THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily

Page created by Todd Herrera
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily

       SEP. 1ST, 2011

3    DeMO Day was all THey COulD ask
                                                                            dAY Of THE CONCOR
                                                                                saN MaRCO ReVIVes a ClassIC     25

4    euROBIke Is 20 yeaRs OlD

                                                                     fAST, fUN A Nd fR IGHTfUL
                                                                                 MakING fasT PeDeleCs safeR     28


                                                                   GER M A NY CH ARGES AHEAd
                                                                              Takes TOP sPOT fOR e-BIke sales   43
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1            3

‘THE SUN IS SMILING’ AS                                                                                              CONTENTS
dEMO dAY TUR NS fIVE                                                                                                 fEATUREd IN THIS ISSUE …

“Everything is great!” exclaimed Dirk                                     “It’s fantastic. It’s crowded. It’s

                                                                                                                  04 Eurobike
                                                                         a great atmosphere. everyone is                              Turns          20
Sandrock, founder of O-Synce, as he took                                 excited,” said Joshua Hon, general            German retailers ride out storms
part in Demo Day yesterday. “The sun is                                  manager of new folding bike
smiling, the people are smiling—what more                                company Tern Bicycles. “It’s good
could you ask for?”                                                      for us. The urban segment is big
                                                                         over here. even if there are many        05 Vitus                      Signs
                                                                                                                       Chain Reaction meets the media
                                                                         sportive bikes around—the interest
for many attendees, Demo Day          “we want to keep people’s          in the urban market is huge.”
was about as good as it gets.
eurobike’s fifth Demo Day, amid
                                      attention with these new
                                      technologies. They are all         at Thun, which was exhibiting for        07 VoxHas financial crisis affected you?

the green, tranquil pastures          relevant, and I think the target   the first time, “for us it was super,”
of Ratzenried, attracted 1,840        group’s perfect. we will see
                                                                         the company’s Janine Neumann                    The Force is With Him
retailers and—almost as important     after this day if there was a      said. “and even if this test event is             young designer brakes into field
for many exhibitors—more than         lot of interest or not.”           more focused on sports bikes, we
600 journalists from 24 countries.    But for most exhibitors,           were able to get some mountain
some 116 companies and brands
                                      Demo Day was about getting
                                      as much product on or under
                                      as many people as possible.
                                                                         and road bikers on our new
                                                                         pedelec system. we received a            16     Aero                    Exercises
                                                                                                                           How far will aero road trend go?
                                                                         really good response for it.”
“we couldn’t have a better trade
show opener. eDD offers a
unique mix of a trade show and a                                                                                  18     A    New   E-Bike       Formula
                                                                                                                                formula 1 driver helps JD
bike festival, and is well appreci-
ated by our customers,” said
klaus wellmann, CeO of Messe
                                                                                                                  24 Bigeurope
                                                                                                                           Wheels Keep Turning
                                                                                                                               shows big love to 29ers

                                                                                                                  25 Dayselle
One gauge of Demo Day’s                                                                                                  of the Concor
success was the empty exhibitor                                                                                               san Marco revives classic

“The sun is shining, the bikes are
out,” said arthur Gala of kona,
who stood amidst a completely
                                                                                                                  28 Speed        Thrills Fast pedelecs
                                                                                                                                         need better safety

empty tent except for a bike on
a stand that a mechanic was
prepping for its next customer.                                                                                   30 Bold Statements  New apparel
                                                                                                                                 explodes with color
“last year, because of the rain, it
was not as good.”

Nearby at Colnago, a nearly
                                                                                                                  32     Di2 Moves Downstream
                                                                                                                            shimano makes ultegra electric
identical response. “every bike
is out. everything is good,”
Colnago’s eugenio Conti said.                                                                                     34 Paintingsks'Sundern Orange
                                                                                                                                   new conference center
Not all exhibitors cared about
having products for visitors
to demo. schoeller, the swiss                                                                                     40 DT SwissCompany
                                                                                                                               is Going Places
                                                                                                                                      expands globally
manufacturer of technical
fibers and fabrics, attended
                                                                                                                  43 A Charged-Up
                                          MORE THAN 2,400 RETAILERS ANd jOURNALISTS ATTENdEd                                      Market
Demo Day for the first time to                        YESTERdAY ’S dEMO dAY. © Bw
                                                                                                                        Germany takes lead in e-bikes
spread the word about the tech-
nologies—such as ColdBlack,           “we are super happy,” said         Retailer Hofmann Helmut, who
Nanosphere, energear, and
others—that its partners use in
their apparel lines.
                                      frank stollenmaier, general
                                      manager of Brake force One.
                                                                         owns Hofmann Bike shop in
                                                                         Halblech, Germany, said he’s been        45 New Products
                                                                                                                           see the latest and greatest
                                      “The weather here is much          coming to eurobike since it started
                                      better than it was at Bike         20 years ago. “Today the weather
“Demo Day is new for us, and we
                                      expo’s Demo Day. Over there        is perfect for bike testing,” Helmut
thought we’d give it a try,” said
                                      we had a lot of rain,” he said     said, adding that he planned to try            ON THE COVER: SABRINA LAwSON,
ansgar fritschle of schoeller’s
                                      referring to an earlier show in    e-bikes and then some mountain             "MISS OBERSCHwABEN," AT dEMO dAY.
marketing department.
                                      Munich.                            bikes. ■ DM                                                            © BERNHARD WROBEL
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
4         SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

    EUROBIK E CELEBR ATES                                                                  SUPPORT wILdCATS wITH
    20TH AS GER M A NY'S                                                                   VELO & GET A SENSO
                                                                                           wILdLIfE T-SHIRT
    TUR BULENT wEATHER                                                                     Velo Enterprise has partnered with South African
                                                                                           Airways, South African Tourism, bike magazine aktiv
                                                                                           Radfahren and the conservation organization Panthera,
    Germany’s bike business continues to do well despite                                   to support the preservation of wild cats.
    economic turbulence, according to industry organiza-
    tions and business leaders who spoke at yesterday’s                                                                          since april 2011 a sweepstakes
    Eurobike press conference.                                                                                                   in which two winners are given
                                                                                                                                  a trip to south africa has stirred
                                                                                                               B2-503              interest for the senso wildlife
    It is the turbulence from real weather     in the first half, to 1.83 million units.                                           campaign ending on October
    that has had the most impact               The average value of imported units                                                20, 2011.
    on sales. Retailers in Germany             rose by about 10 percent compared
    experienced an exceptional start to        with the previous year.                                                           Throughout the promotional
    the sales season, but poor weather in                                                                                          period, a portion of the
    June, July and august largely erased       In terms of volume, Thailand has                                                      proceeds from the sale
    the early gains. Overall, it’s expected    overtaken Taiwan as the largest                                                        of senso saddles are desig-
    that 2011 sales will be on par with last   bike exporter to Germany, thanks                                                        nated for the conservation
    year’s numbers.                            to shipments from strongman and                                                         organization Panthera, a
                                               Bangkok Cycle. Domestic consump-                                                       leader in advancing actions
    Messe friedrichshafen CeO klaus            tion (production plus imports minus                                                    globally to preserve wild
    wellman took a look back at the            exports) was 2.9 million in the first                                                 cats.
    development of the world’s biggest         half, up about 2.1 per cent.
                                                                                                                                      Take part in the senso
    bike show, which started 20 years                                                                                              wildlife contest by completing
    ago.                                       The trend towards e-bikes continues
                                               unabated, Neuberger said. However,                                                the form at Velo’s booth and
                                               rising e-bike sales have not led to                                               receive a free senso wildlife
    The original eurobike began with
                                               overall market growth. Consumers                                                  T-shirt.
    just 268 exhibitors at the “old”
    fairground, much smaller than today’s      instead are apparently deciding to
    modern complex. This year the show         buy an e-bike instead of a city or
    welcomes 1,180 exhibitors from 45          trekking model. The impact on sales
    countries, with over 300 products          value has of course been substantial,
    premiering exclusively at eurobike.        and ZIV expects this to continue.                                  BE qUICK , GR AB A
    Originally known as a mountain bike        Giving the perspective of Germany’s            B2-102              fR EE C-BOLT
    event, the show now covers every           bike retailers, VDZ CeO kunz said
    aspect of the bicycle business,            turnover in 2010 was about €3.2                        The first 25 IBD visitors to the Cratoni booth
    attracting over 40,000 visitors from       billion, with bicycles accounting for 53
                                                                                           will walk away with a free C-Bolt helmet. This offer is
    around the world along with 1,700          percent of revenues. The remainder
                                               came from sales of accessories and
                                                                                           first come, first served and is for today only.
    journalists from 35 countries.
                                               services. average bike prices rose
    The panel at the opening press             from €446 in 2009 to €460 in 2010,          The C-Bolt was the winner in
    conference traditionally includes two      an increase that is largely explained       a Roadbike-Magazin helmet
    representatives from industry associa-     by the increase in e-bike sales.            test report.
    tions and two business leaders.
                                               Derby Cycle boss Mathias seidler            Cratoni's general manager,
    This year, siegfried Neuberger, CeO        explained the reasons behind                Günter krauter, promises
    of ZIV (Germany’s Two-wheeler              his firm’s stock exchange listing           that if the correct size of
    Industry association) and Thomas           earlier this year, including access to      C-Bolt isn’t available at
    kunz, CeO of VDZ (association for the      investment and the company’s desire         the booth, the company
    two-wheeler business) presented their      to remain independent. Derby is the         will mail one after the
    takes on the state of manufacturing        market leader in e-bikes in Germany,        show.
    and sales in the German market.            and seidler expects continued strong
    Neuberger said that total production       growth in the segment.
    in Germany rose slightly in the first
    half of 2011 to 1.73 million units—up 3    specialized VP Bob Margevicius
    percent compared to the same period        also spoke about his vision for the
    last year.                                 future of the industry, starting with a

