The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia

Page created by Peggy Caldwell
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia

                                                                                                        I S S U E 80 S E P T EMB ER 2021

                           The Ultimate Roller.

S E P T E MB E R 2 0 2 1

                                                                                          by Peter Meyer
                                                      HANDMADE IN AUSTRALIA
IS S U E 8 0

                             ONLINE VIDEO MARKETING   |   C U R TA I N FA B R I C S   |   INDUSTRY COVID-19 RESPONSE
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
WE are getting GREENER and Even more Sustainable
Wilson Fabrics has been manufacturing blind and drapery fabrics for the Australian and International
markets for over 95 years. We take our responsibility to source & manufacture products both Ethically &
Ecologically to the highest standards that we hold & our customer's expectations. We are always looking for
new ways to improve our processes to minimize our carbon footprint.

We are pleased to announce that Wilson Fabrics is now GREENGUARD accredited. Our Eco-Friendly
fabrics are manufactured in Australia, made from materials that do not harm nature and are produced with
sustainable practices, such as low emission of pollutants that contribute to improving indoor air quality. We
believe in saving the environment by applying all the necessary Ecological methods as well as a
commitment to Sustainability, Economy, Society and the Environment.

                                                                      Order your samples:

                               Scan the QR Code to know more
                               about GREENGUARD certification
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
ISSUE 80 | SEPT 2021

 Blinds By Peter Meyer

   W FA

                                                                                                         I SSU E 8 0 SEP TEM B ER 2 0 2 1

                                                                                                                                                                                B LIN D S B Y PETER ME Y E R
                                                                                                                                                                                            C OMES OF A G E
                            The Ultimate Roller.
                                                                                                                                                               Blinds by Peter Meyer continues to evolve as a heritage business with its eye on the
                                                                                                                                                            future, built on a close understanding of its customer base. The company’s acquisition
                                                                                                                                                              of Silent Gliss has initiated a series of product innovations, while the legacy business
   SE PT E M BE R 2 0 2 1

                                                                                           by Peter Meyer
                                                       HANDMADE IN AUSTRALIA

                                                                                                                                                                                continues to meet market demand with new differentiated releases.
   ISSUE 8 0

                              ONLINE VIDEO MARKETING   |   C U R TA I N FA B R I C S   |   INDUSTRY COVID-19 RESPONSE

   20                                   PRODUCT NEWS                                                                                        A run-down of the latest Window Furnishings product news

   40                                    THE FUTURE IS NOW IN HOME
                                                                                                                                                                                66      ALL SYSTEMS GO
                                                                                                                                                                                        WFA spoke to leading suppliers about innovations
                                         A connected home is no longer a futuristic concept saved                                                                                       in awning systems, being released to meet growing
                                         for the silver screen. So what are the implications for                                                                                        demand, as homeowners invest in their outdoor spaces.
                                         window coverings? WFA reports.

   50                                    AWNING FABRICS REPORT
                                         Continued focus on time spent at home has seen the
                                                                                                                                                                                78      NEW OPENINGS FOR DRAPERY
                                                                                                                                                                                        The renaissance of home life resulting from the pandemic
                                         awning fabrics market evolve into new, more sophisticated                                                                                      means good business for the curtain trade, with new
                                         product options, with suppliers reporting fundamental                                                                                          coordinated offerings emerging from key suppliers. WFA
                                         shifts in how fabrics work in the home and even the colour                                                                                     reports.
                                         palettes coming on stream. WFA reports.

                                                                                                                                                                                86      VIDEO MARKETING SUPERCHARGED
   60                                    LOCKDOWNS BITE HARD ON INDUSTRY                                                                                                                BY PANDEMIC
                                         The prolonged lockdown in Sydney and snap lockdowns                                                                                            The coronavirus pandemic has accelerated digital trends
                                         elsewhere around the country are playing havoc with the                                                                                        with 75% of Australians conducting some form of online
                                         window furnishings industry. WFA spoke to several retailers                                                                                    shopping last year, as reported by We Are Social.
                                         and wholesalers about how they have dealt with the
                                         complex business restrictions.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            PA G E 0 1
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
W                    E                 L                C                O                  M                   E   editor & publisher
                                                                                                                    James Boston

                                                                                                                    associate editor
                                                                                                                    Belinda Smart

                                                                                                                    business development manager
                                                                                                                    Liana Treadwell

                                                                                                                    art director
                                                                                                                    Kate Noseda
                                                                                                                    Rizla Herdaru

                                                                                                                    Southern Colour

                                                                                                                    editorial submissions

JAMESBOSTON                                                                                                         front cover image
                                                                                                                    Blinds By Peter Meyer
Editor & Publisher
Who would have thought that I’d be writing about            to get vaccinated. Whilst some wish it mandatory,       head office

vaccines in a window furnishings magazine? Or               almost all think that it should be mandatory for        Level 1, 23 Manton Road Oakleigh

mandating vaccinations of staff in the workplace?           their staff to disclose whether or not they are         South Vic 3167

But, here we are, 18 months in to the pandemic              vaccinated. I too feel this is the very minimum
and it’s now a race to the magical number of                that customers should know about staff who are          telephone
80% fully vaccinated in order to restore some               entering their premises, and if they do not find        1300 838 280
semblance of normality. This will not be the end            themselves welcome this may help change their
of coronavirus unfortunately, we will be living with        tune about their vaccination status.          
this virus and its variants for a long time to come.
But the sacrifices made by all of us in this country,       OK, enough about vaccines. We have a bumper
particularly those who have gone through long               96 pages (mostly window furnishing themed) for
lockdowns, have meant that we have given the                you this issue with massive features on home
elderly, the immune suppressed and those with               automation, awning systems, awning fabrics and
underlying health conditions a fighting chance              curtain fabrics. We also say farewell to one of
against this horrible virus; something that other           the legends of industry Vito Fortunato (page 38)
countries did not have the chance to do, or in              one of the dynamic duo that built Vertilux into
some cases, chose not to.                                   the company it is today. Vito is retiring at the end
                                                            of the year and I luckily spent a couple of hours
This edition we could not overlook the elephants            in between lockdowns, chatting with him about
in the room. Prolonged lockdowns in NSW and                 his career and story. A true innovator and canny
Victoria have made life, and work, incredibly               businessman, his impact will be left on this industry
difficult. As I have said before in this column, this       long after he heads to his well-earned retirement.
industry can count itself lucky to have benefitted
from the “covid-bump” in sales, but if you are
unable to work due to restrictions, no amount
of forward sales is going to help you. From
overflowing warehouses, to managing almost
normal demand with 30-69% of your workforce out                                                                     Printed by Southern Impact.
                                                                                                                    The printer and paper used to produce this publication have
(see Page 60), businesses are doing it hard, with                                                                   Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) and ISO 14001 environmental
                                                                                                                    certification. FSC® is a Chain of Custody (COC) process.
almost daily changes to rules adding to the stress.                                                                 This publication is printed using vegetable based soy inks.

