The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing

Page created by Eugene Luna
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
The Mews News
A Publication of the Fairway Mews Community Association

                             march 2021

Spring Meets Winter
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing

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2 March, 2021 The Mews News
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                                                                                                March, 2021 The Mews News                 3
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
       This month we were delighted that several members of our community approached us to include information
    about projects in which they are involved. Please keep such information coming!
                                            Send to

                                         COUNTRY CLUB NEWS
                                                  By Kathleen Walk

            The Anglo-Saxons called the month of March the stormy month or rugged month, but spring
        flowers will be arriving soon. The February freeze has come and gone. Our golf season is starting.
        Spring is in the air.
            We have approximately 30 more spaces to add to our Memorial Bricks. If your are interested
        there is still time. The flyer is in this issue of the Mews News.
            I have heard some of you have gotten the vaccine. I am still waiting for an appointment. Hopefully
        we will all have the vaccine very soon, and we will be able to start planning the wonderful events in
        the Clubhouse.
            We have a committee looking at all the CDC rules that would allow us to open up the Clubhouse
        bathrooms for the golf season. We will try our best to be successful. Our next challenge is opening
        the pool.
            I am positive, with every month, we are getting closer to recovering from the pandemic.
            I wish you all a joyful spring.

                                                 BOOK BUFFS
            The Book Buffs enjoyed a February Zoom meeting, but hope to be able to gather in person again
        soon. The March meeting will be held at 4 PM on Tuesday the 16. The topic of discussion will be the
        Inspector Gamache series by Louise Penney. Set in the fictitious village of Three Pines, Quebec, The
        Inspector, his family and all the quirky residents of the village are beloved by all who have read the
        series. Although the meeting will contrast the two most recent Gamache books, A Better Man and All
        the Devils Are Here, if you have read any of the books or would like to learn about this excellent series,
        please contact Anne Kelly at The Book Buffs always welcome new members.

                                                   THANK YOU
                                                      Joan Baker
             On a personal note, I thank Geoff Blake and The Mews News for recognizing my club work with
        the Garden Club of Spring Lake for over 60 years. I’m still amazed at the Garden Club of New Jersey
        award as well as the award from Central Atlantic Region of Garden Clubs. The latter will be presented
        this fall.

             Castlebrook, 2 bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths                         IN MEMORIAM
            complete renovation, brand-new; never
                                                                           Patricia Cronin Buckley
              occupied end unit on golf course.
                   Great view, great location                                   Betty Chapple
                     Call : 917-882-7244.

4 March, 2021 The Mews News
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
   This month we were delighted that several members of our community approached us to include information
about projects in which they are involved. Please keep such information coming!
                                        Send to

                                    FAIRWAY MEN’S GOLF
        Hopefully our season will commence on Tuesday April 6, 2021. Every Tuesday will begin by
   showing up at 9 am with tee-off at 9:30.
        We will plan on having three scrambles and luncheons with the Nine and Eighteen Holers. Also
   scheduled will be two Nine and Dines. During the Member-Member, on that Saturday evening a big
   Italian Pasta Dinner is planned.
        Our Awards Luncheon will be on Thursday, October 7, and our gala Christmas Party on Thursday
   December 9, God willing.
        Our booklet will be available in the Golf Shop when it opens, around March 15. Registration forms
   will be on hand on the same date in the Golf Shop.
        The dues this year will still be $50.00 because we have a cushion of over $400.00.
        Of course, all dates will be contingent with corona virus protocols.
        Here is to the start of a great golfing year!

                       Dan O'Malley picks the winner of golf lessons, Christine Meloro

                                                                                    March, 2021 The Mews News   5
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
PRESIDENT’S NOTES                                    MESSAGE FROM THE MANAGER
                      By Tom Basile                                               By Traye Blackburn

