MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide

Page created by Jonathan Ferguson
MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021 Edition

                        Keeping pace with every month...

                               India is battling a
                         A college student death
                         by suicide
                                         Top Hefajat-e
                                         Islam leaders
MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021 Edition

                 Keeping pace with every month...

 Reduwanul Hoque

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MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021 Edition
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MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021 Edition

India is battling a catastrophic, record-breaking outbreak that has overwhelmed hospitals and set crematoriums work-
ing at full capacity. The death toll is now pushing towards 200,000, and hospitals that do not have enough oxygen
supplies and beds are turning away patients.
A day-after-day surge has seen patients’ families take to social media to beg for oxygen supplies and available hospital
beds, forcing the capital New Delhi to extend a week-long lockdown.
The World Health Organization (WHO) said that People in India are rushing unnecessarily to hospital, exacerbating a
crisis over surging Covid-19 infections caused by mass gatherings, more contagious variants and low vaccination rates.
Less than 15% of people infected with Covid-19 actually need hospital care and even fewer will need oxygen.

MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021 Edition

Five intersting facts about dates

 1   Date palms can be male or female

        MALE                FEMALE

 2   Mature date palms can produce
     more than 100kg of dates per
     hervest season.

     The Ajwa date,which grows
     in Medina,Saudia Arabia,is
     the most expensive date in
     the world.

 4   Each year about 9 million
     metric tonnes of dates
     are produced.

     Egypt produces about
     one in five of all
     dates around the world.

MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021

  At a glance of the month of April

       01.04.21 (Thursday)                                                           04.04.21 (Sunday)
Supporters of Hefajat-e-Islam vandalised and torched          7-day restrictions, the Cabinet Division issued an
the ages-old music academy of legendary musician              11-point directive to be followed from 6:00am on
Ustad Alauddin Khan while unleashing a mayhem across          April 05 to 12:00am on April 11 to contain the spread
the Brahmanbaria district during their hartal.                of the virus in the country.
Skyrocketing Covid-19 cases, 6,469 new infections were        Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged people to do their
recorded is the highest ever in the country. The total        part in stopping the spread of coronavirus which had
number of people infected is now 6,17,764.                    struck the country even stronger.
The government has put a 16-day travel restriction on
people coming from European countries, except the UK.

16-day entry ban                                                                                       Top of the
                      The government has been putting a 16-day travel restriction on people coming from    Week
                      European countries, except the UK. The Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh
                      also restricted the entry of people from Argentina, Bahrain, Brazil, Chile, Jordan,
                      Kuwait, Lebanon, Peru, Qatar, South Africa, Turkey and Uruguay.
                      This ban has been effected from April 3 to 18. According to the govt. circular,
                      everyone coming to Bangladesh must have a certificate vouching that they tested
                      negative for coronavirus in a PCR machine before leaving for Bangladesh and must
                      be done no earlier than 72 hours of the flight.

         02.04.21 (Friday)                                                           05.04.21 (Monday)
The Election Commission postponed all elections, includ-      Launch capsized in the Shitalakkhya river: Twenty-nine
ing the first phase of union parishad and sixth phase of      bodies were recovered and seven people remained
municipality polls, due to a steep rise in coronavirus        missing till last night after a passenger launch capsized
infections.                                                   in the Shitalakkhya river in Narayanganj on Sunday.
The government has requested AstraZeneca to authorise         Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has thanked
production of its Covid-19 vaccine in Bangladesh.             Dhaka for making an “excellent arrangement” during
                                                              his March 26-27 state visit.
Visitors from Bangladesh, the Philippines, Pakistan and
Kenya will be banned from travelling to the UK from                                  06.04.21 (Tuesday)
4:00am of April 9, according to a statement posted on         The government has decided that all residential and
the GOV.UK website.                                           non-residential Qawmi and other madrasas will remain
       03.04.21 (Saturday)                                    closed until further notice.
                                                              A case was filed against Hefajat-e Islam Joint Secre-
At least 250 people, including 31 Hefajat leaders and
                                                              tary General Mamunul Haque and 16 others with the
activists, were sued in a case filed over Friday’s clash
                                                              capital’s Paltan Model Police Station on Monday.
between police and Hefajat supporters in Gazipur.
A week after the Brahmanbaria mayhem, Hefajat-e-Islam,                                07.04.21 (Friday)
the ruling Awami League and the BNP are trading blame         Around 700 Hefajat men, including its Joint Secretary
for the widespread violence and damages in the town.          General Mamunul Haque, were sued yesterday over
                                                              vandalasing a resort and attacking police in Narayan-
                                                              ganj’s Sonargaon on April 3.
                                                              The government starts administering the second shot of
                                                              AstraZeneca’s Covid-19 vaccine today amid fast-de-
                                                              pleting stocks and a strained supply chain.
MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021

