A APPENDIX - Alabama Cooperative Extension ...
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A Water Quality Agencies & Organizations FEDERAL AGENCIES Other NRCS links §§ Watershed protection and flood prevention: www.nrcs.usda.gov/ programs/watershed US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) §§ Environmental Quality Incentives Program: www.nrcs.usda.gov/ The mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/financial/eqip environment. Since 1970, the EPA has been working for a §§ Easement programs: www.nrcs.usda.gov/programs/wrp cleaner, healthier environment for the American people. US EPA Region 4 Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Sam Nunn Atlanta Federal Center (SNAFC) Enforcement (OSMRE) 61 Forsyth St. SW Atlanta, GA 30303-8960 An office of the Department of the Interior (DOI), OSMRE Phone: (404) 562-9900 (Region 4, Alabama) was founded by a provision in the Surface Mining Control www.epa.gov and Reclamation Act of 1977. The bureau is tasked with balancing the nation’s demand for coal with the Other EPA links well-being of the environment. The Alabama Surface §§ Water information: www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/water-topics Mining Commission (ASMC) is Alabama’s primary state §§ Mobile Bay National Estuary Program: www.mobilebaynep.com/ regulatory body. who_we_are/our_history/ 1849 C St. NW §§ Surf Your Watershed: www.epa.gov/waterdata/surf-your-watershed Washington, DC 20240 Phone: (202) 208-2565 www.osmre.gov/index.shtm Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) With the mission of “Helping People Help the Land,” the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) NRCS provides products and technical and financial assistance to better enable people to be good stewards The Tennessee Valley Authority is a corporate agency of of the nation’s soil, water, and related natural resources the United States that provides electricity for business on nonfederal lands. customers and local power companies. It receives no Main address taxpayer funding. In addition to operating and investing its USDA, NRCS, Office of the Chief revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Room 5105-A navigation, and land management for the Tennessee River Washington, DC 20250 system. It also assists local power companies and state Phone: (202) 720-7246 and local governments with economic development and www.nrcs.usda.gov job creation. Main address Alabama address 400 West Summit Hill Dr. 3381 Skyway Dr. Knoxville, TN 37902 Auburn, AL 36830-6443 Phone: (865) 632-2101 Phone: (334) 877-4500 (Alabama NRCS state office) www.tva.gov www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/site/al/home 108 110 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Alabama address US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) 307 Clinton Ave., Suite 300 Huntsville, AL 35801 A bureau of the Department of the Interior, the US Fish Phone: (256) 430-4804 (Cherokee, Colbert, DeKalb, and Wildlife Service is the principal federal agency Franklin, Jackson, Jefferson, Lauderdale, and responsible for conserving, protecting, and enhancing Marshall counties) fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing (270) 846-7001 (Cullman, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, benefit of the American people. Morgan, and Winston counties) Main address www.tva.gov/Economic-Development/Our-Team/Our- 1849 C St. NW Regional-Development-Specialists/Alabama-Region Washington, DC 20240 Phone: (800) 344-WILD US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) www.fws.gov With environmental sustainability as a guiding principle, Alabama Ecological Services Field Office the USACE works to strengthen the nation’s security by 1208 B Main St. building and maintaining infrastructure and providing Daphne, AL 36526-4419 military facilities where service members train, work, and Phone: (251) 441-5181 live. They also protect America’s interests abroad by www.fws.gov/alabama using engineering knowledge to promote stability and Other USFWS links improve quality of life. §§ National Wetlands Inventory: http://wetlands.fws.gov Main address, Mobile District §§ Division of Environmental Review: www.fws.gov/ecological-services 109 Saint Joseph St. §§ Habitats: www.fws.gov/habitat Mobile, AL 36602-3630 Phone: (251) 690-2505 www.usace.army.mil United States Geological Survey (USGS) The USGS serves the nation by providing reliable US Forest Service (USFS) scientific information to describe and understand the The mission of the US Forest Service is to sustain the Earth; minimize loss of life and property from natural health, diversity, and productivity of the nation’s forests disasters; manage water, biological, energy, and mineral and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future resources; and enhance and protect our quality of life. generations. Main address USGS National Center Main address 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr. US Forest Service Reston, VA 20192 1400 Independence Ave. SW Phone: (703) 648-4000 Washington, DC 20250-0003 www.usgs.gov Phone: (202) 205-8333 www.fs.fed.us Other USGS links §§ Water quality data for Alabama: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ Alabama address al/nwis/qw Dagmar Thurmond, Acting Forest Supervisor 2946 Chestnut St. §§ Underground water data for Alabama: https://waterdata.usgs.gov/ Montgomery, AL 36107 al/nwis/gw Phone: (334) 832-4470 §§ USGS activities in Alabama: https://al.water.usgs.gov/index.html www.fs.usda.gov/alabama Other USFS links §§ Watersheds, fish, wildlife, air, and rare plants: www.fs.fed.us/biology §§ Ecosystem management: www.fs.fed.us/emc Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 111
