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                                       WINTER 2023

        OF THE 20 UMMIT…
         ETHICS S


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Table of Contents
                 03 MASTHEAD


                 06 IN THE NEWS

                 08 BELA OF THE BALL

                 12 SPECIAL SECTION:
                    THE 2023 ETHICAL CULTURE REPORT

                    14 WHY THIS & WHY NOW
                    16 DIVING INTO THE DATA
                    20 TRANSPARENCY & TRUST
                    23 10 TAKEAWAYS





                 47 BY THE NUMBERS

                 48 THE FINAL WORD



ETHISPHERE.COM                                                1
Inclusive community. Exclusive resources.
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your team and organization manage ethics, compliance, governance, and culture.

BELA members are the current and future leaders of our field. We share insights and solve problems at
Ethisphere roundtables, events, and working groups. We contribute best practices, unique perspectives,
and field-tested program elements for our community to help each other do better.

Sound like somewhere you want to be?

Join BELA at and be welcomed by over 390 of your peers.
ETHISPHERE                                                          ETHISPHERE MAGAZINE
Chief Executive Officer              ERICA SALMON BYRNE             VP, Media & Communication                     ANNE WALKER
President                                ANDREW NEBLETT             Editor in Chief                                 BILL COFFIN
Chief Operating Officer                         UDIT PILLAY         Chief Designer                                  MARK QUIRE
EVP, Content & Community                KEVIN MCCORMACK             Illustrator                                      RJ MATSON
  Executive Director, BELA
EVP, Measurement                                CRAIG MOSS          BUSINESS ETHICS LEADERSHIP ALLIANCE (BELA)
EVP, Workflow                               BRIAN BEEGHLY           Senior Director, BELA Engagement          SARAH NEUMANN
SVP, Data & Services                        LESLIE BENTON           Senior Director, BELA Engagement                 AMY VOLPE
  Deputy General Counsel                                            VP & Managing Director, BELA SEA            AARTI MAHARAJ
VP, Data Strategy                          DOUGLAS ALLEN            Director, BELA Engagement                  PAMELA JERGENS
VP, Marketing Operations                CHELSIE DUMENIGO            Director, BELA Engagement                 ERIC JORGENSON
VP, Product                                    JESS RICHEY          Director, BELA Engagement                        NICK PATTS
Director, Data & Services                  NEAL THURSTON            Director, BELA Engagement                      LORI PARIZEK
Director, Culture Practices              SCOTT STEVENSON            Director, BELA Engagement                  MARK STEPANIAK
Director, Shared Experience                  EMILY RICKABY          BELA Account Representative                  WILL ANTHONY
                                                                    BELA Account Representative                    JULIA BOYES
EVP, Ethisphere Services              JONATHAN WHITACRE
SVP, Strategic Accounts                     GREG HOFFMAN
VP, Strategic Accounts                       REAGAN JONES
VP, Strategic Accounts                        RANDY KLATT
Director, Strategic Accounts                  OMAR BOOTH

                                                         CONTACT US
                                 6991 E Camelback Road, Suite B-210, Scottsdale, Arizona 85251

      © 2023 Ethisphere LLC. Ethisphere’s trademark and logo are owned by Ethisphere LLC. All Rights Reserved. No part of
       this publication may be reproduced in any form or by electronic means without written permission from Ethisphere.

                                                     OUR MISSION STATEMENT
          Ethisphere® is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that fuel
            corporate character,marketplace trust and business success. We have a deep expertise in measuring and
           defining core ethics standards using data-driven insights that help companies enhance corporate character.
          Ethisphere believes integrity and transparency impact the public trust and the bottom line of any organization.
         Ethisphere honors superior achievements in these areas with its annual recognition of The World’s Most Ethical
        Companies®, and facilitates the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA), an international community of industry
         professionals committed to influencing business leaders and advancing business ethics as an essential element
           of company performance. Ethisphere publishes Ethisphere Magazine and hosts ethics summits worldwide.

                               The opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors,
                                    not the printer, sponsoring organizations, or Ethisphere.
Dispatches from the Ethics Economy

Ethical Culture
Matters More Than Ever
                                          engaged and committed. Turnover tends          In this report, we cover three trends from
                                          to be lower and productivity higher, and       our global dataset, which has grown
                                          when you do need to hire, it’s easier          to over 2 million employee responses.
                                          to attract high-quality employees.             With a “N” that large, we are able to
                                                                                         do multiple demographic data cuts,
                                          Employees at organizations with strong         including a pre-pandemic and pandemic
                                          ethical cultures feel less pressure to         era analysis, a generational analysis
                                          compromise company standards to                and an update on the importance of
                                          achieve business goals. And if they do         managers. Why managers? Our data
                                          observe misconduct, they are more likely       shows that 62 percent of employees
                                          to feel comfortable reporting it, allowing     who made a report say they took
                                          an organization to address issues early,       their concern to their manager. These
                                          saving time (from the distraction of a         front-line employees are critical to
                                          substantial issue) and money (in the form      ensuring that an ethical culture is
                                          of legal fees, fines, and penalties). An       embedded across an organization and
                                          ethical culture can be self-perpetuating,      that reports are effectively addressed.
                                          with effects far beyond employees’
                                          individual conduct and perceptions.            At Ethisphere, sharing our data and
                                                                                         expertise–so that all can learn and
by Erica Salmon Byrne                     But what is culture? We all have a             improve–is central to our mission.
                                          vague sense of what it is and what it          I hope that this report gives you

                                          looks like at our organizations, but it can    insights you can immediately put to
Before the pandemic, the world            be hard to define. Merriam Webster’s           use inside your organization so that
was tuning in to the benefits of an       definition tells us that culture is the “set   your ethical culture can thrive.
ethical culture. Investors were writing   of enduring and underlying assumptions
to CEOs and pledging to question          and norms that determine how things
board members, and regulators             are actually done in the organization.”
around the globe were calling on
organizations to examine their culture.   In other words, what levers are being
Employees were asking about culture       pushed or pulled to accomplish the
in the interview process. Following       goals of the organization? The factors         ERICA SALMON BYRNE
the COVID-19 pandemic those               that comprise culture can have a               CEO, Ethisphere
trends have grown even stronger.          fundamental, long-lasting effect on
                                          a company’s success. But how can
The focus makes sense – after all, the    an organization best get a handle
advantages of a strong ethical culture    on its culture? By measuring it.
are manifold. Studies have repeatedly
shown that businesses with strong         That is what we set out to examine with
ethical cultures outperform those         the release of our 2023 Ethical Culture
without. There are a variety of reasons   Report, which you can download
underlying that performance data.         at
Companies with stronger cultures          culture-report/, and which we will be
tend to have employees who are more       discussing in depth later this issue.

