NOTICE - LIC Housing Finance

Page created by Paula Coleman

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE THIRTY SECOND                              M/s Gokhale & Sathe (Firm Registration Number 103264W)
ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF LIC                               who have offered themselves for appointment and have
HOUSING FINANCE LIMITED WILL BE HELD THROUGH VIDEO                         confirmed their eligibility to be appointed as Statutory
CONFERENCE (‘VC’) / OTHER AUDIO VISUAL MEANS (‘OAVM’)                      Central Auditors in terms of Section 141 of the Companies
ON MONDAY, 27TH SEPTEMBER, 2021 AT 3.00 P.M. (IST) TO                      Act, 2013 and applicable rules and the RBI guidelines dated
TRANSACT THE ITEMS OF BUSINESS MENTIONED BELOW:                            April 27, 2021, be and are hereby appointed as the joint
                                                                           Statutory Central Auditors of the Company for a period of
ORDINARY BUSINESS:                                                         3 (three) years to hold office from the conclusion of the
1.	To receive, consider and adopt:                                        32nd Annual General Meeting until the conclusion of the
                                                                           33rd Annual General Meeting to be held in 2022 at such
     (a)   the audited (standalone) financial statements of
                                                                           increased remuneration payable to the Joint Statutory
         the Company for the F.Y. ended 31st March, 2021
                                                                           Auditors namely, M/s. M P Chitale & Co., Chartered
         and the Reports of the Board of Directors and
                                                                           Accountants (Firm Registration Number 101851W) and M/s
         Auditors thereon.
                                                                           Gokhale & Sathe (Firm Registration Number 103264W) of
                                                                           ` 65,72,700/- per annum plus applicable taxes / cess and
     (b) t he audited (consolidated) financial statements of
                                                                           out of pocket expenses on actual basis (being ` 32,86,350/-
          the Company for the F.Y. ended 31st March, 2021 and
                                                                           per annum per firm plus applicable taxes/ cess and out of
         the Report of the Auditors thereon.
                                                                           pocket expenses on actual basis ) for F.Y. 2021-22 and the
                                                                           fees in respect of any other certification be and is hereby
2.    o declare final dividend of ` 8.50 /- (Rupees Eight
                                                                           approved to be enhanced from ` 20,000 (Plus applicable
     and Fifty Paisa Only) per equity shares for the
                                                                           taxes) per certificate (i.e. ` 10,000 per firm plus applicable
     F.Y. ended 31st March, 2021.
                                                                           taxes) to ` 30,000 (Plus applicable taxes) per certificate
                                                                           (i.e. ` 15,000 per firm plus applicable taxes).
3.   To appoint a Director in place of Shri Pottimutyala
     Koteswara Rao (DIN-06389741), who retires by rotation
                                                                      	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the consent of the members
      and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment.
                                                                        of the Company be and is hereby accorded for payment
                                                                        of such additional fees for any certificate requiring
4.   To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without
                                                                        devotion of additional time or involving any significant
     modification(s), the following Resolution as an Ordinary
                                                                        complexity therein as may be decided mutually between
      Resolution for appointment and enhancement of fees
                                                                        the management and the Joint Statutory Auditors subject
      payable to Joint Statutory Auditors of the Company:
                                                                        to approval and recommendation of the same by the
                                                                        Audit Committee.
     “ RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section
      139, 141, 142 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the
                                                                      	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Managing Director,
      Companies Act, 2013 read with the underlying rules viz.,
                                                                         Company Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of the
     Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 as may be
                                                                         Company be and are hereby authorized severally to do all
      applicable, the Master Direction – Non-Banking Financial
                                                                         such acts, deeds, matters and things as they may in their
      Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve Bank)
                                                                         sole and absolute discretion consider necessary, desirable
     Directions, 2021 (including any statutory modification(s)
                                                                         or expedient for the purpose of giving effect to the above
     or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in force) and
                                                                         resolutions including the removal of doubts and difficulties
     the Rules, Circulars and Guidelines, particularly guidelines
                                                                         in interpreting the provisions of the said resolution.”
     for appointment of Statutory Central Auditors (SCAs)/
     Statutory Auditors (SAs) of Commercial Banks (excluding          SPECIAL BUSINESS:
     RRBs), UCBs and NBFCs (including HFCs) issued by
                                                                      5.    o consider, and if thought fit, to pass, with or without
     the Reserve Bank of India vide ref. no.DoS.CO.ARG/
                                                                           modification(s), the following resolution as a Special
      SEC.01/08.91.001/2021-22 dated 27th April, 2021 and
                                                                           Resolution for issuance of Redeemable Non-Convertible
     from time to time and such other regulatory authorities,
                                                                           Debentures and / or other hybrid instruments on a private
     any other applicable statutes including any Circular(s),
                                                                           placement basis:
     Notification(s), Rule(s), Regulation(s), Direction(s),
     Orders(s) etc., and any statutory enactments as may be           	“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to (i) the provisions of
     applicable, the approval of the members of the Company             Sections 42, 71, 179 and other applicable provisions,
      be and is hereby accorded to appoint the Joint Statutory          if any, of the Companies Act, 2013, as amended, read
     Auditors namely, M/s. M P Chitale & Co., Chartered                 with relevant rule(s) made thereunder the Companies
     Accountants (Firm Registration Number 101851W) and                 (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Rules, 2014,

