Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...

Page created by Perry Keller
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Our Seniors!
  Honoring Area High School
Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake
       and Underwood
    Publication of the Battle Lake Review/Ashby-Dalton Post
                    Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
Page 2
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                     Ashby Kindergarten Graduation 2010

                                                                                 Sunday, May 29,
                     Ashby Kindergarten Performing At Spring Concert
                                                                                     2 p.m.
                                                 Class Motto
                                       “In the beginning of Senior year,     Class Color
                                         we beg the year to go by fast.         Pink
                                       Toward the middle, we beg it to
                                                 slow down.                 Class Flower
                                         And at the end, we wish it to       Osiria Rose
                                                 never stop.”
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                           Page 3
                                                                                                                                           Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                  Andy and                                                                                                                Missy and Noel
                                Deanna Aamot                                                 Kim and Jon                                                      Cook
                                   are the                                                    Bailey are                                                      are the
                                 parents of                                                 the parents of                                                  parents of

                          Kyra Aamot                                              Katherine Bailey                                                    Jacob Cook
Future Plans: Attend Alex Tech for Marketing and Sales   Future Plans: Attend St. Thomas to double major in         Future Plans: Attend Concordia College in Moorhead to
   Management                                               Computer Science and Marketing                             pursue a degree in Business Administration and to
Favorite School Memory: Spending time with my friends    Favorite School Memory: Ben giving me a concussion            play basketball
   and being able to get to know my classmates as well      in 8th grade art with a goose decoy                     Favorite School Memory: Enjoying all the class field
   as I have.                                            School Activities: Softball, Basketball, Golf, One-Act,       trips with my friends. And dodgeball champions!
School Activities: Drama, Video Club, Volleyball            Musical, Knowledge Bowl, MHS, Student Council,          School Activities: Basketball, Golf, FFA, Cross Country
Motto: “Being remade is the same thing as being con-        FFA, Yearbook                                           Motto: “Yeah Buddy!” ~Ronnie Coleman body builder
   stantly undone.”                                      Motto: “Every little thing wants to be loved.” ~Sue Monk      quote

                                                                                                                      Way To Go Grads!
                                                         Congratulations Seniors!
                                                                                                                                 Licensed • Bonded • Insured
                                                         Country Mechanical, Inc.
                                                                   Kevin Fick, Owner
                                                                                                                               Farm • Residential • Commerical
                                                                                                                      Rick Schroeder • Evansville

                                                                                                                    218-948-2646 • cell 218-770-0689                                                                                                 For All Your Off Peak Needs!

             N ESS B ACKHOE ,
                 I NC .             Lic. #3839

                                                               Congrats                                                 Balgaard
                 Tony Anderson, Owner

  Ashby, MN • 218-747-2200 • 218-770-5814

   Best                                                           Ashby Grain/                                           30733 State Hwy. 78

                                                                Wheaton Dumont                                               Ashby, MN
                                                                 Ashby Location                                                56309
  Seniors!                                                                218-747-2948                                    218-747-2929
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
Page 4
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                           Jill and Jeremy                                       Adam and
                                                Evavold                                         Margret Fagre                                            Shane and Echo
                                                 are the                                           are the                                                 Finkelson are
                                              parents of                                         parents of                                               the parents of

                                         Lily Evavold                                Zachary Fagre                                            Jackson Finkelson
 Future Plans: Nursing at Bemidji State University           Future Plans: Attend Lake Area Tech in Watertown, SD      Future Plans: Planning to work at SF Excavation
 Favorite School Memory: Going to State for football.           for Diesel Tech                                        Favorite School Memory: Hanging out with all my
 School Activities: Golf, MHS, FFA, One Act, Musical         Favorite School Memory: Every class I ever had with          friends.
 Motto: “Live for today, hope for tomorrow”                     Steenblock.                                            School Activities: Baseball, Basketball, Trap, FFA
                                                             School Activities: Wrestling (2 years), Baseball, Trap,   Motto: “Git-R-Done.”
                                                             Motto: “Life Finds A Way.” - Jeff Goldbloom

 Congratulations! Be
  Proud of Yourself!

                                                                                                                        Ericka Stoltenberg                        Mike Schreiner

                                                                                                                       Midwest Bank “Banking Your Way”
                                                                                                                         108 West Main • Dalton MN 56324

                                                                                                                        We’re so proud of the
                                                                                                                        Class of 2022!
       Congrats To All                                                   Best Of
       The Graduates!
                                                                         Luck To
                                                                         All Area
       Donna Jean Grover
         Associate Broker, GRI                                                                                                               E XCAV
                                                                                       City of
           Cell: 218-205-6301
          Office: 218-864-0547
                                                                                                                                             Dalton, MN
           37401 St. Hwy. 210
         Battle Lake, MN 56515

             Each office independently
               owned and operated.
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                          Page 5
                                                                                                                                          Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                    Doug Fossell
                                    and Theresa                                             Michelle and                                                Tammy and
                                      Fossell                                              Tom Gronwold                                                 Gary Heeter
                                       are the                                                 are the                                                     are the
                                     parents of                                              parents of                                                  parents of

                           Abram Fossell                                             Max Gronwold                                            Samuel Heeter
Future Plans: I don’t know yet, might go to college to     Future Plans: Going to the University of Minnesota Twin   Future Plans: Attend NDSU for Marketing
   get my generals or I might just find a good job right      Cities for Animation                                   Favorite School Memory: Playing in the State Prep Bowl
   after high school.                                      Favorite School Memory: Practicing and performing in         for football.
Favorite School Memory: Waking up and finding out             Willie Wonka my freshman year.                         School Activities: Trap, Baseball, Basketball, Football
   there was no school.                                    School Activities: Drama Club, Baseball, Yearbook, Stu-   Motto: “The past is behind, learn from it. The future is
School Activities: Track, Cross Country, Basketball           dent Council, Minnesota Honors Society, Knowledge         ahead, prepare for it. The present is here, live it.”
Motto: “Live life and be happy.”                              Bowl, Golf, Band, Choir
                                                           Motto: “Do what you love.”

                Good Luck . . .The Sky’s the Limit!
                                                                                                                                                            Jenna Koep,
   Congratulations and Good                                      No Job Too Big Or Too Small!
     Luck in Your Future!                                      Driggins Electric                                                                                and
                                                                            Over 60 Years Experience                                                          Owner

                                                              218-747-2252 • 218-770-2216
                                                                 Jeff Driggins • Jonathan Driggins
              Ashby Hardware Hank                                                                                                                             Located in
                                                                                                                                                               the JC’s
               102 Melby Ave. in Ashby                            Commercial, Residence and Farm                                                               Complex
                    218-747-2869                           Congratulations to all 2022 Graduates!
             Dan and Heidi Johnson, owners                                                                            305 Larson Ave. • Ashby, MN • 218-747-2919

         Congrats                                                                                                     Congratulations to
      and Good Luck                                                                                                   the Class of 2022!
      to all Seniors!                                                                                                          Robertson
                                                                                                                              Well Drilling,
      T & B Short Stop
       Todd and Brit Finkelson, owners
                   Ashby                                             Ashby, MN • 218-747-2020
        Pizza • Gas • Groceries                                        Open Monday-Friday                                          218-747-2039
                                                                        10 a.m.-5 p.m. and
       Ammo • Videos • Live Bait                                      Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m.                                                            Randy and
          Your 1-Stop                                          Proceeds support Missions, Orphanages,
                                                                                                                                                        Candy Catoe

                Center!                                              Education and Community                                                              Hwy. 78 S.
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
Page 6
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                                                                         Marcus Ludwig
                                                                                                  Craig and                                               and Brenda
                                    Peter and Heidi                                              Carol Koefod                                               Ludwig
                                        Hoff are                                                    are the                                                  are the
                                     the parents of                                               parents of                                               parents of

                                Matson Hoff                                         Catherine Koefod                                         Benjamin Ludwig
 Future Plans: Attend University of North Dakota for         Future Plans: Going to attend Presentation College in        Future Plans: Attend NDSCS in Wahapeton for a degree
    Aviation                                                    Aberdeen, South Dakota and get my Bachelors of               in Meat Processing and continue to work on becom-
 Favorite School Memory: Going to State for Football.           Science in Nursing                                           ing a USDA Meat Inspector
 School Activities: Football, Baseball, Basketball           Favorite School Memory: When the boys made it to the         Favorite School Memory: Being in FFA for 4 years and
 Motto: “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even       championship game for football.                              competion on the trap team.
    know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the   School Activities: Volleyball, Track, Choir, MHS, One Act,   School Activities: FFA, Trap Shooting
    way.” ~ Michael Scott                                       Musical                                                   Motto: “Courage is being afraid and going on the
                                                             Motto: “Your patience is your power.” ~ unknown                 journey anyhow.” ~John Wayne

