The Virtual Wisdener - Wisdenworld

Page created by Mitchell Chang
The Virtual Wisdener - Wisdenworld
The Virtual Wisdener
                                                                                       Fixtures Special March 2021

                                The Newsletter of the Wisden Collectors’ Club

M      ay I firstly apologise to our many
       overseas readers for this English
                                              Thank you to all of you for ordering the 2021 Wisden from
                                              me. I have looked online and I don't think it can be found for
domes8c fixtures Special edi8on of The         less than I am offering but the fact that so many of you have
Virtual Wisdener and also an apology for pre-ordered it well in advance is very much appreciated.
including only the fixtures for men’s          If you would like to place your an order for the 2021 please
cricket and for not including any minor       do so via the website, by clicking here
coun8es informa8on - trust me it was                      possible meant that the flow of fixtures is not
hard enough finding details of the County                  how I would have ideally liked, but I do hope it
Championship schedule, but apparently (and                makes sense.
goodness me, I truly have no clue why this is…)
finding the details of The Hundred and the T20             I did no8ce some lovely liQle gems amongst the
Blast was rather easy.                                    fixtures - a double header in the T20 Blast at
                                                          Southampton on July 16th involving Hampshire,
I know that a lot of people receiving this enjoy
                                                          Essex and Sussex - something I have been
all forms of the game and so I have tried to be
                                                          banging on about for years to reduce the days
fair and give the fixture details for the County
                                                          that the compe88on takes up: Middlesex
Championship, Royal London Cup, T20 Blast and
                                                          playing a championship match at Merchant
The Hundred. I have included a basic overview
                                                          Taylors (I am sure one of you at least will point
of the rules of The Hundred - may I sarcas8cally
                                                          out that is not a first), but sadly the lack of
draw your aQen8on to the ‘scoreboard’ proposal
                                                          games outside of the various HQs is sad - but
at the boQom of page 8 (**).
                                                          who knows, maybe the TBCs are wai8ng to see
I wanted the fixture lists to be as easy to follow         if the county has a chance of being in the trophy
as possible. In the past I have seen massive              hunt and if not matches will be switched to
colour co-ordinated charts in date order, which           venues county-wide, not the most respec_ul
were just a bit too colourful for me, especially as       way to do it, but beQer than nothing I suppose.
I do have a certain degree of colour-blindness,
                                                          I hope you find this of use and let us hope that
so I thought the easiest and pleasing-on-the-eye
                                                          the pandemic does not impact too much on the
method was to put each compe88on, with dates
                                                          season, but if it does, we will ul8mately get
and venues separately.
                                                          through it!
There is a very good chance that most of you              And of course, the squad informa8on will no
will have seen something beQer and pandemic-              doubt change as more overseas mercenaries,
permiUng you are quietly, daringly, scheduling            oops sorry, players are signed up and if there are
in maybe a game or two through the summer, so             errors, again, my fault.
apologies if this is just another add-on to the           As always, keep safe and well
pile of stuff in your virtual bin.                         Bill
I also know that the new Wisden will probably
have the season’s fixtures but as with those                     This ediGon of The Virtual Wisdener
                                                                        has been sent out to
colour charts, Wisden publish them all together
                                                                            8,102 people
in date order with abbrevia8ons such as CC (no
idea what that means) and for me, that is just                     The current membership of the
                                                                     Wisden Collectors’ Club is
too faffy to follow. A sincere apology to John
                                                                            2,790 people
Wisden and Co if anything I have wriQen in this
                                                        If you are receiving this newsleNer and you would details
or any other paragraph offends.
                                                         on how to become a member of The Wisden Collectors’
Space and trying to be as neat and 8dy as                    Club please contact me - details are on page 15.

2021 County Championship Fixtures

Thursday, April 8
Group 1: Essex v Worcestershire (Chelmsford)               The 2021 County Championship will be divided
NoTnghamshire v Durham (Trent Bridge)                      into three groups of six teams, with each side
Warwickshire v Derbyshire (Edgbaston)                      playing everyone else in their group home and
Group 2: Middlesex v Somerset (Lord's)                     away.
Leicestershire v Hampshire (Leicester)
Gloucestershire v Surrey (Bristol)                         A second round of group matches will follow,
Group 3: Northamptonshire v Kent (Northampton)             with the top two, middle two, and boNom two
Sussex v Lancashire (Hove)                                 teams from each of the first-round pools playing
Yorkshire v Glamorgan (Headingley)                         against each other. The two teams which finish
Thursday, April 15                                         top of the top group a_er the second round of
Group 1: Derbyshire v Worcestershire (Derby)               matches will play for the Bob Willis Trophy at
Essex v Durham (Chelmsford)                                Lord's in late September.
