Page created by James Robles
a five year plan
A creative
We encourage and enable participation in artistic expression
and support experimentation to inspire innovation and a sense
of wonder. We celebrate our rich Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander history and culture and protect and respond to our
city’s heritage.

Introduction                                                                      4          Public art                                                                        21

Definitions                                                                       5          Identified needs and goals                                                        22

Purpose of the maif                                                               6          Delivery of the maif                                                             24

Creative cities are competitive cities:                                                      Strategic opportunities                                                          24
the benefits of investing in arts infrastructure                                  8
                                                                                             Partnerships and advocacy                                                        26
Economic benefits                                                                 8
                                                                                             Repurposing existing infrastructure                                              26
Community wellbeing and health                                                    9
                                                                                             Transition of Creative Spaces                                                     27
Placemaking and urban renewal                                                    10
                                                                                             Public art                                                                        27
City of Melbourne’s role in the
eco-system of the creative city                                                   11         Implementation mechanisms                                                        28

Melbourne’s demographics,                                                                    Arts infrastructure planning – best practice                                     30
arts participation and attendance                                                12
                                                                                             Adopting best practice                                                           30
Demographic overview                                                             12
                                                                                             Case study 1: community infrastructure levy –
Participation in the arts                                                        13          Greater London                                                                   30

Attendance at an arts venue or event                                             13          Case study 2: incentive zoning – New York City                                   30

Identifying the City of Melbourne’s                                                          Case study 3: artists’ mixed use space – Boston                                   31
arts infrastructure needs                                                        14
                                                                                             Case study 4: voluntary planning agreement –
Current arts infrastructure                                                      14          City of Sydney                                                                    31

Consultation                                                                     15          Conclusion                                                                       32

Mapping of arts infrastructure                                                   16          Appendix 1                                                                       34

Creative spaces                                                                 20

City of Melbourne Arts Infrastructure Framework

November 2016

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Arts infrastructure in the City of
Melbourne helps shape the city’s
                                             The research and consultation
                                             undertaken in developing the MAIF has
                                                                                           The provision of
identity, supports its economy and           identified five key goals for Melbourne’s     (adequate) cultural
fosters community wellbeing. It              arts infrastructure in the next five years.
                                                                                           infrastructure is
does this by supporting a diverse
range of creative practitioners              1.   To secure commitment for the
                                                                                           essential to the
through the provision of spaces                   delivery of three arts hubs that         creation of truly
and opportunities needed to create                include mid-sized performance
                                                  spaces and community arts spaces.
work, reach audiences and markets,
and maximise the community’s
                                                                                           communities. Spaces
participation in the arts.
                                             2. To significantly increase the
                                                number of creative spaces
                                                                                           for culture and the
The purpose of the City of Melbourne            within the municipality.                   arts play a vital role in
Arts Infrastructure Framework (MAIF)                                                       social and economic
                                             3. Advocate to create and incorporate
is to provide strategic direction on
the delivery of arts infrastructure             live/work spaces within the city.          regeneration …culture
by the City of Melbourne and its                                                           and arts buildings and
                                             4. Advocate to support the provision of
external partners.
                                                more affordable housing for artists,       activities contribute to
The MAIF is a high-level document               as per the city’s housing strategy.        a ‘sense of place’, as
that will drive change across the City
of Melbourne. In the short term it will      5. To ensure the integration of
                                                                                           well as inspiring
assist the coordination and delivery of         embedded public art projects in new        learning, and
the essentials of the city’s Arts Strategy
2014–17 and Council Plan 2013–17
                                                public and private developments.
                                                                                           supporting skills and
Creative City priorities; underpin the       The MAIF’s scope, identified from             personal development.
10-year capital works plan for Arts          City of Melbourne’s Council Plan,
Melbourne; and provide a foundation          the Arts Strategy 2014–17 and                 Elson, M.J. The community infrastructure
for future Council planning in relation                                                    levy, Arts Council England, 2012
                                             community consultation, focuses on
to arts infrastructure. It is a strategic    arts infrastructure that is accessible
document designed to support the             for community members to encourage
City of Melbourne’s advocacy with            and support participation, and that
external stakeholders including the          which addresses the needs of new and
Federal and State governments and            emerging artists, creative practitioners
the private sector where infrastructure      and organisations.
driven by these stakeholders impacts
Council’s responsibilities. A detailed
implementation plan will be developed
in 2016–17 (Annual Plan Action 2.1.1).


Artist is used generically and includes       Creative industry includes literature and    Live music refers to contemporary
all creative practitioners unless             print media, performing arts, design,        bands and groups that predominantly
otherwise qualified, for example              broadcasting, electronic or digital          use amplification in rehearsal and
“visual artist”.                              media, gaming and film, music; visual        performance. Live music venues are
                                              arts and crafts, museums; and fashion.       defined as a space that presents music
Arts hub is a collection of co-located        Generally, creative industries refer to      at least twice a week. This definition
spaces specifically for artists and           for-profit creative practices.               aligns to that used by Music Victoria.
creative practitioners to create, perform,
exhibit and engage with community.            Creative practitioner includes all artists
                                              and arts practices such as actors,
Arts infrastructure is a building, place      dancers, directors, musicians, visual
or virtual space, the primary purpose         artists, craftspeople, photographers
of which is to house or support the           and curators. It also refers to the
making and/or presentation of an              commercial arts including gamers,
artistic product and as such includes,        TV and filmmakers, writers, designers,
for example, theatres, concert halls,         and architects.
galleries, and groups of artist studios. It
includes co-working spaces and office         Creative spaces refers to artist studios,
space where the specific tenancy mix          rehearsal and workshop spaces, as
is creative industry practitioners such       well as office and co-work initiatives
as writers, publishers, and designers.        including spaces suitable for activities
It also refers to public art and the          not appropriate to residential areas
infrastructure to support arts activities     such as larger sculpture work or band
in the public realm (parks, streets and       rehearsals. This is distinct from the
civic spaces) such as digital technology      City of Melbourne Creative Spaces
and screens or lighting and provision of      Program that negotiates and manages
power for outdoor performance spaces.         the working and presentation spaces
                                              for artists (e.g. River Studios and the
Arts, unless otherwise qualified for          Guild) and oversees the Creative Spaces
example “performing arts”, refers             website.
collectively to the various branches of
the creative industries.