And then we get back to vaccines. We spoke to a
lot of people about vaccination of staff (see page
64) and the challenges of convincing the workforce

                                                                                                                    Window Furnishings Australia is a
                                                                                                                    publication of Boston Publishing Pty Ltd

PA G E 0 2 |     w f a us. c o m. au
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia

                                                    “Hey Google…
                                                        open the blinds!    ”

Voice control is the new frontier to drive
consumer demand. The Motolux “UFO Hub”
allows you to operate all Motolux blind and
curtain motors using simple voice control
with either Google Home or Amazon Alexa.
Or, you can operate all devices from
anywhere in the world with a quick tap on
your smartphone or tablet. It’s that simple.

Only at


P: (03) 9876 0400   F: (03) 9720 2746   E: SALES@BLINDWARE.COM.AU
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
your client’s outdoor
space with
MaestriaTM 50 RTS
Designed to motorise all types of external screens, the
MaestriaTM 50 RTS boasts innovative features:

• Smart obstacle detection to prevent damage
• Automatic limit setting for perfect limit position
• Auto-learning function to ensure fabric self-

Contact Somfy to discuss how our range of
internal and external automation solutions can
add value to your business.
1800 076 639
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
Luxaflex® is a registered trade mark of Hunter Douglas Limited [ABN 98 009 675 709]
The Ultimate Roller - Window Furnishings Australia
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N       E     W       S

Somfy has opened a virtual             well-equipped to handle virtual       The window coverings will move       using them in person.
showroom targeting end-users.          consultations.                        to the selected position in real-
                                                                             time while listing the benefits of   “They can choose from a list of
“As a global leader, Somfy             “End-users have been                  motorisation including natural       voice commands or even use
has always been proactive in           spending a lot of time at home,       light management, convenience,       the ‘my’ button on the remote to
developing innovative solutions        considering updates to their          energy savings and centralised       immediately halt movement.
that take big leaps into the           home and investing holiday            control with a connected home.
digital future. Understanding          money into home improvements                                               “All the information they require
the full potential that digital        instead.                              “We are thrilled to empower          is at their fingertips and once
technologies hold, Somfy’s                                                   end-users to take their online       they’ve completed their research,
focus has been on driving the          “With the combination of the          research one step further with       they can easily make an enquiry
digitalisation of our value chain      home improvement boom and             our virtual showroom,” said Ladu.    and set up an appointment with
and core businesses.”                  online research more prevalent                                             their local Somfy Expert.”
                                       than ever, we have now taken the      “The operation of the products
“Google Search trends                  next step and created a solution      is seamless and the controls work    Visit Somfy’s Virtual Showroom at
showed that during the                 perfectly catered to end-users.”      just like they would if they were
peak of the lockdowns
across Australia, searches for         Somfy has launched its virtual
‘virtual consultations’ were           showroom giving end-users the
trending upwards,” revealed            ability to view and interact with a
Somfy Oceania’s Marketing              range of internal solutions right
Communications Manager Mary            from the comfort of their home.
                                       Users can browse motorised
“Last year, we decided to              roller blinds, Roman blinds, and
capitalise on that, not only in        curtains, and choose to control
terms of our own marketing             them with a Situo remote,
but by supporting our Somfy            Connexoon Window RTS or voice
Experts to ensure they were            control.

PA G E 2 0 | w f a u s . c o m . a u
Now Rolling off the production line
The long anticipated all
Australian Made DuoWeld
has begun shipping off
the production line, with
customers in almost every
state enjoying the benefits.
With a huge 6.4mt of usable                       Scan here to watch
                                                  a video of the
welding capacity and a                            welder in action

Patented dual weld system which allows you to switch easily between a 10mm and
20mm wide weld at the push of a button. This is your one stop welding solution.

The ability to securely hold all the different types of kedars and zips required to make
all the common external products also firmly puts this welder in a field of its own.
Simply select the type of kedar or zip on the and the offset on the touch screen and
the kedar/zip is held firm and in the correct position for the perfect weld.

Each program can be saved and recalled easily for different
welds. The system also incorporates easy to use pop-up
guides for making 10mm and 20mm overlap joins effortless
and simple for any operator. All these features come
together to provide a simple, operator friendly
machine which gives consistent results.
Give us a call to arranage a demonstration.                                  PH : 1300 556 851

                                                                                      PA G E 2 1
N        E   W       S

The Curtain Hardware                   and protecting the existing          wealth of experience and             “What does this mean for us?”
Company and Trax West                  legacy of the business.”             knowledge to improve on the          “The Curtain Hardware
have been sold to Curtain                                                   foundations built over the last      Company and Trax West will
Hardware Australia, part of            “What does this mean for             decade,” said Hind. “Steve has       continue to operate as normal.
Venture Growth Partners                our customers?”                      held Chief Executive positions       All staff have been retained by
(VGP), a growth investment             On a day-to-day, it’s business       in a number of businesses,           Curtain Hardware Australia and
firm.                                  as usual for the time being,         managing companies with over         we will continue to operate out
                                       only now we have new                 100 staff and $100 million in        of the same premises.”
Collectively the VGP team              resources and capabilities to        revenue.”
have advised, owned and                continue driving value for our                                            “Curtain Hardware Australia’s
operated hundreds of small             customers.                           Hind said the companies would        concurrent acquisition of
businesses ranging from start-                                              We will reach out in due course      both The Curtain Hardware
ups to ASX listed companies.           Key details of the transition        contact its industry colleagues      Company and Trax West who
                                       include that Lance Hind              to arrange an introduction to        are both members of the
Lance Hind of The Curtain              and Stuart and Tara Thomas           Saboune “and to find out how we      Oslo Group, has the vision
Hardware Company told WFA              will continue to work in             can further help your business. It   of growing the combined
the purchased companies                the business for the next            is disappointing that COVID-19       business into a national player
commenced discussions with             six months and will retain           prevents us from visiting you in     that can offer more value to its
VGP at the start of the year           a residual interest in the           person at this time.”                customers.”
and, he says; “It became               business.
evident that they have the
energy, skills and experience          Steve Saboune will take over
to take the business to the            Lance Hind’s role as Managing
next level, whilst maintaining         Director. “Steve brings a

PA G E 2 2 | w f a u s . c o m . a u
                                                                      Blinds | Awnings | Pergolas

                  Soltis Perform 92 (Blind) & Soltis Proof 502v2 (Shade Sail)                           Soltis Harmony 88 (Blind) & Flexlight Classic 602 (Roof )

                                               Through Précontraint®, we produce flexible composite materials, using a high-tenacity polyester base cloth.
                                               By keeping both warp and weft under tension throughout the entire production cycle, we can achieve an
                                               outstandingly smooth surface.

                                               This tense grid allows for the application of a thick, smooth solar protective coating and a dirt-resistant surface
                                               treatment resulting in a dimensionally stable, light, thin yet super strong material that is easy to clean, retains its
                                               shape and provides superior heat protection.

