The repercussions of the solar boom

Page created by Max Warren
The repercussions of the solar boom
Czech Republic

                                                                                                                                 In March, the incentive for
                                                                                                                                 utility-scale projects, such
                                                                                                                                 as the one shown in the
                                                                                                                                 picture, was abolished in
                                                                                                                                 the Czech Republic.
Country Special

                                                                                                                                                    Photo: Bisol

      The repercussions
        of the solar boom
           Until recently, the Czech Republic was regarded one of                               Freeze with consequences
           Europe’s most attractive PV markets. However, the                                    In an effort to temper the unexpected boom, the
                                                                                                Czech government decided to review the promotion
           repercussions of the sudden PV boom in the country are still                         of solar power in the country at the beginning of the
           felt by the sector today – and, for most part, they were                             year. The incentive was restricted to rooftop PV sys-
                                                                                                tems with a capacity lower than 30 kW. All other in-
           negative.                                                                            stallations of larger size are now no longer eligible for
                                                                                                a premium. Besides this, the tariff rates were drastic­

                                           he Czech Republic took its time before joining       ally reduced to a price of 0.30 €-ct/kWh. Further-
                                           the renewable energy market with a first incen-      more, the Czech Republic imposed a 26 % tax on so-
                                           tive scheme in 2005. But then the industry ai-       lar energy production that will be retroactively ap-
                                   med for the fast lane. In particular, the PV sector saw      plied for all systems connected between 2009 and
                                   an unexpected boom. With the introduction of an at-          the end of 2010. Although the Czech Republic enjoys
                                   tractive feed-in tariff, the installed PV capacities clim-   rather high solar radiation levels when compared to
                                   bed from 66 MW to 1,953 MW between 2008 and the              other European countries, the market quickly col-
                                   end of 2010. During the following years, the Czech           lapsed. “It’s a shame. But the PV market has virtually
                                   Republic developed into one of Europe’s most                 ended in January”, says Richard Bejlek, CEO of the
                                   ­lucrative markets. But the rush on the PV market led        Czech installer company SolarVolt. Even though the
                                    also to problems that affected not only the distribu­       former tariff was not completely abolished, “the pow-
                                    tion grid but also the energy providers and the public      er distribution companies stopped connecting new
                                    authorities. In February 2010, the policy-maker react­      PV and wind energy plants to their grids.” Bejlek es-
                                    ed with a temporary freeze on all RES projects to pre-      timates that about 200 MW were newly installed dur-
                                    vent blackouts due to erratic energy supplies. Instal-      ing the transition phase until March and that another
                                    lations not in operation by that time were put on hold      100 MW will follow in the course of the year 2011.
                                    – a rule that has remained unchanged for PV and                 The news of the solar tax led to heated protests in
                                    wind projects.                                              the PV sector and investors warned they would file a

                  40                                                                                                                Sun & Wind Energy 8/2011
The repercussions of the solar boom
complaint of unconstitutionality at the     Biogas sector gaining
 Supreme Court. In March, a group of
 Czech senators followed through with
 that threat, which means that the           Agriculture is a significant aspect of the
 courts will now have the final say. In      Czech Republic and has led to a large
 view of substantial losses due to the       biomass potential. According to the
 retroactive solar tax, however, the PV      Czech Biogas Association (CzBA), the
 operators will hardly be comforted. The     still moderate Czech market for biogas
 freeze is now scheduled for review in       systems will have grown five times as
 September. “According to the energy         large as today by 2020. “There has
 providers, it will be summer before the     been a strong interest after the biogas
 effects of solar energy on the distribu-    market was opened in 2007”, says
 tion grid become clear”, says Bejlek.       ­Hajo Schierhold, Head of Sales and
      In his opinion, the collapse of the     Marketing of WELtec BioPower. The
 market is not affecting the Czech            German expert for biogas systems be-
 ­Republic as a production location in a      lieves that the Czech Republic, Hunga-
  negative way. Kyocera, Schott Solar         ry and Latvia are some of the biggest
  and other local module manufacturers        markets in Eastern Europe. Five biogas
  produce with export rates of almost         plants are already in operation, anoth-
  100 %. Schott Solar, the country’s larg-    er twelve are currently under planning
                                                                                           Conference for the
  est module manufacturer with an annu-       or under construction.
                                                                                           International Pellets Market
  al production capacity of 300 MW,               Biogas is so far mostly used for the
  maintains a factory in the eastern          production of electricity. The majority
                                                                                           October 4–5, 2011
  Valašské Meziříčí. In 2005, the Japan-
                                                                                           International Congress Center
                                              of agricultural plants are based on the
 based company Kyocera established
                                                                                           Stuttgart (ICS), Germany
                                              fermentation of agro products such as
 its 150 MW module production in the          maize, silage or manure in plants for
 northern city of Kadaň. Solartec, which      decentralized heat and power produc-
is the largest domestic solar cell and        tion. “Biogas has gained in importance
module producer in the Czech Repub-           particularly in the agricultural sector as
lic, runs a 30 MW facility in Rožnov pod      an alternative to livestock farming”,
Radhoštěm. This means that the reper-         says Schierhold. Backed by subsidies
cussions of the crisis are mostly felt        from the Czech Ministry of Agriculture
elsewhere: “It is the installers who are      through the European structural funds,
now looking for work – if they have not       the construction of agricultural biogas
already turned towards Slovakia or            plants has now also become profitable
­Bulgaria”, says Bejlek.                      for mid-sized agricultural companies.         Gold Sponsor:

                                                                                            Silver Sponsors:

                                                                                            Bronze Sponsors:

Agriculture is an important aspect of the Czech Republic. Experts believe that the
market for biogas plants could grow by five times until the year 2020.
                                                                 Photo: Weltec Biopower


Sun & Wind Energy 8/2011
The repercussions of the solar boom
Country Special                                   Czech Republic

  Key figures for Czech Republic:                                 Since 2007, about 150 biogas                                       these wind projects often face resistance on the local
                                                                  systems have been built on the                                     level. In the last year, the newly installed capacities
   Area                           78,867 km2
                                                                  basis of the incentive. On aver-                                   barely outreached 23 MW – a collapse of 45 % com-
   Capital                        Prague                          age, the EU subsidies cover up to                                  pared to the year 2009. At the end of 2010, the total
                                                                  CZK 17.8 million (€ 77,000) of                                     installed wind capacity arrived at about 215 MW.
   Population                     10,190,200 (2011e)              the investment sum. In addition,                                       With an annual projected growth of 50 MW, the
   GDP per capita                 US$ 25,600 (2010e)              the Czech Republic offers a fixed                                  National Renewable Energy Action Plan would in
                                                                  feed-in tariff over a period of 20                                 theo­ry provide sufficient opportunities for the devel-
   Global radiation               1,000 – 2,500 kWh/(m2a)
                                                                  years. The tariffs ranges at about                                 opment of wind projects in the country. The current
                                  coal: 43 %                      17 €-ct/kWh for agricultural and                                   targets envisage a total installed capacity of 743 MW
                                  petroleum: 21 %                 at about 14 €-ct/kWh for indus-                                    by the year 2020. “The problem is that the plan by it-
                                  natural gas: 16 %
   Primary energy sources
                                  nuclear power: 15 %
                                                                  trial and communal biogas                                          self is not enough”, says Pavla Cinková at the Czech
                                  renewables: 3 %                 plants. Selling biogas to the en-                                  Wind Energy Association (CSVE). In her opinion, the
                                  others: 2 %                     ergy providers is not yet profita-                                 Czech wind sector is in need of further institutional
   Installed capacities                                           ble as financial incentives are not                                measures – first of all a simplification of the licensing
   PV:                            1,953 MW (2010)                 offered. The freeze on new re-                                     processes. “Since 2008, the bar for obtaining license
   Solar thermal:                 147,854 m²
   Wind:                          215 MW (2010)                   newable energy projects is also                                    has been drastically raised”, says Cinková. “The
                                                                  felt in the biogas sector. “About                                  projects have become smaller and often concern ­only
  Source: National institutions                                   50 % of the projects currently un-                                one or two turbines.” There is also a need for a change
                                               der planning are on hold. They are either lacking a                                  of attitude on the level of local administration, says
                                               connection agreement with the grid operators or a                                    the wind expert. “Especially, the municipalities are
                                               construction permit from the local authorities”, says                                often in the way of new projects. They put forth
                                               Schierhold of Weltec.                                                                ­development plans that make the construction of
                                                                                                                                     wind farms impossible”, says Cinková.
                                            Wind sector faced with protests                                                              So far, the domestic manufacturers act widely
                                                                                                                                     unaffected by the crisis. This is illustrated by a sub-
                                            In contrast, the wind energy potential is still rather                                   sidiary of the Germany-based Schaaf Industrie AG,
                                            small in the Czech Republic. Suitable locations for the                                  which is headquartered in Chrudim and produces
                                            construction of wind turbines are only found in the                                      towers and component parts for the wind industry.
                                            Ore Mountains or in southern Moravia. What is more,                                      Another important domestic manufacturer is Wikov,
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The repercussions of the solar boom
a ­producer of gear boxes and meanwhile also for
   2 MW wind turbines.

   Solar thermal: uncertain future
   In April 2009, the Czech government launched its
   Green Light to Savings (“Zelená úsporám”) pro-
   gramme for the promotion of energy efficiency
   measures in buildings and eco-friendly heating sys-
   tems such as solar thermal and biomass furnaces.
   Up to 65 % of the total investment sum for a solar
   thermal system can be claimed through the incen-
   tive, which significantly increased the interest of
   home owners and other smaller investors. In the
   weeks before the programme was scheduled to
   phase out in October 2010, the Ministry of the Envi-
   ronment received more than 10,000 applications –
   far more than initially expected. In consequence,
   the programme was put on hold and not prolonged
   in February 2011. Experts doubt that it will be re-                                                                               The Czech government aims
   peated in its original form.                                  SolarVolt. His sober conclusion: “We will first have to             at installing a total wind
        It is this lack of planning security on the political    vote the policy-makers out of office before we will be              capacity of 743 MW by the
   level that is frequently criticised in the Czech ­Republic.   able to move on.”                                                   year 2020. But the target
   It is also widely believed that the lack of political will                                                        Rouben Bathke   alone will not do the job, say
   in the area of renewable energy is due to the close           Further information:                                                industry representatives.
   ties between the political leadership and the energy          Czech Biogas Association (CZBA):                                           Photo: Ecoenerg
                                                                 Czech Wind Energy Association (CSVE):
   providers. “Unfortunately, the political will to foster       Green Savings programme (Zelena Usporam):
   the promotion of renewable energy is currently miss-
   ing. The current government is meeting the coal and           Solartec:
                                                                 Weltec Biopower:
   nuclear power lobby half way”, says Richard Bejlek of         Wikov Wind:

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The repercussions of the solar boom The repercussions of the solar boom The repercussions of the solar boom
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