ETHISPHERE.COM                                                                                                                        5

    In the News
ACC and General Counsel Oath Survey
GC Report Mixed Progress Promoting DEI Practices

    GC in larger organizations report                  opposed to being able to              “The impetus for launching this global
    stronger progress and the majority of              influence change across               survey was my desire to understand

    GC report they do not request their                their wider organizations.            whether GC were making progress
    law firms to track KPIs, but those                 GC are experiencing                   with their team and organizational
    that do rated significantly higher                 only moderate support                 commitments around DEI,” said Simon
    progress in achieving DEI objectives.              and success promoting                 Zinger, GC of Entain plc, a FTSE-listed
                                                       DEI progress in overall               company. “Although many GC have

    On January 11, the Association of                  organizations.                        identified with the General Counsel Oath,
    Corporate Counsel (ACC), in partnership            While the majority of GC              it felt important to ask GC around the
    with the General Counsel Oath initiative,          currently do not request their        world about their perceived levels of
    released the General Counsel Diversity,            law firms track advanced              actual progress and to consider whether
    Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Survey, which            DEI KPIs, those that do               more could be done. This survey
    outlines the impact and sentiment                  observe significant headway           suggests areas where there is still work

    of general counsel (GC) and chief                  in achieving DEI progress.            to do and encourages GC to continue
    legal officers (CLOs) around DEI.                  While the strongest level of          playing leadership roles in progressing
                                                       participation came from GC            DEI inside their organizations.”
    ACC is a global legal association that             based in the United States, the
    promotes the common professional                   responses show a high degree          The GC DEI Survey was completed
    and business interests of in-house                 of global input, suggesting           by 232 respondents spanning 28
    counsel who work for corporations,                 DEI topics remain top of mind         countries around the world.
    associations and other organizations.              in many parts of the world.
                                                                                             Organizations interested in benchmarking
    Building on the ideals and values found      “It is encouraging to see that general      their DEI programs are encouraged
    in the General Counsel Oath (introduced      counsel and chief legal officers are        to complete the ACC Foundation DEI
    by Simon Zinger in 2020 and endorsed         generally finding success in promoting      Maturity Assessment, powered by
    by many leading global CLOs and              DEI practices within their own              Ethisphere. This innovative resource
    legal organizations including ACC), this     departments,” says ACC President and        offers the methodology to evaluate
    survey aims to provide an overview of        CEO, Veta T. Richardson. “Despite the       DEI progress along a continuum of
    how GC/CLOs around the world view            clear benefits and increased focus on       early to more advanced stage efforts
    DEI in the context of individual progress    DEI in recent years, that success doesn’t   using the framework of the acclaimed
    impacting DEI within their legal team,       seem to be translating to organizations     ACC Foundation DEI Maturity Model
    wider organizational progress, and           as a whole. While resources and             to complete an online assessment
    progress made by law firms they work         bandwidth may differ, consistent and        module, which allows organizations
    with on cultivating diverse teams.           vocal leadership is critical to help move   to quickly and easily benchmark their
                                                 DEI practices forward regardless of         DEI efforts to those of their peers and
    A few of the survey’s key results include:   an organization’s size or geography.        receive back a written self-assessment

                                                 ACC values the opportunity to work          generated by the module for the
          GC are having greater success          with Simon Zinger to take the pulse         organization’s internal review. This tool

          promoting DEI practices                of chief legal officers globally on such    is offered as a free service by ACC
          among their own teams, as              an increasingly important topic and         and Ethisphere for use by the entire
                                                 we appreciate his work to highlight         legal and business communities.
                                                 these issues on an international scale
                                                 in the legal community and beyond.”

6                                                                                                            ETHISPHERE.COM


News coverage around the 2023 Ethical        and Environment. The Workers category           The American Red Cross releases its
Culture Report continues to roll in, with    is weighted twice as heavily as any             first ESG Report, making it one of the
stories from Amber Burton from Fortune,      other category. Bank of America,                first humanitarian nonprofits to publish
and Matt Kelly from Radical Compliance.      NVIDIA, Microsoft, and Accenture had            a complete ESG Report. The Red Cross
Be sure to check out our special section     the list’s top scores, while Wells Fargo,       started its ESG program in 2021.
on this report, and additional commentary    Meta, PG&E and Boeing were called
around it, beginning on page 12.             out for their especially low scores.            Climeworks, a Swiss company
                                                                                             specializing in carbon dioxide capture,
JUST Capital and CNBC release the 2023       Baker McKenzie releases its Year Ahead          announced it has successfully removed
JUST 100 List, which ranks the largest       Global Disputes Forecast 2023, which            carbon dioxide from the air and put
public U.S. companies according to how       focuses on legal dispute trends in areas        it underground—a major advance for
well they serve five key stakeholder         such as cybersecurity, ESG, post-M&A,           companies seeking carbon neutrality
groups: Workers, Communities,                taxes, and employment, as well as by            and carbon net zero status.
Customers, Shareholders & Governance,        industry and by geographic region.


The dramatic collapse of cryptocurrency      $50M in program investments—for                 Four people, including European
exchange FTX last November                   failing to build and maintain adequate          Parliament VP Eva Kaili, are charged in
continues to create regulatory and           know-your-customer and anti-money               an ongoing corruption scandal in which
legal shockwaves as ex-CEO Sam               laundering practices. NYDFS also                Qatar allegedly used money and gifts to
Bankman-Fried faces multiple charges         issues new guidance to crack down               illicitly secure favorable economic and
in the U.S. for his role in the bankruptcy   on the kind of commingled crypto                political treatment from the European
as the U.S. federal government seizes        funds that led directly led to FTX’s            Parliament. The scandal erupted on
more than $600 million in assets from        collapse. Congress begin to lay                 the heels of the FIFA 2023 World Cup,
Bankman-Fried. As other crypto lending       bipartisan groundwork for federal crypto        a sporting event hosted by Qatar and
operations, such as BlockFi and Genesis      regulation while EU lawmakers prepare           shadowed by deep ethical concerns.
Global Capital, go under in a related        to vote on tighter crypto regulations.
string of crypto bankruptcies that wipes                                                     Epic Games, publisher of videogame
more than $1.7 trillion in token value       A New York jury finds the Trump                 Fortnite, ordered to pay $520M in fines
off the books, regulators take notice.       Organization guilty on all 17 charges in a      for failure to protect children’s data
                                             wide-ranging, 15-year tax fraud scheme.         privacy. Meanwhile the California Privacy
Crytptocurrency exchange Coinbase            The Trump Organization is later ordered         Rights Act is likely to become one of
reaches a $100 million settlement with       to pay a $1.6 million fine for the fraud, the   the big compliance issues of 2023.
the New York State Department of             maximum penalties allowed by the law.
Financial Services—$50M in fines and


