The Role of Health Technologies in Multicomponent Primary Care Interventions: Systematic Review - JMIR
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JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Review The Role of Health Technologies in Multicomponent Primary Care Interventions: Systematic Review Geronimo Jimenez1,2, MA; David Matchar3, MD; Choon Huat Gerald Koh4, MD, PhD; Rianne van der Kleij2, PhD; Niels H Chavannes2, MD, PhD; Josip Car1, MD, PhD 1 Centre for Population Health Sciences (CePHaS), Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore, Singapore 2 Department of Public Health and Primary Care, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands 3 Programme in Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS Medical School, Singapore, Singapore 4 Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore Corresponding Author: Geronimo Jimenez, MA Centre for Population Health Sciences (CePHaS) Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine Nanyang Technological University Singapore 11 Mandalay Road, Level 18 Clinical Sciences Building, Novena Campus Singapore, 308232 Phone: 65 6904 7027 Email: Abstract Background: Several countries around the world have implemented multicomponent interventions to enhance primary care, as a way of strengthening their health systems to cope with an aging chronically ill population and rising costs. Some of these efforts have included technology-based enhancements as one of the features to support the overall intervention, but their details and impacts have not been explored. Objective: This study aimed to identify the role of digital/health technologies within wider multifeature interventions that are aimed at enhancing primary care, and to describe their aims and stakeholders, types of technologies used, and potential impacts. Methods: A systematic review was performed following Cochrane guidelines. An electronic search, conducted on May 30, 2019, was supplemented with manual and grey literature searches in December 2019, to identify multicomponent interventions that included at least one technology-based enhancement. After title/abstract and full text screening, selected articles were assessed for quality based on their study design. A descriptive narrative synthesis was used for analysis and presentation of the results. Results: Of 37 articles, 14 (38%) described the inclusion of a technology-based innovation as part of their multicomponent interventions to enhance primary care. The most commonly identified technologies were the use of electronic health records, data monitoring technologies, and online portals with messaging platforms. The most common aim of these technologies was to improve continuity of care and comprehensiveness, which resulted in increased patient satisfaction, increased primary care visits compared to specialist visits, and the provision of more health prevention education and improved prescribing practices. Technologies seem also to increase costs and utilization for some parameters, such as increased consultation costs and increased number of drugs prescribed. Conclusions: Technologies and digital health have not played a major role within comprehensive innovation efforts aimed at enhancing primary care, reflecting that these technologies have not yet reached maturity or wider acceptance as a means for improving primary care. Stronger policy and financial support, and advocacy of key stakeholders are needed to encourage the introduction of efficient technological innovations, which are backed by evidence-based research, so that digital technologies can fulfill the promise of supporting strong sustainable primary care. (J Med Internet Res 2021;23(1):e20195) doi: 10.2196/20195 KEYWORDS digital health; health system improvements; health technologies; primary care; systematic review J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 1 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al There have been many studies emphasizing individual digital Introduction technologies for improving specific aspects of health care and Primary care is often considered a cornerstone of health care primary care. Some of these include digital health assistants to systems. Health systems with strong primary health care produce help with administrative tasks, medical chatbots to engage better and more equitable health outcomes, are more efficient, patients more frequently, and the use of electronic health records and can achieve higher user satisfaction in comparison to health and telemedicine, among others [9-11]. However, no studies systems with only a weak primary care orientation [1,2]. have explored the role of technologies within multicomponent Changing demographics, an increasingly aging population, and efforts to enhance primary care, that is, whether within initiatives the increased burden of noncommunicable diseases have been comprised of several features aimed at enhancing primary care, identified as new challenges for health systems worldwide [3-5], there was a technology element being introduced, and if yes, and strengthening primary care has been proposed as one what it was. solution to address these challenges. We aimed to systematically explore the role that health/digital Many countries have implemented a wide array of innovations technologies have played in multicomponent efforts designed to enhance primary care, ranging from policy initiatives, such to improve primary care by identifying (1) the types of as capitated reimbursement, to ground level improvements, such technologies implemented, (2) the functional objective of the as improving access to primary care practices and enhancing technology, (3) the relevant stakeholders, and (4) whether they the roles of nurses to provide comprehensive primary care have an impact on enhancing the defining features of primary services [6-8]. As in other fields, such as finance, retail, and care (ie, first contact, comprehensiveness, coordination, and agriculture, an increasingly important domain for innovation continuity) [12], denoted here as the “4Cs.” We explored the involves the incorporation of technology. Technologies are overall outcomes of the multicomponent interventions in which having an impact on health service delivery and health system technology is one component to attempt to discern the specific administration, and they promise to provide solutions for contribution of the technologies within these efforts. Textbox improving primary care [9,10]. 