Page created by Gerald Townsend



                                                                                                                                                            FA L L 2 0 19
                                                                    6    A Lasting Legacy
                                                                         Leonidas Loomis (1884), George
                                                                                                                 34    Career Services
                                                                                                                       CSU is with you beyond
                                                                         Glover (1884), and Libbie Coy (1884)          graduation                           EDITOR
                                                                                                                                                            Ben Fogelberg (B.A., ’94; M.A., ’98)
                                             8   WATER WISE
                                                                   10    Extending the Land-Grant                35    Events
                                                                         Mission                                       Homecoming and Family                CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                                                         Roud McCann (B.S., 1914)                      Weekend recap                        Angie Dixon (B.A., ’94)
                                                                                                                                                            Gretchen Gerding
                                                                                                                                                            Ann Gill (M.A., ’76)
                                                                   16    Fum McGraw’s Other Legacy
                                                                         Thurman “Fum” McGraw (B.S., ’50)
                                                                                                                 36    New Life Members
                                                                                                                       Thank you, and welcome!              Whei Wong Howerton

                                                                                                                                                            GRAPHIC DESIGN
                                                                                                                                                            Erin Foster
                                                                                                                                                            Christy Schuster (’18)
                                                                                                                                                            CSU Creative Services
                                                                   Proud to Be – through the years
                                                                                                                                                            COPY EDITOR
  7    A WOMAN’S WORK                                              Colorado State University’s 150th anniversary celebration, which kicked off in style     Betty Grace Mickey

                                                                   during Homecoming and Family Weekend and continues well into 2020, provides an           PHOTOGRAPHY
                                                                   opportunity to look back, and to look forward too. It’s human nature, I think, to sort   CSU Photography
                                                                   through the events and milestones of our past to try to bring order and purpose to a     CSU Library Archives
                                                                                                                                                            CSU Archives & Special Collections
                                                                   sometimes muddled narrative.
                                                                                                                                                            University Historic Photograph Collection
                                                                        In this issue, we’ve attempted to create a timeline of CSU history that branches
                                                                   out into some of the amazing stories of our beginnings, development through the          STAFF CONTRIBUTORS
                                                                                                                                                            Kristi Bohlender
                                                                   decades, and innovative impact driven by trailblazing alumni. I say “attempted”
                                                                                                                                                            Assistant Vice President (B.S., ’93; M.B.A., ’95)
                                                                   because we have to be honest with ourselves and admit that assembling a
                                                                   definitive timeline is impossible given the immense impact and incredible variety of     Haley Katz
                                                                                                                                                            Associate Director of Membership and Giving
                                                                   accomplishments of our CSU community, on campus and beyond.
                                                                        I would be remiss if I didn’t thank a few of the stewards of our stories and        Around the Oval is published twice
                                                                                                                                                            a year by the CSU Alumni Association
                                                                   highlight books that informed this issue. See Professor Emeritus James E. Hansen’s       as a benefit of membership.
                                                                   Democracy’s College in the Centennial State and Democracy’s University for CSU’s
ABOVE AND BEYOND   14                                                                                                                                       Colorado State University
                                                                                                                                                            7114 Campus Delivery
                                                                   institutional history. Hansen teamed up with Gordon Hazard (B.S., ’77) and Linda
                                                                                                                                                            Fort Collins, CO 80523-7114
                                                                   Meyer (B.A., ’95; M.A., ’00) on CSU’s Sense of Place: A Campus History of Colorado’s
                                                                                                                                                            (800) 286-2586
                                NAVY SEALS ROOTED IN CSU
                             ALUMNUS FRANKLIN ANDERSON        18   Land-Grant University. And Aggies to Rams: The History of Football at Colorado State
                                                                   University by John Hirn (B.A., ’93) is indispensable.
                                                                                                                                                            (970) 491-6533 (phone)
                                                                        I hope you’ll discover something familiar that makes you proud, something new
                                                                   that makes you think, and please let me know if you have a story you’d like to share!    © 2019 by Colorado State University.
                                                                                       Ram proud,
                                                                                                                                                            All rights reserved
                                                                                                                                                            An equal-access and equal-opportunity University

                                                                                                                                                            ON THE COVER:
                                                                                       Kristi Bohlender, B.S., ’93; M.B.A., ’95, and Life Member            The Oval then (1927) and now.

                                                                                                                                                                                           Join us on Facebook,
                                                                   Membership makes an IMPACT                                                                                              Instagram, and Twitter.
                                                                   Your Alumni Association membership is an investment in the past, present,
                                            24   FEARLESS
                                                                   and future of Colorado State University. You make it possible for us to connect
                                                                                                                                                                                    Search “CSU
                                                                                                                                                                                    Alumni Association”
                                                                   more than 232,000 alumni to CSU in meaningful ways. Thank you!                                                   to download today!

                                                                   C S U A LUMN I A S S OC IATION MEMBERS LIKE YOU MA KE THIS PUBLICATION POS S IBLE
The Council Tree,
circa 1914

                                                                                                        THE LAND WE WALK UPON
                                                                                                                                                                 Colorado State University acknowledges,
                                                                                                                                                                 with respect, that the land we are on
                                                                                                                                                                 today is the traditional and ancestral
                                                                                                        CSU Native American                                      homelands of the Arapaho, Cheyenne,
                                                                                                        faculty and staff gather on
                                                                                                        the Oval, June 13, 2019.                                 and Ute Nations and peoples. This
                                                                                                                                                                 was also a site of trade, gathering, and
                                                                                                                                                                 healing for numerous other Native
                                                                                                                                                                 tribes. We recognize the Indigenous
                                                                                                                                                                 peoples as original stewards of this
                                                                                                                                                                 land and all the relatives within it.
                                                                                                                                                                 As these words of acknowledgment
                                                                                                                                                                 are spoken and heard, the ties Nations
                                                                                                                                                                 have to their traditional homelands are
                                                                                                                                                                 renewed and reaffirmed.
                                                                                                                                                                    CSU is founded as a land-grant
                                                                                                                                                                 institution, and we accept that our
                                                                                                                                                                 mission must encompass access
                                                                                                                                                                 to education and inclusion. And,
                                                                                                                                                                 significantly, that our founding came
                                                                                                                                                                 at a dire cost to Native Nations and
                                                                                                                                                                 peoples whose land this University was
                                                                                                                                                                 built upon. This acknowledgment is
                                                                                                                                                                 the education and inclusion we must
                    The land on which the Colorado          as the Council Tree once stood in what      Colorado State recently adopted an official statement    practice in recognizing our institutional
                    State University campus stands is the   is now southeast Fort Collins. Arapaho      honoring the ties of Indigenous people to land on
                    traditional and ancestral homeland      Chief Friday would often hold councils      which the University was established, developed, and     history, responsibility, and commitment.
                    of the Arapaho, Cheyenne, and Ute       under its branches. These lands retain      operates today. This issue’s reflection on our history
                    peoples. A large cottonwood known       their cultural value to Native Americans.   acknowledges and respects those ties.

                                                                                                                                                                             AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019    3

                                                                              1870 AT A GLANCE
                                                          Four men
                                                         working in a
                                                         machine shop on
                                                         parts for a Case
                                                         kerosene tractor.                             Enrollment
                                                                                                                                                 OF MASCOTS
                                                                                                                                                  CAM the Ram’s unofficial
                                                                                                        1870-1878: 0                           predecessors through the years
                                                                                                   First classes 1879: 20


                                                                                                   Fort Collins area: 363
                                                                                                 Colorado Territory: 39,864
                                                                                                                                                       Peanuts, a bulldog

                                                                                                      Popular Book
                                                                                                    The Adventures of
                                                                                                     Huckleberry Finn

                                                                                                       Mark Twain

                                                                                                                                                     Teddy, a black bear cub
                                                                                                      Popular Song
                                                                                                       Pass Me Not
                                                                                                       W.H. Doane

                                                                                                      Price of Milk
                                                                                                                                                          Early 1920s
                                                                                                                                                     William “Billy” Hughes

                  President Lincoln signs Morrill Act,                       Colorado territiorial                          First building on
                  allowing grants of land to establish                       government passes act                          campus: Claim Shanty,
                  colleges specializing in agriculture                       establishing land-grant                        on the corner of Laurel          Colorado becomes
                  and the mechanical arts                                    institution in Fort Collins                    and College                      the 38th state
                  1862                                                       18 70                                          18 74                             1 876