STATE AGENCIES Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM) Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries (ADAI) The mission at ADEM is to ensure a safe, healthful, and productive environment for all citizens of the state. ADAI provides regulatory control over product and ADEM administers all major federal environmental laws, business entities, and movement and application of including the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, and Safe goods and services for which applicable state and federal Drinking Water Act, and federal solid and hazardous laws exist and strive to protect and provide service to waste laws. Alabama consumers. 1400 Coliseum Blvd. 1445 Federal Dr. Montgomery, AL 36110-2400 Montgomery, AL 36107 Phone: (334) 271-7700 Phone: (334) 240-7100 www.adem.state.al.us/default.cnt http://testagi.alabama.gov/home Other ADEM links Alabama Department of Conservation and §§ Alabama Nonpoint Source Management program: www.adem.state. Natural Resources (ADCNR) al.us/programs/water/nps/npsMgmt.cnt §§ Public participation in environmental permitting: http://adem. ADCNR is an executive and administrative department alabama.gov/MoreInfo/permittingInfo.cnt of the State of Alabama created by statute. The commissioner, appointed by the governor as a member §§ Water quality: http://adem.alabama.gov/programs/water/ of the cabinet, advises the governor and legislature on waterquality.cnt management of freshwater fish, wildlife, marine resources, §§ ADEM data and maps: http://www.adem.state.al.us/emaps.cnt state lands, state parks, and other natural resources. §§ Local hazardous waste contacts: http://adem.alabama.gov/ 64 N Union St. programs/land/default.cnt Montgomery, AL 36130 §§ Emergency disposal of solid waste: www.adem.state.al.us/ Phone: (334) 242-3486 programs/water/waterforms/EmergencyDisposalofSolidWaste.pdf www.outdooralabama.com Alabama Department of Labor (ADOL) Alabama Department of Economics and Community Affairs (ADECA) This state department oversees all business activities and manages unemployment in Alabama. ADECA’s mission is to build better Alabama communities. Under the inspections division is the mining division, One important division of ADECA is its Office of Water which deals with abandoned mine land reclamation, Resources (OWR), which exists to efficiently and mining safety and inspection, and surface mining of effectively allocate the state’s ground and surface nonfuel minerals. water resources. In order to accomplish this, OWR advises lawmakers, conducts research, and directs and Alabama Department of Labor participates in programs and activities that promote Attn: Inspections Division, Mining Alabama’s water interests. 649 Monroe St. Montgomery, AL 36131 Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs Phone: (334) 309-9050 Attn: Office of Water Resources https://labor.alabama.gov/Inspections/Mining PO Box 5690 Montgomery, AL 36103-5690 Phone: (334) 242-5100 http://adeca.alabama.gov/Divisions/owr/Pages/ default.aspx 108 112 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) Alabama Surface Mining Commission (ASMC) ADPH is the primary health agency for the state The ASMC is the primary entity that regulates all surface of Alabama. Their mission is to promote, protect, and underground coal-mining activities in the state. It and improve the health of Alabama’s citizens and draws its authority from the Federal Surface Mining communities. They fulfill this mission in part by offering Control and Reclamation Act of 1977. environmental services. 1811 2nd Ave. 201 Monroe St. Jasper, AL 35501 No. 1250 Phone: (205) 221-4130 Montgomery, AL 36104 http://surface-mining.alabama.gov/index.html Phone: (800) 252-1818 www.alabamapublichealth.gov/index.html Geological Survey of Alabama (GSA) Other ADPH link Founded in 1848, the GSA is an agency that collects §§ Soil and onsite sewage: www.alabamapublichealth.gov/ data on Alabama’s natural resources. They explore and onsite/index.html evaluate mineral, water, energy, biological, and other resources, while conducting basic and applied research Alabama Forestry Commission (AFC) in those fields. Established as a state agency in 1924, the Alabama 420 Hackberry Ln. Forestry Commission has a three-fold function: to protect Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 Alabama’s forests from all harmful agents; to service Phone: (205) 349-2852 and help landowners to carry out responsible forest www.gsa.state.al.us management on their property by using professional technical assistance that benefits themselves, their land, and society; and to educate the general public about the value of Alabama’s forests in ensuring both a healthy economy and environment. AFC also assists with emergency responses following natural disasters. 513 Madison Ave. Montgomery, AL 36104 Phone: (334) 240-9300 www.forestry.alabama.gov/Default.aspx Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee (ASWCC) The ASWCC works to promote healthy soil, fishable and drinkable water, sustainable forests, and clean air to cultivate a prosperous farming industry and improve quality of life for all Alabama citizens. Locally led, nonregulatory entities authorized under state law (known as soil and water conservation districts) are managed by district administrative coordinators and a voluntary board of supervisors. The organization works with private landowners to implement conservation practices on their land, creating a unique private-public partnership. 600 S. 7th Street, Suite 1 Opelika, AL 36801 Phone: (334) 745-4791 (Lee County District) https://alconservationdistricts.gov Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 113
UNIVERSITY/EXTENSION SERVICES Other AUWRC links §§ Animal waste management: http://aaes.auburn.edu/wrc/projects- Alabama Cooperative Extension System (ACES) research/animal-waste-management §§ Alabama water resources: http://aaes.auburn.edu/wrc/projects- The Alabama Cooperative Extension System operates research/alabama-water-resources-research-institute/links/ as the primary outreach organization for the land grant functions of Alabama A&M and Auburn Universities. §§ Funding opportunities: http://aaes.auburn.edu/wrc/resource/ ACES exists to help people and communities improve opportunities/ their quality of life and economic well-being. One division of Alabama Extension deals with natural resources. Alabama Water Watch (AWW) 600 S. 7th St., Suite 4 Alabama Water Watch (AWW) is a citizen-volunteer water Opelika, AL 36801 quality monitoring program covering all of the major Phone: (334) 749-3353 river basins in Alabama. Their vision is to have a citizen www.aces.edu/main monitor on every stream, river, lake, and coast in Alabama. AWW is a program of Auburn University Water Resources Auburn University Water Resources Center and receives support from a number of different Center (AUWRC) organizations, including Alabama Extension AUWRC is a division of the Alabama Agricultural Auburn University Water Resources