1 provides useful definitions for concepts and terms that will be used throughout the article. Textbox 1. Useful definitions. Multicomponent interventions/innovation environments: programs or strategies composed of several innovations/features to enhance primary care. Innovation features: individual innovation elements included in multicomponent interventions. Health technologies: application of scientific knowledge to solve health care–related problems, including its corresponding machinery and equipment (includes information technology, digital health, eHealth, mHealth, etc). 4Cs: the primary care core functions (first contact, comprehensiveness, coordination, and continuity). Quadruple aim outcomes: the four types of outcomes to measure successful health system improvements (population health outcomes, health care utilization and cost outcomes, patient satisfaction, and provider satisfaction). checklist tool enhances asthma guideline knowledge and Methods implementation by primary care physicians), and based on this, A systematic review was designed and performed following we determined that consideration of studies describing Cochrane guidelines for conducting systematic reviews [13]. interventions with at least three distinct innovation features and The detailed methods for this review are described in an article measuring at least five outcome measures could ensure that the that explored multicomponent interventions aimed at enhancing interventions were indeed “multicomponent.” primary care, which identified 18 innovation strategies and A search strategy was developed, and it focused on the following provided a broader picture of the many innovation features used three main sets of terms: (1) primary care–related terms; (2) internationally to improve various aspects of primary care innovation/reform/enhancement-related terms; and (3) study simultaneously [14]. A summary is provided below. design filters (Multimedia Appendix 1). The electronic database An electronic database search was performed in order to identify search was performed in Ovid/MEDLINE on May 30, 2019, (1) multicomponent interventions or “innovation environments” and it was supplemented by manual searches through the aimed at enhancing primary care (with at least three innovation references of the included studies and by a grey literature search features); (2) factors influencing at least one of the primary care (ie, search through materials and documents produced by core functions (4Cs), and (3) studies reporting on any of the organizations outside of the traditional commercial or academic four basic types of outcomes of a successful health system (the publishing and distribution channels, such as government and so-called “quadruple aim” outcomes of population health, health industry documents) in OpenGrey [16], using “primary care” care costs and utilization, patient satisfaction, and provider and “innovation,” on December 12, 2019. From the studies satisfaction) [15] and providing numerical values for at least fulfilling these criteria, we selected those that had five outcome measures. In a previous scan of the literature, we technology-based enhancements as part of the elements in their identified many specific interventions aimed at enhancing a multicomponent interventions. particular aspect of primary care services (eg, the paper stamp J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 2 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al We defined health technologies, using definitions from two quality, and patient population involved), primary care World Health Organization reports, as the “application of intervention elements, and quadruple aim outcomes, including scientific knowledge for practical purposes, including its reported magnitudes for each outcome measure. A narrative corresponding machinery and equipment, to solve health descriptive approach was utilized to identify and report the types care–related problems and improve quality of life” [17] and and specific details of the implemented technologies, the encompassing digital health technologies (the overarching term involved stakeholders, whether and which 4Cs were arguably to include eHealth and mHealth, eg, telemedicine, electronic supported, and the outcomes influenced by the corresponding health records [EHRs], and wearable sensors) and their technology. corresponding medical and assistive devices [9]. Quality evaluation of the included studies was based on study Results design, using the National Institutes of Health–National Health, Search Results Lung and Blood Institute’s “Study Quality Assessment Tools” [18], a comprehensive suite of study evaluation tools, which After the electronic search, subjecting the articles to the has been used in a variety of systematic reviews [19-21]. Data inclusion/exclusion criteria and manual reference and grey extraction was performed using a predefined data extraction literature searches resulted in 37 articles fulfilling the form for study characteristics and general information requirements for multicomponent interventions as described (author/year, setting/country, policy influence, study design and above. From these, 14 studies had technology-based enhancements and were included in the analysis (Figure 1). Figure 1. PRISMA diagram describing the study selection process. Figure extended from Jimenez et al [14]. were from Europe (two from Germany and two from Spain) Study Characteristics and one was from Argentina. Eight articles mentioned policies Articles were published between 2008 and 2017, and half of influencing the implementation of the innovation programs as them were published since 2016. Most described studies broader country, regional, or organizational efforts to enhance performed in the United States (9/14, 64%). Additionally, four primary care (Table 1) [22-35]. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 3 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Table 1. Study characteristics organized by study type (N=14) (adapted from Jimenez et al [14]). Study type Author Program Setting/context Policy/ govern- Study design Patient popula- Innovation elements Types of (Year) name ment program (quality evalua- tion (if any) included in the full in- outcomes influencing in- tion rating)a terventionb studied novation Controlled Coderch et —c Integrated health Catalonia’s Controlled, Complex chron- - Accountability HCd costs interven- al (2016) care organization 2011-2015 pragmatic, ran- ic patients who mechanisms and utiliza- tion study [22] in the region of health plan; domized clini- account for 5% - Care plan develop- tion Girona, Spain in creation of the cal trial, with of the highest ment 2011 (128,000 Program for three arms: one risk of highest residents) Chronic Condi- blind control health costs - Improved access tion Preven- and two open each year - Improved specialty tion and Care intervention care access groups (fair) - Enhanced coordina- tion/information ex- change efforts - Provider education or training - Technology enhance- ments Controlled Prestes et DIAPREM Primary care — Random selec- T2DMf patients - Efforts to improve Population interven- al (2017) study units of La tion of 30 PCe performance monitor- health tion study [23] Matanza County, providers and ing HC costs Argentina 30 nurses from - Enhanced continu- and utiliza- 40 PC units ity/transition-based tion (fair) efforts - Provider education or training - Technology enhance- ments Controlled Ruescas- PROP- Multicentric, PC — Open random- Patients with is- - Efforts to improve Population interven- Escolano et RESE Trial study (15 health ized clinical tri- chemic heart performance monitor- health tion study al (2014) centers), partici- al with 1-year disease ing [24] pating in the Car- follow-up - Improved patient diometabolic Va- (good) self-management lencian Study - Provider education or training - Others - Team-based care - Technology enhance- ments Observa- Dale et al Comprehen- A large and di- Launching of Pre-post design Medicare fee- - Care development HC costs tional co- (2016) [25] sive Prima- verse set of prac- the Centers for with a compari- for-service bene- plan and utiliza- hort or ry Care tices in seven Medicare and son site (fair, ficiaries - Case management tion cross-sec- (CPC) Ini- Center for Medi- Medicaid Ser- classified as ret- Patient sat- tional tiative care and Medi- vices’Compre- rospective co- - Improved access isfaction study caid Services hensive Prima- hort for quality - Improved patient (CMS) regions ry Care Initia- evaluation) self-management (four states and tive, in Octo- - Payment-based en- three metropoli- ber 2012 hancements tan regions in the - Social or community United States) services engagement - Technology enhance- ments J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 4 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Study type Author Program Setting/context Policy/ govern- Study design Patient popula- Innovation elements Types of (Year) name ment program (quality evalua- tion (if any) included in the full in- outcomes influencing in- tion rating)a terventionb studied novation Observa- Goff et al Buena Program imple- — Controlled be- T2DM patients - Accountability Population tional co- (2017) [26] Salud mented at Bright- fore-and-after enrolled in the mechanisms health hort or wood Health study (fair) Buena Salud - Case management cross-sec- Center (BHC) in program tional MA, an urban - Improved access study community - Improved patient health center with self-management a largely Hispan- - Improved specialty ic population care access (88%) insured - Social or community primarily by ei- services engagement ther Medicaid (59%) or Medi- - Team-based care care (28%) - Technology enhance- ments Observa- Maeng et Proven- 36 Geisinger- PCMHh trans- Survey of pa- General patient - Case management Patient sat- tional co- al (2013) Health owned PC prac- formation in tients in “PHNi population of - Efforts to improve isfaction hort or [27] Navigator tices, as well as primary care sites.” A compa- PC practices en- performance monitor- cross-sec- seven contracted rable survey of rolled in the ing tional PC practices in patients from PHN program study - Enhanced service GHP’sg provider non-PHN sites capacity network. was conducted Geisinger’s re- for comparison - Improved access gional health care (fair) - Improved patient system is a self-management provider to cen- - Payment-based en- tral, south-cen- hancements tral, and northeast- - Social or community ern Pennsylvania services engagement and southern New Jersey - Team-based care - Technology enhance- ments Observa- Maeng et Proven- 36 Geisinger- PCMH trans- Multivariate lo- General patient - Case management Population tional co- al (2012) Health owned PC prac- formation in gistic regression population of - Efforts to improve health hort or [28] Navigator tices, as well as primary care models with PC practices en- performance monitor- cross-sec- seven contracted controls (mem- rolled in the ing tional PC practices in bers not in the PHN program study GHP’s provider program) - Enhanced service network. capacity (fair, classified Geisinger’s re- as retrospective - Improved access gional health care cohort for quali- - Improved patient system is a ty evaluation) self-management provider to cen- - Payment-based en- tral, south-cen- hancements tral, and northeast- ern Pennsylvania - Social or community and southern services engagement New Jersey - Team-based care - Technology enhance- ments J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 5 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Study type Author Program Setting/context Policy/ govern- Study design Patient popula- Innovation elements Types of (Year) name ment program (quality evalua- tion (if any) included in the full in- outcomes influencing in- tion rating)a terventionb studied novation Observa- Phillips et The Illinois Illinois Medicaid The Analysis of Medicaid benefi- - Accountability HC costs tional co- al (2014) Medicaid beneficiaries, Memisovski Medicaid ciaries mechanisms and utiliza- hort or [29] Health corresponding to v. Maram suit claims and en- - Care plan develop- tion cross-sec- Connect 15% of the total (2004) ruled rollment