                                                                                                                               ESTA B L I SH MEN T    AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   5
A LASTING LEGACY                                                                                                                      A WOMAN’S WORK
By Ann Gill (M.A., ’76)
                                                                                                                                               race Espe Patton (B.S., 1895)       Patton served as president of the

         ike so many other lasting and       hired Glover to                                                                                   enrolled at Colorado Agri-          Colorado Woman’s Democratic Club
         meaningful endeavors, the           teach its first vet-                                                                              cultural College – Colorado         and then became her party’s nominee
         Colorado State University           erinary medicine                                                                         State University’s name when it was          for state superintendent of public
Alumni Association started with a con-       courses, leading to                                                                      founded – when she was just 14 years         instruction. Dubbed “the little profes-
versation among friends over a meal.         the creation of a depart-                                                                old. After graduating four years later,      sor” due to her short stature, she was
Leonidas Loomis, George Glover,              ment with Glover as head.                                                                she served on the College faculty for        labeled too young and inexperienced
and Libbie Coy became the first grad-        Veterinary medicine flourished                                                           more than a year. She taught “pre-           for the office by opponents. However,
uates of Colorado Agricultural College       under his leadership; the hospital dedi-                                                 paratory courses,” which “prepared”          she was a smart, dynamic, and engag-
on June 5, 1884. At lunch following          cated in 1950 bore his name.                                                             women for teaching and for mar-              ing public speaker and proved to be
a ceremony held at the opera house              Coy was the first woman to graduate                                                   riage. In a delicious irony, Espe Patton     a formidable campaigner, winning a
on College Avenue, President Charles
Ingersoll suggested forming an alumni
organization and was prepared with a
                                             from any Colorado institution of higher
                                             education, and she did so by taking the
                                             same courses as the men. Afterward,
                                                                                          GO GREEN                                    spent the rest of her life playing a
                                                                                                                                      central role in securing equal rights
                                                                                                                                      for women and improving Colorado
                                                                                                                                                                                   decisive victory. As superintendent,
                                                                                                                                                                                   she encouraged the establishment
                                                                                                                                                                                   of kindergartens and libraries in

                                                                                           CSU’s beloved Oval took shape in
constitution and bylaws. Glover became       she taught preparatory-level classes                                                     standards for education.                     Colorado schools and increased min-
                                                                                           stages. Its parallel north-south rows
president, Loomis was vice president,        at the College until 1890, when she           of American elms were planted in              Her political influence developed         imum teacher qualifications.
and Coy was secretary. These three           married Glover’s benefactor, Professor        1881, long before civil engineering        early. Around 1893, she started The             Grace Espe Patton not only set new
alumni set the standard for alumni im-       Lawrence. She was central to the              students designed and built Oval           Tourney, a magazine focused on wom-          standards for preparing women for
pact as they lived out their class motto:    Alumni Association’s growth, organizing       Drive in 1910. Trees were planted          en’s rights. She later moved the maga-       life and careers, she also started a tra-
“Attempt and accomplish.”                    Homecoming and other alumni events.           around the west perimeter in 1922          zine to Denver and changed its name          dition at her alma mater – breaking
   Loomis spent his career in agricul-          These first graduates also exempli-        and east perimeter in 1924. The            to something more descriptive: The           through those glass ceilings. – A.G.
ture, the foundational discipline of the     fy our commitment to public service.          Statistics Building (1910), Weber          Colorado Woman.
College. He started in the cattle busi-      Glover served as president of the             Building (1923), Administration               The times were ripe for her per-
ness in Wyoming and then returned to         Colorado and American Veterinary              Building (1925), Library/TILT Building     spectives. In 1893, Colorado passed a
Colorado, working on a ranch in North        Medical associations and as city                                     (1928), and         referendum granting women’s suf-
                                                                                                                  other structures
Park. Later, he became a prosperous          food inspector for Fort Collins. Coy       1925                                          frage. A year later, voters elected three
                                                                                                                  gradually added
farmer in the Cache la Poudre valley.        Lawrence was an engaged civic lead-                                                      women to the Colorado House of
   Glover started the College’s veterinary   er, playing leadership roles in the                                   definition and     Representatives, the first in Colorado
medicine program. After graduation, he       Fort Collins Woman’s Club and other                                   a more unified     and the country. When, nearly three
completed a veterinary medicine degree       organizations.                                                        aesthetic that     decades later, the United States gave
at Iowa Agricultural College, thanks to an      Coy Lawrence, Glover, and Loomis                                   endures to         all women the right to vote, it was due
interest-free loan from College Professor    became the first members of the 50                                    this day.          to the groundwork laid by women
James Lawrence. In 1900, the College         Year Club in 1934.                                                                       such as Espe Patton.
                                                                                                                                         Active in Colorado politics, Espe

                                                                                                                                                                                  New York Fair in Yonkers, 1913. By
                                                                                                                                                                                  then, Colorado and eight other
                                                                                                                                                                                  Western states had already adopted
                                               Elijah Edwards                                                                                                                     women’s suffrage legislation.
                                               becomes president
                                                                                        First American
                     Main Building             First classes                            elm trees planted
                     (later “Old Main”)        held at Colorado                         in what would             Charles Ingersoll                  First commencement; Alumni                                                                        Alston Ellis
                     cornerstone laid          Agricultural College                     become the Oval           becomes president                  Association established                                                                           becomes president

           1878                                1879                                     1881                      1 8 82                             18 8 4                                                                                             1 892

 6   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019      E STAB LIS H M E NT                                                                                                                                                                      ESTA B L I SH MEN T   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   7
1896                                          1899                                                    1903                                                                      1907            1909
            Fort Collins becomes                          Barton O. Aylesworth                                    Women’s basketball                                                        George Glover   Charles A. Lory
            a dry town                                    becomes president                                       team wins College’s                                                       establishes     becomes president
                                                                                                                  first conference                                Arlene Wheeler            a veterinary
                                                                                                                                                                  Stewart (B.S., ’32)
                                                                                                                  championship in                                                           curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                  became an Alumni
                                                                                                                  any sport                                       Association life
                                                                                                                                                                  member 61 years
                                                                                                                                                                  after posing for this
                                                                                                                                                                  photo in 1931.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            A PIONEER IN VETERINARY MEDICINE

                                                                                 WATER WISE                                                                                                                                                     After studying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                veterinary medicine

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in Iowa, George
                                                                                                hile many inventions revolutionize a        Parshall Flumes as a means to protect those rights.                                                 Glover returned to
                                                                                                particular field of human endeavor,            Over time, Parshall Flumes were used more wide-                                                  his alma mater as a
                                                                                                few remain in use a century later.          ly. They measure flow rate in industrial discharges,                                                faculty member where
                                                                                 Invented in 1921, the Parshall Flume measures              municipal sewer lines, and influent/effluent flows                                                  he demonstrated –
                                                                                 water flow as uniquely related to water depth.             in wastewater treatment plants. These days, the                                                     sometimes in dramatic
                                                                                 This invention revolutionized water management,            flumes are not only constructed of concrete but a                                                   fashion – the need for
                                                                                 and it remains in use to this day. The inventor,           variety of materials from stainless steel to plastic.                                               professionally certified
                                                                                 Ralph Parshall (B.S., 1904), epitomizes Colorado              Not only have his flumes stood the test of time,                                                 veterinarians. Glover
                                                                                 State University’s values of excellence and                but at his alma mater, the hydraulics lab Parshall                                                  helped establish
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                the program that
                                                                                 problem-solving.                                           helped develop continues to play an important role
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                became one of the top
                                                                                    After completing an undergraduate degree at             in maintaining CSU’s reputation as a top water re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                veterinary medicine
                                                                                 Colorado Agricultural College – CSU’s name when            search center. – A.G.                                                                               schools in the nation
                                                                                 it was founded – Parshall pursued graduate stud-                                                                                                               and served as its dean
                                                                                 ies at the University of Chicago. He returned to                                                                                                               from 1907-34.
                                                                                 Fort Collins and joined the College faculty in 1907,
                                                                                 becoming an internationally recognized pioneer in
                                                                                 civil engineering and hydrology.
                                                                                    His patent application for his invention that has
                                                                                 endured for a century referred to it as a “Venturi-
                                                                                 flume water-stage recording instrument,” but it is
                                                                                 commonly known as the Parshall Flume. Initially,
                                                                                 the flume’s main use was to measure the flow of
                                                                                 water through ditches and canals in those arid states
                                                                                 that used the doctrine of prior appropriation (“first                                                                        George Glover died
                                                                                 in time, first in right”) as the basis for water rights.                                                                     Jan. 11, 1950. The new
                                                                                 The flume enabled water managers to ensure that                                                                              veterinary hospital,
                                                                                 water users received their fair share of that incred-                                                                        under construction at the
  The Parshall Flume’s elegant simplicity ensured its                            ibly valuable resource based on their water right.         Water flowing through concrete Parshall Flume                     time, was named after
  widespread adoption throughout the world.                                      Indeed, the law in some states mandated the use of         from Moffat Tunnel outlet, 1936.                                  him the following day.