  At a glance of the month of April

Country under a strict lockdown                                                                         Top of the
                              The country has been put under a strict lockdown for a week from April 14, the Week
                              government announced amid a worsening coronavirus situation as the ongoing
                              restrictions have apparently proved to be ineffective in containing the spread of
                              the virus. Except for emergency services, all government and private offices and
                              factories have remain closed during the lockdown. Public transport services
                              have also stay suspended.
                              The decision of imposing a strict lockdown came a day after the National
                              Technical Advisory Committee (NTAC) for Covid-19 recommended at least a
                              two-week complete lockdown, especially in city corporations and municipality
                              areas, to curb the spread of the virus.

       08.04.21 (Thursday)                                                               12.04.21 (Monday)
While the government started administering the second            The Police Bureau of Investigation in a probe report
dose of vaccine amid a steep rise in deaths and infections,      says Hefajat-e Islam Amir Junaid Babunagari and 42
the DGHS reported 74 deaths - the highest daily casualty         others were involved in “creating an atmosphere that
since the first cases were detected on March 8 last year.        hastened the death” of the Islamist outfit’s supremo
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said her government would           Shah Ahmad Shafi.
take tougher steps to save lives of people amid the massive      Bangladesh recorded the highest Covid-19 deaths with
surge in the Covid-19 infection and deaths in the last few       83 more fatalities in 24 hours till morning, taking the
days.                                                            death toll from the virus to 9,822.
         09.04.21 (Friday)                                                               13.04.21 (Tuesday)
Police arrested four Rab members in the capital’s Hatir-         Despite the recent spike in Covid-19 infections, South
jheel on charges of abducting, torturing, and demanding          Asia excluding India is recovering, led by Bangladesh,
ransom from a man.                                               due to higher-than-expected exports and remittances,
Having returned to the Paris Agreement after assuming            IMF said.
office in January, US Special Presidential Envoy for             The World Bank has agreed to provide $500 million to
Climate John Kerry hands over Biden’s invitation to              Bangladesh in additional financing to buy Covid-19
Hasina to join Apr 22-23 Global Leaders’ Summit.                 vaccines, but set some conditions regarding the
       10.04.21 (Saturday)                                       procurement of the shots.
Rezaul Haque alias Reza disclosed the plan of the banned         Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina urged all to follow
militant outfit and take charge of the JMB wing of the           health guidelines and celebrate Pahela Boishakh at
neighboring country after the Bomb Disposal Unit (BDU)           home as the nation enters a strict weeklong lockdown
of the Counter-Terrorism and Transnational Crime                 to contain the upsurge in coronavirus cases.
(CTTC) interrogated him.
                                                                                       14.04.21 (Wednesday)
At least 17 thanas in the capital are at high risk of
                                                                 The government is going to provide another round of
Covid-19 transmission, says government data.
                                                                 cash assistance to nearly 35 lakh poor families facing
        11.04.21 (Sunday)                                        income losses and hardship amid the ongoing nation-
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia has tested positive for              wide lockdown.
Covid-19, family sources and the party said.                     A Dhaka court placed three Hefajat-e-Islam men,
The incident of abducting a man and demanding ransom             including two its central leaders, on a five-day remand
for his release in the capital recently was pre-planned by       in connection with the mayhem in the capital in May
the arrested elite force members, investigators said.            2013.

MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021

  At a glance of the month of April
        16.04.21 (Friday)                                                              20.04.21 (Tuesday)
Chinese drugmaker Sinopharm has offered 60 lakh doses          The economic shock induced by the pandemic has
of Covid-19 vaccine to Bangladesh when there has been          pushed 2.45 crore people -- 14.75 percent of the
a surge in daily infection rates and deaths for days, said     country’s population -- into poverty in one year,
officials.                                                     according to a new survey.
Country sees over 100 daily Covid deaths for first time, a     The Russian government has offered Bangladesh to
total of 101 people died from Covid-19 in 24 hours.            either buy around 2.5 crore doses of Sputnik V
                                                               Covid-19 vaccine or produce the shots locally with its
       17.04.21 (Saturday)                                     assistance, foreign ministry has informed the health
Police arrested two top leaders of Hefajat-e-Islam,            ministry.
                                                                                     21.04.21 (Wednesday)
President Maulana Zunayed Al Habib and an Assistant
Secretary General Maulana Jalaluddin Ahmed, from the           The nationwide vaccination campaign in Bangladesh is
capital along seven supporters of the Islamist group from      set to suffer a major setback as Serum Institute CEO
Brahmanbaria.                                                  Adar Poonawalla said “there is no clarity” on vaccine
                                                               exports at least before June-July.
Five workers of an under-construction coal-fired power
plant were killed and at least 21 others injured during a      The minimum Fitra for this year has been fixed at Tk
clash with police in Banshkhali upazila of Chattogram .        70 per person while the maximum at Tk 2,310.
        18.04.21 (Sunday)                                                             22.04.21 (Thursday)
One hundred and two people died from Covid-19 in 24            Three more Hefajat leaders were arrested in cases
hours ending at 8:00am, said a press release of the            filed over violence in 2013 and March this year while
Directorate General of Health Services, highest number         five, including four arrested earlier, were placed on
of deaths recorded in a day so far in Bangladesh.              remand.
Top Hefajat-e Islam leader Mamunul Haque was arrested          Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has put forward four
in the capital as the government continues crackdown on        suggestions at the Leaders Summit on Climate,
the Islamist outfit for its recent violent activities.         including cutting global emission, transferring
                                                               technology and ensuring attainment of the annual
       19.04.21 (Monday)                                       target of mobilising $100 billion as committed by
The government has decided to bring to book everyone           developed countries.
involved in the Hefajat’s violent activities in different                               23.04.21 (Friday)
parts of the country, Mamunul on 7-day remand.                 The government has decided that passengers arriving
The on going travel and other restrictions will be             from abroad on special flights will have to stay under
extended for a week from April 22 as hospitals continue        institutional quarantine in government-designated
to struggle to cope with the number of Covid-19                hotels for five days instead of 14 days.
patients.                                                      Eleven more Hefajat-e-Islam leaders and activists,
                                                               including central leader Nur Hossain Noorani, were
                                                               arrested in different cases.

Top Hefajat-e Islam leader was arrested                                                             Top of the
                        Top Hefajat-e Islam leader Mamunul Haque was arrested in the capital on Monday Week
                        and placed on 7-day remand as the government continues crackdown on the Islamist
                        outfit for its recent violent activities.
                        He was shown arrested in a case filed last year over vandalism by activists of the Qawmi
                        madrasa-based organisation in the capital’s Mohammadpur area.
                        Besides, law enforcement agencies arrested 31 people, mostly Hefajat men, over their
                        alleged involvement in violence in different parts of the country, especially in Brahmanbaria,
                        from March 26 to 28 in protest of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit.

MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021

  At a glance of the month of April

A college student death by suicide                                                               Top of the
                     Bashundhara Group Managing Director Sayem Sobhan Anvir over abetting a college Week
                     student death by suicide! It is most hot discussion issue throughout the week.
                     According to the statement of the case filed by the victim’s sister with Gulshan Police
                     Station, Anvir, 42, and the college student had been in a romantic relationship. A Dhaka
                     court issued a travel ban on Anvir after police submitted a petition seeking a travel ban.

      24.04.21 (Saturday)                                                             28.04.21 (Wednesday)
Bangladesh will not get the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine           The government approved in principle the local
from India anytime soon, the supply of the vaccine is            coproduction of Russia’s Sputnik V and China’s
delayed due to a crisis of raw materials and a huge              Sinopharm coronavirus vaccines involving Bangla-
internal demand in India, said a note verbale from the           deshi drug makers, said Additional Secretary Shahida
Indian High Commission.                                          Akhter of the Cabinet Division told reporters.
BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia again tested positive for            Six diaries of the college student found dead in a
coronavirus.                                                     Gulshan flat on Monday contain crucial evidence
        25.04.21 (Sunday)                                        supporting the allegations against Bashundhara Group
                                                                 Managing Director Sayem Sobhan Anvir of abetting
The central committee of the Qawmi madrasa-based                 suicide, police said.
Hefajat-e Islam has been dissolved, the announcement
                                                                                       29.04.21 (Thursday)
was made last night by the Islamist outfit’s Amir, Junayed
Babunagari, through a 1.24-minute video message.                 Five family members and three domestic staff of
The government suspended administering the first dose            Bashundhara Group Managing Director Sayem
of the coronavirus vaccine, just a day after the Indian          Sobhan Anvir left Dhaka for Dubai by a chartered
government said there will not be another shipment of            aircraft last night.
the vaccine to Bangladesh anytime soon.                          The energy regulator has re-fixed the price of lique-
                                                                 fied petroleum gas (LPG) of private companies,
       26.04.21 (Monday)                                         retailers will have to sell 12kg gas in LPG cylinder
Hours after dissolving its central committee, Hefajat            at Tk 906.
named a five-member convening committee, with
Muhibullah Babunagari as chief adviser, Junayed Babun-
                                                                                         30.04.21 (Friday)
agari as amir and Nurul Islam Jihadi as secretary general.       Controversial Hefajat leader Mamunul Haque was
Considering the global situation and following the advice        sued for rape by a woman, who he claimed was his
of public health experts, the government decided to extend       second wife.
the ongoing restrictions on “overall activities and people’s     Bangladesh Road Transport Workers Federation
movement” for one more week - from April 29 to May 5.            announced programmes, including demonstrations,
       27.04.21 (Tuesday)                                        demanding immediate resumption of public transport
                                                                 services, which remain suspended due to the
A day after a college student’s body was recovered from          Covid-19 restrictions.
a rented Gulshan flat, her family sued Bashundhara
Group Managing Director Sayem Sobhan Anvir over
abetting her death by suicide.
Detectives claimed to have identified at least 313
donors, who used to finance Hefajat-e Islam that
carried out violence across the country late last month
protesting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit
to Bangladesh.

MAGAZINE India is battling a record-breaking outbreak A college student death by suicide
May 2021 Edition

                          The Overview

Dozens of world leaders met online for a two-day virtual summit that started Thursday on reducing
climate change hosted by US President Joe Biden. Amid rising tensions among global powers, the
leaders, however, seemed to agree on curbing greenhouse gas emissions, raising hope that climate
goals set by Paris climate accord might be within our reach. Here is what the main players said -- and
                        the pledges they made or reiterated during the summit:

             “This is the decade we must make decisions that will avoid the worst consequences
             of the climate crisis.”
             US President Joe Biden