Stanford President and neuroscientist        Meanwhile, Twitter disbands its Trust           search tool, we can expect significant AI
Marc Tessier-Lavigne is under                and Safety Council, which advised the           Ethics regulation some time this year.
investigation for possible research          social media company on issues such
misconduct amid concerns of                  as online safety, human and digital             According to a recent Gallup poll, 79%
widespread ethical misconduct within         rights, suicide prevention, child sexual        of U.S. adults think nurses practice high
higher education, where fear of failure      exploitation and dehumanization. The            ethical standards. Less than 10% give
erodes good decision-making.                 move occurred shortly after members             high ethical marks to Congressional
                                             of the Council resigned in protest.             representatives and telemarketers.

EU warns that Twitter has “huge work                                                         That only 23% of adults think journalists
ahead” to comply with its upcoming           As OpenAI’s AI chatbot ChatGPT passes           are ethical is an impenetrable mystery
Digital Services Act amid fears that         the Wharton Business School MBA                 unworthy of further examination.
the site’s chaotic operations will help      exam, and Google plans to roll out an AI
worsen global political violence.

ETHISPHERE.COM                                                                                                                           7

BELA of the Ball
On-Demand Events
    As we charge into 2023, the BELA events calendar will regularly showcase a wide range of webinars, roundtables, and virtual and
    hybrid forums covering a host of topics aimed at improving your experience as an ethics and compliance professional. Below are some
    of our recent events that are on-demand. Be sure to check the Ethisphere Events page to reserve your spot for upcoming events!

      Ethical Culture Data Findings: Pandemic Lessons and a Path Forward
                                                   Allen, Editor-in-Chief of Ethisphere
                                                   Magazine, Bill Coffin, and Client
                                                                                                  ·   Data to inform plans and
                                                                                                      priorities: Discover top
                                                   Success Manager, Cassidy Davis as                  areas where you can make
                                                   they discuss interesting insights from             a difference in improving
                                                   Ethisphere’s latest data set, including:           your ethical culture and hear

                                                                                                      examples of how leading
                                                         The state of ethical culture                 organizations are advancing
                                                         in 2023: Learn where leading                 programs and practices.
                                                         organizations improved –
                                                         and slipped back – during             This data features the views of more
                                                         the pandemic, across                  than 2 million employee respondents
      Looking to improve your organization’s             Ethisphere’s Eight Pillars            from around the world and has
      ethical culture in 2023? Learn from                of an Ethical Culture.                been covered by Fast Company,

      Ethisphere experts as they discuss                                                       Fortune, and others, so see what the
      the latest findings featured in The                The kids are not alright:             buzz is about! Watch Now >>
      2023 Ethical Culture Report:                       Hear about the rise in
      Accountability Reigns, GenZ                        bullying, challenges for
      Refrains. Join Ethisphere’s Vice                   Gen Z, and differences in
      President of Data Strategy, Douglas                reporting across generations.

      Ethical Leadership Masterclass
                                                   Business Ethics, for an in-depth
                                                                                                  ·   Hearing from a leading

                                                   discussion on ethical leadership and               expert in behavioral ethics
                                                   how leading organizations recruit,                 Identifying the 3 key traits

                                                   develop, and promote ethical leaders               of an ethical leader
                                                   from within. In this masterclass                   Promoting ethical leadership
                                                   session, you will learn about:                     in your organization

      In this masterclass, Ethisphere’s
                                                     ·   Defining ethical
                                                         leadership and why it is
                                                                                               In addition, data from Ethisphere’s
                                                                                               ethical culture survey will be shared
      Erica Salmon Byrne and Brian                       critically important to an            to show the impact of ethical

      Beeghly will be joined by Dr. Linda                organization’s success                leadership on employee perceptions
      K. Treviño, Distinguished Professor                Understanding the                     of ethical culture, including an
      of Organizational Behavior and                     importance of ethical                 organization’s speak-up culture and
      Ethics at The Pennsylvania State                   leadership for an                     fear of retaliation. Watch Now >>
      University and co-author of Managing               ethical culture

8                                                                                                               ETHISPHERE.COM

 2022 Asia Pacific Ethics & Compliance Virtual Forum
                                             conversations to advance your
                                             ethics and compliance framework
                                                                                           ·   Taking a Hands-On Approach
                                                                                               to Maximizing Third-Party
                                             with proactive approaches to                      Integrity Watch Now >>

                                             addressing ethical culture, training and
                                             awareness, geopolitical influences,               How ESG Can Address the
                                             cybersecurity, the changing role of the           Biggest Global Challenges
                                             compliance officer, and much more.                & Promote Value Creation

 Check out our on-demand sessions                                                              Watch Now >>

 from the event that gathered the                   Emerging Markets: Creating
 BELA Asia Pacific community and its                a People-Centric Culture of                New & Emerging
 dedicated Forum Working Committee                  Integrity Watch Now >>                     Expectations for Compliance
 of leaders as they engage in practical                                                        Officers Watch Now >>

 Europe Ethics and Compliance Virtual Forum

                                                ·   Growth Rooted in Values:
                                                    How to Cultivate Your
                                                                                           ·   Keeping Up with the Pace
                                                                                               of Change: Managing
                                                    Business Through Ethics                    Compliance Programs
                                                    & Sustainable Means                        Amidst Evolving Business
                                                    Watch Now >>                               Challenges Watch Now >>

                                                ·   ESG and Its Impact on
                                                    Ethics & Compliance
                                                                                           ·   Understanding the Health
                                                                                               of Your Ethics & Compliance
 In this two-day virtual event, ethics and          Programs Watch Now >>                      Program: What to Measure

 compliance leaders from across Europe                                                         and Why Watch Now >>

 came together to address the issues                Engaging and Effective
 impacting corporate integrity today,               Training & Communications                  Coordinating Compliance
 which you can now watch on-demand:                 Approaches for Virtual                     Sanctions Management
                                                    Work Environments                          Across a Global Organization
                                                    Watch Now >>                               Watch Now >>

