Page created by Janet Parker
Federation of Irish Sport
Annual Review 2013

The rOLe
In IreLAnD
The Federation of Irish Sport is the
independent voice for sport in Ireland
representing 72 National Governing
Bodies of Sport and 28 Local Sports
Our Vision                            Our Strategic
To provide a dynamic and
effective voice for Irish
Sport, promoting the value            •    To ensure that sport is         •   To increase the
of sport to Ireland while                  recognised and used                 operational
providing outstanding                      by government as a key              effectiveness of
representation and                         tool in the creation of a           our members
services to members                        better Ireland
                                                                           •   To strengthen resources
                                      •    To be the independent               through strategic
                                           and authoritative voice             partnerships
Our Values                                 of Irish Sport
Unity & Leadership,                   •    To raise public
Commitment & Service,                      awareness of the
Progressive, Accountability                contribution of sport
& Integrity                                and the work of our
                                           members to Irish

Irish Sport by Numbers
                                                      jobs supported by Irish Sport

the contribution of sport to the Irish economy
                                                      took part in the An Post Cycle Series in five

generated by Recreational Angling with                2,636
150,000 visitors supporting 10,000 jobs               primary school coaching sessions delivered
                                                      by the FAI

the value to the Irish economy of overseas            150
golf visitors                                         countries around the world watched the
                                                      Heineken Cup final at the Aviva Stadium

the Irish Sport Council Budget for 2013               67
                                                      international podium finishes for Irish Athletes

€10,000,000                                           in 2013, up from 61 in 2012

the economic value of the Airtricity Dublin
Marathon                                              47%
                                                      of adults participating in sport each week

people watched the All Ireland Football Final         5
between Dublin and Mayo on RTE                        of the top 20 most watched programmes
                                                      on RTE in 2013 were sports events

adults volunteered in Irish Sport each week           2
                                                      Cricket Ireland teams qualifying for the men’s and

hours of physical activity provided by the GAA
                                                      women’s 20-over World Cup and the Cricket World
                                                      Cup itself

in Ireland’s schools
people participated in locally delivered
                                                      Federation of Irish Sport representing 72 National
                                                      Sports Organisations and 28 Local Sports
                                                      Partnerships in Ireland
A good
return on
no matter how
you look at it
In 2013 the government invested                          • Martin Irvine became the first Irish cyclist to win
approximately €75 million in Irish Sport.                  a world track title in 117 years, a World Cup gold,
This figure included €43.2 million in current              winning silver in the points race at the World
funding which is the budget administered                   Championships and a European bronze
by the Irish Sports Council which supports
high performance sport, the National                     • Leinster winning the Amlin Challenge Cup against
Governing Bodies of Sport, the Local Sports                Stade Francais in front of a crowd of 20,396 at
Partnerships and all of the programmes which               the RDS
these organisations deliver every year. The
                                                         • The 13 medals won by Ireland’s sailors including
remainder was invested in the sports capital
                                                           a European gold for Annalise Murphy
programme, the continuing development of
the National Sports Campus and in the Local              • Irish Squash Senior Women’s team winning a silver
Authority swimming pool programme.                         medal at the European Team Championships in May,
In 2013, the investment in sport by the                    along with a 6th place at the World Championships
government was the catalyst behind:                      • The 15 medals won by Paralympic athletes at Senior
• Rob Heffernan’s gold medal in the 50km walk              World Championships in sports of Athletics, Cycling
  at the World Athletics Championships                     & Swimming

• The Irish Men’s Cricket team becoming the first        • Natalya Coyle and Eanna Bailey winning Silver in
  team ever to win three ICC events in three different     the Mixed Relay in February, being Ireland’s first
  formats in a season.                                     ever medal at a World Cup competition in Modern
• Ireland Women’s Rugby Team winning the Grand
  Slam for the first time ever                           • Aileen Reid’s silver medal at the World Series Grand
                                                           Final in London which was watched by a viewing
• Fiona Doyle winning silver medal in 100m
                                                           audience of 41 million
  Breaststroke at the World University Games setting
  a new Irish Senior Record                              • Jason Quigley winning silver at the World
                                                           Championships and Irish Boxing winning 20 medals
• The Irish Junior Eventing Team winning Gold at the
                                                           in 2013
  European Championships
                                                         • 20,000 participating in Women in Sport programmes
• Barry Murphy winning bronze medal in 50m
  Breaststroke at the European Short Course              • Daniel McKenna winning the British Rally
  Swimming Championships                                   Championship and Craig Breen finished second
                                                           in European Rally Championship.
• Dan Martin and Nicholas Roche winning stages
  of the Grand Tours of Cycling                          • Jack Kennedy finishing 7th position overall in World
                                                           Supersport motorcyling

                                                                                            Annual Review 2013 1
Living better                                                                          “Sport is important. It
                                                                                       enriches all our lives

                                                                                       and has the potential
                                                                                       to do even more – and it
                                                                                       deserves Government

Sport                                                                                  support. It should not
                                                                                       merely be ‘nice to do’ if
                                                                                       there are funds available.”
                                                                                       Federation Annual Review 2009

Sarah O’Connor
Chief Executive Officer, Federation of Irish Sport

                                      Government Investment, which began               • Minimise the future cuts to current
                                      consistently in 1997, facilitated improved         funding.
                                      development and administration of                • Ensure sport was represented at Cabinet.
                                      sport that is now delivering results both
                                      in terms of improved consistency of              • Reinstate the Sports Capital Programme.
                                      performance on the international stage           • Develop the National Sports Campus.
                                      as well as increasing participation rates so
                                                                                       Much of this has been delivered and credit
                                      vital to public health in Ireland. Irish Sport
                                                                                       must go to Ministers Varadkar and Ring not
                                      is in a good place and we have sought
                                                                                       just for their commitment to and belief in
                                      in the pages that follow to detail some
                                                                                       sport but for the progress made to date,
                                      of the work carried out by our member
                                                                                       particularly in terms of the development
                                      organisations in 2013 designed to ensure
                                                                                       of the National Sports Campus and the
                                      that this is sustained.
                                                                                       reinstatement of the Sports Capital
                                      These improvements cannot however,               Programme. However, it is the first of
                                      be taken for granted. Without continued          these requests – the minimising of cuts to
                                      investment in sport from both public and         current funding – that has proved the most
Irish sport once again provided       private sources much of this progress could      challenging with overall investment levels
some of the highlights of 2013...     easily become undone. The reality in sport       down 27.1% since 2008.
be it the Irish Women securing the    being that the money spent today has a
                                                                                       This funding, most of which is invested in
Grand Slam, Tony McCoy riding his     significant impact on the future shape of
                                                                                       the National Governing Bodies of Sport,
4,000th winner, the achievements      sport both in terms of participation rates
                                                                                       the Local Sports Partnerships as well as
of Clare & Dublin winning All-        and international success. The contrary is
                                                                                       a number of our elite athletes is crucial
Irelands, Rob Heffernan securing      also true. Fail to invest now and we will live
                                                                                       because it facilitates the administration
gold at the World Athletics           to regret it in the future.
                                                                                       and development of sport nationwide
Championships, the list is            It is because of this and because of our         through for example:
endless with each and everyone        innate belief that sport delivers on so many
undoubtedly having their                                                               • Ensuring coaches are properly qualified;
                                      levels for Ireland that the Federation has
own personal favourite. These         been passionate in trying to protect the         • Supporting grassroots clubs and
achievements rightly made the         future for Irish sport.                            volunteers;
headlines but for the two million                                                      • Putting in place programmes to attract
                                      Like all sectors of the economy the last five
Irish people who participate in                                                          non-participants into or back to sport
                                      years have been challenging for Irish Sport
sport, no doubt they also had their                                                      as well as systems to spot talent and
                                      with real pressure on all sources of funding
own personal highlights. Whether                                                         maximise its potential;
                                      whether it is membership subscriptions,
it was winning a competition or
                                      sponsorship, broadcasting revenue, ticket        • Running competitive and recreational
championship across multiple
                                      sales and of course, the Government                fixtures as well as domestic and
sports, joining a training group,
                                      funding which is the very life blood               sometimes, international events;
completing a 10k or a triathlon,      of Irish sport on so many levels.
hill walking or climbing, enjoying                                                     • Attracting additional funding and
our seas, rivers and lakes, sport     It was against this background that in 2009,       investment;
formed an integral part of their      the Federation of Irish Sport published its
                                                                                       • Developing and supporting existing and
life in 2013.                         first annual Review of Irish Sport under
                                                                                         upcoming international athletes; and
                                      the title “Why Irish Sport Matters”. In it
                                      we asked the Government to:                      • Representing Ireland in the international
                                                                                         sporting community.