    Bike imports rose by about 4 percent
                                               story about a young cyclist he met
                                               in southeast asia. “This kid was
                                                                                           OR dER R& M’S PEdELECS,
                                               on a domestically made bike. His
                                               equipment was not the best, but he
                                                                                           TAK E A N IPAd2 wITH YOU
                                               was well able to keep up with me            Here’s an enticing offer:
                                               and he had dreams of cycling in the
                                                                                           Order at least 12 Riese
                                               Olympics,” Margevicius said. “This is
                                               the future of cycling.”                     & Müller hybrid bikes
                                                                                           (the name they give their
                                               Pointing to double-digit sales growth       pedelecs) for 2012, and get a
                                               for recreational bikes in China,            new Apple iPad2 for free.
                                               he emphasized how important
                                               the markets in China, India and
                                               southeast asia were becoming for
                                               the industry. In the developed world,
                                               he stressed the need for education
                                               and advocacy to reverse the                                                                      A2-306
                                                      disastrous decline in bicycle
                                                      use by school-age children
          SIEGfRIEd                                   over the last 40 years. ■ TK         It’s Riese & Müller’s way of saying   your pedelec line-up for next
       GERMANY ’S TwO-                                                                     “thank you” to their current—or       season, this may be just the push
      wHEELER INdUSTRY                                                                     prospective—retailers. so,            you need to help you decide.
                                                                                           retailers: If you’re thinking about
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1             5

Chain Reaction Cycles of Northern Ireland                                                                                    Chain Reaction is producing
is a big online bike retailer whose aggres-                                                                                  a signature sean kelly Vitus
                                                                                                                             bike and will make 75 of
sive pricing, has long ruffled feathers, from                                                                                them this year, retailing for
its home market as far away as Australia.                                                                                    £2,999 (€3,400.)

so Chain Reaction’s                 “eurobike offers a huge                                                                  The carbon monocoque
presence at Demo Day                opportunity to meet the                                                                  frame has geometry
turned some heads. was              world’s bike media.”                                                                     supplied by kelly, including a
the Internet bike store about       Vitus has been the house                                                                 shorter-than-usual top tube.
to offer its house brand of         brand for Chain Reaction                                                                 The bike is equipped with
bikes to brick-and-mortar           since 2010, when the family-                                                             Dura-ace, but not Di2. kelly
retailers?                          owned business bought the                                                                said he prefers the feel of
                                    brand name from its french                                                               mechanical gears.
Not exactly. Chain Reaction
came to Demo Day because            owners.                                                                                  In 2010, CRC made 13
it’s also a great place to see      Vitus was big in the 1970s                                                               Vitus models; this year that
journalists from around the         and 80s and was noted for                                                                expands to 23, including
world, not just retailers.          its lugged aluminum frames.                                                              full-suspension mountain
                                    In the early 1980s, Vitus was                                                            bikes and a 29er city bike.
and the company is getting
                                    one of the first companies
some help from former                                                                                                                                 ■ CR
                                    to start producing carbon
professional cyclist sean
                                    Professional rider sean kelly
“we’re here at eurobike             of Ireland won many of his
to give the press a sneak           sprint victories—and Tour de
preview of the new range,”          france green jerseys—on a
said Damien Duggan,                 Vitus aluminum bike. kelly                                                                            A5-411
Chain Reaction’s marketing          is now the “brand ambas-
manager.                            sador” for Vitus.
                                                                         CHAIN REACTION’S dAMIEN dUGGAN (LEfT) HANdS A
                                                                                SEAN KELLY VITUS TO … SEAN KELLY HIMSELf.

                                                                                       EVENT          GUIdE
                                                                                       wH AT'S ON TOdAY?
                                                                                       ALL DAY                          Taler Sports & Protective roll
                                                                                                                        out the red carpet
                                                                                       EUROBIKE AWARD 2011              Hall B5-503
                                                                                       foyer west
                                                                                                                        Corratec Event: Revolution &
                                                                                       EUROBIKE VISION Aerody-          X-Bow
                                                                                       namic bicycle construction       Hall B1-300
                                                                                       foyer west
                                                                                       Stars on stage
                                                                                       foyer east                       EUROBIKE Fashion Show
                                                                                                                        foyer east
                                                                                       EUROBIKE Fashion Show
                                                                                       foyer east                       WFSGI Open Meeting: CSR
SELLE ROYAL IN VESTS IN                                                                Corratec Event: Revolution &
                                                                                                                        for the bicycle industry
R ETÜL BIK E fITTING fIR M                                                             X-Bow
                                                                                                                        Room schweiz, Conference
                                                                                                                        Center west
                                                                                       Hall B1-300
Selle Royal Group                        Rosin, a sales and marketing                                                   18:00
has invested in Retül,                   director for selle Royal.                     13:00
a Boulder, Colorado                                                                                                     EUROBIKE AWARD – Awards
                                         Retül, founded in 2007, provides              Storck Bicycle GmbH
company that invented a                                                                                                 Ceremony
                                         high-tech bike fitting, education             Hall a3 - 100
bike-fitting technology.                 and software that is designed to                                               foyer east
                                         help bike fitters make objective and          14:00                            18:30
selle Royal, the Italian saddle and      accurate fit decisions.
component manufacturing giant,                                                         euROBIke fashion show            Lightweight Night-Ride
says Retül fits with its focus toward    according to Retül, a proper bike fit         foyer east
                                         is one of the single most important                                            Powered by Sigma. For further
helping riders find products that will                                                                                  info, call +49 (0)176 3811 5965.
work best for them.                      factors for optimal performance and           15:00
                                         efficiency, injury prevention, and                                             Meeting Point: entrance west
“while we will all continue to develop   comfort on the                                PowerBar Press Conference
                                                                                                                        endura 18th Birthday Party
and improve product, we should           bike. ■ TK                                    Hall a1-206
all be accountable for how people                             A5-401                                                    B5-204
interact with their bike,” said Nicola
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
6         SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

