GESTALT FOR FUTURE - CREATING A NETWORK FOR RESEARCH 09/02 - 09/04/2022 IN HAMBURG/GERMANY - Research Conference Hamburg 2022

GESTALT FOR FUTURE - CREATING A NETWORK FOR RESEARCH 09/02 - 09/04/2022 IN HAMBURG/GERMANY - Research Conference Hamburg 2022
09/02 – 09/04/2022

                          INTE R N ATIO

                                F E R E N C E ON RESEAR
                          CO  N
                                           TH E R A PY
                           IN G E S TA LT
GESTALT FOR FUTURE - CREATING A NETWORK FOR RESEARCH 09/02 - 09/04/2022 IN HAMBURG/GERMANY - Research Conference Hamburg 2022
02                                                                                                                                       LIST OF CONTENTS

FRIDAY 09/02/2022                                       SATURDAY 09/03/2022                                SUNDAY 09/04/2022

Keynote Speech 1 / Wampold B. E.                   03   Keynote Speech 3 / Elliott R.                 17   Keynote Speech 5 / Stevens C.                      32
Panel 1                                                 SCTS Part 2 / Herrera Salinas P.              18   Panel 3 / Elliott R., Herrera P.
  Francesetti G., Gecele M., Roubal J.,                                                                      Moderator: Stevens C.                            33
                                                        Mini-Lecture 5 / Lommatzsch A.                18
  Appel-Opper J., Řiháček T., Settanni M.          04
                                                        Mini-Lecture 6 / Sperandeo R.                 19   Workshop 10 / Brownell P.                          34
Panel 5 / Burrows R., Scheinberg S.,               05
                                                        Mini-Lecture 7 / Žegura I.                    19   Panel 4 / Spano G., Dibiase M.                     34
Workshop 2
                                                        Lecture 3 / Tomljenović B.                    20   Lecture 10 / Gradenigo C.                          35
 Iacono Isidoro S., Spagnuolo Lobb M.              06
                                                        Lecture 4 / Sollmann U.                       20   Lecture 11 / Schübel T.                            35
Workshop 3 / Stützle-Hebel M., Antons K.           06
                                                        Mini-Lecture 11                                    Mini-Lecture 13 / Novikova Z.                      36
Workshop 4 / Sollmann U.                           07
                                                          Martínez Acuña A., Di Rosa A. R.,                Lecture 12 / Spano G., Dibiase M.                  36
SCTS Part 1
                                                          Mazzone M.                                  21   Lecture 13 / Settanni M.                           37
  Glanzer O., Grillmeier-Rehder U., Nagler J.      07
                                                        Lecture 26 / Manukovsky A.                    21   Lecture 14 / MacCracken A.                         37
Presentation of the Pre-Conference-Results         08
                                                        Lecture 5 / Roubal J., Šromová V.             22   Lecture 22 / Desmond B.                            38
Lecture 1 / Beja V.                                08
                                                        Lecture 21 / González Vallejo H.              23   Mini-Lecture 9 / van Baalen D.                     38
Mini-Lecture 1
  Bretschneider-Klein M., Baiocco O.               09   Lecture 7 / Boeckh A.                         23   Mini-Lecture 14 / Kolmannskog V.                   39
Lecture 24 / Carreón Borja J. A.                   09   Lecture 8                                          SCTS Part 4 / Herrera Salinas P.,
                                                          Fernández Santoyo C., Rubio Ramirez E.      24     Beja V., Belasco F., Glanzer O.                  39
Mini-Lecture 3 / Cini A.                           10
                                                        Lecture 9 / Settanni M.                       24   SCTS Part 5
Mini-Lecture 4 / Hillers-Chen A.                   10
                                                        Presentation 4                                       Herrera Salinas P., Glanzer O., Mstibovskyi I.   40
Lecture 19
                                                          Beja V. / Belasco F.                        25   Lecture 15 / Stützle-Hebel M., Antons K.           40
  Nadirashvili D., Gogotishvili T., Asatiani E.,
  Macharashvili U., Asatiani A.                    11   Mini-Lecture 12 / Sudheer Manickam L. S.      25   Lecture 16 / Versaci R.                            41
Lecture 20 / Tomljenovicv B.                       11   Panel 2 / Wampold B., Kriz J., Brownell P.,        Lecture 17 / Sperandeo R.                          41
                                                          Introduction: Beja V.                       26
Presentation 1 / Beja V.                           12                                                      Mini-Lecture 10 / Wasielewski J., Sędek G.         42
                                                        Workshop 5 / Schulthess P.                    27
Poster 2 / Spagnuolo Lobb M.                       13                                                      Lecture 18 / Stevens C., Harris B.                 42
                                                        Workshop 6 / Egorova P., Kedrova N.           27
Poster 3 / Denisenko M, Grehka V.                  13                                                      SCTS Part 6 / Glanzer O.                           43
                                                        Workshop 7 / Keyes H. A., Bialy K.            28
Poster 5                                                                                                   Lecture 23 / Ventura Tello H.                      43
  Micovic T., Micovic N., Opacic S.,                    Workshop 8 / Winter D., Boeckh A.             28
  Selmanovic Podrug S.                             14   Workshop 9 / Cannavò M., Zeleskov Doric J.    29
                                                                                                           Closing                                            44
Presentation 2                                          Workshop 13 / Appel-Opper J.                  29
                                                                                                           Networking                                         44
  EAGT Committees (TS, RC, PC & QS)                     Workshop 14
                                                                                                           Icons                                              45
  Mizerska R., Pico D.                             15    Pankoke N., Langesenkamp E.                  30
                                                                                                           Schedule / Program                                 46
Presentation 6                                          Keynote Speech 4 / Spagnuolo Lobb M.          31
  Malakçıoğlu C. / Voltan Acar H. N.               15                                                      General terms and conditions                       49
Keynote Speech 2 / Schulthess P.                   16
GESTALT FOR FUTURE - CREATING A NETWORK FOR RESEARCH 09/02 - 09/04/2022 IN HAMBURG/GERMANY - Research Conference Hamburg 2022
03                                                                                                                                  FRIDAY 09/02/2022

KEYNOTE SPEECH 1 > 9.30 – 11.00 A.M.

The Humanistic Aspects
of Effective Psychotherapy

It is now well documented that psy-     BRUCE E. WAMPOLD,                      Psychology. Currently his work         Francis, 2015) as well as numerous
chotherapy is effective, yet research   who was trained in mathematics         involves understanding counseling      articles and chapters. He is recipi-
has failed to definitely determine      (BA, University of Washington) be-     and psychotherapy from empiri-         ent of the of the 2007 Distinguished
how psychotherapy works. Nev-           fore earning his doctorate in Coun-    cal, historical, and anthropological   Professional Contributions to
ertheless, there is evidence that       seling Psychology (Ph.D., University   perspectives, which has led to the     Applied Research Award from the
the humanistic elements of psy-         of California, Santa Barbara), is      development of a contextual model      American Psychological Associa-
chotherapy are intimately involved      Professor Emeritus of Counseling       from which to understand the ben-      tion, the 2015 Distinguished Re-
in producing the benefits of psy-       Psychology at the University of        efits of counseling and psychother-    search Career Award from the So-
chotherapy. In this presentation,       Wisconsin – Madison, and Senior        apy. As well, he has explored social   ciety for Psychotherapy Research,
a model is presented for how the        Researcher at the Research Institute   healing in various contexts, includ-   and the 2019 Gold Medal Award for
humanistic components are integral      at Modum Bad Psychiatric Center in     ing placebos, medicine, psychother-    Life Achievement in the Application
components of all effective psycho-     Vikersund, Norway. He is a Fellow      apy, and various cultural healing      of Psychology from the American
therapy. Implications of the model      of the American Psychological          practices. His work is summarized      Psychological Foundation.
for improving mental health servic-     Association and Board Certified        in The Great Psychotherapy Debate:
es, for training therapists, and for    in Counseling Psychology by the        The Evidence for How Psychother-
research are discussed.                 American Board of Professional         apy Works (with Z. Imel, Taylor and

                                                                                                                                              IO N A L
                                                                                                                                IN T E R N AT               SE ARCH

                                                                                                                         5.                 E N CE ON RE
                                                                                                                                CO N F E R                 PY
                                                                                                                                              LT T H E R A
                                                                                                                                 IN G E S TA
GESTALT FOR FUTURE - CREATING A NETWORK FOR RESEARCH 09/02 - 09/04/2022 IN HAMBURG/GERMANY - Research Conference Hamburg 2022
04                                                                                                                                     FRIDAY 09/02/2022

PANEL 1 > 11.30 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.