2 Federation of Irish Sport
page 10

“We strongly believe that sport can have a major

                                                                                                                           HEALTHIER IRELAND
                                                                                                                           SPORT - THE KEY TO A
role to play in rebuilding confidence in our country.
In 2011 there were many examples of how our teams
and individuals delivered for us all. We believe sport,
properly supported, can do even more.”
Federation of Irish Sport Review 2011

                                                                                                                              page 12
The reality is in Ireland that for many,         overarching long term plan for sport in

                                                                                                                           TO KEEP CHILDREN IN SPORT
                                                                                                                           GREATER INVESTMENT NEEDED
if not the majority of sports, it is the         Ireland - a Masterplan for Sport.
Government monies that are the key               In our Annual Review of Sport in 2012 we
element in allowing this to happen. Irish        called on Government to do just that and to
Sport does recognise that all sporting           create a cross Government plan designed
organisations need to diversify their            to co-ordinate all investment and activities
income sources and it is for this reason, the    relating to sport, thereby ensuring sport is
Federation has also consistently called for      delivering to the maximum for Ireland.
a need to attract increased private sector
investment into sport.                           The point we made then, which we believe is
                                                 as relevant now as it was then, is that “once
We would therefore renew our call                the plan is agreed that nothing should be
to the Government commitment to                  done that is outside of that plan”. At all times
examine the putting in place of a relief         but particularly when resources are scare                                    page 14
to incentivise private sector investment         every euro must work as hard as it can to

                                                                                                                           BUILDING AN INCLUSIVE
in current sporting projects to mirror the       help us deliver on the potential of sport.
relief already in place for donations by
private individuals or entities to capital       In our 2012 Annual Review, we noted that
sporting projects or indeed charitable           elements of sport impinge on other areas
and arts projects. This is something that        of Government policy such as health,
was recommended by the Commission                education, tourism and children. How much
on Taxation in their 2009 Report.                better could it be if all elements of sport
                                                 came under the one umbrella, recognising
Whilst the protection of funding was key         at the same time the role sport has to play
to “Why Irish Sport Matters”, the campaign       in these other areas.
was also designed to raise awareness about
just what Irish Sport delivers for Ireland.      In that context all planned expenditure can
We are a sports mad country but there is a       in the first instance be evaluated against
                                                                                                                              page 16
tendency to think of sport in terms of the       the Masterplan and in particular, whether
                                                 the proposed spend will deliver against the

                                                                                                                                     SPORT IS BIG BUSINESS
sporting activity itself and not the multiple
dividends returned to our society as a result    objectives set out in the plan.
of that activity. The Federation believes that   The Federation strongly believe that if
because of these ancillary benefits that Irish   this is to happen then all funding will be
Sport has a key role to play in the rebuilding   seen to deliver for all of sport – no matter
of our economy and the restoration of            where the investment is being made or the
confidence in our society.                       Government Department or Agency where
It is the Federation’s view however that the     it has come from.
full potential of sport can only be maximised    We continue to live in difficult times
if sport is viewed in this wider context – in    however, just as sport has been one of the
terms of what it delivers for the economy,       things to sustain us over the last number
public health, tourism, our communities and      of years, the putting in place of a well-                                    page 18
Ireland’s reputation abroad – examples of        developed Masterplan should ensure that
                                                                                                                           REPUTATION WORLDWIDE
                                                                                                                           ENHANCING OUR

the type and nature of this contribution in      sport plays a key role in building a better
2013 are set out in this Annual Review.          future for Ireland and her people.
It is because of the multi-faceted               A vision worth striving for and if achieved,
contribution sport makes to Ireland that         a lasting legacy that everyone involved
the Federation very much welcomes the            could be proud of.
recent Government announcement by the
Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport         SARAH O’CONNOR
that one of the Department’s priorities          Chief Executive Officer
for sport in 2014 is to begin work on an         Federation of Irish Sport

                                                                                                    Annual Review 2013 3
Report from the
global forum

   2.08% OF THE


                              A recent study by A.T. Kearney
                              put the global value of sport at
                              between €350 and €450 billion.
                              This includes infrastructure
                              construction, sporting goods,
                              licensed products and live sports
                              events. The global sports market is
                              growing much faster than national
                              GDP rates around the world and
                              is projected to grow by $145.3bn
                              between 2010-2015

4 Federation of Irish Sport
Given its belief in the impact and potential of sport, the Federation had
sought to ensure that sport was included in the programme for the 2013
Global Economic Forum. Ministers Varadkar and Ring agreed and the
inclusion of sport for the first time – the 2013 Global Forum being the
third time such an event was held – was facilitated by the Department
of Transport, Tourism & Sport who in conjunction with their colleagues in
the Department of Foreign Affairs designed a session aimed at discussing
the role of sport in addressing other national priorities.

