TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving

Page created by Beverly Brewer
TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
                                                             October 2020

         News and Events for Mature Catholics - Since 1995

                                                   Cat Day

Art Institute Chicago
       presents                                        Fall fun,
                                                   fresh apples and
   MONET AND                                        seasonal treats
TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
Page 2
                                                              The                                                                          October 2020

Where Angels Walk

                                          Angels present to us in many ways
                                               Eventually, Dale went to the                                                      bench in the dark, deserted vestibule.
                                          bathroom. While in there, he noticed            I suddenly realized                    Everything that had happened in the
                                          an almost-full bottle of prescription         I wasn’t ready to die...                 past several hours came flooding
                                          painkillers. He remembered them.              I wasn’t ready to leave                  back, overwhelming him, and he put
                                          He had used them temporarily after                                                     his knees to his chest, buried his head
                                          knee surgery.                                 my family and I wanted                   and began to cry.
                                               “Being young and intoxicated, a                to fight this                           “Then I felt an arm come around
                                          deadly combination for                          rather than end it.”                   my shoulder,” Dale said. “I looked up
                                          impulsiveness, I decided right then                                                    and there was this same red-haired
        JOAN WESTER                       and there to end my life,” Dale said.                                                  woman. ‘It’s ok,’ she said, ‘it will be
         ANDERSON                         He swallowed every pill, and then sat       of this night—a short, red-haired          ok. You’re here now and that’s what
                                          on the floor, waiting. “Suddenly, this      woman wearing glasses. She tried to        matters.’ It’s amazing what effect a
     Tony Dale believes angels are        moment of clarity came over me,” he         make small talk, but Dale was short        few simple words can have. I realized
presented to us in many ways. Some        said. “It’s like when you’re sitting in     with his answers. He was still             she was right... I didn’t die, I was still
are mysterious strangers who can          a dark room on a cloudy day and the         somewhat dazed. Had he really tried        here. That was my first step to get
never be found again, and some are        sun breaks through the clouds and the       to kill himself?                           better: understanding that I wanted to
regular people who just “happen” to       room just lights up. I suddenly                  The woman was talking again.          try and get help. A few seconds after
be there at the right time.               realized I wasn’t ready to die...I          “Why are you here?” she asked him.         she said that, she was called back to
     Dale was a lost and confused 22-     wasn’t ready to leave my family and I            He was going to brush her off         the ER, and I never saw her again.”
year-old in his senior year of college,   wanted to fight this rather than end        again, but something stopped him.               A great weight left Dale’s
he said. He was deeply depressed and      it.”                                        He thought to himself, “Tony, if you       shoulders in the short time that the
did not know how to get out of it. Of          The next few minutes were utter        are going to try and beat this and get     woman held him. “It was exactly
course, alcohol was an easy and           chaos as someone called an                  yourself better, you might as well         what I needed at that moment, as if
convenient way, and available             ambulance, and Dale was taken out of        start being honest with other people       God sent her so I could have a few
wherever he went.                         his apartment on a stretcher in front of    about what’s going on.” Although           minutes of comfort,” he said.
     “One night, my roommate and I        his shocked brother and sister. The         she was a complete stranger, he found           That was five years ago. Dale
had a party,” Dale said. “My younger      next several hours passed in a blur,        himself telling her what he had done.      went through several months of
brother and sister drove up from our      but eventually the emergency room                “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to           therapy and has discovered ways to
hometown to come as well. It was          personnel released Dale. He had not         pry,” the woman responded.                 cope with his depression. He said
late into the night and I was fairly      slept and felt as if a train had run over        It was okay, Dale told her. He        he’ll never forget the woman who was
intoxicated. It had become almost a       him. He stood in front of the hospital,     had been depressed, and was not            there at the perfect moment. “I
ritual for me to get drunk and then       waiting for his siblings to get the car     thinking right, but now he wanted to       believe she was my angel that day,
think even more about the pain I was      and bring it around. There was just         try and get better. It was getting cold,   sent to comfort me when I felt so lost
trying to make go away.                   one person waiting, too, in the middle      so he went inside. He sat down on a        and alone.”

                                                 B                               ,I                                  .
TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
October 2020
                                                                      The                                                                                      Page 3

                                                                 The Christophers

Published By Churchill Media Publishing, LLC
      The Connection is published by the first of each
month. It is circulated throughout Chicago, Joliet and
                                                                                 The Inner Chapel
Rockford Dioceses. It is an independent publication
supported by advertising and subscriptions. Publication          By Tony Rossi, Director of Communications, The Christophers
of advertising herein does not necessarily constitute
endorsement. Opinions expressed in columns are not
necessarily those of the publisher. The publisher reserves            Spiritual director and author Becky Eldredge has
the right to refuse and/or edit any materials for publication.   a special term for “the sacred space within us where
All materials contained herein become the property of the        God resides.” She calls it “the inner chapel,” which is
publisher and cannot be reproduced without written               also the title of her new book that helps readers find
permission. The entire contents of The Connection is             comfort, guidance and communion with God. When
copyrighted. The Connection is liable for errors in an ad
only to the cost of the ad.                                      Eldredge was a junior at Louisiana State University
      Deadline for all advertising is the 15th of the month      20-something years ago, she took part in a Busy
preceding the following month’s publication. Advertising         Person’s Retreat, where she met Sister Ily Fernandez,
rates and subscriptions are available upon request from          CSJ. Sister Ily taught her how to pause in her daily
The Connection, P.O. Box 464, Orland Park, IL 60462.             life to make time for stillness and prayer. The nun
You can reach us at 847-428-0205; email us at                    never used the words “inner chapel,” but as Eldredge or visit our website at
                                                                 nurtured her spiritual life year after year, she started
                                                                 unconsciously using the term herself.
Publisher: Donald A. Triezenberg                                      Making time for stillness, Eldredge learned, is
Editor: Joanne Duffer                                            key. During a “Christopher Closeup” interview, she         Becky Eldridge, spiritual director and author,
Front Cover Design and Layout: Julie Nastali
Consultant: Dennis G. Nastali
                                                                 explained, “What [being still] does to our body…is         calls the sacred space within us where God
                                                                 take all those heightened emotions and…adrenaline,         resides “The inner chapel.”
Editorial Board:                                                 and it starts calming it. So, it does something to us
Fr. Tom Rzepiela, Rev. Scott Donahue and                         physically. Then, it’s the gift of…coming into this
Rev. Terry Keehan
                                                                 silence and knowing it’s not an empty silence. In our          Immersed in Ignatian spirituality growing up,
Staff Writers:                                                   Christian tradition…it’s making daily time to be with      that’s where Eldredge finds her faith life fit naturally.
Jerry Koncel, Rev. Scott Donahue, Joanne Duffer,                 the one who completely loves us unconditionally,           She said it gave her an “understanding that God was
Drusilla Banks, Cynthia MacGregor, Victor Parachin,              who offers us mercy like we can’t even fathom. It’s        not far off, that God was intimately involved in my
Fred Cicetti, Joan Wester Anderson, Joseph Cunniff,
Tony Rossi, Fr. Ed Dougherty, M.M.,
                                                                 the Christ, the one we belong to.”                         life…A big piece of Ignatian spirituality is noticing
Donald Blocher, Betsa Marsh, Katy Koontz,                             Though many might think their lives are too busy      the way God works in all kinds of ways. Not only in
and poetry by Grace Cleys                                        to find moments of stillness, Eldredge has helped          the building of a church or in the sacraments or in
                                                                 people discover they have more time than they              Scripture, but also how God is using the entire
Cartoonists: Johnny Hawkins and Martin Bucella and
Thomas Toons
                                                                 realize. “It’s helping people name those times that        world—people, creation, our work—to teach us
                                                                 could be pockets of prayer,” she said, “moments            about something.”
Account Representatives:                                         where instead of picking up my phone, I can pause
Northern Illinois and Wisconsin:                                 and go to my inner chapel.”                                                See CHRISTOPHERS on page 4
Robert Hahn, Cathy Janus, Lee Chaires and
Frances Russell
Subscriptions: $24 for 12 issues
                                  Printed on Recycled Paper

