THE VILLAGES REPUBLICAN CLUB - Sumter County Republican Party

Page created by Joe Gardner
THE VILLAGES REPUBLICAN CLUB - Sumter County Republican Party
It’s time for The Villages Republican Club’s October meeting! COUNTRY CLUB, OUTDOOR &
LOTS OF ENERGY! You are invited to attend our next meeting on Thursday, October 8th, 2020. It will
be held outdoors on the patio of Palmer Legends Country Club just off Buena Vista Boulevard at 1635
Palmer Way, The Villages, FL 32162. We will be having 2 meeting opportunities – One at 4:00pm and
another at 7:00pm. Our dynamic guest speaker is National Committeeman Peter Feaman, Club activity
reports, and the entire menu available for your dinner purchase. This election is too important to sit
back. You need to be a part of it! Also bring cash or check, because we have new Trump merchandise.
IMPORTANT: You must RSVP to Dr. Kristin Miller (Doc) at Include a
contact phone number and include which session you would like to attend (4pm or 7pm). Seating is
limited and spots will be filled on a first come-first served basis. Let’s get to work electing
Republicans! For additional and up to date information; visit the Club Facebook Page at, Club Web Page at
villages-republican-club-2/ or the Club Twitter account @villagesrepclub.
THE VILLAGES REPUBLICAN CLUB - Sumter County Republican Party
We need to continue working hard to ensure President Trump wins the White
House again to further his agenda to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN and for
KEEPING AMERICA GREAT for generations to come.

We hope you and all Americans are doing well with this COVID 19 virus
pandemic. We would also like the thank everyone for following the CDC and
Florida Health guidelines which caused the slowing of the pandemic.

President Trump has nominated his third Supreme Court Justice, Amy Coney
Barrett. Judge Barrett is a brilliant jurist with outstanding legal credentials. Now
the Senate needs to quickly confirm. We will see the Democrats true colors
during this confirmation as we have for the last several months in all the riots
across the country.

As we continue to hear the Democrats narrative that projects their shortcomings
onto the President and Republicans. We need to counter these narratives with
truths and challenge them in every way.

With all the truths coming out about what the trouble Obama administration did to
cover-up their spying on the Trump campaign in 2016 and beyond, the Democrats
are panicking as their narratives are falling apart as Americans see the truth.
Don’t believe the Fake Main Street Media as they tell the lies of the Democrats.


We need to talk to our neighbors, friends and family about what is going on in our
Country and get them to get out and vote. AND VOTE REPUBLICAN! Talk to
Democrats about how their Party has left them and they can switch their Party
affiliation to Republican. We also need to fight every lie the Democrats attempt to
tell America. Go to for help.

                               TRUMP 2020!
                           KEEP AMERICA GREAT
THE VILLAGES REPUBLICAN CLUB - Sumter County Republican Party
The Villages Republican Club Minutes
                September 10, 2020
TVRC President Jerry Prince called the September 10, 2020, TVRC Membership
meeting to order at 7:00PM, at the Palmer Country Club. The invocation was given
by Gary Search and John Black led the membership in The Pledge of Allegiance.

Dr. Kristin Miller, TVRC volunteer coordinator, requested volunteers for multiple
Election Day activities, including holding signs for candidates and poll watching.
Thanks to Kristin for securing the Palmer location for our monthly membership

A quorum was present and the Minutes for the February 13, 2020 membership
meeting were approved with a motion and second from the floor and an voice
affirmation from the floor. TVRC Treasurer Carl Kruger gave a financial report for
the TVRC and announced that deposits from January 1, 2020 through August 31,
2020 totaled $3,086.00 and expenditures during that time period totaled $3,389.07.
The TVRC checking account balance as of August 31, 2020 was $11,616.62. The
treasurer's report was approved with a motion and second from the floor and a
voice affirmation. The time frames for reports are not as usually presented due to
no monthly meetings for an extended period of time.

New members that were present were asked to stand by President Jerry Prince and
some comments from them were warmly received. Dinner was served after this
part of the meeting and President Jerry Prince began the post dinner
announcements, by stating that the next TVRC meeting would be October 8, 2020
at the Palmer Country Club and there would possibly be 2 seating times due to
Covid restrictions.

President Jerry Prince also announced that Florida National Committeeman, Peter
Feaman, would be our featured speaker for the October event/s. Former Sumter
County Chair, John Calandro said a few words of encouragement on behalf of
current Sumter County Chair, John Temple, who was unable to attend.
Ways to find out about TVRC activities and events include:
The Villages Republican Club,, our web page
under clubs Twitter@villagesrepclub, to contribute with a credit card or an address
to mail a check. Also, Villagers for Trump is a useful tool for information and
their events.

