THE LOCKWOOD NEW ZEALAND - 2021 Programme - New Zealand Lockwood Aria
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NZ ARIA TRUST PRESENTS THE LOCKWOOD NEW ZEALAND 2021 Programme THE DISTINCTION HOTEL, ROTORUA All Sections: Thursday 14 - 16 October 2021 Finals Night: Saturday 16 October 2021
The Dame Malvina Major Foundation provides educational and training opportunities for young New Zealanders in the performing arts and supports young New Zealanders of outstanding ability and real potential to prepare for professional careers. For further information on how you can help please contact: Trust Administrator The Dame Malvina Major Foundation PO Box 9976 Marion Square Wellington 6141 Telephone 04 384 9745 Mobile 021 858895 Fax 04 384 9785 Email:
The New Zealand Aria Trust welcomes you to the 74th Festival of Song to be held at The Distinction Hotel All Sections - Thursday 14 October - Saturday 16 October 2021 Featuring the finals of the LOCKWOOD NEW ZEALAND ARIA on Saturday 16 October 2021 OFFICERS 2021/2022 Trustees: Jo-Anne La Grouw MNZM, Alison Perrin JP, Grahame Hall QSO JP, Dianne Estcourt, Lyall Thurston QSO JP, Monty Morrison JP, Liz Carrington, Lynn Castelli, Sandra Smaill President: Jo-Anne La Grouw MNZM Vocal Convenors: Open Classes: Lyall Thurston Under 21 Section: Liz Carrington Anne Larkin The 2021 Lockwood New Zealand Aria is dedicated to the memory of Anne who passed away on the 26 March 2021. Anne was a longstanding Trustee, Vice President and Vocal Convenor of Under 21s since the inception of the New Zealand Aria. ANY QUERIES, PLEASE CONTACT Event Co-ordinator - Jo-Anne La Grouw phone: 021 812 611 PO Box 4106, Rotorua 4047 email: 1
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NEW ZEALAND ARIA - A Celebration of Song - 1st Prize The Dame Malvina Major Foundation Prize valued at $20,000 2nd Prize Coombes Johnston BMW Prize $10,000 3rd Prize Geyser Community Foundation La Grouw Prize $5,000 all remaining finalists to receive $500 The Dame Malvina Major Foundation $20,000 Prize Package includes: • $5,000 towards tuition or audition fees • $5000 towards entry in the Sydney Eisteddfod Opera Scholarship (formerly The Sun Aria) • $10,000 cash - Open to Ladies and Gentlemen 18 Years and Over - 4
ADMISSION NEW ZEALAND ARIA FINALS Saturday 16 October 2021, 7.30pm Destiny Auditorium, Rotorua ADULTS $60.00 SUPERANNUITANTS AND STUDENTS $45.00 Entry to all other events over the weekend is $2.00 per day TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE FROM TICKETMASTER AT i-SITE, FENTON ST OR FROM THEIR WEBSITE SUPPER at Regent of Rotorua Hotel, Pukaki Street for ticket holders and invited guests Saturday 16 October 2021 following the Aria Finals Entry $25.00 Each competitor entered into Class 345 qualifies for ONE COMPLIMENTARY TICKET to the Finals Night. These tickets will be available from registration desk at the Distinction Hotel. These tickets are available until 7.30pm Friday. 5
FINALS NIGHT New Zealand Aria Finals Destiny Auditorium, 7.30pm, Saturday, 16 October 2021 Master of Ceremonies - Joe Gilfillan 7.30 pm - Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra 7.45 pm - New Zealand Aria Finalists 9.00 pm - Interval 9.15 pm - Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra 9.30 pm - Guest Artist - Christian Thurston 9.45 pm - Dame Malvina Major ONZ presents Prize to Aria Winner 10.00 pm - Supper - Regent of Rotorua Hotel (ticket holders only) 6
VENUES MAP OF CITY RYDGES HOTEL CITY CENTRE ST. JOHNS RANOLF STREET F E N TO N S T R E E T DEVON STREET REGAL PALMS DISTINCTION HOTEL - PARKING Section 1 Entrance via Trigg Ave or Fenton St DISTINCTION HOTEL Entrance via Trigg Ave HOTEL FACILITIES FLOOR PLAN DISTINCTION ROTORUA FLOOR PLAN Miro Rimu Tawa Kauri Cards Kowhai Restaurant Service area Fenton Centre D-Bar Fenton Centre Foyer Mr Yakitori Fenton Centre Car Park POOL Courtyard Entrance Spa Shop Pavilion Car Park Restaurant Accommodation Block Accommodation Block Reception Boardroom Main Entrance 7
AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA CONDUCTOR OF THE AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra is the city’s leading performing arts organisation and Auckland’s only resident full-time professional symphony orchestra. In more than 70 performances annually, the APO presents a full season of symphonic work and supports both the NBR New Zealand Opera and the Royal New Zealand Ballet. Renowned for its innovation, passion and versatility, the APO collaborates with some of New Zealand’s most inventive artists and is the orchestra of choice for visiting international classical musicians and popular acts alike. The APO promotes a vibrant arts culture by providing leadership and support. Through its numerous education programmes the APO offers opportunities to 25,000 young people and adults nationwide to participate in music, ranging from hip-hop and rock to contemporary and classical. More than 100,000 people hear the orchestra live each year, with many thousands more reached through special events, other media and recordings on the APO Live and Naxos music labels. Most APO concerts are broadcast live nationally and streamed online, allowing everyone the chance to share the excitement of a world-class performance. 8
CONDUCTOR OF THE AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA New Zealand Aria Finals Night - Vincent Hardaker Vincent Hardaker is one of New Zealand's most promising up-and-coming conductors and is currently the New Zealand Assistant Conductor in Residence. In June 2020 he graduated from the Soloist Class in Orchestral Conducting from the Royal Danish Academy of Music (DKDM). In the past year he has worked with the Auckland Philharmonia, Christchurch Symphony and Dunedin Symphony along with leading a DKDM production of “Postcard from Morocco” from Pulitzer-Prize winning composer Dominick Argento. He was the NZSO Conducting Fellow in 2015, through which he assisted for the NZSO National Youth Orchestra, and received mentorship from such conductors as Vasily Petrenko, Jose Luis Gomez and Simone Young. He has attended significant conducting masterclasses throughout Europe, Australia and New Zealand including such orchestras as the Odense, Tasmanian, and New Zealand Symphony Orchestras with conductors such as Pietari Inkinen, Michael Schønwandt and Nicholas Carter. In 2014 Vincent graduated from the New Zealand School of Music with a Bachelor of Music in conducting under Kenneth Young and viola under Gillian Ansell. 9
