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The Riverside Rambler - Amazon AWS
The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                                                               Vol. III no.7 ed.1

                                                       practicing in pole vault, which is his favorite
                                                       event. Williams’ least favorite event was the
                                                       200m (½ lap).
                                                               Chase Hewins claimed his favorite part of
                                                       the track season was “Getting all the
                                                       girls!”. Hewins’ favorite event was the 200m
                                                       hurdles. His least favorite event was the 1 mile (4
                                                       laps). Hewins is also going to participate in track
                                                       next year because he wants to make new
                                                               Niahla Duncan’s favorite part of track
                                                       was the meets and the bus rides. Duncans’
                                                       favorite event was throwing shot put. Her least
                                                       favorite event was either the 100m (¼ lap) or the
                 Track Recap                           200m (½ lap).
             Maddox Meers| Staff Writer                        All in all, track is a fun way to hang out
                                                       with friends and make new friends. It is also a
        On TuesdayMay 11, Riverside Middle             great way to stay in shape, improve your speed,
School’s track team competed in their league           and to learn something new.
meet at Sabetha High School. They competed
against Jeff West, Nemaha Central, Royal
Valley, Holton, Sabetha, Perry Lecompton, and
Hiawatha. They ended up placing 7th overall and
in every division.
                                                              Mr. Hampton Leaving
        During the season, there were a total of 4               Allie Henggeler| Staff Writer
records broken this year. Cody Hewins broke the
boys pole vault record, which was 6’6”. His best               After 9 long years as our principal, Mr.
jump was 8’ 0”. Karmen Baldwin broke the girls         Hampton is leaving our school. Mr. Hampton
800m record, which was 2:52, running a time of         stated, he is leaving our school because he has
2:42. Baldwin also broke the 1600m (1 mile)            taken a new position at a different location. No
record, which was 6:26. She ran it in 6:21. Niahla     other information was stated about this new
Duncan broke the girl’s discus record, which was       location or position. He claims the craziest event
74’ 9”. She threw 75’ 5”.                              that happened to him while being a principal at
        We asked some of the track members if          Riverside is when we had the fear of the flood
they are going out for track next year, what their     and having to relocate to the West Campus and
favorite part of track was, and their favorite and     the church in Wathena. When questioned, if he
least favorite event. Here is what they said.          enjoyed his time here, Mr. Hampton stated, “Yes,
    Riley Stewart said she will be participating in    I enjoyed the day-to-day activities a principal
track next year. Stewart’s favorite part of track is   face. The teachers have been extremely
the meets. Her favorite event is discus and her        professional, and easy to work with. It was
least favorite event is javelin.                       always a joy to see all the students with smiles on
        Preston Williams will also be                  their faces.” When asked, “What will you take
participating in track next year. Williams’            from
favorite part of the track season was learning and        here?” His response was “As a lifelong
                                                       learner, I plan to take all of the experiences from

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The Riverside Rambler
    15 April 2021                                                                          Vol. III no.7 ed.1

Riverside to make me a better person. Leaving a      students. Her favorite memory of all is when Mr.
job that you have been at for a period of time can   Hampton cheered with the cheerleaders.
be a hard task.” Mr. Hampton declared the                    Working for the school was a good move
hardest part of leaving for him personally is all    for her because she worked in the corporate
the people and students he has met and got to        world for a while and she feels like this job was a
know and leaving them behind when he moves           huge positive change in her life. Although she is
forward in his life.                                 retiring from the school, she plans to continue
        All in all, all the students here at         working at Advantage Title.
Riverside will greatly miss Mr. Hampton. We are              Miss Lyda loved everything about her job
all very grateful for all that he has done for our   and she made some long-lasting friendships with
school.                                              the teachers as well as the students.

