The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing

Page created by Josephine Ellis
The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
The Lighthouse
                Queen’s Landing Community News • March 2018

                Notes from the
                Editor                            PRESIDENT’S CORNER
We hope everyone already knows that the
Queen’s Landing Newsletter is one of the       The financial position of the QLCUO continues to
official modes of communicating Queen’s        be strong. The 2016 Audit is complete and shows
Landing business, social and general           the consolidated financial position of 12/31/2016.
information pertaining to all residents        The operating accounts and restoration accounts are
of QL. In recent years, the goal of the        consolidated to show the complete financial condition of
Committee has been to not only improve         the Association.
the presentation of the Newsletter, but        There are only five buildings remaining in our restoration
to increase its significance to all of us as   project, and all of them are scheduled to be completed
residents of Maryland and Queen Anne’s         in 2018. We will finish the restoration three months earlier
County. As a committee, we always strive       than originally scheduled. Extensive testing and inspection
to find that delicate balance between the      indicates that we should complete the last five buildings
serious and light-hearted nature of articles   at an average cost of $300K for a final cost of $1,500,000.
that are helpful as well as factual.           This represents an overrun of about 5%. While building
                                               costs were higher generally than anticipated, actual
The Queen’s Landing website, which has         delinquencies have been much lower than the projected
undergone a very significant upgrade           8%, providing the cash necessary to complete the work
this year, is another update to a very         at close to the original budget. With approximately $1.5
important representation of QL at its best.    million of work to go, we will probably dip into our reserves
The Newsletter, Website and Community          by about another $100K to complete the work. We still
Relations Committee takes great pride in       have about $1,400,000 in reserves and special assessments
the quality of the newly designed website      to collect between now and March of 2019. At that point,
and sincerely hopes you will be proud          we should still have more than $1,000,000 in operating
of it as well. We worked hard to make it       cash, special assessment cash and reserves.
relevant to today’s audience both inside                                                  — Bruce Mulford
and outside of the QL Community. If you
have not yet done so, we hope you will take
a few minutes to view the new website,
which is now accessible over various
platforms including mobile phones.
So, let’s see then. Our community has a
new community website, a business-only
portal where documentation and meeting
minutes are available to all 24/7, Weekly
Round-Ups and routine email blasts                     Show your pride in our community by
from Management, regular Board and                    casting your vote for Queen's Landing
Committee meetings AND an FAQ page                 as the Best “Apartment/Condo Community"
for direct access to the President for Q&A.         in the Shore Update’s “Best of ...” Contest.
Kudos Queen’s Landing!
                                                               CLICK HERE TO VOTE!
                              —Patti Darling
                                                         Vote for QL in section #18 of survey!
The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
                       In recent weeks, as           the rest of the community for your patience
                       many already know,            while I dealt with the urgent issues of getting
                       we had several units          those owners/residents put back together.
                       that experienced water        While I’m on the subject of expressing my
                       damage due to a variety       thanks, I can’t say enough how much I have
                       of reasons. Aside             appreciated all who have made the effort to
                       from the distressing          schedule appointments with me rather than
effect on a personal level for those involved,       just popping in hoping to get a minute of
these types of events create a mountain of           my time. This has allowed me to be able to
follow-up work involving cleanup, insurance          focus on their issue or problem as opposed
adjusters, contracting for repairs and much          to trying to address their concerns as I’m in
more. As your Manager I do my best to                the middle of a meeting or running out the
get all of this done as quickly as is possible       door to a location on the property to deal
which is sometimes at the expense of other           with an emergency or meet a contractor. I
pending issues. Issues that of course do not         am hopeful that trend will continue so that I
just go away when emergencies occur so I             can ensure I am able to give each owner and
would like to say thank you for your patience        resident the time they deserve to deal with
to those owners/residents directly affected          their concern.
by water damage as this process does take            Happy Spring Queen’s Landing!
a good amount of time to coordinate and
effectively complete. Also, a thank you to                      —Tammy Eaton, Property Manager

The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
A Walk on the Quiet Side
Pickering Creek Audubon Center
By Jill Mulford
Pickering Creek Audubon Center, located in                  environment.
Easton, is truly a peaceful refuge for anyone               Recently, a
seeking some solitude to enjoy the sounds of                neighbor has
birds and whispers of the wind. As part of the              donated 10
National and Chesapeake Audubon Society,                    acres and a
you will experience trails and viewing areas for            three-bedroom home to enhance the Audubon
watching native birds and those flying by on the            Center’s educational opportunities. This will be
Atlantic Flyway. There are four miles of walking            known as Peterson Woods at Pickering Creek.
trails in this 400-acre wildlife sanctuary located on       It is not open yet to the public, but it will house
Pickering Creek, a tributary of the Wye River.              programs starting this coming May.

Visiting their website, you will find numerous              Visit their website for more information and visit in
environmental educational programs for all age              person to experience a relaxing walk on the quiet
groups, toddlers through adults. Click on the               side. The physical address, which you can find on
Events tab to find one that interests you. Each             your GPS is 11450 Audubon Lane, Easton MD.
season of the year has a different focus. When              The office is open Monday through Friday 9 to 5,
we visited, they were scheduling participants in            and trails are open dawn to dusk 7 days a week.
an early evening walk to tag monarch butterflies            Enjoy it on your own!
migrating their way to Mexico. Winter brings
“Beginning Birding Basics” and in Spring, you
can experience “Wetland Wandering.” If you’re
hoping to just lose yourself in thought, you can
walk along the creek and sit on the benches to
immerse yourself in nature alone. Over 200 kinds
of birds have been sighted. My hope was to spot
a bluebird in one of the many bluebird boxes.
Maybe another time.