MASTER OF CEREMONIES New Zealand Aria Joe Gilfillan Being exposed to an unusually wide range of music from an early age helped land me my first broadcasting job, in Hamilton. New Zealanders are highly regarded in the global radio industry, and that helped me through the door at the BBC in London. Crossing live to the Royal Albert Hall was quite a thrill for a young chap from Katikati. Settling back in Auckland in 1980, by chance the year the Auckland Philharmonia began, I soon acquired a habit of regular evenings in the Town Hall. As what’s now known as a gig worker, organising talking book and magazine production at The Blind Foundation is part of my portfolio, as is work in the NZME Newsroom presenting bulletins on networks including News Talk ZB, Hauraki, Coast and Rhema. And I still spend regular evenings in the Town Hall ‘loving the Phil’ working in the Auckland Live Front of House team. JUDGES New Zealand Aria - Open Section Patricia Wright Patricia Wright has performed regularly in opera, orchestral concerts, festivals, recitals and CD recordings. She is one of New Zealand’s best known and versatile sopranos. She studied under New Zealand’s iconic Dame Sister Mary Leo and Australia’s famous Dame Joan Hammond and now is a revered tutor in her own right. Patricia gained recognition singing at the major venues in London and throughout the UK. She recorded for the BBC in both live performances and recording studios. She was placed second in the prestigious Benson and Hedges Gold Award for singers and represented NZ in the Cardiff Singer of the World competition. Returning to NZ in 1993, she continued to sing major opera roles, guest artist concert appearances with leading orchestras, oratorio and recital concerts both at home and internationally. After teaching singing at the University of Auckland for eight years, Patricia continues to impart her passion, performing skills and experience to students and now spends a large part of her career as a vocal coach/tutor and continues to be a national singing competition adjudicator whilst still performing. Her most recent performance was the role of Mrs Grose in NZ Opera’s production of The Turn of the Screw. 10
JUDGES New Zealand Aria - Open Section Richard Greager Richard Greager has sung on most of the major operatic stages of Europe, Britain and Australia. In the 1990’s he sang many major roles at the Royal Opera House Covent Garden, including creating the role of King Arthur in Sir Harrison Birtwistle’s highly acclaimed opera Gawain, which received its world premiere in 1993, was revived in 1994 and won the prestigious Gramophone Contemporary Recording Award in 1996. Since returning to New Zealand he continued working throughout Australasia in opera and concert and over a career spanning 45 years has sung more than 80 operatic roles and over 40 concert works as well as pursuing an active recital career. In 2004 Richard sang the role of Mime in State Opera of South Australia’s production of Der Ring des Nibelungen, which was released on CD by Melba Recordings. As well as continuing a career as a professional singer, more recently in the world premiere of Ross Harris’ ‘Requiem for the Fallen’ both in the 2014 NZ International Festival and also in the Dunedin and Auckland Festivals, Richard has recently retired after 8 years as Senior Lecturer in Classical Voice at the Victoria University of Wellington New Zealand School of Music. He was also Senior Vocal Tutor at the NZ Opera School in Wanganui for 6 years. Richard has been an active Adjudicator in many Vocal Competitions and Aria prizes both in New Zealand and Australia. Including the Marianne Mathy Prize in Sydney, Lexus Song Quest, Lockwood NZ Aria, and the Dame Malvina Major Aria Prizes Richard was an active recording artist with a number of DVD and CD releases. 11
JUDGES New Zealand Aria Under 21 Catherine Pierard Catherine has pursued an international career as an established concert and recording artist. A specialist in both early and contemporary vocal music she has been a frequent soprano soloist at the Proms, the South Bank and major British and European Festivals. Catherine worked with the Glyndebourne Festival and Touring Opera and English Touring Opera in the roles of Fiordiligi and Donna Elvira. Other roles include Ariadne in Strauss’s Ariadne auf Naxos, Queen Elizabeth in Britten’s Gloriana, Tatiana in Tchaikovsky’s Eugene Onegin, Stravinski’s Oedipus Rex, Berlioz’ Faust and Beatrice et Benedict, Janacek’s Cunning Little Vixen, Prokofiev’s War and Peace, Handel’s Apollo and Daphne, Handel’s Julius Cesare, Mozart’s The Magic Flute, Caccini’s Euridice, Gluck’s Orfeo, Gluck’s Iphigenie en Tauride, Handel’s Alceste, Britten’s Rape of Lucretia and Monteverdi’s Poppea. Commercial discs to date are the critically acclaimed Herbert Howells’ songs (Chandos) with Julius Drake; Monteverdi arias (Hyperion); Monteverdi’s Poppea with Hickox (Virgin Classics); Thomas Arne’s Alfred (BBC Music); Mozart’s The Magic Flute with Norrington (EMI); Britten’s Rape of Lucretia with Hickox (Chandos); award-winning Purcell’s Dioclesian - The Masque and Dioclesian Acts I-IV with Hickox and the Collegium Musicum 90 (Chandos); and Purcell’s The Fairy Queen with Norrington and the London Classical Players (EMI). She has also recorded regularly for BBC Radio 3, adjudicated national exams and competitions both in the UK and NZ, and is much in demand as a coach for chamber music and young singers. New Zealand Aria Under 21 Georgia Jamieson Emms Georgia is a singer, teacher, translator, diction coach, librettist, vocal adjudicator, compère and the founder and director of Wanderlust Opera. She studied at Victoria University, Wellington, and is a former member of the New Zealand Youth Choir and the New Zealand Opera Chorus. Georgia sang professionally for several years in Hamburg, Germany. Her operatic and oratorio repertoire includes Galatea (Acis and Galatea), the Countess (The Marriage of Figaro), Norina (Don Pasquale), Fiordiligi (Cosi Fan Tutte), Hanna Glawari (The Merry Widow), The Queen of the Night (The Magic Flute), Bach St. John Passion, Rossini's Petite Messe Solennelle and Mozart's Requiem and Mass in C Minor. She was an Artist Teacher specialising in Diction & Languages at the NZ School of Music for six years and in 2021 adapted and directed Offenbach's Orpheus in the Underworld for NZSM. In addition to singing engagements with Opus Orchestra, Blenheim Choral, NZ Opera, and Cantoris Choir, this year Georgia produced and performed the title role in the touring one-woman jazz musical "Love Linda: The Life of Mrs Cole Porter", the New Zealand premiere. In 2022 New Zealand Opera will produce and tour Georgia's first original opera, composed and conducted by Kenneth Young. 12