             “Despite Russia’s size, its geography, climate and the structure of its economy, I
             am sure this task is achievable.”
             Russian President Vladimir Putin

             “And, this event (Covid-19 pandemic) is a timely reminder that the grave threat
             posed by Climate Change has not disappeared.”
             Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

             “We must treat nature as our root: Respect it, protect it and follow
             its laws.”
             China President Xi Jinping

             “This will be the make-or-break decade for our climate. … Science tells us it’s not
             too late yet, but we must hurry up.”
             European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen

             “With this spirit of collective responsibility and common destiny, I invite you once
             again to support us in this mission.”
             Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro

             “The Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us that global crisis can only be addressed
             through strong collective response.”
             Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

May 2021

At a glance of the month of April
       01.04.21 (Thursday)                                                            05.04.21 (Monday)
About 15 million doses of the single-shot coronavirus         Turkey detained 10 retired admirals after a letter
vaccine made by Johnson & Johnson were ruined in a            signed by more than 100 of them warned against a
factory error in the United States, The New York Times        possible threat to a treaty governing the use of
reported.                                                     Turkey’s key waterways.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit back at West          Israeli prosecutors accused Prime Minister Benjamin
Bengal’s ruling Trinamool Congress criticism of his visit     Netanyahu of treating favours as “currency” at the
to temples in Bangladesh trip as “unethical and violative”    opening of a corruption trial.
of the election model code of conduct.
                                                                                      06.04.21 (Tuesday)
         02.04.21 (Friday)
                                                              Coronavirus-related deaths worldwide crossed 3
Railway tragedy in Taiwan: At least 51 people were
                                                              million, according to a Reuters tally.
killed in Taiwan when a packed train collided with a
vehicle on the tracks and then derailed inside a tunnel.      The United States is set to start talks with EU negotia-
                                                              tors in Austria’s capital Vienna aimed at salvaging an
The prolonged closure of schools is causing an education
                                                              international agreement on Iran’s nuclear programme.
crisis that may cost South Asian countries over $1 trillion
in lost earnings in the long run, according to a World
Bank report.

Twenty-two Indian security forces killed                                                               Top of the
                            Twenty-two Indian police and paramilitary forces were killed and 30 others     Week
                            wounded in a gun battle with Maoist rebels in a central Indian state, police said on
                            Sunday, in the deadliest ambush of its kind in four years. Some 2,000 security
                            personnel were on the hunt for a Maoist rebel leader in Bijapur district in Chhattisgarh
                            state on Saturday when they were ambushed, a police officer told AFP.
                            The injured personnel were admitted to two government-run hospitals in Bijapur and
                            Chhattisgarh’s capital city Raipur. More than a dozen others remained missing, Chhat-
                            tisgarh police’s Additional Director General Ashok Juneja said, adding that an unknown
                            number of Maoists were also killed in the encounter.

       03.04.21 (Saturday)                                                             07.04.21 (Friday)
US President Joe Biden on Friday revoked sanctions            Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that talks in
imposed by Donald Trump on the top prosecutor of the          Vienna on rescuing a troubled 2015 nuclear deal had
International Criminal Court as the new administration        opened a “new chapter”.
seeks a more cooperative approach.                            Pakistan rights campaigners have accused Prime
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has called on Israel     Minister Imran Khan of “baffling ignorance” after the
to ensure “equal” treatment of the Palestinians as the new    former playboy cricketer blamed how women dress for
US administration cautiously steps up efforts for a           a rise in rape cases.
two-state solution.                                                                  08.04.21 (Thursday)
        04.04.21 (Sunday)                                     The Philippine defence department said it was keeping
Pope Francis urged countries in his Easter message to         “all our options open” as a diplomatic row with Beijing
quicken distribution of Covid-19 vaccines, particularly       grows over hundreds of Chinese vessels in the contested
to the world’s poor.                                          South China Sea.
At least 44 people were killed after flash floods in          President Joe Biden was scheduled to unveil his
Indonesia’s easternmost province, rescue officials said,      administration’s first steps to curb gun violence
adding they expected the toll to rise.                        after a slew of mass shootings have put pressure on
                                                              him to act.
May 2021

