from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m. Contact Clinton Smith with any             chase your pass from MWR            formation, contact Nikeya
questions at 5-3643.                                                in the Grace Sherwood Li-           Childs at 5-9205 or 5-3331.
                                                                    brary, Bldg. 805.

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39              9                                              The Kwajalein Hourglass
The Liberty Pass

The Annual Kwajalein Hourglass HALLOWEEN Writing Project                                          Two-Minute Literature Fix

Attention students: It’s time to write.        This Year’s Theme
  Welcome to the fourth year of the               The unknown is magnificent and                    Nothing Gold Can Stay
Annual Kwajalein Hourglass Hallow-             makes for endless possibilities for writ-               by Robert Frost
een Writing Project. Each year, The            ing stories. “Unexplained Phenomenon”
Kwajalein Hourglass invites the island’s       is this year’s writing theme, and takes its           Nature’s first green is gold,
student writers to compose works of            cues from detective stories, ghost leg-                Her hardest hue to hold.
original short fiction to share with the       ends and science and speculative fiction.              Her early leaf’s a flower;
community in preparation for Hallow-              Over the years, writers in these                      But only so an hour.
een. A selection of stories is printed in      genres—including Isaac Asimov (“I, Ro-                Then leaf subsides to leaf.
the Halloween edition of KHG.                  bot,”), Ursula K. LeGuin (“Earthsea”),                  So Eden sank to grief,
                                               Nnedi” Okorafor (“Who Fears Death”)                   So dawn goes down to day.
Guidelines                                     and Ray Bradbury (“The Martian Chron-                   Nothing gold can stay.
  This call for submissions is open to all     icles”)—have written stories to share
of Kwajalein’s public and homeschool           their ideas about unexplained phenom-
student writers enrolled in grades 5-12.       ena. Today, their imaginative work is
Individual writers or writing teams cre-       considered some of the strongest exam-
ate a piece of original, creative fiction      ples of fiction.
suitable for the Halloween season. Sto-           In the past, writers have submitted
ries should be set in or around Kwaja-         works of “haunted news” articles, short
lein Atoll and are limited to 1,000 words.     stories, urban legends, Marshallese folk-
Please do not include profanity in your        lore, community rumors and stories in-
story. Of course, it is always fine to in-     spired by pictures and public service an-
clude ghosts and zombies.                      nouncements. Some writers opt to write
                                               traditional “campfire” ghost stories.
Submitting Stories                                Others write stories that combine
  Please email stories to kwajaleinhour-       comedy with science fiction, mystery, by Oct. 23 in a              realism or folklore. Use observation as a
.doc or .rtf file format (no .pdfs, please).   writing tool and there is no limit to what
Please include the title of the work and       you can create.
the author’s name and grade level. For
more information or questions about            Contact The Kwajalein Hourglass at kwaja-
content, please write to kwajaleinhour- for more

                                                                               Oktoberfest Menu
                                                                            Available from 7 - 10 p.m.
                   Sunday, Sept. 26
      6 - 11 p.m. at Camp Hamilton                                                Chicken Schnitzel Taco -$5
                                                                             Pan-seared chicken with white
                                                                            wine sauce topped with Rotkohl,
      Get ready for Oktoberfest! Adults aged 21                             German slaw, cheese, tomatoes,
      years and over are invited to celebrate at                              Russian dressing and bacon.
      Camp Hamilton. Enjoy a special event menu
      from 7 - 10 p.m. and cash beverage service
      from 6 - 10:45 p.m.                                                          Pannfisch und Gericht - $6
                                                                              Pan-seared tilapia in beer and
      Check out the lawn games and rock out to                               white wine sauce with pan-fried
      traditional oompah tunes and classic radio                             herbed potatoes and vegetables.
      hits from the 80’s, 90’s and today. Live music                                    Bratwurst - $3.50
      will be provided by DJ Neil Dye and Cynthia
      McKenzie.                                                                        Pommes frittes - $3
                                                                                 Also known as french fries
      Enjoy the party and stay to sing. Karaoke                                              Pretzel - $1.50
      open mic begins at 8 p.m. For event informa-                           This popular item is sure to sell
      tion, contact MWR at 5-3331.                                          fast. Get one while supplies last!

