The Shamrock -

Page created by Philip Gilbert
The Shamrock -
                           Sunday, January 23, 2022
                          The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 
                                      Volume 48, Number 8

The Shamrock
The Shamrock -
St. Patrick Catholic Church                                 Sacraments
12424 Brogdon Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70816                    Bap sm
Phone: (225) 753Ͳ5750 ▪ Fax: (225) 756Ͳ9636                 Seminar required for parents and godparents. Call the ▪                  parish office to schedule. For more informa:on, visit
Office Hours                                                  Reconcilia on 
Monday Ͳ Thursday: 8:30 a.m. Ͳ 4:30 p.m.                    Saturday: 2:30 Ͳ 3:30 p.m. and by appointment. 
Friday: 8:30 a.m. Ͳ 12:00 noon
Mass Times and Devoons            
                                                             Couples should contact the parish office at least six
Weekends                                                    months prior to their desired wedding date.
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 p.m.                                   Anoin ng of the Sick
Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., and 11:30 a.m.                Call the parish office. 

                                                             Funeral Planning
                                                             Please call the parish office prior to scheduling with the
Tuesday: 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 a.m.                     funeral home.

                                                            Call the parish office to place individuals on the 
Adora on                                                    prayer list in the bulle$n or the parish prayer line. 
Wednesday and Thursday: 8:30 a.m. Ͳ 3:00 p.m.

Saturday: 3:15 p.m. (before the Vigil Mass)

Parish Staff
Rev. Michael A. Miceli, Pastor
Deacon Peter Walsh
Deacon Alec Campbell                                                       Stewardship of Finance
Sandra Colomb, Business Manager                                           Month of December 2021
Jessica Lawrence, Recep$onist
Sabrina Peck, Liturgy/Recep$onist                                   Idenfied Givers           $ 88,693.05
Maria Danos, Bookkeeper
Melissa Harshbarger, Director of Faith Forma$on                     Unidenfied Givers          $    6,161.00
Vivian Lucek, Music Coordinator                                     Building Fund            $    3,608.00      
Mary Rogers, RCIA Coordinator
Jacqueline Brady, Housekeeper/Cook                                  Other                   $    7,659.00 
Chris:an Rodney, Maintenance                                        Total                    $ 105,824.05

St. Patrick Preschool
12424 Brogdon Lane Baton Rouge, LA 70816                           Thank you for your generous support!
Phone: (225) 752Ͳ3898; Ka:e LaFont, Director 


                                         The Mission of St. Patrick Church
                      Conscious of God’s presence, the family of St. Patrick Parish
                          strives to create a community of oneness in God’s love.
                                          Called, we follow Jesus,
                  Empowered by the Spirit, we dedicate ourselves to living Christ’s Message:
                               Love of God, shown forth in love of neighbor.
The Shamrock -
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23, 2022                                                            Page 3   

                                                                               We’re Hiring!
 Sunday, January 23
                                                                     St. Patrick is seeking a full-time facility
 Mass, 7:30 a.m., 9:30 and 11:30 a.m.
 Spiritual Adopon SignͲUp                                     maintenance technician. The perfect candidate
 RCIA Dismissal, 9:30 a.m. Mass                                should have strong organizational, planning
 Confirmaon Meeng, 10:30 a.m.                                 and communication skills. Should possess the
 Maronite Mass, 1:30 p.m.
                                                                    ability to work alone or as a team. Basic
 Youth Group (3rd Ͳ 5th), 4Ͳ5:30 p.m.
 Youth Group (6th and up), 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.                   knowledge of plumbing, electrical and HVAC
                                                                preferred. Able to lift at least 50 lbs. and climb
 Monday, January 24
                                                                  a ladder. Salary depends on experience and
 Bible Study, 6:00 p.m.
                                                                  skill level. Benefits include medical, dental,
 Tuesday, January 25
                                                                 retirement and more. Please mail or drop off
 Rosary for Life, Delta Women’s Clinic, 7:30 a.m.
 Rosary at Mercedarian Prayer Center, 7:30 a.m.                     a resume at the church office. For more
 Bible Study, 9:30 a.m.                                                  information call 225-753-5750. 
 Mass followed by Novena, 6:00 p.m.
 Choir Rehearsal, 6:45 
 Scouts Troop 203, 7:00 p.m.

 Wednesday, January 26
 Mass, 8:00 a.m.
 Adoraon, 8:30 a.m. Ͳ 3:00 p.m.
 Maronite Mass, 6:30 p.m.
 Children’s Choir Rehearsal, 6:00 p.m.

