THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY CITY COLLEGES - Diploma Courses and CPD Events Featuring three programmes approved for CPD credits for members of the ...

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THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY CITY COLLEGES - Diploma Courses and CPD Events Featuring three programmes approved for CPD credits for members of the ...

Diploma Courses and CPD Events
Featuring three programmes approved
for CPD credits for members of the
Psychological Society of Ireland.               1
THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY CITY COLLEGES - Diploma Courses and CPD Events Featuring three programmes approved for CPD credits for members of the ...
Thank you for considering City Colleges’ School of
                                                                Psychology. 2011 marked the launch of City Colleges, and
    CONTENTS                                                    we are excited to add a suite of programmes in psychology
                                                                and its various sub-fields to the existing courses on
                                                                offer. These include general psychology, criminology and
                                                                criminal psychology, counselling psychology, and cognitive
    Welcome                     3                               behavioural therapy.

    Why City Colleges?          5
                                                                 Whether you are hoping to embark on a professional career
    Student Testimonials        7                                in psychology or simply have a desire to gain knowledge
                                                                 of the field for its own sake, we should have something to
    About our Lecturers         9
                                                                 interest you. We offer students individual attention in an
    Qualification Information   10   environment that prioritises limited class sizes. Some lectures are streamed live, and
                                     recorded for later review online.
    How to enrol                13
    Contact Us                  14   At City Colleges, we believe that the student experience is, in large part, determined
                                     by the quality of the tuition provided. For this reason, we have assembled a team of
                                     inspiring lecturers who currently work in environments which require the application of
                                     theory to practice.

                                     We believe that our combined experience in delivering student-centred programmes
                                     will mark an important advancement in your journey in psychology.

                                     I look forward to meeting you soon,

                                     Yours faithfully,

                                     Eoin O’Shea
                                     Director, School of Psychology,
                                     City Colleges.

2                                                                                                 3
THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY CITY COLLEGES - Diploma Courses and CPD Events Featuring three programmes approved for CPD credits for members of the ...
Psychology and related therapeutic professions constitute a growing field of
                     professional and personal interest in Ireland today. Mental health is an extremely
WHY CITY COLLEGES?   important aspect of our functioning at both an individual and societal level. In line
                     with this trend, the numbers of psychology/therapy jobs in both the public and private
                     sectors have seen dramatic increases over the past few decades.

                     City Colleges meets the needs of such prospective students by providing a suite
                     of courses geared for those either beginning their path in psychology or further
                     developing their professional qualifications. We offer diploma-level courses, continuing
                     professional development events, and are branching out into the provision of more
                     intensive, comprehensive professional trainings.

                     Lectures are delivered by those who possess both teaching and practical applied
                     experience. At City Colleges, we believe this is of utmost importance in ensuring that
                     theory is taught with a view to its practical application at some point in the future.

                       Why City Colleges?
                       Courses combine both theoretical
                       and skills elements

                       Student participation is encouraged

                       Some courses are streamed live online via
                       Moodle, and are also recorded for review
                       City centre location in Dame Street,
                       convenient for bus, LUAS, DART, etc.

                       Southside Dublin location in Templeogue

                       Study rooms and library in our Dame Street
                       and Templeogue locations

                       Limited class sizes.