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                 10                                          The Kwajalein Hourglass
The Liberty Pass                                                                                            The Liberty Pass


Sept. 27, 2021
11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Marshallese Cultural Center
U.S. Army Garrison - Kwajalein Atoll

          Iakwe Aolep                                           Special recognition and sincere thanks also go to the fol-
                                                                lowing individuals and organizations for their continued
                                                                patronage and event support:
Join the atoll community for a celebration and show-
case of “manit,” or Marshallese culture, Sept. 27 at the              Traditional leaders of the Marshall Islands
Marshallese Cultural Center, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Sample                          USAG-KA RMI Liaison Office
traditional dishes and check out crafts and exhibitions                   The Marshall Islands government
from Ebeye and Enniburr. Visit the MCC to learn more                      Kwajalein Atoll Local Government
about Marshallese history.                                                        U.S. Embassy Majuro
                                                                                Jinetiptip Women’s Club
Manit Day is a free event open to the entire community.                             Ri-Katak students
Guests are advised to hydrate, wear a hat and to bring                 USAG-KA Morale, Welfare and Recreation
cash for vendor sales of Marshallese jewelry and tradi-              USAG-KA Directorate of Host Nation Activities
tional baskets and decorative items.                                           Yokwe Yuk Welcome Club
                                                                               Kwajalein School System
The U.S. Army Garrison-Kwajalein Atoll Directorate of                        Marshallese Cultural Society
Host Nation Activities thanks the many volunteers and
assistants whose hard work and dedication make Manit For more information about Kwajalein’s annual heritage
Day a special celebration for Kwajalein.              celebration, please contact the USAG-KA Host Nation
                                                      office at 5-5033.

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39         11                                        The Kwajalein Hourglass
U.S. ARMY GARRISON-KWAJALEIN ATOLL                                                               SAFETY REMINDERS