     I guess it was during one of our February snow events          Spring is almost here! A reminder that there is not
that someone mentioned that March 20 will be the first day     an FMCA Board of Directors meeting in March! We will
of Spring and that daylight savings time begins on March       decide this month on how we will proceed in April with
14. I have noticed that my daffodils have poked their leaves   our monthly meeting, and what format we will use. At
through the snow. So, Spring will be upon us and golf, ten-    present Board meetings will be closed meetings due to the
nis and bocce will be played in the sunshine.                  pandemic. We intend to use an email format. The monthly
     While we are hopeful to get back to familiar activities   meeting will be conducted through email only in a virtual
at the Mews, we are charged with taking small steps guided     format (residents can obtain minutes to these meetings once
by an abundance of caution. A seemingly simple task like       approved). The other option is to hold a closed “live” meet-
resident’s use of our Mews Clubhouse bathrooms requires        ing, video that meeting and send that video to all residents.
a careful reading of the CDC and New Jersey State Health            Our Head Golf Professional, Dan O’Malley is back
Department guidelines, balanced by advice from our at-         on site at the FM Golf Shop! Stop by, say hi, and fill out
torney. We have Board members who are working with             your 2021 FM Golf Membership application. The FM Golf
Traye, our Manager, to formulate some practical means          Shop is still limited to 4 guests at any time and a mask is
so that residents can use these facilities during daytime      needed to enter. Along with Mr. O’Malley look for his
hours of play.                                                 wing man, Assistant Golf Professional Rob Hirzel, to be
     This January and February the FMCA Board meetings         back in action very soon! We did complete one off-season
were conducted through email communications. Since there       project and that was the filling in of the fairway bunker on
is no monthly meeting scheduled for March, we hope to          hole #16 left hand side. It now awaits grass seed in the
continue to provide important information as to the man-       growing season. The bunker renovation contractor that we
agement affairs of the community in the coming months.         previously used (holes #1, #7, #10, #16 & #18) is no longer
     The year 2021 is the last year of multi-year contracts    in business. We are in the process of getting into business
with our landscaper and the gate security company. Traye       with Jersey Turf for the bunker renovations and plans on
and the board will begin the process of inviting bids from     hole # 12. It will not be long before all of our golf leagues
other providers as well as the current contractors. This       have started and mid-March we should be running at full
year we will also contract for an update to our engineering    capacity if the weather cooperates!
study. This study estimates the useful lives of the Mews            The FM Clubhouse Phase II project is nearing comple-
elements for which FMCA is responsible, such as the roads      tion. A few “punch list” items remain, but the job is almost
throughout the community. The results of the study are also    done! Landscaping the south side of the building will be
an important part of formulating the amount of reserves        completed by our own FM Landscaping staff once the ir-
we need to accumulate.                                         rigation system is turned on, irrigation lines rerouted and
     May 2021 bring us good times with good friends here       any leaks fixed. In early April that project should start.
at Fairway Mews.                                                    There is still a potential for snow fall in March! Re-
                                                               member that in a plowable snow vehicles cannot be left on
                                                               the streets of the community as this hampers the cleanup
                                                               effort. That is a borough ordinance, so your vehicle could
                                                               be ticketed or towed by the SLH Police Department. When
                                                               a storm is approaching, consider stowing your vehicle in
                                                               your garage, the FM clubhouse parking lot,or one of the
      Electrical Service                                       parking lots at the community parks (Joseph E. Robertson
                                                               Park on Allaire Road & Ocean Road Park on Ocean Road)
         All phases of Electrical work
                                                               during storm time. Please do not approach the FM Staff
    Generators, Ceiling fans, Spot lights,
                                                               operating machinery during the snow removal process.
      Motion detectors, Ring doorbells                         While operating the front-end loaders, it is hard enough to
             Landscape lighting                                see an approaching vehicle, let alone a pedestrian.
      Camera systems, TV installations                              Live Oak Landscaping is on site weekly beginning in
    HTE Innovations LLC / NJ License                           mid-April. They have recently trimmed the 2-mile perim-
              #:34EB00872500                                   eter hedge, which looks very nice. That is the first of two
Phone: 732-903-8175                    treatments for the hedge this year.
                                                   Ad - 6738                                         – Continued on page 7