                                                                                              Arts Infrastructure Framework         5

Council Plan 2013–17 identified              Council’s CIDF is designed to make          The challenges facing the delivery of
that a strategic approach to                 visible the City of Melbourne’s future      arts infrastructure that the MAIF seeks
planning and implementing arts               priorities for community infrastructure     to address are:
infrastructure is needed for the             development. A strategic approach
                                             to the development and repurposing          •   providing arts infrastructure that is
City of Melbourne to fully deliver                                                           flexible and able to accommodate
                                             of infrastructure specifically for the
its Creative City goal and Arts              arts and creative sector was not                the diversity of current and future
Strategy. Action 2.1.1 states: Develop       articulated in the CIDF. The diversity          arts practice
a Cultural Infrastructure Framework          and specialist needs of space for use
                                                                                         •   increased costs associated
that maps existing cultural                  by creative practitioners, as well as
                                                                                             with funding operations and
infrastructure and recommends                a lack of regulatory requirements to
                                                                                             programming of current and future
future strategies for growth,                drive arts infrastructure provision, were
                                                                                             arts facilities
including funding and partnership            contributing factors to its absence.
models.                                                                                  •   accounting for the general lifecycle
                                             The MAIF links arts infrastructure              costs associated with buildings
The MAIF responds to this action.            delivery to development planning                as well as the sustainability
Its purpose is to provide a strategic        for the first time. The introduction of         of resourcing, operations and
framework for the delivery of arts           new planning mechanisms to fund                 programming
infrastructure by the City of Melbourne      infrastructure, increased investment
                                             from Council in urban renewal precincts,    •   the ongoing maintenance of new
and its external partners.
                                             and a focus from State Government on            public art commissions and existing
                                             the economic and wellbeing benefits             legacy work, along with the ongoing
This Framework is designed to sit
                                             of the arts sector (demonstrated                programming and maintenance
alongside the Community Infrastructure
                                             through its Creative State Strategy) now        of media based work in the public
Development Framework 2014
                                             presents an opportunity to strategically        realm
(CIDF) and the Open Space Strategy
2012, identifying gaps, needs and            align the MAIF with the next five years     •   the state regulatory environment
opportunities to support Melbourne’s         of the State Government’s and Council’s         which can support or complicate the
tenet as a ‘creative city’. Community        priorities.                                     development of arts infrastructure.
infrastructure refers to “…public
places and spaces that accommodate           The MAIF undertakes a mapping of
community facilities and services that       existing arts infrastructure in the City
support individuals, families and groups     of Melbourne and inner Melbourne to
to meet their social needs, maximise         identify gaps, needs, demands and
their potential and enhance community        opportunities for the development of
wellbeing”1.                                 new arts infrastructure and repurposing
                                             of underutilised spaces.

1 City of Melbourne 2014, Community Infrastructure Development Framework.

MAIF’s strategic alignment                  The document is further informed          The alignment of the above strategies,
                                            by the following Council strategies       combined with external planning
The MAIF has a strong alignment             and plans:                                reforms impacting the City of
to Creative Victoria’s Creative State                                                 Melbourne and opportunities for
Strategy and other State Government         •   City of Melbourne Music Strategy      influence in urban renewal areas,
initiatives linked with planning and            2014–17                               presents a holistic platform from
development; it also directly aligns to                                               which to launch the MAIF.
                                            •   City of Melbourne Public Art
key Council strategies.
                                                Framework 2014–17
The MAIF reflects Council Plan 2013–17,     •   City of Melbourne Heritage
in particular, Goal 2: A creative city          Strategy 2013
where Council has committed to
delivering three priorities of direct       •   Community Infrastructure
relevance. They are:                            Development Framework 2014
                                            •   Open Space Strategy 2012
•   to develop sustainable cultural
    physical infrastructure and             •   Draft Future Melbourne Refresh
    programming                                 2026
•   increase access to, and participation   •   Tourism Action Plan 2015–18
    in, creative expression and arts and
    cultural experiences, including music   •   Homes for People Housing Strategy
•   to support emerging artists.
                                            •   Melbourne Planning Scheme
                                            •   Melbourne for all People 2014–17
The Council Plan proposes:                  •   Arden-Macaulay Structure Plan 2012
“Artists are supported to present and       •   Southbank Structure Plan 2010
work locally (and) artistic enterprises
choose to base themselves in the            •   City North Structure Plan 2012
municipality.”                              •   West Melbourne Structure Plan (in
Sitting alongside the City of Melbourne’s
Arts Strategy, the MAIF directly            •   Queen Victoria Market Precinct
addresses the following commitments:            Master Plan

•   we will support artists to present      •   Fishermans Bend Strategic
    work in the public realm                    Planning Framework (review
                                                currently underway by the Victorian
•   we will lead and partner in the             Government in partnership with the
    delivery of significant arts projects       City of Melbourne).
•   we will support and enable
    affordable, secure and appropriate
    working spaces for artists
•   we will support and promote
    affordable and appropriate
    presentation spaces
•   we will facilitate and advocate
    for affordable living/work spaces
    for artists.

                                                                                         Arts Infrastructure Framework         7

The benefits of                                   and accommodation                                     Victorian businesses. As
                                                                                                        the basis of innovation,
investing in arts                                 and food services                                     creativity can drive
infrastructure                                    ($28 billion).                                        productivity, economic
                                                                                                        growth and job creation.
Even when we capture                              Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2014                 The more innovative a
                                                                                                        business, the more likely it is
the opportunity costs                             Local and international studies have
                                                                                                        to export, create jobs, train
                                                  demonstrated that a city’s arts and
of alternate uses of                              culture sector brings both direct and                 employees and turn a higher
government funding,                               indirect economic benefits to a city.                 profit.’
                                                  A 2013 KPMG study identified that the
the economy is still                              Victorian arts and culture sector added           The City of Melbourne has
better off with the                               a direct value of $6.1 billion to the             commissioned RMIT to survey the
                                                                                                    economic value of Council’s investment
                                                  economy, employing the equivalent of
funding allocated to                              68,000 full time workers3.                        in the arts. Their analysis involves an
arts and culture.                                 Indirect economic benefits from the arts
                                                                                                    ‘economic impact assessment’ and
                                                                                                    captures both the direct and indirect
The Economic Impact of Victorian Arts &           and culture sector included 400,000               impact of Council’s investment.
Cultural Sector, 2013 (KPMG)                      domestic and international cultural               Economic impact assessment is a
                                                  tourists (defined as those who attend             spending-measure technique of
Creative cities are characterised                 three of more cultural attractions during         economic value that looks at actual
by their diverse, sophisticated and               their visit) choosing Melbourne and               spending by organisations, audiences
internationally focused creative                  Victoria in 20114.                                and performers, and its effects on the
industries. They nurture and support a                                                              economy.
broad ecosystem of artistic and creative          Inner Melbourne (Melbourne, Port
practice from the commercial, the                 Phillip, Stonnington and Yarra Local              Research by RMIT has demonstrated
subsidised and the community sectors.             Government areas) hosts 71,570                    that:
The link between creative cities,                 creative industry practitioners5.
community wellbeing and economic                  Fifty-five per cent (39,195) of these                 ‘that recipients of funding
sustainability has been established               workers are located in the City of                    employ people locally,
through numerous studies2.                        Melbourne boundary.                                   purchase goods and services
                                                                                                        from within the community
Economic benefits                                 The Melbourne Census of Land Use
                                                  and Employment (CLUE) shows that                      and unlike most industries,
                                                  the largest employment sector in the                  leverage significant amounts
Australian cultural                               municipality is professional services                 of event related spending
industries generate                               at 77,966. However, at almost a third
                                                  of this, arts and recreational services
                                                                                                        by their audiences that
                                                                                                        pump vital revenue into
over $50 billion                                  (23,362) is significant and more than                 restaurants, retail stores and
in economic activity                              retail trade (19,833) and construction
                                                                                                        other local businesses.
                                                                                                        The study sends a
or $35 billion in Gross                                                                                 message that support
Value Added (GVA).                                Accessible and affordable arts
                                                  infrastructure supports creative                      for the arts does not
This was higher than                              industry practitioners to remain in the               come at the expense of
                                                                                                        economic development
the GVA for                                       City of Melbourne and inner suburbs,
                                                  contributing to the economic and                      and employment, and that
agriculture, forestry                             cultural activity of the city.                        other industries may not
and fishing ($29                                  As Creative Victoria’s Creative State
                                                                                                        be able to claim the same
                                                                                                        level of indirect spending—
billion); electricity,                            Strategy 2016–20 clearly asserts:
                                                                                                        related payments made by
gas, water and waste                                  ‘Creativity is an under-
                                                                                                        consumers to third parties
services ($27 billion);                               utilised resource for
                                                                                                        in connection with a core
                                                                                                        purchase—that the arts can.7’

