The restorationeconomy - Investments, annuity and insurance products - HSBC Bank

Page created by Adam Franklin
The restorationeconomy - Investments, annuity and insurance products - HSBC Bank
2021 Investment Outlook
December 2020

               The restoration economy

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                                                                 For Client Use
The restorationeconomy - Investments, annuity and insurance products - HSBC Bank
2021      Innvdes

What happened
to markets in 2020?
It was an unusual twelve months                                  A few key points can sum upthis
for financial markets, much like just                            extraordinary year:
about everything in 2020. Investment
returns were ultimately quite strong                             •   First, stock markets lost a third of their value in four weeks as the
despite the worst recession since the                                global pandemic and lockdownhit in March.

Great Depression.
                                                                 •   Next, markets rebounded, with stocks regaining the previous highs
                                                                     in less than six months.

                                                                 •   Then, after a few months of relatively flat performance, we saw a third
                                                                     round of fast markets in November, with an uptick following the US
                                                                     election results and encouraging news on Covid vaccines.

                                                                 Irrational as this roller-coaster ride may seem, there are underlying
                                                                 reasons for this marketbehaviour.

                                                For Client Use
The restorationeconomy - Investments, annuity and insurance products - HSBC Bank
2021 Investment Outlook

Policy support                                                Digital economy growth                                            Looking ahead
Governments committed huge sums of money                      An important investment trend has been the
to support businesses and individuals that lost               divergence between digital economy stocks                         Following the recent rally we
income due to restrictions aimed at curbing the               and cyclical sectors, such as materials or
spread of Covid-19. Central banks were also                   energy. The former is up more than 40 per                         expect investment returns to
quick in delivering bold policies to help stabilise
economies and financial markets.
                                                              cent, with the latter down ten per cent this year.
                                                                                                                                be more muted going forward.
                                                              Lockdowns have accelerated the shifttoward
This combination prevented a prolonged                        the digital economy and helped tech profits.
global economic slowdown and sparked the                      With tech firms such as Apple and Microsoft
rapid market rebound. It is important to note                 making up a large proportion of stock market                                  Flattening recovery
that investment markets are forward-looking,                  indices, this has been key to driving broad                                   The speed of the global rebound through
with valuations based on the future earnings                  market gains since March.                                                     the third quarter of 2020 surprised most
potential of companies. As such, markets                                                                                                    economists. But the global recovery isnow
always lead the economy in the recovery phase.                                                                                              flattening out. Further gains will be harder
                                                                                                                                            going. Economic activity remains below where
                                                                                                                                            it was at the end of2019 – except in China.
       Performance relative to MSCI ACWI (Global stockmarket index)
145                                                                                                                                         The restoration economy
                                                                                                                                            We are in the ‘restoration economy’ phase.
135                                                                                                                                         The rate of restoration depends on where we
                                                                                                                                            are in the world, on the vaccine, and on policy
125                                                                                                                                         support. The good news is that the vaccine
                                                                                                                                            looks set to become widely available through
115                                                                                                                                         2021, although at different times for different
                                                                                                                                            parts of the world.

                                                                                                                                            Lower for longer interestrates
                                                                                                                                            Continued policy support is expected, but there
                                                                                                                                            are already signs that governments will balk at
                                                                                                                                            incurring much more debt. Ultimately, weexpect
 75                                                                                                                                         central banks will shoulder much of the burden
   Jan                               Apr                                Jul                              Oct                                in stimulating economies. This could mean low
                                                               Digital economy (MSCI ACWI Digital Economy)                                  interest rates for the foreseeable future.
                                                               Real economy - “cyclicals”(MSCI ACWI sectors:
                                                               financials + energy + industrials + materials)
                                                                                                                                            Take a nimble approach
Source: Bloomberg, HSBC Global Asset Management, November 2020.
Investment involves risks. For Illustrative purpose only. Past performance does not guarantee future results.                               Continued economic recovery should support
                                                                                                                                            company profits. We think it makes sense to
                                                                                                                                            continue favouring equities. Regionalallocation
      Did you know?                                                                                                                         will need to adapt with newdevelopments
                                                                                                                                            however. A faster vaccine for instance,will
      A central bank is an institution that                                                                                                 benefit the laggard markets from 2020
      manages the money and interest                                                                                                        (Europe, Latin America, Southeast Asia).
      rate policies of a country or region.

                                                                                                                   For Client Use
The restorationeconomy - Investments, annuity and insurance products - HSBC Bank
2021 Investment Outlook

 Building a
 strategy                                                           Improving company profits bodes well for
                                                                    corporate bonds, along with stocks,positioning
                                                                    them favourably as portfolio pillars. With
                                                                    interest rates near zero and expected to
                                                                    remain there for a very long time, this limits
                                                                    potential returns and diversification benefits
“Within portfolio          Corporate bonds and
                                                                    from government bonds. While they can
                                                                    always play a role in portfolios as a less risky
 allocations we believe    stocks are likely to be
                           strong portfolio pillars.
                                                                    asset, we think it is important investors have
                                                                    exposure to other types of assets to deliver
 it will be important to                                            effective diversification.

 be active.”
                                                                    Within portfolio allocations we believe it will
                                                                    be important to be active. Current investment
                                                                    trends such as the strong performance of digital
                                                                    economy stocks may create opportunities for
                                                                    those assets that have lagged this year. For
                                                                    instance, stocks in Europe and Latin America,
                           Returns from government                  and particular industries such as banks, hotels
                           bonds will be limited.                   and transport, have lagged due to being more
                                                                    durably affected by the pandemic.

