INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE - ARPAV - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of Veneto - ARPA Veneto

Page created by John Goodman
ARPAV - Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention of Veneto

                                                   INSTITUTIONAL PROFILE
ARPAV is a public body founded in 1996. The goal of the Agency is to control and preserve the environment in order to help the identification and
elimination of risks to humans and to the environment. Its principal activities are:
 Controlling of the environment including sources of pollution (e.g. industrial emissions, waste, radiation);
 Monitoring of the state of the environment, particularly the quality of air, water, and soil;
 Preventing risk factors and promoting an education aimed at favouring life styles, which respect the environment.
ARPAV coordinates its activities closely with others Public Bodies and Private Organisations in order to complete its tasks for the interest of whole society,
having developed a large and structured network. To this end, in order to develop also on international landscape those expertises, exchanging best practices
as well as learning and giving international lessons, ARPAV is constantly partner and leader within several international projects, summarised here below.
Nevertheless the following list of projects also contains some national or regional level experiences that is worth referring considered their scientific and
economic value.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                          Project Life
            Project Title                                                                   Budget        Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                        Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                                (Amount)       Held
                                                                         start    End

 1     PREPAIR                       The project aims to create a        2017     2023   Total budget:   Partners   Regione Emilia-Romagna (Leader Partner)
       “Po Regions                   coordination      among        Po                   16.805.000,00              Regione del Veneto
       Engaged to Policies           Regions in order to realize                               €                    Regione Lombardia
       of AIR”                       measures for improvement                                                       Regione Piemonte
       LIFE PLUS 2014-               air quality n the Po Valley. Po                                                Regione Friuli-Venezia Giulia
       2020                          Valley      (northern      Italy)                   Arpav budget:              Provincia Autonoma di Trento
                                     represents an important non                         663.072,00 €               ARPA Emilia Romagna
                                     attaining zone for PM, NO2                                                     ARPA Piemonte
                                     and O3.                                                                        ARPA Lombardia
                                     PREPAIR will implement the                                                     ARPA Valle d'Aosta
                                     measures foreseen in the                                                       ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia
                                     regional plans and in the Po                                                   Agenzia per l'Ambiente della Slovenia
                                     Valley agreement at a larger                                                   Comune di Bologna
                                     scale so to strengthen the                                                     Comune di Milano
                                     sustainability and durability                                                  Comune di Torino
                                     of results.                                                                    Emilia-Romagna Valorizzazione Economica
                                     The project          will    also                                              Territorio SpA (ERVET)
                                     integrate a wide set of                                                        Fondazione Lombardia per l'Ambiente (FLA)
                                     technical tools (emissions
                                     inventories,      air     quality
                                     models, enhanced monitoring
                                     stations, etc.) now working
                                     independently in the several
                                     regions. This goal will be
                                     realized      establishing      a
                                     permanent            networking
                                     structure      between        the
                                     environmental agencies of
                                     the Po Valley and Slovenia.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                       Project Life
            Project Title                                                               Budget        Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                     Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                            (Amount)       Held
                                                                      start    End

 2     PHOENIX            The aim is to demonstrate                   2017     2020   Complessivo:   Partner   Regione del Veneto (IT)
       LIFE16             how a new interinstitutional                                2.176.493,00             Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto
       ENV/IT/000488      governance              system,                                  €                   di Ricerca sulle acque, CNR-IRSA (IT)
                          supported through innovative                                                         Università degli Studi di Padova,
       “Perfluorinated    forecast tools and mitigation                                  Arpav:                Dipartimenti di Biologia e di Ingegneria
       compounds HOlistic actions, can manage risks                                   € 477.077,00             Industriale (IT)
       ENvironmental      related to the diffusion of
       Interinstitutional persistent mobile organic
       eXperience”        contaminants – with a
                          particular focus on PFAS –
                          more        effectively     and

 3     CIRCE                         CIRCE main objective -in         2017     2020       Total       Lead     ETRA (I);
       “Expansion of the             line with CE Priority 3.1 &                      2.344.210,00   Partner   AM TRANS PROGRES SP Z.O.O. (PL);
       CIRcular Economy              new EU Action Plan for                                                    IFKA (HU);
       concept in the                CircEcon- is to facilitate a                       ARPAV                  BAY ZOLTAN ALKAMAZOTT KUTATASI
       CEntral Europe                larger uptake of integrated                       419.292,00              KOZHASZNU NONPROFIT KFT (HU);
       local productive              environmental management                                                  ABFALLWIRTSCHAFT TIROL MITTE
       districts”                    approach in 5 specific CE                                                 GMBH (AT);
                                     industrial areas by changing                                              JAVNA USTANOVA RERA SD ZA
                                     patterns                 from                                             KOORDINACIJU I RAZVOJ SPLITSKO-
                                     single&sporadic      company                                              DALMATINSKEZUPANIJE (HR);
                                     recycling interventions to                                                CISTOKA CETINSKE KRAIJNE D.O.O.
                                     integrated     redesign     of                                            (HR)
                                     industrial interactions based
                                     on the circular economy.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                      Project Life
            Project Title                                                               Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                    Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                            (Amount)        Held
                                                                     start    End

 4     REMEDIO                       REMEDIO aim at the              2016     2019    Complessivo:     Lead     Municipality of Treviso (IT)
       “REgenerating                 challenge of the high density                   2.215.512,50 €   Partner   Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (GR)
       mixed-use MED                 areas surrounding the city                                                 Istituto Superior Tecnico of Lisboa (PT)
       urban communities             centers with commercial and                       Arpav:                   University of Seville (ES)
       congested by traffic          directional roads often                         343,950.00 €               Metropolitan Development Agency of
       through Innovative            suffering from traffic jam.                                                Thessaloniki (GR)
       low carbon mobility                                                                                      City of Split (HR)
       sOlutions”                    For such congested roads,                                                  Municipality of Loures (PT)
                                     REMEDIO proposes to
       A project that                transform them into
       promotes low-                 “horizontal condominiums”,
       carbon sustainable            forms of participatory
       mobility in                   governance that actively
       congested roads and           engage institutions,
       needs to be                   stakeholders and citizens and
       regenerating for 4            with which the Municipality
       medium-sized                  can directly interact to
       Mediterranean                 improve multi-modal and low
       cities. (Project              carbon mobility, freight
       Interreg of the               logistic and environmental
       Program MED                   quality.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                      Project Life
            Project Title                                                               Budget          Role
 n.                                          Description                                                                       Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                            (Amount)         Held
                                                                     start    End