2 Gridley, H., Astbury, J., Sharples, J. & Aguirre, C. 2011. Benefits of group singing for community mental health and wellbeing, VicHealth
3 KPMG, 2013. The Economic Impact of Victorian Arts and Cultural Sector.
4 KPMG, 2013. The Economic Impact of Victorian Arts and Cultural Sector.
5 SGS, 2016. Transitioning Creative Spaces to an independent organisation
6 City of Melbourne 2015 Employment per industry for blocks, Census of Land Use and Employment accessed 27 July 2016
7 Boymal, J., Coate, B., de Silva, A., Elkins, M. & Ozmen, M. 2016. The Economic Value of the City of Melbourne’s Arts Program

Community wellbeing                                 their communicative
                                                    power, enhance individual
                                                                                                 Art and wellbeing

and health                                          engagement with the                          A 2015 analysis by the Australia Council
                                                                                                 found “that engagement with the arts
                                                    world in ways that have
The health benefits                                 both personal and public
                                                                                                 is associated with a significant positive
                                                                                                 increase in life satisfaction”9.
of participating in                                 benefits. These effects are
                                                    instrumental in that they
the arts are well                                   can open people to life and
                                                                                                 Their Arts Nation research included a
                                                                                                 wellbeing valuation approach. This is a
documented—from                                     create the fabric of shared                  method used by economists to estimate
supporting individual                               values and meanings that                     the relative worth of a non-monetary
                                                                                                 quality, such as wellbeing, by calculating
                                                    improves the public sphere.
mental wellbeing                                    Collective artistic activity                 the amount of money required to
by providing an                                     has the potential to provide
                                                                                                 produce the same increase in life
                                                                                                 satisfaction. Applying this approach
opportunity for                                     a forum for voice, affect
                                                    social change, or promote a
                                                                                                 identified a wellbeing increase, which
people to gain new                                  community’s unique cultural
                                                                                                 was the equivalent of $4,349 per
                                                                                                 person, per annum. Applied to the
skills, confidence                                  identity.                                    proportion of persons aged 15 years and
and self-esteem,                                    ‘Participation builds
                                                                                                 over who engage in the arts this figure
                                                                                                 extrapolates to an overall societal value
to building social                                  social cohesion and                          of approximately $66 billion per year.
connection and                                      connectedness, thereby
                                                                                                 Arts Council England research supports
                                                    reducing isolation. Through
reducing isolation by                               building a collective identity,
                                                                                                 the premise that participation in the
                                                                                                 arts leads to higher life satisfaction.
participating in an                                 event and cultural facilities                This research mapped moment-to-
activity with others                                also build community                         moment happiness through an iPhone
                                                    strength. Community and                      application. The data contained “more
while engaging in a                                 cultural events provide a                    than one million observations of tens
creative process.                                   range of socially inclusive                  of thousands of individuals.” It showed
                                                    activities that contribute                   that respondents reported significantly
Arts and Health: VicHealth’s Active Arts
                                                    to overall community                         higher levels of happiness when
Strategy 2014–17                                                                                 attending theatre, dance or concerts;
                                                                                                 singing and performing; or, engaging
Significance of community                       Outcomes of improved health and                  in hobbies or arts and crafts other than
participation in arts and                       wellbeing through the arts are also              either drinking alcohol or watching
cultural activities                             articulated in Council’s Melbourne for           television10.
                                                All People strategy (Deliverable 4.3d)
An individual’s participation in arts                                                            Given that residents of Melbourne
                                                and the Resilient Melbourne strategy
and cultural activities is significant                                                           participate in the arts and attend
                                                (community-based resilience) – two
to community and social cohesion.                                                                arts events at a greater rate than
                                                key documents that underpin Council’s
Community Indicators Victoria used the                                                           other Australians11, as a group, we
                                                commitment to community health
following rationale for including arts and                                                       can reasonably deduce, Melburnians
                                                and wellbeing. This rationale further
cultural participation in its community                                                          are happier. To continue to increase
                                                supports the need for targeted arts
wellbeing indicators:                                                                            Melbourne’s liveability and the social
                                                infrastructure that provides creative
                                                                                                 wellbeing of community, ongoing
                                                practitioners with a space to engage
                                                                                                 investment in the arts, supported by
   ‘Most types of arts                          with participants, connect with each
                                                                                                 accessible arts infrastructure, must be
   involvement have a social                    other and provide a leadership role in
                                                                                                 a priority.
   dimension that is an                         community wellbeing.
   important basis for building
   social capital and community
   identity. The arts, through

8 Community Indicators Victoria (CIV) is a collaborative project within the Place, Health and Liveability Research Program at the
   McCaughey VicHealth Centre, within the School of Population & Global Health, at the University of Melbourne
9 Australia Council for the Arts, 2015. Arts Nation: An Overview of Australian Arts.
10 Arts Council England, 2015. Cultural Activities, Artforms and Wellbeing.
11 ABS Participation in Selected Cultural Activities, Cat. No. 4921.0: Customised Report 2015

