TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015

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TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015
                       Issue 6 / April 2015

                                     i s  s t i l l l i fe
                      Why there
                          t i n a n n u i ties

Gold blend           Swindler’s list          Bond bombshell
Build your own       Don’t get caught out     Bond funds that won’t blow
pension portfolio    by conmen                up in your face
TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015
                            Issue 6 / April 2015
                                                                                           EDITOR’S LETTER
                                                                                                                                               IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                        BOND BOMBSHELL
                                                                                                                                                                                                        With rate rises imminent, Adam Lewis likens picking a
                                                                                                                                                                                                        bond fund to navigating a minefield.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        P. 16-19

                                                                                                               ith the UK about to go to                                                                INCOME MATTERS
                                                                                                               the polls in one of the most                                                             Schroders looks at the steps you can take to help you
                                                                                                               unpredictable general                                                                    achieve your income investing objectives.
                                                                                                     elections in living memory, you could                                                              P. 20-21
     Gold blend           Swindler’s list          Bond bombshell
                                                                                                     be forgiven for thinking we would
                                                                                                     focus our efforts in this month’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                        QUICK ON THE DRAWDOWN
     Build your own       Don’t get caught out     Bond funds that won’t blow
     pension portfolio    by conmen                up in your face

                                                                                                     edition on how a swing to the political
                                                                                right or the left could affect your portfolio.                                                                          You wouldn’t let the government tell you how to spend
                          ISSUE 6                                                  At Trustnet Magazine, however, we like to be a bit                                                                   your salary, so why let them do it with your pension?
                                                                                different and instead have decided to focus on what may                                                                 P. 22-23
                                                                                turn out to be one of the final major changes made by
CREDITS                                                                         the current government – the pension reforms. Under                                                                     STEADY READIES
                                                                                new rules, anyone aged over 55 now has unprecedented                                                                    Canaccord Genuity’s Simon McGarry looks at three
                                                                                access to their pension pot, allowing them to withdraw                                                                  stocks with a history of consistent dividend growth.
INVESTAZINE) IS PUBLISHED BY                                                    it slowly, put it into drawdown straight away, keep it                                                                  P. 25
THE TEAM BEHIND FE TRUSTNET IN                                                  invested, or blow it all on a Lamborghini. I know which
SOHO, LONDON.                                                                   one I would do – that’s right, keep it invested (I’m really
                                                                                quite a boring guy).
                                                                                                                                                                                                        WHAT I BOUGHT LAST
                                                                                   But is this new-found freedom really such a good                                                                     This month, Square Mile’s Jason Broomer explains
                                                                                thing? Head of Trustnet Direct John Blowers certainly                                                                   why he bought BlackRock Continental European
CONTACTS:                                                                       seems to think so, pointing out that you wouldn’t let                                                                   Income.
                                                                                the government or your employer tell you what to                                                                        P. 26
                                                                                do with your salary, so why let them do it with your
Josh Ausden,                                                                                                                                           BOND
Head of FE Trustnet Content                                                     pension? Some financial advisers are not so sure,
T: 0207 534 7661                                                                however, pointing out that people who are not so                       BOMBSHELL
Anthony Luzio
                                                                                financially savvy and suddenly come into possession of
T: 0207 534 7680                                                                a large amount of money naturally begin to attract the
                                                                                attention of conmen. Turn to page 2 to find out how to         SWINDLER’S LIST
Art Direction & Design                                                          avoid becoming a victim.                                       Anthony Luzio looks at how to avoid becoming the
Javier Otero
                                                                                   Elsewhere in this issue, Cherry Reynard looks at how        victim of a scam.
                                                                                to create your own retirement portfolio with the right         P. 2-3
Editorial                                                                       blend of capital protection and income-generating
Gary Jackson                                                                    characteristics, while Pádraig Floyd finds out why the
News editor (FE Trustnet)
                                                                                so-called death of annuities may have been greatly             GOLD BLEND
T: 0207 534 7680
                                                                                exaggerated.                                                   Cherry Reynard explains how to create a portfolio
Alex Paget
Senior reporter                                                                    Away from this month’s major theme, Adam Lewis              with the right blend of capital protection and income-
T: 0207 0207 534 7697                                                           looks at the various bond sectors, and with rate rises just    generating characteristics.
Daniel Lanyon
                                                                                around the corner, likens finding the right bond fund for      P. 5-7                                                    STEADY
T: 0207 534 7640                                                                you to navigating a minefield.                                                                                          READIES
                                                                                                                               Anthony Luzio   BACK FROM THE DEAD
Sales                                                                                                            Editor, Trustnet Magazine
Richard Fletcher                                                                                                                               The death of annuities may have been greatly
Head of publishing sales                                                                                                                       exaggerated, writes Pádraig Floyd.
T: 0207 0207 534 7662
Richard Casemore                                                                                                                               P. 8-10
Account manager
T: 0207 534 7669
Jack Elia
                                                                                                     In association with:
                                                                                                                                               IN FOCUS
Account manager                                                                                                                                Liontrust Special Situations, Temple Bar Investment
T: 0207 534 7698                                                                                                                               Trust and the Vanguard LifeStrategy range are all
Photos supplied by Thinkstock and
                                                                                                                                               under the spotlight this week.
Photoshot                                                                                                                                      P. 12-15
Cover Illustration: Javier Otero
TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015
MONEY                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SCAMS

                                                                                                                                                                                                     “You can also go on the
                                                                                                                                                           “SCAMS ALWAYS WORK                     Pensionwise website [www.
                                                                                                                                                           BY PRESSURING YOU.           ].”
                                                                                                                                                           IF SOMEONE TELLS                          You may wish to pass on this
                                                                                                                                                                                                  advice to your friends and loved
                                                                                                                                                           YOU TO DO SOMETHING                    ones, because finding out they
                                                                                                                                                           IMMEDIATELY WITH                       have been a victim of one of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  these scams can be almost as
                                                                                                                                                           YOUR MONEY, TAKE A                     heartbreaking as being defrauded
                                                                                                                                                           STEP BACK”                             yourself.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     This was a situation Chris Spear,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  managing director of advisory
                                                                                                                                                                                                  firm Spear Financial, almost found
                                                                                                                                                           tax year, there is nothing in the      himself in recently.
                                                                                                                                                           financial services industry that you      “A neighbour knocked on my
                                                                                                                                                           need to rush for.”                     door two weeks ago and asked me
                                                                                                                                                             Wise says that conmen will also      to look at something,” Spear said.
                                                                                                                                                           prey on the fact many people do           “He was in the process of
                                                                                                                                                           not want to come across as rude.       transferring his pension out of
                                                                                                                                                             “When someone is on the phone        a final salary scheme into an
                                                                                                                                                           to you, asking if you can hang up      overseas one, which promised to
                                                                                                                                                           on them can feel awkward – and         put the money into a property
                                                                                                                                                           there is no doubt it is hard to do –   fund in the UK and said it
                                                                                                                                                           but you need to do it.”                guaranteed 10 per cent returns a
                                                                                                                                                             “If they try to pressure you, tell   year.”
                                                                                                                                                           them you’ll get back to them and
                                                                                                                                                           ask for their name and address –       WATCH OUT FOR PREDATORS
                                                                                                                                                           this is the worst possible scenario    “He should have come to me weeks
                                                                                                                                                           from a scammer’s point of view         earlier, but he had already started the
                                                                                                                                                           and they will invariably hang up.”     transfer of funds,” Spear added.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    “This was really sad – he was a
                                                                                                                                                           WALK AWAY                              working class guy who had worked
                                                                                                                                                           “My advice is always to walk away,     all his life and his pension pot was
                                                                                                                                                           go and have a think about things, do   only £60k.”
                                                                                                                                                           your own research, speak to friends      Fortunately, in this case the story
                                                                                                                                                           and family – this is something we      had a happy ending.

