Consumer Sentiment Around COVID-19 - Wave 2 - Report of Findings

Page created by Jacob Richardson
Consumer Sentiment Around COVID-19 - Wave 2 - Report of Findings
Around COVID-19
Wave 2 - Report of Findings

April 2020
Consumer Sentiment Around COVID-19 - Wave 2 - Report of Findings
Objectives and Methodology
    > With     today’s current climate and COVID-19 impacting businesses and consumers,
        it is imperative for us to understand how this pandemic influences consumers’
        attitudes about their life as well as brands and industries
    > As   consumer sentiment shifts, likely significantly, from week to week, having a
        finger on the pulse will allow brands to identify their next best action in the
        market place
    > Insights  within, reflect CMB’s proprietary online Sentiment Pulse conducted on
        3/17/20 (W1) and 4/6 + 4/7/20 (W2)
    > Wave
            > 1: 498 US adults, 18+
            > 2: 530 US adults, 18+

    > Nationally              representative sample (for age and gender)

2   C O N F I D E N T I A L
Consumer Sentiment Around COVID-19 - Wave 2 - Report of Findings
Executive Summary
    >   Experts tell us that most societal change is glacial in nature, requiring years or decades to
        measure movement. Three weeks after CMB’s first consumer pulse, however, sentiment has
        notably shifted among Americans amid the COVID-19 crisis.
    >   The majority of Americans now feel more decidedly positive or more decidedly negative
        about their lives overall. This is largely the result of changes they have been required to
        make and the resulting impact from those changes. More time with family and gratitude for
        work and health drive positive feelings while anxiety, worry, and financial distress drive
    >   Regardless of feelings about life overall, the majority of Americans now feel
        a negative impact from COVID-19 specifically. Perceptions of negative
        impact are tied directly to distress around finances,
        acquiring essentials, and working from home.
    >   Opportunities abound, however, as forced changes lead to new
        habits, some of which consumers may be reluctant to
        relinquish once the “new normal” arrives. The
        challenge for brands will be to identify the
        white space for innovation to meet
        emerging consumer needs.

3   C O N F I D E N T I A L
Consumer Sentiment Around COVID-19 - Wave 2 - Report of Findings
Current Sentiment
About Life Situation
Consumer Sentiment Around COVID-19 - Wave 2 - Report of Findings
To understand how people feel, we measure the two core
    dimensions of emotion
    > VA L E N C E            is the intensity of a positive or negative feeling
    > A C T I V AT I O N           is the amount of physical energy associated with it
        Valence and activation are
        often correlated, but they
        are not the same.
        For example: Anger and
        sadness can feel equally
        and intensely bad in terms
        of valence.
        However, anger is high in
        activation. It’s agitating and
        makes people want to act.
        By contrast, sadness is low
        in activation. It’s wearying
        and makes people want to
        We also account for the fact
        that experiences can feel
        ambivalent—i.e., they elicit
        both positive and negative

5   C O N F I D E N T I A L
Americans are now more certain of how they feel about their life overall;
       Sentiments show notable shifts toward more purely negative feelings and
       more purely positive feelings since March 17th

       > The     majority are feeling positive about life, with much lower levels of ambivalence
             and neutrality than last wave (reported both good and bad feelings or neither
             positive nor negative emotions) with a 14 percentage point increase in purely
             positive feelings
       > There     is also a corresponding 9 point increase in consumers feeling purely
             negative about their lives
                                                  8%                                            Purely Positive
                                        Purely Negative
             POSITIVE                                            11%                                                                                55%
    WAVE 1

             NEGATIVE                            19%             11%

             POSITIVE                                           8%                                                                                                    66%▲
    WAVE 2

             NEGATIVE            26%                            8%                                             58% ▲
                                                                                                         Purely Positive
                                          Purely Negative

                                  NEGATIVE                 AMBIVALENT                          POSITIVE
                                  (% Feel Bad)         (% Feel Both Good and Bad)              (% Feel Good)

6      C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                      ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
People are more emotional than three weeks ago. Positive, low-activated
    emotions still prevail for feelings about life overall, though there is stronger
    high activation for both positive and negative emotions
    NEGATIVE                                                                                                                                           POSITIVE
    VALENCE                                                   19%   Wave 1                              55%                                            VALENCE

