Company Presentation October 2017 - Terna Energy

Page created by June Higgins
Company Presentation October 2017 - Terna Energy
Company Presentation
October 2017
Company Presentation October 2017 - Terna Energy
Table of Contents

              Section 1: Company and Asset Overview

              Section 2: Highlights

              Section 3: Financial Performance

Company Presentation October 2017 - Terna Energy
1. Company and Asset Overview
Company Presentation October 2017 - Terna Energy
Terna Energy Company Overview
•        Largest Greek renewable company

•        786 MW of installed capacity(1)                                                      40%      Terna               26%
                                                                           GEK Terna                                                  G. Peristeris
                                                                          Parent Holding             Energy S.A.                        Chairman
•        194MW under construction or ready to build capacity

         Geographic diversification with 35.9% of sales in Eastern                                                          Energy
•                                                                                   Renewables
         Europe and US

•        Strong financial profile with 2016 revenues of €225.6 MM          Poland      Bulgaria     USA          Greece
         and EBITDA of €115.8 MM
                                                                           Wind            Wind     Wind         Wind         Solar         Hydro
•        Market capitalization: €448 MM as of 12 September 2017
Key Financials                                                            Sales by Geography and by Business Unit
                                                                          FY 2016
€ MM                  2012A   2013A   2014A   2015A   2016A
                                                              ‘12 – ‘16   By Geography                             By Business Unit          Concessions
                                                                                    USA                                                      e-ticket
Revenue               124.0   139.6   158.2   198.6   225.6   16.1%                                               Electric Energy
                                                                                    (11.7%)                                                  (5.6%)
Revenue                                                                                                           Trading
                      63%     12.9%   13.0    25.5%   13.6%                                                       (14.0%)
Growth                                                                    Eastern
EBITDA                53.0    69.9    74.0    99.3    115.8   21.6%       Europe
                                                                          (24.2%)                                                                   Energy
EBITDA Growth         60.6%   32.1%   5.7%    34.2%   16.6%                                                                                         from
EBITDA Margin         42.7%   50.1%   46.8%   50.0%   51.3%                                         Greece                                          67.0%

1. As of March 2017

Company Presentation October 2017 - Terna Energy
Asset Portfolio Overview
46 Projects                                                                                               Assets in Operation
                                                                        Didimos Lofos                                            Energy Type   Capacity (MW)   COD    PPA Life Left (Y)                           Energy Type   Capacity (MW)   COD    PPA Life Left (Y)

                                                                                                          Greece                                   522.7                                  Greece
   Greece                                                                                  Mitoula        Tsilikoka                                10.2        2000         2.6           Dafnozonara                               11.2        2011         20.7
                                                                                          Hilos           Tsouka Tsougari                          12.0        2000         2.7           Mavrovouni (1)                            19.6        2011         20.8
                                                                                          Derveni-Mikro   Profitis Elias                           11.2        2001         3.4           Krekeza                                   30.0        2011         21.0
               Lefkes Kerasia             W/F Eressou Ipsoma Fourka                       Derveni-Sliva
                                                                                                          Pyrgari                                   5.4        2001         3.8           Raxoula (1)                               30.0        2011         21.0
                                                                                                          Didimos Lofos                            26.0        2005         14.6          Vathichori Station I                       6.0        2011         21.0

                                                                                                          Perdikokorifi                            14.5        2006         15.5          Louzes (PV)                                1.1        2012         21.8
              Dafnozonara                         Kastri- Kokkalia                                        Mytoula                                  34.2        2006         15.6          Vathichori Station II                      1.5        2013         22.2
                                                   Karavi- Alogovouni
                                                                                                          Chonos                                    4.5        2006         15.8          USA                                       288

   Timpano - Tripiri                                                  Psiloma Soros                       Chylos                                   11.7        2013         16.1          Mountain Air, Idaho                       138.0       2012         22.5
                                                                      Servouni - Vorina Litharia
    Louzes                         Skopia                             Pyrgari                             Rhodos                                   17.9        2014         16.2          Fluvanna I, Texas                         150.0       2017          26
             Gouri                                                    Tsouka Tsougari
                                                                                                          Ksirovouni                                6.3        2014         16.2          Poland                                    102
                                                                                   Profitis Elias
         Vathihori II                                                 Tsilikoka                           Gouri                                    32.2        2014         16.6          Chelmza                                    4.0        2015         18.5
   Mavrovouni                                                         Servouni - Kalogeriki Rachi
      Loggarakia                                                                                          Loggarakia                               18.0        2014         16.8          Chojnice                                   6.0        2015         18.5