                                                                                                                                                           even tell our clients to do after        “I managed to ring up his
                                                                                                                                                           talking to us.”                        pension scheme’s trustees and
                                                                                                                     BE ON YOUR GUARD                         Clive Collins, director at          they stopped the transfer,” Spear
                                                                                                                     “Always be on your guard and          financial planner McCarthy Taylor,     continued.
                                                                                                                     do your research before you do        says it is important to ensure           “The trustees were actually
                                                                                                                     anything,” he advised.                anyone you talk to about your          very good – they kept sending
With recent pension reforms leading to conmen buying and selling the financial details of                              “Many people we have spoken to      pension works for a reputable          him notices saying ‘watch out for
                                                                                                                     say someone has contacted them        company.                               predators’ and that’s what made
thousands of people, Anthony Luzio finds out how to avoid becoming a victim                                          claiming to deliver something that       “First of all, check the FCA        him come to me.”
                                                                                                                     sounds too good to be true, such as   register to make sure they are a         “If you get anyone making

        lthough The Daily Mail is      anyone aged over 55 the chance to      and people who had fallen on hard      guaranteed returns of 10 per cent a   bona fide firm. You can either ask     those sorts of promises, speak to a
        not exactly synonymous         cash in their pension pot – allowing   times.                                 year – so this should immediately     for their FCA number – which           financial adviser – most of them
        with the phrase “a force for   them to access huge sums of money        “There can be no hotter data,” he    set alarm bells ringing.”             should be on all their literature –    won’t charge for a preliminary
good”, it received numerous and        that was previously locked away.       said. “They’re vulnerable.”              He adds another common theme        or you can go on the FCA website.”     chat. Most of us aim to build
well-deserved plaudits for a recent      Unfortunately, these reforms           But how can you stop yourself        involves being told to make a            “Check they are a chartered         relationships with clients – we are
expose showing that sensitive          appear to have given the green light   becoming a victim?                     decision straight away.               firm to ensure the quality of their    not after a quick buck.”
details of pension pots were being     to fraudsters who admit to targeting     Chris Wise, investment director        “Scams always work by               advice reaches a certain level. They     Spear has one final piece of
sold to conmen for as little as 5p.    vulnerable pensioners. One of          of Gemmell Financial Services, says    pressuring you. If someone tells      should have a current statement        advice that can stop most scams in
  The investigation was published      them told an undercover reporter       there are simple things everyone       you to do something immediately       of professional standing to show       their tracks straight away.
just days before the implementation    from The Daily Mail about how          can do to protect themselves against   with your money, take a step back.”   they are approved by the Personal        “Do not respond to cold calls,” he
of government reforms giving           he exploited the recently bereaved     every financial scam.                    “Unless it is the end of the        Finance Society.”                      finished.

2                                                                                                                                                                                               3
TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015

Picture your

  perfect retirement
                               For many people approaching retirement, capturing a regular income
                               while maintaining the value of capital is a key focus.

                               Schroders’ highly experienced Multi-Asset Team, who manage over
                               £4 billion in global income focused strategies, have a clear aim
                               of delivering an attractive and sustainable monthly income from an
                                                                                                                       GOLD BLEND
                                                                                                                          Although retirees no longer have to buy an annuity, creating a portfolio with the right
                                                                                                                           blend of capital protection and income-generating characteristics presents its own
                               investment portfolio while carefully managing risk. Note, the value
                               of investments and the income from them can go down as well as
                                                                                                                                                     problems, writes Cherry Reynard
                               up and you may not get back the amount invested.

                                                                                                                               nnuities may be yesterday’s      capital left at the end. But how can        She says a good rule of thumb
                               To find out more about Schroders retirement solutions, speak to
                                                                                                                               story in the brave new world     investors achieve this?                  is that if an investor is seeking an
                               your financial adviser or visit for your
                                                                                                                               of retirement planning,            Anna Sofat, founder and                income rate around the level of a
                               chance to win a dream holiday.                                                          but they do retain a number of           managing director of Addidi Wealth,      flat annuity (currently 5 to 5.5 per
                                                                                                                       compelling features: notably, they       says retirees need to be realistic:      cent), they should expect some
                                                                                                                       offer an attractive, guaranteed          “Investors must decide whether they      erosion of their capital pot. She
                                                                                                                       income for life, even if retirees have   are happy for the capital to run out     believes a more realistic figure
                                                                     UR                                                to give away all their cash to realise   in their lifetime or whether they        is 4 per cent a year. At this level,
                                                                                                                       it. The new environment brings           want to leave something behind.          retirees may experience some


                                                                                                                       the seductive possibility of holding     Few people are happy to let it run       fluctuation in their capital, but it
                                                                                                                       pension assets in investments that       out – it will affect the level of risk   should be more or less preserved
                                                                                                                       offer a consistent income with some      that someone can take.”                  over time.

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TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015

STILL A PLACE FOR                        “INVESTORS MUST      useful tool for generating income,

