The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member

Page created by Lonnie Molina
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
The moussakos experience
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
Click to self talking links
                                                                               A story from the developer
                                                                  of the Tourism & Development Guide
                                                       1st in 190.000.000 searches for just ‘limni’ (2005)

                                                                                   A story from the developer
                                                                  of the Climate Crisis & Sustainability
                                                                        Global Panorama www.frogboiled
                                                                 with visibility from four continents (2009)

Craft your personal universe - easier than you think

                                                              An equally successful story for the future
  Click                                                                           during the tough times
                                                              of climate change & COVID-19 acute crisis
                                                                                  on the solution by the
                                                               Ecological Civilization Chief Storyteller
Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

           The moussakos experience is holistic

     Moussaka recipe’s ingredients; they mean nothing one by one

The Sustainable         Development
              Holistic Accelerator story
Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

                         Successful solution is not a vague wish but
                     the successful application of a concrete recipe

Sustainable Development
                                                 necessarily included
                You can’t… DESCRIBE to someone the experience
                  of a mouthful of moussakos; it has to be tasted!
                   You can’t… DESCRIBE to someone the benefits
                                      of Sustainable Development,
      one has to feel them the nearest way possible (multisensorily)
                   - even better get TRAINED in it AND get HIRED!
Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
it goes
  it has
  to be
Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

                                           Moussakos - Sustainable Development
                                            global dissemination common points
• Recognized gourmet’s recipe                • SD Holistic Accelerator model generic,
                                               integrated, NOT fragmented
•    Core Ingredients plus various…          • 6 basic resources & 500+ items syllabus
•    Local variations                        • Customized implementations
•    Chefs’ training (global)                • SD capacity building (global)
•    Global 5-star certification, nomination • UNFCCC; UNSDGs promotion
•    Michelin Guide’s restaurants’ global • UNESCO World Heritage properties global
     network (experience)                      network (VR experience)
•    Delivery mode - airbnb and uber         • Exponential organization / VR in
     style                                     situ & paradigmatic applications
•    Happy hour, and… Enjoy! Is time         • After COVID-19 era and… pandemics to
     short? Pressure cooker!                   come BEWARE, & accelerate!
    Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

      Development Holistic Accelerator
• Sustainable Development is more than a simple sum of
  autonomous innovative products & services; it is novel
  integration of well tested parts.

• It’s rather an integrated outcome of process innovation
  and organizational innovation; or, at least, it should be
  treated that way; but it isn’t the case so far.
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
The - still in 2021, chaotic SD innovative, but fragmentary, implementation…
                                               This is the case so far
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

     Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator
                                                                     ©TM®           two-sided:
   1. EcoVirtuaLands Integrated Implementation (VR)
            2. Global Health Training, Awareness
                  & Communication Platform (AI)
  Fast Track Capacity Building via Re-Training & Professional Re-orientation
                                 to shift SD from compound and blur concept
              into a usable tool with direct training & employment benefits
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
The moussakos experience - Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development - Become a member
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator
 Six core resources acceleration
• Accelerate Ideas via models: We have plenty of innovation; entrepreneur-
  ship; R&D – more than enough… There is need for classification, organizati-
  on, and readiness for well targeted dissemination.
• Accelerate Human Capital via re-training; it has to be re-oriented on
  individualized level within SD framework to create new jobs, supporting &
  securing employment.
• Accelerate Material Reality via emerging technologies; flagships: Virtual
  reality, Artificial Intelligence.
• Accelerate Finance via economy of scale (generic models, prototypes +
  localization / adaptation); smart funding and resposnible investment.
• Accelerate Locations; UNESCO World Heritage sites global network where
  attention is already attracted (millions of visitors - ALL potential re-training
• Especially accelerate Time now in scarcity; need of detours (via multipliers,
   interested people gathered in one place; provide intense experience).                HOW?
                    METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

 Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator
    We alter time scarcity to abundance in all its three dimensions:
  past; future; present, and gather all recipe ingredients in one place

• Ingredients from the past: UNESCO World heritage sites,
  intangible heritage, Innovation Tradition (Climate Friendly
  Sustainable Practices); the capital of the past.
• Ingredients from the future: Emerging Technologies, the 4th
  Industrial revolution; Knowledge revolution bring economy of
  scale; the capital of the future.
• Ingredients from the present: Take advantage of COVID-19
  era momentum because Climate Crisis is here; worsened by
  pandemic, one of its global symptoms. The capital of the
  present is to turn this crisis into a unique opportunity.
                 METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

 Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

             UNESCO World Heritage sites
                         global network

A real grid to use!
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

     The 3 Sustainable Development recipe’s ingredients

                        2. Holistic SD representation in VR

                                                               3. Pilot
           1. Some
           tangible SD
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

        Example: Five Congo UNESCO World Heritage sites

                         2. Holistic SD representation in VR

                                                     3. Pilot
             1. Some
             tangible SD
Then, imagine reproducing model in 30-40 sites all around the world
Training & Awareness on health & climate crisis is the most urgent and pressing issue
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