 Measuring Ethical Culture: Data Sources & Planning Remediation
                                             organization? And what should you
                                             do with that information once you
                                                                                          ·   How to translate data into
                                                                                              action plans for remediation
                                             have it? In this webinar, we’ll cover:           across your business

                                               ·    Various sources of
                                                    ethical culture data you
                                                                                        Join Ethisphere experts Tyler
                                                                                        Lawrence and Emme Devonish,

                                                    could be tapping into               along with Carlos Zamudio, Business
                                                    Various partners within             Integrity Manager, Diageo (Southern
                                                    the organization you                Europe) as they discuss this topic as

                                                    might leverage                      part of measuring and maintaining
 Ethics and compliance functions                    What a dedicated                    a Safe and Open Culture, with
 have evolved from “check the box”                  ethical culture survey              resources from Ethisphere and

 exercises towards a more complex                   can accomplish                      benchmarking data available from
 mission, attempting to create a                    How to translate disparate          The Sphere. Watch Now >>
 safe and open corporate culture                    culture data into a clear,
 that enables employees to speak                    cohesive picture of
 up. But how should you think                       your organization
 about measuring culture at your

ETHISPHERE.COM                                                                                                                  9

BELA of the Ball
New Community Resources
     BELA members receive enterprise-wide access to the BELA Member Hub—a premier repository of key resources
     featuring examples of work, presentations, and research provided by BELA companies, exclusive data from Ethisphere’s
     unparalleled data set, program benchmarking, and expert reports, event sessions and other insights.

     Be sure to check on the resource hub regularly to see the latest content that addresses some of the most important issues facing the
     ethics and compliance field today. And if you are interested in showcasing your organization and sharing a resource with the BELA
     Community, reach out to Ethisphere Content Manager, Samantha Johnson ( to learn more.

       Improving Compliance Program Performance & Effectiveness Through Cross-Functional Collaboration

                                                    Roundtable and shares examples of            influence key stakeholders; improve
                                                    ways that compliance can partner with        their knowledge and understanding
                                                    other functions in your organization,        of business, operations, and strategy;
                                                    including M&A/Business Development,          design tailored compliance programs,
                                                    Human Resources, Information                 policies, and controls; and more.
                                                    Technology, Internal Audit, and
                                                    Procurement/Supply Chain. Within             Download this presentation from the
                                                    are slides that provide examples             BELA Member Hub. Need access?
       This presentation from ADM stems             of ways compliance professionals             Email
       from a recent BELA Virtual                   can strengthen relationships and

       stc—Communicating Ethics & Compliance to Employees

                                                    telecommunications company stc to            Empowering Employees
                                                    share an overview of the considerations      Through Integrity Training, and
                                                    made while communicating ethics and          Code of Ethics: The Foundation
                                                    compliance with employees. It includes       for a Culture of Integrity).
                                                    identifying stakeholders, messaging
                                                    outcomes, utilizing communications           Download this presentation from the
                                                    channels, and more. It is part of a          BELA Member Hub. Need access?
                                                    series of presentations that also            Email
       This presentation was shared by the          includes Middle Management as
       ethics and compliance team of Saudi          an Enabler of Integrity Culture,

       Ethics Everywhere Annual Report

                                                    This report from JLL shares the              Download this report from the
                                                    heart of their culture and business.         BELA Member Hub. Need access?
                                                    Including, why they report on their          Email
                                                    ethics program, key focus areas of
                                                    risk, addressing and assessing risk,
                                                    investigation process roadmap, 2021
                                                    highlights and recognition, monitoring
                                                    ethics, and investigation data.

10                                                                                                               ETHISPHERE.COM

 The Power of Storytelling in Building an Ethical Culture

                                       Storytelling can be an impactful tool to     your culture. Inside is advice on taking
                                       help instruct and engage employees on        inspiration from real incidents, how to
                                       the topic of ethics, and to help build an    show a variety of outcomes, and real
                                       organization’s ethical culture. Humans       company examples of storytelling.
                                       are hard wired to learn through stories.
                                       In this resource, learn how to utilize       Download this guideline example
                                       storytelling in your communications          from the BELA Member Hub. Need
                                       with your organization, and enhance          access? Email

 Code of Ethics

                                       Genetica Credicorp has shared their          its customers, fellow employees,
                                       Code of Ethics in both English and           suppliers, stakeholders, and the
                                       Spanish. The comprehensive code              communities in which they operate.
                                       includes guidance on their purpose,
                                       role, vision, and values, which all inform   Download this policy example from
                                       how the company behaves regarding            the BELA Member Hub. Need
                                                                                    access? Email

 Essential Elements for Creating a Compliance Training Plan

                                       There is no one-size-fits-all when           plan, including: purpose, training
                                       it comes to creating a training plan         goals, resources needed, new and
                                       and schedule. It will define goals           emerging training needs, role- and
                                       and objectives, the resources and            event-specific training, and more.
                                       staffing required to carry out the plan,
                                       what training is needed immediately,         Download this guideline example
                                       mandatory training, training specific to     from the BELA Member Hub. Need
                                       different roles at the organization, and     access? Email
                                       how to review and revise the training
                                       plan. This guide covers the essential
                                       elements that make up a training

 Best Practices in Investigations Staffing, Structure, and Process in a Post-COVID World

                                       This report, created in partnership          function, collecting information
                                       between Ethisphere and Baker                 that may trigger an investigation,
                                       McKenzie, shares data from a                 root cause analysis, and more.
                                       survey of BELA members on
                                       investigations staffing, structure, and      Download this guideline example
                                       process, along with commentary               from the BELA Member Hub. Need
                                       on topics such as the structure and          access? Email
                                       ownership of the investigations

ETHISPHERE.COM                                                                                                                 11

The 2023 Ethical Culture Report
Accountability Reigns and Gen Z Refrains

     Download Report Now

12                                 ETHISPHERE.COM

On January 12, Ethisphere published the latest volume of its ongoing series of Ethical Culture
reports, which derive their insights from Ethisphere’s proprietary Ethical Culture Quotient (CQ) data
set. The CQ studies the elements of ethical culture, such as whether employees will report any
ethical wrongdoings within their organization.

