The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs

Page created by Josephine Lucas
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
The power to
      transform your
      A guide to implementing FYI

FYI Onboarding guide                1
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
                                        “We have been
                                         using FYI for a week,
      Introduction                 3
                                         and the time saved
      Transforming your practice   4

      The onboarding process       7
                                         already outweighs
      Creating your project team   9     the initial costs.”
      Discovery                    10

      Migration                    11   REBECCA REABURN – TOOHEY REID

      Configuration                14

      Training                     15

      Help when you need it        17

      Your questions answered      18

FYI Onboarding guide                                                    2
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
                                                         “The transition from
                                                          MYOB AE to FYI was
      Moving to the cloud with FYI                        seamless, and the
      - made easy
      Changing your document management system            FYI team walked us
      may seem like a difficult undertaking – but it
      doesn’t have to be.                                 through every step.”
      This handy guide covers everything you need to
      know to get the power of FYI working for you.
                                                          REBECCA REABURN – TOOHEY REID
      It explains our simple onboarding process
      and its four key phases: Discovery, Migration,
      Configuration and Training. With assistance
      provided at every turn, the process is easy.
      We’ve spelled out all the steps, and outlined           Go Live in as little as 4 weeks
      exactly how we work together to make sure
      your implementation goes smoothly and your              No downtime for your team
      practice doesn’t miss a beat.
      The FYI Client Success team will provide an             Migrate documents with critical
      assisted onboarding plan to suit your practice,         filing details intact
      and guide you through each stage.
                                                              Minimal input required from you

                       Over 400 leading accounting firms have transitioned to FYI,
                                    with more onboarding every day.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                            3
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
Transforming your
      A new breed of online document                        Manage everything in one place, with
      management – built for accountants                    shared client workspaces – accessible
      Take practice visibility to the next level            from anywhere, at anytime.
      Know where every client and jobs stands, with
      centralised storage of client emails, documents,
      phone call records and meeting notes. Structured
      filing rules make them available to your team and
      accessible in an instant.

      Automate the creation and filing of client emails       Client story:
      Turn a giant time-waster into a big time-saver,
      with instant access to every client email, self-
                                                              22% jump in recoveries
      filing emails and attachments, and standard
                                                              Practice: PJS Financial
      emails created in seconds. Deep integration with
      Microsoft 365 means you can assign a task, initiate     Established: 35 years
      a workflow or add comments to an email to share         Locations: 2x offices in Tasmania
      with your team – all without leaving Outlook.           Size: 14 staff
      Create and file documents in a flash                    Legacy system: MYOB AE
      Use practice templates to create standard               Move to the cloud: XPM (Feb 2018)
      documents in the blink of an eye, merging client        FYI (Feb 2019)
      data from your practice management system. Get
      hyper-productive in Office, filing documents and        PJS Financial were seeking increased
      assigning tasks without leaving Word, Excel or          efficiencies but had been on their legacy
      PowerPoint. Link, view and share documents faster,      systems for 30+ years. The team was set in
      with single mouse clicks for a range of powerful        their ways and had concerns about change,
      document actions.                                       but moved from MYOB to Xero Practice
                                                              Manager, and then adopted FYI a year later.
      Speed up document retrieval, practice-wide
                                                              The practice went backwards initially – from
      Save time and be more productive with the
                                                              118% recovery to 100% in the first 12 months.
      ability to instantly locate emails, documents
                                                              But the following year, recoveries jumped
      and client interactions securely in one platform.
                                                              up to 145%. The practice saw a 22% increase
      Navigate seamlessly between group, client and job
                                                              upon historical recoveries within the first
      workspaces, and use powerful search tools to find
                                                              3 months of year 2. As an added bonus, PJS
      the right documents faster.
                                                              staff can now also work from home.
      Take client relationships to the next level
                                                              “Now the staff have had 15-18 months
      Synchronise with your practice management               worth of change, they’re just like
      software to maintain a single source of truth for       “yep, sure, what's next?” ”
      client data. Make collaborating on client work easy
      with a dedicated workspace for each client that
      provides an up-to-date summary of each client’s         SAM HORSMAN
      affairs – in one shared place for your team. Access     Business Principal and Partner
      emails, documents, jobs, recent interactions and
      outstanding tasks for each client or group, with
      customisable client views to suit your practice.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                          4
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
“FYI’s jobs board
                                                                will completely
      Manage every-day work so much
      more efficiently
                                                                transform the way
      Delegate and manage tasks with ease                       we manage our
      Delegate tasks effortlessly without leaving Outlook
      or Office. Add tasks to any email, document,
                                                                workflow, reports
      phone call record or meeting note, with clear to-
      do lists for every team member. Share task lists
                                                                and meetings. It’s a
      and use comments and notifications to enhance
      collaboration and efficiency.
                                                                real game changer!”
      Workflows that make your whole practice more
      efficient and responsive                                  ADAM WILSON, PARTNER – WILSON ACCOUNTING