 Thursday, January 27
 Mass, 8:00 a.m.                                                       THAT MAN IS YOU RETURNS
 Adoraon, 8:30 a.m. Ͳ 3:00 p.m.                                          PRE-COVID STYLE
 White Oak Nursing Home, Mass, 10 a.m.
                                                                           FOOD • FELLOWSHIP
 K of C Officers Mtg., 7 p.m. 
                                                                         TEACHING • SHARING
 Friday, January 28
 Mass followed by the Rosary, 8:00 a.m.                              AS STEEL SHARPENS STEEL, SO
                                                                           MEN SHARPEN MEN
 Saturday, January 29
  Reconciliaon, 2:30 p.m.                                     Sign up at all Masses January 29 & 30
  Rosary, 3:15 p.m.
                                                                     Meetings begin Wednesday, February 16
 Saturday Vigil, 4:00 p.m.
                                                                           and continue for 13 weeks

                     Thank You!                                                     SCHEDULE:
                                                                                   5:45 Breakfast
Thank you to Resthaven Funeral Home for again sponsoring
our parish calendars. We know how much all of you look
                                                                                6:05 Announcements
forward to getting the calendars, and although they were a          6:15 Video (Excellent, authoritative speakers)
bit late arriving this year, we are so grateful to have them!               6:45 Small group discussion
You may pick up a copy in Church or the parish office.                             7:15 Dismissal
The Shamrock -
Page 4                                                                St. Patrick Catholic Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana

SUNDAY’S READINGS                                             MASS INTENTIONS
 First Reading: Ezra read                                    Saturday, January 22 
 plainly from the book of the                                 4:00 p.m. ʹ Margaret Ray, Jimmy and Mary Carlino,
 law of God, interpre:ng it so                                Richard and Marie T. Caldwell, Wilma T., James
 that all could understand                                    Michael, and Larry Joseph Cronan, Judy Clements,
 what was read. (Neh 8:8)                                    Sally Duet, Fred Connors, Fr. Jack NuHer, Earl Weber
 Psalm: Your words, Lord,                                     Sunday, January 23
 are Spirit and life. (Ps 19)
                                                              7:30 a.m. ʹ For the People of St. Patrick 
 Second Reading: For in one
                                                              9:30 a.m. ʹ Dr. Steven Collins, Buddy Heckman, Jacob
 Spirit we were all bap:zed into one body, whether
                                                              Cloessner, Peter La, Gloria LeBlanc, Tony Barbara,
 Jews or Greeks, slaves or free persons, and we were all
                                                              Charles Tureau
 given to drink of one Spirit. (1 Cor 12:12)
                                                              11:30 a.m. ʹ Frank Bravata, Michael White, KaHy
 Gospel: He said to them, “Today this Scripture passage       Cheng, Dale and Glenn Gaudet, Deceased members of
 is fulfilled in your hearing.” (Lk 1:21)                     Gaudet and Adams families, Virginia Messina, Terry
                                                              Edwards, Twee:e Guidry
                                                              Tuesday, January 25
                                                              6:00 p.m. ʹ Margaret Ray, Milton LeBlanc, Rose Marie
 Sunday: Neh 8:2Ͳ4a, 5Ͳ6, 8Ͳ10/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15/1 Cor      Sheppard, Kayla Savoie, David Lowe, Bernadine
12:12Ͳ30 or 12:12Ͳ14, 27/Lk 1:1Ͳ4; 4:14Ͳ21                    Chenevert
Monday: 2 Sm 5:1Ͳ7, 10/Ps 89:20, 21Ͳ22, 25Ͳ26/Mk
                                                              Wednesday, January 26
Tuesday: Acts 22:3Ͳ16 or Acts 9:1Ͳ22/Ps 117: 1bc, 2/Mk        8:00 a.m. ʹ Bill Higgins, Anna Ngo, Tony Barbara,
16:15Ͳ18                                                      Marie Nhuong, Anna Quyen, Jenelle Carrier
Wednesday: 2 Tm 1:1Ͳ8 or Ti 1:1Ͳ5/Ps 89:4Ͳ5, 27Ͳ28,           Thursday, January 27
29Ͳ30/Mk 4:1Ͳ20
Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18Ͳ19, 24Ͳ29/Ps 132:1Ͳ2, 3Ͳ5, 11, 12,        8:00 a.m. ʹ Father Jack NuHer, Nancy Buckle, Anna
13Ͳ14/Mk 4:21Ͳ25                                              Ngo, Connie Thilges, Fr. Danny Roussel, William
Friday: 2 Sm 11:1Ͳ4a, 5Ͳ10a, 13Ͳ17/Ps 51:3Ͳ4, 5Ͳ6a,           Crooks and the Inten:on of Ann Crooks
6bcdͲ7, 10Ͳ11/Mk 4:26Ͳ34                                      Friday, January 28
Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1Ͳ7a, 10Ͳ17/Ps 51:12Ͳ13, 14Ͳ15,
16Ͳ17/Mk 4:35Ͳ41                                             8:00 a.m. ʹ Anna Ngo, Robert and Doris Gunn, Milton
                                                              LeBlanc, Doreen Plotkowski, the Inten:on of Deacon
                                                              Pete Walsh


                                                                            The Sanctuary light burns
                                                                             January 22—January 28
                                                                                in loving memory of
                                                                                   Elizabeth Ricca

  S. Medica, A. Pichon, Jr., J. Root, K. Johnson, A. Roy, 
      G. Mackey, L. Polite, L. Barbarin, B. Coghlan, 
     C.G. Lohfink, E. Harris, B. Strader, F. Manuel, 
 P. & R. Chaney, L. Nassar, C. & T. LaStrapes, O. Lange, 
  R. Jordan, J.Delfino, B. Tipton, A. Luksa, M. Brown,            Deepest Sympathy to Paul and Monica Geissler
                   J. & L. Say, A. Luksa                            on the death of their son Robert Geissler
The Shamrock -
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23, 2022                                                                            Page 5       