Data for this report was collected from
an Ethisphere survey of over two million        Claims of bullying increased             This underscores the importance
global employees from Ethisphere’s              significantly. In stark contrast to      of businesses preparing their
client base. The 54-question survey             the other 26 types of reported           managers to facilitate discussions
focused on reporting behavior and how           misconduct, Ethisphere’s report          around raising concerns and
the behavior reflected certain realities        found that bullying jumped a             proactively set corporate-wide
around organizational speak-up culture.         shocking 13 percent during the past      expectations around what reporting,
As Ethisphere’s data team analyzed the          few years. The report highlights         investigations, and actions will entail.
survey data, they paid particular attention     several possible explanations
to how results differed between early           for this significant increase,
2020, when COVID-19 was officially              including the increasing presence     Culture has become a topic of critical
designated as a pandemic by the World           of Gen Z employees, who as an         importance to every corporate
Health Organization, and now, when              age cohort report high levels of      stakeholder, from employees and
the pandemic may not be over, but               workplace bullying, as well as        consumers to investors and regulators.
businesses have had a chance to adapt           high levels of bullying in general.   In the pages that follow, three of
to a new kind of normal and evaluate            This increase also correlates with    our top experts on culture will each
how their cultures have fared over a            an increase in bullying during the    provide their insights to a specific
few years of acute global turmoil.              pandemic, especially as people        aspect of the report and how ethics and
                                                spent more time on-screen.            compliance officers can build a winning
The report’s key findings each present                                                strategy for engaging their employees
a unique opportunity for organizations                                                meaningfully, building a sense of trust,
to advance ethical cultures within                                                    and creating an environment where
their own organizations, especially by          Gen Z employees are least likely      everyone, regardless of their professional

paying close attention to the needs             to report misconduct. While Gen       status, feels equally invested in and
of their youngest employees.                    Z represents a smaller portion of     protected by their organization’s
                                                the data set from this research, it   commitment to business integrity.
                                                is interesting to note they are the
   Ethical culture within businesses            least likely age group to report      The 2023 Ethical Culture Report—
   increased across the board.                  bad behavior. When compared           Lessons from the Pandemic:
   Based on Ethisphere’s Eight Pillars          to their Millennial, Gen X, and       Accountability Reigns and Gen Z
   of an Ethical Culture, respondents           Boomer colleagues, 56 percent         Refrains can be downloaded here.
   showed more favorable perceptions            of Gen Z employees stated that
   of their company’s ethical culture           they did not report misconduct
   during the pandemic. Like all                when they saw it because they
   businesses, respondents faced                didn’t believe corrective action
   greater turmoil during the last few          would be taken, followed by 47
   years. But even amid such trying             percent who feared retaliation.
   conditions, the culture of ethics
   they had in place before COVID-19
   grew even stronger—helping to
   reduce risk, retain talent, and build        Managers matter. More than half
   value within their organizations.            of respondents (56 percent) named
   However, during the pandemic,                their immediate manager as the
   although people said they were               avenue by which they reported
   more willing to report misconduct            misconduct, which aligns with
   and observed more of it, they                prior Ethisphere cultural reports
   actually tended to report it less.           for being the most common
                                                method of reporting misconduct.

ETHISPHERE.COM                                                                                                                      13

Why This & Why Now
with Erica Salmon Byrne

     Ethisphere CEO Erica Salmon
     Byrne provides her insights
     into the 2023 Ethical Culture
     Report, which contains the
     latest data on the forces
     driving ethical culture within
     organizations, comparisons
     on key ethical culture metrics
     pre- and post-pandemic
     introduction, and how this
     report’s particular timing
     and focus on Generation
     Z proves that ethics
     “matters more than ever.”                        ERICA SALMON BYRNE

     In January, Ethisphere published the          ethos of the business. So much has           able to look at our survey results
     2023 Ethical Culture Report—Lessons           been written about what the pandemic         by generation, and that produced
     from the Pandemic: Accountability             is going to do to the future of work, what   some really interesting results.
     Reigns and Gen Z Refrains. It is a deep       the next wave of work looks like, and
     dive into our culture survey database of      what we have learned over the course         Looking at ethical culture data from a
     more than two million responses, which        of the pandemic. And so, given the           generational standpoint was a really
     provides a level of insight into corporate    size of our dataset, we thought it was       interesting way to approach it. What it
     culture that is second to none. This          a natural opportunity to cut the data        told us was something that that we have
     year’s report answers some important          to see what happened before March            been talking about for a while now, that
     questions: how has corporate culture          2020 and what has happened since.            the manager continues to be a really
     fared over the course of the pandemic,                                                     important part of advancing ethical
     and how has that experience produced          We also wanted to think about what           culture. That is especially true in the way
     different results for different age groups?   lessons the data tells us about what         that we prepare our managers to lead,
                                                   managing the workforce of the future         what we have expected of our managers
     We feel a real obligation here at             is going to look like. Because our           over the course of the pandemic, and
     Ethisphere to share our insights so that      dataset is as big as it is, we were also     the way people need to prepare to
     all can learn. That’s part of the founding                                                 manage the generation of the future.

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We said in the report that the kids are        And if a company allows people to              people know what’s expected of
not alright. There is a big cohort of the      continue to work remotely, that is a           them? Are they willing to raise their
youngest members of our workforce              third set of expectations for managers.        hand when they have a question?
that need more support from their                                                             And how do they feel about those
managers, and we’ve got to be prepared         To that end, the 2023 Ethical Culture          processes? Those are the fundamental
for that. We have to be prepared to lead       Report thinks through all of those pieces      questions that you ought to be able
with an open door, and for those new           so that those who read it can ask of           to answer about the organizational
voices in the workplace to challenge           themselves what their internal data says       ecosystem in which your people are
us. Members of Gen X, for example,             compared to what Ethisphere’s data is          operating. And if the answer to any one
had a very different attitude when it          saying. It enables them to ask how they        of those questions is something your
came to what they expected from                can use this data to make things better        organization does not know or have,
their managers when they came into             for their workforce, and to give them          then that is the cue to solve for that.
the workforce, than the people who             the opportunity to tell their employers
are coming in now. So as compliance            what they are thinking. The fundamental        It is enormously expensive to replace
professionals, and as people who are           message of this report: that all of this       a mid mid level executive—I have read
interested in the topic of safe and open       information is a gift. It is all something     the costs can be as high as a million
speak up culture, we really need to            you can accomplish great things with.          dollars every time somebody turns over.
think through how to prep managers             You just have to have the right attitude.      And why do people leave jobs? More
for the kids that are coming out of                                                           often than not, they’re not leaving the
college. We’ve got to get ahead of that.       CULTURE MATTERS MORE THAN EVER                 job. They’re leaving their manager. So
                                                                                              really, it all comes down to culture, that
WHY NOW?                                       As we pulled this report together at this      fundamental linchpin around which
                                               particular moment in time, we looked at        everything else spins. It is absolutely
The timing of this report is as important      the generational data we gathered as a         measurable, if you’ve got the appetite
as it is intentional. Since 2020, we have      way to gain insight into the expectations      to do it. And with the right data and the
done a lot of webcasting and visual            of the workforce of the future. As we look     right insight, you can build an ethical
data presentations about our ethical           at some of the things that are happening       culture that will make your organization

