Informative Day ERA PerMed JTC 2021 - ISCIII
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Informative Day ERA PerMed JTC 2021 MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH PROJECTS ON PERSONALISED MEDICINE DEVELOPMENT OF CLINICAL SUPPORT TOOLS FOR PM IMPLEMENTATION Dr Maria Jose Ruiz Alvarez, Joint Call Secretariat 2021 Italian Ministry of Health Virtual conference, 25 January 2021
Personalised medicine definition • “Personalised Medicine refers to a medical model using characterisation of individuals’ phenotypes and genotypes (e.g. molecular profiling, medical imaging, lifestyle data) for tailoring the right therapeutic strategy for the right person at the right time, and/or to determine the predisposition to disease and/or to deliver timely and targeted prevention” “ stated in the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of PerMed, adopted from the H2020 advisory group! Mentimeter code 72 00 426
Personalised Medicine is non-disease-specific Proposals from any medical research area are encouraged in ERA PerMed calls Mentimeter code : 72 00 426
JTC 2018- 2019- 2020 ERA PerMed newsletter- information about all funded projects If you’d like to receive our Newsletter, please fill in the form
ERA PerMed – non EU co-funded JTC 2021 16 EU countries ( AU, BE, CR, DE, EST, FI FR, GE, HU, IT, LAT, LU, PO, RO, SP, SW) CSC* 23 Countries 3 H2020 associated countries: Turkey, Norway, Israel 30 Partners 4 third countries: Brazil, Chile, Egypt & Panama 5 regions (Saxony, Lombardy, Catalonia, Navarra and Tuscany) 1 charity: AECC Call Secretariat (JCS) Italian Ministry of Health (IT-MoH) ITALY with the support of FRRB Countries´ ex ante Budget 24M € approx. CSC*: Call Steering Commitee Mentimeter code : 72 00 426
Finding suitable partners for your research Consortia while participating in ERA PerMed calls Mentimeter code : 72 00 426
Eligible Academia (research teams working in universities, partners: other higher education institutions) or research institutes Clinical/public health sector (research teams working in hospitals/public health and/or other healthcare settings and health organisations) Participation of clinicians (e.g. medical doctors, nurses) in the research teams is encouraged Private partners For a definition of eligible partners, see “Guidelines for Applicants”, the regional/national regulations, and contact your regional/national funding organisation (see also Annex I)
Aim of the call • What? …..fosters research and innovation building linkage between clinical research, computer science /medical informatics and research on ELSA in PM. • How? …multidisciplinary activities brought together stakeholders from academia, clinical/public health research and private partners, policy makers, regulatory / health technology assessment (HTA) agencies and patients / patient organisations • Why? …to improve disease prevention and disease management (patient stratification, diagnostics and tailored treatment / prevention protocols for both patients and individuals at risk of disease)
Objectives • Support translational and transnational research projects • Encourage and enable interdisciplinary collaboration towards the implementation of PM, combining clinical research, bio-informatics components and ethical, legal and social aspects. Additionally, pre-clinical and health economic research • Encourage collaboration between academia, clinical/public health research , private partners as well as policy makers, regulatory/HTA agencies and patient representative organisations.
ERA PerMed Co-funded JTC 2018 “Research projects on personalised medicine – smart combination of pre-clinical and clinical research with data and ICT solutions” Joint Call Secretariat (JCS) National Institute of 22 funded projects Health Carlos III 24.6M € requested funding (ISCIII) SPAIN. 31 Partners from 23 Countries
ERA PerMed JTC 2019 30 Partners … MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH TOWARDS IMPLEMENTATION 22 Countries Call Secretariat (JCS) French National Research Agency (ANR) FRANCE Each project proposal MUST address at least one module of Research Area 3 and at least one module of Research Area 1 or 2. 22 funded projects 24.6M € requested funding
ERA PerMed JTC 2020 31 Partners ….PRE-/CLINICAL RESEARCH, BIG DATA AND ICT, 23 Countries IMPLEMENTATION AND USER’S PERSPECTIVE” Call Secretariat (JCS) German Aerospace Centre (DLR) GERMANY Each project proposal MUST address at least one module of Research Area 3 and at least one module of Research Area 1 or 2. 18 funded projects 23.3M € requested funding
✓ application and validation of known biomarkers ✓ On therapeutic targets ✓ How implementation of technology and research findings will be transformed into clinical practice and address regulatory questions- Pre-clinical Clinical Research ---------ensure the robustness and reproducibility of results is strongly encouraged
✓ pre-clinical predictive models for (A) validation of data and hypotheses from human population, clinical, molecular and genomics studies and/or (B) prediction of clinical outcomes ✓ Classification of diseases at the molecular level ✓ Validation and characterisation of the role of biomarkers in predictive medicine
Mandatory Research module ✓ Improvement, validation and combination of analytical tools and methods for diagnostics and treatment, allowing the discovery and validation of molecular and environmental factors that can be used for patient stratification and treatment decisions. ✓ Pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics on preparation of clinical trials. ✓ Innovative clinical trial methodologies; novel strategies to accelerate the transition from clinical observation to diagnostic development.