The session entitled “Promoting the interests of Ireland and
its people abroad through Sport” was well attended by Forum
                                                                    Bringing Sport to Ireland
attendees reflecting perhaps, the power of sport to generate        The social and economic benefits of hosting sports events in
both interest and debate. The discussion was led by a panel         Ireland was discussed with the example of the Notre Dame
comprised of Paraic Duffy, Hugo MacNeill, Kevin O’Brien,            v Navy American Football game cited as an example. It was
Eugenie Buckley and Martin Naughton. Newstalk’s Ger Gilroy          recognised however that the hosting of such events requires
was moderator.                                                      co-operation, commitment and investment by a large number of
                                                                    stakeholders including the public. It was recognised that Ireland
The power of sport to generate economic returns for                 now has a sporting infrastructure that would facilitate the
Ireland through the hosting of appropriate sporting events          hosting of large scale events and that there was increased co-
as well as sport’s ability to create goodwill for Ireland           operation between sporting bodies which made things possible
overseas provided the main focus of the discussion. Much            now that would have been impossible previously. The possibility
was made of the significant economic and reputational               of establishing a national bidding agency or steering group to
success of the Notre Dame v Navy American Football game             co-ordinate these efforts as well as facilitate the exploitation of
in September 2012, the fact that sport supports in excess           learnings from both the bidding for and hosting of events was
of 40,000 jobs in Ireland, sport’s role in strengthening            suggested. The success of a similar type body in Denmark was
communities and improving public health as well as                  cited as a possible model for Ireland to look at in this context.
its role in promoting Ireland’s culture and identity.

A number of recommendations and ideas for exploration               Promoting Irish Sport Abroad
emerged some of which attracted particular interest as              It was widely agreed that the connections created by sport
detailed below:                                                     and Irish sportspeople should be utilised to establish trade links
                                                                    and that as a country we should do more to exploit the goodwill
• High profile and internationally recognised sports people
                                                                    created by sport. Reference was made to the GAA’s global
  should be invited by the political leadership to act as tourism
                                                                    expansion which has created a vibrant Irish network overseas
  ambassadors for Ireland
                                                                    with many clubs operating in geographic areas where Ireland is
• Ireland should be promoted as a destination for large scale       working to establish or strengthen economic links. Ways should
  sporting events                                                   be examined at exploiting this network to Ireland’s economic
• Irish sport should be promoted globally                           and reputational advantage.

• Ireland should explore the possibility of using overseas Irish
  Sports Teams travelling abroad to promote the country’s
  economic interests

• The possibility of hosting a “Year of Sport” should be explored

• Mechanisms for supplementing government investment
  in sport

                                                                                                                 Annual Review 2013 5
It has always been the contention of the                    Sport is hugely important to Irish          athletes on the world stage not only
Federation that “Irish Sport Matters”.                      society, to communities, and to the         boosts the morale of the country but
That was the theme of our first Annual                      economy. It brings people together          promotes our image internationally
Review five years ago and it has informed                   in a way that nothing else can. The         and draws tourism to Ireland from
                                                            Government is also keen to increase         around the world.
every subsequent Review. Not alone
                                                            participation in sport because of the       Michael Ring TD, Minister of
does sport matter but the Federation                        numerous health and social benefits         State for Tourism and Sport
has always believed that it has the                         it brings. The increased Government
potential to deliver even more for Ireland                  funding for sport in 2014 comes at          Sport has the unique ability to unite
across a range of areas including the                       a time when there are many calls            people and places in a manner that
economy, the health of the nation and                       on limited public resources, and            cannot be achieved in any other way
our international standing worldwide.                       demonstrates our commitment to              in our society. Individuals and teams
                                                            the sport sector. We also recognise         demonstrate a unity of purpose in
We believe our views are shared by many                     the huge potential of sport as a            pursuit of a dream that ignites a sense
people. For this year’s Review we asked a                   business. Whether it’s hosting major        of good will and pride in place that is
wide cross section of people associated                     events, or developing sport science         unparalleled in lifting the morale of
with sport as to how they view sport in                     and technology, we want to capitalise       communities. This is done, time and
Ireland and the role it could and should                    on the potential of sport as an             time again, at parish, county, province,
play. Here is a section of comments we                      industry to create jobs and growth.         national and international level.
received in reply:-                                         Dr Leo Varadkar, Minister for               John O’Mahony, TD
                                                            Tourism, Transport and Sport
                                                                                                        Sport is of utmost importance to
                                                            Sport is vitally important. It benefits     Ireland. We are a sporting nation.
                                                            individuals in all sorts of ways in terms   Sport binds individuals together

                    Politics                                of their health and fitness, and their
                                                            ability to deal with stress and pressure.
                                                                                                        to forge communities. Sporting
                                                                                                        organisations are at the bedrock
                                                            But it is also a hugely important           of our society. I believe sport can
                    Sport is hugely important to Ireland    element in holding communities              play a crucial role in the creation
                    and Irish people. It is the lifeblood   together and keeping them strong,           of a better Ireland. Our grassroots
                    of many towns and villages              especially during challenging times.        sporting organisations are the
                    throughout the country, especially      Sport - and the arts also - can be          modern embodiment of that
                    through participation in the GAA        hugely beneficial to individuals but        most Irish of traditions: Meitheal.
                    and other community sports. It          also to the wider community, and that       Sport will continue to keep our
                    helps to keep people fit and healthy    is why I strongly encourage people to       communities active and inclusive
                    in mind and body. It brings people      get involved in them.                       and I believe that we must nourish
                    together, promotes the enjoyment        Jimmy Deenihan TD, Minister for             and cherish our unique and rich
                    and mutual benefits of working          Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht            sporting culture in Ireland.
                    as a team and nurtures a culture                                                    Sean Kelly, MEP
                    where hard work and effort lead to      The Government is protecting
                    success. These are qualities which      funding for sport as best we                Through sports we share the thrill of
                    undoubtedly play a part as we           can in difficult economic                   victories and the agony of defeats.
                    create a better Ireland together.       circumstances in recognition of its         Participation in sports defines us, it
                                                            contribution. Participation in sport        builds character, it energises the body
                    An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD
                                                            can bring health benefits in terms of       and soul. Sport ... it keeps us alive!
                                                            health and well-being which can in          Eamonn Coughlan, Senator
                                                            turn produce an economic dividend
                                                            through reducing the costs to the
                                                            health sector. The success of Irish

6 Federation of Irish Sport
“Sport can teach discipline,                                                             “Sport is hugely important to
competitiveness and pride                                                                Ireland and Irish people. It is
whenever we win or lose. ”                                                               the lifeblood of many towns and
                                                                                         villages throughout the country,
                                                                                         especially through participation
                                                                                         in the GAA and other community