                                                                  Cinco de Mayo
                                                     Mia Jackson and Bayleigh Cooper| Staff Writers

                                                             Cinco de Mayo is also known as Battle of
                                                     Puebla Day and is celebrated on Wednesday,
                                                     May 5 of this year. It is a holiday that celebrates
                                                     the date of the Mexican army's May 5, 1862
                Miss Lyda Retires                    victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during
               Jha’Lacia Brown|Staff Writer          the Franco Mexican War. More popular in the
                                                     United States than in Mexico, Cinco de Mayo has
        After 18 years, we are saying goodbye to     become associated with the celebration of
our favorite secretary. Mrs. Lyda Coleman            Mexican American culture. Celebrations began
enjoyed her job mainly because of all the crazy      in California, where they have been observed
staff and students she has spent her time with.      annually since 1863.
Miss Lyda’s daily job in the office included                 The day gained nationwide popularity in
making sure the school’s paperwork and files are     the 1980’s due to advertising campaigns by beer,
organized and making sure everything runs            wine, and tequila companies. Today, Cinco de
smoothly. Yearly duties include making sure          Mayo generates beer sales on par with the Super
everything is completed in order to move on to       Bowl. In Mexico, the commemoration of the
the next year. Miss Lyda states that all her         battle continues to be mostly ceremonial,
memories are positive memories with her              celebrated by military parades or battle
                                                     reenactments. The city of Puebla marks the event

The Riverside Rambler - Amazon AWS
The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                                                               Vol. III no.7 ed.1

with various festivals and reenactments of the
         Cinco de Mayo is sometimes mistaken
for Mexico's Independence Day, the most
important national holiday in Mexico, celebrated
on September 16, commemorating the Cry of
Dolores in 1810, which initiated the war of
Mexican independence from Spain. Cinco de
Mayo has been referenced and featured in
entertainment media, and has become an
increasingly global celebration of Mexican
culture, cuisine, and heritage.

                                                                     4th of July
                                                               Staff writer| Riley Stewart

                                                             There are many holidays in the world,
                                                    one of the most popular in the United States is
                                                    Independence Day or 4th of July. The 4th of July
                                                    celebrates American Independence and is
                  Chinese Rocket                    celebrated by family barbecues, house parties,
                 Riley Stewart| Staff Writer        pool parties and more. One of the main activities
                                                    about 4th of July parties are the fireworks.
        On April 28t, the Chinese space station     Fireworks are an important part of 4th of July,
launched a rocket into space. The blaster on the    fireworks are a sign of joy, wealth, and
rocket was supposed to land in the ocean and        celebration. An interesting thing about the 4th of
become space junk but was caught in the Earth's     July is the actual vote for independence was on
orbit. People all over the world were panicking     the 2nd of July but is celebrated on the 4th. Early
about where it would land and what destruction it   celebrations of the 4th were celebrated by
might cause. On May 8th, the rocket finally fell    bonfires, speeches, and more. Colonists in those
and landed in the Indian Ocean. A boat was later    times would also hold mock funerals for King
sent out and retrieved the piece of space junk.     George III to represent the freedom that was now
        This is not the first time this has         born. One fun fact about the 4th of July is,
happened and will probably not be the last time,    Americans will eat an average 150 million
but we can it won’t cause any destruction.          hotdogs. In the end, the 4th of July or
                                                    Independence Day is a great holiday and

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The Riverside Rambler
    15 April 2021                                                                         Vol. III no.7 ed.1