  8   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   E STAB LIS H M E NT                                                                                                                                                             ESTA B L I SH MEN T   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   9
1923                                                Grafton St. Clair Norman
                                                                                                                                       (lower right corner), 1896.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  but returned in 1921 to lead the Colorado Cooperative
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Extension Service (today’s CSU Extension).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Congress established the Extension Service in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  1914. World War I broke out shortly thereafter, so
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  its initial role became urging farmers to increase
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  production: “Food will win the war!” After the ar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  mistice, European farm production increased and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  demand for U.S. products dropped precipitously, as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  did prices. Extension’s goals then shifted to farm-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ers’ economic issues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Intelligent and an experienced public relations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  expert, McCann was well suited to reinventing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Extension. He met with people around the state to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  gain a clear understanding of issues facing rural
                                                                                                                                                       The Colorado Agricultural College class                    communities, then used what he learned to create
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the Colorado Code of Agriculture, issued in 1923.

                                                                                                                                                       of 1896 consisted of five women and 11
                                                                                                                                                       men, including Grafton St. Clair Norman,                   Widely read and well received, the code stressed
                                                                                                                                                       a general agriculture major who was the                    the importance of marketing (including experi-
Roud McCann at                                                                                                                                         College’s first African American student and               mental radio programs), rural community devel-
work in 1923, the                                                                                                                                      alumnus. His enrollment reflected hope that                opment, improvements in rural home life, and
year he created                                                                                                                                        the College’s land-grant mission of greater                youth programs.
the Colorado Code                                                                                                                                      opportunity and access to higher education                    Although he resigned in early 1929, his time at
of Agriculture.                                                                                                                                        would one day apply to everyone.                           Extension was tremendously successful; it became
                                                                                                                                                           That day was still in the distant future
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  a well-administered and effective branch of the

                          EXTENDING THE                                                                                                                when George W. Cooper graduated from
                                                                                                                                                       the College’s veterinary school in 1918.
                                                                                                                                                       Cooper maintained a large-animal practice
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  College. He focused its organization at the local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  level by extending the system of county agents. He

                          LAND-GRANT MISSION                                                                                                           in rural northeastern Colorado for 25 years
                                                                                                                                                       before becoming one of the first faculty
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  also made technical assistance a central part of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  services, hiring specialists in areas ranging from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  marketing and home economics to animal hus-

                                                                                                                                                       members of a new veterinary school at
                                 ervice and leadership have been central to     Following graduation, he stayed in Fort Collins and                    the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. Known                   bandry and agronomy. Roud McCann left indelible
                                 Colorado State University’s identity since     became deputy state dairy commissioner and later                       today as the Tuskegee University College                   footprints on this institution and the state. – A.G.
                                 its inception. Roud McCann (B.S., 1914)        joined the faculty as an associate professor of ani-                   of Veterinary
                          embraced those aims as a student and throughout       mal husbandry. Notably, he was an active member                        Medicine, the
                          his career.                                           of the Alumni Association and helped launch the                        school has
                            As an undergraduate, McCann demonstrated            alumni magazine.                                                       educated
                                                                                                                                                       more than 70
                          leadership potential by founding the Livestock           He left the College for top administrative oppor-                                                                            1927
                                                                                                                                                       percent of the
                          Club and serving as an officer in the then-Colorado   tunities with agricultural organizations, including
                                                                                                                                                       nation’s African
                          Agricultural College’s military training battalion.   secretary of the National Dairy Council in Chicago,                    American
                                                                                                                                                       veterinarians.       George Cooper, second from right,
                                                                                                                                                                            with students at Tuskegee

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Home Economics
     Congress provides 1,600                                                                                                                                                                                                                         High Altitude
     acres of national forest          First Homecoming;                        George Cooper            ROTC begins firing                                                                                                                          Laboratory
     for College use (later,           College plays alumni                     graduates from           cannon during                      Students paint an “A” on the                                                                             established; first in
     CSU Mountain Campus)              team, loses 3-0                          veterinary school.       football games                     foothills west of campus                                                                                 the nation
     1 912                             19 14                                    1918                      1920                              192 3                                                               192 6

10   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   E STAB LIS H M E NT                                                                                                                                                            ESTA B L I SH MEN T   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019    11

                                                                                1935 AT A GLANCE
                                               student, 1943.

                                                                                                                                                       Glenn Morris (B.S., ’35)
                                                                                                          1935: 1,472                                  served as class president
                                                                                                                                                       and competed in football
                                                                                                                                                       and track. He then
                                                                                                                                                       represented the United
                                                                                                                                                       States at the 1936
                                                                                                                                                       Olympic Games in Berlin,

                                                                                                         Population                                    winning the gold medal
                                                                                                                                                       in the decathlon. A direct
                                                                                                      Fort Collins: 11,489                             descendent of the oak
                                                                                                      Colorado: 1,035,791                              trees awarded to gold
                                                                                                                                                       medalists grows outside
                                                                                                                                                       the Iris & Michael Smith
                                                                                                                                                       Alumni Center today.

                                                                                                        Popular Book
                                                                                                     Gone with the Wind
                                                                                                    by Margaret Mitchell is
                                                                                                      published in 1936

                                                                                                        Popular Song
                                                                                                   On the Good Ship Lollipop
                                                                                                        Shirley Temple

                                                                                                        Price of Milk

                Name changed to Colorado                        Glenn Morris (B.S.,
                State College of Agriculture                    ’35) wins gold medal in
                and Mechanic Arts after                         decathlon at the Berlin                                      Sherwood Forest
                student petition                                Olympic games                                                planted
                1 9 35                                          1936                                                         1937

                                                                                                                                    D EV ELOPMEN T   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019    13
Denver Public Library, Western
                                                                                                                                                                                                              History Photographic Collections,
                                                                                                                                                                                                              John Mosley Collection

                                                           ABOVE AND BEYOND

                                                            By Ben Fogelberg (B.A., ’94; M.A., ’98)

                                                                         ost Americans who enlisted in the U.S. armed
                                                                         services after the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941
                                                                         couldn’t wait to fight for their country. John
                                                            Mosley (B.S., ’43), like so many other African Americans, had
                                                            to fight just to get in the fight.
                                                              Mosley attended Manual High School in Denver, where he
                                                            excelled in academics and athletics and developed an interest
                                                            in flying. The Class of ’39 valedictorian took his leadership
                                                            skills to Colorado A&M, where he broke through color barriers
                                                            in sports and student government. Mosley served as student
                                                            body vice president twice and played football for legendary                                                                                      Above: John W. Mosley, far left, poses with fellow
                                                                                                                                                                                                             airmen of the 332nd Fighter Group at Tuskegee
                                                            coach Harry Hughes, becoming the school’s first black player
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Army Air Field, 1944. Left: John Mosley at Douglas
                                                            on record.                                                                                                                                       Army Air Field in Arizona, 1944.
                                                              During his senior year, Mosley applied for entrance into
                                                            the Advanced ROTC program, but was rejected due to a failed
                                                            physical exam that may have been related to racial tensions
                                                            of the time. Undeterred, he passed an independent exam and       completed a local civilian pilot training program      Afterward, Mosley worked as a civil servant in
                                                                                                                             in hopes of increasing his chances to fly with the   the U.S. Department of Health, Education, and
                                                                                                                             332nd Fighter Group (the Tuskegee Airmen) in         Welfare (renamed Health and Human Services in
                                                                                                                             Alabama. Rejected again, he appealed to Congress     1979) in Washington, D.C., and Denver. Outside
                                                                                                                             and even wrote to the White House. His per-          of his career, he helped provide opportunities
                                                                                                                             sistence paid off, and he was finally accepted.      that he never had through organizations such as
         A poster shows scenes of the Sept. 4,                                                                                  Mosley learned to fly B-25 bombers, but World     the Mile High Flight Program, which introduc-
         1938, campus flood: six buildings around                                                                            War II ended before he could be deployed. After      es young women and men – especially minority
         the Oval are shown as photographed by                                                                               the war, he earned a master’s degree in social       youth – to careers in aviation, aerospace, and
         President and Mrs. Lory the morning of
                                                                                                                             work from the University of Denver and then          STEM fields.
         the flood. A humorous comment refers to
         the Heating Plant smokestack.                                                                                       served his country again in the Korean War and         In 2004, CSU awarded Mosley and his wife,
                                                                                                                             in Vietnam. He retired from the Air Force in 1970    Edna, honorary doctorates in recognition of their
                                                                                                                             as a lieutenant colonel.                             service to their communities and nation.