Rahoula Pashalies (I + II)                                                                                Raxoula (2)                               8.0        2014         16.8          Czarnozyly                                16.0        2012         14.5

                 Krekeza                                                                                  Derveni                                  24.0        2014         17.1          Gorzkowice                                12.0        2011         13.9

           St. George Island                                                                              Mavrovouni (2)                            8.0        2015         17.5          Krzyzanow                                 20.0        2011         13.6

                                                                                                          Louzes                                   24.0        2008         17.8          Makow                                     12.0        2014         17.4
                                                                                    Stavroti Vigla
                                                                                                          Eleousa                                   6.6        2008         18.1          Nasielsk                                  10.0        2012         22.3

                                                            Perdikokoryfi                                 Adendro                                   1.0        2016         18.3          Sieradz                                    8.0        2013         15.6
                                                                                                          St. George Project                       73.2        2016         18.8          Szadek                                     8.0        2012         21.8

                                                                                                          Mavroplagia - Kastro                     17.2        2017         19.2          Tuchola                                    6.0        2015         18.5

                                                                                                          Mougoulios                               16.5        2017         19.5          Bulgaria                                  30.0

    Poland                                   Bulgaria                              USA                    Plagia - Psiloma                         14.9        2017         19.5          Karapelit                                 12.0        2012         15.1

                                                                                                          Scopia                                   20.0        2010         19.9          Vranino                                   18.0        2013         15.8

                                                                                                          Raxoula (3)                               6.0        2017         20.0          Total Portfolio:                          942.7

         Wind Energy             Solar Energy           Hydroelectric Projects                                                                                                                                                                                             5
Terna Energy Market Positioning

        1             The Leading Greek Renewable Company in attractive market

        2          Attractive Core Asset Portfolio with Complementary Diversification

        3          Strong Operational and Technical Excellence, Vertical Competence

        4     A Stabilized Renewable Regulatory Framework in a Recovering Greek Economy

        5                    An Attractive and Value Creating Growth Story

        6       Rapid Deleveraging from EBITDA Growth and High Cash Flow Conversion

        7              A Proven Experienced, and Professional Management Team

2. Highlights
Terna Energy Market Positioning
 1                             The Leading Greek Renewable Company in attractive market

 The Leading renewable energy provider                                     Terna Energy Historical Load Factors
             •        943 MW globally, of which 909 MW in wind

             •        523 MW in Greece (#1 market share)                          26-30%
             •        As the first mover in wind energy, Terna Energy
                      secured the best wind load locations for its farms
             •        Allocation on a first come first serve basis

 Best-in-class load factor
             •        Stands at 30.2%(1)

             •        Substantially higher than a number of other
                      European wind markets
                                                                                   Terna             European Wind

1. As of March 2017

Terna Energy Market Positioning (cont’d)
    2                           Attractive Core Asset Portfolio with Complementary Diversification

•        Asset portfolio well diversified geographically                           Portfolio Installed Capacity (1)
                                                                                   By Country                              By Type
         −Greece:               523 MW, 31 locations                                                                     SHPS & Pump Storage     P/V
                                                                                                     (288 MW, 31.0%)     (18 MW, 2.0%)           (9 MW, 0.9%)
         −USA:                  288 MW, 2 location
                                                                               Bulgaria                                                              Biomass &
         −Poland:               102 MW, 10 locations                           (30 MW, 3.0%)                                                         Co-generation
                                                                                                                                                     (1 MW, 0.1%)
         −Bulgaria:             30 MW, 2 locations
                                                                                Poland                         (523 MW, 55.0%)
                                                                                (102 MW, 11.0%)                        Total: 786         (909 MW, 97.0%)