Does a field based psychopathology
need research?
Francesetti G. / Gecele M. / Roubal J. / Appel-Opper J.
Řiháček T. / Settanni M.

In the last years psychopatholo-        Michela Gecele,                          Julianne Appel-Opper,                   Michele Settanni,
gy has become a growing edge            M.D., Psychiatrist, Gestalt therapist,   Dipl-Psychologist, Reg Psychol          PhD, Gestalt therapist, Associate
of contemporary Gestalt Therapy.        international Trainer and Supervisor,    Psychotherapist (Germany), Integra-     Professor on research methods in
Particularly fruitful seems to be       co-director of IPsiG-International In-   tive Gestalt Psychotherapist with       clinical psychology, Turin Univ. His
the application of field theory to      stitute for Gestalt Therapy and Psy-     the Council for Psychotherapy (UK),     research interests include measure-
psychopathology: this perspective       chopathology. She works in public        international trainer and supervisor,   ment of psychological constructs
considers clinical suffering as an      mental health services and she has       practice in Berlin with 30 years        and therapy outcomes. Trainer of
emergent phenomenon in the ther-        coordinated a mental health service      clinical experience.                    the Intern. Inst. for Gestalt Therapy
apeutic session. This is a specific     for immigrants.                                                                  and Psychopathology.
relational way to address it, differ-                                            Tomáš Řiháček,
ent from both the mono-personal         Jan Roubal,                              Ph.D., psychologist and psychother-     Gianni Francesetti,
and bi-personal models. In this         M.D., PhD is an Associate Profes-        apist, Associate Professor at the       M.D., Psychiatrist, Gestalt Therapist,
panel, after a short presentation of    sor at Masaryk University in Brno,       Masaryk University, Brno, Czech         Adjunt Professor, Dep. of Psycholo-
the basis of this perspective, we       Czech Republic, where he also            Republic. His research interests in-    gy, Torino Univ., international trainer
want to discuss whether this ap-        works in the Centre for Psychother-      clude psychosomatics, therapeutic       and supervisor, co-Director of IPsiG
proach needs research, what kind        apy Research. Jan is both psycho-        change, outcome and process moni-       - International Institute for Gestalt
of research and what are the risks      therapist and psychiatrist, he works     toring, psychotherapy integration.      Therapy and Psychopathology
and the opportunities of this explo-    as well as a psychotherapy trainer
ration.                                 and supervisor internationally.
05                                                                                                                        FRIDAY 09/02/2022

PANEL 5 > 11.30 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.

Honouring & Integrating Diversity– in Gestalt Research, Development &
Innovation practice – Grounded Studies & Critical assessment – from Ireland, South
Africa, Sweden and the Caribbean.
Sari Scheinberg / Rosie Burrows

How sensitive are we to diversity       an impact –across race, age, gen-         Rosie Burrows,
in our Gestalt community – of self,     der, generations, culture, religion,      PhD – Gestalt Psychotherapist, Clin-
relations, situations/fields - as we    class & sectors in society.               ical Supervisor, Trainer, Researcher,
design, drive, & manifest results of                                              External Examiner for Gestalt Di-
our research?                                                                     ploma & Master Metanoia Institute,
We believe it is urgent to critically                                             London. She also taught Gestalt at
examine how: our pre-research           Sari Scheinberg,                          Dublin Business School. Her focus
contact, research questions/goals,      PhD – Gestalt & Organ. Psycholo-          now -’ Everyday Camino’, a Gestalt
sample/clients contracts, models,       gist, Teacher, Researcher, Activist       research inquiry & innovation pro-
methods & instruments used, &           – in Sweden. Pioneering action            cess that ranges from individual to
the ethics & culture(s) that shape      research & development programs           group, societal & ecological prac-
& ground our research - effects/is      at intersection: well-being – human       tices
effected by the presence/absence        rights – sustainability around world
of diversity consciousness.             for 30 years; Mobilizing stakehold-
                                        ers at all levels in society to jointly
Different examples will be explored     study, learn & generate knowledge
on how we designed research on          & transformation. 1992-2015 GA
well-being & sustainability in diver-   of Scandinavia Staff & current Bd
sity sensitive ways & how we made       member NGS
06                                                                                                                                      FRIDAY 09/02/2022

WORKSHOP 2 > 11.30 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.                                                WORKSHOP 3 > 11.30 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.

Teaching research inside Gestalt therapy training:                                 „… that there is nothing so practical as
a practical method                                                                 a good theory“ – suggestions for a theory-
                                                                                   motivated research
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb / Serena Iacono Isidoro
                                                                                   Monika Stützle-Hebel / Klaus Antons

Fostering the interest towards           Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb,                In this workshop participants can       Monika Stützle-Hebel and
research of Gestalt therapy trainees     Psy.D. Director Istituto di Gestalt HCC   take questions out of their own pro-    Klaus Antons
is increasingly necessary today, in      Italy (Siracusa, Palermo, Milan). Her     fessional environment into account      Both are psychologists and facilita-
order to support their attitude of       present researches: the construct of      following the slogan „What I wanted     tors in group dynamics, engaged in
scientific enquiry on clinical prac-     Aesthetic Relational Knowledge and        to know (more precisely) for a long     supervision, coaching, organisation-
tices and confident exchange with        the field, and the „dance“ of reciproc-   time …“. With the help of field-the-    al development, personality devel-
colleagues. A teaching methodolo-        ity between caregivers and child and      oretical concepts they develop          opment and professional training
gy that encourages students to re-       between therapist and client. Editor:     empirical-experimental approaches       as well as psychotherapy (Gestalt,
search is presented, characterized       Gestalt Therapy Book Series at Rou-       to their questions. By this way we      DVG). Publications relate to group
by a rigorous but not rigid stance.      tledge. Past President: EAGT, FIAP,       together examine the heuristic val-     dynamics, gender and leadership
The aim is to promote trainees’ re-      SIPG, FISIG. Lifelong Achievement         ue of field theory of Kurt Lewin and    as well as Lewins field theory and
search competences, overcoming a         Award from the AAGT (2018).               we hope to suggest little research      its application to questions of
dichotomic view between quantita-                                                  projects with practical relevance.      minorites, conflict, cooperation,
tive and qualitative methods. During     Serena Iacono Isidoro,                    We suggest to read: Stützle-Hebel,      identity and democracy.
the workshop, examples of topics         Psy.D and Gestalt psychotherapist.        M. & Antons, K. (2017). Einführung in
for research training will be present-   From 2012 to 2017 she has worked at       die Praxis der Feldtheorie. Heidel-
ed and practical exercises to build a    the Italian National Research Council     berg, Carl Auer.
research protocol will be proposed.      (CNR). Since 2017 she is Supervising
                                         and Training Student at Istituto di
                                         Gestalt HCC Italy. She coordinates
                                         the online therapies at Clinical and
                                         Research Centre of Istituto di Gestalt
                                         HCC Italy.
07                                                                                                                                          FRIDAY 09/02/2022

WORKSHOP 4 > 11.30 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.                                                 SCTS PART 1        > 11.30 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.

