THE PROGRAMME JUNE - JULY 2019 - and lots more! - German YMCA in London

THE PROGRAMME JUNE - JULY 2019 - and lots more! - German YMCA in London

JUNE - JULY 2019

                                  Community Fayre
                             Schubert’s Deutsche Messe
                               Peter’s Music: Tea Dance
                     Peter’s Music Live: Dixie Ticklers Jazz Band
                         Hampton Court Palace Margate
                                   and lots more!
THE PROGRAMME JUNE - JULY 2019 - and lots more! - German YMCA in London
2   About Us

What is the German YMCA in London?                    Who can take part in our programmes?
Founded in 1860, the Association is one of            We are a Christian movement and stand for
the oldest YMCAs in London and has been               respect and freedom for all, tolerance and
part of the English YMCA movement since               understanding between people of different
that time. We are also one of the largest             faiths, opinions and race.
charities with German roots operating in              We welcome people of different Christian
England and support the German-speaking               traditions, those of other faiths and those of
and local community in a variety of ways,             none.
from organised events and programmes,                 Although, because of our Association’s
assistance to individuals in crisis situations,       heritage, the name contains “German”, “Young”
to material and practical support for other           and “Men”, we welcome anyone of any age and
organisations.                                        nationality, male and female. Our doors are
On the following pages you will find details          open to all, members and non-members alike.
of our regular programmes and events:
our Parent-Toddler group, the au pair                 What other services do we offer?
Tea Morning, the Anglo-German Circle,                 Through our Youth Secretaries and the
Schubertiade Concerts, trips and visits, and          Programme Secretary (who is also the
much more.                                            Association’s Chaplain) we aim to give advice
Our home has been in the Lancaster Gate,              to individuals, to those in crisis situations
Bayswater area north of Hyde Park in central          and those just in need of general advice. We
London since 1959. Here, in Craven Terrace,           also offer an au pair placement service in
is our Association’s centre and the Lancaster         cooperation with IN VIA and the VIJ in Germany.
Hall Hotel. The hotel was opened in 1973              We try to create a network of people who,
by the German YMCA and offers both the                through direct contact with each other, are
tourist and business traveller an ideal base          able to support one another on an ongoing
in central London at affordable prices.               basis outside the activities in our centre.

Contents                                     Accessibility Statement
About Us / Accessibility Statement    2      Please note that our programmes take place in
                                             various rooms, including the Brothers Room. The
Regular Programme:                           Brothers Room is not suitable for those who rely
for young adults                      4      exclusively on a wheelchair for access. If you rely on
or young families                     5      a wheelchair for access please contact Udo Bauer on
General Programme:                           020 7723 5684 to discuss what suitable arrangements
for young adults                      6      can be made.
for everyone                          8
News                                 10
                                             Published by:
Text For The Month                   12
                                             German Young Men’s Christian Association
Organisations/Churches               14      Editorial Team:
                                             Uwe Maynard, Alice Melsheimer, Udo Bauer, Rachel Shilson, Barbara von Alten
Services & Contacts                  15      Designed by Richard Thurston
Accommodation & Map                  16      © 2019
THE PROGRAMME JUNE - JULY 2019 - and lots more! - German YMCA in London
                                             DEUTSCHE MESSE
                                             Sunday 9th June - 10:30

                                             IN MEMORY OF JOHN GRANGE
                                             at St James’s Church

         Wednesday 10th July, 14:00
     Dixie Ticklers Jazz Band


           14:00                  Live Concert
                                  Thursday 20th June, 19:00
     Peter’s Music
                                  Alexander /
       Tea                        Robinson Duo
      Dance                       (Jazz guitars)

                FAITH TALK                                  P9

Thursday 4th July, 19:00 The Methodist Church                          Saturday
                                                                       15th June

                                Saturday 22nd June, 11:00
THE PROGRAMME JUNE - JULY 2019 - and lots more! - German YMCA in London
4   Regular Programme: for young adults

            Jeden Donnerstag treffen sich
Tea Morning
            Au Pairs zum Tea Morning
            in unserer Youth Lounge, 31
            Craven Terrace.
            Bei Tee, Kaffee und Keksen
            könnt ihr Kolleginnen oder
            Kollegen kennenlernen, euch
            unterhalten und Erfahrungen
            Hier könnt ihr Pläne zur
            Erforschung Londons
            schmieden. Infos haben wir

            AB 10:30

                                        Whether you are an au pair, student, volunteer or
                                       young employee, we would like to invite you to get
                                      together, exchange work and life experiences, as well
                                                  as going out and having fun...

