THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press

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THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
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           THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
S E E W H AT Y O U ’ V E B E E N M I S S I N G

          H A M A M AT S U C A M E R A S . C O M

                                                   THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
                                                     e are pleased to present this collection of exceptional research published over the course of the last
                                                     year in the Journal of Cell Biology (JCB). As always, our goal with this collection is to feature papers
                                                     from across the breadth of cell biology and to highlight the articles that most captured the attention
                                                     and interest of our readers. We therefore considered the number of times full-text articles were
                                            downloaded in the first three months after their initial publication when making our selection.
                                            Although this collection cannot provide a full and comprehensive overview of all of the many exciting advances

THE YEAR                                    that have appeared in the pages of our journal, it does serve to offer a representative glimpse of the findings
                                            that our readers found most interesting this past year. From a study that demonstrates how cancer cells can
                                            “reprogram” natural killer cells to facilitate metastasis to work that reveals a role for optineurin and ATG9A

IN CELL                                     in modulating ubiquitin-induced mitophagy, these articles showcase a fraction of the diversity of the JCB
                                            community. Furthermore, with articles that examine the mechanisms by which microtubules prevent cell
                                            rupture during amoeboid migration and the role of proteasome distribution in regulating the GABAergic

BIOLOGY                                     response switch in neurons, this collection provides something for everyone in our diverse readership.
                                            Needless to say, this year has been unlike any other in recent memory, and the COVID-19 pandemic has greatly

                                            affected every aspect of our lives, including the scientific community’s ability to conduct research both safely
                                            and effectively. Despite this, the papers presented in this collection, as well as all of the work published over the
                                            past year, serve as a testament to the ingenuity, fortitude, and dedication of the cell biological community.
                                            We are eternally grateful to the many people who make it possible for us to publish some of the very best cell
                                            biological studies in the world: our reviewers, who volunteer their time and energy throughout the year, to you,
                                            our readers, and most especially to our authors. It is truly our privilege to publish all of the papers you see in
                                            JCB. We thank you for continuing to submit your very best work to us.
                                            We hope you enjoy reading this collection.

                                              6     A system to remove aberrant extracellular proteins
                                                    The chaperone Clusterin works in combination with heparan sulfate proteoglycans to bring misfolded
                                                    proteins into cells for degradation
                                                    Eisuke Itakura et al.

                                              7     ER contacts coordinate mitochondrial dynamics
                                                    Mitochondrial fission and fusion machineries colocalize at ER membrane contact sites, where they can
                                                    rapidly modulate mitochondrial morphology in response to metabolic cues
                                                    Robert G. Abrisch, Samantha C. Gumbin … Gia K. Voeltz

                                              8     VPS13 forms a lipid channel between membranes
                                                    Cryo-EM of VPS13 N-terminal fragment reveals a hydrophobic groove that may allow bulk lipid flow
                                                    between organelles
                                                    PeiQi Li … Karin M. Reinisch

                                              9     Autophagy targets nuclear pore complexes
                                                    Several different pathways selectively target NPCs and nucleoporins for autophagic degradation upon
                                                    inactivation of the TORC1 kinase complex
                                                    Yui Tomioka … Hitoshi Nakatogawa
                                             10     Proteasome distribution modulates GABA responses in developing neurons
                                                    The adaptor protein Ecm29 positions proteasomes at the axon initial segment to promote degradation of
                                                    the chloride transporter NKCC1 and limit neuronal excitability
                                                    Min Lee … Pei-Lin Cheng

                                             11     Neutral lipids control protein recruitment to lipid droplets
                                                    The neutral lipid core content is determinant to the affinity of amphipathic helices for artificial lipid droplets
                                                    Aymeric Chorlay and Abdou Rachid Thiam
                                             12     Unravelling the critical steps in mitophagy
                                                    Study reveals that mitochondrial ubiquitination and an interaction between OPTN and ATG9A are crucial
                                                    for inducing the selective degradation of damaged mitochondria
Brochure articles by Ben Short, PhD                 Koji Yamano … Noriyuki Matsuda
Design by Yuko Tonohira                             Breast cancer cells turn killer immune cells into allies
On the cover: A confocal maximum                    Natural killer cells are reprogrammed by breast cancer cells to promote metastasis
intensity projection image of                       Isaac S. Chan … Andrew J. Ewald
HeLa cells. Core autophagy
protein ATG9A vesicles (orange)              14     ISG15 accelerates replication fork progression
are recruited to liquid droplets                    The ubiquitin-like molecule ISG15, which is induced by interferons and is often upregulated in cancer cells,
composed of Optineurin (green) and                  can increase genome instability and sensitize cells to genotoxic drugs
ubiquitin chain. Optineurin–ATG9A                   Maria Chiara Raso … Lorenza Penengo
interaction is critical for the selective
degradation of mitochondria (cyan).          15     Microtubules help migrating cells keep their shape
Nuclei are labeled in blue. Image                   Dendritic cells coordinate their movement through complex microenvironments by using the local
© 2020 Yamano et al. See the                        depolymerization of microtubules to trigger the actomyosin-mediated retraction of protrusions
associated article on page 12.                      Aglaja Kopf … Eva Kiermaier, Michael Sixt
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
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THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
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5                                                                                                              THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
The chaperone Clusterin works in combination with heparan sulfate
proteoglycans to bring misfolded proteins into cells for degradation

