The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...

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The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
The South African Bee Journal
                March 2018 Volume 90 No.1

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif
                Maart 2018 Jaargang 90 Nr.1
                                                        issn 0038-2019

                                                   in Scutellata

Supplementary feeding           Is beekeeping     South-western Cape
   – the new norm            becoming unviable?    drought bites hard
The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
The South African
    Bee Journal
                                          Contents                                     March 2018

 Die Suid-Afrikaanse
                                          3     From the Editor’s desk
  Published by The South                  6     SABIO contacts
   African Bee Industry                   7     Chairman’s message
   Organisation (SABIO).
                                          10    Supplementary feeding – the new norm
  Editor: Donald Marshall                       in beekeeping
     Layout and Design:
       Monika Fresen
                                          19    Beekeeping in South Africa is becoming
    Printed by: Lawprint
                                          22    Quality inspectors poised to put honey
                                                products under the spotlight
                                          26    Richard Booth: ’n Byeboer wat kan uithou
      For advertising
                                          28    Lively debates expected at Beecon 2018
    bookings and rates
          email:                          30    Honey production in the South-western                         Cape plummets as drought bites hard
                                          36    Parasitic laying worker identification
                                          38    World Bee Day
                                          39    Vandalism and theft not part of a Turkish
                                                beekeeper’s vocabulary
                                          42    Apimondia leaves Jaco Wolfaardt covered
                                                in Turkish delight
                                          44    Beekeepers and Macadamia growers meet
                                                to discuss mutual needs
                                          47    Afsterwe: Hennie du Toit
                                          49    Contact details
     On the cover:
    Clear indication of
   Capensis egg laying
    inside a Scutellata
   queen cell – found in
    the Northern Cape                                     to the editor
   Photo: Lydia Born.                      The SABJ welcomes readers’ letters and these should
                                            be addressed to the editor (
Disclaimer: While every effort has
been made to ensure the accuracy of        All letters are subject to editing. It helps to keep
this journal, SABIO cannot be held
responsible for any errors which may
                                           letters short (about 150 words) and to the point.
arise and cannot be held liable for any       Anonymous letters or letters written under
damages whatsoever arising out of                 pseudonyms will not be considered.
the use of or reliance on the contents
of this journal. SABIO is also not         For verification purposes they should include the
responsible for the statements and
opinions advanced in the Journal, which
                                                 writer’s name and telephone number.
may not reflect its own viewpoint.

The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
From the editor’s desk

We need to up our game to
meet future demands
What is wrong with SABIO? This question in its various forms
constantly crops up among beekeepers – and, frankly, it is one
that sticks in my crop. The question we should be asking is:
What is wrong with beekeeping in South Africa, and where do
beekeepers fit in the agricultural puzzle?
If you want a look of bemusement to cross a beekeeper’s face,
ask any of the following questions:

• How many beekeepers are there in        • Is there a master plan to ensure the
  South Africa?                             survival of beekeeping in this country?
• How many managed beehives are           • Will commercial beekeepers be able
  there in South Africa?                    to meet the growing demand for
• How much honey is produced in this        pollinations services and, if not, what
  country annually and what is it           should we be doing about it?
• How much honey is imported from         The problem is that we just do not know
  other African countries, China and      enough about ourselves, or our industry,
  elsewhere?                              and carping about the national body is
• What is the cost of bee diseases to     not going to provide answers.
  the industry?                             SABIO is run by volunteers who
• How serious is the Capensis problem     operate on a shoestring budget and its
  in the Scutellata areas?                Board members should be recognised
• How many community beekeeping           for what they have achieved in the past.
  projects, launched with much fanfare,     But the past is the past and, looking to
  still exist, and are successful?        the future, it becomes obvious that the
The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
organisation is in danger of becoming        • Theft and vandalism
irrelevant unless fundamental changes        • Adulteration of honey products
are introduced.                              • Developing links with beekeeping
    An urgent issue that should be put on      organisations across Africa
the table is whether the organisation’s      • Publicity
administrative center should be staffed      • The importation of honey products          PO Box 4518                                                              6 Clay Street
by full-time employees, headed by a          • Website updates, communiques and           George East                                                       George – Industrial
suitably qualified professional person         publishing of the Bee Journal              6593                                                                             6529
                                                                                          Tel: 044 873 5262                                                  Fax: 044 873 0189
who would take over the duties currently     • Accounts administration.
                                                                                          Email:                                    Cell: 076 306 5633
filled by the Chairman and the Board.
                                                                                                                   Vat No: 4420245120 – CC 2008/051458/23
    Just some of the national and regional   Change is going to cost money – and
issues he or she should deal with include:   quite a lot of it, and new sources of
• Liaising with government and               revenue will need to be tapped. It will          INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS
    provincial departments, commercial       be painful and difficult to achieve, but
                                                                                                          OF THE FOLLOWING:
    beekeepers, bottlers and importers       in the end the bees and in particular the
• Membership and marketing                   beekeepers of this country will benefit
• Transformation                             most.                                                                       FULL BODY BEESUIT
• Research funding
                                                                                                                     • 100% Cotton Bull Denim fabric
• Pollination policy                         Donald Marshall                                                            • Integrated hood and veil
                                                                                                                 • Elasticated cuffs and ankles with zipper
                                                                                                                           • Dual zipper system
                                                                                                                          • Available in ALL sizes

                                                                                                                               bee jacket
                                                                                                                  • 100% Cotton Bull Denim fabric
                                                                                                                     • Integrated hood and veil
                                                                                                                    • Elasticated cuffs and waist
                                                                                                               • Choose between a hard veil or soft veil
                                                                                                           • Choose between open front jacket or closed front
                                                                                                                       • Available in ALL sizes

    BEECON 2018
                                                                                                                         HARD GAUZE VEILS
                                                               6 – 7 July                                                SOFT GAUZE VEILS

                                                                                                                        GLOVES with fabric arms
     Venue: Royal Agricultural Showgrounds, Pietermaritzburg
     Tel: Matt Walker 082 713 4192                                          page 28
     Email:                          for more           Please contact us on the above
                                                                            details           number for more information.

4                                                                                        6
                                                                                         30                                                                                        3
The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
SABIO                                                chairman’s message
    SABIO is the official mouthpiece of
    the bee industry of South Africa. Its
    mission is to “represent and promote
                                                                                                 Tide turning in
    the interests of all persons involved                                                        SABIO’s favour
    in the beekeeping industry in South
                                                                                                 Like the winds of change which are
    Africa in order to establish, support
                                                                                                 sweeping through our political arena,
    and develop an economically viable
                                                                                                 it is time for similar winds to shake the
    and sustainable apiculture sector
                                                 SABIO website:                                  beekeeping industry to its foundations
    and ensure the environmental                                                                 and leave in its wake a more
    security of the honeybee”.                                                                   representative body that encompasses
                                                                                                 all players.