                                                                    Overall, we believe that there is now a stronger
                                                                    case for these markets. However, the turning
                                                                    point will depend on factors such as widescale
                                                                    availability of a vaccine and economic growth
                                                                    momentum. In the coming weeks and months
                                                                    we may see market swings as relevant news
                                                                    develops. A disciplined strategy will help
                                                                    navigate these fluctuations.

                                                       For Client Use
The restorationeconomy - Investments, annuity and insurance products - HSBC Bank
2021 Investment Outlook

 Don’t dump
 today’s stock
 winners                                                                   Importantly, markets that have done well,
                                                                           such as the US and North Asia, have done
                                                                           so for a reason and should continue to be
                                                                           part of your portfolio.

                                                                           With Covid-19 continuing to dominate
“Markets that have done     Mainland China, South Korea,
                                                                           headlines, industrialised Asia, specifically
                                                                           mainland China, South Korea, Taiwan and
 well, such as the US and   Taiwan and Hong Kong
                            remain preferred markets.
                                                                           Hong Kong, remain preferred markets for
                                                                           us going into 2021. Economic strength and
 North Asia, have done so                                                  corporate earnings in Asia (especiallyNorth
                                                                           Asia) stand out relative to the rest of the world
 for a reason and should                                                   due to varying levels of success in containing
                                                                           the virus outbreak. China, being ‘first-in-first-
 continue to be part of                                                    out’ of the Covid crisis, continues to benefit
                                                                           from a rapid economic recovery.
 your portfolio.”
                                                                           We also think that tech and healthcare stocks
                                                                           will continue their upward path over the long
                            Technology companies will                      run. Their long-term prospects remain intact.
                            continue to grow revenues                      Technology companies are just as likely to
                            and profits post-pandemic.                     benefit from a subsequent economic recovery
                                                                           as others. While some work-from-home
                                                                           enabling companies might lose their edge in
                                                                           the post-pandemic world, most techcompanies
                                                                           that have reaped the rewards of lockdowns and
                                                                           social distancing will continue to grow their
                                                                           revenues and profits. The shift to onlineappears
                                                                           here to stay.

                                                                           Similarly, the healthcare sector, which took
                                                                           centre stage amidst the public health crisis,
                            The healthcare sector will                     will likely continue to see successbacked
                            likely continue to see success,                by strong expected earnings growth in 2021.
                            with strong expectedearnings                   We favour companies with established research
                            growth in 2021.                                and development capabilities and those pushing
                                                                           for innovation within the industry.

                                                              For Client Use
The restorationeconomy - Investments, annuity and insurance products - HSBC Bank
2021 Investment Outlook

 A closer look
                                                                       ‘Lower-for-even-longer’ interest rates

 at bonds



                          When accounting                                  1.5

“Where can investors      for inflation,                                   1.0

 look for higher income   interest payments                                0.5

 and return potential?”   received on                                      0.0

                          long-term US                                 -0.5
                                                                                                                                                                 Real yields at

                          government bonds                             -1.0                                                                                  historic lows of-1%

                          are now less than                               2015                   2016                   2017                   2018                  2019

                          zero per cent.                               Source: IMF, HSBC Global Asset Management, September 2020.
                                                                                                                                                   US 10yrTIP              US 10yrTreasury

                                                                       Investment involves risks. For Illustrative purpose only. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

                                                                       So, where can investors look for higher                        Asian bonds offer particular value and
                                                                       income and return potential? Corporate                         diversification benefits. We expect Asian
                                                                       bonds are a clear option, and include many                     bonds to rise next year based on three factors:
                                                                       different segments. Given that the strengthof
                                                                       economic recovery will vary around theworld,                   1. International recognition of resilient
                                                                       impacting company profits and cash available                      corporate balance sheets andprofitability
                                                                       to support interest payments, a regional                       2. Asia transitioning from emergingto
                           Did you know?                               approach has benefits.                                            developed market status
                                                                                                                                      3. Greater global demand for Asianbonds
                           Yield is the return you get                 In developed markets we prefer UScorporate
                           from a bond based on its                    bonds over those of Europe, based on better                    No matter the region, there will be
                           price and couponpayments.                   value and stronger economic prospects.                         segmentation between winners and
                           Treasury Inflation-Protected                We think emerging market bonds arebroadly                      losers. Risks may be accentuated in
                           Securities (TIPS) are issued                well placed to benefit portfoliosthrough                       some bonds with lower credit ratings,
                           by the US government.                       their diversification benefits. Higher interest                magnifying the importance ofexpertise
                           The yield on these bonds is                 payments along with potential for price                        in selecting bonds.
                           equal to that of standardUS                 appreciation are appealing, and expectations
                           government treasury bonds                   for a weaker dollar will benefit bonds issued
                           minus expected inflation.                   in their local currencies.

                                                          For Client Use
2021 Investment Outlook

 sustainability                           Finally, sustainability has taken a centre
                                          role for economies and corporations.
                                                                                               Investment portfolios should pursue
                                                                                               opportunities and protect against relevant
                                          With climate change, for instance, investors         downside risks that may become much
                                          need to prepare themselves for a transition          more central risk scenarios. We believe ESG
                                          to net-zero emissions across economies               analysis should only become a moreintegral
                                          faster than previously expected. This year’s         component of any investment strategy.
“Investment strategies                    acceleration of electric vehicle sales offersa
                                          glimpse at this transition gainingspeed.
 incorporating ESG are
 growing fast and now                     Examples of commonESG issues:

 account for over a
 quarter of professionally                    Environmental                                Social                  Governance
 managed assets globally.”
                                               Climate change impact                   Human rights                   Board structure

                                               Air and waterpollution                Consumer privacy              Company ownership

                                                Waste management                      Gender equality               Financial reporting

                                                  Energy efficiency                    Data security             Business ethics & culture

                                                   Water scarcity                     Health & safety                  Executive pay

                             For Client Use
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