A number of diseases are believed to
be caused by the gradual buildup of
misfolded proteins that can aggregate
                                                 A model of the CRED
together and damage neurons and
                                                 pathway in which
other cells in the body. To help prevent         Clusterin and heparan
this damage, cells have developed                sulfate bring aberrant
numerous quality control systems that            extracellular proteins,
recognize misfolded proteins within the          including amyloid β,
cell and either fold them back into their        into cells where they
correct shape or degrade them before             can be degraded by
they start to aggregate.                         lysosomes. © 2020
                                                 Itakura et al.
“However, approximately 11% of
human proteins exist outside of the            CRISPR-based screen, the researchers              tissues and body fluids,” Itakura says.
cell, where they are subjected to even         found that, after binding to misfolded            The researchers named this system
more stresses that may cause them              proteins, Clusterin enters cells by               the chaperone- and receptor-mediated
to misfold,” says Eisuke Itakura, an           interacting with heparan sulfate                  extracellular protein degradation
assistant professor in the Department          proteoglycans, a large class of proteins          (CRED) pathway.
of Biology at Chiba University in Japan.       that are present on the surface of
“In addition, Alzheimer’s disease, the         almost all human cells. This interaction          Intriguingly, Itakura and colleagues
most prevalent cause of dementia               requires a group of conserved,                    found that the CRED pathway can
affecting 47.5 million people worldwide,       positively-charged residues on                    import amyloid β into cells for
is characterized by aggregates of              Clusterin that electrostatically interact         degradation. Mutations in the gene
amyloid β protein in the extracellular         with negatively-charged heparan                   encoding Clusterin have been linked
space. Despite this, how aberrant              sulfate.                                          to an increased risk of developing
extracellular proteins are degraded                                                              Alzheimer’s disease, and experiments
remains poorly understood.”                    Itakura and colleagues found that,                in rats have shown that injecting
                                               together, Clusterin and heparan                   Clusterin into the brain can prevent
A chaperone protein called Clusterin           sulfate proteoglycans allow many                  amyloid β–induced neurodegeneration.
can bind to misfolded extracellular            different cell types to internalize and           “Our results therefore suggest new
proteins and prevent them from                 degrade a wide variety of misfolded               avenues for the possible treatment
aggregating. Itakura and colleagues            extracellular proteins. “We therefore             or prevention of disorders such as
discovered that Clusterin can escort           think that this pathway is a general              Alzheimer’s disease that are associated
misfolded proteins into the cell and           extracellular protein quality control             with aberrant extracellular proteins,”
deliver them to the lysosomes for              system responsible for the clearance              Itakura says.
degradation. Using a genome-wide               of misfolded proteins from diverse

     RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                    ORIGINAL PAPER
                         Eisuke Itakura                                    Itakura, E., M. Chiba, T. Murata, and A. Matsuura. 2020.
                         Assistant Professor                               Heparan sulfate is a clearance receptor for aberrant
                         Chiba University                                  extracellular proteins. J. Cell Biol. 219: e201911126.

 6                                                                                                        THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
Mitochondrial fission and fusion machineries colocalize at
ER membrane contact sites, where they can rapidly modulate
mitochondrial morphology in response to metabolic cues
The steady–state morphology of                  might also assemble at ER MCSs,”
the mitochondrial network within                explains Gia Voeltz, a Howard Hughes            Mfn1 (green) and Drp1 (magenta)
cells is maintained by a balance of             Investigator and Professor at the               colocalize at ER MCSs, where they
mitochondrial fission and fusion.               University of Colorado, Boulder.                mediate, respectively, the fusion
Disrupting this balance causes the                                                              (white arrows) and fission (magenta
                                                Using a variety of sophisticated imaging        arrows) of mitochondria (grey).
mitochondrial network to become either
                                                techniques, Voeltz and colleagues,              © 2020 Abrisch et al.
fragmented or elongated, potentially
                                                including first author Robert Abrisch,
resulting in altered cell metabolism and
                                                found that mitofusins do, in fact,
                                                accumulate at ER MCSs and that these          mitochondria can restore their
Mitochondrial fission preferentially            contact sites mark the location of            membrane potential by fusing with
occurs at sites where the mitochondria          ~90% of mitochondrial fusion events.          healthy neighbors at ER MCSs.
contacts the ER. The dynamin-related            “That’s strikingly similar to the 88% of
                                                                                              “Depolarization of individual
GTPase Drp1 accumulates at these                mitochondrial fission events scored to
                                                                                              mitochondria pushes the reaction at
membrane contact sites (MCSs), and              occur at ER MCSs,” Voeltz says.
                                                                                              ER MCSs toward fusion, resulting in
drives mitochondrial constriction
                                                Further experiments revealed that             the recovery of membrane potential,”
and division. Mitochondrial fusion is
                                                Drp1 and Mfn1 colocalize at ER MCSs           Voeltz says. “But other signals may
also regulated by dynamin-related
                                                and that a fusion event at one site is        push the reaction toward fission.
GTPases—the mitofusins Mfn1 and
                                                often followed by fission at the exact        “Future studies will investigate whether
Mfn2 promote outer membrane fusion
                                                same place. Voeltz and colleagues             fission and fusion rates are determined
while Opa1 controls fusion of the inner
                                                suspected that these hotspots of              by the relative recruitment and/or
mitochondrial membrane—but how
                                                mitochondrial dynamics might be               posttranslational modifications of the
these GTPase are positioned to define
                                                able to rapidly respond to metabolic          different machineries at ER MCSs, by
the site of fusion is unknown. However,
                                                cues and could, for example, allow            small signaling molecules like Ca2+,
fission and fusion may be spatially
                                                damaged mitochondria to quickly               or by the recruitment of activators or
coordinated because mitochondria can
                                                recover their function by transiently         inhibitors of these machineries.”
sometimes undergo “transient” fusions,
                                                fusing and exchanging components
in which two mitochondria fuse and
                                                with neighboring, healthy mitochondria.
share their contents, before separating
                                                Indeed, the researchers found that
again to resume their original
                                                ER MCSs often mark the boundaries
                                                between polarized (healthy) and
“We hypothesized that if fission                depolarized (unhealthy) segments of
and fusion are coordinated, then                mitochondria, and that depolarized
the mitochondrial fusion machinery

     RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                                       ORIGINAL PAPER
                                                                                              Abrisch, R.G., S.C. Gumbin, B.T.
                                                                                              Wisniewski, L.L. Lackner, and G.K. Voeltz.
                                                                                              2020. Fission and fusion machineries
                                                                                              converge at ER contact sites to regulate
                                                                                              mitochondrial morphology. J. Cell Biol.
                                                                                              219: e201911122.
     Robert G. Abrisch           Samantha C. Gumbin                Gia K. Voeltz    
     PhD student                 Undergraduate/Junior              HHMI Investigator and
     University of Colorado,     technician                        Professor, University of
     Boulder                     University of Colorado, Boulder   Colorado, Boulder
     (Currently a postdoctoral   (Currently a graduate student
     fellow at UC San Diego)     at Stanford University)

 7                                                                                                    THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
Cryo-EM of VPS13 N-terminal                    The VPS13 family of lipid transport       organelles together via their N- and
fragment reveals a hydrophobic                 proteins may work differently, however.   C-termini and allowing lipids to flow
                                               These very large proteins are thought     from one membrane to the other
groove that may allow bulk lipid               to tether organelles together at          through their hydrophobic channels.
flow between organelles                        membrane contact sites and can bind       As an initial test of this idea, Li et al.
                                               tens of lipid molecules at a time.        created mutant versions of budding
Lipids constantly need to be exchanged         Budding yeast Vps13p is required          yeast Vps13p in which sections of the
between the various different                  for prospore membrane formation,          channel were switched to hydrophilic
membranes of eukaryotic cells. For             and, in humans, there are four family     residues instead of hydrophobic ones.
example, most membrane lipids are              members, some of which are linked to      These vps13 mutants could still bind
synthesized in the ER and must then            severe neurodegenerative disease.         lipids but they were unable to support
be delivered to other organelles. This                                                   sporulation, indicating that they are
is carried out, in part, by lipid transfer     Reinisch and colleagues, including
                                                                                         incapable of transferring lipids during
proteins that localize to the membrane         first author PeiQi Li, carried out a
                                                                                         prospore formation.
contact sites between organelles               single-particle cryo-EM reconstruction
and act as shuttles, extracting lipid          of a ~160-kD N-terminal fragment of       “The size of the VPS13 lipid-binding
molecules from one organelle and then          the VPS13 protein of the filamentous      cavity and, hence, the ability of these
depositing it in the membrane of the           fungus Chaetomium thermophilum. The       proteins to accommodate many lipids
other.                                         researchers found that the fragment       simultaneously suggests a role in
                                               adopts a basket-like structure whose      bulk lipid transfer,” says Reinisch,
“Typically, these lipid transport proteins     interior is lined with hydrophobic        who notes that the VPS13-like protein
comprise domains resembling lidded             residues. Thus, the N-terminal region     ATG2 may act similarly to promote
teacups, each with a hydrophobic cavity        of VPS13 forms an extended channel,       autophagosome assembly during
that accommodates one or two lipid             ~160 Å in length, that would be well-     autophagy.
molecules,” explains Karin Reinisch, a         suited to solubilizing
professor at Yale School of Medicine.          multiple lipid
This limited capacity is unlikely to           molecules at a time.
be sufficient when large amounts of
lipid need to be transferred rapidly,          Instead of shuttling
such as during the assembly of the             lipids between
autophagosome during autophagy,                membranes, VPS13
or the formation of the prospore               proteins might
membrane during yeast meiosis.                 therefore act like
                                               bridges, tethering

  The density map (left) and secondary structure (right) of
  VPS131-1390 show the fragment’s basket-like structure and the
  extended, hydrophobic channel that may facilitate lipid flow
  between membranes. © 2020 Li et al.

     RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                                  ORIGINAL PAPER
                                                                                         Li, P., J.A. Lees, C.P. Lusk, and K.M.
                                                                                         Reinisch. 2020. Cryo-EM reconstruction of
                                                                                         a VPS13 fragment reveals a long groove
                                                                                         to channel lipids between membranes.
                                                                                         J. Cell Biol. 219: e202001161.
     PeiQi Li                    Karin M. Reinisch
     Graduate student            Professor
     Yale School of Medicine     Yale School of Medicine