              SABIO     Mike Miles          082 456 4177
                                                                        n industry cannot be represented       does not run an advisory service and
              Board     Jaco Wolfaardt      083 301 5165                by a handful of individuals who are    that members never hear from the
             as from                                               not guided by the key players – the large   organisation as to what is going on in
                 July   Craig Campbell      084 774 8692           commercial beekeepers, the bottling         the industry.
               2017     Phil Walker         084 510 1556           sector, the honey importers and the            I respond by pointing out that SABIO
                                                                   associations which represent                is not like a local association, which is
                        Danie Vorster       072 363 9478           beekeepers, predominantly hobbyists,        the body that ought to provide such
                                                                   in the regions. Everybody needs to play     services. SABIO has a far wider respon-
                                                                   a part and contribute constructively to     sibility to the beekeeping community,
                                                                   create a better understanding of all the    and if we do not have the support of
    SABIO contact details:                                         issues which confront us.                   a large percentage of the beekeeping
                                                                      SABIO has recently changed its           fraternity in this country we cannot
    General Enquiries, Membership & Insurance:                     administrative system and has sent          meaningfully engage with legislative                                              out notices requesting past members         and governmental agencies on key issues
                                                                   to rejoin and pay their annual subs.        which directly and indirectly affect our
    Accounts & Administration:                                     Inevitably we receive responses which       industry.                                             ask: “What does SABIO do for us?” We           Yes, it is true that regular commu-
                                                                   are told that SABIO does not provide        nication is a challenge which needs
                                                                   training, does not organise field trips,    to be addressed, and with technology
6                                                                                                                                                      7
The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
   we seriously need                          welcome and appreciate the role which
                                              this organisation plays in reinforcing
to bring other role-                          the interests and rights of beekeepers.
players on board; the                         At the same time, we seriously need to
bottlers, the retailers,                      bring other role-players on board; the                                                    Highveld Honey Farms
                                              bottlers, the retailers, the importers,
the importers, and                            and equipment producers, to create a
                                                                                                                                           * E s t a b l i s h e d

                                                                                            Beeswax Comb
                                                                                                                                                  1 9 6 3 *

equipment producers,                          truly representative body capable of
                                                                                                                                         Your “one stop” beekeepers
to create a truly                             functioning at the very highest level.
                                                We, therefore, appeal to those who
                                                                                              Foundation                                        supply store:
                                                                                                                                        For all bee-hives, safety equipment,
representative body                           have distanced themselves from Sabio         We will roll wax to your requirements         honey and processing equipment.
                                              for self-serving reasons to take a                  We also sell wax sheets
                                              longer-term look at themselves and the                    Phone of fax                       We buy any quantity of
expanding as it is we need to improve
our feedback system to reach all who          industry as a whole by becoming more                                                          honey and beeswax
are involved in the industry; but not         involved in the national body.                 Even-RUN APIARY                              Call (011) 849 1990 for your free
to the extent that recipients drown in          Only then will we be taken seriously            PRODUCTS                                        price list or visit us at
an endless stream of non-essential            and everyone involved in beekeeping                                                           Plot 185, Uys Street, Rynfield
                                                                                           8 Francis Street, Pietermaritzburg 3201         Agricultural Holdings, Benoni.
information.                                  will be proud to belong to this national
                                                                                          Phone: 033 345 1016 Fax: (033) 394 7542
   I do believe, however, that the tide is    organisation.
turning in SABIO’s favour and that the
majority of beekeepers in this country        Mike Miles

                                                                                         Beekeepers take note...
                                                                                                            NOTICE to register
                                                                                          All beekeepers are required to register with the Department of Agriculture,
                                                                                          Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF). This is a requirement in terms of the regulation:
                                                                                          Control Measure R858 published on 15 November 2013 under the Agricultural
                                                                                          Pest Act, 1983 (Act no. 36 or 1983).

                                                                                            This registration applies to everyone in the beekeeping business ie.
                                                                                             bee removals, honey producers, pollination as well as hobbyists.
                     Woodwork Specialists
                                                                                          Registration takes place between 1 January and 31 March every year. There
    Manufacturers and Stockists of Beehives, Apiary Equipment                             are no registration fees involved.
                    and other Pine Products                                                 Registration forms can be downloaded off the DAFF website with the
                                                                                          following link: Production Health Food & Safety, Inspection
                                                                                          Service, Forms, Beekeepers Registration Form. Completed forms can be emailed
      P.O. Box 11911, Dorpspruit, 3206       32 Clough Street, Pietermaritzburg
                                                                                          to or or faxed to 012 309 8774.
                          Telephone / Fax (033) 342 4990                                  Failure to comply will result in the deregistration of the beekeeper.
     Email:          Website:                For further enquiries call Mavis 012 309 8763 or Gloria 012 309 8791.

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The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
Supplementary feeding                                              T    he yield of honey per hive in
                                                                         South Africa is generally low
                                                                                                                While I am convinced that the feeding
                                                                                                                of bees has become essential, I also believe

     – the new norm in beekeeping
                                                                    when compared with other Southern           that there is a place in the Western Cape
                                                                    Hemisphere countries due largely to a       for a full-time queen breeder to boost
                                                                    shortage of bee-friendly flora in large     the quality of bee swarms. The last
                                                                    parts of the country which are either       people actively involved in breeding
                        When Nico Langenhoven began a               semi-arid or Karoo. Only 10% of South       queens in the Western Cape were the
                          widespread search for suitable swarms     Africa is suitable for agronomy or other    late Walter Hartmann and his wife, Ilse,
                                                                    commercial plantation development.          who terminated their programme in the
                           for a queen-rearing project he           The occurrence of natural nectar-           late 1990’s.
                           uncovered a more pressing problem        producing plants, like Fynbos in the