4                                                                                5
THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY CITY COLLEGES - Diploma Courses and CPD Events Featuring three programmes approved for CPD credits for members of the ...
“Eoin O’Shea lectured me in UCC some           “Coming from an Existential, Humanistic
                       time ago and made such an impression.          background I wasn’t initially attracted
STUDENT TESTIMONIALS   Not only did he contribute to my               to the more structured approach of CBT.
                       knowledge and that of my classmates,           However, I found Eoin’s presentation
                       he is a great listener and genuinely           to be well researched, balanced and
                       cares about people, his subject and            informative. I now use CBT with certain
                       the dissemination of his extensive             clients who benefit from a more directive
                       knowledge. What I remember most about          therapy. I enjoyed the Counselling
                       Eoin is that he never made his students        Foundation lectures given by Eoin
                       feel uncomfortable. As I was very much         O’Shea. He is a natural presenter, able to
                       a beginner in this field, I appreciated this   talk about the subject matter as opposed
                       immensely and it was obvious he placed         to just repeating slide material. I like to
                       such a value on everyone’s contribution.”      think aloud and question as I develop my
                       Adelina Syms, Doctoral Student                 understanding, and I found Eoin open to
                                                                      engaging with me in this way.”
                                                                      Maurice Foley, Counselling Psychologist
                       “I experienced Eoin as a very enthusiastic,
                       organised and interactive lecturer on the
                       MA Counselling Psychology program in           “I found Paul Hayes to be calm and at the
                       University College Cork, where he taught       same time engaging in a way that really
                       on the theory of Cognitive Behavioural         made people listen to what he said. His
                       Therapy. He was always very well               motivational interviewing workshop has
                       prepared and the overall course-outline        really added to my work with clients,
                       as well as each individual seminar was         despite the fact that I come from a
                       very good structured. Eoin’s teaching          different theoretical background.”
                       style compromised a very good balance          Freja Petersen, Psychology Student
                       by delivering theoretical information
                       in a clear and easily accessible form
                       through excellent use of Powerpoint            “Sheila Hawkins has really had an
                       presentations, while also encouraging          impact on my clinical work. She has a
                       us students to reflect upon and actively       very dynamic style of teaching, and her
                       participate in discussions on the teaching     obvious familiarity with applied settings
                       material.”                                     makes her extensive experience clear.”
                       Insa Lichtsinn, MA Counselling Psychologist    G.P., Trainee Counselling Psychologist

                       “I just wanted to say thanks again, I
                       learned a lot and, even more importantly,
                       it was a really enjoyable day!”
                       S. M. Psychologist in Training

6                                                                                    7
THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY CITY COLLEGES - Diploma Courses and CPD Events Featuring three programmes approved for CPD credits for members of the ...
Eoin O’Shea, B.A., NUI                                Paul Hayes,
                                             Cert. (Couns), M.A. Reg.                              B.A, M.A., IAAAC
                                             Psychol. PsSI.                                        Paul is an accredited
                                             Eoin graduated from                                   counsellor who graduated
                                             American College Dublin                               from University College
                                             in 2003 and went on to                                Dublin in 2001 with a
                                             complete further training                             degree in psychology.
ABOUT OUR LECTURERS                          in counselling skills
                                             through NUI Maynooth.
                                                                                                   He later went on to
                                                                                                   develop a specialisation
                                             He completed an M.A. in                               in addiction and
                      Counselling Psychology at University College         completed the M.A. Addiction Studies in Dublin
                      Cork. He subsequently lectured there on courses      Business School of Arts in 2005. During this
                      in counselling and psychotherapy, guidance           time he became interested in client-centred
                      counselling, counselling psychology, and social      approaches to treatment and completed
                      work. He has published a number of articles,         trainings in Motivational Interviewing (MI)
                      reviews, book chapters and has presented             in the UK and Spain to trainer level. Paul has
                      at numerous professional conferences. He has         worked as an individual and group therapist for
                      been a senior researcher for the National Suicide    5 years in a residential treatment centre that
                      Research Foundation. He gained experience as         adopted the MI approach and is a member of
                      the Helpline Coordinator of a missing persons        both the IAAAC (Irish Association of Alcohol
                      helpline in Dublin. More recently, Eoin has          and Addiction Counsellors) and of MINT
                      worked with adult survivors of childhood abuse       (Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers).
                      at both the National Counselling Service (NCS)       Paul’s experience has also included working
                      and at Connect. Eoin also works in private           with the City of Dublin VEC Psychological
                      practice at South Dublin Psychologists, Dublin 2.    Service, the HSE in primary care and within
                                                                           a multidisciplinary team in St. Edmundsbury
                                                                           Hospital, Lucan. As well as delivering training
                                                                           in MI, Paul currently maintains a small private
                                              John O’Keeffe
                                                                           practice, conducts research in the field, and
                                              John O’Keeffe is a
                                                                           is completing a Doctorate in Counselling
                                              criminologist and Visiting
                                                                           Psychology in Trinity College Dublin.
                                              Professor in the School
                                              of Psychology at Trinity
                                              College Dublin where he
                                              teaches the Psychology                               Sheila Hawkins,
                                              of Criminal Behaviour.                               B.A., M.Sc., PG Dip,
                                              He is a graduate of                                  C.Psychol., AFBPsS
                                              University College Dublin,                           Sheila is a chartered
                      London Metropolitan University and a double                                  counselling psychologist
                      criminology graduate of Cambridge University                                 and Associate Fellow of
                      where he is a life member of Homerton                                        the British Psychological
                      College. He is a member of the British Society                               Society (BPS). Her
                      of Criminology and acts as a Special Advisor                                 training is also validated
                      to Advocates for the Victims of Homicide.                                    by the Department of
                      From 2000-2010 he was both Head and Dean             Health here in Ireland. A qualified addiction
                      of the Law School at Dublin Business School          counsellor, Sheila’s primary therapeutic modality
                      incorporating Portobello College, where he           is cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) which
                      taught both civil and criminal law. John O’Keeffe    she trained in at both the University of East
                      is a journalist and broadcaster, and also a          London and the NHS in Newcastle. Sheila works
                      member of the Chartered Institute of Mediators.      in primary care in Dublin city centre as well as in
                                                                           private practice.