LIC Housing Finance Limited

      the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules 2014,                document (including any shelf disclosure document
      and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Act, any other          as may have already been approved and issued by the
      procedural rule(s), regulation(s), circular(s), notification(s),        Company) and / or under one or more letters of offer as
      order(s) etc., issued thereunder including any statutory                may be issued by the Company, and in one or more series
      amendment(s) or modification(s) thereto or enactment(s)                 / tranches, during the period commencing from the date
      or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in force;                 of this Meeting upto the date of next Annual General
      (ii) applicable provisions of Securities and Exchange                   Meeting, on a private placement basis and on such terms
      Board of India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities)                   and conditions as the Board/ or its Committee, may deem
      Regulations, 2008 including any amendment, Securities                   fit and appropriate for each series / tranche, as the case
      and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and                    may be subject to condition that the total outstanding
      Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, including any               Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs) along with other
      amendment thereto; (iii) Master Direction – Non-Banking                 borrowings limits, does not exceed the existing borrowing
      Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve                    powers of the Board under Section 180(1)(c) of the Act,
      Bank) Directions, 2021 including statutory amendment(s)                 i.e., ` 4,00,000/- crore (Rupees Four Lakh crore only),
      or modification(s) thereto or re-enactment(s) or                        accorded in the 30th Annual General Meeting held on
      substitution(s) made thereunder, if any, for the time                   28th August, 2019”.
      being in force; and in accordance with other applicable
      rules, regulations, circulars, notifications, clarifications and   	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors of the
      guidelines issued thereunder, from time to time, by the               Company be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts,
      Reserve Bank of India, stock exchange where the shares                deeds, matters and things and execute all such agreements,
      of the Company are listed (“Stock Exchanges”) and/or any              documents, instruments and writings as may be required,
      other statutory / regulatory authority; (iv) the provisions           with power to settle all questions, difficulties or doubts
      of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and rules                that may arise with regard to the said matter as it may in
      and regulations framed thereunder as amended, (including              its sole and absolute discretion deem fit and to delegate
      any statutory modification(s) thereto or re-enactment(s)              all or any of its powers herein conferred to any Committee
      thereof for the time being in force), (v) Any other applicable        of Directors and / or Director(s) and / or Officer(s) of the
      procedural laws made under any of the above mentioned                 Company, to give effect to this resolution”.
      statutes in the form of any other procedural rule(s),
      regulation(s), circular(s), notification(s), order(s) etc., and    	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)
      pursuant to the provisions of any other substantive and/             & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to file
      or procedural laws that may be applicable in this regard;            necessary forms / returns with the Registrar of Companies/
      (vi) the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the               MCA and to make necessary entries in the statutory
      Company; and subject to the approval(s), consent(s),                 registers to that effect and also to do all act(s), deed(s) or
      permission(s) and/or sanction(s), if any, of the appropriate         thing(s) as may be required in this regard”.
      authorities, institutions or bodies as may be required,
      and subject to such conditions and modifications, as may           6.    o consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without
      be prescribed by any of them while granting any such                    modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary
      approval(s), consent(s), permission(s), and/or sanction(s),             Resolution for appointment of Shri Yerur Viswanatha
      and which may be agreed to by the Board of Directors of                 Gowd (DIN 09048488) as the Managing Director & CEO
      the Company (the “Board”, which term shall be deemed                    of the Company:
      to include any committee which the Board may have
      constituted or hereinafter constitute to exercise its              	“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section
      powers including the powers conferred by this resolution),           152 and any other applicable provisions, if any, of the
      the approval of the members of the Company be and is                 Companies Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder
      hereby accorded to the Board of Directors of the Company             (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment
      (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Board’ which term shall be          thereof for the time in force), Shri Yerur Viswanatha
      deemed to include any committee duly constituted by the              Gowd (DIN 09048488) who was appointed as Additional
      Board, from time to time, to exercise its powers conferred           Director by the Board of Directors of the Company with
      by this resolution) to issue Redeemable Non-Convertible              effect from 1st February, 2021 in the capacity of Managing
      Debentures (NCDs) secured or unsecured, and / or any                 Director & Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) and who as per
      other hybrid instruments which can be classified as being            the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Companies Act, 2013
      Tier II Capital under the provisions of the Housing Finance          holds office upto the date of this Annual General Meeting
      Companies (NHB) Directions, 2010 and the guidelines on               and in respect of whom the Company has received a
      private placement of Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs),              Notice in writing from a Member pursuant to Section 160
      for cash either at par, premium or discount (only in case of         of the Companies Act, 2013 proposing his candidature
      re-issuance) to the face value, upto an aggregate amount             for the office of Director, be and is hereby appointed as
      not exceeding ` 43,000/- crore (Rupees Forty Three                   Managing Director & CEO of the Company for a period of 5
      Thousand crore only) under one or more shelf disclosure              years with effect from 1st February 2021 not liable to retire


     by rotation under the provisions of Articles of Association              modification, variation or re-enactment thereof ; applicable
     of the Company.”                                                         provisions of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 and on the
                                                                              basis of due diligence carried out by the Nomination and
     	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT pursuant to the provisions                      Remuneration Committee (NRC) in terms of ‘Fit and Proper’
       of Sections 2(78), 2(94), 196, 197, 203 and other                      criteria adopted by the Board on 10th March, 2017 pursuant
     applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013,               NHB notification No.NHB.HFC.CG-DIR.1/MD&CEO/2016
       the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of                         dated 9th February, 2017 and reviewed from time to time,
       Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014 and any other Rules                  has been considered to be suitable and eligible based
       framed thereunder read with Schedule V to the Companies                on such evaluation, qualification, expertise, track record,
       Act, 2013 including any amendment, modification,                       integrity and ‘fit and proper’ criteria and his appointment
     variation or re-enactment thereof,the Articles 138, 161 and              recommended by the Nomination & Remuneration
       194(c) of Articles of Association of the Companyand the                Committee, Shri Akshay Kumar Rout (DIN- 08858134)
       ‘Fit and Proper’ criteria for Directors of Housing Finance             who has been appointed as an Additional Director in the
       Companies in terms of Notification No.NHB.HFC.CG-DIR.1/                category of Non-Executive Non-Independent Director of
     MD&CEO/2016 dated 9th February, 2017, the approval of                    the Company by the Board of Directors with effect from
       the Members of the Company be and is hereby accorded                   28th September, 2020 and who holds office upto the date
       to appoint Shri Yerur Viswanatha Gowd (DIN 09048488),                  of this Annual General Meeting, under Section 161 of the
       as Managing Director & CEO of the Company for such                     Companies Act, 2013 and any other applicable provisions,
       period until which he remains deputed in the Company as
                                                                              if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 including any
       a nominee director of LIC of India, subject to a maximum
                                                                              modification or re-enactment thereof, and in respect
       period upto 5 years, from the date of his appointment
                                                                              of whom, the Company has received a Notice in writing
       i.e. 1st February, 2021, on payment of such remuneration
                                                                              from a Member pursuant to Section 160(1) of the
     as decided by the Board of Director of LIC Housing
                                                                              Companies Act, 2013 proposing his candidature for the
       Finance Limited on the recommendation of Nomination
                                                                              office of Director be and is hereby appointed as Non-
       and Remuneration Committee in terms of the pay-scale
                                                                              Executive Non-Independent Director of the Company,
       applicable to his cadre as per the service rules of LIC of
                                                                              liable to retire by rotation.”
       India and the Company, subject to the limit prescribed
     under the Companies Act, 2013 for the aforesaid period.”.
                                                                              “RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)
                                                                              & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to
     	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the terms and conditions of
                                                                              do all such acts, deeds and things and execute all such
       his service shall be determined from time to time as per the
                                                                              documents, instruments and writings, obtain necessary
       service rules of LIC of India and the Board of Director of LIC
                                                                              approvals from shareholders, Government of India and /
       Housing Finance Limited”.
                                                                              or such other Government or other authorities as may be
     “	 RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)                     required under the Companies Act, 2013 or any other law
     & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to                       for the time being in force, as may be necessary to carry
        do all such acts, deeds and things and execute all such               out the aforesaid resolution”.
        documents, instruments and writings, obtain necessary
        approvals from shareholders, Government of India and /                 “RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)
     or such other Government or other authorities as may be                  & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to file
        required under the Companies Act, 2013 or any other law               necessary forms / returns with the Registrar of
        for the time in force, to carry out the aforesaid Resolution”.        Companies/MCA and to make necessary entries in
                                                                              the statutory registers to that effect and also to do all
     	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)                      act(s), deed(s) or thing(s) as may be required in this
     & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to file             8.   To consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without
       necessary forms / returns with the Registrar of Companies/              modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary
       MCA and to make necessary entries in the statutory                      Resolution for appointment of Smt. J Jayanthi (DIN
       registers to that effect and also to do all act(s), deed(s) or          09053493) as an Independent Director of the Company:
       thing(s) as may be required in this regard”.
                                                                              	“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Sections 149,
7.    o consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without
     T                                                                          152, 161 and other applicable provisions of the Companies
     modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary                   Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, including any
     Resolution for appointment of Shri Akshay Kumar                            amendment, modification, variation or re-enactment
     Rout (DIN- 08858134) as Non Independent Director                           thereof read with Schedule IV to the Companies Act,
     (Non-Executive) of the Company:                                            2013, Article 141 of the Articles of Association of the
                                                                                Company, Smt. Jagennath Jayanthi (DIN 09053493),
     	“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Sections 149, 153 and other                   who fulfils the criteria of Independence prescribed under
     applicable provisions, if any of Companies Act, 2013, and                  Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013, SEBI (LODR)
       the Rules made thereunder including any amendment,                       Regulations, 2015 and in terms of ‘Fit and Proper’ criteria