JUDGES Māori Song Classes Bobby Mihi Howard Rongowhakaata/Ngai Tamanuhiri/Ngāpuhi/Ngati Pikiao Originally from a small rural town south of Gisborne called Manutuke, Bobby is no stranger to the world of performing arts as she comes from a family known for kapa haka and music. Bobby is currently President for Rotorua Musical Theatre and on the national board for MUSICAL THEATRE NEW ZEALAND. She is also part of Tauranga Musical Theatre and in February performed with Hamilton Operatic Society for their production of Revolution. She is currently finishing her original musical called KO TĀUA – You and I, which was showcased in the Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival. She is set to show the next stages of this work at the Aronui Indigenous Arts Festival in Rotorua and her goal is to take it to Broadway and West End. She is passionate about the arts and is a strong advocate for youth and the community in Rotorua. She is a gigging musician and jazz vocalist in Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty, currently the choir director of Te Ao Marama Choir, a committee member for the Rotorua Jazz Club and BOP Blues club. 13
EVENT SUMMARY THURSDAY 14 OCTOBER 2021 KAURI ROOM TAWA ROOM MIRO ROOM Adjudicator Adjudicator Adjudicators Catherine Pierard Georgia Patricia Wright & Jamieson Emms Richard Greager 9:00 am - 11:00 am 9:15am - 11:00 am 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Classes Classes Class 16,17 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 330 BREAK BREAK BREAK 11:15 am - 1:30 pm 11:15am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Classes Class Class 19,20 9 345 BREAK BREAK BREAK 2:30 pm - 4:45 pm 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm 5:15 pm - 7:30 pm Classes Class Class 21,22 10 345 (cont'd) BREAK BREAK 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm Classes Class 23,24,25,26 11 BREAK 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm Classes 12,13,14 Please Note: Adjudicators will break during classes for morning and afternoon tea. 14
EVENT SUMMARY FRIDAY 15 OCTOBER 2021 KAURI ROOM TAWA ROOM MIRO ROOM Adjudicators Adjudicator Adjudicator Georgia Jamieson Emms Patricia Wright Richard Greager & Catherine Pierard 9:00am - 10:30am 9:30am - 11:00am 9:30am - 11:00am Class Class Class 27 336 334 BREAK BREAK BREAK 10:45am - 12:15pm 11:15am - 1:00pm 11:15 - 1:00 pm Class Class Class 28 336 (cont'd) 334 (cont'd) BREAK BREAK BREAK 1:15pm - 2:45pm 2:00pm - 4:30pm 2:00pm - 4:00pm Class Classes Class 29 332,335 333 BREAK 3:00pm - 4:30pm Class 30 CARDS LOUNGE Adjudicator Bobby Mihi Howard 9:00am - 11:00am Classes 15,18 Please Note: Adjudicators will break during classes for morning and afternoon tea. 15
KAURI ROOM: THURSDAY 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Class 16 Restricted Class 14 & Under 21 Years 1 Charles Blackburn Silent noon Williams 2 Bonnie-Marie Wetting Over the Rainbow Arlen 3 Amelie van Niekerk Hold On Simon 4 Milah van Niekerk I Feel Pretty Bernstein 5 Niamh Bentley Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht Mahler 6 Beth’El Kerei Over the Rainbow Arlen 7 Tasi Vahai The Wild Flower's Song Quilter 8 William Davies Unforgettable Gordon 9 Hattie Johnston In His Eyes Bricusse & Wildhorn 1 2 3 Class 17 N.Z. Composer 14 & Under 21 Years 1 Ranithu Rodrigo The Sea Child Freed 2 Emilie Rosset Peace Song Buchanan 3 Bonnie-Marie Wetting Arithmetic Fraser 4 Maia Patterson-Foster Sway Runga 5 Jasmine Jessen Treefall Franchi 6 Ashley Samkin Life in Sunshine McDell 7 Niamh Bentley Song Ritchie 8 Connor Klein Peace Song Buchanan 9 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio Wild Daisies Harris 10 Phoebe Rose Osborne Spring Goeth all in White Caskie 11 Anabel Jamieson Kowhai Freed 12 Charles Adams Sons of Gallipoli Skinner 13 Sarah Hubbard The Sea Child Freed 14 Isabella Reid Peace Song Buchanan 15 Ruaeo Te Moni Whakamoemiti Walker 16 Hattie Johnston How should I your true love know Freed 1 2 3 16
KAURI ROOM: THURSDAY 11:15 AM - 1:30 PM Class 19 Own Selection 16 & Under 18 Years 1 Bonnie-Marie Wetting Home Menken 2 Paretoroa Webster-Tarei Rain Ahrens 3 Luca Muggleton Empty Chairs at Empty Tables Schonberg 4 Arana Ashby I got plenty of nuttin Gershwin 5 William Mollard La Serenata Tosti 6 Mathieu Boynton-Rata Some Enchanted Evening Rodgers & Hammerstein 7 Blue Simpkins-Jones La Serenata Tosti 8 Tiana Hunter Caro mio ben Giordani 9 William Davies Orange Coloured Sky Delugg & Stein 10 Ruaeo Te Moni Besame Mucho Velázquez 11 Hattie Johnston Le Violette Scarlatti 12 Anabel Jamieson I'll Be Here Gwon 13 Isabella Reid Only Love Wildhorn 1 2 3 Class 20 Folk/Traditional 16 & Under 18 Years 1 Hattie Johnston At the mid hour of night Britten 2 Ruaeo Te Moni Ko Wai, Ka Hua Huata 3 Charles Blackburn Shenandoah Trad. 4 Bonnie-Marie Wetting Ye Banks and Braes Trad. 5 Anabel Jamieson O Waly, Waly Britten 6 Isabella Reid Homeward Bound Keen 7 Blue Simpkins-Jones Wade in the Water Trad. 8 William Mollard Shenandoah Trad. 9 Mathieu Boynton-Rata Steal Away Willis 10 Luca Muggleton Thula Baba Thula Sana Trad. 11 Arana Ashby Pokarekare Ana Tomoana 12 Tiana Hunter The Water is Wide Arr. Hayes 13 Paretoroa Webster-Tarei Wade in the Water Trad. 14 William Davies Shenandoah Arr. Althouse 1 2 3 17