                                                        26%         Wave 2                                       66% ▲

             High Activation                                                                                                        High Activation
    (e.g., agitated, frustrated, angry,                                                                                         (e.g., energized, excited,
        anxious, stressed, afraid)                      HIGH ACTIVATION                                                     delighted, motivated, inspired)

                                    Wave 1: 19%                                                                 Wave 1: 15%
                                                         28%                 21%

                                    Wave 1: 44%                                                                 Wave 1: 46%
                   Mixed                          41%                                                                                     Mixed
                High & Low                                                                                                             High & Low

                                    Wave 1: 37%                                                                 Wave 1: 39%

                                                        31%                        38%

             Low Activation                                                                                                          Low Activation
      (e.g., weary, disappointed,
     discouraged, sad, depressed)
                                                        LOW ACTIVATION                                                       (e.g., peaceful, calm, relaxed,
                                                                                                                                  comfortable, secure)

7   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                        ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
People are more galvanized in one direction or the other, perhaps having
    gained a slightly different perspective on life over the last few weeks -
    stronger gratitude or greater anxiety/real impact from the current crisis
                                                                                              EMOTIONAL VALENCE – POSITIVE/NEGATIVE
    Those feeling negative
    about their life are
    anxious, uncertain, and                                                  Wave 1                                 8%                    44%

    specifically feeling the
    economic impact of the
    COVID-19 environment.                                                    Wave 2                            17% ▲                            58% ▲

    Suburban dwellers who                                                                              PURELY NEGATIVE     PURELY POSITIVE
    perhaps felt safer three
    weeks ago are now                                                                                                                  “I’m retired so my income isn’t threatened right now and I
                                                                 “The future is uncertain
    more likely to express                                      and I’m hoping that things            “I'm inside all day and         can lend support to my children who financially need some
                                                                                                                                          help right now. I do miss being able to get out and see
                                                                   will get better soon.”            lack any motivation.”
    purely negative                                                       – Gen X                             – Gen Z                 people right now....but continue to believe that at some point
                                                                                                                                                         this will be behind us.”
    sentiments.                                                                                                                                          – Baby Boomer/Mature

                                                                “No money. No job.             “I'm concerned and anxious                “Happily married; in
                                                                  Been stuck in this         about the Coronavirus, for myself            retirement; children         “Fortunate that everyone
                                                                house. Not sure when                  and my family.”                       healthy and self-              in my family are
                                                                 this will ever end.”              –Baby Boomer/Mature                   supporting; acceptable              healthy and
                                                                     – Millennial                                                         financial condition.”               employed.”
                                                                                                                                        - Baby Boomer/Mature                   - Gen X

         Older generations
          feel mostly good                                                                “Unsure future due to COVID-19.”
                                                                                              – Baby Boomer/Mature                               “I have a great community of
         about their current                                                                                                                  friends. A loving family. Hobbies
                                                                                                                                                  that I have to time to pursue.”
            life situation                                                                                                                                  – Millennial

    Base: All respondents: Wave 1 (n=498), Wave 2 (n=530) ● Q3. Think about your current life situation (i.e., work, friends, family, health, hobbies, etc.), how good does your current
    situation make you feel? And how bad does it make you feel? Q4. And what reasons do you have for feeling that way?
8   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                     ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
Much of the country is now aligned on level of negative emotions related
    to life in general; while positive emotions have increased for all regions
    and neighborhood types

                                                                                      MIDWEST                                                   Wave 1                        Wave 2

                                                                             Wave 1                       Wave 2                                                        67
                            WEST                                                                                                           54
                  Wave 1                     Wave 2                                                  66
                                                                        49                                                                                 26
                                        67                                                                                                                                     12
             60                                                                                                                                      8
                                                                                        16                          19
                                                                                                             4                                  2,402                        223,859
                           26                         25                                                                                                        cases
                                              10                              569                         52,444
                  1,781                      39,944

                                                                                      Wave 1                       Wave 2
                                                                                                                                                                         Wave 2
                                                                                                             66                                          69▲                 66
                                                                               55                                                                                                            62

                                                                                        8                            7                                          29                                28
                                                                                      993                         75,602

