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University Chronicle [April 2021]
St. Cloud State University

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April 2021 Edition          Publication 96 Vol. 7            St. Cloud State University, St. Cloud, MN
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       Huskies fall in national
         championship game
By Brevin Monroe
     Staff Writer
     The St. Cloud State
University Men’s hockey team
was defeated 5-0 in the NCAA
National Championship Game
by the UMass Minutemen who
captured their first national
championship in school
     The game began with a
crossbar being hit by Veeti
Miettinen, but it was all
downhill from there as the
     Huskies struggled to get
anything going the rest of the
     Minutes after Miettinen
hit the post UMass forward
Aaron Bohlinger scored his
                                    UMass shorthanded goal early in the second period to give UMass a 3-0 lead, they would
first goal of the season, which
                                    go on to win 5-0 and take the national title. Photo courtesy of Gregory Shamus
proved to be the title-clinching
goal for the Minutemen.
     UMass added a goal late       goal for the Minutemen to           the cruised the remainder       shots he faced. David Hrenak    the Huskies to their first ever
in the first to extend the lead    effectively kill any hope of a      of the game to a national       stopped 17 shots in his final   national championship game
to 2-0 heading to the first        comeback for the Huskies.           championship.                   collegiate game.                and second ever Frozen Four.
intermission.                      In the third period, UMass             The Huskies outshot              The Huskies finish the          There will be a Frozen
     The Huskies had a power       would add one more goal for         the Minutemen 25-22 but         season with a 20-11-0 record    Four celebration at 6 p.m. on
play early in the second and it    good measure to give UMass          were met by a returning Filip   in head coach Brett Larson’s    April 14 at the Herb Brooks
turned into a shorthanded          a comfortable 5-0 lead as           Lindberg who stopped all 25     third season where he guided    National Hockey Center.

                  Huskies' Historic Run on pages 8 and 9

                                                                              Anna's                                  SCSU Women's
                                                                                                              7                                          15
        GAME CONTEST        !          ALSO
                see                    INCLUDED:                            Declassified               Page              Divers Page
              page 14
                                                                                                                         Layout designed by: Parker Buske
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April 2021 Edition                                                                                                       

SCSU Wrestling took home a
 third national championship
By Matt Auvil                     manner," wrote Costanzo.
    Editor-In-Chief               "The University should
                                  be        proud       of     their
     March 20 marked another      representations."
win in the history books for           One wrestler who received
the SCSU Wrestling team as        his All-American honor, Noah
they took home yet another        Ryan, said that the team's goal
championship title.               was to make it to the national
     Not only did the team        level and they did just that,
receive this win, but seven       but it could not have been
wrestlers have received All-      done without the bond they all
American honors for their         share.
accomplishments in their               "We are brothers, and
season. Their ceremony to         we all have the same goals on
celebrate their success was       and off the mat and thanks to
held March 30 in the Atwood       the great coaching staff," said
                                                                        The SCSU Wrestling Team celebrating their third national championship win.
Ballroom.                         Ryan. "I believe that is why we
                                                                        Photo courtesy of Husky Athletics
     The wrestling team head      are successful in whatever we
coach, Steve Costanzo, told       set our minds to."                   Teacher. "All the training        SCSU. Now a year later, here       themselves to the very end.
The University Chronicle via           Not only did the team           and hard work I put in finally    I am, a National Champion."            "My teammates are like
email he could not be more        win big this year, wrestler          has paid off. Placing second at       Teacher said that there        brothers to me and I just
proud of his team and their       Kameron         Teacher       won    Nationals two years in a row      was a lot hanging on the           really did not want to let them
accomplishments this season.      his own personal national            was disappointing for me. I       line for his victory and that      down," said Teacher. "I
     "The team responded          championship title.                  knew I needed to make some        he was so proud of himself         dedicate my trophy to them."
[to their challenges] in a very        "Winning the national           changes to become a better        and the whole team for their
competitive and professional      title is a great feeling," said      wrestler, so I transferred to     accomplishments and pushing

 Homeless Helping Homeless raises $5,000 to
    put showers into the warming center
By Jessica Charpentier            when        the     temperature      pandemic, gyms that provided      interviews for housing.                The warming center is
    Contributing Writer           dropped below zero in                free showers to the homeless           “Some of them come into       a day center, so during the
                                  February they had to bring in        community closed. Most            the center after being outside     summer the shelter is only
    The organization Home-        more people temporarily and          homeless people only had          for two weeks without having       supposed to be open until
less Helping Homeless is an       then place them into motels.         the option of using truck         a chance to clean up,” said        eight at night. However,
association of homeless and       Homeless Helping Homeless            stop showers, which cost          Fleegel. “Being clean is a part    because of the high need
formerly homeless people.         also checks with other shelters      around eight dollars per          of having a dignified life.”       of shelter for the homeless,
The service helps the home-       in St. Cloud to see if they have     shower. Fleegel said that              Right now the warming         Fleegel said that they want the
less find food, shelter, job      vacancies.                           they talked to the landlord of    center      uses      miniature    warming center to be able to
interviews, and more. The              Back in February, a group       the warming center and came       refrigerators for refrigerating    stay open during the nighttime
Lincoln Center is St. Cloud’s     of students from St. Cloud           to an agreement so that they      food and drinks in the shelter.    in the summer. To do this,
newest warming center. The        State University created a           could put in two showers.         The shelter plans to use some      Homeless Helping Homeless
shelter is open 24 hours a day    GoFundMe page to raise               One regular shower and            of the extra money received        would have to abide by St.
and serves the homeless in        money to put two new showers         one handicap shower will be       from the GoFundMe page to          Cloud city codes. That would
cases of extreme weather con-     into the warming center.             installed.                        pay for better refrigeration.      mean using some of the extra
ditions.                               Ayan Muhumed, Jordan                “We’re eternally grateful          Fleegel said that the need    money that was fundraised to
    “Homeless          Helping    Poepping, and a group of             not just to those two students,   for temporary shelter is so        install sprinklers, alarms, or
Homeless started about two        social work students at St.          but to all of the students at     intense that the shelter has       other changes to the shelter in
years ago by a group of home-     Cloud State organized the            St. Cloud State University        been at full capacity almost       order to meet the city codes.
less people who were staying      GoFundMe page. Currently             who contributed to this           every day. The city of St. Cloud       There’s many ways to
at the Place of Hope,” said       the fundraiser has raised            GoFundMe,” said Fleegel.          sponsored a motel program          help out St. Cloud’s warming
Harry Fleegel, Executive Di-      almost $7,000. The initial               The showers will enable       for St. Cloud’s homeless           center. People can donate
rector of Homeless Helping        goal was $5,000, but the page        members of the homeless           community that expired April       items such as men’s pants and
Homeless.                         is still active to pay for other     community to be comfortable       3, 2020, so more homeless          underwear.
    The building’s normal         needs at the shelter.                and look their best when          people are now without a
capacity is about 20; however,         During the start of the         applying for jobs and going to    place to stay.                     See Homeless on Page 3
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April 2021 Edition                                                                                                       