 5     SPARE           SPARE's overall objective is                  2015     2018       Overall       Partner   BOKU – Universität für Bodenkultur Wien,
                       to capitalize and improve
       Strategic Planning                                                            € 2.184.820,47              Institut für Hydrobiologie und
       for Alpine Riverstrategic river management                                                                Gewässermanagement (AT)
       Ecosystems       –
                       approaches across different                                      Arpav                    Land Oberösterreich (AT)
       Integrating     spatial and governance levels                                 € 175.000,00                IRSTEA – Institut national de recherche en
       protection      of the alps and increase
                      and                                                                                        sciences et technologies pour
       development     awareness     of   functions,                                                             l'environnement et l'agriculture
                       services and vulnerability of                                                             (FR)Syndicat Mixte de la Rivière Drôme et
       ALPINE   SPACE alpine river ecosystems for                                                                de ses affluents (FR)
       Programme 2014- successful         protection                                                             Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e
       2020            activities                                                                                Protezione Ambientale del Veneto (IT)
                                                                                                                 Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione
                                                                                                                 dell’Ambiente della Valle d’Aosta (IT)
                                                                                                                 CIPRA – Commission Internationale pour la
                                                                                                                 Protection des Alpes (FL)
                                                                                                                 IzVRS – Inštitut za vode Republike Slovenije
                                                                                                                 Fundaziun Pro Terra Engiadina (CH)

 6     MACEDONIA                     The project purpose is to       2015     2016     Overall:       Subcontract Finnish Meteorological Institute (FI)
       TWINNING                      strengthen the administrative                    1.100.000 €         or      Umweltbundesamt GmbH (Environment
       “Further                      capacities in the area of air                                                Agency Austria)
       strengthening the             quality management and                          Arpav: about €
       capacities for                health impact assessment of                       25.000,00
       effective                     air        pollution       by
       implementation of             implementing the appropriate
       the acquis in the             EU acquis
       field of air quality"
       MK 12 IB EN 01
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                            Project Life
            Project Title                                                    Budget       Role
 n.                                        Description                                                           Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                 (Amount)      Held
                                                           start    End

 7     CAIMANs            The project focuses on the air   2014     2015      Overall     Leader   University of Genoa – Department of Physics
                          quality impact and                               € 711.000,00            (IT);
       Cruise and         greenhouse gases assessment                                              Aristotle University oh Thessaloniki (GR)
       passenger ship Air for cruise and passenger                            Arpav                Air PACA (FR);
       quality            ships. Starting from an                          € 197.000,00            Spanish Research Council – Institute of
       Impact Mitigation insight on the air quality                                                Environmental Assessment and Water
       ActioNs            of five important port cities                                            Research (ES)
                          in the North Mediterranean
                          Sea (Barcelona, Marseille,
                          Genoa, Venice and
                          Thessaloniki) and going on
                          involving in a participative
                          consultation some South
                          Mediterranean port cities, the
                          project aims at setting the
                          basis to identify critical
                          points and propose
                          orientations for future
                          projects and policies
                          addressing cruise and
                          passenger ship traffic air
                          pollution mitigation.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                      Project Life
            Project Title                                                               Budget         Role
 n.                                          Description                                                                      Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                            (Amount)        Held
                                                                     start    End

 8     SEDALP                        The project aims at the         2012     2015       Overall      Partner   Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry,
                                     development and testing of                      € 2.591.350,00             Environment and Water Management (AT)
       Sediment                      strategic policies and tools                                               Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano – Rip. Opere
       management         in         for integrated management of                       Arpav                   Idrauliche (IT)
       Alpine        basins:         sediment       in     Alpine                    € 115.500,00               Università di Padova – Dipartimento
       integrating sediment          catchments with the aim of                                                 Te.S.A.F. (IT)
       continuum,       risk         effective risk reduction,                                                  CNR-IRPI di Padova (IT)
       mitigation       and          conservation     of   aquatic                                              Regione Piemonte – Direzione Opere
       hydropower                    ecosystems and reducing the                                                pubbliche, difesa del suolo, economia
       (ALPINE SPACE                 impact created                                                             montana e foreste (IT)
       Programme)                    from hydropower.                                                           Bavarian Environment Agency (DE)
                                                                                                                IRSTEA – Grenoble regional center, Snow
                                                                                                                avalanche engineering and torrent control
                                                                                                                research unit (FR)
                                                                                                                CNRS - National Center of Scientific
                                                                                                                Research (FR)
                                                                                                                University of Ljubljana (SI)
                                                                                                                Office of the Tyrolean Regional Government
                                                                                                                University of Natural Resources and Life
                                                                                                                Sciences Vienna (AT)
                                                                                                                Institute for Water of the Republic of
                                                                                                                Slovenia (SI)
                                                                                                                Regional Government of Carinthia AT)
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                           Project Life
            Project Title                                                    Budget         Role
 n.                                        Description                                                             Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                 (Amount)        Held
                                                          start    End

 9     GUARDEN             The project focuses on         2012     2014       Overall      Partner   Region of Peloponnese Regpel (EL)
       (Guardians       of developing and testing a                       € 2.125.000,00             Thessalonica Agricultural And Industrial
       Environment)        coherent framework aimed to                                               Institute (EL)
                           support rational design and                       Arpav                   EC Business And Innovation Centre Of
       Framework:      An implementation of local                         € 100.000,00               Attika (EL)
       Integrated          strategies for environmental                                              Federation Of Industries Of Northern Greece
       Approach         of risks, prevention                                                         (EL)
       Strategies      for and management, specified                                                 Agricultural University – Plovdiv (BG)
       Prevention of Soil for territories threatened by                                              Bulgarian Chamber Of Commerce And
       Pollution      and soil or water pollution.                                                   Industry (BG)
       Rehabilitation   of                                                                           Szent István University, Faculty Of
       Harmed Territories                                                                            Agriculture And Environmental Sciences
       (SEE – South East                                                                             (HU)
       Europe                                                                                        Camera di Commercio di Potenza (IT)
       Programme)                                                                                    Veneto Agricoltura (IT)
                                                                                                     Irecoop Veneto (IT)
                                                                                                     National Institute Of Research And
                                                                                                     Development For Food Bioresources – Iba
                                                                                                     Bucharest (RO)
                                                                                                     Chamber Of Agriculture And Forestry Of
                                                                                                     Slovenia (Sl)
                                                                                                     Zadar County Development Agency (HR)
                                                                                                     University Of Belgrade - Faculty Of
                                                                                                     Agriculture (SR)
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                         Project Life
            Project Title                                                                  Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                        Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                               (Amount)        Held
                                                                        start    End

 10    3PCLIM                        The project focuses on a           2011     2014       Overall      Partner   ZAMG – Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und
                                     complete      and      uniform                     € 1.286.355,00             Geodynamik
       Past, Present and             climatological     study      to                                              Autonome Provinz Bozen, Abt. Brand- und
       Perspective Climate           satisfy                                               Arpav                   Zivilschutz
       of                            the current demands of the                         € 187.925,00
       Tirol, Südtirol-Alto          large area of North Tyrol-
       Adige and Veneto              South Tyrol / Tyrol and
       (INTERREG        IV           Veneto.
       ITALIA – AUSTRIA              The new climatology will be
       Programme)                    available to agencies of the
                                     schools of public institutions
                                     as a source of information for
                                     further use. For the first time
                                     are measured remote sensing
                                     data such as radar data. Part
                                     of    the    project    is     a
                                     comprehensive overview of
                                     the climatology of the
                                     glaciers that is essential in
                                     environmental education in
                                     schools in the energy industry
                                     and tourism.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                       Project Life
            Project Title                                                                Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                      Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)        Held
                                                                      start    End