                    Ashby Resort
                                                                                                                                CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES!
                                                                Class of 2022                                              Give   Dan Ness             a call
                             Dean Beneke

                             10415 County Road 82 NW
                                                              Onward & Upward                                              218-770-6714 • Ashby, MN
                             Ashby, MN 56309
                                                             To Meet Your Goals!
                                                                                                                                                                Dan Ness, Realtor

                Wishing All
                Graduates                                            Congratulations
                                                                        to all the
                                                                      Area Seniors!                                                to all
                                                                                                                                Ashby High
                                                                                                                               School Grads!
                                                                                                                               Ashby Living Center provides
                                                                                                                                         Assisted Living
                                                                                                                                          Memory Care
                                                                                                                                       Adult Day Service
                Office 218-747-2219
         NAPA 218-747-2148 • 1-888-836-8728
                                                                                                  For information on services available or
                                                                                                                             employment opportunities, call 218-747-2995.
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 7
                                                                                                                                                 Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                                                                            Cory Novotny
                                     Kip and Tonya                                                                                                           and Monica
                                        Nelson                                                    Jim and Kandace
                                        are the                                                       Norby are
                                                                                                                                                                are the
                                      parents of                                                    the parents of
                                                                                                                                                              parents of

                             Cecilia Nelson                                                  Hunter Norby                                           Derick Novotny
Future Plans: Attend University of Jamestown unde-              Future Plans: Hoping to play baseball at any level and     Future Plans: Attend MSUM for Pharmacy
   cided on major; playing basketball and golf                     looking to be a Physical Therapist                      Favorite School Memory: Driving to the last day of
Favorite School Memory: 2021 State Football tourna-             Favorite School Memory: When we made it to State for          school on my moped.
   ment at the U.S. Bank Stadium.                                  Football.                                               School Activities: Track and Field
School Activities: Volleyball, Basketball, Golf, MHS,           School Activities: Football, Baseball, Basketball, Musi-   Motto: “No matter where life takes me find me with a
   Choir, Musical, One-Act                                         cal, Drama Club, Student Council, Class Officer            smile.”
Motto: “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the   Motto: “I want it all or nothing at all.”
   courage to continue that counts.” ~Winston Churchill

   Congratulations Seniors!                                           Congratulations
   Best of Luck to all of you!                                        Class of 2022!

                  Off-Sale Liquor Store                                                           103 Melby Ave.
                                                                                                    Ashby, MN
         200 County Road 82 W, Ashby • 218-747-2033                                                218-747-2749

                                                                    Beaver Johnson
                                                                     Sand & Gravel
                                                                                 Ashby, MN
                                                                             Cell 218-770-3120                                       Downtown Ashby • 218-747-2208
                                                                                                                                 Wednesday-Thursday-Friday 4 p.m. to Close

   Congratuations                                                     We’re Proud Of The                                             Saturday-Sunday 11 a.m. to Close

   Class of 2022                                                        Class Of 2022                                         The Tassel was worth the Hassle!

    Open 7 Days A Week
                                                                                                                                 Congrats Class of 2022!!!
       6 a.m.-2 p.m.
     Downtown Ashby
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Area Seniors ...
Page 8
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                   Aaron and                                                  Bryan and
                                  Melissa Olson                                              Megan Paulson                                                   Kevin and Marcy
                                     are the                                                    are the                                                        Petersen are
                                   parents of                                                 parents of                                                      the parents of

                                Torin Olson                                             Evan Paulson                                               Cooper Petersen
 Future Plans: Work for dad at A/C Masonry but keep op-     Future Plans: Attend NDSU to study Engineering            Future Plans: Attend MState in Fergus Falls then hope-
    toins for college open                                  Favorite School Memory: Going to State for football and      fully own my own computer/cell phone repair shop
 Favorite School Memory: Probably going to U.S. Bank           FFA                                                    Favorite School Memory: When our class won a trip to a
    for state football                                      School Activities: Football, Baseball, Basketball, FFA,      Timberwolves game from the ALF.
 School Activities: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Trap,      Trap, Knowledge Bowl, MHS, Student Council             School Activities: Golf
    FFA                                                     Motto: “Do today what others won’t so tomorrow you        Motto: “You miss 100% of the shots you never take.”
 Motto: “Don’t panic.”                                         can accomplish what others can’t.”

                               Congratulations               Congrats Ashby Seniors!                                                   Pederson-Tripp
                          to the Class of 2022!                             Way to go!                                                    Post #357
                            Ashby Senior                                                                                                Ashby Legion
                     Having a party, rent the center!
                                                                                                                            to Class of 2022
                                                                Dalton, MN • 218-998-4454
                   Hand Loomed Rugs For Sale!


                                                                                                                                      Invested In Your Journey

                                                                                                                          110 Main Street - PO Box 10 - Ashby, MN 56309 • 218-747-2235
                                                                                                                               Lobby Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.- 3:30 p.m. and
                                                                                                                                              Saturday 8 a.m.-11 a.m.
                                                                                                                              Drive-Up Hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. and
                                                                                                                                              Saturday 8 a.m.-11 a.m.
                                                                    114 Main Street • Ashby, MN 56309                                                                             MEMBER
                                                                                                                                          24-Hour ATM in Bank Entrance
                                                                218-747-2742 •                           
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                       Page 9
                                                                                                                                       Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                  Chris Ripley,                                                                                                    Julie and Cory
                                  Kristi Lehn,                                                                                                     Van Santen and
                                  Cari Ripley                                           Chris and Kris                                             Clint Schlundt
                                     are the                                            Roley are the                                                   are the
                                   parents of                                            parents of                                                   parents of

                            Raelyn Ripley                                               Mya Roley                                        Kaylee Schlundt
Future Plans: Go to college to help people any way I    Future Plans: Attend MSUM and get a degree in Elemen-     Future Plans: Attend U of M Twin Cities with a major in
   can                                                     tary Teaching or Early Education                          Psychology in hopes to pursue a career in Clinical
Favorite School Memory: When our football team went     Favorite School Memory: Being able to watch the foot-        Psychology
   to State and played at the U.S. Bank Stadium.           ball boys at State.                                    Favorite School Memory: The state football tournament
School Activities: Golf, Musical, One Act, Choir        School Activities: Volleyball, Softball, Musical             this fall. It was such an amazing experience to watch
Motto: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”      Motto: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at      our boys play in the US Bank Stadium!
   ~Theodore Roosevelt                                     all.” ~Helen Keller                                    School Activities: Volleyball, Student Council, MHS,
                                                                                                                     Band, Choir, One Act, Musical, Knowledge Bowl
                                                                                                                  Motto: “Prove them wrong.”

       BORGRUD’S                                       I hope your dreams take you...
                                                       to the corners of your smiles,                                     WAY TO GO,
        TV Service                                                                                                          Ashby Class of 2022
           Jim Borgrud, Owner
                                                       to the highest of your hopes,

        Ashby, MN • 218-747-2865
                                                       to the windows of your opportunities,                        FROM TODAY FORWARD, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
                                                                                                                       Remember, we are here For You. Always.
                                                       and to the most special places
    Congratulations Graduates                          your heart has ever known.

                                                                                     1 MONTH
           Ray’s Oil                                                                 FREE
                                                         28854 County Road 10
                                                         Ashby, MN 56309

         Dalton • 218-589-8778
                                                         BV @dfexit77                  BRING THIS AD TO REDEEM IN PERSON

           Full Service Station
                                                                                                                                                     EXCLUSIONS APPLY

            Bulk Fuel Delivery
             Check out our
              Tire Specials!
           Competitive prices!
                                                         DE S T I N Y F I T N E S S 7 7.C O M
Saluting Our Seniors! - 2022 Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake - Honoring Area High School Graduates of Ashby, Battle Lake ...
Saluting Area Seniors ...
Page 10
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                             Shawn and                                              Shawn and
                                                                                               Kristin                                                Kristin
                                 Klair and Deb
                                                                                              Spangler                                               Spangler
                                 Sorenson are
                                                                                               are the                                                are the
                                 the parents of
                                                                                             parents of                                             parents of

                     Samuel Sorenson                                           Carson Spangler                                          Carter Spangler
 Future Plans: Work for Runestone Telcom Association   Future Plans: Not school, get into the trades              Future Plans: Attend Jamestown University and play
 Favorite School Memory: Playing basketball            Favorite School Memory: When school’s canceled                baseball
 School Activities: Basketball, Baseball, Trap, FFA    School Activities: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Trap,   Favorite School Memory: Playing baseball
 Motto: “Well, here we go again.”                         FFA                                                     School Activities: Baseball, Basketball, FFA, Trap
                                                       Motto: “Life’s tough but it’s tougher if you’re stupid.”   Motto: “Don’t live someone else’s dresm, find your
                                                          ~John Wayne                                                own.”