Center Experiment Station of Auburn University (AAES). Hubbard Center for Advanced Science, Innovation, The mission of AUWRC is to facilitate successful and Commerce collaboration among Auburn University faculty and staff 559 Devall Dr. on multidisciplinary water-related research, outreach, Auburn University, AL 36849 and teaching, and to facilitate the active involvement of Phone: (888) 844-4785 private citizens in the stewardship of water resources. www.alabamawaterwatch.org Some entities with similar functions to AUWRC’s include Other AWW links the University of Alabama’s Alabama Water Institute §§ AWW Map Data: www.alabamawaterwatch.org/water-data/ (http://ovpred.ua.edu/alabama-water-institute) as well as awwmap Troy University’s Center for Water Resource Economics §§ Radial search: https://web.auburn.edu/aww/Charts/maps/ (www.troy.edu/about-us/phenix-city-campus/life-culture/ awwRadialMap.html center-water-resource-economics.html). Auburn University Water Resources Center Hubbard Center for Advanced Science, Innovation, and Commerce 559 Devall Dr. Auburn University, AL 36849 Phone: (888) 844-4785 http://aaes.auburn.edu/wrc 108 114 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
APPENDIX B Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 115
B Community Activities for Your Watershed As an official Alabama watershed steward, you have LEARN ABOUT YOUR WATERSHED the opportunity to make a difference in your community, to raise awareness about issues in your watershed, Start by using EPA’s Water Topics page to find your and to participate in local watershed management and watershed address and learn about its water quality protection activities. The following is a list of activities issues: www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/water-topics. that you can be a part of either as an individual or as a From there you can research other topics: local watershed action group. The activities are roughly §§ Learn how to protect healthy watersheds through landscape arranged by easiest to hardest to participate in or approaches at www.epa.gov/hwp. to organize. §§ See Alabama real-time water data, river basin maps, flood and drought data, and much more at the US Geological Survey website FORM A WATERSHED at www.usgs.gov/science/regions/southeast/alabama?qt-states_ ORG ANIZATION IN l2_landing_page_tabs=0#qt-states_l2_landing_page_tabs. YOUR COMMUNITY §§ Check to see if any waterbodies in your watershed are listed on Alabama’s 303(d) list. See the Alabama Integrated Report for CWA Ultimately, water quality and watershed protection are the Sections 305(b) and 303(d) at www.adem.state.al.us/programs/ responsibility of the individuals and communities residing water/waterquality.cnt. in the watershed. Forming a watershed organization or watershed group in your community will help to raise §§ Learn about and map specific watersheds by using the awareness of water issues and help to foster action to StreamStats tool at https://streamstats.usgs.gov/ss. StreamStats improve water quality. is a web application that provides access to an assortment of geographic information systems (GIS) analytical tools that are If a group already exists in your community, contact useful for water-resources planning and management, and for the group and volunteer to help. To find out if a group engineering and design purposes. The map-based user interface exists, visit the River Network’s “Who Protects Water?” can be used to delineate drainage areas for user-selected sites map: www.rivernetwork.org/membership/map-who-is- on streams. It can then gather basin characteristics and estimates protecting-your-water/. of flow statistics for the selected sites anywhere this functionality Once a group is formed, consider looking at the EPA’s is available. resources for watershed planning (www.epa.gov/nps/ resources-watershed-planning) and the Partnership §§ Hydrologic and Water Quality System (HAWQS) Version 1.0 is a web-based interactive water quantity and water quality modeling Resource Center (www.fs.usda.gov/prc) to gain access system that can assist states, local governments, and citizens with to hundreds of references for resources available to water quality protection decision-making. local community groups engaged in local watershed management. §§ HAWQS provides users with interactive web interfaces and maps; pre-loaded input data; outputs that include tables, charts, and graphs; a user’s guide, and online development, execution, and storage of a user’s modeling projects. §§ Find HAWQS here: https://www.epa.gov/waterdata/hawqs- hydrologic-and-water quality-system 108 116 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
CREATE A WATERSHED DISPLAY and set up the classroom for hands-on activities. Once the presentation and materials are gathered, the program Displays can be developed for local fairs, festivals, public can be offered over and over again. If all goes well, libraries, and community events to raise awareness and teachers will be requesting water education instead of spread the word about water quality protection in your you asking to present it. watershed. Your display could be a colorful poster full of There are many national water education programs for pictures from different areas in your watershed. And it can youth where you can get ideas: provide information about important issues facing your watershed. Part of your display could even be an actual §§ USGS Water Science School provides links to numerous watershed model. water-science topics and educational materials, such as maps and posters. See http://water.usgs.gov/edu/. Visit EPA’s “Build a Watershed Model” website for more information: http://water.epa.gov/learn/kids/drinkingwater/ §§ Give Water a Hand is a national watershed-education activity_grades_9-12_buildyourownwatershed.cfm. program designed to involve young people in local environmental service projects. See www.partnersforcleanstreams.org/ educational-publications/give-water-a-hand-business-campaign. SPREAD THE WORD THROUGH §§ Project WET (Water Education for Teachers) is an award- AN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN winning nonprofit water-education program and publisher. The An effective way to get the word out about water quality program is designed to facilitate and promote awareness, issues in your watershed is to advertise. Options