                           – the swarms he was encountering         Western Cape, is limited. Other factors        It is interesting to
                                                                    which have a negative impact on honey
                          were, simply put, undernourished and,     production include low rainfall, frequent
                                                                                                                note that bees, like farm
                       therefore, unsuitable. It became apparent    droughts and veld fires. They also have a   animals, can be fat or
        to him that these were not isolated cases so, abandoning    negative impact on the size of swarms       skinny. It is not apparent
                                                                    used for commercial pollination.
      the queen-rearing project, Nico focused his attention on         South Africa does not appear to be       to the naked eye (much
    the growing need to provide supplementary feed to bees in       alone in this regard, as the feeding of     like guinea fowl), but
                                                                    honey bees has become common practice       can be determined by
  the Western Cape. The following is Nico’s account of the trials   worldwide among beekeepers, although
he conducted over a 10-month period...                              the intensity varies depending on the       weighing them in groups
                                                                    country, region and season.                 of 50 or more.
                                                                       In South Africa the feeding of
                                                                    honeybees is as yet somewhat limited           With this in mind, I set out in 2016 to
                                                                    since most beekeepers view this as          look into the possibility of rearing queens
                                                                    unnecessary. Whatever supplementary         and my 10-month project was launched
                                                                    feeding does occur is generally confined    during autumn the following year. Three
                                                                    to the feeding of sugar syrup, which can    study sites were chosen, based on the
                                                                    vary from normal sugar-water mixes to       availability of natural food: the back
                                                                    commercial syrups, or from cane to          yard of my home in southern Paarl;
                                                                    corn syrup. The debate about which is       Kleinjoostenburg, near Stellenbosch;
                                                                    best will probably continue for some        and Morreesburg. I then had to select
                                                                    time to come. When comparisons are          swarms large enough for the study and
                                                                    made, the concentration of the sugar(s)     12 were singled out at the conclusion of
                                                                    needs to be taken into account.             the honey harvest. It later emerged that
                                                                       The fact that the feeding of sugar       none of the swarms met the criteria in
                                                                    syrup can be beneficial to the overall      terms of size or strength, because for
                                                                    health of a colony is not in doubt. The     queen rearing each hive should contain
                                                                    addition of other stimulants, however,      at least eight frames of brood and be
                                                                    also needs to be thoroughly researched.     populated by at least 30 000 bees.
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The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
Looking inside the hives, I discovered    the pupa stage, but also afterwards                                                          As an aside, day-old chicks are also
that the probable reason for the weak        when the young bees emerge and until                                                      fed a high protein diet after which the
state of the colonies was that very little   they become fully fledged workers. The                                                    protein is scaled back, coupled with an
or no pollen had been stockpiled for the     quality (measured by amino-acid                                                           increase in carbohydrates. The literature
coming winter months, probably because       content) is also of utmost importance.                                                    also refers to instances where adult bees
there just wasn’t any available from         Most South African pollen is quite low                                                    cannibalise young larvae in times of
natural resources – a worrying situation.    in protein, and therefore contains fewer                                                  pollen scarcity.
   In an effort to build up their food       amino acids. Examples include sunflower                                                      The feeding of carbohydrates (sugar
reserves, and thereby the swarm              pollen (14% protein) and eucalyptus                                                       syrup) is only of immediate to moderate
numbers, so that the queen breeding          pollen (less than 20% protein). In                                                        term importance in the effective
project could proceed, it was decided to     contrast Aloe Davyana is an excellent                                                     management of honeybee swarms. The
feed the swarms pollen substitutes and       protein source (28% protein) and this is      Figure 1: Gunshot brood pattern before      feeding of protein in the form of pollen
sugar syrup. This alleviated the situation   the reason bees flourish on this source.      feeding pollen substitute.                  or pollen substitutes, however, is
to some extent, although not nearly          Canola and Ramanas falls in the same                                                      important in the medium to long term
enough, and in the end the queen             category.                                                                                 functionality of a honeybee swarm.
breeding project failed. One could not          Echium is another excellent source,                                                       It is interesting to note that bees, like
ascribe it to the limited size of the        with 40% protein. The downside is that                                                    farm animals, can be fat or skinny. It is
swarms only as there could have been         this is not as common as the other named                                                  not apparent to the naked eye (much like
many other reasons.                          sources. Honeybees need a source of                                                       guinea fowl), but can be determined by
   What it did reveal, however, was that     protein above 25%.                                                                        weighing them in groups of 50 or more.
supplementary bee feeding had become            Insects like flies, moths etc. lay their                                               The larger the sample size, the smaller
a requirement – and not just a nice to       eggs on any suitable surface, with the                                                    the margin for error.
have – when keeping bees in the              resultant larvae being left to fend for
Western Cape.                                themselves once they hatch. Honeybee                                                      Over a period of four weeks, over 30
                                             larvae in contrast need to be fed from                                                    samples were weighed with the following
Drought                                      the start. This feed also needs to be of                                                  observations:
Readers need to keep in mind that this       high quality. A comparison would be the       Figure 2: Brood frame on right, four        1. It is fairly certain that a single adult
                                                                                           weeks later. Brood frame on left,
supplementary feeding initiative would       colostrum produced by a cow after giving                                                     bee normally weighs about 100mg.
                                                                                           indicates better brood pattern after
not have been necessary up to 10 years       birth having approximately double the         feeding pollen substitute. All frames       2. Baby bees weigh 75mg or less.
ago. However, after a three-year drought     protein content of normal milk. In the        from same hive.                             3. There is a direct correlation between
and little expectation that the situation    words of Randy Oliver: “They must                                                            the weight of the babies and the weight
would improve in the foreseeable future,     swim in a milky like substance”. Young           The next critical stage is when the         of the adults of a single swarm. In all
this had now changed and it had become       larvae fed a low protein diet die quickly     young bees hatch from the pupa. They           instances the babies weighed in at
necessary to supplement their natural        before they even reach the pupa stage.        are referred to as “baby bees” and their       around 25% or less than the adult
food intake most months of the year.         This will explain the buckshot pattern        first need is the intake of protein. This      bees’ weight.
   Such a feeding programme needs to         that sometimes manifest with young            is also potentially the reason why, in      4. Bees from a good area (Klein
include both protein and carbohydrates.      larvae (Figure 1 & 2). Underfed larvae        smaller swarms particularly, the pollen        Joostenberg) weigh on average
The efficiency of the aforementioned has     may survive on moderate protein diets         is stored right above the young bees in        113mg. These samples were taken
already been proven, so this article will    but similar to other animals, their life      the hive. “Baby bees” who consume high         from strong swarms (20 000 bees or
focus on the feeding of protein.             quality and production potential will be      quality protein live longer and are            more with four or more frames of
   Protein (pollen) is necessary not only    severely impacted when they reach             functionally better equipped for their         larvae and plentiful pollen, including
for the growth of new-born larvae up to      adulthood.                                    future roles.                                  Echium, in reserve).
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The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
5. Bees from less than ideal areas                                                                  frames, and therefore contained quite
   (Moorreesburg) weighed on average                                                                a bit of honey.
   95.5mg. These swarms averaged                                                                 5. When pollen substitute is mixed with
   10 000 to 12 000 bees with no larvae                                                             10% – 20% honey it is also consumed
   or pollen reserves.                                                                              rather quickly.
6. Bees from Klein Joostenbeerg (see                                                             6. Larvae and bees from trapped swarms
   Point 4) were moved to Moorreesburg                                                              fed with pollen substitutes increased
   and weighed again after four weeks.                                                              quickly in number.
   Their weight averaged only 104mg.
   There were no natural sources of          Canola                Echium vulgare                It is no longer a question whether pollen
   pollen, and they therefore lost weight.                                                       substitutes are necessary – it has been
7. The bees at Moorreesburg were twice       Over a four-month period, from                      established that they are. Latest news
   fed with a pollen substitute over a       September 2017, several swarms were                 from Australia about feeding pollen is

   period of seven days, and weighed         observed through glass. Different kinds             that it is “getting very popular”, according      When bees are being
   98mg after four weeks.                    of pollen and combinations thereof were             to Doug Somerville.
                                                                                                                                                fed, cost also becomes a
8. A moving swarm’s bees weighed             investigated. These observations were                  Honeybees need to maintain a healthy
   104mg on date of occupation and           done in a normal residential home in                bodyweight in order to function optimally.     factor. Moving any hives
   nine days later 89mg. After a further     southern Paarl, which made it possible              This includes wintering. Similarities exist    the beekeeper wants to
   seven days they weighed in at 81mg.       to do observations any time during the              with breeding cattle as well as plants like
                                                                                                 apple trees, vineyards and blueberry
                                                                                                                                                feed, especially smaller,
   No feed was introduced. It is there-      day or night. There were adequate
   fore accepted, as Randy Oliver            amounts of natural pollen available.                bushes, which are treated with fertilizer      struggling hives,
   mentioned, that the bees use their                                                            after the harvest. This ensures adequate       closer to base might be
   own bodily reserves to feed the larvae.   The following was observed:                         resources for the next production cycle.
   After another 30 days the bees weighed    1. Bees did not take to the commercial                 There are still problems that need to       beneficial as this saves
   110mg and their babies 80.2mg.               pollen substitute provided. (Note that           be addressed. There is obviously no need       both time and money.
                                                there are quite a few wild swarms in the         to feed if a sufficient quantity of natural
From the above observations, the                area which proceeded to steal honey              pollen is available. It has to be noted        breeding frames is possibly best, but
following conclusions were drawn:               or sugar syrup when left outside.)               however that bees need higher quantities       it has the side effect of drying out and
1. Baby bees need feed in order to           2. Bees don’t eat the commercial pollen             of lower quality pollen in order to obtain     then becoming less appealing to the
   mature and build the necessary               substitute in the hive.                          the adequate levels of amino acids             bees. If it could be fed outside the hive
   bodily reserves for later use. As with    3. When commercial pollen substitute                necessary. (See Fatty Bees Skinny Bees –       in a communal feeding trough, this
   new born calves the feed has to be           was mixed with 25% Chinese canola                Doug Somerville). It might be necessary        would simplify matters considerably.
   protein-rich and high quality, as this       pollen, 50g was consumed within 96               to supplement feed with additional high        Quantity and frequency is also still
   will help ensure the maximum                 hours. The most recent observations              quality (30%-plus) pollen. Surplus pollen      uncertain. At the moment it would seem
   productive adult life.                       point to natural pollen, when mixed              is probably converted to energy, as with       1g – 2g per 1 000 bees per day can be
2. Bees kept in areas with high pollen          with substitutes, becomes more                   farm animals, therefore feeding too much       used as a guideline.
   concentrations have more bodily              attractive to honeybees.                         can be expensive and unnecessary. Stored          The biggest problem with pollen
   reserves than bees kept in lower          4. When commercial pollen substitute                pollen also comes with a “best before”         substitutes is to get it ground finely
   pollen areas.                                is mixed with hand harvested pollen,             date: stored pollen older than six months      enough. There are also differences
3. Bees use their bodily reserves to feed       50g is consumed within eight hours.              has very little value.                         between harvested pollen and stored
   larvae (See Randy Oliver: Scientific         It is necessary to note that the                    Feeding pollen substitutes still needs      pollen that needs to be taken into account:
   Beekeeping – Part 2).                        harvested pollen came from honey                 to be refined. To feed this flat above the     natural pollen contains unidentified
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The South African Bee Journal Die Suid-Afrikaanse Byetydskrif - The South African Bee Industry ...
yeast, while when pollen is stored, the      Sources:

                                             1. Fat Bees, Skinny Bees – Doug Somerville.
yeast turns the pollen to bee bread.

                                             2. Scientific Beekeeping – Part 2 – Randy Oliver.
  In an initial study it was found that
                                             3. Bee Food – SW Nicolson, June, 2008.
                                             4. Nutritional content of Aloe Pollen – Human
bees fed with both honey enriched               and Nicolsen.
pollen substitutes and sugar syrup fared     5. Personal experience & communications –
better than bees fed with one or the            Theunis Engelbrecht.
other in isolation. All three groups
however fared better than the control
group, which did not receive any feed.
Unfortunately the number of hives in                                                                          Booster Bee Protein Plus         tm

the study was too few to obtain signifi-                                                          A Pollen Substitute for feeding bees in times of protein scarcity, winter feed
cant findings.                                                                                    and depleted rainfall periods. Also a boost feed for bees prior to start of
  When bees are being fed, cost also                                                              natural honey flow & pollination contracts. Not intended as a permanent
becomes a factor. Moving any hives the
                                                                                                  feed for bees as they will prefer natural organic pollen from flora when
beekeeper wants to feed, especially
smaller, struggling hives, closer to base                                                         available. Feed as dry powder form in large container placed close to apiary
                                                   Nico is a qualified agricultural               site. Fortified with natural pollen.
might be beneficial as this saves both             research technician who
time and money. Also, not all hives in             specialised in poultry
the same apiary will react in the same             husbandry. When retrenched
way to a given feeding programme.                  in 1994, he decided to turn a
                                                   30-year beekeeping hobby into
Behavioural patterns                               a full-time career. At the time
During the study it was also observed              of selling the business in 2008
that bees from different hives in the              at the age of 68, he had 1 000
same apiary tend to work in separate               hives and was producing some
areas. This could mean hives in the same           15 tonnes of honey and doing
apiary might fare differently depending            1 500 pollinations a year.
on the quality of the pollen they collect.         During this time he served
   Swarms in the same apiary also have             on the Western Cape Bee
different behavioural patterns. Some               Association’s committee, as well
swarms will hungrily consume pollen,
while others might have a lesser affinity
                                                   as the then Federation of Bee
                                                   Keepers Association. He was the                           Booster Bee Nectar Feed          tm

                                                   last chairman of the federation
to do so. The latter is however in the                                                            A Nectar Substitute for feeding bees in times of nectar scarcity and as a
minority.                                          before it became SABIO.
                                                   He still actively promotes
                                                                                                  winter feed. Ideal for establishing trek swarms and struggling colonies. Also
   The supplementary feeding of honey                                                             a boost feed for bees prior to start of natural nectar flow periods. Dilute with
                                                   beekeeping, particularly in
bees has already become important, and
                                                   raising pollination standards                  boiling water and feed cold in liquid form. Contains additional nutrients
will only become more so in the future.
Knowledge on the topic, however, is
                                                   and supporting the present Bee                 other than plain sucrose.
                                                   Forage project in the Western
limited to the practical experience of
                                                   Cape. Nico was voted Beekeeper                                   
                                                   of the Year in 2016.
   Here might be an opportunity for                                                                            Email for enquiries and to place orders:
research by post-graduate students.                                                                                  Tel: 011 476 5626 (mornings only: 08h00-12h00)
                                                                                                  Deliveries throughout South Africa by courier at purchasers’ cost can easily be arranged.
16                                                                                               24
Beekeeping in
     South Africa is
     becoming unviable
   According to Elize Lundall-Magnunon, from the Agricultural
   Research Council, Roodeplaat

Honeybees pollinate a third of
everything we eat and play a vital
                                          H     oneybees are hard-working insects
                                                and their activities ensure that
                                          most of the fruits, nuts and vegetables
role in sustaining the planet’s           that we eat are pollinated. Some of the
ecosystem. An ancient synergy             plants that are almost totally dependent
exists between honeybees and              on honey bees are deciduous fruit like
                                          apples, pears and plums; vegetables
flowering plants with honeybees
                                          like pumpkins, zucchini, watermelon;
needing access to flowers for the         berries like strawberries, blueberries and
food they consume, while the              blackberries; seed oils like sunflowers
flowering plants need to attract          and canola and nuts like almonds and
pollinators to enable essential              Wild honeybees are still widely
reproduction. Honeybees provide           available in South Africa. Wild bees can
that role while they consume              be found in suburban gardens and parks
pollen (as a protein source) and          in cities (where they most likely pose
                                          problems) and are found throughout the
nectar (as an energy source).             natural environment where there are
Honeybees need a biodiversity             enough forage plants to sustain them.
of flowers to survive.                    However, the habitat that wild honey-
bees depend on to nest and forage is           if there is now a bounty on every honey-
rapidly disappearing due to modern             bee swarm. Will honeybees have any
farming practices and urbanisation.            sanctuary in refuge areas where these
Mike Allsopp, one of the ARC’s experts         ‘harvesting’ activities do not happen?
on honeybees, stated that ‘as housing             A world-renowned environmental
developments expand and land is grazed         economist, Pavan Sukhdev, made the
to death through bad farming practices,        following statement: “Not a single bee
the available habitat for bees is declining.   has ever sent you an invoice. And that
In addition, modern travel means a             is part of the problem – because most
smoother passage into the country for          of what comes to us from nature is free,
new diseases.’                                 because it is not invoiced, because it is
                                               not priced, because it is not traded in