                                                                                                                            Fund picks
ANNUITIES                                                     while at the same time preserving
With this in mind, the investment        ACCEPT HIGHER LEVELS or even increasing capital, but they
industry has sought to come up with      OF RISK, BUT WITH    need to be flexible. He adds: “They
a range of solutions to the retirement
dilemma. Strategic bond funds were
                                         GLOBAL AND UK EQUITY must  be able to invest in different
                                                              assets through different stages of the
an early option, perhaps blended         INCOME FUNDS, THEY   market cycle.”                                                                                                        Twenty Four Dynamic
with a global equity income fund.        NEED TO KNOW WHAT IS                                                               UK EQUITY                  GLOBAL                       Bond, which is managed
Multi-asset income funds are the                              ENHANCED INCOME                                                                                                       by an experienced team
current hot favourite, with groups       UNDER THE BONNET”    He believes investors need to ensure                          INCOME                     EQUITY                       of specialists.
drawing on their resources to blend                                                they have some exposure to the
different income-generative asset                                                  stock market and other risk assets.      JASON HOLLANDS – I         INCOME                       PETRONELLA WEST
classes – bonds, equities, property      degree of certainty and security          For example, he suggests investors       would pick Threadneedle                                 – We like Artemis High
and alternatives – in a single,          as an annuity. This means many            consider enhanced equity income          UK Equity Income as a      JASON HOLLANDS –             Income, which sits in
dynamically managed fund.                retirees should stick with them           funds, which use simple derivatives      core UK equity income      International equity         the Strategic Bond
   Petronella West, head of              or, depending on the size of their        to enhance their yield. Investors        fund with a pragmatic      diversification is           sector. It has three
private clients at wealth manager        pension pot, consider a combination       may have to give up some growth          investment style,          important, and here I        experienced managers
Investment Quorum, believes              of an annuity purchase to secure a        potential to obtain this higher          but I would consider       would look at Artemis        in Adrian Frost, Adrian
that annuities still have a place in     basic income for life – perhaps to        income, but this is less likely to be    dovetailing this with a    Global Income, which         Gosden and Alex Ralph,
some portfolios, depending on the        pay for essentials – and a portfolio in   a concern for retirees. Haynes says      fund such as Standard      is currently invested in     who aim to achieve an
individual’s health and resources.       drawdown where they are prepared          investors should incorporate some        Life UK Equity Income      about 90 companies from      above-average level of         Libor) with less than half
She also believes the much-              to take more risk.                        lower risk global equity income          Unconstrained to           28 countries across the      income together with           the volatility of global
trumpeted annuity buy-back option          He says: “Ultimately a                  exposure as well.                        achieve exposure further   globe. The managers          the prospect of a rising       equities over a rolling
is unlikely to benefit many retirees,    drawdown portfolio, like any                There is no single solution to         down the market cap        believe these stocks have    income stream and              three-year period.
pointing out consumers perennially       balanced investment strategy,             annuity replacement. The answer          spectrum.                  strong growth prospects      some capital growth
underestimate how long they are          needs a combination of equities           will be a multi-asset portfolio of                                  and can increase their       over the longer term.          GAVIN HAYNES – We like
going to live and overestimate           (to increase the portfolio’s value        some kind, whether that is a specific    GAVIN HAYNES – I           dividends.                   The fund mainly invests        JP Morgan Multi-Asset
investment returns.                      ahead of inflation), fixed income         multi-asset fund, or a blend of equity   like Schroder Income                                    in UK bonds, preference        Income – this is not a
   She says every alternative to         and commercial property for yield         income funds, bonds and alternative      Maximiser, which invests   GAVIN HAYNES – I’d look      shares and equities. It is     multi-manager fund, but
an annuity introduces a different        diversification and some absolute         income-generative investments            in dividend stocks, but    at Newton Global Higher      yielding 4.3 per cent and      invests directly in assets,
type of risk, adding: “Bond markets      return to smooth out volatility.”         such as commercial property. The         then uses derivatives to   Income in this area.         has a strong long-term         with up to 35 per cent
have interest rate risk, and the US        Gavin Haynes, investment                right solution will also depend on       enhance the yield. The     Manager James Harries        performance record.            each in global equity and
is moving closer to an interest rate     director at Whitechurch Securities,       how much capital investors want to       fund is structured to      has a good track record.                                    global high yield bonds
rise. Also, investors now have to go     says multi-asset income funds are a       preserve.                               produce a higher income    He is cautious and tends                                    and the remainder in
to the high yield market to find a                                                                                          than the stock market.     to underperform when         MULTI-ASSET                    other assets. It has a
reasonable yield, but then there is                                                                                         We also like Fidelity      markets are soaring, but                                    good spread of assets
higher default risk. It is a difficult                                                                                      Enhanced Income.           is more stable during        JASON HOLLANDS –               and a good dividend.
time and it is very risky to put                                                                                                                       times of market stress.      For absolute return
together a strategy based entirely on                                                                                                                  As such, this is likely to   exposure, I like Invesco       PETRONELLA WEST –
fixed income.”                                                                                                                                         be suitable for retirees.    Global Targeted Returns.       Here we like the Premier
   Given the current environment,                                                                                                                                                   This is essentially an         Multi-Asset Monthly
West believes that a portfolio of                                                                                                                      PETRONELLA WEST              umbrella fund for about        Income fund, which
good quality equity income funds,                                                                                                                      – We like the Vanguard       25 underlying distinct         provides an above-
with the option to move into                                                                                                                           FTSE All-World Dividend      strategies, which              average level of income,
lower risk assets such as bonds                                                                                                                        Yield ETF, which seeks to    invest across a wide           payable each month. The
when the environment changes,                                                                                                                          track the performance of     range of asset classes         managers’ investment
is probably investors’ best bet. She                                                                                                                   the FTSE All-World High      including equities,            style blends assets within
adds: “Investors must accept higher                                                                                                                    Dividend Yield Index. The    bonds and currencies.          the portfolio, based upon
levels of risk, but with global and                                                                                                                    current yield on this ETF    The strategies offer           decisions made from
UK equity income funds, they need                                                                                                                      is 3.03 per cent, which is   incredible diversification     both bottom-up and
to know what is under the bonnet.                                                                                                                      paid quarterly.              across investment ideas,       top-down strategies.
Are they buying companies such                                                                                                                                                      each of which aims             They could be described
as Unilever, for example, or smaller                                                                                                                                                to generate a regular          as “contrarian” given
companies?”                                                                                                                                            BONDS                        but small return. The          they like to add value
                                                                                                                                                                                    objective of the fund is to    by consistently locking
A BIT OF BOTH                                                                                                                                          JASON HOLLANDS – I’m         achieve a gross return of      in their profits from the
Jason Hollands, managing director                                                                                                                      a big advocate of funds      5 per cent a year above        portfolio. The fund has a
at Tilney BestInvest, agrees that no                                                                                                                   with flexible mandates       UK interest rates (as          current yield of 4.8 per
single fund will provide the same                                                                                                                      and my pick here is          measured by 3 month            cent.

6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           7
TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015
MONEY                                                                                                                                  ANNUITIES

                       New pension rules offering greater freedom and flexibility may not turn out to be
                       the stake through the heart of annuities that many experts had been predicting,
                       writes Pádraig Floyd

                               he recently implemented          over their income stream.                           Although the term annuity has
                               pension reforms announced           McPhail says the greatest                      become unpopular due to the
                               by chancellor George             enthusiasm for withdrawals is                     low levels of income the products
                       Osborne in April 2014 were said to       among those in their mid-to-late 50s              generate in the current economic
                       have signed the death warrant for        dipping into cash for a car/holiday/              environment, an annuity remains
                       the unpopular annuity market.            kitchen, but he believes those in                 the best way to provide a guaranteed
                         However, just as Mark Twain            their 60s and beyond will buy some                income, if people can just get over
                       once corrected an infamous rumour        annuity and stay flexible with the                the word.
                       about his own demise, so we can          rest.                                               The demand for annuities has
                       confidently state that the reports          Even that 50 per cent who rejected             encouraged MGM to launch a new
                       of the death of the annuity market       an annuity may reconsider in later                version of its existing product,
                       have been greatly exaggerated.           life: “They may think about it in                 which it calls a money-back annuity.
                         A recent Hargreaves Lansdown           their 70s,” McPhail continued. “If                This pays out for up to 30 years at
                       survey of a thousand people found        the trend of market uncertainty and               age 65, by which time the investor
                       that half would not use any of their     risk continues, it may lead them to               will have got their money back.
                       pension money to buy an annuity.         believe they need a lock-in.”                       As for the annuity market being
                       However, the other half said they           Andrew Tully, pensions technical               dead, Tully completely rejects this
                       would choose an annuity for part of      manager at annuity provider                       notion. In fact, he expects the market
                       their income, with 10 per cent using     MGM Advantage, fully agrees with                  to continue in much the same way;
                       all their pension on an annuity.         McPhail’s assessment: “People don’t               in 2014, for example, more money
                         Three in four (75 per cent) of those   like taking risk, especially in later             was committed to annuities than
                       surveyed said a guaranteed income        life. Most people want money in the               drawdown, considered to be the new
                       that would not run out was either        bank just like a salary every month,              default option.
                       quite important or very important        because it is what they are used to.”               “If there was a time not to be
                       to them.                                    Tully says the new ability of                  selling annuities, it would have been
                                                                pensioners to pass on their savings               the last six to nine months, but there
                       IT AIN’T OVER YET                        to their family is the component                  was £4 or £5bn put into annuities
                       This shows that despite the              of flexibility that consumers want                at the worst possible time in their
                       hyperbole about the annuity market,      most of all.                                      history,” said Tully.
                       many savers will choose the security
                       of an annuity product, says Tom
                       McPhail, head of pensions research
                       at Hargreaves Lansdown.                                             ANNUAL ANNUITY BUSINESS UK
                          “Savers require three things
                       from their retirement income –            YEAR                            NEW CONTRACTS             NEW PREMIUMS (£000)
                       flexibility, guaranteed income and        2014		                               188,645		                    6,939,130
                       comparatively good investment
                       returns,” said McPhail. “However,         2013		                               353,192		                    11,892,165
                       you can only ever have two out            2012		                               419,587		                    14,037,430
                       of three of these things at any one
                       time.”                                    2011		                               399,055		                    11,180,334
                          Investors will therefore place         2010		                               426,392		                    11,032,588
                       security above flexibility and access
                       in order to have a degree of certainty   Source: Association of British Insurers

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TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015