include appreciation, knowledge, and stewardship of water resources mass mailings, fliers, public service announcements, through dissemination of classroom-ready teaching aids and the watershed fact sheets, and newspaper articles. It is establishment of internationally sponsored Project WET programs. a great way to raise awareness in the community, get See www.projectwet.org. more individuals to join your watershed group, and §§ EPA’s Resources for Students and Educators encourage people to take personal action to protect your about Nonpoint Source (NPS) Pollution provides watershed’s resources. games and links to educational materials that teach children about Take advantage of available resources: pollution and the environment. This site features Darby Duck and the Aquatic Crusaders and Masterbug Theater. See http://water. §§ local professionals and community officials (mayors, judges) who epa.gov/polwaste/nps/kids/index.cfm. might be willing to contribute their time §§ local newspapers and magazines. Request coverage and/or special sections for your group to post information and report activities. BECOME A VOLUNTEER OR A WATER QUALITY MONITOR §§ real estate and homeowner’s association newsletters §§ free inserts in utility bills Help to collect water quality data and build stewardship for your local waterbody. Alabama Water Watch (AWW) §§ public service announcements and community radio hours is a good way to do this. AWW is an organization of trained volunteers who work together by collecting water Seek examples of letters, fact sheets, and fliers, then samples from local waterbodies. By training volunteers to create some for your watershed and distribute them. do the essential work of collecting reliable chemical and bacteriological data, AWW aims to improve water quality and policy. GIVE A PRESENTATION TO A SCHOOL CLASS Founded in 1992, Alabama Water Watch is a program of the Auburn University Water Resources Center. AWW By teaching children early about their watershed, we can and its thousands of volunteers have been responsible produce the watershed stewards of tomorrow. Plus, it is for collecting over 90,000 water records in Alabama. See often said that the best way to reach adults is through Appendix A for AWW’s contact information. their children. You also can go to the Alabama Rivers Alliance volunteer Plan with teachers in the community to make water page to connect with volunteer opportunities in your area. education a part of their classroom curriculum. A simple Alabama Rivers Alliance is a statewide network of groups and short classroom presentation can make a difference. working to protect and restore all of Alabama’s water You can tell students what a watershed is and discuss resources through building partnerships, empowering threats to water quality. Highlight things that kids and citizens, and advocating for sound water policy and its parents can do to protect water quality. Gather materials enforcement. https://alabamarivers.org/volunteer Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 117
ORG ANIZE A STREAM HOST A COMMUNITY OR RIVER WALK WATERSHED WORKSHOP OR WATERSHED FESTIVAL This is a great way to bring a group of citizens together to make visual observations and assessments on the You can sponsor a community workshop or watershed condition of a waterbody. If problems or concerns such festival to raise awareness of water quality issues in your as trash, debris, or other sorts of pollution are discovered, watershed. Think about the following questions: work with the city and/or county to organize a cleanup for §§ Are there members of the community with experience in public that waterbody. teaching or education? You also can evaluate the health of a stream by finding §§ Are local professionals available to speak? and identifying macroinvertebrates during your walk. Print out an identification chart for macroinvertebrates at www. §§ What community organizations or businesses might serve as dep.wv.gov/WWE/getinvolved/sos/Documents/Benthic/ potential audiences for speakers? WVSOS_MacroIDGuide.pdf. §§ Who might cosponsor a workshop for the public? For additional macroinvertebrate identification cards, see http://vitalsignsme.org/macroinvertebrates. CREATE A COMMUNITY RAIN G ARDEN ORG ANIZE A STORM DRAIN A rain garden is a neat little garden that is built to reduce MARKER OR STENCILING PROJECT runoff and filter sediment and other pollutants before they IN YOUR COMMUNITY can enter your local waterways. It is built as a place to Storm-drain stenciling is a great way to remind direct stormwater from roofs, driveways, and parking community members that storm drains dump directly lots so it can soak into the soil and be used by plants. into your local waterbodies. Visit the EPA’s stormwater For more information on rain gardens, visit the Rain website at www.epa.gov/npdes/npdes-stormwater- Garden Network at www.raingardennetwork.com. Read program. Also consider creating door hangers, press instructions on how to construct a rain garden in the Low releases, videos, and publications that can be distributed Impact Development Handbook for the State of Alabama for your event. available at www.adem.state.al.us/programs/water/ For more information on storm drain stenciling in waterforms/LIDHandbook.pdf. Alabama, see ADEM’s “Storm Drain Stenciling Activity” publication at www.adem.state.al.us/programs/water/nps/ INSTALL RAIN BARRELS files/stormdrainstenciling.pdf. IN YOUR COMMUNITY For more information on how to host an event for storm drain marking, see the University of Rhode Island’s list of A rain barrel is a system that collects and stores resources at https://web.uri.edu/riss/take-action/in-your- rainwater from the roofs of buildings. If not collected, community/storm-drain-marking. the water runs off into storm drains and streams. A rain barrel collects water and stores it for when you need to water your plants, wash your car, and do other activities ORG ANIZE OR JOIN IN that require water. The EPA estimates that rain barrels A COMMUNITY CLEANUP can save homeowners 1,300 gallons of water during peak OR RECYCLING DAY summer months! Keep Alabama Beautiful is an organization whose mission §§ For more information on how to build and install rain barrels, go to is to enable volunteers throughout Alabama to improve the EPA’s website for examples and instructions at www.epa.gov/ litter prevention practices, recycling, beautification, and soakuptherain/soak-rain-rain-barrels. Also see the sections on community greening efforts. For more information, visit “Rainwater Harvesting” in the Low Impact Development Handbook http://keepalabamabeautiful.org. for the State of Alabama available at www.adem.state.al.us/ programs/water/waterforms/LIDHandbook.pdf. 108 118 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