      Speed up the review and approval of documents to
      improve your workflow and get more done faster.
      Control approvals and service quality, save time
      with electronic signatures and know the workflow
      status of any document.

      Discover new ways to collaborate
      Co-edit documents with your team and clients,
      share documents with clients securely and deliver
      exceptional client service.

      Work with Xero Practice Manager Jobs in FYI
      Automatic two-way sync with Xero Practice
      Manager means you can maintain jobs from within       Jobs Board

      FYI. File emails and documents to XPM jobs, work
      from a dedicated job workspace, and keep track
      of time spent versus budgeted without leaving
      FYI. Kanban-style job boards make it super-easy
      to visualise work, update job states and see where
      bottlenecks might be arising.

      Take the pain out of time recording.
      Generate pre-populated time sheets that can be
      completed in just a few clicks – and automatically
      sync to XPM. This can save an estimated 15 minutes
      per user per day.

                                                            Updating Time Sheets

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                       5
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
Automate your practice to make every
      second count for more

      Automate documentation, filing,
      communication and other repetitive
      tasks and free up time to concentrate
      on high-value services.
      Leverage sample processes to get started
      Auto-capture and file your client’s latest tax returns
      from Xero Tax. Import client ledger reports with
      a single click, and auto-file in FYI for easy access.
      Auto-import and file tax assessments from the
      ATO, and documents from BGL, NowInfinity and a
      growing number of accounting practice apps.

      Create your own custom automations                       Recover more time in more places,
      Use FYI to automate any repetitive, multi-step           with seamless integration with
      task across client service, marketing, admin or
      HR. Control when automations run and configure
                                                               partner apps across the accounting
      process steps to suit your practice, saving countless    industry.
      hours on routine work.

                Automation Dashboard

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                6
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
The onboarding
      Or, how FYI likes to make your life easy!                                                 We’ll always do our best to onboard
      A no-cost Discovery Meeting is the first step to                                          you as quickly as possible. Please
      develop an onboarding plan for your practice. Our                                         allow at least 4 weeks for onboarding,
      Client Success Team learns all about your practice
      and formulates an onboarding strategy to meet
                                                                                                depending on availability and your
      your unique requirements.                                                                 practice’s specific requirements.

      Figure 1: Outline of the onboarding process

                                 3 weeks before            2 weeks before            1 week before            1 day before                             1-2 weeks after
           As available                                                                                                              Go Live Day
                                    Go Live                   Go Live                   Go Live                  Go Live                                   Go Live

       1. Discovery Meeting
             See page 10

       2. Kick-Off Meeting

                                 3. Mapping and
                                Migration Meeting
                                    See page 11

                                                           4. Admin Training
                                                                See Fig.2

                                                                                   5. Final Checkpoint

                                                                                                            6. User Training
                                                                                                                See Fig.2

                                                                                                                                    7. Go Live Day

                                                                                                                                                     8. Live Q&A Session
                                                                                                                                                           See Fig.2

                  1                       3                         4                       5                       6                      7                   8
      • Your practice           • Finalise FYI Cabinets    • Configure FYI to      • Review of initial   • Preparing to Go Live   • Document         • A session for your
        requirements              and Categories             your practice needs     document refile     • Navigating FYI           migration is       team to ask questions
      • Your current                                         with guidance and     • Post Migration                                 complete           to help them get the
                                • Data mapping                                                           • Building your
        Document                                             training from FYI       Admin                                                             most from FYI.
                                  and synching                                                             Foundations
        Management setup                                     experts
                                • Use the FYI Migrate                              • Finalise Practice
      • Considerations for        App to start syncing                               Set Up
                                                                                                                                                       A series of
        migrating data to FYI     documents from
                                  your legacy DM store                                                                                                 Success
                                  to FYI                                                                                                               Meetings can also
                 2                                                                                                                                     be booked after
      • Schedule your Go Live                                                                                                                          Go Live to make
        date                     After the Mapping                                                                                                     sure everything is
      • Develop a Training       and Migration                                                                                                         working smoothly.
        Plan for your team       Meeting, the FYI
      • Book in future           team will complete
        meetings and training    the initial refiling of
        sessions                 your documents.

