THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...

Page created by Lorraine Hanson
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more – to
   keep your whole family entertained, educated, happy and healthy during lockdown.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
Are you juggling life in lockdown with being a parent,
homeschooling, or working from home? If yes, you may find
some helpful links in this ‘where to’ guide, you’re stuck at home.

We have compiled a helpful list of resources, groups, and
activities that you can participate in both online and offline from
home or in your neighbourhood. Simply click each box and it will
take you to the relevant site! It’s by no means an exhaustive list.
There are so many wonderful resources out there, but here
are a few of our favourites to get you started.

We hope they bring inspiration and fun
to the day for you and your family.

* Please remember to monitor and balance your
child’s screen and online activity and check that
any games, websites or TV programs are
appropriate for their age.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
Parenting                         3
Younger Children                  4
Online Playgrounds                5
Preschool & Home Schooling        6
High School                       7
Movement & Relaxation Exercises   7
Community Activities              8
Diet & Nutrition                  9
Helplines & Websites              9
Mental Health                     10
Podcasts                          11
Screen Time & Online Safety       11
Authors To Look Out For           12
Local Councils                    13
Acknowledgements                  14
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
– COVID-19 specific
      Raising Children
                                                                            Beyond Blue                     NSW Education
          Network                     Hi, this is Coronavirus
                                                                       Ways to cope when working       Learning from home packages
COVID-19 resources, plus tips to     A COVID-19 book for children.   from home as a parent or carer.       and tips for years K-6.
help you and your family cope.

                                                                           My Hero is You
        Zero to Three
                                            NSW Health               A story book developed by and
    Responses to common                                                                                         Red Cross
                                        COVID-19 resources in          for children to help families
 questions, a guide to self-care,                                                                        Tips for families isolating.
                                         different languages.         around the world understand
and socially distanced activities.
                                                                        and cope with COVID-19.

                                                                                                          Murdoch Institute –
          Reach Out                   Legal Aid Queensland             Child Safe Movement                parenting in COVID
 Parents forum, with a trusted        Tips for separated parents          Seven lockdown tips
 and supportive community of                                                                            Podcast to help parents with
                                           during COVID-19.                   for families.            the challenges they are facing
parents and carers of teenagers.
                                                                                                           during the pandemic.

           UNICEF                     Telethon Kids Institute            Sydney University
                                       Advice from scientists for      Tips and resources to keep
   A set of handy expert tips
                                       families, including staying    kids engaged and stimulated
   to help manage COVID-19
                                         healthy, cyber safety          during lockdown learning.
     parenting challenges.
                                          guidance and more.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
     Raising Children               ABC Kids Listen App
         Network                    Songs, stories, news and
                                   podcasts, carefully selected
      Toddlers play and
                                    to entertain and educate
       learning ideas.
                                    preschool-aged children.

       Deadly Tots               Love Talk Sing Read Play
App containing information to       Information on children’s
help 0 - 5 year old Aboriginal        emotional and social
 and Torres Strait Islanders       development developed by
       learn and grow.           parents who are health workers.

                                                                       Sesame Street in
    Story Box Library                     Let’s Read
 Australian children’s books,     Reading tip sheets in English,
                                                                   A range of activities and tips
 read by a diverse range of        ten community languages
                                                                   for the challenges and joys of
      local storytellers.          and for Aboriginal families.
                                                                    parenting younger children.

                                          Cbeebies                    ABC Play School -
      Sesame Street
                                   Games, shows, songs and             50 Best Songs
  Preschool games, videos
    and colouring pages.         colouring to help toddlers and    A Spotify playlist with the 50
                                      preschoolers learn.          best songs from Play School.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
    The Northern Centre                         Earlyed                     Play & Learn Time              Relationships Australia
Supported playgroups for parents      Supported playgroups to meet                                       NSW - Community Builders
                                                                          Free online early childhood
to share and learn while providing      with other families and for
                                                                        education and care program for          Korean/English
  an opportunity for children to       you and your child/ren to be
                                                                             parents and children. 
        socialise and play.              involved in fun activities.

       Magic of Story                 Integricare – supported
                                                                          Relationships Australia
      Telling Playgroup                     playgroups                                                        Playgroup NSW
                                                                        NSW - Community Builders
    Group to get updates on          Supported playgroups facilitated                                     Find a playgroup and access
                                                                               Chinese/English                  parent resources.
 playgroup, connect with other        by trained early childhood and
parents and learn about services.         family support workers.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
Preschool and
Home Schooling
    NSW Education –                                               Cool Australia Bluey
                                          Top Marks                                                       Origo at Home
   Learning from home                                            Education and Teaching
                                   Fun mathematics activities                                         Guidance and instruction
 Learning packages for parents    suitable for preschoolers to    Bluey educational resources
                                                                                                       for continuing maths
  and carers to use with their    primary school age children.       for early learning and
                                                                                                         learning at home.
children and sample timetables.                                        primary students.