                                               markets, we tend to ignore it.”
   how long South
                                                  Although beekeeping is a popular
Africa will still have                         small-scale agricultural activity, it is
wild populations in the                        becoming increasingly difficult for
                                               commercial beekeepers to profitably
natural environment if                         keep bees in South Africa. The input
there is now a bounty on                       costs (fuel, packaging material, labels,
every honeybee swarm.                          equipment, hives and disease control)
                                               of commercial beekeeping, as well as
Will honeybees have                            hobbyist beekeeping, have increased         Aloe Davyana, found between Hammanskraal and Pienaarsriver, is a favourite plant
any sanctuary in refuge                        dramatically, while the income generated    among beekeepers for building up a bee colony. Bees collect pollen and nectar from
                                               from honey sales (the main income           these plants.
areas where these
                                               generator for most) have not increased
‘harvesting’ activities                        proportionally.                               Apart from price difference for honey            References:

do not happen?                                    More pressure is placed on beekeepers    and the depletion of natural forage                •
                                               by retail chain stores who want to push     resources, beekeepers also face other              •
   Due to expanding cultivation of             the price of honey down. In a survey        constraints. They have problems securing
horticultural crops, the increased need        of supermarkets and health stores in        access to land as forage sites for their           •
for commercial pollination services            Pretoria, we established that the price     hives and there are massive losses of              •
compelled commercial beekeepers to             of a 500g bottle of honey (mostly plastic   hives through veld fires, theft of hives             estimated-cost-of-buying-bees
                                                                                                                                              • January 2011
devise a plan to increase their stock of       containers) range between R55 – R127        and brood and the wanton vandalism of              • Johansmeier, MF. 2016. Beeplants of South Africa.
honeybees – they subcontract smaller           per bottle.                                 hives in apiary sites. Beekeeping in                 Sources of nectar, pollen, honeydew and propolis
                                                                                                                                                for honeybees. Strelitzia 37. South African National
beekeepers to catch wild swarms for               By studying the labels, that are         South Africa is therefore increasingly               Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria
them. Although the current price placed        compelled by law to state origin of the     becoming an unviable venture.                      • Kremen C, Williams NM, Thorp RW (2002) Crop
                                                                                                                                                pollination from native bees at risk from agricultural
on these swarms in South Africa is far         honey, we established that imported                                                              intensification. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 99:16812-16816
from the $92-115 (USA) and £100 (UK)           honey was between 20% and 50%               EJ Lundall-Magnuson is from the Agricultural       • Merlin A, Rouget M, Midgley J, Donaldson JS.
                                                                                           Research Council, Plant Health and Protection,       Pollination ecosystem services in South African
paid for captured bee swarms in other          cheaper than local South African honey.     Roodeplaat. Email:            Agricultural systems. S Afr J Sci. 2014;110 (11/12),
parts of the world, the question remains       Due to its cost, pure South African         This article first appeared in The Diamond Route
                                                                                                                                                ART.#2014-0078, 9pages.
                                                                                                                                              • Potts SG, Biemeijer JC, Kremen C, Neumann P,
how long South Africa will still have wild     honey is mostly found in the specialised    Newsletter produced by De Beers and is reprinted     Schweiger I, Kunin WE (2010) global pollinator declines:
populations in the natural environment         chain stores and in health shops.           with permission.                                     trends, impacts and drivers. Trends Ecol Evol 25:345-353

20                                                                                                                                                                                                  21
In December 2016, the                        The objective is to ensure compliance          sustaining expenditure for each
                                                                     with the regulations of the Agricultural       industry affected. In other words the
                        Department of Agriculture,                                                                  government doesn’t pay for it – the
                                                                     Products Standards Act.
                        Forestry and Fisheries appointed                During the course of 2017, the              industry must pay for its own
                        Impumelelo Agribusiness                      appointed Assignees attempted a series         compliance. However what are the
                        Solutions, based in Nelspruit,               of consultations and presentations to the      costs? Firstly, there will be a fee for
                                                                     affected industries and the chairman of        every inspection. The proposed fee
                        Mpumalanga, as the designated                SABIO attended a number of these to            (in 2017) is R1 450 (+ VAT). However
                        Assignees in terms of the                    gain an insight into how it would directly,    the debate here has been whether this
                        Agricultural Products Standards              and indirectly, affect the honey producing     is a once-off inspection fee, or as has
                                                                     industry. The process to enforce them          been suggested, an inspection fee per
                        Act for the inspection of certain
                                                                     includes both locally produced and             sample. We cannot accept the latter.
                        regulated processed products.                imported honey.                                If there has to be an inspection fee it
                                                                        Discussions between SABIO and the           has to be per visit. Secondly there is

                        T   he products covered included fruit
                            juices and drinks, frozen fruit and
                        vegetables, jam, jelly and marmalade,
                                                                     Assignees on a standard operating
                                                                     procedure for the honey producing
                                                                     industry have progressed reasonably well,
                                                                                                                    the cost of the samples to be taken.
                                                                                                                    This will depend on how many tests
                                                                                                                    need to be done on the product but
                        rooibos, honey, table olives, fat spreads,   although agreement has yet to be reached       the average testing sample at most

     Quality            mayonnaise and salad dressings, vinegar
                        and canned processed products,
                                                                     on the following outstanding issues:           requires only 150 grams of honey.
                                                                                                                    The biggest issue is the actual cost of

                        including pasta, mushrooms, fruit and        1. An exemption for smaller producers          the test required. There is no SANAS
                        vegetables.                                     be applied, and proposing that those        accredited laboratory in South Africa
                          The purpose of this inspectorate              whose annual honey production is            which is capable of carrying out all
     poised to          service is, as in the words of DAFF to:         less than a certain amount should
                                                                        be exempt from the inspection
     put honey          Prevent unintended consumer health
                        risks that may arise due to the presence

     products           of foreign matter and other contaminants
                        in the processed products;
                                                                     2. The definition of a “batch” for
                                                                        sampling purposes.

     under the             Prevent intentional deception using
                        processed products / food for economic       3. What constitutes a “sample” in terms
                        gain through adulteration and this may          of the quantity of product to be tested.
     spotlight          include but not limited to the following:
                        a. Mislabelling                              4. What tests need to be carried out on

                        b. Dilution
                                                                        honey samples. The Regulations list            There is no SANAS
                                                                        17 required standards but we need to
      Report compiled   c. Substitution
                                                                        ascertain whether these requirements,      accredited laboratory
      by Mike Miles     d. Unapproved enhancements                      dating back to legislation passed in       in South Africa which is
                        e. Concealment                                  2000, are still relevant and necessary.    capable of carrying out
                        f. Counterfeiting
                                                                     5. The costing factor. It is the intention    all the designated tests
                        g. Grey Market Production
                                                                        of government for this to be a self-       for honey.
22                                                                                                                                                      23
So des u
                                                                                                    BOOSTER BEE                                  TM

                                                                                                                                                                       u i fac
     the designated tests for honey. After        the “non-standard” honeys could


                                                                                                                                                                        th g t
     consulting with a German laboratory          receive inspections. It is however

                                                                                                                                                                          Af ed ur
                                                                                             liquid feeder
     SABIO has ascertained that if all tests      more likely to be at the point of

                                                                                                                                                                             r & ed
     required in terms of the legislation         production/packaging (ie. bottling)

     were to be carried out by them the           and of course with the importers.
     total current cost (based on end
     February foreign exchange rate)           We hope that this situation update              For internal feeding through beehive entrance
     would be R4 926 per sample. We have       will give readers a perspective of the
     pointed out to the consultants that it    sensitive issues SABIO is dealing with.       Key features:
     is unacceptable to expect the industry    We are informed that the process will go      1. Sturdy base takes all size transparent plastic           1
     players to have to pay such large sums    ahead and that Assignees will commence           bottles (ideally 1 litre) to monitor level of intake.
     for testing and if they were to expect    their work shortly. It is SABIO’s intention   2. Sealed unit – no leakage.
     three inspections per year this would     to ensure that the bona-fide players in       3. Extended neck to ensure internal feeding
     financially ruin the industry.            the industry are protected in terms of                                                                                2
                                                                                             4. Slender troughs prevent access by bees &
                                               fair play and to warn the implementers           drowning.                                                    3
6. Another big issue is where will be the      that over taxing genuine players with         5. Long body extends into beehive – everyone
   point of inspection? It is unlikely to      unnecessary expenditure and regulation           gets a drink.
   be at point of sale in the smaller retail   will seriously undermine our local            6. Pointed snout to push through
   outlets; but the larger retailers selling   honey producing industry.                        propolised entrance.
                                                                                             Once inserted squeeze bottle slightly
                                                                                             to create bubble & prevent air lock.               4

                                                                                             Best fed late evening when bees
                                                                                             not foraging.