    “To those of you who
received honors, awards and                                                                                           Congratulations!
distinctions, I say well done.
 And to the C students, I say                                                                                         Your Hard Work
  you too may one day be
   President of the United
                                                                                                                         Paid Off!
States.”        ~ George W. Bush

  Congratulations                                                                        Best Wishes To All Grads At Ashby School!\
  Class of
   The Melby Outpost
   A Great Place for Good Food and
  Good Times ... At Affordable Prices!
       Open Monday 3 p.m.-12 midnight
       Tuesday-Thursday 11 a.m.-1 a.m.
         Friday-Sunday 9 a.m.-1 a.m.
                                                                                                                                         extends Best

   Cocktails and Beer served 7 Days A Week                                                                        Ashby 747-2660
          Pull Tabs • Ample Parking                                                                               Dalton 589-8907         Wishes to
    Come and enjoy our wildlife art exhibit!
                                                                                                                    320-524-2209         Ben, Carter,
    Jim Albers, Owner       •    218-948-2115                                                                                           Matson and Max!
Saluting Ashby Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                    Page 11
                                                                                                                     Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                    Sarah and Travis
                                    Halena and Joel
                                       and Stacy
                                     Thormodson                                              Klair and Deb
                                         are the                                             Sorenson are
                                       parents of                                            the parents of

                   Jayson Thormodson                                             Samuel Sorenson
 Future Plans: Finish Basic Training this summer and       Future Plans: Work for Runestone Telcom Association
    then go to school for welding                          Favorite School Memory: Playing basketball
 Favorite School Memory: Going to State FFA my fresh-      School Activities: Basketball, Baseball, Trap, FFA
    man year.                                              Motto: “Well, here we go again.”
 School Activities: Trap Shooting, FFA
 Motto: “With great power comes great responsibility.”

You’re On Your Own.
And You Know What You Know.
And You Are the Only One Who’ll
Decide Where To Go.
                     ~ Dr. Seuss                                                                                          Best Wishes Grads!

                                                                           Looks Like You Made It!                         Kim’s Inn Towne
                                      Shawn and                             Wishing  You
                                                                                  Shawn  andThe Best                        Styling Salon
                                        Kristin                                     Kristin                               “Hair Care for the Entire Family”

                                       Spangler                              TodaySpangler
                                                                                    and Always.                            Hours: Tues.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
                                                                                                                            Evenings by appointment

                                        are the                                                 are the                     314 Melby St., Ashby

                                      parents of                                              parents of

                        Carson Spangler                                          Carter Spangler
Future Plans: Not school, get into the trades              Future Plans: Attend MSUM and get a degree in Elemen-
Favorite School Memory: When schools canceled                 tary Teaching or Early Education
School Activities: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Trap,   Favorite School Memory: Being able to watch the foot-
   FFA                                                        ball boys at State.
Motto: “Life’s tough but it’s tougher if you’re stupid.”   School Activities: Volleyball, Softball, Musical
   ~John Wayne                                             Motto: “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at
                                                              all.” ~Helen Keller
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
Page 12
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                             2010 Battle Lake
                                           Kindergartners with
                                          Teacher Patsi Kugler &
                                            Teacher Cindy Feda
                                              at the Fire Hall

                                                Class Song
                                    “Where’s All the Time Go” by Dr. Dog
                                               Class Colors
                                         Columbia Blue & Silver

                                               Class Flower

                                     Class Motto - “Can’t stop us all.”

                                      Graduation - Friday, May 27
                                                6 p.m.
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                                   Page 13
                                                                                                                                                    Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                  Adam Tebrugge                                                                                                                        Steve and
                                   and Monica                                                     Karalee and                                                           Karalee
                                    Tebrugge                                                         Steven                                                            Brandner
                                      are the                                                     Brandner are                                                           are the
                                    parents of                                                   the parents of                                                        parents of

                              Blake Alonzo                                          Kaitlyn Brandner                                                  Kayler Brandner
Future Plans: Attend MSUM for Social Studies Educa-           Future Plans: Get a degree in Psychology                  Favorite School Memory: The freshman band trip and
   tion degree                                                Favorite School Memory: Freshman year band trip              making memes.
Favorite School Memory: All the different trips I got to      School Activities: Volleyball, Cheerleading, Student      School Activities: Band, Choir, Chorale, Musical, Volley-
   go on senior year after two years of trips being can-         Council, Choir, Band, Chorale, Musical, MHS               ball, Cheerleading, Student Council, Minnesota
   celled.                                                    Motto: “It is what it is.”                                   Honor Society
School Activities: Cross Country, Basketball, Track and                                                                 Motto: “One for the road.”
   Field, Speech, BPA, FFA, Jazz Band, Chorale, Musi-
   cals, Knowledge Bowl, Student Council and Min-
   nesota Honor Society
Motto: “Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. But
   today is a gift. That is why they call it the present.”

                                                              Congratulations on attaining your goal.
                                                              Viking Valley Sporting Clays
                                                                                                                          The world is a canvas for your
                                                                                                                         imagination. You are the painter.

                                                                                                                        Brush a new path into your future.

                                                                                            Trap Range
                                                                                                                            Good luck 2022 Seniors!
                                                               Hunt Club
                                                                                       Between Battle Lake and Ashby

                                                                                  Open To The Public Mon., Wed.-Sun.

                                                                                                                                                        Interior/Exterior Specialists
                                                                                 Call for reservations 218-747-2121

&DS                                                         Congratulations                                          Bikes and Fun to Go!
                                                                    to the                                             Trek Bikes and other fun bikes!
*RZQ                                                          Class of 2022!                                         Paddle Boards, Surreys,
                                                                                                                       Canoes, Small Boats, Kayaks,
,W¶VJRLQJGRZQ                                                                                                      Hydro-Bikes and more!!
                                                                                                                            Downtown Battle Lake and Glendalough State Park!
                                                                                                                       218-282-1063 218-731-7181
                            Battle Lake
                                                                      Battle Lake, MN • 218-864-5203                        GOOD LUCK TO THE GRADUATES AS
                                                                                            YOU GO DOWN A NEW TRAIL! RIDE ON!

                         Class of 2022!

                             $QQDEHOOH $VVRFLDWHV,QF
                                                                                   Best Wishes For A Bright Future!
                                 %DWWOH/DNH01                              Good Luck to Kaitlyn and Kayler Bradner!
                                   DWHDP#DPIDPFRP                                                                         Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                             Saturday: Pharmacy 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and
                                                                                                                                      Store 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
                                                                                                                                 Downtown Battle Lake
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
Page 14
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                           Albert and Jen                                                  Albert and
                                                Bush                                                     Jennifer Bush                                               Karrie Carlson
                                               are the                                                       are the                                                     is the
                                             parents of                                                    parents of                                                  parent of

                                        Dallas Bush                                                 Dawson Bush                                                  Ava Carlson
 Future Plans: Take a gap year and travel, then settle                Future Plans: Attend Lake Superior in Duluth to get          Future Plans: Attend University of Minnesota Duluth to
    down and have a good time all the time                               generals then transfer and become a veterinarian             major in Environmental Science
 Favorite School Memory: Switching classes with my                    Favorite School Memory: Back in 5th grade when my            Favorite School Memory: The band trip from freshman
    twin brother and also playing tackle football during                 twin and I switched classrooms for April Fool’s Day.         year.
    recess.                                                              Let’s just say things went pretty well.                   School Activities: Track and Field, Cheerleading, Year-
 School Activities: Choir, Musical, Chorale, Football, Bas-           School Activities: Basketball, Band, Choir, Chorale, Mu-        book, Band, Musical
    ketball                                                              sicals                                                    Motto: “One for the road.”
 Motto: “We don’t need our Chromebooks yet, but we                    Motto: “He never misses.”

                                                                                                                                                          The Genuine. The Original.

                                                                                                                                                    Overhead Door Company
                                                                                                                                                    PO Box 1053, Fergus Falls, MN 56538
                                                                                                                                                   Office 218-736-6676 Fax 218-998-3651
                                                                                                                                                      Wayne Sydow Cell: 218-770-9820
                                                                                                                                              The Future Is Yours Class of 2022!

                                                                                                         and                        Congrats
    EJ’s                                             Tile

                                                                                                   best wishes for                  Class of
  Floor Covering                                     Vinyl

                                                                                                     the future!
      Al and Ea
                rllet Johnson

           Josh Defr fries
   Cabinets and Counter To
      Window Tr
              Treatments                             Laminate

                                                                                                                                     Best of
  36801 State Hwy wy. 210                       Work
                                                   rk: 218-864-5266
     tle Lak
             e, MN 56515                        Home: 218-864-8817

  Em ail: ej
                                 Fax: 218-864-5267
                                                                            Battle Lake Division
    Best Wishes Class of 2022!                                        Hwy. 210 West 218-864-5574
                                                                           Open 7 Days A Week

   ONE STOP SERVICE                                                      Congrats On Your Achievements!