Writing about clients, a personal venture?                                          Evidencing GT: Presentation of the Single Case
                                                                                    Time Series Methodology
Ulrich Sollmann
                                                                                    Otto Glanzer / Ursula Grillmeier-Rehder / Johannes Nagler

Publishing psychotherapists move         Ulrich Sollmann,                           1. Short history of the SCTS-Project      Gestalt Therapy Institutes; main are-
on a slim line. On the one hand, it is   Gestalt and body psychotherapist,             in Germany and Austria: Descrip-       as of work: depressive and structural
important to write about concrete        coach in business and politics.               tion and analysis of the arduous       disorders, clinical theory of Gestalt
cases from practice. On the other        Publicist and blogger. Guest Profes-          path to bring the SCTS project         Therapy; promoting interest in inter-
hand, there are problems with data       sor Shanghai University of Political          from Cape Cod 2013 to the Ger-         national research projects in Gestalt
protection, personal rights, transfer    Science and Law and Maltepe Uni-              man speaking countries by 2020.        Therapy.
phenomena or erroneous reactions         versity Istanbul. Active in the field of   2. The methodology of SCTS pre-
of patients. Sometimes the thera-        ethics in therapeutic organizations.          sented by a film: What exactly         Ursula Grillmeier-Rehder,
peutic relationship does continue in                                                   happens during the implementa-         MSc - University course for psy-
court.                                                                                 tion of this research design? I will   chotherapy research at the Medical
                                                                                       present the steps of the execution     University of Vienna. Psychothera-
I will report on personal experienc-                                                   and show an instructional film.        pist, research fellow and member in
es and put specific areas of tension                                                                                          the training staff of the Institute for
up for discussion. I am happy if the                                                                                          Integrative Gestalttherapy Vienna
participants‘ own experiences are                                                   Otto Glanzer,                             (IGWien).
included in a differentiated and vivid                                              Dr. phil., Augsburg; studied clinical
way.                                                                                psychology and education in Salz-         Johannes Nagler,
                                                                                    burg. Since 1998 he has been work-        After his Doctorate in Mathematics
                                                                                    ing as a Psychological Psychothera-       in 2015, he followed a new life path.
                                                                                    pist (TP): Lecturer, teaching therapist   Currently, he studies Psychology
                                                                                    and supervisor of the South German        at the University of Vienna, he is in
                                                                                    Academy for Psychotherapy (teach-         the third year of Gestalt training and
                                                                                    ing practice) and trainer as well as      offers shamanic seminars and rituals
                                                                                    teaching therapist at several German      with his partner.
08                                                                                                                                  FRIDAY 09/02/2022

PRESENTATION > 11.30 A.M. – 1.00 P.M.                                          LECTURE 1 > 2.15 – 3.15 P.M.

Presentation                                                                   Two risks and a third way:
of the Pre-Conference-Results                                                  what research for Gestalt therapy?
                                                                               Vincent Beja

On 23 September 2021 a first meet-     On 09/01/2022 a 2nd meeting of          Based on an article I wrote in the      more widely than today. Then I
ing of members of DVG, EAGT and        people interested in these ques-        BGJ, I will expose how, in view of:     will draw the outlines of a Gestalt
IAAGT took place with the idea of      tions took place to continue the                                                research that allows Gestalt therapy
collectively organizing the practice   exchange of knowledge, ideas and        – the evolution of the regulatory       to be legitimised and to continue to
of Gestalt Therapy research.           plans                                     context                               develop as an original and innova-
                                                                               – and the appearance of the con-        tive modality.
So far, several drop-in zoom ses-      Here you can inform about this on-        textual model resulting from the
sions have taken place to continue     going process and the results so far.     evolution of research in psycho-
to further exchange on different                                                 therapy                               Vincent Beja
topics, such as                        You will find time slots each day at                                            Chair of the EAGT RC, Gestalt-ther-
                                       this conference to continue the pro-    the future of GT may oscillates be-     apist, supervisor, writer and trainer
– What kind of research is needed      cess of organising Gestalt research     tween marginalisation and disso-        in Gestalt Therapy. Co-founder of
  for different aims?                  and we invite you to join.              lution into an integrative current. I   the Institute for the Development of
– What research is needed for dif-                                             argue that both the values inspiring    the Therapist (IDeT) France., mem-
  ferent fields?                                                               the GT posture and the mode of          ber of SPR. Co-editor of the book
– How to access funds and other                                                intervention based on the thera-        “La recherche en Gestalt-thérapie”
  resources for research?                                                      pist’s affective resonance are worth    (2018).
– What are the best ways to col-                                               defending and even disseminating
  lect/aggregate research data?
– How do we understand the valid-
  ity and efficacy/effectiveness of
  gestalt research?
09                                                                                                                                       FRIDAY 09/02/2022

MINI-LECTURE 1 > 2.15 – 3.15 P.M.                                                 LECTURE 24 > 2.15 – 3.15 P.M.

Gestalt work in digital transformation:                                           Evidence Based Gestalt Therapy: Impact of the
A survey from Germany 2020                                                        Practice of Gestalt Therapy on the Quality of Life
                                                                                  of Patients with Ordinary Difficulties for Contact
Mirjam Bretschneider-Klein / Oliver Baiocco
                                                                                  José Alberto Carreón Borja

No later than the Corona pandem-        Mirjam Bretschneider-Klein,
ic (German) Gestalt workers are         Gestalt therapist in training and edu-    This paper has two objectives. First,     José Alberto Carreón Borja,
working mediated, using e.g. vid-       cational scientist focusing on coun-      to evaluate the efficacy of Gestalt       Social Psychologist, Master in Ge-
eo conference tools to meet with        selling, learning and digitisation, is    Therapy in relation to the quality        stalt Approach. Gestalt therapist.
their clients. However, working this    currently (2020) on family leave. She     of life of patients with ordinary         Academic Secretary and professor
way is also an expression of digital    works as a Gestalt-based counsellor       difficulties for contact, a construct     at the Instituto Humanista de Psico-
transformation and social change.       with psychologically burdened long-       that update the concept of neurosis       terapia Gestalt, Mexico.
To explore the experience and mind      term unemployed and is speaker of         from Perls, Hefferline & Goodman.
set towards mediated counselling,       the DVG (German Gestalt Associa-          Second, to measure the correlation
coaching and therapy, and how dig-      tion) task force on digital transforma-   of the specific factors of the GT with
itisation might challenge the Gestalt   tion and online therapy.                  the increasing of quality of life. This
concept, we conduct a survey in the                                               is a correlational study. To measure
German Gestalt community. In our        Oliver Baiocco,                           changes in quality of life, CORE-
mini-lecture we present findings and    Master of Social Science; Gestalt-        OM is used. For the correlation of
first suggestions for consequences      therapist. Has been working in social     specific factors, the Gestalt Thera-
and subsequently want to discuss        associations for over 20 years in         py Practice Assessment Guide, an
what Gestalt wants to be in times of    various areas and in a managerial         adaptation of the Fogarty’s GTFS, is
digital transformation.                 position. He works both as a coach        used.
                                        and counsellor and is also speaker
                                        of the DVG (German Gestalt Associa-
                                        tion) task force on digital transforma-
                                        tion and online therapy.
10                                                                                                                                         FRIDAY 09/02/2022

MINI-LECTURE 3 > 2.15 – 3.15 P.M.                                                  MINI-LECTURE 4 > 2.15 – 3.15 P.M.