6 March, 2021 The Mews News
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
Patience and Persistence
                                                    By Erin Hartnett NP
     As of February 22, 2021, the U.S. has reached 500,000      and do not combine another mask with an KN95. Click
deaths. The US leads the world in the total number of           here to read the mask dos and don’ts.
COVID cases and the number of deaths. The U.S. reports          coronavirus/2019-ncov/your-health/effective-masks.html
approximately 77,000 cases a day with slightly 3,000                As of February 12, the CDC has developed guidance
people dying each day. At least 1 in 11 people who live in      for opening schools to protect teachers, students and staff
Monmouth County have been infected, and at least 1 in 
452 have died.                                                  clearest-guidance-yet-for-reopening-schools
     But there is some good news. The rates of infection            We still have many challenges ahead. Stay safe, be
and deaths are decreasing, the numbers of vaccinations          patient and persistent, wear a mask, socially distance, and
are increasing, and schools have guidelines for reopening.      wash your hands. Summer is coming and Spring Lake has
     President Biden has promised to get 100 million doses      opened up more beach badges!
of vaccine into arms in his first 100 days and already over         If you need help to register for the COVID vaccine,
50 million doses have been administered in his first month.     please contact Erin Hartnett at 917-667-0831 or erinhart-
The new administration has secured an additional 200   or Christine Nevin Meloro at 732-
million doses which will allow 300 million people to be         449-3362
vaccinated by the end of the summer. They have provided             We are happy to help you.
federal funding for states to open more vaccine sites.
     As of this week, more than 1.5 million vaccine doses
have been administered in NJ, and more than 1.1 million
individuals have received at least one dose. New Jersey has
opened 6 regional mega sites for vaccine administration         – “Message from the Manager” cont’d from page 6
(Atlantic City Convention Center, Meadowlands Racing                The Fairway Mews Board of Directors have upgraded
and Entertainment Complex, Moorestown Mall in Burling-          the Community Wide Rules and Regulations. That new
ton County, Rowan College of South Jersey in Gloucester         document will be updated on our website: www.fair-
County, the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center and emailed to the community in the very
in Middlesex County and Rockaway Townsquare in Morris           near future.
County). In addition, NJ has launched the Federal Retail            The Main Office continues to operate by phone 732-
Pharmacy Program with Rite Aid and CVS in areas of high         449-8565 or email only. Business
need which will receive direct allocation from the federal      hours are Monday to Friday, 8AM. to 4PM. Please use
government. Click here to view sites    either format to reach us and we will get you whatever you
pages/covid-19-vaccine-locations-for-eligible-recipients        may need. Thank you, and stay safe!
     But, the demand is still much greater than the appoint-
ments available and requires patience and persistence.
More than 2.5 million New Jerseyans have pre-registered
on the NJ Vaccine Scheduling System.For help with the
New Jersey Vaccine Scheduling System, visit covid19.                            IRISH FISHING! or call 855-568-0545.
     As of February 10, mask wearing has been mandated          The rain was pouring down outside O’Connor’s Pub.
by executive order for all federal property and on all public   There, standing in front of a big puddle outside O’Connor’s
transportation. The CDC has updated mask recommenda-            was an old Irishman, drenched, holding a stick, with a piece
tions to reduce transmission of the new COVID-19 virus          of string dangling in the puddle.
variants. Click here to read the CDC recommendations            A passer-by stopped and asked him, “What are you doing?”                “Fishing,” replied the old man.
htm?s_cid=mm7007e1_w. The mask should fit close to              Feeling sorry for the old man the gent says, “Come in out
your face and have multiple layers. It should have a “nose      of the rain and let me buy you a drink.”
wire” that can be bent to the shape of your nose. A mask        In the warm ambience of the pub, as they sip their whiskies,
fitter can be placed over your mask to prevent air from         the gentleman being a bit of a
leaking around it. Adding a filter inside the mask or double    superior smart aleck, can’t resist asking, “So how many
masking by placing a cloth mask over a disposable mask          have you caught today?”
are now recommended. Do not wear 2 disposable masks             “You’re the 8th,” replied the old man!

                                                                                           March, 2021 The Mews News       7
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
THE MONTH OF RENEWAL                                       SOME IRISH WISDOM/HUMOR
                      by Joan Baker
                                                              1. Friendship is when people know all about you and like
     Most people wait for a special occasion to renew plans      you anyway!
for changes in their daily routine and make plans to turn     2. It doesn’t matter how big your house is, how much
over a new leaf not only inside their home but outside as        money you have, or that you wear expensive clothes.
well. Let’s start with the great outdoors.                       Our graves will be the same size—-Stay Humble!
     Quite a while ago I wrote an article entitled “Why       3. An elderly Irishman bought a sports car to help recapture
Garden?”. I think it bears repeating!                            his youth. He was driving at 120 mph when he saw blue
     Garden for Exercise. Gardening activities provide           police car lights flashing. He pulled over saying, “I’m
both cardio and aerobic exercise, which can burn up to           too old for this nonsense.” The police officer said, “My
400 calories: bending and stretching compares with an            shift ends in 10 minutes, if you give me a good reason
exercise class.                                                  why you were speeding, I’ll let you go.” The elderly
     Garden to Add Beauty. Adding curb appeal to your            man said, “Years ago my wife ran off with a policeman.
home with colorful plantings can be as simple as adding a        I thought he was bringing her back.” “That’ll do,” said
bunch of flowers near your front door. Herbs add freshness       the policeman. “Off you go!”
to rooms as well as flavor to daily meals.                    4. The brain is the most amazing organ. It works 24 hours
     Garden to Learn. Gardeners find the more they learn         a day, 365 days a year from birth until you fall in love.
about plants and gardening, the more they want to know.       5. Every woman’s dream is that her ideal man takes her
Home insurers frequently offer classes and hands-on pro-         in his arms, throws her on the bed and then cleans the
grams.                                                           whole house while she sleeps.
     Garden to Meet People. Surplus tomatoes, a bouquet       6. I don’t like to think before I speak. I want to be as
of flowers, or an extra plant can be shared.                     surprised as everyone else about what comes out of my
            My garden is my favorite teacher.                    mouth!
                ~ Betsy Canes Garmon