                                                                                                                                       2 columns by 2”

                                                                           2 columns by 2”
                           BATTLE LAKE                                                                                           www.
                                                                                                                                   www.daveerwinconstruction                            .com
                                Hwys. 210 & 78 • 218-864-5221
                                                                                                                                      218-640-3713 ••Battle
                                                                                                                                        218-640-3713   BattleLake,
                                                                                                                                                     •Battle  Lake, MN
                                                                                                                                                             Lake,  MN
                                                                 • 800-257-4044                                                                                  Lic.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Lic.   #2052069
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                          Page 15
                                                                                                                                           Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                  Julie and Don                                            Thomas and                                                        Ann and
                                        Frost                                             Martha George                                                    Brian Gibbs
                                       are the                                                are the                                                         are the
                                    parents of                                              parents of                                                      parents of

                           Raeanne Frost                                                Ryan George                                               Eleanor Gibbs
Future Plans: Attend North Dakota State University to    Future Plans: Attend M State Moorhead for fall 2022 for    Future Plans: Attend College of St. Scholastica Duluth
   pursue a degree in Veterinary Technology                 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigera-      to major in Nursing
School Activities: Cross Country, Band, Jazz Band, FFA      tion                                                    Favorite School Memory: Getting 2 weeks off of school
                                                         Favorite School Memory: Everytime the REACH group             in March of 2020
                                                            helped out volunteering in the community.               School Activities: Volleyball, Cheerleading, FFA, MHS,
                                                         School Activities: REACH, Pep Band, Jazz Band, FFA            Knowledge Bowl, Band, Jazz Band
                                                         Motto: “You cannot have a positive life and a negative     Motto: “Pitter Patter let’s get at ‘er good buddy.”
                                                            mind.” ~ Joyce Meyer

                                   Jeremy and
                                  Carolyn Griffin

                                     are the

                                                                                                 Ryan ts
                                    parents of
                              Caleb Griffin                             EPAIR                        ge!               Congrats
                                                           Jct. 210 and 78 • Battle Lake, MN 56515                      Grads!
 Future Plans: Go into the work force and mow grass        218-864-8544 • Ryan Peterson, Owner
                                                          Auto • Diesel • Farm Equipment • Engine                                          Balmoral Golf Course is a mature
 Favorite School Memory: When we beat Breckenridge in

                                                          Transmission • Brakes • Air Conditioning                            18 hole - par 72 course located 7 miles north of
    the first round of play-offs in basketball.
                                                                                                                      Battle Lake on the southeast shore of Otter Tail Lake.
                                                               From Tune-Ups to Overhauls
 School Activities: Basketball, Concert Choir
 Motto: “The moment you give up is the moment you let
    someone else win.” ~Kobe Bryant

     Wishing You The Best Of Luck                                                                                                           You
                                                                                                                                           Did It!
             Class of 2022!                                                                                                        Congrats
                                                                                                                                     to the
                                                                                                                                 Class of 2022!
                                                                         Battle Lake 864-5275
                                                                           Henning 583-2933
                                                                          Ottertail 367-2735

Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
Page 16
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                              Jessi Hite, Angie
                                  Isil and Patrick                                              Sharphol and                                                Jackie and Nick
                                   Himmelspach                                                  Rayelle Hite                                                   Hochstein
                                        are the                                                     are the                                                      are the
                                     parents of                                                  parents of                                                    parents of

                    Sean Himmelspach                                                       Joshua Hite                                               Kali Hochstein
 Future Plans: Attend University of Warsaw and to study     Future Plans: Attend LWT, get multiple welding certifica-     Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University-Moor-
    International Relations                                    tions then go into the work force                             head and major in Elementary Education
 Favorite School Memory: When I was in Turkey during        Favorite School Memory: All the time with my class-           Favorite School Memory: Lunch table arguments, 10th
    Junior Homecoming and I was on the Jumbo Tron.             mates.                                                        grade history, being a TA for kindergarten, acting out
 School Activities: Track, Speech, Football                 School Activities: Trap, Golf                                    Romeo and Juliet, Senior Prom, going on the school
 Motto: “Let’s argue.”                                      Motto: “If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,      roof and senior year powder puff.
                                                               it’s going to think it’s stupid.”                          School Activities: BPA, FFA, Yearbook
                                                                                                                          Motto: “I think it’s meek.” (Me in 7th grade)

Best Wishes for a                                                     Graduates                                               Congrats Ryan, Kali, Emmie
 Bright Future!                                                       You did it!                                                 and Class of 2022!

  Good Luck Class of 2022!
                                                                                                                                                             205 Lake Ave. S
                                                                                                                                                              Battle Lake, MN

                                                                                                                                                            Fax 218-864-0112

                                                             to the 


                                                                                                                           116 1/2 Lake Ave N • Battle Lake, MN

            Class of 2022
                                                              on Otter Tail Lake
     Congratulations and best wishes                             West Side                                                                           2022!
      for a wonderfully bright future.
                                                             28325 Cty. Hwy. 145
                                                            Battle Lake, MN 56515                                                                               Best
                                                              218-495-2850                                                                                     Wishes!
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                            Page 17
                                                                                                                                             Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                     Ashley and                                               Bryan Hoff and                                            Dean Jorud and
                                     Travis Hoff                                                Sara Hoff                                               Jacki Maethner
                                       are the                                                   are the                                                     are the
                                     parents of                                                 parents of                                                 parents of

                               Blake Hoff                                              Norman Hoff                                                    Nikki Jorud
Future Plans: Go right into the work force                 Future Plans: Army/Engineering and go to college to          Future Plans: Attend MSU Moorhead for degree in Pre-
Favorite School Memory: When our class was on a field         study them                                                   Chiropractic; then to Palmer University in Iowa to
   trip we would try to get people to honk on the inter-   Favorite School Memory: The time when we formed the             achieve masters in Chiropractic and Doctorate in Ki-
   state.                                                     yu-si-oh club in Hawii. I loved and flt like I was very      nesiology. And get married at some point.
School Activities: Football in Jr. High, Trap                 appreciated when everyone wanted to make me club          Favorite School Memory: Am I allowed to say “Leav-
Motto: “Just keep swimming.” ~Dory                            president because I was good at the same and peo-            ing?”
                                                              ple were nice and know I would be good at it.             School Activities: Band, Choir, FFA, Volleyball, BPA,
                                                           School Activities: Soccer, Track/Field, Cross Country           Piano, Voice Lessons, Musicals, Plays
                                                           Motto: “Victory comes from finding opportunities is          Motto: “Escape the ordinary.”
                                                              problems.” ~Sun Tuz

                                                                       You Did It                                           Congratulations!

                                                                      Class of 2022
                                                                       Graduates!                                       Congrats Battle Lake Seniors!
                                                                                                                                       Way to go!

                                                                                                                           Dalton, MN • 218-998-4454

                                                                 106 Memory Lane • Battle Lake • 218-862-3625

                                                                  EMIL’S ELECTRIC
                                                                     Emil Kvidera                                        CONGRATULATIONS
                                                            Residential - Commercial - Farm
                                                             Licensed - Bonded - Insured
                                                                                                                         to the Class of 2022!
                                                              Congrats Class of 2022!                          
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
Page 18
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                         Sara Schwarz                                                        Allen and
                                             Steve and                                                     and Troy                                                           Debrah
                                             Stephanie                                                     Landberg                                                          Lundquist
                                          Jossart are the                                                   are the                                                           are the
                                            parents of                                                    parents of                                                         parents of

                                    Sam Jossart                                          Torsaray Landberg                                             Emmie Lundquist
     Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University to            Future Plans: Attend M State Fergus Falls for Early Edu-   Future Plans: Attend Minnesota State University Moor-
        major in Business                                                cation                                                     head majoring in Elementary Education
     Favorite School Memory: Playing tackle football at re-                                                                      Favorite School Memory: Acting out Julius Ceasar and
        cess in elementary.                                                                                                         Romeo and Juliet.
     School Activities: Football, Basketball, Track                                                                              School Activities: Basketball, Softball, Yearbook, FFA
     Motto: “The only impossible journey is the one you                                                                          Motto: “It’s like that episode from Spongebob.”
        never begin.” ~Tony Robbins

          “The future belongs to those who
        believe in the beauty of their dreams”
                                            Eleanor Roosevelt
                       MacKenzie F. Barry Financial Advisor, AAMS®
                       105 Lake Avenue North, Battle Lake, MN 56515

om                                    PO Box 38
                                      Battle Lake, MN 56515
                                      218-862-4444                                                 Party                                 Hwy. 78


                                                                                                   Planners”                            South Side

            Class of 2022!
                                                                      218-282-1709 • Website:                           Battle Lake
                                                                              Tents, Tables, Chairs and More!