                                                                                                                                                          Urban              Suburban         Rural
    % Positive       % Ambivalent             % Negative
                                                                                                                                            Wave 1       47% 28%             58% 15%         58% 17%
    Base: West: Wave 1 (n=120), Wave 2 (n=113); Midwest: Wave 1 (n=109), Wave 2 (n=113); South: Wave 1 (n=184), Wave 2 (n=186); Northeast: Wave 1 (n=85), Wave 2 (n=118);
    Urban: Wave 1 (n=132), Wave 2 (n=135); Suburban: Wave 1 (n=256), Wave 2 (n=305); Rural: Wave 1 (n=110), Wave 2 (n=90) ● Q3: Think about your current life situation (i.e.,
    work, friends, family, health, hobbies, etc.), how good does your current situation make you feel? And how bad does it make you feel?
    COVID-19 positive cases: Wave 1 as of 3/17/20 (date pulled 3/24/20), Wave 2 as of 4/7/20 (date pulled 4/8/20). Source: Data pulled by state
9   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                      ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
Life in the Time of
Remarkable shifts are noted in just three weeks, with more than twice the
       number of Americans experiencing a very negative impact from COVID-19
                                   COVID-19 IMPACT ON YOU RIGHT NOW
                                                                                                                                                          >   Three-quarters feel a
           Wave 1          17%                     32%                        21%             9%           21%                                                negative impact on
                                                                                                                                Those feeling a               their lives from
                                                                                                                              positive impact cite
                                                                                                                               more family time,
                                                                                                                                                              COVID-19, something
           Wave 2                      40% ▲                              33%                     12% ▼ 8% 7% ▼                 ability to take a             businesses must
                                                                                                                              break/focus on self
                                                                                                                          care, and working              continue to
                            Very Negative        Somewhat             No Impact          Somewhat          Very Positive
                                                                                                                                 from home as                 acknowledge
                                                                                                                                reasons for the
                              (-5 to -3)          Negative                (0)             Positive           (3 to 5)
                                                  (-2 to -1)                              (1 to 2)
                                                                                                                                                          >   Americans are even
                                                               LEVEL OF CONCERN                                                                               more concerned with
                                                NOT       CONCERNED               CONCERNED
                                                                                                                                                              health and long-term
                                                           (%0-4)                    (%8-10)
                                                                                                                     Wave 1                                   recession
                      Your family’s health                         ▼ 17%               49%                            42%                                 >   Concern about losing
                                                                                                                                Baby Boomers are
          Entering a long-term recession                         ▼ 20%               47%                              45%        least concerned              one’s job remains
                                                                                                                                 about not being              steady while
                                                                   ▼ 16%                                                         able to pay bills,
              Health of your community                                               46%                              42%
                                                                                                                                   providing for
                                                                                                                                                              Americans are feeling
                         Your own health                     ▼      27%            36%                                36%       family, and losing            a bit less concerned
                                                                                                                                     their jobs.              about long-term
                                                                                                                                  Millennials are
              Not being able to pay bills                       48%              26%                                  28%
                                                                                                                                 most concerned               effects for banks
      Banks negatively affected for long                                                                                         about health of
                                                                  37%            26%      ▼                           36%
                                    term                                                                                            community
     Not being able to provide for family                        44%            25%                                   32%

                          Losing your job                    60%               21%                                    23%

       Base: All respondents: Wave 1 (n=498), Wave 2 (n=530) ● Q6: How much positive or negative impact are you experiencing right now in your life because of COVID-19? Q7: How
       concerned are you right now with each of the following?
11     C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                 ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
While everyone is worrying about health and most are feeling some level
      of isolation and boredom, those most impacted are facing difficulties with
      basics like buying groceries or figuring out how to work from home
     IMPACT ON YOU                                          40% ▲                                              33%                           12% ▼      8%        7% ▼
        RIGHT NOW
                                                         Very Negative             Somewhat Negative          No impact           Somewhat Positive     Very Positive
                                                           (-5 to -3)                  (-2 to -1)                (0)                  (1 to 2)            (3 to 5)

              MOST CHALLENGING ASEPCT OF LIFE FOR YOU DURING THIS TIME: WAVE 2 (common themes by COVID-19 impact)*

            Family/yourself                Finances               Family/yourself            Finances           Family/yourself       Family/yourself   Family/yourself
            staying healthy                                       staying healthy                               staying healthy       staying healthy   staying healthy

                 Staying                   Isolation                  Staying                Isolation             Staying                                   Staying
                  home                                                 home                                         home                                      home

                Boredom              Getting groceries,              Boredom             Getting groceries,       Boredom                                  Boredom
                                      essential needs                                     essential needs

                                                                                                                                     Being apart from
                                                                                                                                      family/ friends