Examples of the phenomenological-existential me-                                   Beyond effectiveness research:
thodology application                                                              On using “what is there” – now
Alessandro Cini                                                                    Annette Hillers-Chen

I will propose for a mini lecture about   Alessandro Cini,                         The future of Gestalt therapy within      Annette Hillers-Chen,
the application of a phenomenologi-       Psychologist, psychotherapist spe-       the psychotherapeutic field (“the         Dipl.-Psych., Ph.D., Gestalt Therapist,
cal-existential methodology to three      cialized in Gestalt psychotherapy        place it deserves”) is not only tied to   is an Associate Professor for Applied
different qualitative researches:         (phenomenological-existential ori-       effectiveness research, but also to       Psychology at the Department of
the effectiveness of gestalt thera-       entation), trained at Istituto Gestalt   (1) its communicability in language       Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
py correlated to the psychological        Firenze. PhD in nonlinear dynamics       towards decision-makers and (2) its       at Zhejiang University (Hangzhou,
well-being, a comparison of the psy-      and complex systems, held at the         compatibility with the latest research    China) and the research representa-
chotherapic journey from the client       Engineering faculty of Florence.         results from other fields including       tive of the IGW (Würzburg, Germany).
and therapist point of view, and an                                                the brain sciences, philosophy, his-
explorative semi-structured inter-                                                 tory, cultural and language studies. I
view to highlight the experienced                                                  will discuss how this could be done,
and expected changes in relation-                                                  give concrete examples (cf. https://
ships during the pandemic period.                                         and show
The aim of my proposal is to present                                               the beauty of basic/secondary re-
some preliminary results of the men-                                               search.
tioned researches and, moreover,
to discuss about the methodology
11                                                                                                                                         FRIDAY 09/02/2022

LECTURE 19 > 2.15 – 3.15 P.M.                                                        LECTURE 20 > 3.30 – 4.15 P.M.

Study of the relationship between                                                    CHAP with a twist
Defense Mechanisms and Psychological Traits
                                                                                     Biserka Tomljenovic
D. Nadirashvili / T. Gogotishvili / E. Asatiani / U. Macharashvili / A. Asatiani

The study explored how defense             Co-director, Georgian National Gestalt    The lecture presents experience and      Biserka Tomljenović,
mechanisms relate to psychological         Institute; Professor, St. Andrew Geor-    the process of modifying the Rolf        Social Worker, a full-time licenced
traits: conformity, aggression, sug-       gian University                           Sandell’s CHAP (Change after Psy-        gestalt psychotherapist. An inde-
gestivity, extraversion, introversion,                                               chotherapy) Model it into a reflexive    pendent minority integration expert,
compliance with authority, types of        Ucha Matcharashvili,                      evaluation methodology aligned to        researcher, practitioner, trainer and
set, awareness. People experiencing        social and set Psychologist, studies at   Gestalt principles of I-Thou relation-   facilitator, co-author of the Plan B
awareness were less to be influenced       Georgian National gestalt Institute, he   ship, dialogue and phenomenology.        guide for teenage parents.
by authority. Introjection projection      is an experienced trainer and coach in    Irrespective of significant study
and confluence was characteristic for      organizational development and has        limitations, this methodology can be
extraverts. Deflection and retroflection   worked with more than a fifty company     highly recommended to all Gestalt
- for the introverts. Static set and the   in Georgia. Now he works for Fintech      practitioners. This model could also
deflection; Dynamic set and introjec-      company TBC Pay as a scrum master         be used by students to create final
tion projection retroflection.             and is responsible for coaching teams     graduation theses which could be
                                           through the process of agile transfor-    published as research papers. Its
Dimitri Nadirashvili,                      mation.                                   use for assessing outcomes (effec-
EAGT, EAP certified GT; SPR FM;                                                      tiveness) of Gestalt therapy (GT)
President of GAGT; Head, Psychology        Elene Asatiani,                           techniques and approach in general
Department at St. Andrew Georgian          clinical Psychologist, working as a       will also be discussed.
University; Director, Georgian National    Social Environmental Specialist.
Gestalt Institute
                                           Ana Asatiani,
Téa Gogotishvili,                          clinical Psychologist; working with
Psychologist, EAGT, EAP certified GT;      children as an ABA therapist; studies
SPR FM; Chair of TS&PC at GAGT;            at Georgian National Gestalt Institute.
12                                                                                FRIDAY 09/02/2022

PRESENTATION 1          > 3.30 – 4.15 P.M.

The EAGT Research DataBase &
Research Platform
Vincent Beja / N.N.

In 2018, EAGT took up a project –       Vincent Beja
initiated by the Polish and Spanish     Chair of the EAGT RC, Gestaltthera-
GT associations– for a database         pist, supervisor, writer and trainer in
that stores bibliographic references    Gestalt Therapy. Co-founder of the
of research work in and about GT        Institute for the Development of the
from all over the world.                Therapist (IDeT) France., member of
The database contains 250 ref-          SPR. Co-editor of the book “La re-
erences now and it is freely ac-        cherche en Gestalt-thérapie” (2018).
cessible. It aims at becoming an
important resource for students,
therapists as well as researchers. It
will be continuously enriched with
new articles and references, but
also with other contents that are
useful for research, such as filmed
sessions of our conferences and re-
search seminars. Come and discov-
er how it works now and our plans
for the future…
13                                                                                                                                      FRIDAY 09/02/2022

POSTER 2 > 3.30 – 4.15 P.M.                                                      POSTER 3 > 3.30 – 4.15 P.M.

Aesthetic relational knowledge (ARK).                                            Psychopathology in Gestalt-Therapists Practice
Construction and validation of a scale
                                                                                 Maria Denisenko / Vadim Grehka
for Gestalt therapist
Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb
                                                                                 Aim: To find out how often gestalt-      Maria Denisenko,
                                                                                 therapists (GT) work with clients with   MD, psychiatrist, Gestalt therapist.
Aesthetic Relational Knowledge is        Margherita Spagnuolo Lobb,              psychopathological symptoms.             Trainer in Moscow Institute for
the way in which the Gestalt thera-      is a psychologist, psychotherapist                                               Gestalt Therapy and Consulting.
pist uses his senses to understand       and founder and director of the Isti-   Method: Gestalt-therapists from Rus-     Conducting my practice as Gestalt
the patient’s situation through          tuto di Gestalt HCC in Italy.           sia and Ukraine were asked about         therapist and supervisor. I have
embodied empathy and resonance.                                                  number of clients with different psy-    articles in the field of psychiatry and
The first is a skill that allows us to                                           chopathology symptoms at the time        psychotherapy. Member RSP, ECNP,
understand the action of others                                                  of the study in their practice.          EAGT.
thanks to a process of embodied
simulation guided by mirror neurons,                                             Results: 52 from Russia and 54           Vadim Grehka,
the second is understood as sensi-                                               from Ukraine were interviewed.           Gestalt therapist, supervisor, psy-
tivity to the phenomenological field                                             91 % responders have clients with        chologist. The head of Interregional
that is co-created in the therapeutic                                            primary complaints about their           Institute of Gestalt Therapy and Art
encounter. ARK is the sensory intelli-                                           mental state. 72 % have clients          (MIGIS) (Ukraine). Author of scientific
gence of the shared phenomenolog-                                                treating by psychiatrist and taking      publications and articles in Gestalt
ical field. The study aims to create                                             drugs. 75 % have clients with af-        Therapy. Member EAGT, ARGI, NY-
and validate the Aesthetic Relational                                            fective, anxiety and psychosomatic       IGT, SPR.
Knowledge Scale for Gestalt thera-                                               complaints. Near 40 % have client
pists.                                                                           with OCD and eating disorders.