 Town halls have been updating the
 campus community for over a year
By Anna Panek
    Managing Editor              will not be any changes to the     University. Requests can be         start for events.                   to AppsAnywhere.
                                 working arrangements at this       sent to Tressa Ries.                     Family pods (the people                 Student Life
     SCSU held town halls on     time.                                   The University is planning     you live with or spend the              Double occupancy and
March 1, March 15, and March             Health Matters             for campus and conferences          majority of your time with), up     single occupancy rooms will
29.                                   Minnesotans can go to the     on campus this summer.              to 6 people, may be permitted       be available this fall. First year
     Speakers at the town        Vaccine Connector to sign up            Athletic teams have be-        for some events.                    students will be able to choose
hall     included      Robbyn    to be put on the list to receive   gun to play in their respective         Strategic Enrollment            from Mitchell, Case-Hill, and
Wacker, SCSU President;          the vaccine.                       tournaments.                                 Management                 Shoemaker Halls. Returning
Brent     Nielsen,     Medical        Governor Walz an-                  Starting April 1, large ven-        Commencement             on    students will be able to choose
Director; Jason Woods,           nounced on March 26 that all       ues on campus can host over         March 12 went very well.            from Stearns Hall or Stateview
Vice President for Strategic     Minnesotans 16 years of age        250 people. In small spaces,        Woods thanked everyone              Apartments.
Enrollment       Management;     and older would be eligible for    capacity can increase to 50%.       who was a part of it. Over 300          Pizza by Design will be
Jenn Furan-Super, Director       the COVID-19 vaccine begin-             The CDC now ruled              students, parents, and friends      relocated to the main form
of Emergency Preparedness;       ning March 30.                     drinking fountains, hand            celebrated.                         where the Coffee Corner
Daniel Gregory, Provost and           SCSU is still waiting to      dryers, and reusable utensils                      IT                   currently is.
Vice President for Academic      become an official vaccination     can now be used with proper              Multi Factor Authentica-           Over 360 pounds of food
Affairs; Clare Rahm, Interim     site.                              cleaning and the other stan-        tion (MFA) is being added to        were received for the Huskies
Vice President of Student             Dr. Nielsen reminded lis-     dard health guidelines (mask        SCSU’s Office 365 accounts.         Food Pantry during their food
Life and Development; and        teners that vaccines are com-      wearing and social distancing)           New students will be           drive prior to spring break.
Phil Thorson, Deputy Chief       pletely free, safe, and effec-     being followed.                     automatically enrolled in MFA           The Huskies Food Pantry
Information Officer.             tive.                                   Surveillance testing (get-     starting March 12. Faculty are      can also now accept donations
          University                  One listener asked in the     ting tested on a regular basis)     currently in the transition into    of bread, fruits, and vegeta-
     Wacker recognized the       chat if the COVID-19 vaccine       is recommended.                     MFA, and students have the          bles.
Bring Huskies Home team for      would be an annual vacci-               It is unlikely that variants   option to opt-in at this point.         May Commencement
reaching the one year mark of    nation like the flu shot. Dr.      are in Central Minnesota.                HuskyTech would like to                   Planning
providing town hall updates.     Nielsen responded that it is            Testing events are still       hear from faculty and students          Planning has begun. The
     Governor Walz recently      possible, but that the answer      happening every Thursday            about what devices they will        location, seating chart, and
relaxed his guidelines about     is unknown at this time.           from 2:30 – 4:30 p.m. in At-        be needing to check out this        800 plus students, and sepa-
gatherings. The University             Campus Operations            wood.                               summer and fall, as well as         ration of groups is being con-
was able to increase the              Study Abroad is still              Seating assignments will       what software should be made        sidered.
number of events on campus       paused through the summer.         be required beginning April         available.                              Woods also thanked ev-
and the number of people              Any University travel         1. This has already been done            Thorson also reminded          eryone who helped with a suc-
allowed at each event. There     needs to be approved by the        in classrooms, but will need to     students that they have access      cessful fall commencement.

                                         HOMELESS from Page 2
    The shelter also needs       water, and more. Tents,            a hand, the warming center is           “It is important for every      We need to always treat other
snack food suitable to be put    sleeping bags, and tarps are       always in need of volunteers.       person to not be judgmental         people with empathy. . . How
into backpacks, so nothing       also helpful for the homeless      The shelter needs people to         and to care for one another,”       can I not just help them, but
that will spoil. This includes   community staying outside as       run the lunch counter, to help      said Fleegel. “As a community,      partner with them to help
food and drink items such as     the weather gets warmer.           with cleaning, laundry, and to      we need to treat everybody          make their life better?”
chips, granola bars, bottled         If anyone is looking to lend   sort donations.                     with dignity and respect. . . .

                                                                                                                     University Chronicle was founded Sept. 19, 1924.
                                                          EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Matt Auvil
     UNIVERSITY                                                                                                      It has been published under various names. It
                                                                                                                     is written, edited, and published by St. Cloud
     CHRONICLE                                            MANAGING EDITOR: Anna Panek                                State University students. The paper is published
     St Cloud State University                                                                                       monthly during school semesters. There are
                                                          ASST. MANAGING EDITOR: Tim Speier                          schedule exceptions during final periods and
                                                                                                                     academic breaks.
     ADDRESS 13 Stewart Hall St. Cloud,
             Minnesota 56301-4498                         ASST. MANAGING EDITOR: Sarah Bunich                        University Chronicle holds meetings every Monday
                                                                                                                     and Thursday at 10 am in 13B Stewart Hall. If you
     WEB                          STAFF WRITER: Brevin Monroe                                are interested in writing for us or have a story idea,
                                                                                                                     please come visit us.
     E-MAIL             GRAPHIC DESIGNER: Parker Buske
                                                                                                                     The newspaper is funded with student activity fees
                                                                                                                     through the Student Government Finance Com-
     PHONE (320)-308-4086                                 FACULTY ADVISER: Tim Hennagir                              mittee. Editorial, production, and office facilities
                                                                                                                     are in 13 Stewart Hall, SCSU.
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April 2021 Edition                                                                                                        

    St. Cloud airport included in
         Allegiant expansion
By Sarah Bunich                      helpful for those traveling and
     Asst. Managing Editor
                                     the airport itself.
                                         Now that the COVID-19
     After a year of the limited     vaccine has been administered
amount of travel happening           to roughly 10% of the U.S.
because of the COVID-19              population, more places
pandemic, the St. Cloud              that have a lot of tourism
Regional Airport announced           are reopening or increasing
last month that they were a          capacity. With this occurring
part of Allegiant Airlines’          travel has been increasing. As
expansion. St. Cloud, the            an effect airports and airlines
airport, has been partners           have a lot to look forward to,
with Allegiant for a decade,         like Allegiant’s expansion.
so they are grateful for the         Especially after having a year
opportunity to receive more          where they lost $35 billion
flights from the airline.            in revenue because of the
     The news of the expansion       COVID-19 pandemic.
could not have come at a better          Revenue is what a lot of
time for St. Cloud; it is getting    businesses, not just airlines,
close to the start of their busy     were losing during the
season. Bill Towle, Director         pandemic. People are hoping        St. Cloud Regional Airport Announced last month that they are a
of the St. Cloud Regional            that with the increasing           part of Allegiant Airline expansion. Photo credit: Sarah Bunich
Airport, stated that since they      number of flights coming in
are more of a leisure travel         and out of the airport and more       “St. Cloud airport is more      means that our economy here       Baker has suggested people
airport and with leisure travel      people traveling there will       of an airport that people use to    in St. Cloud is recovering.”      look at traveling to state or
beginning to increase again          be an increase in St. Cloud’s     leave the city and not to visit,”        If people still are not      national parks. Since they are
that their flights will be just as   economy or a sign that the        Dr. Randal Baker, Hospitality       feeling comfortable with          a lot more open, and you can
booked as before. The added          economy is generating more        and Tourism Professor, said         traveling to the more touristy    still get out and have the fun
flights from Allegiant will be       revenue.                          “But since people are traveling     areas like Florida and Arizona,   experience of traveling.