Pickering Creek Audubon Center was established
through the donation of Heigh Ho Farm in
1981 as a haven for education about the natural

                                                                                     Anita Snyder

                                                                   Realtor ®

The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
HEARTHealth Month
By Carole Lever

Most of us are reminded of Heart Health and              Several other medical conditions and lifestyle
Disease during February Heart Health Month. We           choices can also put people at a higher risk for
must think about our health throughout the year.         heart disease, including:
Eating healthy and exercising only during those          • Diabetes
28 days of February is not enough to protect you         • Overweight and obesity
for the other 337 days.                                  • Poor diet
                                                         • Physical inactivity
• Heart disease is the leading cause of death for
                                                         • Excessive alcohol use
  both men and women.
• About 630,000 Americans die from heart                 For more information:
  disease each year—that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.
• Coronary heart disease is the most common
  type of heart disease, killing about 366,000                      Major Signs and Symptoms of
                                                                   Heart Attack in Women and Men
  people in 2015.
• In the United States, someone has a heart
                                                                            Chest pain or
  attack every 40 seconds. Each minute, more                                 discomfort
  than one person in the United States dies from
  a heart disease-related event.
                                                                           Nausea, feeling
• Heart disease is the leading cause of death                              light-headed or
                                                                           unusually tired
  for people of most racial/ethnic groups in the
  United States, including African Americans,
  Hispanics, and whites. For Asian Americans                              Pain or discomfort
  heart disease is second only to cancer.                                  in the jaw, neck,
                                                                                or back

There are risk factors that WE control: high blood
                                                                          Pain or discomfort
pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and smoking are                             in the arm or
key heart disease risk factors for heart disease.                              shoulder

About half of Americans (49%) have at least one
of these three risk factors.                                             Shortness of breath

The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing

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The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
Transitioning from FROG to
                                                      By Jackie Ball Daley
Let’s just get it out there; first of all I am a                             pool and gym which in combination,
Queen’s Landing homeowner who happens                                        make Queen’s Landing very special. We
to be a real estate investor. That means                                     have easy access to waterside restaurants,
basically I seek places with a good future                                   medical facilities, grocery stores, banking,
and, in my opinion, purchasing in Queen’s                                    community services, spas, friendly marinas,
Landing is a great choice.                                                   the well-traveled Cross Island Trail,
                                                                             Annapolis, DC and the list goes on.
I fell in love with Queen’s Landing back in 2012
while showing homes to a close friend. It is well-                There is no denying that to realize this bright future
documented that buying a home is the single most                  Queen’s Landing has had to overcome obstacles.
expensive investment we make so for my potential                  Two pricey assessments caused apprehension
buyers, the purchase has to make sense both                       among buyers and tarnished the community’s
financially and emotionally. Buyers need to feel a                reputation. Real Estate professionals advised me
sense of ‘home’ at first glance, a home that is a good            to avoid the community due to the first assessment
‘fit’ for their needs. As a real estate investor, I need to       and rumors of the next even larger one. When
love the home and know that stable, reliable rentals              the larger one arrived, prices were driven down
will have a positive cash flow for my community. I                even more and whether we want to admit it or not
seek places with a good future and for me, both                   buyers do look hard at payment and reputation.
personally and professionally, the future for Queen’s             Despite the temporary difficulties the community
Landing appears to be bright.                                     was experiencing I knew the assessments would
                                                                  eventually end resulting in a beautifully-renovated
Queen’s Landing has unique architecture with
                                                                  community. For values to climb a community must
mesmerizing water views, marina sounds, a beautiful
                                                                  be attractive to buyers and with newer developments
                                                                  around us, Queen’s Landing needs to maintain its
                                                                  attraction to buyers. The challenge we face is to keep
                every client is considered a friend               looking forward, maintain our homes while keeping
   all Calls        and friends keep in touch         7 Days      our renovation costs sensible and efficient.
   Returned                                           a Week

                  TURNING                                         Rather than looking at the storms of the past, I prefer
                                                                  to see the very bright future of this wonderful place.

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The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
Neighbor Spotlight: Sharon Barbera
By Jill Mulford
Picture a beautiful fall morning here in Chester.              limited: go without
There’s just a wisp of breeze and the warm, golden             insurance for most
hues of the sun are bold on the water as Sharon                of a year and
looks out and reflects on her dilemma. Will she be             pray that nothing
bold? Will she make a decision that will change                catastrophic
her life but let her sleep at night? She has settled           happens, or figure
happily into her home in Queen’s Landing, close                something else out.
to family after the passing of her husband in New              The first option
York, where they lived for 25 years. Though her                was not on her
preference has always been the mountains, the                  list, and option two was a puzzle. Undeterred, she
magnificent view from her condo drew her here,                 got to work. Having a career in the IT industry in
along with the nearness of family. Many of her                 its infancy, she was used to searching outside the
planned renovations are completed and she feels at             proverbial box. She’s had a varied life and faced all
home. She’s ready to set a different course 6 years            challenges head on with an unwavering quest for
after the love of her life has gone. She is looking to         a positive resolution, so this kind of problem was
travel and has recently been to Germany, which she             not new to her. With a little digging, she found out
loved because of the weather and the mountains.                that she could move to Germany temporarily and
Life is good or at least, getting there. Now she’s             acquire full health insurance right away. Surprising,
found out she has no health insurance and no                   isn’t it? But move to Germany? Who would even
prospect of buying it at any cost. What to do?                 think of that?
Everyone wants adequate health insurance but                   It seemed like a real possibility to Sharon, so she
sometimes people fall through the bureaucratic                 fleshed it out, put a plan in place, locked her
cracks. Sharon was one of them. Her choices were               door, and relocated to Munich until she could
                                                                                           continued on next page