CONDUCT A COMMUNITY SOIL- GET YOUR PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM OR WELL-TESTING CAMPAIGN INVOLVED IN A SOURCE WATER PROTECTION PROGRAM This is a great way to bring your community together to test soil and the water quality of your local water wells. The Alabama Rural Water Association (ARWA) is a Having the soil from lawns tested is an important first conduit for the USDA’s Source Water Protection Program step in determining exactly how much, if any, fertilizer (SWPP), which aims to help rural public water systems by is needed on individual lawns, landscapes, or gardens. eliminating sources of pollution and educating community Fertilizers should be applied carefully and at the proper members. For more information on how to get involved rate and time to prevent the negative effects they can with an SWPP in your rural area, contact ARWA. have on waterways in your community and state. Alabama Rural Water Association A water quality testing campaign for private well owners 2576 Bell Rd. can be a great tool for encouraging proper management Montgomery, AL 36117 of the land so that both surface and groundwater Phone: (334) 396-5511 resources are protected. Fax: (334) 396-7090 The Auburn University Soil, Forage, and Water Testing Email: arwa@alruralwater.com Laboratory can provide guidance on taking soil and water www.alruralwater.com samples and also analyze and provide results of your samples (fee based). Visit the lab’s website at www.aces. GET FUNDING TO HELP edu/anr/soillab for more information. You also can write or PROTECT YOUR WATERSHED call the number and address below: To sustain public education efforts and do some of the Soil, Forage, and Water Testing Laboratory bigger tasks, you’ll likely need a funding source. Think ALFA Building about writing a grant to support your local outreach 961 S. Donahue Dr. efforts. Start by going to the Catalog of Federal Funding Auburn University, AL 36849-5411 Sources for Watershed Protection at Phone: (334) 844-3958 https://goo.gl/9KP9Zd. Fax: (334) 844-4001 The EPA has an Environmental Education Grants Program. Information is available at http://www2.epa.gov/ JOIN A STAKEHOLDER WORK education/environmental-education-ee-grants. Also talk GROUP FOR WATERSHED with city and county officials about other funding sources MANAGEMENT OR TMDL PLANS in your community or watershed. Stakeholder involvement in the development and implementation of watershed protection plans or total DEVELOP YOUR WATERSHED maximum daily load (TMDL) plans is absolutely vital. It is MANAGEMENT PLAN a great way to get your voice heard and to bring about positive change for your local waterbodies. Volunteer A Watershed Management Plan is a focused effort to your expertise, or time and energy, to contribute to these bring together all the different stakeholder groups (city, important watershed protection activities and to get county, business, industry, agriculture, homeowners, etc.) involved in making a difference. to work together to plan for the future of a watershed. It requires the dedication of significant time and energy, but Find out if a watershed protection or TMDL is planned the end result is a shared plan that everyone can help to in your watershed by visiting the ADEM website at www. implement with the goal of ensuring a healthy watershed. adem.state.al.us/programs/water/nps/resources.cnt. For information about current TMDLs, visit www.adem.state. To learn more about watershed planning, see the EPA’s al.us/programs/water/approvedTMDLs.htm. “Resources for Watershed Planning” at www.epa.gov/nps/ resources-watershed-planning. Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 119
APPENDIX C Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 121
C Resources by Topic WATER QUALITY ON THE WEB NRCS Farm Conservation Solutions. This provides information on some common conservation practices Alabama Water Quality Report for Clean and how they help to improve a farm and the environment. Water Act Section 305(b) and 303(d) List See www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/ national/programs. 305(b) Report. This biennial report to the Environmental Protection Agency describes the status of Alabama Alabama’s Best Management Practices for Forestry. waters based on historical data on surface water This handbook is produced by the Alabama Forestry and groundwater quality. See www.adem.state.al.us/ Commission. See www.forestry.alabama.gov/Pages/ programs/water/waterquality.cnt. Management/Forms/2007_BMP_Manual.pdf. 303(d) List. This list identifies Alabama waterbodies that are not meeting standards set for their use. See www. DRINKING WATER adem.state.al.us/programs/water/waterquality.cnt. Drinking Water Contaminants Standards and Regulations. This EPA site provides a list of drinking BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICES water contaminants and their maximum contaminant levels (MCL), as well as information regarding drinking EPA Stormwater Best Management Practices Study. water standards, priority rule-making, regulatory This includes technical information on BMP performance infrastructure, and additional links. See www.epa.gov/ measures, BMP design criteria, monitoring issues, costs, dwstandardsregulations. and benefits of implementing BMPs. See www.epa.gov/ waterscience/guide/stormwater. Basic Information About Your Drinking Water. The EPA provides drinking water information for each state as well International Stormwater Best Management as links to safe drinking water organizations in the country. Practices (BMP) Database. This provides scientifically See http://www.epa.gov/safewater/dwinfo/index.html. sound information regarding the design, selection, and performance of urban stormwater BMPs. See www. EPA Public Notification for Drinking Water Systems. bmpdatabase.org. Public notification is intended to ensure that consumers are immediately alerted if