           Being apart from               Working                Being apart from            Working             No concerns                            Being apart from
            family/ friends               remotely                family/ friends            remotely                                                    family/ friends
      Q19: What is the most challenging aspect of life for you during this time?
      *Themes are not presented in any specific order.                                                                                   Finances
12    C O N F I D E N T I A L
Those negatively impacted have more concerns than last wave, though they
     feel better about banks and providing for family. Their ranks have dwindled,
     but those feeling no impact are more worried about health
                                                                                         CONCERN                                                                  Negative Impact         No Impact
                                                                               (% Very concerned, %8-10)                                                          (-5 to -1)              (0)

                    54%                     53%
          49%                                                      48%
                                                        40%                                                        38%
                                            31%                                36%
                                                                                                       33%                    30%
                                                        25%                                27%                                            27%                     28%
          21%                                                       20%                                                                               24%                                23%
                                                                               18%                                 19%                                                        20%
                    16%         16%                                                                    16%
                                                                                           11%                                            11%                     11%
                                                                                                                               9%                      7%                     6%          5%

 Wave      1          2           1           2           1          2           1           2           1          2           1           2           1           2           1          2
         Entering a long-        Your family’s          Health of your         Banks will be           Your own health       Not being able to      Not being able to        Losing your job
          term recession            health               community           negatively affected                             provide for your           pay bills
                                                                               for long term                                      family

     >   The timeline has                                                     TIMELINE FOR “GOING BACK TO NORMAL”
                                                                                             (Among those negatively impacted)
         extended for
         going back to
         normal. A shift in                   Wave 1     2%      13%                             31%                                  24%                           19%               5%       6%
         the other
         direction will be a
         leading indicator                    Wave 2    1% 8%                         28%                                 25%                                26%                      10%        3%
         of economic
         recovery                                                                                                                                                                   
                                                               About              About                 A few               About               One year          Things will            Don’t
                                                              2 weeks            a month               months             6 months              or more          not go back             know
     Base: Those negatively impacted: Wave 1 (n=288), Wave 2 (n=389); Those not impacted: Wave 1 (n=86), Wave 2 (n=60) ● Q7: Very Concerned (%8-10) - How concerned are you
     right now with each of the following? Q9: Approximately, how much longer do you feel it will be before things go back to normal?
13   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                     ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
Younger generations express more concern and negative emotion, even as
        they expect a faster return to normal; recent unemployment is increased
        from last wave
                                      EMOTIONAL SENTIMENT                                                                     COVID-19 IMPACT ON YOU RIGHT NOW
                                                                                                     Total                   40% ▲                                 33%                   12%▼ 8%             7% ▼
       66% ▲                        67%
                      62%▲                       60%                               Overall          Gen Z                         49% ▲                              23%                     17%           11%
                           38%▲         34%                                                     Millennials                 37% ▲                             33%                      11%      9%         11% ▼
                                                      21%           19%
                                                                                   Overall          Gen X                   37% ▲                             33%                       13%        7%      10% ▼
                                                                                                                              42%▲                                   37%                        10%▼ 6% 5%
         Total         Gen Z       Millennials      Gen X      Boomers/
                                                                                                                                                                                                         
                                                                                                              Very Negative Somewhat Negative           No Impact          Somewhat Positive         Very Positive
                     EMOTIONAL VALENCE – POSITIVE/NEGATIVE                                                      (-5 to -3)      (-2 to -1)                  (0)                (1 to 2)                (3 to 5)

          Total                    17% ▲                    58% ▲                                      TIMELINE FOR “GOING BACK TO NORMAL”(Among those negatively impacted)