                                             The positive personal and social            Sport is incredibly important to Ireland
Business                                     values learned at a formative age
                                             are lessons that shape people for life.
                                                                                         and can play an increasing role in the
                                                                                         creation of a better Ireland.! The other
                                             However, far too many youngsters            key role that sport can play in Ireland
Sport is a vitally important element         are falling through the sporting net in     is in fostering inclusiveness. Sport has
in Irish society because it involves         their teens, and governing bodies and       the ability to cross all socio economic,
communities and the very fact that           government alike need to do more to         religious and political divides. Many
in most sports team effort is involved       invest in grass roots infrastructure and    sports are “all island” incorporating
means that people achieve a spirit           facilities that can encourage sustained     both Northern Ireland and the
of collegiality.                             participation into adulthood. Investing     Republic. This is very important in
Denis O’Brien, Chairman, Digicel             in sport is investing in our own future.    fostering normal relations between all
Group                                        Niall McEvoy, CEO, Teamer                   traditions on this island. The Golfing
                                                                                         Union of Ireland and the IRFU are two
PCH is a global organization                 In a society, which at times has            great examples of this co-operation.
headquartered in Cork, with an               teetered on the brink, where                Conor Mallaghan, CEO, Carton
operational centre in Shenzhen, China        misguided actions have resulted             House Resort
and ten offices around the world.            in dramatic consequences, sport
Building a company overseas needs            provides certainty. It shapes               There’s nothing like the excitement
a strong community and for PCH               characteristics which bind and unify        of sport to set your pulse racing. This
sport has been at the core of that           people. It develops comradeship and         passion is hardwired into Irish people
community. Sports clubs, particularly        selflessness. It provides a platform        and not only defines our culture but
in our case the Shenzhen Celts Gaelic        where people can contribute to the          also showcases Ireland on the world
Football Club, has helped our people         lives of others, an environment where       stage. Whether it’s Thomond Park,
to network, share ideas, make personal       there is a willingness to pay things        Croke Park or just a Sunday morning
and professional connections, and            forward, to repay what you owe to           kick around, there’s nothing like sport
to showcase Irish culture to local           others. It creates an environment           to get the juices flowing.
communities in Asia.                         where we look for substance, not            Patrick Kennedy, CEO, Paddy
Liam Casey, CEO, PCH                         fashion. It develops philosophies, not      Power
International                                brands, and allows us dream of self-
                                             fulfilment. It challenges us to achieve
Sport is of course important to Ireland      the ambition that lies within us. It is
and in particular to the health of           a unique, awe-inspiring blend where
women. Healthy women are essential           a desire to compete is mixed with
to a successful business. In addition,       the desire to cooperate. It makes the
as a former healthcare worker I would        moment worth living.
advocate everyone to participate in          Jason Cowman, Founder, Kitman
physical activity as this will help reduce   Labs
the cost to our health service which is
in turn good business for Ireland.           Sport is one of Ireland’s most powerful     “We also recognise the huge
Norah Casey, Chairperson,                    unifiers. 7 in 10 Irish peoples’ favorite
                                             sponsorship is in sport, stimulating
                                                                                         potential of sport as a business.
                                             major investment by Irish business in       Whether it’s hosting major
Sport can teach discipline,                  a move to be part of memories worth
competitiveness and pride whenever           millions. Sport helps build trust in        events, or developing sport
we win or lose. It allows us to see
the difference between possible and
                                             people and business and people feel
                                             enlivened and are stimulated to live
                                                                                         science and technology, we want
impossible and that we can achieve           with confidence when sport is at play.      to capitalise on the potential of
everything if we really want it.
Mike Sikorski, CEO, Huggity
                                             John Trainor, MD, Onside
                                                                                         sport as an industry to create
                                                                                         jobs and growth. “

                                                                                                                                   Annual Review 2013 7

                                                                   State funding of sport has two basic           is not just what it does now, but the
                    Media                                          purposes: to fund elite sport to keep
                                                                   Ireland competitive internationally,
                                                                                                                  huge potential it has to mobilize and
                                                                                                                  unite communities across the country,
                                                                   and to promote participation levels            improve individual wellbeing, and
                    The evidence that sport has a                  and healthier lifestyles. On both counts,      deliver more growth in tourism and to
                    material benefit to the country is             Ireland is a long way off where it should      make an even greater contribution to
                    overwhelming. Thinking coldly                  be, and this is almost entirely because        the Irish economy. Sport is an essential
                    about the pure economics of the                there is not just a lack of vision, but        part of Ireland now but it can also be a
                    situation then investment in sport             worse still, a failure of imagination.         much bigger part of a better Ireland.
                    makes sense as a health, tourism,              Politicians and policy makers have             Seamus Mulconry, Executive
                    education and social policy.                   struggled to actually see sport for what       Director, Philanthropy Ireland
                    Ger Gilroy, Sports Editor,                     it is. Sport is good for Ireland. It is good
                    Newstalk                                       for our sense of wellbeing, it is good for     Sport is indispensable to Irish society
                                                                   our sense of identity, it is good for our      as at its core sport and activity feeds
                    I believe the State should concentrate         national sense of purpose, and - yes it’s      the soul of our people. Sport is Art. If
                    its investment in sport in encouraging         ok to say it - it’s good for our economy.      we were to invest in sport and other
                    as many people as possible to                  John Greene, Sports Editor,                    forms of artistic self-expression alone
                    participate in sport, rather than to           Sunday Independent                             as our national health strategy I am
                    facilitate them as spectators.                                                                convinced we would eradicate all the
                    Vincent Browne, Journalist                                                                    symptoms of dis-ease that afflict our
                                                                                                                  people and as a result would create
                    Sport at international level can have
                    a galvanising effect on the country
                                                                   Philanthropy                                   an abundantly healthy nation.
                                                                                                                  Tony Griffin, Clare Hurling All
                    like nothing else and that can be true                                                        Star and Social Entrepreneur
                    in defeat as well as victory; just think       In a world consumed by electronic
                    back to the excitement generated by            connectivity, where we are constantly          The importance of sport for our
                    the rugby team’s performance against           in touch but all alone, sport offers an        country has never been greater. The
                    the All Blacks last November. At a             outlet for the most basic of our human         inner, unseen benefits it gives to
                    recreational level, the positive short and     desires and engages us with each               those struggling with their mental
                    long term health benefits to leading an        other in (mostly) honest endeavour.            health is enormous. With the genuine
                    active, sporty lifestyle are so obvious        Through these sporting interactions            emphasis on the development of the
                    they hardly need explaining.                   we learn about ourselves and others,           overall person, a sporting group or
                                                                   we dig deep and ask questions, and             organisation can help to cultivate
                    Eoin McDevitt, Second Captains
                                                                   understand to treat the two impostors          the fertile ground that can empower
                    The role of sport in Ireland now goes          of victory and defeat with unanimity.          its members to live their lives from
                    beyond words, providing a range                Kingsley Aikins, Diaspora                      the inside out and help to make
                    of benefits for health and wellbeing           Matters                                        this world a more fulfilling and
                    beyond anything previous imagined.                                                            enriching experience for us all.
                    This starts from the young child and           Sport makes a critical contribution
                                                                                                                  Conor Cusack, Cork Hurler
                    continues through to adulthood,                both to the Irish economy and to Irish
                                                                                                                  and Mental Health Advocate
                    whether that is on the field of play           tourism, and is one of the greatest
                    or standing on the sidelines offering          generators of social capital in the
                    encouragement. And now more than               country. The exciting thing about sport
                    ever that role of sport in Ireland needs to
                    be not only fostered but appreciated by
                    all involved, from political heights all the
                    way down.
                                                                   “The role of sport in Ireland now goes
                    Ian O’Riordan, Sports Reporter,
                    The Irish Times                                beyond words, providing a range of
                                                                   benefits for health and wellbeing beyond
                                                                   anything previous imagined.”

