The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...

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The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
VOL 80, NO. 1                                                  Winter 2022

The Unimaginable Love of God
                The Society for the Propagation of the Faith
The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
Pontifical Mission Societies – English Canada
In 2021, your prayers and financial assistance allowed us to support projects in the following countries:

   Society for the Propagation of                        The Society of Saint Peter the Apostle                                                   Holy Childhood Association
   the Faith                                             ETHIOPIA                              BENNIE                                             KENYA
   GHANA                                                 GHANA                                 NIGERIA                                            NIGERIA
   LIBERIA                                               KENYA                                                                                    SOUTH AFRICA
   TANZANIA                                              LIBERIA                                                                                  BANGLADESH
   MALAWI                                                MADAGASCAR                                                                               INDIA
                                                         SOUTH AFRICA

                             Back Cover: Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia (Taken by editor, Dominic Pullano) - Front Cover: St. Mark’s Basilica -
The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...


The Unimaginable Love Of God
As Catholics, we believe that the events in the life of Jesus are much more than simply historical ac-
counts. The life and teachings of Jesus have a special meaning for us. They form the core of the Gos-
pel message. The events in the life of Jesus reveal the message that God wanted humanity to hear by
sending his only Son to earth, namely that God loves us. From the incarnation to the crucifixion to the
Ascension, and everything in-between, the events in the life of Jesus show us how much God loves us.
God the Father created humanity out of one great explosion of love. Humanity, however, has not always
reciprocated that love. In order to re-establish that union between God and humanity, God sent us His
Son to demonstrate the depth of the divine affection for humanity, including by giving up His life for us
on the cross. The Son came to bring to all humanity the love that exists between the Father and the Son,
in the form of the Holy Spirit, to dwell with us and to enable us to love God as much as God loves us.
         In this 2022 calendar, we have highlighted one event in the life of Jesus that is celebrated liturgi-
cally in each month. Then, we have reflected on how these occurrences in the life of Jesus demonstrate
God’s love for each and every one of us. The theme for this year’s calendar is simply, “The unimaginable
love of God.” Throughout the year, you will be treated to an explanation of the love that God has for you.
As you go through the year and read the reflections for each month, may your love for God increase and
may you be evermore wrapped in God’s loving embrace. May you always realize that no matter where
you may have been, God has always been with you and loved you. Similarly, no matter where you are
now or where you may be going, God will always be with you and His love will never end. God’s love is
eternal and unconditional. May we always live in that love and share it with those around us. After all,
the primary work of the missions is to bring the love of God to others.
        May the beautiful reflections of our two columnists of our magazine, Mission’s Today, Lori Lisi and
Maria Fornasier inspire you; and may the creative abilities of our graphic artist Chris Marcucci stir you in
2022. I would like to thank these individuals for their many contributions to this calendar. They have not
only created a practical tool to mark your time that is visually beautiful. More importantly, together, we
have created a calendar that will touch your soul.
May you all have a very blessed 2022.
Deacon Dominic Pullano, editor of Missions Today.
                                                                                                                 In 2022, we honour and pray for the
                                                                                                                 Sisters of Heart Immaculate of Mary of
                                                                                                                 Diego - Suarez.
The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
Baptism of Jesus (January 9)
    For many of us, January, as the first month of the year, is associated with new beginnings. Traditionally, it is a first significant step on our yearly journey to-
    ward achieving our hopes and goals that we expect will culminate in a positive change in our lives. It is appropriate, therefore, that Jesus’ baptism is marked
    during this month. Jesus began His ministry for the purpose of fulfilling God’s plan by absolving us of original sin, uniting us to our community of faith, and
    preparing us for the ultimate reconciliation with the Lord, by being baptized. The event is simply and similarly told in each of the four gospels; after being
    baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist, a dove, which symbolizes the Holy Spirit, descends on Jesus and a voice from above confirms his favoured
    status as God’s “beloved Son” (3:22 Luke).
    Baptism is a foundational sacrament. Through the ritual of purification with water, which is traditionally viewed as the origin of life and death, we are initi-
    ated into the relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. Through the symbolism of being submerged, a person is absorbed into the reason for Jesus’
    baptism; our baptism signifies that we accept Jesus as our Saviour, who died on the cross to pave the way for our redemption. In other words, by being
    baptized, it is understood that we are repenting for the sinful state into which we were born by being baptized in water and anointed with the Holy Spirit,
    which signifies a new beginning. Although Jesus was without sin, He set the example for us of being cleansed. Jesus understood that by willingly accepting
    the ritual of being baptized in water, He was also undertaking the first public step in the journey to His death for the absolution of our sins. He welcomed
    his initiation to His ultimate loving sacrifice for us. Baptism is our formal introduction to our journey, joining with Christ in humility and atonement. By being
    dipped in water and marked by the Holy Spirit, we continue on our journey as children of God.