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The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
obtain the coverage here she needed to feel                  When her grandchildren came, they went on a
secure in her future. Sad though she was to                  trip to Rome. Back in Bavaria, they toured the
move from her beautiful home, she had written                Neuschwanstein Castle. They are huge Disney fans
her own prescription for continued good health.              and were thrilled to see for themselves the original
She had even included her love of travel and the             model for Disney’s Cinderella Castle. On her own
mountains. She was determined to make this the               again, Sharon found a trip to Spain, traveling to
best experience possible even though she was                 Barcelona, Toledo, Seville, and Madrid. A highlight
going where she knew nothing and no one. Would               of the tour was a drive across Portugal!
you have found this daunting, intimidating, and
downright scary? Not Sharon! She was on her way.             Even though she had US health insurance by July,
                                                             Sharon was lucky enough to stay until September
Sharon’s relocation expert had found her a fully             and experience Oktoberfest in Germany. Jumping
furnished one-bedroom apartment in downtown                  back to the steins of beer, you can understand
Munich with immediate access to public                       that this was her favorite holiday. Oktoberfest
transportation because she wouldn’t have a car.              recreates the wedding celebration of the first King
When she arrived, she unlocked her new door                  Ludwig and is the largest and most famous event in
and started on a new plan. Though the stay was               Bavaria. If you go, you’ll want to put on your dirndl
temporary, she was there to experience everything            or lederhosen, so you can eat, drink beer, listen
a new country has to offer. Not your stein of beer?          to oompah bands and sing in style with the rest of
Well, it was Sharon’s both literally and figuratively!       Germany.
It would have been easy for her to rely on the fact          The pragmatic side of you is probably wondering
that almost everyone speaks English, but Sharon              how Sharon’s personal health plan worked out. Her
wanted to be independent and live in Germany                 expenses were high, but it was nothing compared
like a native. She wanted to learn about the culture         to having no insurance in the United States. What
and daily life but most of all, she longed to meet           she gained was something she could only have
people. She could accomplish this by immersing               dreamed about. She made lifelong friends, found
herself in the language. She registered at the               a beautiful country she can call her second home,
Goethe Institute for a German Language class. Her            learned a new language, and had a wonderful
commitment was 5 days a week, 4 hours a day, for             adventure. On top of all those positives, she had
3 months-plus homework. Lucky for her, she had               peace of mind and stayed heathy, knowing if
plenty of places to practice her newly learned skills.       something went wrong, she had insurance! She is
German is a difficult language so after all the study,       one lucky girl! As for you, when you see her and
Sharon says she can get by. I’m sure she can do              her dog, Jeter, outside of building 47, stop and
much better than get by.                                     say hi. She’d love to tell you about her trip. Hurry
                                                             though! She’s home for now. Who knows about
When her classes were over, and she was                      next week. She leads a very exciting life!
comfortable with the language, she was ready
to plan visits to the rest of Germany and the                               NEW INSTALLATION • SERVICE & REPAIR
neighboring European countries. Missing Sharon                                     • CUSTOM RENOVATION

and anxious to see Europe, her family arrived and
accompanied her on some of the tours. Berlin, Italy,

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and Spain were short plane flights or train rides
away, so she quickly added several itineraries to the
amazing adventure she had already created.
Italy beckoned first then it was on to the World             NEW INSTALLATION • SERVICE & REPAIR • CUSTOM RENOVATION
War II Battle of Berlin Tour. When her sister who
had been stationed in Germany in the 70s came,                           410-827-4546
they went to Checkpoint Charlie’s, the best place              
                                                                           PO Box 27, Queenstown, MD 21658
for crossing the wall between East and West Berlin.                      MD Master Plumber and Gasfitter #65518
With the wall gone, it’s now a tourist attraction.

The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
It’s Not Too Late To Vaccinate
By Carole Lever
For those of us who have children, or were children, we
know the importance of childhood vaccinations. For
adults, we most frequently hear and read about the “flu”
vaccination and its value, especially this year when the flu
creators were not as lucky with the formula. However, those
who receive the vaccine usually get less sick and recover
quicker even if your flu was a different strain.
The value of adult vaccines is that they can protect your
health. This is especially important for seniors and as well
as those with conditions which compromise your immune
system; such as diabetes, heart disease, lung disease,
alcoholism, etc.

This chart shows most common adult vaccines. Read about
these BEFORE you see your healthcare provider so that you
can make an educated decision about what is best for you.

These sites provide very valuable information and an easy
tool to assist your decision making.

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The Lighthouse - Queen's Landing
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Who are the Pampered Pets of Queens Landing?
                     Email your pictures and some fun facts to
                  If you do not use email, you can drop off the information at the Office.
   Cody is a three-year-old male Maltese who lives on Queen Victoria with his
   “mom Donna and dad Leo”. Cody loves to take walks around the community,
   tends to bark at large dogs but really poses no threat. He loves little children
   and small dogs and especially likes being the center of attention. Although he
   doesn’t play much with doggie toys, he adores his “snuggle puppy” . . . a white
   stuffed puppy that looks a lot like him . . . perhaps he thinks it’s his girlfriend!!!!
   Cody was nominated by a neighbor. Please nominate your pet or any QL pet.
    Remember that rabies vaccine is a Maryland requirement. Consult your vet for other vaccines that can protect your pet.

AAHA Canine Vaccination Guidelines By Donna Landis
                  I thought newsletter readers would be           4. Some vaccines only need boosters every three years.
                  interested in knowing that for the first        5. Protect at-risk dogs annually from certain complex
                  time in six years the American Animal              diseases. Check with your veterinarian on the
                  Hospital Association (AAHA) has come               frequency of specific vaccines required or necessary
                  up with new guidelines. Below is an                based on your dog’s needs.
                  abbreviated, slightly edited version*
                  and mainly addresses dogs only. The             6. Serious vaccine reactions are rare. The risk of
                  entire text of the document can be                 contracting a dangerous disease by not vaccinating
                  accessed at There are many               a dog or cat outweighs the potential for vaccination
other informational resources available there focusing on            side effects.
the care of both cats and dogs.                                   7. It is against Maryland law to administer vaccines to
                                                                     your dog or cat by yourself. (Citation: MD HEALTH
Top 10 things you need to know about                                 GEN§18-318)
AAHA’s Canine Vaccination Guidelines
                                                                  8. AAHA’s Canine Vaccination Guidelines are based on
Vaccination is one of the easiest and most important                 science.
ways to protect your pet’s health. Yet in this age of
“overvaccination” scares and ‘Dr. Google’, some pet               9. Communicate any concerns to your veterinarian. You
owners are hesitant to vaccinate their 4-legged loved                and your veterinary team should have the same goal:
ones even when it’s in their best interest.                          to provide the best possible care for your pets.
                                                                  10. Remember to obtain a copy of the medical record to
Get a rabies vaccine for your dog (and cat) — it’s MD
                                                                      note the injection site and vaccination type.
law. Rabies is a fatal and preventable disease that can be
spread to humans by contact with saliva.
                                                                             Guidelines are also provided by the
1. Not all dogs need every vaccine. Your veterinarian                      World Small Animal Veterinary Association.
    will ask you questions about your dog’s lifestyle,
    environment, and travel to help tailor the perfect               As guidelines can differ by breed and locale, please
    vaccination plan for him or her.                                     check with your pet’s healthcare provider.
2. There are “core” and “noncore” vaccines.                       *Content was slightly edited by the QL Newsletter Committee with
3. Titers, or quantitative antibody testing, can help               permission in order to include state specific information, to include
                                                                    cats and to limit length of the article for this newsletter.
    determine your dog’s protection from some diseases.