celebrates important an important event in           difference between green and blue and yellow
American history.                                    and red. Tritanopia is when you can’t tell the
                                                     difference between blue and green, yellow and
                                                     pink, and purple and red.
                                                        Complete color blindness is when you see the
                                                     world in shades of black, grey, and white. All
                                                     types of color blindness can cause light
                                                     sensitivity and blurry vision.
                                                        Color blindness usually affects both eyes
                                                     equally and is permanent. Majority of the time,
                                                     color blindness is inherited from parents to
                                                     offspring. If you develop a type of color
                                                     deficiency later in life, you should see an eye
                                                     doctor because you most likely have underlying
                    Color Blindness                     Although there is no cure, there are special
                Maddox Meers| Staff Writer           glasses that are made for colorblind people. They
                                                     are called EnChroma® Color Blind Glasses. This
    Color blindness is a genetic disorder where      gives color blind people the opportunity to see
you see colors in an abnormal way. It is also        what people with normal vision see every day.
known as color deficiency.                              To sum it up, color blindness is a condition
   In the retina of your eye, there are two          that many people have and cause everyday
different cells that help you see light. They        activities to become difficult. You should never
are called rods and cones. Rods detect the           take your vision for granted and remember that
brightness of an area. They are very                 someone is always suffering from color
sensitive. Cone cells distinguish the colors your    blindness.
eye is seeing. Red, green, and blue are the only
colors that cones see. The brain uses these colors
to interpret the colors we see. Color blindness
can happen when one or more of the color cone
cells are missing, broken, or see things they
There are five different types of color blindness.
They fall into three categories: red-green color
blindness, blue-yellow color blindness, and
complete color blindness.
    There are two types of red-green color
blindness. They are called deuteranomaly and
protanomaly. Deuteranomaly is when green
looks red and protanomaly is when red looks
green. Both cause you to mix up red and green.
    There are also two types of blue-yellow color
blindness. They are called tritanomaly and
tritanopia. Tritanomaly is when you can’t tell the

The Riverside Rambler - Amazon AWS
The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                                                              Vol. III no.7 ed.1

                 Michael Jackson
                 Mia Jackson| staff writer

     Have you heard of the famous singer
Michael Jackson? Jackson was born in Gary,
Indiana on August 29, 1958. His parents were
Joe and Katherine Jackson and he grew up with
his seven siblings Rebbie, Tito, Jermaine,
Latoya, Marlon, Randy, and Janet. Marlon had a                         Rasputin
twin brother, Brandon, but he unfortunately died                Mia Jackson| staff writer
8-24 hour after birth because the twins were
several weeks early. Jackson’s dad was obsessed             Gregori Rasputin was born on January 21,
with his children becoming famous music stars       1869 in Pokrovskoye, Russia. Rasputin was born
so Michael started his career in the Jackson 5.     a peasant and his number of siblings is unknown.
Marlon, Randy, Tito, and Jermaine were also in      A fact that may or may not be true is he
the Jackson 5. This band lasted nearly 19 years     developed mystical powers by the age of 12 and
before Jackson announced he was leaving. He         he claimed he could read minds and called
then began to write and perform his own songs.      himself a healer.
He made over 150 songs; however, “Billie Jean”              When Rasputin became older, he won the
is the most popular song he made. In 1994           favor of Czar Nicholas II, the crowned ruler of
Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley. Their           Russia, by healing his son, Alexei, of hemophilia,
marriage lasted for two years before Jackson        a genetic disease that prevents blood clots which
married Debbie Rowe. They had two children          you need to stop from bleeding out. From then
together. Jackson later had another child with an   on, Rasputin was widely known and was a
unknown woman. In 2009 Jackson died of              powerful influence on the ruling family of
cardiac arrest because of overdose.                 Russia. However, when Nicholas had to leave to
Source:                                             lead Russian forces in World War I. Rasputin     sought out his chance to rule this country and did
s/michael_jackson.php                               so through Nicholas’s wife, Alexandra.

The Riverside Rambler - Amazon AWS
The Riverside Rambler
    15 April 2021                                                                                  Vol. III no.7 ed.1

          Some people were afraid of Rasputin’s            10. Playing sports
growing power so they decided to murder him. A             Several students at Riverside were surveyed
group of nobles, led by Prince Felix Youssipov,        about what their favorite summer activities are.
lured Rasputin to his palace on December 29,           The top ten most common answers were:
1916. The soon-to-be killers first put poison in           1. Vacation
his wine and food. When he did not react to the            2. Swimming / Water Activities
poison, they shot him at close range then left him         3. Parties
to die. However, a short time later, Rasputin was          4. Hang out with friends
still alive. He tried to escape the castle, when the       5. Sports
killers shot him again and beat him with a whip.           6. Camping
Miraculously, Rasputin survived, therefore the             7. Playing video games
murderers bound him then threw him into a                  8. Gardening / yard work
freezing river to drown. His body was found                9. Shopping
several days later and the men who killed him                  In conclusion, students are starting to get
were exiled.                                           very anxious and excited for summer and all the
                                                       fun activities it has to offer.