                                                                                 Conclusion: The amount and range
                                                                                 of psychopathology that GT encoun-
                                                                                 ter aer great.
14                                                                                                                               FRIDAY 09/02/2022

POSTER 5 > 3.30 – 4.15 P.M.

The impact of personal and professional experience
during gestalt psychotherapy training on the styles
of contacting

This study aims to investigate the          Tijana Micovic                             Sanela Selmanovic Podrug is a Psy-
impact of personal and professional         is a MA Clinical Psychologist and M.       chologist and M. Psych (Gest) from
experience during gestalt psychother-       Psych (Gest). Currently she is a doctor-   Sarajevo. Since 2004 she is a founder
apy training education on the change        al candidate in Gestalt Psychotherapy      and director of Psiho-Integrum Gestalt
in resistant styles of contacting. This     within the European Accredited Psy-        Psychotherapy Training Institute. Cur-
cross-sectional study hypothesizes          chotherapy Training Institute - Studio     rently, a doctoral candidate in Gestalt
that trainees at the end of educational     for education Belgrade (EAPTI- SEB).       Psychotherapy within EAPTI-GPTIM.
training will have lower scores on sev-     Working in a private practice.
en Gestalt contact styles. The sample
will consist of 200 gestalt trainees        Nina Micovic
from Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina         holds a Master degree in Clinical Psy-
and Croatia (100 first-year and 100         chology and Gestalt Psychotherapy.
fourth-year trainees). The data will        Currently she is a doctoral candidate in
be collected with GIRL scale (Gestalt       Gestalt Psychotherapy within EAP-
Inventory of Resistance Loadings).          TI-GPTIM.
Findings will be presented at the
conference. Reference: Woldt, A. L. &       Snezana Opacic
Prosnick, K. P. (2020). Gestalt Inventory   is a MA Psychologist and M. Psych
of Resistance Loadings (GIRL). Kent,        (Gest), Gestalt Coach and Consultant,
Ohio: Gestalt Center for Personali-         currently a doctoral candidate in Ge-
ty-Oriented Research.                       stalt Psychotherapy within EAPTI-GP-
                                            TIM. Teacher and Supervisor EAP-
                                            TI-SEB Belgrade, working in a private
15                                                                                                                                 FRIDAY 09/02/2022

PRESENTATION 2 > 3.30 – 4.15 P.M.                                              PRESENTATION 6 > 3.30 – 4.15 P.M.

Supporting the Future of Research                                              Validity and Reliability of the Unfinished Business
in the Training Programs                                                       Scale
EAGT Committees (TS, RC, PC & QS)                                              Cem Malakçıoğlu / H. Nilüfer Voltan Acar
Renata Mizerska / David Pico

In order to respond to the needs of     – Collective discussion on these       This study was aimed to analyze the     Cem Malakçıoğlu,
our gestalt community and training        topics through sharing needs and     construct validity of the Unfinished    graduation in Counseling and Guid-
institutes, 3 EAGT committees are         experiences                          Business Scale in this study. Data      ance Program from Boğaziçi Uni-
meeting to build a collective reflec-   – Organizing the future and building   gathered from university students.      versity, 2006; Neuro- and Forensic
tion on the introduction of research      support for the institutes (semi-    Total 10 factors which have eigen-      Scientist in Psychology, NYU, 2014
into training and to map out direc-       nars, networking, ...)               values larger than one, each that       and Psychological Counselor and
tions for the future.                                                          includes 40 items in total, were com-   Guidance, Hacettepe University,
                                                                               posed in the Unfinished Business        2018.
– Current status in different coun-     Presenters:                            Scale.
  tries and institutes. Responses to    Members of three EAGT committees:                                              H. Nilüfer Voltan Acar,
  the RC survey.                        Research Committee (RC),               Construct validity of the Unfinished    Graduated Hacettepe University So-
                                        Training Standards Committee (TS),     Business Scale was confirmed in this    cial Work Department. Psychological
– What types of research and            Professional Competencies &            study. As well as psychological         Counselor and Guidance. Psycho-
  teaching can be introduced into       Qualitative Standards Committee        counselors, psychologists, and other    drama leader from German Moreno
  the programs? How to formulate        (PC&QS)                                psychological health professionals in   Institute, Gestalt therapist.
  a core programme? To develop                                                 their practices, researchers can also
  which competencies? How can                                                  confidently use the Unfinished Busi-
  this be done?                                                                ness Scale in their studies.
16                                                                                                                                   FRIDAY 09/02/2022

KEYNOTE SPEECH 2 > 4.30 – 6.00 P.M.

How to identify Gestalt Interventions on tape
recorded sessions.
Introduction to a manual of 100 interventions
from 10 different therapeutic approaches

Effectiveness studies have often       already in the first edition of “To-     PETER SCHULTHESS,                       a comparative process and outcome
the lack, that no one controlled,      wards a Research Tradition in Ge-        born 1950, is practicing as Gestalt     study with 10 different modalities
what therapists really did during      stalt Therapy” (2016), edited by Jan     therapist since 1976 in Zurich (Swit-   in Switzerland (2006 – 2020) and
the therapy sessions.                  Roubal. I will present here, how we      zerland) in private practice. He is     has published as co-author sever-
In a naturalistic process- and         built and developed this research        past president of EAGT and SVG.         al articles around this study. He is
outcome study a Swiss researcher       manual to measure the so called          Today he is Board member of ASP         teaching Gestalt therapy in various
team has developed a manual with       treatment fidelity as part of our pro-   (Association of Swiss Psychothera-      countries on different continents.
100 interventions from 10 different    ject. I will present some results that   pists) and the Network Gestalt ther-    He lives in Switzerland, Greece and
modalities, including Gestalt inter-   we found and conclusions that can        apy Switzerland. Actually he is the     Philippines.
ventions, and so called “general       be made based on these results. I        chair of the Science and Research
interventions”. “Blind” raters (they   will pick up also the controversial      Committee of EAP. He coordinated
did not know what kind of therapy      discussion that arose around the
approach is practiced here) were       Gestalt Fidelity Scale of Madeleine
trained to identify interventions      Fogarty and her colleagues and
on tape recorded sessions. I have      discuss the value of such scales and
presented some results of this study   their limits.

                                                                                                                                               IO N A L
                                                                                                                                 IN T E R N AT              SE ARCH

                                                                                                                           5.                 N  CE ON RE
                                                                                                                                 CO N F E R E              PY
                                                                                                                                              LT T H E R A
                                                                                                                                  IN G E S TA
17                                                                                                                          SATURDAY 09/03/2022

KEYNOTE SPEECH 3 > 9.00 – 10.30 A.M.

Research and Practice in Gestalt Therapy:
Promoting the Dialogue

Throughout my career I’ve loved          ROBERT ELLIOTT,                        and book chapters. He is past
both doing therapy and doing             Ph.D., is Professor of Counselling     president of the Society for Psycho-
research on therapy. In this talk I’ll   at the University of Strathclyde. He   therapy Research, and previously
begin by laying out how research         received his doctorate in clinical     co-edited the journals Psychothera-
and practice can help each other.        psychology from the University         py Research, and Person-Centered
Then I’ll describe how in my own         of California, Los Angeles, and is     and Experiential Psychotherapies.
career as a therapist-researcher I’ve    professor emeritus of psychology       He is a fellow in the APA divisions
tried to move past the research vs       at the University of Toledo (Ohio).    of Clinical Psychology, Psychothera-
practice dichotomy. I’ll talk about      He has spent most of his career as     py, and Humanistic Psychology. He
some of the strategies I’ve used to      a psychotherapy researcher trying      has received the Distinguished Re-
do this, including doing research on     out and inventing different research   search Career Award of the Society
my own practice to make me a bet-        methods. He is co-author of Facil-     for Psychotherapy Research, and
ter therapist, creating research tools   itating emotional change (1993),       the Carl Rogers Award from the APA
to make more clinically interesting      Learning Emotion-Focused Therapy       Division of Humanistic Psychology.
research possible, and some prom-        (2004), Research methods in clinical   He enjoys running, science fiction
ising practice-friendly approaches       psychology (3rd ed., 2015), as well    and all kinds of music.
to research.                             as more than 170 journal articles

                                                                                                                                          IO N A L
                                                                                                                            IN T E R N AT              SE ARCH

                                                                                                                       5.                N  CE ON RE
                                                                                                                            CO N F E R E              PY
                                                                                                                                         LT T H E R A
                                                                                                                             IN G E S TA
18                                                                                                                                  SATURDAY 09/03/2022

SCTS PART 2 > 11.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M.                                             MINI-LECTURE 5 > 11.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M.