CHILD AND YOUTH SERVICES                                                                    Never leave vehicles while the engine
                                                                                            is running. Before exiting any vehi-
                                                                                            cle, always make sure the parking
  CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER                                                                  brake is engaged, the engine is pow-
                                                NAMO WETO YOUTH CENTER                      ered down and the keys are in your
                                                                                            hand. Unecessary injuries can result
           Baru Classroom                     Effective Oct. 1, the Namo Weto Youth Cen-
                                                                                            from careless vehicle operation.
Fridays are Water Play Days for infants       ter will follow new hours of operation.
and young toddlers. Saturdays are             Sundays: 3 – 9:30 p.m.
                                                                                            If you have questions regarding island
Water Play Days for toddlers. Please          Mondays and Tuesdays: closed
                                                                                            construction or work zones, please
send your child with water clothes, dry       Wednesdays: 3 – 6 p.m.
                                                                                            contact USAG-KA Safety Officer Deirdre
clothes, a towel and swim diaper (if          Thursdays: 2 – 6 p.m.
                                                                                            Wyatt-Pope at deirdre.l.wyatt-pope.
needed).                                      Fridays: 3 – 6 p.m.
                                              Saturdays: 3 – 9:30 p.m.
           Bako Classroom
Tuesdays - STEAM Swim Day. Please
                                              Tuesdays - Closed
send your child with water clothes, dry
                                              Wednesdays - Tremendous Trivia -
                                                                                                  Stormwater Sampling
clothes, a towel and swim diaper (if
                                              4:30 p.m.                                               and Analysis
Wednesdays - STEAM Functional                 Thursdays - Movies/documentary with
                                              Popcorn - 3 p.m.                              Stormwater samples are collected ev-
Fitness                                                                                     ery year on Kwajalein to monitor the
Thursdays & Saturdays - Pre-K music           Fridays - Frappaccinos – 3 p.m.
                                              Fridays - Fitness Challenge - 4 p.m.          quality of water going into the ocean
class                                                                                       and lagoon.
Saturday - Pre-K music class                  Saturdays - Smoothies - 3 p.m. and
                                              Money Matters - 4 p.m.                           ISCO samplers are staged at se-
                                              Sundays - Art Activity                        lected storm drain locations. Please
STEAM                                                                                       do not disturb them. Call Environ-
Tuesdays - Swim Day. Please send your                                                       mental at 5-0722 with questions.
child with water clothes, a towel, and               Youth Center Special Events
                                                                                               Aolep yio rej ebok sample in
dry clothes.                                                                                Stormwater/Dren in Wot ion Kwa-
                                              Oct. 2 - Get Your Glow On
                                              (7th - 12th graders) - 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.       jalein non etale jonan dren eo ej dri-
Wednesdays - STEAM Creative                                                                 wojlak ilo lik im iaar.
Movement                                      Oct. 2 - Island Music Hour
                                              (9th - 12th graders) - 8:30 - 9:30 p.m.           Ewor jet ISCO sampler ak kein
Thursdays - STEAM Library                                                                   jerbal ko rej jutak itorerein drain-
Fridays - STEAM Functional Fitness            Oct. 3 - Worldwide Day of Play - 4 - 6 p.m.
                                              Oct. 10 - Pumpkin Painting - 4 p.m.           out ko. Joij im jab jibwi ak komaki-
Saturdays - STEAM Reading Buddies                                                           ti. Ne ewor am kajitok kaki, call e
                                              Oct. 17 - Pumpkin Carving - 4 p.m.
                                              Oct. 23 - Pumpkin Spice Latte - 3 p.m.        lok Environmental ilo 5-0722.
Start Smart Sports - Ages 3 - 5:              Oct. 24 – Face-painting - 4 p.m.
Soccer - Registration open - Oct. 1 - 15 -    Oct. 31 - Halloween Haunted House -
                                               2 - 4 p.m.
                                                                                              SMALL ARMS RANGE
Season runs Oct. 20 – Nov. 10
                                                                                                SAFETY NOTICE
                                              Parent Information
SCHOOL-AGE CARE                               Parent Advisory Board Open House -            Security and Access Control will con-
                                              Please come and get information on up-        duct a small arms live-fire range on
Tuesdays - Art                                coming events and register for activities     Sept. 29 and Oct. 5 from 9 - 11 a.m.
Wednesdays - Culture and                      on Saturday, Oct. 2, all day in Central       Please observe the red flag hazard
Functional Fitness                            Registration.                                 area. If you have any questions, con-
Thursdays - STEM
Fridays - Recreation                                                                        tact Chief Chris Ramsey at 5-4445.
Saturdays - Character Counts                  CYS will be closed Oct. 12
                                              for Columbus Day.
4-H - Photography - Oct. 5
                                                                                                 POTABLE WATER
from 9 - 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.                                                                       SYSTEM FLUSHING
Sports                                                                                      The Kwajalein Water Plant will flush
Soccer - Registration opens - Oct. 1 – 15.                                                  the potable water system main
Season runs Oct. 19 - Nov. 16                                                               pipes from Sept. 28 – Oct. 30.
                                                                                              No interruption of service is ex-
                                                                                            pected. Due to sediment in the
                                                                                            pipes, you may notice some discol-
                                                                                            oration of your water.
                                                                                              If you experience brown or rusty
                                                                                            water, do not use your washing ma-
                                                                                            chine for one day. Only resume use
                                                                                            after you flush the sink and shower
                                                                                            for several minutes until the water
                                                                                            runs clear.
                                                                                              If the issue persists, call Liquid
                                                                                            Systems at 5-1847 or 5-9081.
                                                                                              Island residents are likewise re-
                                                                                            minded to please never flush paper
                                                                                            towels, as these do not disintegrate
                                                                                            in the island’s plumbing systems
                                                                                            and can severely damage machinery
                                                                                            at the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39               12                                       The Kwajalein Hourglass

