The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Stockton University - and Hosted and Sponsored by

Page created by John Ferguson
The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Stockton University - and Hosted and Sponsored by
Hosted and Sponsored by

The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
               Stockton University
The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Stockton University - and Hosted and Sponsored by
Date:               March 19, 2022
To:                 Participants in the 47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair
From:               Peter Straub, Dean
                    Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Subject:            Welcome to Stockton University

On behalf of President Harvey Kesselman, Provost and Academic Vice President Leamor Kahanov and the
faculty, staff and students of Stockton University, I welcome you to our campus. We are excited to welcome you
back in person to the Jersey Shore Science Fair which is routinely one of the largest in the Delaware Valley region.

Science is defined by the Oxford Languages dictionary as “The intellectual and practical activity
encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world
through observation and experiment.” As such, science is a method to collect observations and test ideas to
generate educated guesses (hypotheses) as to how things work. Experimental design, collection and
interpretation of data allow you to reach, and defend, an informed conclusion. Hand in hand with science is
technology or the “application of science for practical purposes” that strives to better our world. Recent history has
shown the critical importance of innovation and scientific solutions to help slow the COVID-19 pandemic through
rapid development, and thorough testing, of life-saving vaccines, monoclonal antibody treatments and anti-
virals. These advances would not have been possible without the basic science and technology research
investments, including in human capital, that we as a nation have been committed to. Each year I am amazed at
the level of insight and sophistication our JSSF participants bring to their science and technology projects. The
JSSF celebrates your scientific journey and looks forward to the advances that your future careers will gift to the
people of the world.

Enjoy your time today on campus and I would like to invite you back to visit the University more fully as you plan
for your future education. Stockton is a nationally ranked comprehensive University of Liberal Arts, Sciences and
Professions and a state-wide leader in STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics).
Stockton offers undergraduate degree programs in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Computer Science,
Environmental Science, Geology, Health Science, Marine Science, Mathematics, Nursing, Public Health, Physics
and Sustainability as well as dual degrees in engineering, pharmacy and medicine with our university partners
(Rutgers, Rowan and NJIT). On the graduate level, we offer Masters Degrees in: Communications Disorders, Data
Science and Strategic Analytics, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Environmental Science and Coastal Zone
Management. Doctoral degrees are offered in Physical Therapy, Educational Leadership and Nursing Practice.
The Stockton-Quad project, adjacent to the sports arena, has recently been expanded to provide new STEM and
Health Science buildings providing laboratories and state of the art simulation facilities. In addition, we also
support a campus farm, arboretum, pinelands research reserve and an active waterfront Marine Field Station with
a fleet of coastal oceanographic vessels.

Please feel free to contact the admissions office and also see our student life and undergraduate and graduate
programs on the web at

Enjoy the day and congratulations on your accomplishments.
Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Interested in what Stockton has to offer? ............................................................................................................ 3
Jersey Shore Science Fair Schedule.................................................................................................................... 4
Code of Conduct ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Special Awards .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Schools in JSSF 2022 ........................................................................................................................................ 7
JSSF 2022 Judges and Affiliations ...................................................................................................................... 8
Jersey Shore Science Fair 2022 ........................................................................................................................ 10
Delaware Valley Science Fair Eligibility .............................................................................................................. 11
Project Location Map ....................................................................................................................................... 12

       All food Service and most appropriate areas for visitors to pass
       time during the 9:00 am to 12:00 pm judging sessions will be in
                             the Campus Center.

      All lunchtime Food Service will take place in the Campus Center.

Interested in what Stockton has to offer?
Then visit our tables in the Coffee
The Admissions Office will offer a staffed table in the Coffee House area and campus tours at 10:30 AM and
12 PM. Guided tours are also available during the week. You can also visit us during our next open House on
Sunday April 3, 2022. Call Admissions with questions or to schedule a tour 609-652-4261.

Information tables for the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics and the Atlantic Cape Community
College will be in the Coffee House area as well.

                                                                                                                  47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 3
Jersey Shore Science Fair Program
       March 19, 2022

       7:45 – 8:45 am
       Project Registration – no earlier please

       7:45 – 9:00 am
       Safety inspection. Displays must comply with ISEF regulations.
       Students, please wear registration badges and remain by your displays

       8:00 – 9:00 am
       Judges will meet in the Campus Center Event Room

       9:00 – 12:00 pm
       Project judging. Students must wear registration badges and remain by their projects until 12
       noon. Judges have until noon to visit and/or revisit projects. In order to be evaluated, students
       must be present. If a student leaves to use the restroom, please tell the person next to you in case
       judges come by at that time.

       12:00 – 1:00 pm
       Project area opens to the public. Student, please leave projects on display until 1:00 p.m.

       1:00 – 1:15 pm
       Students may take down displays

       1:15 pm
       Awards Ceremony – All ages and categories, Sports Center

4 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Code of Conduct
 For teachers, relatives and friends of the participants and other guests:

 The Science Fair provides an opportunity for students to talk with judges about their science projects.
 For this to occur without distraction, it is important that, during the judging period, the judges and
 students be left undisturbed. Therefore, between 9:00 am and noon, while judging is taking place,
 everyone except the judges and the students are asked to leave the immediate judging area. Individuals
 having questions about the judging process are asked to bring those questions to the Judging Center n
 the Campus Center Event Room.

 Students must wear registration badges and remain by their projects until 12 noon. Judges have until
 12:00 PM to visit and/or revisit projects – in order to be evaluated students must be present. If a
 student leaves to use the restroom, please tell the person next to you in case judges come by at that

 Thank you for your cooperation.

JSSF Acknowledgments

Dr. Peter Straub – Dean, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Stockton University
Cathy Jaggard – JSSF Director, Digital Management, Inc. (DMI) “Diving Mobile Innovation”
Ed Jaggard – Safety Officer and former JSSF database developer/manager. Retired.
Rosanne Weiss – Chief Judge, Retired FAA
Steve Evert – NAMS Representative & Logistical Management, Stockton University
Adriane Sicknick – Media and Publication Specialist, Stockton University
Lou Regan –Web Developer, Stockton University
Marie Jelinski – Special awards and business operations
Christine Schairer – Assistant Director of Laboratories, Registration team leader

                                                                           47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 5
Special Awards
      The Jersey Shore Science Fair Committee and the School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
      would like to acknowledge the following groups for providing special awards to the participants of
      the 47th annual Jersey Shore Science Fair:

      The Natural Science and Mathematics Department – The NAMS Department awards gift
      certificates to the 1st place projects in the Upper-level divisions.

      Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers – The IEEE and Women in Engineering (WIE)
      award special prizes to the top projects in computer science and/or engineering.

      The Paul Saraduke, Jr. Award – The top upper-level physics project will receive an award made
      possible through a generous gift from the Saraduke family as a living memorial to Paul Saraduke, Jr.
      Paul was a member of the Stockton NAMS staff, and served regularly as a judge. This award is
      given in hopes that those that receive it will be encouraged to further pursue their interest in physics.

      American Chemical Society – Awards two prizes to the projects in upper and intermediate
      chemistry divisions.

      Atlantic Cape Community College – Provides an award to the top projects for Junior medicine and
      engineering categories.

      Save Barnegat Bay organization will present an award for the top project representing Barnegat
      Bay. Save Barnegat Bay is a 45-year old grassroots organization whose mission is to restore and
      protect the Barnegat Bay Ecosystem. Their environmental education programs strive to teach about
      Barnegat Bay and its conservation. Their campaigns engage everyone without the watershed to be
      more conscientious of how they are affecting the bay and its wildlife for the future.

6 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Schools in JSSF 2022

Alder Avenue Middle School
Assumption Regional Catholic School
Atlantic County Institute of Technology
Barnegat High School
Biotechnology High School
Bishop McHugh Regional Catholic School
Egg Harbor Township High School
Fernwood Avenue Middle School
Folsom Elementary School
Galloway Township Middle School
High Technology High School
Holmdel High School
Home Schooling
Hunterdon Central Regional High School
Jackson Memorial High School
Lakewood High School
Mainland Regional High School
Manalapan-Englishtown Middle School
Marine Academy of Technology & Environmental Sciences (MATES)
Pilgrim Academy
Pinelands Regional High School
Pressler Home School
Ranney School
Smithville School
Sovereign Avenue School
The Marine Academy of Science and Technology (MAST-Sandy Hook)
Toms River High School East
Toms River High School North
Toms River Intermediate East
Toms River Intermediate North
Toms River Intermediate South

                                                                 47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 7
JSSF 2022 Judges and Affiliations
       Dr. Adam A. Aguiar                            Stockton University
       Armen R. Amirian                              NAVSEA
       Dr. Alessandra Audia                          Champions Oncology
       Hana R. Bajes                                 Atlantic Cape Community College
       Ms. Liza Baskin                               Teacher
       William C. Beard                              FAA Tech Center AvSTEM
       Mrs. Brittany A. Berchtold                    Stockton University
       Prof. Michael Bolicki                         Atlantic Cape Community College
       Ms. Cheryl D. Browne                          LS TECHNOLOGIES
       Joe Burns                                     IEEE
       Miss Karyn A. Camilo
       Mr. Michael A. Capito                         Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
       Evelynn S. Caterson, Esq.                     Univ of Pennsylvania, B A in Biology
       Mr. Usama Chaudhri                            Stockton University
       Dana Cironi                                   Atlantic Cape Community College
       Judith E. Coburn                              ACITech
       Dr. Dick Colby                                Stockton University
       Ms. Bonny K. Collins                          Upper Township Democratic Club
       Dr. Grace E. Cook                             Bloomfield College
       Ms. Jamie C. Covelli
       Mr. Dennis M. Covello
       Timothy J. Cwik                               Atlantic Cape Community College
       Ms. Holly M. Cyrus                            FAA Tech Center AvSTEM
       Ms. Gayle D'Abate                             Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
       Prof. Erin DeLong                             Atlantic Cape Community College
       Michael A. Denisi                             Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
       Mrs. Dianne T. Dieterly                       Atlantic Cape Community College
       Ms. Keiana Dunn                               Stockton University
       Michelle Fitzgerald                           Egg Harbor Township High School
       Dawn Fortune                                  Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
       Ms. Barbara Anne Gardenhire-Mills             Cooperative Business Assistance Corporation (CBAC)
       Ms. Penny J. Gardner                          Atlantic Cape Community College
       Timothy M. Goin                               Evans Incorporated
       Darrell Gray                                  ISS Solutions
       Prof. Michael C. Hackett                      Community College of Philadelphia
       Brian G. Hilburn                              EIT Inc
       Prof. Nicole M. Hinds                         Atlantic Cape Community College
       Scott R. Howard                               Pariveda Solutions
       Edward G. Jaggard                             FAA Tech Center, Retired
       Alex G. Konkel                                FAA
       Scott M. Larew                                Kennedy/Jenks Consultants Inc.
       Dr. Michael Law                               Stockton University
       Dr. Toni Lehman                               Atlantic Cape Community College
       Ashley Liautaud                               Coriell Institute for Medical Science
       Mr. John E. Livezey                           Atlantic Cape Community College
       Joan M. Lockwood-Reck                         Absecon VFW #9462
       Dr. Richard E. Lyon                           Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
       Ed Mack                                       FAA Tech Center, Retired
       Mrs. Ann MacLean                              Biotechnology High School

