THE ROLE OF THE ARMED FORCES IN PUBLIC SECURITY IN GUATEMALA - Assessing the Limitation of the Role of the Armed Forces in Public Security ...

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THE ROLE OF THE ARMED FORCES IN PUBLIC SECURITY IN GUATEMALA - Assessing the Limitation of the Role of the Armed Forces in Public Security ...
AP Photo: Moises Castillo

Assessing the Limitation of the Role of the Armed
Forces in Public Security Activities
INTRODUCTION                                                                                       4
KEY FINDINGS                                                                                       6
THE ROLE OF THE ARMED FORCES IN PUBLIC SECURITY IN GUATEMALA:                                      8
GUATEMALAN ARMED FORCES IN POLICING                                                                9

ACTIVITIES                                                                                         12

ARMY RESOURCES                                                                                     15

     Human Resources                                                                               15

     Financial Resources                                                                           18

PLAN TO WITHDRAW FROM PUBLIC SECURITY TASKS                                                        23

CONDUCT OF THE ARMED FORCES                                                                        24

     Accountability                                                                                25

     Public Confidence in the Army                                                                 26

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS                                                                         28

NOTES                                                                                              29

5. Strengthening civilian police forces;               of the Ministry of National Defense (Ministerio
                          INTRODUCTION                                                                        6. Limiting the role of the armed forces in
                                                                                                                  public security activities;
                                                                                                                                                                     de la Defensa Nacional). In addition, requests for
                                                                                                                                                                     statistical information were made via the Public
                                                                                                              7. Protecting human rights;                            Information Access Law (Ley de Acceso a la
In the last decade, the problem of insecurity       THE CENTRAL AMERICA MONITOR                               8. Improving transparency.                             Información Pública, LAIP), which establishes a
and impunity has deeply affected the people
                                                                                                                                                                     specific process by which government agencies
of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras,             The Central America Monitor is based on the
                                                                                                              The Monitor reports are published by area and          must receive information requests and respond
making this region (known as the Northern           premise that accurate, objective, and complete
                                                                                                              by country. The first series of reports will serve     within a set timeframe.
Triangle of Central America) one of the most        data and information are necessary to reduce
violent in the world. High levels of violence,                                                                as the baseline for subsequent analysis, which
                                                    the high levels of violence and insecurity,                                                                      We decided that the report’s primary data
corruption, and impunity have eroded the                                                                      will be updated annually. Each annual series
                                                    and establish rule of law and governance in                                                                      would be obtained via public information
capacity of the states to develop accessible                                                                  of reports will be analyzed in comparison with
                                                    a democratic state. This will allow efforts to                                                                   requests, in order to evaluate the effectiveness
and efficient institutions, and address the                                                                   reports from the previous year. This allows
                                                    move beyond abstract discussions of reform to                                                                    of Guatemala’s transparency laws, including
needs of their populations.                                                                                   researchers, civil society organizations, and
                                                    specific measures of change.                                                                                     the response rate to information requests
                                                                                                              other actors to assess the level of progress in
                                                                                                              strengthening the rule of law and reducing             and the degree of cooperation by the various
The absence of effective responses has              The Monitor is based on a series of more than                                                                    government institutions that were petitioned.
weakened citizens’ confidence in state              100 quantitative and qualitative indicators that
institutions, leading to an alarming number         allow a more profound level of analysis of the                                                                   Unfortunately, the Ministry of National Defense
of people who have been internally displaced                                                                  The first round of Monitor reports will primarily
                                                    successes or setbacks made in eight key areas                                                                    denied the majority of our information requests,
or forced to migrate to other countries to                                                                    focus on data sets from an approximate 4-year
                                                    in each of the three countries.1 More than                                                                       stating that disclosure of the information
escape the violence and lack of economic                                                                      time period, 2014 to 2017, in order to provide a
                                                    a comprehensive list, the indicators seek to                                                                    “would compromise national security.” The lack
opportunities.                                                                                                snapshot of Central America’s institutions.
                                                    identify a way to examine and assess the level of                                                                of transparency in this area is concerning, given
                                                    progress of the three countries in strengthening                                                                 that the request was for basic information, such
                                                                                                              The Monitor will serve as a tool for searchable,
Against this backdrop, the Washington               the rule of law and democratic institutions. The                                                                 as the size and number of troops in the Army, as
                                                                                                              easy-to-comprehend data, delineating trends,
Office on Latin America (WOLA), the Myrna           indicators seek to identify the main challenges                                                                  opposed to sensitive information that could pose
                                                                                                              progress, patterns, and gaps within and between
Mack Foundation (FMM) of Guatemala,                 in each of the selected areas and examine how                                                                    a risk to national security in any manner. Other
                                                                                                              the three countries of the Northern Triangle.
the University Institute for Public Opinion         institutions are (or are not) being strengthened                                                                 information was requested regarding indicators
                                                                                                              The data, graphics, charts, and reports will be
(Iudop) of the José Simeón Cañas Central            over time. The Monitor uses information from                                                                     to analyze the degree of Army participation
                                                                                                              available on the Monitor’s website.
American University (UCA) of El Salvador,           different sources, including official documents                                                                  in internal police functions during the period
and the University Institute on Democracy,          and statistics, surveys, interviews, information                                                                 under analysis, such as the number of members
Peace and Security (IUDPAS) of Honduras             from emblematic cases, and analysis of existing           This report of the Central America Monitor,
                                                                                                                                                                     of the Armed Forces assigned to public security
have developed a tool for monitoring                laws and regulations.                                     produced by the Myrna Mack Foundation, aims
                                                                                                                                                                     tasks and the municipalities in which the Army
and evaluating the policies and strategies                                                                    to define a baseline for the indicators related to
                                                                                                                                                                     deployed for public security activities.
currently being implemented in Guatemala,                                                                     limiting the role of the armed forces in public
                                                    The indicators were developed over several
Honduras, and El Salvador to reduce                                                                           security activities in Guatemala.
                                                    months in a process that included an                                                                             The refusal to provide this information not only
insecurity and violence, strengthen the             extensive review of international standards                                                                      makes it impossible to perform a comprehensive
rule of law, improve transparency and               and consultation with experts. The eight areas            ABOUT THE RESEARCH FOR THIS                            analysis of the Armed Forces and their
accountability, protect human rights, and           analyzed by the Monitor include:                          REPORT                                                 participation in internal police functions, but
fight corruption. This initiative has been                                                                                                                           also represents an alarming tendency of opacity
made possible thanks to the support of the          1. Strengthening the capacity of the justice              The quantitative data in this report was obtained      regarding civic oversight and accountability for
Latin America Division of the Swiss Agency             system;                                                via the bibliographic review of official reports,      possible human rights violations committed by
for Development and Cooperation, the                2. Cooperation         with       anti-impunity           institutional annals, and relevant information         this institution in the exercise of police functions.
Tinker Foundation, the Seattle International           commissions;                                           available on the official transparency web pages
Foundation (SIF), and the Moriah Fund.              3. Combatting corruption;
                                                    4. Tackling violence and organized crime;