                                                                                   Portfolio Expected Capacity (2)
                                                                                   By Country                              By Type
•        Pipeline: Strategic focus on wind in Greece and USA as                    USA
                                                                                                                         SHPS & Pump Storage     P/V
                                                                                                                         (18 MW, 1.5%)           (9 MW, 0.7%)
         core market due to advantageous market dynamics                           (427 MW, 34.3%)
                                                                                                               Greece                                Biomass &
                                                                                                               (684 MW,                              Co-generation
•        Hydro and solar assets built on an opportunistic basis                                                55.0%)                                (4 MW, 0.3%)

•        New long term target to reach 2.000 MW
                                                                                 (30 MW, 2.4%)                                                 Wind
                                                                                                  Poland                                       (1211 MW, 97.6%)
                                                                                                  (102 MW, 8.2%)
                                                                                                                   Total: 1.242 MW

1. As of March 2017
2. Total estimated MW Q1 2019
Terna Energy Market Positioning (cont’d)
 3                        Strong Operational and Technical Excellence

                         • Founder and shareholder, as well as key senior managers have civil
 Skilled Engineering       and mechanical engineering backgrounds
                         • Large technical team of over 80 engineers

                         • Very strong operational and technical capabilities given backbone of
                           the construction focused parent GEK Terna
Construction Synergies   • In-house construction of projects
                         • Track record of projects completed on time and on budget

                         • Maintenance agreements with the turbine manufactures working
                           with Terna Energy’s engineering teams ensures transfer of valuable
   Maintenance &           know-how to the company
 Insurance Coverage      • Full insurance coverage both for damages and revenue loss
                         • Turbines come with 5-year guarantees; expected life of c.25 years

Terna Energy Market Positioning (cont’d)
    4                 A Stabilized Renewable Regulatory Framework in a Recovering Greek Economy
Government remains committed to its RES target                                     By resolving the RES deficit, the new regime
for 2020                                                                           offers a stable framework for the long term

GW                                                    5.4 GW Remaining             € MM
         Target Reached
                                                                                                         (84,3)                 (108,8)
    2,2              2,2                                         2,1                          (152,6)

  Solar          Realised                             Wind     Realised
   PV…           Solar PV…(2)                         Target    Wind…(2)           (576,1)
                                                                                    2013       2014      2015      2016         Q2 2017

The Greek economy is recovering
Greece Real GDP Growth (1)

%                                                                                                2,7
                                                                            2,2                                           2,2



            2015A                                 2016A                    2017E               2018E                   2019E

1. IMF Forecasts World Economic Outlook, April 2017
2. As of June 2017                                                                                                                        11
Terna Energy Market Positioning (cont’d)
    5                               An Attractive and Value Creating Growth Story

•       Terna Energy has delivered strong growth             Terna Energy has Delivered Growth Successfully
        historically. For the 2014–2017 period, the
        Company has:                                                                                               1.242
        1.   Increased its installed capacity from 640                                                     1.119
             MW to 943 MW
                                                                                                     943           427
        2.   Grown capacity in Greece from 161 MW to                                                       427
             523 MW                                                                         738      288
                                                                              640     664                          132
        3.   Delivered projects on budget and on time                                       138
                                                                       544            138                  132
•       Going forward, the Company has a strong and            508            138                    132
        credible growth plan                                   138     138    116     132
             •   Aim under the 7-year plan to reach            104     104                                         684
                                                                                                     523   561
                 2,000 MW                                                             394   468
                                                               266     302
•       Proceeds from the bond will partially be used
        to fund construction of new projects, alongside
        project specific financing                            2012A 2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A 2017E 2018E 2019E
                                                                     Greece         Eastern Europe         USA

Terna Energy Market Positioning (cont’d)
  6                                     An Attractive and Value Creating Growth Story
 Priority pipeline
 €MM, unless otherwise stated
                                                                              Project Finance
                                         Capacity   Project Cost Cash Grant                   Equity / Cash
          Project             Type                                                 Debt                        COD      Priority
                                          (MW)        € MM         € MM                          € MM
                                                                                  € MM
UNDER CONSTRUCTION                       204 MW
Vermio project                Wind       44 MW          59           -              39             20         H1-2018    High
Fluvanna 2 (USA)              Wind       160 MW        237           -             200             37         H2-2018    High

Epirus Waste
                     Waste               1.5 MW         42          20              15              7          2019      High