                                                            Soltis Horizon 86                                                         Soltis Master 99 Alu Backed


                                                                                                              Rainbow Shade distributes the Serge Ferrari Tensile
                                                                                                              Architecture, Modular Structure and Soltis Solar
                                                                                                              Protection ranges across Australia. For over 25 years,
                             MADE IN
                                                                                                              Rainbow Shade has been supplying high quality
                            EUROPE                                                                            solar protection fabrics suitable for use in residential
                                                                                                              and commercial shade structure installations.

                                                                                                                                         PA G E 2 3
Greenguard Gold     European Made      10 Year Warranty             Contact 07 5580 5366, or visit
N   E   W   S

Scott Free has released Ultra
2.0, which it describes as
offering a more comprehensive
suite of components for roller

“We have re-released our system
and it now encompasses more
flexibility in the one system.
Complemented in our Ultra 2.0
system are the 38mm 1:1 and
45mm 1:1.5 drive units, three
stage spring loaded idle ends, the
centrepieces of our system, with
bracket cover options if required.”

“Splines, tapes and child safety
components are available across
multiple widths and styles,
completing the package of
components for our system.”

“Ultra 2.0 gives our clients a one-
stop option for everyday roller
blind solutions, supported every
day by Scott Free, your industry
N        E    W       S

Somfy has launched Help                HOW HELP ME                           carbon footprint by over 30           installation information within the
Me by Somfy, a new app to              BY SOMFY WORKS                        million sheets of paper every         app even easier.”
support installers.                    1. Choose the situation you           year!
                                          are working on in the field:                                             The Help Me by Somfy app can
“At Somfy, we’re committed to             initialisation, upgrade and fine   “The new short guide manuals          be downloaded on the Apple
bringing our customers product            tuning, or troubleshooting.        now fit on a single page and are      App or Google Play store.
innovation, quality assurance,                                               illustrated, also featuring a handy
and systems for sustainable            2. Select the end product             QR code to make accessing   
growth,” said Somfy Oceania’s             application (interior blinds,
Product Marketing Executive,              curtains, awnings, roller
Nicki Beggs.                              shutters, etc), the control
                                          method (hand-held remote or
“That’s why we’re excited                 switch) and the motor you are
to present the new Help Me                installing.
by Somfy application, now
available on the Apple App             3. In just a few simple clicks, you
and Google Play stores.                   are presented with copious
                                          amounts of easy-to-follow
“We understand that for                   visual step-by-step instructions
a professional installer,                 to get the job done right the
each worksite and each                    first time.
configuration is different,
presenting varied challenges           To support installers further, the
and requiring installers to            application allows users to add
adapt and troubleshoot on              frequently used instructions to
the go.                                their own personalised ‘favourites
                                       library’ in just one click!
“Somfy has recognised that
need and created Help Me               Help Me by Somfy is backed
by Somfy for those unique              by two additional services: a
situations.”                           short guide included within the
                                       motor or control’s packaging and
The Help Me by Somfy          – an online resource
application is a pragmatic             where you can download the
tool with easy-to-follow, visual       full installation guide. No more
step-by-step instructions;             lengthy paper manuals inside
available at any time of the           the product packaging means
day in 35 languages. The app           professional installers are better
is accessible with or without          equipped and more efficient than
internet connection, giving            ever before.
installers information wherever
they go.                               “Better still, the application
                                       means we are also reducing
The application includes               paper waste,” added Beggs.
instructions and
troubleshooting tips for 29            “The digitalisation of our
Somfy products in 17 end               instruction manuals helps us
product applications with              move closer to our dream of
varied operations for control in       being more environmentally
countless configurations.              sustainable by reducing our

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                                                   W I L SO N
                                                   FAB RI CS NO W
                                                   GREENGUA RD
                                                   ACCREDI T ED
Wilson Fabrics has gained              that do not harm nature and          organic compounds into indoor         ensuring consistent supply
Greenguard accreditation,              are produced using sustainable       environment.                          of quality whilst supporting
signifying the company’s               practices, which helps improve                                             Australian jobs and the
commitment to emissions and            the environment.”                    “Wilson Fabrics is mindful of         economy.
pollution reduction.                                                        our responsibilities for the
                                       “Through being ecologically          environment and we believe          • All Greenguard Certified
Peta Fitzgibbon, Wilson Fabrics        aware of the environment, we         in saving the environment             products have undergone
General Manager, told WFA; “We         have earned UL’s Greenguard          by applying all the necessary         a strict program of
take our responsibility seriously,     Certification, meaning it is         ecological methods as well as         unbiased testing in the
to source and manufacture              certified to be low-emitting and     our commitment to sustainability,     UL Labs, where they are
products both ethically and            contributes to improved indoor       the economy, society and the          monitored for emissions
ecologically to our own highest        air quality.”                        environment,” said Fitzgibbon         of more than 10,000
standards, as well as our                                                                                         individual volatile organic
customers’ expectations.”              Recognised and referenced            She confirmed features                compounds.
                                       by over 400 codes, rating            contributing to Wilson Fabrics’
“We’re thrilled to announce            systems, and procurement             Greenguard accreditation            • Wilson Fabrics products
Wilson Fabrics is now                  policies worldwide, Greenguard       include:                              are PVC and lead free –
Greenguard accredited. Our             Certification requires that                                                better for the environment
Eco-Friendly Fabrics are               products meet some of the            • All blockout and translucent        and better for customers.
manufactured in Australia,             world’s most rigorous standards        blind and drapery fabrics are
made from natural materials            for low emissions of volatile          manufactured in Australia,

On 8 June 2021 South Korean            innovative company under             fabric for the window               product portfolios, better serving
companies Nakyung Co., Ltd.            the Anywin brand pursuing            covering industry.                  our customers.”
and Alkenz Co., Ltd. merged            perfection in natural shades.”
to form a single company, NK                                                A statement from the newly          The individual companies
Alkenz Co., Ltd.                       Alkenz, which was                    merged company, NK                  websites will remain in use until
                                       established in 1999, is a            Alkenz, said; “We firmly            further notice.
Founded in 2007, Nakyung is            sustainable supplier of the          believe this will enable us to
described as “an active and            Sunshadow solar-screen               complement mutual existing

PA G E 2 8 | w f a u s . c o m . a u
PA G E 2 9
Alpha Awning Series
Stylish, Robust & Energy Efficient
Designed in Australia, the Alpha Awning Series is a modern awning
system suited to all exterior buildings.