KEY FINDINGS                                                                                              • Between 2014 and 2017, the Ministry of National Defense was allocated, on average,
                                                                                                              an annual amount of Q70,444,267.50 ($9.1 million) to cover the Army’s participation in
                                                                                                              public security tasks. The Defense Ministry’s budget steadily increased throughout the
• Guatemala ended 36 years of internal armed conflict with the signing of the 1996 Peace                      four-year period covered in this report, with an increase of 3.2 percent between 2014
  Accords. A key provision to the cessation of hostilities was the creation of the National                   and 2015, 5.6 percent between 2015 and 2016, and 4.6 percent between 2016 and
  Civilian Police (Policía Nacional Civil, PNC) in 1997 (which assumed responsibility for                     2017. Despite the implementation of the plan meant to withdraw the Army from public
  domestic security), reducing the number of Army troops, and withdrawing them from                           security duties throughout 2017, the Army’s budget for public security increased during
  internal police functions. In the years following the signing of the Peace Accords, the                     that same year as compared with the previous year. In fact, the budget allocated for
  government made progress on this front.                                                                     2017 was the highest of the four years under study. This number highlights the disparity
                                                                                                              between the state’s supposed goal of less military participation in public security tasks,
• Despite this progress, beginning in 2000, successive governments cited citizen insecurity                   and what was actually being financed.
  as a reason for enacting decrees and laws enabling the Army to once again take part in
  police duties, in clear violation of the Peace Accords. These actions included removing                   • In the four-year period covered by this report (2014-2017), the Human Rights
  limits to the number of troops, authorizing the military’s participation in combatting                      Ombudperson’s Office (Procurador de los Derechos Humanos, PDH) received 172 legal
  organized and common crime, and allowing the military to provide security at pre-trial                      complaints of alleged human rights violations by the Army, an average of 43 complaints
  detention centers, prisons, and rehabilitation centers, among other sites. Over the years,                  per year. These figures only represent the complaints received by the Ombudsperson’s
  the Army was also empowered to maintain order and security in jails and penitentiaries;                     Office and omit those cases that go unreported; as such, the true number of human
  pursue and detain fugitive prisoners; and take inmates into custody. Additionally,                          rights violations is probably higher.
  they established forces combining the Army and PNC and consolidated coordination
  mechanisms for the Ministry of National Defense (Ministerio de la Defensa Nacional) in all
                                                                                                            • In analyzing the level of public confidence in the Army, public surveys administered
  matters of internal and external security.
                                                                                                              between 2015 and 2017 (no data is available for 2014) show little change between 2015
                                                                                                              and 2016. In 2015, 42.8 percent of the population expressed great or some trust in the
• In late 2016, faced with growing mainstream rejection of the militarization of policing                     Armed Forces, while 54.4 percent had little or none. In 2016, 44.6 percent reported
  duties, the state announced the “Operationalization Plan for the Gradual Withdrawal                         they had great or some trust, while 52.6 percent had little or none. Nonetheless, 2017
  of the Guatemalan Army from Citizen Security Tasks.” Said plan sought to completely                         showed a notable loss of trust in comparison with previous years, with 35.4 percent
  withdraw the Armed Forces from police functions in three distinct phases prior to the                       reporting great or some trust in the Armed Forces and 62.7 percent having little or
  end of 2017. Despite some progress– such as the reduction of the Armed Forces (from                         none. Another important trend is revealed when the data is disaggregated by sex. In
  30 zones to 11) and the withdrawal of some 2,100 troops – the plan did not meet its                         the three years under analysis, men reported having greater trust in the Armed Forces
  initial deadline. An anticipated final withdrawal of the military from policing duties was                  than women. For example, in 2017 42.2 percent of men and 29.4 percent of women
  pushed back to March 2018.                                                                                  reported having great or some trust in the Armed Forces, a divide evident in each year.

• The Ministry of National Defense denied a significant number of public information
  requests concerning the size of the Army and its participation in public security. This lack
  of transparency is worrisome, given that the requests were for basic information and did
  not include information that could pose a risk to national security in any manner. Not only
  does this lack of transparency make a comprehensive analysis of the Armed Forces and
  their participation in domestic police functions impossible, it also represents an alarming
  trend toward opacity. This is especially concerning when it comes to monitoring and
  pushing for accountability for possible human rights violations committed by the Armed
  Forces when exercising police functions.

