The surface composition of Ceres: Discovery of carbonates and iron-rich clays

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The surface composition of Ceres: Discovery of carbonates and iron-rich clays
Icarus 185 (2006) 563–567


                                        The surface composition of Ceres:
                                    Discovery of carbonates and iron-rich clays
                                        A.S. Rivkin a,∗,1 , E.L. Volquardsen b,1 , B.E. Clark c,1
                                      a JHU Applied Physics Laboratory, 11100 Johns Hopkins Road, Laurel, MD 20723, USA
                                    b Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawai’i, 640 N. Aohaku Place, Hilo, HI 96720, USA
                                                   c Ithaca College, Department of Physics, Ithaca, NY 14850, USA

                                                           Received 21 June 2006; revised 16 August 2006
                                                                  Available online 23 October 2006

  We present observational evidence that carbonates and iron-rich clays are present on the surface of Ceres. These components are also present in CI chondrites and
provide a means of explaining the unusual spectrum of this object as well as providing potential insight into its evolution.
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Asteroid Ceres; Asteroids, composition; Infrared observations; Spectroscopy

     Ceres is the largest object in the main asteroid belt. Its spectrum in the     Jones et al., 1990; Rivkin et al., 2003), but there has been no agreement about
visible and near-IR is typical of C-class asteroids and consistent with carbona-    the specific composition of the species responsible for the band on Ceres. Ceres’
ceous chondrites. It has an absorption band near 3 µm diagnostic of hydrated        3-µm band shape is unlike that of most C-class asteroids and is not known to
minerals, as detailed below. Ceres has been the subject of increased attention      occur in meteorites (Sato et al., 1997). This can be seen in Fig. 1, which shows a
of late, with our knowledge of this body increasing rapidly since its identi-       reflectance spectrum of the CM meteorite Murchison from the ASTER spectral
fication as a target of NASA’s Dawn spacecraft mission, and with its reclas-        library ( as well as new spectra of Ceres described
sification as a dwarf planet in 2006 by the International Astronomical Union        below. The spectrum of Murchison is typical of most hydrated carbonaceous
(IAU). Thermodynamic modeling of Ceres’ evolution (McCord and Sotin,                chondrites and most C-class asteroids with a 3-µm band (including 2 Pallas,
2005) and subsequent shape measurements using HST (Thomas et al., 2005;             for instance). Due to an additional absorption centered near 3.05 µm (first ad-
Erard et al., 2005) support the hypothesis that Ceres is differentiated and may     dressed by Lebofsky et al., 1981) and other apparent absorptions beyond that
have a subsurface ocean, reviewed by McCord et al. (2006). Consensus as to the      wavelength, Ceres does not exhibit the roughly linear rise beyond 2.9 µm seen
exact surface composition of Ceres remains elusive, however. Work in the 1970s      in Murchison.
and 1980s concluded that Ceres was similar to carbonaceous chondritic mete-             The first observations of the 3.05 µm band were interpreted as indicative
orites largely based on overall characteristics such as albedo and spectral slope   of water ice frost (Lebofsky et al., 1981), which is only marginally stable on
(Johnson and Fanale, 1973; McCord and Gaffey, 1974; Lebofsky et al., 1981;          Ceres. Later work suggested ammoniated clays as a better fit (King et al., 1992),
Larson et al., 1983; and others). McCord and Sotin (2005) provide an in-depth       though such minerals have never been seen in meteorites. More recent obser-
review of early spectroscopic work in the visible and near-infrared regions.        vations have been interpreted as matching irradiated organic materials in the
     An absorption near 3 µm, diagnostic of hydrated or hydroxylated species on     presence of ice (Vernazza et al., 2005). Most hydrated C-class asteroids are con-
airless bodies, has been known on Ceres for nearly 30 years (Lebofsky, 1978;        sistent with CM meteorites but, because some other asteroids have been found
                                                                                    with Ceres-like band shapes (Rivkin et al., 2003), understanding the source of
                                                                                    the 3-µm band has implications beyond Ceres.
                                                                                        To further study this problem, we obtained 2.2–4.0 µm spectroscopic ob-
 * Corresponding author.                                                            servations of Ceres using the long-wavelength dispersed (LXD) mode of the
    E-mail addresses: (A.S. Rivkin),                         SpeX instrument at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF) on Mauna (E.L. Volquardsen), (B.E. Clark).         Kea in Hawaii on May 17 and 18, 2005. The spectra are averages of more
 1 Visiting Astronomer at the Infrared Telescope Facility, which is operated by     than 120 min of total integration time on May 17th and 80 min of integra-
the University of Hawaii under Cooperative Agreement No. NCC 5-538 with             tion time on May 18th. These data span a complete rotation of Ceres (9.075 h).
the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Science Mission Direc-           Roughly an hour of integration time was obtained for each of two standard stars
torate, Planetary Astronomy Program.                                                on each night. The data were reduced using Spextool software provided by the