8 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Liam E. McCollum                     Stockton University
Jeffrey J. McCrindle                 IQVIA
Lisa A. McGeoch                      Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Mr. Adam S. Miklovis                 U.S. Navy
David L. Morlando
Sandra J. Morlando
Hazel A. Mueller                     Stockton University
Emma Norton                          Stockton University
Clare L. Ng                          MAST
Chiagoziem E. Obidike                Stockton University
Dr. Stacy L. Onofrietti              Middlesex County College
Dr. Michael S. Otterburn             Retired
Prof. Judith H. Otterburn-Martinez   Atlantic Cape Community College
Mark D. Palmer                       Palmer Atlantic Properties LLC
Dr. Elizabeth Pollock                Stockton University
Hope A. Pressler
Miss Ariel A. Rankin                 Purpose-Filled Solutions & Evolutions LLC
Shakila Riaz
Dr. Marc Richard                     Stockton University
Brendan Santangelo                   Atlantic Cape Community College
Dr. Christina G. Savich              Atlantic Cape Community College
Dr. Kimberly A. Scata                Duffy Law Group
Dr. Melanie Schroer                  Stockton University
Tammy Schroer
Dr. Nandini Singh                    Kuman Math and Reading Center
Joshua Smith                         IBEW
Debra A. Sommers                     Retired Science Teacher Galloway Township Middle School
Connor S. Sparks                     Stockton University
Michelle Stella-Riordan
Michael H. Suleiman                  Atlantic County Democratic Committee
John S. Summerill                    Advanced Sciences and Technologies
Jennifer Tarin
Jacqui Tate                          South Jersey Democratic Women's Forum
Jerry J. Terramagra
Roxanne E. Terranagra
Mr. Peter K. Tran                    Stockton University
Dr. Joseph J. Trout                  Stockton University
Joan B. Vicari                       Librarian
Dr. Benita Villar                    Stockton University
Rosanne M. Weiss                     FAA Retired/Atlantic Cape Community College
Dr. Bojan D. Zilovic                 Atlantic Cape Community College

                                                                 47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 9
Jersey Shore Science Fair 2022
     Participants & Projects

10 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Delaware Valley Science Fair Eligibility

The following winners of the Jersey Shore Science Fair will be
eligible to attend the Delaware Valley Science Fair (DVSF)
Tuesday, April 5 through Thursday, April 7:

Delaware Valley Science Fair
(DVSF) Drexel University
236 Randall Hal
3141 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

The following awarded projects are eligible to attend DVSF:

Juniors – 6-8 Grade
1st and 2nd place only, all categories including teams

Intermediate – 9-10 Grade
1st, 2nd and 3rd place except Team category 1st place only

Upper – 11-12 Grade
1st, 2nd and 3rd place except Team category 1st place only

Set-up and event detail for the DVSF can be found on the JSSF webpage

                                             47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 11
12 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
JSSF 2022 Participating Projects
Behavioral and Social Sciences - BSS
Junior BSS
J BSS 1    Matthew C. Hoyer           Best Way To Study
J BSS 2    Sydney E. Sherbon          The Effect of Positive Reinforcement on Basketball Players
J BSS 3    Marissa A. Baxter          How Does Color Affect the Perception of the Taste?
J BSS 4    Sierra E. Morton           Does the Way You Dress Affect the Way People Perceive You?
J BSS 5    Robert J. Passio           Never Gonna Forget You
J BSS 7    Lucy A. Cochrane           Do mood rings really change based on your mood?
J BSS 8    Aisling M. Dollard         What is The Science Behind the Stroop Effect?
J BSS 9    Emma R. Baird              Perfect Pitch or Relative Pitch: Do You Have It?
J BSS 10   Annabelle M. Nikolouzos    Can Humans Tell the Difference Between Natural and Artificial Smells?
J BSS 12   Kaden Nguyen               Routines for falling asleep faster
J BSS 13   Kai Harvey                 How could the color of a room effect the behavior of a person.
J BSS 14   Deisy Aparicio De La Luz   Knowledge of Students: LGBTQIA+
J BSS 15   Krisha Dasondi             Do electronic devices affect performance in school?
J BSS 16   Rehma Ali                  Fingerprint Patterns
J BSS 17   Nicholas J. Tassone        Gaming Helps with Hand-eye Coordination
J BSS 18   Gavin Doan                 sound test
J BSS 19   Gabriel A. Gomez           How Does Age Affect Reaction Time?
                                      What Matters Most? An Inside Look at Teens’ Own Perspective of Self-
J BSS 20   Jada M. Solorzano
                                      Do Online Educational Games Help Students Perform Better on Standardized
J BSS 21   Samantha A. Capili
                                      Assessments Compared to Using Standardized Worksheets?
J BSS 23   Liana K. Lemoine           Are You Aware When They Stare?
J BSS 24   Gavin Vergara              Does Funny Make Money?

Upper BSS
U BSS 2    Ryan D. Schager            Analysis of Socioeconomic Status on the Nursing Home Selection Process
U BSS 3    Alex M. Price              Perception of Economic Inequalities
U BSS 4    Elina Patel                Caffeine's Effect on the Ease of Falling Asleep
                                      An Evaluation of Olfactory Dysfunction Symptoms in Post COVID-19
U BSS 5    Megan P. Thomas
                                       Using Computer Models to Discover the Shortcomings of Pollsters in the
U BSS 6    Haroon Shaikh
                                      2020 Election
U BSS 7    Christopher J. Li          Music for Thought: A Comparison of Different Music on the Human Brain
                                      A Meta-Analysis of the Effects of Meditation on Anxiety Levels in Adult
U BSS 8    Brooke Tierney
                                      A Comparative Study of How Cognitive Illusions Manifest in New Jersey
U BSS 9    Ishan D. Shah
                                      Governor’s School in the Sciences Scholars and the General Population

Biochemistry - BCH
Junior BCH
J BCH 1    Alexandra M. Smith         You Bake Me Crazy!
J BCH 2    Alex J. Hodac              The Extraction... DNA
                                      How Does The Amount Of Sodium Alginate Affect The Roundness Of Gel
J BCH 3    Tyler H. Wood
J BCH 4    Jake P. Pacquing           How Does the Amount of Yeast Affect The Height of Bread?
J BCH 5    Aleena M. Chevere          Transmissions of Viruses
J BCH 6    Peyton Barnes              The Diabetic Dilemma
                                                                    47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 13
J BCH 7     Benjamin D'Amico             Thirsty? Taste the Difference!
                                                  What is the effect of various soluble factors on the changing of the pluripotent
         J BCH 8     Janell Gui                   stem cells into nephron cells?