 At a glance of the month of April

 Prince Philip died on Friday                                                                              Top of the
                       Prince Philip, the longest serving royal consort in British history who was a constant Week
                       presence at Queen Elizabeth II’s side for decades, died on Friday aged 99, Buckingham
                       Palace announced. Though he had no official role, Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, was
                       one of the most influential figures in the royal family for more than 70 years.
                       While Philip was often criticised for his demeanour and sometimes brusque remarks,
                       friends said that as Queen Elizabeth II’s closest confidant he brought wit, impatient
                       intelligence and unflagging energy to the monarchy.

        09.04.21 (Friday)                                                            13.04.21 (Tuesday)
Prince Philip, the longest serving royal consort in British    Iran and Russia united against the United States and
history who was a constant presence at Queen Elizabeth         Europe warning on the eve of new nuclear talks that an
II’s side for decades, died yesterday aged 99, Bucking-        attack on the Natanz atomic site and new EU sanctions
ham Palace announced.                                          could harm ongoing negotiations.
The WHO reiterated there was “no adequate data” on             China told the United States to stop playing with fire
switching Covid-19 vaccines between doses, after France        over Taiwan and lodged a complaint after Washington
said under-55s who received an AstraZeneca first jab           issued guidelines that will enable US officials to meet
should get their second from a different vaccine.              more freely with officials from the island that China
       10.04.21 (Saturday)                                     claims as its own.
                                                                                   14.04.21 (Wednesday)
India and Pakistan may stumble into a large-scale war
neither side wants, warns a US intelligence report while       The United States announced sanctions against Russia
exploring the possibilities of miscalculations leading to a    and the expulsion of 10 diplomats in retaliation for
war in South Asia.                                             what Washington says is the Kremlin’s US election
Anti-coup Protest in Myanmar: More than 80 killed in the
latest bloodletting by Myanmar’s military, as the country’s    President Joe Biden said on Wednesday US troops will
own ambassador to the United Nations called for “strong        be withdrawn from Afghanistan starting May 1 to end
action” against the junta.                                     America’s longest war, withdrawal will be completed
                                                               by Sept 11.
        11.04.21 (Sunday)                                                             16.04.21 (Friday)
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has
                                                               Opponents of Myanmar’s junta announced a National
labelled the killing of four people in central force firing
                                                               Unity Government including ousted members of
at Cooch Behar “a genocide” and said the victims were
                                                               parliament and leaders of anti-coup protests and ethnic
“sprayed with bullets in the chest and neck”.
Fierce fighting for Yemen’s strategic Marib city has
                                                               The administration of President Joe Biden announced
killed 70 pro-government and Huthi rebel fighters
                                                               it would spend $1.7 billion to improve its ability to
over the past 24 hours, with battles raging on three
                                                               sequence the coronavirus for genetic changes.
fronts, loyalist military officials said.
       12.04.21 (Monday)
Iran accused arch-foe Israel of sabotaging its key
Natanz nuclear site and vowed revenge for an attack
that appeared to be latest episode in a long-running
covert war.
Thirty-four migrants drowned after their boat capsized off
the coast of Djibouti, the International Organization for
Migration (IOM) said.                                                                                             10
May 2021