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8 March, 2021 The Mews News
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
BOOMER 106                                            AFTER ST. PATRICK’S DAY,
                     By Jerry Fitzpatrick                                 THERE IS ST. JOSEPH’S DAY
                                                                                           By Geoff Blake
     Heloise would never pay for this tip. This is also in the
“don’t do as I say” area. To set the stage, one has to attempt           There is another special Saint’s day that is celebrated in
to fathom my mind. My problem started when the lens in              March. It is the feast of St. Joseph. This day is particularly
my glasses kept falling out. I needed to find a solution,           special to Italians here and certainly in Italy. New Orleans
so I invested in a bottle of Gorilla Glue. I then proceed to        is a city where St. Joseph’s Day, March 19, is a special
apply the Gorilla Glue on the wire rim of my glasses. The           day of celebration with parades etc. New Orleans was
result was a wholesome mess, which occluded my left                 the destination for many Sicilians emigrating to America.
lens and cost me $250.00 for a new set of glasses. As my            These people brought their traditions with them including
sainted mother would say, “you don’t have the brains you            their reverence for St. Joseph.
were born with.” Hold on a minute. I found a corollary to                Why is this day so special to Italians? Well, back
this story. After I wrote the above paragraph, I discovered         in Medieval Sicily, there were a number of legendary
that a young woman had used Gorilla Glue Spray for hair             droughts. During one particular drought and famine, the
spray. Needless to say, it required a four-hour dermatologi-        people prayed to St. Joseph, the Patron Saint of the Fam-
cal procedure to root out all of the glue. So, I guess I am         ily, for rain to save their crops. According to the legend,
not the stupidest person in America.                                the prayers were answered and the rains came. Since the
     Once again, I am grateful for Phil Mushnick of the             late 1400s, St. Joseph’s Day has been celebrated on March
New York Post. He excoriated my unfavorite, Jim Nantz,              19. In Sicily and most of Italy, it is celebrated with a huge
for reading Fan Dual sports gambling spots in the midst             Lenten feast. This tradition is preceded in many Catholic
of broadcasting on CBS.                                             Churches by a nine-day novena culminating in the Feast
     BULL. Let us talk about the eponymous CBS series               of St. Joseph.
called Bull. Bull is a jury trial consultant, not like the usual,        Food for the traditional feast can become quite elabo-
who advise lawyers on whom to select. Bull, who is not              rate. Tradition says that everyone must sample at least one
a lawyer, is a Perry Mason with the most amazing set of             dish with bread, the symbol of luck, and one dish made
computer works. He takes everything a step further. He              with fava beans, the symbol of health. Fava beans were
actually invades the privacy of the jurors who are selected         one of the only foods that the droughts did not affect.
to hear his case. He tries through his monitoring system            Home baked breads are a must and several types of fish
by developing testimony that will appeal to a juror. This he        are served for the feast. Calamari and sardines usually are
accomplishes by studying the feedback that he obtains from          two of the fish selections served. St. Joseph’s Day usually
his illegal invasion of jurors’ zones of privacy by tracking        falls during Lent which is why the Lenten feast is supposed
their emotionscybernetically. Bull hates lawyers and bul-           to be a meatless feast.
lies his team of attorneys. Mock trial and jury consultants              St. Joseph is also the Patron Saint of pastry cooks. So
have a legitimate purpose but the manner in which Bull              certainly the feast will include a variety of pastries many
acts is unethical. In essence, he is fixing juries. In New          symbolizing the Holy Family. Zeppoles are a must!
Jersey, the jury system is sacrosanct. Juries and lawyers are            St. Joseph’s Feast Day is also known as Father’s Day
not allowed any type of communication before, during or             in Italy and a number of other nations as well. St. Joseph
after a trial. You cannot find a juror in your case and quiz        is also revered because he was the foster father of Jesus.
him or her as to how he evaluated your trial technique. NO               So after St. Patrick’s Day has passed, and you still have
MORE BULL                                                           room for food after your corned beef fix has been satiated,
                                                                    try some traditional Sicilian food and celebrate St. Joseph’s
                                                                    Day in style! Don’t forget the zeppoles!!

    For Advertising Contact:                                         We accept no responsibility for any advertisements. If
                                                                     there are any complaints concerning an advertiser, please
           Senior Publishing Company
                                                                     contact them directly. If you receive no satisfaction, you
   1520 Washington Avenue, Neptune, N.J. 07753                       can contact your Better Business Bureau or the Ocean
                  888-637-3200                                       County Department of Consumer Affairs.

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                                                                                                March, 2021 The Mews News         9
The Mews News - Spring Meets Winter - Senior Publishing
                                                       By Geoff Blake