NoTnghamshire v Warwickshire (Trent Bridge)
Group 2: Hampshire v Middlesex (Southampton)               Group 1: Derbyshire, Durham, Essex,
Somerset v Gloucestershire (Taunton)                       No2nghamshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire
Surrey v Leicestershire (The Oval)                         Group 2: Gloucestershire, Hampshire,
Group 3: Lancashire v Northamptonshire (Old Trafford)       Leicestershire, Middlesex, Somerset, Surrey
Kent v Yorkshire (Canterbury)                              Group 3: Glamorgan, Kent, Lancashire,
Glamorgan v Sussex (Cardiff)                                Northamptonshire, Sussex, Yorkshire.
Thursday, April 22                                         ECB Website -
Group 1: Durham v Derbyshire (Chester-le-Street)           ‘Seedings for the Group Stage of the 2021
Worcestershire v NoTnghamshire (Worcester)
                                                           County Championship have been determined
Warwickshire v Essex (Edgbaston)
Group 2: Hampshire v Gloucestershire (Southampton)         based on performances during the 2019 County
Middlesex v Surrey (Lord's)                                Championship and the 2020 Bob Willis Trophy.
Leicestershire v Somerset (Leicester)                      There has been a provision to accommodate
Group 3: Sussex v Yorkshire (Hove)                         derby matches within the groups, where
Kent v Lancashire (Canterbury)                             appropriate with the seeding structure. This is to
Northamptonshire v Glamorgan (Northampton)                 ensure that county members and supporters can
Thursday, April 29                                         look forward to some of county cricket’s oldest
Group 1: Derbyshire v NoTnghamshire (Derby)                rivalries resuming home and away.’
Worcestershire v Essex (Worcester)
Durham v Warwickshire (Chester-le-Street)                   Group 3: Sussex v Kent (Hove)
Group 2: Gloucestershire v Leicestershire (Bristol)         Glamorgan v Yorkshire (Cardiff)
Somerset v Middlesex (Taunton)
                                                            Thursday, May 20
Surrey v Hampshire (The Oval)
                                                            Group 1: NoTnghamshire v Worcestershire (Trent
Group 3: Lancashire v Sussex (Old Trafford)
Glamorgan v Kent (Cardiff)
                                                            Essex v Warwickshire (Chelmsford)
Yorkshire v Northamptonshire (Headingley)
                                                            Derbyshire v Durham (Derby)
Thursday, May 6                                             Group 2: Hampshire v Leicestershire (Southampton)
Group 1: Warwickshire v Worcestershire (Edgbaston)          Gloucestershire v Somerset (Bristol)
NoTnghamshire v Essex (Trent Bridge)                        Surrey v Middlesex (The Oval)
Group 2: Leicestershire v Surrey (Leicester)                Group 3: Northamptonshire v Lancashire
Middlesex v Gloucestershire (Lord's)                        (Northampton)
Hampshire v Somerset (Southampton)                          Kent v Glamorgan (Canterbury)
Group 3: Yorkshire v Kent (Headingley)
                                                            Thursday, May 27
Lancashire v Glamorgan (Old Trafford)
                                                            Group 1: Durham v Essex (Chester-le-Street)
Northamptonshire v Sussex (Northampton)
                                                            Warwickshire v NoTnghamshire (Edgbaston)
Thursday, May 13                                            Worcestershire v Derbyshire (Worcester)
Group 1: Essex v Derbyshire (Chelmsford)                    Group 2: Surrey v Gloucestershire (Guildford)
Durham v Worcestershire (Chester-le-Street)                 Leicestershire v Middlesex (Leicester)
Group 2: Middlesex v Hampshire (Lord's)                     Group 3: Lancashire v Yorkshire (Old Trafford)
Somerset v Surrey (Taunton)                                 Sussex v Northamptonshire (Hove)

2021 County Championship Fixtures cont’d & The Hundred

Thursday, June 3                                            Thursday, July 29
Group 1: Worcestershire v Durham (Worcester)                London Spirit v Trent Rockets (Lord’s)
Essex v NoTnghamshire (Chelmsford)                          Friday, July 30
Derbyshire v Warwickshire (Derby)                           Southern Brave v Birmingham Phoenix (Southampton)
Group 2: Somerset v Hampshire (Taunton)                     Saturday, July 31
Leicestershire v Gloucestershire (Leicester)                Welsh Fire v Manchester Originals (Cardiff)
Group 3: Yorkshire v Sussex (Headingley)                    Northern Superchargers v Oval Invincibles (Headingley)
Kent v Northamptonshire (Canterbury)
                                                            Sunday, August 1
Glamorgan v Lancashire (TBC)
                                                            Birmingham Phoenix v Trent Rockets (Egdbaston)