Did you                        1. Awning Style
                                 Mix and match the awning styles
                                                                         2. Headbox Options
                                                                           Choose from a closed headbox, open

                                 whilst still maintaining a consistent     headbox or open roller depending
                                 appearance for your home. You can         on the application and weather
                                 pick from six different awning styles     conditions. For example, a closed
All 6 awning styles within       including:                                headbox keeps the fabric clean from
the series including Alpha M     - Alpha M Awnings                         rain, UV and dirt enhancing longevity
have a uniform appearance        - Side Retention System                   while an open headbox increases air
                                                                           circulation minimising heat build up.
irrespective of which            - Cable Guide Awnings
awning style you choose.         - Straight Drop Awnings
Personalise the perfect          - Pivot Arm Awnings
awning to suit your external     - Deep Channel Awnings
shading requirements in 5
easy steps.
Featuring Alpha M Awnings
                                                                        - Australia’s first and ONLY
                                                                        magnetic side retention
                                                                        awning system, using Turnils
                                                                        exclusive Stance Fibreglass
                                                                        Sunscreen for durability and

                                                                        Engineered & independently tested to
                                                                        withstand the harsh Australian climate.

3. Operating Options                      4. Bottom Rail Accessories                     5. External Fabrics
  Alpha Awnings come with different         The unique bottom rail is designed for             You can select from either an external
  operating options:                        functionality, quick installation and              fabric from our Stance Fibreglass
  - Light Lift operates the awning by       has no external mounted fitting as                 Sunscreens range or Everview
    simply moving the bottom rail to        they are designed to integrate into the            Polyester Sunscreen range. Stance
    raise and lower the awning.             bottom rail profile. The different types           Fibreglass Sunscreens feature an
                                            of bottom rail accessories that you                inherently strong fibreglass core
  - Manual Crank
                                            can choose from include:                           made with natural silica for superior
  - Merger® Motorisation operates by                                                           fire resistance and reliable UV control.
                                            - Weight bar which may be used for
    controlling the awning with a touch
                                              windy conditions.                                Stance also offers exceptional
    of a button.
                                            - Locking bolts and hold down straps               performance with a high resistance
                                              (*model dependent)                               to stretching, creasing or shrinking
                                                                                               making them perfect for side
                                            - Pile brush and vallance bottom rail
                                                                                               retention system applications.
                                              used for when a floor surface is not
                                              perfectly level.                                 * Alpha M only available with Stance
                                                                                               Fibreglass Sunscreen

                                                                                                  Turnils is a registered Trade Mark of Hunter Douglas Scandinavia AB
                                                                                                          Merger is a registered trade mark of Hunter Douglas Limited
                                                                                       Note: *Warranty Conditions apply; refer to for more details.
                                                                                           © Copyright 2021 Hunter Douglas Limited [ABN 98 009 675 709], 09/2021
C     O      V      E     R     S     T     O      R Y

                                                                                                            components, these medium
                                                                                                            sized roller blinds can be
                                                                                                            supplied at up to a massive
                                                                                                            3.4m wide and five metre
                                                                                                            drop and are designed to
                                                                                                            be powerful with a super
                                                                                                            smooth, planetary geared chain
                                                                                                            operation. Furthermore, you
                                                                                                            can link up to two 3.4m wide
                                                                                                            systems to achieve an overall
                                                                                                            width of 6.8 metres.

                                                                                                            The componentry is available
                                                                                                            in black and white, with the
                                                                                                            bottom rails available in various
                                                                                                            colours. The sleek design of the
                                                                                                            brackets incorporate bracket
                                                                                                            end covers as well as unique
                                                                                                            bracket feet covers that ensure
                                                                                                            no visible installation screws.

Blinds by Peter Meyer                 Carrying on the commitment to      reach because they are now
                                                                                                            MOTORISED ROLLER BLIND
continues to evolve as a              develop the world’s smoothest,     manufactured here in Australia
heritage business with its eye        quietest systems using state       by our team at Blinds by Peter
                                                                                                            Efficient and quiet, the Silent
on the future, built on a close       of the art technology, Blinds      Meyer but also thanks to their
                                                                                                            Gliss SG4970 motorised roller
understanding of its customer         by Peter Meyer is now proudly      attainable price point.”
                                                                                                            blind features virtually silent
base. The company’s                   the wholesale manufacturing
                                                                                                            operation and programmable
acquisition of Silent Gliss has       partner for Silent Gliss in        DISCREET YET EFFECTIVE
                                                                                                            intermediate stops. It can be
initiated a series of product         Australia and has a range of       The clean lines and modern
                                                                                                            controlled by mains switch
innovations, while the legacy         new releases to promote, Simon     design of the roller blinds
                                                                                                            or radio remote control, or
Blinds by Peter Meyer                 says Meyer.                        systems complement any style,
                                                                                                            can be integrated with home
business continues to meet                                               whilst providing discreet but
market demand with new                TOP OF THE TREE NOW IN             effective shading. With various    automation systems. The Silent
differentiated releases. WFA          REACH                              operating possibilities and        Gliss series 20 motor also has an
reports.                              Known for its comprehensive,       popular on trend hardware          obstacle detection function to
                                      high quality and technically       colours, these blinds offer the    prevent damage to your blinds.
SILENT GLISS BY PETER                 advanced roller blind systems,     right solution for any room.       The series 5 entry level Silent
MEYER – AN AUSTRALIAN                 Blinds by Peter Meyer is excited                                      Gliss motor is perfect for the
STORY                                 to announce that now these         Silent Gliss’ Swiss engineered     more price conscious customer.
Driven by customer needs,             ‘top of the tree’ Silent Gliss     systems only feature parts,
Silent Gliss has been offering        roller blind systems are within    some of them patented, of the      CHAIN OPERATED ROLLER
functional and durable products       reach for the Australian market    highest quality that have been     BLIND SYSTEM
since 1952. Regarded as a             with the launch of two new         extensively tested. Every system   “Simple sophistication,
leading global supplier of            sleek, elegant systems - SG        is made to measure by a team       timeless quality — our chain-
premium interior window               4930 (chain operated) and SG       of experienced specialists to      operated SG4930 roller blind
treatments, Silent Gliss stands       4970 (motorised).                  guarantee perfect functionality,   system is designed to offer a
for innovative, sustainable, tailor                                      day after day.                     smooth operation so it works
made solutions, exceptional           “These two powerful                                                   effortlessly, even at maximum
design and first-class quality.       systems are not only within        Using only the highest quality     dimensions.”