    THE SECR ET TO GRUBER'S                                                             dOwNHILL, UPHILL; IT’S ALL
    fEATHER-LIGHT E-BIK E? LOOK                                                         THE SA ME wITH THE E-R IdER
    IN THE SEAT TUBE                                                                    Conway is going after power-hungry downhillers
                                                                                        who want to have as much fun going up the
    Austrian e-bike kit supplier Gruber Antrieb has joined
                                                                                        mountain as coming down.
    forces with Steinbach Bike, another Austrian company
    that is equally fanatical about saving weight.                                      The new e-Rider extreme is an           since the e-Rider extreme isn’t to
                                                                                        electric bike married to a rugged       be ridden like a standard pedelec,
                                            “Vivax assist is more quiet than            downhill model. But this isn’t a city   it’s difficult to estimate a range for
                                            before and moves on a smoother              pedelec. It boasts a 1kw motor          battery life. Instead, Banse said a
                                                frequency.”                             (that’s more than one horsepower)       cyclist should be able to ride with
                                                                                        and a monster 695 wh lithium-ion        battery assist for about two hours
                                                      according to the                  battery, said andreas Banse,            before charging.
                                   fG-AK3             company, the kit does
                                                                                        product manager. all of that fits
                                                                                        within a relatively sleek 20-kilogram   The e-Rider extreme will retail for
                                                      not use sensors. It is                                                    €6,999.95. The e-Rider Perfor-
                                                                                        (44-pound) package. It’s fitted with
                                                    powered by what the                 26-inch wheels and a fork with          mance, with a 324 wh motor, will
                                                 company describes as a helical,        160mm of travel.                        retail for €5,499.95. ■ DM
                                            maintenance-free bevel gear-pair.
                                            Including the battery pack the kit          “It’s a bike for a lot of fun,” Banse
                                            weighs only 1.8 kg (4 pounds).              said. “It’s not only a downhill bike,
                                                                                        it’s a daily tour bike.”                    B4-502
                                            How did they do it? One clue is that        The e-Rider extreme drew crowds
                                            you don’t see a motor on the bike—          at Demo Day. Development of the
                                            not on the front, not in the rear,          bike has been in the works since
    Together, the two have launched the     not in the middle. Instead, Gruber          2007, with well-known designer
    “steinbach lodron,” a 29er mountain     makes its kit invisible by mounting it      Thomas kamm from GeRMaN:a
    bike that Gruber calls the lightest     in the seat tube.                           involved. Conway showed a
    e-bike on the planet, weighing less                                                 prototype at last year’s eurobike,
    than 10kg (22 pounds).                  Gruber says a fully charged 4.5 aH          and now it’s ready to take orders.
                                            lithium ion battery will last at least 45   Banse said product bikes would
    “Both steinbach and Gruber are                                                      begin shipping by January or
                                            minutes, while an optional 6.75 aH
                                                                                        february 2012.
    known for their lightweight products.   battery will last at least 70 minutes.
    we use our latest Gruber assist         Production models should begin              “we will start in the German market
    motor control gear system named         shipping in spring 2012.                    and austria, and at the moment we
    ‘Vivax assist’ on this 29er,” said                                                  are looking for distributors in other
    ulrike Treichl of Gruber.               ■ JB                                        countries,” he said.                          CONwAY ’S ANdREAS BANSE
                                                                                                                                     wITH THE E-RIdER ExTREME.

                                                                                        OLd NA ME, NEw
                                                                                        TR ICK S — K R EIdLER
                                                                                        SEEK S A R EVIVAL
                                                                                        Boosted by a top test result for its Kreidler e-bike,
                                                                                        the German bicycle group Cycle Union continues to
                                                                                        breathe new life into the traditional brand.
                                                                                        at Demo Day yesterday, kreidler         kreidler hopes to grow beyond
                                                                                        introduced a line of high-end           the German-speaking market.
                                                                                        mountain bikes to go with its           “we want to create international
                                                                                        award-winning e-bikes.                  awareness for our revived kreidler
                                                                                                                                brand. That’s why we are here,”
                                                                                        Its flagship mountain bike is the       szech said.
                                                                                        full-suspension, carbon shutter
                                                                                        Carbon 2.0 that will retail for         Helping kreidler’s momentum is
                                                                                        €2,599, said Manuel szech,              its recent top award in the stiftung
                                                                                        kreidler’s product manager. “we         warentest e-bike test for the
                                                                                        hope other firms will see us and        Vitality e-bike, which uses a Bosch
                                                                                        say, ‘whoa, beautiful bikes,’ what      power system. ■ DM
                                                                                        will we do in the future?” szech
                                                                                        kreidler assembles its bikes
                                                                                        in northern Germany, near
                                                                                        Bremen. Its main markets today
                                                                                        are Germany, austria and the
                                                                                        The rebirth began two years ago
                                                                                        under kreidler’s parent company,
                                                                                        Cycle union, which also owns the
                                                                                        Vsf fahrradmanufaktur, epple and
                                                                                        Rabeneikc brands. “Our premium
                                                                                        sports bike collection starts in the
                                                                                        upcoming season with mountain
                                                                                        bikes,” szech said.
                                                                                        The range offers hardtails,
                                                                                        full-suspension and 29er models in
                                                                                        aluminum and carbon.                           KREIdLER’S MANUEL SzECH
                                                                                        Retail prices will range from                ANd BRIAN PARGMANN wITH
                                                                                        €1,299 up to the €2,599 for its               THE NEw TOP-Of-THE-LINE
                                                                                        flagship model.                                          MOUNTAIN BIKE
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
H A R A Ld TROOST                          GENER A L
                                           M A NAGER -
                                           K INd SHOCK
                                            HI-TECH CO.,
                                              TA IwA N
L A NdS)                                      Our business
I think to a                                  continues to grow gradually
certain extent                               rather than dramatically.
it has but overall
                                           we are very focused on new products
for many people
                                           like our adjustable seat post.
cycling is a hobby and even
though there is a crisis many
people are willing to spend
                                           PA SC A L NAVA R RO
money on hobbies.                          SA LES M A NAGER - LOOK ,
                                           NE V ER S, fR A NCE
There are some markets that have           We have not
been affected but overall I think we       been really
are in a really good, stable business      affected by
and in the future it will only grow. It    the financial
is a combination of environmental          crisis, and I
trends and more elderly people             think it is not
having money to spend on their             just Look, but
hobby and they want to keep                most of the bike
exercising, of course. These are all       business.
things that bode well for the future
for the bike industry.                     People care about their health and
                                           about the environment and they're
TOBI A S SCHOENSEE                         trying to use less gas. so, many
SHOP OwNER -                               people are coming into biking. even if
R A dSPORT                                 we have high-end bikes and this kind
SCHOENSEE,                                  of consumer is not really in touch
                                              with us at the very beginning, when
                                               they start to get really involved we
SPECI A LT Y:                                  benefit as well.
BIK ES                                       jOK IN dIEz
                                           OR BE A PR ESS, M A LL A BI A ,
We've seen a lot
                                           SPA IN
of e-bike growth but
more in the big cities and not             At the moment
so much in the countryside.                we are not
                                           having any
OLI V ER K EBLER                           problems. We
BR A Nd M A NAGER - fELT,                  think that the
EdEw ECHT, GER M A N Y                     bicycle market,
                                           and everything
Not really!
                                           that is around the
Everything is ok
                                            bicycle market, is different
and we're not
                                             from other markets.
feeling any
effect from                                   with regard to people not
the financial                                 having as much money as
crisis.                                      before, we are not having
                                            problems selling bikes. In fact,
some countries
                                           we are doing really well. up to ten
are better than others.
                                           years ago we sold more road than
Germany is a very strong market
                                           mountain bikes. Nowadays we are
and we sell a lot of bikes while
                                           more or less balanced between
we're selling a little less in countries
                                           road and mountain bikes.
like spain.
                                           dA MIEN dUGGA N
                                           M A R K ETING M A NAGER
SPORT M A R K ETING                        CH A IN R E ACTION C YCLES,
M A NAGER fI'zI:K , POz-                   NORTHER N
zOLEONE, ITA LY                            IR EL A Nd
The cycling                                 I would say
                                              not. like
for me is a
little bit less
affected by
                                               the industry
the crisis but                                is affected
we have to see                               to a certain
what happens.                              degree. But because
                                           we are not relying on one specific
However the first feedback for our         economy, our reach is far greater.
new products is very good. so we           Thankfully we are in a position
hope that next year will also be           that we have seen growth year
good for the business.                     on year.

THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
8   SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

                            DEMO DAY '11
                                ALL PHOTOS:
                            © BERNHARD WROBEL
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
THE SUN IS SMILING' 3 - Show Daily
10    SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

                               According to the German                     Now 18, wauhoff has one more year of
                               testing house Velotech,                     secondary school to complete. He plans
                               the Brake Force One disc                    to attend university to study mechanical
                               brake outperforms all other
                               hydraulic brake systems.                    “after I graduate, I plan to work for Brake
                                                                           force One,” wauhoff said at Demo Day.
                                                                           Odds are good that he’ll be able to get
                               But this isn’t just another newer-faster-   a job with the company, in Tübingen: It’s
                               better story. That’s because Brake force    co-owned by wauhoff’s family and by
                               One was designed by Jakob wauhoff           frank stollenmaier.
                               when he was just 14. By the time he
     THE BRAKE fORCE 1 BRAKE   was 15, the German schoolboy had            stollenmaier became involved through the
                   BOOSTER.    developed a working prototype.              classic, “I liked it so much, I bought the
                                                                           company” entrance into the bike trade.
                                                                                                                                jAKOB wAUHOff, THE TEENAGE
                                                                                                                              INVENTOR Of BRAKE fORCE ONE.

                                                                                                                         He was a customer in the bike shop
                                                                                                                         owned by Jakob’s father, where he saw the
                                                                                                                         younger wauhoff fitting prototype brakes on
                                                                                                                         a mountain bike.

                                                                                                                         wauhoff was able to put his ideas into
                                                                                                                         solid form because his father’s workshop
                                                                                                                         had a CNC machine. The bike shop is now
                                                                                                                         closed, as waufhoff senior now works
                                                                                                                         full-time for the company, working to
                                                                                                                         commercialize his son’s invention.

                                                                                                                         “I have always been a bike rider,” Jakob
                                                                                                                         wauhoff said. “I couldn’t find a brake that
                                                                                                                         was good enough so I designed my own. I
                                                                                                                         found it was better.”

                                                                                                                         He added, matter-of-factly, “The first
                                                                                                                         brakes were very basic. I machined the first
                                                                                                                         prototypes myself. frank bought a bike at
                                                                                                                         our bike shop and saw me working with the
                                                                                                                         brake boosters. we came together to create
                                                                                                                         the business.”

                                                                                                                         The Brake force One system doesn’t suffer
                                                                                                                         from brake squeal and can be adjusted
                                                                                                                         at the lever to stop pads and disc rubbing
                                                                                                                         together. Its stubby, one-finger lever offers
                                                                                                                         powerful, progressive braking for beginners
                                                                                                                         and experts.

                                                                                                                         “The problem with standard disc brakes is
                                                                                                                         that you have either a fast reaction time, or
                                                                                                                         power, but you can’t have both,” wauhoff
                                                                                                                         said. “This is because of the diameters of
                                                                                                                         the pistons. I thought it should be possible
                                                                                                                         to push the pads to the disc fast with a big
                                                                                                                         piston and then get a small piston to exert a
                                                                                                                         lot of pressure. I built a brake booster to test
                                                                                                                         this theory. It worked.”

                                                                                                                         Brake force One lever assemblies do not
                                                                                                                         require an oil reservoir, making them lighter
                                                                                                                         and less complicated than standard lever

                                                                                                                         Pointing to a knob on one of the levers,
                                                                                                                         wauhoff said, “space between the pads
                                                                                                                         and the disc can be regulated with this
                                                                                                                         wheel, so if you hear ‘bling, bling, bling’ you
                                                                                                                         make a few turns and the rubbing noise

                                                                                                                         wauhoff said the set-up on display at
                                                                                                                         eurobike uses Brake force One discs and
                                                                                                                         pads but added, “the system works with
                                                                                                                         other company’s discs too, and there’s no
                                                                                                                         problem with warranty, either.”

                                                                                                                         The company is at eurobike for the first time
                                                                                                                         in order to appoint distributors worldwide.
                                                                                                                         Brake force One already has distribution in

                                                                                                                         aftermarket product will be available in
                                                                                                                                          October. The brakes will
                                                                                                                                              be spec’d on OeM
                                                                                                                                                 MTBs from Nicolai,
                                                                                                                             B1-4   0 4          Bionicon and fXX.

                                                                                                                                                                   ■ CR
SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1   11

12         SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

     SHIM A NO xT GETS                                                                        NOAH M AK ES ITS
     ICE BR AK E TECH                                                                         M AR K wITH SPLITS
                                                                                              Aero road bikes are all the rage. For Ridley, designing an aero-
     With ICE brake technology, Shimano aimed to make the                                     dynamic shape wasn't enough: The Belgian company wanted to
                                                                                              do something streamlined but different, something standout.
     best brake possible for the market.
     for the rotor, shimano built a                 an additional advantage is the                                                          "They were really amazed at the
     three-layer sandwich structure of an           substantial reduction of noise.                                                         power and sensitivity of the brakes.
     aluminum core and two stainless                   shimano applies its ICe technol-                                                     People said they did constant
     steel outer layers.                                 ogy not only to cross-country                                                      double-takes when they were riding
                                                             (the rotor) but also the                                                       along because they couldn't see a
                                                               trail brake (the rotor and                                                   front brake caliper."
                                                                brake-pads) systems
        A1-200                                                   with their different                                                       Three years in development, the Noah
                                                                  rotor sizes (160mm,                                                       fast has the all-important 'approved
                                                                  180mm, 203mm). The                                                        by the uCI' decal on the top-tube. It
                                                                  renowned German test                                                      took a year to get through the union
                                                                 institute has                                                  Cycliste International's innovations
     The higher heat                                        tested all XTR disc brakes                                                      approval process.
     dissipation of                                                                                A7-300
                                                            (Cross-Country as well as                                    RIdLEY fAST
     aluminum reduces                                      the Trail version) with striking                                   fORK.         In effect, the front fork and rear
     the rotor surface                                    results.                                                                          stays – a patented feature - are
     temperature by                                                                                                                         almost double width compared to
                                                          In short: ICe brakes                The company's Noah fast with
     around 100°C.                                                                                                                          standard fork and stay widths. The
                                                        exceeds DIN eN 14766 and              f-splitfork “jet foil” was the result. as
                                                                                              the name suggests, the front fork and         splits are said to reduce the effect
     as for the brake pads,                          Gs standards and withstand
                                                                                              the rear stays are each cleft in two.         of air interacting with the spokes
     shimano designed                                      roughly three times the DIN+
                                   ICE BRAKE TECH                                             Integrated brake pad assemblies are           and wheels, cutting drag by seven
     aluminum cooling fins       PREMIERES ON xT AT        requirements. The new
                                                                                              situated behind the splits, out of the        percent over a leading competitor's
     that improve the heat             EUROBIKE.           XTR brakes work at much
                                                                                              wind. Ridden by the Vacansoleil-DCM           aero fork.
     dissipation and reduce                                lower temperatures than do
     the brake-pad surface temperature          regular disc brake systems and have           team in this year's Tour de france
     by around 50°C degrees. This latter        practically no fading. shimano applied        (including the Tour's crash hero,             The Noah fast is equipped with
     feature is particularly important on trail the ICe technology to the XTR groups          Johnny Hoogerland), the Noah fast             f-surface strips, as used on earlier
     riding applications.                       last year and are debuting it on the          was available to IBDs and media at            aero bikes in the Ridley stable. when
                                                XT group at eurobike. The slX group           yesterday's eurobike Demo Day.                riding between 50 and 70 km/h, the
     The result of the shimano ICe              has been made ICe compatible for                                                            strips produce an average of four
     technologies solution is more or less                                                    Jan Geudens, PR manager for Ridley,           percent less drag, claims Ridley. first
                                                2011 as well in case cyclists want to
     zero brake fading and an increase of                                                     said those who test rode the Noah fast        deliveries will be in October. Retail for
                                                upgrade their brake system. ■ GE
     pad durability up to 100 percent.                                                        at Demo Day came back "very excited”.         the frame only is €4,499. ■ CR