Sunday, July 4                                              London Spirit v Southern Brave (Lord’s)
Group 1: NoTnghamshire v Derbyshire (Trent Bridge)          Monday, August 2
Warwickshire v Durham (Edgbaston)                           Oval Invincibles v Welsh Fire (The Oval)
Group 2: Gloucestershire v Middlesex (Cheltenham)           Tuesday, August 3
Hampshire v Surrey (Southampton)                            London Spirit v Northern Superchargers (Lord’s)
Somerset v Leicestershire (Taunton)                         Wednesday, August 4
Group 3: Lancashire v Kent (Old Trafford)                    Birmingham Phoenix v Oval Invincibles (Edgbaston)
Northamptonshire v Yorkshire (Northampton)
                                                            Thursday, August 5
Sussex v Glamorgan (Hove)
                                                            Manchester Originals v Southern Brave (Old T)
Sunday, July 1                                              Friday, August 6
Group 1: Derbyshire v Essex (Chesterfield)                   Welsh Fire v Trent Rockets (Cardiff)
Durham v NoTnghamshire (Chester-le-Street)                  Saturday, August 7
Worcestershire v Warwickshire (Worcester)                   Southern Brave v Northern Superchargers
Group 2: Gloucestershire v Hampshire (Cheltenham)           (Southampton)
Middlesex v Leicestershire (Merchant Taylors)               Sunday, August 8
Surrey v Somerset (The Oval)                                Oval Invincibles v Trent Rockets (The Oval)
Group 3: Yorkshire v Lancashire (Scarborough)
                                                            Monday, August 9
Glamorgan v Northamptonshire (Cardiff)
                                                            Birmingham Phoenix v Welsh Fire (Edgbaston)
Kent v Sussex (Beckenham)
                                                            Tuesday, August 10
Division stage dates                                        Manchester Originals v London Spirit (Old T)
Round 1: August 30 - September 2                            Wednesday, August 11
Round 2: September 5 - 8                                    Southern Brave v Welsh Fire (Southampton)
Round 3: September 12 - 15                                  Thursday, August 12
Round 4: September 21 - 24                                  Northern Superchargers v Manchester Originals
Bob Willis Trophy Final: September 27 - October 1           (Headingley)
                                                            Friday, August 13
The Hundred - 2021 Fixtures                                 Trent Bridge Rockets v Birmingham Phoenix (Trent B)
Thursday, July 22                                           Saturday, August 14
Oval Invincibles v Manchester Originals (The Oval)          Oval Invincibles v London Spirit (The Oval)
Friday, July 23                                             Sunday, August 15
Birmingham Phoenix v London Spirit (Edgbaston)              Trent Rockets v Manchester Originals (Trent B)
Saturday, July 24:                                          Monday, August 16
Trent Rockets v Southern Brave (Trent Bridge)               Southern Brave v Oval Invincibles (Southampton)
Northern Superchargers v Welsh Fire (Headingley)            Tuesday, August 17
Sunday, July 25                                             Northern Superchargers v Birmingham Phoenix
London Spirit v Oval Invincibles (Lord’s)                   (Headingley)
Manchester Originals v Birmingham Phoenix (Old T)           Wednesday, August 18
Monday, July 26                                             Welsh Fire v London Spirit (Cardiff)
Trent Rockets v Northern Superchargers (Trent B)            Friday, August 20
Tuesday, July 27                                            Eliminator (The Oval)
Welsh Fire v Southern Brave (Cardiff)                        Saturday, August 21
Wednesday, July 28                                          Final (Lord’s)
Manchester Originals v Northern Superchargers (Old T)

T20 Blast - 2021 Fixtures
Wednesday, June 9                                       Saturday, June 19
Kent v Hampshire (Canterbury)                           Somerset v Glamorgan (Taunton)
Lancashire v Derbyshire (Old Trafford)                   Sunday, June 20
Worcestershire v NoTnghamshire (Worcester)              Gloucestershire v Hampshire (Bristol)
Somerset v Essex (Taunton)                              Kent v Essex (Chelmsford)
Thursday, June 10                                       Yorkshire v Derbyshire (Headingley)
Yorkshire v Birmingham Bears (Headingley)               Durham v Birmingham Bears (Riverside)
Lancashire v Leicestershire (Old Trafford)               Lancashire v NoTnghamshire (Old Trafford)
Middlesex v Surrey (Lord's)                             Northamptonshire v Leicestershire (Northampton)
Glamorgan v Gloucestershire (Cardiff)                    Monday, June 21
Friday, June 11                                         Surrey v Essex (The Oval)
Gloucestershire v Sussex (Bristol)