        Upper BCH
                                                  Analyzing Carbon Sequestration Amongst Various Estuarine Invertebrate
         U BCH 1     Shealyn A. Lawless
                                                  Effect of Marination in Acidic Substances on Heme Concentration in Red
         U BCH 2     Michelle Sherman
         U BCH 3     Ethan Samuel                 Microflora in our digestive track and the link to disease
                                                  Effects of the Bioactive Properties of Various Microalgae on Prevalent Oral
         U BCH 4     Julietta M. Onofrietti
         U BCH 5     Brandon Liau                 Starch Based Bioplastics as a Replacement for Traditional Plastics

        Botany – BOT
        Junior BCH
         J BOT 1     Tyler E. Straup              Will Big Seeds Make Big Plants?
         J BOT 2     Lilly M. Do                  Don't Mind Me I'm Just Washing Plants!
         J BOT 3     Anthony . Le                 Climate Colors
         J BOT 4     Kallyn L. O'Kane             To Grow or Not to Grow? How Plant Growth is Affected By Music
         J BOT 5     Lisette A. Echevarria        Succulent Leaf Propagation
         J BOT 6     Ryan A. Warren               Shocking Plants: The effect of electricity on green beans
         J BOT 7     Emma G. Mastriano            Will Plants Grow With A Substance Other Than Water?
         J BOT 8     Emma G. Mastriano            Will Basil Grow Using Different Liquids as its Water Source?
         J BOT 9     Tasfia Tanha                 Ready Set Grow

        Intermediate BOT
         I BOT 1     Grace K. Leavitt             A Comparison of Novel Bioplastic Creation Methods Utilizing Algae Species
                                                  The Effect of the Foliar Application of Selenium and Zinc on the Growth of
         I BOT 2     Sreeja Paruchuri
                                                  Strawberry Plants Subjected to Drought Stress
                                                  The Effect of Rhizobacteria and Mycorrhizae Seed Inoculation on the
         I BOT 3     Advika Vuppala
                                                  Development of Hydroponically Grown Microgreen Plants
                                                  Effects of Scheduled Stimuli on Mimosa pudica in Varying Light Conditions
         I BOT 4     Zoey C. Smith
                                                  and Intensities
         I BOT 5     Lillian G. Cole              Soil Salinity and Ocimum basilicum (Basil Plant) Growth
         I BOT 6     Kira M. Kownacki             The Effect of UV Radiation on Oxygen Production in Ulva lactuca

        Upper BOT
                                                  A Novel Application of Ampelopsis brevipedunculata and Elaeagnus
                     Brianna Melanie A.
         U BOT 1                                  umbellata to Produce Biofuel as a New Jersey Invasive Plant Management
         U BOT 2     Michael J. Hudak             The Effect of PETE and Nylon Microplastics on the Growth of Brassica rapa
                                                  Correlation between area of C. kobomogi and population density of
         U BOT 3     Mackenzie Jackman            endangered plants at the Sandy Hook Unit of the Gateway National
                                                  Recreation Area
                                                  Abundance and Dispersion of Carex kobomugi at the Sandy Hook Unit of
         U BOT 4     Grace L. Decker
                                                  Gateway National Recreation Area
                                                  Quality and density of C. kobomugi and A. breviligulata on soil particle and
         U BOT 5     Michael R. Christoph
                                                  dune size
                                                  Plant-Derived Fruit Seed Oils Inhibitory Effects on Predominant
         U BOT 6     Vivianna M. Onofrietti
                                                  Microorganisms During Orthodontic Treatment

14 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Chemistry - CHM
Junior CHM
J CHM 1     Lucas Andemariam     The Effects of Temperature on Glucose
J CHM 2     Brayden M. Widas     The Science of Spherification
J CHM 3     Brian E. Cottelli    Elephant Toothpaste Aim for the Sky!
J CHM 4     Madison N. Shaffer   Fingerprints, Surfaces and Skin…What’s the Relationship?
J CHM 5     Isabella L. Walker   Stain Go Away…Don’t Come Back Another Day!
J CHM 6     Maverick J. Marck    Which type of carbon material is the best filtration for drinkable water?
J CHM 7     Jhanavi Zala         Let's Think, Will it Sink?
J CHM 8     Sean McNamara        A Spicy Situation!
J CHM 9     Jallah S. Kennedy    Hose waters dangerous so how does bottled water effect plant growth
J CHM 10    Michael A. Lorge     Water Filters: Are They Worth It?
                                 How would tap water compare to water collected from five natural bodies of
                                 water when tested for Total Coliform, pH, Conductivity, and Iron

Intermediate CHM
I CHM 1    Chloe J. Uy           Determining the Presence of Different Sugars and Levels of Sugar in Foods
                                 Examining the Salinities of Coastal Flooding Events on Long Beach Island,
I CHM 2    Amalie J. Werner
                                 New Jersey, and Their Potential Effects on Metal

Upper CHM
                                 Development of Novel and Improved Copper-based Organic Fungal
U CHM 1    Daniel C. Lin
U CHM 2    Margaret Birmingham   The effects of climate change on natural calcium carbonate
                                 Production of Hydrogen for Automobiles with Rocket Fuel (Hydrazine) and
U CHM 3    Aravind Gunasekaran
                                 Transition Metal Catalyst
                                 Dosage Versus Voltage: Testing the Correlation Between Vitamin C Content
U CHM 4    Marisa C. Riley
                                 & Electrical Conductivity
                                 Determining the Effects of Natural and Synthetic Cold-Flow Improvers for the
U CHM 6    Sarah Grenz
                                 Application of Biodiesel.

Computer - COM
Junior COM
J COM 2    Phillip M. White      The Conversation Computer
J COM 3    Shreyansh Nandi       Eye Ain´t Falling For It!
J COM 4    Rushik R. Kundalia    To Ping or Not to Ping?

