Page created by James Kramer
Year XXI - No. 87 - August 2021


                                  ISSUE 87

                                                                                                 GUIDO PALMIERI
                                                                                                 Realtà Mapei

                                                               The building industry: the
                                                               driver behind global recovery
                                                              Over the last few weeks there have been more positive signs about the prospects for the world’s
          BEFIB                     CERSAIE                   economies. Everybody knows that the road ahead will not be all downhill. The Italian Prime Minister,
       Valencia - Spain             Bologna - Italy           Mario Draghi, has already warned that: “The economy is recovering but the pandemic is not over”.
                                                              Nevertheless, we can look to the future with an awareness that new scenarios are opening up and
     20th - 22nd September    27th September - 1st October    we can take further consolation from the fact that growth forecasts have been readjusted upwards.
                                                              There is one real driving force behind this growth: the building industry. The industry has been inject-
                                                              ed with fresh life by the expansive policies adopted by governments to relaunch the global economy.
        STAND S2              GALLERY HALL 25 - 26            A recent report published by Cresme (the Italian Study Centre that analyses trends in the global
                               HALL 32 STAND A8                                             building market) has reasserted the crucial role building will play once
                                                                          A SPECIAL again. And so, while the global GDP is expected to rise by between 5-6%,
                                                             ON CERAMIC TILES the building industry will expand more rapidly reaching peaks of 7.6% in
                                                                IN VIEW OF THE Australia, 7.4% in Asia and 6.3% in North America.
SEATRADE CRUISE GLOBAL          MARMO+MAC                      NEW PRODUCTS Experts and operators in the industry are convinced of one thing: to pre-
                                                                                            vent all this from fizzling out instead of growing steadily, greater focus
      Miami (Florida - USA)          Verona - Italy               MAPEI WILL BE must be given to efficiency, digitalisation and sustainability.
                                                              SHOWCASING AT The building industry is like a locomotive pulling lots of other compart-
      27th - 30th September   29th September - 2nd October                  CERSAIE ments. Ceramics is in one of head compartments at the front of the train,
                                                                                            a sector in which Italy is a world leader thanks to its innovative materi-
        STAND 2356              HALL 7 STAND E2               als, style and design. We have devoted a special section to ceramic tiles (the Cersaie Exhibition in
                                                              Bologna will be back in the spotlight in September) reviewing Mapei products for installing these
                                                              materials and some of the most important and interesting recent projects the Group contributed to
                                                              all over the world.
                                                              The section on solutions for your home offers an overview of Mapei and Polyglass (a subsidiary of the
                                                              Group) systems for waterproofing several areas of private houses, from foundations to roofs.
                                                              2021 is a year of celebrations for lots of the Group’s subsidiaries. Mapei has been operating in Portugal
                                                              for 20 years and Lusomapei, the Portoguese subsidiary of the Group, has another reason to look to
                                                              the future with optimism: the construction of a new manufacturing plant in north-central Portugal.
                                                              Sassuolo Football Club is also looking to the near future. A change of team manager, the beginning
                                                              of the 2021/2022 season, and new and old players in the squad, are the main topics of the sporting
                                                              summer in Realtà Mapei International.
                                                              Something new being presented is the “Training Department” at the Mapei Sport Research Centre
                                                              aimed at athletes who, after suffering an injury, need to get ready to return to competition.
                                                              Enjoy your reading

                                                                                                                                                 RM International 87/2021 1

                                            1                                                                                                       58
                                                                                                                                                                                               66      Re Stelvio Mapei is back!
                                                                                                                                                                                               68 Competing again after an
                                            EDITORIAL                                                                                               NEWS                                          injury
                                       1    The building industry:                                           58                                     Towards a sustainable                      70 Dionisi: “Proud to manage
                                            the driver behind global                                                                                concrete industry                             Sassuolo”
                                            recovery		                                                       64 Dante’s Gardens of Eden in 72 From Sassuolo to Euro 2020
                                                                                                                                           73 A symbol for Sassuolo like

                                                                                                                                              Totti was for Roma


4                                                                                                       48                                          GREAT PRITZKER                                     77                                                 65
                                                                                                                                                    PRIZE WINNING                                      WORK TOOLS
                                                                                                                                                    ARCHITECTS                                                                                           Alessio Dionisi is the new

       4                                    17                              27
                                                                                                                                                                                               77      Mapecoat TNS Colorizer 		                         Sassuolo’s team manager.
                                                                                                             60 Arata Isozaki

       CERAMIC TILES                        INTERVIEWS                      MAPEI FOR YOUR

       The run-up to Cersaie
                                       17   Studio 92: "Integrated
                                            design, attention to       27
                                                                            Waterproofing systems for                                               62                                                 78
                                                                                                                                                    SOCIAL                                             QUESTIONS
6      The ceramic tiles market on          individual needs, and           your home                                                                                                                  & ANSWERS
                                            durable quality"                                                                                        RESPONSIBILITY
       the road to recovery                                            32   Renovating the roof on an                                                                                          78      Fully-bonded waterproofing
                                       21   Stefano Nencioni:               industrial building			           62                                     Beauty and sustainability for
10     Bailey Hotel & Resort                                                                                                                                                                           membranes
                                            “An increasingly close          			                                                                     EMERGENCY’s new hospital
14     Valamar Girandella Adults                                                                                                                    in Uganda
                                            relationship with the
                                                                            34                                                                                                                         80
       Only Hotel
                                            world of design”
18     The new Hotel Brasil
22     Safe and durable installation
                                       59   Marco Squinzi and
                                            Leonardo Nigro: “A
                                                                            SPECIAL FOCUS
                                                                            WINE PRODUCTION                                                         65                                                 PRODUCT
       all over the world		                 virtuous circle in the          PLANTS                                                                  SPORT DIVISION
                                            name of quality”                                                 65                                     Mapei Trophy: a “classic” for              80 Consolidante ETS/ETS
                                                                       34 The “cathedrals” of wine
				                                   				                                                                                                         golf fans                                     WR; Ultracoat HT 2 K;
                                                                       36   Château de Pez                                                                                                        Mapestone TFB Calcix
                                                                       38   Takler winery
                                                                       40 Soave wine cooperative
                                                                       41   Winzer Krems wine
                                                                            cooperative                       INTERNATIONAL                                         ISSUE 87

                                                                       42 Resin floorings: hygienic and                                                                        Editor in chief                             Published by                                Personal data protection
                                                                          resistant		                                                                                          Guido Palmieri                              Mapei SpA                                   The personal data of recipients
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Via Cafiero, 22 - 20158 Milan (Italy)       of Realtà Mapei International
                                                                       44 Cantina Giusti winery		                                                                              Editorial contributors                      Tel. +39/02/376731 - Fax +39/02/37673214    are processed by Mapei S.p.A. in
                                                                                                                                                                               and English translation                     website =                     its capacity as data controller in
                                                                          			                                                                                                  Martyn Anderson, Nicholas John              E-mail =               accordance with the provisions of
                                                                                                                                                                               Bartram, Federica Pozzi, Tiziano Tiziani,                                               European Regulation 2016/679 and

                                                                            48                                                                                                 Federica Tomasi, Alessandro Brambilla

                                                                                                                                                                               Production and editorial
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Realtà Mapei
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Registered by the Tribunal of Milan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           n. 363/20.5.1991
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Legislative Decree no. 196/2003. Full
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       information about data processing can
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       be found on the website
                                                                            TEAMWORK                                                                                           coordination                                                                            For further information or to enforce
                                                                                                                                                                               Metella Iaconello                           Realtà Mapei International is published     your rights, please contact
                                                                       48 Lusomapei: Key player in
                                                                                                                  Year XXI - No. 87 - August 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           6 times per year                  
                                                                          boosting tourism in Portugal                                                     87                  Social media
                                                                                                                                                                               Francesca Molteni                           Credits                                     Articles featured in this magazine may
                                                                       52   From Lisbon to the Atlantic       Cover story                                                                                                  AO Mapei, Cervia City Council,              be republished in whole or in part after
                                                                                                                                                                               Graphic designer                            Lusomapei, Mapei GmbH (Austria),            obtaining the editor’s permission.
                                                                            Isles		                           This issue encloses a special section
                                                                                                                                                                               Barbara Mennuni                             Mapei Construction Chemicals, Mapei         In any case the source must be
                                                                                                              on Mapei solutions for installing
                                                                       54 Savoy Palace                                                                                                                                     France, Mapei Kft., Mapei Australia,        mentioned.
                                                                                                              ceramic tiles and some of the most
                                                                                                                                                                               Printed by                                  Mapei Croatia d.o.o., Mapei Corp.,
                                                                                                              important and interesting recent
                                                                       74   News from the Mapei world                                                                          Rotolito SpA - Pioltello (Italy)            Mapei Inc., Mapei GmbH (Germany),

                                                                                                              projects the Group contributed to all
                                                                                                              over the world.                                                                                              Mapei Spain, Mapei Malaysia, Mapei                  FOLLOW US
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           South Africa, Mapei spol sro, Mapei
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Sport, Master Group Sport, Sassuolo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Calcio, Polyglass SpA, Mapei Corp.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (USA), Emergency.