LIC Housing Finance Limited

         adopted by the Board on 10th March, 2017, pursuant to NHB             a Member pursuant to Section 160 of the Companies Act,
         notification No.NHB.HFC.CG-DIR.1/MD&CEO/2016 dated                    2013 proposing his candidature for the office of Director,
         9th February, 2017, whom the Nomination & Remuneration                be and is hereby appointed as Non-Executive Nominee
         Committee (NRC), after having undertaken process of due               Director of the Company liable to retire by rotation under
         diligence, has considered suitable and eligible based on              the provisions of Articles of Association of the Company.”
         evaluation, qualification, expertise, track record, integrity
         and ‘fit and proper’ criteria and has also recommended          	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)
         for appointment, be and is hereby appointed as an                  & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to
         Independent Director of the Company for a period of five           do all such acts, deeds and things and execute all such
         consecutive years, with effect from 5th February, 2021 not         documents, instruments and writings, obtain necessary
         liable to retire by rotation”.                                     approvals from shareholders, Government of India and /
                                                                            or such other Government or other authorities as may be
	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT, General Manager (Taxation)                        required by the Companies Act, 2013 or any other law for
  & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to                        the time being in force, to carry out the aforesaid resolution”
  do all such acts, deeds and things and execute all such
  documents, instruments and writings, obtain necessary                  	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)
  approvals from shareholders, Government of India and /                   & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to file
  or such other Government or other authorities as may be
                                                                           necessary forms / returns with the Registrar of Companies/
  required by the Companies Act, 2013 or any other law for
                                                                           MCA and to make necessary entries in the statutory
  the time being in force, as may be necessary to carry out
                                                                           registers to that effect and also to do all act(s), deed(s) or
  the aforesaid resolution”.
                                                                           thing(s) as may be required in this regard.”
	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)
                                                                         10.    o consider, and if thought fit, to pass, with or without
  & Company Secretary be and is hereby authorised to file
                                                                               modification(s), the following resolution as a Special
  necessary forms / returns with the Registrar of Companies/
                                                                               Resolution for substituting the Clause 11 (a) (III) of the
  MCA and to make necessary entries in the statutory
                                                                               Articles of Association (AoA) the Company pertaining to
  registers to that effect and also to do all act(s), deed(s) or
                                                                               ‘Further issue of Capital’:
  thing(s) as may be required in this regard”.

9.        o consider and, if thought fit, to pass with or without
         T                                                               	“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section
         modification(s), the following resolution as an Ordinary          5, Section 14 and other applicable provisions, if any,
         Resolution for appointment of Shri Raj Kumar                      of the Companies Act, 2013, including any statutory
         (DIN 06627311) as director of the Company:                        modifications or re-enactment thereof for the time being in
                                                                           force and rules made thereunder and subject to such other
	“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to provisions of Sections 149,                   requisite approvals, if any, in this regard from appropriate
  152, 161 and other applicable provisions of the Companies                authorities and terms(s), condition(s), amendment(s),
  Act, 2013 and the Rules made thereunder, other applicable                modification(s), as may be required or suggested by any
  provisions of any other statute(s) for the time being in                 such appropriate authorities and in order to harmonise it
  force ,including any amendment, modification, variation or               with the requirement of the provision(s) of the Companies
  re-enactment thereof and in terms of clause 138 and 143 of               Act, 2013, and rules made thereunder; the Securities
  the Articles of association of the Company, SEBI (LODR)                  and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
  Regulations, 2015 the Nomination and Remuneration                        Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, the Securities
  Committee in terms of ‘Fit and Proper’ criteria adopted by               and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and
  the Board on 10th March, 2017 pursuant NHB notification                  Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018; as amended
  No.NHB.HFC.CG-DIR.1/MD&CEO/2016 dated 9th February,                      from time to time and Bye laws of the stock exchanges
  2017, read with the Annexure-VII of the Non-Banking                      where the equity shares of the Company are listed, the
  Financial Company – Housing Finance Company (Reserve                     existing Clause 11 (a) (III) of the Articles of Association
  Bank) Directions, 2021, and reviewed from time to time                   (AoA) the Company pertaining to ‘Further issue of Capital’
  after having undertaken process of due diligence, has                    of the Company be and is hereby substituted with the
  been considered suitable and eligible based on evaluation,               following clause:
  qualification, expertise, track record, integrity and ‘fit
  and proper’ criteria, Shri Raj Kumar who was appointed                 	New Clause 11 (a) (III) “to any persons, if it is authorised
  as Additional Director by the Board of Directors of the                  by a Special Resolution, whether or not those Persons
  Company with effect from 13th August, 2021 in the capacity               include the Persons referred to in clause (I) or clause
  of Non-Executive Nominee and who as per the provisions of                (II) above, either for cash or for a consideration other
  Section 161(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 holds office upto              than cash, if the price of such shares is determined in
  the date of this Annual General Meeting and in respect of                accordance with all applicable laws and regulations for
  whom the Company has received a Notice in writing from                   the time being in force.”