data ment tional and Your state population that Illinois from 2004 to study Healthcare had violated 2010, covering - Care management Plus pro- federal law by both pre- and - Improved access grams not providing post-implemen- - Payment-based en- adequate ac- tation (good, hancements cess to PC ser- classified as ret- - Provider education vices for its rospective co- or training Medicaid pop- hort for quality ulation, which evaluation) - Technology enhance- made Illinois ments an early leader in Medicaid reform Observa- Wensing et GPj-cen- Introduction of a — Comparative General popula- - Accountability HC costs tional co- al (2017) tered care program to en- evaluation tion aged 18 mechanisms and utiliza- hort or [30] (GPCC) hance the role of based on two years or older - Efforts to improve tion cross-sec- program general practice cross-sectional with at least one performance monitor- tional for patients with studies at 4 and primary care ing study chronic diseases 5 years after its visit in Baden-Wuert- start (T1 and - Enhanced coordina- temberg, a Ger- T2, respective- tion/ information ex- man federal state ly), based on change efforts with about 10.7 data continuous- - Improved access million inhabi- ly collected for - Improved patient tants. administrative self-management control and re- - Inclusion of new/en- imbursement hanced roles purposes (good) - Payment-based en- hancements - Pharmacy/medica- tion-related efforts - Provider education or training - Team-based care - Technology enhance- ments Case-con- Freytag et GP-cen- A major Statuto- In Germany, Retrospective General patient - Inclusion of new/en- HC costs trol study al (2016) tered pro- ry Health Insur- enhanced pri- case-control population hanced roles and utiliza- [31] gram ance fund AOK mary care pro- study based on - Payment-based en- tion PLUSk, which grams started insurance hancements covers 41% of in 2004 with claims data - Pharmacy/medica- the population in the creation of (fair) tion-related efforts central Germany, a legal frame- established a GP- work to sup- - Provider education centered health port “GP-cen- or training care program in tered health - Technology enhance- 2011 in the Ger- care” ments man federal state of Thuringia J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 6 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Study type Author Program Setting/context Policy/ govern- Study design Patient popula- Innovation elements Types of (Year) name ment program (quality evalua- tion (if any) included in the full in- outcomes influencing in- tion rating)a terventionb studied novation Pre-post Conrad et Group PC practices — Pre-post imple- Group health - Enhanced service HC costs study with al (2016) Health Co- within the inte- mentation pro- cooperative’s capacity and utiliza- no control [32] operative’s grated care deliv- ductivity assess- enrollees - Improved access tion Access Ini- ery system that ment (good) tiative serves the Puget - Improved specialty Sound region in care access Washington state - Others - Payment-based en- hancements - Technology enhance- ments Pre-post Engel et al Geriatrics Two large medi- Adoption of Before-after Veterans from - Case/care manage- HC costs study with (2016) [33] in Primary cal center prac- the Patient evaluation of the Veterans ment and utiliza- no control Care tices at the Veter- Aligned Care chart reviews Affairs health - Enhanced continu- tion (GPC) ans Affairs Team model (poor) system Boston, ity/transition-based Boston Health- of care, which enrolled in the efforts care System in is adapted program 2014 from the - Enhanced service PCMH, by the capacity Veterans Af- - Improved access fairs - Team-based care - Technology enhance- ments Pre-post Maeng et Proven- 36 Geisinger- PCMH trans- Pre-post (mea- GHP’s Medi- - Case management HC costs study with al (2012) Health owned PC prac- formation in sured at six care Advantage - Efforts to improve and utiliza- no control [34] Navigator tices, and seven primary care. points) and plan members performance monitor- tion contracted PC member fixed- who were at ing practices in effects model to least 65 years GHP’s provider measure within- and enrolled in - Enhanced service network. member varia- clinics that be- capacity Geisinger’s re- tion in the total came PHN sites - Improved access gional health care cost and the - Improved patient system is a PHN exposure self-management provider to re- variable over - Payment-based en- gions of Pennsyl- time (good) hancements vania and New Jersey - Social or community services engagement - Team-based care - Technology enhance- ments J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 7 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Study type Author Program Setting/context Policy/ govern- Study design Patient popula- Innovation elements Types of (Year) name ment program (quality evalua- tion (if any) included in the full in- outcomes influencing in- tion rating)a terventionb studied novation Pre-post Ralston et Group Adult respon- Patient-cen- Program impact Adult respon- - Accountability HC costs study with al (2009) Health’s dents (aged ≥18 tered system evaluation, dents (aged ≥18 mechanisms and utiliza- no control [35] Access Ini- years) receiving reforms (such evaluating at years) receiving - Improved access tion tiative care in Group as the PCMH three time care in Group Patient sat- Health’s Western model of points, based on Health’s West- - Improved specialty care access isfaction Washington Inte- 2007) men- the implementa- ern Washington grated Delivery tioned as a tion dates of the Integrated Deliv- - Others Provider System shift in the initiative’s com- ery System satisfaction - Payment-based en- way access to ponents (fair) hancements PC is provid- - Technology enhance- ed, which en- ments couraged HMOsl to change their restrictive ac- cess system. a Ratings: good/fair/poor. Study type linked to the tool used for quality evaluation. b Full details of innovation elements are provided in Multimedia Appendix 2. c Not available or not reported in the articles. d HC: health care. e PC: primary care. f T2DM: type 2 diabetes mellitus. g GHP: Geisinger Health Plan. h PCMH: Patient-Centered Medical Home. i PHN: PatienHealthNavigator. j GP: general practitioner. k AOK PLUS: health insurance scheme under Germany insurer AOK. l HMO: health maintenance organization. In terms of study designs and quality evaluation results, three technology-based enhancements (present in all interventions), publications reported controlled interventions (two of “fair” were innovations to improve access (in 11 articles), and one of “good” quality), six reported observational cohort payment-based enhancements (in nine articles), and care/case or cross-sectional studies with controls (four of “fair” and two management (in seven articles). In terms of the types of of “good” quality), one reported a case-control study of “fair” outcomes, the most commonly reported was health care costs quality, and four reported pre-post studies without controls (one and utilization (in 10 articles), followed by population health of “poor”, one of “fair,” and two of “good” quality). Populations outcomes (in four articles), patient satisfaction (in three articles), studied or linked to the results included the general population and provider satisfaction (in one article). These are not mutually enrolled in the programs (in six articles), chronically ill patients exclusive as one article reported on three outcomes and two with one disease or complex chronic patients (in four articles), reported on two outcomes each. The remaining 11 articles and special populations, including elderly and disadvantaged reported on one outcome each. populations (in four articles). Technology-Based Results The interventions in the articles included between four and 11 Of the 37 articles, 14 (38%) describing multicomponent “innovation features” (see Multimedia Appendix 2 for interventions to enhance primary care included technology-based definitions). The average number of features per intervention enhancements as one of the innovation elements (Table 2) was seven (median seven), and the most common types, beside [22-35]. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 8 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Table 2. Technology types and details, aims, stakeholders involved, 4C support, and outcome summary (N=14). Study Technology- Specific technology innova- Aim and stake- “4C” being General results and direction of the effects on quadruple based on tion holder (pa- supported by health outcomes (of the full intervention)a tient/provider/ad- technology min manager) Coderch et EMRsb - Identification of patients: For providers, to Continuity Health care costs and utilization al (2016) complex chronic patients are be able to easily ↑ (considerable increase in nonurgent primary care visits [22] identified by labelling them identify complex for partial and full interventions compared to each other in unique EMRs for chronic patients and to control for both years 1 and 2) providers under their care ↔ (mixed results for acute hospital admission and stay - Proactive actions in PCc: for year 1: considerable decrease for partial intervention individualized care plan compared to control, but considerable increase in full registered in unique EMRs intervention compared to partial intervention; similar for providers for readmissions
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Study Technology- Specific technology innova- Aim and stake- “4C” being General results and direction of the effects on quadruple based on tion holder (pa- supported by health outcomes (of the full intervention)a tient/provider/ad- technology min manager) Freytag et Medication- - Obligatory use of a specif- For providers, to Comprehen- Health care costs and utilization al (2016) specific IT ic IT-pharmacotherapy tool support rational siveness ↑ (decrease in the cost of drug prescriptions; increase [31] tool to support rational pharma- prescription of in GPh consultations and decrease in specialist consulta- cotherapy medicines tions, hospital use, and remedies; decrease in share of patients consulting more than one GP and accessing specialist without referrals; increase in the number of patients in disease management program and home vis- its; and decrease in the number of medical check-ups) ↓ (increase in the cost of GP consultations and specialist consultations and increase in the share of patients with five or more different medications) ↔ (no change in the number of ED hospitalizations or increase in the nursery care level) Goff et al EHRs - Use of electronic health For providers, to Continuity Population health (2017) [26] Use of insur- registries to identify patients monitor care ↑ (considerable changes in the mean DBPi and microal- er data in need of care and services needs and ensure bumin/creatinine ratio test within 12 months) (quarterly, reviewed the data tests and visits contained in EHRs and insur- ↔ (no relevant difference for changes in HbA1c mea- er data focusing on specific sures, lipid measures, or other blood pressure measures; care parameters in care [ie, changes for HbA1c tests and lipid panels) ordered labs and mammogra- phy, scheduled PC visits, etc]) Maeng et EHRs - Preventive and chronic For providers, to Comprehen- Population health al (2012, Online pa- care optimized by health IT. have availability siveness ↑ (decrease in amputation and end-stage renal disease 2012, tient portal - Active delivery of informa- of patient infor- Coordination in the intervention group) 2013) tion to other team members mation for all [27,28,34] Online mes- medical team Continuity ↔ (no difference for myocardial infarction or stroke) saging plat- at the point of care via shared EHRs members Health care costs and utilization form - Access to the patient portal For providers and ↑ (decrease in the per member and per month allowed Modeling patients, to have costs; considerable overall savings with and without Rx and utiliza- for reviewing medical records and secure messag- enhanced commu- coverage interaction) tion data tools ing with providers nication ↓ (increase in the cost of Rx coverage, without consid- - Predictive modelling and For patients, to ering other program costs) utilization of data tools and have access to Patient satisfaction normative management data their medical ↑ (improvement in perceived changes in care delivery, to improve care records to pro- ie, “noticed