                                                                                                                                        Congratulations Class of 2022!
                                                                         Weddings, Birthdays and Graduations!
                                                                           You Made It! Congrats!

            2 col.x2”
            Congratulations                                                                                                             Congratulations
            $29 Class of 2022!                                                  Congrats
                                                                                                                                         Class of 2022!

                                                                             Class of 2022!
                                  John G. Chase, FNP, DC                                                                             BATTLE LAKE
                                         104 Memory Lane
                                                                                                                                      Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat. 8-Noon

                                       Battle Lake, MN 56515
                                                                                                                                         Corner of Hwys. 78 and 210
                                                                                                                                       Battle Lake         218-864-5225
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                    Page 19
                                                                                                                                     Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                    Derek and
                                                                                       Heidi and Corey                                           Paul and Debra
                                                                                          Mekalson                                                    Ness
                                                                                           are the                                                   are the
                                      are the
                                                                                         parents of                                                parents of
                                    parents of

                           Noah Mansker                                      Brodey Mekalson                                              Madison Ness
 Future Plans: Attend Crown College in St. Bonifacius,   Future Plans: Working, college maybe                  Future Plans: Attend St Scholastica in Duluth for Nurs-
    MN to pursue Nursing and to play basketball          Favorite School Memory: Early morning FFA buses and      ing
 Favorite School Memory: Food fight in sixth grade          vans.                                              Favorite School Memory: After going to this school
 School Activities: Basketball, Cross Country, Track,    School Activities: Trap and FFA                          since preschool it would be impossible to pick just
    BPA, Student Council, Chorale, Musicals              Motto: “Just gonna send it.” ~Larry Enticer              one...I really liked anytime we acted out plays in Eng-
 Motto: “Hop on Clash.”                                                                                           lish, “Forestry meetings”, Long Lake Conservation
                                                                                                                  Camp and getting any teacher off topic.
                                                                                                               School Activities: Cheerleading, Volleyball, Golf, Pep
                                                                                                                  Band, Chorale, Band, Choir
                                                                                                               Motto: “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds dis-
                                                                                                                  cuss events; small minds discuss people.” ~Eleanor

                                 218-769-4399              Todd S. Smith, D.D.S.

                                                                        Family Dentistry
 Septic Service

                                                             Area Lakes Dental
• Septic Tank Pumping •

                                                            412 Lake Avenue S • Battle Lake
      Gary Wallace
  Licensed and Bonded
                           We Are Proud Of
21047 Bonnie Beach Road
 Battle Lake, MN 56515
                          You Class of 2022!

  Congratulations Brodey                                                                                                 Congratulations
                                                                                                                    Madison Ness
    and Class of 2022!                                                                                                and Class of 2022!

                                        Mekalson Hydraulics, Inc.
                                                                                                                              28525 Cty. Hwy. 145
      21461 365th Ave • Battle Lake,•MNBattle
                                       56515 • Lake,
                                               Email:                                                   (west shore of Otter Tail Lake)

                       218-862-5757 • Fax 218-862-5755
                                                       MN 56515                                                                  218-495-2468
         P                                               • Fax: 218-862-5755                                          
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
Page 20
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                                                                     Cory Runningen
                                                                                                                                                     and Tracy Doble
                                  Kate Ness and                                                  Patrisha                                                 are the
                                     J.T. Ness                                                   Roundy                                                 parents of
                                      are the                                                     is the
                                    parents of                                                  parent of                                            Johnathan
                              Taylor Ness                        Garret Roundy-Fullmer                                                               Runningen
 Future Plans: Attend NDSCS for 2-year Culinary degree    Future Plans: Go into the trades and potentially start a   Future Plans: Enter the work force
 Favorite School Memory: Selling glitter erasers in Mr.      business                                                Favorite School Memory: Raising the chickens in ag.
    Setterholm’s class and getting glitter banned.        Favorite School Memory: Messing around in Battler          Motto: “Time will not slow down when something un-
 School Activities: Cheerleading, FFA, Trap Shooting         branding while painting                                    pleasant lies ahead.” ~J.K. Rowling
 Motto: “When life isn’t going right, go left.” ~Dove     Motto: “Strive for success.”

                                                                                                                                                         Chad and
                                                                                                                                                           are the
                                                                                                                                                         parents of

                                                                                                                                            Connor Schaefer
                                                                                                                     Future Plans: Attend South Dakota State University
                                                                                                                     Favorite School Memory: Preschool nap time
                                                                                                                     School Activities: Basketball, Track, BPA
                                                                                                                     Motto: “No quema cuh.”

                                                               Great Job Seniors ...
                       Good Luck                                   You Did It!                                         Congratulations
                    To All Seniors!                                                                                                       to the

      URBANK BAIT Clitherall                                                                                            Class of 2022
                                                                       Tim McCarte, Agent

            Phillip and Kathy Koep
                                                                Battle Lake, MN • 218-731-1691

                                                                                                                          Best Wishes In Your Future!!
        Congrats Class of 2022!                                                        Congratulations
                                                                                      2022 Graduates
                                                                                         Battle Lake                        CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                                                                    • Demolition          • Manure Pits
                                                                                                                        — Battle Lake,AMinnesota —
                                                                                        Development                    John 218-849-8504            Mark 218-849-1839
                                                                                                                         R             • Building Sites • Basements
                                                                                                                      DDave  218-849-5422             Dan 218-849-7747
                                                                                                                                                           • Manure Pits
                                                                                          Authority                                 A
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                                 Page 21
                                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                   Scherfenberg                                                                                                                     Don and Jane
                                  and Sean Scott                                           Kristin and Pat                                                            Schmidt
                                      are the                                              Schmid are the                                                              are the
                                    parents of                                               parents of                                                              parents of

                   Isaac Scherfenberg                                               Fiona Schmid                                                  Andrea Schmidt
Future Plans: Attend University of Minnesota, Twin         Future Plans: College, work and travel                        Future Plans: Attend M State Fergus Falls for AA degree
   Cities or Wisconsin Madison for double major in         Favorite School Memory: Shadowing Emmie, library dis-         Favorite School Memory: The band trip to Wisconsin
   Computer Engineering and Computer Science                  cussions and winning a TV at post prom                        freshman year.
Favorite School Memory: Going on the 9th grade band        School Activities: Cheerleading, Knowledge Bowl               School Activities: Band, FFA
   trip to the Twin Cities and Eau Claire was an ex-       Motto: “Peace out Girl Scout.”
   tremely fun opportunity before Covid shut every-
   thing down.
School Activities: Cross Country, Track, Speech, Mock
   Trial, Student Council, BPA, FFA, Basketball, Knowl-
                                                                                                                               Wishing success to the
   edge Bowl, Band, Choir, Jazz Band, Musicals, MHS,                                                                         Graduating Class of 2022!
   One Act
Motto: “However difficult life may seem, there is always
   something you can do and succeed at.” ~Steven
                                                             Congrats to Isaac Scherfenberg                                  Schmidt Excavating
   Hawking                                                                                                                             Don Schmidt

                                                                      and Class of 2022!                                      Lic. #2173        Bonded-Insured
                                                                                                                             Battle Lake, MN 56515 • 218-282-0815
                                                                                                                              Excavating - Demo - Black Dirt - Gravel - Sand-Fill
                                                                                                                              Rip-Rap - Basements - Driveways - Septic System

                                    Mike and Lisa
                                       are the                                                                                          Congratulations
                                     parents of
                                                              Congratulations to
                           Maia Scholten                       the Class of 2022!
                                                                                                                                         We are so proud of you!

                                                                 The Sweetest Place In Battle Lake
                                                                                                                                                    Love Mom and Dad

                                                                                                                                     THE SWEETEST PLACE
Future Plans: Attend MSU Moorhead for Psychology

                                                                                                                              2 columns       by 2”
                                                                                        100’s Old Tyme Candies
                                                                                                                                       IN BATTLE LAKE
School Activities: Band
                                                                                        40 Flavors of Ice Cream                         100’s Old Tyme Candies
                                                                                    Huge Selection of Salt Water Taffy                  40 Flavors of Ice Cream

Best Wishes For                                                                     Homemade Fudge, Chocolates and                  Huge Selection of Salt Water Taffy
                                                                                           Other Specialties                     • Homemade •
                                                                                                                                        Fudge - Chocolates
a Bright Future!                                                                     Meg & Terry Haviland, Owners
                                                                                                                                         Other Specialties

                                                               Congrats Brodie Sanford!
                                                                                                                                    Meg & Terry Haviland, Owners

                                                                2 columnsRestaurant
                                                                                  by Open  2”
                          Class of 2022!                                                                                 Congratulations 2022 Seniors!

                            TROSDAHL                                  $26
                                                                       Sunday-Thursday 6:30 a.m.-9 p.m.
                                                                       Friday-Saturday 6:30 a.m.-10 p.m.