THE ROLE OF THE ARMED FORCES IN                                                                             LEGAL FRAMEWORK REGULATING THE
     PUBLIC SECURITY IN GUATEMALA                                                                              INVOLVEMENT OF THE GUATEMALAN
  Assessing the Limitation of the Role of the                                                                  ARMED FORCES IN POLICING
  Armed Forces in Public Security Activities                                                                   The Army is accountable to the Ministry of
                                                                                                               National Defense and is divided into three bodies:
                                                                                                                                                                     The Constitutive Law of the Guatemalan Army
                                                                                                                                                                     affirms these provisions and roles for the Armed
                                                                                                               Land Forces, Air Forces, and Naval Forces.            Forces, among other organic guidelines. It should
Democracies throughout Latin America have            Until the transition to democracy in 1985,
                                                                                                               According to the Ministry of National Defense,        be noted that the Constitution precedes the
struggled to consolidate civilian control over       Guatemala did not have civilian control over
                                                                                                               the Guatemalan Army traces its history from           creation of the PNC; as such, the Constitution
their armed forces, based on the principle of a      its Armed Forces, which were responsible for
                                                                                                               the colonial era in the 16th Century, evolving        does not mention or grant power to any police
firm separation between soldiers and police. Due     internal and external security. A few key aspects
                                                                                                               pursuant to several Constitutions starting with       force at the national level. Nonetheless, Article
to their particular circumstances, countries in      of the 1996 Peace Accords included the creation
                                                                                                               its independence from Spain and the United            259 authorizes the creation of police forces at
the region have not had to employ their armies       of the National Civilian Police, a reduction in the
                                                                                                               Provinces of Central America (Provincias Unidas       the municipal level for the purpose of “executing
to defend their citizens from foreign invaders.      number of Army troops, and withdrawal of the
                                                                                                               de Centroamérica).6 Currently, Chapter V of           its ordinances and complying with its provisions”
Notwithstanding, the governments have often          Army from domestic security functions.2 This
                                                                                                               the 1985 Political Constitution of the Republic       and “under direct orders of the mayor.”9
turned to their armies to combat organized           demand was in large part a result of the grave
                                                                                                               of Guatemala regulates the Army’s integration,
crime and other forms of crime.                      human rights violations perpetrated by the
                                                                                                               organization, and goals. Its legal system is also     Following the signing of the Peace Accords, the
                                                     Army during the internal armed conflict.
                                                                                                               based on the Constitutive Law of the Army (Ley        government convened a Popular Consultation
There are several factors that demonstrate                                                                     Constitutiva del Ejército) and other related laws     on May 16, 1999, posing four questions to
the difference between the armed forces and          In the years following the signing of the Peace           described below.7                                     the general public regarding constitutional
police forces. On one hand, the armed forces         Accords, the State made progress on this
                                                                                                                                                                     reforms.10 One of them proposed the
are trained to fight wars, while police are          agenda: the PNC was created in 1997 and
                                                                                                               THE POLITICAL CONSTITUTION OF                         recognition of the role of the PNC in the
designed to ensure compliance with the law. In       assumed responsibility for domestic security;
                                                                                                               THE REPUBLIC OF GUATEMALA AND                         Constitution and the establishment of a clearer
this sense, police should be trained to employ       the Army’s role in police and domestic functions
                                                                                                               CONSTITUTIVE LAW OF THE GUATEMALAN                    division between the functions of the PNC
the minimum amount of force necessary to             was decreased;3 and the size of the Army was
                                                                                                               ARMY                                                  and Armed Forces. In large part due to low
ensure compliance with the community’s laws,         reduced from 47,000 troops in 1996 to some
                                                                                                                                                                     voter turnout (an 81.45% abstention rate) and
while military personnel are trained to employ       18,500 in 2015.4
                                                                                                               EArticle 246 of the Constitution names the            opposition from conservative sectors, none of
overwhelming lethal force against an enemy.
                                                                                                               President of Guatemala as the Commander-              the proposed amendments were approved and
                                                     Despite this progress, and continuing to reject                                                                 the Constitution remains without mention of
                                                                                                               in-Chief of the Army and grants him/her
Despite this difference, successive governments      constitutional reforms, commencing in 2000,                                                                     the PNC.11
                                                                                                               authorization to issue orders, including
in Guatemala have turned to the Army to address      several governments enacted decrees and
                                                                                                               mobilization and demobilization. Article 244
public security needs, which has increased the       laws enabling the Army to once again take
                                                                                                               establishes that the Army “is an institution          GOVERNMENTAL ACCORD 90-96
risk of human rights violations committed by the     part in police duties. With an alarming state of
                                                                                                               dedicated to maintaining the independence,
government.                                          citizen insecurity, security has also represented
                                                                                                               sovereignty, and honor of Guatemala, the
                                                     an important issue in elections, with several                                                                   In March 1996, the government issued
                                                                                                               integrity of the territory, peace, and internal
                                                     candidates gaining power by promising to                                                                        Governmental Accord 90-96, which explicitly
                                                                                                               and external security.”8 In addition, Article 249
                                                     impose “iron fist” tactics to combat crime.5                                                                    granted authorization for collaboration
                                                                                                               declares that “the Army shall cooperate in
                                                                                                                                                                     between the civilian security forces and Army in
                                                                                                               emergency situations or public disasters.” These
                                                                                                                                                                     the area of “combatting organized and common
                                                                                                               three articles form the legal foundation cited
                                                                                                                                                                     crime.” The Accord names the Ministry of the
                                                                                                               in several laws for expanding the role of the
                                                                                                                                                                     Interior (Ministerio de Gobernación) as the
                                                                                                               Armed Forces into the country’s internal police
                                                                                                                                                                     entity responsible for drafting, executing, and
                                                                                                                                                                     supervising public security plans, though with

support and collaboration from the Ministry           function under the direction and responsibility           security; 2) external security; 3) intelligence;      to “support the civilian security forces in their
of National Defense and the Army.12 It should         of the Ministry of the Interior. The Accord puts          and 4) risk management and civil defense. While       duties to prevent and combat organized crime
be noted that the State ratified this Accord in       a time limit on the composition and duration of           this law did not fundamentally change the role        [and] common crime and reestablish or maintain
the midst of peace negotiations and only nine         these combined forces, declaring that “they shall         of the Armed Forces, it formalized a mechanism        citizen security when the security circumstances
months prior to the signing of the final and          be of an exceptional, limited character and shall         for channeling all matters of security, including     in the country require their assistance, or the
definitive Peace Accords, enabling a broad role       not exceed a total of 60 days.”                           internal police functions.                            ordinary means available to the civilian security
for the Army in society and internal security                                                                                                                         forces are deemed insufficient.”20
during the transition from war to peace.              GOVERNMENTAL ACCORDS 178-2004 AND                         GOVERNMENTAL ACCORDS 31-2015 AND
                                                      216-2011                                                  115-2017                                              Two years after the Accord’s issuance, the
DECREE 40-2000 AND GOVERNMENTAL                                                                                                                                       squadrons’ name changed to Strategic Battalions
ACCORD 87-2000                                        As part of the Guatemalan Army’s Modernization            In 2015, the State approved the creation of           of Military Reserves (Batallones Estratégicos de
                                                      Plan, in 2004 (by means of Governmental                   the Squadrons of the Special Reserve Corps            Reservas Militares) via Governmental Accord
In 2000, by means of Decree 40-2000,                  Accord 178-2004), the government established              for Citizen Security (Escuadrones del Cuerpo          115-2017.21 It is noteworthy that by late 2015,
the government augmented the Army’s                   a maximum threshold of 15,500 Army troops.16              Especial de Reserva para la Seguridad                 the year in which the CERSC was created, the
authorization to support civilian security forces     Nonetheless, this Accord has been reformed                Ciudadana, CERSC) through Governmental                Army had already allocated a total of 4,500
in combatting organized and common crime              several times; one of the most relevant reforms           Accord 31-2015. The squadrons’ mission is             soldiers to comprise said squadrons.”22
“when the security circumstances in the country       occurred in 2011 (through Governmental Accord
require assistance, or the ordinary means             216-2011), which eliminated all restrictions on
available to civilian security forces are deemed      the number of troops in the Armed Forces.                  BOX 1
insufficient.13 The Decree also authorizes the        Authorization was given to recruit personnel
                                                                                                                 LEGAL FRAMEWORK ALLOWING THE PARTICIPATION OF THE GUATEMALAN
provision of military units, when requested           “to comply with its constitutionally-assigned
by the Ministry of the Interior, to guard “the        mission, in accordance with current national               ARMY IN POLICING FUNCTIONS
perimeter of pre-trial detention centers,             security needs” and “with the goal of supporting
establishments in which criminal sentences            work to reestablish or maintain citizen security,                                                 • Names the President of Guatemala as the Commander-in-
are served, rehabilitation centers, and other         as well as provide support to humanitarian                                                          Chief of the Army.
                                                                                                                       The Political Constitution of    • Establishes that the Army is an institution dedicated to
places of imprisonment.” That same year, the          work and in cases of public disasters or national
                                                                                                                       the Republic of Guatemala          maintaining the independence, sovereignty, and honor
government issued Governmental Accord 87-             emergencies”.17
                                                                                                                       and Constitutive Law of the        of Guatemala, the integrity of the territory, peace, and
2000 permitting the Army to cooperate “to                                                                                                                 internal and external security.
                                                                                                                       Guatemalan Army
maintain order and security in the country’s          DECREE 18-2008                                                                                    • Authorized the army’s cooperation in emergency situations
penitentiary system’s centers and jails” when                                                                                                             or public disasters
its support is requested by the Ministry of the       The Framework Law of the National Security                                                        • Grants authorization for collaboration between the
Interior.14                                           System (Decree 18-2008) was enacted In 2008.                     Governmental Accord 90-96          civilian security forces and Army in the area of combatting
                                                      The purpose of this law is to “establish the legal                                                  organized and common crime.
GOVERNMENTAL ACCORD 264-2001                          regulations of an organic and functional nature                                                   • Expands the Army’s authorization to support civilian
                                                      that are necessary for the State of Guatemala                                                       security forces in combatting organized and common
Governmental Accord 264-2001 established              to perform internal and external security and                    Decree 40-2000
that, as a part of its role to prevent and combat     intelligence activities in a coordinated manner.”18                                               • Permits the military to guard the perimeter of pre-trial
                                                                                                                                                          detention centers, prisons and rehabilitation centers,
crime, the Army can “pursue and detain fugitive       With that goal, it established the National
                                                                                                                                                          among others.
prisoners, as well as guard the inmates in            Security System (Sistema Nacional de Seguridad)
                                                                                                                                                        • Authorizes the Army to cooperate in maintaining order
penitentiary centers and perimeter security.”15       by integrating the Ministries of          National               Governmental Accord 87-2000        and security in the country’s penitentiary system’s centers
In order to coordinate the Army’s support of          Defense and Interior, among others, in order to                                                     and jails.
and collaboration with civilian security forces       improve coordination in security activities.19 The
in this task, the Accord also provided for the        law divided the work of the National Security
integration of “combined security forces” that        System into four principal spheres: 1) internal