Results from a SCTS project                                                       Anger as the foundation of panic attacks.
with patients suffering from anxiety                                              New research perspective in gestalt
Pablo Herrera Salinas
                                                                                  Alexander Lommatzsch

Despite the proven efficacy of CBT        Pablo Herrera Salinas ,                 Presentation of a research pro-          Alexander Lommatzsch,
treatments for anxiety disorders,         Psychologist, Gestalt Psychothera-      ject on panic attack carried out in      Gestalt Institute of Puglia, Italy.
between 33% and 50% of patients           pist & PhD in Psychotherapy Re-         the Gestalt Institute of Puglia. The     Gestalt Psychotherapy Training
do not respond or drop out of these       search (Catholic University of Chile;   hypothesis is that the panic attack,     Institute, recognized by the Minis-
treatments. Gestalt therapy has           Heidelberg University). Professor &     more than a symptom related to           try of University and Research. A.L.
claimed to be an effective alterna-       researcher at Universidad de Chile      anxiety and fear, is a manifestation     coordinates and represents the work
tive, but there is little empirical ev-   & Gestalt Institute of Santiago.        of a discomfort related to inadequate    of the PGI Research Group of 15
idence on its efficacy with anxiety.                                              management of anger as a result          researchers.
Our SCTS study presents evidence                                                  of experienced frustration. In this
on ten clients diagnosed with anxi-                                               proposed study we will examine the
ety disorders, supporting the claim                                               extent to which unexpressed anger
that Gestalt therapy can be a useful                                              can affect panic attacks, particularly
treatment for this problem. Detailed                                              when the person does something
analysis of one case illustrates the                                              that he or she does not intend to do,
changes in symptom and well-being                                                 thus avoiding a relational conflict.
scores, indicating turning points
during the therapy.
19                                                                                                                                SATURDAY 09/03/2022

MINI-LECTURE 6 > 11.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M.                                          MINI-LECTURE 7 > 11.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M.

A Gestalt oriented Psychodiagnostic test                                          Gestalt therapists‘ and trainees‘ experience
developed with Machine Learning algorithm                                         in research approach within Gestalt therapy –Croa-
                                                                                  tian perspective
Raffaele Sperandeo
                                                                                  Iva Žegura

The actualization of the self as a       Raffaele Sperandeo,                      The lecture will contain a presen­     Iva Žegura,
process of interaction at the contact    Psychiatrist Psychotherapist PhD in      tation of research data that was       is a specialist in clinical psychology
boundary between the individual          Behavioral Sciences                      conducted on the side of IGW           with a background in gestalt therapy.
and the environment finds confirma-      Adjunct Professor of Child Neuropsy-     Center Zagreb. The research aims to    She works at the University Psychiat-
tion in the latest models of affective   chiatry University of Basilicata Italy   find out the level of representation   ric Hospital Vrapce and collaborates
neuroscience. In these models, the       Ordinary Teacher of the Italian          of topics on scientific approach in    with IGW Center Zagreb and several
emotional systems disturbed in their     Federation of Gestalt Schools            the curriculum for GT training. The    universities.
dynamic equilibrium induce the in-       Director of School in Integrated         research was focused on the level of
teraction between the individual and     Gestalt Therapy.                         therapists and trainees experience
the environment until the homeostat-                                              and their involvement in research
ic condition is recovered. In a sample                                            projects in general, their attitude
of 600 outpatient patients, we have                                               toward research and their research
developed a diagnostic tool (whose                                                competences.
psychometric characteristics are be-                                              The round for discussion and sharing
ing defined) that interprets psychic                                              experiences will be held as a way
symptoms as dysfunctions of the                                                   to geather useful and creative ways
homeostatic recovery phase.                                                       for implementation of research ap-
                                                                                  proach within the GT education.
20                                                                                                                                    SATURDAY 09/03/2022

LECTURE 3 > 11.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M.                                                LECTURE 4 > 11.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M.

Evinotes – an online based platform for                                            Practice and Method of Ethics
connecting gestalt practitioners and researchers
                                                                                   Ulrich Sollmann
Biserka Tomljenović

Evinotes is an online tool for gestalt    Biserka Tomljenović,                     There are ethics guidelines, ethics      Ulrich Sollmann,
practitioners developed by ge-            holds an MA in social work, a full-      commissions, ethics cases and            Gestalt and body psychotherapist,
stalt practitioners. The tool is used     time licenced gestalt psychother-        heated debates about them. “Ethics       coach in business and politics.
both for note-taking and collecting       apist. An independent minority           as a method” deals with value ori-       Publicist and blogger. Guest Profes-
research data and could easily be         integration expert, researcher,          entation, derived recommendations        sor Shanghai University of Political
further developed into a platform         practitioner, trainer and facilitator,   for action and the practice of appli-    Science and Law and Maltepe Uni-
for connecting practitioners and          co-author of the Plan B guide for        cation. It is necessary to distinguish   versity Istanbul. Active in the field of
researchers globally. The tool does       teenage parents. Her article Chap        between ethics, ethos and morals.        ethics in therapeutic organizations.
not collect any personal information.     with a twist was published in BGJ.       Often there are organisational
GT fidelity scale is included. The tool                                            tensions (power struggle) between
is modular and specific question-                                                  statutes, ethical guidelines and the
naires or instruments could easily be                                              ethics committee. I present a prob-
added, as well as custom research                                                  lem and a best practice. Meaningful-
instruments and templates for sever-                                               ness of ethics is ultimately proven by
al most frequently applied research                                                the organisational discourse as an
designs. The lecture will present the                                              application of ethics.
tool, results of testing, and possibil-
ities for further development into a
platform for connecting practitioners
and researchers.
21                                                                                                                                SATURDAY 09/03/2022

MINI-LECTURE 11 > 11.00 A.M. – 12.00 P.M.                                         LECTURE 26 > 11.00 – 12-00 P.M.

The suffering of subjective difficulties in young                                 Supervision group as a way of comprehension
people and their impact on the construction of                                    of Gestalt therapeutic community
the psychopathological diagnosis
                                                                                  Anton Manukovsky
Andrés Martínez Acuña

                                                                                                                         Anton Manukovsky,
                                                                                  Supervision group as a way of com-
The doctoral thesis is presented          Andrés Martínez Acuña,                  prehension of Gestalt therapeutic      MA in Psychology, Gestalt therapist
where the experience of psycho-           Social Psychologist, Gestalt thera-     community                              and supervisor, Associated trainer in
pathological diagnosis in young           pist. Subdirector and professor at      А therapeutic community is the most    Moscow Gestalt Institute
people, close relatives and psychi-       the Instituto Humanista de Psicotera-   stable form of self-organisation for
atrists who co-construct the reality      pia Gestalt, Mexico.                    people involved in psychotherapy.
of the disease is observed based on                                               There are many explicit and implicit
the particular symptoms developed                                                 processes within the therapeutic
by them in the interaction with the                                               community that can guide its move-
environment from a gestalt perspec-                                               ment along the basic develop-
tive. Starting from a case study, it is                                           ment-decay polarity.
sought to be able to reconstruct the                                              A supervision group is a form of
personal and professional experi-                                                 interaction for therapeutic communi-
ences.                                                                            ty members. In my research, super-
                                                                                  vision groups are considered as a
                                                                                  factor that guides community de-
                                                                                  velopment and impacts community
                                                                                  structure, processes and members.
                                                                                  Results are based on the research
                                                                                  of Gestalt communities in different
                                                                                  regions of Russia.
22                                                                              SATURDAY 09/03/2022

LECTURE 5 > 12.15 – 1.15 P.M.