                                                                                                     Arts Infrastructure Framework         9
Liveability                                Placemaking and                            Identity: Creating a
                                                                                      Distinctive Place
In determining “liveability” the major     urban renewal
indices: Economist Intelligence Unit                                                  Over the last decade the idea of the
(EIU) Global Liveability Ranking; the
Mercer Quality of Living Survey; and
                                           Creative placemaking                       “global city” has emerged as the
                                                                                      key descriptor of a high functioning,
Monocle Quality of Life Survey, all        animates public                            economically secure and liveable
have culture as a key factor. Melbourne
features highly in all three surveys and
                                           and private spaces,                        metropolis. In defining a global city
                                                                                      further, there is a focus on culture:
for the last five years has been ranked    rejuvenates structures
first in the EIU survey.                   and streetscapes,                             ‘…with the cultural economy
The need for arts and culture as           improves local                                positioned not merely as
                                                                                         an adjunct to larger more
a foundation of the city is also
highlighted by Future Melbourne
                                           business viability                            important sectors, but as
2008, and the draft Future Melbourne       and public safety,                            a field that makes its own
                                                                                         contribution to growth,
2026 community consultation
recommendations, in which the
                                           and brings diverse                            development and vitality of
priority for a ‘creative city’ remains.    people together to                            the metropolis12.’
This demonstrates the impact arts and
culture has on the city’s community
                                           celebrate, inspire, and                    As outlined in the City’s Arts Strategy,
and the commitment of residents to         be inspired.                               “Melbourne’s celebrated and diverse
the creative industries and associated                                                arts scene generates an abundance
infrastructure.                            Creative Placemaking, National Endowment   of positive publicity and is vital to
                                           for the Arts, 2010                         Melbourne’s brand.” Furthermore, the
                                                                                      importance of place on a human level is
                                                                                      highly significant. Creative practitioners
                                                                                      need an interconnected environment:
                                                                                      a space to produce work; places to
                                                                                      share work and find a response to
                                                                                      their work; as well as forums to share
                                                                                      ideas, respond to work of others and
                                                                                      joint collaborations all contributing to
                                                                                      Melbourne’s distinct identity.

The City of Melbourne is committed
to supporting artists and audiences
                                                 Council plays a critical role in
                                                 Melbourne’s creative eco-system,
                                                                                                Even world cities –
to participate in the city’s life. This is       providing support to private and               with their superficial
articulated through the ‘creative city’
goal, Council Plan 2013–17, and the Arts
                                                 state-owned institutions through
                                                 strategic partnerships, marketing and
                                                                                                resemblances – remain
Strategy. As the city continues to grow          promotion; direct financial support to         distinct. The reason
and embrace innovation and a ‘smart
city’ approach, the role of creative
                                                 Melbourne’s creative practitioners and
                                                 industries through funding initiatives;
                                                                                                why? Culture. What
practitioners contributing to the                and the direct delivery of programs            makes them different
development of these ideas is critical.          that support, engage and advance
                                                 Melbourne’s creative practitioners,
                                                                                                to one another is
The scope and interrelationship of               such as Creative Spaces, public art            culture. While world
arts on offer in the City of Melbourne
is extensive, even for a capital city
                                                 commissioning and festivals.
                                                                                                cities are plugged into
area within a metropolis in excess of            Each year, through the Arts Melbourne          global circuits of ideas
4.5 million people. In the area of the           branch, Council contributes more than
performing arts it extends from multiple         $3.5 million in arts grants funding for arts   and knowledge, it is
entertainment stadia such as Rod                 and culture activities delivered within        their local culture (and
Laver or AAMI – capable of holding               the municipality. In 2015–16, the branch
over 30,000 patrons for a Taylor Swift           supported more than 3000 artists and           cultural producers)
concert – through to main-stage venues           produced more than 500 activities. The         which transform
of between 1500 to 2000 patrons                  year before (2014–15), 91.4 per cent of
presenting opera or ‘Broadway’ style             residents, workers, visitors and students      external influences
musicals. The aforementioned venues              agreed that Melbourne is an “artistic and      into something
are complemented by the extensive                cultural city.”13
‘fringe’ theatre scene and small venues                                                         unique.
focussed on new Australian work such             In 2016–17, City of Melbourne is
                                                                                                The World Cities Cultural Report, 2013
as La Mama or Forty Five Downstairs.             committing $108.48 million to its
                                                 infrastructure program. Council’s
In the visual arts sector, Melbourne             annual investment in capital works
hosts the National Gallery of Victoria           and infrastructure programs presents
(NGV) – arguably home to the most                a unique opportunity to embed arts
important collection in Australia – and          infrastructure, whether this be creative
several smaller but highly regarded              spaces or public art, into appropriate
public galleries such as Australia Centre        Council initiatives. In doing this, Council
for Contemporary Art and the Ian Potter          ensures that the City of Melbourne acts
Museum of Art at Melbourne University.           as a catalyst for growth and innovation
There are also 25 commercial galleries           and adds value and increased
and artist run initiatives.                      sustainability to the plethora of creative
                                                 activity and industry in Melbourne.
In 2013–14 the NGV ran Melbourne
Now, the largest and most ambitious
exhibition in its history. More than 300
local artists, architects, designers and
creative practitioners participated in
this landmark exhibition. Without an
arts ecosystem of considerable depth, it
would not have been possible to choose
the final 300 to make this exhibition

12 Hutton, T. A., 2016 Cities and the Cultural Economy.
13 City of Melbourne, 2015, Annual Report 2014–15

                                                                                                   Arts Infrastructure Framework         11
Melbourne has one of the most active            Greater Melbourne
and engaged populations in the country
for participation and attendance in             The greater Melbourne metropolitan
the arts14. The high participation rate is      region’s population is also increasing. In
strengthened by a resident population           2011, the population was reported to be
that includes 60 per cent of people             4,196,400 and by 2031 it is expected to
between the ages of 20–39 (double the           increase to 5,982,80017.
national average), the age demographic
most likely to participate and engage           As Melbourne’s population increases,
with the arts.                                  infrastructure also needs to increase.
                                                As a capital city, the City of Melbourne
The demographic overview below                  is home to some of the major key
demonstrates the current and                    institutions that support the arts and
forecasted growth of the population             culture sector. To maintain the position
within the municipality, as well as             of a creative city and to ensure creative
participation in arts activities impacting      practitioners and community can create
the use and demand on Melbourne’s               and participate in arts experiences,
arts infrastructure.                            Council needs to invest in and advocate
                                                for further arts infrastructure to support
Demographic                                     community access and participation.

                                                100 k
The City of Melbourne
                                                80 k
The residential population of Melbourne
is estimated to be approximately
137,000 by the end of 2016 and is               60 k
predicted to rise to approximately
237,000 over the next 15 years15. The           40 k
‘daily’ population, which includes
residents, workers, students and visitors,
is estimated at 891,000 (2016) and              20 k

anticipated to rise to over 1.2 million
people by 2030.                                 0
                                                        0–4      5–14    15–24      25–34   35–44   45–54   55–64    65–74    75–84   85 AND
The demographic profile of the resident
                                                         2016     2026       2036
population differs markedly from the
demographic profile of Australia as             FIGURE 1 – forecast number of residents by age group (2016 to 2036)
a whole. Nearly 60 per cent of the
population is aged between 20 and
39, which is over twice the Australia-
wide average (28 per cent) of people in
this age group. In generational terms,
this means about half the Melbourne
population is Gen Y16, while half the
workers, students and visitors that
come into the city each day are also
aged between 20 and 39. This cohort is
expected to continue to increase in the
next 20 years (Figure 1).

