The Liver Meeting 2018 - November 9-13, 2018 Exhibit Dates: November 10-12, 2018 SAN FRANCISCO, CA - AASLD
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The Liver Meeting 2018 ® November 9–13, 2018 Exhibit Dates: November 10–12, 2018 MOSCONE NORTH/SOUTH CONVENTION CENTER SAN FRANCISCO, CA Exhibitor Prospectus
Vision To Prevent and Cure Liver Disease Mission To advance and disseminate the science and practice of hepatology, and to promote liver health and quality patient care
Fast Facts Venue Contacts Moscone North/South Convention Center Official Decorator Table of Contents San Francisco, CA Freeman 901 E. South Street Attendee Demographics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Exhibit Dates Anaheim, CA 92805 and Times P: 714-254-3410 Booth Fees, Assignment Procedures, F: 469-621-5607 and Cancellation Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Saturday, November 10 5:00 pm–7:30 pm E: FreemanAnaheimES@ 2018 Exhibit Hall Floor Plan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sunday, November 11 9:30 am–3:00 pm Official AV Provider 2017 Exhibitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Monday, November 12 PSAV 9:30 am–3:00 pm P: 800-966-4498 Industry-supported Satellite Symposia. . . . . . . . . . . 8 E: Installation Schedule Affiliate Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Friday, November 9 AASLD 8:00 am–5:00 pm 1001 North Fairfax Street, Official Decorator, Shipping, and Suite 400 Booth Construction Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Saturday, November 10 Alexandria, VA 22314 8:00 am–2:30 pm P: 703-299-9769 Additional Rules and Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dismantle Schedule F: 703-299-9622 Exhibit Space Application and Contract . . . . . . . . 17 Monday, November 13 Exhibits: 3:00 pm–10:00 pm Sharon Grant 2018 Dates to Remember. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Tuesday, November 14 Manager, Registration 8:00 am–10:00 am and Exhibits E: Space Assignments Affiliate Event and Priority for space assignment is Industry-supported based on a point system and Satellite Symposia: the date on which the exhibit Melissa Morrison space contract is received. E: Booth Sizes and Fees Corporate Support: Standard booth is Julie Wolfe 10 feet x 10 feet; maximum Director of Development booth size is 40 feet x 40 feet. E: In-line Booth. . . . . . . . . $3,000 Corner Booth. . . . . . . . $3,200 Island Booth. . . . $34 per sq.ft. Nonprofit. . . . . . . . . . . . . $525 Hotel Accommodations Reservations for hotel accommodations at The Liver Meeting® will be made through the official housing vendor for The Liver Meeting®. Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities |1|
Attendee Demographics Reach Thousands of Liver Don’t miss AASLD’s premier scientific and educational event and your opportunity to spotlight your products and Disease Specialists from services for this targeted audience of leaders in the field. Across the Nation and Reserve your booth space today! Around the World Who Attends The Liver Meeting® During The Liver Meeting 2018—the 69 Annual ® th Meeting of the American Association for the Study of Liver Scientist Diseases—thousands of hepatologists and hepatology 13% health professionals from across the nation and around the world will gather in San Francisco, CA to exchange the Physician Scientist latest liver disease research, discuss treatment outcomes, 9% and interact with colleagues at the annual, must-attend Surgeon event in the science and practice of hepatology. 2% AASLD is the leading organization focused solely on Mid-level Provider advancing the science and practice of hepatology. The 6% Physician Liver Meeting® defines the cutting edge in the study and 43% treatment of liver and biliary diseases and offers the best Trainee or Student possible atmosphere to discuss groundbreaking research 10% and progressive clinical treatments. Industry Other Representative 5% 12% | 2 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
Attendees by Region Central Asia 61 Europe 1,943 North East & America Southeast 6,015 Middle Asia East South Asia 1,164 Central 334 America 120 23 Africa 232 South America 404 Australia & Oceania 170 Color Region Total Count Per Region % of the World North America 6,015 57.5% Central America 23 0.2% South America 404 3.9% Europe 1,943 18.6% Africa 232 2.2% Middle East 334 3.2% Central Asia 61 0.6% South Asia 120 1.1% East and Southeast Asia 1,164 11.1% Australia and Oceania 170 1.6% World Total 10,466 100% Source: The Liver Meeting® 2016 Registration Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities |3|
Booth Fees, Assignment Procedures, and Cancellation Information Booth Space Fees Standard booth is 10 feet x 10 feet; maximum booth size is 40 feet x 40 feet. In-line Booth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Corner Booth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,200 Island Booth . . . . . $34 per square foot Nonprofit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $525 The exhibitor agrees to enclose full payment of the rental fee with their application and forward to: AASLD Attention: Sharon Grant 1001 North Fairfax Street, Suite 400 Alexandria, VA 22314 P: 703-299-9769 F: 703-299-9622 E: All checks must be made payable to AASLD in US dollars drawn on a US bank. Exhibit Eligibility ■■ One (1) point for every $5,000 in opportunity to submit applications corporate support of The Liver Meeting® and reserve space for 2017 based All products and services exhibited must since 2001 upon accumulated priority points as of be germane to the study and practice October 1, 2017. of hepatology and have appropriate Priority points are maintained on a governmental and agency approval, cumulative basis. An exhibiting company 2. Space assignments for exhibitors if applicable. AASLD retains the sole with accrued points may decide not to whose applications are received by authority to determine the eligibility of any exhibit one out of five consecutive years AASLD through email, fax, or USPS company and/or its product. and maintain all accumulated points. between November 12, 2017, and Any company that does not exhibit two January 16, 2018, will be made based AASLD reserves the right to accept or times in five consecutive years will lose all upon accumulated priority points by the refuse any application in its sole discretion, accumulated points. exhibiting company as of October 1, including but not limited to, refusing 2017 and the date the application is applications of organizations not meeting Exhibiting companies’ priority points may not be combined. In the event an received by AASLD. In the event two or standard requirements or expectations. more companies have the same total This applies to displays, literature, AASLD exhibiting company merges with, buys, or is bought by another AASLD points, priority for space assignment advertising novelties, souvenirs, conduct of will be determined by the date the persons, etc. exhibiting company, the total points from the company with the highest number of application and payment are received by AASLD. Priority Point System points will be utilized as the point total A priority point system is used to determine for the new company. All requests to 3. Applications received after January 16, the order in which exhibitors are assigned transfer points must be made in writing 2018, will be assigned space on a first- booth space each year. AASLD utilizes the on company letterhead and verified by the come, first-served, space availability following exhibitor priority point system: parent or subsidiary company. basis and the point system will no Space assignments are made in one of the longer apply. ■■ One (1) point for each 10 feet x 10 feet of exhibit space purchased since 2000 following three ways: Application for exhibit space must be 1. Onsite exhibitors are given the first made on the official AASLD Exhibit Space | 4 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