KAURI ROOM: THURSDAY 2:30 PM - 4:45 PM Class 21 Sacred/Oratorio 16 & Under 18 Years 1 Hattie Johnston A Hymn to the Virgin Rubra 2 Ruaeo Te Moni Tantum Ergo Sacrametum Couperin 3 William Mollard Go Tell it on the Mountain Work 4 Blue Simpkins-Jones Deep River Burleigh 5 Luca Muggleton Steal Away Willis 6 Arana Ashby I'll Walk With God Brodszky 7 Paretoroa Webster-Tarei Deep River Burleigh 8 Tiana Hunter Go Tell it on the Mountain Work 9 Mathieu Boynton-Rata Were You There Trad. 10 William Davies Deep River Burleigh 11 Anabel Jamieson Kommt, Seelen, dieser Tag Bach 12 Isabella Reid Deep River Burleigh 1 2 3 Class 22 Light Entertainment 16 & Under 18 Years 1 Luca Muggleton Danny Boy Weatherly 2 Arana Ashby My Way Revaux 3 Mathieu Boynton-Rata Some Girls Ahrens 4 William Mollard Anthem Andersson & Ulvaeus 5 Blue Simpkins-Jones I See the Light Menken 6 Paretoroa Webster-Tarei La serenata Tosti 7 Tiana Hunter Can't Help Lovin' dat man Kern 8 William Davies Razzle Dazzle Kander 9 Hattie Johnston If I were a bell Loesser 10 Ruaeo Te Moni Fly Me to the Moon Howard 11 Bonnie-Marie Wetting Little Girls Charnin & Strouse 12 Charles Blackburn Anthem Andersson & Ulvaeus 13 Isabella Reid When I Look at You Wildhorn & Knighton 14 Anabel Jamieson When He Sees Me Bareilles 1 2 3 KAURI ROOM: THURSDAY 5:00PM - 8:00PM Class 23 Own Selection 18 & Under 21 Years 1 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio L'énamourée Hahn 2 Jasmine Jessen Adieu Fauré 3 Milah van Niekerk Vanilla Ice Cream Bock 4 Gina Fischer Cantique Boulonger 5 Adam Reid Stars Schönberg 6 Anna Hamilton Adieux de l'hotesse arabe Bizet 7 Tayla Alexander Ach ich Fuhls Mozart 18
8 Marangai Wainohu-Savage Ideale Tosti 9 Niamh Bentley Mio caro bene Handel 10 Isabella Falconer Die Forelle Schubert 11 Tasi Vahai Se vuol ballare Mozart 12 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono Je crois entendre encore Bizet 1 2 3 Class 24 Folk/Traditional 18 & Under 21 Years 1 Niamh Bentley The Last Rose of Summer Britten 2 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono O Waly, Waly Britten 3 Marangai Wainohu-Savage Steal Away Willis 4 Anna Hamilton Dink's Song Britten 5 Tayla Alexander Scarborough Fair Simon & Garfunkel 6 Gina Fischer She moved through the fair Hughes 7 Adam Reid Shenandoah Trad. 8 Jasmine Jessen My Love is Like a Red Red Rose Trad. 1 2 3 Class 25 Sacred/Oratorio 18 & Under 21 Years 1 Marangai Wainohu-Savage The Holy City Jerusalem Adams 2 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono Thou Shalt Break Them Handel 3 Niamh Bentley I know that my Redeemer liveth Handel 4 Anna Hamilton The Cruxificion Barber 5 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio O rest in the Lord Mendelssohn 1 2 3 Class 26 Light Entertainment 18 & Under 21 Years 1 Anna Hamilton There are Fairies at the Bottom of our Lehmann Garden 2 Tayla Alexander Part of your World Menken 3 Adam Reid When Words Fail Tesori 4 Gina Fischer Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man Kern 5 Milah van Niekerk Everything I Know Miranda 6 Jasmine Jessen Happy Young Heart Gilbert & Sullivan 7 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio Paper Wings Heggie 8 Marangai Wainohu-Savage Stars Schonberg & Boublil 9 Tasi Vahai The Impossible Dream Leigh 10 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono Maria Bernstein 1 2 3 19
TAWA ROOM: THURSDAY 9:15 AM - 11:00 AM Class 1 Own Selection Under 10 Years 1 McKenzie Tidd Vespers Fraser-Simson 2 Victoria Stronge Mighty Lak' a Rose Nevin 1 2 3 Class 2 Folk/Traditional Under 10 Years 1 McKenzie Tidd I Know Where I'm Goin' Trad. 2 Victoria Stronge Come to the Fair Martin 1 2 3 Class 3 Sacred/Oratorio Under 10 Years 1 McKenzie Tidd The Little Drummer Boy Davis & Simeone 2 Victoria Stronge Coventry Carol Trad English 1 2 3 Class 4 Light Entertainment Under 10 Years 1 McKenzie Tidd Consider Yourself Bart 2 Victoria Stronge Let's Go Fly a Kite Sherman & Sherman 1 2 3 Class 5 Own Selection 10 & Under 13 Years 1 Jemima Park Homeward Bound Keen 2 Jazz Vidamo El tra la la y el punteado Granados 3 Raukura Makoare Man in the Mirror Ballard & Garrett 4 Will Connolly-Tevendale By the Sea Quilter 5 Anja Van der Merwe Cool Cat Thorne 1 2 3 Class 6 Folk/Traditional 10 & Under 13 Years 1 Will Connolly-Tevendale The Plough Boy Shield, arr Britten 2 Anja Van der Merwe Irish blessing Chilcott 3 Jazz Vidamo Pokarekare Ana Tomoana 4 Jemima Park Four Loom Weaver Trad. 1 2 3 20
Class 7 Sacred/Oratorio 10 & Under 13 Years 1 Jazz Vidamo Evensong Lehmann 2 Jemima Park Panis Angelicus Franck 3 Will Connolly-Tevendale The Lord is my Shepherd Goodall 1 2 3 Class 8 Light Entertainment 10 & Under 13 Years 1 Anja Van der Merwe If I Only Had a Brain Arlen 2 Will Connolly-Tevendale The Kite Gesner 3 Jemima Park I Feel Pretty Bernstein 4 Jazz Vidamo I Have Confidence Rodgers 1 2 3 TAWA ROOM: THURSDAY 11:15 AM - 1:00 PM Class 9 Own Selection 13 & Under 16 Years 1 Charles Adams Younger Than Springtime Rodgers & Hammerstein 2 Jasmine Hulton Il mio bel foco Conti 3 Charli Parkinson So far away King 4 Kezia Schuitemaker Per la gloria d'adorarvi Bononcini 5 Ollie Neil Amarilli' Mia Bella Caccini 6 Emilie Rosset A Change in Me Menken 7 Lauren Thompson Once upon a dream Wildhorn & Bricusse 8 Ranithu Rodrigo Lost in the Wilderness Schwartz 9 Maia Patterson-Foster The Rose McBroom 10 Nikau Grace Chater Lascia ch'io Pianga Handel 11 Holly Mees Everlasting Miller & Tysen 12 Amelie van Niekerk A Change in Me Menken 13 Emma Orchard Dedication Franz 14 Ashley Samkin Caro mio ben Giordani 15 Matahiapo Maxwell She Used to Be Mine Bareilles 16 Beth’El Kerei Second Hand White Baby Grand Shaiman & Wittman 17 Keita Te Moni Se tu m'ami Pergolesi 18 Vanessa Joyce Loves Philosophy Quilter 19 Riley Roebuck Who Will Buy? Bart 20 Juandre Mare Caro mio ben Giordani 21 Connor Klein On the Street Where You Live Loewe 1 2 3 21
TAWA ROOM: THURSDAY 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM Class 10 Folk/Traditional 13 & Under 16 Years 1 Juandre Mare Danny Boy Weatherly 2 Vanessa Joyce The Last Rose Of Summer Arr. Britten 3 Matahiapo Maxwell Ka Wai Mukiki Ai Kamauu 4 Riley Roebuck Scarborough Fair Arr. Downes 5 Keita Te Moni She Moved through the Fair Arr. Pratley 6 Charles Adams Danny Boy Arr. Ponzio 7 Jasmine Hulton Ships of Arcady Head 8 Kezia Schuitemaker Farewell, Lad Trad. 9 Ollie Neil Rose of Tralee Trad. 10 Lauren Thompson Homeward Bound Keen 11 Holly Mees Shenandoah Trad. 12 Nikau Grace Chater Danny Boy Weatherly 13 Maia Patterson-Foster Scarborough Fair Simon & Garfunkel 14 Emma Orchard Early One Morning Folk 15 Emilie Rosset Star of the County Down Trad. 16 Ranithu Rodrigo Down by the Salley Gardens Clarke 17 Connor Klein Shenandoah Trad. 1 2 3 TAWA ROOM: THURSDAY 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM Class 11 Sacred/Oratorio 13 & Under 16 Years 1 Lauren Thompson The Birds Britten 2 Emma Orchard Panis Angelicus Franck 3 Ranithu Rodrigo Ave Maria Schubert 4 Maia Patterson-Foster Mary did you know Lowry, Greene 5 Holly Mees Irish Blessing Chilcott 6 Emilie Rosset Legend Tchaikovsky 7 Nikau Grace Chater Ave Maria Gounod 8 Jasmine Hulton Ezekiel's Wheel Kern 9 Ollie Neil The Call Vaughan-Williams 10 Charles Adams Panis Angelicus Franck 11 Kezia Schuitemaker Domine Deus Vivaldi 12 Matahiapo Maxwell Little Road to Bethlehem Head 13 Keita Te Moni Steal Away Burleigh 14 Vanessa Joyce How Beautiful Are The Feet Of Them Handel 15 Juandre Mare Amazing Grace Trad. 16 Riley Roebuck Little Road to Bethlehem Head 1 2 3 22