P A G E 3 2 | w f a u s. c o m. au
C      O       V      E        R     S     T     O      R Y

THE WIDEST FABRIC                     “These specifically designed
AVAILABLE IN AUSTRALIA -              curtain poles combine
COLORAMA 2                            whisper quiet specially coated
Meyer confirms the two heavy          curtain poles with unique
duty systems can be paired            two-component patented 2C
with Blinds by Peter Meyer’s          technology gliders and rollers,
Signature Collection fabrics as       allowing the curtain to move
well as a range of Silent Gliss’      smoothly and silently, providing
most popular light filtering          unprecedented silence.”
fabric - Colorama 2. “Colorama
2 is the epitome of versatility       The range will come in five
and sophistication. The Trevira       popular colours including matte
CS fabric is gorgeous to touch        white, matte black, bronze,
with a uniform and stable             silver and gunmetal. Custom
weave.”                               powder coats are also available
                                      on request.
“However, what is truly
exciting about this fabric is         It will come with the choice of a
that it has a width up to 3.4         flush end cap or stud end cap.
metres - the widest available         Customers will also be able to
                                      enhance their curtain pole by
in the Australian market. This,
                                      adding a range of decorative
along with its extensive colour
                                      finials. Even if your pole is
range makes Colorama 2
                                      fixed to the ceiling, the top fix
the perfect finish for anyone
                                      brackets will accommodate all
looking for a high quality wide
                                      finial options.
fabric. Colorama 2 is the most
successful Silent Gliss fabric
                                      The Metropole range has the
over the last 20 years and is
                                      ability to be top or face fitted
also available as a curtain fabric.
                                      using the Silent Gliss smart fix
Antibacterial and aluminium
                                      brackets or concealed top fix
backed versions are available by
                                      brackets and can also be bent           wintergarden system.”               through gradual tilting of
                                      in a continuous curve or angle                                              fabric panels, with the system
                                      radius, bent to fit perfectly to        The Silent Gliss wintergarden       maximising daylight on a dull
                                      bay windows or other curved             system is a unique solution         day and reducing heat and
                                      applications.                           to glazing large areas, with        glare on sunny days.
Silent Gliss by Peter Meyer is
                                                                              the combination of side
offering a new range of 30mm
                                      SKY HIGH WINTERGARDEN                   profiles and soft-folding           A single bay system can
curtain poles to be released          With renewed focus on the               fabric panels achieving an          cover up to 2.5m x 6m (crank
mid- September. It is the first       comforts of home thanks                 elegant ‘Roman blind’ style         operated) or three metres by
curtain pole range added since        to COVID-19, Meyer says                 window treatment suitable for       six metres (motorised). If you
taking over manufacturing of          key products are gaining                commercial or residential use.      increase the number of bays,
Silent Gliss in Australia.            prominence. One of these                Operated independently or           you can easily achieve greater
                                      has emerged specifically                simultaneously by crank, fixed      coverage. Up to three adjacent
“The Metropole range                  in response to demand for               switch or radio remote control,     systems can be operated by a
does not use rings, with the          skylights.                              the parallel fabric panels can be   single motor.
curtains hanging directly on                                                  moved to provide an innovative
nylon gliders contained in a          “Wintergarden systems                   and extremely elegant way of        ALL ACCESS PASS
channel inside the pole. Unlike       continue to increase as modern          shading.                            Blinds by Peter Meyer offers
traditional curtain poles, the        architecture uses larger                                                    an all access pass to Silent
brackets attach to the top of         expanses of glass to maximise           The Roman blind style folds are     Gliss products and are able
the pole allowing the curtain to      natural daylight and views in           created by lateral metal rods       to acquire the entire range of
move smoothly throughout the          both domestic and commercial            sewn into the fabric that round     Silent Gliss products and bring
complete length of the pole –         buildings. Silent Gliss by              inside channels. These side         these over on their regular
no need for passing brackets,         Peter Meyer is meeting those            channels can be bent to follow      airfreight shipments from
making it perfect for wide            demands with the introduction           the contour of the glazing.         Europe. The Blinds by Peter
windows and large expanses of         of the SG2190 (crank operated)          Maximum light and glare             Meyer five-year warranty applies
glass.”                               and SG2195 (motorised)                  management is guaranteed            to all Silent Gliss products.

                                                                                                                                          PA G E 3 3
C     O       V      E       R    S     T     O      R Y

                                                                                                                lock, battery operated wirefree
                                                                                                                blinds, new skylight solutions and
                                                                                                                a full overhaul on the rail systems
                                                                                                                including new rail colours.”

                                                                                                                HABITUS PLUS
                                                                                                                Blinds by Peter Meyer’s Habitus
                                                                                                                range of Polystyrene Venetian
                                                                                                                blinds is transforming into the
                                                                                                                new Habitus Plus collection and
                                                                                                                combining the best-selling Poly
                                                                                                                colours (Pure and Ivory) with brand
                                                                                                                new sustainably grown Basswood
                                                                                                                Habitus Timber colours.

                                                                                                                “Available in eight beautiful
                                                                                                                on-trend colours, the Timber has
                                                                                                                been carefully selected to perfectly
                                                                                                                complement today’s interior décor
                                                                                                                needs. All ten colours including
                                                                                                                the Poly, are available in both
                                                                                                                50mm and 63mm slat widths, plus
                                                                                                                there is an 80mm wide flat valance
BBPM NEW PRODUCT BLITZ                 addition to the range is the         textures alongside stunning         for modern styling. The 3000mm
Silent Gliss’ exciting new             new antimicrobial screen fabric      patterns and designs. The           slat width means even the widest
product launches are not the           Nuescreen. Nuescreen with            range includes florals and          windows can be covered using
only good news story for Blinds        sanitised protection inhibits        textures that are rarely seen       this natural, light weight traditional
by Peter Meyer. The Meyer              the growth of bacteria, mould        in the Australian market and        Venetian alternative.”
family has a plethora of new           and mildew on your fabric.           are a game changer with
products that have recently hit        This unique antimicrobial            bright colours, textures, ombre     SIMPLY RANGE WELCOMES
the local market.                      hygiene function enhances the        designs and nature orientated       OLD FRIEND
                                       performance of your blinds for       designs.                            Blinds by Peter Meyer is also
Blinds by Peter Meyer’s Basics         comfort and peace of mind. It                                            rebranded one of its longest
range has always been a                features 11 on trend colours, is     “The main range includes a          standing Venetian blind products,
carefully curated selection            available in three metre width,      beautiful array of colours with     Le Blinde. The new branding
of fabrics for the installations       and has been manufactured            matching translucent and block      ‘Simply Cedar’ will bring the range
where cost saving is a                 with the health and safety of        outs and coordinated printed        in line with the broader ‘Simply’
prime objective. The Basics            customers in mind - making it        designs,” says Meyer. “The          collections - Simply Cell, Simply
3 Collection is a new and              suitable for all residential and     team at Blinds by Peter Meyer is    Pleat, Simply Naturals and Simply
expanded range of high quality         commercial settings. Although        very proud to bring this exciting   Pelmet while leaving the LeBlind
Roller fabrics with even more          everything is designed as a          new range to the market.            name for their foundation range of
competitive pricing. Offering          Roller blind product, a number       Available on all the systems        French Woven Timbers.
the renowned Peter Meyer               of the fabrics are also suitable     including shaped, skylight, free
quality with RRP’s up to 30%           for Panel and Roman blinds.          hanging and pre-tension blinds,     “The Simply Cedar range is
less than their previous Basics                                             crank operate and motorised         Australia’s finest custom made
2.0, this is the most competitive      170 PLUS NEW CELLULAR                solutions.”                         natural timber Venetian blinds and
Roller blind offer to ever hit the     FABRICS                                                                  are available in 46mm, 60mm and
market from Blinds by Peter            Blinds by Peter Meyer has            “Blinds by Peter Meyer is also      85mm slat widths. Blinds by Peter
Meyer and is very affordable.          also introduced a brand new          very excited to announce            Meyer use only specially selected
                                       Honeycomb range of fabrics           that in the not too distant         4.2mm thick blades and custom
Previously the range was split         into the Simply Cell and Pleat       future, they will be releasing a    paint / stain in our very own paint
into one price category. Now,          collection. Described as the         Version 2 operating system to       booths, giving us complete control
the range is split into five           most comprehensive range of          accommodate the 170 plus new        over every stage of production to
competitive price points with          honeycomb fabrics available          fabrics. The overhauled system      guarantee the best possible end
94 new Roller fabrics in a range       in the Australian market, the        will receive a complete facelift    product. Assembly is by hand,
made up of plains and textured         new Simply Cell collection has       and will include additional         with every slat being meticulously
fabrics in blockout, light filtering   170 new fabrics and comes in         operating systems, new              checked at every stage of the
and screens. An exciting new           a wide range of colours and          technology, an improved cord        process.”

