The threat of bioterrorism: A reason to learn more about anthrax and smallpox
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LECTURES BY CLEVELAND CLINIC A N D VISITING FACULTY The threat of bioterrorism: A reason to learn more about anthrax and smallpox STEVEN M . G O R D O N , M D clear idea of which of the people in the clinic Department of Infectious Disease, Cleveland Clinic are at risk, how to treat those exposed, or how to prevent a disease outbreak. However, inter- • ABSTRACT national and domestic events are forcing us to Threats of domestic terrorism and interna- realize that the possibility of bioterrorism must tional news about germ warfare research be taken seriously. have forced us to recognize the potential The most likely candidates for biological menace of biological weapons. Both small- weapons are anthrax and smallpox. Both can pox and anthrax could be used as biological be put into stable aerosol form in particles 5 |im or smaller (the ideal size to be inhaled), weapons. It is important for physicians to bypass the oropharynx, and reach the alveoli. reacquaint themselves with these diseases, Both have small infective doses: the dose for because if a domestic attack were to occur, it anthrax is thought to be fewer than 50,000 might first be recognized when patients with spores, and the dose for smallpox may be as unusual symptoms began presenting to hos- few as 10 to 100 particles. They are inexpen- pitals and primary care physicians. In this sive to develop, have a long shelf-life, and Anthrax and article, w e discuss symptoms and treatments could cause widespread panic that could com- for smallpox and anthrax, and suggest pound the terror of the disease itself. smallpox are resources for physicians who wish to learn the most likely more about the subject. • LESSONS OF THE PLANNED PARENTHOOD CASE candidates for A D M I N I S T R A T I V E A S S I S T A N T sitting N bioweapons alone at her desk at a Planned The case described above actually occurred in Parenthood clinic opens a letter. The enve- Indiana in 1998. Hazardous materials (HAZ- lope contains white powder and a threatening MAT) experts responded to the scene wearing note saying that the powder is anthrax spores. full protective gear, including self-contained The assistant immediately dials 911, and respirators. All 31 people in the building were police arrive in minutes. The letter is sealed in considered possibly exposed to anthrax. They a plastic bag and collected by the Federal were told to place all clothing and personal Bureau of Investigation. belongings in labeled plastic bags and take The next phone call is to you as the physi- decontamination showers with soap, water, cian on call. While the investigation contin- and a dilute bleach solution in a tent set up on- ues, you are asked for advice about preventive site. The administrative assistant underwent health measures for the administrative assis- seven decontamination showers. All were tant, the police and emergency team respon- taken to local emergency departments, where ded, and the 31 adults and children who hap- some had to undergo additional decontamina- pened to be in the clinic when the envelope tion under local hospital policy, and all were was opened. started on oral ciprofloxacin. The desktop was What should you do? washed with full-strength household bleach.1 Anthrax occurs so rarely under ordinary The threat was exposed as a hoax after circumstances that few of us would have a both the state health department and a CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 66 • NUMBER 10 NOVE MBER / D EC E M B E R 1 9 9 9 585 Downloaded from on June 25, 2022. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Department of Defense laboratory failed to germ warfare program was large and well- find any evidence of anthrax in the powder or funded, and with the fall of the Soviet Union the envelope. and the collapse of the Russian economy, it is As we will see later in this article, the feared that Soviet scientists may be willing to response to the threat was prompt and thor- sell their expertise to other nations. ough, but may actually have been more Inspections in Iraq have documented aggressive than necessary. In my opinion, research into biological and chemical even if the Planned Parenthood hoax had weapons. involved genuine