culture data and received encouraging          out in the world, especially the economic      more resilient, valuable, and sustainable.
feedback from the BELA (Business               situation, the fact of the matter is           Strong ethics is good business. And the
Ethics Leadership Alliance) community,         that the average company today has             latest culture data proves it, yet again.
as well as our various event attendees.        somewhere between 70 and 80% of
                                               its value tied up in intangible assets.        The 2023 Ethical Culture Report—
Now, we wanted to give people                  Value isn’t stuff for most companies, it’s     Lessons from the Pandemic:
something tangible that they could             brand value. It’s goodwill. It’s reputation.   Accountability Reigns and Gen Z
bring directly to their internal audiences.    Its’ intellectual property. And most of        Refrains can be downloaded here. This
We want ethics and compliance                  all, it’s people. And how do you hold          content originally appeared in video
professionals to be able to walk into          on to your best asset? Its culture.            form as an episode of the Ethicast. To
their CEO’s office, or into their next                                                        watch that episode, please click here.
Board meeting, or into a meeting with          That is the reason why we are seeing
their chief people officer and say: here’s     investors care so much about this. It is
what the data is saying, and how much          the reason why we are seeing future                 ABOUT THE EXPERT
of this are we seeing inside our own           employees care so much about this.
datasets? Is our internal data saying          And it is the reason why we are seeing         Erica Salmon Byrne is the CEO for
something similar? Is our engagement           regulators mention it as much as               Ethisphere, where she has responsibility
survey data saying something similar           they have been recently. There is an           for the organization’s data and services
to what Ethisphere is saying? How are          immense amount of focus from board             business and works with Ethisphere’s
we measuring culture? And importantly,         members, investors, regulators, and            community of clients to assess ethics
what are we doing with those results?          future employees on some really key            and compliance programs and promote
                                               questions: Are you nurturing the right         best practices across industries.
All of those are real opportunities now,       kind of culture? Are you supporting            Erica also serves as the Chair of the
particularly as we think about what the        the right kind of culture? Are you             Business Ethics Leadership Alliance;
working environment of the future looks        growing the right kind of culture?             she works with the BELA community
like. If a business is going to be a hybrid                                                   to advance the dialogue around ethics
environment, that creates one set of           It is incredible to me—just incredible—        and governance and deliver practical
expectations for managers. If everybody        how the business community has                 guidance to ethics and compliance
is coming back into the office, that           coalesced around this question of              practitioners around the globe.
creates a different set of expectations.       culture. For a lot of people, that is
                                               kind of amorphous. What is culture?
                                               To me, it is easy to measure. Do your

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Diving Into the Data
with Doug Allen

     Interview by Bill Coffin

     Ethisphere Vice President of
     Data Strategy Doug Allen
     discusses the data behind
     the key takeaways from the
     2023 Ethical Culture Report,
     which includes how bullying
     claims skyrocketed over
     the course of the pandemic,
     how ethical culture trends
     vary by age cohort, how
     team reputation factors into
     employees’ decisions to
                                       DOUG ALLEN
     report misconduct, and the
     critical role that data and
                                     I love to hear you talk about the           engagement process that came about
     measurement play in building    size of the respondent pool we’re           at the behest of the Business Ethics
                                     talking about here that inform this         Leadership Alliance community.
     a thriving workplace culture.   report. Exactly how big is the Sphere’s
                                     culture dataset? And how does the           We developed this survey methodology
                                     Sphere get all that terrific data?          in 2015, through conversations we had
                                                                                 with the BELA membership, which at
                                     The data that underpins our 2023            the time was a fledgling community.
                                     Insights report on culture comes from       Now, it’s much larger, but back then,
                                     our universe of more than two million       BELA members came to us and said
                                     individual employee data responses that     that a pain point for them was that
                                     we have collected since about 2016.         nobody was measuring the ways in
                                     These are data points from organizations    which their compliance programs were
                                     around the world, representing industries   actually producing results. That’s when
                                     of all shapes and sizes. The data itself    Ethisphere stepped to the plate and
                                     comes from a proprietary survey and         came up with something that could
                                                                                 help ethics and compliance officers
                                                                                 measure the efficacy of their programs,

16                                                                                              ETHISPHERE.COM

Table from The 2023 Ethical Culture Report—Lessons from the Pandemic: Accountability Reigns and Gen Z Refrains which can be
downloaded here.

what their employees are thinking              various demographic dimensions as            Now, before we get into the findings, a
about these programs, and what the             well. We are hoping that this survey         quick primer on what we’ve looked at
workforce’s overall take is on the culture     will just be the first in a regular series   as part of our process. The way we’ve
of ethics within their organization.           of great insights that we can pull from      approached measuring ethical culture
                                               our data and share with our wonderful        is defined by what we call our Eight
With the BELA community’s                      community on what we’re seeing               Pillars of Ethical Culture. Many of our
collaboration and partnership, and with        regarding compliance and ethics topics.      audience members today, and devotees
our own internal experts, we developed                                                      of Ethisphere in general, know of these
what we call the Ethical Culture Solution      A major aspect of this report is             pillars. But for those who do not, the
Set. The survey is now in its eighth year,     its focus on how ethical cultures            Eight Pillars cover what we consider
and we have collected more than two            in general fared over the course             to be the foundational elements of
million responses from hundreds of             of the pandemic. How did ethical             an effective and sustainable culture.
organizations around the world. That           cultures do when put to the test?            For example, what is the awareness
unique breadth and depth is what we                                                         of the employees of the compliance
are bringing to bear in this report.           We are looking at ethical culture pre-       and ethics program? What are their
                                               and post-pandemic—and we are calling         perceptions on whether or not that
We have released previous versions             our present moment “post-pandemic,”          program is working? What is their overall
of the Ethical Culture Survey that have        even though we fully realize that            sense of willingness to speak up? Are
delved into other insights, but in the 2023    we are still in an ongoing COVID-19          they, in fact, speaking up? What are
version, things are a little different. Our    situation. But when looking at our data,     they seeing that falls within observed
audience today has been through some           we were able to segment all of the           and reported misconduct? To what
pretty tumultuous times of change. The         results we collected prior to March          extent are employees feeling pressure
COVID-19 pandemic is not yet over, but         2020 versus everything after that. Then      to achieve their business goals at the
we felt that we are at a point now where       we looked at trends in how employees         expense of potentially compromising the
we could collect enough data at this           are perceiving the culture of integrity      policies of their code of conduct? We
point to really dig into trends that arose     within their own organizations during        review the law, we look at dimensions
during the pandemic, both from a time          those two different time periods.            of organizational justice, we look at
period perspective, but also involving                                                      perceptions of one’s immediate manager,

ETHISPHERE.COM                                                                                                                          17
Gen Z report misconduct less than any other age cohort, despite their
THE  2023 willingness
  professed ETHISPHERE        ETHICAL
                      to call out         CULTURE REPORT
                                  bad behavior.