Case formulation in Gestalt therapy:
a grounded theory
Veronika Šromová / Jan Roubal

Case formulation is a frequently        Veronika Šromová,
used therapeutic tool that helps the    MA is a psychology doctoral student
therapist develop a better under-       at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech
standing of the client’s situation.     Republic. She is a school psycholo-
The lecture presents characteristics    gist and conducts EU non-formal
of Gestalt therapy case formula-        education projects on youth mental
tion and outlines procedures that       health-related issues with Spanish
therapists use when sorting client      organization YOMN.
information, evaluating its impor-
tance and drawing appropriate           Jan Roubal,
actions in the therapeutic process.     MD, PhD is an Associate Professor
We propose major phases identi-         at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech
fied in a qualitative research study    Republic, where he also works in the
which uses the Grounded Theory          Centre for Psychotherapy Research.
for analyzing interviews with Ge-       Jan is both psychotherapist and
stalt therapists. We outline possible   psychiatrist, he works as well as a
implications for therapeutic practice   psychotherapy trainer and supervi-
and training.                           sor internationally. He has co-edited
                                        three books „Current Psychother-
                                        apy”, „Gestalt Therapy in Clinical
                                        Practice. From Psychopathology
                                        to the Aesthetics of Contact” and
                                        „Towards a Research Tradition in
                                        Gestalt Therapy”.
23                                                                                                                                   SATURDAY 09/03/2022

LECTURE 21 > 12.15 – 1.15 P.M.                                                    LECTURE 7 > 12.15 – 1.15 P.M.

The experience of anxiety in gestalt therapists                                   The social function of the self –
and performance in clinical practice: A look from                                 gestalt therapeutic perspectives of theory
the creative adjustment                                                           development and empirical research
Helena González Vallejo                                                           Albrecht Boeckh

The spectrum of anxiety has in-            Helena González Vallejo,               The extension of the original, essen-     Albrecht Boeckh,
creased in its etiology and treat-         MA, Psychologist; Specialty in         tially ego-centered self-concept of       Sociologist, Gestalt Therapist (DVG)
ments. The objective is to know the        Human Development, work with           Gestalt therapy (id-, ego-, person-       and Supervisor (DGSv)
levels of anxiety in Gestalt thera-        couples & dysfunctional experience.    ality-function) by the inclusion of a     Trainer for Gestalt Therapy and
pists and the relationship it has with     Member of the editorial board of       social function of the self is not only   Supervision. Editor of the Journal:
performance in their clinical practice.    Figura Fondo Journal. Academic         important for understanding social        GESTALTTHERAPIE. Member of the
The approach is quantitative with a        Coordinator at the Instituto Humani-   integration processes, but also for       DVG study group on clinical theory
correlational scope. To collect the        sta de Psicoterapia Gestalt, Condesa   explaining the relational origin of the   of Gestalt Therapy. Author.
data the ISRA for anxiety and GTFS         Campus.                                self and its How it works.
for performance in clinical practice                                              For research onto the effectiveness
were used. The sample is made up                                                  of Gestalt therapy as a therapeutic
of ten gestalt therapists. A three-                                               method, it is therefore proposed to
part analysis is shown, obtaining                                                 examine the methods that corre-
significant correlations between the                                              spond to the various self-functions in
groups. The conclusions and discus-                                               terms of their respective significance
sion offer a reading of results in light                                          for the therapy of psychological and
of the creative adjustment.                                                       psychosocial disorders.
24                                                                                                                               SATURDAY 09/03/2022

LECTURE 8 > 12.15 – 1.15 P.M.                                                   LECTURE 9 > 12.15 – 1.15 P.M.

Online supervision:                                                             Panic Disorder and Affective Neurosciences:
A new ground for Gestalt therapists.                                            An empirical research.
Claudia Fernández / Eduardo Rubio                                               Michele Settanni

                                                                                By connecting Affective Neurosci-       Michele Settanni, PhD, Gestalt
We will develop a phenomenological       Claudia Fernández,                     ence as developed by Jaak Pank-         therapist, Associate Professor on
description on how does the field is     Psychologist, M.A. in Humanistic Ed-   sepp with clinical insights from a      research methods in clinical psychol-
perceived by the therapists in their     ucation, Teacher and Supervisor in     phenomenological-Gestalt perspec-       ogy, Turin Univ. His research inter-
online experience. Psychotherapists      Gestalt Therapy, Graduate in Gestalt   tive, Panic Disorder can be under-      ests include measurement of psy-
are experiencing a lockdown situ-        Therapy. International Program in      stood as an acute attack of solitude    chological constructs and therapy
ation as well as their clients. This     psychopathology and contemporary       and not only as an overwhelming         outcomes. Trainer of IPsiG
shared experience also creates a         disorders, Instituto di Gestalt HCC,   attack of fear. This shift deeply
new supervision setting.                 Italy.                                 impacts the therapeutic work. In this
The research question is: What are                                              lecture we present some prelimi-
the relational aspects that facilitate   Eduardo Rubio,                         nary empirical findings supporting
the supervision process in the online    B.A. in Philosophy, Graduate in        this clinical hypothesis and discuss
field?                                   Gestalt Therapy, Instituto Humani-     the implications of this perspective
Within a supervision process group       sta de Psicoterapia Gestalt. Gestalt   for therapy and for further research
of Gestalt therapists, we will explore   Therapist with teenagers, adults and   projects.
how does the intimacy, the co-regu-      groups. Teacher and Supervisor in
lation, the therapeutic belonging and    Gestalt Therapy.
the new ground occur as a support
in the relational encounter.
25                                                                                                                                     SATURDAY 09/03/2022

PRESENTATION 4 > 12.15 – 1.15 P.M.                                                  MINI-LECTURE 12 > 12.15 – 1.15 P.M.