     2 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       RM International 87/2021 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                    MAPEI’S OFFER
                                                                                                                                                                                                    FOR INSTALLING
                                                                                                                                                                                                     CERAMIC TILES

                                                                                                                                                                                                   materials to reduce
                                                                                                                                                                                                    footsteps noises

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Screeds and



                                                               The run-up to Cersaie
                                                                                                                                                                                                  antifracture systems

                                                                                                                                                                                                   adhesives, reactive
                                                                                                                                                                                                  adhesives, adhesives
                                                                                                                                                                                                   in water dispersion

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Grouts for joints

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Elastic sealants

                                                                                                                                                                                                   Products for cleaning
                             The Italian ceramic tiles industry is characterised by products with a high       high-performance adhesives and grouts being proposed, but also with a se-          and maintaining floors
                             content of “Made in Italy”, high levels of investment in technology and re-       ries of innovative complementary products and accessory items specifically
                             search and development of new materials, a strong propensity towards              created to make installation work simpler. Useful tools to help carry out their       Complementary
                             overseas markets and large-scale internationalisation of production pro-          work as well as possible, right down to the smallest detail.                            products for
                             cesses.                                                                           One such example? The MAPELEVEL EASYWDG levelling system, which                      installation works
                             And it is precisely in this context thata Mapei operates, with Research & De-     makes the installation of ceramic tiles that much easier and help create per-
                             velopment and internationalisation also being its main cornerstones. Prod-        fectly flat ceramic coverings, simply and quickly.
                             ucts for ceramic tiles have always been at the heart of the company and this      Many more new products will also be showcased on the two stands set up
                             year, as in previous years, lots of new products will be presented at Cersaie     by Mapei at the trade fair (in Gallery Hall 25-26 and Hall 32, Stand A8) and the
                             2021, the international trade fairs focusing on ceramic tiles and stone mate-     website starting from 27th September. And in the run-up to Cersaie,
                             rials which will be held in Bologna from 27th September to 1st October.           over the next pages we are presenting a review of works carried out using
                             Particular focus will be placed on the work of installers, not only through the   products from the Mapei line for installing ceramic tiles and stone materials.

4 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                             RM International 87/2021 5

The ceramic tiles market on the road to recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                                          FOLLOWING THE FALL IN 2020 DUE
                                                                                                                                                                                                          TO THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC, GLOBAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                          CONSUMPTION OF CERAMIC TILES IS
                                                                                                                                                                                                          EXPECTED TO RISE BY 5% THIS YEAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                          AND BY 4% IN 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Ceramic floor and wall coverings are amongst the most
                                                                                                                                                                                                          highly appreciated materials in the construction sector
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and, thanks to properties such as high aesthetic charac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          teristics, durability and ease of maintenance, they have
                                                                                                                                                                                                          become widely used in all geographical areas.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          The global ceramic industry can see signs of a recovery
                                                                                                                                                                                                          after the fall last year following the recession in the con-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          struction sector caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                          outlook for the consumption of ceramic tiles in 2021 and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          2022 is decidedly positive all around the world.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Estimated global consumption is more than 12 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                                          m2 and, over the next few years, indicators point to ex-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          cellent potential growth. Here is an overview of trends
                                                                                                                                                                                                          in the ceramic tiles market for the various areas of the

                                       THE FAR EAST DOMINATES THE MARKET                                                                                    GROWTH TREND FOR 2021-2022
                          (share of the global ceramic tiles market for each geographical area)                              (Estimated trend for the consumption of ceramic tiles – % variation compared with the previous year)

                                            SIZE OF THE
    GEOGRAPHICAL AREA                       MARKET IN 2020                               NORTH AFRICA AND OTHER             8.0%
                                                                    REST OF THE WORLD                                                   7.1
                                                                                        MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES
                                            (MILLIONS OF M2)                3%
                                                                                                 3%                          7.0%                           6.4
                                                                    NORTH AMERICA                                                                                 6.1         6.1
                                                                         4%                                                 6.0%
    FAR EAST                                7,184                                                                                                                                     5.2
                                                                                                                             5.0%                                                                   4.9                4.7
                                                                                                                                                                                                           4.4                         4.3                   4.5
    LATIN AMERICA                           1,162               WESTERN EUROPE
                                                                      6%                                                    4.0%                                                                                              3.9                      3.8
    CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPE                  908
                                                                 PERSIAN GULF                                                3.0%             2.7
    PERSIAN GULF                            795                       7%                                                                                                                                                                     2.3
    WESTERN EUROPE                          765
                                                                   CENTRAL                                                   1.0%
    NORTH AMERICA                           490                EASTERN EUROPE
                                                                     8%                                        FAR EAST
    REST OF THE WORLD                       412                                                                                         Western             North         North Africa and          Far East         Persian Gulf   Latin America   Central Eastern
                                                                                                                                        Europe             America      other Middle Eastern                                                           Europe
    NORTH AFRICA AND OTHER                  380                                                                                                                               countries
    MIDDLE EASTERN COUNTRIES                                        LATIN AMERICA
    WORLD                                   12,097                                                                                                                                  2021 VS. 2020             2022 VS. 2021

Source: Confindustria Ceramica, June 2021                                                                                 Source: Confindustria Ceramica, June 2021

6 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                              RM International 87/2021 7

       (Countries with the largest consumption of
         ceramic tiles – Figures in millions of m2)