8 Federation of Irish Sport
“The promotion of active                                                               “Sport is the glue that binds
participation in sport and healthy                                                     communities and unites the
lifestyles in the community is an                                                      country. At its best it embodies
area that I am deeply passionate                                                       our spirit as a nation. “
about and something which I believe
needs to be prioritised.”

                                           Sport unites people in a way nothing        I believe sport is extremely important
Sport                                      else can. On the field you leave
                                           difference behind and play for a
                                                                                       to Ireland. Unlike some other nations,
                                                                                       we are delighted when we are
                                           common goal. In that way, sports            victorious in almost any sport in which
Sport holds a unique place in Irish        are the great equalizer bringing            we’re involved, and because we’re such
life. Nothing has the ability to unite     together rivals and breaking down           a small country, those victories do
a nation or divide opinion than the        barriers. When everyone is given            really lift the national mood and make
power of sport. Sport permeates every      equal opportunity to transform              us feel better about ourselves.
aspect of Irish life and is part of our    their life through sport... regardless
identity, our values, our culture. Sport   of their ability or disability... then we   Cian O’Connor, Olympic
is the one true constant. Investing in     help define our social fabric, where        Bronze Medalist
sport has enormous social, economic,       tolerance, acceptance, togetherness,
environmental and societal benefits.                                                   Ireland without sport would be a
                                           helpfulness, and advocacy become
Only sport has the ability to contribute                                               country without soul. It makes us
                                           standard components of a past,
to our physical and mental wellbeing                                                   tick and gives us some of our best
                                           present and future Ireland.
while playing a hugely significant role                                                collective memories.
                                           Mary Davis, Regional President,
in the development of the economy,                                                     Robbie Keane, Ireland Captain
                                           Special Olympics Europe/Eurasia
environment and society in the
creation of a better Ireland.                                                          I compete in all corners of the World.
                                           Sport is very important to Ireland for
                                                                                       You can be sure in China or New
John Treacy, Olympic Silver                a number of reasons, firstly to give
                                                                                       Zealand there’ll be pockets of Irish
Medalist and CEO, Irish Sports             the people of Ireland an outlet to
                                                                                       people screaming support. The
Council                                    meet, compete and socialise in a fun
                                                                                       support at London 2012 and the 2013
                                           environment. Secondly, it underpins a
The promotion of active participation                                                  World Triathlon Championships in
                                           large part of the Irish economy. Golf in
in sport and healthy lifestyles in                                                     London from Irish men and women
                                           particular and the tourism associated
the community is an area that I                                                        was deafening. Sport matters.
                                           with it contributes a lot to the Irish
am deeply passionate about and             Exchequer.                                  Aileen Reid, Olympic Triathlete
something which I believe needs to         Paul McGinley, European
be prioritised. I believe the status of                                                Sport helps define us as a nation. It is
                                           Ryder Cup Captain 2014                      in no way elitist. Sport is for everyone.
sport in our society, and particularly
in the education system, needs to                                                      Yet it is something we are in danger of
                                           Sport is the glue that binds
be developed and elevated as it is in                                                  taking for granted. Sport does not just
                                           communities and unites the country.
other countries. The 2009 ESRI report                                                  happen. Sport needs to be planned,
                                           At its best it embodies our spirit as
on sport in Ireland stated that the                                                    managed, financed and delivered.
                                           a nation.
importance of physical education in                                                    Government investment in Irish sport
                                           Martin O’Neill, Ireland Manager             commence in 1997 – we have come
schools needs to be underlined with
national standards, and that sports                                                    a long way since then with increased
                                           Sport offers many positive benefits
policy also needs to reflect a holistic                                                access to sport and improved
                                           to society, not only as a source of fun
vision which integrates, supports and                                                  consistency on the international stage.
                                           and enjoyment but perhaps more
encourages all those involved in the                                                   Investment in sport is an investment
                                           importantly within communities
provision of sport and exercise for                                                    in the health and well-being of the
                                           where it can be linked to a reduction
children.                                                                              country. We need sport more than
                                           in youth crime and delinquency. I
Dessie Farrell, Dublin All Ireland         have seen first-hand how success
Winner and CEO, GPA                        galvanises a country, and creates a         Federation of Irish Sport
                                           feel-good factor. When representing         Review 2010
                                           Ireland in London 2012 – I was
                                                                                       Sport is an important cornerstone for
                                           overwhelmed at the amount of
                                                                                       the improvement of Irish Society. A
                                           support and positive feedback we
                                                                                       more active Ireland would be a better
                                           received and I was only too happy
                                                                                       Ireland not just for the sake of sport
                                           to be giving something back.
                                                                                       but for the wider impact it would have
                                           Jason Smyth, Paralympic                     on our overall quality of life.
                                           Gold Medalist
                                                                                       Federation of Irish Sport
                                                                                       Review 2012

                                                                                                                                Annual Review 2013 9
Sport - THE KEY
Sport  & Children
in Ireland
Investment in sport is paying off

10 Federation of Irish Sport
There is undoubtedly a growing recognition in Ireland of
the role sport could, and should be playing in helping tackle
our very real health problems. Whilst these problems are not
unique to Ireland nevertheless they are problems of concern
both in the short term but also for the long term health of
the nation.

The World Health Organisation has              This must be one of the cornerstones of         We must find ways of
highlighted obesity as the greatest public     any National Physical Activity Plan and of
health challenge of the 21st century.          course for the proposed Masterplan for
                                                                                               encouraging people to
Since the 1980s the prevalence of obesity      Irish Sport.                                    stay physically active
in Europe has tripled – it is estimated that
                                               It must be acknowledged that more               throughout their lives.
in Europe 50% of people are overweight
                                               people are exercising and the credit for
with 20% of them falling into the obese
                                               this to a large extent is due to the work
                                               of the Local Sports Partnerships, the
In Ireland the figure is 60% of the            programmes and the initiatives being
population either overweight or obese.         put in place by the individual sports
A frightening statistic. But the problem       and not least of all by the work of the
is not just being overweight; it is what       500,000 volunteers that ensure Irish sport     • 600+ teams have competed in
this leads to. Physical inactivity leading     happens. Some of the initiatives we saw          ‘SpikeBall’ competitions and blitzes in
to overweight and obesity is estimated         in 2013 included:-                               the last year run by Volleyball Ireland
to be the principal cause of 21% to
                                               • 150,000 participated in locally              • 40,414 members of Cricket Ireland,
25% of breast and colon cancers; 27%
                                                 delivered programmes run by Local              up from 20,000 in 2007
of diabetes and 30% of heart disease.
                                                 Sports Partnerships
Physical inactivity costs €150-€300 per                                                       • 20,000 female participants took part
citizen according to two EU studies whilst     • 49,542 are members of Athletics                in local Women in Sport programmes
the Report of the National Taskforce on          Ireland, up 17% on 2012
                                                                                              • 10,000 young people and 200 teachers
Obesity indicated that the direct and          • 10,879 people introduced to sailing            and youth group leaders participating
indirect economic costs of premature             through ISA’s nationwide participation         in ‘Street Handball’ seminars
deaths associated with obesity may be            initiatives                                    nationwide
costing the state as much as €4bn. In
Ireland:-                                      • 3,300 people in 36 clubs and 60 schools      • 3,000 women participated in the 4th
                                                 took part in Cycling Ireland’s Sprocket        West of Ireland Women’s Mini Marathon
• Only 32% of Irish adults are meeting
                                                 Rocket Programme which teaches core
  the National Physical Activity                                                              • 6,500 taking part in the 4 events on
                                                 cycling skills to kids aged 7-11
  Guidelines                                                                                    the weekend of the Sean Kelly Tour of
• 79% of people over 50 are obese              • 1,262 girls took part in ‘Tricks 4 Sticks’     Waterford, with over 40% coming from
• 12% of the adult population are                Hockey programme in 14 geographical            Waterford itself
  sedentary                                      areas in the past year over 6-10 weeks
                                                                                              • 19,000 members of Cycling Ireland,
• 47% of adults are physically active, up      • 8,500 members of Triathlon Ireland, up         a four-fold increase in five years
  from 34% in 2009                               from 2,000 in 2007
                                                                                              • 40,717 women participating in the
We must find ways of encouraging people
                                               • 12,000 primary school children took            Flora Women’s Mini Marathon 2013,
to stay physically active throughout
                                                 part in Basketball Ireland’s mini-             with participants raising €14m for
their lives. Equally we must find ways of
                                                 basketball in its first year of operation      charity
getting those who have dropped out of
sport to become involved once again.           • 70,000 race entries for triathlons           • 50,000 active surfers in Ireland
                                                 in 2013