Once the roadmap for the support request has          Army in matters of citizen security, the person(s)
                                        • Allows the Army to pursue and detain fugitive prisoners,               been finalized and submitted, those in charge         responsible and the degree of their responsibility
                                          as well as guard the inmates in penitentiary centers and               of the operation and their counterparts in            may be fully established.
                                          perimeter security.                                                    the Ministry of National Defense establish
       Governmental Accord 264-2001
                                        • Establishes the integration of “combined security forces”              contact and initiate monitoring and a checklist       There are several national regulations regarding
                                          that function under the direction and responsibility of the            for the operation through to its completion.          the Armed Forces’ comportment while deployed
                                          Ministry of the Interior.
                                                                                                                 The operations checklist is produced by the           in public security operations, such as:25
       Governmental Accords      178-   • Eliminates all restrictions on the number of troops in the             Liaison Department of the National Defense
       2004 and 216-2011                  Armed Forces.                                                          Chief of Staff and must include the following          • Code of conduct for the members of units
                                                                                                                 information:24                                           participating in operations in support of
                                        • Establishes the National Security System by integrating
                                          the Ministries of National Defense and the Interior,                   • Corresponding number for the support                   public security.
       Decree 18-2008
                                          among others, to improve the coordination of internal and                operation
                                          external security activities as well as state intelligence.
                                                                                                                 • Quantity and type of operation that is               • Rules of employment for units participating
                                        • Establishes the Strategic Battalions of Military Reserves                                                                       in operations in support of public security.
       Governmental Accords 31-2015                                                                                carried out
                                          (originally named the Squadrons of the Special Reserve
       and 115-2017                                                                                                                                                       Regulations regarding general rules, use of
                                          Corps for Citizen Security)                                            • Unit designated to provide support to the              force, and the manner of operating during
                                                                                                                   civilian security forces                               activities in support of public security.
                                                                                                                 • Name and contact information of the
RULES OF ENGAGEMENT FOR THE ARMY IN                                                                                person in charge of the operation                    • Management guide for unit commanders in
PUBLIC SECURITY ACTIVITIES                                                                                       • Number of officials participating in the
                                                                                                                                                                          support of public security that also guides
                                                                                                                                                                          behavior in various scenarios, including
                                                                                                                                                                          patrols, raids, and inspections of public jails.
Deriving its legal foundation from the                    forces                                                 • Place where the operation is carried out
aforementioned laws, the Ministry of National          • Place where the operation will take place               • Other observations, such as the hour the             • Conduct manual to follow during incidents
Defense has internal procedures and rules
                                                       • Number of personnel needed for the                        operation will commence, manner in which               that can occur during the employment of
governing the conduct of the Armed Forces
                                                         operation                                                 it will be carried out, and other data viewed          personnel in support of public security
when they are deployed in support of internal
                                                                                                                   as important                                           activities.26 This document guides actions
security forces. Among them is the Procedure           • Necessary equipment that will                      be                                                            during various incidents in diverse scenarios
for Providing Support to Civilian Security Forces,       employed by the military personnel
                                                                                                                 The procedure requires constant monitoring of            related to the activities in support of public
which regulates the process from the request
                                                       • Contact information for the person                      the operation and involvement of the Armed               security.
for support to the Armed Forces through the
end of the operation (see Figure 1). As a first          in charge of the civilian security forces               Forces. It also requires the official in charge of
                                                         designated for the operation                            the operation to inform the Head of the Liaison       These documents fall outside the scope of this
step, the procedure requires the requesting
                                                                                                                 Department of the National Defense Chief              report; however, it is worth highlighting an
entity to submit a verbal or written request for       • Meeting place to establish contact with
                                                                                                                 of Staff regarding the end of the operation,          important element related to the use of force. In
support to the Head of the Liaison Department            the civilian security forces
                                                                                                                 relevant developments, and the results obtained       line with international human rights standards,
of the National Defense Chief of Staff. If the
                                                       • Date the roadmap is developed for the                   therein.                                              the use of force policy dictates that the
request for support is authorized, a roadmap is
                                                         request for support                                                                                           following rules must be followed, among others:
developed for it that must include the following
                                                       • Authorization of the request from the                   Taking into consideration the implication of the      1) maintain and defend the dignity and rights of
                                                         National Defense Chief of Staff                         Armed Forces in grave human rights violations         all persons, regardless of sex, race, religion, or
• Brief description of the type of operation                                                                                                                           political thinking; 2) utilize “minimum” force; 3)
                                                       • Stamp and signature of the Head of                      committed against Guatemalan civilians,
  to be supported                                                                                                                                                      utilize force proportional to the threat, though
                                                         the Liaison Department of the National                  procedural records and documentation are
• Date and time the personnel should                                                                             valued positively, such that in the event that        avoiding as much as possible the use of arms;
                                                         Defense Chief of Staff                                                                                        4) exhaust all non-violent means to resolve the
  present themselves to the civilian security                                                                    excesses or abuses occur on the part of the
                                                                                                                                                                       situation prior to utilizing firearms; and 5) utilize