Application and Contract. Tentative Payment of Previous Debts must be clearly and easily visible and reservations will be accepted via email placed near the product and on any after January 16, 2018. All tentative All debts owed by the exhibitor to AASLD graphics depicting the product. reservations are held for 10 working must be paid in full prior to contracting for booth space at The Liver Meeting®. Booth Display of investigational products days only. Within this time period, is to remain within the expectations the application and payment must be space will not be assigned to a company that has accounts due to the Association. and limitations of the Food and Drug forwarded to AASLD or tentative space will Administration’s Guidelines on Notices of be released. No space will be assigned AASLD can sell cancelled or downsized space to another exhibitor without any Availability. Any investigational product until both an application and full graphically depicted on a commercial payment have been received. rebate or permission and no Priority Points will be awarded. exhibit should: Exhibitors wishing to avoid assignment ■■ Contain only objective statements of space adjacent to that of a particular Cancellation or Downsizing about the product. competitor should indicate the company of Booth Space on their applications. Careful consideration ■■ Contain no claims of safety, will be given to all such requests, but Cancellations or requests to downsize effectiveness, or reliability. relocation cannot be guaranteed. space must be submitted to AASLD in ■■ Contain no comparative claims writing. The date on which the exhibitor’s In the event of conflicts regarding space to other marketed products. written notice of cancellation is received requests or conditions beyond the control in AASLD’s office will be the official ■■ Exist solely for the purpose of of exhibit management, AASLD reserves cancellation date. obtaining investigators. the right to revise, relocate, or reassign exhibit booths at any time for the overall If space is cancelled on or before ■■ Be accompanied by directions for benefit of the meeting. A revised floor plan July 1, 2018, AASLD will retain 25% of becoming an investigator and list of will be provided upon request. the total booth cost. Any exhibitor who investigator responsibilities. cancels space after July 1, 2018, will be ■■ Contain a statement on signage: Designated Nonprofit Area responsible for the total booth cost. No “Caution—Investigational Product— refunds will be given for cancellations Limited to Investigational Use” (or Exhibitors defined as nonprofit companies received after July 1, 2018. Priority Points similar statement) in prominent size and who receive the reduced booth price will be based on booth size at the time and placement. of $525 have a designated area on the exhibiting begins. show floor. Nonprofit exhibitors do not It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to contact have the option to choose booth space If written notification of booth space the FDA to ensure compliance with the in other locations on the exhibit floor for downsizing is received on or before current FDA guidelines. Contact the FDA this reduced rate. Nonprofit rate includes: July 1, 2018, the exhibitor is responsible Office of Compliance regarding your rental of one 10-X-10-foot booth space, for 25% of the original exhibit space responsibilities under the Federal Food, side and back drape, and one identification contract, plus the cost of the redefined Drug and Cosmetic Act. sign. Any additional requirements will exhibit space. No decreases in booth size be the responsibility of the exhibiting or configuration will be made after July 1, Industry Guidelines organization. Additional booths requested 2018. AASLD retains the right to relocate AASLD reminds exhibitors and their agents are charged the regular booth price. an exhibitor after downsizing. Priority or designees of their responsibility to be Points will be based on booth size at the aware of and to abide by all guidelines Booth Space Fees time exhibiting begins. and codes regarding the relationship Standard booth is 10 feet x 10 feet; between the pharmaceutical and medical maximum booth size is 40 feet x 40 feet. Failure to Occupy Space device/equipment industry and healthcare Exhibitors not occupying booth space professionals, including but not limited to: In-line Booth $3,000 by 2:30 pm on Saturday, November Corner Booth $3,200 10, 2018, will forfeit their booth space ■■ Accreditation Council for Continuing without refund. The space may be resold Medical Education (ACCME) Island Booth $34 per square foot Standards for Commercial Support or used by AASLD. No Priority Points will Nonprofit $525 be awarded if space is unoccupied at ■■ Advanced Medical Technology The exhibitor agrees to enclose full time exhibiting begins. Association (AdvaMed) payment of the rental fee with their Code of Ethics for Interactions with application and forward to: Food and Drug Healthcare Professionals AASLD Administration (FDA) ■■ American Medical Association (AMA) Attention: Sharon Grant Market Clearance Opinion 8.061 Gifts to Physicians 1001 North Fairfax Street, Suite 400 All products exhibited must have fulfilled from Industry Alexandria, VA 22314 all applicable FDA regulations. Products ■■ Office of Inspector General (OIG) Phone: 703-299-9769 that are not FDA approved for a particular Compliance Program Guidance for Fax: 703-299-9622 use in humans or are not commercially Pharmaceutical Manufacturers E-mail: available in the United States will be ■■ Pharmaceutical Research and All checks must be made payable to permitted to be displayed only when Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) AASLD in US dollars drawn on a US bank. accompanied by appropriate signs that Code on Interaction with indicate FDA clearance status. The signs Healthcare Professionals Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities |5|
2018 Exhibit Hall Floor Plan | 6 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