 11    KOSOVO                        Improving the state of the       2011     2013       Overall      Leader    INFORMEST, French Ministry of Ecology
       TWINNING                      environment including water,                     € 1.800.000,00             and Sustainable Development, Transport and
                                     waste and management of                                                     Infrastructure (MEDDTL), International
       "Institutional                urban                                                Arpav                  Office for Water/ Office International de
       support            to         settlements in accordance                         € 87.797,50               l’Eau (IOW/OIEAU) Geological and Mining
       theMinistry        of         with the EU environmental                                                   ResearchBureau      BRGM),       Technical
       Environment      and          rules and with EU best                                                      Workshop for Natural Spaces (ATEN) SMAT
       Spatial     Planning          practice to provide                                                         Spa di Torino Istituto Superiore di Sanità
       (MESP) of Kosovo"             better health and living                                                    (ISS)
       Twinning      Project         conditions for the citizens of
       KS 10 IB EN 01                Kosovo
       (IPA Programme)

 12    MONTENEGRO          This project aims to assist the            2011     2013      Overall       Partner   Direzione Generale per lo Sviluppo
       TWINNING            MPA in the development and                                 € 975.102,00               Sostenibile, il Clima e l’Energia del
                           harmonization of legislation                                                          Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del
       “Support         to to strengthen the capacity of                                  Arpav                  Territorio (“MATTM”), (ISPRA) Studiare
       Environmental       the Environmental Protection                                € 61.650,00               Sviluppo Srl
       Management”         Agency and to support
       Twinning    Project Project Implementation Unit
       MN/08/IB/EN/01      (PIU PROCON) in the
       (IPA Programme)     management                   of
                           environmental infrastructure
                           investment projects
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                      Project Life
            Project Title                                                              Budget        Role
 n.                                          Description                                                                   Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                           (Amount)       Held
                                                                     start    End

 13    RE.S.M.I.A.                   Pilot project of industrial     2010     2013      Overall     Partner   CIVEN - Coordinamento Interuniversitario
                                     research aimed to enhance                             €                  Veneto per le Nanotecnologie (Italia)
       Innovative                    and integrate environmental                     1.100.000,00
       Networks        and           networks and       monitoring
       Monitoring Stations           stations available to ARPAV.                       Arpav
       for the Environment           Specific      objectives    :                   € 550.000,00
       (POR      ERDF    –           protection        of      the
       Objective “Regional           environment; risk prevention;
       Competitiveness and           minimization               of
       Employment”)                  environmental impact of
                                     monitoring stations.

 14    MACEDONIA                     The overall objective of        2010     2012      Overall     Partner   Finnish Meteorological Institute) Partner
       TWINNING                      twinning is to improve skills                   € 999.230,90             Austria Umweltbundesamt GmbH). Italy
                                     at the central level(Ministry                                            (Ministry for the Environment, Land and
       Strenghtening The             of Environment) and local                          Arpav                 Sea) Arpa Lombardia (Italy)
       Central and Local             (municipal and provincial)                      € 19.260,00
       Level Capacities for          for the management of air
       Environmental                 quality in Macedonia
       Management in the
       area of Air Quality
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                        Project Life
            Project Title                                                                 Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                        Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                              (Amount)        Held
                                                                       start    End

 15    CROATIA                       This project aims to support      2010     2012                    Partner   Minoprio Fondation Regione Lombardia
       TWINNING                      the Ministry of Health and                           Overall                 Istituto Superiore di Sanità “Chemical safety.
                                     the Ministry of Environment                        €799.989,90               Strengthening legal framework of istitutional
       “Chemical safety.             of Croatia to strengthen the                                                 infrastructure for protection from dangerous
       Strengthening legal           environmental legislation, in                         Arpav                  chemical
       framework of                  particular in the following                        € 21.000,00               KemI
       istitutional                  fields
       infrastructure for            REACH e SEVESO II.
       protection from
       Twinning Project

 16    APICE                         The project targets to develop    2010     2012       Overall      Leader    Veneto Region Territorial Planning and Parks
                                     a knowledge-based approach                        € 2.281.420,00             Department (IT);
       Common                        for air-pollution mitigation                                                 Province of Genoa (IT); University of Genoa
       Mediterranean                 and sustainable development                          Arpav                   (IT); Marseille Port Authority (FR);
       strategy and local            of port activities.                               € 527.880,00               University of Provence (FR) Region of
       practical actions for         Apice, performed in 5 big                                                    central Macedonia (GR); Aristotle University
       the mitigation of             port-cities, is organized in 3                                               of Thessaloniki (GR); University of west
       port, industries and          main project phases: 1) air-                                                 Macedonia-research      Committee      (GR);
       cities emissions              monitoring          campaigns,                                               Spanish Research Council-institute of
       (MED Programme)               intercomparison modelling                                                    Environmental Assessment and water
                                     to quantify the impact of the                                                research     (IDAEA)       (ES);     EUCC-
                                     sekected pollutant sources to                                                Mediterranean Centre Country (ES)
                                     the air-quality in each
                                     territory; 2) identification of
                                     the risk activities to design
                                     intervention scenarios and 3)
                                     adaptation of the joint
                                     strategies at local to improve
                                     the governance capacities in
                                     the coastline project areas
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                       Project Life
            Project Title                                                                Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                       Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)        Held
                                                                      start    End

 17    SHARE                         The purpose of SHARE is to       2009     2012       Overall      Partner   ARPA Valle d'Aosta (Leader – IT), Regione
                                     develop, test and promote a                      € 2.700.000,00             Piemonte (IT), RSE S.p.A. (IT), E-zavod
       Sustainable                   decision support system to                                                  (SI), Univerza v Ljubljani (SI), Technische
       Hydropower in                 merge, on an unprejudiced                            Arpav                  Universität Graz (AT), Universität Innsbruck
       Alpine Rivers                 base, both river ecosystems                       € 222.000,00              (AT), Das Land Steiermark (AT), Université
       Ecosystems                    and              hydropower                                                 Joseph Fourier Grenoble (FR), GERES (FR),
       (ALPINE SPACE                 requirements. The project                                                   Universität Stuttgart (DE), AEM -
       Programme)                    openly pursues integrated                                                   Association Européenne des Elus de
                                     river management aims.                                                      Montagne (FR)