Intermediate COM
I COM 1    Ishani Singh          Detection of Bullying Comments on TikTok
I COM 2    Ranvith R. Adulla     Using Artificial Intelligence to Classify Diseases in Various Plant Species
                                 Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks to Recognize Brain Atrophy in MRI’s
I COM 3    Riya . Sikand
                                 of Patients at Risk of Developing Dementia

Upper COM
U COM 1    Riley Prevost         The Effect of Learning Rates on the Efficacy of Gradient Descent
U COM 2    Amanda Guan           De-identification of DICOM Images with Burned-in Text

                                                                 47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 15
Consumer Science - CSC
         Junior CSC
         J CSC 1        Jessie Lu                 Milk: The Cereal Killer
         J CSC 2        Mikaela Hoang             Do different brands of honey affect the amount of glucose it has in it?
         J CSC 3        Savion H. Gurung          What is the Most Effective Mouthwash?
         J CSC 4        Darko S. Lichon           Tennis Balls: Why Aren't They Bouncing?
         J CSC 5        Alex J. Piskun            Tablets That Save the World
         J CSC 6        Alissa Zhao               Which Type of Paint Dries the Quickest?
         J CSC 8        Carlos R. Soliman         the power of energy
         J CSC 9        Leila R. Torres           Save your picky puppy.
         J CSC 10       Diya . Patel              How can natural products improve hair quality?
         J CSC 13       Ryan M. Christensen       Bubble durability
         J CSC 14       Naya F. Howey             Vegetable Brownies: Which vegetables hide best in brownies?
         J CSC 15       Amreen K. Gurm            Which Moisturizer Works The Best?
         J CSC 16       Sarah J. Grille           Density Experiment
                        Gabriella N.
         J CSC 17                                 Soap vs. Soap
         J CSC 18       David A. Ablett           Paper Towels: Which One Really is the Quicker Picker Upper?
         J CSC 19       Aidan W. Hartman          Keepin’ It Cool!
         J CSC 20       Nusaibah Nawar            The Innest Insulator
         J CSC 21       Isabella G. Frame         Mouth Full O’ Metal
                        Zeleste Martinez
         J CSC 22                                 You Want Fries With That?
         J CSC 24       Benjamin Domschine        But Wait, There's More... Are Pre-Treaters a Scam?
         J CSC 25       Ryder Moran               What Brand Will Stand?

         Earth and Space Science - ESS
         Junior ESS
         J ESS 1       Jayden Elias               How Does the Brand of Soil Effect the pH of H2O?
         J ESS 2       Surya Sheikh               Is It Getting Hot In Here?
         J ESS 3       Flora A. Morris            Go With the Flow

         Intermediate ESS
                                                  Assessing the Viability of Classifying Main Sequence Stars With Amatuer
         I ESS 1       Maximilian S. Bradshaw
                                                  A COMPARISON OF SOIL INFILTRATION RATES AMONG DIFFERENT
         I ESS 2       Joseph A. Fossa
                                                  OCEAN COUNTY AND MONMOUTH COUNTY WATERSHEDS

         Upper ESS
                                                  The relationship between Carex kobomugi and dune height vs. the native
         U ESS 1       Conall T. Spaur
                                                  Ammophila breviligulata at Sandy Hook Gateway National Recreation Area
                                                  The Dynamics of Flooded and Non-Flooded Maritime Forests at the Gateway
         U ESS 2       Olivia G. Reiber
                                                  National Recreation Area Sandy Hook Unit
                                                  An Analysis of Historical Hurricane Patterns and Destruction to Promote More
         U ESS 3       Miranda Lynch
                                                  Effective Forecasting and Preservation Techniques
                                                  Analysis of Sediment Quality in Pocket Marshes with Respect to Open Salt
         U ESS 4       Timothy Bykowski
                                                  Soil Analysis of High and Low Salt Marsh Ecosystems Along Barnegat Bay,
         U ESS 5       Karen Tsang

16 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis of Solar Radiation Storms and Its Impact on Climate
U ESS 6    Babajide S. Gbadamosi
U ESS 7    Lauryn Gianonne         What kind of cheese is the moon?

Engineering - ENG
J ENG 1    Jackson N. Noel         The Mirror That Never Ends
J ENG 2    Elizabeth C. Chait      Different Designs, Different Lives
J ENG 3    Joseph R. Bolger        Lending A Hand
J ENG 4    Kevin Brown             The Always Find Able Golf ball
J ENG 5    Jason A. Torres         Cross Breeding Plants
J ENG 6    Angus Tan               Blame the Bulb...Is Brighter Always Better?
J ENG 7    Jacob Smoot             Sun VS Wind VS Electricity: Who Will Win?
J ENG 8    Will Pressler           Roll With It
           Elijah W. Gayda-
J ENG 9                            Does the Style of the Bridge Affect the Strength and Stability of That Bridge?
J ENG 10   Owen J. Seavey          Joint Design and Load Bearing Capacity
J ENG 11   Shaun M. Smith          Legos vs Popsicle Sticks

Intermediate ENG
I ENG 1    Kailey B. Miller        Recycling Plastic Bottles Into Insulation
                                   Comparison of Common Wood Species and Their Moisture Content to Weight
I ENG 2    Lauren E. McNaboe
I ENG 3    Matteo Pasqualicchio    Using Static Electricity to Reduce Microplastics in Water
                                   A Locomotive Activity Monitor for Drosophila melanogaster Utilizing a
I ENG 4    Anna R. Pitera
                                   Raspberry Pi
                                   Re-designing Storm Drain Grates to Prevent Plastic Pollution and Effectively
I ENG 5    Ava G. McNabb
                                   Remove Runoff
                                   Early Detection and Insight into Air Quality Degradation Using a Compound
I ENG 6    Arjun S. Tschand
                                   Neural Network-Based Substance Concentration Measurement System
                                   Innovating An Assembly Required Table For Individuals With Limited Hand
I ENG 7    Animish Jain
                                   Gripping Function
I ENG 8    Nikhil Osuri            Novel Design that Prevents Classroom Chairs from Causing Head Injuries
I ENG 9    Caitlyn A. Zito         Shoelace Locking Device for Individuals With RA in Finger Joints
                                   Detecting Mechanisms of ALS Progression through Machine Learning
I ENG 10   Jared Gizersky

Upper ENG
                                   A Novel Design of a Military Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing (eVTOL)
U ENG 1    Darsh A. Patel
                                   What material most effectively blocks external electromagnetic signals when
U ENG 2    Caleb P. Seavey
                                   used as a Faraday Cage?
U ENG 3    Richard J. Seavey       Which propeller design will produce the most voltage?

Environmental Science – ENV
Junior ENV
J ENV 1    Jasline G. Ruiz         leachate in landfill pollution
J ENV 2    Aaryan Nagaria          Which Substances Are The Best For Water Filtration
J ENV 3    Julia M. Cavanaugh      The Effects of Water Type on Soil pH
                                   Will Calcium Carbonate Launched into the Atmosphere Using Model Rockets
J ENV 4    Anna Birchler
                                   Cool the Atmosphere?
J ENV 5    Mason Grohman           Can Natural Oils Block Ultraviolet Light?