0019-1035/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The surface composition of Ceres: Discovery of carbonates and iron-rich clays
564                                                             Note / Icarus 185 (2006) 563–567



Fig. 1. 2.2–4.1 µm spectra of Ceres from 17 May and 18 May 2005, normalized to 1 at 2.2 µm. The 18 May spectrum (black) is offset from the 17 May spectrum
for clarity. Also shown as solid lines are model spectra generated using a Hapke theory-based mixing model. These models use a carbonaceous chondrite, a neutral
material, carbonates, and either an ammonium-bearing or iron-rich phyllosilicate as end-members. The top panel (a) shows the best-fit models using all of the
components, indicating 6% carbonates. The bottom panel (b) removes the carbonates from the best-fit models, showing the requirement for carbonates in an
acceptable fit. The bottom panel also shows the CM meteorite Murchison, showing the very different band shapes between it and Ceres. The end-member spectra
were obtained from the RELAB and ASTER databases and contributed by Trude King. Data between 2.52 and 2.85 µm were omitted due to excessive spectral
contamination from water in the Earth’s atmosphere.

IRTF (Cushing et al., 2003). Following normal Spextool reduction procedures,                Fig. 1 shows the reflectance spectra of Ceres at 2.2–4.0 µm from 17 and 18
the data were fit with an atmospheric model to remove residual telluric effects         May 2005. The gap in data from ∼2.55–2.85 µm is due to saturated water bands
(similar to that done for shorter-wavelength data by Sunshine et al., 2004) and         from the Earth’s atmosphere. The Ceres spectra are offset from one another for
corrected for the influence of thermal flux (Rivkin et al., 2003).                      clarity.
The surface composition of Ceres: Discovery of carbonates and iron-rich clays
Note / Icarus 185 (2006) 563–567                                                                 565

     The broad 3-µm band in the Ceres spectra has several sub-bands, centered        components. End-member spectra were obtained from the RELAB and ASTER
near 3.05, 3.3–3.4, and 3.8–3.9 µm. The 3.05-µm band has been attributed to          spectral libraries, except for the ammonium-bearing montmorillonite spectrum
a water ice frost, ammoniated phyllosilicates, and irradiated organic material,      (T. King, personal communication). All end-members were measured at fine
as mentioned above. Hydrated Fe-rich phyllosilicates can have band minima or         (
566                                                                Note / Icarus 185 (2006) 563–567

comparisons to aid in interpretation of the spectral features in the KAO spec-       Acknowledgments
trum. Included in Fig. 2 are cronstedtite and dolomite (reflectance spectra con-
verted to emissivity using Kirchhoff’s Law). These two minerals, not previously
                                                                                        This work was supported by a grant from the NASA Planetary Astron-
considered by Cohen et al. (1998), do an excellent job of matching the peaks
                                                                                     omy program. Thanks to the native peoples of Hawaii for allowing their sacred
seen in Ceres’ mid-IR spectrum: the 9.5 µm peak is well matched by the cron-
                                                                                     mountain to be used for astronomical research. Thoughtful reviews by Tom Mc-
stedtite spectrum and the remaining peaks are well matched by the carbonates.
                                                                                     Cord and Larry Lebofsky greatly improved this manuscript. This research has
Carbonaceous chondrites have absorption bands near 6.8 µm that have been at-
                                                                                     made use of NASA’s Astrophysics Data System.
tributed to carbonates (Miyamoto, 1987), and Calvin and King found that iron-
rich clays were a good match to CM chondrite spectra in the mid-IR (though
interestingly, magnesium-rich clays matched their CI spectrum better in this         References
wavelength range). We find, as did Cohen et al., that ammoniated saponite spec-
tra are also not consistent with Ceres’ spectrum in the mid-IR. Lizardite (a Mg-
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