The United States Yoga Federation -

Page created by Wade Allen
The United States Yoga Federation -
The United States
 Yoga Federation
The United States Yoga Federation -
 Yoga Asana competitions originated in India hundreds
 of years ago and are still being conducted there today.
 USA Yoga brings the spirit of healthy competition to
 the United States, where, according to the most recent
 study by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance, more than
 36 million people practice yoga in the US today. USA
 Yoga believes that the sport of Yoga Asana will inspire
 current practitioners to improve their practices, and
 encourage newcomers to take up the practice of yoga
 and the sport of Yoga Asana.

 USA Yoga is developing educational programs, rules,
 and regulations so that the necessary competitive skills
 can be understood and mastered by athletes, coaches,
 and judges. Successful athletes train to achieve mastery
 of balance, strength, flexibility, and concentration.

 USA Yoga organizes a three level competition process
 each year beginning with a qualifier round via video
 submission, followed by four invitational Regionals
 held across the United States, and culminating in an
 annual National Championship. These competitions are
 open to competitors of any yoga school or style, and
 all are encouraged to participate. To borrow an ancient
 phrase, ‘the paths are many, the sport is one.’
                                                            A BRIEF HISTORY
                                                            The Beginning
                                                            2003: The 1st Regional and International Yoga
                                                                  Asana Championships take place in LA.
                                                                  Men and Women compete together. Lesli
                                                                  Lounsbury (formerly Christiansen) is named
                                                                  first female US Yoga Asana Champion.

                                                            2004: Male and Female Divisions introduced.
                                                                  Esak Garcia is named International
                                                                  Champion representing the United States.

                                                            2007: Cynthia Wehr and Ky Ha are the first US
                                                                  Yoga Asana champions to tour the world
                                                                  together demonstrating and inspiring others.

                                                            2008: Introduction of Youth Division in Yoga
                                                                  Asana Competition.
The United States Yoga Federation -
         The United States Yoga Federation aspires to be the governing body for the sport of Yoga Asana in the
         United States. USA Yoga’s goal is to develop Yoga Asana as a sport, whereby all athletes perform under a
         uniform set of rules on a fair playing field. Further, it aims is to provide athletes, coaches, and judges
         with the tools and resources necessary to unify the sport, while at the same time, promoting the sport of
         Yoga Asana for the betterment of people’s health. USA Yoga is a member of the International Yoga
         Sports Federation (IYSF). See for more information.

“   Yoga is so beneficial,
    especially in today’s world.
    We need to make the change.
    The change can only come
    with you – within your
    Spirit, within your beliefs.

    Growth & Expansion
    2008: The United States Yoga Federation is formed by visionary and five-time
          winner of the All-India Yoga Championship, Rajashree Choudhury.

    2012: 2011–2012 National Championship relocates from LA to NYC, and draws a
          record crowd of approx. 1,000 people, with a total audience of approx.
          30,000 watching via live streaming.

    2013: Once again Nationals are held at the historic Hudson Theatre in New York,
          and the “Champion of Champions” demonstration is added.

    2014: Added the Senior Division.

    2017: Held the National Championship in conjunction with the State Games of America, an Olympic-style, multi-sport event.

    A Positive Future
    2018: Added a second Youth Division, 7–11, and renamed the Senior Division to Adult 50+.
The United States Yoga Federation -
     USA Yoga believes that the practice of yoga and Yoga Asana is beneficial for the physical and mental health of all
     practitioners – children, teens, adults, and seniors. Increased awareness of the sport of Yoga Asana will encourage
     existing practitioners to sharpen their skills through training, dedication, and devotion to the sport, and will inspire
     new practitioners to begin a practice, which leads to a healthier and happier life.

The top two winners from each division advance to the IYSF International Yoga
Championship, which is held bi-annually.

                  Years in Operation | 2003 – 2018
                              Venues | Los Angeles, New York, Jackson Hole, Grand Rapids
                    2017 Attendance | Approx. 500 Spectators
                Number of Sponsors | 10
       Live Internet Stream viewers | 3000+
       Major National Press Pickups | MSNBC, BBC, AP, Reuters, Fox, ABC, CNN

We have four Regional Championships that include over 40 States. The first place
winners from each state and each division advance to Nationals, in addition, the highest
scorers from all states are also invited to Nationals.