                                                                                                                  Annual Review 2013 11
Sport  & Children
in Ireland
Investment in sport is paying off


12 Federation of Irish Sport
Sport & Children in Ireland   13

In September 2013 the ESRI published “Keeping Them in the Game:
Taking Up and Dropping Out of Sport and Exercise in Ireland”. The
report published with the assistance of the Irish Sports Council is
undoubtedly timely, given the worrying statistics in relation to children
dropping out of sport - and the opportunities presented by the
Government’s commitment to produce a National Physical Activity
Plan and Master Plan for Sport in Ireland this year.

It is perhaps worth repeating what we       • 500 schools took part in 8 week Play      • 81,033 the number of children at 1,040
wrote in our Annual Review last year.         Rugby Programme supported by IRFU’s         Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps nationwide
“Four out of five Irish children do not       Development Officers
                                                                                        • 1,514 primary school children across
meet the Department of Health and
                                            • 250 primary teachers trained in mini        46 Primary Schools in Cork City and
Children’s National Physical Activity
                                              basketball by Basketball Ireland            County took part in the Cork Safer
Guidelines for maintaining and improving
                                                                                          Cycling programme
their current and future health. Over       • 100% increase in Junior Membership
300,000 children on the island of Ireland     of Triathlon Ireland in 2013              • The Irish American Football
are either overweight or obese. Children,                                                 Association’s ‘Schools Flag Football’
                                            • 49% growth in schools Volleyball
who are obese between the ages of six                                                     programme delivered 320 hours of
                                              programme since 2008 with 473
months and five years have a 25% chance                                                   coaching to over 1,000 children in 19
                                              schools now participating in Spikeball
of being obese as adults. If children are                                                 schools in 2013
obese over the age of six the chance        • Irish Table Tennis Association hosted
                                                                                        • 2,636 primary school coaching sessions
of being obese as adults increases to         the Primary Schools Six Nations, where
                                                                                          delivered by the FAI impacting over
50% whilst this becomes 80% for obese         Ireland won 3 of 4 gold medals on offer
                                                                                          130,000 children
adolescents”.                               • 19,700 school children bowled free in
                                                                                        • 15,120 students have participated in
Sobering statistics. The problem must be      26 bowling centres throughout Ireland
                                                                                          the Aviva Schools Mile Challenge,
tackled for the ESRI Report shows that        as part of National Tenpin Bowling
                                                                                          in 112 secondary schools
while some 88% of children are regularly      Week
involved in sporting activity at primary    • 1,450 children completed the ‘Kids Run
school, this percentage declines rapidly      for Fun’ 1 mile and 2k, organised by
during secondary school years and even        Limerick Sports Partnership
more markedly as young adults going to
                                            • 90% of primary schools avail of the
college or entering the workforce.
                                              GAA Coaching Programme which
Undoubtedly sport continues to make           delivers coaching in schools in 6 to 10
progress in attracting children to stay       week blocks
involved or to try new sports, however
                                            • 1,020 primary schools children
much greater investment is needed.
                                              representing over 60% of the primary
                                                                                         Children, who are obese
Amongst the success stories for sport
                                              schools throughout the county              between the ages of six
in this area in 2013 were:-
                                              involved in the SSRP Annual Athletics      months and five years
• 46,000 hours of physical activity
  delivered by the GAA in Munster
                                              Festival, with many children linking
                                                                                         have a 25% chance of
                                              into athletic clubs for sustained
  Schools – the equivalent as would be        participation in Athletics
                                                                                         being obese as adults.
  delivered by the employment of 62 PE
                                            • 13 schools now play in the Ulster
  Teachers generating a value of €2.2
                                              Development Schools League as a
  million per year
                                              direct result of the Donegal Community
                                              Rugby Project – there were none

                                                                                                           Annual Review 2013 13

14 Federation of Irish Sport
Sport & Children in Ireland    15

It has long been recognised that sport has the ability to bring
people together, to create communications and to foster
relationships that can last a lifetime. Sport is great for breaking
down barriers and for helping create a truly inclusive society.