Wonders of Wildlife
                                                  By Jill Mulford

Snapping Turtles in Queen’s Landing? (Sounds a
bit like those Geico commercials doesn’t it?) Well,
we do have snapping turtles here. One day, our
neighbor found a huge turtle on his porch. He
called us over to look and, not thrilled by the size of
the intruder, we blocked its way to our porch with
a trash can then backed off. Our neighbor tried to
gently prod it off his porch with a golf club but the
turtle was not happy at being bothered! It hissed
and snapped at the golf club so with that, we all
decided to retreat to our own houses. Later the
turtle was gone with no harm done. This led me to
wonder more about our snapping turtle neighbors.

Eastern snapping turtles are common in Maryland            nest in sandy or gravelly soil, making their journey
and live in both fresh and brackish water. They            at night or early morning. 20 to 40 ping pong ball
evolved from ancient reptiles and predate the              sized eggs are laid 4 to 7 inches deep. 85% of eggs
dinosaurs. They have a long tail with three rows of        do not survive because they are run over by cars or
spikey projections. Their shell ranges in size from        eaten by blue herons, hawks, crows, bullfrogs, or
11 to 22 inches long and weigh between 22 and              foxes. Sadly, mother turtles are often killed by cars
75 pounds. They can be recognized by their long            after digging a nest.
neck which enables their snapping jaws to reach the        Snapping turtles will not chase people or plan an
length of their bodies. With a lifespan of 30 to 40        attack. They are timid creatures though if a person
years, the same turtles will live in Queen’s Landing       corners them, they will respond aggressively. USE
for longer than most of us.                                CAUTION – their necks allow a broad reach and
Wildlife experts recognized the importance of              their bite can sever a finger. DO NOT approach a
the snapper’s role in our ecosystem as aquatic             turtle or even think about keeping it as a pet. As
predators and scavengers in the last part of the           with any wildlife, viewing from a distance is the
20th century. Their diet consists of fish, frogs,          safest alternative. If a turtle is on your porch, it
reptiles, birds, and small mammals, both living            may be trying to find a nesting spot. You will be
and dead. On occasion, they will eat ducklings             well served to leave it alone, having been lucky
or goslings but their detrimental effect on those          enough to see it at all. More info can be found at
populations is unfounded and exaggerated. As               Wikipedia, other sources, or on the Maryland DNR
adults, these large creatures are threatened by            website.
hunting and habitat loss; man is their predator.
Properly licensed through the DNR, people trap
them for their meat though man may NEVER
destroy a turtle nest. Trappers must follow all
regulations plus record and report their catch
to the state.

For the most part, snapping turtles remain in the
water, buried in the mud, hibernating. Female
turtles venture out of the water in nesting season,
which is late April to mid-June. They can travel far
distances from the water to find a place to dig their

Amish Hints                        *

     Amish Recipe for a Happy Marriage
     3 cups love		             2 cups warmth		        1 cup forgiveness
     1 cup friends		           4 spoons of hope       2 spoons of tenderness
     1 pint of faith		         1 barrel of laughter

     1.   Combine warmth and love
     2.   Mix thoroughly with 1½ spoons of tenderness
     3.   Add forgiveness
     4.   Blend with friends and hope, and sprinkle with remaining tenderness
     5.   Stir in faith and laughter.
     6.   Bake with sunshine and serve daily in gracious helpings
     Fabulous Fixes from the Amish
     • Prevent eggs from cracking by adding 2 teaspoons of vinegar to the water when cooking hard-boiled
     • Keep egg whites white by adding 1 teaspoon of vinegar to the water when poaching eggs; it keeps the
       whites well-formed.
     • No more tears!!!  Peel and cut onions under water to keep from crying.
     • If brown sugar has hardened, put a slice of bread and the hard sugar into a sealed plastic bag. Leave
       overnight. The moisture from the bread will be absorbed into the brown sugar making it soft enough
       to measure and use. Discard the piece of bread and seal the brown sugar tightly in the plastic bag.
     • Restore wilted vegetables’ firmness by soaking them in 1 quart cold water mixed with 2 tablespoons
       of vinegar.

     Feeling Under the Weather?
     Make a ‘hot toddy’ with whiskey, fresh lemon juice and honey. Mix to taste
     preference, but careful not to overdo. Drink up and go to bed to “sweat out” the
     illness under the covers.

     *Published courtesy of 100s of Amish Hints, Louis Weber, CEO,
     Publications International, Ltd., 2011

                  Building Ambassadors
                Some of our Building Ambassadors
                reached out to warn their neighbors
                during our recent bad weather
                events. It is great to see that this
very important program is working out well for the                      Don’t forget to check the
community. If you are interested in signing up to be                   Kent Island Library calendar
an Ambassador for Queen’s Landing, please contact
Tammy at the Office (teaton@tidewaterproperty.
                                                                regularly for upcoming events. They are
com) or Patti Darling (                offering many interesting seminars in the
     We all can make a difference, together.                           coming weeks and months.