Average Total Participants, Annually | 500+
      Average Sponsors Per Region | Up to 10; depending on size of regional
                            Timespan | 6 Months from first regional to last
                             Finalists | Over 130 athletes compete at Nationals
The United States Yoga Federation -
     The United States Yoga Federation welcomes practitioners from all yoga lineages and disciplines. Our athletes
     span a vast number of backgrounds, ages, ethnicities, and yoga disciplines. They represent almost every single
     state in the country and all hold a shared goal of striving towards excellence and precision in the performance
     of Yoga Asana. Our athletes range from the naturally sport inclined, to those who have overcome medical
     issues and risen beyond expectations to be awarded the title of Yoga Asana Champion.

The Adult Division performs 4 compulsory with a choice of three difficulty
levels for each one, and 2 optional postures.

                Age Range | 18+
        Gender Breakdown | 65% Female /35% Male
  Average Years Practicing | 4.3 Years
   Instructors vs. Students | 75% vs. 25%

Youth Division perform 4 compulsory and 2 optional postures.

                Age Range | 7 – 17
        Gender Breakdown | 85% Female, 15% Male
  Average Years Practicing | 1.3 Years
The United States Yoga Federation -
 Involving your brand with the United States Yoga Federation’s vision and events is a valuable resource for reaching
 new health and wellness oriented customers. USA Yoga does not subscribe to one type of yoga philosophy,
 opening its doors to millions of practitioners nationwide, across all forms and disciplines. According to the Yoga
 Journal and Yoga Alliance study the demographics of the 36 million + are 72% women, and 28% men. They spend
 over 16 million on classes and yoga related products.

                 Booth Sponsorship | $1000
                 • Name on digital assets
                 • Hyperlinked logo on website
                 • Name in all event email communications
                 • Social media tag on event posts
                 • Logo in event slideshow
                 • Branding on printed collateral
                 • Sponsor table space

                 Business Sponsorship | $200
                 • Name on digital assets
                 • Hyperlinked logo on website
                 • Name in all event email communications
                 • Social media tag on event posts
                 • Logo in event slideshow
                 • Tax deductible receipt
                 • Vip seating at the event

                 Individual Sponsorship | $100
                 • Name on digital assets
                 • Name on website
                 • Name in all event email communications
                 • Tax deductible receipt
                 • Vip seating at the event
The United States Yoga Federation -
 USA Yoga competitions generate an audience of yoga practitioners, as well as those with an aspiration to try
 yoga. The 2016 Yoga in America Study conducted by Yoga Journal and Yoga Alliance predicts that over 80
 million Americans plan to try yoga. The same study shows that practitioners spend over 16 million on classes
 and yoga related products, including equipment, clothing, vacations, and media. Partnering with USA Yoga
 events is an optimal way for brands to reach a new group with disposable income and strong ethical views.

                                                              Our sponsors are representative of the yoga,
                                                              health, and wellness universe. They represent
                                                              diverse brands that supply vital products and
                                                              services to the yoga community – from local
                                                              studio and business sponsorships, to apparel,
                                                              beauty, food & beverage product promotion.
The United States Yoga Federation -
Rajashree               USA Yoga was founded by one of the leading lights of competitive yoga
                        in the US and worldwide, Rajashree Choudhury, who remains an honorary
                        board member.
Choudhury               Rajashree Choudhury started her yoga training at the urging of her parents
                        at age four. She was a five-time winner of the All-India Yoga Championship
                        from 1979 to 1983. Rajashree founded the USA Yoga Federation in 2003. She
                        also presides over the International Yoga Sports Federation, formed in 2010. She
                        credits yoga competition to her current yoga path.

                        Rajashree has accumulated over 15 years experience in the East, and 25 years in
                        the West, and holds a Certification in Hatha Yoga Therapy for chronic diseases and
                        disorders. She helped devise a successful Yoga Teacher Training program in the United
                        States, is involved with a number of charities, regularly conducts worldwide seminars
                        on yoga and personal development, and teaches her highly acclaimed Pregnancy
                        Yoga Classes.

                        The United States Yoga Federation is led by a Board of Directors and by Executive
                        Director, Ainslie Faust, who supports the organization and runs the day to day


 5405 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 245                WEBSITE       
 Los Angeles, CA 90036                        EMAIL         
 PHONE   323-879-6998
 FAX     310-579-8651                         FACEBOOK      
The United States Yoga Federation - The United States Yoga Federation -
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