                                                                 $26 Of West Battle
                                                                           Bar Open 11 a.m.-11 p.m.
                                                                       Bowling Mon.-Sun. 11 a.m.-11 p.m.
                           Body Repair & Refinishing
                         Hwy. 210 West - Battle Lake, MN
                                                                        A   Million    Dollar View
                               218-864-5424                                                    Lake
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
Page 22
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                             Adysen Tysdal
                                                                and the
                                                            Class of 2022!
                                  Sue and Jerame
                                      Tysdal                                                                    Tom and Janelle
                                      are the                                                                   VanErp are the
                                    parents of                                                                    parents of

                          Adysen Tysdal                                                                   Grace VanErp
 Future Plans: Attend college to study Nursing and play                       Future Plans: Attend North Dakota State University,
    golf                                                                         major undecided but plan to compete on the Track
 Favorite School Memory: Basketball bus rides with Paul                          and Field team
    and Andy.                                                                 Favorite School Memory: The opportunity I have had to
 School Activities: Basketball, Volleyball, Golf, Student                        make friends with teachers and students who are
    Council, BPA, FFA, Yearbook, Minnesota Honor Soci-                           both older and younger than me. It’s always a fun
    ety, Band                                                                    time with the friends I’ve made through sports and
 Motto: “Worry does not take away tomorrow’s troubles,                           activities.
    it takes away today’s peace.”                                             School Activities: Basketball, Volleyball, Track, BPA, Stu-
                                                                                 dent Council, MHS, Yearbook, Incident Command
                                                                                 Team, Strategic Planning Committee, Band, Jazz
                                                                                 Band, Solo/Ensembles, Pep Band
                                                                              Motto: “Don’t worry about it, everything’s gonna be

                         Best of Luck Graduates!

             “Go Confidently in the direction of your dreams.
               Live the life you have imagined.” Henry David Thoreau
                               Congratulations to our 2022 Graduates ...
                               Dallas and Dawson Bush • Kali Hochstein
Saluting Battle Lake Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                                                     Page 23
                                                                                                                                                                      Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                            Jeff Wensauer
                                                                                                                       Jeff Wensauer
                           Brett Walker                                                                    and Nikki and
                                                                                                                      SmithNikki Smith
                                      Brett Walker
                               is the                                                                            are the are the
                                          is the
                            parent of parent of                                                               parents ofparents of

                 Solaur Solaur
                        Walker Walker                                                      VictoriaVictoria
 s: Travel
    Futureand   figure
            Plans:       out and
                     Travel   my interests
                                  figure out my interests           Future Plans: Take  a gap
                                                                                   Future      year
                                                                                          Plans:    andawork,
                                                                                                  Take         thenand
                                                                                                         gap year    go to
                                                                                                                         work, then go to
hoolFavorite School Memory: mache
      Memory:     Making   paper   Makingham-
                                           paper mache ham-            school for Early Childhood
                                                                                      school        Education
                                                                                              for Early Childhood Education
d messing     around   with  them.
        mers and messing around with them.                          Favorite School  Memory:
                                                                                   Favorite    My TAMemory:
                                                                                            School     hour with
                                                                                                                   TA kinder-
                                                                                                                      hour with the kinder-
 vities: Golf,Activities:
    School     Football, Golf,
                          Basketball,   Track,
                                Football,  Basketball, Track,          garten.        garten.
ountryCross Country                                                 School Activities: Choir,
                                                                                   School     Cheer for
                                                                                           Activities:   Basketball
                                                                                                       Choir, Cheer for Basketball
n and   emotion
    Motto:  “Painareandtemporary,
                         emotion are so temporary,
                                        don’t let so don’t let      Motto: “Lights Motto:
                                                                                   on Belts  on.” ~on
                                                                                          “Lights   Chris  Christopherson
                                                                                                       Belts on.” ~ Chris Christopherson
t in thethem
          way.”get in the way.”

                                                                      Serving the Lakes Area since 1978
                                                                                                                                                  CAPS OFF TO YOU,
                                                                                                                                                         Battle Lake Class of 2022
              BATTLE LAKE, MN • 218-864-9929

         Congratulations to the
                                                                                                                                                  DREAM BIG • BELIEVE IN YOURSELF • STAY HEALTHY
                                                                        • Lawn Care • Landscape Maintenance                                              Remember, we are here For You. Always.

                                                                       • Property Management • Snow Removal

       Graduating  Class of 2022!
                                                                      Best of Luck            
              Sue and Jerame                                         in the Future!                     218-731-7181                                                         
                                  Sue and Jerame
                             Tysdal    Tysdal                                                           Tom and Janelle
                                                                                                                  Tom and Janelle
                            are the are the                                                              VanErp areVanErp
                                                                                                                    the are the
                           parents ofparents of                                                            parents ofparents of
      Best Adysen
           Wishes to Class of 2022!
                     Tysdal   Adysen Tysdal                                 Congratulations
                                                                                 Grace VanErp   on your Crowning
                                                                                        Grace VanErp
 : Attend
   Future college BIG FOOT
                   to study
           Plans: Attend
                           Gas • Grocery • Deli
                          college      and play
                                   to study    Nursing and play    Future Plans: Attend
                                                                                  Future North
                                                                                                   Attend State
                                                                                                                      Dakota State University,

                                rides210     •Paul
      golf                                                            major undecided    butundecided
                                                                                     major   plan to competebut plan ontothe Track on the Track

ool  Memory:
   Favorite    Basketball
            School         bus
                     Memory:           with bus
                               Basketball        rides with Paul      and Field team.and Field team.
      and Andy.                                                    Favorite School  Memory:
                                                                                  Favorite     The opportunity
                                                                                            School    Memory: The     I have  had to I have had to

       Faster, Stronger,   Bigger,  Better,   Bait. Guaranteed.
  ties: Basketball,
   School           Volleyball,
           Activities:          Golf,Volleyball,
                       Basketball,    Student Golf, Student           make friends with
                                                                                            friends and
                                                                                                             teacherswho  and are
                                                                                                                               students who are
BPA, FFA,  Yearbook,   Minnesota   Honor
      Council, BPA, FFA, Yearbook, MinnesotaSoci-   Honor Soci-       both older andboth
                                                                                                   and me.    It’s always
                                                                                                        younger      than me.a fun
                                                                                                                                 It’s always a fun
      ety, Band                                                       time with the friends  I’vethe
                                                                                     time with     made    through
                                                                                                      friends          sportsthrough
                                                                                                                 I’ve made      and sports and
y Motto:
    does not take away
          “Worry         tomorrows
                   does not  take awaytroubles,  it troubles, it
                                          tomorrows                   activities.    activities.
    Congratulations Class of 2022!
 y today’s  peace.”
      takes away today’s peace.”                                   School Activities: Basketball,
                                                                      dent Council, MHS,
                                                                                     dent Council,
                                                                                                                    Track, BPA, Stu-
                                                                                                                                      Track, BPA, Stu-
                                                                                                                            Incident Command
                                                                      Team, StrategicTeam,
                                                                                       Planning    Committee,
                                                                                             Strategic    Planning  Band,   Jazz Band, Jazz
                                                                      Band, Solo/Ensembles,
                                                                                     Band,    years
                                                                                                 Pep Band   in business
                                                                                                                     Pep Band
                                                                   Motto: “Don’t worry
                                                                       “Voted       theabout
                                                                                  Motto:    best
                                                                                         “Don’t it,worry
                                                                                                           about it,gonna
                                                                                                      garbage                 be
                                                                                                                        everything’s      in be
                                                                                                                                        gonna the
                                                                      fine.”         fine.”
                                                                             Lakes Area in 2019, 2020, 2021”
                  Robert O. Blatti, Attorney                                        218-346-4834
           702 Lake Ave. N., Battle Lake, MN 56515
          218-862-5690 •
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
Page 24
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                 Class Motto
                                                                       “Where there is a will, there is a
                                                                        way, where there is a quizlet,
                                                                               there is an A.”
                   Under wood Kindergarten Visit Fire Hall
                                                                                 Class Colors
                                                                              Black and Orange

                                                                                 Class Flower
                                                                                 White Rose

                                                                               “See You Again”
                                                                        by Wiz Khalifa ft. Charlie Puth

                                                                       Graduation - Saturday, May 21
                                                                                  2 p.m.
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                            Page 25
                                                                                                                                             Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                                                                         Robbie Mavis
                                                                                                                                                         and Zachary
                                  Bruce and Jen                                               Bruce and Jen                                                Albright
                                  Albjerg are the                                            Albjerg are the                                               are the
                                    parents of                                                 parents of                                                 parents of

                           Annie Albjerg                                             Emmy Albjerg                                                Izic Albright
Future Plans: Attend M State for Surgical Technology        Future Plans: Attend M State for Radiology                 Future Plans: Attend NDSCS for Diesel Mechanic
Favorite School Memory: Soccer games and practices,         Favorite School Memory: All pep bands and soccer           Favorite School Memory: Going to Orlando, Florida for a
   music trivia in Mr. Ross’ class                             games and practices.                                       band and choir trip.
School Activities: Soccer, Interact, National Honor Soci-   School Activities: Soccer, Interact, Show Band, National   School Activities: Band, Choir
   ety, Show Band, Marching Band                               Honor Society, Marching Band                            Motto: “That’s what I’m saying.”
Motto: “Can I bring my dog.”                                Motto: “It coulda been worse.”