P A G E 3 4 | w f a u s. c o m. au
                                     S e p t e m b e r R e l e a s e | N ew 3 0 m m C u r t a i n P o l e S y s t e m

                                     4 0 New Decorative Pole, Finial + Endcap combinations

                                     5 C olour ways . A ll S ys t em component s colour mat ch

                                     Discr e e t or S t at em ent | Full bending s er vic e available

NEW SG 6465 Hand SG 6465 Recess      SG 6840 Hand SG 3840 Cord                                               SG 5600 Motor SG 6970 Hand

        Align with market leader to offer clients the
       world’s finest tracks in a range of pricepoints
                                                                                Blinds                                               S   I   N   C   E

                              Head Office + Showroom
                       25 Richmond Rd Homebush NSW
                          Freecall Aust: 1 800 254 631
                             NZ Phone: +64 9 302 2499
                                                                                by Peter Meyer                                   1987
                                                                                            PA G E 3 5
                                                            Q   U   A   L   I    T   Y   +   D   E   S   I   G   N   E   X   C   EL L E N                C   E
                                                                                                                                 PA G E 3 5
C      O      V      E        R    S     T     O       R Y

“The cedar used has full PEFC
certification, is completely
sustainable and sourced
from Canadian government
regulated forests with three new
trees planted for every one that
is removed. The cedar is old
growth sustainable, ensuring
the fine grain and consistent
finish designers, architects
and decorators have come to
expect from Blinds by Peter
Meyer. A recent addition to the
range is also the introduction of
light/medium and medium/dark
oiled finishes.”

“The new combination of the
Weinor Plaza Viva pergola and
VertiTex II vertical awning gives
you clear added value. As now
you can offer your customers
additional glare, privacy, wind      drops. It is available in two         certified according to the         product ranges and new brands in
and sun protection – from the        sleek architectural profiles,         Global Recycled Standard (GRS)     recent years, the differentiation of
front and sides. Two tried and       square + round, adapting              made with 85 % recycled PET
                                                                                                              each brand has required a re-think,
tested Weinor products are           unobtrusively to all building         – for a better environmental
                                                                                                              says Meyer.
therefore combined to form a         facades. The patented                 balance in terms of water,
reliable complete system with        Weinor Opti-Flow System               energy and CO2. A unique
seamless integration.”               ensures the fabric position           combination of stylistic trends,   “As the company has expanded,
                                     is always perfect. VertiTex           innovative material and process    we’ve been focused on how to
“Plaza Viva provides very            ll avoids bulky cassette              expertise has resulted in this     best manage and offer both Blinds
reliable weather protection for      housings on patios, windows           ground-breaking collection.        by Peter Meyer, and its partner
your favourite outdoor space.        and balconies. A unique               Aesthetically up to date, highly
                                                                                                              brands’ material to dealers and
It is Incredibly wind-resistant,     cantilever guide rail mounts          durable and responsible with
integrates subtly into the           allow blinds up to 2.5m               regard to sustainability.          industry professionals.
overall look of the building and     wide to be installed without
provides Width x Projection          cassette brackets.”                   The Modern Basics Blue             The result is the launch of a new
to a (max.): 6 m x 5 m. It offers                                          collection has recently won        online Trade Resource Centre.
a highly practical feature for       “Plaza Viva is the slimline           a plethora of awards for this
facades without enough load-         design weather all-rounder,           fabric. In addition to the iF      “Everything you need to assist you
bearing capacity to mount a          which allows you to enjoy the         Design Award 2021, the Green
                                                                                                              with technical, sales and ordering
folding arm awning.”                 patio for a long time, VertiTex       Good Design Award 2021, the
                                     II shines as a universal              R+T Innovation Award 2021,         for Blinds by Peter Meyer, Weinor
“Technical innovations such          vertical awning for elegant           the R+T Sustainability Award       and Silent Gliss, can now be found
as the optional adjustable           privacy and sun protection.           2021, it was selected by a jury    and downloaded quickly from our
telescopic post (not available       Combining the two gives you           of experts of a particularly       Trade Resource Centre Selector
when combined with the               a complete system with a              prestigious design competition.
VertiTex II), the OptiStretch        seamless look.”                       The collection received the Red
version, integrated LED lighting                                           Dot winner 2021 award in the
                                                                                                              “This is just one of the ways in
and gear handle operated             MODERN BASICS BLUE                    Red Dot Award: Product Design
Valance Plus leave almost            Weinor has also recently              category. The award enjoys a       which we continue to support
nothing to be desired.”              released the Modern Basics            high level of recognition among    our customers both now and into
                                     Blue collection exclusive             end users and significantly        the future. With a comprehensive
“The VertiTex II comes with tiny     to Blinds by Peter Meyer              builds confidence and trust in
                                                                                                              range of partner brands and
75mm and 92mm cassettes              and consisting of 16 luxury           the range.
                                                                                                              products, we’re confident that
that enable blinds to span up        awning fabrics. The modern
to a massive 6m width and a          basics blue collection consists       INDUSTRY RESOURCES                 Blinds by Peter Meyer has all the
112mm cassette for longer            of a sun protection fabric            With significant growth of its     bases covered.”

P A G E 3 6 | w f a u s. c o m. au
Plaza Viva +
Vertitex ll
Retractable Roof + E x terior Side Blinds.

                                                 Plaza Viva | Ultimate minimal designer pergola awning.

                                                 Max. 6m x 5m. Covers large areas in high winds.

                                                 Vertitex ll | Exterior Rolllers | Patented Opti-Flo System.

                                                 Square + Round profile. | Zip + Side Channel options.

         We i n o r D e a l e r s Wa n t e d .
       Australia Wide. Call Now!