 18    SEE                           The project aims to a better     2009     2012      Overall       Partner   RSE S.p.A. (Leader – IT), Provincia di
       HYDROPOWER                    utilisation      of      water                         €                    Belluno (IT), Technische Universität Graz
                                     concerning         hydropower                    2.539.800,00               (AT), Das Land Steiermark (AT), Univerza v
       Targeted to improve           production in SEE countries,                                                Ljubljani (SI), Ministrstvo za okolje in
       water       resource          looking up to renewable                              Arpav                  prostor – Republika Slovenija (SI),
       management for a              energy sources development,                       € 208.000,00              Universitatea Politehnica din Bucureşti (RO),
       growing renewable             preserving      environmental                                               Apele Române (RO), Prefecture of Serres
       energy production             quality and preventing flood                                                Province (GR), Prefecture of Arta Province
       (SEE – South East             risk. The project had given a                                               (GR), Universität für Bodenkultur Wien –
       Europe                        strong contribution to the                                                  BOKU (AT), Universitatea Tehnică a
       Programme)                    integration between the WFD                                                 Moldovei (MD)
                                     Directive and the RES-e
                                     Directive implementation in
                                     the EU countries.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                              Project Life
            Project Title                                                       Budget         Role
 n.                                        Description                                                                Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                    (Amount)        Held
                                                             start    End

 19    PARAMOUNT            The project       aimed     at   2009     2012       Overall      Partner   Lebenministerium (Leader – AT), ÖBB (AT),
                            improving              hazard                    € 2.789.000,00             Bundesforschungs-                     und
       ImProved             management strategies for                                                   Ausbildungszentrums        für      Wald,
       Accessibility:       infrastructure protection by                        Arpav                   Naturgefahren und Landschaft – BFW (AT),
       Reliability      and the adaptation of existing                       € 120.000,00               Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano (IT),
       security of Alpine tools and practices to the                                                    Provincia Autonoma di Trento (IT),
       transport            transport sector (debris-flow,                                              Università di Padova (IT), ARPA Piemonte
       infrastructure       avalanche, rockfall).                                                       (IT), PUH (SI), Univerza v Ljubljani (SI),
       related           to                                                                             IRSTEA (FR)
       hazards      in    a
       changing climate

 20    HAREIA                The main technical objectives   2009     2012       Overall      Partner   Lead Partner : Ufficio della Regione Tirolo,
                             are the installations of                        € 1.080.400,00             Ripartizione      Protezione    Civile     e
       Historical       And seismographs for integrating                                                Anticatastrofe (Austria)
       Recent Earthquakes the existing network and the                          Arpav                   Partner : ARPAV - Dipartimento Provinciale
       in Italy and Austria processing of a earthquakes                      € 251.000,00               di Belluno, Ufficio Geologia e Prove
       (INTERREG          IV lists through an historical                                                materiali, Provincia Autonoma Bolzano -
       ITALIA-AUSTRIA research in the Tirolo, Alto                                                      Alto Adige (Italia), Protezione Civile di
       Programme)            Adige, Friuli Venezia Giulia                                               Palmanova, Regione Autonoma Friuli
                             e Veneto regions.                                                          Venezia Giulia (Italia),
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                      Project Life
            Project Title                                                               Budget         Role
 n.                                          Description                                                                       Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                            (Amount)        Held
                                                                     start    End

 21    ALFFIRS            The overall objective of the               2009     2012       Overall      Partner   Lead Partner : Arpa Piemonte (Italia)
                          project is to control and                                  € 2.868.160,00             Partner : Regione Veneto (Italia), Regione
       Alpine Forest FIre reduce the role of the forest                                                         Piemonte (Italia), Regione Autonoma Friuli
       warning System     fires as natural hazard for the                                Arpav                  Venezia Giulia (Italia), ERSAF Lombardia
       (ALPINE SPACE      Alpine            environment                               € 60.000,00               (Italia),  Slovenian     Forestry     Institute
       Programme)         considerably            through                                                       (Slovenia) Regional Development Agency of
                          prevention and mitigation                                                             Gorenjska Region (Slovenia), CEREN
                          actions. The project aims to                                                          (Francia), ZAMAG (Austria), BOKU
                          develop a multi-referential                                                           Universität für Bodenkultur Wien (Austria),
                          innovative      service     that                                                      University of Munich (Germania), Sezione
                          strongly supports forest fire                                                         Forestale Cantonale del Ticino (Svizzera),
                          management, above all in                                                              Federazione Cantonale Ticinese del Corpo
                          prevention activities and in                                                          dei Pompieri (Svizzera), Istituto Federale di
                          the mitigation of the impact                                                          Ricerca (Svizzera)
                          due to flaming front on the
                          Alpine forests

 22    ESTONIA                       Ground waters in Estonia,       2008     2009      Overall       Partner   Arpa Lombardia (Italy) Health Protection
       TWINNING light                due to geological reasons,                       € 73.600,00               Inspectorate    (Estonia)      Ministry  of
                                     contain a certain amount of                                                Environment (Estonia) Radiation Protection
        “Estimation of               natural radionuclides. The                         Arpav                   Centre (Estonia) Association of Estonian
       concentrations of             purpose of the twinning is to                    € 4.680,00                Water Producers (Estonia) Institute of
       radionuclides in              minimize the health risks                                                  Physics of University of Tartu (Estonia)
       Estonian                      caused by radionuclides in
        ground waters and            Estonian drinking waters.
       related health risks”
       Twinning      Project
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                               Project Life
            Project Title                                                        Budget         Role
 n.                                        Description                                                                  Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                     (Amount)        Held
                                                              start    End

 23    ALP        WATER It is expected that in future,        2008     2011       Overall      Partner   Institute de la montagne, Universite' de
       SCARCE              even the water-rich Alps, in                       € 3.990.903,00             Savoie      (France)     (Leader)     Societé
                           particular the southern Alps,                                                 Economique Alpestre (France) Conseil
       Water Management will be affected by severe                               Arpav                   Generale de la Savoie (France) Amt der
       Strategies  against droughts due to climate                            € 201.200,00               Kaernter Landesregierung (Austria) Amt der
       Water Scarcity in change.               Increasing                                                Steiermaerkischen Landesregierung (Austria)
       the Alps            anthropogenic            water                                                Paris Lodron Universitaet Salzburg Zentrum
       (APINE     SPACE abstraction       (for    energy,                                                fuer Geoinformatik (Austria) Bundesanstalt
       Programme)          cooling, irrigation, tourism                                                  fuer     Agrarwirtschaft   (Austria)    GAL
                           and artificial snow) will                                                     Appennino genovese (Italy) Province of
                           exacerbate the water scarcity                                                 Alessandria (Italy) Province of Trento -
                           problem. The project will                                                     Dipartimento Urbanistica e Ambiente (Italy)
                           investigate this matter and                                                   UNCEM Delegazione Piemonte (Italy)
                           will try to propose new                                                       ARPAV - DRST (Italy) Geoloski Zavod
                           strategic approaches and                                                      Slovenije (Slovenia) Nacionalni Institut za
                           solutions     (multifunctional                                                Biologijo, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
                           water use and reuse, land use                                                 Kmetijsko Gozdarska zbornica slovenije,
                           change,               artificial                                              Maribor (Slovenia) Eidegenoessische Anstalt
                           groundwater recharge, etc.).                                                  fue Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung
                                                                                                         und       Gewaesserschutz       (Switzerland)
                                                                                                         Bundesamt       fuer      Umwelt       BAFU
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                             Project Life
            Project Title                                                      Budget         Role
 n.                                        Description                                                                Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                   (Amount)        Held
                                                            start    End