 At a glance of the month of April

       17.04.21 (Saturday)                                                           20.04.21 (Tuesday)
Raul Castro confirmed he was handing over the leadership
                                                               Pakistan’s parliament has postponed until Friday a
of the Cuban Communist Party to a younger generation at
                                                               debate on whether the country should expel the French
its congress that kicked off on Friday, ending six decades
                                                               ambassador, as the government bids to appease a
of rule by himself and older brother Fidel.
                                                               radical party that has threatened more violent protests
Queen Elizabeth and her family paid their last respects to     unless the envoy is kicked out.
Prince Philip at a funeral that celebrated his naval past,     Chinese President Xi Jinping called for a rejection of
his international heritage and seven decades of service in     hegemonic power structures in global governance,
which he helped guide the queen through repeated crises.       amid growing tensions between Washington and
        18.04.21 (Sunday)                                      Beijing over a widening range of issues including
Saudi and Iranian officials held direct talks this month       alleged human rights abuses.
in a bid to ease tensions between the two foes, a senior                           21.04.21 (Wednesday)
Iranian official and two regional sources said.
                                                               President Vladimir Putin warned the West not to cross
The United States and China are “committed to                  Russia’s “red lines”, saying Moscow would respond
cooperating” on the pressing issue of climate change,          swiftly and harshly to any provocations in a way that
the two sides said Saturday, issuing the pledge days           would force those behind them to regret their actions.
ahead of a key summit hosted by President Joe Biden.

National Unity Government                                                                         Top of the
                       Opponents of Myanmar’s junta announced a National Unity Government including   Week
                       ousted members of parliament and leaders of anti-coup protests and ethnic minorities,
                       saying their aim was to end military rule and restore democracy.
                       Myanmar has been in turmoil since the Feb. 1 coup that ousted a civilian government led
                       by Aung San Suu Kyi which had held power for five years and was starting its second
                       term after a landslide election victory in November. People have taken to the streets day
                       after day to demand the restoration of democracy, defying crackdowns by the security
                       forces in which more than 700 people have been killed, according to a monitoring group.

        19.04.21 (Monday)                                                           22.04.21 (Thursday)
The EU imposed sanctions on 10 Myanmar junta                   Leaders Summit on Climate called by US President
officials and two conglomerates linked to the military         Joe Biden has begun with hopes for cutting carbon
over the coup and bloody crackdown on protesters,              emission and raising the funding for the countries
European officials said.                                       vulnerable to climate change.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday                                           23.04.21 (Friday)
defended the US decision to withdraw from Afghani-
stan, saying the terror threat had moved elsewhere             US President Joe Biden called on nations to work
and that Washington needed to refocus resources on             together on the transition to clean energy, the second
challenges such as China and the pandemic.                     and final day of a climate summit he is hosting that
                                                               seeks to rally world ambition to reduce global warming.
                                                               Indonesian Navy submarine lost in the Bali Sea with
                                                               53 crew, which would be running out of oxygen if not
                                                               already crushed by water pressure.

May 2021

 At a glance of the month of April
       24.04.21 (Saturday)                                                           28.04.21 (Wednesday)
Search teams have recovered debris believed to be from an
                                                                President Joe Biden was scheduled to use his first
Indonesian submarine missing for days in the Bali Sea,
                                                                address to Congress to call for an epic effort to make
defence officials said yesterday, as hopes dwindled for the
                                                                the United States fairer, funded in part by reversing
53 crew who were expected to have run out of oxygen in
                                                                Donald Trump’s tax cuts on the wealthy.
the early hours.
                                                                Saudi Arabia’s crown prince on Tuesday struck a
US President Joe Biden yesterday said the 1915 massacres
                                                                conciliatory tone towards the kingdom’s arch-nemesis
of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire constituted genocide, a
                                                                Iran, saying he sought “good” relations, after sources
historic declaration that infuriated Turkey and is set to
                                                                said the rivals held secret talks in Baghdad.
further strain frayed ties between the two Nato allies.

India is battling a record-breaking outbreak                                                             Top of the
                           India is battling a catastrophic, record-breaking outbreak that has overwhelmed Week
                           hospitals and set crematoriums working at full capacity. The death toll is now
                           pushing towards 200,000, and hospitals that do not have enough oxygen
                           supplies and beds are turning away patients.
                           A day-after-day surge has seen patients’ families take to social media to beg for
                           oxygen supplies and available hospital beds, forcing the capital New Delhi to
                           extend a week-long lockdown.