         COUNTRIES                  MILIONS OF M2
                                                            Western Europe
         CHINA                      4,899                   In 2020 consumption of ceramic tiles in this area      4%. Market growth is expected to be moderate in        of 380 million m2, Egypt is the leading market.
         BRAZIL                     831                     reached 765 milion m2, a slight fall compared          Russia and Poland and very intense in Turkey, the      Over the last few years, the country registered a
                                                            with the previous year, with a share of 6% of the      country that next year could hit a consumption         highly expansive trend in the consumption of ce-
         INDIA                      698
                                                            global market. In 2021, with very positive figures     level of almost 200 million m2, confirming its po-     ramic tiles, reaching a level of 174 million m2 and
         INDONESIA                  328
                                                            forecast for the residential sector, there should be   sition as the 10th largest ceramic tiles market in     ranking 12th on the global market. Estimates for
         UNITED STATES              263
                                                            a 7.1% rate of growth in the consumption of ce-        the world.                                             this region are very positive and, over the course
         SAUDI ARABIA               242                     ramic tiles, the highest in the world. This growth                                                            of the current year, the ceramic tiles market
         IRAN                       221                     in the ceramic tiles market will be a common           North America                                          should grow by more than 6%.
         MEXICO                     193                     feature of all the main countries in this area and     The size of the ceramic tiles market in this area is
         RUSSIA                     190                     estimates indicate it will continue into 2022 when     around 490 million m2 and, in 2020, it registered    Far East
         TURKEY                     178                     consumption is expected to grow by almost 3%.          a net drop. The estimated trend in the residential   This region accounts for almost 60% of global
                                                                                                                   building sector is positive for the three countries  ceramic tiles consumption and includes 3 of the
         THAILAND                   177
                                                          Italy                                                    in this region: United States, Mexico and Canada.    4 leading markets in the world: China, India and
         EGYPT                      174
                                                          Italy is a leader in the international tile trade and    The consumption of ceramic tiles should benefit      Indonesia. After withstanding a drop in 2020, the
          SPAIN                        146
                                                          the ceramic district of Sassuolo is acknowledged         from the positive figures for the housing sector,    market should register positive conditions in 2021;
          GERMANY                      142                as being a global point of reference for the ex-         growing by more than 6% both in the current          in fact, estimates indicate a growth of around 5%
          POLAND                       142                cellence and innovation of their production pro-         year and in 2022.                                    in the consumption of ceramic tiles.
                                                          cesses. The size of the Italian ceramic tiles market                                                          The consumption in China (world leader for the
                                                          is estimated to be 95 milion m2 and, in 2020, it         Latin America                                        level of investments in the construction sector) is
      Global consumption                                  registered a drop of around 13% compared with            This region covers the second largest ceramic        4.9 billion m2, accounting for 40% of global sales.
      In 2020 the global ceramic market shrunk by an      the previous year. The pandemic had a negative           tiles market in the world, which accounts for 1.6    Estimates for the two-year period 2021-2022 indi-
      estimated 3.4% with respect to 2019. The main       influence on the country’s economy, causing a            billion m2 and almost 10% of the entire global       cate consumption will grow by around 450 mil-
      cause of the negative trend in                                            fall in GDP of 9% and a more       market. In 2020, the consump-                                             lion m2, benefiting from the
      the consumption of ceram-                                                 than 6% drop in investments        tion of ceramic tiles suffered                                            positive figures for the hous-
      ic tiles was the recession in
                                               “The highest rates               in construction work. For the      a moderate contraction and
                                                                                                                                                           “For Latin America,               ing sector.
      the residential construction              of growth will be               current year, GDP should           forecasts indicate it should            the world’s second-               India was badly hit by the
      sector due to the pandemic.                registered in the              grow by 4.7% and then re-          grow by a yearly average of 3.3% largest ceramic market, health crisis which had a neg-
      The health crisis led to a fall in      countries of Western              main at +4.3% in 2022; these       in 2021-2022. Estimated growth          growth is expected                ative influence on building
      global GDP of 3.3% which was            Europe and in North               are significant growth figures,    in the market is lower than the        to be weaker due to                work and the ceramic tiles
      also reflected in a 3.8% drop             America. Positive               higher than the average for        global average due to modest         the modest economic market. On a medium-term
      in global investments in the          outlook also for China” the Euro area. The construc-                   economic conditions in Brazil,         conditions in Brazil”              basis the country has enor-
      residential sector, the main                                              tion sector should be one of       which accounts for 70% of total                                           mous potential. Population
      area of use of ceramic tiles. All                                         the main drivers behind the        consumption in this area.                                                 growth and modernisation of
      geographical areas, albeit with varying intensity,  recovery of the Italian economy. Forecasts in-                                                                the country’s building stock will lead to growth in
      suffered a drop in ceramic tiles sales. Estimates   dicate investements could grow by as much as             Persian Gulf                                         the construction materials market, ceramic tiles
      for trends in the global economy indicate a net     14% over the course of the current year and by 7%        The consumption of ceramic tiles in this area        in particular.
      recovery in GDP, which is expected to grow by 6%    in 2022. The ceramic tiles market could grow by          is estimated to be almost 800 million m2 and         Indonesia has one of the leading housing mar-
      in the current year and by 4.4% in 2022. Thanks to  more than 15% in 2021, fully recovering the drop         is highly concentrated in Saudi Arabia and Iran      kets in the world and, over the course of the last
      this improvement in the overall macroeconomic       suffered last year. Moderate growth in consump-          which are, respectively, the 6th and 7th largest ce- decade, went through a period of frenetic growth
      picture, investments in the residential construc-   tion is also forecast for 2022.                          ramic tiles markets in the world. Last year con-     in the residential sector and in ceramic tiles sales.
      tion sector should increase by around 7% in 2021                                                             sumptions remained more or less stable and, for      The outlook for the next few years is positive and
      and by more than 3% next year. The recovery in      Eastern Europe                                           the period under examination, it is thought their    this country will contribute to strengthening the
      investments into the housing market is expected     The consumption of ceramic tiles in this area is         growth will be in line with the global average: +5%  role of the Far East as a driver behind growth in
      to lead to an increase in the consumption of ce-    calculated to be more than 900 million m2 and            in 2021 and +4% in 2022.                             the global ceramic tiles market.
      ramic tiles by 5% in 2021 and 4% for the following  accounts for 8% of global volumes; in 2020 the
      year. Estimates point to the global ceramic tiles   market suffered a fall of around 1%. For the pe-         North Africa and other Middle Eastern
      market in 2022 as being 675 million m2 larger       riod 2021-2022 average growth in the consump-            countries
      with respect to 2019, that is, before the pandemic. tion of ceramic tiles is expected to be more than        In this area, with an estimated consumption rate       Francesco Doria. Market Research Manager, Mapei SpA

8 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                             RM International 87/2021 9

                                                                                                          Cairns, Queensland (Australia)

                                                                                                          Bailey Hotel & Resort
                                                                                                          A NEW FIVE-STAR HOTEL WAS COMPLETED IN NORTH-EASTERN
                                                                                                          AUSTRALIA WITH MAPEI PRODUCTS FOR WATERPROOFING AND
                                                                                                          INSTALLING CERAMIC TILES, WOOD AND LVT

                                                                                                          Tourism and hospitality group, Crystalbrook Col-          Project overview
                                                                                                          lection, is set to transform the skyline of Cairns City   The development of Bailey Hotel & Resort saw
                                                                                                          (Queensland, Australia) with an almost 320 million        the construction of two towers: Lake Street Tow-
                                                                                                          Euro investment in three new international hotels.        er Hotel providing 217 rooms and Abbott Street
                                                                                                          The company is the Australian business of the Du-         Apartment. The Apartment tower includes
                                                                                                          bai-based Ghassan Aboud Group (GAG), headed               110 apartments encompassing one, two and
                                                                                                          by billionaire businessman and philanthropist Mu-         three-bedroom options, as well as a lap pool, a
                                                                                                          hammed Ghassan Aboud. Mr Aboud holidayed in               gym, a spa and a games room.
                                                                                                          tropical North Queensland in 2016 and became so           The Bailey towers share a basement and com-
                                                                                                          enchanted with the beauty of the area that he in-         mon area podium. The hotel provides a range
                                                                                                          vested a slice of his fortune in the region’s tourism     of separate facilities to compliment both towers.
                                                                                                          industry. With a cost of over 82 million Euros, the       Bailey Hotel Tower offers exclusive facilities, in-
                                                                                                          new Bailey Crystalbrook Collection hotel is the sec-      cluding Bar/Grill & Colada Restaurants along with
                                                                                                          ond of three five-star hotels. It includes 217 rooms,     a “Milk Bar", a swimming pool, a 24 Hour Fitness
                                                                                                      1   110 apartments, 5 restaurants and bars including          Centre, four event/function areas, concierge and
                                                                                                          a signature Crystalbrook Station steakhouse and           gift shop.
                                                                                                          Parilla grill, a 24-hour fitness centre and meeting       The completion of this five-star hotel was a large
      1. The Bailey Hotel & Resort is a modern and innovative luxurious accommodation facility,
                                                                                                          spaces for up to 150 people. The hotel opened in          boost for the Cairns community. This project is en-
      completed in 2020.
      2. The substrates of the pools of the complex were waterproofed with MAPELASTIC SMART, before       November 2019 and is Cairns’ second new five-star         vironmentally responsive and reflects the unique
      installing ceramic tiles with KERAFLEX MAXI S1 and grouting the joints with KERAPOXY.               hotel in over 20 years.                                   qualities that the owners wanted to portray in
      3 and 4. Ceramic tiles were installed in several areas of the complex using KERAFLEX MAXI S1.