14 ABS Participation in Selected Cultural Activities, Cat. No. 4921.0: Customised Report 2015
15 City of Melbourne’s Forecast Population (Geografia). Accessed 12 July 2016.
16 The generation born in the 1980’s and early 90’s. They are children of the baby boomer generation and grew up with the internet,
   mobile phones and social media.
17 Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, State Government of Victoria, 2015. Victoria in Future: Population and
   Household Projections to 2051.

Participation in                                  Attendance at an arts                         As people aged between 25 and 34
                                                                                                will continue to make up the greatest
the arts                                          venue or event                                proportion of residents in Melbourne by
                                                                                                2036 (27 per cent) and, as one of the
The Australian Bureau of Statistics,              Australian Bureau of Statistics data20        most culturally active age groups, their
commissioned on behalf of the Australia           indicates that 59 per cent of Australians     participation in arts activities supports
Council for the Arts, regularly undertakes        attended at least one ‘arts venue or          the development of community
a survey of the participation of                  event’ in 2013–14.                            accessible arts infrastructure.
Australians in selected cultural activities.
Their recent report indicates that 27             Across Victoria and Melbourne:
per cent (or 4.9 million people) of the
18.5 million persons aged 15 years and            •    Eighty-one per cent of inner
over living in Australia participated in               Melbourne residents reported
at least one selected cultural activity                attending an arts venue or event in
during the 12 months (2013–14) before                  2013–14, significantly higher than
the survey was undertaken18. In the                    that identified by the ABS data21.
City of Melbourne, participation was              •    Creative Victoria22 report that:
greater than the national average with
37 per cent of the population reporting                –   3.7 million (87 per cent)
participation in at least one selected                     Victorians attend cultural venues
 100     activity (Figure 2). For young                    or events
people aged between 20 to 35 years,
                                                       –   877,000 (21 per cent) of
the percentage was higher again, with
 80                                                        Victorians work in culture or
60 per cent of Melburnians reportedly
                                                           leisure activities
engaging in a cultural activity.
60                                                     –   95 per cent of young people
The City of Melbourne also tracks                                       60%
                                                           attend cultural venues or events
participation in activities supported by
Council. Nearly half (49.6 per cent) of                –   59 per cent of Victorians aged
survey respondents reported       engaging                 60 and over attend cultural
 20selected Council arts and cultural            28%       venues and events.
activities for the first time in 2014–1519.       •    More than 1.6 million people
0                                                      purchased tickets to attend
                    15–24 YEARS               25–34 YEARS         MELBURNIANS AGED
                                                       Arts Melbourne  supported events
                                                                     20–35 YEARS
                                                       in 2015–16.





20                      27%

                    NATIONALLY                                       MELBURNIANS

FIGURE 2 – Percentage of Australians who participated in at least one
cultural activity between 2013–14

18 ABS Participation in Selected Cultural Activities, Cat. No. 4921.0: Customised Report 2015
19 City of Melbourne, 2015. Annual Report 2014–15.
20 ABS Participation in Selected Cultural Activities, Cat. No. 4921.0: Customised Report 2015
21 ABS Participation in Selected Cultural Activities, Cat. No. 4921.0: Customised Report 2015
22 Creative Victoria, 2012, A Statistical Overview: Arts and culture in Victoria

                                                                                                   Arts Infrastructure Framework       13
In order to understand the current state
and establish priorities for the future
                                                   Current Arts                                       Public art infrastructure is located
                                                                                                      throughout the city on a permanent
of Melbourne’s arts infrastructure, the            Infrastructure                                     and temporary basis. All public art
following methodological approach was                                                                 situated in the city’s public realm is
undertaken:                                        In order to establish gaps in existing             managed and maintained by Council’s
                                                   arts infrastructure, current arts facilities       art and heritage collection. The Arts
•    desktop analysis of current arts              in the municipality and its environs (10           Melbourne branch manages Council’s
     infrastructure and relevant studies23         kilometre radius) have been researched,            art and heritage collection and
                                                   identified and mapped, including                   musical instruments (Melbourne Town
•    mapping of current theatres,
                                                   facilities that are:                               Hall Grand Organ and Federation
     galleries and live music spaces24,
                                                                                                      Bells), however these pieces of arts
     both commercial and public, to                •   Council-owned                                  infrastructure are outside the scope of
     identify infrastructure gaps
                                                   •   publicly owned, but not by Council             this MAIF.
•    recent City of Melbourne
     stakeholder consultation including            •   commercial                                     As well as specific arts facilities, the
     the Arts Melbourne Creative                                                                      City of Melbourne owns and manages a
                                                   •   managed by educational institutions
     Conventions and Future Melbourne                                                                 number of community hubs and libraries
     2026’s preliminary analysis25                 •   managed by trusts and not-for profit           that support the co-location of artists.
                                                       organisations                                  These include arts-based activities such
•    analysis of data from the Creative                                                               as sound recording studios, maker’s
     Spaces website                                •   privately-owned.                               spaces and practice rooms at both the
•    desktop analysis of Council policies          These facility types are further analysed          Library at the Dock and Kathleen Syme
     and strategies as listed on page six.         throughout this chapter.                           Library and Community Centre.

The following chapter provides an                  The City of Melbourne currently owns               Surrounding municipalities have been
overview of key findings related to the            three dedicated arts buildings: ArtPlay            included in the literature review and
scope of the MAIF.                                 (children’s cultural centre); Signal               mapping to ensure the gap analysis
                                                   (young people’s cultural centre); and              offers a balanced assessment that
The MAIF has a specific focus on arts              the North Melbourne Town Hall (Arts                acknowledges the City of Melbourne
infrastructure that:                               House). All three are repurposed old/              as part of a greater metropolis of inner
                                                   heritage buildings. A fourth building, the         suburbs that, collectively for many
•    is accessible for community                                                                      Melburnians, form its heart.
                                                   Meat Market, is owned by the Victorian
     members to encourage and support
                                                   government and managed by the City
     arts participation
                                                   as a venue-for-hire.
•    addresses the needs of new
     and emerging artists, creative                The Creative Spaces program currently
     practitioners and organisations.              leases two buildings on a commercial
                                                   basis: River Studios in West Melbourne
This scope excludes the infrastructure             and The Guild in Southbank. Seven artist
needs of the commercial theatre and                studios are also located at Council’s
concert sector and the large state                 Boyd Community Hub.
funded facilities such as the Arts Centre
or NGV.