                                                                    47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 17
Intermediate ENV
                                                  The Dynamics of Microplastics at Varying Beach Zones and their Correlation
         I ENV 1       Caroline A. Liebmann
                                                  to Weather Patterns
                                                  Affect of Acidification on the Tensile Strength of Byssal Threads of Mytilus
         I ENV 2       Jake Dorick
                                                  Effects of water quality in the Barnegat Bay on bay nettle (Chrysaora
         I ENV 3       Kaitlyn E. Muller
                                                  chesapeakei) polyps
                                                  Analyzing The Effects Nanosilver Has On Freshwater Marine Life and
         I ENV 4       Anthony L. Billotti
                                                  Freshwater Microbes
         I ENV 5       Emely Vargas               Effects of Pathogen Counts on the Toms River Via Water Analysis
                                                  Examining Richness and Abundance of Species of Zooplankton in the Forked
         I ENV 6       Andrew L. Cagliostro
                                                  River and Mill Creek Lagoon Systems
                                                  Surveying Water Surface and Wetlands in Delaware Bay Using Cloud-
         I ENV 7       Katherine Fang
                                                  Removed LandSat Data
         I ENV 8       Ben G. Twerell             A Filter to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Automobiles
         I ENV 9       Brian Ye                   Effects of Human Behavior on Bird Feathers’ Hydrophobicity
                                                  The Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Tap Water Microplastics
         I ENV 10      Syona Gupta
                                                  in Monmouth County, NJ Towns
         I ENV 11      Amanda J. Bechtler         Are Deer Picky Eaters?
         I ENV 12      Abigail H. Remlein         Corrosion Makes Me Salty

        Upper ENVL
                                                  Bacterial pollution and water quality assessment in the Manasquan River
         U ENV 1       Aislinn H. Crowe
                                                  Assessment of spotted lanternfly, Lycorma delicatula, on trees at Sandy Hook
         U ENV 2       Karris H. Robertson
                                                  Gateway National Recreation Area.
                       Bethany Mariel A.          Utilizing Lemna spp. to Quantify Nutrient Uptake and Release as a Potential
         U ENV 3
                       Suliguin                   Phytoremediation Strategy for the Barnegat Bay Watershed
         U ENV 4       Sasha Renton               Feeding rates of Argopecten irradians in bay and low pH environments
         U ENV 5       Paige E. Lane              Corruptive Carex Kobomugi: Dominating the Terrain of Sandy Hook
         U ENV 6       Serena Tang                An Environmental Study on Apple and E-waste
         U ENV 7       Victoria M. Yakes          Analysis of Tannin Interference on Enterolert 250 Testing of Enterococcus
                                                  The Effectiveness of Chlorella Vulgaris as a Natural Oil Dispersion Agent of
         U ENV 8       Andrew Z. Li
                                                  Kerosene and Motor Oil
                                                  The relationship between legislative plastic bans on the amount of banned
         U ENV 9       Colin Truett
                                                  plastics found on beaches
         U ENV 10      Brayden W. Hall            Growing a Salt Water Plant Using Hydroponics

         Mathematics - MAT
         Junior MAT
                                                  The Birthday Paradox: How many people do you need before the odds are
         J MAT 1       Lillian J. Tosh
                                                  greater than 50% that at least two of them share a birthday?
         J MAT 2       Preston A. Pahang          Which Batting Statistic Correlates Best to Run Production?
         J MAT 3       Daniel J. Austin           Time effect on accuracy
         J MAT 4       Camila Fernandez           Splatter Patterns...Do They Really Matter?

         Intermediate MAT
         I MAT 1       Broden M. Connolly         Using Benford’s Law to Investigate Claims of Fraud within COVID-19 Statistics
                                                  Using Bayes Theorem to Determine How Location Affects Outcome in Team
         I MAT 2       Riley J. Callis

18 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Upper MAT
                                   What is the optimal level of compactness and density in cities that
U MAT 1     Krisha Patel           correlates to wages, revenue and other macroeconomic and quantitative
                                   Determining the Pebbling Number for Endpoint Root Vertices of
U MAT 2     Kevin Liu
                                   Generalized Theta Graphs
                                   Mathematically Modeling the Change in Behavior and Intensity of
U MAT 3     Emily I. Jones
                                   Hurricanes, Tornadoes, and Earthquakes in Relation to Climate Change
U MAT 4     Thomas W. Hagan        A Mathematical Analysis of Social Media Advertising

Medicine and Health - MED
Junior MED
J MED 1     Madison G. Stickel     The Best Bike Helmet for Your Watermelon... And You!
J MED 2     Evalyn J. Brown        Funky Flour
J MED 3     Casey T. Reap          Steps To Better Sleep
J MED 4     Joshua M. Colella      Which Activity Will Affect My Heart Rate The Most?
J MED 5     Shreevas Arun Prasad   No Germs Here!
J MED 6     Jeremy R. Cooke        Running out of breath
J MED 7     Lauren M. Do           Dizzy World
J MED 8     Nalani A. Carter       Best Acid Reflux Antacids
J MED 9     Mya L. Bohatila        Workout reactions to food
J MED 10    James R. Brooks        do masks actully block airflow
J MED 11    Mason D. Kane          Jamming Music rates
J MED 12    Sarah J. Carruth       There's No Bones About It...Calcium Matters!
J MED 13    Katelyn M. Moore       If You Give Everything Does Gatorade Really Give Back?
J MED 14    Steven R. Deviney      Sugar: The Hidden Performance Enhancer
J MED 15    Ethan R. Murphy        Anatomy of Football players
J MED 16    Sam Vo                 Bubble, Bubble Germy Trouble

Immediate MED
I MED 1     Junran Zhao            Restoring MHC-I molecules to potentiate immunotherapy in breast cancer
                                   A Study Into the Effect of AP-Certified Permachrome Ink on C. elegans
I MED 2     Kevin B. Liu
                                   Improved, Affordable Pulse Oximeter for Accurate Readings in People with
I MED 3     Blake Cregg-Wedmore
                                   Poor Circulation
I MED 4     Gordon Fan             Deet vs Non-Deet Repellents - An Ant Comparison
I MED 5     Hanyi Deng             Role of serotonin in regeneration of planarian anterior and posterior segments
                                   Comparing the Effects of Varying Light Intensities on Glucose Production in
I MED 6     Shravani Vedagiri
                                   Wildtype and Ilp2 Mutant D. melanogaster
I MED 7     Ava K. Boyle           Examining A Female Dancer's Balance vs. Female Athletes of Other Sports

