The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University

Page created by Edwin Obrien
The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University
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                            The Leadership EMBA
                                                        at Loyola Marymount University

                                Leaders Transforming the World
The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University
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       The LMU Leadership EMBA Difference

       A Steadfast Focus on Leadership
       An Executive MBA from Loyola Marymount University will make you a
       better leader, equipping you with the skills and confidence needed to
       effectively lead yourself, others and an entire organization in today’s
       complex global business environment. Our program offers a truly unique
       experience you won’t find elsewhere, including:
                                                                                                                                     The LMU Leadership EMBA
             • Advanced knowledge and skills for leading and
               managing effectively                                                                                                  Program Overview
             • Emphasis on personal and professional development
             • Saturday-only classes for optimal work-life balance
                                                                                                                                     The LMU Leadership EMBA Objective                                            “Having worked with leaders
                                                                                                                                     Our objective is to produce principled leaders who have confidence in        and organizations in over
             • Highly-integrated curriculum that mirrors real-world business                                                         their ability to shape the direction of and achieve results within their
               situations                                                                                                            organizations. The curriculum emphasizes real-world issues as an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  19 industries throughout my
             • Small class size and personalized attention that enhances                                                             essential part of the learning process, and by putting learned concepts      corporate and consulting
               learning                                                                                                              and ideas into practice, our students gain a real sense of what does         career, I am energized by
                                                                                                                                     and doesn’t work.                                                            the variety of backgrounds
             • Strong international component to broaden understanding of
               global business environment                                                                                                                                                                        and insights that EMBA
                                                                                                                                     Program Summary
             • Focus on ethical decision making                                                                                      The LMU Leadership EMBA is designed for mid-career executives with a         students bring to my leader-
             • Insight on how to navigate the dynamics of today’s complex                                                            bachelor’s degree and at least six years of professional, managerial or      ship courses. By integrating
               organizations                                                                                                         entrepreneurial experience. Our classes meet on most Saturdays, with         students’ experiences and
                                                                                                                                     a new EMBA class starting every year in late August. Our graduates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  my experience into learning
                                                                                                                                     receive an MBA degree from LMU’s AACSB-accredited College of
                                                                                                                                     Business Administration.                                                     methods such as manage-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ment simulations and
                                                                                                                                     Our program addresses management and leadership within a broad               “outside-the-box” field
                                                                                                                                     spectrum of organizations and teaches you how to understand core
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  applications, students
                                                                                                                                     business principles, develop your leadership intelligence, apply your
                                                                                                                                     knowledge and learn to execute. You will develop a personal and profes-      discover that leadership
                                                                                 The Value of a Jesuit Education
                                                                                 LMU is one of a select group of accredited Jesuit
                                                                                                                                     sional growth plan with the assistance of an executive coach who will also   development must involve
                                                                                                                                     serve as your mentor. The LMU Leadership EMBA curriculum uses actual         practicing/applying different
                                                                                 business schools in the U.S. offering leadership
                                                                                                                                     business settings and cases as a way to cement classroom concepts into
                                                                                 development programs that make business                                                                                          approaches and obtaining
                                                                                                                                     practical, real-world applications.
                                                                                 professionals more successful through rigorous,                                                                                  feedback in addition to
                                                                                 values-driven academics and rich community
                                                                                 connections. Jesuit schools emphasize:
                                                                                                                                     Program Structure                                                            understanding the concepts.”
                                                                                                                                           • Four integrated modules + immersive international experience         – Ryan Lahti, Ph.D.
                                                                                      • Education of the whole person – caring for
                                                                                        the mind, body and spirit of each student            – Focus shifts from analysis and evaluation to strategic             – EMBA Faculty
                                                                                                                                               application and execution
                                                                                      • Learning through experience – the process
                                                                                        of making meaning from direct experience             – Cohort and team-based learning
                                                                                      • Leadership based on self-awareness –                 – 20-month program
                                                                                        being conscious of what you’re good at             • Saturday-only classes, allowing students to minimize time
                                                                                        while acknowledging what you still have              away from work
                                                                                        yet to learn