The analysis has led to the identification
of nine high-level arts infrastructure
needs and five goals through these
identified needs can be advanced in the
next five years.

23		 (a) City of Moreland Needs Analysis of Performing Arts Facilities within the Brunswick Civic and Cultural Precinct, 2012; (b) Planning
     Sydney’s Cultural Facilities 2011, Sweet Reason Pty Ltd. (c) City of Vancouver Cultural Facilities Priorities Plan: Final Report, May 2008,
     Artscape (d) Cultural Infrastructure Directions, Dept. of Culture and the Arts , WA. (e) Cultural Infrastructure: An Integral Component of
     Canadian Communities, Creative City Network Canada
24		Mapping based on available data
25		 Draft Future Melbourne 2026 Synthesis Report, Global Research, 2016

Consultation                                   Another identified need was increasing
                                               public access to the arts and more
                                                                                              •   there are exciting opportunities for
                                                                                                  short-term inhabitations of space,
                                               affordable ways to participate in the              but there is a lack of long-term
Future Melbourne                               arts through community arts hubs.                  space and opportunity
                                               These would be purpose-designed
A preliminary review of Future                                                                •   artists living in the city, as well as
                                               spaces that allow for individuals and
Melbourne 2026 responses by Global                                                                creating and presenting work, make
                                               community groups to develop their
Research supports the mapping, data                                                               an exciting creative city.
                                               own creative practice in much the same
and analysis regarding needs and gaps
                                               way as ArtPlay and Signal enable and           There are various national and
of arts infrastructure:
                                               promote creative expression for children       international templates for the provision
                                               and young adults.                              of live/work spaces for artists that could
    ‘A large number of people                                                                 be used as the basis for developing a
    felt the need to create more               Creative Conventions                           model for Melbourne and its particular
    venues – both permanent                                                                   regulatory circumstances. CLUE data
    and temporary, within the                  In 2015, Arts Melbourne undertook              demonstrates the potential availability
    Melbourne CBD. One thread                  a series of consultations under the            of spaces. There is 57,749 square metres,
    of conversations expressed                 banner of Creative Conventions.                in 144 locations, of vacant storage/
    the need to create a new                   This consultation series included              warehouse space in the municipality,
                                               roundtable discussions on the themes of        some of which could be adapted to
    space to encourage local
                                               affordability, accessibility, infrastructure   studio or rehearsal space. There is also
    theatre and playwrights
                                               and creativity with key industry               165,772 square metres of vacant office/
    to present their work…                     stakeholders and a public forum entitled       administration space in 508 locations,
    A few people felt that                     The Future of Art in Melbourne.                which has the potential to make suitable
    reinvigorating disused and                                                                co-working and office space for creative
    abandoned city sites would                 The key findings from this consultation        practitioners and organisations.
    help create more spaces                    were:
    for artists to exhibit or                                                                 This Future Melbourne and Creative
                                               •   the rising cost of space in Melbourne      Conventions consultation has led to the
    perform work.
                                                   is squeezing the arts and there is a       identification of the first four needs.
                                                   danger that creative practitioners
    ‘Some identified Melbourne                     will be pushed out of the City
    as the music capital of                                                                   Identified need 1
    Australia and that music
    should be supported
                                               •   mixed-use planning is crucial and          Arts spaces that enable the
                                                   so is mixed-used space – i.e. hybrid       community to engage with and
    within the city to ensure it                   live/work/present spaces
    continues to flourish. There                                                              participate in their own creative
    were suggestions of how                    •   more space may be achieved                 practice.
    this could happen, including                   through changing rules and
    a music writer’s festival;                     regulations rather than building new       Identified need 2
    providing cheap space for
    performers including an                    •   accessing underutilised buildings,         Hybrid spaces for artists including
    ‘all ages’ venue; and more                     whether owned by the City of               live/work spaces.
    music events.26’                               Melbourne or the public or private
                                                   sectors, could fuel much arts and          Identified need 3
The researchers identified three                   community activity
strong themes that came through the                                                           Advocate for affordable housing.
                                               •   planning levers need to be
                                                   developed in order to have more
•   a desire for the arts to thrive in             diverse building stock for future          Identified need 4
    Melbourne                                      creative uses and developers need
                                                   to be encouraged (or required) to          Affordable co-working office /
•   lack of affordable space is driving            make contributions to support arts         incubator spaces for creative
    artists out                                    infrastructure                             industry practitioners.
•   that providing inexpensive space           •   space is a crucial asset for enabling
    for artists would deliver direct and           creativity and lack of affordability is
    indirect benefits for artists and the          a threat to creativity

26		Global Research, 2016, Draft Future Melbourne 2026 Synthesis Report.

                                                                                                  Arts Infrastructure Framework          15
Mapping of arts infrastructure
Based on mapping data available, the geographical analysis of arts
infrastructure focused on facilities in three specific areas of the arts –
theatre, galleries and live music. The mapping included suburbs
surrounding the City of Melbourne (Map 1) and identified:

                                             live music venues
                                                                                    90   theatres
                                                                                                                            22  other*

                                                                                                              * includes stadiums, museums, libraries,
                                                                                                                town halls, etc.

                                                                                                    Other creative industries such
                                                                                                    as architecture and design firms,
                                                                                                    publishing houses and game developers
                                                                                                    have not been mapped.

                                                                                                    These sectors are extensive but do not
                                                                                                    generally require a purpose-specific
                                                                                                    space or particular infrastructure beyond
                                                                                                    a conventional office. The potential
                                                                                                    growth of business, arts and community
                                                                                                    accelerators and incubators as
                                                                                                    co-working spaces addresses this need.

                                                                                                    Data is not available for the number
                                                                                                    and location of individual artists’ or
                                                                                                    writers’ studios beyond the Creative
                                                                                                    Spaces website which displays current
                                                                                                    vacancies only.

MAP 1 – Arts infrastructure as combined art forms (galleries, live music and theatres)


Council’s 2015 CLUE data shows there              The CLUE data and mapping shows:
are 367,700 seats identified as theatre/
concert/stadium in the City of Melbourne.         •   376,000 seats in theatres, concert
As a point of comparison, there are 156,711           halls and stadiums in Melbourne
indoor café/restaurant/bistro seats.
                                                  •   three theatre venues – located in
                                                      the central city, Southbank and
Removing stadium venues (MCG,
                                                      Parkville – that seat between 200
Docklands, Rod Laver etc., venues
                                                      to 300 patrons
infrequently used for theatre rehearsals
or performances) from consideration of            •   27 venues seat less than 200 people
this mapping, there are around 32,000                 contributing less than one per cent
theatre and concert hall seats within the             of the CLUE total
                                                  •   18 of these 27 venues are for
                                                      audiences of 100 people or less.