                                                                                                                             These are the growth figures you
                                                                                                                             don’t want to see in your next ISA
  Data from the Association of           “AN ANNUITY REMAINS                      individual consumer, package it up,
British Insurers (ABI) (see table)                                                collateralise it and trade it. And we
shows that while annuity sales           THE BEST METHOD OF                       all know where that got us with the
fell sharply in 2014, almost seven       DISTRIBUTING WEALTH                      mortgage market.”                         Annual Platform Fees over 10 years*
million contracts were signed, most                                                 With little chance of a workable
of those after the new freedoms          IN A MARKET THAT                         solution for trading an annuity, the     £1,000
were announced in the March 2014         ENSURES PEOPLE                           freedoms will still have a positive                                                                                                                                     0.45%
Budget.                                  DO NOT RUN OUT OF                        influence on the annuity market, as       £900
  Tully accepts they won’t be for                                                 far as Polson is concerned.                                                                                                                                             0.40%
everyone, but with the flexibility of    MONEY”                                     Savers may shop around more             £800
death benefits – and the addition of a                                            than they did before, and if making       £700
money-back guarantee – he believes                                                an active choice, may choose a better
they will continue to satisfy the        only be offered a price based upon       rate.                                     £600
requirements of anyone who has a         what they paid for their annuity, said     Insurers may also bid more to get                                                                                                                                     0.25%
modest retirement fund of less than      Tully.                                   annuity business, which they need
£250,000.                                   This doesn’t right the perceived      to balance their books.                   £400
                                         original wrong, he says, but merely
SECOND-HAND ANNUITIES                    “crystallises a poor value income        WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?                        £300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Trustnet Direct
In March 2015, Osborne announced         stream into a poor-value lump            McPhail expects variations on
the possibility of a secondary           sum”. Would that be appreciated by       guarantees and death benefits and
market in which to trade annuities.      consumers?                               perhaps switching options that            £100
Although welcomed by some                   Perhaps in some cases, he suggests,   may provide an opportunity to
market commentators, others              but does that make it right? He adds:    periodically withdraw a small sum             0
considered it to be patent nonsense.     “If the Financial Conduct Authority      in exchange for a reduced monthly                         1yr        2yrs       3yrs       4yrs        5yrs       6yrs       7yrs        8yrs        9yrs       10yrs
   As the UK is now in the throes of a   thinks people were actually mis-sold     income.
general election campaign, McPhail       annuities, they should do something         He also expects to see renewed
                                                                                                                              *The graph displays platform fees plus the cost of 5 transactions per annum with Trustnet Direct compared with
warns against investors holding on       about that, not look at such a           development of deferred annuities
                                                                                                                             platforms charging 0.45%, 0.40%, 0.35% and 0.25% per annum in platform fees. Assumes £15,000 new ISA limit
for a chance to cash in their annuity.   convoluted way of addressing such a      to provide an income stream that
   “The secondary market feels like      problem.”                                kicks in at around 85 for later                                invested each year for 10 years and assumes 5% growth net of charges.
a sideshow,” he said. “Bear in mind a                                             life care, for instance. Pricing was
lot of what happened in the Budget       WINNERS AND LOSERS                       considered expensive in the past,
centred on things that cannot be         Mark Polson, principal of specialist     but it offers an elegant solution for    The good news is that if you invest the new ISA limit of £15,000 per annum over the next 10 years and it grows at 5% per annum
legislated for in this parliament.”      financial services consultancy the       anyone who runs the risk of running      net of charges, you’ll have built a nest egg of over £198,000 tax-free.
   A Labour government – or a            Lang Cat, says the only winners          out of money in old age.
coalition led by Labour – may see        from a secondary annuity market             Polson believes that cashflow         The bad news is that platform fees can seriously damage your wealth, as the chart above shows.
a move away from these freedoms          are likely to be the life companies      matching – which is common
altogether, as many experts are          and their shareholders.                  in mature occupational pension           At Trustnet Direct, we charge 0.25% in platform fees but cap it at just £250 max per annum (£200 + 5 trades at £10 per trade).
concerned the reforms have                 “If the annuity market is not          funds – may have some future at an
damaged the annuity market.              working properly, you’re simply          individual product level.                We may not be the cheapest on day one, but when your investments grow, your charges don’t.
   “After all, an annuity remains the    allowing consumers to be screwed            The market is getting closer to the   So, if you want a premium platform, without the premium price tag, open your next ISA with Trustnet Direct.
best method of distributing wealth       again,” said Polson. “You’d have to      point where investment companies
in a market that ensures people do       trust life companies to give a better    may offer something that targets
not run out of money,” said McPhail.     deal than they have already, which       individual liabilities.                     Trustnet Direct does not provide advice on the suitability of investments. It is an execution-only service. If you are unsure
   There may be a benefit at the         would simply destroy shareholder            “This may be a combination of            about the suitability of investments, seek independent financial advice.
lower end of the market where            value.”                                  products or through the use of
very small amounts of income may           Women will be double losers,           target date funds, which have a set         The price and value of investments and their income fluctuates: you may get back less than the amount you invested.
appear less appealing than a lump        as gender equality has also              maturity in a certain year", says           Past performance is no guarantee of future performance.
sum. However, Tully has a problem        undermined annuities.                    Polson.
with commentators who say this is a        “Women now cannot get better              What is certain is that annuities        Prevailing tax rates and relief are dependent on your individual circumstances and are subject to change.
way to exit a poor value annuity.        levels of annuities than men, so         will have a place in the market and
   Even if at the point of               while the price may have been            will increasingly be blended with
annuitisation the investor could         gender-based on purchase, it cannot      other savings such as drawdown and
have received another £1,000 a year      be on resale,” Polson added.             ISAs to deliver greater security of      Set your account up now at:
from shopping around, they will            “This only works if you forget the     retirement income to consumers.
10                                                                                                   Trustnet Direct is a trading style of Trustnet Limited, Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015

FUNDS                                                                                                                                              TRUSTS

 LIONTRUST SPECIAL SITUATIONS                                                                                                                        TEMPLE BAR INVESTMENT TRUST
 With the bottom-up approach taken by managers Julian Fosh and Anthony Cross proving                                                                 The contrarian approach taken by manager Alastair Mundy means Temple Bar can often
 its worth in falling markets before, is this the fund to navigate the election uncertainty?                                                         lag its peers - which is the case today. But does this make it the perfect time to buy?