Table of Contents
Page 4   MacGregor Musings
Page 5   Stay connected with their grandkids,
         despite social distancing
Page 6 A Look Back at 1930
Page 7 Monet and Chicago
Page 8 Remember When
Page 8 Saint of the Month, St. Faustina
Page 10 Book Bin
Page 11 Common apple varieties
         to try this fall
Page 12 Gardening with Melinda Myers
         Create new beds this fall
Page 13 On the Green, Koncel
         What to expect from a club fitting
Page 14 Sudoku and Coloring
Page 15 Down & Across and Wordsearch
         Lifestyle Insert ~ Section B
       Church Chatter and On the Go
               Will return soon
Page B1 October is Healthy Lung Month
Page B2 Cleveland Clinic
Page B3 The Healthy Geezer, Cicetti
         Heart rhythms march to different
Page B4 During COVID, flu shots are crucial
Page B5 Healthy Greiving, Parachin
         Be happier even while grieving
Page B8 Somethin’ Good is Always Cookin’
Page B9 Healthy Pets and Adopt Today
Page B10 November begins with All Saints’
         Day and All Souls’ Day
         …but what’s the difference?
Page B11 Entertainment About Town, Cunniff
         Daniel Barenboim inspires
         everyone to keep learning
Page B12 Slipping back to Slate Run, Koontz
Page B14 Colossal Amarillo, Marsh

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TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
Page 4
                                                              The                                                                       October 2020

                                                                                      MacGregor’s Musings

                                                                                          Don’t make me do it!
                                                                                                                                          *       *      *
                                                                                                                                   A lonely frog telephoned the
                                                                                                                              Psychic Hotline and asked what his
                                                                                                                              future holds. His Personal Psychic
                                                                                                                              Advisor told him, “You are going to
                                                                                                                              meet a beautiful young girl, who will
                                                                                                                              want to know everything about you.”
                                                                                                                                   The frog was thrilled. “This is
                                                                                                                              great! Will I meet her at a party?” he
                                                                                               CYNTHIA                             “No,” said the psychic, “in
                                                                                              MACGREGOR                       biology class.”
                                                                                          A desperado rides into town and                 *       *      *
                                                                                     downs a few drinks at the saloon.             A little boy at a wedding looks at
                                                                                     When he steps outside again, he finds    his mom and says, “Mommy, why
                                                                                     his horse has been stolen. The           does the girl wear white?”
                                                                                     desperado swears, steps back into the         His mom replies, “The bride is in
                                                                                     bar, and fires a round into the piano.   white because she is happy; this is the
                                                                                     The room goes dead silent. “I’m          happiest day of her life.”
                                                                                     gonna have one more beer,” the                The boy thinks about this, and
                                                                                     desperado bellows to the terrified       then says, “Well then, why is the boy
                                                                                     crowd, “and if my horse ain’t back       wearing black?”
                                                                                     where I left him when I’m done, I’ll                 *       *      *
                                                                                     do here what I had to do in Houston.”         The hit-and-run victim was just
                                                                                          The locals murmur uneasily as       getting to his feet when a policeman
                                                                                     the desperado sips his drink. Lucky      ran up to help. “My mother-in-law
                                                                                     for them, when he steps outside again,   just tried to run me over!” the shaken
                                                                                     his horse has been returned.             man told the cop.
                                                                                          As the desperado saddles up, a           “The car hit you from behind,”
                                                                                     local can’t help but ask, “Sir, what     the officer said. “How could you tell
                                                                                     exactly was it you had to do in          it was your mother-in-law?”
                                                                                     Houston?”                                     “I recognized her laugh!”
                                                                                          The desperado narrows his eyes
                                                                                     and hisses at the man, “I had to walk     Cynthia MacGregor is the author
                                                                                     home.”                                      of over 100 published books.

The Inner Chapel                                                                     Continued from page 3 CHRISTOPHERS
     One of the great teaching tools       or experienced one of the fruits of the   feeling sadness, sorrow? Then, he        This approach to prayer has helped
given to us by St. Ignatius of Loyola is   spirit, [such as] peace, love, joy,       says, after we looked at those three     Eldredge find comfort even in dark
the Examen. Eldredge said, “The            kindness, gentleness, generosity?         things with God, how do we live our      times, such as accompanying her
Examen is simply a review of our last      Number three: Where did we feel the       next day differently? That type of       grandfather through his battle with
day. Ask God to show you, number           opposite, which Ignatius names            prayer grows an awareness of God         terminal brain cancer.
one: What are you thankful for—what        desolation? Instead of peace, where       working in all kinds of ways. I             “See Yourself the Way God Sees
are the gifts of your day? Number two:     did we feel anxious? Instead of love,     understand that when I experienced           You,” write: The Christophers,
Where have you experienced moments         where did we run into some version of     love when I was with this person,            5 Hanover Square, New York,
of consolation…moments that we felt        hate? Instead of joy, where were we       that’s an experience of God.”                         NY 10004.