   For everybody up to the age of 30 who spends some time in and around London.
                         Call 020 3238 2197 for more details
THE PROGRAMME JUNE - JULY 2019 - and lots more! - German YMCA in London
for young families                                                                               5

      Mütter und Väter mit kleinen Kindern (0-3 Jahre) treffen sich jeden Mittwoch beim
       deutschsprachigen “Struwwelpeter”, der Eltern-Kind-Gruppe im German YMCA.
Während die Kinder erste Kontakte zu Gleichaltrigen aufnehmen und ihr Umfeld erkunden,
haben die Eltern Gelegenheit, es sich bei einer Tasse Kaffee gemütlich zu machen und sich
                   auszutauschen. Eine kleine Spende ist willkommen.

                                            jeden Mittwoch,
                                              10:00 - 12:00

Deutscher After School Club
Mit der Bimmelbahn geht es zu verschiedenen
Zielen: zum Picknick auf die Wiese, an den
See, in den Zoo, auf den Bauernhof und vieles
mehr. Dazu gibt es passende Bastelangebote,
Kinderlieder und eine Spielecke.
für Kinder ab 3 Jahren in Begleitung von
Erziehungsberechtigten – kleinere Geschwister
können nach Absprache mitgebracht werden
Wann: jeweils am 1. und 3. Donnerstag des
Monats, nicht in den Schulferien.
Ort: German YMCA, Lancaster
Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace,
London W2 3EL, im Brothers’
Room                                                                 Bei Interesse bitte anmelden.
                                                                      Weitere Informationen bei
Zeit: 16.00 – 17.30 Uhr                                               Barbara oder Rachel unter:
                                                                    Tel: 020 323 82197 oder e-mail:
Kosten: empfohlene Spende £3                             
6   General Programme: for young people

                                                   Tipp: Sa 8.6.
                                                   The Queen’s Birthday Parade
                                                   Jedes Jahr halten die Royal Guards eine
                                                   große, spektakuläre Parade ab zu Ehren des
                                                   Geburtstages der Queen, mit viel Musik
                                                   und allem Drum und Dran. An den beiden
                                                   Samstagen vorher gibt es ‚Probe-Paraden‘, die
                                                   auch sehr sehenswert sind. Der Überflug der
                                                   Royal Air Force mit den National Farben ist am
                                                   8.6. um 13 Uhr zu sehen. Weitere Informationen
                                                   unter anderem unter: http://changing-guard.

                              Tu 18.6.         Woman in Black                                  20:00
                              Susan Hill’s acclaimed ghost story comes dramatically alive
                              in Stephen Mallatratt’s ingenious stage adaptation. A lawyer
                              obsessed with a curse that he believes has been cast over him and
                              his family by the spectre of a Woman in Black, engages a sceptical
                              young actor to help him tell his terrifying story and exorcise the
                              fear that grips his soul. It all begins innocently enough, but then, as
                              they reach further into his darkest memories, they find themselves
                              caught up in a world of eerie marshes and moaning winds.
                              Booking: open Price: £27.50
                              Where: Fortune Theatre, Russell St, London WC2B 5HH

Tip: Sa 22.6. Street Party in Craven Terrace                                           11:00 – 16:00
Come and have fun at our Street Party with lots of food, drink and special entertainment. Bouncy
castle, arts and crafts, storytelling, farm animals and more for the kids. Bring your host family!
Meeting Point: 35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL

So 23.6.       Goodbye Picnic Hyde Park                                                  14:00
Although this may not be the last weekend for most of us, let’s have a picnic close to the end
of our time abroad. While sharing some delicious food, drinks and cake we can talk about our
experiences in London and what we enjoyed the most.
Booking: now open           Price: Bring some food or drink to share
Meeting Point: The Pavilion, Italian Gardens, near entrance Lancaster Gate Station

Sa 29.6.      Unseen Tour: London Bridge                                                  12:00
Do you think you know the area around London Bridge very well after living here for 9 months?
Our homeless Tour guide David, who has lived his whole life in London, will show us hidden areas
and lesser known streets around London Bridge.
Booking: until 19.06        Price: £15
Meeting Point: Corner Joiner Street and Tooley Street at London Bridge Station SE1.