    Some relief for the Red Carpet; Thanks to
 Barstool Sports, the downtown bar is still alive
                                                                                       payroll, rent, utilities and                          said Gaetz.
                                                                                       health insurance.                                         As for the future we are
                                                                                            “The Barstool Sports                             waiting for further easing of
                                                                                       funding was a gift from left                          restrictions so that we can
                                                                                       field,” said Rick Gaetz, the                          open up our entire facility and
                                                                                       owner of Red Carpet, “who                             get back to doing what we do
                                                                                       knew that private companies                           best: providing a fun party
                                                                                       out there were so deeply                              atmosphere.
                                                                                       concerned about Main Street                               WJON interviewed Adri-
                                                                                       Businesses      of     America                        enne Donnel, the bar manager
                                                                                       that they actually are doing                          at the Red Carpet, who said
                                                                                       something to alleviate their                          for a bar that thrives on live
                                                                                       pain. Kudos to them.”                                 music and events it’s sad to
                                                                                            The future is looking                            see the bar so empty.
 The Red Carpet in downtown St. Cloud is still operating thanks to
                                                                                       brighter for the Red Carpet.                              “We’ve only done acoustic
 Barstool Sports. Photo credit: Arsalan Khan
                                                                                            “The bar is eager to get                         acts up here in the Martini
                                                                                       back into the swing of things,                        Lounge last summer out on
By Arsalan Khan               and pop culture-focused three months), according to but government restrictions                                the patio,” said Donnel. “We
    Contributing Writer       digital media company, The Barstool Fund website.        continue to put the brakes on                         did do one burlesque show in
                              Barstool Sports.                  The Barstool Fund is a moving forward,” said Gaetz.                          the event center and one drag
    The Red Carpet, a St.        The Red Carpet will campaign that raises money             Restrictions on event                            show in the event center, and
Cloud nightclub, will receive receive support for as long for 30 Day Fund, Inc., which group size, total occupancy                           a whole lot of comedy, comedy
monthly support payments as the pandemic is damaging in turn was created to help of 25o people and early night                               seems to work really well.”
from a national funding the nightclub’s business and small businesses save jobs by time closure at 11 p.m. makes it
campaign created by sports-   funds are available (at least helping with expenses like difficult to operate profitably,                      See RED on Page 6
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April 2021 Edition                                                                                                     

          A joint effort to legalize
           Marijuana in Minnesota
By Tierney Porter
    Contributing Writer

     The Minnesota Senate
committee made a historic
vote on March 1, 2021
unanimously voting to pass
the proposal bill that would
allow the use of the marijuana
flower for medicinal purposes.
This was the first time in a
decade that a bill such as this
one has passed.
     Matt Angel, a senior at
St. Cloud State University,
said the flower should be legal
for medical use because it’s
cheaper. “More people will be
able to afford it.”
     The medicinal use of
the flower is not the only
marijuana bill trying to pass,
as House Majority Leader,
Ryan Winkler, and other
Democrat lawmakers have             The slow burn for the legalization of recreational use of Marijuana in Minnesota
reintroduced the adult-use          continues, but will it pass this time around? Photo courtesy of Wesley Gibbs
cannabis bill. This bill would
make the recreational use of       alcohol are legal, so should     President, Kamala Harris, has      of recreational pot similar        allow alcohol sales on Sundays
marijuana legal to adults age      recreational marijuana.”         the constitutional power to        to the concerns we all have        came about, Minnesota was
21 or older.                           Chris Lazo is another St.    cast tie-breaking votes, and       about tobacco, drinking, or        one of the only 12 states left
     “Adults deserve the           Cloud State University senior.   she did just that, giving the      prescription drug abuse,”          that were still banning the
freedom to decide whether to       Lazo said, in all honesty, he    Democrats control over the         wrote Senate Majority Leader       sales of alcohol on Sundays.
use cannabis…” said Winkler,       would rather have people         Senate as well.                    Paul Gazelka in a statement to     When surrounding states,
the bill’s chief author in an      getting high on marijuana than        On Wednesday, March           Kare 11.                           such as Wisconsin, started
interview with 5 Eyewitness        getting drunk with alcohol.      24, the Adult-use bill cleared          However, there are            opening seven days a week,
News.                                  This would be the            a fourth House committee           positives to come if this bill     Minnesotans would simply
     The adult-use marijuana       second time in two years that    according to Marijuana             should pass. The state would       cross the border to get what
bill, if passed, would allow an    Minnesota will be considering    Moment.                            likely benefit from additional     they desired, which was
adult resident, 21 years of age    the legal use of recreational         “Legalization of adult-       tax revenue and in the same        costing the state of Minnesota
or older, to legally possess       marijuana.                       use cannabis is coming             article.                           many precious tax collections.
one and a half ounces of               The big question now         to Minnesota one time or                “This bill will create             History may soon repeat
cannabis in public, 10 ounces      on many people’s minds is        another,” said Winkler.            necessary oversight. It will       itself with the legalization
within the privacy of their        whether the bill will pass            With the majority of seats    make our communities safer         of recreational marijuana as
own home, concentrates and         this time around. According      in the Senate belonging to         while removing the need            many surrounding states,
other products derived from        to an article on 2020            Republicans, there is a chance     for a black market and while       including our bordering state
marijuana. It would also give      election results, after the      the bill could fail when it goes   eliminating the harm it has        of South Dakota which will
them the ability to legally grow   2020 elections, Democrats        to the Senate.                     done do society,” stated           legalize marijuana starting
up to eight marijuana plants in    maintained control of the             “If Senate Republicans        Senator Melisa Franzen.            July 1, 2021 according to Kare
their private residence.           House of Representatives         don’t go along with the policy          She also mentioned how        11, have begun the process of
     “Although I do not            after winning 222 seats, while   change legislatively, he said      law enforcement officers           or are looking into legalization
use marijuana, I think the         the Republicans only won 213.    he hopes they will at least let    would be able to dedicate their    as well.
legalization of recreational           At first glance, it          voters decide on cannabis          time and resources to more              “If people are willing to
marijuana would be fine,”          would appear Republicans         as a 2022 ballot measure,”         serious crimes.                    drive to Wisconsin in order to
Angel said. “Personally, I         hold control of the Senate       Winkler said in an article              It is unknown how soon        buy fireworks, they’re sure as
think marijuana is safer than      with their 50 seats to the       written by Kyle Jaeger.            this bill could be passed. It is   heck going to drive to South
alcohol and I don’t see a reason   Democrats 48, according to            There are concerns that       no surprise that Minnesota         Dakota to get cannabis,” said
why it should be illegal. I have However, the two     many Senate Republicans            has been historically slow to      Winkler.
seen many aggressive drunks,       remaining seats belong to two    share if the adult-use bill does   change and allow new things             It appears that it is no
but I have never seen someone      Independents who are caucus      pass here in Minnesota.            that once were considered          longer a conversation of if the
aggressive on marijuana. If        with the Democrats, making            “My main concerns are         taboo when compared to             adult-use bill will pass, but
cigarettes and                     a 50/50 division. Vice           the unintended consequences        other states. When the bill to     more a conversation of when.
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April 2021 Edition                                                                                                         