2017 Exhibitors (as of September 2017) AbbVie Digestive Disease Week Novartis Pharma AG AcariaHealth Dova Pharmaceuticals OWL Metabolomics Accredo Echosens North America, Inc. OraSure Technologies ALEH Eisai Inc. Organovo, Inc. Alexion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Elsevier PBCers Organization Alfa Wassermann Diagnostic European Association for the Study of Perspectum Diagnostics LTD Technologies the Liver Philips Healthcare Allergan ExeGi Pharma PhoenixBio Alpha-1 Foundation Exelixis, Inc. Plexision, Inc. Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Gastroenterology and Endoscopy News Premier Pharmacy Services American Board of Internal Medicine Gastroenterology and Hepatology Prometheus Laboratories Inc. American Liver Foundation GENFIT PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Amsety Gilead Sciences, Inc. Recordati Rare Diseases Asian Pacific Association for the Study of the Liver Gore & Associates Resoundant Inc. Asociacion Mexicana De Hepatologia Gubra Retrophin Audentes Therapeutics, Inc. Healio Gastroenterology Salix Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Bayer Healthcare HealthWell Foundation Samsara Sciences Bionutrigen Co., LTD HEPVu Sanyal Biotechnology BioPredictive Humanity and Health Medical Group Shionogi Inc. Limited SuperSonic Imagine/Diversatek Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association Humedics GmbH Healthcare Boston Scientific Corporation INDIGO Biosciences, Inc. US Bioservices Specialty Pharmacy BriovaRx Intercept Pharmaceuticals Virology Education Bristol-Myers Squibb LabCorp, Covance Vital Therapies, Inc. Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation, The Median Technologies Wako Diagnostics Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group, The Medtronic GI Wiley Community Liver Alliance Merck Wilson Therapeutics AB CTI Clinical Trial and Consulting Mylan N.V. World Gastroenterology Organization Services WuXi AppTec National Institute on Alcohol Abuse CVS Specialty and Alcoholism DiaPharma Group, Inc Northwell Health Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities |7|
Industry-supported Satellite Symposia AASLD offers commercial Your $75,000 investment will Overview of Requirements provide the following benefits supporters of The Liver to your company: ■■ Symposium industry supporter(s) must be an exhibitor at The Liver Meeting®. Meeting® the opportunity ■■ Exposure to a select audience of ■■ Symposium will be held at AASLD influential liver specialists from around to organize a limited the world. designated convention hotels. number of independent ■■ Inclusion of symposium announcement ■■ Satellite symposia must be sponsored/ in the official AASLD Agenda Book. organized by an ACCME accredited educational symposia organization and offer CME credits. ■■ Inclusion of symposium announcement Providers must designate activities to be presented during on the AASLD website. for category I credit in advance; no its Annual Meeting for ■■ Inclusion of approved special activity can be designated retroactively. announcements in AASLD Annual AASLD does not provide CME credit for registered attendees. These Meeting registration bag. satellite symposia. symposia will take place ■■ One-time use of The Liver Meeting® ■■ All supporters, organizers, agents, and presenters must abide by all of on designated evenings, pre-registration list, with pre-approved AASLD’s policies including the Abstract mailing piece, at no charge. Postage is following scheduled at the supporter’s expense. Embargo Policy. educational events of ■■ Inclusion of promotional poster and ■■ Organizers of a satellite program invitations on the Industry-Supported must submit a proposal to AASLD The Liver Meeting®. Satellite Symposia information display accompanied by a non-refundable onsite in San Francisco. The display deposit of $15,000. The proposal must will be located in the Moscone North/ be emailed or mailed to AASLD no later South Convention Center and will allow than July 1, 2018. attendees to review information for all To review complete requirements and to Industry-Supported Satellite Symposia download an application, please visit our being presented for attendees of The website at Information will Liver Meeting®. be available beginning January 2018. | 8 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
Affiliate Events AASLD understands the Affiliate events, limited to no more ■■ Exhibitors and/or meeting coordinators than 150 AASLD attendees, include, are not permitted to reserve meeting value of having a large but are not limited to, the following: rooms for affiliate events directly through the convention hotels number of specialists ■■ Advisory Board Meetings contracted by AASLD. in one place and we ■■ Committee Meetings ■■ Approval will be based on the Focus Groups offer the opportunity for ■■ regulations outlined. Available space is ■■ Hospitality Suites/Lounges limited and will be assigned on a first- universities, government come, first-served basis. ■■ Investigator Meetings agencies, nonprofit ■■ Social/Networking and University Other Events and corporate/industry Alumni Events AASLD is protective of its attendees’ time, groups to organize non- ■■ Staff Offices/Meetings energy, and attention. Events conducted by exhibitors, their agents, or designees for Events that include formal presentations, educational events over equipment demonstrations, procedural The Liver Meeting® attendees that are held at official and nonofficial AASLD meeting the course of The Liver instructions, or continuing medical facilities without prior approval by AASLD education (CME) will be regarded as Meeting®. These events, educational and must be approved may result in the loss of exhibitor priority points. AASLD strongly objects to third planned independently according to satellite symposia guidelines. party initiatives scheduled prior to the of AASLD, allow for time Overview of requirements start of AASLD activities and will not release space to any organization for to gather with colleagues ■■ All applications for affiliate event such initiatives. meeting space should be emailed and/or network with by September 11 to Melissa Morrison To review complete requirements and to for review and download an application, please visit our others within the field. approval. ALL affiliate events must be website at Information will approved by AASLD. be available beginning January 2018. ■■ All affiliate events must take place during designated times which will be included in the full requirement information on Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities |9|