                                                                          2                                             3                                                                                          4

10 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                      RM International 87/2021 11

                                                                                                                                                                                  5. In the bathrooms the screeds
                                                                                                                                                                                  were made of TOPCEM, before
                                                                                                                                                                                  waterproofing the substrates with
                                                                                                                                                                                  MAPEGUM WPS.
                                                                                                                                                                                  6. Wooden floors were installed
                                                                                                                                                                                  in the restaurant and foyer areas
                                                                                                                                                                                  using ULTRABOND ECO S955 1K,
                                                                                                    5                                                                      6      one-component, solvent-free,
                                                                                                                                                                                  sililated polymer adhesive.

      this beautiful part of Australia. The nature of this   KERAPOXY is an ideal grout for joints in swim-            fast-drying flexible liquid membrane.                      one-component, solvent-free, sililated polymer
      project was to deliver a modern, innovative and        ming pools due to the product’s excellent me-             TOPCEM was also used for screeds around the                adhesive with very low emission level of volatile
      aesthetically pleasing, luxurious hotel and resort.    chanical and chemical resistance, smooth final            pools to create falls and on all balconies to create       organic compounds (VOC), which is suitable for
      Prime Constructions was engaged to deliver this        surface, low water absorption, uniform colour and         falls to drains prior to the application of MAPE-          bonding all types of wooden floors.
      project and took on a multi-faceted role that in-      resistance to ultra-violet rays and atmospheric           LASTIC SMART highly flexible waterproofing                 MAPEPROOF TURBO 1K one-component, sol-
      corporated project management, principal con-          agents. It is easily workable with no shrinkage;          membrane.                                                  vent-free moisture vapour barrier was applied to
      tractor and full fit-out contractual works. The lead   therefore no cracking or fissures are present in                                                                     the concrete surfaces prior to the installation, fol-
      architects, Thompson Adsett, delivered the de-         the grouted joints.                                       LVT and wooden floorings                                   lowed by a coat of ECO PRIM T PLUS solvent-free,
      sign development, construction documentation                                                                     Acoustic underlay was installed with ULTRABOND             low odour acrylic primer in water dispersion. Con-
      and interior design for the main hotel. The restau-    Installing ceramic tiles in public areas                  ECO S955 1K one-component, solvent-free, sililat-          tractors also used ULTRAPLAN ECO, ultra-fast
      rants and bar were designed by Jess White and          The contract for ceramic installation in all pub-         ed polymer-based adhesive prior to the installa-           hardening self-levelling smoothing compound,
      her team at CTRL Space.                                lic areas was awarded to Jerry and The Tilemak-           tion of LVT (Luxury Vinyl Tiles) on the floors in the      to correct any irregularities in the concrete sur-
      Together the all Queensland design team has de-        ers, professional tiling contractors also located in      hotel rooms.                                               face.
      livered a space that puts it on par with the new       North Queensland.                                         Contractors used ULTRABOND ECO MS 4 LVT
      wave of five-star hotels that have infiltrated other   Contractors installed all ceramic tiles through the       WALL high performance, one-component silylat-
      areas of Australia.                                    hotel resort using KERAFLEX MAXI S1. This adhe-           ed polymer-based adhesive, which is also suitable
                                                             sive is not only a high performance and versatile         for all kinds of textile and resilient floorings, to in-
      The pools                                              mortar but can also be used to install large for-         stall the LVT planks.
      The multiple pool installations were awarded to        mat tiles, porcelain tiles, ceramic and mosaic tiles      Wooden floors were installed in the restaurant                          Find out more
      Baldwin Aquatics, a pool builder located in South      as well as natural stone. It is thixotropic, has a long   and foyer areas using ULTRABOND ECO S955 1K,                            KERAFLEX MAXI S1
      Queensland. Contractors waterproofed the pool          open time and can be installed in a up to 15 mm
      substrates by embedding MAPENET 150 alka-              thick layer.
      li-resistant fibreglass mesh into the first layer of   Ceramic tiles were installed in the restaurant ar-
      MAPELASTIC SMART cementitious waterproof-              eas, podium decks, balconies and walkways after
      ing membrane. MAPELASTIC SMART is a highly             installing acoustic underlay with ULTRABOND               TECHNICAL DATA               Adsett                        MAPEI PRODUCTS              Installing acoustic layers
                                                                                                                       Bailey Hotel & Resort,       Main contractor:              Waterproofing:              and wooden floors:
      flexible waterproofing mortar that is ideal for use    ECO S955 1K polyurethane adhesive.
                                                                                                                       Cairns (Queensland,          Prime Constructions           Mapelastic Smart,           Ultrabond Eco S955 1K
      in swimming pools to protect the concrete struc-                                                                 Australia)                   Ceramic installation          Mapenet 150,                Installing LVT floors:
      ture that may be subject to vibration and cracks.      Preparing substrates and waterproofing                    Owner: Bailey                company: Jerry & The          Mapegum WPS,                Ultrabond Eco MS 4 LVT
      To fully embed the MAPENET 150 reinforcement           In the bathrooms, screeds were created using              Crystalbrook Resort,         Tilemakers                    Mapeproof Turbo 1K          Wall
      mesh, a second layer of MAPELASTIC SMART was           TOPCEM, a special normal-setting, quick-drying,           Ghassan Aboud Group          Pool contractor:              Preparing screeds and
      applied.                                               controlled-shrinkage hydraulic binder, and spe-           Period of                    Baldwin Aquatics              substrates: Topcem,         *This product is
      Over 1000 m² of ceramic tiles were installed over      cial aggregates. The substrates were then treat-          construction: 2019-          Mapei Co-ordinator:           Planicrete SP*, Eco         manufactured and
                                                                                                                       2020                         Rod Howard, Mapei             Prim T Plus, Ultraplan      distributed in Australia
      the waterproofing membrane using KERAFLEX              ed with PLANICRETE SP (a multi-purpose latex
                                                                                                                       Period of Mapei’s            Australia Pty Ltd.            Eco                         by Mapei Australia Pty.
      MAXI S1 high-performance cementitious adhe-            to create high performance mortars and screeds            intervention: 2019-          Photos: Crystalbrook          Installing ceramic          Ltd.
      sive, while joints were grouted with KERAPOXY          distributed in Australia by Mapei Australia) and          2020                         Collections                   tiles: Keraflex Maxi S1,
      two-component, acid-resistant epoxy grout.             waterproofed with two coats of MAPEGUM WPS,               Design: Thomson                                            Kerapoxy, Mapesil AC,

12 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                                      RM International 87/2021 13

      Rabac (Croatia)

     Valamar Girandella
                                                                                                                                                    IN THESE PAGES. In the
                                                                                                                                               terraces and bathrooms , the
                                                                                                                                              substrates were waterproofed
                                                                                                                                                     with MONOLASTIC and

     Adults Only Hotel
                                                                                                                                                     MAPENET 150. Ceramic
                                                                                                                                                      tiles were bonded with
                                                                                                                                                  ADESILEX P9 on the walls
                                                                                                                                              and KERABOND PLUS on the


      For more than six decades the Valamar Group has          The pavilion turns into a hotel                        porcelain tiles. After PRIMER G dried, wood-effect
      been providing top quality tourist experiences, ex-      Work on the renovation of the former Oleander          porcelain tiles were installed with KERABOND
      cellent service and innovative offers in attractive      pavilion, which became the Valamar Girandella          PLUS improved adhesion cementitious adhesive
      destinations along the Adriatic coast: Istria, the is-   Adults Only hotel, began in autumn 2016.               with extended open time. Tile joints were grouted
      lands of Krk, Rab and Hvar, Makarska, Dubrovnik.         During the renovation of the pavilion rooms the        with ULTRACOLOR PLUS, while expansion joints
      Valamar offers different types of holidays to meet       old floor coverings were removed down to the           were sealed with MAPESIL AC.
      all the expectations of its guests. Besides family       load bearing reinforced concrete structure. After
      holidays, cycling or tennis holidays and holidays        the new screed was completed, PRIMER G, a syn-         Terraces and bathrooms
      in the nature, Valamar also offers vacations “for        thetic resin-based primer in water dispersion with     The renovation of terraces and bathrooms includ-
      adults only”, especially intended for guests looking     a very low content of volatile organic compounds       ed removing all layers up to the reinforced con-
      for a romantic getaway or a fun-filled holiday with      (VOC), was applied to improve the adhesion of the      crete structure and installing new ceramic cover-
      friends.                                                 adhesive, as a first step before the installation of   ings. Plasterboard panels were placed on the walls