there is a serious problem with Irrigation Best Management Practices. This is an their drinking water that may pose a risk to public health. online information source for irrigation BMPs created See www.epa.gov/dwreginfo/public-notification-rule. by the Irrigation Association. See www.irrigation.org/ IA/Advocacy/Standards-Best-Practices/Landscape- EPA Source Water Protection. This site provides Irrigation-BMPs/IA/Advocacy/Landscape-Irrigation-BMPs. information on protecting drinking water sources. See aspx?hkey=93b546ad-c87a-41b8-bf70-8c4fd2cff931. http://water.epa.gov/infrastructure/drinkingwater/ sourcewater/protection. Managing Stormwater Best Management Practices. This interactive website was created by Greenworks TV. It NSF Drinking Water. This website provides information includes several videos and other types of information on on drinking water contaminants, home water treatment, stormwater BMPs. See http://greenworkspc.com/works/ testing protocols, rainwater collection, and more. stormwater-2. See www.nsf.org/consumer-resources/water-quality/ drinking water. National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices. This powerful search engine was created by Alabama Drinking Water. See www.adem.state.al.us/ the EPA for stormwater BMPs. See www.epa.gov/npdes/ programs/water/drinkingwater.cnt. national-menu-best-management-practices-bmps- stormwater#edu. 108 122 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
EMERGENCY RESPONSE GROUNDWATER MANAGEMENT The Alabama Emergency Management Agency ADEM Groundwater Protection and Cleanup. This (AEMA). This state agency provides the citizens of branch of ADEM administers the Underground Storage Alabama with the resources and knowledge they need Tank (UST) Program and the Underground Injection to be ready for all manner of emergencies. Control (UIC) Program. See www.adem.state.al.us/ See https://ema.alabama.gov. programs/water/groundwater.cnt. ADECA’s Office of Water Resources. They issue GSA’s Groundwater Assessment Program. This frequent drought declarations. For information concerning program was created to investigate the occurrence, your area, visit http://adeca.alabama.gov/Divisions/owr/ availability, and quality of the state’s waters. Pages/default.aspx. See www.gsa.state.al.us/gsa/groundwater. Saving Towns through Asset Revitalization (STAR). This program is designed to encourage smart growth MAPPING /DATABASE TOOLS initiatives and offers a helpful publication about disaster preparedness. See www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/U/UNP- EPA BASINS (Better Assessment Science Integrating 0071/UNP-0071.pdf. Point and Nonpoint Sources). This multipurpose environmental analysis system integrates a geographical information system (GIS), national watershed data, and ENVIRONMENTAL FACTS state-of-the-art environmental assessment and modeling tools into one convenient package. See www.epa.gov/ EPA Envirofacts Data Warehouse. This national ceam/better-assessment-science-integrating-point-and- information system provides a single point of access non-point-sources-basins. to data extracted from seven major EPA databases. See www.epa.gov/enviro. EPA Enviromapper for Water. This powerful online mapping tool will map watersheds, impaired waters, assessed waters, beaches, discharge zones, and other FUNDING SOURCES features for any state, county, or town in the United Catalog of Federal Funding Sources for Watershed States. See www.epa.gov/emefdata/em4ef.home. Protection. This offers a searchable database of financial EPA Water Quality Data (WQX). This is the EPA’s assistance sources (grants, loans, cost-sharing) available repository for water quality, biological, and physical data. to fund a variety of watershed protection projects. See www.epa.gov/waterdata/water-quality-data-wqx. See https://goo.gl/9KP9Zd. EPA Watershed Assessment, Tracking and EPA Targeted Watersheds Grants Program. This Environmental Results (WATERS). This powerful program awards capacity-building grants to support mapping tool allows users to view data from many EPA local watershed efforts and model watershed projects. databases and find geography-specific water quality See www.epa.gov/hwp/healthy-watersheds-consortium- information. See www.epa.gov/waters. grants-hwcg. USGS’s National Water Quality Assessment Project (NAWQA). This project provides a wide array of national GLOSSARIES maps relating to water quality. See https://water.usgs.gov/nawqa/digmap.html. EPA Terminology Services (TS). This offers a single Maps of Alabama. The University of Alabama has resource of environmental terminology. See https://iaspub. produced a large assortment of Alabama maps related to epa.gov/sor_internet/registry/termreg/searchandretrieve/ agriculture, climate, and physical features. home.do. See http://alabamamaps.ua.edu/contemporarymaps/ USGS Water Science Glossary of Terms. This contains alabama/index.html. a helpful list of water-related terms. See https://water.usgs.gov/edu/dictionary.html. Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 123
NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION SMART GROWTH EPA Polluted Runoff Resources. This EPA site provides EPA Smart Growth. This website provides helpful information about various topics relating to nonpoint information on smart growth, including facts, benefits, source pollution, including information for students, examples, and publications. funding opportunities, publications, and outreach. See See www.epa.gov/smartgrowth. www.epa.gov/OWOW/NPS. EPA Stormwater Program. This site contains technical TOTAL MA XIMUM DAILY and regulatory information about the NPDES stormwater LOAD (TMDL) program. It is organized according to the three types of regulated stormwater discharges and provides links to EPA Total Maximum Daily Load Program. This is stormwater outreach materials. See http://water.epa.gov/ a clearinghouse for all things TMDL, including an polwaste/npdes/stormwater/index.cfm. introduction and access to policy/program documents, ADEM’s Nonpoint Source Pollution Program. This technical support documents, sample TMDLs, litigation program offers resources on NPS pollution and status, and more. See www.epa.gov/tmdl. management. See http://adem.alabama.gov/programs/ ADEM Total Maximum Daily Load Program. This site water/npsprogram.cnt. provides information on ways to improve water quality