anthrax, the situation The Aum Shinrikyo cult in Japan, which would be frightening but not actually very killed 12 and injured 5,000 with a release of dangerous. A review of the disease's symp- sarin nerve gas into a Tokyo subway in 1995, toms, forms, and therapies will show why. had a bioterrorism research program and had stockpiled anthrax and botulinum toxins. • A BRIEF HISTORY OF BIOLOGICAL W E A P O N S Recent US incidents In 1998, there were 38 anthrax hoaxes affect- C a t a p u l t e d corpses ing 5,000 people in the United States. But One of the earliest uses of biological weapons bioterrorism in this country should not be occurred in 1346 when besieging Tartars cata- considered only a hoax. A 1984 salmonella pulted corpses of their own men who had died outbreak in Oregon was traced to the of plague, over the walls of the city of Kaffa Rajneeshee cult, whose members had contam- (now Feodosia, Ukraine). inated salad bars in at least 10 restaurants in a Smallpox-contaminated clothing was training exercise for a larger attack designed deliberately distributed to Native Americans to influence a local election.1 by European settlers, contributing to devastat- ing epidemics in both North and South • ANTHRAX America. Anthrax is caused by spore-forming gram-pos- In 1998, there W o r l d War II and t h e Cold War itive bacilli, and is primarily a disease of sheep By World War II, biological weapons were the and cattle which under natural circumstances were 38 focus of nationally supported research in infects humans very rarely. Outbreaks in US anthrax hoaxes Japan, Germany, the United States, and other cattle have declined steadily since 1945. The countries. By the end of the war, the United last fatal human case in this country was con- in the U.S. States had stockpiled 5,000 anthrax bombs. tracted in 1976 from wool imported from Research and development continued until Pakistan. Since 1988, there has been no more Richard Nixon closed the program and than one human case per year. Thus, a single ordered the arsenal destroyed by 1973. The case of human anthrax is a sentinel event, and international Biological Weapons Convention the possibility of bioterrorism should be con- prohibiting bioweapons use went into effect in sidered. 1975. However, bioweapons research contin- ued in many countries that signed the treaty as Forms of anthrax well as in others that did not. Cutaneous anthrax, which accounts for This was dramatically confirmed in 1992 95% of naturally occurring human anthrax when Boris Yeltsin conceded what epidemio- infections, develops when spores encounter logical evidence had already suggested, that a traumatized skin, often on the face or hands. 1979 anthrax outbreak in Sverdlovsk (now A painless black eschar develops and is gener- Ekaterinburg), Russia, stemmed from an unin- ally accompanied by marked edema. This tentional release of aerosolized anthrax from a form of anthrax, which can occasionally be military microbiology laboratory. Seventy- transmitted by contact, can usually be cured seven cases occurred downwind of the labora- with antibiotics. However, untreated cases tory, and 66 of the victims died. Incubation may become systemic and fatal. The incuba- periods ranged from 1 to 43 days.2 The Soviet tion period can be from 1 to 7 days. CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 66 • NUMBER 10 NOVE MBER / D EC E M B E R 1999 585 Downloaded from on June 25, 2022. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
MEDICAL GRAND ROUNDS TABLE 1 Diagnosis and t r e a t m e n t of a n t h r a x and smallpox AGENT DIAGNOSTIC DIAGNOSTIC PATIENT THERAPY POSTEXPOSURE VACCINE SAMPLES ASSAY ISOLATION PROPHYLAXIS PRECAUTIONS Anthrax Blood Gram stain Standard Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin Licensed vaccine (handled at Antigen ELISA precautions 400 mg IV 500 mg PO 0.5 mL SC biosafety Serology every 8 - 1 2 hr twice a day at 0, 2, 4 weeks level 2) for 4 weeks; and 6 , 1 2 , 1 8 mo; Doxycycline if unvaccinated annual booster 200 mg IV, begin initial then 100 mg IV doses of vaccine every 8 - 1 2 h* Smallpox Pharyngeal swab ELISA Precautions Cidofovir is Vaccinia immune Licensed vaccine Scab material PCR for airborne effective in globulin 0.6 rnL/kg is Wyeth calf (handled at Virus isolation pathogens vitro IM within 3 days lymph vaccinia biosafety level