           Head Office + Showroom                                                              S   I    N   C   E

    25 Richmond Rd Homebush NSW
      Freecall Aust: 1 800 254 631
        NZ Phone: +64 9 302 2499
                                                                        by Peter Meyer 1987                                                                    PA G E 3 7
                                                                                                       PA G E 3 7
F     E      A T        U   R      E       S

Vito Fortunato, one half of the        of expertise and formed the
dynamic duo that built Vertilux        business that ultimately became
into a leading wholesale               Vertilux.
fabricator, will retire from the
industry at the end of 2021,           The company grew rapidly, and
having worked closely with             a series of new factories were
Hunter Douglas overseeing              acquired and then outgrown.
a successful transition of             As growth continued, Vertilux
management.                            had its challenging moments,
                                       particularly in the early ‘90s
Vito’s success story goes back         when the recession started to
to his arrival to the country          bite and customers went under,
as a 19-year-old where his             owing significant sums of money.
worldly possessions fitted into a
cardboard suitcase. He had left        “Those were tough times,
home at the age of 16 to work          and we were on the edge of
in construction in Switzerland,        bankruptcy but I was fortunate
before embarking on the long           that I had a factory paid off,
journey to the foreign shores of       and a house paid off, and some
Australia.                             money in the bank.”
                                                                            Rosto Court Tullamarine - First Factory

“I had saved up some good              After Vertilux managed
money from my construction job,        through the recession, Ross
I thought enough, but at the time      and Vito put in place plans to
the Suez crisis was going on, so       ensure that they were not so
our boat took 28 days to sail to       reliant on external customers,
Australia. By the time I arrived all   establishing a retail chain called
my savings had gone,” he told          Blindstyle. While Blindstyle did
WFA.                                   not work out the way that they
                                       had planned, Ross and Vito
When Vito arrived in Australia his     were presented with another
sister gave him $10 to get him         opportunity in the retail space
on his feet. In 1968, after working    when one of their customers,
in a series of manufacturing jobs      Victory Curtains and Blinds
including one at Repco, Vito had       provided an opportunity.
entered the Window Furnishings
Industry at Alpha Blinds and           “They approached us and
began the long career that             offered us the opportunity to
would lead to the formation and        take a share in the business,”
success of Vertilux. It was while      he says.
he was there that his relationship
with Ross Lava was formed,             “The Victory acquisition would
initially through a shared supplier.   not prove all smooth sailing but
                                       having a retailer as a partner
Ross was fabricating vertical          helped to smooth out the ups
blinds and approached Vito to          and downs of a business that
discuss expanding his capacity to      was becoming more and more
include Venetians. The two men         prominent in the commercial
                                                                            Vito and Venetian Machines
agreed to focus on their areas         market.”

P A G E 3 8 | w f a u s. c o m. au
F      E     A T          U      R      E    S

  Assembly Drive Tullamarine - Second Factory         Thomsons Road, Keilor Park – Third Factory         Vito testing a Shilhouette Blind

In the years that followed             in the commercial market to its        “The key for our business             Although he will be stepping
Vertilux established itself as         focused approach.                      was to always stay in front           back, his sons Luca and Michael
a reliable supplier to many                                                   of others in service, quality         remain with the business in a
small retailers in Victoria and        “It’s not about sending your sales     and to support the customer.          part-time consulting capacity so
elsewhere in Australia. The core       consultants out to do hundreds         Vertilux will always go the           the Fortunato family will continue
of the business was focused            of specifications; you have to         extra mile, make the changes          to have an influence on the
on specialised products for            concentrate on a few,” he says.        and rush an order through             business.
the architectural and designer         “You need to help write the            when needed. We keep our
market where the name Vertilux         specifications; build relationships    customers satisfied and that          “It is better for both of us rather
has become synonymous with             and concentrate on key jobs.”          stops them going elsewhere.”          than a sudden change,” he says.
innovation and engineering                                                    Vito is in no doubt that the new
excellence.                            Vertilux’s innovation didn’t go        management team will continue         However, before he retires at the
                                       unnoticed with competitors. “I         to maintain the DNA the               end of the year Vito still has a few
“I was happy to continue in            was the first one to invent the        Vertilux brand is renowned for.       projects to finish
the business, but together with        double brackets, spring assist
Ross we decided that it was            and multilink system and as soon       Vito believes he is transitioning     “We have just introduced a new
time to sell in 2016, so we put        as we started using the systems        to retirement knowing                 PET fabric and that is the future,
the business up for sale through       people started to copy.”               Vertilux is in a good position,       the one which I like.”
an agent. There were several                                                  with ample opportunity for
interested parties and Hunter          Vertilux protected its patents         improvement. The factory is           Vito’s plans for retirement include
Douglas was the best suited            vigorously over the years,             full of people who have worked        spending time on acreage down
to take Victory and Vertilux as        but Vito still believes that the       for Vito for 20 years and more,       on the Mornington Peninsula
a package and so became the            company’s true advantage               which connects nicely with            near Red Hill.
successful suitor.”                    was the way it looked after its        the tenure levels at Hunter
                                       customers.                             Douglas. The business is well         “It will keep me busy. It’s 15 acres
Vertilux is well known for                                                    established in its markets            with a nice house, a nice kitchen
its success as a wholesale             “Many of those customers have          and Vito has helped the new           and bungalow, which was once
fabricator specialising in the         been with us for many years and        management settle in with             a cooking school. We installed a
commercial and architectural           are incredibly loyal to Vertilux. I    both parties learning from            wood oven so we can have pizza
space and Vito’s talent in             believe that we have rewarded          each other. The new team will         when the boys come to visit.”
product innovation led to the          that loyalty by supporting them        take the business forward with
development of unique and              and I know that under the new          improved systems, quality and         All that remains is to wish Vito
patented components. He                management this approach will          service. “For me this business        well for a long and happy
credits the company’s success          continue.”                             has a great future,” says Vito.       retirement.