                                                        John Mosley receives the
                                                        Most Valuable Player award
        The Oval, Sept. 6, 1938.
                                                        at the Varsity Ball, 1942.                                                                                     Women outnumber men
                                                                                                                             Colorado Agricultural                     at the College after
                                                                                                                             Research Foundation                       men leave to serve in
                                                                                                                             established to administer                 WWII; College provides
                                                                                                                             patents, solicit and receive              instructional programs
          Flood inflicts heavy                                                                        Roy Green              gifts and grants, and enter               including pilot training
          damage to the campus                                                                        becomes president      into research contracts.                  for military personnel.
          1938                                                                                        1940                   194 1                                      194 2

14   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019     DE VE LO P ME NT                                                                                                                                                       D EV ELOPMEN T           AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   15
1 944                                          19 45                                                                                                                             194 8                                        194 9
       Name shortened to                              Returning veterans make                                                                                                           Isaac E. Newsom                             Fum McGraw (B.S., ’50) became
       Colorado Agriculture                           up 2/3 of student body.                                                                                                           becomes president                           the first College football player
       & Mechanical College                           Many veterans and their                                                                                                                                                       to win All-American honors in
       (Colorado A&M)                                 families lived in Quonset                                                                                                                                                     three sports
                                                      huts along Laurel, dubbed
                                                      “Veterans’ Village”                                                                                                                                                           William E. Morgan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    becomes president

                                                                                    1965                                                            Traditions ranked high among his administrative

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ON THE FIELD
                                                                                                                                                 priorities. Facilitating the construction of Moby Arena                                     ATHLETICS AWARDS
                                                                                                                                                 and Hughes Stadium would count for nothing unless                                           AND ACCOLADES
                                                                                                                                                 students and fans attending games felt part of some-
                                                                                                                                                 thing greater.                                                                              1948: All-American,
                                                                                                                                                    To that end, McGraw revived a tradition that had                                         football and wrestling
                                                                                                                                                 begun to fade – literally. Students painted the icon-                                       1949: All-American,
                                                                                                                                                 ic Aggie A on the hogback west of campus on Dec. 4,                                         football and track
                                                                                                                                                 1923, and enlarged it the following year to present pro-                                    1950: NFL Rookie of the
                                                                                                                                                 portions. Whitewashing the A became an annual                                               Year – lineman
                                                                                                                                                 freshman ritual until the tradition lapsed in the                                           1971: Colorado Sports
                                                                                                                                                 1970s. McGraw enlisted longtime friend and Sigma                                            Hall of Fame
                                                                                                                                                 Alpha Epsilon alumni adviser, Bill Woods (’58), who
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1981: National Football
                                                                                                                                                 persuaded the fraternity chapter to shoulder the task.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Foundation College
                                                                                                                                                 Later, he recruited red-shirted football players and                                        Football Hall of Fame
                                                                                                                                                 track athletes. He and agriculture Professor Marshall
                                                                                                                                                 Frasier kept the tradition strong with help from the                                        1992: Named to CSU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Football All-Century
                                                                                                                                                 Alumni Association and, of course, students.
                                                                                                                                                    As a proud Aggie, McGraw knew that CSU’s reputa-
                                                                                                                                                 tion was rooted in agricultural education, research, and
Fum McGraw looks                                                                                                                                 Extension. What better way to underscore that con-
over basketball courts                                                                                                                           nection than a good old-fashioned barbecue? The Ag
at Moby Arena, 1965                                                                                                                              Day concept, attributed to animal sciences Professor
                                                                                                                                                 John Matsushima, became a reality and was first held

                              FUM MCGRAW’S OTHER LEGACY                                                                                          outside Hughes Stadium in 1981. Supporting student
                                                                                                                                                 scholarships in the College of Agricultural Sciences, the
                                                                                                                                                 event has grown through the decades and still high-
                                                                                                                                                                                                              dent-athlete scholarships.” The event has raised more
                                                                                                                                                                                                              than $5 million to date.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 McGraw’s place in University history and legend is

                                        he list of Thurman “Fum” McGraw’s ath-           championships in five seasons before a knee injury      lights Colorado-grown commodities that have benefit-         assured by the placement of his name and number atop
                                        letics accomplishments defies comprehen-         forced his exit from professional football.             ed from CSU research.                                        the west stands in Canvas Stadium; the athletics center
                                        sion. Diehard Aggies and Rams fans can tick        These are the kinds of achievements that get             Longtime athletics department fixture Gary Ozzello        named in his honor; and the annual Thurman “Fum”
                              them off on their fingers: He was the only athlete         a jersey retired, but McGraw wasn’t finished. In        (’78) recalls that McGraw should get credit for anoth-       McGraw Award, presented to the CSU student-athlete
                              in school history to receive All-American honors in        three separate spans, he served his alma mater as       er fundraising tradition. “Fum actually began the Ram        who best exemplifies academic and athletics excellence,
                              three sports (football, 1948, ’49; track, ’49; and wres-   an assistant coach, assistant athletics director, and   Good Time Auction,” Ozzello says. “He and other staff        character, leadership, service, and Ram Pride. Just as
                              tling, ’48). Drafted by the Detroit Lions, he made an      athletics director. Through it all, he demonstrated     members – I was fortunate enough to be included – put        important to his legacy are the traditions that endure
                              instant impact, nabbing the Rookie of the Year tro-        leadership and a deep understanding of the ties         together the first auction in the Lory Student Center main   because he knew what “Proud to Be” meant long before
                              phy for linemen. He went on to win two national            that bind a university community together.              ballroom to raise additional funds for supporting stu-       it became our signature chant. – B.F.

  16   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019     DE VE LO P ME NT                                                                                                                                                                         D EV ELOPMEN T     AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   17
Franklin Anderson, center, and the Navy
                                                                                                                                SEAL team receive a Presidential Unit
                                                                                                                                Citation from President Lyndon B. Johnson.

                                                      NAVY SEALS ROOTED
                                                      IN CSU ALUMNUS
                                                      FRANKLIN ANDERSON

                                                      By Whei Wong Howerton

                                                                     hen Franklin Anderson (’56) left Fort Lewis College,
                                                                     Durango, Colorado, in 1955, to finish his undergrad-
                                                                     uate education at Colorado A&M (Colorado State
                                                      College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts), he made the move for         Underwater Demolition Team 11. It was when he re-                SEAL Team One, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry, Meritorious
                                                      its livestock program.                                                  turned that his career path solidified.                          Service Medal, and a Presidential Unit Citation.
                                                         “I was going to Fort Lewis College at the time and it was a branch      At the time, the Navy was on the verge of shutting down          On the homefront, Anderson and his wife, Martha, raised
                                                      of CSU, so it was very easy to transfer,” said Anderson, now 85, re-    its World War II-era maritime commando units, also called        four children. One of their sons entered SEAL training but
                                                      covering well from a stroke he had in May 2019.                         SEAL – for Sea Air and Land – program. In 1966, they gave        was injured. The couple retired to their ranch in Tiffany,
                                                         Two years later, he graduated and was working for a rancher in       the program one last shot, and named Lt. Cmdr. Anderson          a small town in southwestern Colorado. They have been
                                                      Denver. That’s when his path began to veer significantly.               acting commanding officer of what would become SEAL              married for 58 years.
                                                         “I got my military draft notice. Going into the military was the     Team One. He handpicked officers, rewrote policy, changed           He still keeps in touch with friends from school – mem-
                                                      furthest thing from what I wanted to do. My perception of what          training to include weapons and small-unit tactics, and          bers of the Livestock Club and Rodeo Club – and fondly re-
                                                      that would be like was so different.”                                   updated curriculum with intelligence collection and un-          members time spent swimming at Horsetooth and studying
                                                         After reporting to one branch of the military to ask questions, he   conventional warfare, thereby establishing the Navy SEAL         at CSU. In 2017, the CSU Alumni Association’s 50 Year Club
                       Franklin Anderson was
                                                      walked out. He didn’t appreciate their attitudes, he said.              program we know today.                                           honored Anderson with the Public Service Award.
                       named commanding officer
                                                         Instead, “I went next door and enlisted in the Navy.”                   “Most of the programs that I set up are still in existence.      And, for so many reasons, the SEALs keep Anderson
                       of SEAL Team One in 1966.
                                                         Soon after, in 1957, Anderson shipped out to Officer Candidate       The SEALs started performing admirably, and everybody            close. They invite him to speak to classes of SEALs and,
                                                      School. There, he tried to get into flight school. He was an inch-      wanted them. We had 50 officers and 350 men at the time.         just this August, he traveled to Coronado, California, for
                                                      and-a-half too short.                                                      “What’s a point of pride is the advancement that we have      SEAL team reunions. Anderson’s ties to his military career
                                                         “My next choice was to be in the underwater demolition team,         made within SEALs. I was involved in writing letters to get      remain strong. The sense of pride he carries about his
                                                      because I had seen the movie, Frogmen, with Richard Widmark.”           the SEAL program as an independent group. We had an ad-          time in the Navy and his role establishing the Navy SEAL
                                                      He figured growing up swimming in the rivers around Pagosa              miral who was our best supporter.”                               program, is palpable.
                                                      Springs would help. Anderson served in Vietnam for a year,                 Anderson went on to Defense Intelligence School,                 “Things have changed so much since I was there. People
                                                      starting in 1964, training Vietnamese military forces with              Commander in Chief, Pacific, and Special Target Analysis         find it hard to believe a lot of the stuff that we do. They (the
                                                                                                                              Group to write plans that included POW recoveries. By the        SEALs) are operating all over the world now. Our camara-
                                                                                                                              time he retired in 1977 after 21 years in the Navy, Anderson     derie is second to none.
                                                                                                                              had received the Legion of Merit as commanding officer of           “I would do it all the same at the drop of a hat.”