      ’Tis the month of St. Patrick’s Day! If you remember,     represents a place in the middle where the two can coex-
I wrote an article about St. Patrick a few years back, so I     ist. The design was presented to Thomas Francis Meager,
thought I would just write a “Did You Know” article with        the leader of the “Young Irelander”movement in 1848 by
little known facts about Ireland and its people.                a group of French women who were sympathetic to the
      Did You Know that the White House was designed by         plight of famine-ravaged Ireland at that time. It was not
Irish architect James Hoban who was born in Kilkenny            until the Easter Rising in 1916 that the flag became uni-
in 1758?                                                        versally accepted as the flag of a free Ireland.
      Did You Know that the Titanic was built in Belfast at          There is so much more to learn about Irish history and
the Harland and Wolff Shipyard?                                 the Irish people. This is just a sampling. Start your own
      Did You Know that in 1844 Doctor Francis Rynd, a          research into this fascinating place called Ireland!
Dublin-based doctor, invented the hypodermic needle? The
first subcutaneous injection was administered at Dublin’s
Meath Hospital.
      Did You Know that in 1900 the U.S. Navy purchased
a submarine called the Holland VI and renamed it the USS
                                                                        THE ANGEL WEARS PRADA
                                                                                  By Jacqueline Leonard
Holland and as result, the modern submarine age began? It
was invented by John Philip Holland of County Clare, who
                                                                     By now the world knows about our Youth Poet Laure-
was the first to use battery power for submerged conditions
                                                                ate, Amanda Gorman. But did you know that the stunning
in a submarine.
                                                                gold coat she wore at the Inauguration was by Prada? Move
      Did You Know that the Oscar, a most coveted piece of
                                                                over, Meryl Streep!
metal, was designed by Austin Cedric Gibbons, an Irish art
                                                                     Not only has Amanda made poetry fashionable again
director and film production designer in 1928? The design
                                                                but she does it in great fashion, as evidenced by her pre-
represents a knight standing on top of a film reel holding
                                                                Super Bowl appearance in an elegant, ice-blue coat—this
a sword.
                                                                time by Moschino of Milan.
      Did You Know that St. Valentine is interred in White-
                                                                     All fashion aside, Amanda’s words will never go “out
friar Street Church in Dublin? Pope Gregory XVI presented
                                                                of style.” She reminds us of the “Eternal Verities”and she
Valentine’s relics to an Irish Carmelite named John Spratt
                                                                does it with panache and elan.
in 1835. Soon after, Archbishop Murray of Dublin laid the
                                                                     Amazon, as well as small bookstores everywhere, are
relics to rest in the church where they remain today.
                                                                overwhelmed by sales of her soon-to-be released books,
      Did You Know that the Gaelic words ‘dubblinn’ mean
                                                                which necessitated her having to hire an agent.
a black pool or mire? They refer to an ancient treacle or
                                                                     In her words, “Poetry…is a feat for art…because it
lake that is located within the confines of the Dublin Zoo in
                                                                means we’re thinking imaginatively about human connec-
Phoenix Park. The merging of these two words into Dublin
                                                                tion even when we feel siloed.”
clearly occurred before the practice of anglicizing names
based on their English meaning took hold. Dublin might
be known today as Blackpool or Blackmire or Blacklake
if the anglicizing had begun earlier.                                       OLD AGE IS GOLDEN
      Did You Know that the shamrock is not the national
symbol of Ireland? The Harp is! Ireland is the only nation      Old age is golden, or so I’ve heard it said,
that has a musical instrument as its national symbol. The       But sometimes I wonder as I crawl into bed,
reason people think the shamrock is the symbol of Ireland       With my ears in a draw and my teeth in a cup,
is because St. Patrick, it is taught, used the shamrock to      My glasses on a table until I get up.
explain the Holy Trinity to the Irish people.                   As sleep dims my vision, I say to myself:
      Did You Know that St. Patrick was a Briton captured       Is there anything else I should lay on the shelf?
by Irish raiders and brought to Ireland where he became         The reason I know my youth is all spent,
a priest and eventually the patron saint of Ireland? His        Is my get-up-and-go has got up and went!
birthplace is believed to be in Wales or Cumbria.               But, in spite of it all, I’m able to grin
      Did You Know that the colors of the Irish flag have       And think of the places my getup has been!
meaning? The green represents the Gaelic Irish, the orange
represents the Protestant tradition in Ulster, and the white    Don’t let aging get you down! It’s too hard to get back up!!