 A                                                                                                                                                   T
          s we enter into a time of     cent, while its UK All Companies                          per cent since launch.                                    aking a value approach        term investors given that both the                              its dividend was 25.59p per share
          political uncertainty in      sector and FTSE All Share                                    At the moment, approximately                           to the equity market is a     shares and underlying portfolio                                 in 2002, while last year it was
          the UK, many investors        benchmark both lost money.                                40 per cent of the portfolio                              proven way to outperform,     are cheap.                                                      38.88p.
 are selling down their domestic          What’s more, Liontrust Special                          consists of large cap companies                    and renowned contrarian investor       Investors who buy in now will no                                 Given the manager’s track
 exposure. Does this mean that          Situation has a top-decile risk-                          and the rest is held in small and                  Alastair Mundy has put that          doubt hope Mundy can repeat his                                 record, the trust’s dividend history
 some top-performing funds such         adjusted performance record since                         medium caps.                                       process to work successfully over    performance since he took on the                                and the fact the portfolio – both at
 as Liontrust Special Situations are    launch, with a Sharpe ratio of 0.52.                         This formula has gone down                      the years.                           portfolio in October 2002.                                      a share price and underlying level
 being overlooked?                      The fund also has a top-decile                            well with FE Research, meaning                        With his focus on bombed-out        However, there is another                                     – is cheap relative to the past,
   Income funds have certainly          annualised volatility of 13.89 per                        the fund has made its way on to                    companies that he thinks are         reason why investors may want to                                now may be a good time to take a
 proved popular in recent years         cent over the same time period.                           the FE Select 100 list.                            due to rebound, both his Investec    take a closer look at Temple Bar.                               closer look at Temple Bar.
 and it’s easy to see why, but at the     Liontrust Special Situations                               The team said: “This fund                       UK Special Situations fund and         It is, after all, an equity income
 same time, growth funds seem to        combines the best ideas of two                            benefits from the best of the two                  Temple Bar Investment Trust have     trust and its yield of 3.3 per cent                                   MANAGER: Alastair Mundy
 have been ignored.                     other funds run by Fosh and Cross                         fund managers, as Fosh prefers                     beaten their respective sectors      looks attractive considering the                                      FUND SIZE: £788.7m
   The £1.5bn Liontrust Special         – Liontrust UK Smaller Companies                          to focus on large and medium                       and the FTSE All Share since he      yields on offer from cash and                                         SECTOR: IT UK Equity Income
 Situations fund invests in UK          and Liontrust UK Growth. This                             companies and Cross on smaller                     has been at the helm.                bonds. Investment trusts can                                          LAUNCHED: June 1926
 companies with growth in mind and      blend means that the fund covers                          ones. We consider this fund to be                     Given the contrarian nature of    also “smooth” their dividends                                         YIELD: 3.3%
 follows a well-defined investment      the entire UK equities universe,                          one of the best available in the UK                his process, however, there can      by retaining 15 per cent of their                                     DISCOUNT/PREMIUM: -4.27%
 process.                               giving the managers and their                             All Companies sector.”                             be times when he lags the wider      annual earnings so they can                                           OCF: 0.48%
   It is run by FE Alpha Manager        team a wide selection of stocks to                           The fund has achieved total                     market – which is the case today.    maintain or increase their payout                                     GEARING: 0.00%
 duo Julian Fosh and Anthony            choose from.                                              returns of 211 per cent since launch,                 Both his offerings have found     in bad years – a feature not                                          CROWN RATING:
 Cross, who have a high-conviction        Despite having such a large                             which is more than twice that of its               themselves in the bottom quartile    available to their open-ended
 portfolio of 51 companies that offer   area of choice, Fosh and Cross                            benchmark and sector average. It                   over the past 12 months, due         rivals.
 distinctive products with strengths    consistently manage to pick the                           has also beaten its sector in seven of             to Mundy’s high weighting to           This has helped Temple Bar
 that competitors would struggle to     cream of the crop, which is evident                       the last nine full calendar years and              cash, his short on the S&P 500       increase its dividend in every one
 reproduce.                             in a top-decile alpha rating of 7.13                      its benchmark in six.                             and stock-specific issues such       of the last 31 years. For example,
   This bottom-up approach can                                                                                                                       as positions in oil majors and
 provide peace of mind for investors,                                                                                                                supermarkets such as Tesco.
 as the star managers’ stock picks                                                                                                                      Temple Bar has been hit
 should, in theory, survive even the                                             PERFORMANCE IN 2011                                                 particularly hard – not only has                             PERFORMANCE OVER MANAGER TENURE
 toughest bear markets.                                                                                                                              its NAV return been poor, but its    350%
                                                               Liontrust - Special Situations       FTSE All Share               IA UK All                                                                        Investec Asset Management Ltd - Temple Bar
   An example of this was the            15%                   (7.54%)                              (-3.46%)                     Companies           discount has widened substantially   300%                    Investment Trust (317.46%)
 fund’s performance in 2011. Over                                                                                                (-7.04%)            as well – meaning it has lost 2.75
                                         10%                                                                                                                                              250%
 the course of the year, it achieved                                                                                                                 per cent over the past year while                            FTSE All Share (214.55%)
 a positive total return of 7.54 per       5%                                                                                                        the FTSE All Share is up 6.2 per     200%
                                                                                                                                                     cent.                                150%
  MANAGER: Julian Fosh and                 0%                                                                                                           Temple Bar is now on a 4.27
  Anthony Cross                                                                                                                                      per cent discount to NAV, having
  FUND SIZE: £1.48bn                                                                                                                                 traded on a premium for most of       50%
  SECTOR: UK All Companies              -10%                                                                                                         the past three years.                   0%
  LAUNCHED: 10/11/2005                                                                                                                                  As a result, Winterflood’s        -50%
  CROWN RATING:                                                                                                                                      Simon Elliott says the trust’s

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                                                                                                                                                     discount is now in “nosebleed
                                                                                                                                                     territory” and represents an
                                        Source: FE Analytics
                                                                                                                                                     attractive opportunity for long-     Source: FE Analytics

 12                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     13
TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015
Picture your
  perfect retirement
                               For many people approaching retirement, capturing a regular income
                               while maintaining the value of capital is a key focus.
                                                                                                                        VANGUARD LIFESTRATEGY
                               Schroders’ highly experienced Multi-Asset Team, who manage over                          With passive investing on the rise, Gary Jackson looks at a range of indexed funds
                               £4 billion in global income focused strategies, have a clear aim                         that offer exposure to global markets while matching the investor’s risk appetite.

                               of delivering an attractive and sustainable monthly income from an
                               investment portfolio while carefully managing risk. Note, the value
                                                                                                                              assive investments have         funds. Investors can buy individual                              new, lower risk asset allocation
                                                                                                                              grown in popularity over        trackers for less than this, of                                  before manually rebalancing their
                               of investments and the income from them can go down as well as
                                                                                                                              recent years and many           course – the Vanguard US Equity                                  portfolio.
                               up and you may not get back the amount invested.
                                                                                                                        experts expect this trend to          Index fund, for example, has                                        When it comes to performance,
                                                                                                                        strengthen as investors become        ongoing charges of 0.10 per cent                                 the Vanguard LifeStrategy range
                               To find out more about Schroders retirement solutions, speak to
                                                                                                                        more cost-conscious and               – but this would mean the investor                               stands up relatively well against
                               your financial adviser or visit for your
                                                                                                                        luminaries such as Warren Buffett     misses out on a key feature of the                               its active peers – although past
                               chance to win a dream holiday.                                                           advocate the strategy.                LifeStrategy range.                                              returns are no guide to future
                                                                                                                          The latest figures from the           Each of the funds in the                                       performance.
                                                                                                                        Investment Association show           range automatically rebalances                                      Since launch in June 2011,
                                                                                                                        that 11.3 per cent of the money       to remain within its set asset                                   every one of the five funds has
                                                                     UR                                                 in open-ended funds is now in         allocation and ensure the investor                               returned more than its average
                                                                                                                        passive vehicles, up from just        is not exposed to more or less risk                              peer, with all aside from Vanguard


                                                                                                                        under 10 per cent one year earlier.   than they planned to be.                                         LifeStrategy 100% Equity sitting in
                                                                                                                          Investors are now less likely         While there is nothing to stop an                              their sector’s first quintile. In all
                                                                                                                        to see themselves as being in         investor doing this on their own                                 cases, these returns have come
                                                                           OLIDA                                        either the active or passive camp     with individual funds, outsourcing                               with lower annualised volatility

                                                                        A H                                             and have more willingness to          the move prevents them from                                      than the average peer.
                                                                   PI                                                   embrace both approaches where         making a common mistake –