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TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
October 2020
                                                                    The                                                                               Page 5

             Five tips to help grandparents stay connected
             with their grandkids, despite social distancing
                                                                                  Donate and help #savewithstories
                                                      Coronavirus is affecting us all.    millions of children in the U.S. go to    also supporting our important work
                                                  The world’s children are vulnerable     school not just to learn, but also for    to meet the health, education and
                                                  to getting sick, living in quarantine   breakfast, lunch and sometimes            nutrition needs of kids in other
                                                  or possibly being separated from        dinner. That is why we came up with       countries impacted by coronavirus.
                                                  their families. In the U.S. alone, 30   @ s a v e w i t h s t o r i e s                Save the Children believes
                                                  million children who rely on school     (         every child deserves a future. Since
                                                  for both learning and meals are at          In partnership with Save the          its founding more than 100 years
                                                  great risk. Your donation today can     Children and No Kid Hungry, we’re         ago, it has changed the lives of more
                                                  help Save the Children and its          offering stories on Instagram and         than one billion children. In the
                                                  partner No Kid Hungry make sure         Facebook to provide fun and               United States and around the world,
                                                  schools and community programs          education to kids and parents at home     the organization gives children a
                                                  have the support they need.             during the coronavirus outbreak.          healthy start in life, the opportunity
     The coronavirus is                           From Jennifer Garner and Amy            Your donation will help Save the          to learn and protection from harm.
disproportionally affecting older                 Adams:                                  Children and No Kid Hungry make           They do whatever it takes for
adults. As a result, many children                    Across the country, schools are     sure schools and community                children—every day and in times of
now find themselves separated from                shutting down due to the                programs have the support they need       crisis—transforming their lives and
their grandparents due to social                  coronavirus pandemic. But               to keep brains and bellies full. You’re   the future we share.
distancing or cautionary measures to
prevent their grandparents’ possible
exposure to the virus. This sudden
change in their normal routine and a
lack of in-person contact with their
grandparents can cause anxiety, stress
and confusion among children.
     Psychosocial and education
experts offer these helpful tips for
grandparents on how to talk to their
grandchildren about this separation.
They also suggest ways to stay
engaged during these times.
     Be honest. Explain that the virus
affects older people differently than
children. The virus is more likely to
spread when people are together in
the same place. By not seeing them, it
helps protect you from getting the
virus and getting sick.
     Let them know this is only
temporary. You will be able to
spend time with each other again once
the spread of the virus has slowed
down or ceased.
     Va l i d a t e t h e i r f e e l i n g s .
Reassure them it is okay to miss you
and invite them to share their feelings.
Express how you are feeling, too.
     Talk regularly. Express your
love, even if you are not in the same
place. Talk frequently by phone or by
video chat through applications such
as WhatsApp, Skype, Facetime or
Google Duo. Share one happy thing
that you saw, ate or did today; give a
compliment; or share a riddle or joke.
     Organize a remote “play date.”
Schedule time to connect remotely at
the same time each day, so they have
something to look forward to. You
can draw or do other art activities;
read a story; sing a song; play a game
or try a stress buster.
     You are not alone. As the global
leader in child-focused humanitarian
response, Save the Children is proud
to launch Coronavirus and Kids:
Resources from Save the Children to
support parents, grandparents,
caregivers, teachers, school
administrators and those who care
about children in response: visit


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TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
Page 6
                                                              The                                                                                                        October 2020

A Look Back at 1930

  The Western Hemisphere’s
      first planetarium
By Holly Gerard

     America faced the dawn of a new     particular, knew the effects of the
decade with a bleak financial outlook.   black-market industry. Although
With 4.5 million of the 123 million      Capone was being watched closely
Americans counted in the census now      and in June was indicted on federal
filling unemployment lines, President    tax evasion charges, Chicago still was
Hoover initiated several public works    the scene of a huge bootlegging
construction projects in an effort to    bust—186 people were arrested and
provide jobs. Despite the worsening      indicted in a scheme that was
economic forecasts, Hoover still         estimated to have supplied the
sought to keep a campaign promise to     country with more than seven million
troubled farmers by ordering a review    gallons of whiskey and brought in
of the tariff levels on agricultural     about $50 million in revenue.
                                              Chicago businessman Max Adler
                                         opened the Adler Planetarium and
   Chicago businessman                   Astronomy Museum to the public,
   Max Adler opened the                  making Chicago home to the Western
   Adler Planetarium                     Hemisphere’s first planetarium. He
                                         had been looking for some time for a
   and Astronomy Museum                  way to provide a lasting gift to the city
   to the public.                        of Chicago in recognition of the               streamed through the massive bronze                      first modern horror movie, Dracula,
                                         success he had enjoyed here. When              doors to be greeted by yet another                       with Bela Lugosi earning $3,500 to
products. However, once the review       Adler heard about a company that had           awe-inspiring view. After crowding                       star as the evil yet compelling Count.
started, special interest groups         developed a way to view an illusion            into the Sky Theater room, the                                In sports news, Jack Sharkey lost
demanded increases as well, and the      of the night sky with the aid of a             chamber darkened to reveal the sky as                    his bid for the boxing World
result was a bill that enacted high      machine in a darkened room, he                 shown through the Zeiss Model II, a                      Heavyweight Championship by
tariffs on almost 900 different          immediately booked passage to                  projector that would provide the                         hitting German Max Schmeling with
products. Against the advice of more     Germany to view a demonstration of             beautiful drama of the stars played                      a low blow. Sharkey had won the first
than a thousand economists, Hoover       the machine. He was so impressed by            out across the centuries for modern                      three rounds, but when the foul
signed the Smoot-Hawley Act into         the display put on by the Carl Zeiss           visitors to enjoy.                                       occurred in the fourth round,
law, causing 25 foreign countries to     Company of a motor-operated                         The fledgling movie industry                        Schmeling went down, writhing in
increase tariffs on U.S. goods and       projector that streamed views of the           continued to bring new offerings to                      pain. Managers crossed the ropes
worsening the economic crisis.           sky as it appeared on any given date,          movie fans, releasing the first major                    into the ring and the three referees
     The tenth anniversary of            from any vantage point on earth, that          sound western, Billy the Kid, starring                   gathered, with one ring judge not
Prohibition brought a fresh wave of      he immediately returned to Chicago             Johnny Mack Brown, Kay Johnson                           seeing the punch and the second
debate about the still controversial     and put plans in motion. Expense               and Wallace Beery. Wallace Beery                         stating the punch was a foul. Referee
18th Amendment, with ardent              was not spared, and visitors were              also starred in another movie that                       Jim Crowley made the final decision,
supporters arguing that money that       awed on opening day to walk past 12            introduced a new genre to the silver                     declaring Schmeling the champion
used to be wasted on alcohol now was     pools to the beautiful 12-sided                screen with a prison drama called The                    due to the disqualification of Sharkey
spent in support of families, while      rainbow granite building. Visitors             Big House. Filming also began on the                     for the hit.
opponents argued that the ban created
a black market industry that increased
murder and other crimes. Chicago, in