TAWA ROOM: THURSDAY 5:00 PM - 7:30 PM Class 12 Light Entertainment 13 & Under 16 Years 1 Ashley Samkin You Can't Get a Man with a Gun Berlin 2 Juandre Mare I Won't Send Roses Herman 3 Keita Te Moni I Could Have Danced All Night Loewe 4 Vanessa Joyce The Sun Whose Rays Are All Ablaze Gilbert & Sullivan 5 Riley Roebuck Castle on a Cloud Schonberg 6 Matahiapo Maxwell Almost There Newman 7 Emma Orchard I Could Have Danced All Night Loewe 8 Lauren Thompson Without You Loewe 9 Amelie van Niekerk Morning Person Tesori 10 Emilie Rosset Popular Schwartz 11 Ranithu Rodrigo I'm Not That Smart Finn 12 Maia Patterson-Foster Journey to the past Flaherty, Ahrens 13 Lincoln Jones Giants in the Sky Sondheim 14 Nikau Grace Chater She Used to be Mine Bareilles 15 Kate Walker Mother knows Best Menken 16 Holly Mees Good Girl, Winnie Foster Shear 17 Connor Klein You'll Be Back Miranda 18 Charles Adams Oh What a Beautiful Mornin' Rodgers & Hammerstein 19 Jasmine Hulton When you're good to mama Kander 20 Ollie Neil Empty Chairs at Empty Tables Schönberg 21 Charli Parkinson True Colours Lauper 22 Eilish Best Someone Like You Wildhorn 23 Kezia Schuitemaker Show Me Lerner & Loewe 1 2 3 Class 13 Restricted Class Under 14 Years 1 Lincoln Jones Corner of the Sky Schwartz 2 Kate Walker My favourite things Rodgers & Hammerstein 1 2 3 Class 14 N.Z. Composer Under 14 Years 1 Nikau Grace Chater He Kakano Ahau Tamehana 2 Matahiapo Maxwell I Also Have My Song to Sing Buchanan 3 Jemima Park Spring Goeth All in White Caskie 1 2 3 23
MIRO ROOM: THURSDAY 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Class 330 Baroque Classical Aria 18 Years & Over 1 Aidan Phillips Fatto Inferno Handel 2 Laauli Alfred Fonoti-Fuimaono Già il sole dal Gange Scarlatti 3 Jessica Webber O Care Parolette Handel 4 Christina Ellison Da tempeste il legno infranto Handel 5 Phoebe Rose Osborne Et Exultavit Bach 6 Alexandra Gandionco Tornami a vagheggiar Handel 7 Katherine Winitana Ah Crudel Handel 8 Katie Trigg Dove sei, amato bene? Handel 9 Maeve Herd Air de la Folie Rameau 10 Sophia Yang Tornami a vagheggiar Handel 11 Alexandra Francis Piangerò la sorte mia Handel 1 2 3 MIRO ROOM: THURSDAY 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM Class 345 New Zealand Aria 18 Years & Over 1 Christina Orjis Es gibt ein Reich Strauss 2 Thomas Waaler Roeshol O du, mein holder Abendstern Wagner 3 Kalauni Pouvalu Vesti La Giubba Leoncavallo 4 Samuel Downes Per me giunto Verdi 5 Anna Hamilton Kommt ein schlanker Bursch gegangen Von Weber 6 Tayla Alexander Meine Lippen, sie kussen so heiss Lehar 7 Katherine Winitana Comme autrefois Bizet 8 Joy Lee Air de la Folie Rameau 9 Hannah Ashford-Beck Voi Lo Sapete Mascagni 10 Larissa Kent Song to the Moon Dvorak 11 Sophia Yang Quel guardo il cavaliere Donizetti 12 Maeve Herd Eccomi in lieta vesta Bellini 13 Alexandra Francis Mein Herr Marquis Strauss 14 Clare Hood Chacun le sait Donizetti 15 Katie Trigg Ah, scostati... Smanie implacabili Mozart 16 Christina Ellison Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen Mozart 17 Phoebe Rose Osborne Vedrai Carino Mozart 18 Jessica Webber Steal Me, Sweet Thief Menotti 19 Alexander James Hai già vinta la causa Mozart 20 Ellis Carrington In quelle trine morbide Puccini 21 Laauli Alfred Fonoti-Fuimaono Se vuol ballare Mozart 22 Emmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono Pourquoi me reveiller Massenet 23 Renjie Chen Tu, che di gel sei cinta Puccini 24 Aidan Phillips Fuor del mar Mozart 25 Anna Kostina Olga's Aria Tchaikovsky 26 Jasper Ross Ella giammai m'amo Verdi 24
1 2 3 MIRO ROOM: THURSDAY 3:00 PM - 7:30 PM Class 345 New Zealand Aria 18 Years & Over 1 Christina Orjis Es gibt ein Reich Strauss 2 Thomas Waaler Roeshol O du, mein holder Abendstern Wagner 3 Kalauni Pouvalu Vesti La Giubba Leoncavallo 4 Samuel Downes Per me giunto Verdi 5 Anna Hamilton Kommt ein schlanker Bursch gegangen Von Weber 6 Tayla Alexander Meine Lippen, sie kussen so heiss Lehar 7 Katherine Winitana Comme autrefois Bizet 8 Joy Lee Air de la Folie Rameau 9 Hannah Ashford-Beck Voi Lo Sapete Mascagni 10 Larissa Kent Song to the Moon Dvorak 11 Sophia Yang Quel guardo il cavaliere Donizetti 12 Maeve Herd Eccomi in lieta vesta Bellini 13 Alexandra Francis Mein Herr Marquis Strauss 14 Clare Hood Chacun le sait Donizetti 15 Katie Trigg Ah, scostati... Smanie implacabili Mozart 16 Christina Ellison Der Hölle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen Mozart 17 Phoebe Rose Osborne Vedrai Carino Mozart 18 Jessica Webber Steal Me, Sweet Thief Menotti 19 Alexander James Hai già vinta la causa Mozart 20 Ellis Carrington In quelle trine morbide Puccini 21 Laauli Alfred Fonoti-Fuimaono Se vuol ballare Mozart 22 Emmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono Pourquoi me reveiller Massenet 23 Renjie Chen Tu, che di gel sei cinta Puccini 24 Aidan Phillips Fuor del mar Mozart 25 Anna Kostina Olga's Aria Tchaikovsky 26 Jasper Ross Ella giammai m'amo Verdi 27 Declan Cudd Ah! mes amis Donizetti 28 Anna Simmons Quel guardo il cavaliere Donizetti 29 Morgan-Andrew King Studia il passo....Come dal ciel Verdi 30 Angus Simmons Sibilar gli angui d’Aletto Händel 31 Alexandra Gandionco Tu, che di gel sei cinta Puccini 32 Joseph Haddow Madamina, il catalogo è questo Mozart 33 Olivia Pike Och, jaky zal! Smetana 34 Anne Marie Sheridan Amour! viens aider ma faiblesse Saint-Saëns 35 Sarah Hubbard The Trees on the Mountain Floyd 36 Samuel McKeever Scintille, diamant Offenbach 37 Michaela Cadwgan Un bel dì vedremo Puccini 1 2 3 25