         EAT ON KWAJ                                                                                                                  Standard*
                                                                                                                                      Breakfast              $3.65
                                                                                                                                      Lunch		                $5.85
                                                                                                                                      Dinner		               $5.10
      When hunger strikes, it’s good to know                                                                                          Holiday		              $9.55
      where to get chow. U.S. Army Garri-
      son-Kwajalein Atoll sports multiple din-                                                                                        *Customers without meal cards
      ing locations where you can gather with                                                                                         must pay with cash or credit
      family and friends to enjoy dinner or grab                                                                                      card.
      food before heading to Brandon Field to
      watch a game. Some special rules apply,
      so please check out the rates and regula-                                                                                          REMINDERS & REGULATIONS
      tions before visiting a facility.
         Beginning this week, The Kwajalein                                                                                           Families are welcome to dine
      Hourglass will feature menu informa-                                                                                            at the Zamperini Cafeteria on
      tion for the Zamperini Cafeteria and Café                                                                                       Tuesdays, Thursdays, Sundays
      Roi. If you’re a vegetarian, you’re in luck:                                                                                    and Mondays.
      items with a star denote dishes prepared
      especially for you by the dining services                                                                                       Please enjoy the dining facility
      team. Please note that menu items are                                                           The namesake                    fruit carts by taking one piece of
      subject to change without prior notice.                                                         for Kwajalein’s                 fruit. Diners are not permitted
         Enjoy your next meal—no matter                                                               dining facility                 to take more than one serving
      where you are.                                                                                  is Capt. Louis                  of fruit from the cart.
                                                                                                      S. Zamperini, a
      Need to eat and run?                                                                            decorated WWII                  Backpacks are not allowed be-
      Scan the QR Code on                                                                             veteran and                     yond the entrance of the Zam-
      this page to acquire                                                                            Olympic athlete.                perini Cafeteria or Cafe Roi. For
      a quick copy of “Eat                                                                                                            your convenience, a storage
      on Kwaj” to share                                                                                                               rack is provided near the en-
      with a friend.                                                                                                                  trance of both facilities.


    Dinner doesn’t happen by iteself. Pictured here are members of the dining services team at the Zamperini Cafeteria. Every day,
    this hardworking team prepares hundreds of meals for diners and those residing in quarantine.