                                                                        CT                R                             appropriate. Trackers allow           chasing returns by moving into                                    MANAGEMENT GROUP: Vanguard
                                                                             UREPE                                      investors to take broad exposure      and out of the best and worst                                     Asset Management
                                                                                                                        to markets at minimal cost, while     performing sectors based upon                                     LAUNCH DATE: 23 June 2011
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                SECTORS: IA Global, Mixed
                                                                                                                        active funds offer the chance to      recent past performance.                                          Investment 40%-85% Shares, Mixed
                                                Luxury Cruise • Wine Country California                                 generate market-beating returns,        What’s more, investors can                                      Investment 20%-60% Shares and
                                                                                                                        but at a price.                       simply switch between funds                                       Mixed Investment 0%-35% Shares
                                                Tee off in Dubai • Marvellous Mauritius                                   One option that is designed         within the range as they move                                     OCF: 0.24%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                COMBINED ASSETS UNDER
                                                                                                                        to complement an investor’s           closer to their retirement age,                                   MANAGEMENT: £1.86bn
                                                                                                                        risk profile and that could be a      rather than having to figure out a
                                                                                                                        good option for anyone saving
                                                                                                                        for retirement is the Vanguard
                                                                                                                        LifeStrategy fund range, which
                                                                                                                        is built using the firm’s highly                                            Performance since launch
                                                                                                                        respected underlying passives.        60%
                                                                                                                                                                                   Vanguard - LifeStrategy 100% Equity (50.60%)
                                                                                                                          As the name suggests, Vanguard      50%
                                                                                                                                                                                   Vanguard - LifeStrategy 60% Equity (42.51%)
                                                                                                                        LifeStrategy 100% Equity is fully     40%
                                                                                                                        invested in global stock markets                           Vanguard - LifeStrategy 20% Equity (32.51%)
                                                                                                                        and is aimed at investors with a
                                                                                                                        long time horizon and a strong
                                                                                                                        appetite for risk. The funds in       10%
                                                                                                                        the range move incrementally            0%
                                                                                                                        away from stocks and into bonds,      -10%
                                                                                                                        ending with the lowest risk           -20%
          Investing for                                                                                                 offering – Vanguard LifeStrategy

                                                                                                                                                                    Jul 11


                                                                                                                                                                                     Jan 12




                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jan 13




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Jan 14




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Jan 15

                                                                                                                        20% Equity.
            your world                                                                                                    The ongoing charges figure is
                                                                                                                        just 0.24 per cent for each of the    Source: FE Analytics

     The prize draw closes at midnight on 30/04/2015. Entry is limited to one per person and all entrants must be 18
     or over. Full terms and conditions can be found on the competition page at
     This prize draw is free to enter and no investment into or purchase of any Schroder product is necessary to                                                                                                                                            15
     enter. Issued in April 2015 by Schroder Unit Trusts Limited, 31 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7QA. Registered
     No: 4191730 England. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. UK08643
TRUSTNET magazine Issue 6 / April 2015
INVESTMENT STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                     FIXED INCOME FUNDS

                                                                                                                                                                                                    The mean return of the sector over
                                                                                                                                                                    THERE ARE                     three and five years is 24.7 per cent

      E CT O R                                                                                                                                                   CURRENTLY 92                     and 38.6 per cent, respectively; again,

     S                                                                                                                                                             IA STERLING                    none of its funds sits in negative

       RO FIL E                                                                                                                                               CORPORATE BOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                  territory over either time period.

     P                                                                                                                                                        FUNDS TO CHOOSE
                                                                                                                                                             FROM. STRIKINGLY,
                                                                                                                                                                                                  HIGH YIELD BOND
                                                                                                                                                                                                  As their name suggests, high yield
                                                                                                                                                                                                  bonds tend to produce a much
                                                                                                                                                               NOT ONE FUND IN                    higher level of income than their
                                                                                                                                                                                                  investment grade counterparts, but
                                                                                                                                                               THE SECTOR HAS                     this also comes with an increased
                                                                                                                                                              LOST MONEY OVER                     level of risk.
                                                                                                                                                                      ONE YEAR                       Hasler notes there are two main
                                                                                                                                                                                                  risks to investing in this sector:
                                                                                                                                                                                                  default risk and capital volatility.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  She says the first of these can be
                                                                                                                                                                                                  mitigated by buying a fund run
                                                                                                                                                                                                  by a trusted manager who avoids
                                                                                                                                                                                                  securities threatened by this
                                                                                                                                                                                                  scenario and who diversifies the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  risk further by buying a variety of
                                                                                                                                                                                                  bonds. However, she warns that
                                                                                                                                                                                                  while the fund manager can to an
                                                                                                                                                                                                  extent manage the increased level
                                                                                                                                                                                                  of capital volatility expected from

                                                                                                                                                                                                  these instruments, it is the price an
                                                                                                                                                                                                  investor has to pay for a higher level
                                                                                                                                                                                                  of income.
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Returns have also been a lot less
                                                                                                                                                                                                  secure than those from corporate
                                                                                                                                                                                                  bonds. The average fund in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  sector is up only 1.5 per cent over
                                                                                                                                                                                                  one year, with several of the 32

                                                                                                                                                                                                  constituents posting capital losses.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  The average return jumps to 21.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                  and 35.3 per cent over three and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  five years respectively, meaning
                                                                                                                                                                                                  the sector has underperformed its
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Corporate Bond counterpart over all
                                                                                                                                                                                                  time periods.

With interest rate rises imminent, selecting the right fixed income fund for your needs can                                                                                                       STRATEGIC BOND
                                                                                                                 STERLING CORPORATE BOND                  can produce while maintaining the       The IA Sterling Strategic Bond sector
be like navigating a minefield, writes Adam Lewis                                                                This sector was traditionally used to    capital value of the investment?        is sometimes seen as the multi-asset
                                                                                                                 generate income. It still fulfils this   For many, the type of income will       version of all the bond types on

           ith choices to be made    and the key to negotiating this       years of record low interest rates    purpose, but with interest rates and     matter far more than the absolute       offer. However, while this allows for
           regarding interest        minefield is focusing on which one    and low yields have challenged        yields so low, the payouts are not       level,” she explained.                  plenty of choice, it also presents a
           rate risk, credit risk,   suits your objectives.                the status quo, with the strong       as attractive as they once were. As        There are currently 92 IA Sterling    challenge for anyone who is not a
currencies and regions, not to         Gilts would rank as the safest      performance of gilts catching out     such, Square Mile’s head of research     Corporate Bond funds to choose          fixed income expert.
mention the debate thrown            in normal market conditions,          many experts in the past couple of    Victoria Hasler says investors           from. Strikingly, not one has lost         The flexibility afforded to
up by the current tumultuous         followed by investment grade          years.                                should ascertain the type of income      money over one year, with the worst,    strategic bond managers has made it
geopolitical climate, investing in   corporate bonds, strategic bonds        Yet Cockerill says rate rises are   each fund in this sector produces        L&G Short Dated Sterling Corporate      Cockerill’s current sector of choice.
fixed income is at best complex      and high yield.                       coming. With this in mind, it is      and find one that best suits their       Bond Index, up 2.9 per cent. The        He says: “We are cautious on the
and at worst a minefield.              However, as Tim Cockerill, head     worth considering the dynamics of     needs.                                   best, Schroder Long Dated Corporate     whole fixed income sector right
  There are four main fund-types     of collectives at Rowan Dartington,   each of the main sectors and how        “For example, does the fund            Bond, returned 20.2 per cent over the   now and if we were looking to buy
on offer – corporate bond, high      points out, we are not living in      they are set to perform with an       target a certain amount of income        same period. The average fund is up     the asset class, it would be strategic
yield, strategic bond and gilts –    normal market conditions. Six         inflection point on the horizon.      or does it maximise the income it        10.2 per cent.                          bonds. The flexibility these funds

16                                                                                                                                                                                              17
INVESTMENT STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                                              FIXED INCOME FUNDS