Official Decorator, Shipping, and Booth Construction Information Official Decorator Freeman 901 E. South Street Anaheim, CA 92805 P: 714-254-3410 F: 469-621-5607 E: As the official decorator, Freeman will: ■■ Receive and store all shipments four weeks prior to the initial installation date. ■■ Deliver exhibit material to exhibit area and place in booth. ■■ Remove empty crates and place in storage. ■■ Return crates at close of show. ■■ Provide a bill of lading, shipping labels, and clerical assistance in preparing the forms for outbound shipments. Shipping Information Saturday, November 10 Official AV Provider 8:00 am–2:30 pm Advance shipments will be received at PSAV the warehouse beginning Monday, All exhibit construction or setup must October 15, 2018. The discount be completed by 2:30 pm on Saturday, P: 800-966-4498 deadline for advance shipments is November 10. E: Friday, November 2, 2018. Advance shipments should be labeled as follows: Dismantle Schedule As the official AV provider, PSAV will: Monday, November 12 Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #_____ 3:00 pm–10:00 pm ■■ Offer value-added services such as no American Association for drayage fees as well as access to a diverse the Study of Liver Diseases Tuesday, November 13 range of cutting-edge technology. C/O Freeman 8:00 am–10:00 pm 245 S. Spruce Avenue ■■ Provide an AV expert who will Dismantling of exhibits begins at 3:00 pm recommend products based on content South San Francisco, CA 94080 on Monday, November 12. Dismantling and booth size. or tearing down of exhibits prior to the Onsite shipments will not be accepted ■■ Create interactive content such as official close of the exhibition is prohibited prior to November 9, 2018, and should gamification for touchscreens, LED walls, and will result in the loss of priority points. be labeled as follows: and other media. Repeated violations could result in denial Exhibiting Company Name/Booth #_____ of future year’s exhibit application. American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Booth Construction of 8 feet, inclusive of company name C/O Freeman Every exhibit space should allow for the and logo, may be maintained up to Moscone North/South Convention Center visibility of other spaces. The following 50% of the distance from the back wall 800 Howard Street rules for booth construction ensure that toward the front of the space. San Francisco, CA 94103 every exhibitor has reasonable site lines ■■ All booths must be fully carpeted Note: Collect shipments will not be accepted. to the aisle. All exhibits must conform or have floor covering for the entire to the standards set by the Healthcare booth space. Installation Schedule Convention and Exhibitors Association, ■■ Island height is restricted to 16 feet for which are as follows: Friday, November 9 the booth structure and there must 8:00 am–5:00 pm ■■ No obstructions in the front half of be access from all four sides with a an in-line booth above a height of 40 40% see through effect from front to inches are permitted. The booth height back and from side to side. All island | 10 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
Additional Rules and Regulations booths must submit the booth layout with a 40% see through effect from front and lighting truss. These must be within for approval at least 60 days prior to to back and from side to side. the confines of the booth. The maximum the meeting. Layouts must include All island booths must submit the height for signs is 20 feet (as allowed by the dimensions and elevations of all booth layout for approval at least 60 ceiling height) from the floor to the top of booth components on a scaled grid. days prior to the meeting. Layouts the sign. Truss and lighting may be higher ■■ Electrical or other mechanical apparatus must include the dimensions and based on approval and ceiling height. must be muffled so noise does not elevations of all booth components. interfere with other exhibitors. Labor: Carpenters, Expo Additional Booth Workers, and Exhibitor ■■ The reverse side of any wing panel extending from the back wall of a Configurations Requiring Appointed Contractors display must be draped in order to Pre-approval The official contractor will have available avoid raw exposure to a neighboring a staff of carpenters, decorators, and Multi-story island exhibits require fire booth. To remedy instances of laborers during the periods of installation marshal approval, making the review noncompliance, AASLD show and dismantling. Please note that union of blueprints well in advance essential. management will have exposed areas regulations require that carpentry and Design material should be submitted draped at the exhibitor’s expense. labor involved in the installation and to AASLD at least 60 days prior to the ■■ No part of any equipment, or signs meeting for review and approval by the dismantling of exhibits must be done by relating thereto, shall be posted, nailed Moscone North/South Convention Center accredited union labor. or otherwise attached to columns, fire marshal. While every effort is made to minimize the walls, floors, or other parts of the exhibitor’s cost to install and exhibit on the building or its furniture, in any way to Booth Furnishings show floor at the convention center, the deface same; damage arising by failure and Decorations practices of the nation’s building trades to observe these rules shall be payable will be followed. This means that union by the exhibitor. AASLD provides the pipe and drape, labor must be used where applicable. To 8-foot-high backdrop, 36-inch side rails, avoid any misunderstandings in advance The exhibit hall will be inspected during and a 7-inch x 44-inch name sign. Each installation hours. An effort will be made or at the show on this specific point, exhibitor is responsible for carpeting contact show management in writing for to advise exhibitors of any deviation his booth space. Order forms for rental from exhibit rules at that time. Exhibitors additional clarification. furniture and other special materials must make all corrections requested will be included in the Exhibitor Services Exhibitors shall employ only union labor, by AASLD at their own expense or risk Online Manual. as made available by official contractors removal from the exhibition without in the installation or dismantling of their notice and without obligation on the Exhibitor Services exhibit and in its operation when required part of AASLD for any refund. Online Manual by union agreements. An exhibitor using an outside contractor for the above work In-line Booth Exhibitors will receive a link to access the must employ only union display companies services manual online in August 2018. and must notify show management no An in-line booth is 10 feet wide, 10 feet The online manual will include order later than 30 days prior to the meeting deep, and 8 feet high. In-line booths forms for all services, including telephone, identifying the contractor(s), listing the confined to perimeter walls may be up to audiovisual equipment, floral, booth supervisory personnel, and supplying 12 feet in height. furnishings, and booth cleaning services. evidence of adequate liability insurance Corner Booth Exhibitors are encouraged to place orders coverage by original copy. Further details no later than two weeks before the and regulations will be included in the A corner booth is 10 feet wide, 10 feet opening of the meeting to take advantage Exhibitor Services Online Manual. deep, 8 feet high, and is at the end of a row of in-line booths with access to two of discounts and minimize delays during setup. Be sure to consult each form for Storage of Crates and Boxes through aisles. deadlines, as they may vary depending on Storage of crates and boxes can be Island Booth the supplier. arranged with Freeman, as outlined in While a schedule of rates and equipment the Exhibitor Services Online Manual. An island booth is 20 feet wide and 20 will be included in the Exhibitor Services All cartons, crates, containers, packing feet deep or larger. The island exhibitor Online Manual, special electrical materials, etc., that are necessary for re- receives the following benefits: a) 32 requirements must be arranged directly packing, must be labeled with “empty” additional feet of “sales interface” area; with the convention center. stickers, and they will be removed from the b) waiver of the 8-foot height restriction; floor by Freeman. Crates and boxes cannot c) waiver of sidewall restrictions; and, d) increased visibility from all areas of the Hanging Signs, be stored behind booth displays. exhibit hall. Island height is restricted to Banners, Lights 16 feet (as allowed by ceiling height) and Island booths of 400 square feet or more there must be access from all four sides are allowed to have hanging signs, banners Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities | 11 |