14 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                     RM International 87/2021 15

                                                                                                                           STUDIO 92: INTEGRATED DESIGN, ATTENTION TO
                                                                                                                           INDIVIDUAL NEEDS, DURABLE QUALITY
                                                               of the bathrooms and treated with the ECO PRIM
                                                                                                                        WE SPOKE WITH WITH IGOR MILETIĆ
                                                               GRIP primer before waterproofing the surfaces            AND ROBERT DRAGOGNA, STUDIO 92
                                                               with MONOLASTIC one-component, elastic, ce-
                                                               mentitious mortar. MAPEGUARD ST waterproof-              Studio 92 is known as an architectural studio spe-
                                                               ing tape was applied on all joints.                      cialized in the hospitality segment. What are your
                                                               MAPEBAND SA self-adhesive butyl tape was used            starting ideas when approaching hotel design?
                                                               on the joints of the screeds of the balconies due        The main function of the hotel industry is to provide ser-
                                                               to its ease of use. MONOLASTIC was also applied          vices to its customers, namely its guests. Therefore, the
                                                               on these surfaces in two layers, with MAPENET 150        starting point is almost always a project assessment that
                                                               alkali-resistant mesh embedded between them.             defines the basic requirements and objectives that a
                                                               In the bathrooms, ADESILEX P9 cementitious               product must meet. This often is the result of joint work
                                                               adhesive with no vertical slip and extended open         between the investor and the designer, which ensures
                                                               time was used for installing porcelain tiles on the      meeting long-term goals.
                                                               walls. KERABOND PLUS was used for bonding ce-
                                                               ramic tiles on the floors of both bathrooms and          We have witnessed numerous hotel renovations
                                                               terraces. All the tile joints in bathrooms and terrac-   along the Croatian coast. They mostly involve five-
                                                               es were grouted with ULTRACOLOR PLUS, while              star hotels, but to which extent is Croatia able to            Studio 92 is a renowned studio based in Labin (Istria, Croatia) who
                                                               all the expansion joints were sealed with MAPESIL        meet the requirements of tourists of such profile in           has been designing hotels along the Adriatic coast for years.
                                                               AC.                                                      terms of staff and content?
                                                                                                                        Nowadays, there is a kind of gap between the equip-
                                                               Works in the swimming pools                              ment of a facility and the level of services provided in       President Hotel. What were the differences in the
                                                               The reinforced concrete substrates of the pool           such facility, but Croatia is a country with a long tradi-     design approach to these hotels?
                                                               were cleaned and smoothed over with PLANITOP             tion of tourism and there is no doubt that the gap will        The approach was similar because both projects were
                                                               FAST 330 quick-setting, fibre-reinforced cementi-        become smaller in the coming years.                            done on existing buildings. Valamar Dubrovnik President
                                                               tious mortar. MAPELASTIC two-component, flex-                                                                           is a hotel designed in the 1970s by American architect
                                                               ible cementitious mortar was selected for water-         Studio 92 offers investors a complete service: from            Edward Durell Stone, the author of the MoMa building
                                                               proofing the surfaces of the swimming pool.              design to supervision, interior design and project             in New York. Valamar Girandella is a tourist complex
                                                               ADESILEX P10 white cementitious adhesive, with           management. How often do you manage to fit all                 opened 50 years ago and designed by one of the great-
                                                               no vertical slip and extended open time, was             business segments into one project?                            est architects in Croatian tourism, Zdravko Bregovac.
                                                               mixed with ISOLASTIC (diluted 1:1 with water) and        Almost always because this is the only way to achieve          The challenge was to preserve what we found, and yet
                                                               used for bonding the glass mosaics in swimming           a high-quality product and, as for the investor, to get        adapt the facilities to modern market requirements. It
                                                               pools, while ULTRACOLOR PLUS was used for                exactly what he wants. The big hotel companies have            was inevitable to supplement the buildings with new
                                                               grouting joints. All expansion joints were sealed        recognized this and set it almost as a necessary mini-         construction in both interventions, which was a great
                                                               with MAPESIL AC.                                         mum in their business.                                         responsibility, especially when you have to measure up
                                                                                                                                                                                       to such big names.
      ABOVE. Wood-effect porcelain
                                                                                                                        How long does it take to complete a project of a ho-
      tiles were bonded with
                                                                                                                        tel like the Valamar Dubrovnik President Hotel? Is it          How much attention do you pay to sustainable and
      KERABOND PLUS in the old
                                                                                                                        easier to work from scratch or is it a bigger challenge        responsible tourism when designing? What does it
      pavilion rooms, while mosaic tiles
      were installed in the outdoor pool                                                                                to renovate it?                                                mean to you?
      with ADESILEX P10.                                                                                                It is always easier to work "from scratch". Until recently,    Today, the word sustainability has become a label that
                                                                            Find out more
                                                                            KERABOND PLUS                               greenfield investments were a rarity in Croatia, but they      is glued to any product without criteria in order to make
                                                                                                                        are slowly becoming our reality, mainly due to the grow-       it more acceptable, without asking what it essentially
                                                                                                                        ing requests of investors, which are becoming almost           means. While building new facilities, we are changing
                                                                                                                        impossible to achieve in existing facilities. On the other     the space to make it desirable for human life. With our
      TECHNICAL DATA                  Main contractor:         MAPEI PRODUCTS              Installing ceramic tiles:
                                                                                                                        hand, work on existing facilities is pleasing because we       intervention we can reduce the impact on space and
      Valamar Girandella              Radnik d.d.              Waterproofing:              Adesilex P10, Adesilex
      Adults Only Hotel,              Ceramic installation     Mapeband SA,                P9, Kerabond Plus            often encounter extremely high-quality achievements.           the environment to a greater or lesser extent, but we
      Rabac (Croatia)                 company: Keramika        Mapelastic, Mapenet         Sealing expansion joints:    Our task in these situations is to try to achieve the syner-   must know that any intervention inevitably changes our
      Period of the                   Friščić d.o.o.           150, Mapeguard              Mapesil AC                   gy of the old and the new.                                     surrounding. What we must strive for is for our interven-
      renovation: 2016-2017           Supervision: IG d.o.o.   ST, Mapenet 150,            Grouting joints:                                                                            tions to be as thoughtful and high-quality as possible,
      Period of the Mapei             Mapei distributor:       Monolastic                  Ultracolor Plus                                                                             and to enable them a long service life, to reuse them, as
                                                                                                                        In the previous article we describe the renovation of
      intervention: 2016-2017         Kimi Commerce d.o.o.     Treating and
                                                                                                                        the Valamar Girandella Adults Only Hotel. You also             is the case with buildings from the 1960s or 1970s, which
      Design: Ester Miletić,          Mapei coordinator:       smoothing substrates:       For further information
      Studio 92 d.o.o.                Severin Čamdžić, Mapei   Planitop Fast 330, Eco      on products,       designed the renovation of the Valamar Dubrovnik               makes them somewhat sustainable.
      Owner: Valamar Riviera          Croatia d.o.o.           Prim Grip, Primer G

16 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                                             RM International 87/2021 17

                                                                                                                                                              Milano Marittima (Province of Ravenna, Italy)

                                                                                                                                                         The new Hotel Brasil
                                                                                                                                                    CERAMIC TILES AND MOSAICS FOR THE NEW WELLNESS CENTRE
                                                                                                                                                                  AND OUTDOOR SWIMMING POOL