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The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
                                                                                            For True Human Fraternity - We pray for all those suffering from
                                                                                            religious discrimination and persecution; may their own rights and
                                                                                            dignity be recognized, which originate from being brothers and sis-
                                                                                            ters in the human family.
      SUNDAY                 MONDAY                  TUESDAY                 WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY                 FRIDAY              SATURDAY

 26                     27                      28                         29                30                    31                     1

                                                                                                                                         Solemnity of Mary,
                                                                                                                                         Mother of God

 2                      3                       4                          5                 6                     7                      8

                                                St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
Epiphany of the Lord                            (USA)                                                              St. Andre Bessette

 9                      10                      11                         12                13                    14                     15

                                                                          St. Marguerite
Baptism of the Lord                                                       Bourgeoys

 16                     17                      18                         19                20                    21                     22

Second Sunday in       Week of Prayer for
Ordinary Time          Christian Unity Begins                                                                      St. Agnes             St. Vincent

 23 Third Sunday in     24                      25                         26                27                    28                     29
      Ordinary Time     St. Frances De Sales

 30 Fourth Sunday in 31 St. John Bosco                                    St. Timothy and
      Ordinary Time                             Conversion of St.Paul     St. Titus         St. Angela Merici      St. Thomas Aquinas

    DECEMBER 2021                                                                                                                           FEBRUARY 2022
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26 27 28 29 30 31                                   2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                     27 28
The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
Presentation of Jesus in the Temple (February 2)
    February, a month that focuses on celebrating love among families, friends and others close to us, is also when we mark another significant milestone
    in Jesus’ loving relationship with his community and us. On February 2nd, 40 days after Jesus’ birth, we celebrate his presentation in the temple by
    his parents. Luke’s gospel recounts that Jesus was brought to Jerusalem by his parents, Mary and Joseph, to fulfill their obligations in accordance with
    Jewish tradition, which dictated that a family’s first-born son must “be consecrated to the Lord” (2:23 Luke). Because the eldest son was believed to
    belong to the Lord, he must be redeemed by his parents with an offering. Reflecting Mary and Joseph’s poverty, they offered “a pair of turtledoves or
    two young pigeons” (2:24 Luke).
                                                                                                        The Holy Spirit, which sanctified Jesus through the
                                                                                                        sacrament of baptism, disclosed to Simeon, a devout
                                                                                                        elderly man, that Jesus was the Saviour, and would
                                                                                                        be the “glory of your people Israel” (2:32 Luke). In
                                                                                                        the same way that Mary and Joseph’s simple gift
                                                                                                        redeemed Jesus, so Simeon’s simple prayer fore-
                                                                                                        told the redemption of the world by Jesus. In other
                                                                                                        words, Simeon understood that Jesus would save us
                                                                                                        from our sinful state through his great sacrifice. How-
                                                                                                        ever, he also understood that many, including Mary,
                                                                                                        would suffer as part of the journey Jesus would take
                                                                                                        to accomplish his destiny of saving us.
                                                                                                        The presentation of the infant Jesus in the temple, the
                                                                                                        Fourth Joyful Mystery of the Rosary, demonstrates
                                                                                                        his humility, his status as the son of a poor family. By
                                                                                                        electing to fulfil the expectations of Jewish tradition,
                                                                                                        Jesus aligned himself with the religious institutions
                                                                                                        and customs of his family and community. As the son
                                                                                                        of God, Jesus was not compelled to obey the Law of
                                                                                                        Moses. However, he chose to be circumcised and
                                                                                                        to conform to other traditions based on the Law to
                                                                                                        demonstrate his approval of them. It is public proof
                                                                                                        that Jesus was the outcome of the prophesies spo-
                                                                                                        ken of in the Old Testament by the various prophets.

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The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
                                                                                           For Religious Sisters and Consecrated Women
                                                                                           We pray for religious sisters and consecrated women; thanking
                                                                                           them for their mission and their courage; may they continue to
                                                                                           find new responses to the challenges of our times.
      SUNDAY                 MONDAY           TUESDAY               WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY               FRIDAY               SATURDAY

 30                     31               1                        2                         3                     4                     5
                                                                 The Presentation of the
                                                                 Lord                       St. Blaise                                 St. Agatha

 6                      7                8                        9                         10                    11                    12

Fifth Sunday in
Ordinary Time                           St. Josephine Bakhita                              St. Scholastica       Our Lady of Lourdes

 13                     14               15                       16                        17                    18                    19

Sixth Sunday in        Sts. Cyril and
Ordinary Time          Methodius

 20                     21               22                       23                        24                    25                    26

Seventh Sunday in                       Chair of St. Peter the
Ordinary Time                           Apostle                  St. Polycarp

 27                     28               1                        2                         3                     4                     5