Kent v Middlesex (Canterbury)                           Tuesday, June 22
Durham v Yorkshire (Riverside)                          Gloucestershire v Kent (Bristol)
Essex v Hampshire (Chelmsford)                          Sussex v Glamorgan (Hove)
Somerset v Surrey (Taunton)                             Derbyshire v Leicestershire (Derby)
Northamptonshire v Worcestershire (Northampton)         NoTnghamshire v Worcestershire (Trent Bridge)
NoTnghamshire v Birmingham Bears (Trent Bridge)         Wednesday, June 23
Leicestershire v Derbyshire (Leicester)                 Yorkshire v Worcestershire (Headingley)
Saturday, June 12                                       Durham v Northamptonshire (Riverside)
Sussex v Hampshire (Hove)                               Surrey v Somerset (The Oval)
Sunday, June 13                                         Thursday, June 24
Kent v Gloucestershire (Canterbury)                     Birmingham Bears v Derbyshire (Edgbaston)
Worcestershire v Lancashire (New Road)                  Middlesex v Essex (Lord's)
Glamorgan v Essex (Cardiff)                              Gloucestershire v Glamorgan (Lord's)
Northamptonshire v NoTnghamshire (Northampton)          Friday, June 25
Derbyshire v Birmingham Bears (Derby)                   Surrey v Middlesex (The Oval)
Monday, June 14                                         Worcestershire v Durham (Worcester)
Surrey v Glamorgan (The Oval)                           Sussex v Gloucestershire (Hove)
Tuesday, June 15                                        Essex v Kent (Chelmsford)
Yorkshire v Leicestershire (Headingley)                 Somerset v Hampshire (Taunton)
Durham v NoTnghamshire (Riverside)                      Northamptonshire v Lancashire (Northampton)
Middlesex v Hampshire (TBC)                             Derbyshire v NoTnghamshire (Derby)
Essex v Sussex (Chelmsford)                             Leicestershire v Yorkshire (Leicester)
Somerset v Kent (Taunton)                               Saturday, June 26
Northamptonshire v Birmingham Bears (Northampton)       Birmingham Bears v Durham (Edgbaston)
Derbyshire v Lancashire (Derby)                         Yorkshire v Northamptonshire (Headingley)
Wednesday, June 16                                      NoTnghamshire v Lancashire (Trent Bridge)
Worcestershire v Yorkshire (Worcester)                  Sunday, June 27
Glamorgan v Kent (Cardiff)                               Worcestershire v Leicestershire (Worcester)
Leicestershire v Birmingham Bears (Leicester)           Middlesex v Glamorgan (TBC)
Thursday, June 17                                       Sussex v Surrey (Hove)
Durham v Lancashire (Riverside)                         Monday, June 28
Surrey v Sussex (The Oval)                              Hampshire v Middlesex (Southampton)
Middlesex v Gloucestershire (TBC)                       Kent v Somerset (Canterbury)
Derbyshire v Northamptonshire (Derby)
                                                        Tuesday, June 29
Friday, June 18                                         Glamorgan v Surrey (Cardiff)
Birmingham Bears v Lancashire (Edgbaston)               Sussex v Kent (Hove)
Yorkshire v Durham (Headingley)                         Essex v Somerset (Chelmsford)
Surrey v Hampshire (The Oval)                           Leicestershire v Northamptonshire (Leicester)
Worcestershire v Northamptonshire (Worcester)
Glamorgan v Middlesex (Cardiff)
                                                        Wednesday, June 30
Sussex v Somerset (Hove)                                Northamptonshire v Durham (Northampton)
Essex v Gloucestershire (Chelmsford)                    Hampshire v Surrey (Southampton)
NoTnghamshire v Derbyshire (Trent Bridge)               Birmingham Bears v Yorkshire (Edgbaston)

T20 Blast - 2021 Fixtures and The Royal London Cup

Thursday, July 1                                         Royal London Cup Fixtures
Gloucestershire v Somerset (Bristol)
Lancashire v Worcestershire (Old Trafford)              Thursday, July 22
Middlesex v Sussex (Lord's)                            Glamorgan v Warwickshire (Cardiff)
Essex v Glamorgan (Chelmsford)                         Hampshire v Essex (Southampton), Kent v Durham
NoTnghamshire v Leicestershire (Trent Bridge)          (Beckenham), Leicestershire v Derbyshire (Leicester),
Friday, July 2                                         Yorkshire v Surrey (Scarborough)
Hampshire v Gloucestershire (Southampton)              Friday, July 23
Kent v Surrey (Canterbury)                             Lancashire v Sussex (TBC)
Birmingham Bears v NoTnghamshire (Edgbaston)
Yorkshire v Lancashire (Headingley)                    Saturday, July 25
Durham v Leicestershire (Riverside)                    Essex v Middlesex (Chelmsford)
Glamorgan v Sussex (Cardiff)                            Gloucestershire v Lancashire (Bristol)
Somerset v Middlesex (Taunton)                         Leicestershire v Yorkshire (Leicester)
Derbyshire v Worcestershire (Derby)                    Northamptonshire v Glamorgan (Northampton)