         Gen Z
                                                                                                       Total                 Gen Z                Millennials                  Gen1%X                Boomers
                                  25% ▲                 48%                                          3% 1%                                             1%2%                                             4%
                                                                                                                             6%                       8% 7%                   4%                             6%
                                                                                                     10% 8%                    15%                                              9%
                                                                                                                                                                            13%                      11%
     Millennials                   19% ▲                    52%                                        ▲                  17%                                                                           ▲     23%
                                                                                                                                                20%          27%
                                                                                                   26%          28%                                                                     31%
                                                                                                                          26%      36%                                                             34%
         Gen X                     17% ▲                    56%                                                                                                                                              21%
                                                                                                         25%                                          35%                        19%
                                    15%                       68%                                  About           About          A few             About         One year           Won’t go           Don’t
                                                                                                    2 weeks          a month         months             6 months       or more             back                know
                          PURELY NEGATIVE   PURELY POSITIVE
                                                                                                                        LEVEL OF CONCERN (Top 5)                                                              Boomers/
                                                                                                                                              Total                      Gen Z    Millennials      Gen X       Matures
                                   UNEMPLOYMENT                                                                                           ▼17%
                                                                                                          Your family’s health                         49%               53%           51%         50%            46%▼
                                                                                      within             Entering a long-term
                                                                                                                     recession          ▼ 20%         47%                48%           52%         46%            43%
                                                                                     the last
                                                                                       two        Health of your community                ▼ 16%       46%                39%           56%         46%            40%
                                                                                                               Your own health        ▼ 27%           36%                31%           41%         37%            34%
                   14% 56%                11% 25%       10% 54%
                                                                                                       Not being able to pay
          9% 38% ▲                                                             13%                                                     48%        26%                    37%           39%         28%            12%
                                                                          4%                                             bills

         Total           Gen Z        Millennials      Gen X            Boomers/                                       NOT CONCERNED (%0-4) CONCERNED (%8-10)
                                                                         Matures                                       ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
14      C O N F I D E N T I A L
Opportunities abound with technology; Zoom is the clear winner in terms
     of recent behavior changes

                   % USED TECHNOLOGY IN PAST 6 MONTHS                                                               CHANGE IN USE IN RECENT WEEKS

                  FaceTime                                       40%                              6%               35%                                      58%

                      Zoom                              30%                                       1% 13%                                        86%

                      Skype                     21%                                              5%                39%                                       56%

                WhatsApp                     17%                                                   8%                   43%                                     49%

            Facebook Live                   16%                                                   8%                    43%                                    50%

       Google Hangouts                      16%                                                    8%                  41%                                     51%

                  Dropbox                  15%                                                         17%                           55%                                 27%

         Microsoft Teams                12%                                                        9%                35%                                     56%

            YouTube Live               11%                                                         10%                 38%                                    52%

             Cisco WebEx             9%                                                                                                     *
          Google G Suite          5%                                                                                                        *
             LinkedIn Live      3%                                                                                                          *
        Slack Video Calls      1%
                         Box   1%                                                                                                           *
                                                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                   I am using this LESS        I am using this the SAME        I am using this MORE
                                                                                                      in recent weeks             as I have in the past           in recent weeks
     Base: All respondents: Wave 2 (n=530) ● Q17: Which of the following technologies have you used in the past 6 months? Select all that apply.
     Base: Those who have used the technology in the past 6 months: Wave 2 (n-sizes vary by technology) ● Q18: How has your usage of these technologies changed over the last few
     weeks? * Not showing change in recent week results if
Home cooking, grocery delivery, and decluttering are the big winners
       resulting from this marked change in lifestyle; Meeting new needs for
       newly formed habits offers opportunities for businesses
                                                    % DID ACTIVITY IN PAST 6 MONTHS                                               CHANGE IN USE IN RECENT WEEKS
                                      Online shopping                                                    64%          9%                   49%                               42%
         House cleaning/decluttering/organization                                                        64%         1%         35%                                  63%
     Staying in touch with relatives/Visiting friends                                               57%               11%                38%                              50%
                                            Exercising                                             55%                 15%                     46%                            38%
                Home cooking/making new recipes                                                   54%               1%        30%                                  69%
                             Engaging in social media                                           51%                  2%            42%                                  56%
                                    Ordering take-out                                        48%                       15%                34%                             51%
                         Spending more time outside                                 35%                                14%            25%                              61%
      Gardening/yard/home improvement projects                                      35%                              6%               41%                                53%
                                  Working on hobbies                               34%                               6%           32%                                 62%
              Playing family board and card games                               30%                                   11%           27%                               62%
                                       Online gaming                         26%                                    4%            35%                                  61%
                                 Traveling for pleasure                      25%                                                                 81%                                  17% 1%
                                 Listening to podcasts                   20%                                          12%                39%                              49%
                           Having groceries delivered                  17%                                           2% 19%                                    79%
                                 Streaming live events                17%                                           2%        28%                                  70%
            Downgrading/canceling a subscription                      16%                                             11%                 43%                                46%
     Learning new skill or language/Online courses                 13%                                              4%          31%                                 65%
         Signing up for a new subscription service                11%                                               5%               42%                                 53%
                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                  I am doing this LESS      I am doing this the SAME      I am doing this MORE
                                                                                                                     in recent weeks           as I have in the past         in recent weeks
       Base: All respondents: Wave 2 (n=530) ● Q21: Which of the following have you done in the past 6 months? Select all that apply.
       Base: Those who have done the activity in the past 6 months: Wave 2 (n-sizes vary by activity) ● Q22: Please think about some of the changes you have made in the past few weeks.
       Please indicate whether you are doing more, less, or the same now for each of the following below.
16     C O N F I D E N T I A L
We can assume that some new habits are here to stay and businesses
     should focus on the ones that will continue beyond the COVID crisis for
     new innovation
                                              % DOING MORE/LESS OF THE FOLLOWING ACTIVITY                                                                       Once life goes back to
                                                                                                                                                                     normal, I…
                                                                   I   AM    DOING THIS            LESS      I   AM    DOING THIS           MORE
                                                                                                                                                         Will continue to do this more