                     Summer Plans
                    Maddox Meers| Staff Writer

        With this being the last paper of the year
and summer quickly approaching, students have
been preparing for three months full of
relaxation, warm weather, and doing their
favorite summer activities. According to the top ten most popular
summer activities are:
    1. Having a picnic/barbeque
    2. Going for a walk/hiking
    3. Going to the beach                                            Advertisement
    4. Exploring nature                                             Jha’Lacia Brown|staff writer
    5. Attending festivals
    6. Going to the pool                                        The mass media is flooded with
    7. Camping                                         advertisements of every kind. In order to see a
    8. Working out                                     wide variety of advertisements, one only has to
    9. Boating/water activities                        flip through the pages of magazines or

The Riverside Rambler - Amazon AWS
The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                                                              Vol. III no.7 ed.1

newspapers or sit through a television program to
see the wide coverage advertisements receive in
terms of space and time. Companies take out
large amounts of money just to advertise their
products or services.
         What are the benefits of advertisements?
Advertisements offer a wide variety of options to
both potential buyers and sellers. Through
advertisements, employers can recruit workers.
People who wish to put up their properties for
sale can find buyers or vice versa.
         Although there are complaints about
advertisements, the numerous benefits of
advertisements remain undisputed.                                 Plastic Pollution
Advertisements are the lifeblood of many                        Maddox Meers| Staff Writer
television and radio stations. Many companies
build a reputation for their products through            Plastic pollution has become one of the most
advertisements. Sometimes companies sponsor          overwhelming environmental issues, as rapidly
major sporting events and help in the                increasing production of disposable plastic
development of sports in the country.                products overwhelms the world’s ability to deal
         Advertisements inform the public about      with them. Although plastic was an amazing
the wide array of products that are available in     invention, it has caused many environmental
the market and how much they cost. Customers         problems over time. 8 million metric tons of
can compare the prices and merits of the different   plastic is released into the ocean yearly and 56
products and then decide which product to buy.       billion tons of plastic gasses is released into the
Advertisements help increase the sales volume of     atmosphere per year. There are many reasons
products. In this way, companies expand their        why plastic should be cleaned up, but here are a
business and enjoy economies of scale.               few. One reason to clean up plastic is that it is
         As with most things in life,                ruining our beaches and oceans. It makes them
advertisements can be both a bane or a boon.         look grotesque and causes people to avoid
Nevertheless, in my opinion, the advantages of       enjoying the beautiful scenery that the beach
advertisements far outweigh the disadvantages        normally has. Another reason to clean up plastic
and it is up to the public to get rid of them.       is because it never decomposes. Therefore,
                                                     whenever it gets buried underground, it never
                                                     goes away which destroys our environment. The
                                                     final reason why plastic should be cleaned up is
                                                     because it is destroying marine life. At least 100
                                                     million marine mammals are killed each year
                                                     from plastic pollution.
                                                         There are many ways to solve plastic
                                                     pollution, but here are a few.
                                                          • The first resolution to the pollution is to
                                                              stop making one time use of plastic such
                                                              as throw away bags, plastic Tupperware,
                                                              and plastic silverware. Instead, you could

The Riverside Rambler - Amazon AWS
The Riverside Rambler
    15 April 2021                                                                              Vol. III no.7 ed.1

       use paper or cloth bags, glass bowls and         celebrating laid their cloaks and small branches
       plates, and metal silverware.                    of trees in front of him as he came upon them.
    • Another solution is to renovate plastic to        These people were singing part of the Bible
       where it can be decomposed and buried.           verse, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of
    • The final solution is to make homemade            the Lord. We will bless you from the home of the
       food instead of buying prepackaged food.         Lord” (Psalm 118:25–2). The meaning of the
       Not only will this prevent pollution, but        donkey may refer to the Eastern tradition that it is
       also will be healthier for your body             an animal of peace. But not the horse which is
       because it will not have all of the artificial   the animal of war. Jesus' entry to Jerusalem
       ingredients, which causes obesity.               would have symbolized his right of entrance as
   In conclusion, even though plastic has helped        the Prince of Peace, but not as a war-waging
the world tremendously, it has also caused many         king. In Jewish tradition, the palm is one of the
ongoing issues. The pollution from plastic is           Four Species carried for Sukkot. There are many
becoming overwhelming and we as a society               things out in the world that are just so amazing to
need to take action for instance creating a new         learn about including Palm Sunday. There is
product in replacement of plastic, or using             much more to Palm Sunday still waiting for you
products that were around before plastic.               to learn about.