lethal force “in self-defense and/or to protect a      room for arbitrary and subjective discretion of
FIGURE 1                                                                                                     force.”27                                              military personnel. They also fail to consider the
FLOWCHART OF THE PROCEDURE TO PROVIDE ASSISTANCE TO CIVILIAN                                                                                                        risk of using the Armed Forces in public security
SECURITY FORCES                                                                                              Unfortunately, these regulations leave much            activities, given that their members are trained
                                                                                                             room for ambiguity. Despite the fact that              and taught to utilize lethal force as a principle
         START                                                                                               certain sections employ international human            of war, contrary to the training received by
                                                                                                             rights instruments as their legal basis, they leave    members of the National Civilian Police.

  Receive request for                 Is request in writing?     YES          Make contact to
      assistance                                                              exchange details               ARMY RESOURCES
                                                                          Inform the Head of the
                                                                                                             HUMAN RESOURCES                                        information regarding the size of the Army in
 Make written request        NO            Is it urgent?                                                                                                            terms of the number of its troops, as opposed
                                                                            Liaison Department                                                                      to sensitive information that could pose a
                                                                                                             The Army is divided into three bodies: Land
                                                                                                             Forces, Air Forces, and Marine Forces. For the         risk to national security in any manner. Other
                                                                            Head of the Liaison              purposes of this report, only the Land Forces          information was requested regarding indicators
  Inform petitioner of                                                     Department requests                                                                      to analyze the degree of Army participation
                             NO     Authorization granted?                                                   will be studied. Table 2 shows the military ranks
decision and the basis for                                                                                                                                          in internal police functions during the period
      request denial                                                      authorization from the             in this force.
                                              YES                         National Defense Chief                                                                    under analysis, such as:
                                                                                 of Staff
                                                                                                             As part of the research for this report, a request
                                    National Defense Chief                                                                                                           • The number of members of the Armed
                                                                                                             was made to the Ministry of National Defense
                                    of Staff issues order by                                                                                                           Forces assigned to public security tasks.
    Send roadmap for                                                                                         for the Army’s entire payroll, including reserve
    assistance request                                                                                       officials, disaggregated by military rank, for the
                                                                                                             2014-2017 period. Despite the general nature            • The municipalities in which the Army
   to Joint Operations               Develop roadmap for                                                                                                               deploys for public security activities.
  Command - National                                                                                         of the information requested, the Ministry
                                          assistance                                                         denied the request, declaring that, in accordance
  Defense Chief of Staff                                                     Send operations
                                                                                                             with Ministry of National Defense Resolutions          Unfortunately, the Ministry of National Defense
                                                                              checklist to the
    Joint Operations                    Begin operations                                                     07860 of 2011 and 01-2018 of 2018, “the                also rejected those requests, employing the
                                                                          National Defense Chief
   Command prepares                         checklist                                                        period for withholding the information related         same justification cited above.
                                                                                 of Staff
   and sends message                                                                                         to the strength of force of the Guatemalan
                                                                                                             Army in each municipality, or data on troops           The refusal to provide this information not only
    Command receives                                                       Continue monitoring
                                      Operation concludes                                                    assigned to each brigade, base, barracks, and          makes it impossible to perform a comprehensive
    message, appoints                                                         the operation                  deployment throughout national territory, was          analysis (qualitative and quantitative) of the
     leader and unit
                                                                                                             classified and expanded, due to the fact that          Armed Forces and their participation in internal
  Offical in charge issues           Head of the Liaison                                                     the provision of such information would harm           police functions, but also represents an alarming
          protocol                   Department notifies                                                     national security, as it would reveal information      tendency of opacity regarding civic oversight
                                    National Defense Chief                                                   related to the mechanisms and strength of              and accountability for possible human rights
     Offical in charge                     of Staff                                                          the Guatemalan Army, whose dissemination               violations committed by this institution in the
    establishes contact                                                                                      would compromise national security, as well as         exercise of police functions.
    Follow procedures                                                                                        the execution of internal and external security
   regulating assistance                                                                                     plans, assessments, and programs.”                     In March 2018, after nearly 18 years of
     to armed forces                                                                                                                                                participating in citizen security work, the Army
                                              END                                                            The lack of transparency in this area is               withdrew from the streets the nine military
                                                                 Source: Ministry of National Defense        concerning, given that the request was for basic       squadrons (CERSC) that reportedly were