                                                                                                                                          Hotel Brasil, which had already been revamped in 2008,         renders and mortars.
                                                                                                                                          was extended in 2020 following the owners’ decision to         The internal walls in various areas of the hotel were ren-
                                                                                                                                          purchase the nearby Hotel Venezia and merge it with Ho-        dered and smoothed with INTOMAP R2 FIBRO fibre-re-
                                                                                                                                          tel Brasil to create a single hotel complex with a corridor    inforced mortar and smoothed with PLANITOP 525
                                                                                                                                          that connects the two structures,. Both structures have        smoothing compound.
                                                                                                                                          now been renovated: various works were carried out at          The façades of the former Hotel Venezia (for a total area
                                                                                                                                          the Hotel Brasil to bring it in line with current fire regu-   of around 1000 m2) were covered with the MAPETHERM
                                                                                                                                          lations and standards and four rooms were renovated to         external thermal insulation system: MAPETHERM AR 1
                                                                                                                                          make them more welcoming for disabled guests..                 GG one-component cementitious mortar was chosen
Mosaic tiles supplied by Mosaico+, a subsidiary of the Mapei Group, were bonded in the swimming pool with ULTRALITE S1                    The work carried out on the former Hotel Venezia, on           to bond and smooth the insulating panels while MA-
cementitious adhesive with no vertical slip.                                                                                              the other hand, was much more substantial. Built in the        PETHERM NET was embeded to create a reinforced skim
                                                                                                                                          1960’s, it was suffering from both structural and func-        coat. The façades were finished off with QUARZOLITE
                                                                                                                                          tional deficiencies which required important work to           BASE COAT, followed by a trowel-applied layer of SILAN-
                                                                                                                                          be carried out on site on the hotel’s reinforced concrete      COLOR AC TONACHINO PLUS mould and algae-resistant
                                                                                                                                          skeleton. Besides, the ground-floor and basement areas         hygienising coating.
                                                                                                                                          needed to be waterproofed.
                                                                                                                                          This section of the complex currently has 14 rooms that        Waterproofing foundations, terraces and pools
                                                                                                                                          have been completely renovated and modernised. On              The hotel also needed storage tanks with a capacity of
                                                                                                                                          the ground floor, the structure has also been equipped         30,000 litres, as specified by local fire department regu-
                                                                                                                                          with a wellness centre. The wellness zone overlooks a          lations and as a reserve of potable water. These storage
                                                                                                                                          large outdoor heated swimming pool covered with mo-            tanks were constructed underneath the swimming pool
                                                                                                                                          saic, with a solarium featuring wood decking and a gar-        at a depth of 3.5 m and needed a particularly resistant wa-
                                                                                                                                          den alongside.                                                 terproofing system due to the presence of groundwater
                                                                                                                                                                                                         0.8 m below ground level. The drainage system was also
                                                                                                                                          The transformation of a structure                              completely rebuilt to comply with the regulations and
                                                                                                                                          Mapei experts took part in the initial training for the site   standards of the local Health Authority.
                                                                                                                                          teams and then followed the actual works. The first step       Underneath the storage tanks, the foundations were wa-
                                                                                                                                          was to dehumidify the masonry at ground-floor level by         terproofed from under the slab with MAPEPROOF FBT, a
                                                                                                                                          applying MAPESTOP CREAM emulsion, which forms a                synthetic membrane made up of a synthetic FPO sheet
                                                                                                                                          chemical barrier to stop capillary rising damp, followed       tightly coupled to a layer of non-woven fabric, before cast-
LEFT. . In the corridor that connects the two structures, large Fiandre tiles (measuring 150 x 320 cm) were installed on the walls with   by POROMAP RINZAFFO PLUS, POROMAP DEUMIDIFI-                   ing concrete
ULTRALITE S1 adhesive. RIGHT. In the wellness area, large-size ceramic tiles were bonded on the fllors with KERAFLEX EASY S1 adhesive.    CANTE and POROMAP FINITURA CIVILE dehumidifying                After casting concrete, MAPEPROOF SA self-adhesive

18 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                           RM International 87/2021 19

                                                                                                                                     AN INCREASINGLY CLOSE RELATIONSHIP
                                                                                                                                     WITH THE WORLD OF DESIGN
                                                                                                                                  INTERVIEW WITH STEFANO NENCIONI, GENERAL MANAGER OF MOSAICO+
                                                                                                                                  Over the last few years, clients from both the public            outcome you are looking for in a project. Apart from
                                                                                                                                  and private sectors have been opting more and more               their decorative aspect, the technical and performance
                                                                                                                                  for mosaics in bathrooms, saunas, swimming pools                 properties of adhesives and grouts enable our
                                                                                                                                  and kitchens. What do you think this preference is               materials to perform at 100% and in line with project
                                                                                                                                  due to?                                                          requirements.
                                                                                                                                  Mosaic is a universal covering solution and, with its more
                                                                                                                                  small-size formats, has come back into fashion, similar          What will you be showcasing at Cersaie 2021?
                                                                                                                                  to what happened with large-size ceramic tiles. Besides,         This year we will be back with a collection designed
                                                                                                                                  it is a particularly good choice when covering curved            by Studio Irvine, called Loom. The public will also be
                                                                                                                                  surfaces which often characterise spa centres and                able to see Cut-up, a collection of full-body porcelain
                                                                                                                                  swimming pools. It is recommended for environments               stoneware designed by Massimo Nadalini and
                                                                                                                                  that require particular care, such as showers and                Cardo which was launched at the end of June. It is
Underneath the storage tanks, the foundations were waterproofed from under the slab with MAPEPROOF FBT, a waterproofing
                                                                                                                                  swimming pools. What is more, the extensive range of             inspired by the literary technique which consists in
membrane made up of a synthetic FPO sheet tightly coupled to a layer of non-woven fabric.                                         colours available means it is a valid option for covering        physically cutting written text, leaving the words or
                                                                                                                                  surfaces in residential complexes which are undergoing           complete sentences intact. By mixing these various
                                                                                                                                  significant   refurbishment work.                                fragments together, new texts are created which
HDPE membrane and MAPETHENE HT self-adhesive bi-                Ceramic tiles were bonded on the terraces with                                                                                     maintain a certain logic, although at times they can be
tuminous membrane bonded to a double layer of HDPE              KERAQUICK MAXI S1 deformable, non-slip cementitious               As a result of this evolution, there is now an infinite          incomprehensible. And lastly there will be a revisited
(high density polyethylene) film were used to waterproof        adhesive, which was chosen due to its rapid-setting and           array of solutions which are particularly striking for           version of P-saico collection, P-saico mélange, where
the vertical walls. MAPETHENE HT was also used to water-        hydrating properties and excellent cleanability. Joints           their various colours, forms and materials. With this            the closest and most distant shades on the spectrum
proof the elevator shaft.                                       were grouted using ULTRACOLOR PLUS in various shades              trend in mind, how would you say Mosaico+’s way of               are mixed to create a vibrant Seminato-type floor, in
The swimming pool was then built above the storage              to match the colours of the ceramic tiles.                        working has changed?                                             which the shade chosen for the grout modifies the
tanks. MAPELASTIC TURBO elastic cementitious mortar,            Decorative glass mosaic supplied by Mosaico+ (a sub-              Mosaico+ likes to emphasise its role as a partner for            final perception of the surface quite significantly.
together with the accessories of MAPEBAND EASY sys-             sidiary of the Mapei Group) was chosen to cover the sur-          designers, constantly in search of solutions that enable
tem, were used to waterproof substrates in the swim-            faces of the outdoor swimming pool and installed using            stylistic ideas at the base of a project to become reality.      ADI (Italian Association for Industrial Design) has
ming pool, terraces and part of the wellness center, as         ULTRALITE S1 cementitious adhesive with no vertical slip.         And this is reflected in our collaboration with selected         chosen two Mosaico+ collections for the ADI Design
well as the showers in the guestrooms.                          The same product was used for bonding metallic mosa-              designers, enhancing our range of products with                  Index 2020: what kind of relationship do you have
                                                                ics by Mosaico+ in the bathrooms, showers of the gues-            solutions that focus on the design needs of clients.             with the design world?
Installing mosaics and ceramic tiles                            trooms and in the wellness area. The product chosen to                                                                             Our relationship with the design world is becoming
In the corridor that connects the two hotels, large-size        grout joints in the mosaic coverings was KERAPOXY CQ              How much does choosing the most appropriate                      closer and closer and to receive recognition, such as by
Fiandre ceramic tiles were installed on the walls with UL-      epoxy grout which was also used for grouting joints in the        adhesives and grouts for joints, according to area of            being inserted in the ADI Design Index, is confirmation
TRALITE S1 adhesive. The floorings in the guestrooms and                                                                          use, type of mosaic and expected stresses and loads,             that the path we have undertaken is taking us in the
the wellness area were covered with large-size porcelain                                                                          effect the final result of a mosaic covering?                    right direction, which includes our collaboration with
tiles by Florim bonded with KERAFLEX EASY S1 deform-                                                                              With mosaic the joints can radically change the final            designers into the research and development of new
able cementitious adhesive which is particularly suitable                                                                         result; they are an integral part of the overall aesthetic       products.
for bonding large-size ceramic tiles over large areas of                     Find out more                   Find out more
flooring.                                                                    ULTRALITE S1                    MAPEPROOF FBT                                                A few examples of mosaics by
                                                                                                                                                                          Mosaico+: from left on, the custom-
                                                                                                                                                                          made mosaic used for Hotel Brasil,
                                                                                                                                                                          P-saico and Cut-up collections.