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TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
October 2020
                                                             The                                                                                 Page 7

                     Monet and Chicago
                                                  Through January 2021
     From the 1880s on, Chicago
welcomed the “Father of
Impressionism” with open arms.
When Monet’s paintings first
appeared alongside his
contemporaries’ in a Chicago gallery
in 1888, he was singled out for praise
by the press. And when his works
were shown in the city again as part of
the last Inter-State Industrial
Exposition in Chicago (also known as
the “American Salon”) in 1890, they
not only captured the eye of local
collectors—they ignited a collective
     In 1891, Bertha and Potter Palmer
acquired some 20 paintings by
Monet—including several from the
Stacks of Wheat series—a fraction of
the 90 canvases they would come to
own. That year, Martin A. Ryerson,         Claude Monet. The Cliff at Varengeville, 1882.
who served as a trustee and eventual       Private collection.
vice president of the Art Institute,
bought his first of many paintings by
the artist. As president of the Board
of Lady Managers for the 1893
World’s Columbian Exposition,
Bertha oversaw the creation of the
Woman’s Building. The international
fair, which featured an exhibition of
129 works from American private
collections, including four paintings
by Monet, showcased a city still
reimagining itself after the Great Fire
of 1871 and one eager to embrace not
only the technology but the aesthetics
of modernity. And who had a more
modern artistic vision than Monet?
     Inspired by these influential
tastemakers, private groups and
collectors eagerly followed their lead.
In 1895, the Union League Club of          Claude Monet. Arrival of the Normandy Train, Gare Saint-
Chicago purchased Apple Trees in           Lazare, 1877. The Art Institute of Chicago,
Blossom (1872), which was also             Mr. and Mrs. Martin A. Ryerson Collection.
shown at the Art Institute that year in
the exhibition 20 Works by Claude
Monet, the artist’s first solo show at a
museum in the United States. In
1903, the Art Institute became the
first American museum to purchase
one of Monet’s paintings and in the
decades that followed, the museum’s
collection grew thanks to generous
gifts from several donors, including
Annie Coburn, former two-time
Chicago Mayor Carter Harrison Jr.,
the Searle family, and others. In
keeping with the theme of firsts,
Monet and Chicago is the first
exhibition to explore Chicago’s
pioneering connection to the great
Impressionist artist.
     To d a y, t h e m u s e u m ’s 3 3
paintings and 13 drawings constitute
the largest collection of works by the
artist outside of Paris. Among the         Claude Monet. The Parc Monceau, 1878. Private collection.            Claude Monet. Vase of Dahlias, 1883.
more than 70 paintings in the                                                                                   Private collection. Photo by Jamie Stukenberg,
exhibition—from the Art Institute’s                                                                             Professional Graphics Inc.
exemplary holdings and esteemed
Chicago-based collections—are              water lily pond at Giverny. Monet       understanding of his creative process.   crowds to the galleries today.
beloved major works, as well as            and Chicago also benefits from new           It is not difficult to see what     Perhaps Claude Monet said it best:
rarely seen still lifes, figural scenes,   art-historical research and in-depth    inspired such devotion and passion in    “Every day, I discover more and more
seascapes, and landscapes, spanning        scientific study of his materials and   these early Chicago collectors. It is    beautiful things,” he wrote. “It’s
his long career from early caricatures     techniques and offers an opportunity    the same appeal that drew a million      enough to drive one mad.”
made at Le Havre to the last splendid      to look more closely at the artist’s    visitors to a Monet retrospective at
canvases inspired by his garden and        oeuvre through our ever-advancing       the Art Institute in 1995 and draws

        W                     P                   P                                C             ?~C                    D       T                  , 1888
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Page 8
                                                               The                                                                         October 2020

Remember When                                                                          Saint of the Month

  Iodine and Mercurochrome                                                                                St. Faustina
                                          business partner or other associate               St. Mary Faustina’s name is        forgiven, Jesus chose to emphasize
                                          needed to reach you on urgent                forever linked to the annual feast of   his mercy and forgiveness for sins
                                          business and knew you were at a              the Divine Mercy (celebrated on the     acknowledged and confessed. “I do
                                          particular restaurant or nightclub,          Second Sunday of                                     not want to punish aching
                                          they could have the restaurant or club       Easter), the divine mercy                            mankind,” he once told
                                          page you to come to the telephone?           chaplet and the divine                               St. Mary Faustina, “but I
                                               Remember the early nineties,            mercy prayer recited                                 desire to heal it, pressing
                                          when shoulder pads were in fashion           each day by many people                              it to my merciful heart”
                                          for women? By the time you put on a          at 3 p.m.                                            (Diary   1588). The two
         CYNTHIA                          blouse with shoulder pads, and a                  Born in what is now                             rays   emanating      from
        MACGREGOR                         jacket to go with the skirt, and a coat if   west-central Poland (part                            Christ’s heart, she said,
                                          it was cold outside, there were three        of Germany before World                               represent the blood and
    Remember mercury                      sets of pads on your shoulders, and          War I), Helena was the                                water poured out after
thermometers? They were in use for        you looked like a linebacker!                third of 10 children. Sister Mary Faustina            Jesus’ death (Gospel of
years. They have been replaced by              When you were a child, what did         After age 16, she worked                              John 19:34).
digital ones, which can read through      your parents put on your cuts and            as a housekeeper in three                                 Because Sister Mary
the ear or be swiped across the           scrapes? Chances are, it was iodine          cities before joining the               Faustina knew that the revelations she
forehead. They are so much safer and      or mercurochrome. Mercurochrome              Congregation of the Sisters of Our      had already received did not
easier to use. Many children,             was red and was applied with a glass         Lady of Mercy in 1925. She worked       constitute holiness itself, she wrote in
unaware of the danger, enjoyed            dauber attached to the lid of the small      as a cook, gardener and porter in three her diary: “Neither graces, nor
playing with the mercury when a           bottle. It burned. Iodine was brown          of their houses.                        revelations, nor raptures, nor gifts
thermometer broke.                        and burned even worse when applied                In addition to carrying out her    granted to a soul make it perfect, but
    Remember when “cigarette              to a wound.                                  work faithfully, generously serving     rather the intimate union of the soul
girls” roamed nightclubs,                      Iodine is still around, but             the needs of the sisters and the local  with God. These gifts are merely
provocatively dressed and carrying        mercurochrome is not—at least, not           people, she also had a deep interior    ornaments of the soul, but constitute
an assortment of cigarette brands, as     in the exact chemical composition it         life. This included receiving           neither its essence nor its perfection.
well as cigars to sell to the nightclub   started out with. It contained               revelations from the Lord Jesus,        My sanctity and perfection consist in
patrons? A TV ad of the fifties           mercury. When science realized that          messages that she recorded in her       the close union of my will with the
featured one such young woman             mercury was harmful to the human             diary at the request of Christ and of   will of God” (Diary 1107).
circulating around the tables,            b o d y, i t w a s t a k e n o u t o f       her confessors.                              Sister Mary Faustina died of
offering, “Cigars? Cigarettes?            mercurochrome.                                    At a time when some Catholics      tuberculosis   in Krakow, Poland, on
Tiparillos?”                                   Iodine is still sold but rarely used.   had an image of God as such a strict    October   5, 1938.   Pope John Paul II
    Remember, back in the pre-            There are many less painful ways to          judge that they might be tempted to     beatified her in 1993 and canonized
cellphone days, when, if your             treat a cut or other wound now.              despair about the possibility of being  her in 2000.