                                                                                              LOOK dEBUTS ‘INTEGR ATEd’
                                                                                              fULL-SUSPENSION MTB
                                                                                              Look’s “integrated” road bikes have been joined by an
                                                                                              “integrated” mountain bike, the 920. Designed by French
                                                                                              designer Patrick Jouffret of Agency 360, the 920 is a
                                                                                              dual-suspension bike aimed at the mountain marathon
                                                                                              customer. Its sweeping,
                                                                                              low-rise front-end makes       look launched the bike in July. It will
                                                                                              for a striking bike.           be available in september. look is
                                                                                                                                           offering two models; the all-carbon
                                                                                              The 920 features what the french             version will retail for €7,370.
                                                                                              company calls the a-stem, a
                                                                                                                                                                               ■ CR
                                                                                              machined aluminum stem, that is
     H AIBIK E TESTS wATER S                                                                  produced in a range of lengths.
                                                                                              elastomer steering bumpers within the
     wITH fIR ST E-ROAd BIK E                                                                 a-stem help prevent crash-induced
                                                                                              frame damage.                                        B2-301
     We’ve seen e-city bikes, e-trekking bikes and all kinds
                                                                                              The rear suspension is single pivot/
     of e-offroad bikes. At Eurobike, Winora is testing an                                    rocker arm design. The front triangle,
     e-road bike which it presented at Demo Day yesterday.                                    swing-arm and rocker link are carbon
     Jonathan sweet, the winora Groups         “we turned the engine 210 degrees
     manager of research and develop-          into the inside of the frame and               “after last year’s introduction of the
     ment, said the company is showing         developed a special frame interface            695 integrated road bike we wanted to
     what it calls the “eQ Race” e-road bike   for it.                                        create a mountain bike with the same
     to gauge retailer reactions. winora                                                      philosophy of having an integrated
     wants “to see how the response is,        The goal was full ground clearance             seat-post, stem, and crankset,” said
     and then it might go into production      and maximum protection of the engine           arthur espos, look’s PR manager.
     one day,” he said. Haibike—winora’s       from blows from below,” sweet said.
                                               In other words, the motor is nearly            “The 920 has a lower center of gravity
     high-end, international brand—is using
                                               upside down.                                   and beefed up front-end. It’s really stiff
     the new 350w Bosch e-bike system
                                                                                              and responsive.”
     that operates up to 45 km/h.
                                               a version of the eQ Race with
                                               hydraulic disc brakes and a front              Responding to a question about
     The “real revolution,” sweet said, is
                                               suspension is in the offing. The entire        backwards compatibility, espos
     the so-called “Haibike Reverse Motor
                                               bike weighs 17.5 kg.                           said, “Theoretically you could put
     angle Concept” (RaM in short) that
                                                                                              a standard stem on the 920 but
     the company has already introduced
                                                                                    ■ JB      you’d lose some of the performance
     on its mountain bikes.
                                                                                                                                                 THE A-STEM ON THE LOOK 920.
SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1            13

       LIGHTER A Nd MOR E EffICIENT                                                                                                    for this new generation of hub motors,
                                                                                                                                       the keywords were “low cogging,” “low

       SUNTOUR’S NEw E-BIK E K IT                                                                                                      rolling resistance,” “high efficiency”
                                                                                                                                       and “rechargeable.”

                                                                                                                                       fischer said the new motor has a
       After launching its line of components for e-bikes                                      24 checkpoints inside of the crankset
                                                                                                                                       state-of-the-art recharging system and
                                                                                               which makes the system very precise,”
       and pedelecs last year, SR Suntour is bringing the                                      said Tim fisher, marketing manager
                                                                                                                                       a high performance controller. The
       next generation to market here at Eurobike.                                                                                     low cogging design enables a high
                                                                                               for sR suntour europe.
                                                                                                                                       coefficient of the motor.
       By offering a wider range of innovative    sR suntour designed its new                  The unit was designed with a “plug
                                                                                                                                       “with the combination of a compact
       e-bike components, “we want to             Twinsensor groupset with three               and play” philosophy as it is pre-set
                                                                                                                                       and light 6ah li-ion battery, combined
       give our customers the freedom to          catchphrases in mind: “light,” “high         and does not require any further
                                                                                                                                       with a highly efficient recharging
       choose from various solutions. we          efficiency” and “rechargeable.” The          adjustment work.
                                                                                                                                       system, we are able to offer an
       will increase our engagement with this     result was a highly efficient hub motor
                                                                                               It can be used                          extremely light—just 5 kg—and
       important market to meet the needs         that is paired with a compact and light
                                                                                               with either                             efficient e-bike system with a cruising
       for the coming years,” said Daisuke               6 ah li-ion battery.
                                                                                               external                                range that is an average of 35 percent
       kobayashi, president
                                                               THE NEw SR SUNTOUR              (42-tooth) or                           farther,” he said.
       of sR suntour.sR                                         HESC TwIN SENSOR
       suntour calls its                                         CRANKSET.
                                                                                               internal (38-
                                                                                                                                                                         ■ JB
       line HesC,                                                                              tooth) derailleur
       which                                                          sR suntour says the      systems.
                                                                                                                                            SR SUNTOUR PRESIdENT
       stands                                                         Twinsensor Crankset                                                  dAISUKE KOBAYASHI wITH
       for                                                            will solve most of the                                                THE COMPANY ’S NEwEST
                                                                      assembly and spec                                                      SUSPENSION fORK ANd
                                                                                                                                                AN HESC-EqUIPPEd
       electro                                                       issues that manufac-
       synergy                                                      turers have had to cope
       Components.”                                               with. It uses two sensor
                                                               devices that are integrated
       with the second generation, the            in the crank arm. a torque sensor
       Japanese-Taiwanese component               measures the load that a rider applies
       maker is putting its focus on the fast-    to the pedals and sends a signal to the
       growing e-bike and pedelec market.         controller. The second sensor controls
                                                  the rotation of the crank arm.
       “we are constantly working to bring
       new and innovative ideas to the            Once a user stops pedaling, the
       market,” kobayashi said. “we are           controller receives a signal to stop
       offering components that are easy to       the power supply to the motor.                                                                       A4-
       assemble, with high quality sensors, at
       a reasonable cost.”                        “This technology is equipped with

After making their debuts last year at Eurobike, ETRA
and LEVA have returned and will be on the mezzanine
in Foyer West, opposite the meeting rooms. They will be
sharing space with VSF.

eTRa, the european Twowheel                  leVa’s networking dinner, co-hosted
Retailers’ association, is the umbrella      by eTRa, takes place Thursday
association for european bicycle and         evening at the Hangar Zeppelin
motorcycle dealers.                          Restaurant on the fair grounds. for
                                             reservations and more information,
leVa, the light electric Vehicle             email sidney kuropchak:
association, is a u.s.-based associa-
tion that represents retailers,
distributors, manufacturers                            from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
and suppliers of e-bikes and                           saturday, eTRa hosts its
other electric vehicles from                           annual seminar in Meeting
around the world.                                      Room Berlin on the first floor
                                                       of foyer east.
eTRa and leVa hope their
presence at eurobike will                              This year’s session will
help recruit members and                               focus on the european
educate showgoers about                                Commission’s type-approval
their organizations.                                   legislation, and the
                                                       application of the Machinery
eTRa currently has                                     Directive.
nine “effective” and 25 associated
                                             There also will be an exchange of ideas
members. associated members are
                                             with eurisy, a non-profit organization
international companies that support
                                             for european space agencies, on the
eTRa’s lobbying and promotional work.
                                             use of satellite applications in the bike
The newest member is ZeG, europe’s
largest buying group in the bicycle
industry, representing 960 retailers.        for appointments or more information
                                             about eTRa, contact annick Roetynck:
leVa represents nearly 200 members           Tel: +32 475 500 588.
from around the world. eTRa and              email:
leVa now offer joint memberships,
making it easy for potential members         for leVa, contact kuropchak:
to join both organizations. at eurobike,     Tel: +1-703-622-8891
both organizations are hosting events.       email:
14      SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

     dON’T BE SHOCK Ed AT K INd                                                                                                   “exaform aims at the commuter
                                                                                                                                  bike market such as city, trekking