10 March, 2021 The Mews News
                                                   By Melanie Benjamin
                                                Reviewed by Maureen Cronin
                                In this past month of unend-                 The story of a young journalist, Gavin Woodson, was
                           ing snowstorms, Melanie Benja-              especially interesting. He had been sent from New York
                           min’s mesmerizing account of the            City, the center of journalism of the times, to write the ad-
                           Blizzard of January 12, 1888 that           vertisements that would lure immigrants and impoverished
                           struck Nebraska and the Dakota              to populate the newly acquired territories for the growing
                           territories after an unseasonably           United States. “Come to Nebraska, the Garden of Eden!
                           warm morning seemed very ap-                Acres for the taking, acres of a bountiful land that will
                           propriate. Best known for taking            surely yield a harvest fit for the gods…” The lies and mis-
                           an underappreciated historical              information brought them to the land, and they remained,
                           woman and “filling out” her story,          despite season of drought, plagues of grasshoppers, floods
                           in this book the author chooses an          in spring and bitter winter cold. Gavin hated Nebraska, and
                           event and develops characters to            after the blizzard was racked with guilt over his role in
describe what happened that day, why it happened and the               bringing people to this inhospitable country. His quest to
consequences.                                                          tell the stories of how the people suffered after the blizzard
     January 12, 1888 was a warm morning, and after en-                is as compelling as the stories of the sisters.
during days of frigid cold the week before, the settlers sent                By the time you are reading this review, I hope that
their children off to school and took themselves into towns            the weather pattern has changed here. Maybe the crocuses
to refill provisions. In this day of constant weather infor-           are starting to pop out from the softening ground. Enjoy
mation, the author reminds us that there was no weather                this very quick read; it will remind you how lucky we
prediction service; weather just descended on people, and              are for heat, electricity and even Al Roker telling us how
it descended rapidly that morning. There is no real count              many Americans are threatened by a particular storm on
of how many died in that storm, but they numbered in the               any given day.
hundreds, many of them children trying to get home from
schoolhouses ill-equipped to provide heat and shelter dur-
ing long storms.
     Sisters Gerda and Raina Olsen were very young teach-
ers, barely older than some of their pupils. They were in
their first year of teaching in different areas. When the storm
struck, they made different choices for their students, for
different reasons. Their choices would inform the rest of
their lives. One would be praised as a heroine of the storm,
while the other would be shunned by her community.


                                                                                                 March, 2021 The Mews News        11
The Mews

12 March, 2021 The Mews News
in Winter

            March, 2021 The Mews News   13
732-840-5600                                             ads-3159a

                                                                                             BIRDING WITH ROBIN
                                                                                                         By Robin Verhose

                                                                                                     Small signs of Spring?
                                                                                       I am sure you have seen them: the many flocks of
                                                                                  Robins all around. Nothing cheers my heart more than to
                                                                                  open the door and hear them. Talking, chirping and some
                                                                                  small songs. Nothing too serious, for it is too early, but they
       The Orchards at Wall (next to pier 1 imports)                              are getting ready. Staking out their old nesting grounds,
            2410 Rt. 35, Manasquan, NJ 08736                                      searching for worms and finding them! Robins are tough
          Proudly Serving Monmouth & Ocean Counties Since 1985
                                                                                  birds! Oh, by the way, these are Winter Robins which I have
       Design with Style                                                          written about before. They are NOT locals, only traveling
                                                                                  Robins moving through.
                                                                                       It is time we mention the dreaded Canada Goose,
  Ron Cantalupo                                                                   Branta canadensis. Big, fat, gluttonous birds who need
  Interior Designer
                                                                                  no description andwho refuse to fly south anymore. They
                                                                                  just commute between golf courses and the few farms we
                                                                                  have left here in Monmouth County. You might notice that
  • Plantation Shutters •
                                                                                  when the flock is eating or grazing, there is always one bird
     • Blinds • Shades •                                                          who is not, for he is the Sentry standing up and watching
  • Drapery • Upholstery •                                                        out for trouble or the Geese Police!!! When he sees trouble
                                         We invite you to schedule a
     • Interior Design •                   FREE Consultation                      the alarm call goes out, and away they go to the next golf
                                           with Ron Cantalupo                     course! However, it is interesting to note, (which I did the
                                                                                  other day while driving out to Route 34 via Allaire Rd.)
                                                                                  among a flock of grazing geese along the road there was a
                      732-840-5600                               ads-3159a
                                                                                  lone Snow Goose, Chen caerulescens. I haven’t seen one
                                                                                  for quite a long time but I remember I used to hear flocks
                                                                                  of them flying south in the middle of an October night. Yes,
                                                                                  these geese do what they are supposed to do!
                                                                                       February 3 was the first grackle sighting in Fairway
                                                                                  Mews. Just a few sitting quietly in the tree.
                                                                                       Pay no attention to that groundhog. The birds know
                                                                                  when spring is, and they surely will tell you way before
                                                                                  that dumb rodent! Good Birding to all.

                                                                                                            Since 1966
                                                                                                           2028 Highway 35
                                                                                                         505 Burnt Tavern Road