The Trump HQ in Sumter County is located at 2752 Brownwood Blvd. in

Our guest speaker for the September meeting was Sumter County Supervisor of
Elections, Bill Keen. Bill gave a detailed presentation about the many facets of the
election process, including counting ballots, time and date restrictions, vote by
mail qualifications, early voting and Election Day voting. Also, ballots, signatures,
and recounts were discussed. Bill Keen took questions from the membership and
was very precise with answers. The membership appreciated Bill Keen and Sumter
County is fortunate to have a Supervisor of Elections as well qualified as Bill

President Prince adjourned the meeting at 8:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Will Statom
Will Statom, TVRC Secretary
Upcoming Events
For additional and up to date information; visit the Club Facebook Page
at, Club Web Page at or the
Club Twitter account @villagesrepclub.

     November 12, 2020 - Club Officer Elections, Celebration of Republicans
     Victories & Open Discussion on Next Year’s Agenda at Colony Cottage
Help Wanted

Your Club is looking for individuals who wish to get involved with the Club in many
roles. We need volunteers to help the Club get ready for a big push to keep Florida RED.

Membership dues are only $15 for the year. Name Tags are available for $6.00, a
onetime fee. Remember if your dues are not paid you will not be able to vote on TVRC
issues and you will not receive email updates. Dues must be paid by the end of February
each year to be a member in good standing for the year. You can pay your dues at a Club
meeting or by sending a check to P.O. Box 222, Oxford, FL 34484.

Merchandise to include Trump items and “Team Melania” shirts, will be available at our
meetings. If you have ordered your shirt and name tag you can pick them up at the next

For those who wish to contribute to President Trump by mail, please send a personal
check, payable to the "Donald J. Trump for President, Inc." to:

                            Donald J. Trump President, Inc.
                                 C/O Trump Tower
                                   725 5th Avenue
                                New York, NY 10022

You can also contribute to the President’s 2020 campaign by going to Donald J. Trump’s
website, go to and on the upper right hand side you will
see the Contribute button. Click the button and follow the instructions.
President: Jerry Prince             Vice President: Pat Francis
E-mail:       Email:
(703) 338-2166                      (352) 259-0088

Secretary: Will Statom              Treasurer: Carl Kruger
E-mail:      E-mail:
Phone: 765-747-0973                 Phone: (616) 566-0570

Membership: Sandy Kruger            Program: Dr. Kristin Miller
E-mail:      E-mail:
Phone: (616)566-0571                Phone: (563) 210-3641

Publicity: Andrew Bilardello        Promotional: Jill Cain
E-mail:   (321) 223-2349
Phone: (561) 644-1358     

Welcome: Walter & Marie Lazinski
Phone: (352) 259-0969

Al Butler                                    Doug Gilpin
District 1 Commissioner                      District 2 Commissioner
E-mail:         E-mail:
Phone: (352) 689-4400                        Phone: (352) 689-4400
7375 Powell Road                             7375 Powell Road
Wildwood, FL 34785                           Wildwood, FL 34785

Don Burgess Chairman                          Garry Breeden
District 3 Commissioner                       District 4 Commissioner
Phone: ( 352) 689-4400                        Phone: (352) 689-4400
7375 Powell Road                              7375 Powell Road
Wildwood, FL 34785                            Wildwood, FL 34785

Steve Printz
District 5 Commissioner
Phone: (352) 689-4400
7375 Powell Road
Wildwood, FL 34785


Joey Hooten Appraiser                     Bill Keen Supervisor of Elections
Sumter County Property Appraiser          Sumter County Supervisor of Elections
Phone: (352) 569-6800                     Phone: (352) 569-1540
Sumter County Service Center              Sumter County Service Center
7375 Powell Road                          7375 Powell Road
Wildwood, FL 34785                        Wildwood, FL 34785

Randy Mask Tax Collector                  Bill O. Farmer, Sheriff
Sumter County Tax Collector               Sumter County Sheriff
Phone: (352) 689-4540                     Phone: (352)689-4400
Sumter County Service Center              8033 East CR 466
7375 Powell Road                          Lady Lake, FL 32159
Wildwood, FL 34785

Gloria R. Hayward
Clerk of Courts
Phone: (352) 569-610
215 E McCollum Ave, Room 246
Bushnell, FL 33513
Governor of Florida                 Nikki Fried
Ron DeSantis 400                    Dept. of Agriculture-Consumer Services
South Main Street                   The Capital
Tallahassee, FL 32399               Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 488-7146                      (850) 488-3022             

Ashley Moody                        Jimmy Patronis
Florida State Attorney General      Chief Financial Officer
The Capital                         200 East Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399               Tallahassee, FL 32399
(850) 414-330                       (877) 693-5236    

Dennis Baxley                       Brett Hage
Florida Senator District 12         Florida Representative District 33
206 S. Highway US 27/441            906 Avenida Central
Lady Lake, FL 32159                 The Villages, FL 32159
(352) 750-3133                      (352) 315-4445

                       U.S. FEDERAL ELECTED OFFICIALS
President Donald Trump                 Vice President Michael Pence
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW         1601600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500                   Washington, DC 20500
(202) 456-1111                         (202) 456-1111                

Marco Rubio US Senator                 Daniel Webster US Representative
B4DA Dirksen Building                  8015 E CR 466 Suite B
Washington, DC 20510                   The Villages, FL 32162
202-224-3041                           (352) 383-3553

Rick Scott US Senator
B3 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-5274
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