                                                                                                                                     Residencies provide additional contextual background for leading,
                                                                                 To make your own comparison of EMBA                 managing and making decisions in real-world applications
                                                                                 programs, the EMBA Council provides an
                                                                                 unbiased listing of domestic and international            • Executive leadership retreat
                                                                                 programs:                            • Business research course including a U.S. domestic experience
                                                                                                                                           • International experience

                                                                                                                                          For detailed information on our curriculum, visit
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       The Student Perspective

       On the Path
                                                                    • Diverse backgrounds and perspectives from fellow students
                                                                      provides for enriched learning
                                                                                                                                       The Faculty Perspective
                                                                    • Close working relationships between students and faculty

       to Becoming a                                                • Small class size with strong emphasis on teamwork,
                                                                      participation and communication
                                                                                                                                                                                      Forming Leaders Who
          Better Leader                                             • Learning structure that enables discovery and development
                                                                      of strengths and leadership skills
                                                                                                                                                                                      Transform the World
                                                                      Student Demographics (based on the EMBA 15 class)
                                                                      Caucasian: 38%
                                                                      Asian: 42%
                                                                      Hispanic: 13%
                                                                      African American: 8%        EMBA participants are from a
                                                                      Male: 48%                   variety of functional areas...
                                                                      Female: 52%                 Marketing: 26%
                                                                      Average Age: 37             Accounting/Finance: 18%
                                                                                                  Operations/Production: 22%
                                                                                                  General Management: 17%
       “The LMU EMBA Program has                                                                  Information Technology: 17%          “The global economic environment is a key aspect of the 21st century
       provided me with tools for decision
       making that are critical to leading
                                                                                                                                       business environment. I draw upon my personal, professional and academic
       complex organizational structures                                                                                               experiences to help students understand current international business
       and business cultures. The courses                                                                                              issues. It has truly been a rewarding experience for me to see my students
       taught in this program undoubtedly                                                                                              become interested in and knowledgeable about the issues covered in class.
       enhanced my abilities for strategic
       and quantitative analysis in areas
                                                                                                                                       I am always excited when my students are enlightened and want to continue
       of business management.”                                                                                                        the conversation further.”
       – Edgard A. Asensio                                                                                                                                                            – Yongsun Paik, Ph.D.
         EMBA 2012                                                                                                                                                                      Professor of International Business & Management

                                                                                                                                                                                       Our EMBA faculty are highly-effective educators who are not there
                                                                                                                                                                                       solely to lecture, but to inspire you to think for yourself and gain a
                                                                                                                                                                                       deeper understanding of your own personal talents, values and pas-
                                                                                                                                                                                       sions. Our senior full-time professors are augmented by academically
                                                        “The LMU EMBA inspired                                                                                                         qualified, practicing executives. Through their research and professional
                                                        the initiation of my innova-                                                                                                   experience, our faculty embody the 450-year Jesuit reputation for
                                                        tive business through col-                                                                                                     academic excellence and teaching.
                                                        laboration with renowned                                                                                                             • Extensive industry experience
                                                        professors, inquisitive
                                                                                                                                       “Coaching our EMBA students to adapt                  • Opportunities/challenges of teaching experienced professionals
                                                        classmates, industry pro-
                                                        fessionals and globally                                                        finance theory and analytical techniques to           • Building bridges between management theory and practice
                                                        diverse communities.                                                           their own work and life is made possible by
                                                                                                                                                                                             • Providing relevance and real-world application in the classroom
                                                        This progressive network       “The EMBA program at LMU has proven to          my many years of investment, entrepreneur-
                                                        advanced personal and          be transformational and life giving in both a   ial and financial industry experience. What
                                                        professional development,      professional and personal sense. It’s been      is most satisfying to hear from our students    Executive Coaching
                                                        encouraged socio-cultural      one of the most challenging and rewarding       is how the LMU EMBA Program not only            As an integral part of the LMU Leadership EMBA Program, each
                                                        exploration, and fostered      experiences that has broadened my views         teaches them how to apply what they learn,      student is assigned an executive coach, who serves as their mentor
                                                        my core passion of creative    and opened my eyes to the possibility of        but more importantly, teaches them how to       and helps them develop their own personal growth plan. Our coaches are
                                                        entrepreneurship.”             reaching new heights in business and my         make better use of what they already knew       experienced executives and professionals who have undergone specific
                                                                                       career. From the interaction with other pro-    before they entered the program.”               training for the dual coach/mentor relationship they perform. In addition,
                                                        – Jennifer D’Agostino          fessionals, to the great professors and                                                         and wherever possible, they will tap into their own professional networks
                                                          EMBA 2012                                                                    – Chris Manning, Ph.D.
                                                                                       content, the program is relevant and appli-                                                     and resources, creating valuable career opportunities for you. EMBA
                                                                                                                                         Professor of Finance                          students also have full access to career development services offered by
                                                                                       cable to everyday business issues and life.”
                                                                                                                                                                                       the Graduate Career Management Office.
                                                                                       – Robin Choe
                                                                                         EMBA 2013
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       The Alumni Perspective