Mandatory Research module ✓ New concepts and stratification strategies in exploratory clinical studies (pilot studies and Feasibility studies) ✓ Clinical, omics and environmental data integration, use of machine learning to provide the basis for more personalised treatment for patients. ✓ Implementation in the treatment of patients with comorbidities. ✓ Clinical support tools testing and validation in clinical practice. ✓ Innovative m/e-health or telemedicine applications testing and validation in a clinical setting.
✓ Re-use and sharing of data through public databases are encouraged and the re-use or combination of existing tools ✓ Data from experimental evidence (also present), various types of data generated in silico or directly by patients and Clinical data ✓ Robust analysis and interpretation of results with data security / protection. ✓ Development of common standards and working practices for storage, accessibility, interoperability and re-use of samples and data generated
Mandatory Research module ✓ Artificial intelligence approaches to Big data to find new subgroups of patients, to predict patient outcome to treatment and for biomarker validation. ✓ Development of good practices for the management of samples and data (FAIR and GDPR ). ✓ Development of approaches for the innovative and combined use of already validated and / or new eHealth and mHealth ✓ Development of innovative telemedicine applications for direct contact between healthcare personnel and patients.
✓ The studies conducted in 3A and 3B and the corresponding work package should relate directly to the research question(s) addressed in A 1 and 2. ✓ Research on health economic aspects of newly innovative PM approaches ✓ Research investigating whether a patient-centred, new PM approach requires refinement of – or even new – health economic and pharma- economic models, for the treatment of diseases or for their prevention.
Mandatory Research module ✓ Research on ethical, legal and social aspects, when using artificial intelligence techniques & genetic engineering. ✓ Genetic testing in clinical practice, the clinical interpretation of test results and the potential clinical, ethical and legal consequences ✓ potentially biased datasets lacking (sample) heterogeneity of information ✓ personal/individual component during the creation of decision support tools
Mandatory Research module ✓ regulatory approval of clinical decision systems based on statistical learning, machine learning and artificial intelligence technologies ✓ decision support tools in the prevention and stratification of the healthy society/population and fair access ✓ equal access to PM approaches for all patients ✓ Right to know/not to know and sharing of research findings ✓ How to enable stakeholder exchange and collaboration from the beginning of a study
Evaluation: Pre-proposal phase Changes from the 2-Steps procedure pre-proposal to the full-proposal phase Full–proposal phase are limited Peer Review Panel Rules Ranking list Available funds Take note ! All documents are available on the website: Selection of Projects to be funded … Pre-eligibility document if required Call text Guidelines National/ Regional Funding process Annex with national/ regional budget & specific rules Eligible annexes in the pre- and full-proposal stage Follow up National/Regional & …… International
Pre-proposal template CALIBRI FONT SIZE 11…… In order to confirm your eligibility, please contact your state/national representatives of the participating funding organisation prior to submission.
Timeline JTC2021 Final funding decision Beginning of April: End September/ Beginning October 2021 Pre-proposals sent to reviewers Submission Submission Rebuttal Pre-announcement deadline CSC deadline Phase and PRP and CSC Launch pre-proposals meeting full-proposals Quality evaluation meeting October 14 December 4 March March May June August September Evaluation 1st stage Evaluation 2nd stage Formal and national/regional eligibility check Central eligibility check: Joint Call Secretariat Regional/national eligibility check by the respective funding organisations Take note! Pre-eligibility check form Underrepresented countries can join the proposals at this stage!
Notes about evaluation process: Coherent integration and combination of the different research areas and modules in the proposals is part of the evaluation process Remote evaluation (pre-proposal & full-proposal) • Allocation of 3 Reviewers /Proposal • 3 Evaluation criteria: Excellence, Impact and Implementation Scoring system from 0 to 5 : maximum 15 Threshold 3 for each criterion (mean of 3 experts) • Ranking list: The PRP establishes a list of proposals recommended for funding and NOT recommended for funding • 1st step evaluation (pre-proposal) General budget rules and rank list influence the decision on the number of proposals invited to the second phase (of 150 50 ) 2nd step evaluation (full-proposal) Negotiations following rank list to allow the funding of as many projects as possible by optimizing the regional/national budget (of 50 20 )
Evaluation Criteria 1.- Excellence of the proposal: a. Clarity and relevance b. Scientific quality of approach and methodology c. Soundness d. Novelty e. Feasibility of the project f. Relevance for the advancement of PM g. Quality of the consortium: international competitiveness, previous work and expertise, added value of the transnational collaboration.