          RED from Page 4
     The Red Carpet is the          equirement of wearing a mask
heart and soul of downtown
St. Cloud. The streets have
                                    is a constant reminder that
                                    we are still living in restricted                    OUT OUR
been empty and less crowded         pandemic times.
since the pandemic lockdown              “My date and I showed
of March 2020.                      up early, around 6 p.m..
     Ryan Connelly who is a         Nobody was there except
regular bar visitor and martini     us and staff. We ordered
lover said that he got excited      martinis and proceeded to
after hearing Barstool funding      chat intermittently with the                                           @universitychron
made the call to the Red            bar keep,” said Connelly.
Carpet, one of his favorite St      “We asked what events may
cloud nightlife experiences         be coming up. They said they
during in college and he knew       would be having a musician to                                          @UniversityChron
he just had to go and get a         test out if people could handle
delicious martini from the          the responsibility.”
infamous martini lounge.                 Unfortunately it looks
     Now things are vastly
different. The Red Carpet is
                                    like the Red Carpet and pre-
                                    COVID, normal downtown
no longer as lively, fun, noisy     life will not be back at least for
place as it used to be. The         a while.

Update on the Ultimate Sports Bar
                                                                                                           more than a short-term fix,”       established. There will still be
                                                                                                           Frericks said.                     70 televisions for the sports
                                                                                                                The decision to rebuild       fan.
                                                                                                           was an immediate choice.                Support from the local
                                                                                                                “I was 57 when my bar         community was instrumental
                                                                                                           burned, I am too young to          in the decision to rebuild.
                                                                                                           retire and too old to work for          "One of the decisions
                                                                                                           anyone else,” said Frericks.       to help me rebuild was the
                                                                                                                The magnitude of the          incredible support of the
                                                                                                           decision to rebuild was not lost   community as a whole has for
                                                                                                           on Frericks. After 34 years of     what you poured your heart
                                                                                                           owning and operating his bar,      and soul in to for 34-years,"
                                                                                                           he saw this as an opportunity      said Frericks.
                                                                                                           to rebuild his dream bar.               That level of community
 The Ultimate Sports Bar is getting closer to reopening on May 1.                                          Frericks has taken control of      supports spills into the sports
 Photo credit: Tim Speier                                                                                  the construction as well. He       as well. As with any sports bar
                                                                                                           is the lead general contractor,    when local teams do well, many
By Joseph Bahr                      anything else we have in                 “It was a catch-22,"          ensuring his bar is built to his   people will watch the games at
    Contributing Writer             town,” said Brandon Hale, a          shared Frericks. "I was           dream. When the doors open         their preferred watering hole.
                                    patron who said The Ultimate         blessed to miss everything that   in                                 Frericks certainly feels there
     As May 1, approaches           Sports Bar. “It was my favorite      my industry dealt with in 2020         May 1, patrons will notice    was a missed opportunity as
many of us will be looking          bar in town.”                        but I also had to convince        some considerable add-ons          the Huskies are making their
forward to summer, shorts,               The bar was forced to           people that financing an          while maintaining the feel of      way to the Frozen Four.
and warm weather. For               close on March 17, 2020 when         investment of this magnitude      the old place.                          “Watching the Huskies,
Tom Frericks, owner of the          the state mandated all non-          (two-million-dollars) was a            “We are building an axe       you can’t help but think how
Ultimate Sports Bar, in St.         essential business to close.         good investment for them."        throwing pit inside the bar        packed your bar would have
Cloud, that day represents the      The fire took place 13 days              Many state governments        and we also renovated our          been,” said Frericks.
payoff of 15 months of work         later.                               in addition to the federal        whole exterior where our deck           “Being able to build this
and rebuilding.                          “It turned out that there       government were quick to          used to be, and we are making      the way I wanted it has been
     Frericks has owned and         was an electrical issue in the       help through the CARES Act        a three-seasons porch and          really cool,” said Frericks.
operated the Ultimate Sports        back wall of the original part of    of 2020. This help came in the    added outdoor fire pit tables           After 15 months of
bar for 34 years. It had become     the building that was around         form of payroll protections       as well," said                     planning and construction
a pillar in the community           100-years-old,” said Frericks.       loan and small business loans.         Frericks. "We also put a      Frericks, like the rest of
with many watch parties for              2020 was a difficult year           Frericks’ feels that while    10-foot sliding glass window       us, is looking forward to
local teams and a popular           for all small businesses. Many       there was help available, “it     in the bar and when it opens       summering. The crack of the
destination to watch the            small businesses were forced         was not nearly enough to          up there’s a bar that slides       bat, laughing with friends
Huskies in the NCAA hockey          to close their doors, unsure         compensate for what and how       eight-feet to the exterior so we   and the sounds of axes being
tournament. Rericks’ Bar            if they when or if they were         long we had to be shut down       can have an exterior bar area      thrown into targets will be
would burn down on March            going to reopen.                     for.”Many of these protections    as well."                          the norm at the new Ultimate
30, 2020.                                The idea that missing the       came in the form of loans that         None of this is to take       Sports Bar.
     “It    was       incredible.   majority of 2020 was possibly        are going to be needed to be      away from the sports bar
Definitely unparalleled to          a blessing in disguise.              paid back.                        environment that has been
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university chronicle                                                                                                     Page 7 OPINION
April 2021 Edition                                                                                                            

    Student Government
    statement regarding
     the attack on Asian                                                                                               CHECK OUT
          Americans                                                                                                   OUR WEBSITE
By SCSU Student
                                  our deepest support to
                                  members from the Asian
                                                                        oppressive and evil actors who
                                                                        are intent on attacking and
                                                                                                                     FOR TOWN HALL
    Contributing Writers          community with regards to the         further traumatizing people of
                                  violent events that took place        marginalized identities.
    On Tuesday, we witnessed      on March 16. Violence against             To our Asian and Asian
an attack against the Asian and   anyone must be condemned.             American friends, colleagues,
Asian American community.         Now more than ever the Asian          and neighbors, please know
These horrific shootings are      community requires allyship.          that we at SCSU Student           
sadly one of many recent hate     We must work together to              Government support you.
crimes targeting the Asian        break the silence surrounding             Together, all of us must
community. Many of these          the current rise in racism and        condemn this violence and
incidents will go unreported      end the indifference.                 stand with those targeted by
and not make any headlines.           As a campus we must               hate.
    Our senate wants to give      come together to defeat these