in impaired and threatened waterbodies in Alabama. See http://adem.alabama.gov/programs/water/tmdl.cnt. PARTNERSHIPS Partnership Resource Center. PRC provides online VOLUNTEER WATER QUALITY resources to build vibrant partnerships and effective MONITORING collaborations for the nation’s forests, grasslands, and other special places. The website is a joint project of the EPA Volunteer Monitoring. This website provides links National Forest Foundation and the USDA Forest Service. to volunteer-monitoring fact sheets, methods, newsletters, See www.fs.usda.gov/prc. and conferences/events. See www.epa.gov/owow/monitoring/vol.html. POINT SOURCE POLLUTION Alabama Water Watch (AWW). AWW is the largest volunteer water-monitoring organization in Alabama EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System See www.alabamawaterwatch.org. (NPDES). This site contains technical and regulatory information about the NPDES permit program. See www.epa.gov/npdes. WATER CONSERVATION Water Conservation and Management. This site is RAINWATER COLLECTION provided by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. See www.aces.edu/natural-resources/water-resources/ “Rainwater Harvesting for Irrigation Water.” This conservation/index.php. article from the Alabama Cooperative Extension System Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee’s provides information needed for constructing a rainwater Educational Resources. This site provides information collection system. See https://store.aces.edu/ItemDetail. about helpful opportunities to learn more about natural aspx?ProductID=13666 and https://www.aces.edu/blog/ resource conservation. topics/lawn-garden-urban/rainwater-harvesting-for- See https://alconservationdistricts.gov/education. irrigation-water/. Low Impact Development Handbook for the State of Alabama. This handbook has a section on rainwater WATERSHEDS harvesting. See www.adem.state.al.us/programs/water/ EPA Watershed Academy. Online training modules cover waterforms/LIDHandbook.pdf. various watershed topics from watershed hydrology to water law and policy. See www.epa.gov/watertrain. EPA Surf Your Watershed. This service help you to locate, use, and share environmental information on your watershed or community. See http://cfpub.epa.gov/surf/locate/index.cfm. 108 124 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
EPA Window to My Environment. This powerful web- EPA Laws, Regulations, Policy, Guidance, and based tool provides a wide range of federal, state, and Legislation. This site offers links to all sorts of local information about environmental conditions and information regarding water law and policy. features in your region. See www.epa.gov/laws-regulations. See http://www3.epa.gov/enviro/myenviro. Environmental Regulations and Laws. This site offers EPA Watershed News. This publication of EPA’s Office links to the full texts of ADEM’s environmental regulations of Wetlands, Oceans, and Watersheds provides timely and laws. information to groups working at the watershed level. See www.adem.state.al.us/alEnviroRegLaws/default.cnt. See www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/news.html. EPA Water. This site contains vast amounts of WATERSHED MANAGEMENT PLANS information on many water topics and issues. See http://water.epa.gov. Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect Our Waters. See www.epa.gov/nps/ EPA Watershed Information Network. Find ways to get handbook-developing-watershed-plans-restore-and- involved in your watershed and learn more about your protect-our-waters. watershed. See www.epa.gov/owow/watershed/. National Watershed Network. This is a registry of locally led watershed partnerships working to meet local goals WATERSHED PUBLICATIONS through voluntary actions. AND PRODUCTS See www.ctic.purdue.edu/Know%20Your%20Watershed/ After the Storm. This is a 30-minute video program National%20Watershed%20Network/. about watersheds coproduced by the EPA and The NRCS Watersheds. See www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/ Weather Channel. nrcs/main/al/water/watersheds. See https://archive.org/details/gov.epa.841-c-06-001. USGS Science in Your Watershed. This is a Getting in Step: A Guide for Conducting Watershed clearinghouse for all sorts of information related to Outreach Campaigns. This handbook and companion watersheds. See http://water.usgs.gov/wsc/index.html. video helps local and state agencies and watershed USGS Water Science for Schools: Information on many groups conduct effective watershed outreach campaigns. aspects of water, along with pictures, data, maps, and an See https://goo.gl/tKGhmA. interactive center where you can give opinions and test Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to your water knowledge. See https://water.usgs.gov/edu/ Restore and Protect Our Waters. This handbook helps communities, watershed organizations, and others WATERSHED HYDROLOGY develop and implement comprehensive watershed protection plans. See www.epa.gov/sites/production/ EPA Water Cycle. This interactive flash movie details files/2015-09/documents/2008_04_18_nps_watershed_ each step of the water cycle. handbook_handbook-2.pdf. See www.epa.gov/safewater/kids/flash/flash_ Protecting Water Resources with Smart Growth. This watercycle.html. site offers 75 innovative approaches to help communities NASA Observatorium Hydrologic Cycle. This site offers protect water resources and achieve smart growth. interactive step-by-step lessons on the hydrologic cycle. See www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/water_resource.htm. See www.nasa.gov/audience/forstudents/5-8/features/ All EPA publications can be obtained for FREE by Observatorium_Feat_5-8.html. calling the National Service Center for Environmental USGS Water Cycle. This site contains information related Publications (NSCEP) toll-free at (800) 490-9198 or by to the water cycle. sending an email to: nscep@bps-lmit.com. To search for See https://water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle.html. other EPA publications, visit www.epa.gov/nscep. Use the search feature on the left-hand side to find publications by topic or title. WATER LAW General Water Quality Information. This site offers FAQs about water rights, laws, and regulations. See www.aces.edu/natural-resources/water-resources/ faq/subject.php?code=136. Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 125