	“RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)                     (b) Insertion of a new clause as Clause 76 to the revised
  & Company Secretary and / or Chief Financial Officer be                   clause III (B) namely ‘Objects incidental or auxiliary to
  and are hereby severally authorized to take all such steps                 the attainment of the Main Objects’:
  and actions for the purpose of making all such filings
  and registration(s) as may be required in relation to the        		To perform business in all digital forms, including
  aforesaid adoption of new clause 11 (a) (III) of the Articles      digital marketing activities, including revenue
  of Association of the Company and further to do all such           generation out of the same.
  acts and deeds, matters and things as may be deemed
  necessary to give effect to this resolution”.                     RESOLVED FURTHER THAT General Manager (Taxation)
                                                                    & Company Secretary and / or Chief Financial Officer be
11.    o consider, and if thought fit, to pass, with or without
      T                                                             and are hereby severally authorized to take all such steps
      modification(s), the following resolution as a Special        and actions for the purpose of making all such filings
      Resolution for Alteration in Clause III (Objects) of the      and registration(s) as may be required in relation to the
      Memorandum of Association and adoption of new set of          aforesaid adoption of the new set of the Memorandum
      Memorandum of Association of the Company.                     of Association of the Company and further to do all such
                                                                    acts and deeds, matters and things as may be deemed
	“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Sections 4           necessary to give effect to this resolution”.
  and 13 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies
  Act, 2013 read with Companies (Incorporation) Rules,2014
  (including any statutory modification or re-enactment                                       By Order and on behalf of the Board
  thereof for the time being in force) and in order to align it                                                     Nitin K. Jage
  with the requirement of the provisions of the Companies                                          General Manager (Taxation) &
  Act, 2013, approval of the shareholders of the Company,                                                    Company Secretary
  be and is hereby accorded, for carrying out the following        Date: 20th August, 2021
  changes in the Object Clause of the Company as follows:
                                                                   Registered Office:
      (a) A
           doption of Table A of the Memorandum of                Bombay Life Building, 2nd Floor,
          Association, all the Clauses contained in Clause         45/47, Veer Nariman Road,
          III(C) (Other Objects) shall be incorporated in          Mumbai 400 001.
          Clause III (B) (Objects incidental or ancillary to the   CIN : L65922MH1989PLC052257
          attainment of the Main Objects) and the existing         Website:
          Clause III (C) (Other Objects), as contained in the      Phone No.:+91 22 22178611
          Memorandum of Association of the Company, be and         Fax No.: +91 22 22178777
          is hereby deleted; and                                   Email:;

LIC Housing Finance Limited

NOTES:                                                                        compliance with applicable Circulars, shall not be entitled
(1)       In view of the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, and in           to appoint proxies on their behalf.
           compliance with the provisions of the General Circular Nos.
                                                                         (7) T
                                                                              he attendance through VC/OAVM is restricted (by
           14/2020 dated April 8, 2020, 17/2020 dated April 13, 2020,
                                                                             number – maximum 1000; and by time – before 30 minutes
           20/2020 dated May 05, 2020, 22/2020 dated June 15,
                                                                             and 15 minutes after the scheduled time of the meeting)
           2020, 33/2020 dated September 28, 2020 and 39/ 2020
                                                                             and hence members will be allowed on first come first
           dated December 31, 2020 and Circular no. 10/2021 dated
                                                                             serve basis. However, attendance of Members holding
           June 23, 2021 issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
                                                                             more than 2% of the shares of the Company, Institutional
           (referred to as the “MCA Circulars”) and SEBI Circular No.
                                                                             Investors as on Friday, 27th August, 2021 and Directors and
           SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD1/ CIR/P/2020/79 dated May 12, 2020
                                                                             Key Managerial Personnel, the Chairpersons of the Audit
           and SEBI Circular No. SEBI/HO/CFD/CMD2/CIR/P/2021/11
                                                                             Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee,
           dated January 15, 2021 issued by the Securities and
                                                                             the Stakeholders Relationship Committee and Auditors
           Exchange Board of India (“SEBI”) (referred to as the
                                                                             will not be restricted on first come first serve basis.
           “SEBI Circular”) (collectively referred as the “Applicable
           Circulars”) the Company is holding the meeting via video
                                                                         (8) P
                                                                              ursuant to the provisions of Section 113 of the Companies
           conference (“Electronic Means”) through InstaMeet VC/
                                                                             Act, Institutional / Corporate members intending for their
           OAVM Meeting platform.
                                                                             authorized representatives to attend the meeting are
                                                                             requested to send to the Company, on enotices@linkintime.
(2) In compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act,
                                                                   , with a copy marked to
     2013, as amended (“Companies Act”), the Securities
                                                                             from their registered Email ID, a scanned copy (PDF /
     and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
                                                                             JPG format) of certified copy of the Board Resolution /
     Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended
                                                                             Authority Letter authorizing their representative to attend
     (“Listing Regulations”) and the Applicable Circulars, the
                                                                             and vote on their behalf at the meeting.
     AGM of the Company is being held through Electronic
     Means. In accordance with the Secretarial Standard-2                (9) M
                                                                              embers attending the Meeting through VC/OAVM will
     on General Meetings issued by the Institute of Company                  be counted for the purpose of reckoning of Quorum under
     Secretaries of India (“ICSI”) read with Clarification /                 Section 103 of the Companies Act, 2013.
     Guidance on applicability of Secretarial Standards - 1 and
     2 dated April 15, 2020 issued by the ICSI, the proceedings          (10)	In line with the MCA Circulars and the SEBI Circular, the
     of the AGM shall be deemed to be conducted at the                         Notice calling the Annual General Meeting has been
     Registered Office of the Company which shall be the                       uploaded on the website of the Company at www.lichousing.
     deemed venue of the Annual General Meeting.                               com. The Notice can also be accessed from the websites of
                                                                               the Stock Exchanges i.e. BSE Limited and National Stock
(3) S
     ince this Annual General Meeting will be held through                    Exchange of India Limited at and
    VC/OAVM the physical attendance of members is                     respectively and is also available on the
    dispensed with and no proxies would be accepted by                         website of Link Intime
    the Company pursuant to the relevant MCA Circular.
    However, the Bodies Corporate are entitled to appoint                (11) M
                                                                               embers who are shareholders as on Friday, 27th August,
    authorised representatives to attend the Annual General                   2021 can join the Annual General Meeting 30 minutes
    Meeting through VC/OAVM and participate there at and                      before the commencement of the AGM i.e., at 3.00 P.M
    cast votes through e-voting (venue voting).                               and 15 minutes after the scheduled time of the meeting by
                                                                              following the procedure mentioned in this Notice.
(4) N
     o attendance slip/route map has been sent along with
    this Notice of the Meeting as the meeting will be held               (12) In accordance with the provisions of Section 101 of the
    through VC/OAVM means.                                                    Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 18 of the Companies
                                                                               (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, the Notice
(5) T
     he AGM Notice is being sent, through electronic mode in                  of the Company is being sent by e-mail to those Members
    pursuance to the Applicable Circulars to all the Members                   who have registered their e-mail address with the Company
    whose name appears in the Register of Members as on                        or with their Depository Participant (DP) in respect of
    27th August, 2021.                                                         shares held in electronic form and made available to the
                                                                               Company by the Depositories. Considering the difficulties
(6) P
     ursuant to the provisions of Section 105 of the Companies                caused due to the Covid-19 pandemic, MCA and SEBI have
    Act, a Member entitled to attend and vote at the Annual                   dispensed with the requirement of printing and sending
    General Meeting is permitted to appoint a Proxy to attend                 physical copies of the Annual Report and the Notice of
    and vote on his / her behalf and the Proxy need not be                    this Meeting and the Annual Reports have been sent via
    a Member of the Company. However, since this General                      email to all those members who have registered their
    Meeting is going to be held through VC / OAVM, Member(s)                  email ids with the Company or the Registrar and Transfer
    attending the Annual General Meeting electronically in                    Agent or the Depositories or the Depository Participants