                                  Having groceries delivered                                          2%                     79%                                       34%
                                        Streaming live events                                          2%                   70%                                        43%
                          Home cooking/making new recipes                                              1%                69%                                           66%
            Learning a new skill or language/Taking online
                                                                                                      4%                65%                                            84%
                   House cleaning/decluttering/organization                                            1%               63%                                            52%
                        Playing family board and card games                                            11%              62%                                            55%
                                         Working on hobbies                                          6%                 62%                                            71%
                                               Online gaming                                          4%               61%                                             66%
                                Spending more time outside                                            14%              61%                                             80%
                                    Engaging in social media                                           2%              56%                                             44%
        Gardening/yard work/home improvement projects                                                6%               53%                                              59%
                   Signing up for a new subscription service                                          5%              53%                                              40%
                                           Ordering take-out                                          15%             51%                                              33%
              Staying in touch with relatives/Visiting friends                                         11%            50%                                              76%
                                        Listening to podcasts                                          12%            49%                                              66%
                       Downgrading/canceling a subscription                                            11%            46%                                              51%
                                             Online shopping                                            9%         42%                                                 52%
                                                    Exercising                                        15%         38%                                                  88%
                                       Traveling for pleasure                          81%                   1%                                                          *
     Base: Those who have done the activity in the past 6 months: Wave 2 (n-sizes vary by activity) ● Q22: Please think about some of the changes you have made in the past few weeks.
     Please indicate whether you are doing more, less, or the same now for each of the following below.
     Base: Those who are currently doing the activity more: Wave 2 (n-sizes vary by activity) ● Q23: Once life goes back to normal, which do you feel you will continue to do more of?
     Base: Those who are currently doing the activity less: Wave 2 (n-sizes vary by activity) ● Q23: Once life goes back to normal, which do you feel you will continue to do more of?
     *Activities with an N-size
Subgroup Analysis
     Gen Zers have doubled the proportion feeling a very negative impact
     from COVID-19 and they are more concerned about more things                                                                                                                            14%

     compared to three weeks ago
                              COVID-19 IMPACT ON YOU RIGHT NOW                                                                   TRUSTED BRANDS DURING THIS TIME

        Wave 1            22%                 25%               14%      9%             30%

        Wave 2                       49% ▲                          23%             17%         11%
                                                                                                      0% ▼
                                                                                              
              Very Negative        Somewhat           No Impact           Somewhat          Very Positive
                (-5 to -3)          Negative              (0)              Positive           (3 to 5)
                                    (-2 to -1)                             (1 to 2)

     TIMELINE FOR “GOING BACK TO NORMAL”                                                                           LEVEL OF CONCERN
               (Among those negatively impacted)                                                                                                        CONCERNED
                                                                                                                      NOT      CONCERNED
         4%                                                                                                                     (%0-4)                     (%8-10)                     Wave 1
         8%                  15%             About 2 weeks                               Your family’s health                              ▼ 11%              53%                        40%

                                             About a month                  Entering a long-term recession                              ▼ 18%                48%                         34%
        40%                  36%
                                             A few months                        Health of your community                               ▼ 18%             39%                            37%

                                             About 6 months                      Not being able to pay bills                              32%             37%                            31%
                             26%             About a year or more                           Your own health                         ▼      28%          31%                              34%