Additional Rules and Regulations (continued) The AASLD Exhibitor Prospectus and Booth exhibit materials removed. No fees will sufficient. Requests for an exception must Application/Contract is the agreement be returned to Exhibitor and Exhibitor be sent to the AASLD Chief Executive and terms and conditions for exhibiting. shall be liable to AASLD for the costs Officer ( AASLD Generally, AASLD will not execute separate associated with such eviction. In addition requires a minimum of five (5) days from agreements for booth space. In the event to remedies provided in this Please add: receipt of the request to evaluate the AASLD agrees to execute a separate Agreement, AASLD shall have, and may request. In granting an exception, AASLD agreement in writing, AASLD will not exercise, all other remedies afforded to it requires the company to state in their agree to terms and conditions which by law for costs or damages suffered on public disclosure that the complete and override, modify, or conflict with these account of such violations. The Exhibitor final results will be presented at The Liver terms and conditions. This Agreement is assumes all responsibility for compliance Meeting®. The AASLD will also require the the entire agreement between AASLD and with all pertinent ordinances, regulations inclusion of unreleased and unique data in Exhibitor with respect to its subject matter, and codes of duly authorized local, state such a presentation at The Liver Meeting®. and supersedes all prior oral and written and federal governing bodies concerning Public release of a journal article relevant understandings, communications, or fire, safety and health, together with the to the abstract will be considered an agreements between AASLD and Exhibitor. rules and regulations of the operators and/ exception to the Embargo Policy if at the No amendment or modification of this or owners of the property wherein the time of the abstract submission deadline, Agreement, in whole or in part, will be meeting is held. the decision concerning the manuscript valid or binding unless it is in writing and had not been revealed to the authors. executed by authorized representatives of Abstract Embargo Policy both AASLD and Exhibitor. In the event Accepted abstracts are made available Abstract and Poster that the terms of a separate agreement to the public on the AASLD website and conflict with the terms of this Agreement, Compilations by Industry are published in the October supplement the terms of this Agreement shall control. of HEPATOLOGY. Information contained Abstract and poster compilation requests If any provision of this Agreement is void in those abstracts may not be released must be submitted to AASLD by October or unenforceable, the remainder of this until the abstracts appear on the AASLD 1, 2018, for review and approval prior Agreement will remain in full force and will website. Academic institutions, private to production. This includes all formats not be terminated. organizations, and companies with including print, USB, website, app, etc. AASLD shall have full power in the products whose values may be influenced Compilations may only be displayed interpretation and enforcement of all rules by information contained in an abstract and/or distributed from the exhibitor’s and regulations governing exhibitors. All may issue a press release to coincide with booth. Display or distribution of approved matters and questions not covered by the availability of an abstract on the AASLD compilations may not begin before the these regulations are at the discretion website. However, information beyond that official opening of exhibits. Approved of AASLD. AASLD reserves the right to contained in the abstract, e.g., discussion compilations may not be distributed by rule on all matters pertaining to The of the abstract done as part of a scientific poster presenters or in the poster area, Liver Meeting® 2018, whether expressly presentation or presentation of additional but presenters are encouraged to refer mentioned or not, and Exhibitor, by or new information that will be available attendees to the exhibit booth where completing the application process, agrees at the time of the meeting is embargoed compilations can be obtained. Unapproved that all rulings shall be binding upon from release to the general public until abstract and poster compilations both Exhibitor and AASLD. These rules Saturday, November 14, 2018 at distributed from any location will be and regulations may be amended at any 9:00 am (EST). immediately removed. time by AASLD, and all amendments, Information released prior to this day The following elements are to be included upon notification, shall be equally binding is a violation of the AASLD Abstract on the cover page and/or opening screen: on all parties affected by them as the Embargo Policy and the abstract is subject ■■ Product class and scientific name(s) original regulations. Amendments will be to withdrawal from The Liver Meeting® binding without notification in the event ■■ “As presented at The Liver Meeting®— program. Authors are responsible for of an emergency or if such amendment is the 69th Annual Meeting of the notifying financial and other sponsors required by the current convention center. American Association for the Study of about this policy. Notification may be verbal or in writing, Liver Diseases” before or during The Liver Meeting®, AASLD may allow for exceptions, on ■■ November 9–13, 2018 and may be given to any authorized a case-by-case basis, to the Abstract agent, designee, or representatives of the Embargo Policy for compelled disclosures ■■ San Francisco, CA exhibitor. Whenever possible, AASLD will mandated by federal securities laws. ■■ “Compilation produced by issue a warning and ask the exhibitor to However, AASLD requires the company (sponsoring company’s name correct the violation. If the issuance of such President, General Counsel, or other and/or company logo)” a warning is not practical, or will not serve appropriate official of a company seeking such an exception to attest in writing to For any compilation, regardless of format: to immediately correct the violation, then a penalty may be imposed and or remedied the specific facts in support of the request, Abstracts are the only items to be included. at Exhibitor expense. including exactly how the securities laws Product logos are not permitted. are implicated, with statutory citation(s). In the event of a violation of this General statements of the need to comply Table of contents should include the Agreement, AASLD may evict Exhibitor with the law will not be considered abstract titles and numbers. from the exhibit space and/or have | 12 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