of exposure 2-3) (best within 24 h) Investigational cell-culture vaccinia Vaccination if has been developed > 3 years since by Department of last vaccination Defense "Other alternatives include penicillin, gentamicin, erythromycin, and chloramphenicol ELISA=enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay; PCR = polymerase chain reaction; PO=by mouth, IV=intravenously; SC=subcutaneously SOURCE: ADAPTED FROM FRANZ DR, JÄHRLING PB, FRIEDLAND A M , ET AL. CLINICAL RECOGNITION A N D M A N A G E M E N T OF PATIENTS E>POSED TO BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AGENTS. J A M A 1 9 9 7 ; 2 7 8 : 3 9 9 - 4 1 1. Inhalational anthrax, a rapidly fatal ill- A n t h r a x as a w e a p o n ness commonly known as woolsorters' disease, Aerosolized anthrax could be a potent accounts for most of the remaining natural weapon that could be released from aircraft or cases. Inhaled spores are ingested by pul- into a building, with a mortality rate of up to monary macrophages and carried to hilar and 80%. Fortunately, there are limitations to the mediastinal lymph nodes, where they germi- danger posed by anthrax. The spores are not nate and multiply. The incubation period may volatile, so they will not aerosolize sponta- range from 2 to 60 days. Nonspecific flulike neously. Spores can infect cutaneously only symptoms develop first, followed after 2 to 4 through breaks in the skin, posing little risk to days by abrupt respiratory failure, hemody' intact skin. In addition, person-to-person namic collapse, pronounced pulmonary spread has never been documented, meaning edema, and death. Meningitis occurs in half of that an infected person would not trigger an cases. Chest radiographs may show a widened epidemic.4 mediastinum and pleural effusions. Gram-pos- itive bacilli may be noted in blood cultures. A n t h r a x vaccine Transmission from person to person has never A n anthrax vaccine was developed in the been documented. 1950s using an avirulent strain that elaborates Gastrointestinal anthrax is a rare conse- only protective antigen and produces a protec- quence of eating contaminated meat. tive antibody response in 7 days. The current Symptoms are pain, nausea, vomiting, and vaccine requires an onerous schedule, with fever, with bloody diarrhea and hematemesis, doses at 0, 2, and 4 weeks, and 6, 12, and 18 with progression to toxemia and sepsis. This months, followed by annual boosters (TABLE 1 ) . 5 form is difficult to diagnose and almost uni- This vaccine has not been the subject of any versally fatal. Incubation is 1 to 7 days.3 controlled studies; the only study has shown a 5 9 4 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 66 • NUMBER 10 NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 1999 Downloaded from on June 25, 2022. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
protective effect against cutaneous anthrax, The Planned Parenthood case described hut numbers were too small to determine earlier in this article would have posed little whether the vaccine also protects against the serious threat of disease, even if the powder in inhalational form. The US military first vacci- the envelope had been anthrax. As anthrax nated troops during the Gulf War and now spores are not volatile, it was unlikely that the routinely vaccinates all personnel, a practice administrative assistant inhaled the spores that has sparked a political controversy about and very unlikely that anybody else did. The the vaccine's safety. self-contained respirators used by emergency personnel responding to the scene were prob- Therapies for anthrax ably not necessary. The spores would be likely Antibiotic prophylaxis for inhalational to cause cutaneous infection only if the assis- anthrax appears to be most effective before tant had preexisting breaks in her skin. respiratory symptoms develop, but it is diffi- Decontamination showers and prophylaxis cult in naturally occurring cases to begin ther- were probably indicated for the assistant, but apy early because the nonspecific prodrome is not for the others in the building. virtually impossible to distinguish from flu or other less serious diseases. • SMALLPOX The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends postexpo- It is important to reeducate physicians about sure prophylaxis with ciprofloxacin or anoth- smallpox