 8                                                                                               THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
AUTOPHAGY TARGETS NUCLEAR                                                                  interact with either Atg11, which then
                                                                                           initiates autophagosome formation,
                                                                                           or Atg8, a protein located on forming
PORE COMPLEXES                                                                             autophagosomal membranes. Tomioka
                                                                                           et al. found that yeast lacking Atg11,
Several different pathways selectively target NPCs and                                     or yeast expressing an Atg8 mutant
nucleoporins for autophagic degradation upon inactivation of the                           unable to bind autophagy receptors,
TORC1 kinase complex                                                                       failed to degrade nucleoporins upon
                                                                                           TORC1 inactivation, indicating that
Composed of ~30 different nucleoporin         Nakatogawa and colleagues, including         NPCs/nucleoporins are selectively
proteins, nuclear pore complexes              first author Yui Tomioka, investigated       targeted to autophagosomes.
(NPCs) span the inner and outer               whether NPCs are broken down
                                                                                           Nakatogawa and colleagues determined
membranes of the nuclear envelope             by autophagy, a process in which
                                                                                           that some NPCs are targeted by a
and mediate transport between the             cellular components are engulfed
                                                                                           previously identified pathway called
nucleus and cytoplasm, thereby playing        by autophagosomes and delivered
                                                                                           nucleophagy, in which nuclear
critical roles in gene expression, cell       to lysosomes for degradation. The
                                                                                           envelope–derived vesicles are recruited
growth and division. Defects in NPC           researchers found that inducing the
                                                                                           to autophagosomes via an autophagy
function have been linked to aging            autophagy pathway in budding yeast by
                                                                                           receptor in the outer nuclear membrane
and a variety of illnesses including          inactivating the TORC1 kinase complex
                                                                                           called Atg39. But NPCs can also be
Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. Cells         resulted in the degradation of multiple
                                                                                           targeted via a different pathway, that
are therefore likely to employ a variety      nucleoporins. Blocking degradation
                                                                                           the researchers named NPC-phagy,
of quality control mechanisms to              caused these NPC components to
                                                                                           involving an as yet unknown autophagy
ensure they maintain an appropriate           accumulate in vacuoles—the yeast
number of functional NPCs. “However,          equivalent of lysosomes—where they
the cellular systems that degrade the         appeared to be embedded within               In addition, Tomioka et al. found
NPC or nucleoporins are still largely         nuclear envelope–derived double-             that one nucleoporin, Nup159, can
unknown,” says Hitoshi Nakatogawa             membrane vesicles. This suggests             bind directly to Atg8. Disrupting this
from the Tokyo Institute of Technology.       that nucleoporins can be engulfed by         interaction impaired the turnover
                                                                     autophagosomes        of Nup159 but had no effect on the
                                                                     and delivered to      degradation of other nucleoporins,
                                                                     lysosomes while       suggesting that nucleoporins not
                                                                     they are still        assembled into NPCs can also be
                                                                     assembled into        targeted to autophagosomes via a
                                                                     NPCs.                 process the researchers dubbed
                                                                       autophagy can       Together, these different selective
                                                                       be a nonselective   autophagy pathways are likely to
                                                                       process,            help cells maintain the structural and
                                                                       many cellular       functional integrity of their NPCs.
                                                                       components          “Our study provides a foundation
  In yeast cells lacking vacuolar proteases, TORC1 inactivation        are targeted to     for understanding the molecular
  leads to the accumulation of Nup159-containing structures            autophagosomes      mechanisms and physiological/
  (arrowhead) embedded in nuclear envelope-derived double-             by specific         pathological significance of these
  membrane vesicles located inside autophagosomes that have            autophagy           autophagy pathways in various
  been delivered to the vacuole. © 2020 Tomioka et al.                 receptors that      organisms,” Nakatogawa says.

     RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                                    ORIGINAL PAPER
                                           Hitoshi Nakatogawa (Left)                       Tomioka, T., T. Kotani, H. Kirisako, Y.
                                           Associate Professor                             Oikawa, Y. Kimura, H. Hirano, Y. Ohsumi,
                                           Tokyo Institute of Technology                   and H. Nakatogawa. 2020. TORC1
                                                     inactivation stimulates autophagy
                                                                                           of nucleoporin and nuclear pore
                                           Yui Tomioka (Right)                             complexes. J. Cell Biol. 219: e201910063.
                                           PhD Student
                                           Tokyo Institute of Technology