difference in care coordination and higher mote self-manage- quality,” increase in reporting of doctor’s office as usual ment care, and decrease in ERj visits) For practices, to have improved ↔ (no relevant changes for access to care or primary monitoring for care provider performance) population care Phillips et Online reg- - Multiple online tools, such For providers, to Continuity Health care costs and utilization al (2014) istries/report as registries and report have improved ↑ (increase in estimated cost savings and rate estimated [29] cards cards, to assist clinicians monitoring and annual savings; decrease in hospitalization, bed-day, with population-based man- population-based and avoidable hospitalization rates; and increase in all agement management quality measure changes [test and screenings]) ↔ (decrease in the ED visit rate for IHCk but increase for YHPl) J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 10 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Study Technology- Specific technology innova- Aim and stake- “4C” being General results and direction of the effects on quadruple based on tion holder (pa- supported by health outcomes (of the full intervention)a tient/provider/ad- technology min manager) Prestes et Data monitor- - The QUALIDIAB data For providers, to Continuity Population health al (2017) ing system system was used to verify verify the impact ↑ (considerable improvements for DBP, glycemia, [23] the impact of the diabetes of the interven- HbA1c, total cholesterol, and LDL-cm and increase in education intervention, and tion and allocate the data collected are useful resources using the percentage of patients with target SBPn and HbA1c to allocate resources (human collected data levels) and financial) considering ↔ (nonrelevant differences for SBP, creatinine, protein- real demand uria, HDL-co, DBP
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al Study Technology- Specific technology innova- Aim and stake- “4C” being General results and direction of the effects on quadruple based on tion holder (pa- supported by health outcomes (of the full intervention)a tient/provider/ad- technology min manager) Wensing et Medication- - The practice has a data- For providers, to Comprehen- Health care costs and utilization al (2017) specific IT orientated quality system support medica- siveness ↑ (decrease in the costs of medication therapy and hos- [30] tool and decision support for tion prescription First contact pital admissions) Updated IT prescribing medication; and promote prompts in software to sup- generic medica- ↑ (increase in the number of visits to family physicians systems and mean number of prescription drugs; decrease in the port use of generic and dis- tion use counted drugs number of prescriptions that should be avoided, contacts For practices, to with specialists with and without referrals, hospital ad- - The practice has up-to-date have better orga- missions, avoidable hospital admissions, number of days IT nization to sup- at hospital, and readmissions) port easier patient access a Extracted from Jimenez et al [14]. b EMR: electronic medical record. c PC: primary care. d FTE: full-time equivalent. e IT: information technology. f EHR: electronic health record. g ED: emergency department. h GP: general practitioner. i DBP: diastolic blood pressure. j ER: emergency room. k IHC: Illinois Medicaid Health Connect. l YHP: Your Healthcare Plus. m LDL-c: low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. n SBP: systolic blood pressure. o HDL-c: high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. According to the descriptions of the articles, we were able to at providers to support pharmacotherapy and medication identify the following six broad categories for the types of prescription. implemented technologies (description below includes intended 5. 5. Telephone-based enhancements [33]: it was described stakeholder and use): in one article and was aimed at providers to communicate 1. with patients and caregivers, and provide follow-up to 1. Enhancements leveraging electronic medical/health reduce patients’ nonessential clinic visits. records [22,24-28,34]: it was the most common category 6. 6. Electronic consultations between providers [33]: it was (reported in seven studies from five interventions) and was described in one study and was aimed at enhancing geriatric aimed at providers. Their use is related to identifying referrals. specific groups of patients (eg, chronically ill) or specific needs of patients (eg, services needed), exchanging patient Based on the description of the technological enhancements information, and developing quality measurements/control included in the studies, we were able to link them to the 4Cs in and risk stratification. the following way: 2. 2. Data monitoring technologies/online registries 1. 1. First contact: Three programs aimed to apply technology [23,26-29,34]: it was the second most common category to impact this feature through telephone-facilitated access (in six studies from four interventions) and was aimed at to primary care colleagues, facilitated appointment providers and practices. It was related to the management scheduling through web portals, and updated digital health of utilization data to allocate resources and improve care, systems for easier patient access. help with population-based management, and check on the 2. 2. Comprehensiveness: Six interventions sought to increase impact of programs. 3. the ability to manage a wider range of problems with 3. Web-based online portals and messaging platforms technology, including providing additional health promotion [27,28,32,34,35]: it was included in five studies (reporting information through patients’ web portals and enhancing on three interventions) and was aimed at patients to access capacity for providers to better use electronic medical their medical records, obtain additional health promotion records, improve medication prescription, and provide information, promote self-management, and facilitate access improved preventive and chronic care. and communication with providers. 3. 4. 