       Following the
       Discovery Meeting,
       the FYI team will
       provide you with a
       tailored Onboarding
       Proposal, including
       project fees for your

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                                                                                           7
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
Training sessions
      Onboarding includes a series of training sessions
      that build on each other, moving your practice
      towards making the most of FYI in easy steps.
      With special sessions for Admins and Users,
      everyone and everything is covered. And the FYI
      client success team is always on call to answer any
      questions along the way.

      Figure 2: Training sessions that build on each other
                                                                                Training session 3:
                                                                                       Live Q&A
                                                    Training session 2:      A session for your team to
                                                             Users          ask questions to help them
               Training session 1:               New users grounded in         get the most from FYI
                       Admins                   best practices and how to
                                                  maximise efficiency
           Learn how to configure
                                                                             For more detail on what each session
           FYI to the precise needs                                          covers, see page 15.

                of your practice

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                                8
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs
Creating your
      project team
      To ensure your practice embraces transformation,
      we encourage you to nominate a Project Leader
      and one or more FYI Champions. Your champions
      should be technically competent, fast learners and
      relatively senior so that they can make decisions
      and provide direction to other team members.
      Empowering these project champions will help
      to ensure you get the full benefits of FYI’s existing
      features and evolving process automations, which
      will maximise the value of FYI to your business.

      Role and responsibilities of your
      FYI champions
      •    Get familiar with FYI’s full feature set
      •    Assist with set up and configuration to suit
           your practice
      •    Develop an in-depth understanding of how
           FYI functions
      •    Assist when you are ready to onboard the rest
           of your team
      •    Respond to minor queries and trouble-
           shooting, using the FYI Help Centre as a point
           of reference
      •    Monitor and drive internal acceptance of FYI
           across your practice to ensure ongoing return
           on investment.

               Creating your project team

FYI Onboarding guide                                          9
The power to transform your accounting practice - A guide to implementing FYI - - FYI Docs

      A Discovery Meeting is the first step in developing
      an onboarding plan for your practice. It allows
      us to learn about your practice and recommend
      an onboarding strategy to suit your unique
      requirements. At this meeting, we’ll explain the
      onboarding process and discuss pricing options for
      assisted onboarding services.

      Discovery Meeting Agenda
      At your Discovery Meeting, we’ll ask the following
      questions. Please make sure to have any relevant
      information on hand.

      About your practice:
      •    How many potential FYI users in your practice?
      •    How many office locations does your
           practice have?
      •    Are you already using Microsoft 365?
      •    What practice Management Software are
           you using?

      Your current document management set up:                 Visit to book a discovery
      •    Where are your documents currently stored?
                                                               meeting with the FYI team.
      •    What is the size and structure of your historical
      •    How consistent and disciplined are your
           client files?

      Migrating data to FYI:
      •    How many GB or TB of documents do you want
           to migrate to FYI?
      •    Would you like to migrate non-client files
           to FYI?
      •    Are you open to modifying your existing filing
           structure to adhere to FYI best practice?

      Answering these questions will help us understand
      your current circumstances and determine how
      much assistance your practice may need with
      configuring FYI, change management and live

      Following this meeting and before we proceed,
      we’ll provide you with an onboarding proposal
      for your approval.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                   10

      The successful migration of your historical
      documents to FYI is a fundamental part of
                                                               We have successfully migrated data from:
      To determine the right approach, we’ll consider          •   MYOB DM               •   Virtual Cabinet
      your legacy system, filing structure and any             •   SuiteFiles            •   CCH
      specific requirements.                                   •   SharePoint            •   Handisoft
      The table below shows the data we can extract            •   HowNow and            •   Google Drive
      from your legacy system and migrate across to                HowNow X              •   DropBox
      FYI. The final result depends on the discipline of       •   Windows Explorer      •   Box
      your existing folder structure. The FYI team will        •   Nimbus                •   OneDrive
      work with you to coordinate data migration with
      an agreed Go Live date. We aim to deliver a clean
      transition, with access to all your documents
      from day one.