Sa 6.7.        Afternoon Tea mit Auswertung                                          13:30
Au Pair in London – eine Zeit mit sicher vielen Höhen und Tiefen. Wurden eure Erwartungen
erfüllt und was werdet ihr mitnehmen? Habt ihr Empfehlungen an uns und eure Nachfolger/
innen? Wir würden uns freuen, viele von euch zu sehen. Wie könnte so eine Auswertung besser
vor sich gehen als bei einem richtigen englischen Afternoon Tea?
Ausserdem: Verleihung der Dare-to-Differ Zertifikate
Anmeldung: verbindlich bis Di 2.7. Kosten für alle: £3
Treffpunkt: Lancaster Hall Hotel, 35 Craven Terrace, W2

Th 11.7.        Shakespeare’s Midsummer Night‘s Dream                  19:45
Shakespeare’s magnificent comedy of love, mishap, mischief and intrigue set in
the open air theatre of the Regents Park.
Hermia loves Lysander and Helena loves Demetrius – but Demetrius is supposed
to be marrying Hermia… When the Duke of Athens tries to enforce the marriage,
the lovers take refuge in the woods and wander into the midst of a dispute
between the king and queen of the fairies.
Don’t forget to bring a Picknick and enjoy the park before the show!
Booking: now open,            Price: £ 30
Meeting point: Regents Park Open Air Theatre, NW1 4NU

Sa 13.7.         Hampton Court Palace              11:15
Inmitten einer prächtigen Gartenanlage komplett
mit Irrgarten liegt Hampton Court, einer der grossen
Paläste Englands. Taucht ein in die Welt der Tudors,
begegnet den ‚Höflingen‘ Heinrichs VIII in seinen
Staatsgemächern, hört Hofklatsch, besichtigt die
riesige Tudor-Küche, in der zweimal täglich mehr als
600 Mahlzeiten zubereitet wurden – ohne moderne
Hilfsmittel. Dies sind nur einige der Höhepunkte. Audio-
Guide und höfischer Umhang sind im Preis inbegriffen.
Anmeldung: bis So 8.7.
Kosten: £19 (inkl. Audio-Guide)
Treffpunkt: Ausgang Hampton Court Train Station
(Zone 6)

Goodbye – Auf Wiedersehn!
All unseren Au Pairs, die in den nächsten Wochen London verlassen, wünschen wir einen guten
Neustart in Deutschland, alles Gute auf eurem weiteren Weg und dass ihr gern auf ihre Au Pair
Zeit in London zurückschaut. Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch!
8   General Programme: for everyone

Th 6.6.    Anglo German Circle: 175 Years YMCA                                         19:00
                              It began at the "end of the world" - 175 Years YMCAs
                              Worldwide. Birthday party with a talk, cake and candles.
So 9.6.    Schubert’s Deutsche Messe in memory of John Grange                           10:30
		         Service at our local church St James Paddington where we
		         remember our member John Grange while Schubert’s Deutsche
		         Messe is sung (see also News page 11).
Tu 11.6. Film Club: Einmal Hans mit scharfer Soße                                       14:00
		       Multikultikomödie: Eine junge Türkin in sucht dringend einen
		       Mann, damit ihre jüngere Schwester heiraten darf (no subtitles).
We 12.6.   Lunch: Fish & Chips                                                          12:45
		         2 courses £8 (before 7.6. £1 less)
		         Peter’s Music Film: Second Chorus                                            14:00
		         Musical with Fred Astaire as trumpet player in Artie Shaw’s Band.
Th 13.6. Anglo-German Circle: Glimpses of Israel & Jordan                               19:00
		 Maria Lohre tells of her journey and shows photos.
Sa 15.6. Day Trip to Margate                                                            09:00
		       To the seaside by coach from our hotel; members £14, guests £17
Su 16.6. Gottesdienst in Reading                                                        16:30
		       Chaplain Udo Bauer, St Andrew’s Church, London Road, RG1 5BD
Mo 17.6. Skattreffen                                                                    19:00
		       Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Councils. £5 Mindestspende.