Eighth Sunday in
Ordinary Time

     JANUARY 2022                                                                                                                           MARCH 2022
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23 24 25 26 27 28 29                         2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                           27 28 29 30 31
30 31
The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
Jesus in the Desert
    (March 6 First Sunday of Lent)
    Lent, the 40 days of preparation through prayer and sacrifice, which mimic the 40 days
    Jesus spent alone in the wilderness immediately after his baptism, is meant to equip us
    spiritually for the Easter celebration of the Resurrection. In order for Jesus to prepare
    himself for the work of his ministry – teaching, modelling and spreading his message
    of hope and comfort – he spent a long time in a deserted place, abstaining from
    food and contact with others. According to the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke,
    he was steered by the Holy Spirit to spend 40 days in solitary contemplation. At
    the end of that period of privation, Jesus was tempted three times by the devil,
    who tried to incite Jesus to abandon his will power and faithfulness to God’s
    expectations and submit to the human desires for food and power. He tempts
    Jesus to behave selfishly and arrogantly, but Jesus resists, answering with
    appropriate responses from Scripture, culminating with “You shall not put
    the Lord your God to the test” (4:12 Luke) from the Book of Deuteronomy.
    Jesus demonstrates that he is completely faithful to God’s will. Jesus’ abil-
    ity to resist temptation foreshadows his supreme faithfulness to God’s
    expectations for him at the Passion.
    Clearly, Jesus is setting an example for us and demonstrating
    his love for us by his period of abstinence and meditation. He
    models how Lenten discipline, especially prayer and self-control,
    helps us to react faithfully to temptation. He is also a role model
    for us in the way that he demonstrates self-mastery and adher-
    ence to virtue despite the daunting temptations presented to
    him by the devil. We can take comfort from knowing that when
    we must struggle with numerous and difficult temptations, we
    can look to Jesus’ example of bravery and fortitude. By sacrific-
    ing and thinking of others, our will to resist is strengthened. The
    discipline that Jesus models for us to sustain us during Lent en-
    courages us to take advantage of the opportunity for a reawaken-
    ing and growth of our faith.

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The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
MARCH 2022
                                                                                       For a Christian Response to Bioethical Challenges
                                                                                       We pray for Christians facing new bioethical challenges; may they
                                                                                       continue to defend the dignity of all human life with prayer and
      SUNDAY                 MONDAY              TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                FRIDAY               SATURDAY

 27                     28                  1                     2                     3                     4                      5

                                                                                       St. Katherine Drexel
                                                                 Ash Wednesday         (USA)

 6                      7                   8                     9                     10                    11                     12

                        Sts. Perpetua and
First Sunday of Lent    Felicity            St. John of God      St. Frances of Rome

 13                     14                  15                    16                    17                    18                     19

Second Sunday of Lent                                                                  St. Patrick                                  St. Joseph

 20                     21                  22                    23                    24                    25                     26

                                                                                                              The Annunciation of
Third Sunday of Lent                                                                                          the Lord

 27                     28                  29                    30                    31                    1                      2

Fourth Sunday of Lent

    FEBRUARY 2022                                                                                                                         APRIL 2022
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27 28                                           2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                     24 25 26 27 28 29 30
The Unimaginable Love of God 2022 - The Society for the Propagation of the Faith - VOL 80, NO. 1 - Pontifical Mission ...
The Resurrection
                            (April 17)
                            Easter Sunday, the culmination of the Passion and the most
                            important event in the Church calendar, is the day we celebrate
                            the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It symbolizes the joyful renewal
                            of our faith as well as providing hope for eternal life. Christ’s
                            resurrection is preceded by his death, which frees us from sin.
                            By rising to eternal life, Christ unifies us to him. We live this as we
                            partake in the sacraments, joined together by our Catholic faith.
                            In Luke’s Gospel, he recounts the events of that day; the women,
                            including Mary of Magdala, were shocked and fearful when they
                            discovered Christ’s missing body. Their sense of wonderment
                            was heightened as they were reminded “by two men in dazzling
                            garments” (24:4 Luke) that Jesus had told them that he would
                            “on the third day rise again” (24:7 Luke). Immediately, the women
                            spread the incredible news to the apostles and others. Later that
                            day, Christ appeared to men walking to Emmaus, which was near
                            Jerusalem, and then to his apostles, all of whom were challenged
                            to accept the events of the past few days, but also amazed and
                            elated when they understood that Christ had risen, thereby ful-
                            filling “everything written about me in the law of Moses and the
                            prophets and psalms” (24:44 Luke).
                                      Christ’s resurrection is the basis for our Catholic belief.
                            It is his promise to those who remain faithful that they will also
                            join in the mystery of salvation and redemption. As St. Paul wrote
                            to the Corinthians, by rising from the dead, Christ is the first of
                            many who will be gathered to God’s side and feel the joy of be-
                            ing united to Him. As Christ explained to his companions along
                            the road to Emmaus, his resurrection is the complete realization
                            of the prophesies and pledges made in the Old Testament and
                            by Jesus throughout his ministry. It emphasises the divine nature
                            of Jesus, who is given new life by the Holy Spirit and raised up by
                            God; the Holy Trinity act as one so that we can recognize Christ
                            as divine, acknowledge his sacrifice so that we can look forward
                            to our resurrection, and follow his example.