                                             It won't go back                                Losing your job                            45%             29%                              31%
                             17%                                            Not being able to provide for
        13%                                  Don't know                                                                                   32%          26%                               34%
         5%                   6%
                                                                        Banks negatively affected for long
                                                                                                                                   ▼       28%         23%                               27%
      Wave 1               Wave 2                                                                     term
     Base: Gen Z: Wave 1 (n=126), Wave 2 (n=48) ● Q6: Please think about how your life has been impacted so far, if at all, because of COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus). How
     much positive or negative impact are you experiencing right now in your life because of COVID-19? Q7: How concerned are you right now with each of the following?
     Base: Responded with applicable answer: Wave 2 (n=22) ● Q8: Which brands, if any, do you trust right now to communicate with you honestly?
     Base: Those negatively impacted: Wave 1 (n=63), Wave 2 (n=35) ● Q9: Approximately, how much longer do you feel it will be before things go back to normal?
19   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                   ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
     Millennials have tripled those most negatively impacted by COVID-19,
     the largest increase of any generation; nearly one-in-ten feel that                                                                                                                    14%

     things will not go back to normal
                              COVID-19 IMPACT ON YOU RIGHT NOW                                                                   TRUSTED BRANDS DURING THIS TIME

        Wave 1        9%         20%             18%             18%                  35%

        Wave 2                  37% ▲                           33%            11% 9% 11% ▼

                                                                                              
             Very Negative         Somewhat           No Impact           Somewhat          Very Positive
               (-5 to -3)           Negative              (0)              Positive           (3 to 5)
                                    (-2 to -1)                             (1 to 2)

     TIMELINE FOR “GOING BACK TO NORMAL”                                                                           LEVEL OF CONCERN
              (Among those negatively impacted)                                                                                                         CONCERNED
                                                                                                                      NOT      CONCERNED
                              2%                                                                                                (%0-4)                     (%8-10)                     Wave 1
        11%                  7%                                                                                                               12%             56%                        52%
                                             About 2 weeks                       Health of your community

                             27%             About a month                  Entering a long-term recession                                   18%             52%                         48%
                                             A few months                                Your family’s health                                 14%            51%                         54%

                                             About 6 months                                 Your own health                                 24%            41%                           47%
        44%                                  About a year or more                Not being able to pay bills                             34%              39%                            41%

                                                                             Not being able to provide for
                                             It won't go back                                                                             30%            34%                             41%
                             20%                                                                    family

        12%                                  Don't know                                      Losing your job                          48%               30%                              38%
                 3%                   1%                                Banks negatively affected for long
                                                                                                                                          31%           30%                              42%
      Wave 1               Wave 2                                                                     term
     Base: Millennials : Wave 1 (n=90), Wave 2 (n=140) ● Q6: Please think about how your life has been impacted so far, if at all, because of COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus).
     How much positive or negative impact are you experiencing right now in your life because of COVID-19? Q7: How concerned are you right now with each of the following?
     Base: Responded with applicable answer: Wave 2 (n=64) ● Q8: Which brands, if any, do you trust right now to communicate with you honestly?
     Base: Those negatively impacted Wave 1 (n=33), Wave 2 (n=97) ● Q9: Approximately, how much longer do you feel it will be before things go back to normal?
20   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                   ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
     Gen Xers are also feeling a more negative impact like other
     generations but are less concerned about providing for family                                                                                                                          14%

     compared to last wave
                              COVID-19 IMPACT ON YOU RIGHT NOW                                                                   TRUSTED BRANDS DURING THIS TIME

        Wave 1           21%                     32%                  19%       4%         24%

        Wave 2                  37% ▲                           33%              13% 7% 10%▼

                                                                                              
              Very Negative        Somewhat            No Impact          Somewhat          Very Positive
                (-5 to -3)          Negative               (0)             Positive           (3 to 5)
                                    (-2 to -1)                             (1 to 2)

     TIMELINE FOR “GOING BACK TO NORMAL”                                                                           LEVEL OF CONCERN
               (Among those negatively impacted)                                                                                                        CONCERNED
                                                                                                                      NOT       CONCERNED
         2%                   1%                                                                                                 (%0-4)                    (%8-10)                     Wave 1
                              9%                                                                                                            22%              50%                         50%
                                             About 2 weeks                               Your family’s health

                                             About a month                  Entering a long-term recession                                  21%             46%                          48%
                                             A few months                        Health of your community                                    19%            46%                          44%