because it has not been seen in the er fluoroquinolone twice daily, with doxycy- United States since the 1940s. The last nat- cline the second agent of choice. Although urally occurring case in the world occurred natural anthrax is very susceptible to peni- in 1977 in Somalia, and in 1980, the World cillin, military experts decided in 1991 that Health Organization declared smallpox Iraq and Russia both had the technology to eradicated. Routine childhood vaccination develop penicillin-resistant strains. The was discontinued in the United States in quinolones would also be effective against 1972. The strength of any remaining immu- plague and tularemia, which may be difficult nity among those who were vaccinated as Smallpox rash to distinguish from anthrax in the field. children is not known, but only about 15% Antibiotics would have to be taken for at of the population is thought to have any often develops least 8 weeks after exposure, because the immunity. on the soles spores can lie dormant in the hilar lymph Smallpox, caused by the variola virus, nodes for up to 6 weeks before germinating. used to be a universal disease of childhood, and palms Alternately, antibiotics could be given for 4 killing many victims but leaving the sur- weeks while the first 3 doses of vaccine are vivors with prolonged immunity. The disease administered.1-3 In either case, these proce- begins with high fever and myalgia, with the dures would clearly strain local supplies of characteristic rash forming on about the antibiotics as well as vaccine in the event of fourth day, starting as macules and progress- a large-scale exposure. ing to papules and vesicles, scabbing over at 1 to 2 weeks. It typically begins on the face, CDC r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for anthrax t h r e a t s oropharynx, and arms, spreading later to the Standards published by the CDC 1 after sever- trunk and legs, and the vesicles often devel- al recent anthrax hoaxes recommend decont- op on the palms and soles. Smallpox is con- amination showers with soap and water only, tagious from the formation of the rash until with no bleach. They also state that exposed scabs separate at about 3 weeks. The lesions surfaces should be decontaminated with dilute have a synchronous onset. Death, which bleach solution, not full-strength bleach. generally occurs in the second week of ill- Chemoprophylaxis is recommended for 8 ness, apparently results from toxemia. weeks in the absence of a vaccine, for 4 weeks Smallpox is transmitted most often through in combination with the first 3 doses of the airborne droplets but can also be passed by vaccine, or until the threat of anthrax has contact. Its incubation period ranges from 7 been excluded. to 17 days, averaging 12 days.6 CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 66 • NUMBER 10 NOVE MBER / D EC E M B E R 1999 5 8 5 Downloaded from on June 25, 2022. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
Forms of smallpox one of the last European outbreaks. A German Variola major, the most severe form of returning from a trip to Pakistan in 1970 devel- smallpox, has a case-fatality rate of about 30% oped a fever and was quarantined with suspect- in unvaccinated populations. When the rash ed typhoid. He developed the characteristic and mucous membranes become hemorrhag- smallpox rash 4 or 5 days later and was immedi- ic, a phenomenon occurring mostly in preg- ately taken to a special smallpox isolation hos- nant women, the course of the disease is more pital that had been maintained for just such severe and mortality even higher. A confluent emergencies. Mass vaccinations were conduct- rash indicates a severe form of smallpox, and a ed in the region, and a number of sick patients discrete rash a less serious one. Variola minor were also given vaccinia immune globulin or alastrim is a much less virulent form of (V1G). Even though the index patient had smallpox with a case-fatality rate of about 1%. been quarantined at the first hospital and the German population was already well vaccinat- D i f f e r e n t i a l diagnoses ed, 19 additional cases developed among the During the onset of smallpox, nonspecific patients and staff at the first hospital. It is fever and myalgia may simulate flu. Measles thought that the patient's cough, unusual in may be ruled out if the mouth and