                                                                   Today We
                                                                 Celebrate You!

           Best Wishes
                        for a
        Bright Future!                                                    BRAVO,
      Sverdrup Mutual
                                                                 Underwood Class of 2022

             Insurance Company
                                                                     IMAGINE WHAT YOU CAN DO NOW!
                                                                 Remember, we are here For You. Always.

                   Underwood, MN
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
Page 26
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                     Jason and                                           Lynn and Keith
                                  Jackie Allen are                                        Aune are the
                                   the parents of                                          parents of

                               Jenna Allen                                         Kaitlyn Aune                                Christian Berry
 Future Plans: Attend M State Fergus Falls               Future Plans: Attend MSUM                                       No info submitted.
 Favorite School Memory: Crying at my last pep band      Favorite School Memory: Going on a Spanish trip to
    and going out to eat afterwards.                        Puerto Rico
 School Activities: Choir, Band, Show Choir, Softball,   School Activities: Softball, Interact
 Motto: “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”
                                                         Motto: “When you change the way you look at things,
                                                            the things you look at change.” ~IDK                 May the future hold an
                                                                                                                abundance of happiness.

             ... ur
      i o l Yo True!
         r s

                                                                                                       Congrats Jenna
  Se y Al me
    Ma s Co
     re  am       Congratulations!
        Norson Window & Glass
            Underwood • 218-770-1845                                                                    and all the Graduates of 2022

                                                                                                        Love Mom, Dad and family

                                                                                                                   Jason J. Allen
   Underwood Grads!
                                                                                                                     Underwood, MN

   City of Underwood
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                         Page 27
                                                                                                                                          Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                   Joe and Kim                                            Amanda Sutter
                                     Borgos                                                 and Adam                                                  Mark Bring and
                                     are the                                               Boyle are the                                              Dacia Stiles are
                                    parents of                                              parents of                                                the parents of

                          Emma Borgos                                                Arthur Boyle                                                   Hazel Bring
Future Plans: Attend M State Fergus Falls for generals;   Future Plans: Attend University of Minnesota Morris for   Future Plans: Attend either UND or Concordia Moor-
   then college to become a Dental Hygenist                  Psychology                                                head majoring in Kinesiology
Favorite School Memory: Going to Long Lake back in        Favorite School Memory: Going to Florida for a band       Favorite School Memory: Freshman year when we went
   5th grade. My dad came with and we made lots of           trip.                                                     on a Spanish trip to Puerto Rico.
   fun memories, like Sasquatch (Mr. Rogers) coming       School Activities: Band                                   School Activities: Soccer, National Honor Society, Inter-
   out of nowhere and scaring us while we were build-     Motto: “The blood of the covenant is thicker than the        act, Band, Show Band
   ing fires in the woods.                                   water of the womb.”                                    Motto: “The sleep after submitting an assignment is un-
School Activities: Band, Pep Band, Show Band, Interact,                                                                beatable.”
   National Honor Society
Motto: “I can do all things through Christ who gives me
   strength.” Philippians 4:13

Today We Celebrate You!

                                                                  Class of 2022 ...                                 Congratulation
                                                                Your hard work,                                      Graduates!
                                                                                                                            Call or visit
                                                                 dedication and
                                                                                                                     Edward Jones Financial
                                                            discipline have paid off.
                                                                                                                    advisor to start your future
                                                                                                                      with a solid strategy.
Class of 2022!

PO Box 168• Underwood MN 56586
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
Page 28
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                Terry and                                              Terry and
                                   Jess and Kristine                                           Kathy Burgau                                           Kathy Burgau
                                    Bugbee are the                                                are the                                                are the
                                       parents of                                               parents of                                             parents of

                               Josey Bugbee                                              Kolby Burgau                                                Ty Burgau
 Future Plans: Attend MSUM, major undecided                   Future Plans: Move south and go from there
                                                                                                                      Future Plans: Go to college for Engineering
 Favorite School Memory: Tristan Evavold kicking me as        Favorite School Memory: Day to day conversation with
                                                                                                                      Favorite School Memory: Puerto Rico trip
    hard as he could which led me to fly out of my desk          classmates.
                                                                                                                      School Activities: Trap Shooting, Knowledge Bowl
    and hit my head on another desk. Then Mr. Meece           School Activities: Trap Shooting
                                                                                                                      Motto: “Wait that’s due today?!”
    walked in and Tristan goes, “Josey why are you on         Motto: “That’s what I’m sayin’.”
    the floor.”
 School Activities: NHS, Interact, Basketball
 Motto: “Everything is temporary, so appreciate all of it.”

                                  Chad and Kristi
                                  Christianson are
                                   the parents of

                     Kalli Christianson
 Future Plans: Undecided
 Favorite School Memory: When Tristan Evavold kicked
    Josey off of her chair in math and then acted like it
    wasn’t him when Mr. Meece came into the class-
 School Activities: Track, Choir
 Motto: “Beyond fear lives freedom.”

    Graduates, today is the first day of a                                 Wishing The Class                         I hope your dreams take you....
       wonderful journey that lies ahead!
                                                                                of 2022 The                          to the corners of your smiles,
                                                                          Best In Their Future!                      to the highest of your hopes,

                                                                               1st Choice Tree Care
                                                                                                                     to the windows of your opportunities,
                   & SEPTIC DIVISION                                               Jesse Norgren                     and to the most special places
   Underwood, MN           218-826-6623
                                                                                30372 180th St., Underwood           your heart has ever known.
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                         Page 29
                                                                                                                                          Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                              Amy Evavold
                                                                                              and Brandon
                                  Chris and Lacy                                                Evavold                                              Scott and Tracy
                                  Ecker are the                                                 are the                                              Evavold are the
                                   parents of                                                  parents of                                              parents of

                             Landon Ecker                                         Brianna Evavold                                           Tristan Evavold
Future Plans: Attend M State Fergus Falls for generals,   Future Plans: Attend NDSU to major in Nursing              Future Plans: Attend M State Moorhead
   then to St. Cloud State University for Computer Sci-   Favorite School Memory: Making it to the Section           Favorite School Memory: When I blocked Mr. Gronner in
   ence and Engineering                                      Championship for Basketball.                               Iron Man volleyball.
Favorite School Memory: When I did a backflip in front    School Activities: Volleyball, Basketball, Interact, NHS   School Activities: Football, Wrestling, Class President
   of the school coronation for formal. Having to hold    Motto: “Don’t stop until you’re proud.”                    Motto: “Ya buddy.”
   the bus door closed coming back from Fargo be-
   cause the weld broke.
School Activities: Golf, Trap Shooting, Choir
Motto: “When you want to succeed as bad as you want
   to breathe, then you’ll be successful.”

                                                                                                                                             Yasmin Farias
                                                                                                                                     No info submitted.

                          Hats Off To The
                          Class of 2022!
       We’re So Proud Of You
  Brianna Evavold
     Evavold Electric
     Brandon Evavold Owner/Licensed Contractor
             Underwood, MN 56586
      218-826-7547     Cell 218-770-9299
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
Page 30
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                                                                       Jeff Jaroszewski
                                    Tina and Greg                                             Reece Hanson                                               and Jill Smith
                                   Frigaard are the                                               is the                                                     are the
                                      parents of                                                parent of                                                 parents of

                         Amber Frigaard                                                   Tori Hanson                                        Tess Jaroszewski
 Future Plans: Attend Augustana University in Sioux         Future Plans: Travel the world                             Future Plans: Attend hair school at Salon Professional
    Falls, SD for Finance or Accounting                     Favorite School Memory: Eating with my chem teacher           Academy in Fargo
 Favorite School Memory: Mrs. Knutson’s combo class            (Ptif) everyday for the whole year.                     Favorite School Memory: The football game in the Far-
    in 3rd and 4th grade. The class got so close and it     Motto: “I’m just tryna get outta here.”                       goDome in 2019.
    was my favorite years in elementary and was a big                                                                  School Activities: Choir, Yearbook
    part in making me who I am today.                                                                                  Motto: “Shopping is cheaper than therapy.”
 School Activities: Volleyball, Golf, Band, BPA, Knowl-
    edge Bowl, Envirothon, National Honor Society, Inter-
 Motto: “You didn’t wake up to be average.”
                                                                                             Michelle Emery                      We’re Proud
                                                                                                 and Jeff
                                                                                             Lindberg are the                      of You!
                                                                                                parents of

                                      Louis and
                                   Jessica Karsnia
                                                                                      Drew Lindberg                     Good Luck To You In
                                       are the
                                     parents of
                                                            Future Plans: Undecided
                                                            Favorite School Memory: Getting stranded in Florida
                                                            School Activities: Choir, Band
                                                                                                                       Your Future Endeavors.
                                                            Motto: “Love your haters. They’re your biggest fans.” >3
                          Zander Karsnia
 Future Plans: Open a Diesel repair and performance
    shop on Co. Rd 1.
 Favorite School Memory: Lettering in trap.
 School Activities: Trap Shooting
 Motto: “No rest in this world, perhaps in the next.”                                                                     Congratulations!
                                                                                                                              Wishing you
                                                                                                                          success in the future.