                                                                                                   Student Union Annex
                                                                                                   opens, later renamed                           Colorado A&M celebrates                                        Construction begins
Colorado A&M makes the                                                                             Administration Annex,                          Harry Hughes Day on Nov. 8,                                    on five new residence
College World Series for the                                                                       and eventually                                 honoring the legendary coach                                   halls, including
first and only time.                                                                               Centennial Hall.                               and athletics director.                                        Newsom Hall, right.
1 95 0                                                                                             1 9 51                                         195 2                                                           195 3

18   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   DE VE LO P ME NT                                                                                                                                                                  D EV ELOPMEN T     AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   19
1 9 54                               1 9 55                                                195 7
                  At halftime at the                   College awards its                                    Effective May 1, by act of the
                  Colorado A&M vs.                     first Ph.D. to A.R.                                   Colorado General Assembly,
                  Wyoming basketball                   Chamberlain, the                                      Colorado A&M becomes
                  game, President Morgan               future ninth president                                Colorado State University
                  christens the school
                  mascot, “CAM”

                    CAM TAKES THE                                               University on Jan. 11, 1946. “The senators spruced
                                                                                up the ram they’d chosen and presented Buck to

                    SPOTLIGHT                                                   the college,” reported the Silver Spruce yearbook. “He
                                                                                was greeted with wild applause, and served as a
                                                                                spirit booster the rest of the basketball season. He
                      As Colorado State University celebrates its
                                                                                attended each game faithfully, escorted in style.
                    sesquicentennial, our beloved mascot will mark his
                                                                                Truly a loyal Aggie.”
                    own major milestone. The Colorado A&M student
                                                                                   President Morgan officially named our mascot
                    body voted to call themselves “Rams” in 1945, the
                                                                                CAM the Ram – for Colorado A&M – during halftime
                    college’s diamond anniversary.                                                                                                                               A.R. Chamberlain and
                                                                                at a basketball game versus archrival Wyoming in                                                                         an
                      The first woolly mascot, a ram named Buck,                                                                                                                unidentified person in
                                                                                1954. CAM has been a steady spirit booster ever since,                                                                  the
                    made his debut at a basketball game against Denver                                                                                                         hydraulics laboratory,
                                                                                still escorted in style by student volunteers.
                                                                                   The Ram Handlers participate in CAM’s training
                                                                                and care, transportation to events, sharing CAM’s

                                                                                                                                              THE FIRST PH.D.
                                                                                                                                                                A.R. Chamberlain (Ph.D., ’55)
                                                                                story with Rams fans of all ages, and traditions                                received the first doctoral degree
                                                                                such as his sprint across the end zone during home                              granted by Colorado A&M. He joined
                                                                                football games. The Alumni Association, which                                   the faculty in 1956 and served as
                                                                                supports CAM and manages the Ram Handler                                        manager of civil engineering research.
                                                                                        program, encourages students from any and                               He played a leadership role in that
                                                                                          all majors and backgrounds to apply to                                endeavor; his suggestion that unused
                                                                                            join the group. The most rewarding part                             land on the Foothills Campus be given
                                                                                              of their job? Capturing the smiles of                             to engineering
CAM the Ram and
                                                                                              students, alumni, and Rams fans who                               resulted in
Aggie Marching
                                                                                                                                                                significant federally
Band, Fall 1956                                                                               line up to get their photo taken with
                                                                                                                                                                funded research
                                                                                             their beloved mascot. – B.F.
                                                                                                                                                                projects. He
                                                                                                                                                                became vice
                                                                                                                                                                president for CSU
                                                                                                                            CAM the Ram                         Administration in
                                                                                                                                 in 2008                        1960 and executive
                                                                                                                                                                vice president of the
                                                                                                                                                                University in 1966. In
                                                                                                                                                                1969, Chamberlain
                                                                                                                                                                became the ninth
                                                                                                                                                                president of CSU,
                                                                                                                                                                a position he held
                                                                                                                                                                until 1979.

                                                                                                                                                          D EV ELOPMEN T   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019        21
1957                                       A young

                                                                           1957 AT A GLANCE


                                                                                                    1957: 5,282

                                                                                                Fort Collins: 25,027
                                                                                                                                              CSU graduate and Peace Corps
                                                                                                Colorado: 1,753,947                           volunteer Alice Ardito, right, in
                                                                                                                                              the Dominican Republic, 2016

                                                                                                                                             SCARCE SKILLS
                                                                                                  Popular Book                                        olorado State University consistently
                                                                                                                                                      ranks among the top Peace Corps
                                                                                                  Atlas Shrugged
                                                                                                                                                      volunteer-producing schools in the
                                                                                              by Ayn Rand is published                       nation. This enduring connection is, in
                                                                                                                                             part, a living legacy of CSU’s contribution
                                                                                                                                             to the service organization’s origins. More
                                                                                                                                             importantly, the 1,700-plus current and former
                                                                                                                                             volunteers represent the land-grant mission
                                                                                                  Popular Song                               in action. Their so-called “scarce skills” in
                                                                                                                                             fields such as agriculture, civil engineering,
                                                                                                   All Shook Up                              animal sciences, and sustainability have
                                                                                                   Elvis Presley                             always been in high demand. – B.F.

                                                                                                  Price of Milk

                 John Matsushima (B.S., ’43;                                                                                                                     Shelton Stanfill (B.A.,
                 M.S., ’45) joins the faculty of his                                                                                                             ’65; CERT, ’65) along with
                 alma mater. Later, he developed                                                                                                                 Collegian editor John
                 a method for turning corn kernels        Maurice Albertson, Pauline                                                                             Hyde (B.A., ’66) place
                 into flakes, a technique adopted         Birky-Kreutzer, and Andrew Rice                                                                        The Stump on the Plaza
                 worldwide that significantly             conduct study that helps lead to
                 improved cattle feeding.                 the creation of the Peace Corps              The Lagoon is built; filled in 1964                       Morgan Library opens
                 1961                                     1962                                         1963                                                      1 965

                                                                                                                                               I N N OVAT I ON    AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   23
keeps us from doing things, like trying something          Marketing Team, the Horse Judging Team, and the
                                                                                                             new or asking someone for help. I don’t ever want          Meats Judging Team. “But it was the support from
                                                                                                             to be fearful of taking a chance.”                         people like Dr. Gary Smith, Dr. Tom Field, Dr. Jim

                                                    FEARLESS                                                    For those who know Saunders, it’s probably not
                                                                                                             surprising that she would offer this sage advice and
                                                                                                             that fearlessness is central to who she is. Saunders
                                                                                                                                                                        Heird, and Dr. Lee Gray, just to name a few, that
                                                                                                                                                                        means so much me.”
                                                                                                                                                                          Through the Saunders’ generous support, Where
                                                    By Angie Dixon (’94)
                                                                                                             is the daughter of CSU alum Butch Mayfield (’67),          Food Comes From Inc., sponsors the meat and dairy