 24    PERMANET           Permafrost is highly sensitive    2008     2010      Overall    Subcontract Automous Province of Bolzano - South
                          to climatic changes. The                          € 3.03.468,00     or      Tyrol, Office for Geology and Building
       Longterm           overall objective of the                                                    Materials Testing (Italy) (Leader) Bavarian
       Permafrost         PermaNET project is to make                           Arpav                 Environment Agency, Department 10:
       Monitoring Network an important contribution to                       € 89.000,00              Geological Survey, Economic Geology, Soil
       (Alpine      Space the mitigation of natural                                                   Protection (Germany) Regional Agency for
       Programme)         hazards that result from                                                    Environmental Protection of Piemonte,
                          climate change impacts on                                                   Regional centre for geological researches
                          alpine     permafrost.     The                                              (Italy) Aosta Valley Autonomous Region
                          PermaNET        project    will                                             (Italy) Region of Veneto, Geological Survey
                          produce     an     alpine-wide                                              (Italy) Autonomous Province of Trento -
                          permafrost          monitoring                                              Civil and Territory Protection Department,
                          network       including     an                                              Geological Survey (Italy) Austrian Federal
                          information     system     and                                              Ministry      of     Agriculture,    Forestry,
                          selected monitoring sites, a                                                Environment and Water Management, Forest
                          permafrost map for the entire                                               Department       (Austria)    University    of
                          Alpine Space and a common                                                   Innsbruck, Institute of Geography (Austria)
                          strategy as well as guidelines                                              University of Graz, Institute of Geography
                          for the consideration of                                                    and Regional Science (Austria) Central
                          permafrost in risk and water                                                Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics,
                          resources management.                                                       Regional      Office    for Salzburg and
                                                                                                      Oberösterreich (Austria) University Joseph
                                                                                                      Fourier - Grenoble I, Institute of Alpine
                                                                                                      Geography, Lab PACTE-Territoires (France)
                                                                                                      National Center for Scientific Research -
                                                                                                      EDYTEM Laboratory (France) Grenoble
                                                                                                      Institute of Technology, GIPSA-lab (France)
                                                                                                      Federal Office for the Environment FOEN
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                                                                        Project Life
            Project Title                                                                Budget        Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                      Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)       Held
                                                                       start    End

 25    ROMANIA                       The proposed project aims to      2008     2009      Overall     Leader    Arpa Veneto (Italy) National Institute of
       TWINNING                      support       the      National                   € 600.000,00             Health – ISS (Italy) Arpa Basilicata
                                     Environmental Guard (NEG)                                                  (Italy)CGIAM      Center of Integrated
       “Support to the               and its national, regional and                       Arpav                 Geomorphology for the Mediterranean Area
       National                      local level structures, with                      € 95.600,00              (Italy) National Environmental Guard
       Environmental                 their                day-to-day                                            (Romania) The Regional Environmental
       Guard (NEG) to                responsibilities and functions                                             Protection Agencies (REPAs) (Romania)
       strengthening    its          related to the enforcement of                                              The Local Environmental Protection
       capacity         on           the environmental in the                                                   Agencies (LEPAs) (Romania)
       inspection      and           following      fields:    IPPC,
       control”                      SEVESO           II,    VOCs,
       Twinning Project              Chemicals, LCP, WEEE
       RO06/IB/EN/10                 management,               water
       (IPA Programme)               management,              nature
                                     protection and GMOs

 26    BULGARY             The       ultimate      overall             2008     2009      Overall     Partner   Ministry of Environment (Italy) (Leader)
       TWINNING            objective of the present                                    € 700.000,00             ISS, Italian National Health Institute (Italy)
                           project is the implementation                                                        National Research Council (Italy) Studiare
       “Strengthening   of of the WFD 2000/60/EC                                          Arpav                 Sviluppo     (Italy)   Various     Bulgarian
       surface       water requirements      related    to                             € 64.500,00              authorities
       monitoring network monitoring of surface water
       operation”          bodies (rivers, lakes, coastal
       Twinning Project    waters, artificial surface
       BG06/IB/EN/01       water bodies and heavily
                           modified      surface     water
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

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 n.                                           Description                                                                        Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)         Held
                                                                       start    End

 27    POLAND                        The      project    aims     to   2008     2008       Free        Support as Formez (Italy) CSI Piemonte (Italy)
       TWINNING                      strengthen the administration                     participation   Technical
                                     responsible                 for                                    member
        “Strengthening the           implementation               of
       Polish                        community in the field of
       environmental                 environmental protection and
       administration in             water management. This
       implementation                objective will be achieved by
       community of                  providing IT facilities that
       through information           will allow complying better
       technology systems”           with obligations resulting
       Twinning Project              from          the       acquis
       PL2005/IB/EN                  communautaire, in particular
       /04/TL                        in the scope of collecting and
                                     processing       environmental
                                     data for reporting and
                                     decision-making       purposes
                                     and in the field of making
                                     environmental information
                                     available to the public
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

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            Project Title                                                                  Budget          Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                           Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                               (Amount)         Held
                                                                        start    End

 28    ROADIDEA                      ROADIDEA will analyse the          2007     2010       Overall       Partner    Foreca Consulting Ltd (Finland) VTT
                                     innovation potential of the                        € 4.903.707,00               Technical Research Centre of Finland
       Road    Map     for           European transport systems                                                      Finnish Meteorological Institute Destia
       Radical Innovations           by        developing           a                      Arpav                     Tieliikelaitos (Finland) Klimator AB
       in        European            comprehensive methodology                          € 252.600,00                 (Sweden) Demis B.V. (Netherlands) DLR,
       Transport Services            to collect very detailed and                                                    Institute of Transport research (Germany)
       (7th       FRAME              versatile traffic information,                                                  Pöyry Infra Traffic GmbH (Germany) Road
       PROGRAM)                      both static archived data and                                                   Safety Engineering Bureau (Hungary)
                                     dynamic in real time from                                                       Meteo-Info (Croatia) AMANOVA d.o.o.
                                     vehicles (onboard sensors)                                                      Adavanced Materials, Intelligent Systems
                                     and     infrastructure     (e.g.                                                (Slovenia) LogicaCMG Netherland B.V.
                                     roadside video monitoring,
                                     archives), and to process and
                                     analyse this data for a large
                                     transport network in order to
                                     produce                relevant
                                     informations for mobility

 29    COST Action 734               The main objective of the          2006     2010        Free        Support as Various representatives of: Austria, Bulgaria,
                                     Action is the evaluation of                         participation   Technical Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
       Impacts of Climate            possible     impacts      from                                       member Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
       Change         and            climate       change        and                                                Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
       Variability     on            variability on agriculture and                                                 Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
       European                      the assessment of critical                                                     Switzerland, United Kingdom
       Agriculture: CLIV             thresholds     for     various
       AGRI                          European areas
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                      Project Life
            Project Title                                                               Budget          Role
 n.                                          Description                                                                         Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                            (Amount)         Held
                                                                     start    End