                                                       Somerset v Derbyshire (Taunton)
Friday, July 9                                         Sussex v Durham (Hove)
Hampshire v Somerset (Southampton)                     Warwickshire v NoTnghamshire (Edgbaston)
Gloucestershire v Middlesex (Cheltenham)               Worcestershire v Kent (Worcester)
Lancashire v Northamptonshire (Old Trafford)
                                                       Tuesday, July 27
Durham v Derbyshire (Riverside)
                                                       Derbyshire v Warwickshire (Derby)
Surrey v Kent (The Oval)
                                                       Gloucestershire v Worcestershire (Bristol)
Worcestershire v Birmingham Bears (Worcester)
                                                       Hampshire v Sussex (Southampton)
Sussex v Essex (Hove)
                                                       Middlesex v Durham (TBC)
NoTnghamshire v Yorkshire (Trent Bridge)
                                                       Surrey v NoTnghamshire (The Oval)
Friday, July 16                                        Wednesday, July 28
Hampshire v Essex (Southampton - double header)
                                                       Kent v Lancashire (Beckenham)
Hampshire v Sussex (Southampton - double header)
                                                       Somerset v Glamorgan (Taunton)
Gloucestershire v Surrey (Cheltenham)
                                                       Yorkshire v Northamptonshire (Scarborough)
Birmingham Bears v Worcestershire (Edgbaston)
Lancashire v Durham (Old Trafford)                      Thursday, July 29
Middlesex v Kent (Lord's)                              Durham v Gloucestershire (South Northumberland)
Glamorgan v Somerset (Cardiff)                          Essex v Worcestershire (Chelmsford)
Northamptonshire v Derbyshire (Northampton),           Warwickshire v Leicestershire (Edgbaston)
Leicestershire v NoTnghamshire (Leicester)             Friday, July 30
Saturday, July 17:                                     Derbyshire v Glamorgan (Derby)
Lancashire v Yorkshire (Old Trafford)                   Middlesex v Hampshire (TBC)
                                                       NoTnghamshire v Somerset (Welbeck)
Sunday, July 18:
                                                       Surrey v Northamptonshire (The Oval)
Hampshire v Glamorgan (Southampton)
                                                       Sussex v Kent (Hove)
Kent v Sussex (Canterbury)
Derbyshire v Yorkshire (Chesterfield)                   Sunday, August 1
Birmingham Bears v Northamptonshire (Edgbaston)        Essex v Kent (Chelmsford)
Essex v Middlesex (Chelmsford)                         Hampshire v Lancashire (Southampton)
Somerset v Gloucestershire (Taunton)                   Northamptonshire v Derbyshire (Northampton)
NoTnghamshire v Durham (Trent Bridge)                  NoTnghamshire v Leicestershire (Welbeck)
Leicestershire v Worcestershire (Leicester)            Somerset v Yorkshire (Taunton)
Tuesday August 24, Wednesday 25,                       Sussex v Gloucestershire (Hove)
                                                       Worcestershire v Middlesex (Worcester)
Thursday 26 and Friday 27:
Quarter-final days                                      Tuesday, August 3
                                                       Glamorgan v Surrey (Cardiff)
Saturday, September 18                                 Gloucestershire v Essex (Bristol)
Finals Day (Edgbaston)                                 Lancashire v Middlesex (TBC)
                                                       Yorkshire v Warwickshire (York)

Royal London Cup and England Home Fixtures

Wednesday, August 4
Hampshire v Worcestershire (Southampton)               England Home Fixtures
NoTnghamshire v Derbyshire (Derby)                       Wednesday, June 2 - Sunday, June 6
Thursday, August 5                                       England v New Zealand (1st Test Lord's)
Durham v Lancashire (Riverside)                          Thursday - Monday: June 10 - 14
Leicestershire v Glamorgan (Leicester)                   England v New Zealand (2nd Test Edgbaston)
Surrey v Somerset (The Oval)
                                                         Wednesday, June 23
Friday, August 6                                         England v Sri Lanka (1st T20I Cardiff)
Gloucestershire v Hampshire (Bristol)
Middlesex v Kent (TBC)                                   Thursday, June 24
Warwickshire v Northamptonshire (Edgbaston)              England v Sri Lanka (2nd T20I Cardiff)
Worcestershire v Sussex (Worcester)                      Saturday, June 26
Yorkshire v NoTnghamshire (York)                         England v Sri Lanka (3rd T20I Southampton)
Saturday, August 7                                       Tuesday, June 29
Leicestershire v Surrey (Leicester)                      England v Sri Lanka (1st ODI, Emirates Riverside)