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APRIL 2022
                                                                                    For Health Care Workers
                                                                                    We pray for health care workers who serve the sick and the elderly,
                                                                                    especially in the poorest countries; may they be adequately sup-
                                                                                    ported by governments and local communities.
      SUNDAY                 MONDAY            TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                   FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

 27                    28                 29                    30                    31                      1                         2

                                                                                                                                       St. Francis of Paola

 3                     4                  5                     6                     7                       8                         9

                                                                                     St. John Baptist de la
Fifth Sunday of Lent   St. Isidore                                                   Salle

 10                    11                 12                    13                    14                      15                        16

Palm Sunday of the                                                                   Holy Thursday/Begin-     Good Friday/Passion of
Passion of the Lord    Holy Week                                                     ning of the Triduum      the Lord                 Holy Saturday

 17                    18                 19                    20                    21                      22                        23
Easter Sunday of the
Resurrection of the
Lord                   Octave of Easter

 24                    25                 26                    27                    28                      29                        30
Second Sunday of
Easter/Divine Mercy                                                                                                                    St. Marie of the
Sunday                 St. Mark                                                                               St. Catherine of Siena   Incarnation

     MARCH 2022                                                                                                                                  MAY 2022
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27 28 29 30 31                                2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                          29   30   31
The Ascension (May 29)
                                                       ~The Ascension of the Lord~
                                                    ...he ascended into heaven,
                                    and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty;
    The Ascension of the Lord is an important event in the life and death of Jesus. Every year, 40 days after Easter, we celebrate this fundamental aspect
    of our faith. As disciples of Jesus, we believe in His life, death and resurrection, and by extension, we believe that God raised Jesus to heaven to sit
    at His right side. There, Jesus, who has completed his earthly mission, continues with the heavenly mission of revealing God’s unconditional love,
    bringing us in relationship with Him, and advocating for all his disciples.
    Throughout his life, Jesus reveals his love for his people and continues to do so in his death, by dying on the cross to atone for our sins. In his ascen-
    sion, His love for us is proven unwavering. He continues to make his love known to us by interceding on our behalf with our heavenly Father. He ad-
    vocates for the forgiveness of our
    sins and ensures our salvation, so
    that one day we, too, may live
    with Him in His father’s house.
    Every time we recite the Apos-
    tles’ Creed and we reflect on
    these words, ...he ascended into
    heaven, and is seated at the right
    hand of God the Father almighty,
    we are reminded of God’s love
    for us: “For God so loved the
    world that he gave his only Son,
    so that everyone who believes
    in him may not perish but may
    have eternal life.” John 3:16

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MAY 2022
                                                                                               For Faith-Filled Young People
                                                                                               We pray for all young people, called to live life to the fullest; may
                                                                                               they see in Mary’s life the way to listen, the depth of discernment,
                                                                                               the courage that faith generates, and the dedication to service.
      SUNDAY                   MONDAY           TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                  FRIDAY                SATURDAY

 1                        2                3                           4                        5                       6                       7

                                                                      Blessed Marie-Leonie
 Third Sunday of Easter   St. Athanasius   St. Philip and St. James   Paradis                                          St. Francois De Laval

 8                        9                10                          11                       12                      13                      14

Fourth Sunday of Easter
(Mother’s Day)                             St. Damien de Veuster                                                       Our Lady of Fatima      St. Matthias

 15                       16               17                          18                       19                      20                      21

Fifth Sunday of Easter

 22                       23               24                          25                       26                      27                      28

                                           Blessed Louis-Zephirin                                                      St. Augustine of
Sixth Sunday of Easter                     Moreau                     St. Bede the Venerable   St. Philip Neri         Canterbury

 29                       30               31

                                           The Visitation of the
Ascension of the Lord                      Blessed Virgin Mary

      APRIL 2022                                                                                                                                     JUNE 2022
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24 25 26 27 28 29 30                           2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                                 26 27 28 29 30
The Sacred Heart of Jesus (June 24)
    There is in the Sacred Heart the symbol and express image of the
    infinite love of Jesus Christ which moves us to love in return.
    					– Pope Leo XIII
    On June 24th, 2022 we celebrate The Solemnity of The Most
    Sacred Heart of Jesus which is always celebrated on the 3rd
    Friday after Pentecost. The first mass for this feast took place
    on August 31, 1670 in Rennes, France. The image of the sacred
    heart of Jesus which is depicted in Christian art is a flaming
    heart (representing the glory of God) surmounted by a cross,
    (symbolic of our Christian faith and the sacrificial love of Jesus
    which is filled with compassion, generosity, selflessness, and
    mercy) and encircled by a crown of thorns (reminder that true
    love requires sacrifice and that we are commissioned to love in
    the same way as Jesus loves us).
    St. Margaret Mary of Alacoque, a cloistered nun from France,
    shared what Jesus had spoken to her during the visions she
    experienced between 1673 and 1675. Jesus revealed to her
    that his heart was so burning with love for humanity that it
    could no longer be contained and that she would be the ves-
    sel through which this would be shared with humanity and
    all His disciples would be reminded of His immense love and
    endless mercy for them. Jesus disclosed to Margaret Mary the
    twelve promises He makes to all those who are devoted to His
    sacred heart and the devotions that are attached to them. Je-
    sus promises, for example:
               1. I will give them all the graces necessary for their state in life.
               2. I will establish peace in their families.
               3. I will comfort them in their trials.
               4. I will be their secure refuge during life, and, above all, in death.
               5. I will shed abundant blessings on all their undertakings.
    The Sacred Heart is a powerful symbol of the love of Jesus, and the most venerated symbol in our faith. The words of St. Pope John Paul II remind us
    that: “For evangelization today, the Heart of Christ must be recognized as the heart of the Church.”
    O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore You, I love You, and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer You this poor heart of mine. Make
    me humble, patient, pure, and wholly obedient to Your will. Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in You and for You Amen