                                                                                                                                  and fitness bikes,” Hsu said. “The
                                                                                                                                  brand offers suspension forks for
                                                                                                                                  28-inch/700c bikes, suspension
                                                                                                                                  seat posts, rear shocks and
     There are noticeable changes at this year’s                                                                                  saddles.”
     Kind Shock display. The company has created
                                                                                                                                  for example, the ergotwist seat
     two new brands under the Kind Shock                                                                                          post uses a leaf spring saddle. It
     umbrella and redesigned its logo.                                                                                            allows the saddle and the top of
                                                                                                                                  the seat post to twist slightly from
     “we’ve updated our ks logo to be         “we wanted to get rid of these                                                      side to side while pedaling, easing
     cleaner, sleeker and generally more      numbers,” said Rick Taylor, the                                                     pressure on the rider’s sit bones.
     discernable without deviating too        company’s u.s.-based sales and                                                      The second new kind shock brand
     far from our original logo that has      service director.                                                                   is called kspeed. yen said the
     taken us so far,” said kevict yen, the                                                                                       kspeed brand is intended for OeM
                                                                                             ALL KINd SHOCK dAMPERS
     company’s new creative director.                  The new exaform brand               ANd AdjUSTABLE SEAT POSTS
                                                                                                                                  and private label customers. ■ JB
                                                          represents kind                LIKE THIS ONE ARE ASSEMBLEd
     The new logo reflects the more                         shock’s health and                          IN TAIwAN. © JB
     aggressive downhill mountain bike                       fitness line of bicycle
     character of kind shock products.                       products.                 “exaform was not created simply for
     The company also decided to give                                                  marketing reasons. kind shock has
     its products names.                                                               dedicated resources for exaform
                                                                   A6-306              products, beginning with company
       TAIwAN fACTORY                                                                  owner Martin Hsu himself,” yen said.
        CHENG. AN
         ExAfORM                                                                       “His innovations are derived from
      PROdUCT IS IN                                                                    a lifestyle and a passion for cycling
      THE MIddLE. © JB                                                                 that is carried through each product
                                                                                       in the exaform line.”

                                                                                       with exaform, Hsu is targeting
                                                                                       the huge market for comfort and
                                                                                       commuter bikes. That means the
                                                                                       main target market for exaform is
                                                                                       europe, where such bikes are most
                                                                                       popular.                                          K.S. fOUNdER MARTIN HSU
                                                                                                                                       wITH A NEw ERGOTwIST SEAT
                                                                                                                                                         POST. © JB


                                                                                             CHOSEN HOPES ITS
                                                                                             NEw ‘CLOSE dR IVE SYSTEM’
                                                                                             wILL BE HUB Of CHOICE
                                                                                             Some business founders have a rags-to-riches story. For
                                                                                             the founders of Chosen, the story begins with yarn.

                                                                                             The Taiwan brand was created in 2000
                                                                                             when yarn maker Ching shu Chen
                                                                                             invested in his friend’s new bicycle
                                                                                             components factory. The friend,
                                                                                             Tien-Chin Hsu, who also came from the
                                                                                             yarn industry, was determined to build
                                                                                             the best bicycle hubs possible.

                                                                                             “when investing in a business I want to
                                                                                             make the best product. Otherwise, it
                                                                                             makes no sense,” said Chen, Chosen’s
                                                                                             president and still a yarnmaker.

                                                                                             Hsu said it wasn’t easy to get the
                                                                                                                                             CHING SHU CHEN (LEfT) wITH THE
                                                                                             Chosen brand off the ground. “In
                                                                                                                                               CLOSE dRIVE SYSTEM HUB, wITH
                                                                                             the yarn business you work with raw                             TIEN-CHIN HSU.
                                                                                             materials. unlike consumer products
                                                                                             there is no need for marketing." with
                                                                                                                                           at eurobike this year, Chosen is
                                                                                             Chosen, he continued, “first we had
                                                                                                                                           highlighting a high-end hub line it calls
                                                                                             to brainstorm how to promote our own
                                                                                                                                           the “Close Drive system.”
                                                                                             brand. we had no experience and had
                                                                                             to learn everything by ourselves.”
                                                                                                                                           “Hubs with this technology are quieter
                                                                                             Chosen employs 90 at its hub factory          and more efficient. we redesigned the
                                                                                             in Taiwan and 160 at a factory in             ratchet construction so that the ratchet
                                                                                             shenzhen, China. The company also             only opens to drive the hub when the
                                                                                             sells brakes under the winzip brand.          user is pedaling forward,” Hsu said.
                                                                                             Disc brake components are made in             “when pedaling stops, the ratchet
                                                                                             shenzhen and assembled in Taiwan.             closes, resulting in almost zero ratchet
                                                                                                                                           noise and friction, as well as greater
                                                                                             The biggest market for winzip brakes          efficiency due to better transmission of
                                                                                             is Brazil, officials said. Chosen’s brake     power to the hub.”
                                                                                             brand hasn’t broken into the european
                                                                                             market, which Chen attributes to “tough       The patented design is suitable for
                                                                                             competition in the western disc brake         almost any kind of bicycle, whether they
                                                                                             market.”                                      have one gear or multiple gears. ■ JB
16     SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

     Light or fast: it's time to choose. We asked officials                          SPECIALIZED: There is still the
                                                                                     need for our Tarmac bikes as
     at Specialized, Scott and Cervelo whether aero
                                                                                     they still offer the lightest weight
     road bikes will soon dominate the top end of the                                and maximum stiffness. with our
     market.                                                                         in-house engineering team, and the
                                                                                     carbon materials expertise of the
                                                                                     Mclaren team, we will continue to
     How big a niche is the aero             round-tube bikes will be extinct, and
                                                                                     evolve the aero segment, but there
     road bike category?                     aero tube shapes will be the norm.
                                                                                     is good reason to think that there is
     SPECIALIZED: we will see, but           Will the majority of top-end            a place for both bikes.
     the initial feedback and sales of the   road bikes be aero any time             CERVELO: If you want to go
     Venge has been very encouraging.        soon?                                   fast, yes. But many cyclists are
                                                                                     interested in aspects of cycling
     CERVELO: This year we're                                                        other than speed.
     doing more aero road bikes than                                                                                                   wINd TUNNEL TIME: "THE
     traditional because of the runaway        CERVELO CREATEd THE AERO              SCOTT: yes they will.                                LONGER THE BETTER."
     success of the s5.                         ROAd BIKE CATEGORY. THE
                                                  COMPANY'S S5 IS fAST.              An aero shape for a bike is just
                                                                                     a shape and could be on bikes             recreated in more affordable alloy
     SCOTT: we've                                                                    far lower down the price range.           materials. But our aerodynamic
     stopped producing                                                               Will this trickle-down come to            knowledge that we gain, such
     round-tube bikes for the                                                        the mid and even lower end of             as our cambered seatstays, can
     competition                                                                     the road bike market?                     definitely inform future design
     category and                                                                                                              aspects of all our bikes.
     estimate                                                                        SPECIALIZED: what we learn
     that in                                                                         and use in our high-end product           CERVELO: That’s one of the
     the next                                                                        over time helps us improve all our        beauties of aero: once you’ve got
     few years                                                                       offerings Carbon allows the most          the shape it's sometimes no more
                                                                                     advanced shapes, and aren't easily        costly than a 'bad' shape.

                                                                                                   A5-205                          ALEx'S TUBELESS RIM EYELETS.

                                                                                              ALEx PATENTS
                                                                                              TUBELESS R IM
                                                                                              EYELET SYSTEM
                                                                                              At Eurobike, rim maker Alex is introducing
                                                                                              a new eyelet system for tubeless rims. The
                                                                                              Taiwanese company has patented the system.