                             19%             About 6 months                                 Your own health                               32%             37%                            44%
                                                                            Not being able to provide for
                                             About a year or more                                                           ▲          44%              30%                              43%
        18%                  23%                                        Banks negatively affected for long
                                             It won't go back                                                                           37%             29%                              37%
                             13%             Don't know                          Not being able to pay bills                 ▲         42%              28%                              42%
                                                                                             Losing your job                         52%              21%                                27%
      Wave 1               Wave 2
     Base: Gen X: Wave 1 (n=66), Wave 2 (n=144) ● Q6: Please think about how your life has been impacted so far, if at all, because of COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus). How
     much positive or negative impact are you experiencing right now in your life because of COVID-19? Q7: How concerned are you right now with each of the following?
     Base: Responded with applicable answer: Wave 2 (n=65) ● Q8: Which brands, if any, do you trust right now to communicate with you honestly?
     Base: Those negatively impacted: Wave 1 (n=40), Wave 2 (n=100) ● Q9: Approximately, how much longer do you feel it will be before things go back to normal?
21   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                   ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
     Twice as many Boomers are feeling a very negative impact and                                                                                                                  BOOMERS/MATURES

     more are concerned with their family’s health; their expected timeline                                                                                                                  14%

     to normalcy has extended
                              COVID-19 IMPACT ON YOU RIGHT NOW                                                                    TRUSTED BRANDS DURING THIS TIME

        Wave 1          18%                        47%                             29%            4%

        Wave 2                     42% ▲                            37%                10% 6% 5%
                                                                                               
              Very Negative        Somewhat           No Impact           Somewhat           Very Positive
                (-5 to -3)          Negative              (0)              Positive            (3 to 5)
                                    (-2 to -1)                             (1 to 2)

     TIMELINE FOR “GOING BACK TO NORMAL”                                                                             LEVEL OF CONCERN
               (Among those negatively impacted)                                                                                                          CONCERNED
                                                                                                                        NOT      CONCERNED
         1%                                                                                                                       (%0-4)                     (%8-10)                    Wave 1
        13%                                  About 2 weeks                               Your family’s health                              ▼ 17%              46%          ▲              27%

                             23%                                                                                                           ▼ 21%             43%
                                             About a month                  Entering a long-term recession                                                                                47%
                                             A few months                        Health of your community                                  ▼ 17%             40%                          36%
                                             About 6 months                                  Your own health                           ▼     26%           34%                            24%
                                                                        Banks negatively affected for long
                                             About a year or more                                                                        44%            21%                               37%
                             34%                                                                      term
                                                                            Not being able to provide for
                                             It won't go back                                                                        58%               15%                                16%
        23%                                                                                         family

                             11% ▲ ▲         Don't know                          Not being able to pay bills                       68%                12%                                 8%
         5%                   4%
                                                                                              Losing your job ▼                 80%                  10%▲                                 4%
      Wave 1               Wave 2
     Base: Baby Boomers/Matures: Wave 1 (n=216), Wave 2 (n=198) ● Q6: Please think about how your life has been impacted so far, if at all, because of COVID-19 (also known as
     Coronavirus). How much positive or negative impact are you experiencing right now in your life because of COVID-19? Q7: How concerned are you right now with each of the following?
     Base: Responded with applicable answer: Wave 2 (n=95) ● Q8: Which brands, if any, do you trust right now to communicate with you honestly?
     Base: Those negatively impacted: Wave 1 (n=152), Wave 2 (n=157) ● Q9: Approximately, how much longer do you feel it will be before things go back to normal?
22   C O N F I D E N T I A L                                                                                    ▼ Denotes significant increase/decrease from previous wave at 95% confidence level
Next Steps
                               Contact your Primary CMB Research Partner or Julie Kurd
                                   to be included in the next wave of this research

     Learn more about:

                            Additional              Additional              Options
                           questions and           analysis with          for running
                          custom sample            demographic         trending studies
                         for future waves            profiling

23   C O N F I D E N T I A L
CMB: Innovative. Decision-centric. Collaborative.
     CMB partners with a select group of world leading brands to deliver critical insights
     for confident, strategic decision making
     > We         are known for our:
             > Business decision focus
             > Advanced analytics
             > Collaborative and expert staff
             > Rock-solid execution
             > Storytelling

     > Facts:
             > Founded in 1984
             > Boston-based
             > Mid-sized (~100 employees)

24   C O N F I D E N T I A L
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