 30    LIFE-PARFUM        The project will implement                 2006     2009       Overall       Partner    City of Bremen (Germany) (leader) SWB
       particulates       and evaluate a combination                                 € 2.188.079,00               (Germany) DHL (Germany) City of Padua
                          of innovative technologies                                                              Province of Padua Net-Engineering (Italy)
       Freight and heavy for clean vehicles for city                                    Arpav                     DCMR (Nederland)
       duty vehicles in logistics and public transport,                              € 263.107,00
       Urban              integrated with policy and
       environMents (LIFE planning approaches. It will
       III ENV)           be tested and evaluated under
                          real-life conditions in two
                          urban areas (Bremen/DE,

 31    SLOVAK                        The project is targeted to      2006     2008        Free        Support as Agency        for Co-operation of Local
       TWINNING                      develop the Environmental                        participation   Technical Authorities (Italy) Arpa Piemonte (Italy)
                                     Quality Standards (EQSs),                                         member Arpa Veneto (Italy) Arpa ER (Italy) Slovak
        “Establishment of            for some of the priority                                                    Hydro-Meteorological Institute - SHMU
       the Environmental             substances and dangerous                                                    (Slovienia) ISS, Italian National Health
       Quality Standards             substances identified during                                                Institute Provincial administrations of Turin,
       for water and                 the process of Pollution                                                    Reggio Emilia, Mantova, Cremona, Modena
       Strengthening of              Reduction Programme as
       Regional and                  relevant for the Slovak
       District                      Republic. Furthermore, the
       Environmental                 implementation of the project
       Offices for                   will allow the relevant state
       implementation of             administration    responsible
       water controls and            for water protection and
       monitoring“                   sustainable use of water
       Twinning Project              resources to fulfil the
       SK2005/IB/EN/01               requirements of the Water
                                     Framework           Directive
                                     60/2000/EC and Council
                                     Directive 76/464/EEC.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                   Project Life
            Project Title                                                           Budget        Role
 n.                                         Description                                                                   Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                        (Amount)       Held
                                                                  start    End

 32    POLAND                        Improving of the Drinking    2006     2007      Overall     Partner   Ministry of Health (Italy) (leader) National
       TWINNING                      Water           Monitoring                   € 769.999,00             Health Institute (ISS – Italy) ARPA
                                     management system used by                                             Lombardia (Italy) Formez
        “Extension of the            the Poland   Chief Health                       Arpav
       sanitary supervision          Inspectorate                                 € 25.100,00
       system in the area of
       water quality”
       Twinning Project
       (PHARE – CARDS

 33    POLAND                        Improving of the Drinking    2006     2007      Overall     Partner   Formez ARPA Toscana (Italy) ARPA Emilia
       TWINNING                      Water           Monitoring                   € 100.000,00             Romagna (Italy) (leader) ISS (National
                                     management system used by                                             Health Institute - Istituto Superiore di Sanità
        “Management                  the Poland   Chief Health                       Arpav                 - Italy) AQP (Consortium for waterworks in
       System on Drinking            Inspectorate                                 € 34.000,00              Puglia - Acquedotti Pugliesi Riuniti, Italy)
       Water Monitoring                                                                                    APAT (Italy)
       in Chief Health
       Twinning Project
       (PHARE – CARDS
ARPAV Institutional Profile    2017 ,June

                                                                        Project Life
            Project Title                                                                Budget          Role
 n.                                            Description                                                                       Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)         Held
                                                                       start    End

 34    COST Action 731     The main objective of the                   2005     2010       Free        Support as Various representatives of: Belgium, Cyprus,
                           Action is to address issues                                 participation   Technical Czech, Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
       Propagation      of associated with the quality                                                  member Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy,
       Uncertainty      in and       uncertainty      of                                                          Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland,
       Advanced     Meteo- meteorological observations                                                            Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
       Hydrological        from remote sensing and                                                                United Kingdom
       Forecast Systems    other potentially valuable
                           instrumentation. It will also
                           consider their impacts on
                           hydro-meteorological outputs
                           from advanced forecasting

 35    Survey on              water    Survey on water quality of 6    2005     2007      Overall       Partner   City of S. Vito di Cadore (Italy) (leader) City
       quality of              small   small mountain lakes and                        € 430.000,00               of Oetz (Austria) Innsbruck university
       mountain                lakes   pilot survey on Mosigo lake
       (INTERREG              III A    (San Vito di Cadore - BL)                          Arpav
       Italia-Austria                                                                  € 80.000,00

 36    Integrated                      Carrying out of a forecasting   2005     2007      Arpav         Partner   Land Carinzia (Austria) ZAMG Salzburg
       evaluation of air               model able to support                           € 150.000,00
       quality    in  Val              programmatic choices of the
       Belluna                         territory
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                       Project Life
            Project Title                                                               Budget          Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                      Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                            (Amount)         Held
                                                                      start    End

 37    INSPECTAN           INSPECTAN project aims to                  2005     2006     Overall        Leader    Ministry of Ecology and Susteinable
                           provide: - A report describing                             € 78.000,00                Development (France) UBA, Federal
       Environmental       basic      principles      for                                                        Environmental Agency (Germany) State
       Inspection          understanding         potential                               Arpav                   Environmental Service Director of the
       Guidelines For The environmental threats caused                                € 20.000,00                Department of Permits and Specifications
       Tanning    Industry by the tanning industry                                                               (Latvia) WIOŚ Warszawa Delegatura Radom
       (IMPEL program)     according to the commonest                                                            (Poland) Conselleria de Medio Ambiente,
                           production methods utilised                                                           Xunta de Galicia (Spain) Miljöskyddsenheten
                           within the European Union                                                             Länsstyrelsen i Västra Götalands län
                           including the Accession                                                               (Sweden) APAT - Environment Protection
                           Countries,     taking     into                                                        Agency and Technical Service (Italy)
                           account the BREF tanneries.                                                           ARPAV, Regional Environmental Protection
                           - A set of inspection                                                                 Agency Veneto (Italy) Province of Vicenza
                           guidelines based on the                                                               (Italy) ARPAT, Regional Environmental
                           understanding of the main                                                             Protection Agency Tuscany (Italy)
                           threats caused by the tanning

 38    COST Action 728               The main objective of the        2004     2009       Free        Support as Various representatives of: Belgium,
                                     Action    is    to    develop                    participation   Technical Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia,
       Enhancing      meso-          advanced conceptual and                                           member Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
       scale meteorological          computational frameworks to                                                 Italy, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway,
       modelling                     enhance          significantly                                              Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Sweden,
       capabilities for air          European capabilities in                                                    Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom
       pollution       and           mesoscale      meteorological
       dispersion                    modelling for air pollution
       applications                  and dispersion applications.
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                         Project Life
            Project Title                                                                  Budget          Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                         Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                               (Amount)         Held
                                                                        start    End