     as on Friday, 27th August, 2021. As per the provisions of                  (i)     indly log in to the website of the RTA, namely,
     Section 101 (4) of the Companies Act, 2013, any accidental                        Link Intime India Private Ltd., www.linkintime.
     omission to give notice to, or the non-receipt of such notice           , under Investor Services > Email/Bank
     by, any member or other person who is entitled to such                            detail Registration - fill in the details and upload
     notice for any meeting shall not invalidate the proceedings                       the required documents and submit. OR
     of the meeting.
                                                                                (ii)   In the case of Shares held in Demat mode:
(13) T
      he Explanatory Statement as required under Section                               The shareholder may please contact the
     102(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, in respect of Item                              Depository Participant (“DP”) and register the
     Nos. 3 to 11 of the Notice convening the Meeting is                                email address and bank account details in the
     annexed hereto.                                                                    demat account as per the process followed and
                                                                                        advised by the DP.
(14) P
      ursuant to the provisions of Section 91 of the Companies
     Act, 2013, the Register of Members and Share Transfer                      (iii) A
                                                                                       lternatively, Members may send an e-mail
     Books of the Company will remain closed from Sunday,                             request to the email id: enotices@linkintime.
     19th September, 2021 to Monday, 27th September, 2021                    along with scanned copy of the signed
     (both days inclusive) for the purpose of payment of                              request letter providing the email address,
     dividend.                                                                        mobile number, self-attested PAN copy and
                                                                                      Client Master copy in case of electronic folio
(15) T
      he dividend on equity shares, if declared at the meeting,                      and copy of share certificate in the case of
     will be paid on or after 4th October, 2021 but within 30 days                    physical holding.
     from the date of declaration:
                                                                      (18) D
                                                                            ividend if approved by the Members at AGM will be
     a.   t o those members holding shares in physical form,              directly credited to the bank accounts of the shareholders
           whose names would appear on the Register of                     as on the Book Closure Date i.e Saturday, 18th September,
           Members of the Company, at the close of business                2021 for shares held in demat form and Monday,
           hours on Monday, 27th September, 2021 after                     27th September, 2021 for shares held in physical form, as
          giving effect to all valid transfers in physical form            per the details available with the Company within the
           lodged with the Company on or before Saturday,                  prescribed timelines. In case of shareholders who have
           18th September, 2021 and                                        not registered their bank details with the Company/
                                                                           RTA, dividend warrants/demand drafts will be sent to
     b.   in respect of the shares held in electronic form, on the        them in due course of time and upon normalization of
          basis of the details furnished by National Securities            postal services.
          Depository Ltd. (NSDL) and Central Depository
          Services (India) Ltd. (CDSL) at the close of business       (19) In accordance with the provisions of the Regulation 36(3)
          hours on Saturday, 18th September, 2021.                          of Securities Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
                                                                           and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and
(16) In case of joint holders attending the Meeting, only such            Secretarial Standard on General Meetings (SS-2), a brief
      joint holder who is higher in the order of names will be             resume of the Directors proposed to be appointed/
     entitled to vote.                                                     re-appointed, nature of their expertise in specific
                                                                           functional areas, disclosure of relationship between
(17)	Members who have not registered their E-mail                         directors inter-se, names of listed companies in which they
      address so far, are requested to register their                      hold the directorship and membership / chairmanship of
      e-mail for receiving all communication including                     committees of directors, shareholding of non-executive
      Annual Report, Notices etc. from the company                         directors are set out in this Notice.
      electronically. Members can do this by updating
      their email addresses with their depository
                                                                      (20) T
                                                                            he Annual Report for F.Y. 2020-21 of the Company
                                                                           (being circulated to the Members of the Company
     Registration of email ID and Bank Account details:                    electronically), is also available on the Company’s website
     (a) In case, the shareholder’s email ID is already registered        at and on the website of the
         with the Company/its Registrar & Share Transfer                   respective Stock Exchanges at and
         Agent / Depositories, log in details for e-voting are   
         being sent on the registered email address.
                                                                      (21) In terms of the provisions of Section 107 of the Companies
     (b)	In case the shareholder has not registered his/her/               Act, 2013, since the voting on resolutions as set out in
          their email address with the Company/its RTA/                     this Notice, are being conducted through e-voting, the
          Depositories and or not updated the Bank Account                  said resolutions will not be decided on a show of hands
          mandate, the following instructions to be followed:               at the Meeting.