              BYE TOERUSTING
                         Hoogste Kwaliteit Korwe
                     Goedkoopste pryse in Afrika!
                Groothandel pryse direk aan die publiek.                                                                                         To be used for feeding
                      Bye toerusting beskikbaar.                                                           5                             Booster Bee Nectar Feed

                                                                                                                                                        in liquid form
                                   Skakel gerus
     Sel: 082 878 0481                                     Posbus 12881

                                                                                                 B                                          SA
     Epos:                         Onderstepoort, 0110                            eequipment                                          Telephone retail outlet:
                                                                                                                                                              (0) 27 11 476 5626
                                                                                                                                                              (mornings only)
                                                                                         deure en vensters deur diewe verwyder.          Onlangs het ons
                                                                                         Die eienaar het egter gesê: “ As julle dit
                                                                                         kan regmaak, kan julle maar huurvry          aangesit vir ’n ete
                                                                                         daarin woon.” Natuurlik het Richard met      van plaashoender,
                                                                                         dankbaarheid hierdie gulde geleentheid       groenigheid en
                                                                                            Die Booths se geluk was egter van         aartappels. Ook die drink
                                                                                         korte duur. Misdadige elemente sou die       van heuning gemeng met
                                                                                         lewe vir hulle eindeloos versuur. Talle
                                                                                                                                      suurlemoen – alles op
                                                                                         inbrake het gevolg. Richard sê dat hulle
                                                                                         opgehou het met tel het toe die getal op     die plaas voortgebring
                                                                                         40 te staan gekom het. Hy is op ’n keer
                                                                                         in die been geskiet en Nola is ’n paar       neem waar die tyd op ’n Christelike
                                                                                         keer met ’n mes teen die keel gedreig.       gemeenskapsplaas deurgebring is. Die
                                                                                         Eindelaas het hulle die huis se sekuriteit   vlugkoste alleen het R50 000 beloop.

     Richard Booth ’n Byeboer wat                                                        optimaal opgeskerp. Ten spyte hiervan           Die afgelope aantal jare het hierdie
                                                                                         het ’n indringer steeds daarin geslaag       voorspoedige tye tot ’n einde gekom.
                   kan uithou                                                            om die huis binne te kom. Op ’n keer         Pestillensies van allerlei aard het
                                                                                         het Nola selfs ’n messwaaiende aanvaller     produksie tot ’n laagtepunt gevoer. As
                                                                                         laat vlug deur haar hardop op die Here       gevolg van die nadelige uitwerking van
     Deur Ferdie Du Preez                    en is alombekend. Van Drunen was weer       te beroep.                                   globale verwarming, teveel byeboere, die
                                             ’n jarelange steunpilaar van die destydse                                                Capensis probleem en ongeidentifiseerde
Beginjare                                    Westelike Provinsie Byevereniging. Hy       Voorspoed – gevolg deur vasbytjare           virusse, het produksie huidiglik tot slegs
Richard se verhaal begin in 1980 toe hy      was ook ’n bekende heuningbeoordelaar       Richard en Nola het besluit om ten spyte     ses ton gedaal. Gedurende 2014 moes
en sy vrou, Nola, deel was van ’n Christe-      Richard het na Natal getrek waar hy      van al hierdie geweldadigheid vas te byt     daar groot getalle korwe vernietig word
like gemeenskappie in Stormsvlei, naby       en Nola gedurende 1980 in die huwelik       en op die plaas te bly woon. Met die         om siekteverspreiding te voorkom.
Swellendam. Van bye het hy weinig            getree het. Hy het begin werk by Pat        byebenutting het dit voorspoedig                Weens die goeie prys wat heuning
geweet, maar nietemin was hy versot          Nolan wie in daardie stadium sowat          gegaan. Tydens hul eerste seisoen in         tans behaal, kan die Booths steeds
op heuning. Een van die gemeenskaps-         1 000 korwe besit het. Pat was ’n bedrewe   1988 het hulle 11 ton heuning van 180        daarin slaag om kop bo water te hou.
bewoners het weggetrek en Richard het        byeboer en Richard het kosbare onder-       korwe ge-oes. Tog was hul bankbalans         Richard sê: “Onlangs het ons aangesit
onmiddellik die kans aangegryp om            vinding onder sy leiding opgedoen.          ’n nederige nul. Met slegs ’n paar munt-     vir ’n ete van plaashoender, groenigheid
vyftien korwe van hom te koop. Min het                                                   stukke in die sak en ’n tenk vol diesel,     en aartappels. Ook die drink van heuning
hy geweet dat dit die begin sou wees van     ’n Geluk – maar ook ernstige                het hulle met hul volgelaaide ou Toyota      gemeng met suurlemoen – alles op die
’n lewenslange betrokkenheid en liefde vir   teenspoed                                   bakkie afgesit na Durban. Die verkope        plaas voortgebring.”
hierdie wonderwerkers van die natuur.        In 1988 het die egpaar na Harding (die      was goed en hulle kon weer ’n slag
   Richard was in die gelukkige posisie      “byehoofstad” van Natal) getrek waar        asemhaal.                                    Die toekoms
dat hy sy kennis van byebenutting            Richard sy verbintenis met byebenutting        1996 was hul produktiefste seisoen en     Richard is nie van plan om van sy
opgedoen het by twee van die voorste         sou voortsit. Geluk was aan die Booths      is daar 34 ton van 511 korwe afgehaal.       byeboerdery af te sien nie. Hy glo dat
byekenners in die land, naamlik, wyle        se kant en hulle het woonplek in ’n ou      Die Booths het in daardie stadium vyf        God sal voorsien. Op my vraag tot
Generaal Graham Moodie en Bart van           plaashuis gekry, waar hulle nou, na         inwonende kinders gehad. Die opbrengs        wanneer hy dan wil aanhou om met bye
Drunen. Eersgenoemde het ’n lang pad         27-jaar, steeds huurvry woon. Die huis      van die verkope is aangewend om die          te boer, het hy onmiddellik geantwoord:
in die byebedryf van Suid-Afrika gestap      was onbewoon en geplunder met al die        hele gesin vir een jaar na die VSA te        ‘Tot 100 jaar – net soos Generaal Moodie.’
26                                                                                                                                                                           27
Lively debates
                                                                                         Capensis problem, with these losses            internationally. Dr Harris Steinmann
                                                                                         made up by harvesting wild bee colonies        from FACTS (Food and Allergy
                                                                                         on a grand scale.                              Consulting and Testing Services) will
                             expected at                                                    “Just how serious is the problem,
                                                                                         what exactly is the Capensis problem,
                                                                                                                                        deliver a presentation on the sciences
                                                                                                                                        behind possible testing and identifica-

             Beecon 2018
                                                                                         and why have we made almost no                 tion of adulterated honey.
                                                                                         progress in solving it? And what is the           The use of pesticides in our industry
                                                                                         legal situation regarding the Capensis         is another contentious issue, and Dr
                                                                                         problem, and should this be changed?”          Hannelie Human, a researcher at SIRG,
                                                                                             Beecon 2018 will try to answer all the     who has a particular interest in the
                                                                                         above... and more.                             effects that neonicitoids have on bees,
                 National Bee Industry Congress                                                                                         will endeavor to shed more light on
                                                                                         Crop pollination                               this dark and gloomy subject.
                   6 – 8 July, Pietermaritzburg                                          This is reason enough for any beekeeper           Bayer, as always, are a great supporter
                                                                                         – large or small – to attend the conference.   of our industry and research efforts,

                                                                                         And it’s not just beekeepers who should        and Dirk Uys will represent them in

                                     top                                                 attend, because the conference is open         addressing the conference on correct

                                 Hot           t                                         to anyone interested in bees, according        crop spraying methods that should be
                                           hmen                                          to Craig Campbell, chairman of the             followed to protect the environment.
                                         ac ro
                                      enc                                                organising committee.