                                                                      Tu 18.6.           14:00
                                                                      Film Club:
                                                                      Christopher Robin
                                                                      Winnie the Pooh helps
                                                                      grown up Christopher
                                                                      Robin to laugh again.

Th 20.6. Anglo-German Circle: Alexander/Robinson Guitar Duo                             19:00
		       Charles Alexander and Andy Robinson perform live Jazz standards.
Sa 22.6. Craven Terrace Community Fayre                                          11:00 - 16:00
		       Craven Terrace will celebrate a party and we make it our
		       Sommerfest with Bratwurst, music and entertainment as well.
We 26.6. Peter’s Music Tea Dance                                                        14:00
		       We try our feet at the Quadrille and enjoy a cup of tea!
Th 27.6. 			        19:00
                                                                   Anglo-German Circle:
                                                                   Pearly Kings & Queens
                                                                   Frank Knight looks at the
                                                                   history of this London

Tu 2.7.   Film Club: Petra – Schönheit im Felsmassiv                                    14:00
		        Dokumentarfilm zur historischen Stadt an der Karawanenstrasse.
Th 4.7.   Anglo-German Circle: Faith Talk – Methodism                                   19:00
		        Rev Cameron Kirkwood speaks about his Church and its roots.
Sa 6.7.   Heidi’s BBQ                                                                   14:30
		        Heidi Corbridge invites us to her garden in Ealing.
		        Please book by 27.6..; £7 for supplies.

                                       We 10.7. 14:00
                                     Peter’s Music Live:
                                        Dixie Ticklers
                                    Traditional Jazz with a
                                    contemporary touch.

Th 11.7. Anglo-German Circle: What is eating the British Museum?                        19:00
		       Adrian Doyle talks of his work conserving the collection.
Tu 16.7. Film Club: Gold Rush                                                           14:00
		       Charlie Chaplin is a poor prospector in Alaska. Classic comedy.
Th 18.7. Anglo-German Circle: Deutschland Saga                                          19:00
		       Geschichtsprofessor Christopher Clark betrachtet die deutsche
		       Geschichte mit der Frage „Wonach wir suchen“ (Video).
We 24.7. Skattreffen                                                                    19:00
		       Skat zugunsten des German Welfare Councils. £5 Mindestspende.
Th 25.7. Anglo-German Circle: Bye bye Jakob & Julian                                    19:00
		       Ending the season with a farewell to volunteers Jakob Fischer and Julian Kastner.

             Every Wednesday Peter’s Music
 Wednesday 12th June, 14:00       Wednesday 26th June, 14:00       Wednesday 10th July, 14:00
FILM SECOND CHORUS                       TEA DANCE                 LIVE DIXIE TICKLERS
Hyde Park Village Nursery, with logistical
                      support from Lancaster Hall Hotel,
                         with sponsorship and support
                              from local business

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                               f St M
                      Friends o
                r The
         unds fo arities
                       llam - 4pm
     ng F     l Ch
Raisi her Loca
               Saturday 22nd June
Nursery Open Day    St James' & St John School Open Day
     Face Painting    Street Drawing     Live music
    Bouncy Castle     Traditional Fairground Games
   Petting Zoo    Photo Booth Stand      Story Telling
       The Book People     Children's Entertainer
BBQ & Outside Bar by the Mitre Pub      German Sausages
                   and much more...

Zum Geburtstag wünschen wir von Herzen Gottes Segen:
im Juni Magdalene Ampofo, Evelyn Cantor, Lynette Coles, Elisa Conzelmann, Helga Deshaw,
Winfried Fischer, Hedy Glitz, Anita Haniff, Jane Harriott, Joseph Hillman, Luke Keighley, June
King, Ernest Kolman, Anita Lönberg, Dieter Losse, Marion Mainz, Justine Malo, Manuela
Massaro, Hildegard Miskinis, Ursula Paish, Patsy Pearce, Joy Prütting, Beate Schmolinski,
Gerda Schroeder, Christine Seth, Hans Jürgen Speck, Martin Tinsley und Helga Torma’sy.
im Juli Elizabeth Brown, Käthe Cameron, Jörg Conzelmann, Adrian Doyle, Maxine Etkin,
Liljana Georgijevic, Peter Jennings, Elaine Johnson, Monica Kayser, Manfred Kiefner, Beth
Knight, Hope Liebersohn, John Mendes, Birgit Myhill, Ingeborg Robinson, Margaret Seager,
Kashmira Tawade, Johanna Vogel und Ingrid Wolf.
Happy Birthday to you all, Uwe Maynard