By Anna Panek                     doesn’t go your way, or take          out regularly is that the easy        your rent money went. Humor        • Leaving college with rec-
    Managing Editor               responsibility for your life          workouts never give me the            me and notice that instead of          ollections of fun weekend
                                  and create the one you want.          results I am striving for, it is      losing five pounds like your           nights or a high GPA be-
                                  While the first option is             the workouts that push my             workout program advertised,            cause you spent many Fri-
     Practicing self care last    definitely easier, I have found       limits, that challenge me that        you gained three pounds,               day and Saturday nights
week, I read “Chicken Soup        that option two is much more          give me those results.                you need to accept that your           doing coursework rather
for the College Soul” by          worthwhile.                                Do you really want               cheat meal turned into a cheat         than going out?
Jack Canfield. One story in           It is easier to believe that      to spend each day living              weekend.                           • Leaving college unsure of
particular stuck with me,         you have no close friends             passively, letting life happen             One of my mentors told            what career you would like
“The Thought Card”. In            because everyone else is              TO you? Again, that is your           me in high school, “You are            to follow or a strong resume
that submission by Hanoch         heartless and doesn’t invite          choice, but personally I much         free to make any choice you            and lots of experience in a
McCarty, he writes about a        you to hang out than to take          prefer to create the life I want.     would like, but you are not            variety of fields because
unique college professor he       responsibility and initiate a              It is okay to struggle in this   free from the consequences of          you got involved?
had. That professor required      plan to hang out with them.           journey, taking responsibility        that choice.”                      • Leaving college and
his students to bring a               It is easier to believe           isn’t something that you do                Consequences don’t have           spending all of your time
notecard with any thought         that it is the fault of the slow      once and you are done, it is          to be a negative, they are             at work trying to get ahead
they had that morning written     driver in front of you for            something you need to work            simply the result of the choice.       or being able to find a
on it as their entrance ticket    being late to work than to            on every single day. Say for          When you graduate college,             work/life balance because
to class on Tuesdays. One day     take responsibility that you          example, you haven’t talked           which consequences would               you practiced setting
the author brings in a note       decided to stop for coffee on         to one of your closest friends        you like to have?                      boundaries in college?
that says, “I am the son of an    the way in, taking away any           in six months, you need to            • Leaving college with your        • Leaving college full of
idiot!” after having a fight      spare minutes you had.                accept that you haven’t tried             degree in hand, but having         regrets wishing you would
with his father that morning.         It is easier to believe that      to reach out to them. Maybe               no connections or having a         have spent your last few
The professor returned his        you are broke because the             you were late to work today,              dozen great college friends        years differently or a sigh
notecard the following day        “system” is rigged against            you need to accept that hitting           and mentors?                       of relief that your hard
with this comment, “What          you than to take responsibility       the snooze button five times          • Leaving college with half            work has paid off?
does the ‘son of an idiot’ do     for your finances and manage          doesn’t work like it did in               the cost of a house in              Taking responsibility for
with the rest of his life?”       your money.                           high school. Or maybe you are             student loans or a small       your life is all about starting the
     The story continues to           Taking responsibility for         feeling stressed about making             loan (or maybe even debt       right habits. Today is as good
show that people have two         your life is simple, but it sure is   this month’s rent payment,                free) because you filled out   of a day as any to start a new
options in life: to blame         not easy. What I have learned         you need to accept that going             scholarships and worked        habit. What consequences do
someone else when life            in the last year of working           out one meal a day is where               through school?                you want to have?
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university chronicle                                                                                           Page 8 GALLERY
April 2021 Edition                                                                                                   

        Taking a Look Back at the Huskies' Historic Run

The Huskies were placed in the Northeast Region in Albany, NY and are set to take on the           Kevin Fitzgerald and Will Hammer (#16) celebrating a score.
Boston University Terriers this Saturday at 5:30 p.m. Photo courtesy of Kylie Macziewski           Photo courtesy of Mark Kuhlmann Omaha Athletics

North Dakota forward Jordan Kawaguchi (29) scores eight
seconds into overtime on St. Cloud State goaltender David Hrenak         St. Cloud State forwards Kyler Kupka (10), Jared Cockrell (21) and Will Hammer (16) cheer
(34) Wednesday, Dec. 16, at Baxter Arena in the NCHC Pod in              after Cockrell's goal on Nebraska Omaha in the third period Sunday, Dec. 6, at Baxter Arena
Omaha. Photo courtesy of Tyler Schank, Forum News Service                in the NCHC Pod in Omaha. Photo courtesy of Tyler Schank, Forum News Service

Colorado College forward Ray Christy (11) (right) looks up to watch the replay as St. Cloud
State celebrates defenseman Nick Perbix's (25) game-tying goal in the third period Friday,
Dec. 18, at Baxter Arena in the NCHC Pod in Omaha. Photo courtesy of Tyler Schank,                 Easton Brodzinski scores vs. UND on Dec. 12. Photo courtesy of
Forum News Service                                                                                 Mark Kuhlman, Omaha Athletics

St. Cloud State defenseman Nick Perbix (25) reacts as he skates to
forward Veeti Miettinen (29) to celebrate Miettinen's goal on Denver     Minnesota Duluth forward Tanner Laderoute (13) takes a shot at St. Cloud State goalie
in the third period Sunday, Dec. 20, at Baxter Arena in the NCHC         David Hrenak (34) in the first period Saturday, Jan. 2, 2021, at the Herb Brooks National
Pod in Omaha. Photo courtesy of Tyler Schank, Forum News Service         Hockey Center in St. Cloud, Minn. Photo courtesy of Jason Wachter, The Rink Live
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April 2021 Edition                                                                                   

The Huskies celebrate after advancing to their first national championship game in school history after defeating Mankato
5-4. Photo courtesy of Keith Srakocic

St. Cloud State forward Jami Krannila (13) celebrates his goal against         David Hrenak Made 23 saves in the #7 Huskies win against Colorado
Minnesota Duluth in the third period Sunday, Jan. 3, 2021, at the              College on Saturday Feb. 20 at the Herb Brooks National Hockey
Herb Brooks National Hockey Center in St. Cloud, Minn. Photo                   Center in St. Cloud, Minn. Photo courtesy of SCSU Hockey
courtesy of Jason Wachter, The Rink Live

Nolan Walker scored four goals in one                The Huskies swept the Bulldogs Jan. 8-9            Chase Brand crashes the Minnesota
game on Saturday, Jan. 23 against the                in Duluth at the Amsoil Arena extending            Duluth net hard. Brand would score a goal
Miami-Ohio RedHawks. Photo Courtesy of               their win streak to three. Photo courtesy          in the game. Photo courtesy of Jason
Kylie Macziewski                                     of Dave Harwig                                     Wachter, The Rink Live
university chronicle                                                                                                Page 10 VARIETY
April 2021 Edition                                                                                                        