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JUNE 2022
                                                                                                     For Families
                                                                                                     We pray for Christian families around the world; may they em-
                                                                                                     body and experience unconditional love and advance in holiness
                                                                                                     in their daily lives.
          SUNDAY                  MONDAY                 TUESDAY              WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY               FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

29                           30                     31                      1                         2                     3                        4

                                                                                                                           St. Charles Lwanga and
                                                                           St. Justin                St. Marcellinus       Companions

5                            6                      7                       8                         9                     10                       11

Pentecost                                                                                             St. Ephrem

12                           13                     14                      15                        16                    17                       18

Solemnity of the Most
Holy Trinity                 St. Anthony of Padua

19                           20                     21                      22                        23                    24                       25
Solemnity of the Most                                                                                                                               The Immaculate Heart
Holy Body and Blood                                                        St. John Fisher and St.                         The Most Sacred Heart    of the Blessed Virgin
of Christ                                           St. Aloysius Gonzaga   Thomas More                                     of Jesus                 Mary

26                           27                     28                      29                        30                    1                        2

13th Sunday in
Ordinary Time                                       St. Irenaeus           St. Peter and St. Paul

          MAY 2022                                                                                                                                        JULY 2022
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29   30   31                                            2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                             24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Jesus and Mary Magdalene (July 22)
                                             ~Mary Magdalene and the Women Who Accompanied Jesus~
                                         “A disciple of Christ is one who, in the experience of human weakness,
                                            has had the humility to ask for his help, has been healed by him
                                                       and has set out following closely after him,
                                                  becoming a witness of the power of his merciful love
                                                           that is stronger than sin and death.”
                                                                    ~Pope Benedict XVI

    Six years ago, on July 22, 2016, Pope Francis et al. published a new decree which elevated the celebration of St. Mary Magdalene from a memorial
    day to a feast day, highlighting the importance of Mary Magdalene, both historically and in our time. It was Mary Magdalene, together with the
    other women of faith, who accompanied Jesus to Gethsemane. She was there at His death on the cross and became the evangelist who delivered
    the good news of His resurrection to the Apostles, after being the first to see the resurrected Lord. In modern times, Mary Magdalene is referred to
    as the ‘Apostle to the Apostles’.

    Although Mary Magdalene was commonly denigrated by the people of her time, she came to embody the very essence of Jesus’ radical view of
    women. Scripture reveals to us that during Jesus’ ministry the women took on a new role. Jesus listened to them and acknowledged their deep
    faith and recognized their great love for him. Although the men of His time judged women such as Mary Magdalene, Mary the sister of Lazarus and
    Martha, and the woman who anoints Jesus’ feet with perfume at the house of Simon the Pharisee, Jesus forgives their sins and has mercy on them.
    Jesus tells them that their ‘faith has healed [them] (Luke 8:48). Jesus welcomed everyone, including women, to join him and be active members in
    His life and ministry, for as St. Paul reminds us, ‘there is not male or female, for [we] are all one in Christ Jesus.’ (Galatians 3:28).

Image Credit:
JULY 2022
                                                                                            For the Elderly
                                                                                            We pray for the elderly, who represent the roots and memory of
                                                                                            a people; may their experience and wisdom help young people to
                                                                                            look towards the future with hope and responsibility.
      SUNDAY                   MONDAY             TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY             THURSDAY                  FRIDAY              SATURDAY

 26                       27                 28                          29                  30                      1                     2

                                                                                                                    (Canada Day)

 3                        4                  5                           6                   7                       8                     9

14th Sunday in                                                                                                                            St. Augustine Zhao
Ordinary Time                               St. Elizabeth of Portugal   St. Maria Goretti                                                 Rong and Companions

 10                       11                 12                          13                  14                      15                    16

15th Sunday in                                                                                                                            Our Lady of Mount
Ordinary Time             St. Benedict                                  St. Henry                                   St. Bonaventure       Carmel

 17                       18                 19                          20                  21                      22                    23

16th Sunday in
Ordinary Time                                                                               St. Lawrence of Brindisi St. Mary Magdalene   St. Bridget

 24   17th Sunday in      25                 26                          27                  28                      29                    30
      Ordinary Time

 31   18th Sunday in      St. Joachim and   St. Joachim and St.
      Ordinary Time       St.
                          St. James
                              Anne          Anne                                                                    St. Martha            St. Peter Chrysologus

      JUNE 2022                                                                                                                                   AUGUST 2022
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26 27 28 29 30                                   2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                          28 29    30 31
~The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary~ (August 15)
      “Let us celebrate her today with the love of children, let us celebrate her joyfully but humbly, enlivened by the hope of one day being with her in Heaven.”
                                                                                                                                               ~Pope Francis