                      Palm Sunday
                    Max Bowers| Staff Writer

   Palm Sunday is a very interesting event. Palm
Sunday is a Christian feast which occurs on the
Sunday before Easter. The feast commemorates
Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem which is an
event mentioned in each of the four canonical
Gospels. Palm Sunday represents the first day of
Holy Week and the last week of the Christian
solemn season of Lent. In most l churches, Palm
Sunday is celebrated by the blessing and
distribution of palm branches, representing the
palm branches which the people put in front of
Christ as he rode into Jerusalem, as it states in the
Bible. The difficulty of procuring palms in
unpleasant climates is due to their substitution of
branches with native trees. All which include
box, olive, willow, and yew. The Sunday was
usually named after these substitute trees, as in
Yew Sunday, or by the normal term Branch
According to the Gospels, Jesus’ rode on a
donkey into Jerusalem, and the people who were

The Riverside Rambler - Amazon AWS
The Riverside Rambler
   15 April 2021                                                                                     Vol. III no.7 ed.1

                                                            many gruesome deaths and heartbreaking kidnappings.
                                                            Throughout time, Guzmán has become rich and one of
                                                            the foremost powerful men in the world.
                                                                       The law wedged Guzmán from 1993 to 2001
                                                            when he was arrested and imprisoned. However, he
                                                            made himself comfortable in prison, through bribing
                   Drug Lords                               and manipulating everyone around, until his eventual
               Allie Henggeler| staff writer                escape (which involved the bribing of 78 people and
                                                            cost him millions of dollars to complete). Arrested
          Hello people, hush up, buckle up, sit back,       again on Washington's Birthday, in 2015, it wasn't long
and relax because we're, visiting a whirlwind of            before El Chapo made his second escape from a
emotions while reading this, article fueled by a            maximum-security prison on July 11. How did he do
minimum of 2 hours of sleep, 7 energy drinks and            it? He fit himself into an opening under the shower
plenty of direct messages to the highest drug lords to      drain in his cell and escaped through a long tunnel
accumulate the deepest secrets within the drug world.       which led to a construction site.
This took plenty of knowledge and searching the dark                   On January 8, 2016, Mexican President,
web to put in writing. So, listen, this text is all about   Enrique Peña Nieto, announced via Twitter that
drug lords.                                                 authorities recaptured the boss. In January 2017, the
          A drug baron may be a high-ranking crime          Mexican government extradited Guzmán to the United
boss who controls a large network of individuals            States to face drug trafficking and other charges.
involved within the illegal drug trade. A syndicate is      Guzmán appeared in a U.S. tribunal and pleaded to
any criminal organization with the intention of             over a dozen charges. In July 2019, El Chapo was
supplying drug operations. They change from barely          sentenced to life in prison plus an additional 30 years,
managed agreements within many drug traffickers to          together with making him pay billions in restitution.
formal commercial corporations.                                        If one person could be said to be an example
   Famously known, Joaquín Archivaldo Guzmán                of a “drug kingpin,” that one person who perfectly fits
Loera, the man who made himself known as “El                that description would obviously be Pablo Escobar.
Chapo,” was known to be fairly scary, he certainly          While running the drug cartel straight out of Colombia
does not look threatening, only 5’6” tall, 30-40 years      in the 70s and 80s, Escobar’s competitive tactics made
old, with average looks. But his unremarkable               sure a good flow of drugs were going into America.
appearance is deceptive. Guzmán is the king of the          Some people guess that 80 percent of the drugs
Sinaloa Cartel, the makers of the biggest fraction of       imported into this country came through Escobar’s
drugs imported into the United States every year such       enterprise, some 15 tons per day at its best.
as: cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamine, and heroin,                   Escobar became one of the world’s richest
which are all delivered in hefty supplies through           men (with an estimated net worth of nearly $10 billion)
various tunnels.                                            through demolishing rivals and keeping problems
          Guzmán seemed fated for the drug trade. His       within the Colombian government. Officials who
uncle was one of the first main Mexican drug                didn’t fall for his bribery often met with not so good
smugglers, and young Guzmán was soon in the closed          endings. He assassinated candidates for office, judges,
corporation. He gained popularity in the cartel to a        law enforcement officials, and reporters. He placed a
great extent as continuous fighting claimed rivals both     bomb on an airplane to kill someone running for
inside and outside the cartel. In 2006, violating a pact    president, the candidate was not on the plane, but 110
between cartels, Guzmán ordered an assassination that       innocent people were. Ultimately, Escobar would be to
spurred what has come to be known as the Mexican            blame for the deaths of over 4,000 people.
Drug War. This war between drug cartels has caused