An example of research awareness raising                                            The ‘new now’
for students with no training in psychology                                         in gestalt therapy training
at a GT training institute
                                                                                    Leister Sam Sudheer Manickam
Vincent Beja / Florence Belasco

It is a presentation followed by a dis-   Vincent Beja,                             I would present the overview of          Leister Sam Sudheer Manickam,
cussion on how to awaken students’        Chair of the EAGT RC, Gestalt-thera-      development of gestalt therapy           Clinical Psychologist, CAPS,
interest in Psychotherapy and GT          pist, supervisor, writer and trainer in   workshops in my country. The data        Trivandrum, India; undergone
research in a non-academic setting.       Gestalt Therapy. Co-founder of the        of 157 potential participants gath-      training in gestalt therapy at GENI,
Based on a seminar we conducted           Institute for the Development of the      ered during the COVID-19 lockdown        Germany, an international gestalt
with students without any psycho-         Therapist (IDeT) France., member of       period about their perspectives on       therapy trainer and authored, “Ge-
logical background at IFFP (France),      SPR. Co-editor of the book “La re-        the nature and structure of ‘gestalt     stalt therapy practice in India: Initial
we will detail the methodology we         cherche en Gestalt-thérapie” (2018).      therapy training’ will be presented.     reflections”.
used to raise their awareness of                                                    Apart from sharing the cultural cli-
research:                                                                           chés and experiential observations,
                                          Florence Belasco,                         the possibilities of developing a
– From a powerpoint summarising           Psychotherapist, psychologist,            gestalt therapy certificate program in
  the history of research in psycho-      supervisor, and trainer in Gestalt        my country, that incorporates culture
  therapy and its successive chal-        Therapy. Co-founder of the Institute      specific gestalt concepts and re-
  lenges                                  for the Development of the Therapist      search component will be explored
– Then through direct experience          (IDeT) France. Member of EAGT RC,         through participatory discussion.
– based on a fundamental clinical         SPR and SEPI. Co-editor of the book
  theme: the therapeutic alliance         “La recherche en Gestaltthérapie”
– Through a clinical case led by a        (2018).
  trainer and emerging from the
  group by analysing and reflecting
  on the experience.
26                                                                                                                            SATURDAY 09/03/2022

PANEL 2 > 2.30 – 4.00 P.M.

About the Future of Gestalt:
Therapy, Research, and Beyond.
Bruce Wampold / Philip Brownell / N.N.
Introduction: Vincent Beja

The research is dominated by the         Philip Brownell,                      Research Institute at Modum Bad        marized in The Great Psychothera-
“medical” model, which is disliked       Div/PsyD–clinical psychologist/       Psychiatric Center in Vikersund,       py Debate: The Evidence for How
by many gestalt-therapists. The          gestalt therapist. Editor Handbook    Norway. He is a Fellow of the Amer-    Psychotherapy Works (with Z. Imel,
“contextual” model (Wampold)             for Theory, Research, and Practice    ican Psychological Association         Taylor and Francis, 2015) as well
offers an alternative. But following     in Gestalt Therapy (2008/2019), a     and Board Certified in Counseling      as numerous articles and chapters.
the contextual model, the therapist      founder of the biennial research      Psychology by the American Board       He is recipient of the of the 2007
comes into the foreground, the           conference, author Christianity and   of Professional Psychology. Current-   Distinguished Professional Contri-
modality goes into the background.       Gestalt Therapy (2020)                ly his work involves understanding     butions to Applied Research Award
What does this alternative mean                                                counseling and psychotherapy from      from the American Psychological
to Gestalt? Which consequences           Bruce Wampold,                        empirical, historical, and anthropo-   Association, the 2015 Distinguished
emerge? Will Gestalt vanish into         who was trained in mathematics        logical perspectives, which has led    Research Career Award from the
a general “humanistic” psycho­           (BA, University of Washington)        to the development of a contextual     Society for Psychotherapy Re-
therapy? Could it be a chance to         before earning his doctorate in       model from which to understand the     search, and the 2019 Gold Medal
influence the training for thera-        Counseling Psychology (Ph.D.,         benefits of counseling and psycho-     Award for Life Achievement in the
pists? The three panelists stand         University of California, Santa       therapy. As well, he has explored      Application of Psychology from the
for the contextual model                 Barbara), is Professor Emeritus       social healing in various contexts,    American Psychological Founda-
(Wampold), the humanistic thera-         of Counseling Psychology at the       including placebos, medicine,          tion.
py (Kriz) and for Gestalt Therapy        University of Wisconsin, Madi-        psychotherapy, and various cultural
(Brownell).                              son, and Senior Researcher at the     healing practices. His work is sum-
27                                                                                                                                  SATURDAY 09/03/2022

WORKSHOP 5 > 2.30 – 4.00 P.M.                                                    WORKSHOP 6 > 2.30 – 4.00 P.M.

Research laboratory:                                                             Experiencing Oneself in Time
Impulses for young researchers                                                   and Space during Gestalt Therapy
Peter Schulthess                                                                 Natalia Kedrova / Polina Egorova

A brief introduction to the interven-   Peter Schulthess,                        An important principle of gestalt         Natalia Kedrova,
tion scale presented in my lecture      born 1950, is practicing as Gestalt      therapy is the study of a person’s        (Moscow, Russia), psychologist, ge-
will be given. In the workshop I will   therapist since 1976 in Zurich in        experiences in the “here and now”         stalt-therapist and trainer of Moscow
work as a therapist with a volunteer.   private practice. He is past president   situation. How the ability to orientate   gestalt institute, head of research
Participants will use the interven-     of EAGT and SVG and the actual           in time and space changes during          group of MGI.
tion scales in observing live the       chair of the Science and Research        gestalt therapy? It is known that the
demonstration of a piece of Gestalt     Committee of EAP. He coordinated a       phenomenon of the experience of
work. We will gather the ratings and    Swiss study in a naturalistic design.    pain leads to another phenomenon,         Polina Egorova,
discuss the results and the use of                       the so-called “narrowing of con-          (Moscow, Russia), psychologist, ge-
this scale.                                                                      sciousness”, and getting rid of pain      stalt-therapist and trainer of Moscow
                                                                                 - to the liberation and expansion of      gestalt institute, member of research
                                                                                 consciousness. If therapy leads to a      group of MGI.
                                                                                 decrease in pain and suffering, then
                                                                                 we can reasonably assume that the
                                                                                 time perspective will also have to
                                                                                 change in the direction of expansion,
                                                                                 eventfulness, depth and realism.
28                                                                                                                               SATURDAY 09/03/2022

WORKSHOP 7 > 2.30 – 4.00 P.M.                                                  WORKSHOP 8 > 2.30 – 4.00 P.M.

Humans of Gestalt:                                                             Challenges in the development of research
An experiment in Dialogue                                                      questions from Gestalt therapy theory
Kamila Bialy                                                                   Deirdre Winter / Albrecht Boeckh

We will present the results of our       Kamila Bialy,                         The theory of Gestalt therapy draws      Deirdre Winter,
first year and a half of work on this    is a psychotherapist and a sociolo-   on various different source theories,    B.A./G.B., Dipl. Psych., Gestaltther-
ongoing digital interview project,       gist from Poland. She works at the    e.g. Gestalt psychology, psychoanal-     apeutin DVG. Born and grew up in
framing in keeping with elements         University of Lodz in the Sociology   ysis, American pragmatism, phenom-       England, in Germany since 1975;
of narrative inquiry, oral history and   of Art Department. She works indi-    enological philosophy. It is generally   works with traumatised refugees
personal ethnographic methodol-          vidually and trains Gestalt therapy   agreed that our founders combined        and English- and German-speaking
ogies. There will be a video pres-       students in Poland and in Georgia.    these different theories master-         private clients; DVG clinical Gestalt
entation with excerpts from some of      Member of IAAGT, EAGT and a team      fully and that any inconsistencies       therapy theory group.
the interviews (estimated to be over     member of New Gestalt Voices.         between them are not a problem.
500, in 5-10 languages by confer-                                              However, in the research process         Albrecht Boeckh,
ence time) and we will create an                                               they may make it difficult to clearly    Sociologist, Gestalt Therapist (DVG)
interactive interview experiment for                                           explicate research questions and         and Supervisor (DGSv)
participants to be able to complete                                            develop valid experimental hypoth-       Trainer for Gestalt Therapy and
during the workshop session. We will                                           eses. We will examine this issue,        Supervision. Editor of the Journal:
comment on the experience of creat-                                            giving examples of inconsistencies       GESTALTTHERAPIE. Member of the
ing an opensource digital database                                             that may be an obstacle - but also a     DVG study group on clinical theory
as independent researchers.                                                    stimulus to continue developing our      of Gestalt Therapy. Author.
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