     SECTO E
     PROFIL                                                               give, especially around duration,                                                 yield bonds, sell off. “As such they                          and income from the effects of
                                                                          provides investors with the best
                                                                                                                    “FUNDS WILL VARY IN                     would perhaps best be viewed as                               inflation. While this is not an issue
                                                                          chance of preserving capital.”            THE LEVEL AND TYPE                      an insurance policy in the current                            worrying investors right now, Hasler
                                                                            Taking the example of duration,         OF RISK THEY PRESENT                    environment,” she said.                                       notes they “could do worse than
                                                                          the average of the Strategic Bond                                                   Index-linked gilts have the simple                          have some inflation protection in
                                                                          and High Yield sectors is five years,     AND INVESTORS SHOULD                    aim of protecting investors’ capital                          their portfolios”.
                                                                          compared with 12 years for gilts.         BEAR THIS IN MIND”
                                                                            If the expected bond sell-off
                                                                          occurs, the shorter duration funds
                                                                          will perform best; corporate bond                                                                                            Performance over 3yrs
                                                                          funds are more limited in their           of money flooding into the system
                                                                                                                                                                                  M&C - Glogal High Yield Bond (22.38%)
                                                                          duration flexibility.                     via quantitative easing mean they       20%
                                                                            While Hasler notes the Strategic        have been anything but in recent                              IA Sterling High Tield (22.02%)
                                                                          Bond sector offers something for          years.                                  15%
                                                                          everyone, she warns that investors          Cockerill says the 10 to 12 per
                                                                          have to focus on the outcome the          cent drop in returns from 50-to-        10%
                                                                          manager is seeking to achieve rather      55-year gilts in a short period
                                                                          than the underlying investments in        of time is an illustration of this        5%
                                                                          the fund.                                 risk and shows how artificial the
                                                                            “Funds will vary in the level           market has become.                        0%
                                                                          and type of risk they present and           However, Hasler says gilts can
                                                                          investors should bear this in mind,”      still be useful in portfolios as they

                                                                                                                                                                   Apr 12



                                                                                                                                                                                              Jan 13




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Jan 14




                                                                          she says.                                 are “risk off” investments and
                                                                            The Strategic Bond sector               tend to do well when other asset
                                                                          has performed similarly to the            classes, such as equities and high      Source: FE Analytics
                                                                          Corporate Bond and High Yield Bond
                                                                          sectors over three and five years,
                                                                          returning 21.6 per cent and 35.1 per

                                                                                                                    Bonds for all
                                                                          cent respectively. Just two of the 71
                                                                          funds in the sector have lost money
                                                                          over one year, while the average
                                                                          fund made 6.1 per cent.
                IF THE EXPECTED                                                                                     THE CAUTIOUS                  Corporate Bond sector                     in Cockerill’s choice.                       managers Stefan Isaacs
                                                                          GILTS AND INDEX                           FUND: BLACKROCK               over three years and in the               While he is an admirer of                    and James Tomlins’ fairly
                BOND SELL-OFF                                             LINKED GILTS                              CORPORATE BOND                third quartile over one.                  Woolnough, for him the                       defensive positioning.
                OCCURS, THE SHORTER                                       Gilts were traditionally regarded         This fund, managed by                                                   £24.5bn size of the M&G                      Cockerill says that despite
                                                                          as low risk investments. However,         Ben Edwards and Simon         THE MEDIUM-RISK                           Optimal Income fund is                       the fact it has a strong
                DURATION FUNDS WILL                                       low yields, record low interest           Blundell, currently           FUND: HENDERSON                           an issue, especially with                    yield of about 5 per cent, it
                PERFORM BEST                                              rates and a considerable amount           yields 3.8 per cent.          STRATEGIC BOND                            his prediction of a bond                     achieves this while taking
                                                                                                                    However it is the fund’s      Despite the presence                      sell-off on the horizon.                     on less risk. It is currently
                                                                                                                    £400m size that makes         of the award-winning                      Henderson Strategic                          ranked second quartile in
                                                                                                                    it most appealing for         Richard Woolnough in the                  Bond is yielding 5 per                       its sector over both one
                                                       Performance over 3yrs                                        Cockerill. “This is a         Strategic Bond sector,                    cent.                                        and three years. It has
                 30%                BlackRock - Corporate Bond (26.61%)                                             well-run mainstream           Cockerill plumps for                                                                   three FE Crowns and is
                                                                                                                    fund that does not            the Henderson duo of                      THE HIGH-RISK FUND:                          £1.2bn in size.
                 25%                IA Sterling Corporate Bond (24.64%)
                                                                                                                    look to do anything too       John Pattullo and Jenna                   M&G GLOBAL HIGH
                 20%                                                                                                clever,” he said.             Barnard for his pick of                   YIELD
                                                                                                                    “However, versus the          the medium-risk choices                   Although Cockerill does
                                                                                                                    bigger funds in the peer      within fixed income.                      not hold this fund at
                10%                                                                                                 group which struggle          He describes this as “a                   the moment, it is
                                                                                                                    during big sell-offs, the     proper strategic bond                     his high yield
                                                                                                                    fund’s size allows the team   fund” owing to the way the                fund of choice.
                  0%                                                                                                to quickly make changes       managers alter duration                   He says it
                                                                                                                    to the portfolio, such as     and the fact they “are not                is more
                                                                                                                    selling out of a position.”   afraid to make decisions                  cautious
                     Apr 12



                                              Jan 13




                                                                                Jan 14




                                                                                                           Jan 15

                                                                                                                    The two crown-rated           based on what is going                    than its
                                                                                                                    fund sits in the second       on in the market place”.                  peers
                Source: FE Analytics                                                                                quartile of the IA Sterling   Size again played a part                  owing to

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                              19
INVESTMENT STRATEGY                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SCHRODERS

                                                                                                                                                                                              THE LONGER YOU INVEST                                                     Don’t ignore the need for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        retirement income
                                                                                                                                                                                              FOR, THE GREATER THE                                                      “I’m not worried about
                                                                                                                                                                                              POTENTIAL FOR YOUR                                                        providing for my retirement –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the state will look after me.”
                                                                                                                                                                                              MONEY TO GROW AND

                                                                                                                                                                                              THE MORE YOU COULD                                                        Responsibility for financial security
                                                                                                                                                                                              BENEFIT FROM THE                                                          in retirement is falling more heavily
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        on individuals and this trend is
                                                                                                                                                                                              POWERFUL EFFECT OF                                                        likely to continue.
                                                                                                                                                                                              “GROWTH ON GROWTH”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Be open-minded when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        considering income solutions
                                                                                                                                                                                              While some of your expenses may                                           “I am only comfortable
Funding retirement and                                                                                                                                                                        fall when you stop working, the
                                                                                                                                                                                              retirement years could bring greater
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        investing in companies or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        industries I am familiar with.”
                                                                                                                                                                                              spending on utilities and healthcare,
supporting life-long goals                                                                                                                                                                    among other things.                                                       Aim for an income solution
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        that’s truly appropriate for your
                                                                                                                                                                                              Begin by making a plan                                                    circumstances, objectives, risk
                                                                                                                                                                                              “Is the same income plan fit for                                          attitudes and capacity for loss, rather
                                                                                                                                                                                              all purposes?”                                                            than simply sticking to what you’re
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        familiar with. Considering a broad
                                                                                                                                                                                              It may be appropriate to have                                             range of investments can help you
                                                                                                                                                                                              different income plans for different                                      to reduce risk and increase your
                                                                                                                                                                                              purposes. You may, for example, be                                        chances of achieving your objectives.
                                                                                                                                                                                              happy to accept a greater degree
                                                                                                                                                                                              of risk in an income plan designed                                        Get advice if you need it
                                                                                                                                                                                              to help you with “nice-to-haves”                                          “I don’t understand the options.”
                                                                                                                                                                                              such as foreign holidays or home
                                                                                                                                                                                              improvements than for “must-                                              An independent financial adviser
                                                                                                                                                                                              haves” such as day-to-day living                                          can explain all your options
                                                                                                                                                                                              expenses in retirement or college                                         and help you make the best
                                                                                                                                                                                              fees for your children.                                                   decision based on your individual
Schroders recommends a number of steps for you to follow at every stage of your life                                                                                                                                                                                    circumstances. If you do not
that can help you to achieve your income goals when you reach retirement                                                                                                                      Start saving as soon as you can                                           currently have a financial adviser,
                                                                                                                     GETTING STARTED                                                          “What’s the benefit of starting                                           one option is to search for a local
                                                                                                                     Here are some tips to help you                                           to save early?”                                                           adviser at You