          Garden of               Since 1961              Holy Sepulchre
        Everlasting Life                                 Catholic Cemetery

                   Peaceful - Beautiful
             High Upon a Hill in West Dundee
         Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery grounds were
  consecrated by Bishop Loras Lane of the Rockford Diocese in 1961.
         River Valley Memorial Gardens have a new Cremation
  Garden surrounding our Hand Carved Italian Marble statue within
  the Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery. There are above ground
  Cremorials in Mathews Bronze and individual in ground plots

               ¼ Mile North of I-90 on the East Side of Route 31

  River Valley Memorial Gardens Office
  510 Market Loop, Suite 104, West Dundee, IL • 847-426-3031

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TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
October 2020
                          The                                        Page 9

  BU Y

                 “We will pay you at least $15 per silver dollar.”

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TheC ONNECTION National Cat Day - MONET AND CHICAGO Art Institute Chicago - Healthy Grieving
Page 10
                                                               The                                                                             October 2020

Book Bin                                                                                  Art, song and Buddha

Think Like The Buddha: 108 Days Of Mindfulness            The Coloring Book of American Modernist Artists           Always Room for One More by Sorche Nic Leodhas
by Victor M. Parachin                                     Introduction by Rick Kinsel                                    This is a somewhat obscure but Caldecott Medal-
     It has become clearer and more imperative that       Line drawings by Paula Kinsel                             winning children’s book. With singsong text (this
dealing with the anxiety and fear forced upon us by a         In the early decades of the 20th century, the         story is based on an old Scottish folk song and
deadly virus involves deepening attention and             United States underwent a period of rapid change.         showcases Scottish heritage) and gentle illustrations,
awareness, so we are not overwhelmed by panic and         The pace of life accelerated as the machine age took      the author tells the story of Lachie MacLachlan, who
hysteria. The enormous upheaval of this year should       hold, and the landscape was transformed by                lives in “a wee house in the heather” with his family of
be heeded as a call to elevate mindfulness, with a        increasing urbanization. Artists responded in a           12, and is determined to share whatever he has with
mind that is balanced, focused, stable, and grounded      variety of visual styles, but what they had in common     travelers, one stormy night. The ways his grateful
in wisdom.                                                was a desire to reflect modern society and to             guests say “Thank you” provides a delightfully warm
     The Buddha, who was the planet’s most                challenge the conventions of art with a bold, energetic   and tender ending to this hilarious tale of kindness. It
prominent practitioner and teacher of mindfulness,        approach to color and composition.                        is a message of generosity and inclusivity, for “there’s
taught: “All wholesome words, deeds and thoughts              The Coloring Book of American Modernist               always room for one more.”
have mindfulness as their root.” However, if the mind     Artists presents 30 works of the period, ready for you         The author explains at the end of the book that
is not trained, the result of our living will have a      to complete, whether by reproducing the original          some of the words were changed to make it more
negative shadow, and the Buddha’s statement could         vibrant palettes or by experimenting and letting your     understandable for American children, but other
properly be re-phrased: “All unwholesome words,           creativity run free. Follow Marsden Hartley and           Scottish words were kept because there was no
deeds and thoughts have mindlessness as their root.”      Andrew Dasburg in finding spiritual inspiration in the    reasonable English alternative. A glossary also is
     The readings in this book offer gentle reminders     wide-open spaces of the American West or immerse          provided at the end of the book. The rhythm makes it
to be mindful about our daily thoughts, words and         yourself in the atmospheric city streets as painted       fun to read; and the book includes the musical notes,
actions because the opposite of mindfulness is            with the sleek lines and hard-edged forms of such         so readers can plunk out the tune on the piano.
forgetfulness and neglect. As a result, we fail to live   Precisionists as George Copeland Ault. Max Weber’s             Nonny Hogrogian was awarded the Caldecott
our lives to their fullest potential. Think Like the      expressive still lifes reveal primitive influences and    Medal for excellence in American children’s
Buddha, 108 Days of Mindfulness, combines stories         an interest in native cultures, while Jan Matulka’s       literature illustration in 1966. The simple colors and
and lessons to provide insight, information,              arrangement is more stylized and geometric. Be            drawings highlight that what matters to this family is
instruction and inspiration for the reader to cultivate   stimulated by the daring color combinations of the        not luxury but just being together and being good
daily mindfulness. (Published by Hohm Press, 2020)        Cubist-inspired work of Oscar Bluemner.                   people.