3. Coordination: Three programs used technology to 4. Medication-specific eHealth/information technology improve care coordination by improving EHR-enabled tools [30,31]: it was included in two studies and was aimed information exchange and by allowing electronic J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 12 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al consultations to facilitate care among primary care providers and specialists. Discussion 4. 4. Continuity: Nine interventions sought to enhance the Principal Findings longitudinal relationship between patients and providers by enhancing the identification and follow-up of patients Only 38% of our identified multicomponent interventions that for individualized care, allowing more comprehensive aimed at enhancing primary care included technology-based identification and monitoring of service needs, and enhancements, highlighting the fact that technology has not improving communication between patients and providers played a major role in comprehensive efforts aimed at enhancing via online messaging or telephone contact. primary care. This is not surprising, as it has been widely acknowledged that innovation in health care has always been Outcomes difficult [36], especially if it has involved digital or Since these technology-based innovation elements are part of technological efforts [37-39]. wider innovation environments, which include additional Most of the included articles reported on health care costs and enhancement features, it was not possible to attribute outcomes utilization outcomes, signaling that technology-based efforts specifically to the identified technologies. However, we still are either aimed at decreasing costs and utilization or at least present the outcomes of the full innovation environments in an not increasing costs without contributing to other aspects of effort to elucidate the potential role of these technologies in the system success. In fact, the only considerable unintended outcomes. The numerical magnitudes for each outcome are consequences were increased costs for general practitioner and presented in Multimedia Appendix 3 (along with details of the specialist visits, and increased costs of prescription coverage full intervention). Table 2 and the paragraphs below present a (in some studies), suggesting that introducing technologies in descriptive summary and general direction of the effects for health care can lead to increased costs, as it has been consistently these outcomes. reported in the literature [40-42]. Overall, the studies presented mixed results (ie, nonsignificant The most common technology identified within these efforts changes or significant benefits and deteriorations simultaneously was EHR, which is also not surprising given the widespread for a specific outcome) for all types of outcomes, except for advocacy for this technology [43,44], and it was aimed mainly provider satisfaction, which was reported only in one study. at providers or practices to facilitate information exchange The most consistent improvements per type of outcome were among them and improve monitoring efforts. The only identified as follows: (1) health care costs and utilization, increased cost technology aimed at patients was the deployment of online saving and decreased costs for some parameters (eg, Medicare patient portals, where they can see their records, message their expenditure decreased by US $11 per beneficiary per month providers, and access additional health information mostly for [25] and drug prescriptions decreased by €44 per patient [31]) health promotion, which is in line with the idea that patients are and increased primary care visits compared to specialists; (2) ever more active participants in their own health care [44,45]. population health, improved blood pressure control, improved glycated hemoglobin, decreased amputations and end-stage When analyzing the interventions in terms of their impact on renal disease, and decreased smoking status; (3) patient the 4Cs, the technologies implemented were mostly aimed at satisfaction, increased satisfaction with timely appointments improving continuity by increasing the identification and and self-management support and increased satisfaction with follow-up of patients (with labels in EHRs and telephone the ability to see the usual doctor; (4) provider satisfaction, communication), enhancing monitoring efforts for identifying improved perception toward place of work’s quality and services care and service needs (also mostly through EHRs and online provided, and its consideration as a good place to work. registries), and ensuring more constant communication between providers and patients via online messaging. This reflects the The most consistent mixed results by the type of outcome were growing importance of continuity of care, which in the past has as follows: (1) health care costs and utilization, nonsignificant had weak evidence linked to its benefits, but was recently changes or simultaneous improvements and deteriorations highlighted as important, especially with regard to its link to depending on the study for hospital admissions, readmissions, decreased mortality risk [46,47]. Technologies have been and emergency department visits; (2) population health promoted to improve comprehensiveness by providing additional outcomes, nonsignificant changes for cholesterol and lipid levels, health promotion information for patients, improving the ability myocardial infarction, and stroke; (3) patient satisfaction, no of providers to prescribe medications, reinforcing the ability of differences for communication with providers and for primary primary care providers to cover a broader number of issues care provider performance. themselves, and avoiding overreferring [47]. The most consistent deteriorations were found for some health In terms of outcomes, the literature provides limited but useful care costs and utilization outcomes, such as increased number information. For example, increased patient satisfaction with of prescriptions, increased costs for general practitioner (eg, timeliness of care, scheduling, and better self-management intervention €27 more expensive than control per patient) and support could be in part explained by the use of online patient specialist (intervention €22 more expensive than control per portals. Such portals