                                                      Captain Louis S. Zamperini Cafeteria
Sunday                    Monday                Tuesday                    Wednesday                  Thursday                  Friday                    Oct. 2
Herbed Chicken            Roast Beef            Taco Bar                   Roast Beef                 Swedish Meatballs         BBQ Pork Chops            BBQ Spare Ribs
Corned Beef               Pollock Florentine    Honey Cornish Hens         Five-Spice Chicken         Baked Pit-Style Ham       Country Fried Steak       Fried Chicken W/Waffles
Sicilian Brown Rice       Mexican Chicken       Pepper Steak               Filipino Rice              Steamed Rice              Roasted Red Potatoes      Fried Catfish
Oven Browned Potatoes     Spring Garden Rice    Steamed Rice               Mashed Potatoes            Mashed Sweet Potatoes     Red Beans & Rice          Simmered Oxtails
Steamed Carrots           Scalloped Potatoes    Roasted Red Potatoes       Herbed Green Beans         Fried Cabbage             Steamed Carrots           Macaroni & Cheese
Fried Cabbage             Seasoned Peas         Corn Fritters              Glazed Carrots             Monaco Blend Vegetables   Veggie Stir-fry           Steamed Rice
Veggie Pot Pie*           Squash Medley         Grilled Brussels Sprouts   Vegetarian Pizza*          Vegetarian Wraps*         Stuffed Green Peppers*    Seasoned Blackeyed Peas
Cream of Chicken Soup     Rice Frittata*        Black Bean Burgers*        Garden Vegetable Soup      Zesty Bean Soup           Vegetarian Lentil Chili   Collard Greens
                          Minestrone Soup       Tomato-Pepper Soup                                                                                        Potato Frittata*
                                                                                                                                                          Chicken & Wild Rice Soup
 Sunday                  Monday                Tuesday                     Wednesday                  Thursday                  Friday                    Oct. 2
 Pizza Night             Breaded Pork Chops    Sweet & Sour Pork Chops     Roast Pork Loin            Herbed Chicken Breast     Roast Turkey              Grilled Porterhouse Steak
 Spaghetti               Yankee Pot Roast      Teriyaki Steaks             Baked & Fried Trout        Beef Stew                 Chili Macaroni            French Fried Shrimp
 Knockwurst              Fried Rice            Rice Pilaf                  Garlic Parmesan Pasta      Spring Garden Rice        Mashed Potatoes           Chicken Alfredo
 Lasagna                 Baked Chicken         Garlic Mashed Potatoes      Roasted Potatoes           Oven Browned Potatoes     Steamed Rice              Baked Potatoes
 Steamed Rice            Grilled Salmon        French Fried Cauliflower    Sautéed Bok Choy           Seasoned Green Beans      Butternut Squash          Rice Pilaf
 Spaghetti Noodles       Steamed Rice          Tangy Spinach               Seasoned Mixed Veggies     Seasoned Succotash        California Vegetables     Steamed Fettucine
 Orange Baked Squash     Hacienda Potatoes     Eggplant Parmesan*          Vegetarian Linguine*       Broccoli, Cheese & Rice   Pasta Primavera*          Roasted Corn on the Cob
 Steamed Broccoli        Spaghetti Squash      Beef Noodle Soup            Creole Soup w/Brown Rice   Casserole*                White Bean Chicken        Grilled Asparagus
 Pesto Penne*            California Veggies                                                           Chicken Tortilla Soup     Chili                     Three-cheese Tortellini w/
 Potato Soup             Pasta w/Marinara*                                                                                                                Marinara Sauce*
                         Egg Drop Soup                                                                                                                    Beef Veggie Noodle Soup
 Menu current as of Sept. 25. All selections subject to change. *Denotes Vegetarian option

    Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                                   13                                                     The Kwajalein Hourglass
SUNRISE BAKERY                                BURGER KING
                (5-3445)                      Located at the AAFES Food Court
           Tues - Thursday                    Sunday, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
            6 a.m. - 2 p.m.                   Monday – Friday,
                                              11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
                                              Saturday, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
           PIZZA KITCHEN                            ANTHONY’S PIZZA
               (5-3445)                       Located at the AAFES Food Court
 Friday, Saturday and Sunday,                 Sunday, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
 5 - 9 p.m.
                                              Monday - Friday,
 Monday, 5 - 9 p.m.                           11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
                                              Saturday, 11 a.m. – 8 p.m.
 Don’t forget about the late-night
 menu of rotating specials at the                         SUBWAY
 Roi-Namur Outrigger Club and
 Ocean View Club.
                                              Located at the AAFES Food Court
 For more information, please                 Sunday, 11 a.m. – 6 p.m.
 see the “Bars and Clubs” page.               Monday, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
                                              Tuesday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
       AMERICAN EATERY                        Wednesday, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  Located at the Kwajalein Dock               Thursday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
       Security Checkpoint                    Friday, 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
             (5-1605)                         Saturday, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
 Sunday – closed
 Monday – closed
 Tuesday – Saturday,                         Top right: You’ve got to get up early to get your favorite flavored donut from the Sunrise Bakery.
 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.                             The facility doubles as a pizza kitchen Fridays through Sundays and offers periodic meals specials,
                                             catering and special event pastries for sale.


  The proud, the few, the dining services team at Cafe Roi. Many team members commute from Enniburr each day to prepare meals
  for the Roi community. Dining Services is pleased to employ many longtime Marshallese staff members.