throat have smallpox, helped disperse more virus than usual no Koplik's spots. Chickenpox rash is cen- in aerosolized form. Most alarming, one of the tripetal, denser on the trunk than on the cases developed in a visitor who opened a hall- extremities, and virtually never develops on way door about 30 feet from the patient's room the palms and soles. Also, in chickenpox, to ask directions, spending no more than about eruptions of different stages of maturation are 15 minutes in the hospital.7 found next to each other, whereas smallpox is generally at the same stage of development Vaccines and therapies everywhere on the body. Monkeypox is a rare There are no known treatments for smallpox. disease very similar to smallpox that may be Cidofovir is effective in vitro (TABLE 1 ) . ruled out by the absence of history of travel to The vaccine may prevent or ameliorate ill- western Africa. Generalized vaccinia infec- ness if given within 3 or 4 days of exposure. Smallpox tion, an occasional consequence of the vac- Passive immunization in the form of vaccinia cinia vaccine still given to a few high-risk immune globulin is most effective when admin- vaccine is workers, may also resemble smallpox.3 istered in the first 24 hours after exposure. '3 effective but Diagnosis can be confirmed by electron Although the vaccinia vaccine is very microscopy of vesicular scrapings or gel diffu- effective, it would be difficult to reinstitute a has serious sion testing of vesicular fluid antigen against L i n i v e r s a l vaccine program. First, we have only risks, including vaccinia antiserum. Light microscopy can a small stockpile of vaccine (5 to 10 million reveal intracytoplasmic variola particles, the doses in the United States and perhaps 70 death Guarnieri bodies. million worldwide) and no technology for rapidly manufacturing more. S m a l l p o x as a w e a p o n The vaccine is not benign. At least one Smallpox weapons could be developed in death per 1 million can be expected, as well as small laboratories with only a few thousand serious complications including secondary dollars' worth of equipment. Like anthrax, autoinoculations, generalized vaccinia infec- smallpox can be aerosolized for maximum tion, eczema vaccinatum, and post-vaccine effect. Although surviving smallpox cultures encephalitis. are kept in only two labs, a C D C lab in Atlanta, and a Russian one, the security of the • TO LEARN MORE Russian lab has been in question ever since the fall of the Soviet Union. Physicians who wish to learn more about bio- Smallpox could be an even more devastat- logical weapons should begin with the C D C ing weapon than anthrax because it is easily Web site (, which contains a spread from person to person. The extreme con- wealth of resources accessible with the search- tagiousness of smallpox was demonstrated by term "bioterrorism." CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 66 • NUMBER 10 NOVE MBER / D EC E M B E R 1999 585 Downloaded from on June 25, 2022. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
1999 REVIEWERS MEDICAL GRAND R O U N D S • One important document available on the W e thank those who reviewed manuscripts submitted to the Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine for the year end- ing September 30, 1999. Reviewing papers for scientific jour- site is the "Bioterrorism Readiness Plan: A Template for Healthcare Facilities," a set of nals is an arduous task and involves considerable time and guidelines for managing patients with diseases effort. We are grateful to these reviewers for contributing their that may be related to bioweapons.8 expertise this past year.—John D. Clough, MD, Editor-in-Chief. Guidelines for responding to both genuine anthrax attacks and anthrax hoaxes have been Achkar, Edgar Gifford, Ray W Jr Murphy, Daniel J published by the C D C in Morbidity and Anderson, Charles Gordon, Steven M Nahman, N Stanley Jr Mortality Weekly Report.1 Antman, Elliot Gorensek, Margaret Nally, Joseph V The August 6, 1997 issue of JAMA was Baker, David Grant, R Peery Nickerson, Paul E dedicated to bioterrorism and contains a valu- Ballas, Samir Groene, Linda Olin, Jeffrey W able review by Franz et aP of the signs and Barnett, Gene H Grossman, Joshua Overmoyer, Beth A symptoms of diseases with possible bioweapons Bartholomew, John R Hall, Phillip M