Upper MED
U MED 1     Yuvna Musuku           A Novel Cost-Effective Device to Prevent Perineal Tears During Labor
U MED 2     Alanna Costello        The Effect and Preference of Foam Rollers on the Gastrocnemius in Runners
                                   Using the Model Organism, Drosophila melanogaster, to Determine the Effect
U MED 3     Olivia Krysa
                                   of Lavender on GABA Receptors: A Study to Inform about the Effect of Laven
U MED 4     Aryan Kumar            Effect of NF1 Gene Mutations on Neuroblastoma Progression
U MED 5     Nahary D. Flores       The beginning
                                   Novel On Demand Epiliptic Seizure Detection and Prediction using
U MED 6     Saanvi Mehta           Neuromorphic Computing Artificial Intelligence and additional Potential for
                                   Biomechanical Testing of Rabbit Femur and Tibia Bones with Various Locking
U MED 7     Ella Davis
                                   Plate Fixations to Determine Overall Strength and Stiffness

                                                                   47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 19
Microbiology - MIC
         Junior MIC
         J MIC 1       June R. Seyler             Keeping Up With the Disinfectants
         J MIC 2       Emma J. Lin                Why Let Your Raspberries Mold When You Can Prevent it?
         J MIC 3       Elaina M. Kraybill         Bacteria Be Gone
         J MIC 4       Callie J. Gresham          Get Schooled, Germs!
         J MIC 5       Abigail M. deCosta         How Well Do Different Disinfectants Work Against Bacteria?
         J MIC 6       Suhani R. Faldu            How Does the Color of Light Affect Yeast Growth?
         J MIC 7       Molly R. Williams          Sugars, Carbs & Lots of Mold
         J MIC 8       Elizabeth Barletto         Don't Get Caught Germy Handed
         J MIC 9       Franco Hernandez           Does the 5 Second Rule Count?

         Intermediate MIC
                                                  Does Diluting Different Disinfectants Affect the Development of Escherichia
         I MIC 1       Aashka S. Patel
                                                  coli Resistance?
         I MIC 2       Maya T. Abdelaal           Bacteria Found in Foams Located Along the Toms River
                                                  The Effect of Plant Extracts Compared to Different Everyday Household
         I MIC 3       Rajeev Gabbita
                                                  Disinfectants on Various Types of Bacteria
         I MIC 4       Matthew P. Thomas          Examining the Effect of Kombucha on Gut Bacteria

         Upper MIC
                                                  The Effect of Sound Volume on the Antibiotic Susceptibility of Staphylococcus
         U MIC 2        Kathleen J. Castner
                                                  Monitoring the Cellular Immune Profiles of COVID-Vaccinated Donors Using In
         U MIC 3        Rayan R. Jawa
                                                  Silico-Designed Immunogenic Epitopes from SARS-CoV-2 Proteins
                                                  Relationship between Rainfall and Escherichia Coli in the Mouth of the Keyport
         U MIC 4        April L. Ivan
                                                  The Implementation of a LED-UVC Irradiated Shopping Cart Handle &
         U MIC 5        Julia M. Takla
                                                  Exploring its Microbicidal Activity
                                                  The Effects of Different Active Ingredients in Mouthwash on Streptococcus
         U MIC 6        Emilia Savich
                                                  mutans in Saliva
         U MIC 7        Amanda Castro             Bacterial Effects on Stomach Lining Issues
                                                  The Efficiency of Differing Sanitizing Mediums in the Viability of Bacterial
         U MIC 8        Kate Yashmanov
                                                  Colonies Across Various High-Touch Surfaces

         Physics - PHY
         Junior PHY
         J PHY 1        Phineas W. Roth           Yo-yo Spin Times
         J PHY 2        Sariah E. Rago            If Only Humpty Dumpty Had a Parachute
         J PHY 3        Parker C. Devine          Bridge Structure Stability
         J PHY 4        Dylan J. Gonzalez         The Need For Speed
         J PHY 5        Alex E. Juarez Bruno      How Temperature can Affect How High a Basketball can Bounce
         J PHY 6        Ryan T. Cooke             Bike Friction
         J PHY 7        Luke J. Carter            Lego Launcher
         J PHY 8        Grace E. Ross             Weather and Magnetic Attraction
         J PHY 9        Christopher J. Ruiz       Are Batteries Best Hot or Cold?
         J PHY 10       Matthew J. Rynkiewicz     The Deflate gate
         J PHY 11       Landis Pilla              The best illegal grip
         J PHY 13       Aiden J. Phruksaraj       How does battery size affect a motor's run time?
         J PHY 14       Sam N. Rood               Ears to Hear

20 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
J PHY 15     Colton M. McGlynn       How strong is an electromagnet?
                                     How Does Changing the Height and Pressure of a Non-electric
J PHY 16     Abhisikha Roy
                                     Water Pump Affect the Volume Being Pumped Out?
J PHY 17     Colin M. Weeks          Go the Distance!
                                     Newton's Law vs. Speeding Balls: Does Gravity Impact the
J PHY 18     Marcus L. Harris
                                     Acceleration of a Rolling Object?
J PHY 19     Gianna C. Voltolino     Temperatures and tennis ball bounce height
                                     Can you calculate the boiling point of water at different atmospheric
J PHY 20     Dugan W. Tunney
J PHY 21     Bryce R. Judge          The Effects of Shape on the Speed of an Object
                                     How does the material and its properties affect the overall resistance
J PHY 22     Priyasha Sinha
                                     of the wire?
                                     How does the Shape of an Aircraft Affect Its Ability to be Detected
J PHY 23     Rohan N. Patel
                                     By Radar?
J PHY 24     Khushbu M. Pandya       Along for the ride
J PHY 25     Giuliana E. Raso        The Effects of Wing Placement on Flight Time
J PHY 26     Hridaya Bala            How Does Weight Affect a Drone's Battery Life?
J PHY 27     Himanshu Punjabi        Which Weight is Great?