Harvest Munch
       8 cups air-popped or stove-top popcorn
              4 cups mini pretzel twists
                      ⁄ cup butter
              ⁄ cup packed brown sugar
               2 tablespoons corn syrup
                 1 cup marshmallows
                        ⁄ tsp salt
      2 cups mini chocolate peanut butter cups
                   1 cup candy corn

     Toss popcorn with pretzel sticks; spread out on
large parchment paper–lined baking sheet; set aside.
     In saucepan set over medium heat, combine
butter, brown sugar and corn syrup; cook, swirling
pan, for 3 to 5 minutes or until brown sugar dissolves
and mixture is bubbling.
     Stir in marshmallows and salt; cook for 30 to 60
seconds or until marshmallows are melted. Pour
evenly over popcorn mixture. Sprinkle with mini
chocolate peanut butter cups and candy corn. Let cool
completely and break into clusters.
    Tip: Add edible googly eyes – and call it Monster

                              R                            : B                                                                             !
October 2020
                                                                  The                                                                                  Page 11

                     Common apple varieties
                        to try this fall
     Whether you pick your own or
buy them from your local orchard or
farm stand, fresh, locally produced
apples are at their best during autumn
months. Though the mellow, sweet,
uniformly colored Red Delicious is
the most common apple variety
purchased in grocery stores, there are
literally hundreds of different kinds of
apples grown throughout North
America. Here is a rundown of some
of the most popular varieties:
• Braeburn—A medium to large,
   red striped fruit with an orange-red
   blush on a yellow background.
   Pale, cream-colored flesh is crisp
   and juicy with a pleasant tart flavor.
   Harvested in November.
• Cortland—McIntosh-style apple
   with a red blush over a yellow
   background. Very white crisp
   flesh. Best eaten shortly after
   picking. Good in salads.
   Harvested during September.
• Fuji—A tall, rectangular, medium-
   sized fruit with yellowish-green
   skin with an orange-red blush and
   darker stripes. Crisp, juicy white
   flesh has a firm texture. Stores
   well. Harvested during late
   October.                                    No matter what kind you choose, apples are one of the healthiest and most delicious snacks around.
• Gala—A medium-size fruit with
   yellow skin patterned with bright           • Granny Smith—A large, bold               darker purplish-red blush over                 A mild, sweet apple with a thick,
   orange-red. Yellow-white flesh is              green apple with crisp, very tart        green background. The flesh is                  deep red skin. Harvested during
   firm and juicy with a nice texture             flesh. Keeps very well. Harvested         firm and aromatic for a good all-               late September.
   and a sweet, slightly tart, flavor.            during late October.                     purpose apple. Harvested during                  No matter what kind you choose,
   Best eaten fresh. Harvested during          • Honeycrisp—Red patched                   early to mid-October.                       apples are one of the healthiest and
   October.                                      mottled over a yellow-green            • McIntosh—One of the most                    most delicious snacks around. Eat
• G o l d e n D e l i c i o u s — A l a rg e     background. The flesh is crisp            popular apple varieties, with a deep        them on their own, dip them in peanut
   golden-yellow fruit. Firm, crisp,             with a tart, yet sweet, flavor. Keeps     red color over a green background.          butter or chocolate, pair them with a
   juicy flesh has a mild, sweet flavor.           well. Harvested from mid-                The flesh is white, firm, tender, and         sharp cheese, or slice them up into a
   A popular all-purpose apple.                  September to October.                    very juicy, with a mildly tart flavor.       salad. Though apples most often play
   Doesn’t store well. Harvested               • Macoun—Similar in size and               Harvested during September.                 a starring role in decadent desserts—
   during mid-September to late                  shape to a McIntosh, but with a        • Pink Lady—An oblong yellow                  pies, cakes, crumbles, doughnuts,
   October.                                                                               variety overlaid with pink or light         strudels, dumplings, etc.—don’t
                                                                                          red. The flesh is white with a               make the mistake of typecasting
                                                                                          sweet-tart flavor. Stores well.              them. These sweet treats are versatile
                                                                                          Harvested during September and              enough to carry your main course.
                                                                                        • Red Delicious—Most common                           From
                                                                                          apple variety in the United States.                     by Jaime McLeod

                                                                                            The best apples for baking (and pie)
                                                                                                There’s nothing better than a slice of
                                                                                          warm apple pie topped with some vanilla ice
                                                                                          cream. It’s okay to let your mouth water a
                                                                                          little bit.
                                                                                                When baking, you need to pick an apple
                                                                                          with the appropriate texture. Spending time
                                                                                          on perfecting a fall apple dish only to take a
                                                                                          bite of mushy apple is, to say the least, quite a
                                                                                          disappointment! To avoid this, make sure
                                                                                          you pick an apple that is crisp enough to
                                                                                          withstand the oven, and that has a good
                                                                                          balance of sweet and tart taste.
                                                                                                Remember, you can also mix multiple
                                                                                          types of apples to create a variety of
                                                                                          flavors—it never hurts to experiment a little!
                                                                                                Recommended apples: Granny Smith,
                                                                                          Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Cortland,
                                                                                          Empire, Jonathan.

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Page 12
                                                                The                                                                                October 2020