  nvesting for income can play      increase the statutory state              provision to save for their own        achieve your income investing                                                                                                                      may also find it useful to visit www.
  an important role in helping      pension age. But in the view of           retirement.                            objectives throughout your life.                                         The longer you invest for, the greater                          , where members
  you to achieve your goals at      the Organisation for Economic                                                                                                                             the potential for your money to                                           of the public rate and review
any stage in life, from funding a   Co-operation and Development              STATE PENSION                          Work out what you need to                                                grow and the more you could                                               advisers they have used.
business start-up to supporting     (OECD), this alone may not                When the UK contributory state         achieve and set clear objectives                                         benefit from the powerful effect
children through their higher       ensure the affordability of the           pension was introduced in 1948,        “I don’t know how much I need                                            of “growth on growth”, known                                              Please remember, the value of
education. It is in helping to      public pension system. To make            the average man lived less than        to save.”                                                                as compounding. Assuming                                                  investments and the income
fund your retirement, however,      up for a potential fall in the level      12 months beyond the retirement                                                                                 investment growth of 4 per cent per                                       from them may go down as well
that an income plan is likely to    of public benefits, it proposes           age of 65. By 2013, that figure had    Your savings objectives should                                           annum, an investment of £1,000 at                                         as up and investors may not get
play the most important role.       that people should make some              jumped to 18 years.                    reflect the aims of your income plan.                                    the age of 30 would be worth £3,950                                       back the amounts originally
  Healthier lifestyles and                                                                                           If you want a reasonable standard                                        by the time you reach 65.                                                 invested.
medical advances mean many                                                                                           of living in retirement, for example,
of us will live for longer than                    STATE PENSION AGE FOR MEN AND WOMEN                               a useful rule is to save enough to
previous generations. However,                                                                                       provide an income of between half                                        For more information on income investments for retirement
                                      Current                                                                65
this creates a significant                                                                                           and two-thirds of your final salary.                                     from Schroders, visit
challenge – how to fund a             Between November 2018 and October 2020                                 66
fulfilling life beyond our            Between 2026 and 2028                                                  67
working years.                                                                                                       Important information: This article is intended to be for information purposes only and it is not intended as promotional material in any respect. This article is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the
  The UK, along with many             Beyond 2028 Reviewed every 5 years and rising in line with life expentancy     purchase or sale of any financial instrument. Schroders has expressed its own views and opinions in this article and these may change. This article is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for,
                                                                                                                     accounting, legal or tax advice, or investment recommendations. Reliance should not be placed on the views and information in this article when taking individual investment and/or strategic decisions.
other countries, plans to            Source: ONS                                                                     Issued in April 2015 by Schroder Unit Trusts Limited, 31 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QA. Registered Number 4191730 England. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. UK09123

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    21

                                                                                                                                UNTIL FAIRLY RECENTLY,
                                                                                                                                PENSIONS WERE DARK,
                                                                                                                                MYSTERIOUS THINGS

                                                                                                                                THAT WE PAID INTO
                                                                                                                                UNTIL WE RETIRED AND
                                                                                                                                RECEIVED AN AMOUNT
                                                                                                                                OF MONEY BACK AGAIN

You wouldn’t let the government tell you how to spend your salary, so why let them                                              retirees have faced a crash at the
                                                                                                                                point of retirement when they have
do it with your pension?                                                                                                        had to buy an annuity, so not having
                                                                                                                                to cash in your pot at a certain point

  can’t remember a good idea from        ended up being a career cul-de-sac.        loving and cherishing of my cash            seems to be a red herring.
  any government that has come to          Some of these pensions are               when I retire. I can keep managing            Most investors have seen their
  fruition quite so quickly.             reasonable and some are just a few         it and take out money as and when           portfolio rise and fall in the
  I can remember some bad ideas          thousand pounds. But one thing             I need it. Just like I do now in fact,      accumulation phase so it is sensible
that were introduced fast and some       they all have in common is that            while I am in gainful employment.           to assume it will happen while you
good ideas that never happened,          none of them promises the faintest            And because I don’t give away all        are decumulating.
but George Osborne’s “pension            hope of me walking hand-in-hand            of my retirement pot to the annuity           Then there’s the elephant in the
freedoms” plan is here already.          with my lovely wife down a sandy           company at 65 (or whenever) in              room – when will you actually
  And it really is a good idea. Can      Caribbean beach at sunset (in              exchange for a fixed income for             die?
you imagine if your employer, or the     obligatory white clothes), grey            life, I have some flexibility. If I don’t
government, told you how to spend        hair blowing in the warm breeze –          need any money, I can leave my
your salary? We would rise up in         despite what you see on the cover          investments working. If I need a
rebellion. So why, until a few weeks     of all those Saga-style annuity            Lamborghini, I can buy one. In fact I       MONTHLY INCOME OF AN ANNUITY VS. DRAWDOWN
ago, were there strict controls over     brochures. Bognor would be a               can do the same things I do now.
how we accessed our pension pots?        struggle. In November.                                                                   3,000              Annuity rate
  I suspect the answer comes in                                                     RETIREMENT PLANNER                                               Drawdown
two parts. The financial services        LURCHING ALONG                             We are building a retirement                  3,000
industry is a powerful thing and         In isolation, each pension was             planner for Trustnet Direct: I have
the way insurers thrived on the          lurching slowly along, weighed             used the prototype to calculate
“annuitisation” of people’s pension      back by hefty charges and invested         a scenario looking at income in
savings was somewhat self-serving        in pension funds I hadn’t heard of.        retirement from drawdown versus
and highly profitable. Until recently,     What I did with these almost             some online annuity quotes. So I
pensions were mysterious things          forgotten pensions was repatriated         looked at arriving at retirement
we paid into until we retired and        them – into my SIPP – put them             with a range of different amounts,
received some money back again.          all together and invested them in          from £75,000 through to £1m
                                         funds that are highly regarded and         and wanted to see what monthly
GENEROUS SCHEMES                         consistent in their performance.           income it would give me. It isn’t
Some lucky people had final salary         I’ll not give away my nest egg’s         scientific, but makes some sense. If
pensions, which were so generous         value, but in the 18 months I have         annuity providers have to budget to
they had the ability to sink the huge    cherished the money from these             provide a defined income for as long
companies that offered them. Those       pensions in one place, it has risen by     as you live – and we’re all living                     £75,000      £100,000            £250,000       £500,000   £750,000 £1,000,000
pensions are as rare as a French faux-   30 per cent. Combining low charges         longer – they may feel like hedging
filet now, so most of us have to use     and better performing funds has had        their bets (as actuaries do).                                      PENSION POT AT RETIREMENT AGED 65
our loaf to cobble together a decent     a big impact.
retirement pot.                            If I keep investing each month           TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE                                          £75,000 £100,000               £250,000       £500,000 £750,000 £1,000,000
   Take me, for example, as a typical    as I’m doing, with me and my               With these assumptions, drawdown            Annuity rate         308		          418		        1,046		        1,882		    3,039		    4,053
child of Thatcher’s Britain. I’ve        company paying into my SIPP, I’m           looks almost too good to be true, in        Drawdown             560		          750		        1,900		        3,800		    5,700		    7,600
worked for several companies, in         looking at an entirely different           which case it may be. What happens          Assumptions: Bar charts show monthly income in retirement at 65 years old. Annuity rates
good times and bad. I’ve got a few       retirement scenario than the one I         if your investments plummet during          courtesy of Saga website, 15/03/2015. Standard annuity rates quoted, as opposed to enhanced
pensions, some from short stints at      was facing just four years ago.            retirement? Crashes have happened           annuity. Drawdown assumptions are that non-drawn down money remains invested and grows at
                                                                                                                                8 per cent per annum net of all fees, taxes and charges. Lastly, we assume that your drawdown
companies where the career path            Better still, I don’t need to stop the   regularly over the last century. Many       pension pot will be exhausted at 90 years old. State pension not included in either figure.

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