                                                                                                                                              PA G E 3 9
F     E      A T         U      R      E      S

A connected home is no longer          strong uptake in demand for its       With electricians unable to            options which are charged via a
a futuristic concept saved             home hub and Shade Connector          visit homes or becoming cost           micro-USB port.”
for the silver screen. Today,          app, which allows users to            prohibitive, and with confidence
consumers are demanding                control RF Saber motorised            and battery life increasing in         SOMFY SEES MARKET
homes that keep up with                products from anywhere in the         this product group, TBS battery        GROWTH
the pace of their lives, their         world.                                operated curtain and tubular           “The smart home market
needs and wishes. So what are                                                motors are becoming the new            has evolved from controlling
the implications for window            TBS Director Craig Foster tells       normal. Our curtain and tubular        solutions; lighting systems
coverings? WFA reports.                WFA, “With a dedicated Control        motors have been tested to 500         and entertainment control; to
                                       4 driver written into the hub the     up and down cycles and come            monitoring and automating
Connected homes give                   uptake from Control 4 dealers         with a 5-year warranty.”               functions; energy management,
consumers the freedom and              - who simply plug our hub into                                               security and HVAC control,”
flexibility to live well and lead a    the Control 4 system via the          “As curtains continue to grow          says Somfy Oceania’s National
simpler way of life, particularly at   RS485 port, which then uploads        in popularity, so do our Saber         Retail Manager Mohamed
a time when the overwhelming           all the data from our app - has       lithium battery operated curtain       Ourdjini.
majority of our days are spent         been a driving factor in the hub’s    tracks. Our tracks are able to
inside our homes. The added time       popularity.”                          be manufactured up to 6.5m             “We have seen consumer
at home has seen consumers look                                              without a join, carry up to 50kg,      interest for connected devices
to devices that can improve their      Another factor is that as             can be bent up to 90 degrees or        grow over the last few years
home’s security, energy efficiency,    technology becomes easier to          continuously, and are as easy to       and particularly increase in the
and comfort, while saving them         navigate and more accessible to       install as a hand or cord drawn        past 18 months.
time and money.                        the less tech savvy, integration of   track.”
                                       RF motors via the hub with home                                              “Consumers are well-informed
As Australians look to upgrade         automation eco-systems via Siri       “All the requested settings are        and understand the benefits of
their homes, smart home                Shortcuts, Amazon Alexa and           programmed in our factory, so          the Internet of Things in making
technology has become                  Google Assistant, enables users       it’s just a matter of installing the   their day-to-day lives easier.”
mainstream with more than 60%          to control a growing number of        track and giving the client the
of Australian households having        devices around the home.              remote control.”                       “Home automation ten years
adopted at least one smart home                                                                                     ago was done via some sort
device by the end of 2020.             “Even though sales in our AC          “The added benefit of our Saber        of home automation system,
                                       motorised products remain             lithium battery range is that our      costing tens of thousands
TBS                                    strong, we are seeing our             tubular motors can be retrofitted      of dollars and very much
As TBS’ motorised products             Saber lithium curtain and             from chain drive to motorised          considered the higher end
continue to increase in                tubular motors continue to            without the need of cutbacks.          of the market (and very
popularity, the company is seeing      go from strength to strength.         We have 1.1Nm and 2.0Nm                unaffordable),” says Jodie


P A G E 4 0 | w f a u s. c o m. au
        The TBS Smart Home Hub is a Wifi to radio frequency controller with an integrated RS485 interface. It builds a
        connection via the users Wifi router and enables the user to control motorised window coverings with our Shade
        Connector App.

        It also allows interaction with ecosystems such as Google Home, Amazon Echo (Alexa) and IFTTT. The RS485
        interface offers additional integration into third party home automation systems such as Control 4.

                                                                                    Please scan the QR code below to
                                                                                   access our ‘How To’ instructions on

Voice Assistants                      Smart Home                            Home Automation Systems

F     E     A T      U     R      E     S

Featherstone, National Key           households having at least one    adapting them to meet their         a significant factor in the
Account Manager for Somfy            device.                           changing needs. Whether that        home improvement boom,
Oceania.                                                               be creating dedicated home          encouraging consumers
                                     Voice control compatibility       office spaces or upgrading          to spend more on quality
“With the introduction of            is an exciting addition to        their outdoor living spaces         products.
Google Home and Amazon               Connexoon Window RTS,             to suit the new ‘staycation’
Echo being at an affordable          making it simple to control       lifestyle.                          Investing in a well-established
price point and easy to              window coverings and lights                                           brand synonymous with high
integrate with our RTS products      with simple voice commands.       “People want to be                  quality and a top-of-the-range
through Connexoon Window                                               comfortable where they              offer like Sonesse 40 ensures
RTS, as well as other third-         “Savings from holidays that       work and changing window            consumers are receiving
party products, more and             were cancelled, and regular       coverings can make a                excellent value.
more consumers can have a            lockdowns have resulted in a      significant difference to any
connected home for a fraction        surge in home improvement,”       room,” says Featherstone.           “Whilst borders are closed,
of the price.”                       says Ourdjini.                                                        interest rates are low and
                                                                       “Additionally, motorisation has     people continue to work from
Somfy’s home automation              “Smart homes have benefited       never been so affordable with       home, sales will continue to
solution allows users to stay        from this trend, whether it       our Sonesse 30 battery motor        rise in our market.”
connected to their home              be for the replacement of an      being one of our most popular
and effortlessly automate            appliance by a connected          products.”                          SOLAR POWERED
daily tasks like opening and         device or the upgrade of an                                           MOTORISATION
closing the blinds. Connexoon        existing system.”                 Featherstone says Somfy’s           TRANSFORMING HOMES
Window RTS features scenario                                           WireFree range of motors for        The Luxaflex brand continues
scheduling so users can create       “We have seen a significant       internal window coverings           to pioneer and meet the
their own routines such as           demand both locally and           makes it easy for those looking     demands of the industry
‘Movie Time’ to dim the lights       globally, with people unable      to do small renovations,            with the Luxaflex PowerView
and close the window coverings,      to travel (or leave home at the   providing a completely              solar motor a complete solar
or ‘Working’ to set the blinds in    moment thanks to lockdowns)       battery-operated solution with      powered motor solution for
the home office to the perfect       and low interest rates have       no need for wiring.                 straight drop awnings.
height for optimal productivity.     seen people reinvesting
                                     into their homes,” added          Upgrades to outdoor spaces          “By combining cutting
Voice control and smart              Featherstone.                     are also increasingly popular,      edge power management
speakers have spearheaded                                              with Somfy’s Maestria 50 RTS        electronics with an integrated
consumers’ entry into the            Australians are choosing to       giving consumers an intelligent     battery receiver unit with
smart home market, with              renovate their home and           motor with smart obstacle           solar panel incorporated,
approximately one third of           improve existing spaces or        detection that protects the         motorising an awning has
                                                                       product’s lifespan.                 never been so simple,” says
                                                                                                           Vera Meharg, Marketing
                                                                       The increased time at home          Communications Manager,
                                                                       coupled with the rising cost        Luxaflex Window Fashions.
                                                                       of electricity has also pointed
                                                                       consumers to motorisation           “Home owners can enjoy the
                                                                       and automation for alleviating      beauty and convenience of
                                                                       energy bills.                       the solar powered motorised
                                                                                                           awnings with the touch of a
                                                                       “Consumers are more                 button, tap on a smartphone
                                                                       educated than ever before           device or voice command.”
                                                                       thanks to the internet and
                                                                       social media and they are           Making it easier for
                                                                       learning that selecting the right   homeowners and reducing
                                                                       window coverings can make a         costs, no certified electrician
                                                                       huge difference to their homes      is required for the installation
                                                                       being energy efficient as the       process due to the low power
                                                                       cost of electricity continues to    operation of 24 volts. Brackets
                                                                       rise.”                              are provided so the product
                                                                                                           can be installed in different
                                                                       The demand for boosting             angles – either flat or 15
   Luxaflex                                                            property value has also been        degrees.

P A G E 4 2 | w f a u s. c o m. au
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