Sunday, August 8                                         Thursday, July 1
Derbyshire v Yorkshire (Chesterfield)                     England v Sri Lanka (2nd ODI, Kia Oval)
Durham v Essex (Riverside)
Glamorgan v NoTnghamshire (Cardiff)                       Sunday, July 4
Kent v Hampshire (Beckenham)                             England v Sri Lanka (3rd ODI, Bristol)
Lancashire v Worcestershire (TBC)                        Thursday, July 8
Middlesex v Gloucestershire (TBC)                        England v Pakistan (1st ODI, Sophia Gardens)
Northamptonshire v Somerset (Northampton)
                                                         Saturday, July 10
Tuesday, August 10                                       England v Pakistan (2nd ODI, Lord’s)
Essex v Sussex (Chelmsford)
                                                         Tuesday, July 13
NoTnghamshire v Northamptonshire (Grantham)
                                                         England v Pakistan (3rd ODI, Edgbaston)
Somerset v Leicestershire (Taunton)
Surrey v Warwickshire (The Oval)                         Friday, July 16
Worcestershire v Durham (Worcester)                      England v Pakistan (1st T20I, Trent Bridge)
Thursday, August 12                                      Sunday, July 18
Derbyshire v Surrey (Derby)                              England v Pakistan (2nd T20I, Emerald Headingley)
Durham v Hampshire (Riverside)
Glamorgan v Yorkshire (Cardiff)                           Tuesday, July 20
Kent v Gloucestershire (Beckenham)                       England v Pakistan (3rd T20I, Emirates Old Trafford)
Lancashire v Essex (Old Trafford)                         Wednesday, August 4 - Sunday, August 8
Northamptonshire v Leicestershire (Northampton),         England v India (1st Test, Trent Bridge)
Sussex v Middlesex (Hove)
                                                         Thursday, August 12 - Monday, August 16
Warwickshire v Somerset (Edgbaston)
                                                         England v India (2nd Test, Lord’s)
Saturday, August 14                                      Wednesday, August 25 - Sunday, August 29
Quarter-finals                                            England v India (3rd Test, Emerald Headingley)
Tuesday, August 17                                       Thursday, September 2 - Monday, September 6
Semi-finals                                               England v India (4th Test, Kia Oval)
Thursday, August 19                                      Friday, September 10 - Tuesday, September 14
Final (Trent Bridge)                                     England v India (5th Test, Emirates Old Trafford)

 The Virtual Wisdener has been published since April 3rd 2020 and every ediGon
 along with the three ‘Special NewsleNers enGtled - Leaves From The Past (by
 Richard Lawrence - a look of some unique and unusual matches from the
 nineteenth centre onwards) - can be found and read by clicking here
2021 County Squad changes from 2020
Derbyshire                                                       Players in: ScoN Steel (Durham), Rishi Patel (Essex), Ed
Overseas players: Ben McDermoN (Australia, white-                Barnes (Yorkshire)
ball only), DusGn Melton (Zimbabwe), Billy Stanlake              Players out: Tom Taylor (Northamptonshire), Paul
(Australia - Pictured Top, Right)                                Horton (reGred), Mark Cosgrove (released)
Players in: Brooke Guest (Lancashire), Nick                      Middlesex
PoNs (youth)                                                     Overseas players: Peter Handscomb (Australia)
Players out: Tony Palladino (reGred)                             Mujeeb ur Rahman (Afghanistan), Mitchell Marsh
Durham                                                           (Australia, T20 Blast)
Overseas players: Cameron Bancro_ (Australia)                    Players in:
Players in: ScoN Borthwick (Surrey)                              Players out: Dan Lincoln (released)
Players out: James Weighell (released), Ben Whitehead            Northamptonshire
(released), Sol Bell (released), Josh Coughlin (released),       Overseas players: Mohammad Nabi (Afghanistan T20
Nathan Rimmington (released), ScoN Steel                         Blast), Wayne Parnell (South Africa)
(Leicestershire), Gareth Harte (released)                        Players in: Tom Taylor (Leicestershire)
Essex                                                            Players out: Rob Newton (released), BreN
Overseas players: Simon Harmer (South Africa), Peter             HuNon (NoTnghamshire), Blessing
Siddle (Australia)                                               Muzarabani (released), Tom Sole (released)
Players in:                                                      NB: Ex-SA batsman Richard Levi, previously a Kolpak
Players out: Rishi Patel (Leicestershire)                        signing, has signed a new contract and is registered as
                                                                 a local player.