Schubert’s Deutsche Messe for John Grange
Last year after John Grange passed away we received a very generous donation from his widow
Helga. We thought it fitting to show our appreciation with a mass, John having valued his faith very
much. He was also a member of the Schubert Society and Helga is German. So German church
music seemed most fitting. He was a medical doctor and research professor, so at the end we will
collect for the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital. Do come to remember him before God, celebrate the
service with the music and enjoy refreshments afterwards.

Cake for the Homeless
In May we had another cake sale to raise funds for The Connection at St Martin which resulted in
£160 for the good cause. Thanks to all involved!

Monastery Weekend
A group of ten went to the Benedictine monastery at Turvey
near Bedford. Many had been before and a few experienced
it for the first time. All enjoyed it very much. The time away
from busy London and the friendly welcome by the monks
is always a tonic. We returned refreshed in body and spirit.

Farewell Jakob and Julian
Time flies. Our volunteers will leave at the end of this season, taking lots of experiences and
impressions home. We say thank you for their support with so many activities such as Struwwelpeter,
After School Club, LoCo, Tea Morning and at the General Programme as well as home visits and
helping other charities. We wish them good luck and God’s blessing for the future!

                               Voices in Harmony
                               Voices in Harmony’s March show Show Songs raised £530 for The
                               Caxton Youth Centre, a local charity for people with learning disabilities.
                               Many thanks to singers and audience for their contributions!

Conversation & Culture Classes:
Monday (Half-term 27.5.)                              Tuesday (Half-term 28.5.)
German (advanced)                            10:00    German (intermediary plus)                    12:30
Italian (lower intermediary)                 12:30    German (beginners plus)                       15:00
German (beginners)                           12:30    German (beginners plus)                       18:00
12 Text For The Month

June 2019                                            in the beginning and turn sweet later when it
                                                     heals the problem.
Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to
the soul and healing to the bones.                   The words that go down like the sweetest
                              Proverbs 16.24         honey are arguable ‘I love you’. For that reason
                                                     literature, theatre, songs and films concentrate
Words, words, words … What about action? It          heavily on them.
is good to do something, given that particular
something is good. Some things never get             So far this was all more or less common sense
changed with words alone. If my child does           for thoughtful words. And there is also a
not react to my words I need to do something         spiritual dimension, which has to do with love,
about it. A promise or a threat of some action       too. To people of faith God says ‘I love you’ in all
might help. If not, these words have to be           creation and in his word. In Genesis he speaks
implemented. In that case actions speak louder       ‘Let there be …’ and it is – for us. John’s Gospel
than words.                                          points it out, too: ‘In the beginning was the
                                                     Word, and the Word was with God, and the
But our text has another focus on words.             Word was God’ (John 1.1). In the Torah God
It speaks of gracious words, not orders or           speaks to us ‘Love the Lord your God with all
demands, nor lectures or long explanations,          your heart and with all your soul and with all
but something that sounds positive, friendly.        your strength’ (Deuteronomy 6.5) and ‘Love
A gracious word is something kind and warm-          your neighbour as yourself’ (Leviticus 19.18).
hearted.                                             In Jesus Christ these commandments are
It may start with greetings. If someone says         confirmed. And God’s love for us is also made
‘Hello’ or ‘Good morning’ that is already much       clear: ‘For God so loved the world that he gave
nicer than just breezing into the room without       his one and only Son’ (John 3.16). God and his
a word. We all want to be acknowledged that          word speak of love.
we exist. Ignoring can sometimes feel worse          Now, what about the healing? If there is
than being insulted. Silence has its merits in       tension between family members, neighbours
the right place and time, but not when you           or colleagues, careful use of words can avoid
meet someone. Having said that, a smile or           it growing and they can even reduce the
friendly gesture might count as a very gracious      strain. Gracious words can heal the rift. They
word in the right circumstance.                      can indicate forgiveness, sometimes without
Another considerate word might be any kind           directly stating this. Though actually expressing
of polite talk over the garden fence. ‘Lovely        the forgiveness in direct words might be even
weather, isn’t it?’ If we know each other it might   more healing. I heard of a case of financial debt
be good to ask questions that take an interest       that was literally crippling, paralysing. The man
without intruding. ‘How was the holiday?’            in question could hardly get out of bed in the
Some such words need silence afterwards to           morning. When he was helped to become debt
give our friend room to answer, which makes          free, he suddenly also found himself walking
the words of the question sweeter and more           freely again. The message that his burden had
valuable to our conversation partner. ‘I’m sorry     been lifted was literally healing his bones and
to hear your mother died’ can’t go straight into     muscles that they worked properly again.
another subject without taking a breath and          In Christ God wants to make us all debt free
giving the chance to answer something.               before him. Jesus took our burden, our strained
Honest compliments and praise are another            relation with God to the cross and suffered
sort of gracious words. Who wouldn’t like to         himself in our place, so we would be liberated
hear those? ‘Well done!’ goes down so much           from having to find ways of setting our relation
better than criticism, insults and swearwords.       with God right again. By resurrecting Christ
Though among friends it might be occasionally        God showed us that he doesn’t want our death
right to tactfully point out an unpleasant truth,    but our love. In the risen Christ we can see that
if that helps to better it. That may taste bitter    we are forgiven whatever separated us from
                                                     the Father. If we cold grasp this (with God’s