KAURI ROOM: FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM Class 27 Own Selection 16 & Under 21 Years 1 Tayla Alexander De los álamos vengo, madre Rodrigo 2 Anna Hamilton When I am Laid Purcell 3 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio Vaga luna Bellini 4 Adam Reid Nacht und Träume Schubert 5 Charles Blackburn Star Vicino Rosa 6 Jasmine Jessen Fleur desséchée Viardot 7 Phoebe Rose Osborne Del cabello mas sutil Obradors 8 Sarah Hubbard Ich bin die Christel von der Post Zeller 9 Anabel Jamieson She Used to Be Mine Bareilles 10 Hannah Morgan Song of Black Max Bolcom 11 Isabella Reid Apres un reve Faure 12 Ella Paterson Ma rendi pur contento Bellini 13 Niamh Bentley Chanson triste Duparc 14 Elrie Bosch The Winner Takes It All Ulvaeus & Andersson 15 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono I Would In That Sweet Bosom Be Moore 16 Isabella Falconer Le Violette Scarletti 1 2 3 KAURI ROOM: FRIDAY 10:45 AM - 12:15 PM Class 28 Oratorio/Sacred Song 16 & Under 21 Years 1 Anna Hamilton Et exultavit Handel 2 Tayla Alexander Ich folge dir gleichfalls Bach 3 Jasmine Jessen Vidit suum Pergolesi 4 Charles Blackburn Total Eclipse Handel 5 Adam Reid The Call Williams 6 Phoebe Rose Osborne I know that my Redeemer liveth Handel 7 Anabel Jamieson Ave Maria Schubert 8 Hannah Morgan If God be for us Handel 9 Isabella Reid Et Exaltavit Bach 10 Sarah Hubbard With Verdure Clad Hadyn 11 Ella Paterson Ave Maria Caccini 12 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono Waft her, Angels, through the skies Handel 13 Niamh Bentley Rejoice greatly, o daughter of Zion Handel 14 Isabella Falconer Ye sacred priests Handel 15 Elrie Bosch Ave Maria Celtic Woman 16 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio Woe unto them who forsake him! Mendelssohn 1 2 3 26
KAURI ROOM: FRIDAY 1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Class 29 Lieder/Art Song 16 & Under 21 Years 1 Anna Hamilton Ballade de la Reine Ravel 2 Tayla Alexander Das verlassen Mägdlein Wolf 3 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio Gretchen am Spinnrade Schubert 4 Elrie Bosch Caro mio ben Giordani 5 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono Nacht und Träume Schubert 6 Niamh Bentley Nixe Binsefuss Wolf 7 Isabella Falconer Do not go, my love Hageman 8 Jasmine Jessen How should I your true love know? Quilter 9 Adam Reid Amarilli, mia bella Caccini 10 Charles Blackburn Caro mio ben Giordani 11 Anabel Jamieson Als die alte Mutter Dvorak 12 Hannah Morgan Verborgenheit Wolf 13 Isabella Reid Silent Noon Williams 14 Ella Paterson Geheimes Schubert 15 Sarah Hubbard Das Veilchen Mozart 16 Phoebe Rose Osborne The King Fisher Mackay 1 2 3 KAURI ROOM: FRIDAY 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM Class 30 Operatic Aria 16 & Under 21 Years 1 Jasmine Jessen Vá godendo Handel 2 Adam Reid Ein mädchen oder weibchen Mozart 3 Charles Blackburn Pur dicesti, o bocca bella Lotti 4 Niamh Bentley Ach, ich fuhl's Mozart 5 Elrie Bosch Lascia Ch,io pianga Handel 6 Jordan Fonoti-Fuimaono Vainement, ma bien aimée Lalo 7 Isabella Falconer Vedrai carino Mozart 8 Anabel Jamieson Voi che sapete Mozart 9 Hannah Morgan Un Marito, donne care Mozart 10 Isabella Reid V'adoro Pupille Handel 11 Ella Paterson Un moto di gioia Mozart 12 Sarah Hubbard Verdi piante Handel 13 Phoebe Rose Osborne Gia il sole dal Gange Scarlatti 14 Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio Va! Laisse couler mes larmes Massenet 15 Tayla Alexander Porgi Amor Mozart 16 Anna Hamilton Nobles seigneurs, salut! Meyerbeer 1 2 3 27
TAWA ROOM: FRIDAY 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Class 336 20th Century Art Song 18 Years & Over 1 Kalauni Pouvalu Spring waters Rachmaninoff 2 Thomas Waaler Roeshol Come Away, Death Korngold 3 Christina Orjis Lift me into Heaven Larsen 4 Alexander James Sea Fever Ireland 5 Jessica Webber C Poulenc 6 Christina Ellison Love in the dictionary Dougherty 7 Phoebe Rose Osborne The Ships of Arcady Head 8 Morgan-Andrew King Sea Fever Ireland 9 Declan Cudd Shall I compare thee? Kelly 10 Michaela Cadwgan Before Life and After Britten 11 Samuel McKeever The Clock of the Years Finzi 12 Sarah Hubbard Tus Ojillos Negros de Falla 13 Jasper Ross Fear no more the heat o' the Sun Finzi 14 Anne Marie Sheridan Nocturne Barber 15 Anna Simmons Passo pel prat Canteloube 16 Angus Simmons The Estuary Head 17 Alexandra Gandionco Was du mir bist? Korngold 18 Joseph Haddow When Yesterday We Met Rachmaninoff 19 Anna Kostina Katerina Prokofiev 20 Olivia Pike Dreams Rachmaninoff 21 Ellis Carrington Song of a Nightclub Proprietress Dring 22 Emmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono Blow, blow thou winter wind Quilter 23 Aidan Phillips I send my heart up to thee Beach 24 Renjie Chen Fair House of Joy Quilter 25 Laauli Alfred Fonoti-Fuimaono The Vagabond Williams 26 Katie Trigg Tell me the truth about love Britten 27 Samuel Downes Go Lovely Rose Quilter 28 Katherine Winitana Loves Philosophy Quilter 29 Joy Lee My Heart's Oppressed Mackay 30 Anna Hamilton The Watermill Williams 31 Tayla Alexander Con qué la lavaré Rodrigo 32 Hannah Ashford-Beck Nebbie Respighi 33 Maeve Herd Come Sing and Dance Howells 34 Sophia Yang Violon Poulenc 35 Clare Hood C Poulenc 36 Alexandra Francis Amor Bolcom 37 Larissa Kent Come to Me in My Dreams Bridge 1 2 3 28
TAWA ROOM: FRIDAY 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM Class 332 Solo Own Selection 18 Years & Over 1 Phoebe Rose Osborne Se tu m'ami Parisotti 2 Jessica Webber Après un Rêve Fauré 3 Christina Ellison Girl in 14 G Tesori 4 Aidan Phillips Phidylé Duparc 5 Emmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono Non t'amo piu Tosti 6 Ellis Carrington Johnny Britten 7 Joseph Haddow Stars Schönberg 8 Morgan-Andrew King If Ever I Would Leave You Loewe 9 Olivia Pike Clear Sky Lilburn 10 Katie Trigg Nana De Falla 11 Tayla Alexander Bid the virtues Purcell 12 Maeve Herd There is a solemn wind to-night Elmsly 13 Hannah Ashford-Beck A Charm Britten 14 Sophia Yang Ein Traum Grieg 15 Alexandra Francis Les filles de Cadix Delibes 16 Larissa Kent Les lilas Rachmaninoff 1 2 3 Class 335 Folk or Traditional 18 Years & Over 1 Christina Ellison Loch lomond Lang 2 Phoebe Rose Osborne Ako Ako o te Rangi Kaihau 3 Aidan Phillips Loch lomond Anon 4 Laauli Alfred Fonoti-Fuimaono At the River Copland 5 Ellis Carrington The Trees they Grow So High Britten 6 Hannah Ashford-Beck My Love is like a Red, Red Rose Burns 7 Katherine Winitana Ako Ako o te Rangi Kaihau 8 Katie Trigg John Riley Trad. 9 Maeve Herd Eleanór na Rún Anonymous 10 Alexandra Francis The Leather Winged Bat Trad. arr. Heggie 11 Morgan-Andrew King Ahakoa au hinga atu Waiata 1 2 3 29