LIC Housing Finance Limited

(22) C
      orporate Members intending to nominate their authorised      constituted by the Central Government. The Company had
     representatives to attend the Meeting are requested            accordingly transferred on due date unclaimed dividend of
     to send to the Company, a certified copy of the Board          ` 1.07 Crore for the F.Y. 2012-13 to Investor Education and
     resolution authorising their representative to attend and      Protection Fund (IEPF).
     vote on their behalf at the Meeting to enotices@linkintime. with the subject line “Corporate Nomination for AGM”.     eminders are being sent to those Members having
                                                                    unclaimed dividends before transfer of such dividend to
(23) M
      embers holding shares in electronic form may please note     IEPF. Details of the unclaimed dividend are also uploaded,
     that dividend in respect of the shares held by them will be    on the website of the Company i.e.
     credited to their bank account as per the details furnished    and the same was also filed with MCA.
     by the respective Depositories to the Company as per the
     applicable regulations of the Depositories. The Company         embers are requested to claim their unclaimed dividend,
     will not be in a position to entertain any request received    if any, and for the purpose may correspond with the
     from such members directly for change / addition /             Company Secretary or the Registrar and Share Transfer
     deletion in their bank details. Further, instructions, if      Agent (RTA). Information in respect of unclaimed dividend
     any, already given by Members in respect of shares held        for the F.Y. 2013-14 which is due for transfer to the IEPF
     in physical form will not be automatically applicable to       is given below:
     the dividend payable on shares held in electronic form.
     Members may therefore give instructions regarding                Financial Year         Date of               Due for
     change in bank accounts in which they wish to receive                ended             Declaration            Transfer
     dividend, to their DP directly.
                                                                          2013-14            19/08/2014          29/09/2021
(24) T
      he Company proposes the payment of dividend, if
     declared, through National Electronic Fund Transfer             embers who have not yet encashed the dividend
     (NEFT), National Electronic Clearing Services (NECS) or by     warrants for any of the financial years from 2014-15 to
     way of dispatch of physical dividend warrants with bank        2019-20 are once again requested to make their claims
     details (if furnished by the Members). Members holding         immediately to the Company or the Company’s Registrar
     shares in physical mode are advised to immediately submit      and Transfer Agent - Link Intime India Private Ltd., for
     the NEFT / Bank Details alongwith IFSC to the Company’s        issuance of duplicate / revalidated dividend warrant/s.
     Registrar and Transfer Agent – Link Intime India Private
     Ltd., or notify the changes, if any, to    embers may also note that as per the provisions of
     Link Intime India Private Ltd., while Members holding the      Section 124 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with the
     shares in dematerialization mode are advised to submit the     Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority
     bank details alongwith IFSC or notify the changes, if any,     (Accounting, Audit, Transfer & Refund) Rules 2016, (“IEPF
     in their bank details to their respective DP. NECS mandate     Rules”) the shares in respect of which the dividend has
     form can be obtained on request from the R&T Agent to          not been claimed for seven consecutive years shall be
     enable the shareholders to update their address & bank         transferred by the Company to the designated Demat
     particulars and ensure timely & faster credit of dividend to   Account of the IEPF Authority. Pursuant to the provisions
     their bank account.                                            of Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the
                                                                    rules made thereunder, the Company has transferred in
(25) A
      s per the provisions of Section 72 of the Companies          aggregate 1,62,502 Equity Shares of face value of ` 2/-
     Act, 2013, the facility for making nomination is available     each to designated Demat Account of IEPF Authority in
     to the Members in respect of the shares held by them.          respect of which the dividend remained unclaimed for
     Nomination forms can be obtained from the Company’s            a period of seven consecutive years i.e. from 2012-13 till
     RTA on                              the due date of 4th September, 2020 after following the
                                                                    prescribed procedure.
(26) M
      embers holding shares in the same set of names
     under different ledger folios are requested to apply for       Further, all the shareholders, who have not claimed /
     consolidation of such folios along with relevant share         encashed their dividends in the last seven consecutive
     certificates to the Company’s Registrar and Transfer Agent.    years starting from F.Y. 2013-14, are requested to claim
                                                                    the same by 29th September, 2021. In case valid claim is
(27) P
      ursuant to the provisions of Sections 124 and 125 of the      not received by that date, the Company shall proceed to
     Companies Act, 2013, Rules made thereunder and Investor        transfer the respective shares to the IEPF account as per
     Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting,            the provisions of IEPF Rules. The Company shall however
     Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 read with the           also inform the concerned shareholders individually and
     relevant circulars and amendments thereto, the amount           shall also publish the notice in this respect in the newspaper
     of dividend remaining unpaid or unclaimed for a period of       pursuant to the provisions of IEPF Rules. The details of
     seven years from the due date is required to be transferred    such shareholders and equity shares transferred to IEPF
     to the Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) as        will also be uploaded on the website of the Company.


(28) T
      he Members desiring any information as regards to                 and the business may be transacted through e-voting
     accounts are requested to write to the Company at an                services. The facility of casting the votes by the Members
     early date, so as to enable the Company to keep the                 using an electronic voting system from a place other than
     information ready.                                                  venue of the AGM (“remote e-voting”) will be provided by
                                                                         Link Intime India Private Limited [hereinafter
(29) S
      ecurities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has                  referred to as the ‘Registrar & Share Transfer Agent
     mandated the submission of Permanent Account                        (“RTA”)]. The remote-e-voting period commences on
     Number (PAN) by every participant in securities market.             24th September, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. (IST) and ends on
     Members holding shares in electronic form are, therefore,           26th September, 2021 at 05:00 p.m. (IST). During this period,
     requested to submit their PAN to their Depository                   Members of the Company holding shares either in physical
     Participants with whom they are maintaining their demat             form or in dematerialized form as on 21st September, 2021
     account. Members holding shares in physical form shall              (hereinafter called as “Cut-off Date”), may cast their vote
     submit their PAN details to the Company or to the Registrar         electronically.
     and Share Transfer Agent - Link Intime India Private Ltd.
     SEBI has also mandated that for registration of transfer of         The E-voting module shall be forthwith blocked by Link
     securities, the transferor(s) and transferee(s) shall furnish       Intime for voting thereafter. Once the vote on resolution
     a copy of their PAN card to the Company for registration            is casted by the Member, he shall not be allowed to
     of transfer of securities.                                          change it subsequently as well as a person who is not a
                                                                         member as on the Cut-off date should treat this Notice for
(30) Instructions for e-voting and joining the Annual General           information purpose only.
     Meeting are as follows:
                                                                         E-Voting procedure/Instructions:
A.   Voting Through Electronic Means                                      ursuant to SEBI circular dated December 9, 2020 on
      ursuant to provisions of Section 108 of the Companies
     P                                                                   e-Voting facility provided by Listed Companies, individual
     Act, 2013 and Rule 20 of the Companies (Management and              shareholders holding securities in demat mode can vote
     administration) Rules, 2014, as amended by the Companies            through their demat account maintained with Depositories
     (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules,                    and Depository Participants only post 9th June, 2021.
     2015 and Regulation 44 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and
     Disclosures Requirements), 2015 (“Listing Regulations”),             hareholders are advised to update their mobile
     the Company is pleased to provide Members, the facility             number and email Id in their demat accounts to access
     to exercise their vote at the AGM by electronic means               e-Voting facility.