 ‘The Miseducation of Cameron
  Post’ film screening and Q&A
                                                                                                         of being casted at all until later   conversion camps and how
                                                                                                         on in casting.                       anti-gay they were,” said
                                                                                                              “I originally wanted an         Akhavan. “It was a weird time
                                                                                                         unknown actor to fit the role        in life that made me sad, yet
                                                                                                         as Cameron, but [Chloe] came         fascinated to talk about.”
                                                                                                         up on a sticky note passed to             A lot of research went
                                                                                                         me and once I started to think       into creating the creating
                                                                                                         about it, I realized that [Chloe]    the conversion therapy camp
                                                                                                         could bring something new            said Akhavan. There were
                                                                                                         and different to the vision [of      many hours of watching,
                                                                                                         the film],” said Akhavan.            listening. and reading anti-gay
                                                                                                              Akhavan           continued     propaganda that was released
                                                                                                         talking about her vision for the     in the early 90s in order to
                                                                                                         film and the role as a director      properly fit the timeline the
                                                                                                         over the actors.                     film took place in.
                                                                                                              “There were a lot of                 Towards the end of the
                                                                                                         times I felt satisfaction in         Q & A, Akhavan gave the
                                                                                                         what we shot but there were          audience advice about making
                                                                                                         other times I felt like an           a film that you want even if it
 Poster of the film ‘The Miseducation of Cameron Post’. Photo                                            idiot and wanted to reshoot          means some people might not
 courtesy of SCSU Film Department                                                                        or redo something,” said             like it.
                                                                                                         Akhavan. “[However] with the              “It’s about using your
By Matt Auvil                      her best friend.                         “We would be shooting        performances on screen [from         voice and to not be afraid
    Editor-In-Chief                    The film was Akhavan’s         six days out of the week and       the actors] as a director you        of what others think,” said
                                   second major feature film that     then one day we would have         will know when to step in to         Akhavan. “It is not always
    The        SCSU        Film    won the Grand Jury Prize for       off,” said Akhavan. “We            change something and when            about the camera equipment
Department hosted another          US Drama at the Sundance           would have this big bonfire        to let something happen.”            you have, the actors that you
director virtually through         Film Festival in 2018 and was      and a dance party. It gave              When it came time to            have casted it’s about telling
the “Visiting Filmmakers           highly praised by critics at its   everyone time to get to know       shoot the awkward and at             the story that you want to tell.
Series” with director Desiree      release nationwide in theaters.    each other, but it also gave       times uncomfortable scenes           If not a lot of people listen, it is
Akhavan who showed her                 Akhavan told the audience      the actors time to learn how to    during the film, Akhavan             okay to speak louder.”
film “The Miseducation of          that the entire crew worked        interact with the other [actors]   told the audience that it was             Akhavan told the audience
Cameron Post.” The film            and lived together on the set      there.”                            challenging but yet important        that she is working on a new
star Chloe Moretz as a young       of the film, which was an old           In the original script of     for herself and the viewers.         show called “Hot Pink” that
teen in 1993 who is sent to        German resort that she feels       the film, Chloe Moretz was not          “I      thought       [when     will be streaming on Amazon
a conversion therapy camp          brought the crew together          thought of to play the lead role   shooting] it is important for        Prime near the end of this
after she is found out to have a   and improved their on-camera       of Cameron Post. It actually       people to see some of the            year.
secret relationship with           relationship.                      turns out she wasn’t thought       things that happened at these

  Central Minnesota Audio Newspapers
Serves the Community from Stewart Hall
By Anna Panek                  in conjunction with the                sight and he missed reading        be livestreamed.                     volunteering need to pass the
     Managing Editor           Mass          Communications           the daily newspaper.                    The organization is run by      test, which involves going to
                               Department,       the   State               Last October, CMAN            Rita Woeste, who schedules           the KVSC radio station in
     The Central Minnesota Services for the Blind, the                changed their systems of           volunteers and manages the           Stewart Hall and recording
Audio Newspapers (CMAN) Retired and Seniors Volunteer                 broadcasting to their listeners,   logistics of the program,            their reading for about 15
organization has been serving Program, and the St. Cloud              upgrading from special radio       and Maggie Kraemer, who              minutes. The overarching
the visually impaired for 21 Area School District. Brendan            receivers to livestreaming         coordinates          volunteer       organization in St. Paul
years by providing the local McDonald served as the                   their recorded readings of the     auditions. Those interested          reviews the recordings and
news in an audio format.       president of St. Cloud State           local newspapers. Before the       in volunteering can reach out        approves the volunteers.
     This program was started from 1982 to 1992.                      change, there were roughly 75      to Woeste directly at (320)
by Bernie McDonald, the wife       Bernie McDonald wanted             listeners around the area; more    293-2273 or via email at
of former University President to start this program because          people can utilize the service
Brendan McDonald               her husband lost his sense of          now that the recordings can             Those interested in             See AUDIO on Page 12
university chronicle                                                                                             Page 11 VARIETY
April 2021 Edition                                                                                                    

 Kiehle sees art through the camera
        lens in Valise exhibit
By Isabella Kraft                simplistic and I wanted to        to Soth’s other work. The
    Contributing Writer          make broader leaps.”              subtle cues towards other
                                     Soth wanted to expand off     photos in the gallery make the
     Seeing the world through    of his previous work and make     work become more cohesive
a camera, people have            linkages from photos through      between the found photos and
been doing that a lot lately.    free association, rather than     Soth’s.
Through Zoom and Facetime        the photos be direct with their        “The longer you spend
this new normal can become       message.                          time here you see something
monotonous. However, the             “So much of the power         in a picture and then you walk
Kiehle Art Gallery is breaking   of photography is the viewer,     over and you see the actual
through by displaying the        viewing in and connecting the     picture and it’s super rare
power a camera has in the        dots and making their own         in a show of photographs
compelling images of Valise.     stories,” Soth said.              where you see the actual thing
     Throughout       February       The theme of wandering        depicted,” Christian said.
and March, photographer          and adventures began as a              Although the Valise
Alec Soth’s exhibit, Valise,     starting point for Soth when he   exhibit ended at the end
was on display in the Kiehle     thought of his new project. He    of March, there are more
Art Gallery. The exhibit         began collecting photographs      exhibits to come to the Kiehle
was a mixture of his own         during his travels from shops     Art Gallery this year. The
photography as well as found     and people he met along the       gallery hosts six exhibits per
photographs.                     way. At a stop in Los Angeles,    year from regional artists, as      Part of the Valise Photo exhibit in Kiehle Art
     The Valise exhibit brings   he purchased 60 pounds of         well as a student exhibition at     Gallery. Photo credit: Isabella Kraft
inspiration from Soth’s          photographs for the exhibit.      the end of the academic year.
previous work, From Here to          “Then it was a question            “We try to put up shows       visits for artists being consid-   hibition which both are open
There. Where he connects all     of how do I make meaning          of work by artists who             ered moved to a virtual format.    to the public. Since Kiehle is a
the photos together, such a      out of all these things,” Soth    represent a board change of        “Studio visits are a way for a     tucked back building on cam-
man with a Superman tattoo       said. “When I was traveling,      working styles and materials,”     gallery director to connect        pus, Christian believes this
and the next picture of a        I would lay them all out on my    Christian said. “[We] want to      with the artist and consider       makes the building seem more
Superman cape in a costume       bed and organize them, put        represent the largest section      them for exhibition, that’s        secluded than it is.
shop.                            them into different categories    of culture and society.”           shifted to virtual studio vis-          “I would encourage stu-
     “I liked the adventure      and try and figure out ways of         Due to the Coronavirus        its,” Christian said. “We have     dents to come by and see
of this, but I didn’t love the   making meaning.”                  pandemic, procedures of the        had to adapt, but [we are]         what is happening, there is
pictures there just wasn’t           According to gallery          art gallery have changed, such     lucky campus has stayed open       always something going up in
enough information in them       director     Peter      Happel    as a smaller capacity in the       and Kiehle has stayed open.”       the gallery,” Christian said.
for me,” Soth said. “The         Christain,      what     makes    gallery itself and having artist        There is expected to be       “You will always kind of be
linking between pictures was     Valise so unique is that it       talks over Zoom. One of the        one more exhibit this semes-       surprised by what is going on
just too gimmicky and            is experimental compared          biggest challenges, studio         ter, as well as the student ex-    here.”