        25.04.21 (Sunday)                                                             29.04.21 (Thursday)
A fire sparked by an oxygen tank explosion killed at            President Joe Biden triumphantly declared that the
least 82 people and injured 110 at a hospital in Bagh-          United States is “on the move again” in a rousing
dad that had been equipped to house Covid-19                    speech to Congress, calling for trillions of dollars to
patients, an Interior Ministry spokesman said.                  rebuild the post-pandemic US middle class and give
Anti-Coup Protest in Myanmar: Pro-democracy                     new life to “forgotten” workers.
activists sharply criticised an agreement between the           China warned the United States against imposing its
country’s junta chief and Southeast Asian leaders to            democratic ideals, while criticising trade sanctions and
end the nation’s violent post-coup crisis and vowed to          military moves in Beijing’s backyard just hours after
continue their protest campaign.                                President Biden’s speech on American geopolitical
        26.04.21 (Monday)                                       priorities.
                                                                                        30.04.21 (Friday)
Military expenditure worldwide rose to nearly $2
trillion in 2020, defying the economic impact of the            A massive stampede at a densely packed Jewish
Covid-19 pandemic, researchers said.                            pilgrimage site killed at least 44 people in Israel,
The United States and Britain rushed ventilators and            blackening the country’s largest Covid-era gathering.
vaccine materials to virus-stricken India while Italy           Half of Myanmar’s population could be living in
lifted many Covid-19 restrictions in a bid to kick-start        poverty next year, driven by the combination of the
a near normal summer.                                           pandemic and the political crisis sparked by the
        27.04.21 (Tuesday)                                      military coup, the UN said.
People in India are exacerbating a crisis over surging
Covid-19 infections caused by mass gatherings, the
World Health Organization (WHO) said, death toll is
now pushing towards 200,000, and hospitals that do
not have enough oxygen supplies and beds are turning
away patients.

May 2021 Edition

 Annual Financial report


                         12%                 22.45%                10%-40%
FY20-21              Export                Raw Materials              Sales
(July-March)          Growth                  Import                Increased

          2494.2                                                                   2019
 2242.3                                                                            2020

                                  1453.6              1440                  1359.4
                         1261.4              1249.6

  *Amount in crore BDT                                       Source:The Business Standard

May 2021

  Fixture of the month of May

08 May      Barcelona       VS      Atletico             08 May    Man City     VS   Chelsea
10 May Real Madrid          VS      Sevilla                        Liverpool    VS   Southampton
                                                         09 May
12 May        Levante       VS      Barcelona                     Aston Villa   VS   Man Utd
13 May        Atletico      VS      Real Sociedad                 West Brom     VS   Liverpool
14 May       Granada        VS      Real Madrid          12 May     Man Utd     VS   Leicester
            Barcelona       VS      Celta                          Newcastle    VS   Man City
16 May        Atletico      VS      Osasuna              13 May      Chelsea    VS   Arsenal
         Athletic Club      VS      Real Madrid                     Man Utd     VS   Fulham
            Valladolid      VS      Atletico             15 May      Burnley    VS   Liverpool
23 May Real Madrid          VS      Villarreal                      Brighton    VS   Man City
                Eibar       VS      Barcelona            19 May      Chelsea    VS   Leicester
                                                                     Wolves     VS   Man Utd
                                                                   Man City     VS   Everton
                                                         23 May
                                                                   Liverpool    VS   Crystal Palace
                                                                  Aston Villa   VS   Chelsea

                         SRI LANKA TOUR OF BANGLADESH, 2021
                            DATE               MATCH                 VENUE

                           23 May              1st ODI       SBNCS,MIRPUR,DHAKA

                           25 May             2nd ODI        SBNCS,MIRPUR,DHAKA

                           27 May             3rd ODI        SBNCS,MIRPUR,DHAKA

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