                            ens                  e           Allsopp mounts the             With the envisaged explosion in               it’s not just beekeepers
                         cap                 a g
                                                             podium to deliver his       demand for the use of bees for crop
                                     e                                                                                                  who should attend, the
                                 b  e                        presentation on Capensis    pollination, this will be another hot item
                                               io n          for, as he puts it:         on the conference agenda. Another topic        conference is open to
                                       u  trit
                                      n                         “Black bees!             in this field will cover the nutritional       anyone interested in bees
                               bee                io n
                                                             Swart-bye! That is          aspect of feeding bees under intensive

T    his biennial event
     is held under the       cr o p po
                                         l l

                                             ra ud
                                                             how beekeepers tend
                                                             to describe the Capensis
                                                                                             Professor Sue Nicolson (Social Insect
                                                                                                                                           The programme includes field trips
                                                                                                                                        to local apiaries to identify bee diseases,
                                      ey f
auspices of SABIO and                                        problem, or Cape Bee        Research Group) has been approached            focusing on the Capensis issue, as well
will this year be hosted        ho  n                              problem, our          to speak on the nutritional aspects of         as the supplementary feeding of bees.
                                                e s
by the KwaZulu-Natal
                                        is e as                    unique and home-      beekeeping, while bee forage in general           The conference will be held at the
Bee Farmers Association.              d                   g        grown bee disaster,   will be covered by Timo van der Niet,          Royal Agricultural Showgrounds, close
                                bee               e edin
SABIO’s annual meeting
                                          a r yf                   arguably more         of the University of KwaZulu-Natal.            to the city centre.
is also held during the                 t                    damaging to the             Nico Langenhoven, a commercial                    Accommodation in Pietermaritzburg
congress.                      le men                        industry over the past      beekeeper with extensive experience            extends from the inexpensive to the
   Possibly the most     sup               af ety            three decades than the      in bee nutrition, will provide further         luxurious and delegates needing
contentious subject               r  ops            loss of bee  forage, varroa or       insights into his ongoing study of             accommodation should do so online
this year will be the                        American Foulbrood, or even theft and       supplementary feeding (see page 12             through Google. Access to the venue
presentations and                            vandalism. Year after year commercial       for his latest findings).                      is relatively easy, although normal
discussions on the destructive Capensis      beekeeping operations in the Scutellata        Another arresting subject is food           morning traffic can slow things down
problem in traditional Scutellata regions.   regions of the country live with annual     fraud, with the adulteration of honey          and we suggest that delegates arrive at
Expect a lively discussion when Mike         colony losses of up to 50%, due to the      becoming a huge topic, both here and           the venue well before registration starts.
28                                                                                                                                                                               29
Honey production in the
                                                                                               In addition, we suffered an unusually
                                                                                            high incidence of badger damage at one
                                                                                            of our sites placed in the canola and this
South-western Cape plummets                                                                 was probably due to the lack of other
                                                                                            badger food.
as drought bites hard                                                                          AFB levels were again at 2,5% and
                                                                                            these colonies were destroyed, as usual.
                                                                                               Catching of swarms around the canola

              B      ees and beekeepers in
                     the Western Cape
                have experienced                     This survey of the
                                                                                            areas of Durbanville and Malmesbury
                                                                                            was a complete flop with very few small
                                                                                            colonies moving in and surviving.
                their third year of            effect of the drought in the                    My beehives on the peninsula, which
                drought. The low            South-western Cape on honey                     rely on a lot of urban exotics, wild
                rainfall resulted                                                           flowers, weeds and Eucalyptus Ficifolia,
                in little to no
                                          producers and apiarists who offer                 were very disappointing this summer
                germination               pollination services, was compiled                and produced only about one-third of
                of some annual                by Brendan Ashley Cooper,                     their normal late spring production.
weeds (an important source of              himself a victim of the searingly                   Our hives outside of Cape Town work
nectar and pollen), poor nectar                                                             on lucerne and eucalyptus. The lucerne
secretion and the severe die-off           dry conditions which gripped the                 flow was good in early December and
of some of the other more                       region this past summer.                    then just stopped due to the low water       Beehives damaged in Gordons Bay fire.
reliable bee forage plants. This                    This is his report...                   table and hot dry winds, but at least
shortage of bee food placed the bees                                                        there was some honey. These hives have          Hier in die omgewing is die byeboere
and beekeepers under stress and tested                                                      been split and are now in fynbos to          (die paar wat daar nog is) van mening
their resilience severely.                                                                  build up again and stay healthy.             dat dit in maande Maart tot Junie goed
   During these dryer times beekeepers                                                                                                   en volhoubaar moet reen om ’n nektar
reported catching fewer and smaller                                                         Frans van der Westhuizen retired             oes te verseker, al reen dit ook minder
swarms, and feeding large amounts of          Brendan Ashley Cooper, of Oude                beekeeper from Citrusdal and                 in die res van die winter. Dit het alles te
sugar syrup (at a cost) became necessary Raapkraal Honey and Cape                           Clanwilliam areas                            doen met ontkieming, blomset, dagtem-
to build up colonies for pollination and      Pollination Services, Lakeside,               Vir plus-minus 20 jaar hou ek al             peratuur ens. Met volop kos in die opbou
honey production.                             Cape Peninsula                                rekening reenval syfers en vanself-          vase beskibaar, word sterk swerms
   The dry vegetation was also highly         Our bees came out of winter in the            sprekend ook my heuning opbrengs.            gevorm, en die res spreek vanself. Al
combustible and beekeepers had to             fynbos looking strong. Winter was dry         Dit gee vir my ’n duidelike korrelasie       word die sitrus boorde ook besproei
contend with a new phenomenon called          and mild allowing our bees more and           tussen die twee statistieke. Natuurlik is    as natuurlike reenval swak is, is heuning
“fire season”, due to the dryer conditions longer working hours to forage.                  daar ook ’n hele paar ander faktore wat      opbrengs ook swak. Ons kan ook praat
and strong summer winds. This was                The canola, which we use in the            ’n rol speel, soos vandalisme, ratels,       van min jong swerms, ratels wat nader
very stressful. Climatic conditions and       Durbanville area, was two to three weeks      varroa, hive beetles, swak bestuur, min      beweeg uit ’n veld wat ook droog is. Die
vegetation vary significantly across the      later than in past years, and this resulted   jong trek swerms en ten laaste maar nie      jaar 2017 was so ’n jaar met min of geen
region, so beekeepers representing all        in a later build-up of colonies used for      die minste, boere wat weier dat bye in of    reen die eerste ses maande van jaar en in
areas were asked to comment on how            pollination. We were also not able to         naby die boorde staan. Die belangriktse      totaal ongeveer 45% minder vir die jaar
the drought affected their operations         achieve our spring splitting target, even     van al hierdie faktore is in elk geval ’n    en heuning produksie af met plus-minus
during the past summer:                       after feeding large amounts of syrup.         ondergemidelde reenval.                      30% tot 50%.
30                                                                                                                                                                               31
fairly well, but by far the majority didn’t.   Durbanville, Malmesbury and Paarl,           Danie Vorster of the Overberg
                                             Again, I put this down to lack of rain –       with a few hives in the Klapmuts area.       Honey Company and Cape
                                             or more specifically, a lack of the right      2017 was a year of utmost disappoint-        Pollination Services in Stanford
                                             amount of rain falling at the right time       ment as we saw bees weakening and            Colony strength: Bees didn’t go into
                                             to really get the Echium going.                even dying as a result of honey shortages.   winter well due to a below-average
                                                 The lack of rain and ongoing drought          It has become clear that we cannot        honey season. Building up swarms for
                                             in the Western Cape continues to plague        rely solely on nature to supply food. Due    pollination time in canola wasn’t causing
                                             us beekeepers. It seems that the water         to the involvement of blueberry pollina-     any difficulties as the warm days were
                                             table is now so low that even the normally     tion I needed to start feeding as soon as    in abundance and the bees had enough
                                             reliable eucalyptus are taking strain. So      April 2017 to stimulate the bees, as they    time to build up. The canola was much
                                             far this season our supers are not being       had to be brought up to strength.            later in 2017 due to the late rains. The
                                             filled like they normally do. They are            Everything went well until the end        swarms came out of pollination in
                                             also filling quite a bit later, too.           of October, when the drought really          a strong state, but the subsequent dry
                                                                                            kicked in and bees which did not receive     conditions then took their toll.
                                             Graham Hill, from My Father’s                  supplementary feeding after pollination      Spring build up: The bees built up
Rehiving a small catch hive swarm            Honey in Somerset West                         did not produce honey in January, while
in Malmesbury.                                                                                                                           quite nicely for pollination as the
                                             The build-up for last year’s pollination       bees that were fed did.                      weather was in their favour.
                                             on canola in the Caledon and Malmes-
Nic Lawrence, from Little                    bury areas was below average but there                                                      Feeding: We had to feed the bees that
Creatures in Penhill                         were enough swarms at pollination                                                           were placed in dryer areas to sustain
My bees seemed to do really well on this     strength to satisfy my pollination                                                          them till the canola came into flower.
seasons canola, which is in stark contrast   requirements. After pollination, I used                                                     We identified one swarm with AFB,
to last season. I put this enthusiasm down   Echium to build up and maintain swarm                                                       plus a couple of EFB hives.
to the extremely mild winter we experi-      strength in preparation for the Cladocalyx                                                  Catching swarms: We didn’t catch a lot
enced in 2017, with many more days of        honey flow. Due to the drought, Echium                                                      of bees because our biggest catching
good flying weather and good nectar          was very short and as a result, swarms                                                      sites on canola only started flowering
production in the warm weather. We           were not at their normal strength at the                                                    very late so there was not enough time
were able to split twice as many hives as    start of the gum flow.                                                                      for bees to build up and swarm in those
last year, and also found many of our           I placed bees on Cladocalyx in                                                           areas. The fynbos areas where we catch
catch boxes filling up with new swarms.      Somerset West, Caledon, Grabouw,               Beautiful canola site – Durbanville.         bees suffered a lot of fire damage.
Of around 100 catch boxes I think we         Villiersdorp and Franschhoek areas
                                                                                                                                         Pollination: The 2017 pollination