The Riverside Rambler
   15 April 2021                                                                                 Vol. III no.7 ed.1

          Escobar’s acts of terrorism eventually turned
belief against him, despite his attempts to court public
favor with philanthropic activity. By the time he was
gunned down in 1993 while fleeing across rooftops
from government soldiers, his reputation was as
riddled with holes as he was. His fame, however, has
outlived him.
          Not all drug kingpins are men. One of the
most notorious, well known drug queen pins in the
drug world was Griselda Blanco, also called “La
Madrina,” or “The Godmother.” Blanco was one of the
main figures within the drug cartel and has been                       Global Warming
credited with being a teacher to Escobar, who would                    Max Bowers| Staff Writer
eventually become one of her many enemies.
          Blanco first made her name by making bras        Many people know what global warming is, but
and girdles designed to smuggle cocaine. She left          for those who don’t, global warming is the long-
Colombia within the early 70s and settled in Queens,       term heating of Earth's climate system. This
New York, where she founded a large-scale operation.       complete change in the climate is caused by
In 1975, she was indited when the government               human activities (littering), primarily fossil fuel
intercepted a large cocaine shipment. Blanco fled to       burning (factories), which increases heat-trapping
Colombia, but it wasn’t long before she returned to        greenhouse gas levels in Earth's atmosphere.
Miami.                                                     Many people don’t think this event is a big deal.
          In the 80s, Blanco recolored Miami red and       However, Climate change affects human health
white, white with drugs and red with the blood of          and wellbeing through more extreme weather
rivals. One favorite method included drive-by              events, wildfires, decreased air quality, and
shootings via motorcycle. Miami gained a wave of           diseases transmitted by insects, food, and water.
crimes related to Blanco, including a submachine-gun               Heat stroke results in more than 600
attack. Blanco instigated anywhere between 40 and          deaths a year in the United States. Rates have
250 murders, including some personal ones (she shot        increased between 1995 and 2015. The risk of
one out of all her husbands at point-blank range over a    death is less than 5% in those with exercise-
drug deal). Eventually, Blanco was sent to prison, but     induced heat stroke and as high as 65% in those
that did not stop her. She planned to kidnap John F.       with non-exercise induced cases. Not only does it
Kennedy, Jr. in an intricate plan that was demolished      affect humans it also affects animals.
only by an insider’s betrayal.                                 Scientists have concluded that a lengthy
          Blanco showed her “godmother” status,            drought in California—the state’s worst water
going as far as name dropping her youngest son,            shortage in 1,200 years had been intensified by
Michael Corleone, after the act within the Godfather.      15 to 20 percent by global warming. The earth’s
However, she would have a sharp ending. She was            ocean temperatures are getting warmer, too
gunned down ahead of a butcher’s shop by an assassin       which means that tropical storms can pick up
on a bike, murdered by the exact same method she had       more energy. In other words, global warming has
so often dispatched to her own enemies.                    the ability to turn a category 3 storm into a more
   All in all, drug lords are very dangerous and           dangerous category 4 storm. In fact, scientists
extremely powerful beings who may do anything to           have found that the frequency of North Atlantic
induce their way.                                          hurricanes has increased since the early 1980s, as
                                                           has the number of storms that reach categories 4