Overseas players: Marnus Labuschagne (Australia,                 NoUnghamshire
Pictured, Right), Colin Ingram (South Africa), Michael           Overseas players: TBC
Neser (Australia)                                                Players in: BreN HuNon (Northamptonshire), Toby
Players in: -                                                    PeNman, Dane Schadendorf
Players out: Kieran Bull (released), Connor Brown                Players out: Jack Blatherwick (Lancashire), Chris
(released), Owen Morgan (Worcestershire), Graham                 Nash (released)
Wagg (released), Marchant de Lange (Somerset)                    Somerset
Gloucestershire                                                  Overseas players: Marchant de Lange (South Africa)
Overseas player: Dan Worrall (Australia)                         Players in:
Players in: Jared Warner (Yorkshire)                             Players out: Nathan Gilchrist (Kent), Jamie
Players out: Gareth Roderick (Worcestershire), Stuart            Overton (Surrey), Dom Bess (Yorkshire)
WhiTngham (reGred), George Drissell (released)                   Surrey
Hampshire                                                        Overseas players: Hashim Amla (South Africa), Kemar
Overseas players: Kyle AbboN (South Africa),                     Roach (West Indies, County Championship)
Mohammad Abbas (Pakistan , County Championship)                  Players in: Jamie Overton (Somerset)
Players in: George Munsey (T20 Blast)                            Players out: ScoN Borthwick (Durham), Morne
Players out: Harry Came (released), Oli                          Morkel (released)
Soames (released)                                                Sussex
Kent                                                             Overseas players: Travis Head (Australia, SGaan van
Overseas players: Miguel Cummins (West Indies - for              Zyl (South Africa), Rashid Khan (Afghanistan T20
first eight CC matches)                                           only), David Wiese (South Africa, T20 only)
Players in: Nathan Gilchrist (Somerset)                          Players in: Jamie Atkins (youth), Henry
Players out: Calum HaggeN (reGred), Ivan                         Crocombe (youth), Jack Carson (youth), Sean Hunt
Thomas (released)                                                Players out: Harry Finch (released), Luke
                                                                 Wells (Lancashire), Danny Briggs (Warwickshire), Will
Lancashire                                                       Sheffield (released)
Overseas players: Dane Villas (South Africa)
Players in: Jack Blatherwick (Northamptonshire), Luke             It seems the most up to date place
Wells (Sussex)
Players out: Brooke Guest (Derbyshire), Toby                      for all County signings and squad
Lester (released), Stephen Parry (released)                       informaGon is the BBC website. If
Overseas player: Marcus Harris (Australia) One-Day                you would like to have a look, then
Cup), Naveen-ul-Haq (Afghanistan T20 Blast)                       please click here
2021 Squads cont’d

Warwickshire                                                   Sowter, Sam Billings, Laurie Evans, Will Jacks, Sandeep
Overseas players: Carlos Brathwaite (West Indies, T20          Lamichhane, Saqib Mahmood, Colin Ingram, Brandon
Blast), Pieter Malan (South Africa, County                     Glover, Jordan Clark
Championship)                                                  Southern Brave
Players in: Danny Briggs (Sussex), Manraj Johal (youth),       Men's: Jofra Archer, Liam Dawson, George Garton,
Jacob Bethell                                                  Chris Jordan, Tymal Mills, Delray Rawlins, James Vince,
Players out: Tim Ambrose (reGred), Ian                         Alex Davies, Max Waller, Craig Overton, Andre Russell,
Bell (reGred), Jeetan Patel (reGred), Liam                     Marcus Stoinis, Ross Whiteley, David Warner, Danny
Banks (released)                                               Briggs
Worcestershire                                                 Trent Rockets
Overseas players: Ben Dwarshuis (Australia -T20 Blast)         Men's: Joe Root, Rashid Khan, Alex Hales, MaN Carter,
Players in: Gareth Roderick (Gloucestershire)                  Dawid Malan, Tom Moores, Steven Mullaney, Nathan
Players out: Olly Westbury (released), Ben                     Coulter-Nile, Ben Cox, Lewis Gregory, D'Arcy Short,
Twohig (released), Wayne Parnell (released)                    Luke Wood, Luke Wright, Samit Patel, Timm van der