Gardening with Melinda Myers
                                                                                                                                         “Serve Up
                                                                                                                                         Fire Safety
                Create new garden                                                                                                           in the
                  beds this fall                                                                                                          Kitchen!
                                                                                                                                             The National Fire Protection
                                                                                                                                        Association® (NFPA®) is the official
     Fall is a great time to create new                                                                                                 sponsor of Fire Prevention Week for
garden beds. Cool, usually drier, fall                                                                                                  more than 90 years. This year’s
weather makes it easier to work in the                                                                                                  campaign, “Serve Up Fire Safety in
garden and for plants to establish.                                                                                                     the Kitchen!” works to educate
Plus, the Garden To-do list is often a                                                                                                  everyone about simple but important
bit shorter this time of year and you                                                                                                   actions to stay safe.
will get a head start on the next                                                                                                            According to NFPA, cooking is
growing season.                                                                                                                         the leading cause of home fires and
     Start by locating the placement,                                                                                                   home fire injuries in the United
size and shape of this new garden.                                                                                                      States. Almost half (44 percent) of
Always contact your local                                                                                                               reported home fires started in the
underground utility locating service                                                                                                    kitchen. Two-thirds (66 percent) of
at least three business days in                                                                                                         home cooking fires start with the
advance. It is free and as easy as                                                                                                      ignition of food or other cooking
calling 811 or filing an online request.                                                                                                materials.
They will contact the appropriate                                                                                                            “We know cooking fires can be
companies to mark the location of                                                                                                       prevented,” said Lorraine Carli,
their underground utilities in your                                                                                                     NFPA's vice-president of outreach
work area. This reduces the danger                                                                                                      and advocacy. “Staying in the
and inconvenience of accidently                                                                                                         kitchen, using a timer and avoiding
knocking out power, cable or other           Renting a power edger will make creating a large garden bed easier and                     distractions, such as electronics or
utilities, while you create a beautiful      less labor-intensive. Photo credit:                                       TV, are steps everyone can take to
landscape.                                                                                                                              keep families safe in their homes.”
     Use a rope or hose to outline the                                                                                                       Here are safety tips to prevent a
area. Avoid tight corners or creating                                                                                                   cooking fire.
narrow grass borders that will be            You can push back the mulch and cut        USDA and STA certified to ensure                • Never leave cooking food
difficult to mow or require hand             through the cardboard to plant             quality. USDA BioPreferred certified               unattended. Stay in the kitchen
trimming.                                    immediately. Or wait to begin              products are derived from plants and               while you are frying, grilling or
     Once satisfied with the layout,         planting next spring after the grass       other renewal products, providing an               broiling. If you have to leave, even
take a soil test and decide how to kill      and cardboard have broken down             alternative to petroleum-based goods.              for a short time, turn off the stove.
the existing lawn and weeds, as              completely.                                Look for United States Composting               • If you are simmering, baking,
needed. A soil test will tell you how             For quicker results and control of    Council’s STA certified compost that               roasting or boiling food, check it
much and what type of fertilizer you         perennial weeds, try a total               is a renewable, consistent, high                   regularly, remain in the home while
will need for the plants you are             vegetation killer. These products kill     quality product made from locally                  food is cooking, and use a timer to
growing. Testing now means you               the top and roots of the good and bad      available organic material.                        remind you that you are cooking.
will have the information in hand            plants they touch. Read and follow              Once you mix in the organic                • Be alert when cooking. You will
when it is time to fertilize in spring.      label directions carefully. Start your     matter, rake the garden level and                  not be alert if you are sleepy, have
     Next, edge the bed. Use a shovel        soil preparation after the required        smooth. Your garden is ready to                    taken medicine or drugs, or
to dig a V-shaped trench around the          waiting period has passed.                 plant. Fill it with spring flowering               consumed alcohol that makes you
border of the garden. Or rent or                  The next step, an important one,      bulbs, perennials, trees and shrubs                drowsy.
borrow a power edger to make larger          is soil improvement. It is easier to       this fall. Or cover it with shredded            • Always keep an oven mitt and pan
jobs easier.                                 repair and improve the soil before         leaves or other organic mulch to                   lid nearby when you are cooking.
     Once the edging is complete,            you plant. Plus, time spent now            suppress weeds and prevent soil                    If a small grease fire starts, slide the
remove healthy grass with a sod cutter       yields years of good results. Add two      erosion. Use the winter to plan the                lid over the pan to smother the
and use it to fill bare spots in the lawn.   to four inches of organic matter like      garden, so you will be ready to plant              flame. Turn off the burner, and
Or create a planting berm or simply          aged manure, peat moss or leaf             once spring arrives.                               leave the pan covered until it is
add it to the compost pile. Just place it    compost to the top eight to 12 inches           In either case, your efforts this fall        completely cool.
green side down and wait for it to           of soil. These materials improve the       reduce your workload next spring and            • Have a “kid-free zone” of at least
decompose.                                   drainage in heavy clay soil and            shorten the time to a more beautiful               three feet around the stove and
     Another method for clearing the         increase the water holding ability in      landscape.                                         areas where hot food or drink is
grass is to cover the area with              fast draining sandy or rocky soils.                                                           prepared or carried.
cardboard topped with several inches              Check the labeling on the bag                   Gardening expert                           To find out more about Fire
of organic mulch and wait for the            when purchasing these products.                  Melinda Myers’ website is                 Prevention Week and cooking fire
grass and cardboard to decompose.            Make sure the product you select is                              prevention, visit

                       Full- or Part-time                                                                                               On the Go
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                              N                                                        . N                                                        .
October 2020
                                                               The                                                                                  Page 13

On the Green

        What to expect from a club fitting
                                          job is important. This column will                                                      had been playing steel shafts since I
                                          focus on one way to purchase golf                                                       was 13, I selected a regular steel shaft
                                          clubs: personal club fitting.
                                                                                         I wanted some data,                      made by Mitsubishi. The next
                                               I wanted to get fit for a new set of      verifiable results,                      questions were: Did I want hybrids
                                          irons because I had lost distance on           and test hits of different               instead of low irons, and would I want
                                          my old set (about 10 yards on each             irons to tell me which                   to get a wedge fitting? I said I wanted
                                          iron), my irons were five years old                                                     hybrids (another extra fitting charge),
                                          and technology had changed                     ones were the best.                      did not want a wedge fitting, and
                                          considerably. Rather than guessing                                                      asked what the charge was for a 5-PW
      JERRY KONCEL                        which clubs were best for me, I                                                         set with Mitsubishi shafts, mid-size
    For people who are new to the         wanted some data, verifiable results,        hitting bay. I was told the fitting        grips, and a standard lie angle. I
game of golf, selecting and buying        and test hits of different irons to tell     process would take place in three          won't give the exact figure, but it was
golf clubs is a “Magical Mystery          me which ones were the best.                 parts. The first part would be             more than $1,300.
Tour,” prompting questions like:               I searched the internet for club        warming up, getting loose and                   I bought the new set of irons and
Should I buy used or new clubs?           fitters in the Chicagoland area, and         determining a baseline for my 6-iron       have been using these clubs for a year.
Which clubs should I buy? Should I        found I could be fit at a local golf         shots. Part two would involve hitting      My results have been less than
buy clubs from the pro shop at a golf     course, at a golf retail store, at a         different irons and shafts selected by     expected. I am still losing those 10
course, from an off-site golf retailer,   sporting goods store, and even over          the fitter and based on my data form       yards in distance, but I have been able
such as PGA Superstore or Golf            the internet. I selected a club fitter in    information, and results from hitting      to hit the center of the clubface a little
Galaxy, from an Internet site such as     the suburbs of Chicago.                      into a net, as well as information         more consistently. My greens in
Global Golf, or—my latest                      Prior to the fitting, I was asked to    gleaned from seven or eight different      regulation have been low (about five
finding—buy direct from a club            fill out a data form seeking                 factors, including swing speed, angle      per round), but I am able to hit the 7-
manufacturer, such as Ben Hogan?          information about my current set of          of attack, sidespin, carry distance,       PW irons higher than my old set.
    If these questions make the club-     irons, my handicap, whether I sliced         total distance, and so forth. Part three        Should you get fit by a club fitter?
buying process sound confusing, it is.    or drew the ball, whether I hit high or      would be refining the club choices         That is a question I do not have an
One has to juggle a lot of information    low irons, and the current shafts in         regarding lie, shaft, grip and length.     answer for because it depends on your
before buying golf clubs. Keep in         my clubs. The club fitter said the data           Everything went according to          expectations, your finances, and your
mind, the only things hitting the golf    was very useful in narrowing my              plan until we started discussing           swing.
ball are your golf clubs. Like a          choices of golf clubs.                       shafts. The first question was steel or
plumber fixing a water break or an             I arrived at the club fitter at 11:00   graphite? The answer was not clear          Jerry Koncel is a freelance writer
electrician fixing an electrical          on a Friday morn and was greeted by          because my swing speed indicated I           and editor, who has played golf
problem, having the right tools for the   my fitter, who escorted me into a            could go with either material. Since I           for more than 50 years.