It has been estimated that in Ireland there    • A team of 14 athletes and 8 coaches       • 100 girls in 12 teams took part in FAI
are as much as 20% of the population             represented Special Olympics Ireland        Late Night Leagues in a pilot project
who have disabilities ranging from mild          at the Special Olympics World Winter        in Dublin that can now be rolled out
to severe, physical to mental. Time and          Games in South Korea in January and         nationally
again sport has shown the way in helping         brought back three gold, six silver and
                                                                                           • Transplant Team Ireland won 34 medals
integrate those suffering from disability        two bronze medals
                                                                                             and finished 14th on the medal table at
into the wider community.
                                               • 400 clubs in communities across the         the World Transplant Games in Durban,
Just think back to the Special Olympics          island of Ireland continue to support       South Africa
World Summer Games held over ten                 over 10,000 athletes who train and
                                                                                           • Team Ireland competed at the 22nd
years ago now. The legacy lives on with          compete in 15 different sports run
                                                                                             International Deaflympic Summer
Ireland embracing the ethos of Special           by Special Olympics Ireland
                                                                                             Games in Bulgaria
Olympics in a unique way. Equally the
                                               • 1,500 athletes, selected after regional
legacy of the London 2012 Paralympics                                                      • Vision Sports Ireland hosted ‘Mayfest’, a
                                                 competition, were represented at the
and the performance of the Irish team                                                        2 day event where Ireland’s (and further
                                                 launch of Special Olympics Ireland
have ensured that the achievements of                                                        afield) vision impaired came and tried
                                                 Limerick Games 2014 in the University
our Paralympians rank equally with all of                                                    different sports
                                                 of Limerick which will be held in
our sportsmen and sportswomen.                                                             • Irish Wheelchair Association Sport
                                                 June 2014 with the support of 3,000
And our facilities are also becoming more        volunteers                                  hosting the European Wheelchair
inclusive. At one end of the spectrum                                                        Rugby Zonal Qualifiers in Gormanston
                                               • 230 Traveller men and women have
there are the superb facilities offered                                                      Co Meath
                                                 participated in Fitness programmes
by our premier stadia which have built
                                                 including 5 month Step Challenge,
in disability features throughout. This is
                                                 Bootcamp, Handball and Health and
now being replicated throughout the
                                                 Nutrition run by Limerick Sports
country where the recent re-opening
of the Sports Capital Programme will
undoubtedly accelerate the process             • 10 new Football for All Clubs
                                                 established allowing 300 kids with
and bring the ‘Sport for All’ dream closer
                                                 varying disabilities access to regular
                                                                                            It has been estimated
to reality.
                                                 training and competition                   that in Ireland there are
In addition, sport reaches out to many
marginalised sectors of Irish society and      • 360 new participants involved in
                                                                                            as much as 20% of the
programmes have been developed by                sport and physical activity through        population who have
NBGs and Local Sports Partnerships to            the SSRP ‘Active Centres’ programme        disabilities
ensure a more inclusive society. Examples        at 2 community centres in rural areas
of inclusion initiatives undertaken by Irish     of County Sligo
Sport in 2013 were:-                           • 120 participants in the Traveller Women
• Cerebral Palsy Sport Ireland’s                 Community Health Programme run
  Football Team finishing 4th in the             by Wexford Sports Partnership
  Intercontinental Cup

                                                                                                               Annual Review 2013 15

16 Federation of Irish Sport
Sport & Children in Ireland   17

As we have said year after year sport is business – BIG BUSINESS. A recent study
by A.T. Kearney put the global value of sport at between €350 and €450 billion.
This includes infrastructure construction, sporting goods, licensed products and
live sports events. The global sports market is growing much faster than national
gross domestic product (GDP) rates around the world and is projected to grow by
$145.3bn between 2010-2015. The worldwide sports events market alone was
worth €45 billion in 2009.

In Ireland sport supports 40,000 jobs       • 22,000 overseas fans travelled to Dublin    • €755 million generated by Recreational
and contributes €2.4 billion to GDP           as part of a 70,000 strong contingent         Angling each year, with 150,000 visitors
while employing 2.08% of the workforce.       attending the Amlin Challenge Cup             supporting 10,000 jobs
Sport’s contribution to our economy           and Heineken Cup finals, generating
                                                                                          • 3,500 cyclists participated in the An
is of course facilitated by government        €21m for the economy
                                                                                            Post Meath Heritage Cycle tour, with
investment which last year was €75
                                            • 27% increase in those employed as             350 volunteers, and an economic value
million. The return in revenue alone is
                                              professional athletes or sports officials     to Meath of €1.52m
spectacular – and that is without all the
                                              since 2006
other tangible benefits sport contributes                                                 • €11.7m is the value of the 245,333
to our nation every year.                   • 313 people employed in Games                  hours of physical activity provided by
                                              Development by the GAA compared to            the GAA in Ireland’s schools
The above figures only partially take in
                                              20 in 1991
the major spend that is generated by                                                      • €10m is the value of the Dublin City
sports tourism each year. As was pointed    • 938 jobs supported for every €1 million       Marathon to the economy
out earlier in this report, the tourism       invested by government
revenue generated by the two sports of      • €1 out of every €60 generated and
angling and golf alone amounts to almost      earned in the European Union is sports-
€1 billion.                                   related
And then there are the very substantial
revenues generated by events such
                                            • €818 million is spent annually by            The sports industry
                                              Ireland’s 12,000 voluntary sports clubs,
as the All-Ireland Finals, Football           leagues and branches in the Irish
                                                                                           today spans the field of
internationals (Euros and World Cup           economy on goods & services                  play—from the food and
games in particular), Rugby’s 6 Nations
Championship, Autumn Internationals         • €200 million is the approximate              memorabilia stands at
and Heineken Cup, not to mention              turnover by Irish NGBs each year with        the stadium, to media
                                              an estimated €40 million of this going
one off events like the Europa League                                                      rights and sponsorships.
Final (2011), the Emerald Isle Classic US     directly back to government in PAYE,
                                              PRSI & VAT                                   The many participants
Football game (2012) and the Heineken
and Amlin Cup finals (2013).                • €12 the return generated for every €1
                                                                                           in this market are
The statistics for 2013 show just how big     spent by the GAA on coaching – in            competing for a bigger
a contribution sport makes to the Irish       2012 the total return on investment          slice of a pie worth as
                                              was €54 million
economy demonstrating the potential                                                        much as €450 billion
to generate even more:-                     • €350 - €550 million – the economic           A.T. Kearney
• Voluntary sport supports the                value of Ireland’s sporting volunteer
  employment of 8,826 persons                 workforce
  including approximately 1,500 people      • €202 million the amount generated
  within the NGB & LSP sector alone           for the Irish economy by overseas golf
                                              visitors – with only 21% of the spend
                                              being on “golf-related” activities

                                                                                                              Annual Review 2013 17

18 Federation of Irish Sport
Sport & Children in Ireland   19

During the sporting debate at the Global Irish Economic
Forum it was noticeable how the participants strongly
endorsed the important role our sporting teams, sportsmen
and sportswomen are playing in creating a positive image for
Ireland abroad.

Over the past twelve months sport               • Barry Murphy winning bronze                  • Paul O’Donovan winning a Bronze
proudly flew the flag for Ireland in              medal in 50m breaststroke at the               medal at the World Under 23 Rowing
some 70 countries worldwide whilst                European Short Course Swimming                 Championships and Claire Lambe
people from almost the same number                Championships                                  finishing 4th in the European Rowing
also visited Ireland for official sporting      • Caroline Ryan winning bronze at Track          Championships
activities during the same period and             Cycling World Cup in Mexico                  • Clarence Kennedy winning 3 bronze
this excludes the countless visitors who                                                         medals in the snatch, clean and jerk
                                                • Clara Peters bringing home Ireland’s
plan their own trip to play golf, to fish, to                                                    and total categories in the 94kg class
                                                  First International Ice Skating Medal,
walk our beautiful countryside or simply                                                         at the European Junior Weightlifting
                                                  taking Bronze in the Ladies Singles
to follow sport. It all adds up to major                                                         Championships, the first Irish athlete
                                                  event in Australia
enhancement of the image of Ireland in                                                           to do so
other countries.                                • Mel Lawther coming 8th in the World
                                                  Archery Championships in Turkey              • The Irish Judo Association took home
And it is not just our most famous                                                               3 medals from the African World Cup
personalities in the highest profile sports     • Scott Evans winning the Cyprus
                                                                                                 with Olympian Lisa Kearney winning
that are flying the flag. The emergence           International Tournament
of Ireland in sports such as cricket has        • The Basketball Ireland Premier League
                                                                                               • Bryan Keane winning a World Cup
opened up whole new possibilities. The            Men’s Senior Representative team
                                                                                                 Triathlon Silver in Japan
impact of the Irish cricket team in India         travelled to Birmingham to play
and Pakistan has been well documented.            their counterparts from the English          • Joe Ward winning Bronze at the World
                                                  Basketball League and were victorious          Boxing Championships in Kazakhstan
More recently the Irish Ladies Cricket
                                                                                                 to go with Jason Quigley’s Silver
teams were playing in Qatar, Ireland’s          • Shauna Weldon winning a gold medal
Cyclists were in Mexico while our                 in the solo event at the World Baton         • Andrew Smyth achieved the highest
Weightlifters, Ice Skaters and Judoka won         Twirling International Cup in the              individual all-around score ever by
medals in Estonia, Australia and Mauritius.       Netherlands                                    an Irish Gymnast at the Artistic World
                                                                                                 Championships in Belgium
Below are just some of the athletes and         • Derek Burnett won Bronze in Olympic
teams that represented Ireland with               Trap at the European Championships in        • Irish Tug of War Team came 4th at the
distinction around the world:-                    Germany                                        World Championships in Colombia