Queen’s Landing social Events
     MARK YOUR CALENDAR                                   RECURRING EVENTS
          St Patrick's Day Dinner                                  HAPPY HOUR
                                                         1st Friday every month •  5:30 pm
  Saturday, March 17 • $15 • Make reservations
            Chalk Painting Class                        2nd Friday every month • 6 PM  •  $5
Earth Day,  April 22 • $40/class • Details to follow
                                                               Every Friday afternoon
          Preakness Day Brunch
Sat, May 19 •  11am to 2 pm •  Make reservations            MEN’S EXERCISE GROUP
                                                       Mon, Thurs & Sat Mornings • 9 – 10 am
 Spring Yard Sale • June 2 •  8 am to Noon                            Pickleball
                                                       Will start as soon as weather warms up!
     Independence Day Party • July 4                          Every Saturday and Sunday

                  Queen’s Landing Holiday Events
                   Cookie Exchange & New Year’s Day Brunch
Chinese New Year
                                    “Year of the Dog”

ASSOCIATION                            BOARD OF DIRECTORS
MANAGEMENT                             Bruce Mulford                  Patti Darling               Donna Landis
Tidewater Property                     (Term expires 2018)            (Term expires 2019)         (Term expires 2018)
Management                             President                      Secretary                   41C Queen Catherine Court
Tammy Eaton                            48B Queen Guinevere Way        4G Queen Victoria Way
On-Site Manager                   301-512-3648
500 Queen’s Landing Drive
Chester, MD 21619                      Barbara Trower                 Bob Bradford                John T. McQueeney
Email:        (Term expires 2019)            (Term expires 2020)         (Term expires 2019)
Website:             Vice President                 41C Queen Catherine Way     JohnMcQueeney@
Phone: 410-643-5192                    4F Queen Victoria Way
Fax: 410-604-2712                  240-375-6809
After hours emergency Number           420-991-8007                                               Carol Reiter
443-548-0191                                                          Cynthia Brown               (Term expires 2020)
                                       Bob Lever                      (Term expires 2020)         48D Queen Guinevere Way
IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY                (Term expires 2018)  
1. First call 911 for fire or other   Treasurer
    life-­threatening e
                      ­ mergency       34H Queen Anne Way
2. Then call: 410-643-5192 or
    after hours call 443-548-0191      410-274-6722

The Lighthouse
                    Queen’s Landing Community News • June 2018

              Notes from the
              Editor                          PRESIDENT’S CORNER
                                           Jill and I recently attended a presentation by
 Congratulations!                          the Queen Anne’s County Emergency Services
                                           on weather emergency preparedness. While
                                           we welcome summer, with it comes extreme
   We won the Best of                      weather and the likelihood of hurricanes.
 Eastern Shore’s Contest for               The following are recommended items you should have to be
        Best Condo/                        prepared for serious weather emergencies:
                                           • Water, one gallon per person per day for at least three days.
         Townhome                          • Food, at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food.
        Community!!!                       • Battery powered or hand crank radio and a NOAA Weather Radio
                                               with tone alert and extra batteries for both.
I am absolutely thrilled to let you know   • Flashlight and extra Batteries.
we will be able to display our winning     • Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal
plaque in the clubhouse very soon
                                           • Can opener for canned food containers.
as the winner of the 2018 contest.
Personally speaking, I am proud
                                           What should you do before, during and after a hurricane?
to know that many people feel the
                                           • Sign up for QAC emergency alerts on your cell phone at
same as I do about living here; that
we are a great community with good         • Fill your car with gas.
people looking out for each other as       • Know where the county shelters are and evacuate if told to do so.
neighbors.                                 • Build an Emergency Supply Kit.
                                           • Make a Family Emergency Plan including contact information,
Thanks to all who voted and for              shelter plans and evacuation routes. Note that the Bay Bridge
continuing to make this a great              closes in high winds so don’t delay if that is your direction.
place to live.                             • Wherever you shelter, stay away from windows.
                        —Patti Darling     • Turn your refrigerator to the coldest setting.
                                           • Charge cell phones.
                                           • Use trash bags filled with water to use like sandbags along doors.

                                                          Terms to Know:
                                                          Hurricane Advisory = conditions expected to
                                                          become hazardous.
                                                          Hurricane Watch = conditions possible within the
                                                          next 48 hours.
                                                          Hurricane Warning = conditions are expected within
                                                          36 hours.

                                           QAC Department of Emergency Services can be reached at
                                           410-758-4500 x1119. For information on planning for disasters,
                                           look at
                                                                                           — Bruce Mulford
Queen’s Landing’s Realtor Open House
                                         By Jill Mulford

May 23rd was the second                                            After brief presentations
Queen’s Landing Realtor’s                                          by Board members Bruce
Open House, sponsored by                                           Mulford, President; Bob Lever,
the Long-Range Planning                                            Treasurer; Donna Landis, Social
Committee. We were                                                 Committee Chair; and Jill
happy to have 22 realtors in                                       Mulford, Long Range Planning
attendance for a presentation                                      Committee Member and Building
on our beautiful, waterfront community. We         Ambassador Representative, realtors were
highlighted the fact that in five months we will   invited to ask questions and enjoy a delicious
be finished with the $14 million restoration. In   brunch. Questions centered on the upcoming
addition, we have made other improvements          roof replacement project and clarification of
to the community as well! We have added            various points made about the restoration,
new streetlights, refurbished the tennis courts,   including the two-tier process for payment
replaced worn out exercise equipment, rebuilt      of the assessment. Our positive financial
the kayak racks, and added a new chairlift         position was clearly stated, along with our
                                                   low delinquency rate. Our community marina
for the stairs. Going forward, our community,
                                                   was featured with the availability of slips for
with gorgeous views of the Chester River, the
                                                   purchase or lease, and amazingly quick access
Marina, and Macum Creek, is better than ever.
                                                   to the larger Bay for fishing and watersports. We
We also shared our big news with the realtors:
                                                   have it all!
Queen’s Landing won Best of the Eastern Shore
for Apartments and Condos 2018! We’ll be           Thanks to Tammy Eaton, our Manager, a folder
receiving a plaque to hang in our lobby!           of information was given to each realtor to take
                                                                                continued on next page

 The Chester Room set up for the Realtor’s Open House, which was attended by 22 local agents.