WATER QUALITY WATER QUALITY STANDARDS USDA NIFA National Integrated Water Quality ADEM’s Water Quality Standards. This site offers Program. This is a national program of the National information on Alabama surface water quality standards, Institute of Food and Agriculture designed to create and See www.adem.state.al.us/programs/water/ disseminate knowledge about water quality across the waterquality.cnt. country. See https://nifa.usda.gov/program/national- EPA Water Quality Standards. This source offers all water-quality-program. kinds of information on water quality standards. USDA Water Quality Information Center. The center See www.epa.gov/waterscience/standards. provides electronic access to information on water EPA Water Quality Standards Database. This provides quality and agriculture. The center collects, organizes, access to EPA and state water quality standards and communicates the scientific findings, educational information in text, tables, and maps. See http://water. methodologies, and public policy issues related to water epa.gov/scitech/swguidance/standards/wqshome_ quality and agriculture. See www.nal.usda.gov/waic. index.cfm. EPA National Assessment Database. This site provides WATER QUALITY MONITORING a summary of state-reported water quality information and allows the user to view assessments of individual Water Quality Monitoring Strategy. This site is waterbodies. See https://cfpub.epa.gov/si/si_public_ produced by the Alabama Department of Environmental record_Report.cfm?dirEntryID=23869. Management. See www.adem.state.al.us/programs/ water/wqsurvey/WQMonitoringStrategy.pdf. Volunteering. This site by Alabama Water Watch offers WATER QUANTITY information about how to become a volunteer water Alabama Extension Drought Website. This site provides quality monitor. See www.alabamawaterwatch.org/get- needed information to Alabama citizens during times of involved/get-certified-as-a-water-monitor. water scarcity. See http://drought.aces.edu. BEACON. This site, sponsored by the EPA, provides National Drought Mitigation Center. This program, annual monitoring information about beach water quality. based at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, helps people See http://watersgeo.epa.gov/beacon2. and institutions to develop and implement measures to reduce societal vulnerability to drought. WATER QUALITY PARAMETERS See www.drought.unl.edu. USDA Climate Hub for the Southeast. This site offers BASIN Water Quality Terminology. This site provides information about the state of the climate and water links to helpful information concerning water quality availability in the southeast, especially as it affects parameters. See http://bcn.boulder.co.us/basin/natural/ agriculture. See www.climatehubs.oce.usda.gov/ wqterms.html. hubs/southeast. Kentucky Water Watch Water Quality Parameters. USGS Real-Time Water Data for the Nation. Find This site contains helpful information on important water real-time flow data for all streams and rivers in the United quality measurements. States. Real-time data typically are recorded at 15- to See www.state.ky.us/nrepc/water/wcparint.htm. 60-minute intervals, stored onsite, and then transmitted Water on the Web. This is an online water quality primer to USGS offices every 1 to 4 hours, depending on featuring the principle types of water quality problems as the data relay technique used. well as in-depth descriptions of water quality parameters. See http://waterdata.usgs.gov/nwis/rt. Search Appendix C: Water on the Web at http://waterontheweb.org/under/waterquality/index.html. 108 126 Alabama Cooperative Extension System
WATER QUALITY REPORTING WETLANDS The following information may be used for reporting Wetlands. This site provides information on protecting, water-related problems in Alabama. restoring, and monitoring wetlands. See www.epa.gov/owow/wetlands. In the event of an emergency (fish kill, petroleum discharge or spill, active illegal dumping, sunken USFWS National Wetlands Inventory. This provides vessel, etc.): information on the characteristics, extent, and status of the nation’s wetlands and deepwater habitats and other §§ Notify the Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA) state wildlife habitats. See www.fws.gov/nwi. warning point at (800) 843‑0699 or (205) 280‑2312. AEMA will notify the county EMA and the correct ADEM field office directly. Wetlands International. This nonprofit organization is dedicated solely to wetland conservation and sustainable §§ Notify the National Response Center at (800) 424‑8802. They will management. See www.wetlands.org. notify a host of federal and state agencies, including ADEM. Wetlands Regulation Center. This provides information In the event of a complaint (sewage discharge, on the laws, policies, and regulations concerning sedimentation issues, BMPs not being observed, other activities regulated under Sections 401 and 404 of the pollution, etc.): Clean Water Act in waters of the United States, including wetlands. See www.wetlands.com. §§ Go to ADEM at www.adem.state.al.us. Click the “complaints” link. You also can report anonymously at (334) 271-7700. For all other problems, including broken water lines, blocked domestic drains and sewers, sewage odors in urban areas, or overflowing manholes, contact your local municipal water department, private septic service, or county health department. WELLS Groundwater. See www.adem.state.al.us/programs/ water/groundwater.cnt. Private Drinking Water Wells. This site offers helpful information about private drinking water wells, including basic information, human health information, and precautions to ensure the protection and maintenance of private drinking water supplies. See www.epa.gov/safewater/privatewells/index2.html. Well Water. This site provides private well owners with general information on water quality and the special needs of well-water users. See www.nsf.org/consumer/ drinking_water/dw_well.asp?program=WaterTre. Groundwater Wells. This site provides information on the different types of groundwater wells. See https://water. usgs.gov/ogw. Wellowner.org. This is a one-stop resource for information relating to private water-well systems and groundwater. See www.wellowner.org. Alabama Watershed Stewards Handbook 108 127
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