The MalaysianDRG Casemix System: Financial Implications of Inaccurate Clinical Documentation and Coding Error

Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (eISSN 2636-9346)


The MalaysianDRG Casemix System: Financial Implications of
Inaccurate Clinical Documentation and Coding Error
Sarah Saizan1, Rusilawati Jaudin2, Najib Majdi Yaacob3, Surianti Sukeri1
    Department of Community Medicine, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Jalan Raja Perempuan Zainab II,
    16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan
    Medical Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia, Blok E1 Kompleks E Pusat Pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan,
    62590 Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya,
    Unit of Biostatistics and Research Methodology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Jalan Raja Perempuan
    Zainab II, 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan


Introduction: A casemix system measures costs of health service provision that is crucial in the planning and hospital
budgeting. The MalaysianDRG casemix system has been implemented since 2010, yet many health professionals
were unaware of its importance. To highlight this problem, we estimated the miscalculation of costs in providing
treatment, that occurred due to inaccurate clinical documentation and coding error in the MalaysianDRG casemix
system. Methods: Using a cross-sectional study design, 226 coded case notes from two healthcare institutions in
Malaysia were selected and re-coded. If a difference between codes was observed, the new code would be chosen
as the final code. The cases were then re-grouped using the MalaysianDRG casemix system. The cost per case de-
rived from the new and original codes was compared. Then, the outcomes were verified by a casemix expert from
the Ministry of Health. Results: Results indicated 61.9% inaccurate clinical documentation and 25.2% coding error.
The difference in costs of treatment provision, due to inaccurate clinical documentation was RM227,657 and RM
68,216 for coding error. Using paired t-test analysis, differences between mean (SD) cost per case of the original vs.
new codes due to inaccurate clinical documentation [RM10,208.19(12273) vs. RM11,244.53(13785.27), p
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (eISSN 2636-9346)