                                                                                                             who graduated with a bachelor’s degree in civil            retail store at the JBS Global Food Innovation Center
                                                            eann Saunders (B.S., ’92; M.Agr., ’94) is        engineering and a master’s in math, then made his          in Honor of Gary & Kay Smith.
                                                            a fearless innovator and leader. Highlights      own fearless decision to follow his lifelong passion         “I truly believe that we can do whatever we want
                                                            from the 2018 CSU Distinguished Alumni           and become a full-time, first-generation rancher with      to do,” said Saunders. “If we aren’t afraid to ask for
                                                    Award recipient’s career include co-founding and         his parents. He raised his children the same way.          help from others, and thank people along the way, I
                                                    operating Where Food Comes From Inc. – the No.              “My parents raised my sister and me with the idea       don’t think there are any barriers to getting to where
                                                    1 provider of certification and verification services    that we could do anything a man could do,” Saunders        we want to be in life.”
                                                    to the food industry – with her husband, John;           recalls. “We fixed fence, herded cattle. We never sensed
                                                    developing the first-ever USDA Process Verified          a gender difference.”
                                   2019             program for beef; serving as a board member for the
                                                    International Stockmen’s Education Foundation and
                                                                                                                So, when her husband, John, started their company
                                                                                                             20 years ago, she knew that accepting and embracing
                                                                                                                                                                                      The Where Fo
                                                                                                                                                                                     Market in the
                                                                                                                                                                                     Innovation C
                                                                                                                                                                                                   od Comes Fr
                                                                                                                                                                                                   JBS Global Fo
                                                                                                                                                                                                  enter at CSU
                                                    the University of Nebraska’s Engler Agribusiness         her fear was key to their success.                                                               , 2019
                                                    Entrepreneurship; and serving as one of only two            “There were so many times when I wanted us to quit,
                                                    female chairs for the U.S. Meat Export Federation.       but we didn’t,” she said.
                                                       Does Saunders think she is fearless? She is              Saunders is grateful for the opportunities she had
                                                    quick to attribute that trait to other people in         at CSU to gain hands-on experience in the agriculture
                                                    her life, such as her husband, her father, and her       industry before she graduated. She is also grateful for
                                                    grandfather. But Saunders pauses in describing           the support she received from professors within the
                                                    herself that way.                                        College of Agricultural Sciences.
                                                       “I am just someone who steps out of my comfort           “I tried to take advantage of all CSU and the
                                                    zone to do the things I want to do in life,” she said.   College of Ag had to offer,” Saunders said. Among
                                                    “There are moments when I can be very fearful,           other activities, she was an Ag Ambassador and a
                                                    but I have to coach myself to move beyond it. Fear       Pacesetter, and she was a member of the Agriculture

                                     First football game played
                                     in Hughes Stadium
                                                                                                                Office of Women’s
                                                                           A.R. Chamberlain (Ph.D., ’55)        Relations established
                                     Project Go enrolled its first         becomes president                    (became Women & Gender
                                     group of ethnically diverse
                                                                                                                Advocacy Center in 2011)
                                     students (Project Go later            Black Student Alliance                                                                                       Chicago, The Beach
     First basketball                became Black African                  and Mexican American                                                                                         Boys, and the Rolling             CSU achieves Carnegie
     game played in                  American Cultural Center              Committee for Equality               Old Main                                                                Stones concerts at                Foundation Research I
     Moby Arena                      and El Centro)                        lead civil rights protests           burns                                                                   Hughes Stadium                    University status
     1 966                           1968                                  1969                                 1970                                                                     1975                             1 976

24   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019                                                                                                                                                                        I N N OVAT I ON    AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   25
1 979                             19 81                                   1984                                  198 7                          1990                 1991                                 1993              1 994
     Native American                   First Ag Day held                       State creates the Colorado            College Days                   Albert Yates         CSU Professor Tom                U.S. District Court   Pingree Park (CSU
     Cultural Center office                                                    State University System               abolished                      becomes president    Sutherland released              finds CSU in          Mountain Campus)
     established                                                                                                                                                         after being held six             violation of Title    damaged by
                                                                               Services for Asian American                                                               years as a political             IX and requires       Hourglass Fire
                                                                               Students (Asian Pacific American                                                          prisoner in Lebanon              reinstatement of
     Resources for Disabled             Ralph E. Christoffersen                Cultural Center) founded                                                                                                   women’s softball
     Students established,              becomes president
     intially serving about 180                                                Philip E. Austin
     students self-identified as                                               becomes president
     having disability. The office
     is now Student Disability
     Center and serves

     approximately 2,300                                                                                                                                                      Tom Sutherland      Scotland native Thomas Sutherland
     students                                                                                                                                                              holding a plaque of    joined the animal sciences faculty
                                                                               First Generation Award program
                                                                                                                                                                            appreciation, 1991    in 1958. In 1983, he accepted a
                                                                               started; the first such scholarship
                                                                                                                                                                                                  position as dean at American
                                                                               offered in the nation                                                                                              University in Beirut, Lebanon.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  The Islamic Jihad abducted
                                                       A first-generation                                                                                                                         Sutherland in 1985 and held him
                                                       graduate, 2019 Spring                                                                                                                      captive for 2,353 days. When
                                                                                                                                                                                                  finally released, he returned to a
                                                                                                                                                                                                  jubilant celebration in Moby Arena,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  displaying the spirit and optimism
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that had buoyed him and a fellow
                                                                                                                                                                                                  captive throughout their ordeal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sutherland spent his last 25 years
                                                                                                                                                                                                  generously supporting the local
                                                                                                                                                                                                  community. Today, the Lory Student
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Center’s Sutherland Memorial
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Garden honors his legacy and his
     Bernard Dime                                                                                                                                                                                 family’s commitment to education.
     is CSU’s first
     paraplegic vet
     student. Read more
     about his amazing
     story on SOURCE.

                                                                                                                                    In 2019, the CSU softball team won the Mountain West
                                                                                                                                    Conference title for the third time in program history. At the                                           Outfielder
                                                                                                                                    season’s outset, the team adopted the hashtag #25Strong,                                                  Ashley
                                                                                                                                    symbolizing the unity of its 20 players and five staff. The                                              Michelena,
                                                                                                                                    hashtag also acknowledged the significance of the program’s                                                2018
                                                                                                                                    reinstatement 25 years prior. The University had cut the sport in
                                         Lapel pin                                                                                  1992 due to budget constraints related to reduced state funding, but
                                     given to first-                                                                                players and parents sued, citing violations of Title IX gender-equity
                                       generation                                                                                   requirements. Signed into federal law in 1972, Title IX prohibits sex
                                           alumni                                                                                   discrimination in education. The claimants won in U.S. District Court
                                                                                                                                    a year later. CSU recently announced plans to build a women’s athletics
                                                                                                                                    complex serving the softball and soccer programs within the former
                                                                                                                                    football practice area south of Moby Arena.
26   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019     INNOVATIO N                                                                                                                                                                                                          27
                                                                                 ONCE IN A                                                  Legnard was majoring in microbiology
                                                                                                                                         when he took the home-brewing class,
                                                                                                                                                                                     CooperSmith’s Pub & Brewery,
                                                                                                                                                                                     among the first breweries in

                                                                                 BLUE MOON
                                                                                                                                         held in a house across from the Gifford     Fort Collins. The brewery was
                                                                                                                                         Building his junior year, changing his      built on Lincoln Avenue in ’91
                                                                                                                                         life’s course. After learning how to brew   and started brewing beer in the
                                                                                 By Gretchen Gerding                                     beer, he experimented with different rec-   spring of ’92.                                                      Legnard and Sand
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              s wi th th e fir st
                                                                                                                                         ipes, with his roommates as testers. He        In 1995, Legnard interviewed                                     Jone