allow patients to schedule appointments, patient) consultations [31], and increased costs for prescription see their own medical records, and access additional prevention coverage. information. Increased primary care visits, relative to specialist visits, appear to result from innovations that enhance monitoring J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 13 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH Jimenez et al of services needed and follow-up of patients (identified through to situate these technologies within multicomponent innovation EHRs and/or by telephone follow-up). The introduction of strategies and to gain preliminary insights into how medication-specific digital/information technology tools could technological enhancements may support other be associated with differing impacts. While studies reported a nontechnologically based innovation features and their impacts decrease in the costs of drug prescriptions and medication on the four primary care functions. therapies, they also reported an increase in the mean number of Taking all of this into account, future research should try to drugs prescribed, and it was also associated with more costly pinpoint the specific impact of technology-based innovation consultations (around €25 extra per consultation [31]). features within wider efforts aimed at enhancing primary care. In order for digital technologies to play a more prominent role This would mean including specific measures that could link in primary care enhancement efforts, there is first a need for a outcomes to the use of such technology and quantify this impact. responsible policy to support their development and introduction This exercise would also help to identify which of the 4Cs of [48]. For example, some of the primary care enhancement primary care is being impacted by this technology, which would environments have included an explicit policy encouraging the help understand the mechanisms of how these innovations are introduction of technology or information technology initiatives improving care. An additionally interesting research direction as part of their efforts [25,31,49]. To make this happen would be to explore how technological innovations are being successfully, the technology must be seen as a tool that provides leveraged at primary care private practices and/or accountable needed functions in a way that is effective, humane, and care organizations, to understand the actual role of technology sustainable. Here, the context in which the technology will be in quality improvement initiatives for which there is no publicly implemented must be considered. It is essential to engage available data. Such research could provide a more balanced relevant stakeholders to deeply understand their environment view of the actual usage of technological innovations in primary and capabilities so that the introduced technology will be truly care at the ground level. useful, improve (or at least not disrupt) existing workflow, and have tangible value [37,50]. In order to establish value, there is Conclusions a need for technologies to be linked to evidence-based positive Although technology and digital health have been proposed and outcomes, taking into account their potential to improve health encouraged as possible solutions to improve primary care, they outcomes, costs, and patient and provider satisfaction. have not played a major role in formally evaluated multicomponent interventions aimed at enhancing primary care, There are some limitations for this study. The nature of the as reflected in the published and grey literature. Other types of search and the specific requirements for including studies (ie, nontechnologically based innovations, such as those aimed at those describing multicomponent interventions aimed at improving access, restructuring payments for providers, and enhancing primary care, which provided numerical magnitudes providing team-based care, have been much more widely for reporting quadruple aim outcomes) may have made us implemented, reflecting that digital health technologies have overlook other important technological innovations aimed at not yet reached maturity or wider acceptance as a means for improving primary care that had qualitative assessments only improving primary care. Leveraging technologies already in or did not measure quadruple aim outcomes. Similarly, since use, such as EHRs, and internet-based technologies, such as this review only focused on published and grey literature, it did online patient portals, seems to provide promising avenues to not account for quality improvement interventions implemented improve continuity and comprehensiveness in primary care, at, for example, private primary care or accountable care which may eventually lead to better health outcomes and organizations, which may have included technological improved patient satisfaction. A stronger push is needed if innovations but no published results. Therefore, although technologies are meant to support wider efforts aimed at technology may have a more prominent role in primary enhancing primary care and for them to play a more substantial care–enhancing initiatives overall, the results from published role within these efforts. High-level policy and financial support and grey literature do not indicate so. Additionally, the fact that must be designed to focus on the needs of a diversity of technological enhancements were one of many components stakeholders and to encourage evidence-based research based within a primary care enhancement effort, our study eligibility on a coherent set of methods and measures. In this way, we can criteria did not allow us to establish the actual and specific hope to fulfill the promise of technologies and digital health to impact of the technologies on outcomes. However, it did help enhance health care through strong sustainable primary care. Conflicts of Interest None declared. Multimedia Appendix 1 Search strategy. [DOCX File , 14 KB-Multimedia Appendix 1] Multimedia Appendix 2 Innovation elements and definitions. J Med Internet Res 2021 | vol. 23 | iss. 1 | e20195 | p. 14 (page number not for citation purposes) XSL• FO RenderX
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