                 P                                       : I                  ,                                                                       .
Page 14
                                                              The                                                                    October 2020

Crazy for coloring                                                                                        Sudoku
Grab your colored pencils or markers. Enjoy!

                                                                                         Every digit from 1 to 9 must appear: • and in each of the nine boxes.
                                                                                       • in each of the columns
                                                                                       • in each of the rows                   Puzzle answers on page B14.

                                             Fresh picks
By Lauren Sieben

    The season of pumpkin spice                                                                                            orchard, then walk through the
would not be complete without fresh-                                                                                       formidable corn maze that offers two
picked apples. Whether you prefer to                                                                                       routes: An easier option for kids, or a
pick your own or grab a bushel to-go,                                                                                      tougher challenge for the ambitious.
these statewide orchards offer fall                                                                                             Edwards Apple Orchard West,
fun, fresh apples and other seasonal                                                                                       Winnebago—Pick your own apples
treats like cider and baked goods.                                                                                         or head straight to the barn to stock up
Reminder: Check the orchard’s                                                                                              on your favorite already-picked
website before your visit to confirm                                                                                       varieties, from Rubymac to Red
hours and COVID-19 precautions.                                                                                            Delicious. You can also stop by the
    Thyme and Again Farm,                                                                                                  Edwards West Express to pick up
Rockford—Kick off the season with          Whether you are on the hunt for Granny Smiths or Honeycrisps,                   apple cider doughnuts, apple butter
a stroll through the apple orchard,        these Illinois orchards are perfect for a sweet day trip.                       and other treats to go.
then stock up on seasonal favorites                                                                                             Ringhausen Apple House,
like gourds, cornstalks and maple          by the Zellerman family for 90 years.    operates multiple pick-your-own        Jerseyville—In Calhoun County, this
syrup. On weekends, you can                The family annually produces about       apple orchards. Beyond apple           fifth-generation fruit grower is a
purchase made-from-scratch                 17,000 gallons of its signature cider,   season, the farms are open year-       popular destination for pick-your-
pumpkin or apple pie.                      using a special blend of tart, sweet     round for visitors to pick their own   own apples. Browse the market for
    Royal Oak Farm Orchard,                and neutral apples.                      seasonal fruits and veggies.           additional produce and seasonal
Harvard—Wander among more than                 Rendleman Orchards, Alto                 Curtis Orchard and                 goodies.
17,000 apple trees with dozens of          Pass—Nestled in the hills of             Pumpkin Patch, Champaign—                   Jonamac Orchard, Malta—
apple varieties or let yourself get lost   Shawnee National Forest,                 Enjoy free admission to this orchard   Pick your own apples or place an
in the 1.5-mile apple tree maze.           Rendleman Orchards grows a               where you will find apples, along      order online for curbside pick-up.
Sample fresh cider doughnuts at the        delicious selection of apples between    with homey lunch dishes served         You can also set Apple Alerts to
bakery and let kids ride the train or      August through October. Apple gift       daily at the Flying Monkey Cafe        receive a text when your favorite
carousel.                                  boxes are also available to order        between late August and December.      varieties are available.
    Edgewood Orchards,                     online and ship to your home.                All Seasons Orchard,
Quincy—This third-generation                   Eckert’s Belleville, Millstadt       Woodstock—Pick your own                      From
orchard has been owned and operated        and Grafton—This family-run farm         apples from 15,000 trees in the             travel-illinois/fresh-picks

                                                                        I’              !
October 2020
                                                                      The                                                         Page 15

Down & Across Wordsearch
By Donald Blocher                                                                                         Monet and Chicago
1     2        3       4                 5    6     7     8           9      10    11

12                                       13                           14

15                             16                                17

               18                                         19

20    21                                            22

23                             24        25   26                 27   28     29    30

31                                       32                           33

34                     35                36               37          38

                       39      40                         41     42

43    44       45                                   46

47                                       48   49                             50    51

52                             53                                54

55                             56                                57

                                                                                           ACQUIRED        CHICAGO           GIFT      MUSEUM
                                                                                           AMERICAN       COLLECTOR    IMPRESSIONISM   PAINTING
         Across                        Rhine                         contraction           APPEARED         DONOR        INDUSTRIAL     PRAISE
 1   Child’s play                   46 Word of inquiry            25 Soon, to a bard         ARTIST       EXPOSITION       INSPIRE       PRESS
 5   Bleats                         47 Money set aside for        26 Violin string stuff   CANVASES          EYE          INSTITUTE     SALON
 9   Vatican vestment                  a special purpose          28 Something mixed        CAPTURE        GALLERY          MONET       WORKS
12   Little amount                  52 Brief life story              with something
13   Cut from the same              53 Make well                     else to improve
     cloth                          54 Out of This World             the original
14   Vintage auto                      character                  29 Layer of paint
15   Tar Heel State:                55 Take sustenance            30 Third son of
     2 wds.                         56 Branch of the                 Adam and Eve:
18   Indian nanny                      military                      Biblical
19   Wallops                        57 Trust                      35 Incessantly
20   Bake in a shallow                                            37 Federal safety
     dish                                     Down                   agency: abbr.
22   Biblical King                   1   Loud noise               40 Hawaiian
23   Like an autumn                  2   Tic-tac-toe win             farewell
     day                             3   Put into difficulties    42 Alma _____
24   Wise men: Biblical              4   Debaucher                43 Paul Bunyan’s ox
27   Bag like structures             5   German composer          44 Capital of
31   Draw upon                       6   Wanted-poster letters       Western Samoa
32   Sister with a habit             7   Ventilate                45 Primer dog
33   Female hare                     8   Hoity-toity sorts        46 Cunning
34   Hawaiian goose                  9   Seed cover               48 By means of
36   Kruger or                      10   Mardi Gras follower      49 Male bighorn
     Preminger                      11   Squeezers                50 Contents of some
38   “Can’t Help Lovin’             16   Mischief                    barrels
     ___ Man”                       17   Pastoral expanses        51 Marshal under
39   Enclosed truck                 20   Avoid                       Napoleon
41   Metal worker                   21   Stockings                 Puzzle answers
43   Swiss city on the              22   Nonstandard                on page B14.

          Main Studio & Shop
          1900 West Peterson Ave
          Chicago, IL 60660

          North Suburban Studio
          24 South River Road
          Des Plaines, IL 60016

                                                                      G                               .
Page 16
              The           October 2020

          G     T   C   .
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