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            H.C. Berger beer
                                                                                         ohn Legnard (B.S., ’90) has been a part of      even won an award for a Pilsner from Fort   for a brewery job in Denver. At
                                                                                         the explosion in craft brewing in Colorado      Collins’ home-brewing club.                 the time, he didn’t know it was for
                                                                                         since the late 1980s. His love of brewing          Legnard found encouragement for his      the Coors SandLot Brewery at the
                                                                                 started at Colorado State University when one           interest in brewing within his major at     new Coors Field, the first brewery                        SANDY JONES
                                                                                 of his roommates saw an ad in the Collegian for         CSU, where he completed a senior project    inside a major league ballpark.
                                                                                 a home-brewing class taught by CSU Extension.           on industrial fermentation. It would be        “I interviewed, and they told me they                  MEMORIAL
                                                                                 Legnard’s journey from those home-brew roots
                                                                                 has taken him from the fledgling Fort Collins
                                                                                                                                         many years before CSU’s brewing class
                                                                                                                                         (2005) and, eventually, the Fermentation
                                                                                                                                                                                     were building a craft brewery in the right
                                                                                                                                                                                     field corner. I wasn’t a baseball fan, and I
                                                                                 brewing scene, to the SandLot Brewery at Coors          Science and Technology Program (2013),      didn’t know where right field was. I had                  John Legnard (B.S., ’90)
                                                                                 Field, to his present role as brewmaster at the         were launched to fill a need for trained    played soccer all my life. I’ve become a                  has continued to support the
                                                                                 Blue Moon Brewing Company in Denver.                    professionals in the brewing and fer-       baseball fan since then,” he said with a                  fermentation science program.
                                                                                                                                         mented foods industries.                    laugh. Legnard took the job and helped                    When Fort Collins’ brewing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               pioneer Sandy Jones, who
                                                                                 HOME-BREWING CLASS AT CSU                                                                           launch the brewery during the Rockies’
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               founded H.C. Berger Brewing,
                                                                                 Originally from Connecticut, Legnard found CSU          SANDLOT AT COORS FIELD                      inaugural season.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               passed away unexpectedly
                                                                                 when he checked a box on the SAT to indicate            As a student, Legnard made several con-        In the summer of ’95, they experiment-                 in February 2018, Legnard
                                                                                 an interest in pre-veterinary studies and agreed        nections to the brewing community in        ed with a Belgian wheat beer they called                  revived one of the early H.C.
                                                                                 to share his scores. CSU sent him a postcard and        Fort Collins, including pioneers Sandy      Bellyslide Wit. A Coors employee tried                    Berger recipes, Red Banshee
                                                                                 that was all it took to convince him to visit in 1986   Jones and Doug Odell. After graduation,     it and said, “A beer this good only comes                 Ale, with proceeds from sales
                                                                                 and then enroll.                                        he had a temporary position at Coors in     along once in a blue moon,” and Blue                      at Blue Moon Brewing Compa-
                                                                                    “CSU was such a fun place to go to school and        Golden, where he was a quality control      Moon was born.                                            ny going to the Sandy Jones
                                                                                 hang out and meet people. That’s what is so cool        technician. He was commuting to Golden                                                                Memorial Scholarship. The
                                                                                 about CSU – I still have tons of friends from my        when Jones called him about launching       SUPPORTING THE                                            scholarship will be awarded to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               a student majoring in fermen-
                                                                                 days as a student. A group of us gets together for      H.C. Berger Brewing Company; Legnard        FERMENTATION                                              tation science and technology
                                                                                 a reunion every five or 10 years. We buried a time      became one of the original investors and
                                                                                 capsule in Poudre Canyon the day after gradua-          the first employee.
                                                                                                                                                                                     SCIENCE PROGRAM                                           at CSU. Legnard hopes to raise
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               enough funds to eventually en-
                                                                                 tion and look forward to going back and finding           H.C. Berger joined Odell Brewing          As a land-grant University, CSU has always
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               dow the scholarship in mem-
                                                                                 it,” said Legnard.                                      Company, New Belgium Brewing, and           played a role in (continued on next page)                 ory of his mentor, who also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               founded Fort Collins Brewery.

                                                 Key Communities created
                                                 to decrease graduation rate
                                                 gaps across first-generation,                Jim (B.S., ’40)                            Student Alumni
Amy Van Dyken                                    Pell recipient, and minority                 and Nadine                                 Connection
(now Rouen) wins                                 students at CSU                              (B.S., ’41)                                establishes I Love
four gold medals        Flood causes more                                                     Henry named                                CSU Day, which            Robert H. and Mary G.                                             University
in swimming at the      than $120 million in     GLBT Student Services (Pride                “alumni of the                              is celebrated             Flint Animal Cancer         Larry Edward Penley                   Center for the       Tony Frank
Summer Olympics         damage to campus         Resource Center) opens                       century”                                   annually on April 18      Center opens                becomes president                     Arts opens           becomes president
1 99 6                  19 9 7                   19 9 8                                       2000                                       2 001                     2 002                       2 003                                  2 00 8              20 0 9

28   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   INNOVATIO N                                                                                                                                                                             I N N OVAT I ON     AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019          29
20 10                                                                   2013                     2014                    2 016                            2 017                            2 019                           20 20
     Fostering Success                                                       The CSU                  Becky Hammon            University raises               On-campus football                C. Wayne McIlwraith             Colorado State
     Program created                                                         Marching Band            (B.S., ’00) becomes     record $197.8 million           stadium, later named              Translational Medicine          University celebrates
     to support CSU                                                          participates in the      first woman full-time                                   Canvas Stadium, opens;            Institute opens                 its sesquicentennial
                                                                                                                              Old Main Bell
     students who were                                                       St. Patrick’s Day        NBA coach                                               Old Main Bell installed
                                                                                                                              returned to CSU                                                   CSU ranks 5th
     former foster youth. It                                                 Parade in Dublin                                                                 in the Jim and Nadine
                                                                                                                                                                                                nationally in
     currently serves more                                                                                                                                    Henry Family Tower at
                                                                                                                                                                                                Military Times
     than 200 students                                                                                                                                        the Iris & Michael Smith
                                                                                                                                                                                                “Best for Vets” list
                                                                                                                                                              Alumni Center
                                                                                                   Becky Hammon (B.S.,                                                                          Joyce McConnell
                                                                                                   ’00) is assistant coach                                                                      becomes president
                                                                                                   of the San Antonio
                                                                                                   Spurs. She was the
      preparing students to meet the needs of         Legnard became the brewmaster at             first female full-time
      the Colorado workforce. The Department       the new Blue Moon Brewing Company               assistant coach in NBA
      of Food Science and Human Nutrition          in the RiNo District in Denver in 2016,         history, the first woman
      in the College of Health and Human           while continuing to oversee the SandLot         to coach an NBA
      Sciences had been preparing to launch        Brewery at Coors Field. He is excited           summer league team,
                                                                                                   and the first woman to
      a major in fermentation science and          about CSU’s fermentation science pro-

                                                                                                                                                           JOYCE MCCONNELL
                                                                                                   coach in an NBA All-
      technology to help support the growing       gram and the potential to train new
                                                                                                   Star Game. As a Ram,
      brewing and food fermentation indus-         professionals to meet the needs of the          Hammon was a three-
      tries in the state. They pulled together     brewing industry in Colorado.                   time All-American and
      an advisory board of professionals in the       “I started off as a home brewer doing        set the all-time Western                                                                                 Joyce McConnell became the 15th
      industry, including Legnard.                 five-gallon batches,” said Legnard. “Just       Athletic Conference                                                                                      president of Colorado State University on
         “At the first meeting in March 2014,      imagine where I would be if I had started       scoring record for men                                                                                   July 1, 2019. Taking the helm during CSU’s
      we expressed the importance of teach-        off with a degree in CSU’s Fermentation         or women. She then                                                                                       sesquicentennial anniversary, she is excited
      ing not only the science, but also engi-     Science and Technology Program. With            spent 16 years in the                                                                                    to lead the University into its next 150 years
      neering and business as part of the cur-     all of the classes and background knowl-        WNBA, where she was                                                                                      by leaning on principles that have guided
      riculum. We wanted the program to be         edge, I would be light-years ahead of           named a Top 15 player                                                                                    her throughout her life, including a belief
      practical and hands-on. When you are         where I am now.”                                in the league’s history.                                                                                 in providing opportunities to help others
      running a brewery, you need to under-                                                                                                                                                                 achieve their dreams. “If you give one
                                                                                                                                                                                                            student access and that student becomes
      stand concepts of refrigeration, steam,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            successful, forever after their family is
      pumps, and heat transfer as well as the
                                                                                                                                                                                                            affected by that success,” she says. “You’re
      science and raw materials.”                                                                                                                                                                           empowering students to live lives that they
         “John attended our inaugural industry          Becky Hammon,                                                                                                                                       never would have expected they could live,
      advisory board meeting and has been an             2016; far right,                                                                                                                                   and that’s just extraordinary. I’m driven by
      active and reliable member ever since,”             playing for                                                                                                                                       that sense of purpose.”
      said Jeff Callaway, associate director of            CSU, 1999

      the fermentation science program. “He
      has supported the FST program and CSU
      in many ways – everything from advice
      on curriculum and brewing and giving
      tours and his time, to leveraging his net-
      work to create scholarships to support

                                                                                                                                                THE NEXT 150 YEARS
      the next generation of brewers.”
         Legnard also worked with Molson
      Coors to secure brewing equipment that
      Coors had in storage. The equipment                                                                                                       Anniversaries are opportunities to reflect on the       hold true to the one thing the class of 1884 would
      was donated to what is now the Lory                                                                                                       past and plan for the future. Strolling through         recognize if they were transported here now: our
      Student Center Teaching Brewery in the                                                                                                    CSU’s last 150 years offers an opportunity to           values. And as stewards of those values, CSU’s
      Ramskeller, which served its first beer in                                                                                                renew pride, though it might revive some old            alumni have a distinct role to play in our next
      2018.                                                                                                                                     pains along the way. Both will bolster efforts to       century and a half.