        Spiritual Adoption Project
         Sign up this weekend!
         The St. Patrick Respect Life Committee will once again sponsor a Spiritual Adoption
         Project designed to enlist the entire parish community to pray daily for babies in
         danger of abortion. The project will begin on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday,
         January 23, 2022, and will end nine months later, when the spiritually adopted
         babies will be born (during 40 Days for Life.) Unfortunately, not all newly
         conceived babies are allowed to be born; in fact, more than 4,000 babies lose their
         lives to abortion every day. Parishioners and friends of St. Patrick Church, young
         and old alike, will be given an opportunity to spiritually adopt an abortion-vulnerable baby by completing and signing a prayer
         pledge card and returning it to committee members. Participants are asked to name the babies for whom they will be spiritually
         adopting and to pray daily for all unborn children and their parents. The Respect Life Committee members will be available after
         all Masses January 22-23 to collect pledge cards. Please plan to sign up to spiritually adopt one of the millions of abortion-
         vulnerable babies. They really do need your prayers!

 Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

 Pope Francis has said that respect for life is not just about the unborn child in the womb, but also about the least of
 our brothers and sisters. Yes, it is even upon the undocumented resident alien who has no voice but ours. As follow-
 ers of Jesus Christ, we are all called to protect the voiceless.
 Let us pray...
 Good and gracious God,
 you blew into our nostrils the breath of life.
 You are the One to whom we owe our very existence.

 Give us the courage to take that unpopular posi:on
 of protec:ng those who have no voice,
 the unborn child in the womb
 to the person taking his or her last breath.

 The life you have given us is a giK beyond measure.
 Embolden us to speak the truth
 about protec:ng the child, the elderly,
 and the one without a voice in the public square.

 With thankful hearts,
 we ask all this of the One God,
 Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
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Page 6                                                             St. Patrick Catholic Church, Baton Rouge, Louisiana






           Happy birthday to Deacon Alec on Saturday, January 22!

             Happy birthday to Deacon Pete on Friday, January 28!

         We are so blessed to have you both assigned to St. Patrick parish. Best wishes for a
                    happy and healthy year. May God continue to bless you both!!


January 23, 2022
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Human history reveals many periods where people lost a sense of God’s transcendence. It may even be
argued that human beings have been wandering and lost more than they have been at home and focused.
Human nature being what it is, we struggle with who God really is ² the God of our salvation history or
the “gods” of human constructs. Relying on our own designs and pursuits, we forget that we really are
meant to listen to One upon whom the Spirit of the Lord rests, Jesus Christ, and not to ourselves. That
same history that reveals our fickleness and infidelity also reveals God’s constancy and faithfulness. God
always finds us.

As people wander and fumble to find their way, God is there bringing them back to holiness and giving
them the assurance of His presence. We have to allow God’s Word, God’s life, to touch us and change us.
It can make us more flexible and attentive to the sacred in all facets of life so that every day is one that is
holy. Every day is a time when fulfillment is possible for one’s soul. Jesus stood before those gathered in
the synagogue as the fulfillment of words of promise that were echoed long ago. God doesn’t forget. He
always comes for us.

Now it is time to remember to go to God. Sometimes our lives are so confused and tangled that it is
difficult to see the Word and hand of God. But when we realize, deep within, the depth of friendship God
offers to us it really has the power to turn sadness to joy. The promise is fulfilled. Going frequently to
God’s Word, allowing ourselves to be enriched and rejuvenated, and pondering the certainly of God’s
fidelity and promise permanently transforms us. We will be more aware of the sacred and the holy and less
invested in things that pull us away.

The Shamrock -
The Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, January 23, 2022                                                                                Page 7         

        St. Thomas Aquinas | January 28
        One of the most famous members of the Dominican Order, St. Thomas Aquinas
        (1225 ʹ 1274) is wellͲknown by many for his theological work, “The Summa
        Theologiae.” Born in Italy, his mother wanted him to become a Benedic:ne and
        had high hopes that he would eventually become abbot of Monte Cassino, where
        he spent much of his youth. To change his voca:on, she had him kidnapped by
        his brothers on his way to Paris at the age of 19. He spent two years in their
        cap:vity. Despite this, nothing could shake him from his voca:on to become a
        Dominican priest and he was eventually released. Once free, he went to Paris
        and then to Cologne, where he finished his studies with Albert the Great.

        His greatest contribu:on to the Catholic Church is his wri:ngs. The unity,
        harmony, and con:nuity of faith and reason, of revealed and natural human
        knowledge, encompasses his wri:ngs. The Summa Theologiae, his last and,
        unfortunately, uncompleted work, deals with the whole of Catholic theology.

        The patron saint of teachers, theologians and students, St. Thomas Aquinas died
        in 1274. His life and the impact he had on the whole Church, however, remains
        alive today.

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The Shamrock - The Shamrock -
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