                                                                                           Kevin C. O’Brien, Mgr. - NJ Lic. No. 4805

14 March, 2021 The Mews News
THE HUSBAND STORE                                                       JUST LAUGH!!
A store that sells new husbands opened in New York City.         An elderly man walks into a confessional. The following
A woman may go to choose a new husband but may only              conversation ensues:
go once.                                                         MAN: I am 92 years old, have a wonderful wife of 70 years,
This is how the store operates: There are six floors. The        children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. Yesterday
value of the products increase as you ascend the flights.        I picked up two college girls, hitch-hiking. We went to a
The shopper may choose any item from a particular floor,         motel where I had sex with each of them three times.
or may choose to ascend to the next floor, but you cannot        PRIEST: Are you sorry for your sins?
go back down except to exit the building.                        MAN: What sins?
So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.         PRIEST: What kind of a Catholic are you?
On the first floor the sign reads :                              MAN: I’m Jewish!
FLOOR 1 - THESE MEN HAVE JOBS.                                   PRIEST: Why are you telling me all this?
She’s intrigued but decides to go to the second floor. The       MAN: I’m 92 years old, I’m telling everybody!!
sign reads:
FLOOR 2 - THESE MEN HAVE JOBS AND LOVE KIDS.                     An elderly man went to a brothel and tells the madam that
She thinks, that’s nice but wants more. The third floor          he’d like a young girl for the night. Surprised, she looked
sign says:                                                       at the ancient man and asks how old he is. “I’m 90 years
FLOOR 3 - THESE MAN HAVE JOBS, LOVE KIDS,                        old,” he says.
AND ARE EXTREMELY GOOD-LOOKING.                                  “90!” Replies the madam. “Don’t you realize that you’ve
“Wow,” she thinks but continues to floor 4. The sign says:       had it?” “Oh sorry,” says the old man. “How much do I
FLOOR 4 - THESE MAN HAVE JOBS, LOVE KIDS,                        owe you?”
WORK.                                                            An elderly man went to his doctor and said, “Doc, I think
“HOLY S@#$% This is amazing,” but… she continues up              I’m getting senile. Several times lately I’ve forgotten to
to the fifth floor. The sign says:                               zip up!” “That’s not senility,” said the doctor. “Senility is
FLOOR 5 - THESE MEN HAVE JOBS, LOVE KIDS,                        when you forget to zip down!”
AND HAVE A ROMANTIC STREAK.                                      WIFE: “What are you doing?”
She’s so tempted to stay but decides to go to the sixth floor.   HUSBAND: “Nothing.”
That sign says it all:                                           WIFE: “Nothing? You’ve been looking at our marriage
FLOOR 6 - YOU ARE VISITOR 35, 783,908 TO THIS                    certificate for an hour!”
FLOOR. THERE ARE NO MEN HERE. THIS FLOOR                         HUSBAND: “I was looking for the expiration date!”
IMPOSSIBLE TO PLEASE!                                            WIFE: “Do you want dinner?”
                                                                 HUSBAND: “What are my choices?”
To avoid gender bias, the company opened up a WIVES              WIFE: Yes or no!”
STORE across the street.
FLOOR 1 - WIVES THAT LOVE SEX.                                   SON: “Mom, when I was on the bus with Dad this morning,
FLOOR 2 - WIVES THAT LOVE SEX, HAVE MONEY,                       he told me to give up my seat for this lady.”
AND DRINK BEER.                                                  MOM: “Well, you did the right thing!”
FLOORS 3 - 6 HAVE NEVER BEEN VISITED!!                           SON: “Yeah, but Mom, I was sitting on Dad’s lap!”

                                                                 A newly married man asked his wife. “Would you have
                                                                 married me even if my father hadn’t left me a fortune?”
                                                                 “Honey,” the wife replied sweetly, “I’d have married you
                                                                 no matter who left you a fortune!”

    For Advertising Contact:                                     A wife asked her husband, “What do you like most about
              Senior Publishing Company                          me, my pretty face or my sexy body?” He looked at her
               1520 Washington Avenue,                           from head to toe and replied, “I like your sense of humor!”
                 Neptune, N.J. 07753
                                                                                           March, 2021 The Mews News       15
16 March, 2021 The Mews News
                                              Compiled by Pam Kenah

Allaire Village                                           4		           Protect Yourself from Scammers                           4		           Rutgers Master Gardener
13		            St. Patrick’s Day Tours                   4,18		        Knit Wits
20		            Flea Market                               9 		          Women Lighthouse Keepers-talk
27		            Remembering Poe                           9&10		        Homegoing-book club
                                                          10		          Still Not Organized?
Count Basie Theatre                                       11		          Stronger Than the Storm-talk                        13		          Irish Immigrant Experience-perform
9		           Christopher Cross                           16		          Little Women-Film & discussion
11		          Dublin Irish Dancers                        18		          Present & Future Women-lecture
19		          NJSO-Star Wars Force Awakens                23		          Less Stress Diet
20		          Mike Marino                                 24		          All This Could Be Yours-book club
26		          Summer Love                                 24		          COVID Vaccine Info
27		          Tribute to Motown                           25		          “Kindling”-short story discussion
31		          Beach Boys                                  30		          Charlie’s Angels-film & discuss
                                                          30		          Meeting Eleanor Roosevelt
Monmouth University                                       31		          Skirt & Stocking Clad Soldiers
These are virtual streaming series
6		             Wine vs. Stein                                         Pet of the Month
10		            Tank Brewing, Tour &Tasting
11,13,25        Memoir Writing Series
13		            We Banjo 3-Ireland Live
30		            Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks


Wall Township Library
20		          Burble, Fizz, Kaboom

1-31		          Quaranteen Diary- Volunteer
15		            Book Review Crew
31		            SAT Math Class