 39    MONARPOP                      MONARPOP monitors POPs             2004     2008       Overall       Partner   Austrian Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry,
                                     and other organic pollutants                       € 1.846.720,00              Environment      ARPA Lombardia (Italy)
       Monitoring network            with respect to their: long-                                                   Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt -
       in the Alpine Region          range transport to remote                              Arpav                   Gesundheit      und       Verbraucherschutz
       for persistent and            alpine regions; prevalent                           € 90.000,00                (Germany) GSF Bayern (Germany) SFI
       other        organic          source     directions;     loads                                               Slovenia (Slovenia) BA Berlin (Germany)
       pollutants                    within the alpine range,                                                       UBA       Vienna     (Austria)     BUWAL
       (INTERREG III B               including regional differences                                                 (Switzerland)
       Alpine         Space          variation     with     altitude;
       Programme)                    present stocks, bound in
                                     forests of the alpine region;
                                     possible biological effects of
                                     the detected loads

 40    POLAND             The project aims to support                   2004     2005        Free        Support as Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit
       TWINNING           the implementation of the EU                                   participation   Technical - GTZ (Germany) Geocart srl (Italy)
                          Water Framework Directive                                                       member
       “Implementation of (2000/60/EC of 23 October
       the Water Frame 2000) and the related
       Directive          European     legislation   in
       2000/60/EC”        Poland and to facilitate the
       Twinning Project   necessary adjustments of the
       PL2002/IB/EN/01,   legislative,   administrative
       (PHARE – CARDS     and technical framework
       Twinning)          conditions
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                        Project Life
            Project Title                                                                 Budget        Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                     Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                              (Amount)       Held
                                                                       start    End

 41    ADRIAMET                      Production and distribution       2004     2008      Overall      Leader    ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) ARPA
                                     of              “ADRIAMET”                        €1.222.000,00             Emilia    Romagna    (Italy)     Regional
       Integrated system             WEATHER           FORECAST                                                  Government of Marche (Italy) Regional
       for monitoring and            Creation of an informatics                           Arpav                  Government of Abruzzo (Italy) Rudjer
       forecasting         of        tool enabling sharing of data                     € 612.000,00              Boskovic Institut - Center for Marine
       meteorological and            of interest for the monitoring                                              Research,   Rovinj  (Croatia)     DHMZ,
       water      conditions         of Adriatic Sea Local                                                       Meteorological and Hydrological Service
       parameters          in        strengthening/integration of                                                (Croatia) RHMZ, HydroMeteorological
       Adriatic          Sea         the regional and national                                                   Istitut of Montenegro (Serbia and
       (Interreg          III        monitoring networks in the                                                  Montenegro)
       Adriatic       Cross          Adriatic coastal and maritime
       Border Programme)             areaUsing for forecast and
                                     test of models for the analysis
                                     and forecasting of the
                                     physical state of the Adriatic
                                     sea         (waves         and
                                     currents)Study of integrated
                                     methods for meteorological
                                     forecasting on the Adriatic

 42    KATER II          Analysis     on       available               2004     2006       Overall    Subcontract Regional government of lower Austria
                         mountain      aquifer     data.                               € 3.246.400,00     or      (leader) IRGO Institute of Mining,
       Karst       water Sampling and analysis on                                                                 Geotechnology and Environment (Slovenia)
       research program mountain underground waters                                         Arpav                 Institute of Geology (Croatia) Molise
       (IINTERREG III B quality. Implementation of                                      € 90.000,00               University (Italy)
       CADSES            monitoring     network      for
       Programme)        mountain aquifer. Processing
                         of acquired data
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                        Project Life
            Project Title                                                                 Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                       Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                              (Amount)        Held
                                                                       start    End

 43    FORALPS                       The project will improve and      2004     2007       Overall      Partner   Trento University (Italy) (leader) APAT
                                     integrate    instruments     to                   € 2.797.300,00             (Italy) ARPA Friuli V.G. (Italy) ARPA
       Meteo-hydrological            support the management of                                                    Lombardia EARS (Italy) Province of
       Forecast       and            environmental resources in                           Arpav                   Bolzano (Italy) Province of Trento (Italy)
       observations    for           alpine areas, in particular                       € 210.000,00               Regional government of Valle d'Aosta (Italy)
       improved     water            water. This goal will be                                                     ZAMG Innsbruk; Klagenfurt; Salzburg;
       Resource                      achieved      by      adopting                                               Wien (Austria)
       management in the             innovative techniques for
       Alps (INTERREG                monitoring                 and
       III B Alpine Space            reconstructing     the    time
       Programme)                    evolution      of      whether
                                     hydrological processes

 44    ALPS QUAKENET                 Alps-GPS Quake Net will           2004     2008       Overall      Partner   ARPA Piemonte (leader) Bayerische
                                     promote transnational co-                         € 2.143.353,00             Akademie der Wissenschaften (Germany)
       Alpine    Integrated          operation in the field of space                                              Institut Physique du Globe de Strasbourg
       GPS Network: real             geodesy applied to natural                            Arpav                  (France)      Deutsches      Geodaetisches
       time monitoring and           hazards. It will delineate the                     € 80.000,00               Forschungsinstitut (Germany) Environmental
       master model for              seismic potential within the                                                 Agency of the Republic of Slovenia
       continental                   Alpine space, mountains and                                                  Fondazione Montagna Sicura (Italy)Province
       deformation      and          surrounding foothills through                                                of Bolzano - South Tyrol (Italy)Regional
       earthquake hazard             a continuous GPS network                                                     government of Liguria (Italy) Regional
       (INTERREG III B               “GAIN” (Geodetic Alpine                                                      government of Lombardia (Italy)Province of
       Alpine         Space          Integrated Network) able to                                                  Trento (Italy)Université Joseph Fourier,
       Programme)                    quantify       the      crustal                                              Laboratoire de Géophysique Interne et
                                     deformation of the whole                                                     Tectonophysique (France)
                                     mountain range
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                       Project Life
            Project Title                                                                Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                      Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)        Held
                                                                      start    End

 45    METEORISK                     Improving      of     weather    2003     2006       Overall      Partner   ARPA Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) ARPA
                                     forecasting systems and                          € 1.901.684,00             Lombardia (Italy) ARPA Piemonte (Italy)
       Mitigation        of          communication        between                                                DWD Meteo Swiss (Switzerland) Province
       natural        risks          alpine countries aimed to                           Arpav                   of Bolzano (Italy) Province of Trento (Italy)
       through improved              support institutes in case of                    € 172.200,00               Regional government of Valle d'Aosta (Italy)
       forecasting       of          extreme        meteorological                                               Slovenia Meteo Office ZAMG Salzburg
       extreme                       events                                                                      (leader); Carintia; Stiria; Tirol (Austria)
       events (INTERREG
       III B Alpine Space