                                                                                                   A needs analysis of the theatre sector
                                                                                                   identified that 200–300 seats is the
                                                                                                   preferred venue size for performance
                                                                                                   and rehearsals28. As the mapping data
                                                                                                   indicates, such spaces are in short
                                                                                                   supply. New and emerging artists and
                                                                                                   organisations are further disadvantaged
                                                                                                   in accessing these spaces due to the
                                                                                                   cost of hire.

                                                                                                   Three key areas of the municipality
                                                                                                   that would support an increase in
                                                                                                   the number of theatre spaces are
                                                                                                   Arden, Docklands and Lorimer. With
                                                                                                   these areas planned for increased
                                                                                                   residential development, community
                                                                                                   and artist-accessible rehearsal and
                                                                                                   performance spaces are recommended
                                                                                                   to be included in future infrastructure

                                                                                                   The identified issues of new and
                                                                                                   emerging theatre sector are
                                                                                                   representative of their counterparts
                                                                                                   across the performing arts sector. With
                                                                                                   this in mind, performance spaces should
                                                                                                   be flexible in design to accommodate
                                                                                                   the needs of small music and dance
                                                                                                   ensembles as well as theatre companies.

                                                                                                   Identified need 5

                                                                                                   The creation of performance and
MAP 2 – This map identifies 75 locations housing 90 theatre spaces. These include cabaret          rehearsal spaces suitable for artists
venues and stadiums, but exclude concert halls (e.g. Melbourne Recital Centre and Hamer            working in the small to medium
Hall). In some instances there are multiple theatres in the one building e.g. Theatres Building    performing arts sector.
at Arts Centre Melbourne.

27		City of Melbourne, 2015, Census of Land Use and Employment
28		City of Moreland Needs Analysis of Performing Arts Facilities within the Brunswick Civic and Cultural Precinct, 2012

                                                                                                      Arts Infrastructure Framework      17

                                                                                               The mapping (Map 3) and survey of
                                                                                               current gallery exhibitions shows:

                                                                                               •   161 galleries in and around the
                                                                                                   City of Melbourne
                                                                                               •   79 per cent (127) are commercial
                                                                                                   galleries. Commercial galleries focus
                                                                                                   on work that sells and generally
                                                                                                   represent a stable of established
                                                                                                   and/or mid-career artists29
                                                                                               •   A number of major public and
                                                                                                   private collections including
                                                                                                   the National Gallery of Victoria
                                                                                                   (NGV), the Australian Centre for
                                                                                                   Contemporary Art (ACCA), Ian
                                                                                                   Potter Gallery, and RMIT Gallery.
                                                                                               The mapping identifies that most
                                                                                               galleries are commercial spaces
                                                                                               representing mid-career and established
                                                                                               artists. These galleries understandably
                                                                                               exhibit work most likely to sell.

                                                                                               The commercial impetus of these
                                                                                               galleries restricts the opportunity for
                                                                                               early career artists, and artists working
                                                                                               in more exploratory and challenging
                                                                                               forms, to exhibit in these spaces.
                                                                                               This leads to increased difficulties
                                                                                               for emerging artists to obtain
                                                                                               representation by commercial galleries.

                                                                                               It is through ‘artist-run initiatives’
                                                                                               like West Space and Blindside, and
                                                                                               not-for-profit gallery spaces, that
                                                                                               artists working in more cutting-edge,
                                                                                               experimental forms find exhibiting their
                                                                                               work more accessible and affordable.

                                                                                               Identified need 6

                                                                                               Artist-run or not-for-profit gallery
                                                                                               spaces and initiatives that focus
                                                                                               on programming work that is
                                                                                               diverse, challenging, experimental,
                                                                                               exploratory, and primarily by
                                                                                               young or emerging artists.

MAP 3 – The map locates 161 galleries including public galleries such as the NGV, commercial
galleries and ‘artist run initiatives’ such as West Space.

29 Art Guide Australia

Live music                                     •   While it is likely that young bands are    The Music Victoria list, however, is
                                                   able to find a pub venue to play to        mainly commercial spaces and not
According to Creative State, “Melbourne            small audiences, it is more difficult to   exhaustive. There are non-commercial
hosts 62,000 live music concerts each              access a suitable larger venue             recording studios in the City of
year and Victoria has three times more                                                        Melbourne, such as the studios at the
live music performances than the               •   There is a gap in the availability
                                                                                              City’s Library at the Dock and Kathleen
national average.” The mapping (Map 4)             of medium sized (500–800 seats)
                                                                                              Syme Library and Community Centre.
identifies 289 live music venues in and            dedicated music spaces.
around the City of Melbourne. These            Consultation with Music Victoria               There are 28 spaces listed on the
venues are predominantly utilised by           revealed:                                      Creative Spaces site offering facilities
contemporary / popular music bands                                                            for music rehearsal. Most of these are
(including rock, jazz, folk etc.) that         •   There is a lack of affordable              multipurpose spaces and not dedicated
require amplification.                             rehearsal and recording space in           music rehearsal spaces – size, suitability
                                                   Melbourne;                                 and costs vary substantially. Although
A breakdown of the mapping and analysis                                                       practice rooms are available at the
of Melbourne Music Week data shows:            •   The CBD presents problems with             aforementioned City of Melbourne
                                                   loading and unloading of equipment;        library and community hubs, they are
•   Most venues are pubs and bars that             and                                        inappropriate for a group of musicians
    present live music several nights a                                                       to access, being too small and situated
                                               •   Of the nine rehearsal and 17
    week. In the estimation of Council’s                                                      in a library environment.
                                                   recording studios listed on the Music
    Melbourne Music Week only 15
                                                   Victoria website, none are in the City
    are dedicated music venues, that                                                          Most live music venues in the city are
                                                   of Melbourne.
    is, venues presenting music six or                                                        pubs and bars that present music only
    seven nights a week                                                                       two or three nights a week. There are
                                                                                              far fewer dedicated music venues and
                                                                                              even less that support the touring
                                                                                              circuit for artists unable to fill major
                                                                                              stadiums. A versatile empty space
                                                                                              that can accommodate a medium
                                                                                              sized audience (500–800 people) is
                                                                                              required to allow new and emerging
                                                                                              musicians affordable access to rehearsal
                                                                                              and performance venues, as well as
                                                                                              providing an opportunity for community
                                                                                              members to participate in live music
                                                                                              activities and events. These venues may
                                                                                              include suitable recording facilities, or
                                                                                              be specifically focussed on performance
                                                                                              and rehearsal spaces and recording
                                                                                              needs met through the implementation
                                                                                              of Identified Need 1.

                                                                                              Identified need 7

                                                                                              Live music venues that can
                                                                                              accommodate between 500 and
                                                                                              800 patrons.

MAP 4 – The map locates 289 live music venues including venues from small bars that have
live music to the major concert halls such as Hamer Hall.