Type of shareholders         Login Method
Individual Shareholders      •	 If you are already registered for NSDL IDeAS facility, please visit the e-Services website of NSDL.
holding securities in            Open web browser by typing the following URL: either on a Personal
demat mode with NSDL             Computer or on a mobile. Once the home page of e-Services is launched, click on the “Beneficial
                                 Owner” icon under “Login” which is available under ‘IDeAS’ section. A new screen will open. You
                                 will have to enter your User ID and Password.
                               After successful authentication, you will be able to see e-Voting services. Click on “Access to
                               e-Voting” under e-Voting services and you will be able to see e-Voting page. Click on company
                               name or e-Voting service provider name and you will be re-directed to e-Voting service provider
                               website for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting &
                               voting during the meeting.
                               If the user is not registered for IDeAS e-Services, option to register is available at
                      Select “Register Online for IDeAS” Portal or click at https://eservices.
                               Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following URL:
                      either on a Personal Computer or on a mobile. Once the
                               home page of e-Voting system is launched, click on the icon “Login” which is available under
                               ‘Shareholder/Member’ section. A new screen will open. You will have to enter your User ID (i.e.
                               your sixteen digit demat account number hold with NSDL), Password/OTP and a Verification
                               Code as shown on the screen. After successful authentication, you will be redirected to NSDL
                               Depository site wherein you can see e-Voting page. Click on company name or e-Voting service
                               provider name and you will be redirected to e-Voting service provider website for casting your
                               vote during the remote e-Voting period or joining virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.

LIC Housing Finance Limited

Type of shareholders      Login Method
Individual Shareholders   •	 Existing user of who have opted for EASI/ EASIEST, they can login through their user id
holding securities in         and password. Option will be made available to reach e-Voting page without any further
demat mode with CDSL          authentication. The URL for users to login to EASI / EASIEST are
                              myeasi/home/login or and click on New System Myeasi.
                            After successful login of Easi / Easiest the user will also be able to see the E Voting Menu. The
                            Menu will have links of e-Voting service provider i.e. NSDL, KARVY, LINKINTIME, CDSL. Click on
                            e-Voting service provider name to cast your vote.
                            If the user is not registered for EASI / EASIEST, option to register is available at https://web.
                            Alternatively, the user can directly access e-Voting page by providing DEMAT Account Number
                            and PAN No. from a link in home page. The system will authenticate the
                            user by sending OTP on registered Mobile & Email as recorded in the DEMAT Account. After
                            successful authentication, user will be provided links for the respective ESP where the E Voting is
                            in progress.
Individual Shareholders   •	
                            You can also login using the login credentials of your demat account through your Depository
(holding securities in      Participant registered with NSDL/CDSL for e-Voting facility.
demat mode) & login
                           Once login, you will be able to see e-Voting option. Once you click on e-Voting option, you will
through their depository
                           be redirected to NSDL/CDSL Depository site after successful authentication, wherein you can
                           see e-Voting feature. Click on company name or e-Voting service provider name and you will be
                           redirected to e-Voting service provider website for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting
                           period or joining virtual meeting & voting during the meeting.
Individual Shareholders 1. Open the internet browser and launch the URL:
holding securities in
                           Click on “Sign Up” under ‘SHARE HOLDER’ tab and register with your following details: -
Physical mode & evoting
service Provider is        A.	User ID: Shareholders/ Members holding shares in physical form shall provide Event No +
LINKINTIME.                     Folio Number registered with the Company.
                               B.	PAN: Enter your 10-digit Permanent Account Number (PAN) (Members who have not
                                    updated their PAN with the Depository Participant (DP)/ Company shall use the sequence
                                    number provided to you, if applicable.
                               C.	DOB/DOI: Enter the Date of Birth (DOB) / Date of Incorporation (DOI) (As recorded with
                                   your DP / Company - in DD/MM/YYYY format)
                               D.	Bank Account Number: Enter your Bank Account Number (last four digits), as recorded with
                                   your DP/Company.
                                 Shareholders/ Members holding shares in physical form but have not recorded ‘C’ and ‘D’,
                                 shall provide their Folio number in ‘D’ above
                            Set the password of your choice (The password should contain minimum 8 characters, at least
                            one special Character (@!#$&*), at least one numeral, at least one alphabet and at least one
                            capital letter).
                            Click “confirm” (Your password is now generated).
                          2.   Click on ‘Login’ under ‘SHARE HOLDER’ tab.
                          3.   Enter your User ID, Password and Image Verification (CAPTCHA) Code and click on ‘Submit’.
                          4.   After successful login, you will be able to see the notification for e-voting. Select ‘View’ icon.
                          5.   E-voting page will appear.
                          6.   Refer the Resolution description and cast your vote by selecting your desired option ‘Favour /
                               Against’ (If you wish to view the entire Resolution details, click on the ‘View Resolution’ file link).
                          7.    fter selecting the desired option i.e. Favour / Against, click on ‘Submit’. A confirmation box will
                               be displayed. If you wish to confirm your vote, click on ‘Yes’, else to change your vote, click on
                               ‘No’ and accordingly modify your vote.


    Institutional shareholders:                                   	Helpdesk for Individual Shareholders holding securities
 Institutional shareholders (i.e. other than Individuals,           in demat mode:
 HUF, NRI etc.) and Custodians are required to log                  In case Shareholders/ Members holding securities in
 on the e-voting system of LIIPL at https://instavote.               demat mode have any technical issues related to login and register themselves as ‘Custodian/            through Depository i.e. NSDL/ CDSL, they may contact the
 Mutual Fund / Corporate Body’. They are also required               respective helpdesk given below:
 to upload a scanned certified true copy of the board
                                                                       Login type           Helpdesk details
 resolution /authority letter/power of attorney etc.
                                                                       Individual           Members facing any technical issue
 together with attested specimen signature of the duly
                                                                       Shareholders         in login can contact NSDL helpdesk
 authorised representative(s) in PDF format in the
                                                                       holding securities   by sending a request at evoting@
 ‘Custodian/ Mutual Fund / Corporate Body’ login for the
                                                                       in demat mode or call at toll free no.: 1800
 Scrutinizer to verify the same.                                       with NSDL            1020 990 and 1800 22 44 30
                                                                       Individual           Members facing any technical issue
	Individual Shareholders holding securities in Physical
                                                                       Shareholders         in login can contact CDSL helpdesk
  mode &e-voting service Provider is LINKINTIME, have
  forgotten the password:                                              holding securities   by sending a request at helpdesk.
  •	  Click on ‘Login’ under ‘SHARE HOLDER’ tab and                   in demat mode or contact at
                                                                       with CDSL            022-23058738 or 022-23058542-43.
       further Click ‘forgot password?’
                                                                  	Helpdesk for Individual Shareholders holding securities
    •	Enter User ID, select Mode and Enter Image
                                                                    in physical mode/ Institutional shareholders &e-voting
       Verification (CAPTCHA) Code and Click on ‘Submit’.           service Provider is LINKINTIME.
                                                                    In case shareholders/ members holding securities in
    •    In case shareholders/ members is having valid email
                                                                     physical mode/ Institutional shareholders have any queries
         address, Password will be sent to his / her registered
                                                                     regarding e-voting, they may refer the Frequently Asked
         e-mail address.
                                                                     Questions (‘FAQs’) and InstaVote e-Voting manual
                                                                     available at, under Help
    •    Shareholders/ members can set the password of
                                                                     section or send an email to or
         his/her choice by providing the information about
                                                                     contact on: - Tel: 022 –4918 6000.
         the particulars of the Security Question and Answer,
         PAN, DOB/DOI, Bank Account Number (last four
                                                                  B.	Instructions for Members to Attend the Annual
         digits) etc. as mentioned above.                             General Meeting Through Instameet:
                                                                       Instructions for Members to attend the Extraordinary
    •     he password should contain minimum 8 characters,
                                                                        General      Meeting   through    InstaMeet    (VC/
         at least one special character (@!#$&*), at least
                                                                        OAVM) are as under:
         one numeral, at least one alphabet and at least one
         capital letter.
                                                                       1)    embers are entitled to attend the AGM through
	Individual Shareholders holding securities in demat                       VC/OAVM provided by Link Intime by following the
  mode with NSDL/ CDSL have forgotten the password:                         below mentioned process. Facility for joining the
  •    Shareholders/ members who are unable to retrieve                    Annual General Meeting through VC/OAVM shall
       User ID/ Password are advised to use Forget                          open 30 minutes before the time scheduled for the
        User ID and Forget Password option available                        AGM Meeting and 15 minutes after the scheduled
        at    abovementioned    depository/     depository                  time of the meeting, will be available to the Members
        participants website.                                               on first come first serve basis.