help) we will be freed to serve him happily and   beiden geholfen. Denn wenn die Worte mit
without fear.                                     den Emotionen davonlaufen, lassen sie sich
                                                  nicht wieder einfangen. Was einmal gesagt
                                                  ist, läßt sich nicht ungesagt machen, wenn
                                                  sich die Stimmung wieder beruhigt hat. Der
                                                  Jakobusbrief ist sich dessen sehr bewußt (1,2-
                                                  Denn wir fehlen alle mannigfaltig. Wer
                                                  aber auch in keinem Wort fehlt, der ist ein
                                                  vollkommener Mann und kann auch den
                                                  ganzen Leib im Zaum halten. Siehe, die Pferde
                                                  halten wir in Zäumen, dass sie uns gehorchen,
                                                  und wir lenken ihren ganzen Leib. Siehe, die
                                                  Schiffe, ob sie wohl so groß sind und von
In 1934 the theologian Karl Barth helped to       starken Winden getrieben werden, werden sie
formulate a short sentence that states God’s      doch gelenkt mit einem kleinen Ruder, wo der
most gracious and healing word: Jesus Christ      hin will, der es regiert. Also ist auch die Zunge
is the one word of God.                           ein kleines Glied und richtet große Dinge an.
                                                  Siehe, ein kleines Feuer, welch einen Wald
                                                  zündet's an!
Juli 2019                                         Und die Zunge ist auch ein Feuer, eine Welt
Ein jeder Mensch sei schnell zum Hören,           voll Ungerechtigkeit. Also ist die Zunge unter
langsam zum Reden, langsam zum Zorn.              unsern Gliedern und befleckt den ganzen Leib
                             Jakobus 1,19         und zündet an allen unsern Wandel, wenn sie
                                                  von der Hölle entzündet ist. Denn alle Natur
Dies ist ein guter Rat, damit die Worte süß und   der Tiere und der Vögel und der Schlangen
gut bleiben (entsprechend dem Junitext) und       und der Meerwunder wird gezähmt und ist
es keine Entgleisung gibt.                        gezähmt von der menschlichen Natur; aber
Wir fühlen uns immer mal wieder von anderen       die Zunge kann kein Mensch zähmen, das
angegriffen. Der Andere hat z.B. etwas gegen      unruhige Übel, voll tödlichen Giftes.
meine politische oder religiöse Überzeugung.      Durch sie loben wir Gott, den Vater, und durch
Was er sagt, klingt für mich beleidigend. Da      sie fluchen wir den Menschen, die nach dem
kann einem schnell die Galle hochkommen           Bilde Gottes gemacht sind. Aus einem Munde
– muß es aber nicht. Sei … langsam zum            geht Loben und Fluchen. Es soll nicht, liebe
Zorn. Also sollte man in so einem Fall erstmal    Brüder, also sein. … Denn wo Neid und Zank
durchatmen, einen Schritt zurücktreten und        ist, da ist Unordnung und eitel böses Ding.
einen Perspektivwechsel versuchen. Dann           Die Weisheit von obenher ist auf's erste
kann man nochmal nachfragen, ob man das           keusch, darnach friedsam, gelinde, läßt sich
richtig verstanden hat und gut zuhören. Was       sagen, voll Barmherzigkeit und guter Früchte,
hat mein Gegenüber wirklich gesagt? Habe ich      unparteiisch, ohne Heuchelei. Die Frucht aber
ihn beim ersten Mal richtig verstanden?           der Gerechtigkeit wird gesät im Frieden denen,
                                                  die den Frieden halten.
In vielen Fällen kann man Mißverständnisse
aufklären und sich manchen Ärger ersparen.        Hoffentlich erinnere ich mich daran, wenn mir
Selbst wenn der Andere mich tatsächlich           das nächste Mal der Hut hochgeht.
aufregen will – muß ich ihm den Gefallen          Ein jeder Mensch sei schnell zum Hören,
tun und mich von ihm reizen lassen? Wenn          langsam zum Reden, langsam zum Zorn.
ich es schaffe, nicht sofort verärgert dagegen
anzureden, vermeide ich vielleicht eine           So help me God!
Konfrontation und Eskalation. Damit wäre uns      Udo Bauer
German-Speaking Organisations               German-Speaking Churches, London
Austrian Cultural Forum London              Evangelische Gemeinde Petersham
28 Rutland Gate, London SW7 1PQ             St Andrew’s
Tel: 020 7225 7300,       Church Road, Petersham TW10 5HG
                                            Tel: 020 8876 6366
Deutscher Akademischer Austausch  
Dienst (DAAD)                               Gottesdienst jeden 2. und 4. Sonntag im
1 Southampton Place, London WC1A 2DA        Monat 16:30 Uhr
Tel: 020 7831 9511,
                                            Katholische Gemeinde Whitechapel
Deutsche Botschaft                          St. Bonifatius
23 Belgrave Square, London SW1X 8PZ         47 Adler St., London E1 1EE
Tel: 020 7824 1300,     Tel: 020 7247 9529
German Historical Institute                 Gottesdienst jeden 2., 4., 5. Sonntag im
17 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2NJ       Monat 11 Uhr. 1. und 3. Sonntag am
Tel: 020 7309 2050,          Vorabend-Samstag 17 Uhr