Queen’s Landing’s Realtor Open House continued
with them. She worked hard ahead of time with set      contributed to this visual representation. Following
up of the room, advice on food choices, and packet     the presentation and plentiful brunch, realtors were
presentation. The room was welcoming with its          invited to tour the clubhouse with its new exercise
“yacht club” feel and to top it off, Mother Nature     equipment, flooring, and stairlift. The pool area
was smiling on us with glorious sun over the Chester   was all set up and ready for opening on May 26.
River. Everyone appreciated our one-of-a-kind view     All in all, our efforts at promoting our community
so close to the water.                                 were well received and local realtors are armed with
                                                       positive information for future resales!
As background to our presentations, we were able
to enjoy gorgeous pictures of all areas of Queen’s     The introduction below, written by Tammy Eaton,
Landing through a slide show compiled by Patti         was provided to all the Realtors in attendance.
Darling. Thanks to all the photographers who

Neighbors’ Spotlight on Travel
                                                     By Jill Mulford
                      Kudos go to the many Queen’s Landing neighbors who have provided the
                     best travel tips ever! Pick and choose the ones you like and get ready to go!

Packing and General Tips                                     13. Keep gifts with you.
1. Strive for everything in a carryon. Think 2 weeks         14. Look for car rental companies that don’t charge
   =1 bag. Lock it before you board.                             for the second driver. Take your own GPS.
 2. Choose all mix and match outfits in neutral              15. For car travel, consider a cooler that plugs
    colors. 2 shorts, 2 pants, 2 long sleeve shirts, 2           into the cigarette lighter. Have paper towels
    short sleeve shirts, bathing suit, walking shoes,            and Windex with you along with a flashlight,
    and flats. Add a windbreaker for wind, rain, and             essential tools, and a folding umbrella.
    cold with layers.
                                                             16. Foreign ATMs have no letters. Know what
 3. Roll your clothes to save space.                             numbers your PIN corresponds to.
 4. Consider vacuum packing cubes.                           17. Make a black and white copy of your passport
                                                                 to leave at home with someone. Color is easier
 5. Take a surplus of medicine. Carry it with you.
                                                                 to counterfeit.
 6. Streamline your cosmetic bag by taking small
                                                             18. Remember fanny packs? Get one and use it.
    everything, then replenish.
                                                             19. International: Make sure your passport will not
 7. A necklace and earring set lets you look
                                                                 expire for at least 6 months after your return.
   dressed up even in a tee shirt. Don’t forget that
   jewelry is carried with you.
 8. Wear your bulkiest clothes and shoes on the              Planes and Security
    plane, rather than taking up luggage space.
                                                              1. Allow plenty of extra time for
 9. Remember sunglasses, a hat, and phone                        TSA security and keep all
    chargers. Keep them with you.                                your stuff together.
10. Add small packs of laundry soap for a quick               2. Don’t go barefoot through
    rinse.                                                       security or on the plane, especially in
                                                                 the bathroom. Yuck!
11. Bring snacks and wet wipes with you.
                                                              3. Long distance? Choose an aisle seat so you can
12. Have a sweater for the plane. A large scarf or
                                                                 move around without climbing over seatmates.
   sarong doubles as a blanket.
                                                              4. The back of the plane is bumpier.
                                                                                             continued on next page

                                                                                     Anita Snyder

                                                                   Realtor ®

Neighbors’ Spotlight on Travel continued
 5. The exit row has more leg room.                   13. Pay attention to the pre-flight instructions.
                                                         Oxygen masks go over your nose and mouth.
 6. Check airline luggage size and weight
    requirements to avoid fines.                      14. Know what you can bring back to the US.
                                                          Don’t violate this.
 7. Continually check your flight schedule to
    avoid seat surprises and missed connections.      15. Take Dramamine for motion sickness and
                                                          check for the little bag in your seat pocket.
 8. International: Book business class so you can
                                                      16. Hydrate on the plane. Avoid alcohol and
    recline and sleep, arriving rested. Economy
    Plus for your return is roomier.
                                                      17. Take an empty water bottle through security
 9. Armrests really do go up and down.
                                                          and fill it after.
10. Connections? Take the long leg first, then the    18. Bring something to entertain your child.
    shorter leg.
                                                      19. Place toddlers in their car seat for safety.
11. Seat Guru has seat maps for most flights;
                                                      20. Put your carryon in the first available bin so it is great for travel insurance.
                                                          won’t end up behind you.
12. Avoid sitting near bathrooms because of           21. Be pleasant to the flight crew. Don’t tell
    people congestion and noise.                          jokes about bombs. Remember they can’t
                                                          read your mind about what you take in your
                                                          coffee. Tell them!

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CAM NOTES                       By Tammy Eaton, Association Manager

                         WELCOME SUMMER!!                The Restoration project is once again underway
                         The warm days of                and is scheduled to come to a long-awaited
                        summer are finally upon          end by the end of this year. We will be proudly
                        us! The pool is open and         flying a new flag at the clubhouse in the
                        pool passes are being            coming weeks, our new landscaper has done a
                        distributed as defined in        wonderful job getting our shrubs in shape and
                        our pool pass protocol.          our gardens are full of color again.
  Thanks to all who submitted their information          It is wonderful to see the return of our many
  so your portal accounts could be updated               snowbirds and the clubhouse so active with
  accordingly. Having correct and complete               people coming and going to the pool, using
  information is essential for all day-to-day            the new fitness equipment and participating in
  operations but more importantly in the case of         all the newly defined activity groups. Summer
  medical emergency or weather-related events.           at Queen’s Landing is a busy time for all.