    Every year, August 15th marks the Feast of the Assumption for all Catholics around the world. It is one of the three feasts of our Blessed Virgin Mary,
    along with the January 1st and December 8th, that is a Holy Day of Obligation. This feast commemorates the end of Mary’s life on earth and her as-
    sumption, body and soul, into heavenly glory, where she continues to share in Jesus’ heavenly destiny. This event was made dogma by Pope Pius XII
    in 1950.
    Mary’s role in God’s plan of salvation is revealed to us in her assumption. She was not subject to the death and decay of sin, because she was con-
    ceived without sin. Our Blessed Virgin Mary was the first to receive the redemption of eternal life, which Jesus attained for all humanity, by dying for
    us on the cross.
    On this day, we meditate on the mystery of the as-
    sumption and on Mary’s greatest virtue, which was
    her faith in God. In a visit to her cousin Elizabeth she
    says, My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
    my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked
    with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all gen-
    erations will call me blessed: the Almighty has done
    great things for me, and holy is his Name. (Luke 1: 46-
    49). Reminded of this every time we recite the Mag-
    nificat, we are assured that by maintaining a life of
    humility and faith in God, at the end of the world, we
    will be resurrected into eternal life.
    Our Blessed Virgin Mary is the sign of the salva-
    tion promised to us all, and she is the symbol of the
    Church. Her assumption is another example of God’s
    love for us and it fulfils His promise of eternal life and
    the resurrection of all his disciples. This event gives
    us hope that one day we, too, will join our Lord in
    heaven, for He has proven that faith in God leads to
    an everlasting life with God.

Image Credit:
                                                                                             For Small Businesses
                                                                                             We pray for small and medium sized businesses; in the midst of
                                                                                             economic and social crisis, may they find ways to continue operat-
                                                                                             ing, and serving their communities.
      SUNDAY                 MONDAY                    TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY                FRIDAY                 SATURDAY

 31                     1                         2                        3                  4                     5                        6
                                                                                                                    The Dedication of the
                                                                                                                    Basilica of St. Mary     The Transfiguration of
                       St. Alphonsus Liguori                                                  St. John Vianney      Major                    the Lord

 7                      8                         9                        10                 11                    12                       13

19th Sunday in                                   St. Teresa Benedicta of                                            St. Jane Frances de
Ordinary Time          St. Dominic               the Cross                 St. Lawrence       St. Claire            Chantal

 14                     15                        16                       17                 18                    19                       20

20th Sunday in         The Assumption of the
Ordinary Time          Blessed Virgin Mary       St. Stephen of Hungry                                                                      St. Bernard

 21                     22                        23                       24                 25                    26                       27

21st Sunday in         Queenship of the
Ordinary Time          Blessed Virgin Mary       St. Rose of Lima          St. Bartholomew   St. Louis                                      St. Monica

 28                     29                        30                       31                 1                     2                        3

22nd Sunday in         Passion of St. John the
Ordinary Time          Baptist

      JULY 2022                                                                                                                                 SEPTEMBER 2022
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24 25 26 27 28 29 30                                  2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                       25 26 27 28 29 30
    SEPTEMBER 14, 2022
    No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13)
    Catholics tend to hang crucifixes wherever possible, as we should. Not only are crucifixes a central feature in our churches, they are also placed in our
    homes, schools, and even dangle from the rear-view mirrors of our cars. But whenever we look at a crucifix, it should be more than just a symbol of
    suffering for us. As the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross reminds us, the cross is primarily a symbol of victory. The cross is a symbol of Christ’s vic-
    tory over death. The cross is a reminder that Jesus won our salvation by dying on the cross for us. As a sign of victory, therefore, we neither despair
    when we meditate on the cross of Jesus nor focus solely on the physical suffering of Jesus. Our faith teaches us to exalt in the cross and to celebrate
    Jesus’s sacrifice of himself on the cross. For it is by this one great act of sacrifice that we have been saved.
    As an act of sacrifice, the cross is also a symbol of love. Jesus’s sacrifice of himself for our sake is a reminder of Jesus’s great love for us. When we
    reflect on the meaning of the cross, we should also remember Jesus’s love for his people. The cross reminds us that Jesus, even though he was the
    Son of God, he came down from heaven to be our servant even to the point of giving up his life for us. The sacrifice of Jesus on the cross not only
    demonstrates the love of God for his people, it also demonstrates to us the true nature of love. More than an interior fuzzy feeling, love is essentially
    sacrificial in nature.
    So when we gaze on the crucifixes in our churches and homes, let us exalt in the cross and be wrapped in Jesus’s love for us.

Image Credit:
                                                                                               For the abolition of the death penalty.
                                                                                               We pray that the death penalty, which attacks the dignity of the
                                                                                               human person, may be legally abolished in every country.

        SUNDAY                 MONDAY                  TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                SATURDAY

 28                       29                      30                    31                      1                          2                        3
                                                                                               World Day of Prayer for
                                                                                               the Care of Creation                                St. Gregory the Great

 4                        5                       6                     7                       8                          9                        10

23rd Sunday in                                                                                 The Nativity of the
Ordinary Time                                                                                  Blessed Virgin Mary         St. Peter Claver

 11                       12                      13                    14                      15                         16                       17

24th Sunday in                                                         The Exaltation of the
Ordinary Time                                    St. John Chrysostom   Holy Cross              Our Lady of Sorrows                                 St. Robert Bellarmine

 18                       19                      20                    21                      22                         23                       24

25th Sunday in                                   St. Andrew Kim and
Ordinary Time                                    Companions            St. Matthew                                         St. Pio of Petrelcina