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
  Department of Criminal Justice Studies
By Reine Kouakou                     St. Cloud State University         It is noteworthy that Dr.     which a student may choose. A      for attendance, but he keeps
                                 has been affected by the          Lee Gilbertson, one of the         professor gets no such choice.     track of students’ attendance.
    Contributing Writer
                                 Covid-19 pandemic. Also, the      full-time faculty members,             “I must be in the                  Dr. Dick Andzenge
                                 pandemic has an impact on         said that the Department of        classroom providing “In-           stated that the pandemic
    The Department of            the Department of Criminal        Criminal Justice Studies has       person” instruction while          impacted the availability of
Criminal Justice is one of       Justice Studies. Indeed,          voted to offer all courses in      simultaneously broadcasting        faculty to engage in research
the four departments in the      according to Dr. Dick             the Hyflex format until the        “synchronous”         (Zoom)       and to connect with each
School of Public Affairs. The    Andzenge, one of the full-        pandemic is under control.         instruction to students who        other. Indeed, some faculty
department offers various        time faculty members, the              According to Dr. Lee          participating from home,”          make some arrangements
programs such as a BA in         pandemic affected classes’        Gilbertson, the Hyflex format      said Gilbertson, “then put the     to teach their classes from
Criminal Justice Studies, a MS   delivery. St. Cloud State         “offers the greatest freedom       same materials up on D2L, so       home. Therefore, they do
in Criminal Justice Studies,     University decided to offer       for the student, but it ties       other students can access it       not have to come to campus.
Pre-law, a MS in Public Safety   four different class formats      a professor to mandatory           online (“asynchronous”) and        Dr. Andzenge declared that
Executive Leadership, and        such as In-person courses,        classroom instruction (in-         complete it whenever they          the use of technology is
Minnesota Law Enforcement        Blended/Hybrid       courses,     person).”                          want to.”                          challenging.
Licensure Training (P.O.S.T.     Online courses, and Hyflex             Hyflex means that all three       Dr. Lee Gilbertson said
Skills).                         courses.                          formats are available from         that he does not give points       See STUDIES on Page 12
university chronicle                                                                                          Page 12 VARIETY
April 2021 Edition                                                                                                  

  Summertime by George is back

 Soon the park by Lake George will be full of people enjoying live music. Photo credit: Sarah Bunich

By Sarah Bunich                  they were planning to have a     this summer has not been           government policies.              the summer-long event. Fritz
    Asst. Managing Editor        lot of bands return that were    announced yet. Based on how            With Governor Tim Walz        stated that food vendors and
                                 favorites in past years.         many bands can be a part of        most recent COVID-19 policy       keeping the event at capacity
    Summertime in St. Cloud          “For this season’s lineup,   it will determine how many         changes stating that outdoor      are the two that are currently
always means one thing to        we have a lot of old favorites   weeks the event will happen.       entertainment events can be       the hardest for the committee
people in the community,         that people enjoyed in                Even though the St.           at 50% capacity with no more      and city to plan, because of
the start of Summertime by       previous years coming back,”     Cloud Rotary Club has              than 250 people. After April 1,   the area where the event takes
Lake George. With last year’s    said Troy Fritz, entertainment   announced that they are            events with a capacity of 500     place not having boundaries in
season having to be canceled     chair.                           hosting the annual event once      or more can increase 15% if       place and current restrictions.
because of the COVID-19              Bands that were going to     again this summer there are        they are outdoors.                    Right now, the committee
pandemic, people are looking     play last summer are being       still some issues that they            Having these restrictions     is working with the parks
forward to this year’s events.   invited to play this summer      must work through to make          in place right now and the        department to work out a way
    Since last season was        and the celebration for 10       sure they are keeping up with      possibility of them changing      to make sure they have a way
going to be Summertime by        years will also be occurring     CDC (Centers for Disease           makes it hard for the rotary      to keep everything up to the
Lake George tenth season,        this summer. The lineup for      Control and Prevention) and        club to plan certain aspects of   restriction’s guidelines.

                             AUDIO                                                                                STUDIES
                          from Page 10                                                                         from Page 11
    KVSC provides space          months, or the academic year,    around 40 volunteers who               During his classes, he        of Public Affairs as previous
and technological assistance     shared Woeste.                   take turns reading each day.       had some issues with Zoom         years before the pandemic.
for the organization to run          The reader each day will     While numbers were higher          and the pandemic affected         Furthermore, according to
smoothly. volunteers can         always read the St. Cloud        before the pandemic, there are     students’ participation in        Dr. Banaian, St. Cloud State
choose their own schedule:       Times stories that are written   still new volunteers signing       academic work.                    University spent additional
reading once a month,            by St. Cloud reporters, as       up.                                    Dr. King Banaian, the         money for equipment and for
once a week, or more often.      well as circling through local        Jo McMullen-Boyer is the      Dean of the School of Public      sanitizing the buildings.
Typically, the recordings are    newspapers in a 50-mile          station manager at KVSC. She       Affairs, said that during the          The              pandemic
1-2 hours per day. Readers are   radius including: the Sartell    commented on the impact this       pandemic, it was important        also       affected     student
scheduled seven days a week.     Newsleaders, the Sauk Rapids     service has on our community.      to him to ensure the safety of    opportunities. Taiwo O., a
The biggest requirement          Herald, the Long Prairie              “It’s a neat program that I   faculty, staff, and students.     student in the Department of
for volunteers is that they      Leader, and the St. Joseph       think serves an audience that      Therefore, he made some           Criminal Justice Studies.
can make a long-term             Newsleaders.                     needs to be served,” shared        arrangements to give faculty           “It affected my internship
commitment, at least nine            There are currently          McMullen-Boyer.                    and students the choice           opportunities since most
                                                                                                     between coming to campus          offices were closed when I
                                                                                                     or not. Dr. Banaian argued        wanted to start my internship,”
                                                                                                     that the pandemic affected        said Taiwo.
                                                                                                     human connection and the               The pandemic affected
                                                                                                     ways people interact with         students who applied for OPT
                                                                                                     each other. Dr. Banaian           and CPT, but also those who
                                                                                                     also asserted that he got the     graduate and look for jobs in
                                                                                                     same budget for the School        the criminal justice system.
university chronicle                                                                                                   Page 13 VARIETY
April 2021 Edition                                                                                                           