                                                                                          DECLINED TO
                 AGE                                               YES                                                               NO

                 GEN Z ( ≤ 25 )                                  43.6 %                          17.5 %                           38.9 %

                 MILLENNIAL ( 26 - 41 )                          45.5 %                          22.7 %                           31.8 %

                 GEN X ( 42 - 57)                                53.5 %                          18.8 %                           27.6 %

                 BOOMER ( 58- 77)                                50.3 %                          22.1 %                           27.6 %

     Table from Nearly
                The 2023 39  percent
                         Ethical Cultureof Gen Z employees
                                        Report—Lessons from the Pandemic:
                                                                reportedAccountability Reignsnot
                                                                          that they chose     andto
                                                                                                  Gen Z Refrains which can be
     downloaded misconduct
                 here.        when they witnessed it. That represents just over an 11-point gap between
                  them and both their Gen X and Boomer colleagues.
     and how are  On employees
                        their own,  thinking  about
                                        falling   levels ofthe  employees
                                                             reporting          that we
                                                                              rates,     survey, that
                                                                                       declines      in traditional     thereporting
                                                                                                                             pandemic. Of       the seven categories
     their seniorand
                   leadership    team?in
                         increases       And               therereporting
                                             non-traditional      is less misconduct
                                                                                  channels that dotheynot suggestthat         increased,
                                                                                                                           anything         bullying was far and
     finally, howafoot,
                   do theyespecially
                             employees perceive
                                                            the low  is taking
                                                                         overall  place, but those whoof the changes
                                                                                      percentages                       away the biggest
                                                                                                                                     reported. one, at 13 points. The
     their co workers and their immediate                  are seeing something are also less                           next highest category was “violations of
     environment?     These constitute
                  Likewise,     the sharp   the increase inarebullying
                                                                willing to ascome    forward
                                                                                  a type    ofthan    they misconduct,
                                                                                                 reported               health andwhilesafetyeye-
                                                                                                                                                policies,” and that only
     Eight Pillarscatching,       is not enough to determine
                    of Ethical Culture.                    might haveabeen   major     trend
                                                                                   before        on its own andincreased
                                                                                           the pandemic.                  could see   by aalittle
                                                                                                                                                     in than a single
                  the years to come as businesses                adapt toremains,
                                                           The questions          post-pandemic
                                                                                          why? What isworking percentage conditions.    point. Within the margin
     When we compare our survey data to                    driving some of these different types                        of error, really. So that helps to put the
     the Eight Pillars,  one ofthese
                                  the firstchanges
                                            things     are of
                                                                happening           simultaneously, and over
                                                                           in this environment?                             a particularly
                                                                                                                        bullying   statistic into perspective, I think.
     that stood out    to us is that  whenof
                                 period      youtime
                                                  look(the COVID-19 pandemic), when companies                                had went
                                                                                                                        Bullying    to suddenly
                                                                                                                                           through the roof, and really
                  shift   to remote-working
     at the data after March 2020—which for           (or shut  down       entirely)    and
                                                           Before we get to that, however, it isin  many     cases,      shift   back
                                                                                                                        is an outlier here.once     the impressive.
                                                                                                                                               It’s pretty
                  worst    of  the    pandemic
     a lot of people is when the pandemic            had  concluded.
                                                           worth noting that when we looked at
     timeframe really begins—many of the                   what types of misconduct folks are                           Another interesting thing about
                  But there is another changeobserving,
     results we measure increased in terms
                                                             that demands             our attention: the growing
                                                                         just about every one of the
                                                                                                                                   presence of
                                                                                                                        this survey is the degree to which it
                  Gen Z employees, who are 25 years or younger, many of whom entered the
     of their overall perception. Employees                different classifications of misconduct we                   breaks down data by generational
                  workforce for the first time during                  the pandemic, in an environment                          of disrupted
     really put more    trust in  their employers          measure     all  went   down
                  working conditions, and to potentially unprepared managerial leadership.over   the course             cohorts—specifically, Boomers, Gen
     across just about every dimension                     of the pandemic. There is one category,                      X, Millennials, Gen Z. What findings
     that we looked at, in terms of the                    however, that really skyrocketed over the                    did that particular approach yield?
     pre- and post-pandemic landscape.
     That is at a broad thematic level.
                                                           last few years, and that is bullying. As the
                                                                             T H E 2 0 2 3 data
                                                           pre- and post-pandemic           E T H Ishowed,
                                                                                                   S P H E R E E T H I CSome
                                                                                                                          A L C pretty
                                                                                                                                 U L T U Rexciting
                                                                                                                                           E REPO       12
                                                                                                                                                     results came from
                                                           we saw a 13 percent jump in bullying                         looking at this data from a generational
     There is, of course, a lot of nuance in               misconduct claims. So that was one of                        perspective. As a caveat to the audience,
     the details. If we really focus on one of             the findings that really jumped out to us.                   the age categories we group data into
     our hotbed areas—the pillar observing                                                                              use generational terms that are very U.S.-
     and reporting misconduct—we see                       Let’s focus on the bullying piece for                        centric, but the data itself comes from
     some really interesting results when                  a moment. Can you talk about the                             around the world. When organizations
     we compare pre- and post-pandemic                     rise in bullying claims, especially                          administer the survey and collaborate
     data. After the pandemic, the volume of               compared to how other forms of                               with us to measure their own culture, a
     misconduct that employees said they                   misconduct rose or fell during                               lot of times they will indicate age ranges
     observed went down. However, when                     the pandemic? How much of an                                 or age values, and those all get grouped
     we asked those individuals who did in                 outlier is the bullying situation?                           under the similar classification. And then
     fact see something, if they raised their                                                                           as part of our analysis, we apply more
     hand to say something, that proportion                When you look at the 27 different types                      U.S.-centric terms, such as Gen X, Gen
     is also decreasing. So ,we are seeing                 of misconduct that we measure, I believe                     Z, Millennials, Boomers, and so on.
     a decrease, at least from the eyes of                 20 of them actually went down over