 25                       26                      27                    28                      29                         30                       1
                          St. John de Brebeuf,
26th Sunday in            St. Isaac Jogues and                         St. Lawrence Ruiz and   St. Michael, St. Gabriel,
Ordinary Time             companions             St. Vincent de Paul   Companions              St. Raphael, Archangels     St. Jerome

        AUGUST 2022                                                                                                                                     OCTOBER 2022
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28 29    30 31                                        2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                              23 24 25 26 27 28 29
                                                                                                                                                   30 31
Our Lady of the Rosary – (October 7)
    When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the child leapt in her womb. And Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a loud cry, ‘Blessed are
    you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’ (Luke 1:41-42)
                                                                                                  For Catholics, the Rosary has been one of the most pre-
                                                                                                  ferred forms of prayer and tools for spiritual renewal. The
                                                                                                  importance of this prayer in the life of the Church is seen
                                                                                                  in that the whole month of October is dedicated to pray-
                                                                                                  ing the Rosary. Created by St. Dominic for lay people who
                                                                                                  did not have the opportunity to pray the official prayer of
                                                                                                  the church, the Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary has cap-
                                                                                                  tured the imagination of many Catholics over the inter-
                                                                                                  vening centuries and continues to be a great source of
                                                                                                  spiritual comfort for Catholics of all ages and in all parts of
                                                                                                  the world. Even the foundress of the Society for the Propa-
                                                                                                  gation of the Faith, Pauline Jaricot, has a special relation-
                                                                                                  ship with the Rosary, as she also founded the organization
                                                                                                  known world-wide as the Living Rosary which promotes
                                                                                                  this prayer form in the church.
                                                                                                     One of the features of the Rosary is meditating on events
                                                                                                     in the life of Jesus. Known as the mysteries, those who use
                                                                                                     this prayer are not only instructed to recite the prescribed
                                                                                                     prayers. During each decade, they are also advised to re-
                                                                                                     flect on significant moments in the life of Jesus, beginning
    from his early years, to his ministry, then from his passion, finally to his Resurrection. By reflecting on the life of Jesus, those who pray the Rosary draw
    not only closer to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, but to Jesus himself. By reflecting on the life of Jesus, those who pray the Rosary begin to realize how
    much Jesus has done for all humanity. They become aware that all Jesus did, from his incarnation, to suffering on the cross, to his resurrection, was
    done out of love for all God’s people. As they immerse themselves into the life of Jesus, their own hearts can only expand with gratitude and love,
    until they rest completely in the love of God.
    As we pray the Rosary, not only In October but throughout our lives, let it become for us a portal that brings us to Jesus and His love for us. Then on
    October 7, when we celebrate our Mother Mary as Patroness of the Rosary, may we recommit ourselves to growing in Christ’s love for us, through
    this special instrument of prayer.

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                                                                                             For a Church open to everyone
                                                                                             We pray for the Church; ever faithful to, and courageous in preach-
                                                                                             ing the Gospel, may the Church be a community of solidarity, fra-
                                                                                             ternity and welcome, always living in an atmosphere of synodality.
      SUNDAY                  MONDAY                    TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY               THURSDAY                FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

 25                     26                         27                     28                   29                    30                        1

                                                                                                                                              St. Therese of the Child

 2                      3                          4                      5                    6                     7                         8

27th Sunday in
Ordinary Time                                     St. Francis of Assisi                      St. Bruno              Our Lady of the Rosary

 9                      10                         11                     12                   13                    14                        15

28th Sunday in
Ordinary Time                                     St. John XXIII                                                                              St. Teresa of Jesus

 16                     17                         18                     19                   20                    21                        22

29th Sunday in
Ordinary Time           St. Ignatius of Antioch   St. Luke                                                                                    St. John Paul II

 23    30th Sunday in
       Ordinary Time
                        24                         25                     26                   27                    28                        29

 30    31st Sunday in   31
       Ordinary Time                                                                                                St. Simon and St. Jude.

    SEPTEMBER 2022                                                                                                                                NOVEMBER 2022
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25 26 27 28 29 30                                      2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                        27 28 29 30
Christ the King (November 20)
    The liturgical year begins with the Son, the second person of the Trinity, descending from heaven to take on human form to save humanity and
    ends with the Son returning to heaven, after completing his mission here on earth, to take his rightful place at the right hand of the Father. With
    the feast of Christ the King, we have come full circle but with one small difference. The Son has redeemed humanity. The Son has saved each one
    of us. With the return of the Son to his eternal home, He has accomplished all that was required to win our salvation. We can rejoice and be glad
    because Christ has accomplished for us everything that was needed for our salvation. We can be assured of our own place in the Son’s eternal
    home because, as Jesus confirmed, “there are many rooms” in his Father’s house and He has returned to prepare a place for us. (John 15:?)
    Throughout his life, Jesus was known to be a king by many. After all, the very term Christ is a regal title. For instance, the angel Gabriel, on an-
    nouncing the birth of Jesus to his mother Mary, says, “He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the Lord God will give him the
    throne of David his father, and he will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.” (Luke 1:?) But Jesus was unlike
    any king that the world ever knew the or since. As Jesus himself explained to his disciples that the rulers of this world lord it over their people, and
    that was not to be the case with Christians. Just as Jesus became a servant and gave his life for all God’s people, so too all Christians are to become
    servants. At the end of the day, Jesus, the Christ, re-imagines the very nature of kingship to be one who serves, not to be served.
    The sacrifice of Jesus, therefore, who was a king but renounced all his splendour to become a servant, is the epitome of love. The whole life of
    Jesus, from beginning to end, exemplifies the great love of God for his people. Throughout the liturgical year and in every Gospel account, we are
    reminded over and over how much God loves us. As we come to the end of another liturgical year, let us always be mindful how each phase of the
    life of Jesus is an expression of love. Each year is ‘theme of the calendar.”