     The Eighth Wonder of the World’ vs. ‘The
        King of the Monsters’ combo review
                                                                                                            “King Kong“ has shown its            a mother trying to comfort her
                                                                                                            age in many places but there         children in the middle of a
                                                                                                            is a good chunk that holds up        burning building (which is my
                                                                                                            well today. I can’t say it holds     favorite scene).
                                                                                                            the same timelessness as some             However, the film isn’t
                                                                                                            of the Universal Monster             entirely flawless. While the
                                                                                                            films do like “Frankenstein”         effects are well done, there are
                                                                                                            or “Dracula”, but it is still        a few instances where they sort
                                                                                                            a classic and worth a watch          of break the illusion like the
                                                                                                            today. If you’re a fan of            wobbling of Godzilla’s dorsal
                                                                                                            monster films or just curious        fins or a fire truck ramming
                                                                                                            to see the origins of one of         into a building. The film also
                                                                                                            pop culture’s iconic monsters,       has scenes dedicated to a few
                                                                                                            I’d say it’s worth at least one      characters, despite the overall
                                                                                                            watch but not many more. I’m         lack of character focus. The
                                                                                                            giving “King Kong“ a score of        few characters the film focuses
                                                                                                            2 ½ out of 5 huskies.                on aren’t especially interesting
                                                                                                                 Next, we have 1954’s            despite the strong acting,
                                                                                                            “Godzilla”. I have slightly          there’s a romantic couple in
                                                                                                            more experience with the             the film where the boyfriend
                                                                                                            Godzilla films compared to           tries to gain the father’s
 Godzilla and Kong duke it out before their crossover. King Kong photo                                      the King Kong films, although        approval to wed his girlfriend,
 courtesy of and Godzilla photo courtesy of                                       it’s not by much. I’ve seen the      while it doesn’t get a whole lot
                                                                                                            1998 and 2014 “Godzilla” and         of focus, it’s slightly boring
By Myles Hoglund                     the stop motion and other           makes his character pretty         the 2019 “Godzilla: King of          when compared to everything
    Contributing Writer              effects were really surprising      interesting and mysterious,        the Monsters”, the three range       else going on.
                                     to me. For example, there’s         despite not having much            from passable and cheesy to               Overall,        “Godzilla”
     Godzilla and King Kong          a scene where Kong is trying        screen time.                       boring and terrible. So, I was       is a thought-provoking,
have been some of the most           to grab a guy from the edge of          The romantic leads,            slightly anxious when coming         emotionally raw, and well-
iconic movie monsters for            a cliff, the guy has a knife and    however, aren’t so interesting     to the one that started it all,      made film. It’s honestly
decades, up there with the           slices Kong’s hand when he          and sadly get too much screen      but I’m happy to say that you        surprising to me how great it
classics like Frankenstein           gets too close.                     time. Bruce Cabot’s Jack           can’t beat the first.                is, which honestly makes the
and Dracula. Both have had                What’s amazing about           Driscoll and Fay Wray’s Ann             The effects do hold up          later films I’ve seen worse. If
their highs and lows, but            this scene and others like it are   Darrow aren’t really gripping      rather well, the usage of            you wish monster movies had
they’ve stayed relevant in our       the movements and reactions         characters and they lack any       miniatures and the suit of           more emotion and metaphor
pop culture for quite a while.       of Kong, the way he turns his       kind of chemistry, which           Godzilla are mostly seamless         behind them, then look no
With their much-anticipated          head and wrists when trying         makes their relationship           with the actual destruction          further here. I’m giving
crossover releasing later in         to grab the guy and how he          rushed and unintentionally         of the sets. The acting is also      “Godzilla” a score of 4 out of
March, I thought it would be         scratches his palm after being      hilarious at points. For           well done, despite the film          5 huskies!
fun to go back to their roots        sliced are very animalistic and     example, there’s a scene           not really focusing on a single           While both series have had
and see how both monsters            honestly feel real, this level of   where Jack confesses his love      protagonist, the actors get          ups and downs, it was rather
got their debut on the silver        detail wasn’t really needed,        to Ann, and they share a kiss.     their moments to shine which         surprising and interesting
screen.                              but it’s very clever and very       What makes this so funny is        is appreciated.                      to look back at their roots.
     Since the original “King        appreciated. There are other        that all the scenes they had            The biggest positive I can      I’m definitely excited for the
Kong” was released on April          details like this with the other    together beforehand were of        give the film is its atmosphere      upcoming crossover and if it’s
7, 1933, it seems fitting to start   creatures on Skull Island as        him dismissing her and not         and metaphors. The film              not good, there are always the
here. As I’ve only seen the          well, like when a stegosaurus       paying attention to her, often     has Japan’s perspective of           classics to go back to!
2017 “Skull Island”, I wasn’t        takes a few steps back before       complaining about having           the nuclear holocaust of
sure what to expect going into       ramming into a log and              a woman aboard his ship.           Nagasaki and Hiroshima
it and I’m happy to say that         even a T-Rex shaking its tail       Once he confesses his “love”       portrayed exceptionally well               RATING:
I was genuinely surprised in         when fighting Kong. It may          to Ann with the line, “Say, I      with Godzilla’s destruction,
places.                              sound strange to say, but the       guess I love you” it is a pretty   some of the best scenes are
     The special effects were        stuttering of the stop-motion       funny moment that I’m sure         dealing with the aftermath of
groundbreaking at the time           actually helps sell the illusion    the filmmakers didn’t intend.      the monster’s destruction and
and while time hasn’t been           with the animalistic details.       Ann is just as bland with her      how the citizens of Japan are
super kind to them, they are              The acting for the most        personality; she initially shows   affected. The acting and the
legitimately creative and well       part is good, with Robert           promise with her passion           story all factor into this, as the
done in some places. Not only        Armstrong’s Carl Denham, in         working with Carl, but once        aforementioned lack of clear
was stop motion used, but the        particular, being the highlight     Kong shows up, she devolves        character focus, allows the film
film would often use forced          for me. His character is a risk     into a generic shrieking           to tackle multiple perspectives
perspective, green screen, or        taker but one who’s confident       damsel in distress and there’s     of these events. From the
even building a giant Kong to        and sure of what’s going on,        not much more than done with       reporters trying to discover
interact with the actors. While      you can tell that he knows what     her or her relationship with       the truth, the politicians and
the green screen parts of the        he’s talking about and plays it     Kong.                              scientists assessing how to
effects mostly didn’t age well,      serious and straight, which             Overall, the original          deal with the situation, or even
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