                                                                                                          Little Learners
            Ozzie                                                      Big Life Journal
                                       Maths Starters                                                     Love Literacy
     Videos designed to                                          Free printables and parenting
                                  Games, quizzes and more to                                         Decodable books available
   entertain, excite, engage                                       tips to navigate children’s
                                     start maths lessons.                                            as apps to engage children
      and educate kids.                                           stress going back to school.
                                                                                                          learning to read.                          Starfall                  Art for Kids Hub
                                                                                                       Questacon at Home
                                  Language, arts, mathematics       Family YouTube channel
     Free lessons and fun                                                                           Fun science activity sheets for
                                    and music activities for       uploading new art lessons
    activities teaching the                                                                          children from grades K-12 to
                                     grades K-3 accessible         for kids, Monday to Friday
  foundations of technology.                                                                                 do at home.
                                    through website or app.                every week.

    NSW Education –                                                     Study Ladder                   Kitchen Classroom
                                  ABC Behind The News
  Translated Resources                                            Online education activities for       Recipes and hands-on
                                    Current affairs for upper
Learning from home advice in                                     students aged 4-12, mapped to        activities to bring learning
                                       primary children.
      other languages.                                                   the curriculum.                   into the kitchen.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
     Learning Support
 Learning assistance to young
    people (Years 6-10) from
disadvantaged migrant families.

Diet & Nutrition
                                      Raising Children
   Department of Health
                                       (9 - 18 years)
   Healthy eating during the
    COVID-19 restrictions.          Information about healthy
                                   eating habits for older kids.

      Raising Children
        (1 - 8 years)
Information about healthy eating
   habits for younger children.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
Movement and
Relaxation Exercises
       NSW Health                     Smiling Mind                Kids workouts to
  Activities and resources to       Mindfulness app and              do at home
 share ways to safely exercise       website for young           A playlist with a variety
during the COVID-19 outbreak.           Australians.                of kids workouts.

        Go Noodle                  About Kids Health            NSW Family Services
   A range of activities to        Learn how to keep your         and Child’s Play
  help children and families       child active and provide
                                                               Ways to keep kids under 5s
         get moving.              them with the support to
                                                                  active while inside.
                                        stay motivated.

                                   Cosmic Kids Yoga               Munch and Move
      Move to Learn
                                   Yoga, mindfulness and      Supports healthy development
Exercise videos for Pre-K - 12.      relaxation for kids.         of children aged 0-5.
THE 'WHERE TO' GUIDE FOR FAMILIES - Your ultimate guide to activities, events, classes, resources, podcasts, and much more - to keep your whole ...
Community Activities
   Alltrail Maps App                 Sydney Olympic Park                                                     Newy with Kids
                                                                            A guide to hundreds
Hike, bike and run - detailed        Explore the Park from the                                             150 ideas for family fun
                                                                             of bushwalk tracks
 hand-curated trails maps.            comfort of your home.                                                   during lockdown.
                                                                            throughout Australia.

                                       Storytime - City of
  Australian Museum                                                     National Maritime Museum
                                         Sydney Library                                                        Taronga Zoo
                                                                             Play, create, learn and
Free online Sydney Science            Storytime and rhymetime                                           Curriculum-linked virtual zoo
                                                                         discover with online games,
Trail event filled with family-   online, suitable for 0-2 year olds.                                    lockdown lessons led by a
                                                                                activity sheets,
 friendly science programs.         Sessions available in English,                                       qualified Taronga teacher.
                                                                        print-out-and-make templates.
                                        Mandarin and Auslan.

                                                                                                              Sydney Opera
  NSW State Library                                                                                           House for Kids
  Online activities for kids                                                                             Digital content and hands on
       and families.                                                                                    activities created especially to
                                                                                                             inspire young minds.
Helplines & Websites
    Raising Children                   Relationships                The Sleep Connection             Odyssey House
        Network                        Australia NSW                Site to educate students,     Rehabilitation services to
Sleep problems and solutions     A blog and resources to help       teachers and parents on     address harms associated with
     for kids and teens.         with parenting kids of all ages.   the importance of sleep.     alcohol and other drug use.

                                                                      Common Sense                     NDIS Early
                                         Parental EQ
   Resourcing Parents                                                   Parenting                 Childhood Approach
                                   Support for emotional and
  FInd a parenting program                                             Online courses in         Help to identify and access
                                  social challenges for parents
          near you.                                                  calm, common-sense,        suitable supports for those in
                                    with children aged 5-12.
                                                                     connected parenting.        the Northern Sydney Area.