 9                                                                                                 THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY 2020 - Rockefeller University Press
The adaptor protein Ecm29
                                              compartments of
positions proteasomes at                      neurons and controls
the axon initial segment to                   action potential
promote degradation of the                    firing. Cheng and
chloride transporter NKCC1                    colleagues found that,
                                              as the AIS assembles
and limit neuronal excitability
                                              in developing
                                              hippocampal and
The response of mouse neurons to the
                                              cortical neurons,
neurotransmitter GABA changes from
                                              an adaptor protein
excitatory to inhibitory during the first
                                              called Ecm29 tethers
few weeks after birth, a developmental
                                              proteasomes to the
switch that helps to establish the
                                              AIS by binding to
lifelong activity of local neuronal
                                              ankyrin G.
circuits. The change in GABA response
is due to a reduction in the intracellular    Neurons lacking Ecm29 showed                 NKCC1 levels in the AIS region of
chloride concentration in neurons that                                                     neurons are increased in the absence
                                              reduced protein turnover at the AIS,
                                                                                           of the proteasome adaptor Ecm29
is thought to be driven by increased          and Ecm29-deficient mouse brains             (bottom). A linear pseudocolored
expression of the chloride exporter           showed higher levels of NKCC1 that           scale shows the intensity of NKCC1
KCC2 and decreased levels of the              declined more slowly during the              staining within the AIS (marked by
chloride importer NKCC1. “However,            postnatal period. NKCC1 levels were          ankyrin G). © 2020 Lee et al.
how NKCC1 levels are down-regulated           particularly elevated in the AIS region
during the excitatory-to-inhibitory           of neurons. As a result, the switch from
GABA transition remains unclear,” says        excitatory to inhibitory GABA responses
Pei-Lin Cheng, an Associate Research                                                     “Our findings provide a developmental
                                              was delayed in Ecm29-knockout mice,
Fellow at the Institute of Molecular                                                     mechanism linking timing of AIS
                                              causing the animals’ neurons to be
Biology in Taiwan.                                                                       formation, proteasome transport, and
                                              hyperexcitable during this critical
                                                                                         subcellular proteostasis to the critical
                                              period in neuronal development.
Cheng and colleagues, including                                                          window of the GABAergic switch,
first author Min Lee, discovered that         “We hypothesized that prolonged            which governs excitability of maturing
developing neurons regulate NKCC1             NKCC1 expression/excitatory GABA           hippocampal/cortical neurons and is
levels and the GABA response by               responsiveness in Ecm29-deficient          mediated by Ecm29,” says Cheng, who
localizing the protein-degrading              immature neurons puts mice at higher       notes that changes in AIS-associated
proteasome to the axon initial segment        risk of seizures,” Cheng says. Indeed,     proteins have been linked to various
(AIS), a specialized membrane domain          Lee et al. found that Ecm29-null mice      neurodevelopmental and psychiatric
that forms around the same time as the        were more susceptible to chemical-         disorders, including epilepsy.
GABAergic switch. Composed of various         induced seizures, but were protected if
scaffold proteins such as ankyrin G,          treated with a potent NKCC1 inhibitor
the AIS segregates the axonal and             during the first few weeks of life.

   RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                                    ORIGINAL PAPER
                                                                                         Lee, M., Y.-C. Liu, C. Chen, C.-H. Lu,
                                                                                         S.-T. Lu, T.-N. Huang, M.-T. Hsu, Y.-P.
                                                                                         Hsueh, and P.-L. Cheng. 2020. Ecm29-
                                                                                         mediated proteasomal distribution
                                                                                         modulates excitatory GABA responses
                                                                                         in the developing brain. J. Cell Biol. 219:
   Min Lee                      Pei-Lin Cheng
   Research Assistant           Associate Research Fellow                      
   Institute of Molecular       Institute of Molecular Biology,
   Biology, Academia Sinica     Academia Sinica

10                                                                                               THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
The neutral lipid core content is determinant to the affinity of
amphipathic helices for artificial lipid droplets

Lipid droplets (LDs) store neutral
lipids and control their hydrolysis to          The AHs of the LD proteins Cav1 and
meet the cell’s demands for energy or           Arfgap1 are recruited to artificial
                                                LDs budding from the bilayer of giant
membrane synthesis. Formed at the
                                                vesicles in vitro, preferentially binding
ER—the major site of lipid synthesis in         LDs composed of the neutral lipid
eukaryotic cells—LDs are composed of            triolein, compared with LDs made from
a central neutral lipid core, surrounded        squalene. © 2020 Chorlay and Thiam
by a phospholipid monolayer containing
numerous regulatory proteins.
                                             found that AH peptides derived from LD
Many of these proteins bind to LDs via       proteins differentially bound to artificial
amphipathic helices (AHs), but how           LDs, depending on the neutral lipid
these helices selectively target LDs—or      making up the droplet’s core.
even specific subsets of LDs—remains
unclear. After all, AHs can also target      “We found that neutral lipid
proteins to the cell’s many different        composition determines the binding
membranes by inserting themselves            level of AHs, and the ability of AHs to
into the hydrophobic core of lipid           discriminate between neutral lipids            “Overall, our data highlight an
bilayers. “In the case of LDs, AHs have      relies on their amphipathic amino              undervalued contribution of neutral
to expose their hydrophobic moieties to      acid sequence,” Thiam explains. For            lipids in controlling the binding of AHs
the neutral lipid core. Thus, interactions   example, mutations in the AH of the            to the surface of LDs,” Thiam says.
between the hydrophobic amino acids          LD protein Cav1 either enhanced or             “The phospholipid packing density
of an AH with neutral lipids could be a      abolished its preference for artificial        simply regulates the amount of
major driving force for LD targeting,”       LDs composed of the neutral lipid              exposed neutral lipids, which dictates
says Abdou Rachid Thiam, a professor         triolein.                                      the binding level of AHs. Clearly, the
at the École Normale Supérieure in           Chorlay and Thiam also determined              full picture of how AHs selectively
Paris.                                       that the phospholipids surrounding LDs         bind to LDs in a cellular context is not
                                             influence AH binding by regulating the         completely resolved yet, but our data
To test this idea, Thiam and graduate
                                             access of AHs to the neutral lipid core.       bring us a major step closer to it.”
student Aymeric Chorlay measured
the binding of various AHs to artificial     However, while reducing the density
LDs embedded within the bilayer of           of phospholipids on artificial LDs
giant vesicles in vitro (mimicking the       increased AH binding, it didn’t change
emergence of cellular LDs from within        the AHs’s relative preference for LDs
the ER bilayer). Chorlay and Thiam           composed of particular neutral lipids.

   RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                                       ORIGINAL PAPER
                                                                                            Chorlay, A. and A.R. Thiam. 2020. Neutral
                                                                                            lipids regulate amphipathic helix affinity
                                                                                            for model lipid droplets. J. Cell Biol. 219:

   Aymeric Chorlay                 Abdou Rachid Thiam
   PhD student                     Professor
   École Normale Supérieure        École Normale Supérieure de
   de Paris, PSL, Université de    Paris, PSL, Université de Paris,
   Paris, Sorbonne Université,     Sorbonne Université, CNRS

 11                                                                                                 THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
                                                                                       ability of OPTN to support mitophagy
Study reveals that mitochondrial ubiquitination and an interaction                     even more than mutations in OPTN’s
between OPTN and ATG9A are crucial for inducing the selective                          ATG8-binding domain.
degradation of damaged mitochondria                                                    Other recent studies have shown
Damaged mitochondria are quickly        demonstrates that the Parkin–PINK1             that the other crucial mitophagy
eliminated by a process called          system is essential for ubiquitination         adaptor, NDP52, can recruit the
mitophagy, a selective type of          of damaged mitochondria but is not             autophagy-activating ULK complex
autophagy in which the organelles       required for autophagy activation per          to damaged mitochondria. “Our
are engulfed by autophagosomes          se,” Yamano says.                              study, in conjugation with these
and delivered to lysosomes for                                                         previous reports, indicates that the
                                        Ubiquitinated mitochondria                     association of OPTN (and NDP52)
degradation. Two proteins linked
                                        are thought to be linked to                    with ubiquitinated mitochondria
to familial Parkinson’s disease—the
                                        autophagosomes by five different               promotes the formation of an initial
ubiquitin kinase PINK1 and the
                                        autophagy adaptors that, in                    platform that triggers the assembly
ubiquitin ligase Parkin—recognize
                                        addition to binding ubiquitin, can             of different autophagy core units
depolarized mitochondria and rapidly
                                        also bind to ATG8 proteins on the              through multivalent interactions,”
coat the outer membrane with
                                        autophagosomal membrane. Two of                Yamano says. “These functionalities
ubiquitin chains that act as a signal
                                        these adaptors—OPTN and NDP52—                 thus fulfill a critical role for de novo
for the assembly of autophagosomal
                                        appear to be particularly crucial for          autophagosomal membrane formation
membranes around the damaged
                                        mitophagy. Surprisingly, however,              close to the ubiquitinated cargo.”
                                        Yamano and colleagues
“However, it was unclear whether        determined that this
Parkin and PINK1 function solely in     isn’t because OPTN and
the ubiquitination of dysfunctional     NDP52 have a higher
mitochondria, or if they also           affinity for ATG8 proteins.
physically communicate with the
                                        Instead, the researchers
core autophagy machinery,” says Koji
                                        discovered, OPTN plays a
Yamano from the Tokyo Metropolitan
                                        critical role in mitophagy
Institute of Medical Science.
                                        by recruiting ATG9A
To address this question, Yamano        vesicles to ubiquitinated
and colleagues, including co-senior     mitochondria (these
author Noriyuki Matsuda, devised        vesicles are thought
ways to tag mitochondria with           to supply components
ubiquitin chains independently of       that aid autophagosome
PINK1, Parkin, or mitochondrial         assembly). Yamano
depolarization. The researchers found   et al. found that the             Following mitochondrial depolarization, ATG9A (red)
                                                                          is recruited to mitochondria (blue) in cells expressing
that the addition of short, linear      leucine zipper domain
                                                                          wild-type OPTN (green, top row) but not in cells
ubiquitin chains to mitochondria was    of OPTN binds to                  expressing OPTN with a mutated leucine zipper domain
sufficient to induce mitophagy and      ATG9A. Mutations in               (green, bottom row). © 2020 Yamano et al.
mitochondrial degradation. “This        this domain reduced the

 RESEARCHER DETAILS                     Noriyuki Matsuda (Left)                        ORIGINAL PAPER
                                        Project Leader
                                        Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of                Yamano, K., R. Kikuchi, W. Kojima, R.
                                        Medical Science                                Hayashida, F. Koyano, J. Kawawaki, T.
                                                                                       Shoda, Y. Demizu, M. Naito, K. Tanaka,
                                                                                       and N. Matsuda. 2020. Critical role of
                                        Koji Yamano (right)                            mitochondrial ubiquitination and the
                                        Senior Researcher                              OPTN–ATG9A axis in mitophagy. J. Cell
                                        Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of                Biol. 219: e201912144.
                                        Medical Science                      