30   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019    INNOVATIO N                                                                                                                                                            I N N OVAT I ON   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019   31
As Colorado State University celebrates its 150th anniversary,   Your membership strengthens our community, preserves our
 we thank you for being a member of the Alumni Association.      traditions, and extends our legacy. Thank you.

      Visit to see how alumni
         and donors like you are making an impact.
CAREER SERVICES                                                                                                                            CSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION EVENTS
                                                                                                            START TAKING
                                                                                                            ADVANTAGE OF                                                                                                        Happy Homecoming! Proud
                                                                                                            THINGS SUCH AS:                                                                                                     to Be 150 – Homecoming and
KEEP LEARNING. KEEP GROWING.                                                                                • In-person workshops and                                                                                           Family Weekend 2019 was
                                                                                                              online webinars                                                                                                   one for the books. Five days
Even after graduation, your alma mater           name is Angela Hayes, and she’s our resident
                                                                                                            • One-on-one career path                                                                                            filled to the brim with Ram
still offers valuable learning tools to meet     expert in all things professional development.
                                                                                                              coaching                                                                                                          Pride. We came together as a
you where you are. Through your CSU              She has a B.S. in psychology, an M.S. in                   • Job-seeker resources                                                                                              community of green and gold,
Alumni Association, you have access to real-     industrial/organizational psychology and a                 • Access to exclusive career
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                reminisced, and caught up
life, immediately applicable, professional       Ph.D. in professional coaching and human                     fairs and industry events
                                                                                                            • Career speaker series                                                                                             with old friends. We honored
development tools and career services for your   development.
                                                                                                            • Individual consultation                                                                                           our Distinguished Alumni
life beyond campus.
                                                                                                              opportunities                                                                                                     and inducted the Class of
   We’ve even dedicated a staff member to your   Learn more at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1969 into the 50 Year Club.
professional journey as a CSU graduate. Her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                We officially kicked off the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                University’s Sesquicentennial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                celebrations. We looked back
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                in awe at our last 150 years,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and we raised a glass to the
                                                  NorthAmerican Van Lines offers a 60% discount for interstate                                                                                                                  next. And all of it was possible
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                                                  Contact Gordon Taylor at (800) 987-3608 and mention CSU.                                                                                                                      traditions like Homecoming
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34   AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                              AROUND THE OVAL | FALL 2019    35

Jeff and Brie K., ’03 Aguila                           Frederick M., ’06, ’12 and Iliana A. Gallegos                  Morris W. Price Jr., ’87
Michael C., ’96, ’00 and Susan N., ’97, ’00 Albright   Brian K. Gelder, ’02 and Mindy L. Devries Gelder               Phillip H., ’03 and Andrea R. Purdy
Trevor A. Amen, ’06, ’17                               Joshua A., ’06 and Pamela J., ’05 Gold                         Justin A. Reedy, ’16
Grace C. Ami, ’09                                      Barbara J. Gustison, ’16                                       Rachel N. Riley, ’15
Larry G., ’66, ’68 and Nancy E., ’66 Arlian            Todd E. and Jenny L., ’93 Harding                              Timothy L., ’03 and Aimee S., ’02 Rudolph
Dean E. and Patricia A., ’76 Asselborn                 Stephen R. Jr., ’93 and Wendy M., ’92 Higgins                  Michael J. Ruff, ’88
Jennifer R. Atencio, ’02                               Thomas and Amy Hirn                                            Dwight G. Rus, ’80, ’97
Dallas F., ’93 and Barbara A. Belt                     John G., ’79 and Carolyn L., ’80 Hudek                         John W., ’66 and Pamela J. Sample
Dana P. Berg, ’91                                      Gregory P. Huerta, ’02                                         Karen C. Schubert, ’75, ’79, ’88
John W. Jr., ’74 and Anne C., ’76 Blair                Jillian Jacobo, ’17                                            Michael A. Schulman, ’01 and Bryn Harris
Dakota K. Bogner, ’14, ’18                             Estevan L. Jaimes, ’10                                         Clayton A. Schwerin, ’93
Jerry Boortz                                           Paul C., ’58 and Millicent M., ’58 Jennings                    Basit A. Seehar, ’19
Samuel C. Carpenter, ’06                               Wayne A., ’81, ’84, ’91, ’05 and Tracey S., ’96 Jensen         Jordi B. Sendra, ’19
Katharine M. Claypool, ’16                             Charles F. and Claudia M. Johnson                              Steven R. Short, ’75
Michael L. Collins, ’65 and Susan A. Murphy            Jonathan J. Johnson, ’19                                       Jordan P. Smith, ’01
Donel L. Conley, ’94 and Margaret E., ’93 O’Rourke     Tyler G. Johnson, ’18                                          Michael A. Smith, ’19
Darren D’Attilio and Lisa, ’99, ’01 Campos             David W. Kain                                                  Roberta I. Smith, ’65
Jeffrey S. Dadd, ’97                                   Ray M. Kato, ’83                                               Peter M. Staab, ’92
Amy K. Dahlgren, ’99                                   Jacqueline A. LaBelle, ’19                                     Chase C. Stockon, ’87
Michael D. Davis, ’81                                  Donald J., ’75 and Susan C. (Gathers), ’76 Law                 McKayla E. Stoltenberg, ’17
Jordan M. Derecho, ’19                                 Adam R., ’12 and Emily E., ’12 LeFevre                         Patricia L. Sulik, ’84
Janis M. Doerr, ’77                                    Michael D. Lohman, ’18                                         Daniel R. Sweeney, ’91
Mark S. Domzalski, ’88                                 Vernon L. Lowrey, ’76                                          Christopher T. Theisen, ’86
Ann Barber Doyle, ’76                                  Michele S. Marquitz, ’19                                       Abram M. Theiss, ’07
Melissa D. Doyle, ’89                                  Alexis J. Martinez-Nolasco, ’17                                John E., ’00 and Jennifer B., ’99 Thompson

                                                                                                                                                                                   We customize.
Gabriel R., ’11 and Caitlin K., ’10 Dunbar             Carl R. Maxey, ’90                                             Zeph T. III, ’01 and Carla J., ’99 Thorning
Richard D. Edgington, ’84                              Christopher and Carmen Meeks                                   Hudson A., ’78 and Mary C., ’79 Washburn
Brian D. Eilers, ’94                                   Jade D., ’08 and Erin Y., ’08 Mercer                           Laurie A. Weaver, ’95

                                                                                                                                                                                   You could save hundreds.
Terry E. Engle Jr., ’93, ’96 and 		                    Robert H. Montgomery, ’87                                      Ricky L. Webber, ’00
    Shannon L., ’94, ’96, ’15 Archibeque-Engle         Jennifer M. Musick, ’11                                        David R. Wells, ’92                                                                                                                                                       1
Ann L. Fenwick, ’87                                    Katherine I. O’Donnell, ’59                                    Tara Williamson, ’05
Matthew C. Fergen, ’14                                 Gabriel P., ’96 and Abigail J., ’02 Ortega                     Cole V. Wise, ’18
Adam H., ’02 and Kimberlee J., ’01 Fisher              Tava E. Owens, ’91                                             Janet M. Wolfenden, ’80
Richard L. Jr. and Terrie C, ’76 Foristal              Charles M. Penland, ’75                                        Gene D. Woodfill, ’98
Kevin L., ’99 and Mary J., ’01 Francis                 Guy L. Pidgeon, ’73, ’75                                       M. Danielle Young and Patrick M. Kocovsky

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