TECHNICAL DATA                  coatings contractor:            Mapelastic Turbo,               Tonachino Plus
Hotel Brasil, Milano            Artigiancasa                    Mapeproof FBT, Mapeproof        Bonding ceramic tiles and
Marittima (Italy)               Mosaic and ceramic tiles        SA, Mapethene HT                mosaics: Keraflex Easy S1,
Period of the                   installation company:           Dehumidifying masonry:          Keraquick Maxi S1, Ultralite S1
intervention: 2020-2021         General Service                 Mapestop Cream, Poromap         Grouting joints: Kerapoxy CQ,
Design and works                Mapei distributor: Faro         Deumidificante, Poromap         Ultracolor Plus
direction: Annalisa             Photos: Giulio Semprini         Finitura Civile, Poromap
Casadei, Studio Arkigeo         Mapei coordinators: Fabio       Rinzaffo Plus                   MOSAICO+ PRODUCTS
Owner: Società Mare             Costanzi, Andrea Melotti,       Renovating internal walls:      P-saico, Èmetallo,
Adriatico                       Stefano Mazzotti, Fabrizio      Intomap R2 Fibro,               Divetro, Concerto,
Main contractors:               Maltoni, and Thomas             Planitop 525                    Cromie, custom-made
Adriatica Costruzioni           Gessaroli, Mapei SpA (Italy)    Thermal insulation:             Decoro
Cervese, Edil Omnia                                             Mapetherm AR 1 GG,
Waterproofing                   MAPEI PRODUCTS                  Mapetherm Net                   For further information
contractor: Trading             Waterproofing: Mapeband         Wall coatings: Quarzolite       on products:,
Thermal insulation and          Easy, Mapelastic,               Base Coat, Silancolor AC

20 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                                                    RM International 87/2021 21

      Safe and durable                                                                  Dream Island
                                                                                        Moscow - Russia
                                                                                                                                             Panoramic terrace at
                                                                                                                                             Empire State Building
      installation all over                                                             Dream Island, the largest theme park in the
                                                                                        whole of Europe located just south of Moscow,
                                                                                                                                             New York - USA
                                                                                                                                             The Empire State Building, the fourth-tallest

      the world
                                                                                        opened its doors to the public in February, 2020     building in the city, is one of the most iconic
                                                   FROM THE PANORAMIC TERRACE           in the presence of the President of the Russian      on the New York skyline and attracts 4
                                                   TO A SHOWROOM: A PORTFOLIO           Federation, Vladimir Putin. The park extends         million visitors every year. At its summit, the
                                                                                        over an area of 100 hectares and includes 35
                                                   OF WORKS USING INNOVATIVE            attractions for children and adults, a large
                                                                                                                                             panoramic terrace on the 102nd floor provides
                                                                                                                                             a breath-taking view of the metropolis. And it
                                                   INSTALLATION MATERIALS               shopping centre, 18 restaurants, an enormous         was precisely this area that recently underwent
                                                                                                                                             renovation work, which included installation of
                                                                                                                                             new stone floorings using a system distributed
                                                                                                                                             on the US market by Mapei Corp. MODIFIED
                                                                                                                                             MORTAR BED was chosen for the preparation
                                                                                                                                             of the substrates, ULTRAFLEX LFT adhesive
                                                                                                                                             was used to bond the large-size stone slabs,
                                                                                                                                             ULTRACOLOR PLUS FA was used to grout the
                                                                                                                                             joints, making the floor’s intricate compass
                                                                                                                                             design especially pronounced, and, finally, the
                                                                                                                                             expansion joints were sealed with MAPESIL T.

      Agora Hub                                                                         park, a multiplex cinema and a concert hall.
                                                                                        To install porcelain tiles in areas subjected
      Budapest - Hungary                                                                to high volumes of pedestrian traffic, highly
      Situated in one of the most dynamic neighbourhoods in Budapest, AGORA             resistant installation materials were used such as
      is a complex that provides office space for various companies in two distinct     KERABOND T-R cementitious adhesive, which
      buildings. The aim behind its design is to guarantee healthy, safe and            is distributed on the local market by AO Mapei,
      pleasant surroundings for those who use and work in them. In the areas            and ULTRACOLOR PLUS grout for joints.
      that have already been completed (work on the complex is scheduled to             In the areas in constant contact with water,
      be end in 2023), refined finishes include large-size, thin ceramic tiles that     such as the fountains and bathrooms, the
      required an installation system that would guarantee mechanical strength,         substrates were waterproofed with MAPELASTIC
      resistance and durability. The substrates in various areas (kitchens, corridors   and MAPEBAND. The façades of some of the
      and bathrooms) were treated with PRIMER G, levelled off with NOVOPLAN             buildings, including those at the park entrance,
      MAXI and waterproofed with MAPELASTIC, MONOLASTIC and MAPEBAND,                   were insulated with MAPETHERM AR2 and
      before installing large-size ceramic tiles with ULTRALITE S2 and smaller tiles    MAPENET 150. For some of the park’s attractions,
      with KERAFLEX S1. The joints were then grouted with KERACOLOR FF FLEX             structural anchors were formed using MAPEFILL
      and the expansion joints were sealed with MAPESIL AC.                             and MAPEFILL 10 grouts to ensure the complete
                                                                                        safety and stability of the installations.

22 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                             RM International 87/2021 23

                                                                                                                                                                           Fourways Mega Mall
                                                                                                                                                                           Johannesburg - South Africa
                                                                                                                                                                           Mapei South Africa contributed to the massive
                                                                                                                                                                           extension and renovation of this big mall which
                                                                                                                                                                           also included the installation of ceramic tiles
                                                                                                                                                                           over 40,000 m². The heavy volume of foot traffic
                                                                                                                                                                           required resistant, reliable products that would
                                                                                                                                                                           ensure a successful and durable installation.
                                                                                                                                                                           Screeds were prepared by using TOPCEM PRONTO,
                                                                                                                                                                           ready-to-use, normal-setting, controlled-shrinkage
                                                                                                                                                                           mortar. The substrates were levelled using
                                                                                                                                                                           ULTRAPLAN ECO, ultra-fast hardening, self-levelling
                                                                                                                                                                           smoothing compound. The porcelain tiles were
                                                                                                                                                                           installed with KERAFLEX S1 EXPRESS, an adhesive
                                                                                                                                                                           manufactured and distributed in South Africa by
                                                                                                                                                                           Mapei South Africa, before grouting the joints with

      Sparkasse                                                                                                                                                            KERAPOXY CQ, a mould-resistant epoxy grout.

      Aschaffenburg - Germany
      The Aschaffenburg branch of the German bank, Sparkasse, is located in a building dating back to
      the 1970’s, which was renovated recently to make it safer and more comfortable for its clients and
      employees. At ground floor level, which is dedicated to financial services for the bank’s clients, an area
      of 1,100 m2 was made more spacious and luminous by installing new flooring made from 30 mm thick
      stone slabs. The first step was to treat the substrates with PRIMER MF and to apply MAPELASTIC in
      certain areas to guarantee a good level of waterproofing. Once the ceramic tiles had been installed
      with ELASTORAPID, joints were grouted with ULTRACOLOR PLUS. The stone steps for the spiral
      staircase, meanwhile, were bonded in place with ULTRABOND ECO PU 2K polyurethane adhesive.