      Data that can be migrated to FYI:

                               MYOB         Virtual Cabinet   iManage           HowNow



       Document Name

       Document Type

       Date Created

       Date Modified



       Work Type



FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                              11
The Migration Process Explained                              Clients/Bobs Burgers Pty Ltd/2020/Workpapers/2020 ITR Workpapers.docx

      Migrating data to FYI consists of four                         We capture each migrated document’s file
      basic steps:                                                   path and record this as a searchable field in
                                                                     FYI. You can access it using the Source Path
          1   Data Mapping                                           column in the Documents list.
      This step involves the mapping of document
      folders from your historical source into FYI.
      Your Onboarding Consultant will review your
      current filing structure and help you create a best         Starting the Migrate app 2 weeks
      practice filing structure for FYI.
                                                                  before Go Live allows the FYI team
      •       We auto-match Client Names (if it matches a
              Client Code, Export Code or Client Name from
                                                                  to complete an initial refile of your
              Xero Practice Manager) and Years                    documents. After a review with your
      •       Documents are refiled in specific Cabinets          project team, a final refile of your
              based on your filing structure or filed to a        documents will be completed after
              ‘pre FYI’ cabinet.
                                                                  the migration cut-off date.
          2   Data Migration
      Use the FYI Migrate App to initiate live continuous
      syncing of your data – including any newly created
      or edited documents – from your legacy DM store
      to FYI.
      •       Your team will still have access to your existing
              DM system and can edit or create documents
              as usual.
      •       There is no downtime for your practice.
      •       Your documents will be imported into FYI and
              filed to your specified Cabinets.

      A Migration Cut-Off date will be agreed upon as
      part of your onboarding plan. This is usually 5pm
      one business day before your Go Live date.
      Documents created and edited after the agreed
      cut-off date will need to be saved locally and can
                                                                  FYI Migrate App
      easily be imported into FYI after your Go Live date.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                                                       12
“Transferring our
                                                          files onto the FYI
          3   Go Live Day
                                                          platform was easy,
      Document migration is complete. The historical
      documents you specified have been imported into     and we have been
      FYI and filed.
                                                          pleased with the
          4   Post Migration Admin
      Perform a few simple admin tasks to ensure your     easy access to
                                                          records and use
      documents are stored in FYI effectively.
      •       Resolve unmatched clients
      •       Identify archived clients                   of templates for
      •       Bulk update each Client’s default filing
                                                          standard letter and
                                                          email generation.”
                                                         BILL MANCER, DIRECTOR,
                                                         RISE ACCOUNTANTS LIMITED


FYI Onboarding guide                                                                13

      Below is a helpful summary of tasks involved in the
      set up and configuration of FYI. Your Onboarding         FYI is pre-loaded with ‘best practice’
      Consultant will cover these items with you before        configurations to help you get started.
      your Go Live date.                                       These include:

                                                               •   Defaults for Filing Cabinets and Categories
      Initial Setup:
                                                               •   Default User Groups
      Before migrating historical documents, we                •   Sample Templates and Stationery
      recommend reviewing FYI’s default configurations         •   Pre-activated Process Automations
      and making any adjustments necessary to suit
                                                               •   Default Practice Settings
      your practice. This will create your filing structure,
      allowing you to determine which users can access
      which documents.
      This includes setting up:
      •    Cabinets and Categories - to create your
           filing structure in FYI
      •    User Groups - to control access to cabinets
           and assign admin functionality
      •    Active Users - these will automatically sync
           from your Practice Management software

      We also recommend you set up the following before
      implementing FYI across your practice. This will
      ensure your templates and stationery are ready and
      allow you to check your user and practice settings
      before inviting users to start using FYI.
      These items are all covered in your training session
      on Administering FYI for your Practice.
      •    Templates and Stationery – practice letterhead,
           email signatures, email and document
      •    Email Settings and Defaults – AutoFile settings,
           nominating primary clients, default filing,
           shared in-trays.
      •    Document Views – default views, new views,
           starred documents.
      •    Jobs – Job states, correct set up for your
           Job Board.
      •    Collaborate – configure OneDrive and
           Collaborate settings.
      •    Apps & Integrations – connect all relevant apps.
      •    Automations – activate and configure sample