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THE SCHOOL OF PSYCHOLOGY CITY COLLEGES - Diploma Courses and CPD Events Featuring three programmes approved for CPD credits for members of the ...
All four diploma programmes are awarded by City Colleges.

     QUALIFICATION INFORMATION                                                                                         In addition, three of the four (Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural
                                                                                                                       Therapy, Diploma in Counselling Psychology and the Diploma
                                                                                                                       in Criminology and Criminal Psychology) are recognized by
                                                                                                                       the Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI) for the purposes of
                                                                                                                       continuing professional development (CPD) credits for its members.

                                                                                                                       This means that any practicing registered psychologist, having
                                                                                                                       completed one of these three courses, is entitled to have the course
                                                                Three programmes approved for CPD
                                                                                                                       counted towards CPD credits which must be accumulated over
                                                              credits for members of the Psychological                 three-year CPD cycles.
                                                                          Society of Ireland.

COURSE INFORMATION:                                    into human thought and behaviour in their own lives.      been approved for CPD credits for members of the       cognitive psychology, social psychology, biological
                                                       The course is therefore suitable for both those who       Psychological Society of Ireland.                      basis of behaviour, personality theory and individual
Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)         have a professional interest in psychology as well as                                                            differences, abnormal psychology, research design
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is an              members of the general population with an interest                                                               and methods, and psychological therapies.
empirically based psychological treatment for a        in this exciting and rapidly developing field of study.   Diploma in Criminology and Criminal Psychology         Students will also gain experience of research
variety of psychological problems (e.g. depression                                                               The purpose of this programme is to equip              through a project to be completed within one month
and anxiety). The Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural                                                               learners with a basic understanding of the fields      of completion of lectures. The focus of the Diploma
Therapy at City College aims to introduce students     Diploma in Counselling Psychology                         of Criminology (the scientific study of crime)         is theoretical although discussion and practical
to the theoretical underpinnings of CBT and to the     The Diploma in Counselling Psychology at City             and Criminal Psychology from a historical,             examples of relevance will be discussed throughout.
skills required for an in-depth knowledge of the       Colleges aims to introduce students to the main           contemporary and progressive perspective. In           Graduates will possess a broad, basic understanding
practice of this therapeutic approach. CBT seeks       theories, strategies, and skills of counselling           addition, fundamental psychological concepts will      of modern psychology following completion of the
to examine and challenge clients with the manner       psychology. Theories covered are derived from             be considered, including Personality Disorders,        Diploma. They may use such learning to decide if
in which their thoughts, beliefs and attitudes to      the three main basic therapeutic frameworks;              Learning Theory and Social Psychology. These will      further studies in psychology would be of interest to
various events and circumstances negatively affect     humanistic, psychodynamic, and cognitive-                 be related to the various theories of crime and        them. Alternatively, students may simply complete
their mood and behaviour.                              behavioural. Students will graduate with a sound          offending. At the end of the course, learners will     the Diploma out of interest regarding the manner
                                                       basic understanding of these three main schools           have a detailed understanding of the psychology        in which modern psychology aims to investigate