 46    Studies         and           Project is split into 4          2003     2006      Arpav -       Leader    Marine Biology Lab, Trieste (Italy)Marine
       monitoring actions            subprojects:     creation   of                      Overall                 Biology Station, Piran (SLO)
       on the Evolution of           OAA, permanent centre
       the marine-coastal            dedicated      to     Northern                   € 4.285.715,00
       ecosystem, for the            Adriatic Sea protection.
       protection,                   Activities          concerning
       integrated                    biological      oceanography.
       management      and           Chemical and ecological state
       exploitation of the           evaluation of the Northern
       sea resource                  Adriatic coastal strip (within
       (INTERREG        III          2     nm).      Georeferential
       A/Phare CBC Italy-            mapping of “tegnùe” (rocky
       Slovenia 2000-2006)           structures of the Northern
                                     Adriatic Sea floor) and
                                     studies on their main features
ARPAV Institutional Profile    2017 ,June

                                                                        Project Life
            Project Title                                                                Budget        Role
 n.                                            Description                                                                     Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)       Held
                                                                       start    End

 47    TEIAMM                         Development         of       a   2003     2004      Overall     Partner   FORMEZ (leader) (Italy) Ministry            of
                                      methodological         model,                    € 240.000,00             Environment (Italy) ICARO s.r.l. (Italy)
       Transboundary                  prepared and tested on field,
       Effects  Industrial            capable to prevent industrial                       Arpav
       Accident                       accident,     to       handle                    € 23.316,96
       Management Model               emergencies and to lighten
       (Law 84/01 - Italian           negative effects of possible
       Development                    accidents in the Danube
       Projects  in     the           middle and final course area

 48    POLAND                       Adaptation of the Poland           2003     2004      Arpav       Leader    ARPA Basilicata (Italy) ARPA Emilia
       TWINNING 2002                existing     control    and                        € 154.676,00             Romagna (Italy) ARPA Piemonte (Italy)
                                    surveillance systems to the                                                 Azienda USLL N.4 Alto Vicentino (Italy) ISS
       Monitoring                   EU standards of drinking                                                    (Istituto Superiore di Sanità – Italy) Ministry
       drinking               water water monitoring                                                            of Environment (Italy)
       Twinning Project
       PL02/IB/EN 02
       (PHARE – CARDS
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                         Project Life
            Project Title                                                                  Budget           Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                            Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                               (Amount)          Held
                                                                        start    End

 49    Environmental                 Not a single project but a set     2002     2008       Arpav –        Leader     Regional government of Veneto (Italy) Local
       Information   and             of 25 projects running in                              Overall                   Authorities Public Authorities Schools
       Education (Docup              accordance        with       the                   € 4.466.436,00                Environmental Associations Private persons
       Objective 2 2000-             following action patterns:
       2006 - FESR)                  Enhancement          of      the
                                     Environmental         Education
                                     (EE) local lab network.
                                     Promotion and developing of
                                     Local        Agenda           21
                                     processes.Backing actions for
                                     EE activities. Training and
                                     refreshing              courses.
                                     Monitoring of behaviours and
                                     EE      activities.     Actions
                                     targeted    to      raise    the
                                     awareness of environment
                                     issues     and      educational

 50    ALPSLAKE       – The project consists in the                     2002     2007      Overall       Subcontract Region Rhône-Alpes (leader) (France)
       Alpine     Lakes creation of a network of local                                       € 2.            or      Distretto Turistico dei Laghi S.C.R.L. (Italy)
       Network          authorities in the alpine area                                   647.382,00.                 ARPA Piemonte (Italy) Regional government
       (INTERREG III B involved on the one hand in                                                                   of Lombardia (Italy) IREALP (Italy)
       Alpine     Space the management of natural                                           Arpav                    Regional government of Veneto (Italy)
       Programme)       alpine lakes, and on the other                                   € 55.000,00                 Province of Belluno (Italy) Province of
                        hand       in      sustainable                                                               Trento (Italy) Nationalni Institut za Biologijo
                        development                and                                                               (Slovenia) Provincial Government of
                        improvement of “lakeside                                                                     Carinthia     &     Kärntner     institut   für
                        environments”                                                                                Seenforschung       (Austria)     Rhône-Alpes
                                                                                                                     Tourisme (France) GIP Le Grand Lac (Lac
                                                                                                                     du Bourget) (France) Aix-les-Bains Tourism
                                                                                                                     Office (France) SILA Syndicat Mixte du lac
                                                                                                                     d’Annecy (France)
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                       Project Life
            Project Title                                                                Budget         Role
 n.                                           Description                                                                       Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                             (Amount)        Held
                                                                      start    End

 51    SIMAGE                        The project aims to provide      2002     2006        Arpav       Leader    Province of Venice (Italy) Regional
                                     an integrated tool for                           € 4.098.741,00             government of Veneto (Italy)
       Integrated system             managing both industrial                                                    SIGES ENICHEM S.p.A. (Italy) Ca' Foscari
       for environmental             emissions and possible odd                                                  Venice University (Italy)
       monitoring       and          events (such as industrial
       management        of          accidents) and thus protecting
       emergencies in the            the fragile environment (i.e.
       Porto      Marghera           the lagoon of Venice) and
       industrial     area.          putting     on    alert    the
       (Regional funds)              population living close to the
                                     area of Porto Marghera. The
                                     system is mainly addressed to
                                     face emergency situations.

 52    ENVISNOW                      ENVISAT data will be used        2002     2005       Overall      Partner   Norut Information Technologies (leader)
                                     to develop, validate and bring                   € 2.589.768,09             (Norway) NR (Norwegian Computing
       Development         of        into operational use multi-                                                 Center) NVE (Norwegian Water Resources
       generic          earth        sensor and multi-temporal                            Arpav                  and Energy) TSS Nordic (Trombo Satellite
       observation based             snow parameter retrieval                          € 55.300,00               Station) (Norway)HUT (Helsinky University
       snow       parameter          algorithms applicable both                                                  of Technology) (Finland) IMGI (Insitut Fuer
       retrieval algorithms          for regional and global                                                     Metereologie und Geophisik - Austria)
       (5th           Frame          mapping. The products shall                                                 Verbund VER (Austria) IFAC (Institute for
       Program)                      fulfil the hydrology users                                                  research on electro-magnetic waves - Istituto
                                     requirements for operational                                                di Ricerche sulle onde elettromagnetiche
                                     products                                                                    CNR/IROE - Italy) FEI (The Finnish
                                                                                                                 Environment Institute)
ARPAV Institutional Profile   2017 ,June

                                                                      Project Life
            Project Title                                                              Budget           Role
 n.                                          Description                                                                     Other Partners
        (referring program)                                                           (Amount)          Held
                                                                     start    End

 53    Participation to the          The     purpose     of   this   2002     2002   Institutional    Support as APAT – Italian national agency for the
       Guidance          on          document, along with the                        contribution     Technical environment protection and the technical
       Monitoring for the            other guidance documents                                          member services
       Water Framework               published        by       the
       Directive                     Commission, is to provide
       2000/60/EC for the            experts and stakeholders with
       European                      guidance         in       the
       Commission        in          implementation      of    the
       collaboration with            Directive

                                                                                                     Direzione Generale
                                                                                                     SERVIZIO PIANIFICAZIONE, PROGETTAZIONE E
                                                                                                     via Matteotti, 27 - 35137 PADOVA
                                                                                                     Tel. 049/8239345- 049/8239366
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