Abstracts must be reproduced exactly (e.g., marketing brochures, booth Celebrities as submitted with abstract titles and construction, interactive electronics, numbers included. etc.). Programs or presentations must be Celebrities (nationally known figures in the straightforward in nature, must avoid the arts, sports, politics, etc.) including those Only abstracts accepted for presentation at primarily employed (primarily employed The Liver Meeting® may be included. use of sideshow or theatrical gimmicks, and cannot offer CME credits. AASLD may is defined as 50 percent or more of an No promotional materials or trade names require that an exhibit be curtailed if it individual’s working time) by and/or may be included. does not meet the standards required or company spokespeople, are prohibited expected, if it reflects against the character from taking part in any event held during AASLD reserves the right to request The Liver Meeting®. additional requirements upon review of the of AASLD or The Liver Meeting®, or if it exceeds the bounds of good taste as proposal before approval. interpreted by AASLD, in its sole discretion. Character of Exhibits Admission of Guests An exhibitor of a questionable exhibit or All exhibits must conform to the activity must submit a description of the standards set by the Healthcare Proper application is required from Convention and Exhibitors Association, exhibit or activity to AASLD for approval. an exhibitor who invites a number of which include the following: distributors, representatives, or guests to AASLD reserves the right to expel or visit the display area. Any exhibitor who refuse admittance to any representative ■■ Contests, lotteries, raffles and games wishes to bring a guest into the hall must whose conduct is, in its opinion, not in of chance are prohibited. Exhibitors check in at the Exhibitor Registration keeping with the character and/or spirit of may not register attendees for contests, Desk with the guest. Visitors will receive The Liver Meeting®. lotteries, raffles and games of chance a temporary guest pass for one day only that will be conducted during or after Exhibit personnel may not enter another the meeting. and the badge must be returned to the exhibitor’s booth without obtaining Exhibitor Registration Desk at the end permission. Lingering in the aisles ■■ Costumed staff and other non- of the day. The exhibiting company will surrounding another exhibitor’s booth professional images are not permitted, be responsible for the actions of anyone for the purpose of obtaining product including magicians, fortune tellers, authorized to receive a badge under the information or distracting other booth dancers, mimes, puppet shows, robots exhibiting company’s name. personnel is strictly prohibited. Canvassing or other entertainment of this nature. or distributing advertising matter outside The use of a microphone in exhibit Agents and Designees the exhibitor’s own booth is not permitted. ■■ space is permitted only if the volume AASLD holds the exhibitor responsible is at a reasonable level and does not for the management of its agents or Breaches of Contract interfere with surrounding booths. designees. To reduce the probability of Breaches or infractions of the exhibitor’s Exhibit management reserves the right infractions and loss of exhibit priority contractual obligations could affect the to require exhibitors to discontinue any points, agents and designees should be status of the company’s future eligibility activity that interferes with the normal knowledgeable of the policies in this to exhibit and/or result in the termination traffic flow or another exhibit. Prospectus and aware that sanctions for of the exhibitor’s privileges at The Liver violations will be assessed against the ■■ Activities that involve CME credits Meeting®. Termination may become awarded during or after the meeting exhibiting company and the agent or effective during the exposition, at which designee, including but not limited to the are prohibited. time the exhibitor must remove his exhibit loss of the exhibitor’s priority points. as soon as possible without disruption of Children’s Admission the exposition. Expulsion of or restrictions Americans with placed on an exhibitor may not give rise to the Exhibit Hall Disabilities Act to a claim for any refund of rental or other Children are admitted in the hall during In compliance with the Americans with exposition expenses. show days only when accompanied by Disabilities Act of 1990, AASLD will make a registered attendee or exhibitor. The reasonable efforts to accommodate persons Cancellation of Exposition accompanying person must remain with with disabilities. Please contact AASLD It is mutually agreed that AASLD shall not the child at all times during their visit, is to make arrangements. Each exhibitor is be liable for failure to deliver exhibit space responsible for the child, and assumes responsible for compliance within their to an Exhibitor as contracted for due to all liability for damage to exhibits and assigned space, including, but not limited causes beyond AASLD’s control, including, equipment. Children are not permitted to ensuring access to their booth. without limitation, acts of God, fire, strikes, in the exhibit hall during installation governmental regulations, war, terrorism or and dismantling of exhibits. Strollers are Booth Conduct causes which would prevent its scheduled prohibited for safety purposes. AASLD reserves the right to approve all opening or continuance, supplier failures, rationing, acts of local, state or national Contractual Obligation exhibits and related activities. Exhibitor cannot violate the rules of the convention governments or public agencies, utility or By submitting the official Exhibit Space center or otherwise undertake any action communication failures or delays, flood, Application, the exhibiting company which increases the insurance obligation epidemics, riots, or unavailability of the agrees to abide by all rules and regulations of AASLD. To avoid costly errors, exhibitors exhibit hall. Exhibitor should carry event outlined in this Prospectus. The exhibiting should obtain approval for booth activities cancellation insurance in the event AASLD company will be held responsible for the from AASLD prior to finalizing materials is unable to refund exhibit fees. Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities | 13 |