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                             14
                                                                “This has been the
                                                                 easiest transition
      Live group training for FYI users and administrators
      will help your team hit the ground running. This           that I have ever
      training is customised to suit your team and
      practice, with FYI specialists providing pointers          experienced in
      on using FYI for your unique work processes and
      procedures.                                                moving systems.
      Standard topics include:                                   You have done a
      Administering FYI for your practice                        great job in getting
      •    Managing Templates and Stationery
      •    Practice Settings                                     us prepared. Our
      •    Automating Your Practice
                                                                 staff are now using
      Navigating FYI
      •    Main Menu options                                     FYI and really love it.”
      •    Your Home Workspace
      •    Your Client Workspace
                                                                    JOS PEMBERTON, ADMINISTRATOR,
      •    Using Document Lists                                     AVID BUSINESS AGENCY (NZ)
      •    Displaying the FYI Drawer in FYI,
           Outlook and Office

      Building your Foundations
      •    Learning the Essentials
             ̵           Default Settings and Automations
             ̵           Using the FYI Drawer                   Completing these few simple tasks will
                                                                ensure each new user is set up use FYI
             ̵           Using the + new button
      •    Finding Information in FYI                           •     Installing your FYI Add-ins
                                                                •     Filing your first email from Outlook
                 ̵       Searching for documents
                                                                •     Creating your first letter in FYI
                 ̵       Navigating workspaces to locate
                                                                •     Delegating your first task in FYI
      •    Document Management Fundamentals
                     ̵   Uploading documents                    Advanced training sessions available
                     ̵   Opening and editing documents in FYI   on request

      •    Filing Emails from Outlook                                   Templates

      We also recommend scheduling a Live Q&A                           Custom Process Automations
      Session to help your team get any questions
      answered. Just ask your Onboarding Consultant,                    Collaborate

      and they’ll arrange it.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                         15
Help when you
      need it
      The FYI Help Centre provides everything you need
      to know, from introducing your team to FYI to
      onboarding the entire practice.

      Technical Support                                       Help Centre
      Support is included in your monthly subscription        Visit the FYI Help Centre to access our growing
      at no extra cost. Our technical support team is         library of help articles, release notes, video tutorials
      available during business hours to answer your          and other resources that will help you use FYI to its
      queries. If you need help, simply email                 full potential. For more complicated
      issues, we’ll initiate an outbound call.

      FYI User Community
      Join the FYI User Community to learn more about
      features and best practice, share insights and ideas,
      and ask questions to ensure your practice is getting
      the most out of FYI.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                                     16
Your questions
      answered                                                  “The system we used
                                                                 to have just didn’t
      Getting Started
                                                                 have the same level
      Are there any prerequisites for using FYI?
      Yes, there are two prerequisites for using FYI in
                                                                 of integration that
      your practice – Microsoft 365 and Xero Practice
                                                                 Xero and FYI…could
      FYI is deeply integrated with Microsoft 365 to
      deliver email and document automation. Microsoft
                                                                 provide to us.”
      365 Business Standard is the minimum licence
      required to edit documents from FYI using the             SAM HORSMAN BUSINESS PRINCIPAL
      desktop versions of Office or Outlook. We cannot          AND PARTNER, PJS FINANCIAL
      guarantee optimal performance if you are using
      volume licensed Office products.
      Integration with Xero Practice Manager allows
      you to sync your clients, client groups, team, jobs
      and time without maintaining data in multiple
      locations. If you do not have Xero Practice
      Manager, you can set up FYI by using Xero Tax.
      But in this instance, FYI will only sync your Clients.

      What can I do in FYI during the 30-day
      Free Trial?
      The entire feature set of the FYI pro plan is available
      to explore during your free trial. Start by creating
      sample letters, importing and filing emails,
      delegating tasks and most importantly, activating
      automations. This is where your step-change in
      practice efficiency and client service really kicks in.
      Two automations are activated for you in FYI at
      the start of your trial – Email AutoFile and Xero
      Practice Manager Sync. You can explore all of the         QUICK TIP #1:
      sample automations that come shipped with FYI                 Ensure you have installed the FYI Add-ins
      and configure them for your practice – or start               for Office and Outlook and optimised your
      creating your own custom processes.                           computer for use with FYI.