nation (12). However, to date, the MalaysianDRG                    MalaysianDRG casemix system as a budgeting tool.
casemix system in MOH hospitals has not been fully
utilized as its intended purpose. It is neither being used         MATERIALS AND METHODS
as a costing nor budgeting tool as practiced by other
countries. Instead, MOH hospitals continues its annual             This study focused on measuring the proportion of
hospital budget application using historical budgeting.            inaccurate clinical documentation and coding error
Historical budgeting is a time consuming process; it               which resulted in the miscalculation of costs spent in
involves budget preparation for the next year based                providing treatment at two MOH hospitals.
on the audit or review of the previous year budget
allocation (13). Data generated by the casemix system              Study design and population
is a better alternative to those of historical budgeting.          Malaysia has 145 government hospitals, but to date,
Clinical coding data supplied by the casemix system,               only 60% of these hospitals implemented the casemix
records patients' admissions and surgical procedures               system. The researcher conducted a cross-sectional
performed each year. This information is useful in                 study between January to February 2019 at two MOH
estimating health service provision, its associated costs          hospitals: a medical institution and a state hospital. The
and ultimately, a more accurate allocation of healthcare           researcher purposely chose these two hospitals because
funding. Therefore, the accuracy of clinical coding                these hospitals were audited by the MOH Casemix Unit
is crucial because resources allocated must consider               in 2017. During these audits, for every selected case,
specific patient loads that health providers endure,               senior coders from the MOH Casemix Unit reviewed
reflecting a true picture of the type of morbidity and its         and re-coded the diagnosis of selected patients' medical
needed resources (9, 14).                                          records. After completing the re-coding process, the
                                                                   researcher compared new codes assigned by these
High coding error in casemix system is perilous to the             senior coders and original codes by the hospital coders.
management of a hospital, as it will ultimately lead to            If the codes vary, the researcher chose the new codes
the loss of reimbursement a hospital receives from the             assigned by the senior coders as the new correct codes.
fund provider. Inadequate hospital funding will pose               New codes assigned by these senior coders were later
many problems not only affecting the functioning of the            reviewed and verified by an expert coders from the
hospital but also patients. Hospitals will face shortages          MOH Casemix Unit who had certification in the ICD-
of medical supplies and patients may have to pay out-              10 and ICD-9 CM coding. Once these new coded cases
of-pocket. Patients may also have to seek treatment at             were verified, they were entered in the MalaysianDRG
private healthcare institutions due to the long queues             casemix system to create new Diagnosis Related Groups
arising from damaged medical equipment that hospitals              (DRG).
did not have enough funds to fix. As shown in a study by
Jameson and Reed in an orthopaedic department, coding              To illustrate how cost per case is derived, each coded
error has led to the reduction of orthopaedic surgeons'            case inserted in the MalaysianDRG casemix system
salaries (15). Additionally coding error also resulted in          produces a specific DRG with its own allocated Cost
the increase of waiting time and complaints submitted              Group Weight (CGW) that relies on the average cost of
by unsatisfied patients (8). Ultimately all these problems         inputs for medical procedures and diagnostic services
will interfere with the quality of care and health status of       required to achieve the appropriate patient outcome. By
the populations (16).                                              multiplying all CGWs with the latest National Base Rate
                                                                   2016, and the price per cost (PPC) for each DRG will be
The objectives of this study were twofold. This first              obtained.
objective was to determine the proportion of inaccurate
clinical documentation and coding error in the                     For the purpose of this study, we collected our data from
MalaysianDRG casemix System at two MOH hospitals.                  the 2017 Casemix Unit audit report, which provided the
Second, to determine the financial implications,                   two sets of old and new coded cases from both hospitals.
defined as miscalculation of costs spent in providing              Using these two sets of coded cases, we first calculated
treatment, due to inaccurate clinical documentation                the proportion of inaccurate clinical documentation and
and coding error. If the MOH decides to implement the              coding error. Next, we produced the respective DRGs
MalaysianDRG casemix system as a budgeting tool in                 and CGWs to derive the PPCs. Finally, we compared
the future, miscalculation of costs spent in providing             the PPCs for both sets of coded cases to observe any
treatment accentuate the urgency for accurate clinical             miscalculation of costs. The PPCs for all the DRGs
documentation and coding, as it will affect the annual             were summed up to derive the actual cost of providing
funding a hospital receives from the Ministry of Finance.          treatment.
Hence, it is hoped that findings from this study may
assist in the effort towards improving the accuracy of             This research was approved by Medical Research and
clinical documentation and reducing coding error,                  Ethics Committee NMRR-18-2915-44339 (Investigator
create awareness among health professionals and further            Initiated Research, IIR) and by Human Research Ethics
convince policymakers towards future application of the            Committee USM USM/JEPeM/18100575.

84                                           Mal J Med Health Sci 17(1): 83-87, Jan 2021
Data analysis                                                                           Table III: Comparison of price per case pre and post-audit in coding
A descriptive analysis was conducted to determine the
proportion of inaccurate clinical documentation and                                         Variables        Price Per Casea        Mean difference    t-statis-   p
                                                                                                                                      (95% CI)         tics (df)   value*
coding error. The researcher conducted a similar analysis                                                   Pre            Post
to measure the actual cost of providing treatment before                                    Price        10208.19       11215.52        1007.33         2.123
Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences (eISSN 2636-9346)

‘severity level I' or mild case, even though in actuality it       ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
is in fact, ‘severity level III'. As complications of disease
worsened, patient will stay longer in the hospital thus            This study is made possible by the Bridging Grant
acquiring more extensive care and use more resources               (304.PPSP.6316328) by the Universiti Sains Malaysia,
compared to a simple case of severity level I. Results             awarded to Surianti Sukeri. We extend our deepest
had shown that, 64% of the cases' DRG changed when                 gratitude to the Casemix Unit, Ministry of Health and
auditors completed those clinical documentations with              staff from the two participating hospitals who had
comorbidities and complications during hospital stay,              contributed significantly to the study.
and the severity level changed from I to II/III. These
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