Additional Rules and Regulations (continued) activities of its company representatives, Any exhibits or parts thereof found not to Insurance international affiliates, co-marketing be fireproof may be ordered dismantled. partners, third-party contractors, All aisles and exhibits must be kept clear Each exhibiting company is responsible contracted public relations and marketing at all times, and fire stations and fire for obtaining insurance (Liability and firms, and/or any agency appointed on extinguisher equipment are not to be Fire/Theft) in such amounts as deemed its behalf. It is the responsibility of the covered or obstructed. appropriate to comply with its obligations exhibiting company to disseminate the hereunder and for its own protection. rules and regulations contained within this Food and Beverage Products Certificates of liability insurance must be Prospectus among its staff and affiliates. submitted to AASLD by October 1, 2018 With prior approval from AASLD, food and should cover liability and fire/theft. and beverage services are permitted at the The certificate should name The American Exhibit Hall Access exhibitor’s booth. All food and beverage Association for the Study of Liver Diseases Exhibitor personnel will be permitted service must be coordinated through as additional insured under General on the exhibit floor one hour prior to the convention center caterer. Food Liability for all aspects of the show dates opening and may remain one-half hour preparation and cooking are prohibited in and include installation and dismantle after closing. the exhibit hall. in the convention center. Exhibitor- appointed contractors also are required Exhibit Personnel Badges Handouts and Giveaways to submit certificates of liability insurance. Each person will be issued an exhibitor’s With the exception of descriptive In summary, both the exhibitor and the badge and must be employed by the company/product literature, all handouts exhibitor-appointed contractor are required exhibitor or have a direct business affiliation and giveaways must be approved by to submit certificates of liability insurance. with the exhibiting company. The number AASLD prior to the meeting. Forms for this Exhibitors who insure their exhibit materials, of badges issued to each exhibitor may purpose will be included in the Exhibitor goods and/or wares of exhibits against be limited. Exhibitor registration should Services Online Manual and must be theft, damage by fire, accident or loss of be completed online. Badges will not be submitted by October 1, 2018. Non- any kind, do so at their own expense. mailed in advance and must be picked up professional products or services cannot on site at the Exhibitor Registration Desk be shown or given away and exhibitors Liability during the following hours: are expected to adhere to the professional nature of the event with respect to Exhibitor agrees to protect, save and keep Friday, November 9 AASLD and the occupied convention 8:00 am–5:00 pm displays, literature, advertising, novelties, souvenirs, conduct of persons, etc. Food center forever harmless from any damage Saturday, November 10 and beverages (food, water, soda, whole or charges imposed for violation of any 8:00 am–7:30 pm fruit, etc.) may be distributed but must be law or ordinance by the exhibitor, his purchased through the convention center employees or agents, as well as to strictly Sunday, November 11 caterer or additional fees may apply. Other comply with the applicable terms and 8:30 am–3:00 pm items may be distributed from the booth conditions contained in the agreement Monday, November 12 with prior written approval. between AASLD and the occupied 8:30 am–3:00 pm convention center regarding the exhibition All items to be distributed must be useful premises; and further, exhibitor shall at Exhibitor badges must be worn at all times to the participants at the meeting and/or in the exhibit area. Badges may not be all times protect, indemnify, save and in the professional activities of the booth keep harmless AASLD and the occupied supplemented with business cards, ribbons visitor. All giveaways must comply with (other than those supplied by AASLD), or convention center against and from any all guidelines and codes regarding the and all loss, cost, damage, liability, or company logos. Exhibitor badges allow relationship between the pharmaceutical access to the exhibit and poster halls expense which arises out of or from, or and medical device/equipment industry and by any reason of any act or omission of only—any staff wishing to attend scientific healthcare professionals. No unapproved sessions must register as a paid attendee. exhibitor, his employees or agents. items may be distributed. Any exhibitor Fire Protection found distributing materials that have not Market Research been officially accepted will be required to All materials used in the exhibit area must cease distribution immediately. Market research cannot be conducted be flameproof and fire resistant in order under the manufacturer’s name for any to conform to local fire ordinances and in Independent Contractors product that is pending governmental accordance with regulations established approval; however, it may be conducted Exhibitors who plan to use service under the auspices of a market research by the National Association of Fire contractors other than those appointed by Underwriters. Crepe paper, corrugated firm. Market research companies are show management, must notify AASLD welcome to exhibit provided they submit a paper, flameproof or otherwise, is not in writing by October 1, 2018, using the permitted. Display racks, signs, spotlights, letter of authorization from the sponsoring Exhibitor-Appointed Contractor Form in company. The name of the sponsoring and special equipment must be approved the Exhibitor Services Online Manual. before use, and all displays are subject to company will be kept confidential. AASLD inspection by the Fire Prevention Bureau. retains the right to determine the relevance of and deny exhibiting privileges to market research companies. | 14 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
Priority points between the sponsoring Press Room Security company and its designated market research firm are not exchangeable. Use of the press room is limited to the As a courtesy to exhibitors, watchman The sponsoring company is responsible media representatives with press passes service for the exhibit area will be for the conduct of the market research and to annual meeting attendees granting furnished during the hours as deemed firm. Research must be conducted within interviews or otherwise engaged in AASLD necessary by AASLD, but the safekeeping the confines of the booth assigned publicity. Industry representatives are not of the exhibitor’s property shall remain and activities must conform to all the allowed in the press room. the responsibility of the exhibitor. The procedures, rules, and regulations AASLD does not make available any list of furnishing of such service is in no case to published in this Prospectus. press attendees or their affiliations. be understood or interpreted by exhibitors as a guarantee to them against loss or Music Licensing Agenda Book Distribution/ theft of any kind. AASLD has not obtained a music Registration Bags Signs license authorizing the performance Each exhibiting company will be entitled of either live or recorded music on the Signs, banners, posters, or flyers to one copy of the Agenda Book for advertising a