      What happens when the trial period ends?                  QUICK TIP #2:

      If you choose to subscribe to FYI at the end of               You may also wish to import a batch of
      your trial, all the emails, documents, settings               documents, to work with inside of FYI.
      and integrations you’ve added remain available
      when you Go Live. If you choose not to subscribe,
                                                                Explore FYI’s complete feature-set in a
      simply download your documents, and your entire
                                                                30-Day Free Trial
      account and data will be permanently deleted.
                                                                •   No obligation
                                                                •   No need to migrate all your docs first
                                                                •   Operational in minutes

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                            17
“FYI has been a huge
                                                                  boon for our practice
                                                                  given the challenges
      Is there a cost associated with the FYI
      onboarding process?                                         around COVID. We
      Yes – the FYI Client Success Team will develop
      an assisted onboarding plan to make sure you
                                                                  are comfortably
      transition smoothly and hit the ground running.
      Our onboarding specialists will guide you through
                                                                  able to send the
      the migration of your historical documents and
      FYI configuration and set up. Then, they’ll host live
                                                                  majority of our staff
      group training sessions customised to your team
      and practice. Pricing for our assisted onboarding
                                                                  to work from home
      services varies depending on the size of your firm
      and the complexity of your data migration and
                                                                  thanks to your great
      project management needs.
      Do I have to commit to a long-term contract?
      Nope! There are no long-term contracts required             ALISTAIR SCANLON, PARTNER –
      with FYI. Your account is a month-to-month                  SCANLON RICHARDSON ACCOUNTING

      How do I know which plan is right for my
      Our Starter plan provides instant results with a
      more efficient way to manage emails. Upgrade
      to Intermediate to access FYI’s unique blend of
      document management and CRM. Advance to
      Pro to access all features, including advanced
      automations. You can upgrade your account any
      time you like. Over time, almost all practices end up
      on our top plan due to the efficiencies it brings.

      Do we need a consultant to assist us with
      implementation and training?
      If you would prefer to work with a consultant for
      implementation and training, we have a range of
                                                              Onboarding workspace
      independent experts to choose from.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                              18
Data Migration

      How complex is the data migration process?              How do you match our client folders to clients in
      It’s easier than you might think. We have built-for-    XPM? What if they don’t align?
      purpose tools and have onboarded hundreds of            We match client folders to XPM through a name,
      practices to FYI from a variety of legacy systems.      client code, export code or XPM ID. If we are unable
      When it comes to document filing structures,            to find a match, we will create an ‘unmatched
      we’ve seen pretty much everything.                      client’. You can then match these clients to XPM
                                                              using our ‘Resolve Clients’ function. This makes it
      How long does it take to migrate my                     easy to correct slight misspellings across hundreds
      documents?                                              of client folders.
      This depends on data volume and internet
      connection and could take anywhere from a few           What happens to archived client data
      hours to over a week. The assisted onboarding           on migration?
      process can take as little as 4 weeks, depending on     If the client is archived or not in XPM, we
      availability and the amount of preparation required.    will create an unmatched client for these
                                                              documents. This unmatched client is not linked to
      What data is migrated along with my                     a client in XPM but will always be accessible in FYI
      documents?                                              from the archived clients’ section.
      In most instances, we can extract data such as
      document name, type, date created and date              Who owns our data? And if we decide to cancel
      modified, and migrate it across to FYI. Depending       our subscription, can we export our documents?
      on your legacy system, we may also be able to           Your practice always owns your data. If you want
      migrate the client, group, cabinet, year, work type     to leave at any time, anyone with the role of
      and more for each document.                             administrator can download your documents
                                                              in a logical folder hierarchy representing critical
      Can I maintain my existing folder structures?           metadata.
      FYI takes a database approach to data storage and
      is not folder-based. However, we can replicate your
      existing filing structures to reduce the impact of
      change experienced by your staff.

      Do I need to prepare my data beforehand?
      It is helpful to have all client folders at one level
      of the folder hierarchy before migrating to FYI.
      However, it is easy to cleanse your data after
      migration using FYI’s refiling tools.

      Can I maintain my existing MYOB cabinet and
      category structures?
      Yes. We can sync both the MYOB documents and
      the MYOB database.

                                                              Filter Drawer

FYI Onboarding guide                                                                                                 19
“Changing document
                        management systems was
                        a huge call for our practice.
                        It wasn’t until we came
                        across FYI that we were able
                        to make the right decision.”
                            SAM HORSMAN, PRINCIPAL - PJS FINANCIAL

                       Visit to book your
                             discovery meeting today.

FYI Onboarding guide                                                 20
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