                                        121.4 MW
Peloponnese Waste
                             Waste       2.4 MW        122          64              35             23          2019      High
Evoia SPA                     Wind       100 MW        140           -              91             49          2019     Medium
Servouni                      Wind       19 MW         20            -              13              7          2019     Medium
TOTAL HIGH PRIORITY                      327 MW        460          84             289             87

      High priority pipeline projects

Terna Energy Market Positioning (cont’d)
   7                       Rapid Deleveraging from EBITDA Growth and High Cash Flow Conversion

 Steady 22% EBITDA CAGR                                           Strong Growth in Realized EBITDA
                                                                    € MM
              •     Long term visibility on volume off takes
              •     Contracted prices                                                                         116
              •     Track record of project developments                                    74

                                                                        2012A    2013A    2014A   2015A      2016A
                                                                  Cash Flow Conversion
 Outstanding cash flow conversion                                 (1)
                                                                    € MM
              •     No maintenance capex
                                                                           59%     63%      80%      105%     100%
              •     Despite crisis delays in payments have
                                                                                                     103,8   116,2
                    remained steady in the last years
              •     Rapid deleveraging on a like-for-like basis         31,0      44,0

                                                                        2012A   2013A     2014A  2015A      2016A
                                                                           Operating Cash…      Cash Flow Conversion

1. Cash Flow Conversion = Operating Cash Flow / EBITDA
2. Operating Cash Flow after Working Capital Changes

3. Financial Performance
Strong Financial Performance
Run-rate EBITDA increases with capacity

Installed Capacity and Revenue                      EBITDA and EBITDA Margin
 €MM                                                €MM
  508      543          640       664        738    43%      50%       47%           50%    51%



                                                              70         74

 2012A    2013A        2014A     2015A      2016A   2012A    2013A     2014A     2015A     2016A
    Revenue         MW Installed Capacity           EBITDA     %     EBITDA Margin

Segmental Performance

Installed Capacity                                              Key project Commissioned in 2016 - 2017
                                                                 Project              COD       Installed Capacity

                                                                    St. George        2016           73 MW
                                                                  Mavroplagia –
                                                 1.242               Kastro         H1 – 2017        17 MW
                                                                   Mougoulios       H1 – 2017        17 MW
                                                                 Plagia – Psiloma   H1 - 2017        15 MW

                             738                                Fluvanna 1 (USA)    H2-2017         150 MW
              640      664
 508   543                                                      Projects Under Construction
                                                                 Project              COD           Volume

                                                                Vermio project      H1-2018          44 MW

                                                                Fluvanna 2 (USA)    H2-2018         150 MW
2012A 2013A 2014A 2015A 2016A 2017E 2018E 2019E

  Installed Capacity

Capital Expenditure
Historical Capital Expenditure                        Typical Funding Structure
    217,0                                                                                  Cash
                                              150,7        Project Debt
                 47,0      56,4
    2012A       2013A     2014A     2015A    2016A

•    14 new projects built since 2014, adding 244
     MW of capacity                                                                        Cash
                                                               Project                     c.30%
•    No maintenance capex                                      Debt
            •   Maintenance costs accounted for as
                operating expenses on the Income
                Statement                             Projects without grants benefit from higher contracted
                                                      tariffs, allowing to raise more project debt and to de-lever
•    All capex is for expansion

Q2 2017 Performance Update
 Key drivers                    Revenues
 MW                             €MM
   33%             32%                     +49%
                                                   139,     •   Continued increase in capacity (+18%    y-o-y)
   738                            93,8              6

                                                            •   Lower load factor
 Q2 2016        Q2 2017         Q2 2016           Q2 2017       − Energy results negatively impacted by weather conditions,
   Installed Capacity             Revenue                         in H1 in particular
   %      Load Factor

       Renewables                   Construction            •   Outstanding performance in both renewables and
    70%             72%           5%               47%          construction segments
                   56,6                                         − Extraordinary levels of EBITDA margins in the renewables
   47,2                                            10,7
                                                                  segment with 72% for the second quarter of 2017


 Q2 2016         Q2 2017        Q2 2016       Q2 2017
   EBITDA           %      EBITDA Margin

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