comprised of nearly 5,600 soldiers.28                the efforts made and commitments assumed by               As of 2012, then-President Otto Pérez Molina              with the goal of preventing, combatting,
                                                     the Guatemalan State in terms of withdrawing              established a series of interagency task forces           dismantling, and eradicating criminal actions
The IACHR, in its report on the state of human       its Armed Forces from public security work.29             between the Armed Forces and PNC with the                 throughout the Republic, though with an
rights in Guatemala, saluted and encouraged                                                                    purported purpose of improving the prevention             emphasis in the departments listed above.
                                                                                                               of and fight against crime. The government                To that end, coordination can be undertaken
                                                                                                               announced the creation of Task Force Maya,                with the Public Prosecutor’s Office
 BOX 2                                                                                                         comprised of 200 Army troops and 100 police               (Ministerio Público, MP), Superintendency
 ARMY RANKS WITHIN THE MILITARY30                                                                              officers, in September 2012 in Guatemala City             of Tax Administration (Superintendencia de
                                                                                                               and assigned it geographical responsibility for           Administración Tributaria, SAT), and other
                                                                                                               Zone 18 of the capital.31                                 government agencies, as well as with
                  General Officers
                                                                                                                                                                         national and international entities.
                  •      Division General                                                                      In November of that same year, the government
                  •      Brigade General                                                                       inaugurated Task Force Kaminal, comprised              • Strengthen crime prevention domestically,
                                                                                                               of 250 PNC and Army personnel, with                      prioritizing border areas and areas of high
                  Superior Officers                                                                            responsibility for security in Zones 7 and 12 in         incidence of crime perpetrated by common
                  •      Colonel                                                                               Guatemala City.32 The government installed Task          criminals or organized criminal networks.
                                                                                                               Force Tecún Umán, comprised of more than
                  •      Lieutenant Colonel                                                                    200 soldiers, in December 2013 and tasked it           • Perform operations to dismantle, eradicate,
                  •      Major                                                                                 with responsibility for border security in the           and combat criminal activities.
                                                                                                               department of San Marcos.33
                  Junior Officers
                                                                                                                                                                      • Generate protocols for defining criteria for
                  •      First Captain                                                                         In March 2015, Pérez Molina and his counterpart,         actions in any operations undertaken.37
                  •      Second Captain                                                                        Juan Orlando Hernández of Honduras,
                                                                                                               established Task Force Maya-Chortí, the first         All of these task forces continued their
                  •      Lieutenant                                                                            binational force between the two countries.           operations through the end of 2017. It should
                  •      Second Lieutenant                                                                     It had 600 police officers and soldiers from          be noted that the security agents received
                                                                                                               Guatemala and Honduras and was responsible            significant assistance from the United States for
                  Specialists and Soldiers                                                                     for promoting security–including organized            their operations, which included training in the
                  •      Sergeant Major                                                                        crime, common crime, and drug-trafficking             use of arms, operations in urban areas, defense
                                                                                                               activities–along the border between the               and arrest tactics, compiling intelligence,
                  •      Technical Sergeant                                                                    departments of El Progreso and Chiquimula.34          traffic control, and searching for vehicles and
                  •      First Sergeant                                                                                                                              persons,38 [and] donations of Jeeps, trucks,
                  •      Second Sergeant                                                                       Task Force Xinca,35 comprised of 250 agents           vehicle scanners, multiband radios, and tactical
                                                                                                               from the PNC and Army, was launched in August         equipment, among others.39
                  •      Corporal                                                                              2017 and assumed responsibility for security in
                  •      Soldier First Class                                                                   the departments of Jutiapa, Santa Rosa, Jalapa,       Although the first task forces were initially
                                                                                                               Escuintla, and southern Chiquimula.36                 created for ensuring security in the metropolitan
                                                                                                                                                                     area, in November 2017, the Ministry of the
                                                                                                               Due to the fact that these task forces were           Interior highlighted the importance of the work
                                                                  Source: Ministry of National Defense         created during the period of study covered by         being performed by the Xinca, Chortí, and Tecún
                                                                                                               this report, some of their functions are detailed     Umán Task Forces in protecting the borders
                                                                                                               as follows:                                           with El Salvador, Honduras, and Mexico in the
                                                                                                                                                                     fight against organized crime, drug-trafficking,
                                                                                                               • Carry out interagency security operations           and smuggling of contraband, given that due

to their geographic location, the countries of         FINANCIAL RESOURCES                                      The Ministry of National Defense’s budget does           department). Within this category, the funding
Central America’s Northern Triangle pique the                                                                   not disaggregate allocations by Land, Marine, or         is divided amongst ‘Territorial Defense,’ ‘Airspace
interest of transnational criminal organizations       Despite the Ministry of National Defense’s               Air Forces, making it impossible to determine            Defense,’ and ‘Defense of Jurisdictional Waters.’
as a hub to conduct illegal activities.                refusal to provide information regarding human           the precise amount of resources earmarked for            The majority of the funds in this category – an
                                                       resources, it did provide data on its general            the Army. Nonetheless, the division of funding           annual average of Q491,534,352 ($63.6 million)
The work of the aforementioned task forces,            finances and funding for the Army’s participation        among line item categories within the budget             – were allocated to ‘Territorial Defense’ for
carried out under the coordination of the fifth        in public security tasks during the 2014-2017            provide a partial understanding. Between 2015            Army operations. In comparison with the overall
Vice Minister of Government, entailed the 2016         period.                                                  and 2017, the line item category that received           budget, this means that an average of 24.4% of
launch of the Jaguar Plan in Petén department,                                                                  the most funding was ‘Defense of Territorial             the funds allocated to the Ministry of National
involving raids, captures, and the identification                                                               Sovereignty and Integrity,’ with an annual               Defense were earmarked for the Army, not
                                                       According to the information provided, the
of several trafficking routes and blind spots on                                                                average of Q766,705,913 ($99.2 million), or              counting those funds shared by the Army and
                                                       Ministry of National Defense received an
the border, as well as the implementation of the                                                                37.9% of the entire budget (for 2014, it was             other departments.
                                                       average budgetary allocation equivalent to
Fortress Plan (Plan Fortaleza) in 2017, executed                                                                not possible to obtain data disaggregated by
                                                       Q2,027,029,229 ($262.4 million) between
by the task forces together with the Special           2014 and 2017. Despite an increase between
Naval Forces, due to the increase in the seizure
of maritime tracks along the Pacific seaboard.
                                                       2014 and 2015, there was an overall                       TABLE 2*
                                                       decrease of 6.4% in the allocations during the
                                                                                                                 BUDGET OF THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE, DISAGGREGATED BY
                                                       period under consideration. With regard to
In addition, by 2018 the government had                Guatemala’s overall budget, the percentage of
                                                                                                                 LINE ITEM CATEGORY, 2014-2017
announced the reinforcement of the task forces         funds earmarked for the Ministry of National                                                 2015                       2016                       2017
through the launch of a new strategy: the              Defense also decreased, representing 3% of the              Line Item Category
beginning of actions by the fourth Interagency                                                                                                 Amount           %        Amount           %         Amount           %
                                                       government’s total expenditures in 2014 and
Task Force Jaguar based in the Petén and an            2.5% in 2017.                                               Central Activities       Q566,441,474      27.0%    Q492,822,902     23.9%     Q480,069,898     25.2%
increase in PNC troops.40
                                                                                                                   Activities common to
 TABLE 1                                                                                                           Programs 11, 12, 13
                                                                                                                   and 14, Education and
                                                                                                                                            Q302,491,933      14.4%    Q298,239,460     14.5%     Q264,655,631     13.9%
 BUDGET OF THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE IN COMPARISON TO THE                                                   Health Services
 OVERALL BUDGET OF THE GUATEMALAN GOVERNMENT, 2014-2017                                                            Defense of Territorial
                                                                                                                   Sovereignty and          Q762,105,009      36.3%    Q796,389,677     38.6%     Q741,623,053     38.9%
          Year               2014                 2015                2016                 2017                    Prevention of
                                                                                                                   Criminal Acts against    Q198,916,098      9.5%     Q202,222,087      9.8%     Q104,349,046      5.5%
    Overall Budget of                                                                                              Patrimony
    the Guatemalan      Q66,985,000,000    Q70,600,000,000       70,796,000,000       77,309,000,000               Preparation for
      government                                                                                                   the Mobilization of
                                                                                                                   Defense, Prevention       Q28,972,972      1.4%      Q29,696,735      1.4%     Q26,597,455       1.4%
     MINDEF Budget      Q2,037,900,000      Q2,100,253,199       Q2,061,647,718       Q1,908,316,000               and Mitigation of
    Proportion of the
     Government’s                                                                                                  Regulation of Marine
                              3.0%                  3.0%               2.9%                2.5%                                              Q10,229,668      0.5%      Q10,517,859      0.5%      Q8,690,341       0.5%
    Budget Allocated                                                                                               Spaces
       to MINDEF
                                                                                                                   Support for Peace
                                                      Source: Integrated Accounting System of Guatemala            Missions and              Q74,273,314      3.5%      Q74,952,267      3.6%     Q102,464,631      5.4%