German Saturday School Central London       Katholische Gemeinde Petersham
2 Rowington Close, W2 5TF                   St Thomas Aquinas
Tel. 07542 733 974                          Ham Street, Ham, Richmond TW10 7HT                 Tel: 020 8332 1036
German School London                        Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11:30 Uhr
Douglas House, Petersham Road, Richmond,
                                            Evangelische Christuskirche
Surrey TW10 7AH
                                            19 Montpelier Pl., London SW7 1HL
Tel: 020 8940 2510,
                                            Tel: 020 8876 6366
German Welfare Council            
35 Craven Terrace, London W2 3EL            Gottesdienst jeden Sonntag 11 Uhr
Tel: 020 7262 2463,   Evangelische Dietrich-Bonhoeffer-Kirche
                                            50 Dacres Rd., Forest Hill, London SE23 2NR
Goethe Institut
                                            Tel: 020 7794 4207
50 Princes Gate, Exhibition Road, 
London SW7 2PH, Tel: 020 7596 4000          Gottesdienst jeden 2. Sonntag im Monat                        15:30 Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 10:30 Uhr
Hostel for young women                      Evangelische St. Marien-Kirche
Lioba House, 42-44 Exeter Road,             10 Sandwich St., London WC1 9PL
London NW2 4SB, Tel: 020 8438 9628          Tel: 020 7794 4207  
                                            Gottesdienst jeden 2., 3. Sonntag im Monat
Österreichische Botschaft                   11Uhr und 4. Sonntag im Monat 15 Uhr
18 Belgrave Mews West, London SW1X 8HU
Tel: 020 7344 3250,   Swiss Connection, Swiss Church
                                            79 Endell St., London WC2H 9DY
Schweizer Botschaft                         Tel: 020 7836 1418
16-18 Montagu Place, London W1H 2BQ
Tel: 020 7616 6000,                         Gottesdienst jeden 1., 3. Sonntag im Monat                     11Uhr
Services and Contacts                                                                      15