Palmer, Robert M significance. The July-August 1999 issue of Belinson, Jerome L Handel, Daniel Ploro, Mathilde Emerging Infectious Diseases was also dedicated Berner, Lynn Hayden, Stephen P Radwany, Steven to coverage of bioterrorism, focusing on the Blumenthal, David E Hebert, Lee Raisz, Lawrence National Symposium on Bioterrorism held at Borzak, Steven Hedrick, Sterling Reddy, Sethu K Johns Hopkins University in February 1999.9 Braun, William E Henry, Catherine A Rein, Michael A recent review article in the New England Brenner, Robert Hoffman, Gary S Richard, Thomas C Journal of Medicine contains additional in- Branson, David L Howard, Robert Richter, Joel E depth information about anthrax.10 Bukowski, Ronald M Hutzier, Jeffery C Rollins, Michael B In an emergency, physicians are urged to Burke, Carol A Isaacson, J Harry Rooney, Theodore W contact their local health departments. Further Cain, Robert A Jaeger, Fredrick J Rosenbaum, Harvey information on diagnostics, medical manage- Calabrese, Leonard H James, Karen B Roth, Mark ment, and vaccines can be obtained from the Cannon, Chris Juhasz, Robert S Sahgal, Vinod Commander, US Army Military Research Caravella, Philip Keys, Thomas F Sandhu, Satinderpal Institute for Infectious Diseases, at (phone) Carey, William D Kratche, Richard P Schubert, A r m i n 301-619-2833 or (fax) 301-619-4625. • Carter, Lynne Kunkel, Robert Segal, Allen M • REFERENCES Cetin, Derrick C Lalak, Irene C Sharpe, Isabelle 1 Centers for Disease Control a n d Prevention. Bioterrorism Clough, John D Lang, Richard S Shaub, Ted F alleging use of anthrax a n d interim guidelines for man- Cochran, Bertram H Lederman, Richard J Silver, Kevin a g e m e n t — U n i t e d States, 1998. M M W R 1999; 48(4):69-73. 2. Meselson M, Guillemin J, Hugh-Jones M , et al. The Colacarro, Robert T Lee, Katherine Smedira, Holly J Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak o f 1979. Science 1994; 2766: Cornette, Victoria E Leslie, Camilo Snow, Norman 1202-1208. Cornhill, J Fredrick Lewis, James Somanl, Peter 3. Franz DR, Jahrling PB, Friedland A M , et al. Clinical recog- nition and management o f patients exposed t o biological Crowe, Joseph P Lichtin, Alan E Sprecher, Dennis L w a r f a r e agents. JAMA 1997; 2 7 8 : 3 9 9 - 4 1 1 . Cusumano, Philip A Lieberman, Isador H Starling, Randall C 4. Inglesby TV, Henderson DA, Bartlett JG, et al. Anthrax as Deodhar, Sharad D Lincoff, A Michael Stulberg, Richard a Biological Weapon: Medical and Public Health M a n a g e m e n t . JAMA 1999;281:1735-1745. Devereaux, Michael Lipton, Mark Sweeney, Daniel E 5. M c D a d e JE, Franz D. Bioterrorism as a public health Dickerson, Reginald P Litaker, David G Sweeney, Patrick J threat. Emerg Infect Dis 1998; 4:403-404. Diehl, Anna Mae Longworth, David L Thacker, Holly L 6. Henderson DA, Inglesby TV, Bartlett JG, et al. Smallpox as a biological weapon: Medical and public health m a n a g e - Dines, Phillip Lowenthal, Gilbert Tomecki, Kenneth J ment. J A M A 1999; 281:2127-2137. Dixon, Beth G Mandell, Brian M Tomford, J Walton 7. Henderson, DA. Bioterrorism as a public health threat. Domen, Ronald E Markman, Maurie Tulisiak, Thomas L Emerg Infect Dis 1998; 4:488^192. 8. English, JF, et al for the APIC Bioterrorism Task Force. Durbeck, Donald C Maxwell, Richard A Waggoner, Michael Bioterrorism Readiness Plan: A Template for Healthcare Emerman, Charles L McCullough, Arthur Wagner, William 0 Facilities. Association of Professionals in Infection Control and Estes, Melinda Meehan, Michael J Waters, Jonathan H Epidemiology and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1999. Available from Finkelstein, Denise L Melton, Alton L Webster, Kenneth D CDCBioterrorism.PDF Foley, Kevin T Michota, Frank Williams, Marc S 9. Henderson DA (editor). National symposium on medical Fredericka, David Moodie, Douglas S Wyllie, Robert and public response t o bioterrorism. Emerg Infect Dis 1999; 5:491-602. Frolkis, Joseph P Morley, John Young, James B 10. Dixon TC, Meselson M, Guillemin J, et al. Anthrax. N Engl Fuster, Valentin Mulligan, Kathleen J M e d 1999; 341: 815-826. CLEVELAND CLINIC JOURNAL OF MEDICINE VOLUME 66 • NUMBER 10 NOVE MBER / D EC E M B E R 1 9 9 9 585 Downloaded from on June 25, 2022. For personal use only. All other uses require permission.
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