caught something in the region of 70         and honey production for January and
swarms this season, a far cry from our       February was just 30% of last year’s crop.
                                                                                               It has been one of the                    season went reasonably well, but the
                                                                                            toughest beekeeping                          Packham pears had extended flower
dismal catch return of the previous             Honey from the fynbos in the
                                                                                                                                         and put the hive numbers under some
canola season. Sadly, after the canola       Stanford-Caledon area has started early        years in a long time... due                  pressure.
our optimism was fairly short-lived.         so lets hope for a good flow this year to
   We didn’t really get into the pollina-    compensate for the gum disaster.               mainly to the drought                        Fires: We lost honey-producing and
tion this season, and rather moved our                                                      and fires. On the positive                   catching-sites due to fires.
bees to the Echium, hoping for a good        Pieter Theron, of A1 Honey                     side the honey price went                    Honey flows: It was an average flow
crop of spring honey. Despite our efforts,   in Durbanville                                                                              for eucalyptus honey, fynbos struggled
we received a less than average crop. One    I operate with 350 hives, mainly in            up considerably, which is                    due to lack of rain. Not too bad but
or two of our Echium sites produced          the northern suburbs, ranging from             good and bad for us                          also not too good.
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DAFF Kontakte – Byeboerdery
                                                                                         Mnre Riaan van Zyl en Kobus Kemp is hoofsaaklik die aanmeld punt vir
                                                                                         byesiektes, tans vir AFB of vermoedens/onsekerheid van AFB.
                                                                                         Hulle kan ook gekontak word rakende wetgewing rondom heuning
                                                                                         etiketering en standaards en die invoer vereistes van heuning.
Large canola site – Philadelphia.                                                        Hulle verskaf nie advies rakende bye-boerdery praktyke nie, maar sal
                                                                                         indien moontlik, persone wat navrae het na die regte of kundige persone
Frustrations: Badgers are becoming           minder as ander jare. Dit was nood-         verwys.
a bigger and bigger problem. There           saaklik om die bye te voer om verdere       Kontak hulle gerus.
are no predators for badgers so their        verliese van bye te voorkom.                Riaan van Zyl: (Capensis) Tel: 021 809 1702. Cell: 083 414 2494
numbers are increasing.                         Hierdie droogte het ook sy uitdagings                   Epos:
                                             op bestuiwing gehad om genoeg bye te        Kobus Kemp: (Scutellata) Tel: 012 309 8762. Cell: 082 873 1678
Louis van Niekerk, of Kraai Honey            he, wat op sterkte is. Oudshoorn en die                    Epos:
in Stellenbosch                              Weskus waar die ander broers boer was
It has been one of the toughest              niks beter nie. Groot uitdagings le voor
beekeeping years in a long time…             vir ons bedryf as dit nie die winter goed
due mainly to the drought and fires.         reen nie.
   On the positive side the honey price
went up considerably, which is good and      Helena and Pierre van der
bad for us. Good because we get a better     Westhuizen, of Simply Bee
price, but bad because we will get more      in Hopefield, West Coast
cheap competition entering our market.       The drought has not just affected
   Colony strength has been up and down      humans and cattle, our lawns have
this past year. Overall, I would say that    turned brown, vegetables are smaller
                                                                                                     DAFF contacts – Beekeeping
the bees coped very well in a difficult      and fewer, and plants are dying.
foraging year.                                  Honey production became one of           Mr Riaan van Zyl and Mr Kobus Kemp are the persons who beekeepers
   I had very little AFB this year and the   the victims of this crippling drought.      should contact if they have any suspicion about bee diseases such as AFB
bees seemed not to be bothered by it.        Beekeepers, from hobbyist to mid-size       or suspicions about the presence of AFB.
   As it was a very dry year, the bees did   to commercial operators, all reported       They can also be contacted regarding legislation concerning honey
not swarm well and very few swarms           that the honey harvests were severely       labelling and standards and import requirements of honey.
were caught and this made it difficult to    down, anywhere from half to no
                                                                                         They do not provide advice on beekeeping practices, but will if possible direct
replenish our losses and replace colonies.   production. The problem is most severe
                                                                                         persons with enquiries to the correct or experienced sources.
                                             on the West Coast, which suffered
Nelson de la Quera, Q Bee                    extreme drought conditions.                 Please contact them.
in Stellenbosch                                 At Simply Bee we felt the effects of     Riaan van Zyl: (Capensis) Tel: 021 809 1702. Cell: 083 414 2494
Klapmutskop Byeboerdery het die              the drought too, as our normal harvest                     Email
ergste droogte beleef die afgelope           would be between 15 and 20 tonnes a         Kobus Kemp: (Scutellata) Tel: 012 309 8762. Cell: 082 873 1678
seisoen. Ons het heelwat swerms verloor      season, while in the 2017-2018 summer                      Email:
en die heuning produksie was 70%             season we harvested only about 500kg.
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