Au Pair Services
The German YMCA offers an au pair placement              Chief Executive:
service in co-operation with the IN VIA and VIJ          Uwe Maynard
associations in Germany. To find the right family for    Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 9276
the right au pair and vice versa is one of our aims.
To facilitate exchange between cultures is another.      Programme Manager:
With our programmes, which include social-cultural
events especially addressed to au pairs, we aim to       Alice Melsheimer
give a broad experience of country, history and          Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195
culture. We also offer the intercultural qualification
course “Dare to Differ”.
Telephone Contact                                        Chaplain & Prog. Secretary:
With the support of the trustees of the former           Udo Bauer
German Old People’s Home “Homelands” we have a
project for anybody who is a native German speaker       Programme Office:
and lives in the UK. If you can not meet other           Tel: +44 (0)20 7723 5684
German speakers in person this is an opportunity
to talk to someone in your language. For further
information please phone our office and we will
put you in contact with Ursula Mitchell.                 Youth Secretaries:
                                                         Rachel Shilson
Volunteer Placement Services                             Barbara von Alten
In co-operation with other organisations we offer
young people the opportunity to volunteer abroad
for a period of three to twelve months. Project          Youth Office:
themes could include: youth, sport, culture, social      Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197
care, environment. Our aim is to provide young 
people with an intercultural learning experience
and to encourage social integration. For further         Au Pair Services:
information, or if your organisation would like to       Tel: +44 (0)20 3238 2197
host a volunteer, please contact Alice Melsheimer
by phone or e-mail.                            

Office Hours                                             Volunteer Placement Secretary:
The office is open from Monday to Friday 9am -
                                                         Alice Melsheimer
12 and 1 - 5pm. In case of an emergency please
contact the duty manager of the Lancaster Hall
Hotel on 020 7723 9276.                                  Volunteer Placement Services:
                                                         Tel: +44 (0)20 3287 8195
Programme Booking                              
If you would like to take part in our activities you
can book in person, by telephone or e-mail.
                                                         Volunteers (on placement):
                                                         Jakob Fischer
The German YMCA is a Christian movement which            Julian Kastner
welcomes people regardless of their gender, age,
religion or ethnic background.
German YMCA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         35 Craven Terrace
                                                                                      Founded in London 1860                                                                               Reg. Charity No. 250118       W2 3EL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Hotel Rooms
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Youth Wing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Conference Facilities

TO BOOK                                                +44 (0)20 7723 9276                                                                                                              

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Main Entrance and Reception:
                                                                                                                ST. MARY'S
                                                                                                                HOSPITAL                                       E
                                                                                                                                                                   T                                                                  Lancaster Hall Hotel
                                                                                                                                                       R                                                                                35 Craven Terrace
                                    PADDINGTON                                                                                                 S
                                      STATION                                                                                          D

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Offices and Youth Lounge:




                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              31 Craven Terrace





                                                                                                                    PADDINGTON                                                 E

                                                                                                                    UNDERGROUND                                            D









                                                                            D                                                              S


                                                                                                                                       U                                                                                                      MARBLE ARCH


















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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MARBLE ARCH


                                                                                      L A NC A S T E R T E

        VE                                                                                                                                                                                                           A D
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 R O

 CR                                                                                                             LANCASTER GATE                                                                           T E

                                                                                                                UNDERGROUND                                                                          W A

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Y S
                                                                                                                                                                                             B A

                                                                                                                                                                                                            HYDE PARK

                                                   G ATE
                                         TE R
                                  C AS

                           L AN

                                                                                                                    THE FOUNTAINS

                                  KENSINGTON                                                                         THE SERPENTINE

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