Supporters - potential partners
•   Metis Global Awareness Network: Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC; Plan4all & GEIDCO
    member. Instigator of EcoVirtuaLands & Global Health Training, Awareness, & Communicati
    on platform combining Biodiversity, health crisis, climate crisis, similar crises & pandemics
    promoted by UN System to be implemented in Zagori, Epirus, Greece.
•   Plan4all: umbrella organiz. of 60 partners from 22 countries; aggregates large open data sets
    related to planning activities in different specialisms including spatial/urban planning, rural develop
    ment, transport, environment, tourism & precision/autonomous farming; GEO member.
•   Group on Earth Observations (GEO): Intergovernmental group leading a worldwide effort to
    build a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS), over the next 10 years. GEO
    includes over 65 member countries, the European Commission, and more than 40 participating
    organizat-ons dealing with disaster reduction, human health improvement, energy resource
    manage ment, water resource management, understanding and adapting to climate variability &
    change, im proved weather forecasting, management and protection of ecosystems, sustainable
    agriculture, understanding & conserving biodiversity.
•   GEIDCO: The Global Energy Interconnection Development and Cooperation Organization, with
    permanent office in Beijing; international organization among willing firms associations instituti
    ons & individuals who are dedicated to promoting sustainable development of energy worldwide.
    GEIDCO Greek members: 1. National Electricity company (ΔΕΗ DEDDIE). 2. National Technical
    University of Athens - School Of Electrical & Computer Engineering. 3. Metis.
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

200+ millions people will be unemployed
"after" COVID-19.
How to enhance them INDIVIDUALLY
to get back on track?
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

                  As sustainability
        becomes professionalized,
                    all professions
                            look for
              sustainability skills
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

  The recipe just revealed!
  The insight - only we can share & develop: Accelerate via re-Training;
           Holistic example: 500+ educational items syllabus ©TM®
                personalized via Artificial Intelligence creating
spillover interlinkages on integrated implementation & capacity building

     plus   Sustainable Self                                         part
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

                  Professional re-training on Sustainable Development

           via   exponential organization

accelerate holistic implementation & training on
personal, group, community, regional, national &
international level - all at the same time
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

                                                      More info; case studies; contact

• EcoVirtuaLands                                                            • Case study 1: Uganda,
• Global Health Training, Awareness, Commu-                                   Kampala's EcoVirtuaLand
  nication platform Video; ppt presentation;                                • Case study 2: Nepal,
  Concept note                                                                Katmandu
• Drawdown_Review_2020-Mar-2                                                • Nepal Sustainable Holistic
• Plan4all - 60 partners: Group on Earth
                                                                              Development infrastructure
                                                                              project map draft
  Observations (GEO); GEIDCO; DEDDIE
                                                                            • SFEL मा नेपाली
• UNESCO World Heritage sites
                                                                            • Zagori; Zagori UNESCO40.
• Lake Plastira Tourism & Development Guide
                                                                            • Acropolis, Greece (next slide)
• Climate crisis & Sustainability Global Panorama

         Andreas 安德烈斯 Andreopoulos M.Ed. • Sustainable Holistic Development Global expert • Ecological Civilization Chief
Storyteller • Analyst of applications of communication • Certified Innovation Consultant • UNESCO Task Force • METIS Global Awareness
       Network, Accredited Observer to UNFCCC • GEIDCO member • COP21 • Linkedin +5300 members • twitter @mhtiswan •
 Tristeno Zagori, Epirus, 44014, Greece • Skype: paramythas; ecologicalcivilization • • mobile/ whatsapp / viber
                                                   +306978903280 • +8613127669836
Sustainable Development Holistic Accelerator

                                      What have we done? Nothing special;
                       we have just followed colleagues’ previous directions

                                                        “What am I? What have
         what the poor guy does;

                                    Leonardo Da Vinci
 were cheap. I elaborated on it
       much useful & satisfying

     have ignored because they
  “By recognizing I couldn’t get

              stuff was worthy.”
   me got it all, I decided to do

    and I disseminated it to the
     namely getting stuff others
   material since people before

cities, asking for the price that
 poor villages and not the rich
                                                        I done? I have gathered
                                                        and used all I have
                                                        seen, heard and paid
                                                        attention to. I usually
                                                        harvested what has
                                                        been implanted by
                                                        others; my work has
                                                        been collective societal
                                                        work just bearing the
                                                        name of…”
                                                                     Von Goethe
21 st         c. Columbus Egg:
     The X super puzzle
                                Columbus Egg: an intriguing mechanical puzzle
                                               Finding the right disk combination
                                              weight inside the egg is unlocked.
                                     This allows you to stand the egg upright!!!
                                                                         Number of positions:
                                                  5 disks, each with 10 orientations, give 105 =
                                                 10.000 positions. all reachable and solvable.

                                                     More or less, the ways
                                    to Sustainable Development, are many
                                           but always reachable & solvable
                                                             Ecological Civilization Chief Storyteller
                METIS Global Awareness Network, Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC

Impact RE(SDG)START SUMMIT 29-31.1.2021; Restart of the SDG Development
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