12                                                                                              THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
Natural killer cells are reprogrammed by breast
cancer cells to promote metastasis
Breast cancer cells spread to other        reprogramming
parts of the body by invading the          them so that they
surrounding, healthy breast tissue         actually promote
until they reach the circulation, which    the later stages
can carry them to other tissues            of metastasis. Using          Initially, the presence of NK cells (bottom row)
where they can form new metastatic         several new assays to         restricts the growth of tumor organoids in 3D
tumors, a major cause of death in          model metastasis in           collagen matrices. But after 36 h, the cancer cells
breast cancer patients. Natural killer     the laboratory as well        reprogram the NK cells, and the tumor starts to
(NK) cells are key components of           as experiments in mice,       invade its surroundings. © 2020 Chan et al.
the innate immune system that can          the researchers found
recognize and kill cancer cells as they    that, after they encounter tumor cells,        treatment with anti-TIGIT or anti-
attempt to spread through the body.        human and mouse NK cells lose the              KLRG1 antibodies was particularly
                                           ability to restrict tumor invasion and         effective at preventing NK cells from
“Breast cancer cells must overcome
                                           instead help cancer cells form new             enhancing the metastatic potential of
NK cell surveillance in order to form
                                           tumors.                                        breast cancer cells.
distant metastases,” says Andrew
Ewald, a professor of cell biology         NK cells exposed to tumors undergo         “The synergistic effects of DNA
at Johns Hopkins University School         dramatic changes, turning thousands        methyltransferase inhibitors with
of Medicine and co-director of the         of genes on and off and expressing         receptor-blocking antibodies
Cancer Invasion and Metastasis             different receptor proteins on their       suggests a viable clinical strategy to
Program in the Sidney Kimmel               surface. Ewald and colleagues found        reactivate tumor-exposed NK cells
Comprehensive Cancer Center.               that antibodies targeting two key          to target and eliminate breast cancer
“However, we do not fully understand       receptor proteins on the surface of        metastases,” says Chan.
how breast cancer cells escape NK          NK cells, called TIGIT and KLRG1,
                                                                                      Ewald notes, “Combined with
cell–mediated immunosurveillance           prevented NK cells from helping
during their transit through the           breast cancer cells seed new tumors.       our observation that NK cells are
circulation and the initial seeding of     The FDA-approved drugs decitabine          abundant early responders to
distant organs.”                           and azacitidine had similar effects,       disseminated breast cancer cells, our
                                           likely because they prevent large-         data provide a preclinical rationale
Ewald and colleagues, including first                                                 for the concept of NK cell–directed
                                           scale changes in gene activity by
author Isaac Chan, discovered that,                                                   immunotherapies in the adjuvant
                                           inhibiting enzymes known as DNA
although metastasizing breast cancer                                                  setting for breast cancer patients with
cells are initially vulnerable to NK                                                  high risk of metastatic recurrence.”
cells, they are quickly able to alter      The researchers found that
the behavior of their would-be killers,    combining decitabine or azacitidine

   RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                                  ORIGINAL PAPER
                       Isaac S. Chan                                                   Chan, I.S., H. Knútsdóttir, G.
                       Medical Oncology Fellow                                         Ramakrishnan, V. Padmanaban, M.
                       Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center,                      Warrier, J.C. Ramirez, M. Dunworth, H.
                       Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine                     Zhang, E.M. Jaffee, J.S. Bader, and A.J.
                                                Ewald. 2020. Cancer cells educate natural
                                                                                       killer cells to a metastasis-promoting cell
                        Andrew J. Ewald                                                state. J. Cell Biol. 219: e202001134.
                        Professor of Cell Biology
                        Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center,
                        Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

13                                                                                             THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
ISG15 ACCELERATES REPLICATION                                                       activity,” Penengo says. Indeed,
                                                                                    increased ISG15 levels promoted
                                                                                    fork restart in a RECQ1-dependent
FORK PROGRESSION                                                                    manner.
                                                                                    Elevated ISG15 might therefore be
The ubiquitin-like molecule                accelerated fork progression, whereas    detrimental to cancer cells by causing
ISG15, which is induced                    deleting the gene reduced the speed      DNA replication to continue in the
                                           of DNA replication in several cancer     presence of genotoxic drugs that
by interferons and is often                cell lines that usually overexpress      would normally slow replication fork
upregulated in cancer cells, can           ISG15.                                   progression, resulting in genomic
increase genome instability and            Raso et al. determined that ISG15
                                                                                    instability. Raso et al. found that
sensitize cells to genotoxic drugs                                                  cancer cells with high ISG15 levels
                                           can regulate DNA replication fork        were more sensitive to low doses
                                           progression through non-covalent         of the chemotherapeutic agents
ISG15 is strongly induced by type I        mechanisms: overexpression of a
and type III interferons in response to                                             camptothecin and cisplatin, because
                                           mutant version incapable of being        their replication forks continued
bacterial or viral infection. Though its   conjugated to other proteins still
amino acid sequence is very different,                                              unabated, leading to chromosome
                                           accelerated fork progression.            breakages and cell death.
ISG15’s 3D structure is similar to
ubiquitin and, like ubiquitin, it can      The researchers found that ISG15         “The increased activity of RECQ1
be conjugated to other proteins by         associates with several proteins at      induced by high ISG15 levels
E3 ligases. But increasing evidence        replication forks, including a DNA       may thus represent an important
suggests that ISG15 can modulate           helicase, RECQ1, that helps to restart   vulnerability that can be exploited
the host immune response by non-           stalled forks. “Depletion of RECQ1       for genotoxic anticancer treatments,”
covalently binding to other proteins or    completely abolished the accelerated     Penengo says. “Furthermore, the
even by acting as a cytokine secreted      replication fork progression induced     evaluation of ISG15 levels in tumor
from cells.                                by high levels of ISG15, suggesting      samples may represent a predictive
                                           that ISG15 may regulate RECQ1            parameter to stratify patients in
ISG15 is also induced by DNA               function by unleashing its restart
damage and is frequently                                                            personalized cancer therapy.”
overexpressed in cancer cells.
“Elevated ISG15 levels occur in many
types of cancer and, in some cases,          Proximity ligation
the robust expression of ISG15 has           assays (magenta)
been reported to support tumor               show that ISG15
growth,” explains Lorenza Penengo            (red) associates
from the Institute of Molecular Cancer       with the DNA
Research at the University of Zurich.        helicase RECQ1
“However, its role in tumorigenesis is       (green) in cells,
still controversial, and its mechanism       even when the
of action is far from being clarified.”      cells express a
                                             mutant version
Penengo and colleagues, including            of ISG15 (ΔGG)
first author Chiara Raso, discovered         that cannot
that ISG15 localizes to DNA                  be covalently
replication forks, suggesting that           conjugated to
it might modulate DNA replication.           other proteins.
Inducing ISG15 expression                    © 2020 Raso et al.

   RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                               ORIGINAL PAPER
                                           Lorenza Penengo (Left)                   Raso, M.C., N. Djoric, F. Walser, S.
                                           Professor                                Hess, F.M. Schmid, S. Burger, K.-P.
                                           Institute of Molecular Cancer Research   Knobeloch, and L. Penengo. 2020.
                                           University of Zurich                     Interferon-stimulated gene 15 accelerates
                                                       replication fork progression inducing
                                                                                    chromosomal breakage. J. Cell Biol. 219:
                                           Maria Chiara Raso (right)                e202002175.
                                           PhD student
                                           Institute of Molecular Cancer Research
                                           University of Zurich

14                                                                                          THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
Kiermaier and first author Aglaja

MICROTUBULES HELP MIGRATING                                                             Kopf, therefore wondered whether
                                                                                        microtubules nucleated from the

CELLS KEEP THEIR SHAPE                                                                  MTOC might control the shape of
                                                                                        migrating DCs. The researchers found
                                                                                        that, as the nucleus and associated
Dendritic cells coordinate their movement through complex                               MTOC move into one protrusion and
microenvironments by using the local depolymerization of microtubules                   guide the cell forward, protrusions
to trigger the actomyosin-mediated retraction of protrusions                            pointing in other directions lose their
                                                                                        microtubules and retract. “Upon
Cells navigate through complex tissues     protrusion to another.                       passage of the MTOC, sheer geometry
by sending out multiple protrusions to                                                  may determine that all but the leading
                                           How dendritic cells (DCs) control
explore different paths, but protrusions                                                protrusion are cut off from microtubule
                                           their shape as they surveil tissues
extending in the “wrong” direction                                                      supply because microtubules are too
                                           for foreign antigens and deliver them
must then be retracted so that the cell                                                 inflexible to find their way into curved,
                                           to lymph nodes is unclear, however.
can move forward without becoming                                                       narrow, and ramified spaces,” Kopf
                                           DCs use an amoeboid mode of
entangled with its surroundings.                                                        says.
                                           migration that is largely independent
Migrating fibroblasts are thought to
                                           of adhesions and stress fibers, and          Kopf et al. determined that the local
coordinate their protrusions using
                                           they are too large and ramified for          depolymerization of microtubules
mechanical signals transmitted via
                                           membrane tension to coordinate their         triggers the retraction of protrusions.
actomyosin-based stress fibers
                                           protrusions. “We recently found that         The Rho GTPase exchange factor GEF-
associated with focal adhesions,
                                           when DCs migrate through complex             H1/Lfc associates with microtubules
whereas neutrophils and other small
                                           geometries, their nucleus acts as a          and is released when they
leukocytes may use plasma membrane
                                           mechanical gauge to lead them along          depolymerize, leading to the activation
tension to relay signals from one
                                           the path of least resistance and the         of actomyosin contractility and
                                           microtubule organizing center (MTOC),        protrusion retraction. Depleting Lfc
                                           which is closely associated with the         impaired DC migration, often causing
                                           nucleus, is critical for this navigational   the cells to fragment as they failed to
                                           task,” says Michael Sixt from the            retract their protrusions and became
                                           Institute of Science and Technology in       entangled in their surroundings.
                                                                                        “We propose that microtubules serve
                                           Sixt and colleagues, including               as an internal explorative system of the
                                           co-corresponding author Eva                  cell that informs actomyosin whenever
                                                                                        a peripheral protrusion locates too
                                                                                        distant from the centroid and thereby
                                             A wild-type DC (top) successfully          initiates its retraction,” Kiermaier says.
                                             navigates through a branched
                                             microfluidic channel after sending         “We also found that DCs lacking
                                             out multiple protrusions to explore        both Lfc and microtubules have even
                                             the various pathways. A DC lacking         more severe cell shape defects than
                                             Lfc (bottom) fails to properly             cells lacking Lfc only, indicating that
                                             retract its exploratory protrusions
                                                                                        microtubule depolymerization induces
                                             and undergoes fragmentation (red
                                             arrowheads). © 2020 Kopf et al.
                                                                                        cell retraction via additional modes
                                                                                        that remain to be identified,” Sixt adds.

     RESEARCHER DETAILS                                                                 ORIGINAL PAPER
                                                                                        Kopf, A., J. Renkawitz, R. Hauschild,
                                                                                        I. Girkontaite, K. Tedford, J. Merrin, O.
                                                                                        Thorn-Seshold, D. Trauner, H. Häcker,
                                                                                        K.-D. Fischer, E. Kiermaier, and M. Sixt.
                                                                                        2020. Microtubules control cellular shape
                                                                                        and coherence in amoeboid migrating
     Aglaja Kopf               Eva Kiermaier             Michael Sixt                   cells. J. Cell Biol. 219: e201907154.
     Postdoctoral Researcher   Professor                 Professor
     CeMM Research Center      Life and Medical          Institute of Science and
     for Molecular Medicine    Sciences Institute        Technology Austria
     of the Austrian Academy   University of Bonn
     of Sciences     

15                                                                                             THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
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17                                           THE YEAR IN CELL BIOLOGY: 2020
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