Wall Township Library
These are all virtual programs many of which need pre-
1		             Yoga for Wellness
2		             Wholesome Whole Grains Wellness
3,17		          Bereavement Group                              Colleen Caulfield and 10 Year Old Casey

                                  For Advertising Contact:
                                         Senior Publishing Company
                                 1520 Washington Avenue, Neptune, N.J. 07753

                                                                               March, 2021 The Mews News     17
Fried Fish
                                                               ½ tsp. garlic powder
                                                               ¼ tsp. paprika
                                                               1 tsp. plus 1 Tbsp. dried parsley flakes, divided
                                                               Kosher salt and pepper
                                                               4 fish fillets (about 8 oz. each and 1 in. thick) such as spot
                                                               fish, cod, flounder, or sole
                                                               ½ cup yellow cornmeal
                                                               1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
                                                               ½ cup vegetable oil
                                                               In a small bowl, combine garlic powder, paprika, 1 tsp.
                                                               parsley flakes, 1 tsp. salt, and ½ tsp. pepper. Rinse fish fillets
                   by Annette Wishbow
                                                               and pat dry. Sprinkle seasoning mixture over each side of
                                                               fish fillets and let stand at least 20 minutes or preferably,
Irish Stew
                                                               cover and refrigerate overnight. On piece of waxed paper,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
                                                               combine cornmeal, flour, and remaining Tbsp. parsley
1 lb. mutton or lamb cutlets (bone removed) cut into 2"
                                                               flakes. Coat fish in cornmeal mixture, pressing gently to
                                                               help it adhere. Heat oil in large skillet on medium-high.
2 tablespoon plain flour
                                                               Cook fish in batches if necessary, until lightly browned
2lb. potatoes, peeled and cut into quarters
                                                               and opaque throughout, 2 to 4 min. per side depending on
1 cuponion, roughly chopped
                                                               thickness of fish. Transfer to paper-towel lined plate.
1 cupleeks, cleaned and finely sliced
1 cupcarrots, roughly chopped
                                                               Sweet Potato Pie
1½ pints dark beef stock
                                                               1 unbaked pie shell
2 or 3 cabbage leaves, thinly sliced
                                                               1½ cups mashed sweet potatoes
Salt and Pepper
                                                               ¾ cup sugar
Heat oven to 350 degrees. In a large frying pan heat half
                                                               1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
the oil to hot but not smoking. Add half the lamb pieces
                                                               ¼ tsp. ground cinnamon
and brown all over by turning in the hot oil. Remove the
                                                               ¼ tsp. ground nutmeg
lamb with tongs and place in a casserole, cover with a half
                                                               Pinch of salt
of the quartered potatoes, onions, leeks and carrots. Add
                                                               2 large eggs, at room temperature
the remaining oil to the frying pan, heat again, then add
                                                               ¼ cup whole milk at room temperature
the remaining lamb and brown all over as before. Add to
                                                               4 Tbsp. unsalted butter, melted
the casserole and cover with the remaining vegetables.
                                                               Whipped cream or ice cream, for serving
Add the flour to the frying pan and stir really well to soak
                                                               Heat oven to 300 degrees. With fork, poke bottom of crust
up any fat and juices. Cook on a gentle heat for 3 minutes
                                                               all over. In bowl, combine sweet potato, sugar, vanilla,
then add stock a ladle at a time until you have a thick,
                                                               cinnamon, nutmeg, and salt. Whisk in eggs and milk until
lump-free sauce. Pour this sauce over the lamb and veg-
                                                               mixture is smooth. Gradually whisk in melted butter. Pour
etables. Add the remaining stock to the casserole, cover
                                                               sweet potato mixture into prepared pie shell and bake until
with a tight-fitting lid, cook in the oven for 1 hour. Add
                                                               curs is golden brown and filling is slightly puffed at edges
the cabbage (if using), replace the lid and cook for another
                                                               but still jiggles a little in middle, 45 to 55 min. Transfer to
hour. Check from time to time to make sure the stock isn't
                                                               wire rack and let cool completely. If desired, refrigerate
reducing too much, if it is, add a little boiling water. The
                                                               until chilled and serve with whipped cream or ice cream.
meat and vegetables should always be covered by liquid.
If the sauce is too runny at the end, you can always cook
a little longer with the lid removed. Season with salt and
pepper. Serve piping hot and as it already has plenty of
potatoes and vegetables, it is unlikely it will need more.
Perhaps a little crusty bread would be good though to soak
up all that fabulous gravy.
Like all stews and casseroles, they benefit from being
made the day before.

18 March, 2021 The Mews News
March, 2021 The Mews News   19
20 March, 2021 The Mews News
March, 2021 The Mews News   21
22 March, 2021 The Mews News
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                                                                                                 March, 2021 The Mews News        23

24 March, 2021 The Mews News
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