		>           It is strongly recommended not to share your            2)    embers are requested to participate on first
              password with any other person and take                       come first serve basis as participation through VC/
              utmost care to keep your password confidential.               OAVM is limited and will be closed on expiry of 15
                                                                            (fifteen) minutes from the scheduled time of the
		>           For Shareholders/ Members holding shares                     AGM Meeting. Members with >2% shareholding,
              in physical form, the details can be used                     Promoters, Institutional Investors, Directors, KMPs,
              only for voting on the resolutions contained                  Chair Persons of Audit Committee, Nomination and
               in this Notice.                                              Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship
                                                                            Committee and Auditors etc. may be allowed to the
    During the voting period, Shareholders/                                 meeting without restrictions of first come-first serve
    Members can login any number of time till                               basis. Members can log in and join 30 minutes prior
    they have voted on the resolution(s) for a                              to the schedule time of the meeting and window for
    particular “Event”.                                                     joining shall be kept open till the expiry of 15 (fifteen)

LIC Housing Finance Limited

            minutes after the schedule time. Participation is    The same will be replied by the
            restricted upto 1000 members only.                            Company suitably.

       3)    embers will be provided with InstaMeet facility
            M                                                              ote: Those members who have registered themselves
            wherein Member shall register their details and               as a speaker will only be allowed to express their views/
            attend the Annual General Meeting as under:                   ask questions during the meeting. The Company reserves
                                                                          the right to restrict the number of speakers depending on
               Open the internet browser and launch the
                                                                          the availability of time for the Annual General Meeting.
               URL for InstaMeet and register with your
                                                                          Members should allow to use camera and are required to use
               following details:
                                                                          Internet with a good speed (preferably 2 MBPS download
                  a.    P ID / Client ID or Beneficiary ID or Folio
                       D                                                  stream) to avoid any disturbance during the meeting.
                       No.: Enter your 16 digit DP ID / Client ID or
                       Beneficiary ID or Folio Number registered       D.	Instructions for Members to Vote During the
                       with the Company                                    Annual General Meeting Through Instameet:
                                                                           nce the electronic voting is activated during the meeting,
                  b.    AN: Enter your 10 digit Permanent
                                                                          Members who have not exercised their vote through the
                       Account Number (PAN)
                                                                          remote e-voting can cast the vote as under:
			c.                  Mobile No.
                                                                          1.   On the Shareholders VC page, click on the link for
                  d.   Email ID
                                                                               e-Voting “Cast your vote”.

            ii.   Click “Go to Meeting”
                                                                          2.    nter DEMAT Account No. / Folio No. and OTP
                                                                               (received on the registered mobile number/ registered
                                                                               email Id) received during registration for InstaMeet
       Members are encouraged to join the Meeting through
                                                                               and click on ‘Submit’.
       Tablets/ Laptops connected through broadband for
       better experience.
                                                                          3.    fter successful login, you will see “Resolution
                                                                               Description” and against the same the option
        embers are required to use Internet with a good speed
                                                                               “Favour/ Against” for voting.
       (preferably 2 MBPS download stream) to avoid any
       disturbance during the meeting.                                    4.    ast your vote by selecting appropriate option i.e.
                                                                               “Favour/Against” as desired. Enter the number of
        lease note that Members connecting from Mobile
                                                                               shares (which represents no. of votes) as on the
       Devices or Tablets or through Laptops connecting via
                                                                               cut-off date under “Favour/Against’.
       Mobile Hotspot may experience Audio/Visual loss due to
       fluctuation in their network. It is therefore recommended          5.    fter selecting the appropriate option i.e. Favour/
       to use stable Wi-Fi or LAN connection to mitigate any kind              Against as desired and you have decided to vote, click
       of aforesaid glitches.                                                  on “Save”. A confirmation box will be displayed. If you
                                                                               wish to confirm your vote, click on “Confirm”, else to
       In case the Members have any queries or issues regarding               change your vote, click on “Back” and accordingly
        e-voting, they can write an email to instameet@linkintime.             modify your vote. or Call on: - Tel : 011 – 49411000 InstaMeet Support
        Desk, Link Intime India Private Limited                           6.    nce you confirm your vote on the resolution, you
                                                                               will not be allowed to modify or change your vote
C.	Instructions for Members to Register Themselves                            subsequently. Note: Members, who will be present
    as Speakers During Annual General Meeting:                                 in the AGM Meeting through InstaMeet facility and
       Members who would like to express their views/ask                      have not cast their vote on the Resolutions through
       questions during the meeting may register themselves                    remote e-Voting and are otherwise not barred from
       as a speaker by sending their request mentioning their                  doing so, shall be eligible to vote through e-Voting
       name, demat account number/folio number, email                          facility during the meeting. Members who have
       id, mobile number at from                     voted through Remote e-Voting prior to the Annual
       23rd September, 2021,10.00 A.M to 26th September, 2021,                 General Meeting will be eligible to attend/participate
       4.00 p.m. The caption/subject of the email may please be                in the Annual General Meeting through InstaMeet.
       mentioned as “Speaker for AGM__”.                     However, they will not be eligible to vote again
       The Company reserves the right to restrict the number                   during the meeting. In case the Members have any
       of speakers depending on the availability of time for the               queries or issues regarding e-voting, you can write
       AGM. Members, who would like to ask questions, may send                 an email to or call on: -
       their questions in advance mentioning their name, DEMAT                 Tel : 022 – 22178600/ 22178700 InstaMeet Support
       account number/folio number, email id, mobile number at                 Desk, Link Intime India Private Limited. All other

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