MIRO ROOM: FRIDAY 9:30 AM - 1:00 PM Class 334 Lieder Own Selection 18 Years & Over 1 Anna Hamilton Gebet Wolf 2 Clare Hood Ständchen Strauss 3 Larissa Kent Allerseelen Strauss 4 Maeve Herd Kling! Strauss 5 Tayla Alexander Das verlassene Mägdlein Wolf 6 Alexandra Francis Für funfzehn Pfennige Strauss 7 Hannah Ashford-Beck Im Treibhaus Wagner 8 Katie Trigg Mondnacht Schumann 9 Joy Lee Wie erkenn ich mein Treulieb vor andern nun Strauss 10 Sophia Yang Ständchen Strauss 11 Katherine Winitana Morgen Strauss 12 Samuel Downes Allerseelen Strauss 13 Emmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono Liebst du um Schönheit Mahler 14 Laauli Alfred Fonoti-Fuimaono Dein blaues Auge Brahms 15 Ellis Carrington Die Nacht Strauss 16 Renjie Chen Immer leiser wird mein Schlummer Brahms 17 Aidan Phillips Im Treibhaus Wagner 18 Christina Orjis Traum durch die Dämmerung Strauss 19 Thomas Waaler Roeshol Nachtgang Strauss 20 Kalauni Pouvalu Ich trage meine Minne Strauss 21 Alexander James Frühlingstraum Schubert 22 Jessica Webber Gretchen am Spinnrade Schubert 23 Christina Ellison Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? Mahler 24 Phoebe Rose Osborne Der Leiermann Schubert 25 Alexandra Gandionco Du bist die Ruh Schubert 26 Michaela Cadwgan Cäcilie Strauss 27 Declan Cudd Heimliche Aufforderung Strauss 28 Anna Kostina Der Tod und das Mädchen Schubert 29 Angus Simmons Nacht und Träume Schubert 30 Jasper Ross Minnelied Brahms 31 Morgan-Andrew King Die beiden Grenadiere Schumann 32 Anna Simmons Wer hat dies Liedlein erdacht? Mahler 33 Joseph Haddow Die beiden Grenadiere Schumann 34 Olivia Pike Mond, so gehst du wieder auf Korngold 35 Anne Marie Sheridan Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen Mahler 36 Sarah Hubbard Frühling Mendelssohn 37 Samuel McKeever Denn es gehet dem Menschen Brahms 1 2 3 30
MIRO ROOM: FRIDAY 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Class 333 Oratorio or Sacred Solo 18 Years & Over 1 Hannah Ashford-Beck O Salutaris hostia Rossini 2 Katherine Winitana How beautiful are the feet Handel 3 Tayla Alexander Ich folge dir gleichfalls Bach 4 Katie Trigg Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris Vivaldi 5 Sophia Yang O Had I Jubal’s Lyre! Handel 6 Maeve Herd Rejoice Greatly O Daughter of Zion Handel 7 Alexandra Francis I know that my Redeemer liveth Handel 8 Larissa Kent Preist des Erlösers Güte Beethoven 9 Phoebe Rose Osborne How beautiful are the feet Handel 10 Christina Ellison Allelujah Mozart 11 Jessica Webber How Can I Cherish My Man In Such Days Tippett 12 Laauli Alfred Fonoti-Fuimaono Draw Near All Ye People Mendelssohn 13 Aidan Phillips Ye people rend your hearts Mendelssohn 14 Renjie Chen Hear ye, Israel! Mendelssohn 15 Emmanuel Fonoti-Fuimaono Domine Deus Rossini 16 Angus Simmons Estuans interius Orff 17 Declan Cudd Benedictus Bach 18 Alexandra Gandionco Welche Labung für die Sinne Haydn 19 Olivia Pike Seufzer, Tränen, Kummer, Not Bach 1 2 3 31
CARDS LOUNGE: FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Class 15 Maori Song Under 14 Years 1 Nikau Grace Chater AIO Lyrics: Turuhira Hare 2 Jemima Park Tarakihi Hill 3 Matahiapo Maxwell Tarakihi Hill 4 Raukura Makoare Taku reo rangatira Rangihau 1 2 3 14 & Under 21 Class 18 Maori Song Years 1 Luca Muggleton Ka Waiata Trad. 2 Beth’El Kerei Waiata Trad. 3 Arana Ashby Te Ao Muhurangi Gage 4 Mathieu Boynton-Rata Waiata Trad. 5 Marangai Wainohu-Savage Waiata Trad. 6 Blue Simpkins-Jones Waiata Trad. 7 Paretoroa Webster-Tarei Waiata Trad. 8 Juandre Mare Hareruia Trad. 9 Ruaeo Te Moni Kaore te Aroha Rikirangi Gage 10 Ranithu Rodrigo E Pari Ra Tomoana 11 Maia Patterson-Foster I Runga Unknown 12 Anabel Jamieson Hine E Hine Te Rangi Pai 13 Jasmine Hulton Māori Waiata Trad. 14 Isabella Reid Pokarekare Ana Tomoana 15 Charles Adams Hine e Hine Te Rangi Pai 16 Hattie Johnston E moe te Ra Kaihau 1 2 3 32
AWARDS ADULT SECTION New Zealand Aria (Compulsory Classes 345, 334, 336) 1st $20,000 (Package) 2nd $10,000 3rd $5,000 All other finalists $500 Oratorio or Sacred Song (Class 333) 1st $250 2nd $150 3rd $100 Lieder O.S (Class 334) 1st $300 2nd $150 3rd $80 20th Century Art Song (Class 336) 1st $200 2nd $100 3rd $50 John Bond Award A prize of $500 to be awarded to an entrant in the Open Section judged to have the Most Promising Voice. Ethel & William Harman Ambassador’s Award A prize of $150 will be awarded to the singer who shows the greatest spirit of the competition in their relationship with the organisers, fellow competitors, accompanists and volunteers. Unless otherwise stated, all events in the Adult Section carry prize money of 1st $100, 2nd $50, 3rd $25. 33
AWARDS UNDER 21 YEARS AGE GROUP AWARD COMPULSORY CLASSES Under Lockwood NZ Aria Award Most promising 21 Years $200 competitor in the under 21 Yrs Section 16 & Under 21 Mike Steiner Interior Design Junior Award Classes 27, 28 Years 1st $1,000, 2nd $500, 3rd $250 29 and 30 Under 21 Years Kowhai Award $100 Classes 14, 17 Highest Mark in NZ Composer Under 21 Years Highest Mark in Maori Song Classes 15, 18 $100 Unless otherwise stated, all events in the Under 21 Years Sections carry prize money of 1st $50, 2nd $35, 3rd $20. Coombes Johnston 34
Rules of the LOCKWOOD NEW ZEALAND ARIA Competition 1. Competitors are to prepare two Arias of their own selection. Repertoire: The Arias may be chosen from the entire range of the operatic literature as currently performed in opera houses around the world, including Baroque, Classical, Romantic, Verismo, Modern, Opera Comique, and Operetta.All Arias must be sung in the original key and language set by the composer, performed from memory with piano accompaniment. Please state opera, composer, and title on your entry form. 2. Competitors will perform one Aria in the HEATS, 14 and 15 of October (Class 345). If the competitor is invited to compete in the FINALS, Saturday 16 October (Class 346) they will perform their second Aria. Competitors must provide 2 copies of music for these classes. 3. The NEW ZEALAND ARIA FINALISTS will be accompanied by the AUCKLAND PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA 4. In choosing your second ARIA (Class 346), you will need to ensure that the orchestral music is available in New Zealand. (See the APO Library). There will be a charge to the competitor to enable the orchestra to purchase this music if it is not in the APO Library. 5. Competitors must be over 18 years of age as at 1 October 2021 and be eligible to travel overseas. 6. No official accompanists are appointed. However, if competitors require an accompanist please check on the website (closer to the competition) for contact details to make your own arrangements directly with them. Rehearsals and payments will be negotiated between the competitor and an available accompanist. 7. Time limit is 10 minutes maximum. 8. Attire of formal dress, lounge suit, or costume is required. 9. Competitors must also compete in both: Class 334 Lieder O.S. $10 Entry Fee Class 336 20th Century Art Song $10 Entry Fee 10. Pianist must be advised with entry as it is critical when scheduling classes. 11. Only the competitor who achieves first place in the finals of the New Zealand Aria is entitled to be described as, or claim that they are the winner of the Aria. Competitors who achieve first place in any of the other classes shall only be entitled to claim that they have achieved first place in that particular category. 35