The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                                                                Vol. III no.7 ed.1

and 5. The 2020 Atlantic hurricane season              require different training in order to specialize in
included a record breaking 30 tropical storms, 6       several different areas of surgery. The short
major hurricanes, and 13 hurricanes altogether.        description of all the different types of surgery
That is so crazy!                                      listed are listed in the following:
        I hope you enjoyed this article but make            •   General Surgery- is a surgical specialty
sure you remember that even your contributions                 that focuses on abdominal contents
of throwing away trash can help our                            including esophagus, stomach, small
environment.                                                   intestine, large intestine, liver, pancreas,
                                                               gallbladder, appendix, and bile ducts, and
                                                               often thyroid gland (depending on local
                                                               referral patterns). They also deal with
                                                               diseases involving skin, breast, soft
                                                               tissue, trauma, peripheral artery disease
                                                               and hernias, they also perform endoscopic
                                                               procedures such as gastroscopy and
                                                            • Cardiac or Cardiovascular Surgery- is
                                                               surgery on the heart or great vessels
                                                               performed by cardiac surgeons. It is often
                                                               used to treat complications of ischemic
                                                               heart disease (for example, with coronary
                                                               artery bypass grafting); to correct
                                                               congenital heart disease; or to treat
                                                               valvular heart disease from various
   Different Types of Surgeries                                causes, including endocarditis, rheumatic
             Allie Henggeler|staff writer                      heart disease, and atherosclerosis. It also
                                                               includes heart transplants.
         Surgery is the branch of medical practice             (
that treats injuries, diseases, and deformities by             surgery)
the physical removal, repair, or readjustment of            • Neurosurgery- or neurological surgery, is
organs and tissues, often involving cutting into               the medical specialty concerned with the
the body. Surgery is very advanced and very                    prevention, diagnosis, surgical treatment,
diverse. Surgeries can go from laparoscopically                and rehabilitation of disorders which
in the abdomen to cutting into someone's                       affect any portion of the nervous system
cranium. There are many different types of                     including the brain, spinal cord, central
surgery in the medical field.                                  and peripheral nervous system, and
         Some of the different types of surgeries              cerebrovascular system.
are listed here: general, cardiac or cardiovascular,           (
neuro, oral and maxillofacial, obstetric and                   or-specialty/neurological-surgery)
gynecological, otolaryngology, ophthalmic,                  • Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery- is a
oculoplastic, pediatric, plastic, colon and rectal,            surgical specialty focusing on
orthopedic, trauma, urological, vascular,                      reconstructive surgery of the face, facial
bariatric, podiatric, transplant, and endocrine.               trauma surgery, the oral cavity, head and
         All of these different types of surgery               neck, mouth, and jaws, and facial
specialize in different parts of the body and                  cosmetic surgery.

The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                                                            Vol. III no.7 ed.1