Junior PHY
I PHY 1      Daniel Zlotnick         A Flooring Materials Comparison in Minimizing Head Injury Severity from Falls
I PHY 2      Kyle E. Leonard         Effect Temperature has on the Height a Bow Shoots an Arrow

Upper PHY
U PHY 1      Trevor X. Cunningham    Bouning Balls
U PHY 2      Jue Gong                Integrating Traditional Chinese Wood Joints with 3D Printing
U PHY 3      Calli R. Dunn           Analysis of Varying Lacrosse Stick Head Angles on Velocity and Performance

Zoology - ZOO
Junior ZOO
J ZOO 1      Emma Flynn              If Ants Try Out Different Sugars, Which Will They Like Best?
J ZOO 2      Dominick A. Rolando     How Do Earthworms React To Light
J ZOO 3      Grace S. Young          how does diet affect energy levels in rats.
J ZOO 4      River Litts             Water They Drinking?
             Ariani D. Trinidad-
J ZOO 5                              Deer Happy Hour
J ZOO 6      Elizabeth R. Kolos      Crazy for Catnip

Intermediate ZOO
                                     The Effect of Relative Humidity on the Growth of Vanessa cardui in Relation
I ZOO 1      Julianna N. Wright
                                     to Global Warming
                                     Continuous-Release Mist Diffusion of Thymol-Based Essential Oils for Varroa
I ZOO 3      Kaitlyn N. Culbert
                                     Control: The Field Study
I ZOO 4      Ayush Bobra             The Effect of Soil Acidity on the Hatch Rate of Eisenia hortensis Eggs
                                     Effect of predator kairomones on the life history and inducible defenses of
I ZOO 5      Melina Varouhakis
                                     Daphnia pulex
                                     Determination of the Ideal Chemical or Natural Ingredients for Repelling Flies
I ZOO 6      Abigail J. Jones
                                     on Equus caballus

Upper ZOO
                                     The Correlation Between Human Activity and Biodiversity in Salt
U ZOO 1      Emma McPolin
                                     Marshes on Sandy Hook
U ZOO 2      Nicholas D. Guerriero   Bacterial Relaying in Mercenaria

                                                                     47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 21
Water temperature and its relation with the biodiversity of
         U ZOO 3        Evan T. Drach             cartilaginous fishes off of gateway national recreation area sandy
                                                  hook unit
                        Christopher M.
         U ZOO 4                                  The Effects of Ocean Acidification on Bivalve Food Consumption
                                                  The relationship between marine debris and the distribution of
         U ZOO 5        Sarah A. Vladu
                                                  Relationship between density and clearance rates of juvenile oysters,
         U ZOO 6        Piper R. Fitzmaurice
                                                  Crassostrea virginia
                                                  The Difference of Mosquito Larvae Behaviors in Underwater Currents
         U ZOO 7        Danielle K. Lee
                                                  vs. Surface Disturbance
                                                  An examination of temperature, fishing regulations, and Summer
         U ZOO 8        Kyle L. Gavlick
                                                  Flounder (paralicthys dentatus) populations in New Jersey waters
         U ZOO 10       Aaron Kahn                Associative Learning of C, elegans towards color

         Team Project - TMP
         Junior TMP
         J TMP 1        Ayden M. Welsh            energy drink experiment
         J TMP 2        Samantha M. Ludy          Growth of Bread Mold
         J TMP 3        Ryan C. Devine            Knife Durability and Danger Test
         J TMP 4        Thieny J. Bach            The Growth of Bread Mold
         J TMP 5        Annie H. Vu               Real or Fake? Yummy Artificial Smells
         J TMP 6        Minh Le                   Bread moistures
                                                  Does the mass of potato, carrot, and broccoli slices increase or decrease in salt
         J TMP 7        Michelle Zuraw
         J TMP 8        Meghan L. Johansen        Toothbrush
         J TMP 9        Madison M. Ha             Food affect heart rate
         J TMP 10       Adrianna R. Mount         Does it taste the same without sense?
         J TMP 12       Molly G. Benson           Spoiler Alert!
         J TMP 14       Vincenzo C. Corea         Mixing concrete and rebar
         J TMP 16       Kaitlyn G. Sullivan       Shining Light On Aquatic Plants
         J TMP 18       Oscar Euceda              Get A Grip
         J TMP 20       Kamil Galin               Flying through knowledge
         J TMP 22       Rylan J. Smith            Has Covid-19 affected the ozone layer positively or negatively
         J TMP 23       Rai Chowdhury             Microbes and Masks
         J TMP 25       Alfi Nashia               The pH War
         J TMP 26       Shaptarshi Chowdhury      Which hand sanitizer is most effective?

         Intermediate TMP
                                                  Use of Transformer Neural Network Model to Convert Facts to Corresponding
         I TMP 1        Vishrut N. Thoutam
         I TMP 2        Elena M. Barcan           Radish Growth
         I TMP 3        Vivian V. MacNeill        Water Polution

         Upper TMP
                                                  Analyzing the factors that contribute to the development different types of acne
         U TMP 1        Nauman Choudhry
                                                  on human skin.
                                                  Developing A Novel Wrist Accessory To Aid In Movement Awareness And
         U TMP 2        Abby L. Stephens
                                                  Tremor Prevention
                        Jenna M.
         U TMP 3                                  Fall foraging survey of herons and raptor species at GNRA-SHU

22 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
The Effects of Flushing Time on the Overall Health of Creeks Within the
U TMP 4   Emma G. Cartnick
                             Barnegat Bay Watershed
U TMP 5   Cameron Callis     Sand Retaining Efficiency of Ammophila breviligulata and Carex kobomugi
                             An Analysis of Common Shore Shrimp (Palaemonetes sp.) Behavior in
U TMP 6   Kayla Murdock
                             Response to the Ingestion of Polypropylene Microplastics
                             Developing a Cheap and Efficient Filter Using Recycled Rice Husk to Reduce
U TMP 7   Nicole N. Nguyen
                             Metal Contaminants in Agricultural Wastewater Pollution

                                                            47th Annual Jersey Shore Science Fair | 23
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24 | Stockton University – The School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
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