Whilst open to the general public, we strongly         and specific examples of each from a theoretical          and nature of criminal conduct. This course has been   and better understand the human mind and
encourage the course for those working in a variety    perspective. Attention will also be paid to broad         approved for CPD credits for members of the PSI.       behaviour. Professionals in related disciplines such
of roles where contact with those experiencing         differences between counselling psychology                                                                       as counselling, etc, may also be eligible to consider
psychological problems may be a feature, e.g.          and related professions such as counselling,                                                                     completion of the course for CPD (continuing
psychotherapist, medical doctors, nurses, social       psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, etc. Basic skills          Diploma in Psychology                                  professional development) purposes. However,
workers, psychologists etc. Upon graduation,           training will also be covered.                            The Diploma in Psychology at City Colleges aims        the Diploma in Psychology does not carry PSI CPD
students will have a greater understanding of their    Finally, students will gain experience of research        to introduce students to the main topics often         credits, since practicing, registered psychologists
chosen area and may from there either progress         through a project to be completed within one              taught on modern psychology courses. These topics      would have already covered this material as part of
to further studies or simply enjoy a greater insight   month of completion of lectures. This course has          include developmental and lifespan psychology,         their primary degree in psychology.

     10                                                                                                                                                                                  11
You can apply online at                      City Colleges also delivers professional
      or you             programmes in the following discipline areas
HOW TO ENROL   can complete the application form            from our City Centre campus, our campus
               available on the website and return to       in Templeogue, Dublin 6W, and throughout
               the Admissions Office. You can also          Ireland online:
               request a hard copy application form by
               contacting the School of Psychology on       School of Professional Accountancy
               1850 25 27 40 or         ACCA Certified Accounting Technician
                                                             ACCA Revision Courses
               Postal Address:
               Course Admissions                            School of Business and Computing
               School of Psychology                          Diploma in Business
               City College Dublin
               32-34 Dame Street                             Certificate in News Journalism
               Tel: 1850 25 27 40                            EDI Teachers’ Diploma in Information
               Email:                   Technology
                                                             European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL)
                                                             Advanced ECDL
               Dublin and Online Facilities                  A+ CompTIA
                Library and study rooms available in
                                                             N+ CompTIA
                our Dublin City Centre and Templeogue
                locations                                    Basic Computer Skills
                 Printed materials provided
                                                            School of Professional Law
                 Lectures for some diplomas streamed         Law Society of Ireland’s Entrance Exams
                 live on Moodle with online chat facility    (FE-1) Preparatory Course
                 City centre location in Dame Street,        Diploma in Legal Studies
                 convenient for bus, LUAS, DART, etc
                                                             Kings Inn Preparation Course.
                 Southside location in Templeogue with
                 car parking facilities
                 Around the clock support by telephone
                 and email.

12                                                                     13
                                           Main Street, Templeogue,     Dame Street,         T: 1850 25 27 40
                                           Dublin 6W, Ireland.          Dublin 2, Ireland.   E:

How to find us:
City College Dublin’s Psychology programme are delivered from
Dame Street in Dublin 2, and from Main Street, Templeogue, Dublin 6W.

City College Dublin also offers programmes in Law, Accountancy,
Business & Computing, Family History and Digital Marketing.

14                                                                                                              15
Main Street, Templeogue,   Dame Street,         T: 1850 25 27 40
Dublin 6W, Ireland.        Dublin 2, Ireland.   E:

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