         •       Obstetric and Gynecological Surgery-           (
                 is the medical practice dealing with           ectal-Surgery)
                 the health of the female reproductive      •   Orthopedic Surgery- or orthopedics, is
                 system. Almost all modern                      the branch of surgery concerned with
                 gynecologists are also obstetricians.          conditions involving the
                 In many areas the two specialties              musculoskeletal system. Orthopedic
                 overlap.                                       surgeons use both surgical and
                 (          nonsurgical means to treat
                 ology)                                         musculoskeletal trauma, spine
         •       Otolaryngology- is a surgical                  diseases, sports injuries, degenerative
                 subspecialty within medicine that              diseases, infections, tumors, and
                 deals with the surgical and medical            congenital disorders.
                 management of conditions of the head           (
                 and neck.                                      s/orthopaedics)
                 (           (
                 9789351524540)                                 ity/orthopedic-
         •       Ophthalmic Surgery- is a surgical              surgery/g12q4zp0w2?hl=en)
                 specialty associated with and around       •   Trauma Surgery- is the branch of
                 the eye and its diseases.                      surgical medicine that deals with
         •       Oculoplastic Surgery- is a surgical            treating injuries caused by an impact.
                 practice very similar to ophthalmic            For example, a trauma surgeon may
                 surgery, it is the plastic surgery             be called to the emergency room to
                 associated with the eye and its                evaluate a patient who is a victim of a
                 surroundings.                                  car crash.
         •       Pediatric Surgery- is a subspecialty of        (
                 surgery involving the surgery of               ma-surgery-defined-
                 fetuses, infants, children, adolescents,       3157175#:~:text=Trauma%20surgery
                 and young adults.                              %20is%20the%20branch,victim%20o
         •       Plastic Surgery- branch of concerned           f%20a%20car%20crash)
                 with improving the function or                 (
                 appearance of parts of the body                ma-surgery-defined-3157175)
                 through reconstruction or cosmetic         •   Urological Surgery- is a surgical
                 medical procedures                             specialty that deals with the treatment
         •       Colon and Rectal Surgery- is a field in        of conditions involving the male and
                 medicine dealing with disorders of the         female urinary tract and the male
                 rectum, anus, and colon. The field is          reproductive organs.
                 also known as proctology, but this             (
                 term is now used infrequently within 
                 medicine and is most often employed            Urology.aspx)
                 to identify practices relating to the      •   Vascular Surgery- encompasses the
                 anus and rectum in                             diagnosis and comprehensive,
                 particular.(          longitudinal management of disorders
                 ecialty/colon-and-rectal-surgery.html)         of the arterial, venous, and lymphatic
                                                                systems, exclusive of the intracranial
                                                                and coronary arteries.

The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                                                             Vol. III no.7 ed.1

        • Bariatric Surgery- (or weight loss
             surgery) includes a variety of
             procedures performed on people who
             are obese.
    • Podiatric Surgery- or podiatric medicine
        is a branch of medicine devoted to the
                                                        Does clothing have a gender?
                                                                 Staff writer| Clover Frakes
        study, diagnosis, and medical and surgical
        treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle
                                                              Do you believe clothing has a
        and lower extremity.
                                                      gender? Fashion is extremely related to personal
                                                      expression: It is a large part of who we are, how
    • Transplant Surgery- is the surgical
                                                      we present ourselves and how others perceive us.
        removal of organs, tissue, or blood
                                                      It’s supposed to make you feel stylish, casual,
        products from a donor and surgically
                                                      comfy and so much more. Because fashion's
        placing or infusing them into a recipient.
                                                      main purpose is to promote individuality. Which
                                                      brings up the argument that it is, therefore,
                                                              When some first picture the gender
    •    Endocrine Surgery- is a surgical
                                                      binary, they may picture something along the
        subspecialty focusing on surgery of the
                                                      lines of a man, a husband, strong and handsome,
        endocrine glands, including the thyroid
                                                      and the woman, wife, tasked with watching the
        gland, the parathyroid glands, the adrenal
                                                      children and cleaning the house. However, fast
        glands, glands of the endocrine pancreas,
                                                      forward to today, while some gender stereotypes
        and some neuroendocrine glands.
                                                      may still be prevalent, people have certainly
                                                      begun to fight back against traditional norms.
                                                      Since recent times, society has been begging to
        In conclusion, there are many different
                                                      recognize that gender and sex are not the same
types of surgeries that can help all sorts of
                                                      and people can identify with whichever gender or
people around the world when they are sick or
                                                      identity they feel they truly are regardless of
just need a little help. With all the different
                                                      what they were assigned with at birth.
types of surgeries and technologies will
                                                              Some people could even just be more
continue to make advancements to make the
                                                      masculine of feminine, for example just because
processes better.
                                                      a boy wants to wear a women’s clothing doesn't
                                                      make him any less of a man and the other way

The Riverside Rambler
 15 April 2021                                    Vol. III no.7 ed.1

around. In conclusion, clothes are something we
all wear so no matter who you are, what makes
you happy and comfortable and can redefine
what the world says about your fashion.

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