                   Jaguar-Land Rover
                     Calgary - Canada
             The management of this dealership and
            showroom wanted to employ a system to
                                                                                                                                      BB Tower
           install large-size porcelain tiles that would                                                                 Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia
      guarantee a strong, resistant surface and also                                                                   This building is a 32-storey office tower with a
           reflect the luxury image and reputation of                                                              total area of 25,800 m², hosting the headquarters
       the Jaguar and Land Rover brands. And they                                                                        of YTL, an extensive infrastructure developer
          found it with a solution proposed by Mapei                                                                  operating in 10 countries. It is located in one of
      Inc., consisting of materials distributed on the                                                               the most high-end commercial and hospitality
         Canadian market by the subsidiary, such as                                                                   hubs of Kuala Lumpur. Its design had it qualify
       PRIMER L acrylic primer, NOVOPLAN 2 PLUS                                                                         for a GBI Gold Rating certification for energy
        levelling mortar to guarantee a perfectly flat                                                               saving. Mapei products were used for installing
             substrate, MAPELASTIC CI membrane to                                                                    ceramic tiles on all the internal walls and floors,
       waterproof the surfaces and ULTRAFLEX LFT                                                                         as well as on the lift lobby walls. KERABOND
           adhesive, particularly suitable for bonding                                                               PLUS adhesive was used for bonding large-size
            large-size floor and wall ceramic tiles and                                                                ceramic tiles on internal floors. KERABOND T,
       stone slabs. ULTRACOLOR PLUS FA was then                                                                     mixed with ISOLASTIC, was chosen to install tiles
        used to grout the joints while the expansion                                                                   on the lift walls, while KERAFLEX MAXI S1 was
                    joints were sealed with MAPESIL T.                                                                 used to bond large-size tiles on internal walls.

24 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                          RM International 87/2021 25
                              systems for
                              your home
                              FROM THE FOUNDATIONS TO THE ROOF:
                              ALL MAPEI WATERPROOFING SOLUTIONS
                              TO PROTECT YOUR HOME
                              Mapei, who have always been particularly focused on the needs and
                              requirements of both designers and the final users of buildings, proposes a
                              comprehensive and original range of waterproofing systems that are ideal for
                              use on private residential buildings, both new builds and homes that need to
                              be restored or refurbished.

                               1 Complete system for
                                 waterproofing and
                                 repairing underground
                                 structures exposed to
                                 counter-pressure of water
                                 with an anti-condensation                                                   4
                                 MAPEWALL + MAPENET
                                 EM30 / MAPENET
                                 EM40 + MAPEPROOF
                                 RANGE + MAPELASTIC                             3
                                 FOUNDATION +
                                 POROMAP RANGE +
                                 SILANCOLOR RANGE

                               2 Rapid system with no                                                                        2
                                 demolition work required
                                 for the application of
                                 waterproofing and
                                 installation of ceramic tiles
                                 on old balconies/terraces
                                 MAPELASTIC TURBO +
                                 KERAQUICK MAXI S1 +
                                 ULTRACOLOR PLUS

                               3 Coloured, ready-to-use
                                 waterproofing system for
                                 old tiled roofs.
                                 PURTOP EASY RANGE

                               4 System for creating                  1
                                 “green roofs" to be used
                                 as gardens or for growing
                                 PURTOP LINE

26 RM International 87/2021                                                                                      RM International 87/2021 27
Waterproofing below                                                                                                       Mapelastic range: a guarantee
ground level                                                                                                              for more than 30 years
Quite often, spaces below ground          ■ MAPEPROOF: bentonite barriers        ■ MAPELASTIC FOUNDATION:                 Thanks to its constant, ongoing          MAPELASTIC, MAPELASTIC SMART         remove the old covering material.
level need to be exploited due to a         consisting of two geofabrics in        a two-component, flexible              research into product innovation,        and MAPELASTIC TURBO to various      And lastly, they are so versatile
lack of available building land and         needle-punched polypropylene,          cementitious mortar for                the Mapei Group has a range              types of substrate means they        they can be used on various types
the high density of structures in           with the upper layer in non-           waterproofing concrete surfaces        of cutting-edge, long-lasting            may be used to waterproof new        of substrate and applied using
built-up areas. This is why renovating      woven fabric and the lower layer       subject to positive and negative       solutions available for end users        structures and to restore existing   different methods to meet the
constructions below ground level is         in woven fabric, which form a          water pressure. When the two           that have been certified according       structures without having to         needs of every user.
quite common and is a solution that         sandwich around a uniform layer        components are mixed together,         to the most stringent standards.
allows various types of structure to be     of natural sodium bentonite.           they form a plastic-consistency        The MAPELASTIC range has
created, such as service areas, extra       The particular grain size of the       paste that is easy to apply with       been available on the building
living space, utility rooms, production     bentonite, together with the type      a roller or by spray, on both          products market for more than
areas and many more. Structures             of non-woven geofabric used,           horizontal and vertical surfaces, in   30 years and is synonymous with
below ground level, however, are in         guarantees that the bentonite          layers up to 2 mm thick.               reliable, guaranteed waterproofing.
contact with moisture in the ground         saturates the non-woven fabric                                                MAPELASTIC, MAPELASTIC SMART
and with water percolating from the         when it comes into contact with                                               and MAPELASTIC TURBO are
ground and need to be waterproofed          poured concrete. These properties                                             elastic, cementitious waterproofing
to prevent leaks and infiltrations          make the MAPEPROOF barrier                                                    systems which, thanks to their
compromising their functionality            self-sealing and, when the special                                            content of high quality synthetic
and to guarantee their protection           compound comes into contact                                                   resins, maintain their high elasticity
and durability. Mapei has developed         with water or moisture in the                                                 in all weather conditions, thereby
two different types of system for           ground, it is transformed into                                                ensuring their characteristics
waterproofing and protecting                gel with excellent waterproofing                                              remain stable over the years.                          Find out more                         Find out more
                                                                                                                                                                                 MAPELASTIC                            MAPELASTIC TURBO
structures below ground level.              properties.                                                                   The high level of adhesion of

                                                                                                 Find out more

                                                                                                 Find out more

28 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                                    RM International 87/2021 29
Polyurethane membranes:                                                                                           Green roofs to create
versatility and simple application                                                                                city gardens
To waterproof balconies and         both new and existing structures,     elastic polyurethane membrane
terraces, Mapei proposes the        to guarantee a rapid, perfect         for waterproofing both new and
PURTOP EASY range: ready-mixed      waterproofing solution.               existing balconies, terraces, roofs
polyurethane-based products         Highly versatile, the products from   and pedestrian areas.
applied in one single coat.         this range allow users to choose      On the PURTOP EASY layer you can
The high elasticity and excellent   their preferred application method    apply a non-slip finish or a coloured
adhesion of these products to       (by trowel or spray).                 finish.
substrates make them ideal for      PURTOP EASY is a one-component,

                                                                                                                  The increasingly widespread              which comply with current
                                                                                                                  attention to the environment             European standards covering this
                                                                                                                  and eco-sustainable building in          sector and which have been tested
                                                                                                                  general, along with the trend of         by important research bodies and
                                                                                                                  reclaiming green areas within urban      institutes, in order to create green
                                                                                                                  surroundings, has led designers          roofs with excellent waterproofing
                                                                                                                  to look for solutions that may be        properties. And for these particular
                                                                                                                  adopted to create green roofs to         design requirements Mapei
                                                                                                                  be used as gardens or for growing        proposes PURTOP 400 M, a two-
                                                                                                                  produce. Apart from reducing the         component, solvent-free, hybrid
                                                                                                                  visual impact of a building, this type   polyurea membrane applied by
                                                                                                                  of intervention also contributes in      spray with a high-pressure, bi-mixer          Find out more
                                                                                                                  reducing its “heat-island” effect.       type pump, so that waterproofing              PURTOP 400 M
                                                                                                                  Mapei has developed a series of          membranes may be applied on
                                                                                                                  cutting-edge product systems,            bridge decks and roofs on site.

               Find out more
               PURTOP EASY

30 RM International 87/2021                                                                                                                                                                       RM International 87/2021 31
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