Queen Anne’s County
Public Library By Carole Lever
We have been asked to repost some of the many                • Databases for encyclopedias, geneaology, DIY
activities and resources available from your local             projects, financial resources, legal resources,
Kent Island Public Library.                                    health information, homework assistance,

There is a calendar posted online, which lists and           • Gale Courses for self learning and professional
explains all events. June events at Kent Island                and career development.
include a Community Wellness screening and                   • Rosetta Stone for leaning over 30 different
information, Investment Fundamentals, Wind Chime               languages, Hoopla for FREE movies, music,
making class, Meditation. Book Lovers social, Family           ebooks, and audiobooks.
Law, Music on the Lawn, Hamilton sing along plus
many activities geared towards teens and children            • Overdrive for audiobooks and ebooks.
and families. July includes many of the same plus            • RBDigital Magazines for downloading your
some additional craft classes of decoupage and wire            favorite magazines. There are over 200 titles.
wrapped pendants.

There are also events held at the Centreville Branch.
Check the website or call the library for more
information and registration.

In addition to events and a collection of books,
magazines and videos available at the library, there         Over the last two years’ of newsletters, we have
are also many resources available to us electronically       published information about local attractions, trails,
and we do not have to even leave our homes. These            nature areas, parks and more. Our Queen Anne’s
are all FREE, yes FREE.                                      County Parks and Recreation has lists of many
• Simply go to and click on               community activities and events. Check out
  E-Library.                                        for ever-changing details
                                                             and registration.

March Storm Cleared the Way
                                               By Patti Darling
A winter windstorm carrying gusts up to 70 mph          At Queen’s Landing we were fortunate considering
ripped through Maryland on Friday, March 2nd            the potential for losses. Our power did not fail, we
leaving a quarter of a million people without power.    didn’t lose any trees and, unless you were delayed
Major bridges, including Maryland’s Chesapeake          due to the Bridge closing as my husband and I were
Bay Bridge, were closed at times for safety reasons,    or were not a fan of the high winds, there was little
according to Liz Bowie and Talia Richman of the         disturbance to us. We did, however, experience a
Baltimore Sun.                                          very unusual sight along the river’s edge. As you
                                                        can see from the pictures, our shoreline took on a
The National Weather Service called the windstorm
                                                        whole new look in the days following the massive
“one of the most powerful . . . in recent years.”
                                                        storm. It was to say the least a bit eerie to see land
                                                        where water should be.

                                                                      I was fortunate to capture a picture
                                                                      of someone who took advantage
                                                                      of the opportunity to take a walk
                                                                      on the wild side and venture out
                                                                      for some quiet time on the missing
                                                                      tidewater. There is such beauty in
                                                                      finding peace at times like this.

Blackwater National Refuge
                     A Sunday Drive and a World Away
                                                    By Jill Mulford
Imagine the quiet of the salt marsh, the silence of
the woods, the ripple of the water, the alertness
of eagles standing guard, and you. A day in
Queen’s Landing? Maybe. But more likely, you’ve
wandered off on a Sunday drive and found yourself
in Cambridge at the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s
Blackwater National Refuge. It’s a relaxing car
ride from here, and your kayak, canoe, or bike are
welcome along with you. You can spend an hour
or a day enjoying all that nature has to offer in a
location the government has preserved. Free of
charge for many with national passes, the cost is
minimal to others. $3 per car or $1 for a pedestrian
or bicyclist. Your first stop will be the visitor center,
where maps, displays, and an observation area
are there for the asking. There is even a butterfly
garden. From there, the time is your own as you
choose to spend it. Bring your binoculars for the
best views of everything nature has to share
with you.
                                                                  Photo courtesy of Mike Lebovic
The Refuge encompasses 28,000 acres with a 4½-
mile paved drive. There are pull off areas along
the freshwater ponds, the woods, the salt marshes                              every client is considered a friend
                                                                  all Calls        and friends keep in touch         7 Days
and the Blackwater River. You’ll share the road with
                                                                  Returned                                           a Week
pedestrians and bicyclists and wave to the kayakers
as they paddle by on the 20 miles of water trails.                               TURNING
Boaters are welcome from April through September
when the weather is warm enough to be on the open
water. Both the county and refuge have their own
                                                                                65 IN 2018?
                                                                          Don’t know which way to turn for
launching ramps and the quiet is undisturbed by                           Medicare Supplement Insurance?
                                  continued on next page
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Blackwater National Refuge continued
motors or airboats. Cars can visit anytime and each            Plan a day of peace, quiet, and visual splendor as you
season changes, so every season can be your favorite.          visit the Refuge; just keep in mind that pets are not
                                                               allowed on the trails. Have fun enjoying nature at its
In winter, you’ll see geese, Tundra Swans, and
ducks stopping off for a rest. Blackwater Refuge,
and Queen’s Landing are both along the Atlantic
Flyway and migrating birds find their way here
each year. The Atlantic Flyway is used by migrators
because it is easily seen from the air with the
Appalachian Mountains on one side and the coast
on the other. It provides plenty of cover, water,
and food. February is the perfect time for nesting
Bald Eagles, and into March they are seen along
the Wildlife Drive and even in the parking lot of
the Visitor’s Center. The Refuge has the largest
concentration of Bald Eagles on the East Coast,
north of Florida. Spring brings songbirds, teal, deer
fawns, and ospreys.

As summer approaches, you’ll see swallows,
kingbirds, orioles, and flycatchers. This is your
visual cue to bring insect repellent! Fall brings the
autumn colors, the sika deer and the white-tailed
deer. You may even be lucky enough to see the
endangered Delmarva Peninsula Fox Squirrel as
well as 85 species of birds. If you’re a bird watcher, Photo courtesy of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
bring your checklist.

Thursdays in the Park Concert Series
By Carole Lever
Concerts begin at 7 pm. The series is presented by the Queen
Anne’s County Arts Council with the help Sponsors: the Queen
Anne’s County Tourism Office and the Maryland State Arts
Council. Bring blankets or chairs. Contact the Arts Council in
the event of extreme weather conditions or alerts.

June 7 / Chesapeake Sons / Hemingway's
June 21 / Chris Sacks / Cascia Winery
July 19 / Wheel House / Kent Island Yacht Club
July 26 / Keri Anthony / Cascia Winery
August 2 / Dell Foxx Company / Court House Square
August 16 / Phillip Dutton / Hemingway's
August 23 / Bobby & the Believers / Kent Island Yacht Club
Phone: 410-758-2520

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Who are the Pampered Pets of Queens Landing?
             Email your pictures and some fun facts to
       If you do not use email, you can drop off the information at 34H Queen Anne.