                                                                                              Called Tubeless Pro, the         future generations of alex
                                                                                              stainless steel eyelets enable   tubeless rims will use the
                                                                                              the use of standard nipples      Tubeless Pro eyelet system.
                                                                                              and spokes on rims for
                                                                                              tubeless tires.                                          ■ GE
SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1             17

There are exceptions, however. The      SPECIALIZED: Most of the              SCOTT: There is a lot of data          CERVELO: Thor Hushovd.
best aero shapes aren’t necessarily     people that have ridden aero          published on each bike, but these
the best structural shapes, so clever   bikes can feel a difference as the    new bikes are also building desire     SCOTT: No matter who you are,
engineering and more complex            speed increases. That's where the     and that's an important factor in a    you are going to cheat the wind by
lay-ups are needed to avoid the bike    aerodynamics start to really play a   purchase.                              as much as 20 percent and save
weighing a lot or being weak and        part. we use several different wind                                          approximately 5 percent in wattage
flexible. The best aero shapes might    tunnels, and make dozens of trips     What would you say to a porky          output, pork or not.  CR
be difficult to form in aluminium.      there each year. we're testing with   rider looking to buy an aero
                                                                              road bike?                             A NSw ER S PROV IdEd BY:
There is also a surprising degree       people who do this for a living,
of in-plane compliance that good        alongside our own aerodynamic                                                CERV ELO
                                                                              SPECIALIZED: Pros tend to be
engineering can design into a           experts.                                                                     Damon
                                                                              skinny whippets in general, but the
composite frame that can never be                                                                                    Rinard
                                        CERVELO: It’s true that not           aero advantage is there whether        Race Engineer
matched in aluminium.
                                        every wind tunnel test result can     you           are 100lbs or 200lbs.                           A1-208
SCOTT: for 2012 we have seven           be trusted. It’s easy to make                        Cavendish won the
                                                                                                                         SPECI A LIzEd
models of fOIls ranging from            mistakes in wind tunnel testing,                      green jersey at the                     Nic               Sims
$2,500-$12,000. all of those are        so it’s important                                    Tour de france on                                       Global PR
carbon, which is just a shape, so no    for consumers to                                  the Venge, so rider                                         Manager

extra cost. The higher end models       consider how long                                     weight is not really
                                                                                                   the determin-
use HMX fiber but we've built a full    a company has                                                                                       SCOT T
line because everybody can benefit      spent in the wind                                             ing factor.                          Adrian
from aero road.                         tunnel. Obviously, the                                                       U.S. Promotion & Marketing
                                        longer the better.                                                           Manager
Without a personal wind                 we’ve probably made                                               SCOTT'S
tunnel how is a magazine, or            (and corrected!) more
                                                                                                           fOIL.                            A3-300
a consumer, to trust what a             mistakes than most
manufacturer says about its             companies have run
aero road frames?                       tests.
18     SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

     jOINS TR A Nzx fOR L AUNCH TOdAY                                                                                                 wITH THE AGT OPERATING
                                                                                                                                      UNIT ON THE HANdLEBAR,
                                                                                                                                     RIdERS CAN SELECT fULL OR
                                                                                                                                     SEMI-AUTOMATIC SHIfTING.
     Why shift gears when it can be done automatically? Engineers at JD’s                                                          THE LEd SCREEN dISPLAYS THE
     research and development division asked themselves that question.                                                                             ACTIVE GEAR

     Their answer was the Automatic Gear Transmission (AGT) system. This
     technology, which JD is launching this afternoon for the bicycle industry,                                                  By optimizing gear shifting, aGT
                                                                                                                                 ensures the cyclist always uses the
     has already won over Christian Danner, former Formula 1 driver and                                                          most appropriate gear. It helps the
     current motor sports expert. Danner is an ambassador for JD’s first fully                                                   rider avoid extreme torque levels,
     automatic TranzX PST e-bikes.                                                                                               such as starting in a gear that is too
                                                                                     “aGT will reach the consumer                high.
     since introducing the trend-setting    This breakthrough for e-bikes is         shortly and give another boost to
     eagle e-bikes in March 2009, JD        comparable to the introduction of        the e-bike trend. The segment of            eliminating intense torque levels that
     expects aGT to be at least as suc-     automatic gear shifting for cars.        TranzX PsT e-bikes with automatic           put unnecessary strain on both the
     cessful as the eagle model, which      It raises the overall capability of      gear shifting will rapidly increase to      drive system and a cyclist’s joints
     nearly all major bicycle producers     e-bikes while better exploiting their    about 80 percent in the next three          enable the motor to operate more
     offer under their own brand names.     effectiveness.                           years.”                                     smoothly. This increased efficiency
                                                                                                                                 translates into more power, faster
                                            “aGT is an outstanding innovation        In addition to JD, several OeM              acceleration and longer riding
                                            from our R&D division which              clients including winora, Hartje,           distances.
                                            enables us to maximize the potential     Batavus, Matra M&s and Oxford
                                            of e-bikes. This is a logical and        are presenting TranzX PsT e-bike            The aGT system consists of a
                                            forward-looking development that         models equipped with aGT in their           handlebar operating unit, an
                                            will generate new impulses and           2012 product lines.                         automatic switch panel and an
                                            opportunities for the e-bike market,”                                                electronic Control unit (eCu) with
                                                                                     Two TranzX PsT models featuring
                                            said Johnson Cho, CeO of the JD                                                      an integrated microprocessor and
                                                                                     aGT are available to bike producers,
                                            Group.                                                                               software.
                                                                                     the low-step “world Bike” and the
                                                                                     eagle e-bike. additional models will        The display unit on the handlebar
                                            with the automatic gear shifting,        follow. The computer-controlled
                                            TranzX PsT is bringing about a new                                                   allows for easy control of the gear
     Today, JD is presenting mass-                                                   gear shifting and coaster brake             shifter and offers a fully automatic
     production-ready models of the         generation of e-bikes that offer more    system is compatible with most
                                            comfort, enhanced performance                                                        or semi-automatic mode. with the
     TranzX PsT e-bikes featuring aGT.                                               bicycle types.                              semi-automatic mode, the rider can
     aGT prototypes were first shown        and increased energy efficiency.
                                                                                     The aGT technology vastly                   choose a gear that is electronically
     to members of the bicycle industry                                                                                          shifted up or down. with the fully
                                            “who can say no to increased riding      increases an e-bike’s energy
     press at Bike expo in Munich.                                                                                               automatic mode, the aGT system
                                            performance and greater riding           efficiency. This is vital, as undershift-
                                            distances at the same time? we’re        ing or overshifting undermines the          controls the shifting and selects the
     The automatic 7-gear shifter with
                                            anticipating a major demand for this     electric system’s effectiveness.            most appropriate gear depending
     a coaster brake is a cutting-edge
                                            from the industry. Numerous OeM                                                      on the driving conditions.
     development. The integrated aGT
     gear-shifting system easily controls   clients have expressed interest while
                                            others have already placed orders to                                                 The eCu is connected to the drive
     the gear selection and gives TranzX
                                            equip their own TranzX PsT e-bikes
                                                                                           TRANzx AGT
                                                                                           TRANZX AGT                            system and analyzes the riding
     PsT e-bikes the most efficient
     electric support at all times.         with aGT,” said frank surmann, JD’s              LAUNCH
                                                                                             LAUNCH                              conditions, including rpm, speed,
                                            european sales manager.                                                              torque and tilt. It then determines
                                                                                                                                 the appropriate gear, which causes
                                                                                                                                 the shift cable to physically engage
                                                                                                                                 the gear.

                                                                                    CHRISTIAN dANNER SHOwS Off
                                                                                     A fULLY AUTOMATIC TRANzx
                                                                                      PST E-BIKE fEATURING AGT
SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1                19