RULES OF THESE COMPETITIONS 1. COMPETITORS - These competitions are open 9. ACCOMPANISTS - These will be listed on the to all comers. website ( as they become 2. AGE LIMIT - To be taken as at 1 October 2021. available. Satisfactory proof of age must be produced if 10. PROTESTS - Competitors desiring to enter required by the Committee. a protest must lodge the same in writing 3. ENTRIES - Early bird entries must be in by 2 with the Protest Committee, together with August 2021. After this date an additional the grounds on which it is based, and $50.00 will be payable with your entry. All a sum of $20. Should the protest, on entries must be lodged by 5pm on or before investigation by the Protest Committee, 20 August 2021. LATE ENTRIES WILL NOT BE be deemed frivolous or unfounded, the ACCEPTED. deposit shall be forfeited. No protest will ENTRANCE FEES MUST BE PAID AT THE TIME be entertained unless it is made within 12 OF ENTRY. hours after the Judge’s award is announced in the particular item. The decision of the The Executive Committee reserves the right Protest Committee shall be final. to refuse an entry. Only one entry from each competitor is allowed in each class. 11. STAGE - No person, other than the officials, will be permitted backstage, or at the side 4. SONG TITLES - Titles of all items must be of the stage. No prompting, or assistance inserted on the entry form. No change of item of any kind may be rendered during the will be permitted after late closing date. In all performance except by the Judge, or his/her classes, competitors may not render any piece appointee. with which they have previously won at these competitions, and must not give the same 12. AGGREGATE MARKS - In all sections, awards item in more than one class. JUDGES’ COPIES will be decided on the Judge’s highest of items must have competitor’s name, the aggregate marks. Note: To qualify for an class number clearly printed on the top right- award, a competitor must compete in all the hand corner of the front cover. These must classes specified. be handed to the appropriate Convenor before 13. GENERAL RESERVATION - The Executive the class commences, and be collected on the Committee reserves the right of determining completion of the class. the status of all competitors, and of applying 5. JUDGES - No competitor who has been and interpreting all of the rules. The decision regularly taught by the Judge during one year of the Committee is final. preceding the competitions will be allowed to 14. THE COMMITTEE - Reserves the right to compete. Communications with the Judge, cancel a class where there is less than a either by competitors, teachers, or any other minimum requirement of three entries. interested parties prior to, or during the 15. NO ENTRY WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL competitions is prohibited. A judge reserves PAYMENT IS RECEIVED. the right to communicate if appropriate. Additional adjudicators may be appointed as required to accommodate entrants levels. 6. SUBSTITUTE JUDGE - The Committee reserves the right to appoint a substitute Judge for an announced Judge when necessary. 7. ORDER OF PERFORMANCE - Competitors compete in the order in which they appear in the programme. Any change must be with the permission of the appropriate Convenor. 8. PRIZE MONEY - All donated prize money as listed in the Syllabus Programme for the current year will be awarded. Where there is a minimum of three entries, the Judge reserves the right to award prize money appropriately. 36
GEOGRAPHICAL LIST OF 2021 CONTESTANTS AUCKLAND: Isabella Falconer ROTORUA: Charles Adams Jordan Fonot i-Fuimaono Arana Ashby Tayla Alexander Laauli Alfred Fonoti- Eilish Best Hannah Ashford-Beck Fuimaono Elrie Bosch Declan Cudd Vanessa Joyce Ellis Carrington Samuel Downes Hannah Morgan Will Connolly-Tevendale Christina Ellison Ollie Neil William Davies Alexandra Francis Aidan Phillips Gina Fischer Maeve Herd Isabella Reid Jasmine Hulton Clare Hood Kezia Schuitemaker Tiana Hunter Alexander James Lemauseafa Sio Lolesio Beth’El Kerei Hattie Johnston Katie Trigg Juandre Mare Larissa Kent Tasi Vahai Matahiapo Maxwell Connor Klein Katherine Winitana Luca Muggleton Joy Lee Charli Parkinson Christina Orjis HASTINGS: Ranithu Rodrigo Jemima Park Emmanuel Fonoti- Riley Roebuck Kalauni Pouvalu Fuimaono Blue Simpkins-Jones Thomas Waaler Roeshol Keita Te Moni Anne Marie Sheridan KAWERAU: Lauren Thompson Jessica Webber Nikau Grace Chater Anja Van der Merwe Sophia Yang Marangai Wainohu-Savage MORRINSVILLE: Paretoroa Webster-Tarei CAMBRIDGE: Jazz Vidamo Amelie van Niekerk William Mollard Milah van Niekerk NAPIER: DUNEDIN: Jasper Ross RUATAHUNA: Sarah Hubbard Raukura Makoare Olivia Pike OPOTIKI: Ruaeo Te Moni Adam Reid HAMILTON: Niamh Bentley PUTARURU: Renjie Chen Ashley Samkin 37
TAURANGA: WELLINGTON: WHAKATANE: Emma Orchard Alexandra Gandionco Charles Blackburn Ella Paterson Michaela Cadwgan Mathieu Boynton-Rata Angus Simmons Joseph Haddow Lincoln Jones Anna Simmons Anabel Jamieson Holly Mees Victoria Stronge Jasmine Jessen Maia Patterson-Foster Morgan-Andrew King Emilie Rosset THAMES: Anna Kostina McKenzie Tidd Anna Hamilton Samuel McKeever Kate Walker Phoebe Rose Osborne Bonnie-Marie Wetting 38
The New Zealand Aria Trust wishes to thank the following for their generous support Coombes Johnston 41
NZ Aria Trust wishes to thank the following for their generous support RotoruaTrust Coombes Johnston
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