• Rob Heffernan winning gold medal              • Sarah Lavin winning Silver at the            • Ireland ranked no.1 in Tatami Sport at
  in 50km walk at World Athletics                 Junior European Championships in               the World Combat Games in Russia
  Championships in Moscow                         Italy in the 100 metres hurdles
• Derval O’Rourke and Ciaran O’Lionard          • Ireland being the first-ever country          Over the past twelve
  winning bronze medals at the                    to win 3 global tournaments in the 3
  European Indoor Championships in                different cricket formats in a single year    months sport proudly
  Gothenburg, in the 60m hurdles and              and, by doing so, qualifying for the          flew the flag for Ireland
  3,000m respectively                             men’s and women’s 20-over World Cup           in some 70 countries
• Fiona Doyle winning silver medal                and the Cricket World Cup itself
  in 100m Breaststroke at the World
                                                • Ireland’s Croquet team winning the 4
  University Games in Kazan setting               Nations Championship and Andrew
  a new Irish Senior Record                       Johnston reaching the semi-final of the
                                                  Croquet World Championship

                                                                                                                   Annual Review 2013 19
Creating a
Return on
the Taxpayers
Note: Total Irish Sports Council (ISC) Funding includes Core Grant Funding, High
Performance Funding, Direct Athlete Funding and Women in Sport Funding,
please refer to Irish Sports Council website for a detailed breakdown

Angling Council of Ireland                             Badminton Ireland                                     Bowling League of Ireland                                     
Total ISC Funding: €10,000                             Total ISC Funding: €480,734                           ISC Funding: €24,590
Participants: 15,000                                   Participants: 17,000                                  Participants: 2,200
Highlight 2013: Hosting the Predator Boat              Highlight 2013: High Performance claimed 4            Highlight 2013: Hosting of British Isles (BIBC)
2013 World Championships in Enniskillen. The           International titles. Membership has grown for        Championships and Centenary International
event was an outstanding success and with              the second consecutive year and the new School        Series, for only the third time in its 100 year
that experience behind us we look forward to           programme ‘Shuttletime’ has been a great success.     history. They were held at Crumlin Bowling Clubs.
hosting 25 nations in Cork for World Feeder            Looking forward 2014 welcoming Para Badminton         Over the 6 days, 360 players from Ireland, England,
Championships 2014.                                    to the Paralympics schedule.                          Scotland, Wales, Jersey & Guernsey participated.
                                                                                                             Ireland won the Singles and was runner-up in the
Archery Ireland                                        Basketball Ireland                                    International series.                               
                                                                                                             Camogie Association
Total ISC Funding: €48,500                             Total ISC Funding: €693,289
Participants: 4,000                                    Participants: 41,250
Highlight 2013: In September hosting the First All     Highlight 2013: The Basketball Ireland Premier        Total ISC Funding: €384,283
Ireland Series Final with 600 attendees and just       League Mens Senior Representative played the          Participants: 100,000
one week later Mel Lawther coming 8th in the           English Basketball League as a curtain-raiser to      Highlight 2013: Unified camogie/hurling
World Championships in Turkey.                         the English Cup Final. In front of a 5,000 capacity   sponsorship by Liberty Insurance of All Ireland
                                                       crowd Ireland won 83-81. Bord Gais Neptune            Championships and unified sponsorship by AIB of
Athletics Ireland                                      from Cork ended a 21 year wait when they won          Camogie and GAA All Ireland Club Championship
                                                       the Men’s National Cup Final in the National          series.                                Basketball Arena.
Total ISC Funding: €1,952,000                                                                                Canoeing Ireland
Membership: 49,542                                     Baton Twirling Sport Association            
Highlights:  Rob Heffernan winning Gold at the         of Ireland
World Championship 50km walk. Sarah Lavin,                                                                   Total ISC Funding: €360,043
Silver in Junior European Championships in the                                          Participants: 3,000
100m hurdles. Kelly Proper, four Gold medals in        Total ISC Funding: €16,518                            Highlight 2013: Canoeing Ireland International
the National Outdoor Championships. Rose-Anne          Participants: 660                                     Liffey Descent, hosting a leg of the International
Galligan breaking Sonia O’Sullivan’s national 800m     Highlight 2013: Individuals and teams represent       Canoe Federation Marathon Classic Series. Junior
record, running 2.00.69. Opening of the Athlone        Ireland at European and World Championships,          Paddle Fest saw 400 junior paddlers introduced to
I.T. International Indoor Arena. Development           two silver and one gold medal. With the help of       all 7 canoe disciplines. We had paddlers represent
Athletes showing significant progress: Sean Tobin,     our WIS grant we completed our Roadshow, and          Ireland at World and European Championships in
Phil Healy, David Cussen, Louise Shanahan, Aislinn     had it performed for the first time at our National   Slalom, Sprint, Marathon, Canoe Polo, Wild Water
Crossey, Ruairi Finnegan, Marcus Lawlor, Alana         Championships. The Roadshow went on the road          Racing & Free Style. Canoeing Ireland qualified a
Lally, Zak Irwin, Shane Fitzsimons, Siofra Cleirigh-   and two clubs developed as a result in Portlaoise     place in the Youth Olympics for the first time.
Butner, Laura Ann Costello.                            and Bailiborough.
                                                                                                             Cerebral Palsy Sport Ireland
Australian Rules Football League                                                                   
of Ireland                                                                                                   Total ISC Funding: €91,151                                                                                                Participants: 110
Participants: 410                                                                                            Highlight 2013: CPSI Football Team Finish 4th in
Highlight 2013: Hosting the European                                                                         the Intercontinental Cup. It was a competition
Championship in Dublin, which Ireland won with                                                               that proved to the management of the team and
the last kick of the tournament to beat Great                                                                CPSI that the young team have a huge future in
Britain by a point.                                                                                          front of them.

20 Federation of Irish Sport
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