Line Item Category
                                   2015                       2016                      2017                    GRAPH 1
                            Amount           %         Amount          %         Amount            %            INTERNAL ALLOCATION OF FUNDS WITHIN THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL
Support for the                                                                                                 DEFENSE
Reduction of the              Q0           0.0%          Q0           0.0%      Q32,559,214      1.7%
Homicide Rate                                                                                                             100%
                                                                                                                                                 7.5%                   7.6%                  7.7%
                                                                                                                                                 0.0%                   0.0%
Expenses not Allocable                                                                                                                           3.5%                   3.5%                  1.7%
                          Q156,822,731      7.5%    Q156,806,731      7.6%     Q147,306,731      7.7%                      90%                   0.5%                   0.5%
to Programs                                                                                                                                      1.4%                   1.4%                  5.4%
                                                                                                                                                 9.5%                   9.8%                  1.4%
                                                                                                                           80%                                                                5.5%

Total                    Q2,100,253,199   100.0%   Q2,061,647,718    100.0%   Q1,908,316,000    100.0%

                                                                     Source: Ministry of National Defense
                           *Financial data disaggregated by line item category was not available for 2014                  60%                   36.3%                                        38.9%



                                                                                                                                                 14.4%                                        13.9%
                                                                                                                           30%                                          14.5%


                                                                                                                                                 27.1%                  23.9%                 25.2%

                                                                                                                                          2015                  2016                  2017

                                                                                                                           Expenses not allocable to programs

                                                                                                                           Support for the reduction of the homicide rate

                                                                                                                           Support for peace missions and diplomacy

                                                                                                                           Regulation of marine spaces
                                                                                                                           Preparation for the mobilization of defense, prevention and mitigation of disasters

                                                                                                                           Prevention of criminal acts against patrimony

                                                                                                                           Defense of territorial sovereignty and integrity

                                                                                                                           Activities common to programs, 11, 12, 13 and 14, education and health services

                                                                                                                           Central activities

With regard to the participation of the Army          it is without a doubt a timely moment to analyze          withdraw military forces from public security         Ministry of National Defense’s expenditures in
in public security, as illustrated in Table 3, the    the quality of the execution of public funding            tasks; therefore, such funds should have been         the area of security were paid for by the Ministry
government allocated an annual average of             for the Ministry of National Defense in this              allocated to strengthening the PNC.                   of the Interior, while in any event the reasonable
Q70,444,267.50 ($9.1 million USD) during the          sense; given that while the military troops began                                                               thing would have been to invest those funds in
four years covered by this report. The amount         to decrease their activities that year in public          One of the strongest criticisms leveled regarding     strengthening the PNC.43
allocated rose each year, increasing 3.2%             security tasks, the budgetary increase for that           the financial aspect at the time was that the
between 2014 and 2015, 5.6% between 2015              line item is contradictory.
and 2016, and 4.6% between 2016 and 2017.
Proportionately, these amounts represented            On a related note, during the same year, the
                                                                                                                PLAN TO WITHDRAW FROM PUBLIC
3.2% of the Ministry of National Defense’s            government publicly announced the existence               SECURITY TASKS
overall budget in 2014 and 2015, 3.5% in 2016,        of a bonus, dubbed the “extraordinary
and 3.9% in 2017.                                     responsibility bonus,” approved and charged               “A strong and democratic State is one that            strengthening the PNC, prioritizing training of
                                                      against line item 015 (by means of Accord 10-             does not utilize violence to function.”44             security agents, transparency from the Ministry,
It is important to note that, despite the             2016), and paid on a monthly basis to some                                                                      and improved financial administration, among
implementation of the Operationalization Plan         personnel who provided defense services as                After the signature of Peace Accords and              other areas.46 His administration also considered
for the Gradual Withdrawal of the Guatemalan          well as the Presidential Chiefs of Staff (Estado          establishment of the PNC, successive                  designing a plan and timeline for limiting the
Army from Citizen Security Tasks throughout           Mayor Presidencial). Through opaque means,                governments made commitments to strengthen            role of the Armed Forces in internal security,
2017, the Army’s budget for public security           this bonus was paid to then-President Jimmy               and professionalize the PNC and, when it              discussed and analyzed by the National Security
increased during that same year as compared           Morales in the amount of at least Q450,000                had sufficient capacity, withdraw the Armed           Council, which deemed that the aforementioned
with the previous year. In fact, the budget           ($58,267.84) over a period of nine months.41              Forces from police functions. Despite their           plan should be classified as reserved information.
allocated for 2017 was the highest of the four        Revelation of this news caused such outrage               declarations, as can be seen in the preceding
years under analysis, revealing an apparent gap       that Morales, after a public recommendation               sections, administrations continued expanding         In December 2016, the National Security Council
between the government’s stated goals and the         from the General Comptroller of Accounts                  the role of the Armed Forces in public security       finalized and approved the Operationalization
financial reality at the time.                        (Contraloría General de Cuentas, CGC), was                for nearly the past 20 years.                         Plan for the Gradual Withdrawal of the
                                                      ordered to “return” the controversial bonus,                                                                    Guatemalan Army from Citizen Security Tasks.47
What has been described above can generate            a situation that demonstrates the need to dig             The military program in support of the PNC            This plan entered into force in January 2017
suspicion, given that it was precisely in 2017        deeper into the quality of budgetary execution            remained in force during several administrations,     with the goal of withdrawing the Armed Forces
when the plan to withdraw elements of the             of this line item, and is worth future study.             including its creation under the Óscar Berger         from police functions in three phases:48
Army from citizen security tasks began. As such,                                                                administration and continuation during the
                                                                                                                administrations of Álvaro Colom, Otto Pérez           1. During the first four months of 2017:
                                                                                                                Molina, Alejandro Maldonado, and part of                 restructure and reorganize the CERSC,
 TABLE 3                                                                                                        Jimmy Morales’ administration, who became                participating solely at the request and
 BUDGET ALLOCATION OF THE MINISTRY OF NATIONAL DEFENSE FOR THE                                                  president in 2016. Notwithstanding, as one               in accompaniment of the PNC in five
 PARTICIPATION OF THE ARMY IN PUBLIC SECURITY TASKS                                                             of the commitments assumed by Guatemala                  departments and 30 municipalities of the
                                                                                                                under the Plan of the Alliance for Prosperity in         country, identified as the ‘red zone.’
         Year              2014                2015           2016                       2017                   Central America’s Northern Triangle promoted
        Amount         Q66,108,417.93      Q68,229,703.02 Q72,071,296.17             Q75,367,652.89             by the United States government, the support          2. In the second four-month period of the year:
                                                                                                                provided by members of the Army was finally              withdraw 50% of the personnel comprising
                                                                    Source: Ministry of National Defense        reduced.45                                               the CERSC, ceasing their support duties,
                                                                                                                                                                         and remaining solely by request of the PNC
                                                                                                                In January 2016, Francisco Rivas assumed                 only in 11 municipalities of the departments
In 2016, the Army’s spokeswoman indicated             Squadron and other units entailing an increase
                                                                                                                control over the Ministry of the Interior. In his        included in the ‘red zone.’
that the increase in recent years was due to the      in personnel, an assertion that contradicts the
                                                                                                                capacity as Minister, he demonstrated – for the
addition of four units to the Citizen Security        fact that 2017 saw the beginning of the plan to
                                                                                                                first time since 2000 – a real commitment to          3. By the end of 2017: withdraw the entirety of