Image Credit:
                                                                                               For children who suffer
                                                                                               We pray for children who are suffering, especially those who are
                                                                                               homeless, orphans, and victims of war; may they be guaranteed ac-
                                                                                               cess to education and the opportunity to experience family affection.
      SUNDAY                  MONDAY                 TUESDAY             WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                 FRIDAY                SATURDAY

 30                      31                     1                      2                        3                      4                       5

                                               All Saints Day         All Souls Day             St. Martin de Porres   St. Charles Borromeo

 6                       7                      8                      9                        10                     11                      12

32nd Sunday in                                                        The Dedication of the
Ordinary Time                                                         Lateran Basilica          St. Leo the Great      St. Martin of Tours    St. Josaphat

 13                      14                     15                     16                       17                     18                      19

33rd Sunday in                                                                                 St. Elizabeth of
Ordinary Time                                  St. Albert the Great   St. Margaret of Scotland Hungary

 20                      21                     22                     23                       24                     25                      26

                         Presentation of the                                                    St. Andrew Dung-Lac
Christ the King          Blessed Virgin Mary   St. Cecilia                                      and Companions

 27                      28                     29                     30                       1                      2                       3

First Sunday of Advent                                                St. Andrew

     OCTOBER 2022                                                                                                                                 DECEMBER 2022
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23 24 25 26 27 28 29                                2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                           25 26 27 28 29 30   31
30 31
The Nativity of the Lord
    (Christmas) – December 25, 2022

    …though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality
    with God as something to be exploited, but emptied himself,
    taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness.
    (Philippians 2:6-7)

    During the Christmas season, it is common both within
    churches and homes to have a nativity scene, also known
    as a creche or manger scene. Displaying the nativity scene
    was the brainchild of St. Francis of Assisi. As a devotee of
    Lady Poverty, St. Francis wanted Christians to appreciate
    the poverty into which Jesus was born. Jesus who was the
    Son of God leaves the glory of heaven to not only become
    human, but also to become the servant of humanity, so well
    depicted in his birth in a manger in Bethlehem. The feast of
    Christmas is more than the celebration of the birth of Jesus;
    more than a birthday party. Christmas is the celebration of
    the Incarnation, the feast of the incredible, mind-blowing
    event that God would become human in order to become
    our servant and save us.
    This Christmas season, therefore, when we reflect on the manger scene, let it remind us of love. The poverty that Jesus endured, the humiliation
    that Jesus accepted, was all done out of love for his people. This Christmas as we reflect that there was not even room for him to be born in a proper
    facility, that he does all for love. Let us like the shepherds this Christmas go to Bethlehem and witness what God has done for us. Let us rest awhile,
    like the animals, in the manger besides the Baby Jesus and come to the realization that this child is the saviour of the world. And let us, like the Magi,
    travel long distances to adore the child who will redeem us.
    All that Jesus will do while on earth will be done in love and will be done for us. This Christmas as we unwrap gifts under the Christmas tree, let it
    remind us that we have received the greatest gift that could have ever received in the birth of Jesus. When we listen to the beautiful Christmas carols
    and see all the lights and splendor of Christmas may it remind us to truly celebrate because we have been so blessed. As we spend time with family
    and friends this Christmas season may it fill us with joy because God so loved the world that He sent his only Beloved Son. (cf. 3:16).

Image Credit:
                                                                                  For volunteer not-for-profit organisations
                                                                                  We pray that volunteer non-profit organisations committed to human devel-
                                                                                  opment find people dedicated to the common good and ceaselessly seek out
                                                                                  new paths to international cooperation.
      SUNDAY                MONDAY                 TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                FRIDAY                  SATURDAY

 27                    28                     29                    30                      1                     2                         3

                                                                                                                                           St. Francis Xavier

 4                     5                      6                     7                       8                     9                         10
                                                                                           The Immaculate
                                                                                           Conception of the
2nd Sunday of Advent                         St. Nicholas          St. Ambrose             Blessed Virgin Mary

 11                    12                     13                    14                      15                    16                        17

3rd Sunday of Advent   Our Lady of Guadalupe St. Lucy              St. John of the Cross

 18                    19                     20                    21                      22                    23                        24

4th Sunday of Advent                                               St. Peter Canisius

 25                    26                     27                    28                      29                    30                        31

The Nativity of the                                                                                              The Holy Family of
Lord (Christmas)       St. Stephen           St. John              The Holy Innocents      St. Thomas a Becket   Jesus, Mary, and Joseph   St. Sylvester I

    NOVEMBER 2022                                                                                                                                 JANUARY 2023
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27 28 29 30                                       2219 Kennedy Road, Toronto, Ontario M1T 3G5 • T : (416)699-7077                          29   30 31
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