                                                               Congrats to Jenna Allen,
                                                                  Tess Jaroszewski                                        1120 Frontier Drive • Fergus Falls
                                                                                                                                 218-998-4FUN (4386)
                                                                   and all Grads!                                 
                                                                                                                            Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
                                                                                                                          Sat. 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Closed Sunday

Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                           Page 31
                                                                                                                                            Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                     Dean and                                                  Maryann and                                                Matt and
                                      Debbie                                                  Darryl Maihori                                             Christy Mark
                                    Maanum are                                                   are the                                                   are the
                                   the parents of                                               parents of                                                parents of

                     William Maanum                                                 Bayani Maihori                                                  Austin Mark
Future Plans: Work on music, write songs, to be a            Future Plans: To be successful and to travel the world    Future Plans: Welding or Heavy Equipment
   dancer and to make those I love happy                     Favorite School Memory: The music trip down to Or-        Favorite School Memory: The end (graduation).
School Activities: Soccer, Track, Football, Basketball          lando, Florida.                                        School Activities: Trap Shooting
                                                             School Activities: Band, Choir                            Motto: “Pass high school.”
                                                             Motto: “That’s what I’m sayin’.”

                                    Tammy and                                                                                                             Casey and
                                   Mike Mark are                                                                                                         Meko Nelson
                                   the parents of                                                                                                          are the
                                                                                               Sara Lewis is
                                                                                                                                                          parents of
                                 Chloe Mark                                                    the parent of

Future Plans: Attend M State Fergus Falls for Nursing                              Irene McDaniels                                                 Logan Nelson
Favorite School Memory: Mrs. Hoyt’s class we were tak-                                                                  Future Plans: Attend Alexandria Technical College for
   ing a math test and all of a sudden we heard scream-     Future Plans: Undecided
                                                                                                                           Law Enforcement
   ing. We looked outside and a kid found a rat. The kid    Favorite School Memory: Halftime shows when I was in
                                                                                                                        Favorite School Memory: The Washington D.C. trip. The
   held the rat to show Mrs. Hoyt and she started              gymnastics.
                                                                                                                           best part about it was when I walked into our room,
   screaming.                                               School Activities: Show Choir, One Act, Regional Art
                                                                                                                           and found Ms. Clauson out cold watching Criminal
School Activities: Band, Show Band, Interact, Volleyball,      Show
   Trap Shooting                                            Motto: “Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.”
                                                                                                                        School Activities: Interact, Student Rep on School
Motto: “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”                                                                         Board, Student Council, National Honor Society
   ~Theodore Roosevelt                                                                                                  Motto: “Whatever you do, always give 100%. Unless
                                                                                                                           you’re donating blood.”

      “The future belongs to those who believe in                                                                     Best Wishes to the
      the beauty of their dreams.” ~Eleanor Roosevelt                                                                   Class of 2022!

 Congrats Underwood Seniors!                                Congratulations to the Class of 2022!                                Congratulations
                  Way to go!
                                                                                                                                   Thank you to Parents,
                                                                                                                         Teachers, Bus Drivers, Cooks and Janitors
                                                                                                                                   CUSTOM CARPENTRY
     Dalton, MN • 218-998-4454
                                                            Underwood 218-826-6560          Brandon 320-834-4949
                                                            Rothsay 218-867-4136            Perham 218-346-7100       MN
                                                                                                                      BC257142         Dan Stenoien • 218-770-6767
Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
Page 32
Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                    Milbeck and                                                Tami and Ricky                                                Lorrie and
                                   Luke Norgren                                                 Hendershot                                                 Armond Poser
                                      are the                                                     are the                                                     are the
                                     parents of                                                  parents of                                                  parents of

                       Cadynce Norgren                                                 Chase Pederson                                                      Brien Poser
 Future Plans: Travel                                        Future Plans: Attend M State to finish generals and fig-   School Activities: Football, Wrestling, Track, Trap Shoot-
 Favorite School Memory: In phy-ed when we would play           ure out what to do from there                             ing
    dodgeball everyone would hope Tristan, Jaxon,            Favorite School Memory: Running through the swings         Motto: “Gettin’ after it.”
    Logan would be on your team so you wouldn’t get             in middle school trying to not get hit.
    hit in the face with a dodgeball.                        School Activities: Choir, Knowledge Bowl, Envirothon,
 School Activities: Choir                                       Student Council
 Motto: “Sometimes you will never know the value of a        Motto: “Sit down and behave.” ~Robin the Librarian
    moment until it becomes a memory.” ~Dr. Suess

                                  Arick and Karla
                                  Follingstad and                                             Kyle and Mandy
                                   Tyler and Mai                                               Rich are the
                                   Stigen are the                                                parents of
                                     parents of
                                                                                              Jaxon Rich
                               Kaley Quam
                                                             Future Plans: Attend NDSU for Construction Manage-
 Future Plans: Attend NDSU and major in Chemistry (or           ment
    other chemistry related field)                           Favorite School Memory: Playing football in the Far-
 Favorite School Memory: When Mr. Tiffany blew up an            goDome my freshman and sophomore year for the
    egg in chemistry my junior year.                            Section Championship.
 School Activities: Band, Choir, Show Choir, Interact, Na-   School Activities: Football, Wrestling, Track, Interact,
    tional Honor Society, Knowledge Bowl, Math Tutor,           Student Council, School Board Student Representa-
    Soccer, Econ Challenge, Personal Finance De-                tive
    cathalon                                                 Motto: “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?”
 Motto: “Do what you know is right.” ~Papa Don

                                                                                                                          -Class of 2022

Saluting Underwood Seniors ...
                                                                                                                                                            Page 33
                                                                                                                                             Wednesday, May 18, 2022

                                                                                                                                                          Gaylene and
                                     DJ Roehl and                                                 Brent and                                             Ryan Smith and
                                     Patricia Wahl                                                 Brenda
                                                                                                                                                         Steve Schmitz
                                        are the                                                  Schleske are                                               are the
                                      parents of                                                the parents of
                                                                                                                                                           parents of

                                Payton Roehl                                           Logan Schleske                                          Tanner Schmitz
                                                              Future Plans: Undecided                                   Future Plans: Attend NDSCS or M State for Electrical
Future Plans: Great question, still working on it.
                                                              Favorite School Memory: Harrassing the office ladies in      degree
Favorite School Memory: I have too many favorite mem-
                                                                 my free time.                                          Favorite School Memory: Being part of the first ever Un-
   ories, but I am very thankful for all of my friends I’ve
                                                              School Activities: Football, Wrestling, Trap Shooting        derwood Trap team to qualify to attend State Trap.
   spent all these years with.
                                                              Motto: “Don’t worry, we have time.”                       School Activities: Baseball, Golf, Football, Trap Shoot-
School Activities: Band, Choir
Motto: “That’s what I’m sayin’.”                                                                                           ing
                                                                                                                        Motto: “I’ll do it tomorrow!”

                                                                                               Logan and Lynae                                             Laramy and
                                                                                                Solberg are the                                          Teresa Stundahl
                                                                                                  parents of                                                 are the
                                                                                                                                                            parents of
                                                                                             Reed Solberg
                                                              Future Plans: Going into the work force and possibly
                                                                                                                                        Cheyanne Stundahl
                                                                 college after a year
                                                              Favorite School Memory: When Emery fell off the merry-    Future Plans: Attend Alex Tech in Paralegal program
                                                                 go-round.                                                 maybe become a lawyer. Live a happy, healthy life.
                                                              School Activities: Basketball, Choir, Trap Shooting       Favorite School Memory: Making new friends, but of
                                                              Motto: “That’s unfortunate.”                                 course falling down the bleachers first day of 7th
                                                                                                                        School Activities: Choir
                                                                                                                        Motto: “The money you make will never buy back your
                                                                                                                           soul.” ~Bob Dylan

                                                                                                                        Today We Celebrate You!
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