2.- Impact of the proposal: a. Added value of the transnational collaboration; sharing of resources, platforms/infrastructures, harmonisation of data and sharing of specific know-how b. Potential impact of the expected results c. Involvement of pertinent patient organisations/representatives (if available/applicable) d. Involvement of private partners if available/applicable e. Innovative potential f. Consideration of sex aspects and underrepresented populations in research teams. Inclusion of sex and/or gender analysis and underrepresented populations in the research, if applicable
3.- Quality and efficiency of the implementation a. Quality of the project plan; b. Adequateness of the work package structure and work plan; c. Balanced participation of project partners and integration of workload in the different work packages, quality and efficiency of the coordination and scientific management; d. Scientific justification and adequateness of the requested budget e. Risk assessment, regulatory and ethics issues properly addressed (when necessary); f. Coherent integration and combination of Research Areas and Modules in the proposal.
ERA PerMed Experts Peer Review Panel (PRP) • The selection is based on their experience on the different research areas and in this very broad medical field , taking into account the right Geographical and Gender Balance (also experts from outside the consortium) • Good skills in the evaluation process. • Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality Declaration has to be signed Are you interested in increasing your knowledge of the evaluation process and strengthening your network and position internationally ? Check your CI and contact us
Research consortium: • Each consortium must involve at least 3 partners eligible for funding from 3 different countries whose funders participate in the call. All 3 legal entities must be independent • Maximum number of partners /pre-proposal is 6 (no more than 2 partners from the same country) • At least 2 partners out of the minimum 3 eligible project partners of the consortium must be from two different EU Member States or Associated Countries.
Each project partner (research group) has to be represented by one principal investigator . The coordinator represent a research group/partner and must be eligible for funding being responsible for the internal scientific management of project For regional/national eligibility reasons, applicants shall avoid applying to different calls for same research activities. Double funding is not permitted Strongly encouraged: - the active involvement of members of the public in the proposed research projects. - Inclusion of sex, gender analysis and/or underrepresented populations - Scientific Data Open Access Policy- DMP
Patient involvement ERA PerMed strongly encourages the active involvement of members of the public in the proposed research projects. This includes patients, citizens/potential patients, healthcare providers, people who use health and social care services, as well as patient organisations. Goal: to raise awareness, share knowledge and improve dialogue between researchers, healthcare providers, policy-makers, industry and citizens. The involvement of patient representatives/organisations in research proposals submitted to this call is part of the evaluation: “2. Impact: c. “3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation: e.
JTC 2021- Take note • Interdisciplinary (academia, clinical/public health sector and private partners) • Clear impact on PM and benefit for patient/public 1 • Discus your project with all stakeholder involved • Areas & modules: Coherent integration and combination in the WP. Module/WP/Partner • Partners: Coherent integration /WP and complementarity 2 • Active participation of early-career researchers/scientists • Active involvement of public • Inclusion of sex, gender analysis and/or underrepresented population 3 • Data : FAIR & DMP PLEASE, READ CALL TEXT , ANNEX AND GUIDELINES CAREFULLY
After the selection for funding: • Consortium members of projects must establish the • No later than three months after the • No later than six start data of months after the scientific project scientific project start date scientific project which will be the start date. reference date for the annual progress Data reports and final management Consortium reporting. Plan Agreement (CA) Start data
Why you should join this call Enhance the networking : quality of their research teams, international position, reduce health R&D cost by aligning Funding expenses with other countries/regions Organisation Socio-economic positive impacts: health service improvement, new employment lines Strengthening the network Receiving funding and international position Researcher Knowledge/technology transfer Helping/ Encouraging researchers to become entrepreneurs Increasing Knowledge process of evaluation Expert on Panel and Strengthening the network and improve Evaluation your international position
Thanks on behalf of Joint Call Secretariat Italian Ministry of Health Dr. G. Guglielmi, Dr. M. Paganelli, Dr. M. Jose Ruiz & the support of Fondazione Regionale per la Ricerca Biomedica (FRRB): P Bello, G. Caldieri & C. De Francesco. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 779282”.
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