                                                                                                 Arts Infrastructure Framework        19
Creative Spaces                               Analysis of this website data
                                                                                          Creative spaces need to include spaces
                                                                                          suitable for a range of activities,
Adaptive re-use of buildings is a                                                         including those inappropriate to
                                              •   the demand for live/work space is       residential areas such as larger scale
sustainable practice that the City of
                                                  high (1091 searches; 2 spaces). This    sculptural work or band rehearsals.
Melbourne actively promotes. This
                                                  corresponds to the feedback from
is exampled by the Creative Spaces
                                                  the Creative Conventions roundtable     Identified need 8
program which initiated River Studios in
West Melbourne – a vacant warehouse           •   there continues to be significant
on the edge of the Maribyrnong River.             unmet demand for visual arts and        Increasing the number of studio,
Located at 41–59 Sims Street, this                dance studio space.                     workshop and rehearsal spaces
building was refurbished by Creative                                                      (creative spaces) available.
Spaces program as 57 artist studios and       This is evidenced by an analysis of
now houses 75 artists.                        2014–15 data that identified:

This 3000m2 space provided a new              Unmet demand for studio space:
model of development for the City
                                              •   1880 searches for visual art studio
of Melbourne, leasing the building
                                                  space in City of Melbourne
commercially to provide affordable
workspace for artists. River Studios          •   33 spaces listed.
is a partnership between the City of
Melbourne, Creative Victoria and the          Unmet demand for dance studio space:
owner of the building. Each party
                                              •   1298 searches for dance studios in
contributed $100,000 towards the
                                                  City of Melbourne
building’s refurbishment, which included
a lift for disability access.                 •   9 spaces listed.

This operating model has proved to be         Unmet demand for creative office
extremely successful, however waiting         space:
lists for the Creative Spaces program
venues indicates demand for these             •   3508 searches for office space in
spaces is high. In July 2016:                     City of Melbourne
                                              •   79 office spaces listed.
•    Boyd has five studios and there
     are 84 artists on the waiting list.      Unmet demand for activities that are
     A studio has not become vacant           not suited to residential areas such as
     at Boyd for over 12 months.              larger scale sculptural work or band
•    River Studios has 50 studios
     and there are 30 artists on the          •   2574 searches for warehouse space
     waiting list.
                                              •   45 spaces listed.
The Creative Spaces website (managed
by the Creative Spaces program) allows        Continuing unmet demand for gallery
individuals to list spaces available for      space in particular by unrepresented
lease specifically for artists and creative   artists seeking space to stage an
practitioners. It is able to demonstrate      exhibition of their own work:
the housing needs of artists by tracking
the number of artist spaces available         •   1752 searches
against the number of searches for a          •   22 spaces listed.
particular type of space.
                                              The Creative Spaces website data also
                                              demonstrates a high unmet demand
                                              for community halls (856 searches and
                                              five spaces listed) reflecting creative
                                              practitioner demand for larger, hall like
                                              spaces for rehearsals and performance.
                                              This data supports the Identified Needs
                                              1, 5 and 7.

Public art
Public art is by its nature highly visible.
It sits in the public realm, impacting how
people experience the city. Everyone
has an opinion about public art. To help
inform the vision, direction and platform
of public art in the municipality, Council
has adopted the Public Art Framework

CLUE data identifies more than 260
public art ‘assets’ across the City of
Melbourne30. Assets are identified
as public artwork, fountains and
monuments. The Public Art Framework
identifies the need to extend the
community’s engagement and interface
with public art, and proposes new and
innovative ways in which this can be

Council already contributes one per
cent of appropriate capital works
projects to public art. As the city’s
growth continues, public art can
provide accessible arts infrastructure
and present practical opportunities
for emerging artists and creative
practitioners. It also presents
opportunities for exploration of digital
placemaking and for Council to take a
leadership role in working with external
partners to embed public art into new
urban growth areas and developments.

Public art can be included from the
initial design stage of major Council
and developer capital works and
infrastructure projects. As the rapid
growth of the city has triggered
significant investment in public
infrastructure (e.g. Southbank Boulevard
and University Square), public art
allows the stories of Melbourne to
be told through the public realm.
Implementation of any public art
through these means must also align to
the Public Art Framework 2014–17.

Identified need 9

Embed public art in Council and
developer capital works and
infrastructure projects.

30 City of Melbourne, 2015, Census of Land Use and Employment Melbourne Public Artwork. Accessed 28 July 2016.

                                                                                                Arts Infrastructure Framework   21
Identified needs and                     Key goals                                 Location of identified needs

goals                                    To guide the implementation of these      Of the identified needs and associated
                                         identified needs, the following key       goals some can be applied in
Identified needs                         goals will indicate and measure the       community hubs and multi-purpose
                                         success of the MAIF in the next five      infrastructure (e.g. rehearsal spaces
In light of the gaps identified, the     years. Goals are identified in order of   for small to medium performing
following high-level needs have been     priority to align with current planning   arts sector). Some have unique
determined:                              timelines and funding mechanisms.         infrastructure requirements with
                                         The goals are:                            site-specific outputs (e.g. live music
                                                                                   performance spaces). Whilst others
1.   Arts spaces that enable             Priorities 1–4: Creation and              can be distributed across a broad
     the community to engage             presentation spaces                       range of current, new or re-purposed
     with and participate in their
                                                                                   infrastructure (e.g. live work spaces).
     own creative practice.
                                         1.   To secure commitment for
                                                                                   Table 1 identifies the potential link
                                              the delivery of three arts hubs
2. Hybrid spaces for artists                                                       between these needs and infrastructure
                                              that can include mid-sized
   including live/work spaces.                                                     types.
                                              performance and rehearsal spaces,
                                              community arts spaces and/or live
3. Advocacy for affordable
   housing so artists, along with
   others on lower incomes,
                                         2. To significantly increase the
   are able to live in the city.
                                            number of creative spaces within
                                            the municipality.
4. Affordable co-working office
   spaces for creative industry
                                         3. Advocate to create and
   practitioners (writers, publishers,
                                            incorporate live/work spaces
   designers, architects, etc.).
                                            within the city.
5. The creation of performance
                                         4. Advocate to support the provision
   and rehearsal spaces suitable for
                                            of more affordable housing for
   artists working in the small to
                                            artists, as per the City’s Housing
   medium performing arts sector.
6. Artist-run or not-for-profit          Priority 5: Embedded Public Art
   gallery spaces and initiatives
                                         5. To ensure the integration of
   that focus on programming
                                            embedded public art projects
   visual art work that is diverse,
                                            in new public and private
   challenging, experimental,
   exploratory and primarily by
   young or emerging artists.

7.   Live music venues that can
     accommodate between
     500 and 800 patrons.

8. Studio, workshop and rehearsal
   spaces (creative spaces) including
   spaces suitable for activities not
   appropriate to residential areas
   such as larger scale sculpture
   work or band rehearsals.

9. Embedding public art in Council
   and developer capital works
   and infrastructure projects.

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