                                      Random Acts of                                                NDIS Information
    Parent Line NSW                                                     Hey Sigmund
                                         Kindness                                                     Workshops
 Bluey educational resources
                                                                    Tools to build courage in     Access NDIS information
for early learning and primary      Resources for home to                kids and teens.          sessions provided by the
 students. Ph. 1300 130 052.       make kindness the norm.
                                                                                                   Cerebal Palsy Alliance.
Mental Health
   The Mental Health                                                                                Black Dog Institute
                                     Brother to Brother                    Lifeline
       Teacher                                                                                   Provides diagnosis, treatment
                                     24/7 help for Aboriginal       Suicide prevention and
                                                                                                    and support around the
  Education videos about                and Torres Strait           mental health support
                                                                                                 prevention of mood disorders.
 mental health for children.      Islander men - 1800 435 799.       service. Call 13 11 14.
                                                                                                       Call 02 9382 2991.

                                   Embrace Multicultural
      Kids Helpline                   Mental Health                      Headspace                The Resilience Centre
 Free 24/7 phone and online         Platform for multicultural                                     Resilience resources and
                                                                     Mental health related
counselling for young people    communities to access resources,                                        education, and
                                                                    resources and support.
 aged 5 to 25, plus parents.      services and information in a                                     group training courses.
                                  culturally accessible format.

      Beyond Blue                     Emerging Minds
                                    Improving social and
                                                                            Panda                      Additude Mag
Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing                                          Perinatal Anxiety &
                                   emotional wellbeing for                                        Information and resources
      Support Service.                                               Depression Australia.
                                  Aboriginal and Torres Strait                                          about ADHD.
     Call 1800 512 348.
                                      Islander children.

      1800 Respect                                                  MensLine Australia           Northern Sydney Local
   National sexual assault,              Understood                   Telephone and online       Health District (NSLHD)
    domestic and family          Resources and information for      support and information        For local service contact
violence counselling service.     those who think differently.     service for Australian men.   details and links to a range of
     Call 1800 737 732.                                                Call 1300 78 99 78.            health information.
   Happy Families
                             Parental as Anything                Raising Teens
Short episodes targeting
                              Practical tips and answers    Information and resources
   specific parenting
                             to parenting dilemmas with     to tackle this next chapter
questions and topics with
                                     Maggie Dent.                in your child’s life.
   Dr Justin Coulson.

Screen Time &
Online Safety
        eSafety                                               eSafety for Parents
Helping Australians have        Raising Children
                                                            Resources and information
a safe and positive online    Screen time checklist for
                                                            about the best strategies to
 experience and choose              healthy use.
                                                           help children stay safe online.
 quality online material.

  Screen Time Tips              eSafety for Kids
 Tips about screen time        Teaching resources and
 enforcement and rules.      information for kids about
                                how to be safe online.
Authors To Look Out For
        Collett Smart                                               Justin Coulson                   Maggie Dent
                                       Karen Young
    A psychologist, qualified                                   One of Australia’s leading     Books and resources about
                                    Books and resources on                                      a wide range of parenting
teacher, speaker and author with                                parenting experts and an
                                   anxiety in kids and teens.                                     tips and information.
 experience working in schools.                                  international speaker.

  Justin & Kylie Coulson             Stephanie Pinto                Steve Biddulph             The Gottman Institute
 Parenting books and webinars      Resources about how to                                       Research-based approach
                                                                 Books on raising children
   as well as other resources.      connect with kids and                                      to realationships for couples
                                                                in the twenty first century.
                                      bring back calm.                                                  and parents.
Local Councils
 Hornsby Shire Council          Ryde City Council                 Ku-ring-gai Council             Lane Cove Council
  What’s on   |   Library      What’s on     |   Library          What’s on     |   Library       What’s on     |   Library

Willoughby City Council     Northern Beaches Council               North City Council             Hunters Hill Council
  What’s on   |   Library      What’s on     |   Library          What’s on     |   Library       What’s on     |   Library

   Mosman Council             Local Health Districts                 Local Councils                  Local Libraries
  What’s on   |   Library   Find your local health district.   Link up with your local council.   Locate your local library.
This resource collaboration is an initiative of the NSLHD Child Youth & Family Health
Service in partnership with Relationships Australia NSW’s Community Builders.

Contributions have been made by the amazing staff at NSLHD Child Youth & Family
Health Service and members of the Lower North Shore, Ryde/Hunters Hill, Northern
Beaches, and Hornsby/Ku-ring-gai Child and Family Interagencies across the
Northern Sydney District.

For more information contact:
Maria Comino, Relationships Australia NSW’s Community Builders Team
Phone: 0434 379 786
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