Yorkshire                                                      Gutgen
Overseas players: Duanne Olivier (South Africa), Lockie
                                                               Welsh Fire
Ferguson (New Zealand, T20 Blast )
                                                               Men's: Ollie Pope, Jonny Bairstow, Tom Banton, Ben
Players in: Dom Bess (Somerset), Ben Birkhead, George
                                                               DuckeN, Qais Ahmad, Ryan Higgins, David Payne, Liam
Hill, Dominic Leech, Tom Loten, Josh Sullivan, James
                                                               PlunkeN, Kieron Pollard, Jhye Richardson, Jake Ball, Iain
Wharton, MaNhew Revis, Josh Sullivan, Harry Duke (all
                                                               Cockbain, Josh Cobb, MaN Critchley, David Lloyd.
Players out: Jared Warner (Gloucestershire), James
Logan (released), Ed Barnes (Leicestershire)
                                                               The Format of The Hundred:
The Hundred                                                    *100 balls per innings *A change of ends a_er 10 balls
                                                               * Bowlers deliver either five or 10 consecuGve balls
Birmingham Phoenix                                             * Each bowler can deliver a maximum of 20 balls per
Men's: Chris Woakes, Dom Sibley, Moeen Ali (captain),          game[10] * Each bowling side will get a strategic Gme-
Pat Brown, Adam Hose, Henry Brookes, Adam Zampa,               out of up to two and a half minutes and the teams will
Tom Helm, Benny Howell, Shaheen Afridi, Chris Cooke,           be able to call Gme-outs at their convenience. * A 25-
Liam Livingstone, Kane Williamson, Tom Abell, Daniel           ball power-play start for each team * During the
Bell-Drummond, Miles Hammond                                   power-play, only two fielders will be allowed outside
                                                               the iniGal 30-yard circle.
London Spirit
Men's: Zak Crawley, Dan Lawrence, Eoin Morgan                  **The organisers have also proposed a simplified
(captain), Mohammad Amir, Jade Dernbach,                       scoreboard to make it easier for the spectators on the
Mohammad Nabi, Luis Reece, Adam                                ground as well as those watch it on television or on
Rossington, Mason Crane, Joe Denly, Glenn Maxwell,             smartphones can easily understand what's happening
Roelof Van Der Merwe, Mark Wood, Ravi Bopara, Chris            in the game.
                                                               There will be eight city-based teams compeGng for the
Manchester Originals
                                                               Gtle over a 38-day period during the school summer
Men's: Jos BuNler, Joe Clarke, Phil Salt, Wayne
                                                               holidays, which run from mid-July to early September.
Madsen, MaN Parkinson, Nicholas Pooran, Kagiso
                                                               Each team will play four matches at home and four
Rabada, Harry Gurney, Shadab Khan, Jamie Overton,
                                                               matches away (thereby playing their closest rival twice
Tom Lammonby, Steven Finn, Colin Ackermann,
                                                               in a format similar to the Big Bash League), which
Richard Gleeson, Tom Hartley
                                                               means there will be a total of 32 games in the league
Northern Superchargers                                         that precedes the play-offs.
Men's: Ben Stokes, Adil Rashid, David Willey, Tom
Kohler-Cadmore, Adam Lyth, Aaron Finch, Brydon                 The play-offs will include the top three teams at the
Carse, Chris Lynn, John Simpson, Mujeeb Ur Rahman,             conclusion of the league stage. The top team will
Olly Stone, MaNhew PoNs, MaNhew Fisher, Harry                  progress directly to the final. The second and third
Brook, Callum Parkinson                                        teams will meet in a semi-final. The semi-final and final
Oval Invincibles                                               will be played at the same venue on the same day.
Men's: Sam Curran, Rory Burns, Tom Curran, Reece
Topley, Alex Blake, Sunil Narine, Jason Roy, Nathan
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