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With that being said, what was                   were some of the key generational             just starting to allude to what these
interesting in the data is that several          differences that we saw, among others,        changes could be. The research on
different dimensions jumped out. The             when specifically examining the lens of       generational culture that we are seeing
one I will touch on one for now, and             speaking up and reporting misconduct.         from other sectors and from other
let folks dig into the report for some                                                         sources is really indicating that what we
more information, is Generation Z,               This is the crux of it. To be candid,         are seeing in the 2023 Ethical Culture
or employees among the youngest                  the way in which we measure these             Report is part a much broader piece.
class of survey respondents by our               survey results within Ethisphere, we
definition, which is 25 years of age or          are blessed with the opportunity to           Businesses that have relatively young
younger. When looking at trends around           work with some of the most forward-           workforces—especially companies in the
an overall willingness to speak up,              thinking, most developed, most                retail and food service industries—are
Generation Z employees are actually              integrity-focused companies in the            probably seeing a lot of this already. If
less likely to report than those in their        world, including those who partner with       they are not taking this opportunity to
older generational peer groups. They             us to measure their culture specifically.     speak with some of their compliance
are 10 points less likely to report than                                                       peers who are already having this
their Generation X colleagues. Those             The first recommendation is fairly            experience, then they are not exactly
who are just entering the workforce now          obvious, but you’ve got to measure            preparing themselves for what is to
are showing some reluctance to report            ethical culture. That expectation is          come, potentially. This is a big change,
misconduct, so we really dug into the            coming down from the regulators               culturally speaking. The data alludes to
data to figure out what is driving this.         themselves as something they are              it, and we are seeing it in other research.
                                                 putting an increased focus on. In the         So, be proactive and prepare your teams,
What we are seeing is that Generation            Monaco memo, and some of Ken Polite’s         your organization, and your compliance
Z employees broadly seem to have a               comments in some of his speeches,             programs for this new generation of

very good awareness of the concept of            making a culture of compliance is top         young folks coming into the workplace
non retaliation, and there is decent faith       of mind for these regulators. Measuring       and be the change requires to
behind how they feel their organization          culture is something you need to              communicate effectively with them.
supports that policy. But when you look          be doing. You’ve got to put forward
at the why behind Gen Z, and what                the resources. This has to become a           The 2023 Ethical Culture Report—
they are thinking through in terms of            priority as an ethics and compliance          Lessons from the Pandemic:
not reporting misconduct, the same               professional, to figure out what your         Accountability Reigns and Gen Z
two responses that we see across other           employees thinking. These are your            Refrains can be downloaded here. This
generations also come to the top. The            internal customers, right? Are they           interview originally appeared in video
first is the concern that if they raise their    satisfied with the service you’re providing   form as an episode of the Ethicast. To
hand, they don’t think anything is really        as part of the compliance team? Are they      watch that episode, please click here.
going to happen as a result. It is a lack        engaging with materials you’re providing?
of faith that something will be done             What is really their take on the services
about what has been reported. And the            you are delivering as a compliance                 ABOUT THE EXPERT
second is that there is an underlying fear       function across the organization?
of retaliation among those who say they                                                        Doug Allen is the Vice President of
observed misconduct but did not report           The second recommendation is to look          Data Strategy at Ethisphere, where he
it. There are some differences between           at the generational trends we are seeing      leads benchmarking, certification, and
generations around those two reasons,            come out of this report. To my mind, this     partnership efforts. Previously, Douglas
but they do represent a common thread            data and some of the research we are          spent six years providing compliance-
across all generational classifications.         seeing elsewhere suggests that this is        and ethics-related advisory services,
                                                 really the tip of the proverbial iceberg.     including developing compliance
We also noticed that the younger an              We are already seeing articles in The         and ethics risk assessments, codes
employee is within their organization,           Wall Street Journal, and John Haight at       of conduct, corporate policies and
the stronger their perception is of their        NYU, Stern saying, “Look, there’s a crisis    procedures, and communication
own reputation within their team. With           among Gen Z. They’ve been awash in this       and training curriculum plans.
Generation Z employees, reputation               victimhood mentality. Social media has
matters significantly more than any other        played a significant role in their general
generational classification. As a result,        mental health and well-being. These
Generation Z employees are saying they           Gen Z individuals are now transitioning
are concerned about the reputational             out of college to the workforce, and
harm that reporting misconduct will              as they do, that is bringing significant
cause to themselves, and to their team if        ramifications to compliance and ethics
they raise their hand and say something.         teams, as well as to businesses in
That was one dimension of our                    general around the world. So I think the
findings that really jumped out. Those           data that we are seeing today is only

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Transparency & Trust
with Cassidy Davis

     Interview by Bill Coffin

     The 2023 Ethical Culture
     Report offers plenty of
     insight on what some of the
     emerging issues are when
     it comes to what different
     groups of people expect
     when it comes to business
     integrity from their workplace,
     particularly Generation Z.
     So what can companies do
     to act on these findings and
     build a better ethical culture
     of their own? Drawing on
     her own experience as a
                                         CASSIDY DAVIS
     Client Success Manager for
     Ethisphere, and having seen
                                       The Ethical Culture Survey yielded         do when it comes to bullying is not
     field-tested solutions at work,   some surprising data on how much           that dissimilar from what works with
                                       bullying has grown as a cause for          other issues, as well—is to promote
     Cassidy Davis has some ideas.     missing a reported misconduct,             speaking up. I have seen that done
                                       rising by 13 percent over the course       most effectively specifically through
                                       of the pandemic, far more than             how companies communicate the
                                       any other form of misconduct in            reporting process to their employees.
                                       the survey. How can companies              What does that look like? How do you
                                       take action to address this?               use it? What is the hotline? What is the
                                                                                  reporting portal? Who can you go to?
                                       I was surprised by that finding on         What happens during the process?
                                       bullying as well. What organizations can   How transparent is the process? Do you
                                       do—and what I’ve seen organizations        highlight the fact that there are many
                                                                                  different outcomes of an investigation?

20                                                                                                ETHISPHERE.COM
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