the CERSC, leaving its responsibilities to the     to 11 and withdrawing some 2,100 troops                   Experts in this field interpreted these actions                have assisted the task forces, thereby making
   PNC (save those duties that support tasks          from police duties.50 To that end, the PNC was            as a means of repositioning the military as the                them vulnerable to later being threatened or
   of border security, guarding the perimeters        strengthened in parallel fashion, and would go            sole ‘guarantor’ of security in the country, which             suffering attacks. As such, the task forces depart
   of jails, and humanitarian assistance during       on to assign nearly 40,000 agents to citizen              could open the doors to some sectors of the                    and simply leave communities with no one to
   natural disasters).                                security activities.51                                    population accepting it as a regular political                 defend them.59
During the second phase of the plan, the CERSC        Nonetheless, in December of that same year,                                                                              ACCOUNTABILITY
personnel must perform the tasks related              two weeks prior to the time planned for the               Against this backdrop, many experts in the
                                                                                                                                                                               All legal complaints regarding accountability for
to 1) national borders and defense against            completion of the entire withdrawal, the                  field of security assert that, despite the use
                                                                                                                                                                               alleged human rights violations committed by
transnational threats – cooperative and national      Ministry of National Defense asked the Ministry           of the Armed Forces in police duties, visible
                                                                                                                                                                               the Armed Forces are managed by the Human
security; 2) protection of critical infrastructure    of the Interior to postpone the final withdrawal          improvements were not made in public security.
                                                                                                                                                                               Rights Ombudperson’s Office (Procurador de
and contribution to national development              of the Armed Forces for an additional three               Even worse, but predictable, the domestic
                                                                                                                                                                               los Derechos Humanos, PDH). As part of the
– national security; 3) institutional support         months, until the end of March 2018. As such,             deployment of the military led to growing
                                                                                                                                                                               research for this report, the Central America
within the sphere of internal security – public       by the end of the period under study, some                tension between the Armed Forces and the
                                                                                                                                                                               Monitor requested information from the
and citizen security; and 4) cooperation within       4,200 members of the Armed Forces remained                general public as well as periodic incidents of
                                                                                                                                                                               Ministry of National Defense regarding the
the sphere of risk management, civil defense          in public security tasks in several zones in the          violence. In fact, according to the Office of the
                                                                                                                                                                               number of investigations into human rights
and the national system for assistance during         country.52                                                High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
                                                                                                                                                                               violations perpetrated by members of the
natural disasters – public and citizen security.                                                                in Guatemala, in two zones where task forces
                                                                                                                                                                               Army. However, the Ministry declared that
The support provided by the Army in 2017 in           Lastly, in April 2018, then-President Jimmy               operated in 2014, homicides rose from 5% to
                                                                                                                                                                               such figures did not exist “by virtue of the fact
the sphere of citizen security thus depended on       Morales announced fulfillment and the end                 39%, “despite a reduction in 2012 when said
                                                                                                                                                                               that the Ministry of National Defense does not
the requirements made by the PNC.49                   of the Plan, indicating that this would not               task forces began operations.”58
                                                                                                                                                                               perform investigations.” According to the PDH
                                                      entail a reduction of the Army but rather, its                                                                           and shown in Table 3, a total of 172 complaints
As has been noted, throughout 2017, progress          reinforcement and modernization in the face of            In this vein, an analyst in the security field affirmed        were received during the period under study, or
was made in executing the Plan by reducing the        the significant threats faced by the country.53           that, while it is true that the task forces gained             an average of 43 complaints per year. It should
presence of the Armed Forces from 30 zones                                                                      control over the country, the public, and criminal             be highlighted that these figures only represent
                                                                                                                groups, those achievements are not sustainable                 the complaints received by the PDH and omit
                                                                                                                over time and, ultimately, do not prevent crime.
CONDUCT OF THE ARMED FORCES                                                                                     For example, the occupation of Zone 18 led
                                                                                                                                                                               unreported incidents or unfiled cases; as such,
                                                                                                                                                                               the real number of human rights violations is
                                                                                                                criminal groups to move to other areas, though                 likely much higher.
The most visible aspect of military presence in       soldiers in government positions, particularly in         not before first identifying individuals who may
governmental management work was the joint            managing policies affecting security; the use of
patrols between military troops and police agents     the Army in matters of citizen security; and the
(which began in 2000, as a result of Decree 40-       increased militarization of territories, utilizing
2000). A mechanism which began as an element          old mechanisms of counterinsurgency military
                                                                                                                  TABLE 4
of the support provided by the Ministry of            intelligence for societal control – identification,         NUMBER OF COMPLAINTS AGAINST MEMBERS OF THE MILITARY FOR
National Defense to the PNC–which generated           tracking, execution, and repression.55                      HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS SUBMITTED TO THE PUBLIC PROSECUTOR’S
strong arguments as to its constitutionality–                                                                     OFFICE AND OFFICES OF HUMAN RIGHTS OMBUDSPERSONS
was later considered commonplace and was              In this regard, the problem of violence cannot
perpetuated by many successive governments.54         be simply reduced to gangs or ‘heavy crime,’ as                    Year                   2014                  2015                    2016                2017
                                                      more or less 60% of the population is affected by                Number of
                                                                                                                                                  47                      47                   44                  34
Particularly in the government of the Patriot         extortion, which translates into the absence of                  complaints
Party, the “iron fist” (‘mano dura’) motto            the government56 (that is, it will not be resolved                                     Source: Ministry of National Defense and Human Rights Ombudsperson's Office
materialized through a “security policy” that was     due to the mere presence of Army elements in
essentially based on the appointment of retired       security tasks).

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