                                                                      • Transformational experience
                                                                      • Potential for career growth opportunities
                                                                      • Lasting relationships with faculty and peers

       the Challenge                                                  • Ability to apply knowledge through critical analysis and
                                                                        informed decision making

           of Change                                                  • Strong sense of self with ability to identify one’s own
                                                                        strengths and weaknesses

                                                                                                                                                20 Months. 1 Choice.
                                                                                                                                                Situated in the Westchester hills, the LMU campus has been voted the
                                                                                                                                                seventh most beautiful campus in the nation by The Princeton Review.
                                                                                                                                                A combination of stunning views of downtown Los Angeles and the
                                                                                                                                                Pacific Ocean and convenient access to freeways make LMU a highly
                                                                                                                                                desirable study destination.

                                                             “An EMBA has given me skills in the accounting/financial arena so now when
                                                             I look at new business opportunities, not only am I looking at it from a quality
                                                             and design perspective, but a bottom line perspective as well. It has helped
       “Professors, you can add another success              me understand more strategic conversations and I don’t feel as lost anymore.
       story to your list of accomplishments.                At LMU, I learned about strategy, leadership and risk taking, and also how to
       I was just promoted to Vice President of              put them into practice.”
       Finance at Weber Logistics. Perseverance              – Raul Perez                                                                                                                                              Considering all you get from
       and "trust the process" has paid off                    EMBA 2011
       in the end. Thank you LMU!”                                                                                                                                                                                     the LMU Leadership EMBA,
                                                               National Accessory Engineering & Product Development Manager, Toyota
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       it is one of the best values in
       – Paula Fox
         EMBA 2009                                                                                                                                                                                                     Southern California.
                                                                                                                    “Obtaining my EMBA
                                                                                                                    degree from LMU has
                                                                                                                    certainly advanced my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Contact us today!
       The LMU EMBA Alumni Network                                                                                  career, and led to a
       The LMU EMBA Program has a small but active                                                                  promotion to Vice                                                                                  Email:
       alumni group with nearly 200 alumni from our                                                                 President of Finance                                                                               Phone: 877.LMU.8585
       first 12 graduating classes. EMBA alumni auto-                                                               for Digital Domain.
       matically become members of the LMU MBA                                                                      More importantly, the
       Alumni Association, which includes over 3,000                                                                coursework’s heavy
       graduates of our MBA Program, and join over                                                                  focus on leadership
       3 million alumni of Jesuit educational institutions                                                          and management pro-
       worldwide. Alumni participate in social and                                                                  vided me with the
       networking events, philanthropic activities and                                                              skills and techniques
       professional development opportunities through:                                                              to successfully operate
             • EMBA Alumni Society                                                                                  in today’s complex
                                                                                                                    business world.”
             • MBA Alumni Association
                                                                                                                    – Dennis Morrison
             • Global Jesuit Network                                                                                  EMBA 2007
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       The Executive MBA Program
       Center for Executive Learning
       Loyola Marymount University
       1 LMU Drive, MS 8386
       Los Angeles, CA 90045-2659

                               The Executive MBA Council
                               aims to foster excellence
                               and innovation in Executive
                               MBA programs in a globally
                               competitive environment.
                               To compare the LMU
                               EMBA to other comparable
                               programs, visit

                               The mission of the AACSB
                               International is to advance
                               quality management edu-
                               cation worldwide through
                               accreditation and thought
The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University The Leadership EMBA Leaders Transforming the World - at Loyola Marymount University
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