booth, symposium or any meeting’s premises. As a condition of every 100 square feet of exhibit space exhibit management’s acceptance of event or activity sponsored by the exhibitor up to a maximum of four copies. These may not be posted or displayed at any the exhibitor’s application, exhibitor books will be available at the Exhibitor hereby warrants and presents that no location inside or outside the convention Registration Counter. Note: Registration center other than the exhibitor’s booth. copyrighted music will be performed, bags are only available to those who either live or recorded, at the direction of the exhibitor floor or in company- register for the full meeting. Sound Restriction leased rooms during the meeting dates Purpose of Exhibits Exhibitors may not use audible electronic, unless the exhibitor has obtained written mechanical apparatus or open audio The purpose of the exhibits, an systems that may be heard outside the permission from the copyright owner for integral part of The Liver Meeting® exhibitor’s assigned space or may interfere such use. and AASLD’s educational activities, is or prove objectionable to attendees or All copyright fees applicable to music to complement the scientific sessions other exhibitors. AASLD reserves the right or entertainment used as part of an by enabling attendees to evaluate the to require exhibitors to discontinue any exhibit are the full responsibility of the latest developments in products that activity that causes the annoyance or exhibitor. The exhibitor must make are presented for use by hepatologists interference of others. payment of the fees directly to the and hepatology health professionals. applicable copyright agency. Each exhibitor is responsible for ensuring Staffing of Exhibits Should the exhibitor violate the provision, all agents, designees, and attending representatives are aware of this purpose. Exhibits must be staffed at all times during the exhibitor agrees to indemnify, exhibit hours. AASLD requests strict save, hold harmless, defend, and bear adherence to the opening and closing all expenses as they are incurred by Sales and Solicitation hours. Those firms that do not keep AASLD and the convention center, of Orders their booths staffed and operating until and its respective directors, officers, The Liver Meeting® is designed to educate the official closing time jeopardize their agents, employees, and each of them, attendees and the exhibit floor is an participation at future AASLD meetings. from and against any and all claims, integral part of the education program. costs and expenses (including legal fees The sole purpose for contracting exhibit Subletting Space and expenses), demands, actions, and space is to display and/or demonstrate The subletting, assignment, or liabilities of every kind and character products and services. Sales and appointment of the whole or any part of whatsoever with respect to the order taking are permitted provided space by any exhibitor is prohibited. No unauthorized use of copyrighted music. all transactions are conducted in a exhibitors may permit any other party professional manner that is in keeping to exhibit in their space any goods other Photography and with the nature of the meeting. Products than those manufactured or handled by Videography must be the exhibitor’s own products the contracting exhibitor, or permit the Only the official AASLD photographer and must be pertinent to the attendees’ solicitation of business by others within may take photographs in the exhibit professional interest. Exhibitors must their space. hall. Details about the official comply with all sales tax requirements and photographer will be included in the must be aware of and adhere to business Exhibitor Services Online Manual. license, sales, and use tax regulations AASLD does not permit videography. which vary from state to state. Exhibitor Prospectus & Corporate Support Opportunities | 15 |
Additional Rules and Regulations (continued) Use of AASLD Name, Logo, Use of AASLD Scientific and/or Acronym Program Content The names, logos, and acronyms of the Information presented during The Liver American Association for the Study of Meeting® is the property of AASLD and Liver Diseases and The Liver Meeting® the presenter. Information may not are the exclusive property of and are be recorded, photographed, copied, trademarked by AASLD. They may not photocopied, transferred to electronic be used in any way, for any purpose or format, reproduced, or distributed at any time (including but not limited to without the written permission of announcements, invitations, emails, Web AASLD and the presenter. Any use of publications, etc.) without the express the program content which includes, written permission of AASLD, which may but is not limited to, oral presentations, be withheld or conditioned in AASLD’s audiovisual materials used by speakers, sole discretion. and program handouts, without the The only terminology that will be written consent of AASLD is prohibited. approved for use in all printed material referencing the meeting (including Violations and Loss of Points emails and publication on the Web) is: Any exhibiting company found to be in violation of AASLD’s rules and regulations 1. While attending The outlined in this Prospectus will be subject Liver Meeting® 2018 to penalty and reduction of points, 2. While attending the 69th up to and including suspension of the AASLD Annual Meeting company’s eligibility to exhibit at The Liver It is not acceptable to use: Meeting®. The number of points reduced is dependent upon the nature of the 1. At The Liver Meeting® 2018 violation and is at AASLD’s discretion. 2. At the 69th AASLD Annual Meeting Violation of any of these rules, regulations 3. In conjunction with The Liver and guidelines on the part of the exhibitor, Meeting® 2018 its employees or agents, shall result in loss of the right to occupy space and forfeiture 4. In conjunction with the 69th of all money that may have been paid. AASLD Annual Meeting. Upon reasonable belief of a violation, If given approval to use The Liver AASLD and/or its agents, may reenter and Meeting® 2018 in your terminology, take possession of the space occupied by you must attribute AASLD’s the exhibitor and may remove all persons trademark as follows: The Liver and goods at the expense and liability Meeting® is a registered trademark of the exhibitor. AASLD also reserves the of the American Association for the right to refuse exhibit privileges for the Study of Liver Diseases. following year. You may not use our trademark(s): Exhibiting companies participating in ■■ In, as, or as part of your own trademarks The Liver Meeting® are responsible for communicating the rules, regulations, ■■ To identify products or services that are and guidelines of AASLD to their agents, not ours employees, contractors, and anyone ■■ In a manner likely to cause confusion connected with or authorized by the exhibiting company. ■■ In a manner that implies inaccurately that we sponsor or endorse, or are otherwise connected with your own activities, products, and services | 16 | The Liver Meeting® 2018
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