Chessie and Maximus are slowly
becoming best friends since they
now share a home on Queen Victoria
Way. Chessie the cat realized, albeit
reluctantly so, that Maximus was here
to stay and has learned to give him
space……….and as long as Maximus
doesn’t interfere with Chessie’s bird-
watching time, Chessie will keep his
paws AND claws to himself.

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YOGA Good for the Brain and the Body
                                   By Karla Horton, Dragonfly Paddle and Fitness
 Nothing makes me happier than to see the ever             YOGA HELPS US FOCUS. The previous paragraph
 increasing number of persons who are engaged              addressed the breath and while it brings calming,
 in Yoga and mindfulness. A recent study by the            it can also bring focus. Yoga poses bring focus as
 National Institute of Health estimates that Yoga is       they are centered on not just doing the pose but
 currently practiced by 1 out of every 10 persons          holding that pose for several breaths. Add in the
 in the U.S. Why the growth you may ask? Because           balance some poses require and you can’t help but
 research shows it has tremendous health benefits          improve your focus.
 for our minds and bodies.
                                                           YOGA HELPS US GAIN FLEXIBILITY AND
 Here are just a few of the many benefits of Yoga.         STRENGTH. Yoga provides a series of movements
                                                           to build flexibility and strength throughout the
                                                           entire body. Both are extremely important as they
 is more than just poses and while poses can assist
                                                           protect the body from injury.
 in calming, breathing takes it to a whole new level.
 Breath work is part of every Yoga practice, teaching      YOGA IS FUN! Yoga gives us a way to participate
 us how to bring ourselves into the current moment         in group exercise but also make it our own. We
 and calm our minds and bodies. Slow, controlled           move to music, create poses that fit the way each
 breathing is known to slow our heart rates, lower         of our bodies are made and challenge ourselves in
 our blood pressure and overall reduce stress.             small incremental steps.

              The Yoga classes previously offered in The Chester Room were cancelled due to lack of
              participation, but for information on Yoga sessions at my studio, you can contact me karla@
    , call 443.995.5485, or register at

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A Unique Peek at a Red Fox
                                               By Jill Mulford

This winter it was evident that the Red Fox loves           lore, however, the
Queen’s Landing! It seemed to be especially fond of         fox is smart and has
Macum Creek. If you were looking out your window            learned to navigate
or walking along the water during a blow-out tide,          his way around
you might have been lucky enough to see our red             the woods, fields,
fox scampering along the creek bed, searching for           and streams even
food on the exposed sand. Native to Maryland, the           though development
fox is omnivorous, eating both plants and animals           encroaches.
and chances are it found an abundance of both in
                                                            Though man has contributed to the fox’s survival by
the low, low tides. Shellfish are probably a treat when
                                                            removing wolves, bears, and other large predators
mice, rabbits, and snakes are hibernating!
                                                            from the more populated environments, a fox will live
Though the red fox is related to dogs and wolves,           only about 2 years. It is often hit by cars and trapped
it is more of a loner, only inhabiting a burrow for         for its fur, but it is not endangered and promises to
mating and raising pups. There, the female fox, a           endure. Wildlife
vixen, may have 4 or 5 pups and be assisted in their        managers are
care by other females. Her pups will be full grown          often asked if
in less than a year and will be equipped with good          people should
night vision for hunting in the dark. Foxes mainly          be afraid of a fox
hunt at night and though they are not nocturnal, it         when they see
is rare to see them during the day. We had several          one. The answer
opportunities this winter.                                  is to be cautious
                                                            and to stay away.
Because the fox is intelligent and is known to be able
                                                            You should never
to learn from its experiences, it has the reputation
                                                            corner a fox or
for being clever and cunning. It may have earned
                                                            any wild animal
its fame from all the stories we read as children,
                                                            because they
which depicted the fox as always being able to
                                                            will try to defend
pull the wool over the protagonist’s eyes! Just look
                                                            themselves and
what happened when the Gingerbread Man took a                                                        Photo by Bruce Mulford
                                                            may carry rabies.
ride on his back or when Pinocchio was led astray
                                                            Just enjoy the view of the animal from a distance.
and relieved of his gold! Mr. Fox is a sly talker in
                                                            You are lucky to have a chance to see it at all right
Dr. Seuss’s Fox in Sox and is famous enough to be
                                                            here at your door in Queen’s Landing.
featured in about 30 of Aesop’s Fables! Despite this

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Upcoming Community Events

 Queen Anne's County
 Independence Day
 at the Kent Narrows
 Tuesday July 3
 Free family-friendly celebration
 Rain Date: July 5*
 Location: Chesapeake Heritage & Visitors Center
            425 Piney Narrows Road, Chester
 What to bring: Blankets / Chairs • Contact: 410-758-0835
 *Family-friendly activities, food vendors and music will not take place on rain date

                    Queen Anne’s County Fair
                        QAC 4-H Park, Centreville • August 6-11
This is a great opportunity to see and appreciate
Queen Anne’s County with a traditional county
fair. The first fair began in 1942, 76 years ago.
What a tradition. While we live on the water and
think mostly about crabs and fish, a large part of
Queen Anne’s County is still agricultural.
There’s lots of variety to enjoy the fair yet
it’s small enough to enjoy without being

In addition to the animals and other displays,
there is a baby contest, corn hole tournament,
carnival rides, nightly entertainment, evening
dinners and a rodeo.

Seriously, who would not want to see the greased pig contest, the biggest chicken barbecue pit, cake
auction, pedal pull, pretty animal contest, jousting [the Maryland state sport], dog shows, horse shows,
llama shows, swine shows, sheep shows, and don’t forget the goats and rabbits and…..

The Fair is located less than 15 miles away at 106 Dulin Clark Rd in Centreville
Entry Fee: $2.00 Monday-Friday • $5 Saturday • 12 and under are Free

You can also read