TAYA CH AIN LINK S SALES TO                                                         SqL AB E-CH AIR HELPS
GR EEN M A NUfACTUR ING                                                             IBdS fINd BEST SAddLES
It may not be the world’s biggest chain maker, but
                                                                                    Ever felt numb or suffered other uncomfortable side
Taiwan’s Taya Chain Co. is arguably the most environ-
                                                                                    effects after a long ride? Or perhaps you’re not happy
mentally sensitive.
                                                                                    with the saddle, grips or shoes you’re using?
Taya’s green image is helping it make      Taya has concentrated on bicycle
gains in europe. Its european agent is     chains since 1985. In 1999 it opened     If any of these complaints sound
wM Trading in winnenden, Germany,          a factory that focuses on coatings for   familiar, then plan a visit to the sQlab
which is helping the brand gain traction   rustproofing.                            booth here at eurobike.
in the German-speaking market.
                                           “This treatment make sense when          The German supplier of ergonomic
at eurobike, Taya has five top news        using your chain in salty, polluted      bicycle products is offering a free
items for the 2012 season: the super       and acid or alkaline areas”, wu said.    measurement of your sit bones
single alpha, a chain for e-bikes and      In 2009 Taya launched its “Greener       that can help you find the optimum
internal hub bikes; a new GsT-coated       surface Treatment,” or GsT, coating      saddle and seating position for your
steel crank; new, recyclable aftermarket   that the company says is more            bike. The company’s new measure-
packaging for its single, 7- and 8-speed   environmentally friendly.                ment system is called “e-chair,”
chains; and a new line of DHT-coated                                                and it is used in conjunction with its
                                           wu said the GsT process “is free of      “e-gonomic profiler” software.
chains for use with derailleurs. DHT
                                           hexavalent chromium and provides                                                                    THE SqLAB E-CHAIR.
stands for “Diamond Hard Tech.” Taya                                                “This software helps IBDs not only
                                           up to 1,000 hours of rustproofing
introduced the coating in its 2011                                                  find the best-fitting saddle, but also
                                                     according to salt spray test
product line.                                                                       the best-fitting grips, insoles and
                                                       IsO 9227.” ■ JB                                                         with all of this data collected for
“Our DHT treatment increases the                                                    handlebars for each customer,” said        each customer, dealers can provide
hardness 3.2 times on pins and                                                      Tobias Hild, general manager of            perfect customer service that no
between 25 to 50 percent on other                                                   sQlab. “This tool allows every dealer      one can compete with. It’s all about
parts. It also increases chain life by                             B4-508           to serve his customers and help
                                                                                    them find the exact right products.”
                                                                                                                               customer retention.”
up to 5,000 kilom-
eters [3,100 miles],”                                                                                                          along with the sit bone measure-
                                                                                    The e-chair is a measurement stool
the company’s                                                                                                                  ments, the software allows a retailer
                                                                                    with a gel bag on top and a scanner
Jill wu said. Taya                                                   TAYA CHAIN                                                to add other information about the
                                                                       PRESIdENT    underneath. It scans a customer’s sit
uses DHT on its                                                                                                                customer’s seating position, type
                                                                    HUA-TIEN wU     bones, and the scans are fed into the
Onze 11-speed,                                                     wITH THE 2010                                               of bicycle, typical riding times, age
                                                                                    sQlab “e-gonomic profiler.”
Deca 10-speed,                                                          EUROBIKE                                               and other data. The software then
                                                                      AwARd fOR                                                processes the information to suggest
and Nove 9-speed                                                       THE SUPER
                                                                                    “It offers our IBD partners a perfect
chains.                                                            SINGLE ALPHA     Customer Relationship Management           the best-fitting saddle for every
                                                                          CHAIN.    (CRM) system.                              customer. ■ JB

20         SHOW DAILY sHOw Day 1

        Imagine an e-bike that lets the rider pedal at a constant                               “Harmony has the unique ability to
        cadence. The bike would upshift and downshift auto-                                    bring the rider and the bike together
                                                                                               as one and really improve the
        matically, regardless of hills or other traffic conditions,                            system,” Nordin said. “The name itself
        without jarring jumps from one gear to another—just a                                  describes what’s going on. The rider
        smooth and seamless transition. The rider never needs                                  and the bike are in harmony.”
        to break pace.
                                                                                               like the N360 hub, the Harmony
                                                                                               controller is designed as an easy
                                                  The latest NuVinci hub, the N360, has        add-on for OeMs. It mounts inside                     HARMONY HUB CONTROLLER.
                                                  been on the market for less than a           the dropout and is about the size of a
                                                  year and has been adopted by many            medium cage derailleur. The Harmony
                                                  OeMs in europe. at eurobike, NuVinci                                                   The basic system, for riders who
                                                                                               takes its power from the main e-bike
                                                  will debut its automatic shifter, which it                                             don’t want to bother with shifting,
                                                                                               battery, simplifying installation.
                                                  calls Harmony.                                                                         offers three programmable cadence
                                                                                                                                         settings—typically slow, medium and
                                                  some brands have                                        “we’re launching it as         fast—that can be preset by the OeM.
                                                  already decided to                                         an OeM product for
                                                  spec the Harmony                                            e-bikes. No extra          The Harmony system will go into
                                                  system on their                                             battery,” Nordin said.     production in the fourth quarter of
                                                  2012 e-bike lines,                                          “Instead of a mechani-     this year and is expected to appear
                                                  and Nordin                                                 cal shifting interface as   on e-bikes retailing for about €2,000
                                                  expects others to                                         you have on the N360,        ($2,875) and up.
                                                  follow suit.                                              you have an electronic
        That’s the promise of NuVinci’s new                                                                  one. It can plug and        fallbrook is a u.s. company, but the
        Harmony system, which marries an          Many e-bike and                                               play with any e-bike     biggest market for the NuVinci bicycle
        automatic electronic shifter to its       pedelec riders                                                   out there.”           hub has been europe, where sales
        N360 continuously variable planetary      don’t like to shift gears                                                              of e-bikes and commuting bikes far
        drivetrain.                               on traditional geared bikes                                   NUVINCI N360             outpace North america, Nordin said.
                                                  because of the interruption,                          CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE
                                                                                                               PLANETARY HUB             “The more we can make riding the
        “The human body likes to operate          so they often leave the bike in      the
        at a constant cadence, just like an       same gear all the time. That hurts the                                                 bike easier for people, the more
        electric motor operates at an optimum     efficiency of the e-bike and reduces its     The Harmony controller will be offered    adoption of bike riding happens,”
        cadence,” said al Nordin, president       battery capacity, Nordin said.               in two versions: advanced and basic.      Nordin said.
        of the bicycle products division of                                                    advanced, which allows the rider
        fallbrook Technologies, the parent        with the Harmony system, the bike            to set a cadence, will be first on the
                                                                                                                                         ■ DM                  A7-312
        company of the NuVinci.                   adapts to the rider.                         market.


        The German distributor Messingschlager, one of                                                                                   The company also plans to recognize
                                                                                                                                         its community, along with the industry
        Europe’s leading importers of Asian bicycles and                                                                                 that has brought it so much success.
        components, is building a new logistics center at its                                                                            by building a new “playground” on
        Baunach headquarters.                                                                                                            the property with cross-country trails.
                                                  The company is investing millions of                                                   The 18-meter (59-foot) façade of the
        “The positive development of our          euros on the new logistics center,                                                     logistics center will accommodate an
        national and international business led   which it is building next door to its                                                  open-air climbing wall.
        us to expand our warehouse in 2003        headquarters. Groundbreaking took
        and 2005,” general manager Benno          place in May, and the new building is                                                  Benno Messingschlager credits his
        Messingschlager said.                     expected to open in early 2012. The                                                    father, Rudolf, for thinking far ahead
                                                  new building will double the number of          CONSTRUCTION Of THE NEw                when he moved the business to its
                                                  cargo bays for trucks, so the company                  LOGISTICS CENTER.               current location, on the outskirts of
        “Nevertheless, during high season we
        had to add some external warehous-        should be able to speed its processing                                                 Baunach, in 1969. The family company
        ing to serve the rising demand for our    of incoming and outgoing shipments.          “lead times will be shortened and         was founded in 1924.
        products,” he added. “This problem                                                     costs reduced,” said Martin Buchta,
        increased in the last two years to        “Our net storage space will increase         marketing and product manager.            “My father bought enough land so
        a point where we had to make a            from approximately 8,000 square                                                        this was not a problem for further
        decision for a longer-lasting and more    meters (86,110 square feet) to more          Messingschlager also is investing in      expansion around our headquarters,”
        suitable solution.”                       than 10,000 square meters (107,600           new enterprise software. “Our old         the younger Messingschlager said.
                                                  square feet),” Messingschlager said.         software would have not been able
                                                                                               to support our switch of workflow.                                          ■ JB
                                                  The new storage space will include           That’s why we had to install a new and
                                                  an automatic pallet stacking system          modern eRP and logistics program
                                                  that is more than 18 meters (59 feet)        for the new logistics center,” Messing-        ARTIST’S
                                                  high, as well as an automated storage        schlager said. The additional room will      Of THE NEw
                                                  system for small quantities.                 allow the importer to expand its office       LOGISTICS
                                                                                               space and create more attractive               CENTER.
                                                                                               meeting rooms and showrooms.
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