                                                                                Cafe Roi
Sunday                  Monday                 Tuesday                  Wednesday              Thursday                    Friday                Oct. 2
Beef Stew               Grilled Pork Chops     BBQ Chicken              Beef Pot Roast         Gen. Tso’s Chicken Thighs   Lamb Chops            Chicken Sausage Jam-
Chicken Spaghetti       Beef Burgers           Italian Sausage w/       Cornish hens           Meatloaf                    Sweet & Sour Pork     balaya
Grilled Catfish         Fried Potatoes         peppers                  Steamed Rice Pilaf     Rice Pilaf                  White Rice            Baked Potatoes
Potato Wedges           Steamed Rice           Steamed Rice             Spaghetti Noodles w/   Oven-Glow Potatoes          Baked Potatoes        White Rice
Fried Potatoes          Corn on the Cob        Potatoes with cheese     Olives                 Antiqua Blend Veggies       Steamed Broccoli      Steamed Broccoli
Seasoned Corn           Mixed Vegetables       Steamed Spinach          Asparagus Corn         Peas & Mushrooms            California Veggies    California Veggies
Green Beans             Cheese Quesadilla*     Squash/Zucchini          Veggie Lasagna*        Cheese Manicotti*           Steamed Broccoli      Pasta w/Marinara*
Fried Squash*                                  Oven-Roasted Eggplant*                                                      Cheese Tortellini*
Fried Zucchini*

 Sunday                 Monday                Tuesday                   Wednesday              Thursday                    Friday                Oct. 2
 Swedish Meatballs      Pizza Bar             Gen. Tso’s Chicken        Porter House Steak     Fried Chicken               BBQ Pork              Chicken Parmesan
 Roasted Chicken        Chicken Pot Pie       Caribbean Catfish         Crab Legs              Teriyaki Ribs               Lemon Pepper Wings    Meatball Subs
 Beef Stir-fry          Salisbury Steak       Mexican Rice              Fried Shrimp           Beef Oxtails                Breaded Catfish       Chili Mac
 Steamed Rice           Steamed Rice          Fried Potatoes            Veggie Fried Rice      Steamed Rice                Steamed Rice          Steamed Rice
 Corn Dogs              Loaded Potatoes       Calico Corn               Baked Potatoes         Macaroni & Cheese           Potato Wedges         Succotash
 Mashed Potatoes        California Blend      Green Beans               Fresh Corn             Pinto Beans                 California Veggies    Asparagus
 Mixed Vegetables       Steamed Carrots       Cheese Quesadilla*        Green Beans            Sweet Corn                  Steamed Broccoli      Pasta w/Marinara
 Fried Squash*          Cheese Quesadilla*                              Veggie Lasagna*        Cheese Manicotti*           Cheese Tortellini*
 Fried Zucchini*

 Menu current as of Sept. 25 All selections subject to change. *Denotes Vegetarian option

  Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                                 14                                                  The Kwajalein Hourglass
Should household sprays be used to kill
                                                                                                adult lice?
                                                                                                  No. Using fumigant sprays or fogs is
                                                                                                not recommended. Fumigant sprays and
                                                                                                fogs can be toxic if inhaled or absorbed
                                                                                                through the skin and they are not neces-
                                                                                                sary to control head lice.
In this CDC photo, two lice viewed under an electron microscope. Note the claws used
to grasp onto individual hairs.                                                                 Should I have a pest control company spray
                                                                                                my house?
HEALTH CONNECTION                               Is it necessary to remove all head lice eggs?
                                                                                                  No. Use of insecticide sprays or fogs is
                                                                                                not recommended. Fumigant spray and
                                                                                                fogs can be toxic if inhaled or absorbed
                                                   No. The two treatments nine days apart
                                                are designed to eliminate all live lice, and    through the skin and they are not neces-
                                                any lice that may hatch from eggs that          sary to control head lice.
Who needs Halloween when back-to-school         were laid after the first treatment.              Routine vacuuming of floors and fur-
season brings the threat of head lice? Read        Many eggs are more than ¼ inch from          niture is sufficient to remove lice or nits
on to learn what the Centers for Disease Con-   the scalp. Such nits are usually not via-       that may have fallen off the head of an
trol and Prevention recommend for dealing       ble and very unlikely to hatch to become        infested person.
with this common issue.                         crawling lice, or may in fact be empty
                                                shells, also known as casings. Nits are ce-     Will laundering kill head lice?
Q) What can you do at home to reduce the        mented to hair shafts and are very unlike-         Washing, soaking, or drying items at
risk and spread of lice?                        ly to be transferred successfully to other      a temperature greater than 130°F can kill
                                                people.                                         both head lice and nits. Dry cleaning
What are head lice?                                However, parents may choose to re-           also kills head lice and nits. Only items
  The head louse, or Pediculus humanus          move all nits found on hair for aesthetic       that have been in contact with the head
capitis, is a parasitic insect that can be      reasons or to reduce the chance of unnec-       of an infested person in the 48 hours be-
found on the head, eyebrows, and eye-           essary retreatment.                             fore treatment should be considered for
lashes of people. Head lice feed on hu-                                                         cleaning.
man blood several times a day and live          Why do some experts recommend bagging              Although freezing temperatures can
close to the human scalp. Head lice are         items for two weeks?                            kill head lice and nits, several days may
not known to spread disease.                       Head lice survive less than one or two       be necessary depending on temperature
                                                days if they fall off the scalp and cannot      and humidity; freezing is rarely (if ever)
Who is at risk for getting head lice?           feed. Head lice eggs—nits—cannot hatch          needed as a means for treating head lice.
   Head lice are found worldwide. In            and usually die within a week if they do
the United States, infestation with head        not remain under ideal conditions of heat       Which medicine is best?
lice is most common among pre-school            and humidity similar to those found close          If you aren’t sure which medicine to
children attending childcare, elemen-           to the human scalp. Because an egg must         use or how to use a particular medicine,
tary schoolchildren, and the household          incubate under conditions equivalent            always ask your physician, pharmacist,
members of infested children.                   to those found near the human scalp, it         or other health care provider. CDC does
   Although reliable data on how many           is very unlikely to hatch away from the         not make recommendations about spe-
people in the United States get head lice       head. If the egg were to hatch, the newly       cific products. When using a medicine,
each year are not available, an estimated       emerged nymph would die within several          always carefully follow the instructions
6 to 12 million infestations occur each         hours if it did not feed on human blood.        contained in the package or written on
year in the United States among children           However, although rarely necessary,          the label, unless the physician and phar-
3 to 11 years of age.                           some experts recommend that items               macist direct otherwise.
   Head lice move by crawling; they can-        that may be contaminated by an infested
not hop or fly. Head lice are spread by di-     person and that cannot be laundered or          This article is excerpted from materials
rect contact with the hair of an infested       dry-cleaned should be sealed in a plastic       Developed by the Centers for Disease
person. Anyone who comes in head-to-            bag and stored for two weeks to kill any        Control and Prevention. Reference to
head contact with someone who already           lice that are present or that might hatch       specific commercial products, companies
has head lice is at greatest risk. Spread       from any eggs that may be present on the        or trademarks does not constitute its
by contact with clothing (such as hats,         items.                                          endorsement or recommendation by the
scarves, coats) or other personal items                                                         U.S. Government, Department of Health
(such as combs, brushes, or towels) used        Should my pets be treated for head lice?        and Human Services or CDC.
by an infested person is uncommon. Per-            No. Head lice do not live on pets, and         Read the original article online at:
sonal hygiene or cleanliness in the home        they do not play a role in spreading head
or school has nothing to do with getting        lice.                                           head/gen_info/index.html.
head lice.

Is there a treatment recommendation for
certain age groups?
   Before treating young children, please
consult the child’s doctor, or the health
department for the recommended treat-
ment based on the child’s age and weight.

Are there any side effects from using these
chemical treatments for head lice?
   Treatments for head lice are generally
safe and effective when used correctly.
Some treatments may cause an itching or
a mild burning sensation caused by in-
flammation of the skin on the scalp.
   Most products used to treat head
lice are pesticides that can be absorbed
through the skin. Therefore, all medi-
cines used for the treatment of head lice
should be used with care and only as di-

Saturday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2021 / Volume 62 Number 39                   15                                            The Kwajalein Hourglass
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